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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Feedback to student teacher

Student Teacher’s Name:Wadha Ghaneam Almansoori Observer’s Name: Dr. Neil Satoquia
Unit/Lesson: Body Systems Grade Level: 1
Date: March 7, 2018 School: Al Ezza School

Competency Area F D C B A
Commitment to the Profession X
Planning for learning X
Managing Learning X
Implementing Learning X
Assessment X
Reflection on Practice X

Strengths of the lesson:

1. The teacher read the learning outcome. This is a good practice because it makes the
students become aware of what they are supposed to learn in the lesson.
2. The class responded to the individual task as expected and as explained by the
teacher through examples.
3. A video was used to show how the respiratory system works.
4. The teacher was moving around to monitor students doing the different tasks.
5. Some of her activities relate to the objective of the lesson.
6. Differentiated learning instruction and activities were observed, catering to the
different learning capabilities/learning styles of the students.

Areas for development:

1. It would help to do a short drill activity focusing on the pronunciation of words such
as inhale, exhale, bronchioles, alveoli, windpipe, and diaphragm since these words
will keep on recurring in the lesson.
2. The teacher needs to develop and gain more confidence in herself. She should show to
her students she knows what she is doing and that she is capable of making them
3. The teacher’s voice needs turning up a bit in such a way that it becomes well-
modulated that everybody in class can hear her, especially those seated at the back.
Her voice should overpower the noise made by the students.
4. Voice quality also needs improvement in order to attract attention by the students.
5. When giving instructions on how to do an activity, she should make it sure that
everybody is all ears at her since sets of instructions are crucial in the carrying out the
performance expected of the students. Unclear instructions caused by noise could
result in poor task performance.
6. The teacher needs to practice pronouncing some difficult/technical words at home.
This is the essence of planning the lesson. If there are potential difficulties that may
arise during the execution of the lesson, these problems could be resolved or remedied
beforehand through constant practice at home in both oral and written modes.
7. Use a much better and more appropriate activity to PRESENT your lesson which is
the body systems. This comes after the motivation part. The activity should something
that makes the students realize they are already going to learn something new or what
they are supposed to learn based on the learning outcomes which asked them to name
and describe the major body systems.
8. Next time you conduct assessment/evaluation with your students on the assigned
topic, you should have a way of recording the scores of the students because you will
need them in computing the average score of the whole class. The average score will
tell you the confidence level you need in relation to the students’ mastery learning of
your lesson. The average score or mean percentage speaks about how far you have
achieved your objective--- the main essence of your teaching the lesson.
9. The assessment part of your lesson must present an activity that can be corrected in
order to yield scores since you need the data to calculate for the mean score of the
whole class.
A = Exceptional, B = Very Good, C = Satisfactory, D = Marginal and F = Unsatisfactory

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