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 Came from 2 Greek terms Philos which means “Love” and Sophia which means “wisdom”
 It is the capacity of man to think deeper based on his observation, assessment and assertion of
the world itself.

Aristotle is one of the foremost Greek Philosophers of our ancient times that discussed the capacity of
man to think thus making a judgment that “Man is a political animal”.
 It is political in a manner that showcases the ability of man to rationalize, to think, to
comprehend and to speak his mind in a manner that consolidates himself as a medium similar
to a pitch pipe that reverberates sounds of distinct or sometimes splintered ideas.

Two Branches of Philosophy

1. Speculative/ Theoretical Philosophy- is the branch of Philosophy that teaches the different
principles of philosophical views through the assessment of ideas and observation through
sound thinking.

o Theodicy- is a philosophical field which aims to study the nature, being, goodness and
justice of God, God-man relations and other doctrines related to divinity. It is a form of
study that concentrates mostly on the identification of divine intervention as well as
understanding of how religion, deities and the sanctity of ecclesiastical orders co-exists
with the society of man. It means Teo for “God” and dike for “justice” or “right”

o Psychology – Greek term for “psyche”, this means “soul, mind and spirit”. It aims to
study the behavior of man as well as the manner wherein tends to think, analyze and
deal with problems brought about by rationalization, problem solving, meandering and
innate contemplation of the sound mind

o Metaphysics- it is a form of philosophical idea that concentrates on the analysis of

man’s unending question about life itself as well as the continuous growth and harmony
of the real, imaginative and erstwhile environment where man exists. It also investigates
the fundamental nature of reality, being and existence.

o Epistemology- it is the study of origins, presuppositions, nature, extent and veracity of

knowledge. It aims to introduce the advent of knowledge through the utilitarianistic view
of life, environment and the identification of man’s capacity to administer the ideas of
mind through sound learning and observance. Greek for “episteme” means knowledge.

o Cosmology- Greek term “Kosmos” means world or universe and “Logos” to study of.
The identification of time, space, and beyond as part of the focal points of man’s
inhibition through the observance of his activities, relations, and other means of
addressing himself, the world he is a part of and beyond.

o Ontology-it studies the essential characteristics of particular existing things, of the

ultimate being (GOD), of existence, the status, order, and structure of reality through the
capacity of man to determine the ideas that envelopes his mind based on the
intervention of the environment

2. Practical Philosophy- wherein the student of Philosophy introduces on how philosophical

views are put into proper application based on the essential notion that Man is a rational animal,
thus he must have the ability to make use of everything that surrounds him as well as utilize
them for the furtherance of his growth and development.

o Semantics-studies the meaning of words and linguistic forms, their functions as

symbols, and the part they play in relation to other words, to human thoughts and
behavior. The ability of man to convey ideas through oral communication and verbal
discourses are considered as among the vital parts of Practical Philosophy. The word
semantics came from Greed words semantikos (significant), semainein ( to signify) and
sema ( a sign, mark, a token of identity)

o Aesthetics- based from Greek word “aisthetikos” which means “one who is perceptive
of things through his sensations, feelings, and intuitions”. Through artistic expression
and appreciation of the arts man learns to value beauty in all aspects.
o Axiology- comes from the Greek word “axios” which means worthy. It is a philosophical
field which analyzes the meaning, characteristics, origin, types, criteria and knowledge of
values. Through this philosophical view man learns to value the goodness of thing,
person or place based on its worth or how it gives personal satisfaction or self-
gratification .

o Logic – it is sometimes considered as an art but most of the times it is called as science
of either correct or critical thinking, man’s innate capacity to challenge himself and
discover new forms of innovation to make his life different from the other creations of
God. It is also considered as the study of the nature and problems of clear and accurate
thinking and systematic or orderly argument.

o Ethics- comes from the Greek word “ethos’ which means “customs, character, manners
or disposition”. The ideas are based on principles of righteous living through the
interpretations of man’s social norms based on culture, traditions as well as moralistic
views incorporated with moralistic ascendancies to be followed.
Three Basic functions of Language
1. Informative – most common function of language wherein we inform about things we know and
ask about things we do not know yet.
Ex. Textbooks & all other books in History, Literature & Philosophy provide us with detailed
information about different ideas & principles we have to reflect on & think about.
In Logic, this function works in propositions and arguments where something is either denied or
affirmed. Thus, in turn, is either true or false, correct or incorrect.
2. Expressive – best illustrated in poetry where emotions and attitudes are expressed beautifully
Common exclamations like “Oh no!” “Right”, “Look out” and others are expressions of different
moods and are mere expressions of feelings and emotions. This language, however, does not
affirm nor deny. It is used either to express the speaker’s feelings or evoke certain feelings on
the part of the author or both.
3. Directive- most easily seen in commands or requests, that which lets go or prevents an action
to be done.
Ex. Kindly arrange all the requirements before leaving.
Do not mess with me now..
One can say that this is either true or false. Whether the command or request is obeyed or not
is irrelevant to its truth-value, which is non- existent in the first place.


Concept- is a representation of an object by the intellect through which man comprehends a thing. It is
also considered a mental image of an object or an idea about something. Ideas are formed by simple
apprehension which may be in the form of the following operations.

 Attention – is the mental act by which the mind fixes its consideration upon one particular
object after having sensed it.

Ex. A driver stops his car when he sees that the red light is on.

 Abstraction – it is a mental act by which the mind studies the physical characteristic or the
individualizing notes of the particular object with regard to its color, size, style, material, then
goes on to think of the purpose of the object. The mind abstract from the individualizing notes.

Ex. When one goes to the mall to buy a pair of shoes or dress, the process of
abstraction is used.

 Reflection/ Reflex mental Activity – it is a mental act of becoming aware of itself, of its act or
of its state so as to look at these things objectively. Likewise, it is a mental act of comparing the
likeness and differences between objects belonging to different essences or classes.

Ex. Leg of a woman and leg of table

 Comparison- it is a mental act by which the mind notices the likeness and differences in the
objects having the same essence or belonging to the same class

Ex. Pedro and Puppie

 Analysis- it is a mental act by which the mind gives direct attention to the essentials or the
basic similarities of an idea.

Ex. Man is a living organism who is sentient and rational.

 Synthesis- it is an act by which the mind puts together two or more ideas to form a single idea.

Ex. Blue water.

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