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Ideas generating.

Ideas 1

My first idea is to convert a Japanese song called “Kokoro” into a short tv series, this would be a
20 episode series that would be shown either on ITV or Netflix due to the comedic side i want to
put into the series and yet the more serious moments that would be added into. These episodes
would be around 20 minutes long to contribute for adverts being a part of the show and then the
show isn't too long that the viewer were bored. This show would slowly progress through the
english translation of the lyrics every episode. The first 15-6 episodes of the show would
recreate the happy and cheerful nature of the beginnings of the song but would take a turn
mirroring the song.

Idea 2

Converting a childrens/young teens book called “warrior cats” into a tribal styled movie, this
would take the characters and change them into humans and take the most intense parts of one
book and putting it into a tribal styled adventure and action film. This would be a 120 minute film
that would be rated as 12A due to the more mature themes that would take part throughout the
film. This would feature an adult-teen cast as the cats within the books have a vaired age rang
so I’d want to mirror that too.

Idea 3

Converting a song called “childish war” into a film , This would be a crime and drama genre. The
film would follow the underlying story of the song but would however have a more serious tone
rather then the playful tone the song takes on. This would follow both the brother and sister as
the lyrics are interpreted with a darker tone to them rather the childish tones of the song that it
was traditionally composed with.

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