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2018 (C
(C Shift)
Shift) ::
:: 11:30
11:30 AM TO 2:30 PM

Benefiting your
Benefiting your

Delicious food, fun & prizes

Delicious food, fun & prizes
& FRIENDS The official charity of the
Los Angeles Firemen’s
The official Relief
charity ofAssociation

For more information visit

Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association

For more
CONTACT: Julietinformation
Brandolino (323)
CONTACT: Juliet Brandolino (323) 259-5215

37 On the cover: Scrap Metal Yard - Sun Valley - By Mike Meadows

Inset LAFD photo by: Harry Garvin

Structure Fire - Koreatown

2 • May 2018
VOL. XCIV MAY 2018 NO. 9

Firefighters Swarm LA Marathon
The LA Fire racing team ran to raise funds for the WODFF
and fire companies stood by along the route just in case • ...........06

2017 Firefighter of the Year

Before a filled- to-capacity crowd, the Los Angeles Firefighters
Assn honored their first-ever Arson Investigator . . . and
first-ever female Firefighter of the Year—Rosa Torres-Tufts • ....12

Building a Better Team

Tom Kitahata, Mark Curry and Steve Ruda share tips on
how to foster collaboration, trust, personal relationships
and improve camaraderie around the firehouse • ....................10

President’s Message • .........................................................................05
5 Reasons You Need an Estate Plan Now
Attorney Richard Block lays out the 411 • .......................................09
Battalion News • .....................................................................................15
The Retired Guys • ...............................................................................33
Department in Action • .........................................................................34
16th Annual St Baldrick’s Fundraiser
LAFD & LAPD unite to fight childhood cancer • .....................................36
LA Galaxy Honors LAFD • ....................................................................39
Know Your Benefits
New PPO Medical Plan EOB • ............................................................40
Station Fridge • .......................................................................................41
Retirement Dinners • ...............................................................................43
Mailbox • ...............................................................................................44
Memorials • ...........................................................................................46
LA Firefighters Golf Club • ....................................................................47
LAFD History
Fireboats 2 and 4 • ..................................................................................51
Minutes of the Board of Trustees • .....................................................54
Classifieds • ...........................................................................................57
Tailboard • ..............................................................................................60

Notice: Production of The Firemen’s Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues
serve to underwrite a portion of the magazine’s costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers.
Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these
advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any
of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them.

Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association.
No material may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.

May 2018 • 3
owned and published by the
Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association
7470 N Figueroa Street, Los angeles CA 90041

Dave Wagner • Managing
John Hicks • Associate
Eric Santiago • Creative
Display Advertising.................................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231

Amy Bastman, Margaret Stewart, Brian Humphrey

Art Sorrentino, Matt Mickey, Frank Borden, Jim Stiglich, Steve Ruda

David Blaire, Greg Doyle, Harry Garvin,
Steve Gentry, Juan Guerra, Brian Haimer, Ryan Ling, Rick McClure,
Mike Meadows, Lloyd Payne, Jeff Zimmerman, Yvonne Griffin


Robert Steinbacher................................................President
Jeff Cawdrey ..................................................Vice-President
Andrew Kuljis ........................................................Secretary
Chris Stine Gene Bednarchik Rich Moody
Craig White Henry Gasbarri Rick Godinez
Danny Wu Jim Duffy Steve Berkery
David Peters Joe Vigil Steven Domanski
Doak Smith John Jacobsen Tim Freeman Jr.
Frank Aguirre Kenny Breskin Tim Larson
Gayle Sonoda Mike Sailhamer Tyler Tomich

To contact a chaplain, please call Senior Chaplain Rick Godinez at (213)
797-2404 or the MFC Floor Captain at (213) 576-8920
Greg W. Gibson...................Chaplain Hershy Z. Ten.......................Chaplain
Danny Leon..........................Chaplain Roger Fowble.....................Chaplain
George A. Negrete...............Chaplain Mark R. Woolf.....................Chaplain
Aquil F. Basheer..................Chaplain Jesus Pasos.........................Chaplain
Tim Werle............................Chaplain

Fire-Relief ...............................................................(323) 259-5200
Relief Association Toll Free Number .........................(800) 244-3439
Relief Medical Plan ................................................. (866) 995-2372
Fax Number ..............................................................(323) 259-5290

Todd Layfer • Executive Director..............................(323) 259-5243
Vacant......................................................................(323) 259-5247
Liberty Unciano • Controller/Treasurer...................(323) 259-5225
Bob Dillon • Operations Manager..............................(323) 259-5233
Marlene Casillas • Development & Marketing Director(323) 259-5217
Ana Salazar • Member Services Coordinator.............(323) 259-5223

HealthSCOPE Benefits
Claims & Benefit Information...................................(866) 99-LAFRA
THE FIREMEN’S GRAPEVINE (USPS 191-060) is published monthly by the Los Angeles Firemen’s
Relief Association, 7470 N Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, Cal­i­for­nia 90041. Annual $48 Subscription
included with Association mem­ber­ship; Non-members: $48. Single issues $4 postpaid. Back issues $7
postpaid. Pe­ri­od­i­cals post­age paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing office. POST­MAS­TER: Send
ad­dress changes to: THE FIREMEN’S GRAPE­VINE Magazine, P.O. BOX 41903, Los An­ge­les, CA 90041.

Printed by Collective Color, Los Angeles CA. For Clas­si­fied and Display Ad­ver­tis­ing rates please call (323)
259-5200, ext. 231 or 232. All editorial matter must be received by the Editor eight weeks prior to the month of
pub­li­ca­tion. The opin­ions ex­pressed here­in are those of the writ­ers and do not nec­es­sar­i­ly reflect the official
views of the Los An­ge­les City Fire De­part­ment or the Los An­ge­les Firemen’s Relief Association.

4 • May 2018
Last year, due to the efforts of our members, I report- WODFF. The LAFD BBQ team will also be out in force, headed
ed to you that the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commis- by Mark Curry and Greg Pascolla. So, bring your family and your
sioners voted unanimously to NOT make any changes to the appetite and root for your favorite team.
current retiree medical insurance coverage. They decided instead to Speaking of family, don’t forget about the Pechanga
create a work group “to study the rising cost of medical care and Family Reunion May 21-25. This 4-day event is a great time to
create a collaborative approach to achieving cost savings without catch up with old friends while enjoying all that the Pechanga
jeopardizing our current level of medical benefits, care and cost Resort has to offer. Enjoy a game of golf, and after, a sip or two of
to members.” wine (Remember, drink responsibly) while breathing in the warm
This work group has evolved into an Ad Hoc Committee desert air during a great time of camaraderie for all. Sign up for
that meets on a regular basis with stakeholders from both fire these events are on our website.
and police associations, including LAFRA, PPL, UFLAC and Another must do is Hope for Firefighters. This year’s event
LARFPA. will be held on June 7th. Currently, fire station booth space is
The Ad Hoc Committee finally voted to send a motion to nearing capacity, but please come out and enjoy the day just the
the full Commission to alter the existing formula used to calcu- same. Even though your fire station may not be participating,
late the Medicare subsidy for dependent coverage. The proposal everyone should take the time to come down and support each
will be to implement a new flat-rate subsidy with a “Y-factor.” other. It is an event that should be witnessed by all.
LAFRA and the other stakeholders were adamant that this Lastly, it was an honor to patriciate in our Volunteer
“Y-factor” be included with the change to a flat-rate subsidy. Appreciation luncheon on April 7th. Our WODFF benefits great-
Without it, more than 2500 members (fire and police) would have ly by the amount of time and energy our volunteers put in every
experienced higher out-of-pocket premium costs than before. year. Without their sacrifice and support, the everyday operation
There was also discussion about the uncertain wording of LAFRA would be that much harder.
in the Administrative Code about the Pension Dept. providing Long term care: It is estimated that in the next two to four
“suitable” medical plans to its members. We suggested that since years, this country will spend approximately $3.5 TRILLION
the City Controller and the Pension Board itself had previously dollars on long-term care for our loved ones. If you are an active
stated that, dollar-for-dollar, the LAFRA PPO Medical Plan pro- member who is on the LAFRA Medical Plan, you are eligible for
vides the highest benefit levels, the lowest premium costs and the $1,500 of LTC through UNUM. Look at your needs and decide
greatest member satisfaction, that our plan should be used as the while you are young to increase your benefit and add your spouse.
gold standard. In this instance, time is money. Invest in your health--Invest in
But the biggest issue arising currently is that the Com- your future!
mission wants to replace our current Operating Agreement with
a new contract. This standard vendor contract is completely Save the dates!
unacceptable and would set a dangerous precedent. We are pro- May 2 - Lane Kemper
viding a complex medical plan, and not supplying the normal May 21-25 - Pechanga Reunion
goods and services for which this vendor contract was designed. June 7 - Hope for Firefighters
Our attorneys are scrutinizing this contract in hopes of creating a July 14 - 20th Fallen Heroes Memorial Run
suitable alternative.
Together with LAFRA staff and your Board of Trustees, I Be safe and be kind to each other!
will endeavor to keep you informed of these proposals and oth-
ers that could have long-term consequences on your available
medical plan benefits and choices.
Turning to upcoming events . . . Lane Kemper is on May Robert D. “Steintalker” Steinbacher
2nd. Come and watch as 32-teams of the LAFD’s finest battle
it out for the title of champion, while still raising money for the 323.259.5200

May 2018 • 5
Who says you need a badge to be a hero! For the second year in a row, our own ‘LA Fire’ racing team participated in the
the 2018 team raised more than $25,000 for the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemen’s Fund. Fundraising is still open if pe

ma for an ady for

det Luc Azu 20’s were re
Thanks to Ca our Cheer Zone The guys at a y
b in Marathon D
incredible jo anything on
Captain Rick Justin Nanfe
Godinez, LA is one of se
ber Jasmine FD family m v
Berganza, an em-
Show report d K TL A Morn PMK BNC. Th
er Gayle An ing e

re Station 9
ru n n er ’s br eakfast at Fi ni, Justin
rs at the t San ti
Team membe race. Rober a-
ks le ad in g up to the ry FOX, Vanessa Bust
in the wee of 21 st Ce n tu
issa Blazek Family Mem
Vanessa B Nanfelt, Mel el da R eyes, LAFD Trustee Fran
Es m er
Captain Chri
& husband mante, and Jennifer Coro
s Bu
ner’s breakf stamante at the run- for two year has participated on the
s and is an team
ast at Fire St LAFD employ
ation 98 ee.

6 • May 2018
participated in the L.A. Marathon, Stadium vs. Sea Charity Challenge and 5K. Made up of sworn members and civilian alike,
g is still open if people want to congratulate the runners with a donation, just visit:

19 m embe rs protected
FS ntwood
through Bre
ers running
Justin Nanfe Jennifer Co
lt with daugh rnejo
is one of se ter Vera at th plishment. Sh showing her well-earn
ven employ e finish line. e is an LAFD ed
PMK BNC. Th ees of our Justin a training op employee an medals of accom-
e company’s new corporat tion for our d also helpe
efforts brou e donor runners with d provide
ght in $6,00 the Pasaden
0. a Pacers.

Contest winners:

hing Medal. 1. L.A. Marathon Fastest Male Runner on our

ith his Finis
k Aguirre w L.A. Fire Team: LAFD member Nick Riddall
Trustee Fran
(LAFD member. His time was 03:42:22)
Vanessa Bu
stamante ta 2. L.A. Marathon Fastest Female Runner on our
break on th ke
e Westside of s a L.A. Fire Team: Mary Acevedo
3. Best Running Gear: Olivia Gomez
(LAFD Spouse)
4. Best Running Face: Jennifer Cornejo
(LAFD civilian employee)
5. Most Inspirational: Melissa Blazek
6. Fastest Charity Challenge Runner on our L.A.
Fire Team: (Stadium) Pablo Gomez (LAFD)
7. Fastest Charity Challenge Runner on our
L.A. Fire Team: (Sea) Mamie Coleman
(LAFD Spouse)

May 2018 • 7
– Pechanga Resort/Hotel reservation, – RV spots available – Reserve yours
Call (888) 732-4264 by calling LAFRA - (323) 259-5200

– For other hotels, call (323) 259-5235 – Email: for any questions.

MONDAY – May 21st Lunches*are

Reservation for
prepared by the wine
chef tour
at Oak must Winery’s
Mountain come with
Cave meal choice.

– Check in & Catch up with old friends CAVE CAFE

– Reception Get-Together – Beer & Wine (provided) Sandwiches (Served with a choice of a side salad, a bottle of water & a dessert, **chef ’s choice).

Please select a Sandwich and a side salad:

TUESDAY – May 22nd • TURKEY SANDWICH - Roma Tomatoes, Red Onions, Romaine Lettuce, Pepper Jack
– Wine Trolley Tour - 10AM * Cheese & Basil Aioli on Sourdough Bread - Gluten Free bread available
• HAM SANDWICH - Roma Tomatoes, Romaine Lettuce, Swiss Cheese & Whole Grain
• Limited space available - Sign up early! Mustard on Sourdough Bread - Gluten Free bread available
– Pizza Night - 6PM • ROAST BEEF - Roasted Red Peppers, Arugula, Sharp Cheddar Cheese & Sun Dried Toma-
to Pesto on Sourdough Bread - Gluten Free bread available
• ROASTED VEGGIE SANDWICH - Zucchini, Red Peppers, Tomatoes, Onions, Fresh Moz-
WEDNESDAY – May 23rd zarella & Basil Aioli on Gluten Free Multi-Grain Roll.

– Dinner/Wine & Beer (provided) – 6PM Side Salad Choices for sandwich selections: Please select one.

@ Pechanga RV Clubhouse • PASTA SALAD: Kalamata Olives, Grape Tomatoes, Red Onions, Italian Parsley, Feta
Cheese & Vinaigrette. (Nothing in the Pasta Salad can be omitted)
– Organization Reps at Clubhouse – 10AM - 4PM • SIDE SALAD: Spring Mix, Cherry Tomatoes, Red Onions, Shaved Parmesan Cheese &
Balsamic Vinaigrette on the side.

THURSDAY – May 24th Salads: These are meals, NOT sides. No side salad offered with the Chicken Caesar Salad or the Chick-

– Golf “Journey” at Pechanga – Price/Time TBA en Spring Mix Salad. (Served with a bottle of water & dessert **Chef ’s choice)

– Organization Reps at Clubhouse – 10AM - 4PM • CHICKEN CAESAR SALAD - Grilled Chicken on Romaine Lettuce, Shaved Parmesan
Cheese, Croutons with Caesar Dressing on the side.
• CHICKEN SPRING MIX SALAD - Grilled Chicken on Spring Mix Lettuce, Cherry To-

FRIDAY - May 25th matoes, Cucumbers, Shredded Carrots, Red Onions, Glazed Walnuts and Shaved Parmesan
Cheese with Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing on the side.
8 • May 2018
– Check out...until next year!
someone else, you’ll need to have it in place
before the event. The same thing is true for an
advanced health care directive.”
The young firefighter squirmed in his
seat as I continued, “Yours is a hazardous pro-
fession and stuff happens. Best to plan for it
now, not from a hospital bed.”
He slowly nodded in agreement.
“You work hard so your family will be
taken care of,” I said between sips of coffee.
“But, your wisdom and love can last a lot lon-
ger than you do. Who will raise your children if
you die? If both you and your wife should both
From the look on his face, it seemed as
if he hadn’t really given these questions much
“Without a plan, a judge who knows
nothing about you or your family will make
that decision,” I told him. “With a plan you
can nominate a guardian. And if you have a
disabled child, you’ll need to set up a special
needs trust to provide for their needs that are
not taken care of by federal or state agencies.”
He slowly nodded again.
ns. “A trust will also protect your children
against the loss of their inheritance if your
spouse remarries,” I added. “And an insurance
trust is a good place to put your life insurance
so you can make sure that the proceeds are used
As I sat down at the table in the fire- to benefit your family the most.”
house kitchen, the young firefighter set a Continuing his slow nod he asked, “So
steaming cup of coffee in front of me. “What what is this all going to cost me?”
about estate taxes?” he asked, sitting down Looking him straight in the eye I re-
er Jack across from me. plied, “A trust will save you money. Believe me
“If you remain a firefighter and the mis- when I tell you that the cost of estate planning
e Grain sus a teacher, you’ll probably never have an will be a lot less than probate fees to a lawyer
estate in excess of $20 million. Knowing you and your executor.”
won’t have to worry about federal estate taxes I downed the last of the coffee in my
h Moz- will just make you honest about estate plan- cup and stood up. “So I’ll see you in my office
ning,” I replied. next week as planned?” I asked.
“Then I guess I don’t really even need truth! Let’s assume, God forbid, that you’re in- “Definitely,” he said with that now fa-
a trust,” he said, kind of half question, half jured on the job and can no longer handle your miliar slow nod.
Feta statement. financial affairs. You’ll need to have designated
“No, that couldn’t be further from the a power of attorney. Whether it’s your wife or Richard A. Block, Esq. - (818) 716-1585
se &

Chick- Your Relief Association offers a one-time reimbursement of up to $600 for members or surviving spouses to help you get your estate plan
completed. To qualify, send a copy of the receipt or statement showing you paid for these services along with your name, address and phone number
rmesan to Member Services Specialist Maria Rodriguez: by email -; by fax (323) 259-5297; or mail to LAFRA, Estate Planning Benefit
rry To-
Request, Attn: Member Services, P.O. Box 41903, Los Angeles CA 90041.

May 2018 • 9
The days of hanging out in the our self confidence and trust amongst each Camaraderie is more than just hav-
kitchen and enjoying a meal together have other.” ing fun, though. It is also about creating a
been replaced with members counting out Research has also shown that work- common sense of purpose and the mental-
of the mess and opting to prepare their ers are happier in their jobs when they ity that we are in it together. This ideol-
own meals. Face-to-face communication develop friendships with co-workers. ogy can be, and should be, adopted at the
has been replaced with text messaging and How many times have you heard the say- station level too. According to Chief Ste-
emailing, even though members are only ing, “It’s not where you work, but rather phen Ruda, “The key to ‘team building’
a room or two away. Survey after survey who you work with?” Many firefighters is for the leader to be a good listener. It
have shown that employee engagement have spent years in stations where the call is important that those under your com-
at work is at an all-time low. One way to load was at the highest in the City. Why? mand truly know that you listen to them
help improve this is to foster friendships The most common answer was, “I like the and take their recommendations seriously.
- the good old-fashioned friendships cre- people I work with.” Employees report Encourage them to provide input - a ‘heard
ated when we hang-out, joke, and have fun that when they have friends at work, their crew’ is a crew that feels that they have
with co-workers. It’s what we used to call job is more enjoyable, worthwhile, and contributed to the better good. If they feel
camaraderie. satisfying. that they haven’t been heard then they be-
Captain II Tom Kitahata at FS 69 come a ‘herd’ and will wander away with
has his own team building methods. He a lost feeling. “After all, as a leader, it isn’t
explains that, “Many of you that know about you but those whom you lead that
me are aware that I love to drill with the truly matters,” said Ruda.
crew. This is some of the best camaraderie These concepts can be applied dur-
that we do, if done right. We have to get ing daily line-ups, training that encourages
away from trying to make someone look friendly competition instead of berating,
stupid or trying to single one member out. eating lunch or dinner out in the commu-
We need to learn together and teach each nity, and an occasional family get-together
other new things. This time together builds off duty. By meeting the family of co-

10 • May 2018
workers, one can get a better sense of who LAFD in 1989 that I realized what he was celebrated the holidays together at the
they really are, and where they came from. actually doing--creating camaraderie. My LAFRA party at the DTLA Marriott last
Friends at work also form a strong dad recognized that the kitchen is the heart year. “I’ve always felt that a strong bond-
social support network for each oth- of the fire station and it’s the place where ing among the crew around the firehouse,
er, both personally and professionally. we truly become family. as well as off-duty, leads to strong bonds
Whether consoling each other during a The Hope for Firefighters event is and cohesiveness on the fire ground,” says
time of grief, giving friendly advice when an extension of our firehouse kitchens and Kitahata.
appropriate, or providing assistance for an opportunity to share with the public not People in organizations need to
personal situations, comradeship at work only our delicious food but our spirit of ca- work together. It is also important to say
can boost an employee’s spirit and provide maraderie. This great event demonstrates that the days of ‘them’ or ‘us’ need to go.
needed support. our Department’s creativity, sense of hu- Nothing can be accomplished divided -
A fine example of camaraderie mor, and, of course, our cooking ability. hasn’t our current government environ-
building comes from Chief Mark Curry. The years that I’ve been able to partici- ment shown us that? Firefighters, captains,
He writes, “As a 4th generation firefighter, pate in ‘Hope’ have proven to be terrific and chiefs all need to work together to fos-
I can literally say that I grew up in LA City bonding experiences for our crew. Serving ter collaboration, trust, personal relation-
firehouses. Some of my earliest memories upwards of 500 people is no easy task, ships, fun, and support. In an increasingly
are of visiting my father, Roger Curry, at and it takes a tremendous amount of co- technological and virtual environment, the
Fire Station 93 where he spent the bulk of ordination and teamwork (just like on the challenges for all of us will be to cultivate
his career. My dad was the “PC” at 93’s. fire ground!) Teams that participate come these personal relationships.
I remember the amount of work he put away with a sense of accomplishment, Fostering camaraderie requires a
into ensuring that his meals not only tasted and at the end of the day they are closer proactive effort. The practice is simple:
great but that there was always plenty for as a crew.” expand communication, create or renew
everyone. He was legendary for his crème Kitahata also likes to get the crew friendships, and build team work. In turn,
puffs - one per person, plus one additional from 69’s together for off-duty activi- the goal of camaraderie is achieved, and a
for throwing. It wasn’t until I joined the ties. The entire shift and their spouses sense of teamwork restored.

May 2018 • 11
Story by John Hicks
Photos by John Hicks, Deborah Lew and Adam Van Gerpen
for her dedication. A touching speech and a presentation of a bouquet of
flowers was also given to Rosa by family members that nearly brought
tears to all in attendance. The event concluded with the presentation of
the Firefighter of the Year Award by the Firefighters Association’s Presi-
dent, George James. Rosa gave a humble acceptance speech acknowl-
edging all in attendance and thanking them for their presence and their
influence in making her who she was today.
The Firefighter of the Year nominee is selected by the vote of
the members. Rosa’s nomination was put forth by her superiors and co-
workers who praised her by stating that the foundation of Rosa’s success
lies within her hard work, character, integrity, and devotion. Her standard
of service, duty, leadership, and effectiveness are fundamental elements
that characterize Rosa’s dedication. Rosa has demonstrated this through
her commitment, teamwork, teaching, mentoring, and engaging in
numerous department and community projects.
Pro-gres-sion: The process of developing or moving Rosa began her firefighting career in August of 1983. Just eight
gradually towards a more advanced state. years later she attained the rank of engineer, serving 14 years in some of
the busiest assignments in the City. Her current position as Arson Inves-
On April 4, 2018, the LAFD moved towards a more advanced tigator was attained in July of 2005, where she still serves today. Rosa
state as the Los Angeles Firefighters Association honored their first-ever works with the LAPD Major Crimes Division as a Joint Terrorism Task
female Firefighter of the Year—Rosa Torres-Tufts. Not only was Rosa Force Investigator.
the first female firefighter honored with this award, she was also the first Taking on the role of instructor, Rosa has taught courses and de-
Arson Investigator bestowed with the title. With the ballroom of the veloped programs to enhance organizations such as NFPA, IAFF, DHS,
downtown Double Tree Hotel filled to capacity, the 34-year veteran ac- and FEMA. This equates to reaching thousands of firefighters, law en-
cepted the distinguished award as family and friends, past award honor- forcement, public health, and private first responders throughout the na-
ees, and department members, looked on in pride at her accomplishment. tion. Rosa has been driven by a sense of possibilities, a vision of success,
The two-hour event began with a brief meet and greet as par- and the ability to positively impact those around her.
ticipants gathered to personally congratulate Rosa and catch up with co- Rosa has been a positive influence impacting not only LA firefighters,
workers and friends. The LAFD Honor Guard was present as the Pledge but public safety professionals throughout the region. She has mentored
of the Allegiance was recited and a wonderful rendition of America the and instructed hundreds of first responders, students, and career firefight-
Beautiful was sung by Rosa’s sister. Department Chaplin Danny Leon ers for more than three decades. Her impact has been far reaching, ex-
gave the benediction, and LAFD’s own David Frelinger presided over tending well beyond her LAFD roots.
the event. He introduced Fire Chief, Ralph Terrazas who honored Rosa It is not only an honor to highlight some of her accomplishments,
with a praise-filled speech, which was followed by other speeches from but a privilege to acknowledge a respected member of the Fire Service.
civic leaders. B/C Mike Castillo of the Arson Section presented Rosa Congratulations Rosa Torres-Tufts—Los Angeles Firefighters Associa-
with an engraved plaque, thanking her for her service and praising her tion’s 2017 Firefighter of the Year.

12 • May 2018
A Few of Rosa Tuft’s Numerous
Accomplishments & Achievements:
• Over 34 years of service with the
• Bachelor Degree – California
State University Long Beach
• Emmy Award – Received for co-
hosting “L.A. Fire!” a 30-minute,
cable channel video magazine
• Top Secret/Sensitive Compart-
mented Information (TS/SCI)
• DaVinci Fire – Arson/MCD Inves-
tigative Team
• Glenn Allen and Brent Lovrien –
Arson Investigative Team Support
• Homeland Security Community
Preparedness Committee
• Nationwide Suspicious Activity
Reporting (SAR) for Hometown
• Engineer – In Service Training
Section – Manual revision
• Engineer Liaison to Supply and
Maintenance Division – New
engine implementation.
• School Outreach Program
• Hollywood Serial Arsonist
Task Force (Burkhart)
• Arson JTTF Liaison – ATF, LAPD,
District Attorney’s Office
• Brush Task Force – Arson
• Test writer – Engineer promo-
tional written examination.

May 2018 • 13
Paid Advertisement:


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14 • May 2018
Structure fire at 736 S Fresno St
on 4/1/18. Photo by Kelly Seidel

LF 10 found a pick-up truck ablaze at Pico

and Stanford. Photo by Jeff Zimmerman

Dakota Jean (8lb 12oz) is baby #3

for Brett & Ashley Porter (Eng 10-C)

May 2018 • 15
Paid Advertisement

Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association Medical Plan may cover this examination.
16 • May 2018 Contact your plan provider to verify.
Anthony “Big Cat” Castillo celebrated his
last shift with an event at FS 44 last month

LF 1 and Firefighter Alex Woodcox

saved a poor kitty cat from a near
death experience. Yes, firefighters
actually get cats out of trees.

Artist Rosie Tos just finished her latest

and greatest mural at Fire Station 63. The
newly remodeled captain’s office was in need
of some style, so Rosie was called in to do
her magic. She kept this mural vintage and
original, with the centerpiece, a recreation of
a photo taken of the firehouse in 1942. Two
additional illustrations depict the boys from
Venice hard at work in scenes from today – the
perfect balance of “then and now”

New Rosie Tos mural at FS 63

May 2018 • 17
18 • May 2018
35’s stands by as the marathon winds through Hollywood Way Station 82 along the marathon route in Hollywood

TF 85 and Air Ops on a rescue at Point Fermin

in February. Photo by Bayne Grindle

May 2018 • 19
Paid Advertisement

20 • May 2018
Crew 3 spent a day at FS 23 clearing TF 37 turned out as the marathon
brush from around the firehouse reached Westwood

Air Ops training off Point Fermin.

Photo by Anthony Pecchi

May 2018 • 21
22 • May 2018
T/A in Van Nuys on 3/26/18. E 93, LF 88 shut down hydrant after being struck
Photo by Rick McClure by solo vehicle on 3/30/28. Photo by Leo Kaufman

A/O Danny Leon celebrated his retirement with a breakfast

and handball at FS 26 on 2/20/18. Photo by Yvonne Griffin

TF 11 ventilated a vacant hotel in Koreatown Capt Robert Daniels and FF/EIT Carlos Mejia were
on 3/11/18. LAFD Photo by Harry Garvin honored by the American Legion on 3/28/18

May 2018 • 23
This event is open to ALL, whether you ride or not!
LAFD Fire Museum
$40 single / $70 couple 1355 N. Cahuenga Blvd.
INCLUDES: Registration, Luncheon,
Hollywood CA 90028
Raffle Ticket, Ride Shirt
If preregistered by 7/1/18

Tickets $40 at the door.
Registration: 8 AM
Luncheon Approx: 1 PM



23527 Calabasas Rd.

Calabasas CA 91302
$25 per-person (pre-sale) | $30 at the door


24 • May 2018
Firefighters extricated one patient on Terra
Bella St on 3/15/18. Photo by Rick McClure


8 AM
9 AM LF 98 with a fully involved SUV in Pacoima
1 PM on 3/14/18. Photo by Rick McClure

On 3/24/18, TF 98 painted, On 3/4/18, Engine 98 had an auto at 9200

weeded and planted in Pacoima Laurel Canyon Bl. Photo by Rick McClure

May 2018 • 25
Paid Advertisements:

26 • May 2018
Engs 91 and 18 handle a semi-truck at 16200
Filbert St on 3/18/18. Photo by Rick McClure

LF 75 rescued a dog from the river The crew at 98’s hosted a pre-marathon
on 3/14/18. Photo by Rick McClure breakfast for WODFF runners

FS 7 hosted a celebration of life for

community activist Dianne Hand

May 2018 • 27
Joint exercise in the Alameda Rail Corridor
on 3/11/18. Photo by Chris Conkle

Paid Advertisement:


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Phone 800-573-4829 Website
28 • May 2018
On 03/23/18, TF 60 extricated a victim from a vehicle that
hit a building. Photos by Rick McClure and Mike Meadows

89’s with an outside fire at Saticoy and Woodman.

Photo by Jeff Zimmerman

May 2018 • 29
87’s found a crashed vehicle in flames on On 3/9/18, companies found a small structure fully in-
3/18/18 in Northridge. Photo by Rick McClure volved off Saddle Ridge Rd. in Sylmar. Photo by Greg Doyle

E72 with an auto fire at 20050 Vanowen

Street on 3/26/18. Photo by Rick McClure

Paid Advertisement:

30 • May 2018
City Council recognized Female Trailblazers in the CUPA program members were recognized
LAFD on 3/28/18. LAFD Photo by Alex Gillman on 3/20/18. LAFD Photo by David Ortiz

May 2018 • 31
Paid Advertisements:

Seeking applicants for the positions of:
Fire Marshal & Part-Time Brush Clearance Inspectors
$35 - $39 per hr. (Projected) - WORK SCHEDULE – To Be Determined


The City of La Habra Heights is a rural wildland/urban interface community of 5300 residents, 2300
parcels with heavy brush, large homes and minimum 1 acre parcels. The City is classified in the
Very High Fire Severity Hazard Zone and requires 100% brush clearance for all parcels and is
located on the eastern edge of Los Angeles County between Hacienda Heights and Whittier.
The City is developing a new Brush Clearance program utilizing a Full or Part-Time Fire Marshal to
manage the program and several Part-Time Brush Clearance Inspectors starting in January 2018
The ideal candidate will have at least two (2) years of brush clearance experience inspection or
wildland firefighting experience.
Positions open until filled Phone: (562) 694-8283 x326

Fire Chief Doug Graft, LAFD Ret. & Assistant Fire Chief Ron Myers, LAFD Ret.

Marcia Zigler
Mortgage Loan Officer

Judith M. Weigle
Mediator & Legal Document Assistant


(310) 441-7555 • (310) 876-1355

2999 Overland Avenue, Ste 207B, Los Angeles, CA 90064

mail: 12521 El Dorado Place,

Victorville, CA 92392
P.O. Box 41903 Phn: 1-800-971-4808

Los Angeles CA 90041

Fax: 1-800-971-4809

(800) 244-3439


32 • May 2018
ments. So, if you miss the station house cama-
raderie and don’t mind goin’ on one or two runs
a day, this might be just the thing for you.
Doug and Ron, thanks for sittin’ down
with us and givin’ us your time and informa-
tion. The City of La Habra and those that live
there are very fortunate havin’ two dedicated
and qualified individuals in charge of their fire
I’ve been givin’ the LHHFD serious
thought. This could be the band aid to cover
my open sore I have from my failed attempt at
becomin’ a Captain II. I think becomin’ a Cap-
Chiefs Graft and Myers McClure and crew at Thomas Fire. Photo by Keith Cullom tain for them would be a big step in beginnin’
my healin’ process.
I wonder if my festerin’ wound would
heal faster if I became a chief for the LHHFD?
Oh Lord, please don’t tease me.


Wife’s Diary:
Tonight I thought my hus-
band was actin’ weird. We had
made plans to meet at a nice
restaurant for dinner. I was
shoppin’ with my friends all
day, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I
Capt DeBono and crew was a bit late, but he made no comment to me.
The conversation wasn’t flowin’ so I
I’ve always noticed this small adver- month. Six of these captains also happen to be suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we
tisement stuck in the corner of our Grapevine retired LA City guys: Rick McClure, Chuck could talk. He agreed, but didn’t say much. I
magazine about the La Habra Heights Fire De- Bucher, Ed Martin, Greg Terrill, Ron Klamecki asked him what was wrong. He said, “Noth-
partment. I pretty much overlooked this impor- and Carl DeBono. ing.” I asked him if it was my fault that he was
tant bit of information until a few weeks ago, For 60 to 80 young volunteer firefight- upset. He said he wasn’t upset, that it had noth-
when our Editor, Dave Wagner asked me if I’d ers, LHHFD has become a trainin’ ground. in’ to do with me and not to worry about it.
be interested in gettin’ some more information After graduatin’ from a Fire Academy, these On the way home I told him that I loved
about this small department east of Los Ange- individuals submit applications to the LHHFD, him. He smiled slightly and kept drivin’. I
les. hopin’ for an interview and a chance to become don’t know why he didn’t say, “I love you too.”
I never knew La Habra Heights existed a volunteer. According to Myers, “In less than When we got home I felt as if I had
and I had no idea they even had a fire depart- a year, these kids are completely different peo- lost him completely, as if he wanted nothin’
ment. It just so happens that Doug Graft has ple. We try to give them a head start with their to do with me anymore. Finally, with silence
been the Fire Chief there for the past six years. demeanor, knowledge base, attitude and under- all around us I decided to go to bed. About 15
Doug is a retired B/C from Batt 11 and spent 38 standing.” minutes later he came to bed, but I still felt that
years with the LAFD. Ron Myers retired as a This valuable experience very often he was distracted and his thoughts elsewhere.
Captain I from FS 90 with 35 LAFD years and helps them land a career with a bigger depart- He fell asleep; I cried. I don’t know what to
is now the Asst Chief of the LHHFD. Together, ment relates Graft. “Someone told me that we do. I’m almost sure that his thoughts are with
Doug and Ron have brought much needed or- have the biggest fire department in the world. someone else. My life is a disaster.
ganization to this department and have also ad- When I asked what he meant, he replied that
opted most LAFD staffin’ and field procedures. departments everywhere have guys that have Husband’s Diary:
“We’ve become ‘LA City South,’” says Graft. worked for La Habra Heights.” A two foot putt! Who the hell misses a
“All of our basic ops are the same.” Right now the LHHFD is lookin’ to two foot putt?
But the interestin’ thing about the LH- hire a Fire Marshal and part-time brush clear-
HFD is the fact that’s it’s mainly a volunteer ance inspectors. And they are always looking to AC
department. That is, except for the 16 to 20 hire retired firefighter/paramedics and captains KEEP SMILIN’!
paid captains that work a couple of shifts a from the LAFD, as well as from other depart-

May 2018 • 33
Sun Valley
Photos by Mike Meadows

At 4:42PM on March 31, 2018, companies responded to a reported structure fire in the 8200 block of N Tujunga
Av in Sun Valley. Firefighters were on scene of a multi-auto fire in a scrap yard for approximately 90 minutes.

34 • May 2018
Griffith Park
Photos by Rick McClure, Austin Gebhardt,
Jeff Zimmerman, and Trey Glennon

The Los Angeles Fire Department was among several agencies that worked together to successfully rescue a thirteen year-old boy trapped for nearly 13 hours
after he fell into a sewer and was swept approximately 5900 feet downstream in a four-foot diameter pipe by the effluent. The incident occurred on April 1, 2018.

May 2018 • 35
If you take a look
around, you may notice
that many LAFD and
LAPD members are sport-
ing a new shorn look. Are
they getting prepared for
summer? Did they lose a
bet? Are they saving mon-
ey on shampoo? For the
participants of the 2018
16th Annual LAFD/LAPD
St. Baldrick’s fundraiser
to fight childhood cancer,
the answer is a resounding
On Saturday, March 24th at Fire
Station 89 in North Hollywood, these first
responders joined with brave souls from
the public by shaving their heads in soli-
darity to support children who have lost
their hair as a consequence of cancer treat- dation is the largest source of funding for Air Support Division, Fire Axe Inc.,
ment. Worldwide, over 160,000 children childhood cancer research. Proceeds from and others)—contributing an additional
are diagnosed with cancer every year, this year’s event bring the aggregate total $4000+ to the projected $60,000+ raised
and sadly it takes the lives of more chil- raised through 16 years to more than $1.1 at this year’s event! Magicians from the
dren in the United States than any other million dollars! Magic Castle mesmerized the little ones
illness. By raising money for shaving his Like events in the past, this year’s with their tricks. Betsy Quezada painted
head, shavees like LAFD co-organizer event was “all about the kids.” Tireless eagerly waiting faces while children
and young firefighter Rudy Rocha assists workers Kevin Le and Laura Hixson from and their families enjoyed exploring the
the St. Baldrick’s Foundation with offer- the Los Angeles Police Federal Credit LAPD Historical Society’s vintage patrol
ing research grants for finding a cure. This Union organized an amazing silent auc- cars and having their photo professionally
is extremely important because behind the tion (with donations by the LA City Em- taken in Laura Lichter’s LAPD motorbike
U.S. government, the St. Baldrick’s Foun- ployees Club, Home Depot, Sears, LAPD picture booth. Phil Weireter arrived in the

36 • May 2018
Ashley Porter–daughter of recently retired
LAFD Captain Greg Porter. When more
barbers were needed, Civil Air Patrol Ca-
det Post Advisor Shawnie Livera stepped
up to assist with not only the hair cut-
ting, but also had her head shorn as well!
St. Baldrick’s Director Kathleen Ruddy
smiled as LAFD Fire Chief Ralph Ter-
razas shaved LAFD co-organizer Danny
Wu’s dome, and LAPD Police Chief Char-
lie Beck looked delighted as he began lop-
ping off LAPD co-organizer Lieutenant
Greg Doyle’s hair in front of an approving
crowd–with Greg’s wife Kris finishing the
job! In a pleasant surprise, CA State Sena-
tor Robert Hertzberg made an appearance
in support of the event to show his passion
for fighting kids’ cancer.
Thank you also to all that volun-
teered, pledged, participated, and brought
your families out for a worthy cause. A
special token of gratitude goes out to Fire
Station 89 for hosting the event, Council-
member Paul Krikorian’s District 2 Office
for supplying table and chairs, and ACE
Party Rentals in North Hollywood for do-
nating an impressive 40x60 foot canopy in
preparation for inclement weather. Luck-
ily, the furious downpour during the week
subsided before the day of the event, and
this year’s special day was meant to be en-
famous LAFD Bandwagon fire engine beyond. Fire Station 89’s own Apparatus joyed in our beautiful Southern California
and families waited patiently to get their Operator Lee Hazelquist arrived early to weather. Last but not least, a very special
kid’s pictures taken with it. The crowd assist with setting up and cooking break- “THANK YOU” goes out to LAFD Fire-
enjoyed a delicious free pancake and fast for the hundreds of hungry mouths on fighter Rudy Rocha and LAPD Detective
sausage breakfast from Pancake Factory UFLAC’s “Mother Of All Barbecues”– Nick Sinclair for assisting with this year’s
North Hollywood, and quenched their with “head pancake flipper” Gene from LAFD/LAPD St. Baldrick’s event, as they
thirst with fresh cups of joe from the Cof- the Pancake Factory supervising with may be taking the reigns as Co-Organizers
fee Bean and drinks/snacks from KENK quality control. in the coming years.
USA’s Kelly Khoury. Huntington Hospi- Actress Angeline Rose-Troy and We look forward to seeing you all
tal’s Jackie Baca-Geary recruited donors LAFD Dispatcher Deby Herdich both next year and remember it’s not too late
for their blood drive–thereby helping out smiled as seasoned event barbers who to donate online at:
even further in the local community and returned again to shave heads along with events/lafdlapd

May 2018 • 37
Los Angeles Retired Fire & Police Association
Annual Barbecue
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
12:00 Noon – 3:00 PM
1025 Elysian Park Drive

Los Angeles, CA 90012

The General Membership Meeting begins at 10:00AM

Barbecue to immediately follow.

Please call the Association office at (888) 288-5073 if you have any questions.
Sorry, no telephone reservations will be accepted.

The deadline for reservations is May 25, 2018

Please return the bottom portion with your

reservation payment to:

Los Angeles Retired Fire & Police Association

9521 Las Tunas Drive Suite 4, Temple City, CA 91780

All Members and their families are welcome to attend!

***Tickets are $5.00 Per Person***

Name_____________________________________________ Phone ( ) ________________________________

Number of Adults:________ Children:_________ Amount Enclosed:________ Check Number:________

Please choose one of the following: Fire_______ Police_______

Payments are not refundable, No exceptions.

Please RSVP by May 25, 2018

38 • May 2018
Local firefighters were invited to attend and then were honored at Prior to the game, firefighters were stationed at each of the four
the LA Galaxy soccer game on March 31, 2018, at the Stub Hub Center. stadium entrances for a “fill the boot” drive for our Widows, Orphans
Captains Darin Laier and Ryan Penrod took to the field, and they, along & Disabled Firemen’s Fund. Fans were then invited to have their pho-
with all firefighters, were recognized for their service to the community. tos snapped with a firefighter at a booth inside the stadium. LAFRA’s
Each of the captains were presented with a Galaxy jersey bearing their Widows & Orphans Fund was also the beneficiary of a portion of the
name and also a “62’s” jersey autographed by the team. firefighter ticket sales.

May 2018 • 39

Effective April 1, 2018, our Third Party Administrator,
  HealthScope Benefits is implementing a new Explanation of
Benefits (EOB) format. An EOB outlines how HealthScope Benefits applied the Plan benefits to your claim. See below
for more details. We hope EXPLANATION
you find the new format OFeasier
to read and(EOB)
understand. If you have questions
Effective April
about your new EOB, contact HealthScope Benefits at: 886-995-2372. new Explanation of
1, 2018, our Third Party Administrator, HealthScope Benefits is implementing a
Benefits (EOB) format. An EOB outlines how HealthScope Benefits applied the Plan benefits to your claim.1. See
Your below
Member Information: the patient’s name, the date
sample EOB for more
  details. We hope you find the new format easier to read and understand. If you have questions
the EOB was issued, the patient’s ID number, the LAFRA
about your new EOB, contact HealthScope Benefits at: 886-995-2372. group ID number and group name.
  2. Contact Us: HealthScope Benefits is LAFRA’s Third Party
1 Administrator (TPA). Contact HealthScope Benefits if you
have claims, eligibility or benefits questions, including
questions about your EOB.

3. Dates of Service: corresponds to the date(s) of treatment.

4. Total Charge: charges submitted by your provider for ser-
2 vices rendered (please verify that this amount corresponds
with the amount billed to you by the provider of service).

5. Reduction Amount: the savings, from network discounts

and pricing programs, that is applied to the “Total Charge”.

6. Amount Excluded: charges that are “not covered” such

as those over usual, customary and reasonable (UCR) and
other services listed under the “What is Not Covered under
the Medical Plan” section of your Summary Plan Document

7. Co-pay: any applicable co-payment(s).

8. Deduct: the amount that applied towards your

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 deductible.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13
12 13
9. Co-insurance: if the Plan pays a percentage of the
charges and you are also responsible for a percentage, this
is the percentage amount you owe.

10. Other Payment: any additional amount that applied to

the claim such as payments from another insurance plan.

11. Plan Pay at %: shows the benefit percentage applied

to the claim.

12. Remark Code: HealthScope’s number code for charges

that are not covered or require further explanation.

13. Plan Pay Amount: the amount the Plan paid toward
15 the service.

14. Patient Responsibility: the amount to be paid to the

16 15 provider, by the covered person.

15. Reason Code Description: a description for the Remark

Code in section 11.
16. Year to Date Totals: the year-to-date amount accrued
towards the patient’s out-of-pocket expense.
40 • May 2018
May 2018 • 41
We hope you are enjoying the new yearbook. If you
would like an additional copy, we have a few extras avail-
able for purchase. They are $50 each, plus $5 for shipping.
All the proceeds go to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled
Firemen’s Fund. Send a check to LAFRA WODFF for $55,
along with your name and mailing address to:

2017 Yearbook
7470 No. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90041
42 • May 2018


Fire Station 87 Brookside Country Club

10124 Balboa Blvd, Granada Hills CA 1133 Rosemont Avenue, Pasadena CA

7:00 AM until food runs out Social Hour - 5:00 PM Dinner - 6:00 PM

Breakfast Cost $55 - Menu TBD

Call FS 87 - (818) 756-8687 Fire Station 60 - (818) 756-8660

Name Assignment Date Retired Date Rank

Michael Schaefer 04/13/1986 03/31/2018 A/O
Craig P. Hancock 12/09/1984 04/25/2018 Fire Inpector I
Glenn M. Miyagishima 01/28/1985 05/31/2018 Battalion Chief
Jeffrey E. Elder 07/20/1986 04/20/2018 Battalion Chief
Armando G. Aguirre 04/13/1986 05/01/2018 Captain I
Bruce L. Mc Leod 07/20/1986 05/31/2018 Firefighter III
Cecil J. Manresa 11/20/1986 04/26/2018 Firefighter III
Thomas S. Sammartano 06/14/1982 04/30/2018 Captain I
Anthony E. Senior 12/24/1979 02/13/2018 Captain I
Gregg M. Olson 04/20/1980 04/30/2018 Captain I
Andre C. Johnson 04/13/1986 04/30/2018 Captain II
Keith E. Douglass 12/11/1983 04/29/2018 Captain I
Michael W. Gerken 04/26/1986 05/12/2018 Engineer
Brian S. Baltad 02/02/1987 03/31/2018 Engineer
May 2018 • 43
for health reasons, was Dean Cathey. He
helped me so much that day that I will
never forget.
Thanks to all of firefighters, cap-
tains, and chiefs that have taught me how
to stay safe and fight some fires in Griffith
Park, and for being my friend and accept-
ing me as one of them.

Lloyd Payne
Temecula, CA


My Dad, Thomas Crockatt, was

the hardest working man I’ve known. His
nicknames of Sanitary Tom and Mister
Clean followed him throughout his career
and life. His word was his bond and he
didn’t put up with the demeaning actions
Hi Dave to let you know, so please ensure that her of others. He was an excellent mechanic
supervisors and everyone else know how - often completing major repairs at the
First, thanks again for going through much she’s appreciated. station rather than changing over so HIS
the effort to put the Medicare seminar to- engine wouldn’t get dirty sitting out at the
gether, you get “two thumbs up.” I’m one Sincerely shops. He was selfless in training others to
of those who understands how many mov- drive and pump. Don Anthony was one of
ing parts must be handled to make these Dave Badgett many when he was a rookie. Dad served on
things work. I think we all learned some- LAFD Retired the Board at the LAFRA for many years,
thing, and many learned a lot. Even the always extolling the wonderful work they
Pension Dept Rep said that she learned do. He was the Shop Engineer late in his
some things that she didn’t know. Dear Dave, career and wrote, approved and accepted
Until meeting her today, I had only new apparatus. He brought the first diesel
known Denise Schlegel (HealthScope) as It’s hard to believe that 20 years engine onto the LAFD much to the dismay
the very helpful person on the other end of have passed since that morning in Griffith of Chief Hill. Dad always stood up for
an ongoing email exchange and resulting Park and the “hard landing” of Fire 3 and what was best for the men of this Dept. He
phone calls. I faced a medical challenge the lost lives of three firefighters and the LOVED his time on the LAFD I will miss
the year following joining Medicare. In little injured girl they were transporting to him dearly.
the past, the required treatment would Children’s Hospital.
have been handled easily by Relief Medi- When I heard of the Memorial Ser- Lynn Crockatt
cal PPO, which I’ve belonged to since be- vice was being held at the LAFD Holly- Bakersfield, CA
ing appointed to the LAFD. However, I wood Museum, I knew I had to be there.
received a notification that Medicare had I finally did make it to the ceremony, and
rejected payment, stating that my treat- the sun was out and the rain was gone. LAFRA-
ment may have been related to a former Whoever coordinated the event did a great
IOD injury. I made several calls to Medi- job, everything was set up in front of the John Harrington was the guy who
care, all with increasing frustration due museum and it was a beautiful morning. opened my eyes to becoming a fireman. I
to a never-ending run around. I finally Listening to the speakers and re- was 16 and I wanted to be a policeman.
called Relief Medical and was routed to membering that morning 20 years ago still John would talk to me about what it was
Denise, who was the first breath of fresh bring tears to my eyes. I never thought it like being on the LAFD and how much
air. Denise started out by being friendly, would affect me for the rest of my life. I he loved the Department. Thank God I
followed closely by being attentive, very vividly remember standing next to my was shown another direction. John, rest in
knowledgeable, and personally engaged. Park Ranger vehicle, and looking up and peace and thank you.
She eventually helped me to untangle the seeing Fire 3 trying to land in the inter-
mess that Medicare wouldn’t. section of Red Oak and Ferndell Drive. If Danny Flores
Anyone who knows me is very only Steve had been a few feet higher or Ventura, CA
aware that I believe that credit should go the tree had been a little shorter. All I can
where it is due, and only when it’s due. say is he did a hell of a job trying to land
Denise deserves five stars on a scale of the airship in the intersection. LAFRA-
five - in LAFD terms she’s “Outstanding.” Listening to some of the chiefs
We should all be thankful that she’s there speak, remembering when they were fire- Ken Gerhardt was a good friend of
for us! fighters or captain, brought back some my family and an inspiration for me to get
I’m sure that I’m speaking for many good memories. The one person I would on the job. Always impressed by his physi-
others who may not have taken the time have liked to have seen but was not there cal size and good nature. He and Mary
44 • May 2018
often went out with my parents and were
great friends for them.

Trent Hughes
St George, UT


Billie Strickland (center)

with Arlington, TX firefighters

I met Billie Strickland at firefight-

ing 48’s when I was a brand-new Auto
Fireman in 1977. He was my Battalion Frank and Laura thought they had plenty of time to get an
Chief and we became friends right away. I
don’t know why that was but it happened. Estate Plan. But when Frank passed away unexpectedly, Laura
The senior members at 48’s weren’t really
happy about his arrival but I liked his way realized they were not prepared.
of pushing all of the crew to be their best.
Billie made me his racquetball partner and
we played every shift, which made our Five Key Steps:
friendship grow even more.
After Billie retired and went to
Texas to be the Fire Chief of the Arlington
1. Pick a planner. Word-of-mouth references are a good place to start, but you
FD, I kind lost track of him. Shortly after I should always take time to research credentials, experience, on-going education
made Captain, I received a letter from Bil- levels and select the Estate Planning professional that best suits your needs. When
lie congratulating me on my promotion. It
was very special to me that he still remem- comparing costs make sure you know all the documents included and services
bered me after so many years. Billie was a provided so you compare “apples to apples.” Each planner may break it down
good man and it was a pleasure to call him differently.
my friend. RIP Billie and my condolences
to his family. 2. Assemble a team. Your estate planning professional can advise you about
Glenn Maurer contacting a tax expert, an accountant and someone who can give you advice about
Newbury Park, CA charitable giving.
3. Compile documents. Ask your attorney or other Estate Planning professional
LA Firemen’s Relief- what you'll need to bring to the first meeting. It’s usually just a few simple
We wanted to drop a quick note to documents and could include the deed(s) to your property, insurance policies,
thank you for your continued business. retirement accounts and a proper I.D.
We truly cannot thank you enough. I also
wanted to thank you for your work with 4. Ask for guidance. When you meet with members of your team, describe your
our heroes and their families. I went to
school with Kevin Woyjeck, one of the goals and ask about the best way to reach them.
Granite Mtn Hot Shots who was killed
in the line of duty. It devastated our en- 5. Cover all the bases. Understand the options when considering a will or trust,
tire community. It also showed me how durable power of attorney, a living will, a health care power of attorney, trusts for
important these organizations are. I made your children, your charity and even yourself.
a donation to WODFF today in honor of
Kevin and the rest of our heroes.

Sincerely, For your “Getting Started Kit” contact

Kelsey, Bertels and Ken Marlene Casillas, Development & Marketing Director, at
Talent Air, Cypress
(323) 259-5217 or email
May 2018 • 45
Delbert D. Jones, Fireman.
Appointed October 15, 1941.
Retired on a service pension October 1, 1970 from FS 2-A.
Passed away February 15, 2018.

Kenneth J. Gerhardt, Captain.

Appointed March 18, 1947.
Retired on a service pension April 3, 1977 from FS 43-B.
Passed away February 16, 2018.

Thomas G. Crockatt, Engineer.

Appointed August 27, 1946.
Retired on a service pension January 4, 1972 from FS 88-A.
Passed away February 21, 2018.

Basil D. Daughenbaugh, Firefighter II.

Appointed March 10, 1962.
Retired on a disability pension June 29, 1982 from Division 105-B.
Passed away February 23, 2018.

Billie M. Strickland, Assistant Chief.

Appointed July 2, 1956.
Retired on a service pension February 5, 1982 from Division 2-B.
Passed away February 23, 2018.

Donald L. Hobart, Firefighter II.

Appointed July 2, 1956.
Retired on a service pension August 18, 1983 from FS 76-C.
Passed away February 23, 2018.

Philip V. Toppenberg, Engineer.

Appointed June 16, 1952.
Retired on a service pension June 29, 1980 from FS 71.
Passed away February 27, 2018.

John W. Harrington, Engineer.

Appointed November 2, 1963.
Retired on a service pension September 22, 1991 from FS 89-B.
Passed away March 3, 2018.

Harry J. De Silva, Fireman.

Appointed July 15, 1947.
Retired on a service pension August 1, 1972 from FS 2-B.
Passed away March 12, 2018.

Sharon A. Price, surviving spouse of Donald H. Price, passed away March 2, 2018.
Myra J. Mackie, spouse of Charles L. Mackie, passed away March 16, 2018.
Marth J. Leal, spouse of Arthur Leal, passed away March 23, 2018.
Doris M. Baker, spouse of Franklin L. Baker, passed away March 25, 2018.
Patricia F. St. Marie, surviving spouse of Daniel A. St. Marie, passed away March 25, 2018.

46 • May 2018
There has never been a better time to join the Los Angeles City It doesn’t matter if you are active duty or retired, we welcome
Firefighters’ Golf Club. Next to handball, our golf club is one of LAFD’s all. There is no rank out here. The golf ball does not care if you are a
oldest traditions. All that is required is a love for camaraderie and a de- year-and-a-day firefighter or a gold-badge earner, and neither do we. We
sire to get that silly dimpled ball in the cup. All this while enjoying some play bi-monthly tournaments and host two multi-day events each year:
of the best public and private golf courses in Southern California. Golf our Club Championship in May and our famous Partners’ Championship
is played and celebrated by all walks of life. It is truly one of the few in September.
sports that, by nature, levels the playing field so all abilities can compete
Our club is a social club that enjoys playing golf. Camaraderie A. Almaguer, P. Benesh, R. Boswell, J. Brown, J. Cawdrey, B. Evans, R.
can be hard to come by these days. Never before have our department Franz, L. Hunt, D. Little, G. Lopez, K. Miller, C. Taillon, and P. Yoon
members, retired and active, lived farther apart and been so busy with
professional and personal commitments. Club members can attest to the Contact: Gordon Wilson, FS 26-A
satisfaction that is achieved by taking a break, getting outside, and play- Phone: (310)-529-3941/
ing a round of golf with old buddies, fellow firefighters, new friends, and E-mail:
relatives--yes, they can play as guests anytime. And, if you happen to hit Club Website:
a few good golf shots, well, congratulations because you may just win
some money!

Attention all LAFD Golf Club members and guests:

Our annual “Memorial Club Championship” is going to be played this May 7-10 at the Westin Mission Hills Resort. We’ll play the two courses at the resort, the Gary Player and the
Pete Dye courses. Contact Gary Mannan at for information.

Brookside Golf Club #1 – Low Gross / Net - Tuesday, February 13th

Griffith Park – Wilson – Low Gross / Net - Monday, February 26th

May 2018 • 47
For most people our home is one of our biggest assets and through the process. Some lenders charge zero to one point, so
a retirement haven. It is so important to buy the right home, and understand your lender’s policy on this. Also understand how
secure the right mortgage, in order to have some peace of mind long the rate will lock in for, since you want it locked in until you
on your purchase. are able to close on your mortgage.
But buying or refinancing a home is complicated. I want to Understanding the loan processing timeline is also impor-
provide a few tips to help ensure the process goes smoothly. tant. In some instances, it can take up to 60 days, and you will
Understanding which type of loan you want is one of the need to include a closing date into your purchase contract. If you
most important decisions. Options include: end up not being able to close on time, there could be additional
• Fixed Rate: Provides the same rate over the life of the costs incurred:
loan to ensure a consistent monthly payment. This is a good op- • Increase of interest rate if the lock expires
tion for those who plan to stay in their home for a long time and • Additional expenses to reschedule movers
don’t plan to re-finance (many borrowers refinance every 7-8
years). Lenders evaluate loans based on credit history, debt to in-
• Adjustable Rate loans (ARMs): Provides rates that vary come ratio and collateral. They are hoping for a smooth payment
over the life of the loan. As interest rates rise and fall, in general, history. When you are preparing to buy a home you should evalu-
rates on adjustable rate mortgages follow. For example, at the ate your:
credit union we offer a 5/1 and a 5/5 ARM. After the first five • Overall credit card debt – try to keep below $15,000
years, the 5/1 adjusts each year, while the 5/5 adjusts every five • Credit activity – minimize opening new credit lines
years. If you select an ARM, be sure to understand the adjust- • Previous credit experience – do you have a bankruptcy, short
ment frequency; the maximum annual adjustment; the highest sale, late payments, tax liens or collection accounts?
rate (Cap), which is the maximum amount the loan can adjust • Credit card balances – such as carrying a balance of $9,000
over the life of the loan; and the Index and Margin (both of which on a card with a $10,000 limit
can impact your rate).
• Interest only loans: Interest-only loan payments do not Communication – email or verbal – is a key component to
include principal and generally have lower payments since the ensure your closing process goes smoothly. This will reduce mis-
principal is not included. This type of loan may be good for first understandings and ambiguity. Any delays in providing required
time home buyers. Many new home owners struggle during the documentation, such as tax returns and bank statements, can also
first year of ownership since they are unaccustomed to making delay the loan processing and extend your timeline. It is not un-
mortgage payments, which are generally higher than rent. common that you may be asked for more information once your
credit has been pulled, or when your tax forms, home appraisal
It’s important to understand all of the costs associated with your report or title report are received. The key is to stay in touch with
loan, such as: your lender on a weekly basis and maintain open communication.
• Appraisal fee, which covers the cost of having a professional Please contact the Credit Union first and have one of our
appraiser evaluate a home and estimate the market value real estate consultants help go over all of your options. They will
• A credit report fee provide you with the information needed to help you make an in-
• Title Insurance costs formed decision, whether you are purchasing or refinancing your
• Pest inspection, Escrow, and recording fees home.
• Property Taxes

Since interest rates can fluctuate and change daily, you Dixie Abramian
should lock in your rate which holds the rate as you are going President/CEO

48 • May 2018
The biggest problem with the old Medicare card is expect to see all or part of your Social Security number
that it includes the participant’s Social Security number. appear in the identifier on your new Medicare card.
Therefore, when someone’s card is lost or stolen, it not only Specifically, the first, fourth, seventh, 10th, and 11th
threatens to create problems with Medicare-related fraud, characters will always be numbers, while the second, fifth,
but also risks broader financial identity theft. The move eighth, and ninth will always be letters. The third and sixth
allows CMS to protect private healthcare and financial characters can be either letters or numbers. In order to
information and to ensure that benefit and service payments prevent any confusion between letters and numbers, the
are handled correctly. system will never use the letters S, L, O, I, B, and Z --
Congressional legislation passed in 2015 required which some can mistake for the numbers 5, 1, 0, 1, 8, and
CMS to remove Social Security numbers from Medicare 2, respectively.
cards by April 2019. Instead, the current Health Insurance
Claim Number -- which is identical to one’s Social Security When will I get my new Medicare card?
number -- will get replaced by the new Medicare Benefi- CMS will start sending new Medicare cards to
ciary Identifier. participants in April. The agency will send out the new cards
in seven waves based on where you live. The cards for the
THE NEW CARD ON THE LEFT REPLACES THE first two groups of states are set to be mailed between April
OLD CARD ON THE RIGHT. and June. The first group includes the mid-Atlantic areas
closest to Washington, D.C., including Delaware, Mary-
What will the new Medicare Beneficiary Identifier look land, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District
like? of Columbia. The second wave covers U.S. territories in the
The Medicare Beneficiary Identifier is 11 characters Pacific, as well as Alaska, California, Hawaii, and Oregon.
long and can include both numbers and capital letters. The The five other groups will be sent after June, with specific
identifiers will be randomly chosen and therefore be clearly dates not yet determined. You can get the specific groups
different from Social Security numbers, so you shouldn’t from this document on the CMS website (opens PDF).

May 2018 • 49
Annual Pancake Breakfast
and Fundraiser
Saturday, May 12th 2018, 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
$5.00 Adults, $3.00 Children
Donations go to updating our Children’s Area
and helping us expand our collections
Come join us for good food, great fun, and some LAFD history
plus “Wilshire” the fire dog and
LAFD Fire & Rescue Demonstrations

At the LAFD Museum & Memorial “Old Fire Station 27”

1355 North Cahuenga Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028
In Memory of
Barney Nipp

50 • May 2018
Submitted by Frank Borden • Director of Operations, LAFDHS

LAFD HISTORY – Fireboats 2 and 4

The status of Old Fireboat 2’s perma- Zuliani, Paul D. labor on the boat, estimated at nearly 20,000
nent building is still in question. The “Ralph Corcoran, Mike (William M. II) hours of volunteer hours. The donations we re-
J. Scott” is a National Historic Landmark and Mueller, Stephen C. ceive are used for equipment, supplies, parts,
needs a special building to house it that will not Young, Marcus L. IV etc.
only be a museum but a structure with special Horimoto, James T.
features like climate control, ramps and walk- ASSISTANT CHIEF BETHEL F. GIF-
ways for access to the boat for the visitors. The Thanks Frank and Bill for this interest- FORD – THE MAN CREDITED WITH
building that the Port of LA had designed for ing history of Old Boat 2. Frank Baker was a THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF
it was dropped from the Port’s ten-year plan in pilot for more than 20 years and Bill Dahlquist LAFD FIREBOAT 4
2012. The Historical Society volunteers have more than 15 years, all on Old Boat 2. Bethel Gifford was appointed to the
been working on the restoration of the boat LAFD on April 6, 1929. As a fireman, he
since it came out of the water in 2004 and will DONATION TO THE “RALPH J. SCOTT” worked in areas extending from the hills of
probably complete the project in a year and FIREBOAT RESTORATION PROJECT Hollywood, to the waterfront of San Pedro;
one half from now. This has been a huge re- My step-mother, Evelyn Borden passed and it didn’t take long for Fireman Gifford to
sponsibility and undertaking, working with the away in May of 2017 at the age of 91. She earn an outstanding reputation. Soon he was
guidelines that the National Park Service set met my father Stan while he was an engineer promoted to auto fireman, and in a short eight
for historic vessels. It will soon be ready for a on Old Boat 2 in 1951. She always had a fond years, he was promoted to captain.
museum to house it with no plan for a building. memory of the boat since that time. Every year After placing number three on the list,
Our Society will be working very hard to get since the boat was retired, she would make a Captain Gifford was promoted to battalion
the museum structure back on the Port’s water- donation towards the restoration of the boat. In chief in 1944. Shortly thereafter, he was as-
front plan with possible options for relocation 2017/18 she made a very generous $50,000 do- signed to head the Fire Department Shops and
from its present location adjacent to the Battle- nation from her estate to the Historical Society. Storeroom. He remained at that command, un-
ship Iowa. This is the largest single donation made in over til the Fire Department reorganized in 1956,
15 years and will go a long way in helping us at which time he attained the rank of assistant
LAFD OLD FIREBOAT 2 - “THE RALPH reach our goal. We have been saving thousands chief and was assigned as Division 1 com-
J. SCOTT” FIREBOAT PILOTS of dollars by using skilled volunteers for the mander in charge of the Harbor area.
1925 TO 2003
Retired LAFD Fireboat Pilots Frank
Baker and Bill Dahlquist worked together
to compile a list of pilots who served on the
“Ralph J. Scott.” The list dates back to 1925
when the boat went into service and goes up
to the time the boat was retired in 2003. That
amounts to 78 years! I was amazed that in all
that time there were only 17 pilots assigned to
Retired Pilot Bill Dahlquist at the helm or at the con-
the boat. Job satisfaction I’m sure. Here they
trols of Old Boat 2 taking it to Larson’s Boat Yard for
are in order from the first pilot:
a final haul out after it was retired in 2003.
Smith, Hermosa
Williams, Lewis
Wagner, Lowell
Gray, Brainard
Woodman, Arthur G.
Donaher, Arthur L.
Metzger, Eugene W.
Hines, Marvin
Baker, Franklin L.
Moore, Monte E. Engineer Stan Borden on the
Dahlquist, William E. Assistant Chief Bethel F. Gifford deck of Old Boat 2 - 1951.
Martinis, John M.
May 2018 • 51
Chief Bethel Gifford achieved his foam solution for petrochemical fires. Its super THE CLOCK IS TICKING!
greatest personal satisfaction, and no doubt his maneuverability features include the capabil- Our entire Historical Society organiza-
greatest single contribution to the operations of ity of moving side-to side and back-and-forth tion, from the Board level, to the worker level,
this Department, with the development and fi- by means of jet stream nozzles. The boat was and everybody in-between, is run by volun-
nal delivery of Boat 4. named the “Bethel F. Gifford” in honor of the teers. Think about running an organization that
Boat 4 might be called “Chief Gifford’s late LAFD Assistant Chief whose research and operates two museums, a memorial and the
Project,” as he was personally responsible, efforts were primarily responsible for this fire- restoration of a National Historic Monument
throughout the entire project, for researching, boat’s innovations. fireboat. Our Society has been doing this for 20
planning, engineering, building, outfitting, test- years without the addition of many new mem-
ing and for the boat’s ultimate delivery in the Chief Gifford’s Helmet Donation ber volunteers.
Port of Los Angeles. It was accepted by Mayor What a great story about Assistant The average age of our active volun-
Yorty and the Fire Department on February Chief Bethel F. Gifford’s helmet. It has made teer staff is over 75 years old!!
22, 1962. “Chief Gifford’s Project,” from for- its way to the museum for display after 45 This is a job for those of us who love
mative stage to culmination, took about three years. Michael Taylor, retired LAFD captain, the LAFD and want to preserve its history for
years. During this time the chief made at least was an apparatus operator at FS 39 at the time generations to come. Many of our volunteers
15 trips to San Francisco and Portland for ar- when his captain came to him with a white will have to retire from this great pastime to
chitectural and construction conferences at assistant chief’s old Bakelite helmet that he move into the twilight of their lives - “the
Norgaard Architects and the Albina Engine and wanted Michael to make into a captain’s hel- golden years.” Several of our volunteers who
Machine Works. met by painting it black. Michael looked at it retired from the LAFD have worked with us
Assistant Chief Bethel F. Gifford, a vet- and saw the historical value of the helmet and right up until the time of their passing. The
eran fire fighter with almost 35 years of service, asked the captain if he could just buy a black most recent was retired Captain Barney Nipp.
passed away January 18, 1964, while on active helmet and make it into the helmet the captain We wonder who of you, active or retired will
duty. He was survived by his wife, Frances, wanted. The captain agreed and Michael took want to carry on our quest. What will happen
who was in attendance at Fire Boat 4’s name- the chief’s helmet home only to find out later
christening ceremony. that the name inside was Gifford. Michael hung
the helmet on his wall for 45 years, until he
Fire Boat No. 4 - “Bethel F. Gifford” read one of my articles in the Firemen’s Grape- Dan Butcher (R) and Frank Borden with the Old Fire Sta-
(1962-present) vine and understood who Chief Gifford was. tion 17 print currently on display at the Los Angeles Fire
Los Angeles purchased Fire Boat No. 4 He contacted me immediately and brought the Department Museum and Memorial, by “Big Bertha”
as a part of a master plan for long-range port helmet into the museum to donate to the LAFD Wagon 17. Wagon 17 can be seen in the front of the
protection. Commissioned in 1962, the 76’ Historical Society. It will be displayed in the station in the print. Purchase of the print, by renowned
long boat was purchased for $639,000 and Harbor Fire Museum in Old Station 36 with the California Central Coast artist John Ramos, supports the
was built at the Albina Engine and Machinery story of Chief Gifford. We thank Michael for Los Angeles Fire Relief Association’s Widows, Orphans &
Works in Portland, Oregon. In active service bringing this historic artifact to us for people to Disabled Firemen’s Fund, with all proceeds raised being
Fire Boat No. 4 is rated at 9000 gallons per see and enjoy for years to come. donated to the Fund. The signed print is $150 with an
minute at 150 psi and carries 550 gallons of additional $15 for shipping/insurance. Contact Dan
Butcher at (909) 851-6621 or at ladedi_2000@yahoo.
com to obtain a print.

Marine engineer drawing of the

configuration of new Fireboat 4.

New Fireboat 4 cruising under the

Vincent Thomas Bridge.

Jim Finn accepts Chief Gifford’s

helmet from Michael Taylor.

52 • May 2018
our special event schedule at both museums is
dependent on the number of volunteer staff we
have to be tour guides, help with the mainte-
nance, and coordinate activities. We want to at
The Hollywood Museum is lo-
least maintain our current schedule and would
like to expand the days we are open at both mu- cated in “Old Fire Station 27”
seums and be able to accommodate the many
special events we have going on now, which at 1355 No. Cahuenga, Hol-
means that we need more volunteers. Please lywood, CA 90028. The Har-
give us a call or send an email and sign up
for a rewarding day at one of our Museums. bor Museum is located in San
Our newest volunteer Albert Covarrubias “JUST GIVE US A DAY!” is our request. The
comes to work on the Fireboat and at the Museum is definitely “A work in progress” and Pedro City Hall at 638 S. Beacon
Harbor Museum. He has a part time job, a challenge to all who are involved to make it St., San Pedro CA 90731.
is going to college, is a Fire Explorer and a world-class location. We are sure it will give
wants to be a firefighter. you a sense of pride and accomplishment as a Anyone interested in join-
volunteer. These are YOUR Museums, Memo-
to what we have accomplished if we do not get rial and Fireboat. A place to learn about our
ing our great cause by becoming a
new volunteers to keep the organization run- heritage and remember those who made the member, or volunteering to work,
ning? supreme sacrifice. Be a part of it, and watch it
grow as a Hollywood and San Pedro, Los An- or make a donation of money or
geles, United States, and worldwide attraction.
an LAFD item may contact us by
The LAFD Historical Society is a non-profit
organization, with a Board of Directors elected mail:
by the LAFDHS membership to set the course
and guide the organization toward completing LAFDHS Museum & Memorial
its goals. We look forward to hearing from you 1355 No. Cahuenga Blvd.
and seeing you at the Museum. 323 464 2727,
email at Hollywood, CA 90028

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITES AT THE Phone: 323 464 2727. But re-

HOLLYWOOD FIRE MUSEUM & member we are currently staffed
Docent/Tour guide, Auto/Heavy Equip- part time, so leave a message and
ment Mechanic, Archivist – Photo/Video and
Documents, Restoration Specialist, Historic
we will return your call. The fax
LAFD Research, Photographer, Auto Detailer, number is 323-464-7401. Our
General Maintenance, Graphic Artist, Carpen-
WANTED: MORE VOLUNTEERS!! Our ter/Electrician/Plumber, Sales Person, Public E-mail is:
ability to stay open each week and maintain Relations.
Web site at www.lafdmuseum.
org. If you want to look at some
great LAFD history check www. and check the LAFD
web site for information and
events at We
look forward to hearing from you
and seeing you at the Museum.

The Los Angeles Fire Department

Historical Society is a non-profit
501 (C) (3) organization.

May 2018 • 53
March 7, 2018

CALL TO ORDER PRESIDENT REPORT discussed proposed language changes under

the Associate Membership section and
President Bob Steinbacher called the 1) Bob Steinbacher and Dawna Gray applying for membership after the first five
meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Los addressed the Board regarding the Pension years on the department. He also indicated
Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association to subsidy issue and the Medical Plan premium that they will obtain additional information
order at 10:45 a.m. rates. regarding the Sick & Injury benefit as it
pertains to pregnancies.
ROLL CALL 2) Bob Steinbacher informed the Board of a
request from a member who retired in 2000 2) Jeff Cawdrey informed that he attended
MEMBERS PRESENT: for reinstatement of LAFRA membership. the Drill Tower 81 recruit class. He stated
Bob Steinbacher, President He indicated that the individual wrote a that there were 67 new recruits and 66
Jeff Cawdrey, Vice President letter explaining his reason for the lapse in signed up as Associate Members.
Andrew Kuljis, Secretary membership and asked the Board to consider
Trustee David Peters his reinstatement. 3) Jeff Cawdrey referred to the upcoming
Trustee Chris Stine conferences and indicated that he, John
Trustee Frank Aguirre David Peters motioned to approve Jacobsen and Tyler Tomich will be attending
Trustee Kenneth Breskin reinstatement as requested. Gene Bednarchik the Funding & Finance of Health Benefits in
Trustee Craig White seconded. There was no discussion or Las Vegas. He stated that the next conference
Trustee Jim Duffy objections. will be the Washington Legislative Update
Trustee Gene Bednarchik and indicated that so far, John Jacobsen and
Trustee Steve Berkery Motion carried to approve reinstatement as Joe Vigil have requested to attend.
Trustee John Jacobsen requested.
Trustee Tim Freeman 3) Bob Steinbacher referred to the Hook &
Trustee Mike Sailhamer Ladder Enduro and asked who is planning 1) Todd Layfer informed that the first Hope
Trustee Steve Domanski - Pension to attend. for Firefighters kick-off meeting will be on
Trustee Doak Smith – Pension March 14th. He reported that Ralphs has
Todd Layfer - Executive Director 4) Bob Steinbacher referred to the Pechanga once again stepped up to sponsor the event
Liberty Unciano – Controller-Treasurer Reunion and asked those interested in with $25K.
attending to let Irma know so that she can
MEMBERS ABSENT: reserve a hotel room. 2) Todd Layfer referred to the HIPAA
Trustee Gayle Sonoda training and indicated that the LAFRA staff
Trustee Tim Larson – Pension 5) Bob Steinbacher informed that the L.A. and retired Trustees will attend on March
Trustee Richard Moody Fire & Police Pension offsite meeting will 8th.
Trustee Danny Wu be held on April 5th.
Trustee Tyler Tomich 3) Todd Layfer informed that on February
Trustee Rick Godinez INVESTMENT COMMITTEE REPORT 28th, we had a 401K educational meeting
for staff with our financial advisor and
GUESTS: John Jacobsen reported on the annual Mass Mutual. He reported that LAFRA’s
Lee Kebler, LARFPA investment meeting held at Beacon Pointe. plan fees compared very favorably to the
Bob Olsen, LARFPA He indicated that they discussed the comparative benchmark in terms of what we
Tom Stires, Retired overview of LAFRA’s investments and pay for services when comparing to other
manager performance. He indicated that companies with similar asset values.
INVOCATION & Flag Salute they met with Engaged Capital.
4) Todd Layfer referred to the new phone
Frank Aguirre led the invocation. Jim Duffy Garth Flint presented the 2017 investment system and indicated that it will be installed
led the flag salute. performance on the LAFRA portfolio. He the weekend of April 6th.
reported that Growth and International
RATIFICATION OF MINUTES Growth has outperformed Value for some 5) Todd Layfer informed that LAFRA will
time now. He indicated that the Bond have two Medicare informational seminars;
Bob Steinbacher entertained a motion market is down on the year to date, due March 20th and March 22nd. He indicated
to ratify and approve the Board meeting to increasing rates, although he felt that that they will discuss how Medicare works
minutes of February 7, 2018. David Peters they wouldn’t increase substantially. He alongside the LAFRA Medical Plan and the
so moved. Craig White seconded. There was reviewed the overall market and money Kaiser Senior Advantage Plan.
no discussion or objections. manager performance.
Motion carried to approve minutes Board VICE PRESIDENT REPORT REPORT
meeting minutes of February 7, 2018.
1) Jeff Cawdrey referred to the Bylaw Frank Aguirre presented the following
review meeting and indicated that they motions.
54 • May 2018
The committee recommends and I so move The committee recommends and I so move The committee recommends and I so move
to pay the usual and customary bills in to pay: to advance funds for both active and retired
the amount of $872,827.16. There was no members. There was no discussion or
discussion or objections. The Sick & Injury benefits in the amount of objections.
Motion carried to pay the usual and The Estate Planning benefit in the amount Motion carried to advance funds for both
customary bills in the amount of of $5,400 active and retired members.
$872,827.16. The Life & Accident Death Benefit in the
The committee recommends and I so move The Relief Death Benefits in the amount of REPORT
to pay up to $750 for a foursome of golf and $65,000
tee sign for the LAFD Sertoma Charity Golf Doak Smith indicated that there are six
Tournament. There was no discussion or There was no discussion or objections. applicants for Scholarship. He indicated that
objections. the deadline for applications is March 31st.
Motion carried to pay the above Relief He stated that the exam date will be on April
Motion carried to pay up to $750 for a benefits. 14th.
foursome of golf and tee sign for the LAFD
Sertoma Charity Golf Tournament. Mike Sailhamer read the names of members EXECUTIVE SESSION
who recently passed and asked for a moment
MEDICAL COMMITTEE REPORT of silence from the Board. The Board entered into Executive Session at
11:59 a.m.
Frank Aguirre presented the following MEMORIALS The Board adjourned from Executive
motion. Ernest T. Spearman Session at 12:30 p.m.
Douglas F. Cully
The committee recommends and I so move Jack R. Brodie Action was taken on a vendor matter during
to accept the applications to the Medical Henry I. Bent executive session.
Plan. There was no discussion and no Carl C. Wilson
objections. Edwin R. Crooker SETTING OF DATES
Bernard E. Nipp
Motion carried to accept all applications to Lawrence C. Shuler 1) Hook & Ladder Enduro – March 17th
the Medical Plan. Robert J. Laret 2) L.A. Marathon – March 18th
Gene F. Taylor 3) Lane Kemper Softball Tournament –
The committee recommends and I so move Tomas L. Rix, Jr. May 2nd
to reduce the medical premium rates by Leroy M. Lilly 4) Pechanga Reunion – May 21st – 25th
5% for active members and 2% for retired Seferino Godinez 5) Hope for Firefighters – June 7th
members effective July 1, 2018. There was

Motion carried to reduce the medical Mike Sailhamer presented the following 1) Chuck Butler – March 8th B @
premium rates by 5% for active members motions. Brookside Golf Club (White)
and 2% for retired members effective July 2) Dean Ulrich – March 21st A @
1, 2018. The committee recommends and I so move Fire Station 80 (Vigil)
to accept the donations in the amount of 3) Tony Senior – March 24th B @
Todd Layfer informed that there will be no $2,725.95 to the Widows, Orphans & Holiday Inn Torrance Getaway (Freeman)
plan design changes, however we are adding Disabled Firemen’s Fund. There was no 4) Brian Baltad – March 25th C @
a new wellness benefit with the Healthy discussion or objections. Fire Station 69 (Doak)
Lifestyles program. He indicated that this 5) Mike Schaefer – April 5th C @
will include gym membership as well as Motion carried to accept the donations in Caesar Banquet Hall (Berkery)
coaching for smoking cessation and healthy the amount of $2,725.95 to the Widows, 6) Glenn Ames – April 20th B @
nutrition options. He stated that this will Orphans & Disabled Firemen’s Fund. Sagebrush Cantina
be offered only to LAFRA Medical Plan
members. The committee recommends and I so ADJOURNMENT
move to approve the financial assistance
The committee recommends and I so move applications for surviving spouses, active Bob Steinbacher entertained a motion to
to enter into contract with Healthy Lifestyles. and retired members. There was no adjourn. Frank Aguirre so moved. Craig
There was no discussion or objections. discussion or objections. White seconded. There was no discussion
and no objections.
Motion carried to enter into contract with Motion carried to approve the financial
Healthy Lifestyles. assistance applications for surviving Motion carried to adjourn. The Board of
spouses, active and retired members. Trustees meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m.
ADVANCEMENT COMMITTEE Bob Steinbacher, President
Mike Sailhamer presented the following REPORT

May 2018 • 55
Donations to Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemen’s Fund - March 2018



MARK B. STAFFORD of Lawrence J. Roberts
DANIEL LEON in memory of of Brielle M. Ventura KONGRIT TIENGERD



memory of Mike Brumbaugh










memory of Dennis L. Mendenhall

56 • May 2018
ity or downsizes. Our profession- SOUTHBAY EXPOSURE
al staff can handle every aspect PHOTOGRAPHY. Professional
of estate liquidation. We have photography services for all
worked with many fire families wedding, family, student, life-
and are here to help. Rebecca style, sports or events Serving
Martin, (818) 216-3637 Southern Calif and destinations
For advertising information, please contact: beyond. Member of Pro Photog-
Eric Santiago - (323) 259-5231 - raphers of Calif. Aerial photo and
FRANCHISORS WANT TO video also available. FAA certi-
ERS. Have you considered own- (800) 448-0788. Tony Senior
LANDSCAPE. Tree trimming ing a franchise? Most brands LAFD retired
FOR SALE offer 1st Responder and Veteran
and removal, stumpgrinding, and
firewood sales. Mixed firewood, discounts. Let me help you sort WINDOWS & PATIO DOORS
2007 CLASS B. SELLING ONLY through the options for free! The - vinyl replacement windows
eucalyptus and oak. Delivery
BECAUSE Rodney Hillerts franchisor pays me. I’m the son & Patio doors. I also carry
available or pick up. Licensed
passed away. Only owned for 6 and grandson of LAFD, Army aluminum, wood and entry door
and insured. Dwayne Kastor, FS
months. Many upgrades com- veteran and multi-unit franchi- systems. Rick Brandelli, Capt.
63-B - (818) 535-6368.
pleted to get ready for big trip. see. andy@thefranchisecon LACoFD, FS 8-C (800) 667-
NEW tires, shocks,cooler hoses,
all fluids and filters. Rearbrake
AIR - Free estimates, residen-
pads,bearings,springs, engine GARAGE DOOR INSTALLA-
mounts. All mechanical records
tial, commercial. Great rates for
LAFD and LAPD. Toll free (877)
available. Propane generator doors and openers. Need to
891-1414, (661) 298-3070, FAX
approx 3 yrs old. Transferable replace your broken springs?
(661) 298-3069. State License
Good Sam extended warranty . or does your door need repair, GORGEOUS LAKE HOME 3
No. 527114
Loan is transferable with good even replaced? We do it all from BD/3BA 1880 sq ft 2 car plus
credit thru Firefighters First new product to repairing old. 54 foot rv garage, lights to more
Credit Union. Call me for Fire Call (661) 860-4563 Grassroots parking. Model perfect call me at
MANAGEMENT: Introducing
fighters discount . Anna Nilssen Garage Doors, Inc. Lic# 950020. 310-890-1562 or email at:
My Deferred Compensation
949-285-9905. Son of 35 year veteran fireman.
Manager® AL HEWITT, INC., a
Link for photos: https://m. I can set you up on our MLS to
FEE-ONLY Financial Planning IT’S TAX TIME AGAIN! Special- look at all Havasu properties.
and Investment Management
Way-Sprinter-83-000-Miles- izing in Firefighter and Para- Georgeann Hoover AZ Broker
Firm, offers Comprehensive
Full-size-Cargo-Van-Diesel- medic Returns, Electronic Filing
Deferred Compensation Man-
5-Cylinder-E/192461861150?_ available, year round bookkeep- UNIQUE 20 ACRE PROPERTY
agement using Elite Institutional
mwBanner=1&ul_ ing and accounting, business suited for private estate between
Money Managers. Personalized
ref=https%3A%2F%2Frover. and partnership returns, payroll. Los Angeles and San Diego on
portfolio selection and ongoing All computerized processing with the Reagan Ranch properties.
management of your deferred
2F0%2F0%3Fmpre%3Dhttp over 30 years experience. Call Twenty minutes from Temecula
compensation assets. Invest-
s%253A%252F%252Fwww. early for an appointment around Wine Country, you will find pri-
ment Management of other your schedule. Robert Sanchez vacy and beauty. Located in
retirement and non-retirement
m%252F192461861150%26r LAFD-OCD retired (818) 367- Tenaja Valley, enjoy miles of hik-
assets is also available. We
vr_id%3D0&ul_noapp=true 7017, cell (818) 216-1040. ing and equestrian trails, groves
charge a fixed flat advisory
fee to manage your deferred of oak trees and seasonal
SEE-DOO BOAT 2007 CALI+HI PHOTOGRAPHY running streams. On a water
compensation plan. We do NOT
Speedster with twin Rotax 1503 Weddings, Family, Maternity, table, so well-ready. Excellent
charge a percentage of assets
4-tec-4-stroke engines. Great Newborns Lifestyle + Portrait retirement property with multiple
under management. (800) 573-
condition used in fresh water Photography options.Contact LAFD Engineer
only, Blue and White paint with CALIHIPHOTOGRAPHY.COM Chad Logan (562)537-9644
wake tower and Karavan trailer. Contact:
Great family Boat. $16,500 OBO
Call (310) 480-7939.
Follow on Instagram:
We are a professional planning
@ calihi_photography
organization that specializes in
SERVICES “tax-free” and secure retirement LAFD FIRE FAMILY BASS LAKE - Lake view 2 story
plan strategies which allow the cabin. 3 bedroom, sleeps 7 , 21/2
public to benefit from competent RED IRRITATED SKIN? Aging bath,forced air, big screen cable
lines, sun spots, acne or loss of T.V. / WIFI, red wood deck , gas
BUY, SELL, INVEST IN A and ethical financial planning.
BBQ, fully furnished except linens,
HOME?  Call me, Diana Fuen- We have offices in Palos Verdes firmness? Rodan and Fields skin
walk to marina/pines village.
tes, Realtor® and wife to Fire and Simi Valley, California. Call products are clinically proven to No smoking or pets. $200/night
Captain 56A at 661.373.6569, Todd Ford (424) 772-6050 or fax change your skin. Start using +$100 cleaning. 4 night minimum, (424) 242-0002 or email: products that make a difference. Larry Harris LAFD retired (805) Go to: https:/annatsanchez. 509-5739 I also
specialize in Probate Sales.  A - Love the prod-
FIRE FAMILY ESTATE SALES ucts? Start selling them online BIG BEAR - Beautiful decked
generous donation, at close of
– Call us when a loved one and become an independent two story cabin. 2 bedroom, 1
escrow to Adopt-A-Station.
passes, moves to a nursing facil- consultant. Call Annet (626) 818- bath. Sleeps six. Pets OK. Near
Cal-BRE License 01794244.
1846 for more information. lake, slopes, shopping. Fire-

May 2018 • 57
place/wood, cable/WiFi. Fully $100/night plus cleaning fee. with boat mooring. Swim, ski MAMMOTH CONDO Cozy 2
furnished except linens. Winter Email for pictures. Jeff Easton or fish from front yard. 4 bed/2 bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully fur-
$110/$650. Summer $100/$550. LAFD retired (805) 217-5602. bath, fully furnished. DirectTV/ nished, WIFI, 3 TV’s, pool, spa,
2 night minimum. DVD/WiFi, pool table, laundry, walk to shuttle, Old Mammoth BBQ. Gated community with ca- area. Winter $115, Summer
Call Donna/Beep (760)723- LAKE HAVASU BEAUTY FOR sino, groceries, marina, launch $90, plus cleaning fee $139 and
1475. RENT - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 ramp and off-road trails. No 14% city tax. Includes linens.
sq.ft. Fully furnished with all pets, no smoking. $350 Bowen/ No pets, no smoking. Call (310)
BIG BEAR CABIN. 2 bedroom, amenities- Laundry & BBQ. Garner email: 540-4648.
2 bath, 2 story. Sleeps 6-8. About 13,000 sq.ft. lot. 3 car boat-deep
6 miles from ski slopes & lake. garage. 3 miles from launch MAMMOTH CONDO NEXT TO
Fireplace/wood, cable, full kitch- ramp. Close to downtown shops LAKE MOHAVE / BULLHEAD THE GONDOLA VILLAGE –
en - furnished. $100 per night M - & restaurants. View of the lake. CITY. 4 bedroom, 3 full bath- Fully furnished, three bedroom,
Th. $110 per night F-Sun. Weekly Quiet street in good neighbor- room, 2200 sq/ft Located in two bath with towels and linens,
available. Sheri (909) 851-1094 hood. No pets. No smoking. private community w/ private internet cable TV, pool and
or (760) 948-2844. Snowbird rates. Call Mike (661) marina and launch ramp. Direct- Jacuzzi. Walk to the gondola,
510-6246 ly across from the river, backs shops, restaurants and ski in on
BIG BEAR LAKE’S FINEST- to large park with grass. Fully the new comeback trail. Park-
Deluxe lakeside townhouse, 2 LAKE HAVASU LANDING- equipped kitchen, BBQ, Washer/ ing at the front door. 2018/19
bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 cable TVs, WATERFRONT, steps to the Dryer, TV/DVD. No cable. No RATES: Winter: $275/night.
HBO, DVD, WiFi, 2 wood burning water. Boat mooring out front, pets, No Smoking. Call Kevin Summer $175/night. Holidays
fireplaces, laundry room, tennis off-road desert behind house. (805) 279-2430 $325/night. Cleaning is included.
court, indoor pool, sauna, spa, 3 bed/3 bath, fully furnished w/ Mike Whitehouse, Retired,
boat dock. Fully equipped, includ- linens. Direct TV/DVR, BBQ, LAKE NACIMIENTO. Oak email: or
ing all linens. Sleeps 6. 310-541- Casino, Grocery/Meat Market, Shores gated community. 3 bed- Bruce Galien, Retired, 661-645-
8311 or Launch Ramp, Marina with Boat room, 2 1/2 bath, large loft. 3min- 7448, email:
House, Gated Community. No ute drive to main marina in Oak
CATALINA BEACH COTTAGE pets/smoking. $350 Dan Cook Shores. Large flat driveway. Fully MAMMOTH CONDO AT MAM-
- 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, one block (310) 418-1577. equipped kitchen, BBQ, washer/ MOTH ESTATES, 4BR/3BA,
to beach, view, fully equipped dryer, TV/DVD. No cable. No sleeps 10, fully furnished, 2
housekeeping unit. Marci (818) LAKE HAVASU HOME FOR pets/smoking. $225/night. $150 TVs, DVDs, WiFi, towels/linens,
347-6783 or Clarence (310) 510- RENT- 3 BED/2 BATH, Fur- cleaning fee. 3 night minimum. fireplace. Full kitchen. Walk to
2721. nished Modern Home, Sleeps 9. Call Ben (805) 444-2264. Gondola Village and shuttle.
2 Car Garage, Covered Boat Complex has pool, spa, sauna,
CATALINA CONDO - HAM- Parking . Laundry, BBQ, TVs, MAMMOTH - 1 bedroom Sum- laundry. Winter $335/night, Sum-
ILTON COVE. Ocean front, 1 Cable. Quiet Cul-De-Sac Street. mit condo, sleeps 6. Convenient mer $215/night, plus cleaning.
bed, 1 1/2 bath, sleeps 4. Steps 3 miles to London Bridge, underground garage parking. Ja- Includes city bed tax. No pets,
to beach, pool, gym, putting located near Golf Course. Lake cuzzis, gym (pool/tennis in sum- no smoking. Dory Jones (310)
course, tennis and more. Newly View. No pets, No Smoking. mertime), shuttle right outside! 918-0631 or Kelly Corcoran
refurbished, fully equipped. Summer/Winter/Snowbird/ Across from Eagle Lodge, Win- (310) 619-5355
Includes golf cart, WiFi. Contact Holiday Rates. Cleaning Fee in- ter $110 per night, Summer $80
Bart @ (310) 510-0190. Ham- cluded. Call John (323)449-4473 per night plus $65 cleaning fee MAMMOTH CONDO. 2 bed- Ask for “LAFD and 13% tax. All linens included. room & large loft, 3 full baths,
8-89” discount. Owner active LAKE HAVASU LANDING Drew or Nancy Oliphant (661) sleeps 8. 5 minute walk to Can-
LAFD. RESORT. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 513-2000 or mammoth241@ yon Lodge. Fully furnished, TVs,
waterfront house, boat, moor- VCR/DVD, pool, spa, rec room,
COEUR D’ALENE IDAHO ing out front, fully furnished, sauna, linens included. Winter
Lakeside Resort Town. 1909 laundry, gas BBQ, launch ramp, MAMMOTH CONDO - 2 bdrm, $175 weekdays, $195-week-
Vintage Vacation Home walking gated community, grocery 2 bath, 2 TV’s, phone, garage, ends/holidays; summer $125,
distance to lake and downtown store, hardware store. No pets, pool, jacuzzi, fully furnished - ex- plus cleaning. No smoking; no
entertainment. Sleeps 12 with no smoking. Email Kathy at ept linens. Near shuttle/chair 15. pets. Craig Yoder (909) 948-
5 Bed-2 Ba, 3000 sq ft Fully or call Winter $125/night. Weekends 3659.
Furnished including Hot Tub. (760) 858-4470 and Holidays $110 midweek.
Winter, Summer, Spring or Fall Summer $95/night. $495/week. MAMMOTH LAKES - One
easily accessible from Spokane LARGE LAKE HAVASU HOME No smoking. No pets. Jim John- bedroom, extremely charming
Airport. FOR RENT – 5 bedroom, 3 son (818) 992-7564, FS 80C. wildflower condo. Full amenities,
php?UnitID=11928 bath, 2900 sqft home with ame- close to shuttle. Antiques, art, nities & pool that easily sleeps MAMMOTH CONDO- SEA- satellite TV, fireplace. Sleeps 4.
php?UnitID=11928 14+ people. Centrally located, SONS FOUR RESORT. Winter $110, Summer $85 plus
LAFD Family Owned 1 mile from the lake, close to Charming and cozy furnished cleaning fees. Call Bill Clark
downtown shops and restau- 1 Bedroom sleeps 5. Updated (818) 371-6722
JUNE LAKE CABIN - 2BR/2BA rants. Check out home at unit with amenities including Email:
cabin with Carson Peak wifi, sauna, jacuzzi, phone,
view. Close to fishing & ski- Call Julie 818-268-7906 for spe- rec room, 2 flat screens , DVD MAMMOTH SKI & RACQUET:
ing. Furnished, wood deck, cial firefighter family rates. players. W/D on site. Shuttle Studio/loft, 2 bath, king bed,
equipped kitchen, wood burning stop. Walking distance to village. sleeps 4. Full kitchen, TV, VCR,
stove, tree swing, cable /DVD/ LAKE HAVASU LANDING RE- $120/night + $80 Cleaning fee DVD. Garage parking. Walk to
phone. Garage/ample parking. SORT BEACHFRONT HOME Bobby@310-350-5552. Canyon Lodge. Ski back trail. 2
58 • May 2018
night minimum. Winter $100/nite, free WiFi (internet), complimen- SOUTH LAKE TAHOE Ro- Visit us at
$125 Fri, Sat & Holidays. Sum- tary maid service, complimen- mantic Chalet Family getaway. or call 661-297-2398 as for Jeff.
mer $60/nite. Plus $120 cleaning tary coffee every morning and 3 bed/2 bath plus loft. Sleeps Make money with your mo-
& linens. Jeff & Lisa Moir (661) breakfast on Fridays. Special 8–10. Cable TV, washer/dryer, torhomes to offset your payment.
254-5788. firefighters’ discount - Best value microwave, woodburning stove. We sub-lease RV’s.
in West Maui! Nice pool & BBQ 7 minutes to casinos and Heav-
MAMMOTH SKI & RACQUET: area - Close to beach! enly. Located in Tahoe Paradise. WANTED
Walk to Canyon Lodge. Studio (800) 336-2185 $115 per night plus cleaning.
loft sleeps 4. Queen beds, full Call Shawn or Rose Agnew at ATTENTION FIREFIGHERS-
kitchen, 2 baths, garage parking, Don Sprenger - retired LAFD (661) 250-9907 or (661) 476- The Peninsula Group is a manu-
TV, VCR, DVD. Winter Sun- (949) 929-0989 6288. facturer’s rep agency operating
Thurs $100.nite; Fri & Sat $115/ as the sales and service arm for
nite plus cleaning fee $100. Non PALM DESERT - Gated mini SUNSET RANCH ­PALM DES- National Gypsum Co. at Lowe’s
smoking complex. Joel Parker, estate on half acre. Multi-family ERT. 163 acre ranch private ski and Home Depot stores. We
LAFD retired. friendly. Spacious 4 bedrooms lake. Perfect for Family vaca- employ close to 30 firefighters in
email: with game room. Come relax tions. Ranch house accommo- nearly every major market and
or (213) 399-6534. and enjoy the large pool with dates large groups. Amenities: are currently looking for person-
jacuzzi and built-in BBQ. Game pool, AC, billards, TV, fishing, pet nel in California. The position
MAUI BEACH FRONT CONDO room has a pool table, ping pong friendly. Nearby golf, casinos, requires approximately 4-5
ON NAPILI BAY - 50’ from table, pinball machine and bar. ATV riding. Also, Premier lodging days of work per month, and is
water. Studios and 1 bedroom. Patio areas with seating for all. for Coachella music festivals. ideal for a firefighter. The option
Luxury furnishings + full kitchen. Walk to “El Paseo” dining and *Seasonal duck hunting club. exists to work any weekday as
All the amenities! Maui’s best stores. Pet friendly. No smoking. See website for rates and info: there is no fixed schedule. No
snorkeling/beach. All island Email: lilinoecastro@yahoo. physical work is required. The
activities & Kapalua within 4 min- com or text (562) 895-8263. or call Nick Davidson right candidate should be an
utes. 5-day minimum, from $150 (424) 237-4121 articulate, self motivated worker
per night (regularly $310/night). PALM SPRINGS- 3Bdr/3Ba with a high standard of integrity.
Call Sherrie or Bill for info/reser- Pool home with great back yard
vations (805) 530-0007 or email: to BBQ. Fully furnished w/WiFi,
VACATION We offer a competitive hourly or visit: Big screen Cable TV and Pool

VEHICLES wage and mileage reimburse-
ment. If you are interested, or Table. Pets Ok on gated proper- know someone who might be
ty. Close to Palm Springs Aerial interested in this position, please
Several Class C’s & Class A’s for
MAUI’S MOST BEAUTIFUL Tramway,Casino and Down contact Joe Heath at:
rent. Serving family and friends
BEACH - Napili Bay. Beautiful Town. Call property manager for
for over 15 years. LAFD, LASD,
furnished condo that sleeps 4. DESERT SUNSHINE house and
Lanai/balcony, full kitchen, king ask for seasonal pricing.
bed, flat screen TV’s/DVD, AC’s (800) 215-9880

Deal direct with authorized Factory Dealers

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May 2018 • 59
u e C o m p any 23. W
esc . Weber,
, 1938. R . Beal, B.H
August 21 m, R .C
.A. G ri m Ferguson
Thomas, W rg a n d C a ptain P.H.
R.C. Von Ra


When Chie Ph
f Enginee
married A r Ralph Fa
ddie Haas J.
moved into in 1919, th Scott
Fir e cou
the third fl e Station 23 and con ple
oor into a ve
lived at Fir suite. The rted
eS Sc
they built a tation 23 until 1927 otts
Fire Station 23 home in th , when
e Los Feliz

Engine Company 23 and Truck

Company 5 (Circa 1925)

60 • May 2018
We have devoted ourselves Workers’ Compensation
and our staff to providing Employment Litigation
the highest level of personal Personal Injury
services to our clients Disability Retirements

Please contact our firm for Located in the Van Nuys

a free consultation Historic Library Building
Phone (818) 788 1700 14555 Sylvan Street
Fax (818) 788 1705 Van Nuys, California 91411

Making a false or fraudulent workers’ compensation claim is a felony subject to up to five years in prison or a fine up to
$50,000 or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or both imprisonment and fine
May 2018 • 61
Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association
7470 N Figueroa Street
Los Angeles CA 90041-1725

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