Forces in Truss

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A truss is a structure that comprises five or more triangular units which are
constructed with straight members, the ends of those members of the truss are connected
at joints (called as nodes). External forces and reactions to those forces are considered to
act only at the nodes and result in forces applied in the members which are either tensile
or compressive forces.

Compressive force can be defined as the force that tries to squeeze a material, the
material that refer in this experiment is the member of the truss. Meanwhile the tension
force is the force which transmitted through material when it is pulled tight by the forces
acting from opposite ends. Normally top beam of the truss will be subjected by
compression force, and the bottom beam of the truss will be subjected to tension forces.


The truss that will be investigated in this experiment is a statically determinate

planar truss which loads are applied only at joints. Thus the truss member end forces
must be collinear and opposite for equilibrium.

A planar determinate truss can have only three unknown reaction forces. The
forces in the truss members can obtain by using the method of joints. In this method, each
joint of the truss is isolated in a free body diagram and the unknown member forces are
determined from equilibrium of ΣFx = 0 and ΣFy = 0. For an example, the force FAB at
joint A can be determined as be shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

When involving with the truss analysis, some assumptions must be considered such as:

 Loads are applied only at the joints

 Weight of each member is small compared with the applied load
 Loads are carried axially by members
 Geometry is known

Using the method of joints, must be strictly known that only two unknown
member forces can be solved for at a time. The remaining joints of the truss can be
isolated and the unknown member of forces can be determined.

The most practical way for determining the force in the truss member by
experimentally is by using the strain gage. Since this strain gage measures strain, some
conversion must be performed to obtain the force in the member.

Hooke’s Law is using to calculate stress (𝜎) by converting the measured strain (𝜀).
For the case where the tensile stress is uniformly distributed over the cross sectional area
it has the following form:

𝛔 = 𝐄𝛆

where E is the modulus of the elasticity of the truss member and it depended to the
material that has been used. Since for the experiment, steel has been used, therefore the
value of E is:

E = 210 GN/m2

Once the stress in the member is determined, it can be converted into force (F) by
multiplying the axial stress by the cross sectional area (A):



It is many objectives for carry out this experiment, which is Forces in Truss. One
of the objectives for this experiment is to investigate the forces in the member of the
loaded truss. We are able to determine whether the members are subjected to
compression forces or tension forces. Besides, we are also able to determine the
relationship between the measured forces within a loaded frame truss by theoretically and

Apart from that, the linearity between the strains against the load applied also can
be checked through this experiment. Next, the deflection or displacement that occurred
on the joint also can be determined from this experiment, hence the relationship between
the load applied and deflection can be determined.


1. Structures test frame.

2. Truss that equipped with strain gauge.
3. Digital force display.
4. Digital strain display.
5. Two power supplies for the digital force display and the load cell.
6. Load cell.
7. Callipers

Structu re \

Structure frame and truss. Ruler

Digital Force Display


The dimension of the truss is measured and recorded.

The load cell is connected to the digital indicator.

The dial indicator is fitted to the arm which swings from the pivoting support.

The indicator is slided and the arm is rotated until the indicator rests on the joint.

The indicator is switched on. The indicator must be switched on 10 minutes before
taking reading for the stability of the reading.

The indicator reading on channel 1 is noted, the tare press button is pressed to get zero.

The initial reading of all channels are taken.

The load is applied at the end C, by turning the load cell lever to give a reading of

The loaded reading of each member of the truss is recorded by using digital load cell

The load is increased gradually each time by turining the load cell lever 100N
increments, and the readings of each truss member is recorded into Table 1 until the
maximum load 500N.

The theoretical member forces for the framework is calculated by using method of

The graph of Load (N) against Strain (ε) and the graph of load Load (N) against joint
deflection (mm) was plotted.


B 3 D

2 4 7
5 5 5
1 1 1
A 1 C 5 E

Table 1 Member Strain

(N) (2) (3) (7) (1) (5) (4) (6)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
100 -8 -9 -10 6 6 11 10
200 -18 -19 -20 11 12 23 22
300 -27 -28 -29 16 18 33 32
400 -38 -39 -40 23 24 45 49
500 -48 -49 -50 28 30 55 54

Given diameter of the rod, d = 5.98mm

Therefore area of the rod, A = πr²

= π(5.98/2)²

= 28mm²

= 0.000028m²

E = Young’s modulus of the steel

= 210G N/m²

Table 2a The Forces of the Compression Member (DE)

Load (N) Force in member, Stress, σ = F/A Strain, ε = σ/E

F (N) (N/m²) (mm/mm)
0 0 0 0
100 10 0.356 x 10⁶ 0.0017
200 20 0.712 x 10⁶ 0.0034
300 29 1.033 x 10⁶ 0.0049
400 40 1.424 x 10⁶ 0.0068
500 50 1.780 x 10⁶ 0.0085

Table 2b The Forces of the Tension Member (CD)

Load (N) Force in member, Stress, σ Strain, ε

F (N) (N/m²) (mm/mm)
0 0 0 0
100 10 0.356 x 10⁶ 0.0017
200 22 0.783 x 10⁶ 0.0037
300 32 1.139 x 10⁶ 0.0054
400 49 1.745 x 10⁶ 0.0083
500 54 1.923 x 10⁶ 0.0092

Table 3 Comparison between Experimental and Theoretical Forces

Member Experiment Force (N) Theoretical Force (N)

AB (2) -48.00 -288.68
BD (3) -49.00 -288.68
DE (7) -50.00 -288.68
AC (1) 28.00 144.34
CE (5) 30.00 144.34
BC (4) 55.00 288.68
CD (6) 54.00 288.68

Table 4 Joint Deflection

Load (N) Joint Deflection (mm)

0 0.000
100 0.023
200 0.076
300 0.087
400 0.114
500 0.131

Calculation of Theoretical Forces by using Method of Joint

B 3 D

2 4 6 7

1 5
140mm 140mm


Calculate the loading:

+ Σ MA = 0
500 (140) - RE ( 280 ) = 0
RE = 250 N

+ Σ Fy = 0
RA + RE – 500 = 0
RA + 250 – 500 = 0
RA = 250 N

Calculate the internal forces in the truss:

At Point A
AD + Σ Fy = 0
250 + AB sin 60⁰ = 0
60o AB = - 288.68 N

250N 9
+ Σ Fx = 0
AB cos 60⁰ + AC = 0
-288.68 cos 60⁰ + AC = 0
AC = 144.34 N

At Point B

+ Σ Fy = 0
BD - BA cos 30⁰ - BC cos 30⁰ = 0
60 - (-288.68 cos 30⁰) – BC cos 30⁰ = 0
BC cos 30⁰ = 250
BC = 288.68 N

+ Σ Fx = 0
-BA sin 30⁰ + BC cos 60⁰ + BD = 0
- (-288.68 sin 30⁰) + 288.68 cos 60⁰ + BD = 0
144.34 + 144.34 + BD = 0
BD = - 288.68N

CD = BC = 288.68 N
CE = AC = 144.34 N
DE = BD = -288.68 N

Graph of Load (N) against Strain (ε)

Load (N) against Strain (ε)



Load, N

200 tension

0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Strain, ε

Graph of Load (N) against Joint Deflection (mm)

Load (N) against Joint deflection (mm)



Load N




0 0.023 0.076 0.087 0.114 0.131
Joint deflection, mm


As refer from the result of this experiment in our group, we can see that there will
be a force occurred on the each member of the truss, either compression force or tension
force when there is an external force apply to the truss. When the external forces is
getting higher, the compression force or tension force that occurred on each also will be
increased. Hence, it proves that our experiment is considered right since it same as theory,
which mentioned that the internal force of a truss will be affected by the external forces.

In this experiment, our group had chosen two of the truss member to study the
internal forces of that particular member, which is member DE and member CD of the
truss. Member DE is subjected to compression force, meanwhile the member CD is
subjected to tension force. Within this experiment, we had calculated the strain that
subjected to these two members. Strain can helps us to determine the deformation or
changes in length of the member of the truss. By refer to the graph 1, the strain of both
members is directly proportional to the external load applied; it is same like what we
study in chapter strain inside subject mechanic of material.

As refer to the result Table 4, we also can see that deflection also will be
happened to the joint of the truss when there is an external force. By refer to the graph 2,
we know that deflection is getting higher when the external load is increased.

By refer to the table that shows the comparison between the experimental and
theoretical result, we can see there a huge different between them. This is because
probably there is some error while carrying out this experiment. However, the result of
our group in this experiment is still consistence. Also, there will be slightly changes to
the angle of the frame with loading due to load factor although there are supports.

There are some reasons that will cause to the error of the experiment, probably
one of the error is adjustment to zero before the starting of the experiment, or can be
known as zero error. Besides, an error also will be occurred if the table is unstable. An
unstable table will cause to the non-equilibrium of the internal forces.

When the time carrying out the experiment, it is very important to take care the
safety of our team members or our own self. Hence, there are some safety measures that
must followed. First, we must always make sure the surrounding environment before
carrying out the experiment. For light structure lab, wearing safety boot and safety jacket
is a must.


As the conclusion, there will be an internal forces occurred in each member of the
truss when there is an external force applied to the truss structure. In this truss, there are
three members that subjected to compression forces, and four members that subjected to
tension force. Strain in each member, deflection of the joint also will be increased when
the external force is increased.

Although there is a different between theoretical and experiment result, our group
still achieve the objectives of this experiment, which is investigate the internal forces of
the truss member. Besides, the linearity of the strain against load applied, and the
relationship between deflection and applied load also had been determined throughout
this experiment.

There is some examples that our group had searched from online, we realizes that
there are some mutuality between our result. There is also a minor different between their
experiment and theoretical result, strain and deflection or displacement also will be
affected by the external load, which means when the external load is increasing, the strain
and deflection also increased.

In order to reduce error within this experiment, the is some improvement that
must careful. We must always make sure that strain on each member is zero before apply
of the external load or start the experiment. Besides, always make sure that the indicator
is switched on for 10 minutes before carrying out the experiment, an error will be
occurred if we do the experiment once we switch on the indicator.

For this experiment, which is force in truss, it is very important to test it in

industry. This is because there are a lot of buildings or structures that using truss, such as
bridge and truss. In industry, this experiment is carried out to determine whether the
truss is able to sustain the load, such as traverse load. Not only than that, industry also
using this experiment to determine the deflection of the truss, as a terrible deflection will
cause a structure collapse.


1. Internet Website

2. Books
- Civil Engineering Lab Manual, Universiti Malaysia Pahang



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