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EASEMENTS OR SERVITUDES 1. According to party given the benefit

a. Real easement—for the benefit of another immovable belonging to a
EASEMENTS IN GENERAL different owner
b. Personal easement—for the benefit of one or more persons or of a
EASEMENT DEFINED 2. According to the manner they are exercised
a. Continuous easements
 Encumbrance imposed upon an immovable for the benefit of a b. Discontinuous easements
community or one or more persons or for the benefit of another 3. According to whether or not their existence is indicated
immovable belonging to a different owner a. Apparent easement
b. Non-apparent easement
4. According to the purpose of the easement or the nature of the limitation
Art. 613. An easement or servitude is an encumbrance imposed b. Negative easement
upon an immovable for the benefit of another immovable belonging Art. 617. Easements are inseparable from the estate to which they
to a different owner. actively or passively belong. (534)
The immovable in favor of which the easement is established is
called the dominant estate; that which is subject thereto, the INSEPARABILITY OF EASEMENTS
servient estate. (530)
 Independently of the immovable to which they are attached, easements
don’t exist

 An easement or servitude is an encumbrance imposed upon an CONSEQUENCES OF INSEPARABILITY

immovable for the benefit of another immovable belonging to a different
owner. 1. Easements cannot be sold or donated or mortgaged independently of
the real property to which they may be attached
Art. 614. Servitudes may also be established for the benefit of a 2. Registration of the dominant estate under Torrens system without the
community, or of one or more persons to whom the encumbered registration of the voluntary easements in its favor doesn’t extinguish the
estate does not belong. (531) easements but the registration of the servient estate without the
registration of the easements burdening it extinguishes the voluntary
a. Note—actual knowledge of third persons is equivalent to registration in
1. A real right—action in rem is possible against the possessor of the that if they have actual knowledge of the
servient estate existence of the easement, they are bound by the same, even though no
2. Imposable only on another’s property registration has been made
3. It is a jus in re aliena—real right that may be alienated although the
naked ownership is maintained PROVISION OF THE LAND REGISTRATION LAW
4. It is a limitation or encumbrance on the servient estate for another’s
benefit  Easements shall continue to subsist and shall be held to pass with the
a. It is essential that there be benefit title of ownership until rescinded or extinguished by virtue of the
b. It is not essential that the benefit be exercised registration of the servient estate or in any other manner Art. 618.
c. It is not essential for the benefit to be very great Easements are indivisible. If the servient estate is divided between two or
d. The benefit shouldn’t be so great as to completely absorb or impair more persons, the easement is not modified, and each of them must bear
the usefulness of the servient estate, for then, this would not be merely an it on the part which corresponds to him. If it is the dominant estate that is
encumbrance but the cancellation of the rights of the servient estate divided between two or more persons, each of them may use the
e. The benefit or utility goes to the dominant estate easement in its entirety, without changing the place of its use, or making it
f. The exercise is naturally restricted by the needs of the dominant more burdensome in any other way. (535)
estate or of its owner
g. Easements being an abnormal restriction on the ownership are not
presumed but may be imposed by law INDIVISIBILITY OF EASEMENTS
5. There is inherence
6. It is indivisible  Partition or division of an estate doesn’t divide the easement, which
7. It is intransmissible continues to be complete in that each of the dominant estates can
8. It is perpetual exercise the whole easement over each of the servient estate but only on
the part corresponding to each of them

NO EASEMENT ON PERSONAL PROPERTY Art. 619. Easements are established either by law or by the will of
the owners. The former are called legal and the latter voluntary
 There can be no easement on personal property; only on immovables easements. (536)
Art. 615. Easements may be continuous or discontinuous, apparent
or nonapparent. Continuous easements are those the use of which JUDICIAL EASEMENTS
is or may be incessant, without the intervention of any act of man.
Discontinuous easements are those which are used at intervals and  When the court says that an easement exists, it is not creating one; it
depend upon the acts of man. Apparent easements are those which merely declares the existence of an easement created either by law or by
are made known and are continually kept in view by external signs the parties or testator
that reveal the use and enjoyment of the same. Nonapparent
easements are those which show no external indication of their MODES OF ACQUIRING EASEMENTS
existence. (532)
Art. 620. Continuous and apparent easements are acquired either by
Art. 616. Easements are also positive or negative. A positive
virtue of a title or by prescription of ten years. (537a)
easement is one which imposes upon the owner of the servient
estate the obligation of allowing something to be done or of doing it
himself, and a negative easement, that which prohibits the owner of HOW EASEMENTS ARE ACQUIRED
the servient estate from doing something which he could lawfully do
if the easement did not exist. (533) 1. If continuous and apparent
a. By title
b. By prescription—ten years between the two estates
2. If discontinuous and apparent—only by title N.B: Immaterial period of counting prescription.
3. If continuous and non-apparent—only by title
4. If discontinuous and non-apparent—only by title

MEANING OF TITLE 1. Before the alienation, there is no true easement

2. After alienation
1. Title here doesn’t necessarily mean document a. There arises an easement if the sign continues to remain there
2. It means a juridical act or law sufficient to create the encumbrance unless there is a contrary agreement
b. There is no easement if the sign is removed or if there is an
Art. 621. In order to acquire by prescription the easements referred to in agreement to this effect
the preceding article, the time of possession shall be computed thus: in
positive easements, from the day on which the owner of the dominant
estate, or the person who may have made use of the easement, APPLICABILITY OF ARTICLE
commenced to exercise it upon the servient estate; and in negative
easements, from the day on which the owner of the dominant estate 1. Whether only one or both estates is alienated
forbade, by an instrument acknowledged before a notary public, the 2. Even if there be only one estate but there are two portions thereof, as
owner of the servient estate, from executing an act which would be lawful long as later on there is a division of the ownership of the said portion
without the easement. (538a) 3. Even in the case of division of common property, though this is not an



1. If the easement is positive, begin counting the period from the day the  Doesn’t apply in case both estates or both portions are alienated to the
dominant estate began to exercise it same owner, for then there would be no true easement unless there is a
2. If the easement is negative, begin counting from the time of notarial further alienation, this time, to different owners
prohibition was made on the servient estate
Art. 625. Upon the establishment of an easement, all the rights
3. The notarial prohibition should be given by the owner of the dominant
necessary for its use are considered granted. (542)

Art. 622. Continuous nonapparent easements, and discontinuous ones, GRANT OF NECESSARY RIGHTS FOR THE USE OF THE EASEMENT
whether apparent or not, may be acquired only by virtue of a title. (539)
1. Unless the necessary rights are also granted, the right to the easement
itself is rendered nugatory
2. Necessary rights include repair, maintenance, accessory easements,
1. Continuous non-apparent easements such as the right of way if the easement is for the
2. Discontinuous apparent easements drawing of water
3. Discontinuous non-apparent easements 3. Termination of the principal easement necessarily ends all the
secondary or accessory easements

EASEMENT OF AQUEDUCT Art. 626. The owner of the dominant estate cannot use the easement
except for the benefit of the immovable originally
 The easement of aqueduct is considered continuous and apparent and contemplated. Neither can he exercise the easement in any other manner
may therefore be acquired by prescription than that previously established. (n)

Art. 623. The absence of a document or proof showing the origin of

an easement which cannot be acquired by prescription may be USE OF THE EASEMENT FOR BENEFIT OF THE IMMOVABLE
cured by a deed of recognition by the owner of the servient estate or ORIGINALLY CONTEMPLATED RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE

Art. 627. The owner of the dominant estate may make, at his own
APPLICABILITY OF ARTICLE expense, on the servient state any works necessary for the use and
preservation of the servitude, but without altering it or rendering it
1. Continuous non-apparent more burdensome. For this purpose he shall notify the owner of the
2. Discontinuous easements servient estate, and shall choose the most convenient time and
manner so as to cause the least inconvenience to the owner of the
servient estate. (543a)
EASEMENTS Art. 628. Should there be several dominant estates, the owners of all
of them shall be obliged to contribute to the expenses referred to in
1. By deed of recognition by the servient owner
the preceding article, in proportion to the benefits which each may
2. Final judgment
derive from the work. Any one who does not wish to contribute may
Art. 624. The existence of an apparent sign of easement between two exempt himself by renouncing the easement for the benefit of the
estates, established or maintained by the owner of both, shall be others.
considered, should either of them be alienated, as a title in order that the
If the owner of the servient estate should make use of the easement
easement may continue actively and passively, unless, at the time the
in any manner whatsoever, he shall also be obliged to contribute to
ownership of the two estates is divided, the contrary should be provided in
the expenses in the proportion stated, saving an agreement to the
the title of conveyance of either of them, or the sign aforesaid should be
contrary. (544)
removed before the execution of the deed. This provision shall also apply
in case of the division of a thing owned in common by two or more Art. 629. The owner of the servient estate cannot impair, in any
persons. (541a) manner whatsoever, the use of the servitude. Nevertheless, if by
reason of the place originally assigned, or of the manner established
APPARENT SIGNS OF EASEMENT THAT APPARENTLY EXISTS for the use of the easement, the same should become very
inconvenient to the owner of the servient estate, or should prevent
1. Originally no true easement exists here because there is only one him from making any important works, repairs or improvements
owner thereon, it may be changed at his expense, provided he offers
2. The article speaks of apparent visible easements another place or manner equally convenient and in such a way that
3. Outward indication no injury is caused thereby to the owner of the dominant estate or to
4. It is not essential that there be apparent sign between the two estates; those who may have a right to the use of the easement. (545)
it is important that there is an apparent sign that the easement exists
Art. 630. The owner of the servient estate retains the ownership of Art. 632. The form or manner of using the easement may prescribe
the portion on which the easement is established, and may use the as the easement itself, and in the same way. (547a)
same in such a manner as not to affect the exercise of the easement.

RIGHTS OF THE DOMINANT ESTATE 1. The easement may itself prescribe

2. The form or manner of using may also prescribe in the same manner
1. To exercise the easement and all necessary rights for its use including as the easement itself
accessory easement
2. To make on the servient estate all works necessary the use and
preservation of the servitude but— PRESCRIPTION LEGAL EASEMENTS
a. This must be at his own expense
1. Some legal easements don’t prescribe
b. He must notify the servient owner
2. But some legal easement do prescribe, as in the case of the servitude
c. Select convenient time and manner
of natural drainage
d. He must not alter the easement nor render it more burdensome
3. To ask for mandatory injunction to prevent impairment or obstruction in Art. 633. If the dominant estate belongs to several persons in
the exercise of the easement as when the owner of the servient estate common, the use of the easement by any one of them prevents
obstructs the right of way by building a wall or fence prescription with respect to the others. (548)
4. To renounce totally the easement if he desires exemption ffrom
contribution to expenses
 The use benefits the other co-owners, hence, there will be no
1. He cannot alter the easement prescription even with respect to their own shares
2. He cannot make it more burdensome
a. Thus he cannot use the easement except for movable originally
b. In the easement of right of way, he cannot increase the agreed width
of the path nor deposit soil or materials  The easement is indivisible
outside of the boundaries agreed upon
3. If there be several dominant estates, each must contribute to
necessary repairs and expenses in proportion to the benefits received by
each estate


1. To retain ownership and possession of the portion of his land affected

by the easement
2. To make use of the easement, unless deprived by stipulation provided
that the exercise of the easement isn’t adversely affected and provided
further that he contributes to the expenses in proportion to the benefits
received, unless there is contrary stipulation
3. To change the location of a very inconvenient easement provided that
an equally convenient substitute is made, without injury to the dominant


1. He cannot impair the use of the easement

2. He must contribute to the expenses in case he uses the easement,
unless there is contrary stipulation
3. In case of impairment, to restore conditions to the status quo at his
expense plus damages

4. To pay for the damages incurred for the changes of location or form of
the easement


Art. 631. Easements are extinguished:

(1) By merger in the same person of the ownership of the dominant
and servient estates;
(2) By nonuser for ten years; with respect to discontinuous
easements, this period shall be computed from the day on which
they ceased to be used; and, with respect to continuous easements,
from the day on which an act contrary to the same took place;
(3) When either or both of the estates fall into such condition that the
easement cannot be used; but it shall revive if the subsequent
condition of the estates or either of them should again permit its
use, unless when the use becomes possible, sufficient time for
prescription has elapsed, in accordance with the provisions of the
preceding number;
(4) By the expiration of the term or the fulfillment of the condition, if
the easement is temporary or conditional;
(5) By the renunciation of the owner of the dominant estate;
(6) By the redemption agreed upon between the owners of the
dominant and servient estates. (546a)

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