Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total

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Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total

UCEC Artificial 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03
601 Intelligence

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
Continuous Assessment (CA) End Work
Test 1 Test 2 IA Sem.
UCEC 601 Artificial 15 15 10 60 -- -- - 100

Course After successful completion of the course students should be able to

CO1 Conceptualize the basic & advanced ideas and techniques to develop intelligent
CO2 Solve various problems through searching & planning
CO3 Represent the knowledge and reason through inference
CO4 Deal with uncertain and incomplete information

Module Unit
Details of Topic Hrs.
No. No.

1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 4

1.1 Introduction, History of Artificial Intelligence
1.2 Intelligent Systems: Categorization of Intelligent System,
1.3 Components of AI Program, Foundations of AI, Sub-areas of AI,
2 Intelligent Agents 8
2.1 Agents and Environments
2.2 The concept of rationality
2.3 The nature of environment
2.4 The structure of Agents

2.5 Types of Agent architectures, Learning Agent.

32 K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77 (Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)TY COMP Semester V and VI (KJSCE2014 CBGS)
3 Problem solving 8

3.1 Solving problem by Searching : Problem Solving Agent, Formulating

Problems, Example Problems

3.2 Uninformed Search Methods: Breadth First Search (BFS), Depth First Search
(DFS) , Depth Limited Search, Iterative Deepening(IDS),
3.3 Informed Search Methods: Greedy best first Search ,A* Search

3.4 Local Search Algorithms: Hill climbing search, Genetic algorithms

4 Knowledge and Reasoning 9

Knowledge based Agents, The Wumpus World, The
Propositional logic, First Order Logic: Syntax and Semantic,
Inference in FOL, Forward chaining, backward Chaining.

4.2 Knowledge Engineering in First-Order Logic, Unification, Resolution,

Introduction to logic programming (PROLOG).

4.3 Uncertainty, Representing knowledge in an uncertain domain, The

semantics of belief network
5 Planning, Learning and Application of AI 10

5.1 The planning problem, Planning with state space search, Partial order
planning, total order planning

5.2 Learning: Forms of Learning, Inductive Learning, Learning Decision Tree.

5.3 Natural Language Processing(NLP), Expert Systems.

Total 39

Recommended Books:
1. Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach “Second
Edition" Pearson Education.
2. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight "Artificial Intelligence "Third Edition
3. George F Luger “Artificial Intelligence” Low Price Edition , Pearson Education., Fourth
4. Davis E.Goldberg, "Genetic Algorithms: Search, Optimization and Machine
Learning", Addison Wesley, N.Y., 1989.
5. Ivan Bratko "PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligence", Pearson
Education, Third Edition.

33 K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77 (Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)TY COMP Semester V and VI (KJSCE2014 CBGS)

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