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3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

The Journal for Advancement of Stellar Astrology (JASA) is a free, quarterly international journal for the
propagation and development of Stellar Astrology and Krishnamurti Paddhati.

"In the pursuit and discovery of Truth for creating Universal welfare of humankind"
(Volume 3, Issue 3)
Editorial 10

Case Studies in Predictive Astrology

Die greatness of Nakshatra Prasna - Question about health condition R. Vijayalakslmii 18
Can I have a partner in my business: A Classical KP Analysis V. K. Sharma 22
Bigg Boss Season 7 Grand Finale 2013: A Futiu c KP Prediction Dr. Nimial Kothari 26
Predicting Small Fa cuts by 4 Step Dioery Sunil Gondhalekar 35
Applicability of KP is Universal Subhash Ektare 39
Planets Never Misguide Subhash Ektare 42
Blind Chart Exercise: Khtillar Cuspal Interlinks Method (KCIL) Y. P. Khas 45
Child Birth Prediction: Khtillar Cuspal Interlinks Method (KCIL) Y.P. Khas 49
Promotion to Top Level: Khullar'Cuspal Interlinks Method (KCIL) YP. Khas 52
Wedding Question Reveals Suicide Tendency Madhu N Nair 55
When will I be able to secure good job hi India & move backP D. Senthilathiban 59
Stock Market Dading—Prediction with KP Astrology G. Sadasivan 73
Cuspal Displacement and Intercepted Signs—Prediction with KP Astrology G. Sadasivan 79
Application ofjeeva & Sareera, Uttarna drekkana and Digbala Principles HA. Krislman 86

3. Future Predictions
Who will form Govenunent in Delhi: A Futiuc KP Prediction Dr. Nimial Kothari
When Lok Sablm Election 2014 W ill Likely To Aimoimce Dr. Nirmal Kothari
Taiim Tejpal hnprisomnent A Futiu c KP Prediction Dr. Nirmal Kothari

4. Research Perspectives
Stellar Effects - Kalamsa and Gimas: Marriage Matching Anahsis Dr. N.V.R.A. Raja
0' Cusp Remedy - Pets Solve Marital Disharmony - KP Analysis O.V.N. Murthy
Marriage Matching Through Scientific KP System Dr. G.K.A. Kashinath
Die Lunar' Constellations Pa it X: Magha Dr. E.S. Neelakantan

5. JASA Idea Incubator

Bhava Tithi Sphuta (BTS) m KP: IntegratingBhava Tithi Sphuta with
Krishnamurti Paddhati Vijay Kumar

6. Suggestion Box
7. Billet Doux

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit)

A/7. Com. (Gold Medalist), Ph.D

Jyotish Vidya Ratna (Gold Medalist)

Jyotish Vibhakar, Jyotish Surya
Jyotisha Vigyan Bhaskara

K.S. Krishnamurti's Oldest Horary (Prasna)

Analysis from Astrology & Athrishta

With every passing day the originality of KP system astrology is fading

away. The earliest published writings of late K.S. Krishnamurti is found
in his own magazine Astrology & Athrishta. A&A was first launched on
1st April 1963. After three years in 1966, the most authentic KP Readers were
published in two volumes, when KSK was still very healthy and active.

Some people have resorted in pushing in their own unfounded rules

serendipitously in translated works of older masters with the help of their friends. A
comparison of old works will easily reveal this.

In this issue of JASA, I will provide one of the oldest published horary
astrology works of late K.S. Krishnamurti, which first appeared in Astrology &
Athristha, July 1964 issue titled "Horary Astrology or Aroodam". Thereafter there
was no more horary astrology article written by KSK and published in Astrology &
Athristha magazine for one whole year. The next horary astrology article by KSK
appeared in the October 1956 issue of Astrology & Athristha titled "Horary—
Promotion When?"

The main purpose of providing these two rare articles of KSK is to help all or
readers understand and know the authentic KP astrology that was invented by the
inventor himself. Not all rubbish can be accepted as "research", which is unscientific
and statistically invalid, as is churned out by some untrained astrologers in the name
of KP. True and correct KP astrology was taught by K.S. Krishnamurti to his
students, which have been handed down to many generations of students
through the Guru-Shishya Paramapara of KSK lineage.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014


BciMfipti,JCI itw forr^ Tell nut Jifiv rianifref ^ilhio lOfi

^a+U H *** ihil the rtrwn tt'Ulvul anj bctilati+itl " lt)t itrflf
I fom ta Mrtlu kit! mill Dtmu Sir ^
[ t fffiin ttV Wtf* Oji it yiHi-
A rlmO mii made out for thrtnottunt
vulii it«\. lit? thintfht bt tvulil
ind lb« nVr^tdi tapu ^ah Sued at IWw
I Rtplt fiuri'IiA^i on iKii J-ity, to Ihjt he
Mncna^ iin« the rumheT five# mai I (I A
I +4(1 kfvgr? tbcra a I i filtf. So
ihowidj Ath paila Mhkh it (a
jv^uK h^ barfj+tlK-J uilh ihf it|at| JcjIci.
ik **» v-cv) i^jch II1h:4K\!. \\\ ihe
trlKlfi, hf ^AnleJ It? niilithl* The ctuil it u follem .
lt« *AfJ itrtfll 10 tarnlk ih^nL U|t. Vikcn
ituf ih^^Vixijv: fiyt ihf tMinJk am!! ihc iir
iliii, Itlie pcnOa SJin in .Xrifi - "* l-^l
M4>hd4*tt rouihl lh*l hi i |iMr« y^- -SJ.
riKlpifj, Hi? piiJc* thoron^b vam-hitf
Eui ptvLrl*. " k'rwJ ht. A
rtoiiJ (rJthftfd \n mo iimt, \Mth
in hii ftfi, Ki^ifts Mth ihr hJthh on hit
br^j and kjob^ fit btf hi if* h# ciioJ
"Somww hu ni> rwrif—
AVlut i fortf *tt tl hiJ mtdnosrJ t'lumi
Hhuu taWiani—fiLd 01' Wyticv"- took, ir?i
ii wv ritrJ' 111', frkuJ i.vQtolthi tim,
ipJ uiJ "* The tiij b* witfirt,
Vyy have lo^t- Hut tlu dud *hj itsA H 3r
Efilphl hltf hwn bom In JA-Hlt (lit lltcir
-t+c, 104% tttav b* aH At'rfr pfTiOd md Tb« rep]> (i>fn bi tiv [the
Iherffii+t tbf« wfJiCN^n^f fiin of hjow^ rJiun of thk ^,^lml-l^i* fit to bfJo*
lo .Wifi+bv-rn hai coin tru+lo him.
"Yen Lno» wt!t Ihil ^cuJ-»^ft
ku) jt |t a pih thai aiii'thfi. ^rKt- wai iti Ihf fiauJy Miy whea yoa ttfil bet
Iwtn *ai for ihit mipha?. 10 Jiet utiPl pUri. ^at you do nol VqoM
That il will he lOfn thai ycfhifit hi^rn nhtlhcr ifcr hid llnraJy dflLmrd yr
tdi thf Mnw tifB »lll ha%f onwtik rmAn U vfl in tAiwuui mother. Tbttr/otv
Imo i^ueiLtuci ititf Afi* (1^ »tw^lvcT
Am to ibf ilbtpoiliiut] «r Uu pltwii la
thru hj rlh fharlj- h4d iJrritd} Whl t«i nm hi
jti t}vMt tbe tkl^erv, otiM
Ort it S-W fun *[wa ilw Mbtlher the it ianyif-J
EJiI^r vt tbii miJ-kliJK' i*it bS'lfl to uVt
1(y> Uvmi k+ialb^rrwlh ptda —
tt1 the o lit# U't I he tiwknh of #»ttvlof y
in Khatans* VtJhja nhiiaq at n» idea of lAmftho ^limu to fno
l>f[h^ ow of iKf lUfthPt* Hid **bnr li*t TijnnSvr mithh Iftf it to li^t |lul ouihSvr
irar >n A^fil wbfn K'U had S«a mentiowd b> Uh' (Mnkialudt i» ttr A nsuLi
tipka The Zodiac n d^tJod icio
to (M!iL tvw *x4jniwJ ntT W(i»5iflpe«J
tlart And each »*« &4> * So Uw
ptt that 1 Mould hate a ffcftjk oh Lid
Zodiic n ditidtd iflty ICS fbjwil fstrfr
14 |M Eb^nlh of Afidl, I4M. ttiicumini
F, e ami the numSrr nmliowd tbt
cormt. LQ ihii month, I * tr^tl f
lo Jiftil ^ o^qtlAf lOMfH4;
TsJiiAK It il JUt, *0 t «ij#it voulo Itll Umh of thi'dttfl it lo he rtjkl lYocn
iw Mhm 1 tin cqxvt the diu^tr>." the fjYh twuv- There i* no pboei id

Grateful Acknowledgement: Astrology & Athristha, July 1964 Issue. Page 39-41

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

[far riflh tui Moon if in the liftb received a mcsiUge sdyinp ItUii hil wife
house at itio Ijfcwt U4i Rcvjtihl fotirth has Already drlivcrcd a girl on Silurday
i^P, bfllwptn jwd 3^^, in Funirv^iu itat and that the itiochtr And
Woop Li lo/d of S jichJ m Er tht fifth Bhartt. the dang hicr iwrciafe.
Gcncrtlly ibe Lip]* indiwlc* fbewss or Qartiltin No. I. Two queuloni were
fiilitTB uWcai Moort mdicnlct ibc til Alter
put on 22nd April, 1964. The fiumber
dtoui which you luivc iha urgt to cotnvtt, mentioned by the perjon waa IB. lEJs
Af Moon ei cnlliMl MiLLhi And Lt intiimft qimtlafti were; {a) What am IT {b} Can
^ur mind snd your query - So MfloPt
J C-lpccl a UJutefcr ora ihorough ctiaPjE in
jcinj lord qF jp yaa wan! [0 kriOVr itdlit myoLfttfOf will! coritpuc In the same
iht olTiprini. Ai Moon El in thr tumn
plan wberc I warlt ?
fijTiH Simha-Lco, uni alM> in 0ie ecmielED'
lion at Keihu. now your wife iIkj not Aaffwer; The number 2fi jndicntei that
tobtiflue ta be prrgimnL Sht had ilffAdy the AscepdaUl h Caucer-KilLaLiL Vou
dcli^pfcd. !f yoo Like the Moon jijm as have ukitl mc to TltuI otti your CKXiipatton.
tlio Jim liouw ind oEfer the prediction,
even (hen the lord of the fifth hcuJie h
Jupllcf JLnd he iWftipirt the 9th houic, Mart jfupiEOr, Vcfkm | Puha
Mpj-raj ,
MCKeti th# 5ih nnd Moon, a* Joplter nlio
it liq i hirren iJgn, Mcahi-Aripj. There-
fore your wife hni aliudy deli vend,
Further Jupiter ii conjoEned with the two
plnneti VE'liich rule Lhe haucit >J jiJ, i.e.
Mtfrtury And Sun. It dcltntk that tbt
hat pvep hfrlh tou childnlmidy nnd she
does pat coELEinue lo be piegninCH
Couttii&j frotu the Uflau1 Moon, in the
fifth bliavA, if nipcctcJ by Saturn, md
aEjO by Jupiter. Therefore the child's
mlitif plineit tEiould be Jupiter, Saturn
■nd Moon. Hence, when M»n wa*
traUiicin^ ia the Motin'i sign and op the HouiH 2, (i nuEf 10 Indicate ette'i utf-
day ruled by Jupiter o: Saium, the ought AequiittiQU, sc/vjee and occupalron,
ia have EivenblrUi. When we refer to the thuie 2 if occupied by Moan and ii Lti
Almanac, wc find that Op the last Satur- the^canitcllation (Pubta or) Poorvapul-
day, Iftth April, I9M, the itar gapt ruW by Veuus, The wcoud houw
BuimpMLty. Hence, f am jure your wjfi) is owned by Sun who is rallied In the
would have delivered en (iltli April, ta tenth houac. The ftoth hcusc it occupied
Fupnr^asj itar rul«d by Jupiter on by Kelhn and iuloxd ii Jupllcrwho ii thct
Satcrdny Hoverned by SaMtm, in ihc tenth houicT in Aries. Lord of 10
Al the Lucnu bat rullcrt ia the COnltcild' i^Muti and kin the 12th house to [he
tim of Mercury, Fcvailii ruled by Mercury I Oth and jt j* weak to give the jnji'tcfi
whEcti'-- jndicaiei correspondeitpc, paita] conceded wiiti iba tenth tiou«. Tine lenth
c(e„adiditi Mnrt iftditAting EiLurutncnta. house k iKOipicd by Sud+ lord of 2. Jupit-
puchinery and to on, li \ery neai the er. lord of 0 and Mercury, lord of i and Ji,
AKCJldan^ you ivj!| gel a [cltpam as soon Sun fi called DhatsttinthrK Jupiter ii
tif the purenu ^ive lier *' FathyAm"' on ibu Phytrdan and Mctniry indJcales N- lor-d
third day aftdr itflivery, of 12, hoipitul atylum tie,; Sup for
CiavBTnmettl, Jupiter for Finance depart-
Sittfc the lapEi in both the rari md
mcnt and Mercury IA 10 iniipCCI the
NiVamsA fa||i in M«pa, you will have a ncmintf. At all the ptunrm ire in Mciha
daughter, It fnlli in A VArgothamq you will be an ofilcer in ihe finance audit-
femlflnie fljffl. fng dtpurtmortt; or Metcur)' tcprcfieRh
ActunEly on Wednrtduy, the penon nervous tyftcm ; Sun, Lbe medjCAl depari-

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

iritnt IJ u pi ifT a ph) Inn m i\ tliowi Ai injfui'Ji hli iiiin»rrr» »rk Ji loflnd
htmL Tlicncfurc yim hi-ajf l^r flltjclicd Tn oni where ilid tuip fiM Ijllcn. U ji in an
iiknUl lio^iirl or jniiftie drlnp^it In Ublm^j Or ciiiiiirirm lifii. It Jndkilel
piy^hn-ueudnjiii- Ir j^u k\ mc lonw ilni he will hc^p n If the cinH
mint joli tire, linn I 1L1II cell mJiflfwr wipuU Jpavu fnlffPi In i fttcil ho ^tlt
yctu will c^tinnc ILI Iwhrje ot jou mill HicL on tn iJn mm* plju wJine be wurVt,
10 (tuLitf Hclhi. llflnrplicJ ikuhir tutti 13 Nt if [ho mcfHliHH it! the Uflir of i^Kry
iHAtlied lo * hiit|ijlflT and Iwr wjh a wntild Jlivc fallen ma iiLuVablc lie
pijthn-fiturolorM. milJ, onzt iiu air, knvtt rho plrur nnrl aUu
I he ir^liliLtjon. t*oiniiHrrii|0ji jit jiwi \\k-c
Now i iticd [:) dnJ out tni profeuvdn u p^ndtiluppp, nrnvildr iF^n llkt
IrtinflKiiihnimujti r^tlLElmM, Ctttiililerinf
Scwton'l (illI luW ; rt wilt he ipniitiu W
lbs IFNTII fU^p Or ttunditEt AUho Omr uj ilie ruFtk wmei HrPmini From ihe cliff nf a
qijsiyr h wm fijiullj 22 defifm in Mofm
hill In Itld plain.* which iiii never relriiiic
of PiyiTi- Accjrdinfl io hl4 l^JJliuthl, it
ill coiici* ami nsifJi ihe eacchjncni area,
falti in JupLior4^ jJjn, Mccruijn jSli;rciny,,i
Mafd McvtiEhi ainl OK Sipip'i tu-S wJi1<h The iliU of tritiifrr *111 he ■< rite tine
to^frt 21 [tfHim 3J tninui^ in Piieci m when the tirnh^it tha ti^niffniidrt
22 4cjrrm 31 mrnulci. A* Mcrn.ii ii lh« pa^ci the tmflh'ili cu^p. jmlJcitlpni lire hi
liprt Ipp which fl ln^ Tnlkn^ iln dcpirlrncm Ik frTdgll pi&cc. Tim Will hilprx-B when
will be one of at/lntn. Jail, ceo, tin? ciffiluEiJ Sun, Lhc clucf ir^nlllcaror of
Hue the wb I*ruled tty Sim mltich Plffidw ik meilkiil dqinrlinenLj ctimei n>2 dgnfcei
profttijon. So be nnjti be ■ ctocior nr a MitlmnJ nr fleniinJ. fherrfort, on loih
jfovttQnwnl KrvtciL Mcrcmyniam ludi' June jtoy win k (mn^fetred,
catn 10(0111111, enfli-neer inj, of nnr who
IrtiEi nruroEitlLcnlc patjcnlior Lbc pnEjcjiti ll'hn fciult wj|| be Idin^n u iwn m
who etunptniTi of netvaui biaktlowdh he ii Irantfmcrl and mforrrn tjie E iJjtoiLj

With the test compNmenfr of


33, CHITTARaNJAN avenue


' Atfiulufr t Arhnilftk LV hipj |Wn

Jan-Mar 2014


i which fi jj;i;ili-cinf4 by Vcnti^ who rukt ihc

Jrd honfte wid the lOrh hotihC. There ('ore
7 itidruici ihc nuntbcr r^4" for you tfl
Miton denoiei that your query rcfci^ hj
liinJly JlitfiiJi and pnfdkl whtfhcf Any
the maClcn indiculcd hy the ird and imh
rftiitiicilLiHt ii prciiniE^ii li> mc mid tf 10-
licib)t4h U'* i'romolioti jirtd aiso ehange
vhcn Y
in Ihc nature of wnrk and any imttbrer
K. \\ KwM.
Stki;cs* failure it indicalflJ iy the
nUneti wbi^h DCtupy the ^ndk f'!h+ ]Oth
JiwiiEr iniuiti iifrnLfyins prorenton and the 11 th
hiinw: ihowi wheiher your ilnire will he
bPIWrtr Mart+ ai o lieneflc In youN occupyEn$
ihe fccond homc^ fx fliit^ccinu* \o jtvc a
promotion, Jupiict occupying
rjthn, one of the governed by M.ir»F
i liiH'l-L promiiex luecc;* and tal^feciipn.
tj? ¥
i ■ pp' Rt' I tth fioute+ Livrncd by Sftlltm, Ii In the
Ytli il(rt aikl 6ch Hhnvfl. it U mrogmde.
Ii tUbvi ihftl Ll it not helpful and no
NttiHiM hUn planet hin Puthyior AnurqdhA or Uihra-
HT fJ" jij r s^- <■'
pulhrq w that it can throw cibicacle and
deny you. Heuec there i* do ditoppclnl-
mcnL You need not feel dcipomknl.
MCrtUir, I Olti ho Lite It qcftipLetl by Jupiter- It
It In iticcoQiiellaiioEl of the occupcai of
the sevohd houw. It It auxpkioitt Only
Saturn [t [n the cum tell atieo of J up [let.
Then Menury^ the lot J of 2, yt In |2tti
DbaVA itldiifUElng thftl there will be thltajtr
of plitcc and irantfef^
Saturn, the Tord of b, t» nol bepeficial
Vetiuj* the loril ef 10t bainj cfactly m the
Ldjjtmi^ prvmiHi thai ym aic fortutiata.
ITrJMt. So you will be pruir^tcd.
/ J^piSpT. Mil* Wlitn 7
Yenuy itm lord of tD, \vn to trantit the
poiition of Moon. Thcrtfcire on
1?'I1-I9SJ you hftva (o be promoted.
Tic Abnie U tlic hcmwpc cfc?Letl fcr
Hut Saturnoppoia the Lpgnn and avpecu
ihc Umc flf query anil tie +Vr>, J4^
Vtflui, Therefore that chance which
ihowi thftl the La^PA f«tl* in Pc^rvjipn]-
come* on 19-11-6$ will illp oat. Laler+
gunj itur 4th quirHei' \ c.r belwwn J3lj TO'
when the lord of Lugna who k i^i itw
IjC4J and 2^^ Ad' tricjr
conitclLtLon of lord ol 2 and \ I, uDupec*
Moon IndknTc* whil you h*ve \n your t«l itml not fntluctwcd. hy bfllutn, wdl
minJ, 1,e,» the nrpc yo« htve to pni jjivc the promotion on 4-l-l9fi6 a TuftJay
» quay lire lulurc nf lie elc. when Moon iranxit* In the tOth houw,
Moon n the planet which kltuminmet |n the coniteltiiiidii of lord of I.Apnft hun.
tnd indnrtilti thai Itwmatleti indiHEed by Hence cm you wltl UVe charge
Vcnin+ m which cormellition it wn. at of the pfomOthl potl.
ibt itinr rf qnrry. Mcon ji in ^trrvailiqdii k s h.

Grateful Acknowledgement: Astrology & Athristha, October 1965 issue. Page 12

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
The above two oldest ever horary articles of KSK clearly show that the original
and authentic Prashna or horary astrology through KP system is very simple and
devoid of any concoctions. Readers are sincerely advised to follow the original
KSK methods of doing KP horary astrology and not any "new" method in the
name of "research". If you follow the Guru—the Guru will lead you to the path
of illumination.

I am very proud to say that your prestigious international journal—JASA—has

crossed the 109 country mark in terms of readership reach and there are 17000+
readers spread across the world who have shown their faith on this journal for its
authenticity and high quality.

The reason can be seen in this issue itself. In this issue we have more than a
dozen KP Astrology articles authored by seasoned and veteran astrologers. Among
these, there are KP articles, Khullar Cuspal Interlinks articles by Mr. Khas, Meena2
Naadi System articles and 4 Step Theory article from the inventor himself. We have
created a new section titled "Future Predictions" to encourage and showcase
talented astrologers, and our beloved author Dr. Nirmal Kothari has already
struck the goldmine with his four 100% correct articles. We encourage authors
and readers to send articles in this section.

The article by Mr. Sadasivan needs a special mention. Some untrained

reviewers of unpopular magazines sometimes chirp by saying that intercepted signs
and cuspal displacement have no Karmic effects. The fallacy of this statement was
already shown by one of our esteemed reader in his letter published in JASA Oct-Dec
2013 issue and now Mr. Sadasivan shows the Karmic effects of ISCD through his
two well solved articles. Apart from these, there are our regular authors who keep on
providing us with high class and high quality astrological material by enriching us
with their personal astrological experiential journey. It is my honor to publish their
articles in this prestigious international journal of stellar astrology.

Enjoy this issue and a very Happy New Year 2014! I enjoy reading your emails, so
do keep on writing to me.

Jan-Mar 2014

Meena2 Naadi System: The greatness of Nakshatra Prasna - Question about health condition

Jyothida Thendral Mrs. R .Vijayalakshmi

Mrs R Vijayalakshmi is a practicing Naadi astrologer from Barur Dharmapuri Dt.TN. Did her M.A.
(astrology) from Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad. She is one of the founder trustees of JKR
Astro research foundation, Secunderabad. She participated in many Astro conferences and seminars and
delivered talk on importance of stellar astrology. She has honorary titles like Jyothida Thendral, Jyothida
Ratna, etc.,. She is a resource person to Department of Astrology, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu. She
had contributed number of articles in Tamil astrology magazines. She is a keen follower of Naadi Jyothisa of
Meena 2 system and also disciple of Dr.NVRA Raja Jr.Meena2.

bamrvii avalakshmi @ email .com

Wish you all a very Happy New Year 2014.

As you all knew that in Prasna Sastra, Nakshatra Prasna of Dr.NVRA Raja is being widely
used by many astrologers and also this work got translated in Tamil and Kannada
languages. Specialty of this Prasna method, we can easily without much calculation, the
nature of the event and success rate can be identified. Please refer my earlier articles published in
JASA for more study on this Nakshatra Prasna. Article published in JASA Vol 1(5) March-Aprill2
on Nakshatra Prasna-Medical astrology by Dr.NVRA Raja Meena2Jr. had given lot of insight in
identifying the probable disease and also the seriousness. The following article explains how the
nature of health problem and probable cure or seriousness on the problems can be identified.

A question was asked by a lady, question about her health condition? She was suffering from
severe shoulder pain, having medicine but could not get relief from the medicine and felt
posing a question on her health.

Date of question : 05.08.2013

Time of question : 11.23am

Sunrise time at Dharmapuri,

TamiNadu : 06.08 Hrs

Day rising Moon Nakshatra at

The time of Sunrise : Punarvasu 3rdpada

Horary Moonrise time Nakshatra : Hastha

Question Status on my health condition and will I get relief?

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Sunrise time

Punarvasu balance at 00.22



Hastha ending time 11.46(question time


Prasna Nakshatra Prasna Nakshatra Nakshatra Prasna

Nakshatra Lord's Jeeva and Lagna

Sareera Planets

Hastha Moon Jupiter, Sat Cancer


Punarvasu DRM

Prasna T acma
Jan-Mar 2014

Hastha HRM


Name Degrees

Cancer 18.56 Ashlesha










Day rising Moon is Punarvasu 3rd pada and Horary rising Moon (Question time) is Hastha.

05.08.2013 day rising Moon was Punarvasu 3rd pada, question time (11.23am) Horary Prasna Moon
was Hastha. Hastha star lord Moon at the time of question posited in Punarvasu star 4th pada,
Cancer sign. Keeping Moon posited house Cancer as Nakshatra Prasna Lagna.

Moon is in the star of Jupiter; hence Jupiter has become Jeeva planet. Jeeva Planet Jupiter is in the
Star of Rahu, Rahu has to become Sareera planet but it is with exalted Saturn and hence Saturn
snatches the power from Rahu and becomes Sareera Planet.

Jeeva Planet Jupiter posited in 12th house along with operation karaka Mars. Sareera planet Saturn
is posited in 4th house along with Rahu, this combination indicates some problem in Breast (4th
house indicates breast) area. Disease is not of serious nature because 4th house aspected by Jupiter,
JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
the Yoga karaka for Cancer Ascendant. 4 lord Venus hemmed between Day rising Moon and
Horary rising Moon. DRM and HRM are in angle.

It was advised to consult a surgeon and go for medical checkup and diagnosis in the breast area. It
was diagnosed that there was a tumor in breast but not malignant. She admitted in hospital 9th
August 13 (Lagna lord Moon touches 4th lord Venus), the Jeeva planet Jupiter is transiting with
Mars the Karaka for surgery in 12th house. On 10.08.2013 morning the tumor was removed and she
is safe now. Meena2 Naadi system especially Nakshatra Prasna is very useful in answering question
which requires instant answers.

Jai Meena2

Ref: Stellar Effects Nakshatra Prasna-By Dr.NVRA Raja Meena2 Jr.

Stellar Effects in Astrology-Jeeva and Sareera-By Dr.NVRA Raja Meena2 Jr.

TcCitor's Note

This article proves beyond any doubt that Astrology is the mother of all sciences. No
other modern scientific endeavour of mankind can tell with such precise accuracy
the place of the building and its color!!

We heartily thank Smt. Vijayalakshmi Dhanapal for contributing this splendid article
based on Meena2 Naadi.

CxTMjyJiMLA- 11 jfuH. €1XIHJmjcj€I£

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Can I have a Partner in my business: A Classical KP Analysis

Er.V. K. Sharma

The author has done B.E electrical from Punjab University .Chandigarh and started his career as Sub divisional officer in
Punjab state electricity board from 1976-1984. Then he worked at various senior posts of Bhakra Beas Management Board
including Superintending Engineer at Bhakra Dam (World's Largest Gravity Hydro Dam) from 1984-2005. Er. Sharma
retired in September-2005, and was practicing Parasher astrology since 1992. He learned KP Astrology from Dr H.S Negi,
Ludhiana, Late Sh. Suresh Suhasane, Mumbai and Prof K.Hariharan, son of Late Sh. K.S Krishnamurthy and I am practicing
KP and Parasher Astrology and also writing articles in various magazines from last 8-9 years. He has learnt Parashar
astrology from Dr H.S Rawat, Director Maharishi Prasher Jyotish Vidyalya, New Delhi. Er. Sharma obtained following
degree from Maharishi Prasher Jyotish Vidyalya,New Delhi: JYOTISHVID. He has also obtained following degrees in
astrology from KPS Astrological Research Institute Chennai : JYOTISH VISHARATH, JYOTISH VACHASAPAU, K.P

Email: nick0885@gmail.com

An Eye Surgeon who was running modern Eye Clinic successfully was being offered heavy
Investment in Partnership Buisness by some well to do businessmen for the last few months But he
was very cautious about reliability of partners and other aspects of partnership He approached me to
check if he can have a partner in his business I asked him to intimate any Horary number between 1
to 249 accordingly he told the number 60 I made the horary.

Chart for the said number on 25-7-2013 at 10:18 AM at Chandigarh


Moon lord of 2 in 8 its Starlord Rahu in 4 and it is in the Sub of Saturan in 4 lord of 8 and 9
Saturan aspects 7 th house Hence Moon signifies of 2[Finance], 8 [tension], 7[Partnership], Hence
Moon reveals that querent is having tension about finance and Partnership in business



192, if the sublord of the 8 th cusp is situated in the constellation of a planet signifying houses 6 and
11 ,you can have apartner But if the sublord of the 8 th cusp is deposited in a The Constellation of
the lord of which is the significator of the house 5 and 12 never have a partner.

8 th cusp sublord is Merc in 12 lord of 1 and 4 its Starlord is JUP In 12 lord 7 and JUP aspects 5.
And it is again in sub pf JUP lord of 12 and aspect 5 th house. Hence 8 th sublord signifies 5 and 12
so I concluded that querent should not have partner in business

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

11 cusp

Sublord of 11 th cusp is JUP in 12 lord 10 it is in the Star of Rahu in 4 Rahu is in the sign of Venus
lord of 5 and 12 and it is in Sub of Moon in 8. Hence 11 th cusp sublord denotes 8[misfortune] 12


On the day of judgement Mahadasha of Rahu and Bhukti of Saturan was running Rahu Mahadasha
Rahu in 4 and and Rahu is in the sign of Venus lord of 5 and 12 and it is again in the Star of Rahu
And it is in the Sub of Moon deposited in 8 th house. So Rahu Mahadasha is significator of 5,8 and
12 which is not conducive for partnership in


Saturan in 4 lord of 8 and 9 and it is in Star of Rahu in 4 and Rahu is in the sign of Venus lord of 5
and 12 and and it is is in the Sub of Moon deposited in 8. Hence Saturn Bhukti is not conducive for
profitable partnership in business. From above it is clear that Mahadasha and Bhukti dasha is
showing misfortune and loss in Partnership business.

Accordingly I informed the querent that he should not have any Partner in Buisness


It is learnt from the quemt that so for [up to 12 /2013] he is not doing any partnership in

Business.MY PARNAM TO Sh K.S Krishnamurti ji for this wonderful Padhadhti

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Horary Chart [1 - 249]

Horary Number Place Chandigarh
Date 25/07/2013 Thursday Lattitude 30:43 N
Time 10:13:00AM (GMT 04:48:00 AM 25,07,2013] Longitude 078:47 E
Time Zone 05.30E I ndi an S tand ard T i m e Naksatra Sathayam Pada 2
Time Correction Standard Time (No Correction] Rasi Kumbham
Ayanamsa 24:02:05 (KP-New Comb] Yoga So//bar yam
Lagna Mithunam Thithi Thiruthiyai

IX 1 4-29
Chan 12-15
Nep(R) 10-48
Fort 0-25
Bhava Krishnamurthi Pathathi
VII118-55 Suk 9-10
III 14-29

Dasa E! alance at Birth : RahuDasa 10 Year 5 Month 9 Day

Cur. Anthara: Bud
Rah 04 Rah 16 Bud 26 04-2014 Bud 04-01-2014
Gur 04 Gur 10 Ket 20 06-2014 Ket 12-01-2014
San 04 San 16 Suk 23 11-2014 Suk 04-02-2014
Bud 04 Bud 04 Sur 03 01-2015 Sur 10-02-2014
Ket 04 Ket 22 Chan 25 03-2015 Chan 21-02-2014
Suk 04 Suk 22 Kui IS 05-2015 Kui 29-02-2014
Sur 04 Sur 16 Rah 06 10-2015 Rah 18-03-2014
Chan 04 Chan 16 Gur 09 02-2016 Gur 05-04-2014
Ku] 04 Ku] 04 San 04 07-2016 San 26-04-2014

Graka Table Bhava Table

Rasi Star Sub Sub Sub Bhava Star Sub Sub Sub
Graka De Lord Lord Lord Lord Bhava De Lord Lord Lord Lord
Sur 098:23:12 Chan Suk
Chan 312:15:49 San San I 086:33:20 Suk Suk
Kuj 073:47:43 Bud Bud II 108:55:13 Ket Rah
Bud 080:15:56 Bud Gur III 134:29:07 Suk Gur
Gur 072:29:35 Bud San IV 165:11:27 Gur Chan
Suk 129:10:31 Sur Gur V 200:11:44 Gur Gur
San 191:01:11 Suk San VI 235:07:39 Rah Bud
Rah 198:41:47 Suk Chan VII 266:33:20 Ket San
Ket 018:41:47 Kuj Rah VIII 288:55:13 Bud Rah
Ura (R) 348:27:53 Gur Bud IX 314:29:07
Nep (R) 310:46:14 San San X 345:11:27
Fort 300:25:58 San Bud XI 020:11:44 Gur Gur
R.P. 156:35:15 Bud Bud
General Sianifrcators
□ wner
Bud Sur 1.3, 4, 8,9 2, 5,10,12
Ket Chan
Sur Chan 2, 4,8 4, B, 9
Sur Chan Ku| Gur San RahSan Rah Bud Kuj 4,6,11,12
Suk Bud 1.4, 7,10,12 4.7. 0. 2
Gur 4,7,10,12 4, 8.9
San 4.8.9
Suk Ket
Rah 2, 4,8
Kui Bud Gur Ket 4

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Bigg Boss Season 7 Grand Finale 2013: A Future KP Prediction

Dr. Nirmal Kothari

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences from All India Federation of Astrologer's Societies
(AIFAS), New Delhi.
Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Acharya and Jyotish Gana Shiromani from KP Stellar Astrological Research Institute (KPSARI),
Chennai, TN.
Jyotish Shastri and Vastu Acharya from Udaipur University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Shiromani from Marwar University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Srestham from The Institute of Vedic Culture for Public Welfare & Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology, Durgapur,
Practitioner of Pyra-Vastu and Reiki Pranik Healing.

Email: astrologer.nirmalkotharito'vahoo.com

Background Note: Bigg Boss 7 is the seventh season of the Indian reality TV series Bigg
Bossm which aired on TV channel Colors from 15 September 2013, with Salman
Khan returning as the host for the fourth time and this season is longer than its
predecessor, Bigg Boss 6 and will last for 15 weeks (104 days) concluding on Saturday, 28th
December 2013. After 105 days of sheer entertainment, the final four contestants nominated in
grand finale are - 1) Gauhar Khan, 2) Tanisha Mukherjee, 3) Sangram Singh, and 4) Ajaz Khan. Let
us check astrologically, who will able to win the title in grand finale.

Question: Will Gauhar Khan win the grand finale title of Bigg Boss Season 7?

Horary Number: 122 (out of 249, on behalf of Gauhar Khan).

Time of Judgment: 28-12-2013, 20:49:05 Hrs. (1ST).

Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Moon (Libra 20-28-05) is in the star and sub of Jupiter. Planet Moon is the occupant of 1, owner
of 11. Starlord & Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 9, owner of 4 and 7. Moon signifies and/or
in connection with the relevant houses (11), hence query or urge is genuine.

Question: Will Tanisha Mukherjee win the grand finale title of Bigg Boss Season 7?

Horary Number: 86 (out of 249, on behalf of Tanisha Mukherjee).

Time of Judgment: 28-12-2013, 20:51:42 Hrs. (1ST).

Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Moon (Libra 20-30-31) is in the star and sub of Jupiter. Planet Moon is the occupant of 3, owner
of 12. Starlord & Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 11, owner of 5 and 8. Moon signifies and/or
in connection with the relevant houses (11), hence query or urge is genuine.
JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Question: Will Sangram Singh win the grand finale title of Bigg Boss Season 7?

Horary Number: 129 (out of 249, on behalf of Sangram Singh).

Time of Judgment: 28-10-2013, 18:03:34 Hrs. (1ST).

Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Moon (Libra 20-33-48) is in the star and sub of Jupiter. Planet Moon is the occupant of 1, owner
of 10. Starlord & Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 9, owner of 3 and 6. Moon signifies and/or
in connection with the relevant houses (1, 6), hence query or urge is genuine.

Question: Will Ajaz Khan win the grand finale title of Bigg Boss Season 7?

Horary Number: 34 (out of 249, on behalf of Ajaz Khan).

Time of Judgment: 28-12-2013, 21:05:55 Hrs. (1ST).

Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Moon (Libra 20-38-36) is in the star and sub of Jupiter. Planet Moon is the occupant of 6, owner
of 3. Starlord & Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 2, owner of 8 and 11. Moon signifies and/or
in connection with the relevant houses (6,11), hence query or urge is genuine.

Hints: If 6th or 11th or 1st cuspal sublord signifies 6 (defeat to opponent, being 12th from 7th loss of
opponent), 11 (reputation as a winner, fulfillment of desire, success), 1 (self-efforts for winning),
success is assured in the joint period (DBAS) of significators of 1, 6, 11. (Note: 6th is stronger
than 11,11th is stronger than 1) (Note: To win any sort of competition, 6,11,1 cusps are judge
primarily, 3 (one's ability) and 10 (position, power, prestige, fame) should be considered as a
supportive houses.


6th Cusp (Aquarius 25-56-16): The sublord of 6th cusp Ketu is in star of Self (Ketu) and sub of

• Planet Ketu is the occupant of 7. Ketu deposited in sign Aries (Lord: Mars) and aspected by
Saturn. Thus, Ketu acts an agent of Mars and Saturn. Mars, being untenanted, is the
occupant of 12, owner of 3, 8 and CSL 3, 9. Saturn, being untenanted, is the occupant of 2,
owner of 5, 6 and CSL of 2, 8. Saturn conjoined to Moon (within ± 6°) who is the occupant
of 1, owner of 11.

• Starlord Ketu is the occupant of 7. Ketu deposited in sign Aries (Lord: Mars) and aspected
by Saturn. Thus, Ketu acts an agent of Mars and Saturn. Mars, being untenanted, is the
occupant of 12, owner of 3, 8 and CSL 3, 9. Saturn, being untenanted, is the occupant of 2,
owner of 5, 6 and CSL of 2, 8. Saturn conjoined to Moon (within ± 6°) who is the occupant
of 1, owner of 11.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
• Sublord Mercury, being untenanted, is the owner of 3, owner of 1, 10 and CSL of 4, 10.
Mercury conjoined to Sun (occupant of 3) and aspecting to 10th cusp.

• 6th CSL Ketu signifies 1, 6,11 and in connection with 1,10.

11th Cusp (Cancer 25-21-18): The sublord of 11th cusp Rahu is in star of Self (Rahu) and sub of

1st Cusp (Virgo 24-06-40): The sublord of 1st cusp Rahu is in star of Self (Rahu) and sub of

• Planet Rahu is the occupant of 1. Rahu posited in self-star and no other planet posited in
the stars of Rahu. Rahu is the CSL of 1, 5, 7, 11. Rahu conjoined with Moon and Saturn and
thus acts an agent of Moon and Saturn. Moon is the occupant of 1, owner of 11. Saturn,
being untenanted, is the occupant of 2, owner of 5, 6 and CSL of 2, 8.

• Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 1. Rahu posited in self-star and no other planet posited in
the stars of Rahu. Rahu is the CSL of 1, 5, 7, 11. Rahu conjoined with Moon and Saturn and
thus acts an agent of Moon and Saturn. Moon is the occupant of 1, owner of 11. Saturn,
being untenanted, is the occupant of 2, owner of 5, 6 and CSL of 2, 8.

• Sublord Saturn, being untenanted, is the occupant of 2, owner of 5, 6 and CSL of 2, 8.

Saturn conjoined to Moon (within + 6°) who is the occupant of 1, owner of 11.

• 11th CSL & 1st CSL - both Rahu signifies 1, 6,11 and in connection with 1, 6,11.


6th Cusp (Capricorn 03-49-13): The sublord of 6th cusp Saturn is in star of Jupiter® and sub of

(6th CSL Saturn is posited in a star of retrograde planet i.e. Mercury, hence not taken into

11th Cusp (Gemini 03-36-01): The sublord of 11th cusp Venus® is in star of Sun and sub of

(11th CSL Venus is retrograde at the time of judgment, hence not taken in consideration)

1st Cusp (Leo 03-00-00): The sublord of 1st cusp Sun is in star of Ketu and sub of Mercury.

(As the chances of winning is not assured due to the retrogression effect of 6th & 11th CSL or its
starlord, hence not taken into consideration)


6th Cusp (Pieces 08-09-59): The sublord of 6th cusp Venus® is in star of Sun and sub of Saturn.

(6th CSL Venus is retrograde at the time of judgment, hence not taken in consideration)

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
th th
11 Cusp (Leo 07-53-53): The sublord of 11 cusp Jupiter® is in star of Self (Jupiter®) and sub
of Saturn.

(11th CSL Jupiter is in self-star and retrograde at the time of judgment, hence not taken in

1st Cusp (Libra 05-33-20): The sublord of 1st cusp Moon is in star and sub of Jupiter®.

(1st CSL Moon is in star and sub of a retrograde planet i.e. Jupiter, hence not taken in consideration)


6th Cusp (Libra 12-45-32): The sublord of 6th cusp Mercury is in star of Ketu and sub of Self

11th Cusp (Pieces 06-38-17): The sublord of 11th cusp Mercury is in star of Ketu and sub of Self

1st Cusp (Taurus 17-46-40): The sublord of 6th cusp Mercury is in star of Ketu and sub of Self

• Planet Mercury, being untenanted, is the occupant of 7, owner of 2, 5 and CSL of 1, 2, 3, 5,

6,7, 8, 11.

• Starlord Ketu is the occupant of 11. Ketu deposited in sign Aries (Lord: Mars) and
aspected by Saturn. Thus, Ketu acts an agent of Mars and Saturn. Mars, being untenanted, is
the occupant of 5, owner of 7 and 12. Saturn, being untenanted, is the occupant of 6, owner
of 9 and 10. Saturn conjoined to Moon (within ± 6°) who is the occupant of 3, owner of 6.

• Sublord Mercury, being untenanted, is the occupant of 7, owner of 2, 5 and CSL of 1, 2, 3,

5,6,7, 8, 11.

• 6th, 11th and 1st CSL Mercury signifies 1, 6,11 and in connection with 1, 6,11.


Strength-wise Houses (Signifies & Connection) (6 is stronger than 11) (11 is stronger
than 1)


Gauhar 1,6,11 1,6,11 1,6,11

not considered due to not considered due to

Tanisha *** ***
retrogression effect retrogression effect

not considered due to not considered due to

Sangram *** ***
retrogression effect retrogression effect retrogression effect ***

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Ajaz 1,6,11 1,6,11 1,6,11

Strong Gauhar & Ajaz Gauhar & Ajaz Gauhar & Ajaz

*** Retrogression effect: The Cuspal Sublord or its Starlord is a retrograde planet.

Concluding Points

1. Both Gauhar and Ajaz have equal chances to win the title. So, we must give preference to the
strong candidate. And according to media sources, Gauhar is stronger than Ajaz.

2. If we further analyze the event with 10th cusp which is stands for power, position, prestige and
fame. Then chances of winning title by Ajaz are weak. This is because, in Ajaz's chart, 10th CSL
Venus is retrograde at the time of judgment.

3. If we further analyze, on the date of event, for Gauhar - Sookshma Dasha of Rahu is running
which strongly signifies and in connection with 1, 6, 11. While for Ajaz - Sookshma Dasha of
Moon is running and Moon posited in star of a retrograde planet i.e. Jupiter.

My Opinion: Gauhar Khan will win BIGG BOSS SEASON 7 GRAND FINALE 2013.

Actual Fact: Prediction comes true. Gauhar Khan win the title.

Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! Pranaam to my Guruji Sri P.


JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Horary No. 86 Ref. #. 374

&t{\R\zo; D&:1 bi-M Ji.M Slti Ipei: U&.\1J;E-: PM Horary fs'a-i St
flTjTL- 355.25 O Worn; SaUrrt
Ypsft Dhfti feViZliT Ba|^ Win Tflrtiita Mii'JiOiji'.'-L'-Min Ihoqrand liulo rtlooE Br« B«t 5ooun 77
ffjcr Ltrn. Rasi taiJ: V-d'Fin
Loo LagfKi Lad: Smi
Ti'-M" KiithiU PihilWs. EKacfail
•Sr.ir vfLnhna, P.nrui 1 Sf.v Larri Jupnar
K 00:?6:w XI 03^6:01 CMrjnp rfm? frx
Ko JulH] 22.36:10 aa'DtftOT^an^c^g PU
PlflFlCj ^
Lsgnn | Ma-
□iyloid: J-Zton
V111 IM:0G32
XII oiwgiia CUJ-SJMJ PAsrjKVff
Oondc-iiFEmolb1 MngMI)
□dji?: SQiUKSai , SEl'Doc-^DIS UPlufuui-iilSl
Tinifc: 09.31:42 FW Clirr.afjj
SID; 03:44:[H Vhin^n|4f
olEt: VliaKha, Padb 1 MKikulli
VII w-xwoo LaL-ludOlK^IH] N u.ABhadSKlj
LjcrnHJtHi?:fiS:K-.-00 E Dhan^hJ-j^J
PljccrKOLKAT^. WEST BENGAL. liUm' r.[Hiilrjiaj,4.l
Ayancmss: 235r ^4" Mng.Ejrurl'v
BaL Daia: .Upr&f 15 Y, 4 M, 21 D Pirehynniitll
VI 03:49^11 Pa^rJPiTS
r rio.a[;;32
IV4 Moola^l
50 Z6ffi:oe r.teoln^l
Su n:a5:2i P.la 20:31-21
Rs n;S?:41 □in Pifl"iErvasu< IE
V 03:36:01 ill w.26:'Xi ujimLFriFrfl^M
DaiS -SUnlrT^ry. S-.i-jliiZj
Prd/j? A-SnYkit'S
Jlikl-L rVJ^EiitEirri
: .III. ill-
s/pnivrcs^oTs - PADn^rs view y
2D-r*iv-a»e MS)
■nETirmuw fli-Tri if
EflaicaaaM ae-Ncv-SDJB
111 kl+ HPPOIS Pii3 Sun DaM
^i^5iay.3Ci7S - Hi-rJUy-giHg 5C.pjiay.£ogit.
|D9-rAnr-209b ■arsi 1
IIJjffBtqjjM iTj.'pti sc-J j ai fflf.'MP, A , Vd.'Si
iai-Hny20a7 ^j oi rs » o^orii. tar: ; wj, ■"ai"'' ■"'
irn? iii'iiiikm (Aj • Ptanet? m Qt&tpani s ££.ird >
fC^ - QwT*etfiitpSs -l
fCU + tous? OWWJ.':
ao-oti- 5-Nctf'at09 iss^iwi-ai
aoApr-aioi 1?- Oa-2110 lE^Mav-2123
' soAufi^ias ' 2l-r-iW-2iH la(]-Hav-2125 ■
' 30 Mj;-£1CH ' iBrNov^na lOa-DaoaiZB
' Tj-fej-aifTi'
Sl'M^SIpS lj-Jm>ai u r eto .lilii-jHi- Ai^rp.-iiwrrin LhaVir.-irt
• ji-Mp.-gn;-?' ' ai-c^j-giu 1ixi-M.-ivaias

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Horary No. 129 fief. #. 375

&jT| r-nSSj" iur? Set: BSiQl:'
DG:Ql:l4 PAi Horary tvo.: 129
DttrCkys; EE0.25.O Wkt: So I urn OirpPfoT
Vcvir:- Dhrtj Kar&fvt: 'kVIH^Onqrani Sii'igliwji LfiDgrand flnaffi Llfd ol QlgO Bdi&Saafdn 7?
RrisC- Ltm
tjYjj.Oj.' Ltfrt. Lj^fi.lLcr-C1: VOnis-
Tf.'.V; Kn^hrui Pjjksto, Ek^cingi
Stir. Vrtj>/iLi, pjda iiir Uvil'
'JU D5:32ii: VIJ 04:43:54 K 04^320. ciiir^j niTT^/jp.
Kb n^£:W JujRI'^2£:36fiS 3(VO«fl»13ti:OiS3Plit
i^idTfA -

Vl 06:D9^^ fciy Lwrf: Ktaw*

x w.taae Cuspaf Poft'WjJjji
Kamc-; BlQG BOSS r EiftNOflAMSIMGH Fe HSMlSI SlsrlPiufnV
Bsfflfer; Mrf? pciii1r,r;j|.
Dale: SsSur'tts^, ife'DoefiTHS
TUIIOL 08:57.39 PM Willis;
SID;Oj:5a.a? |LIA:hnd^3r Lb (*.Hc
SlajiVtidhriu, P-aija I SLUliWirifiilU rid
V P7;«:5a iii<iiuiic-:sa£7::i:H iLUhailfaiifi VC | V-t:
Lt-flflfiaJi?; f-S^CiM E AsvjlilJ(?J
Mipga!:|raN;i '.'C (Kip
Ayo nanii: 22" 57' 4^" Mighadl
Baf, Dw: Jupiipr 15 V, S M, ST p U.PhijIgiinif'Jj
Vfl[RJ QtBiOS F/ji'Teliiry PositiQftr. '■
xn M^iia
Ma 16:10:15. Su (McalaK)
Mo IVIsaHMI Jn (Wo
Sa S6JOs:Oe Moola|4^
Su 13:0&:4G Mo SSJSMS Pmncv<i5i]nJ
fl.n 13:52:49 vefRI 5J JV?
HI 04:53:33 I (15:33:20 Sr* pVisnMuiiS) Kb I^L-I
Da.?j Suiij^u/y
iSnuKjr AB^miii^l
bIM3s!iUiM |?4-Apr-2-14E

fVEShmnm m
rtig^ManHM ors ■ Pamns I/wlt

KCtuDiiaB Sun [Msa - : Mb- ( 7

S+Apr-ZObB'- S-VApr-SdTZ M-rtm-SPfl? 2+ ApiiMS
nmrssiitm ■Ai I 5
24-MvBsiH fllJAnr-gms
EJffm 13-Apf-20G9 11 i ''■ I'i m
eee™ |ie4Xii>2C95 ftahnaclla-fla^fiif^iJiTMm.Ja, W5:1 Sa.:
KtAi aai ji'asair'.iiflMi Wa.'Sj.-
PhT* P^iF* {Af - PI.T/IOIi in Uccojufiri sti'i.
fBjir pstuptiirt olfuWe'"""''' " "
{6J 7 flliMri i'rt awiofe Hirl
«-Jnn-3l18 If)}' HmseOlvrar;
flvihi__ S^-Sop-iOOS 1DOcl£lO!>
Jup.iif 2.1 Mil-2101 IB^op-SI-IO HJridpr-21Z3
ISaiun ' 2-1-Ail-2HK ' 2g-Oel-2IU i2S-OCL21Z5
1 Womirip" |24Fqt;ai(M~ ' -a-otL-Eiis lt3^HV-2126
Keiu [M-fctipSiU" ilSiJuoV-Sl^"
Vmus ' a^Fe^Slflo i tamij piivS iivmoNw^ so™.
'Sui ' 3(^2" rS7'Apf-gt"3g"

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Horary No. 122 Ret #. 373

iuirial.' Q5&l:UPM ttararyNe.: 122
QAsABnys; 365.2^ t> HCM-I' CKiWif-p-'i"
WnfyjT Vi?gi- Phrli tfiYUHD' Qnlnv V/lll dauhnr Mmn^ihlho grand nnde lilloiri Sez-E^n?
Lifer a flJi' Lflftj.' VUfnrt
tiijj-'ia: Virgo LzignaLottt. Mmiiy
fttrt: Irt.rEtinaPjK^a, feaday
Stes: ViEnlMhl. Pudj 1
Ku 11:5141 AJIME ?2:3G;14> rzm TTTr
Vlfl 23:17^ K

Day L^rJ: MMfl
Fo 1156:15 CUSPH P-LrSJdliDai
Ndirtu: BFGG BOSS 7 GAUHAR KHAN XI 3Wi:ie Slarrpa^^-
Gahdyn FamekJ Ch'tmflJ
Chjli?: ^dluiii/.d^'fL^nii? y^hh^ti
TlnfiQ: D3J9.te RM JjesfttaO?
SID: 03.41:27 P.^ahadiijil.
SloriViW'tfiP. Pada I Dhurrifil.SLi d
Lamri?-22-£7LWM P.BripdFiiraj
LoojlLhAa:aa:2ij:Lg-E flLvjUi::.j
Plnq#; KDL KATA, WEST BENGAL, Irrfin bhftrdNijj.

Ayiinnman: aa^STAJ
Bbl.-Onqn; ^JWltr 15 7.5 W-JD PPhaJgunii^j
V £&5kl8
VcLRI'MIOSlII ™neH!iv>,ros,WDna-;.
Ma 1^:10-05 SlarijPTubf
I £±:0fi:4Q ■ NIoolaM)
Sa .■2i5:Q5-j» Modnil-lj
\V 2SnB:16 II 22:17<IG' Foniirv 4501.11
St 13^6-£A to KirSaSO vefRl lUAshdiap?
Hji 1 l:Sa:-n Viwkhn(?l
DJSJ S'U^ijjv
fi5wnll4) ^Ma |

sraniVicareis ■ ^Rraj-Ww
sunDasfty. -j ■•


1 :
BBPBiraaaf fliTnj asls 95 ^jefir risr iH '?, Ai.. l'?, '-Sa -
Keft; ails as
(At? njntfs in Oectipanft sia's':
I'BI- OofLpini or iSLii'si..
isi-M^y-ao^a [iifl^E25I±* (CJ ^Pf%n<&)Fi.GiiiiiBti',iia/3
31-MiJ-2G9l iHsnsn™ i0j - O.L-jlBV' ■" ~-
<3Vpor^099_ I t7-ww-gl09 (fe-JOI-ZI-ED
"T3T+^v®ioi U-M.yy?123
iPi-Sgp-gioa "lfla-Dac-2111 {K-Dnc-a 125~
«D1 -Apr-SHM 129^-2112 |20-Ddc-2I2£
J V' L£6AH-21 *3 L
'fei is^rrr "l"^NDU-i'sSlT" . Tii^sii pljfjis M nw ftjuir nrjf At rngfrj/jfl
fc:-Ooc-2l?l7~l "M ■m^My "ira.Ty^

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Horary No. 34 Ref. 376

Sfjnq-w flSiisOSAM SWSQ\; g?flir1JFM Hqrary *)<},; 34
CkjElCiiVir 3G5JSD Hem- Salmn Oeasvon:
Wijiir/fl Vf^i- Dtim Ksrana: Bafciv Will AfaJ Ktidriviln Iha^rsnd riAaladgadl GiQg [liSi Eanidrt??
tibri hin.^' brt-rf: V^us
lifffli.' T3UIU9 LagnaLertf. YMluS
rittv.1 4<rnluiA PAlt=>u.
Siiv; Vis.'ftlu, PikJ.i 1 SlarLirV JupHcf
Ke ii:5a:w II 12:46:3? dEfpig Time R^,
KB ?2:iEf3S Ju[rt] 22:3e.Da .M'DitWIS.ItJigilFM .
Pl.Tiiel .- ||^HE3BE3
□ay Laid: Macn |
X WSfc 7
III 'OTIML+B CuspaJ Fvtittona-'
hliinigrBIGG 0033 7 AJAZ KUAN l=Q 15:W:-4a. Cugp :• |oTi'4pJll:l1
r!3i?rjin~. ^ jit 1 |flo|-jnl|3E
CMjto: saiLxd^, SB'Dn^Q 13
n™; 09:05=55 PM Pijsnyamlt?]
5UJ: Vii^fiLi, Rjidii 1 |U.Phnl9uii<3j Mil |SLI
Uliludo; Z227:mw \Si*aiJl2\
Lonflhude-: 5420:00 E JPiH^n^l|i
haar: KOLKAtA, WEST BENGAL) IfKSa Ik4«l^4|.
Ayanajiian: 4^' U^hadian)
BJl. Daiii: Jufjiltf 15 Y, 2 M.22 D ^.shvmi(41
rx D7;U^a
YsIR) 04"04:Kl
V 06:33:17 iiuuvf^
kta 16:10:24 Mwloj-rl-
3il a&OSID
&! 13:06.07 'MD 5CISJ&26
Vlll VI 12:45:3d- ijj^&riBdKSi
MQ l2:t4J7 ViEBhJi.ilC?
Djsj Sit/ppmj'J
From ruv'iyCii'mi'ill
Jupiter Djm -. SdNun DiKa
2frMV'2D12 - Ki-Pfifir.JftS i 2frMar20JS ^ I'M 1*1:1
OQ-rAnr-SOl 3 ISjIum 120-^^-^4^
EVmia i' Sfgnf/ffjUors- Planets Wew ....
iM»n 25Feb-£lW Plrmcl | IA) CGj iCj^
■EWirjfflHsl ■fcaenaiajf
Hi'i'i^^winil1 I'll \m Hi:«fS7B0gnJ
EE^e | 6 □ |0
Kehr oai-u Venus D-ofd Sun Daca
20-0^1.2093- »[kF^ar-2fH?6
l7nAun-£Q65 HP
IT-Oo-aflSE t^n I Jlj iil-2[j7£i |2
23-^-305 ir.iifi imfflKgrSM
Jup^cr |n[].-^pf-2Cr34
ikwrn;.;-™ EMI?
03-Ll.nr-206D siixin-aoaa
1^-Fsb-2Ci70 iram^sm JTitJu AiH Jur., Ju, Vtf.'Si
24-K-l3r-207t 21-J.in-2M Vfrnua IWBWTW^M ^Csth "ii CtiJJi ^Kfr'il 70?; MO,' IJX- Si""
Lloon Od&a:- fldhu Daso -| I'jlf - ir? Qtajpang s
20rMar-210S 2[MhlBr'f 115-r 2fl'Mar.2t3J 1^ - DwiV1^ Jra^fjr'
(Q/ - FVarfi" [a- In ptm1 (r'i' jV.ira :>
Ta-Fc-t'-ziiji isdiuiii I2-Aljj-S1ig OS-Hdf-SIES
" a(]-jLKt-2l OS (Maftav ' 21 2111 ' 23.-3«p-2125-
Tao-jM-aw ihciu ' 1B-SCfr2112
l^gnu^ '|Tg7Fat"j;T"f3" ' "iTd^Ta .^r
" iS.J^-i-2 l-K f&m ' 16-A[rg1 'Q»59P-£l30 • r.t»pij-iciirsft:j Jip-rwr.fUh'c. jnjfp-jfiorsrn chfl^rfr*T.
"3a-Ssp-;i(J7 tMgon "il-Aun-jlM 0»-Mnr-ai12

Jan-Mar 2014

Predicting Small Events by 4 Step Theory

Sunil Gondhalekar

Sri Sunil Gondhalekar is the inventor of 4 Step Theory. He developed this theory in 1990 after many years of painstaking
research. Sri Gondhalekar is a mechanical engineering diploma holder, who has also studied KP technique from 1980 and is the
winner of many awards and titles. From 1993, he is the editor of a Marathi language magazine of astrology: 'Nakshatrache Dene',
published from Maharashtra, India. He has also published various books on astrology in Marathi such as 'Vivaha Yoga', courses
on KP, Nakshatra Sandesh, Nakshatra Prabha, Nakshatra Triveni.

Email: sunilalaka@ yahoo, com

Generally small events are predicted with the help of Ruling Planets in KP Method. But in
4step theory the use of Ruling planets are done only to confirm cuspal sub lords. Mr.Ravee
who is follower of 4 step theory inquired about small events prediction by our method
which is not included in my book. I promised him that I will work on this subject and will produce
some practical examples wherein the use of Ruling planets are eliminated for predicting small
events such as when electricity will resume?

On 15th Nov. 2013 when I reached the office and found that there was a power failure and there was
a fault in connection and work was going on and after further enquiry the workers said that it takes
one hour to rectify the fault. Then I decided to work on the query. The query was Electricity when?
And KP random number through s/w was 30.The time of judgment was 10-34-27 AM, at Thane
19N12; 72E58.

The horary chart is enclosed herewith for the reference.

Ruling planets were as follows:


In such case 11th, 1st and 6th house strong signification on first two steps are to be considered. They
are as follows:


1-Mars, Venus

6- Sun,Mercury,Saturn,Rahu.

Ketu can be considered as it is agent of Mars, if required.

Now we have to check Ascendant transit for to decide when event will be materialized. During the
time of judgments Dhanu was the ascendant which is not a significator. Hence moved to next rashi-
Makara, it's lord Saturn is a significator.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Sun-Moon-Mars stars are in Makara rashi. All these three planets are working as significator. Since
Horary Lagna is of fixed sign, I eliminated first period of Sun and moved for next Moon period.
Now to consider the perfect sub the priority to Mars and Venus was given as they were significator
of 1st house. Now again to choose specific sub I have selected the Venus instead of Mars due to
fixed horary lagna.

So event will happen in Lagna Transit during Makara-Moon-Venus and timings of the said
combination was at 12-32 PM.

Mars is a karaka of electricity may work for the event materialization, so I have noted that time was
during 11-58 AM.

But electricity flashed exactly at 12-32PM

Please note that Saturn and Moon are not in Ruling planets and even though event was happened in
this period.

I hope 4 step theory followers can use this method for predicting small events and such attempts are


Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Electricity When?'kp-30

La^iui Riishi Cbart

JuR Mo Ke


Ma He


u Me 5a Ra eP


Fo oUrR

Ma He


u Me Sa Ra

Navamsha [)y Cliai t

This Report Is by Astro-KurtdaH PRO fLIte Verslor^ Software. Web Site: -Unpifla^troKjndall.com/

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Electncit when?-kD-30
FUuitt Sign Deg Mm See Still- SliirLovu Sub SubSub
Suti Libra 29 ? 02 ' 15 M Ytsliah-hft (3J Jupiter Sim Jupiter
Moon Aries OO.MiJMfi-" Asluvini (1} Ketu Venus verms
Mars Leo 23 9 51 1 10 " Furva-PJitfl (4) Venn s Satuin Jnjjner
Merciiiy Libra j3 m Swati (2) Rnhu Jupiter Mats,
Jnjiiler Genii ni 20. 2G ' 49 M
Pnuai'vasii (2) Jupitei FCetu Mercun
Venus Siigitiaiius 13 0 12 '4S " Pur-vashnrtlrLi (1) Venus Venus Mereurv
Saturn Libra 21 a 19 ' 29 " Vishakha (1) Jupitei Jupiter Moon
Ralm Libra 12 047 1 19■" Sivati (2) Rahu Mercurv Mereuiv
Kent Aries j2 19 " Asliwini (4J Ketu Meremy Jupiler
Ucfttms Pisces 15 9 04 1 01 " Uuarbhadra (4) Sam m Jupiter Jupiter
Ncptmie Aquarius OS Q 37 1 22 " Shfltfilaraka' (1) Rahu Rti hu Mars
Phi 10 Snaittanus 15 947'57 " Pun'ashatJha (1) Venus Stm Jupiler
Foituna Taitrus 21 9 47 '27 " Rohiui (4J Moon Venus Jupiler

Cusps Sign Dcg .Min See ILLorcI StnrLonl Sub SubSub

1 Taurus 11 9 06'40 " Venus Moon Mars Mars
T CTeniini 07 9 07 ' 24 " Mercury Rahu Rnhu Jupiler
3 Cancer 01 9 59'40 " Moon Jitpitcr Rahu Samm
4 Cancer 29 9 05 ' 41" Moon Merc t try Sfuiun Sun
s Viigo 00 9 45 ,-21 " Mercury Sun Rahu Veirus
6 Libra 00 9 15'02 " Vcnirs Mais Moon Merciuy
7 Scoipio 11 ^OGMO" Mars Saitmi Moon Mais
8 Sagittarius 07 c 07 ' 24 " JiipLter Kent Rahu Venus
9 Capnconi 01 9 59 ' 46 " Stutnn Sun Jupiter Ketu
10 Capricorn 29 9 05 ' 4 L " Saturn Mars Saturn Sun
11 Pisces 00 945'21 " Jupiter Jupiter Mars Jupiter
12 Aries 06° 15-02 " Mars Ketu Rahu Samm

Cusp Signifltators
J n/nf Bf Mar Ven /4/ Ven 75/'
2 71/ Sun iup Sat 72/ Jup 737 747 Mer 757 Rah (Ven)
3 717 727757 74/Moil 757 (Sat)
4- 7]/ /27 Mar 73/ 74/ Mem 75/
5 /17 727/57 747 Mei-757 Raiv
6 717 Me r Rail 72 7 S tin M e r S a t Rith 73 / M ar 5'"eu 74/ Ven 757 Mer Rah {Mon) (Ke t) (Jup)
7 717 727 737 747 Mar 757 (Mar)
S 717 Mar ^',en 127 Ven 737 Sim Jup Sat 747 Jup 757 (Jup) (Sat)
9 717 727 737747'Sat 75/
10 71/ ftt /47 Sat 75/ (Mav) (Jup)
11 71/ flf Mon 73/ Sim Jup Sat 74/ Jup 7.V (Mar)
12 71/ Mon Kef 72/ Ket 737 74/ Mar 757 (Sun) (Mer) (Sat) (Rah)

4.Step Strong Signllleator.s (underlined ones: by first 2 steps)

This Report is by Aslro-Kunctalt PRO (Lite Version) SbftuVar^. WebSite: httpri'i'asLrOkuntlali.Ctiitt,'

Jan-Mar 2014

Applicability of KP is Universal

Subhash Ektare

Author is a retired Civil Engineer by profession. He is well known KP Astrologer practicing for last 10 years.
He regularly contributes articles for "Nakshatrache Dene" only KP periodical in Marathi edited by renowned
astrologer Mr. Sunil Gondhalekar. He contributes astrological articles for Astrovision e-magazine also. He is
an active member of many astrological discussion groups. Account of his accurate predictions can be read on
Email: subhash ektare@vahoo.com

Popularity of cricket in India is well known. Cricket is the soul of Indians, particularly youths.
I am also a fan of cricket and a thought came to my mind whether we can predict the results
of these matches astrologically. Therefore, in 2009 I predicted the outcome of many IPL
matches including who will win the toss. And the results were astounding - more than 75%
accuracy. This was appreciated in the editorial of E-magazine Astrovision May 2009 issue.

After a long time again my attention was caught by Cricket. The main reason was the cricket
maestro Sachin Tendulkar was to play his last match before retirement. This match was to be played
on famous Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai on 14th November 2013. And I could not resist the urge
to predict the result of this memorable Test Match between India and West Indies. Therefore I
immediately erected Horary chart on 8th November 2013 and posted my prediction on my website
www.forecastlife.com on 12th November 2013.

Detailed analysis of this prediction is presented to esteemed readers as follows.

2nd Test Match 14-18 Nov 2013

This is a Horary Chart based on computer generated random number 104 in favor of India. The
chart was erected on 8th November 2013 at 21-48-19 Hrs in Cupertino, California, USA. Longitude
122 W 1 52 and Latitude 37 N 19 23. TZ (-) 8 Hrs.

Asc. Leo 28-26-40 Sun-Sun-Mar

Moon Cap 9-12-24 Sat-Sun-Yen

Cusp 17 6 12 11 5

CSL Mar Yen Mer Yen Mar Rah

6 CSL is Mercury. Mercury has no planets in any of its stars and so has positional status. Mercury
being CSL of 3 6 and 9 it becomes a strong significator of these cusps. Mercury's signification as
per 4 Step Theory are:

Itself i.e. Mer: Mercury:- (2) 2 (3) (6) (9)

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
It's N.Swami: Rahu:- (2) Rashi-Swami Venus (4) (3) 10

It's Sub : Jupiter:- (10) 8

It's Sub's N.SwamiJupiter:- (10) 8

Mer strongly signifies 6 (winning over enemies) as well as supporting houses 2, 3 and 10. So this
is very favorable for India.

11 CSL is Mars. Mars also has positional status and is sub lord of 1 and 11 cusps, thus strongly
signifying 1 and 11. Its 4 Step signification is:

Itself: Mars:-(12) 4(9) (1) (11)

It's N.Swami: Venus:- (4) (3) 10

It's Sub : Jupiter:- (10) 8

It's Sub's N.Swami:— Jupiter:- (10) 8

Mars strongly signifies 11 and 12 both. However it also signifies 1, 3 and 10 which are
houses supporting India. Thus Mars is in favor of India.

Now let us consider 12 CSL and 5 CSL significations also before arriving at the conclusion.

12 CSL is Venus. Its 4 step signification is:

Itself: Venus:- 4 3 10

It's N.Swami: Ketu:- (8) Rashi-Swami Mars (12) 4 (9)

It's Sub : Saturn:- (2) 5 (6) (7) Sun-Yuti (2) (1) 12

It's Sub's N.Swami:— Jupiter:- (10) 8

Its signification of 7, 8, 9 and 12 is favorable to West Indies. And its signification of 1, 2, 6 and
10 are favorable for India. Thus Venus appears to be neutral in this case. However since sub lord
is always A SUPREMO as per KP as well as 4 Step Theory, it is more favorable for India.

5 CSL is Rahu. Its signification as per 4 Step Theory is

Itself: Rahu:- (2) Rashi-Swami Venus (4) (3) 10

It's N.Swami: Rahu:- (2) Rashi-Swami Venus (4) (3) 10

It's Sub : Mercury:- (2) 2

It's Sub's N.Swami:— Rahu:- (2) Rashi-Swami Venus (4) (3) 10

Rahu is also favorable for India as it strongly signifies 2 and 3 on all steps which are supporting
houses for India.

Thus it is very clear that India will definitely win this match.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
TOSS: It is general practice that the toss is done about half an hour before the start of the match.
This match is going to start at 9:30 Hrs on 14th Nov 2013. Naturally the Ascendant rising at that
time (being strongest R P) will decide the fate of toss. As can be seen, the ascendant rising at 9:00
Hrs at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai is Scorpio ruled by Mars. And Mars is definitely favorable
for India. Hence my prediction is that India will win toss.

Conclusion: India will win toss and Match.

It is not necessary to point out the accuracy since the result is known to each and every person.

After this match a series of GDIs was also to be played between these two countries. To prove the
efficacy of this method of prediction, I predicted the results of first two GDIs also. These
predictions were also posted on my website well before the matches. Detailed analysis for these
horary charts will be presented in next issue of this esteemed magazine.

Jan-Mar 2014

Planets Never Misguide

Subhash Ektare

Author is a retired Civil Engineer by profession. He is well known KP Astrologer practicing for last 10 years.
He regularly contributes articles for "Nakshatrache Dene" only KP periodical in Marathi edited by renowned
astrologer Mr. Sunil Gondhalekar. He contributes astrological articles for Astrovision e-magazine also. He is
an active member of many astrological discussion groups. Account of his accurate predictions can be read on
Email: subhash ektare@Yahoo.com

On the morning of 27 Oct. 2013 I received an E-mail in my mail box. It was from an
astrologer who knew Yedic as well as KP and further having some knowledge of Four Step
Theory. Though we did not know each other he appeared to be confident about my
predictive abilities after reading some of my articles on the net. So, he referred one interesting and
unique case with an urge to look into the case.

Case history:

This Astrologer's best friend - a lady - owned an apartment in one of the posh localities of Mumbai
where she was staying for many years. The builder had constructed some additional floors violating
the rules and her apartment was one of them. Legal case was going on for vacating and demolition
of such unauthorized construction. Ultimately the case was heard in highest court - The Supreme
Court - and the Supreme Court ordered to vacate these apartments on or before 11th November 2013
and start demolition immediately. Naturally it would be a total loss to the owner and so she was
worried. Since this was an order of Supreme Court, only the Chief Minister of Maharashtra or the
President of India is empowered to stop this by an Ordinance. The affected residents approached
these authorities but with no results.

Therefore she sought astrological opinion whether she will be vacated and also lose the property
without any compensation. Her astrologer friend did Horary analysis but the results were confusing
for him. So he referred the case to me and gave the birth details of that lady.

I know that Horary Chart is best suited to delineate such queries but I just wanted to help and guide
them through analysis of her Natal chart.

Her birth details are: DOB - 23rd Feb 1953 TOB - 8:34 AM POB - New Delhi

Since the orders of Supreme Court were crystal clear and the time for execution of the order was
also fixed, only course left for astrologer is to check the significations of the Yimshottari DBA
lords. She was running Mer-Rah-Mer period till 5th Nov 2013 and Mer-Rah-Ket period till 29th
Dec 2013. Therefore we have to check the significations of Mercury, Rahu and Ketua. I did not
want the risk of missing any important point and so decided to analyze by KP (Traditional) as well

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
as Four Step Theory. Even Vedic principles are sometimes used to strengthen the process of

Analysis by KP (Traditional)

Mahadasha lord Mercury: Mercury is posited in 12H suggesting a loss of property. However
Mars and Venus are tenanted in the star of Mercury thus making it a weak significator of 12H.
Secondly Mercury is lord of 4H and 7H. Mercury strongly signifies 4H because there are no planets
in 4H. So question of loss of property does not arise. Further Mercury is in the star of Jupiter
situated in 2H and l/o 1H and 10H. This stellar position does not show any loss. Mercury's sub lord
Venus is in 1H and owns 3H and 8H. This signification of 8H is responsible for worries about loss
of property. Secondly, Mercury is in conjunction (yuti) with Sun in 12H as per Vedic rules and so
is combust. This further weakens its signification of 12H. Thus, in my opinion, Mercury creates
worries and fear of loss of property but does not portend any loss as such actually.

Bhukti lord Rahu: Rahu is posited in 11H, in the star of Moon in 3H (but 3° 13 24 behind 4th
cusp, therefore it is bound to give 4th house result predominantly while 3rd house result will be given
to a lesser extent) and l/o 5H in the sub of Mercury in 12H (which is a weak significator of 12H as
described above). Further Rahu is an agent of Saturn l/o 11H (being in Aquarius rashi). Thus Rahu
also does not show any loss of property.

Antara lord Ketu: Ketu is posited in 5H in Cancer rashi. Therefore it is an agent of Moon in 3H,
l/o 5H. As explained above Moon will predominantly give the result of 4H than 3H. Thus Ketu
becomes a strong significator of 4H. Further Ketu is in the star and sub of Mercury. Mercury being
strong significator of 4H and a weak significator of 12H it is unlikely that Ketu will force any loss
for the Native.

Conclusion: All DBA lords are creating enough worries and fear of loss of property but
cannot enforce a loss, at least, during their joint periods.

Analysis as per "Four Step Theory"

Mahadasha lord Mercury: (Numbers given in brackets show strong signification. As per Four
Step Theory, planets can give results of houses which are strongly signified by that planet.)

Mahadasha Lord: Mercury:- 12 4 7

It's N.Swami Jupiter:- (2) 1 (10) Cusp Yuti: (2)

It's Sub : Venus:- 1 3 8

It's Sub's N.Swami:— Mercury:- (12) (4) 7

Mercury strongly signifies 4H (on 4 step which is important step for success) without any
signification of 3H. So it can be confidently said that the property will not be vacated.

Bhukti Lord Rahu: Rahu:-11 Rashi-Swami Saturn 7 1112

It's N.Swami: Moon:- (3) 5 Cusp Yuti: (4)

It's Sub : Mercury:- 12 4 7

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
It's Sub's N.SwamiJupiter:-(2) 1(10) Cusp Yuti: (2)

There is strong signification of 4H in 2nd step with no significations to the contrary in 3rd and 4th
steps suggests that Native is not going to vacate and/or lose her property.

Anrara Lord Ketu: Ketu:- (5) Rashi-Swami Moon (3) 5 Cusp yuti (4)

It's N.Swami: Mercury:- (12) (4) 7

It's Sub : Mercury:- 12 4 7

It's Sub's N.Swami:— Jupiter:- (2) 1 (10) Cusp Yuti: (2)

Ketu strongly signifies 4H on 1st and 2nd step without any adverse significations in 3rd and 4th step.
This also confirms that property is not going to be vacated nor there will be any financial loss for
the native.

Conclusion: Property under consideration will not be vacated on or immediately after the
fateful day i.e. 11th November 2013.

I conveyed these findings on 2nd Nov 2013 with a request to verify and confirm it with horary

Note: Four fold KP Table of significators gives strong as well as weak significations of planets and
houses. Naturally an astrologer has to use his desecration to select planets showing strong
signification, before declaring the result. On other hand, in "Four Step Theory" strong and weak
significations are shown separately on each step and thus making it very easy and simple for an
astrologer to arrive at accurate prediction.

Facts of the case:

On expiry of the last date to vacate the premises the police and the Municipal authorities came to
vacate these apartments. But the residents locked and guarded main gate and did not allow them to
enter the premises for the whole day. Next day the authorities came again with determination of
vacating and demolishing the apartments. They brought necessary team of workers and bull-dozers.
But seeing the plight of the residents Supreme Court suo motto ordered status quo and stopped
vacating and demolition till 31 May 2014. Further it is learnt that affected residents will be given
alternative accommodation in the same premises before taking further action in this matter.

The credit of this correct prediction, of course, goes to accurate prediction method of Krishnamurti
Paddhati and Four Step Theory

CditxrH. A. -A/or£c.

We congratulate Sri Ektare ji for his precise prediction of the event using 4 Step Theory
and KP astrology. All the readers around the world will benefit to read his article.

GtrMjgJlMLA. !f €lXI+nJuCJtl£ llHjtlxLtxi£loT±A.

Jan-Mar 2014

Blind Chart Exercise: Khullar Cuspal Interlinks Method (KCIL)

Y.P. Khas

Engineering Graduate with MBA. Doing business in Delhi. Follower of Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar Ji and belonging to Art of Living family. Fond of doing Meditation and attending
Satsung. Astrology is his hobby in the midst of busy schedule. Learnt Parasari, KP, KCIL,
Brighu Nadi, Western astrology personally from Mr. S.P. Khullar, Rtd.ITS for the last
more than 10 years by visiting his house regularly.

Email: caspal 1 @vahoo.co.in

Earlier, Mr. Dymock of Australia in his site" New Astrologers Forum" used to float Blind
Chart on monthly basis and whose answer would be declared at the end of the month with
the analysis of successful astrologers. Due to his poor health, he suddenly stopped floating
Blind Charts in his site for more than six months and recently, he has started sending exercises by e-
mail to interested astrologers. Following is the one of the Blind Chart particulars recently floated
by him and the attempt made by me is as follows

Exercise No. E-l Dymock

Female, Date of Birth: 06/09/1937, Time :05:45AM, Place of birth : W Winterbach, Germany.
Long:10E 29 and Lati: 48N27
Question: What important event happened in the life of native on 16/11/1966?

Fixing of Ascendant:

We know that the Ascendant coruling planets and Moon coruling planets of a child at the time of
birth are significators of 2/5/11 (child being first issue) and 2/7/11 ( child being 2nd issue) and so on
in their parents' charts. This simple logic came handy to Mr Khullar and he came to the conclusion
that in the chart of the native, Ascendant and Moon coruling planets should be significators of
10/1/7 as the native is child of father represented by 9th house. This is the first and the foremost
step in KCIL and the chart has to be adjusted to fulfil the condition. Once it is done successfully
with suitable SSL, the chart is almost rectified to the required level. Secondly, Asc SSL should be
either Moon or the Moon star or planets who are in the star or sub of the Moon star of the native so
that Asc fulfils 1/7/10 condition. Asc SSL is divided into 300 parts and the first half i.e. 150 parts
will be male and rest of the 150 parts will be female in case of ascendant raising sign is male like
Aries. In this chart, Ascendant rises in Leo which is male sign and native being female, the SSL
should be kept above 150th part or more than 50%. Accordingly, to begin with, I kept TOB as
5:44:40 with Sun as Asc SSL falling on 51.44 arc percentage. Though the chart floated by Mr.
Dymock is a rectified one but KCIL requires rectification, as stated above, for fulfilling minimum
conditions for a perfect ascendant as KCIL fully depends on the ascendant rising degree.

As this is a blind chart and no options of events are offered, promise of Dasa series, Transit of
planets and progressed chart should be checked for their role to find out the event. I erected the
natal chart with TOB 5:44:40 with Ascendant fulfilling minimum conditions as laid above. Dasa
on the date of event was Rahu-Mer-Sat-Sat-Sat. Dasa Rahu is simultaneous significator of 2- 5-7.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
But, Antara, Sooksma and Prana is Saturn which is a significator of 5-7. This made me conclude
that the event on that day was Marriage. But a doubt appeared in my mind due to Bhukti, Mercury
which is not at all a significator of 7 or does not appear as a planet in the 7th cusp. Mercury is a
simultaneous significator of 1-2-11 in the natal chart. But progressed position of the Mercury on
the date of event in the progressed chart activates the 7th house and at the same time in the
progressed chart, Saturn is not a significator of 2. This gave me another important clue that the
event which occurred on the given date must have been more closely related to addition in family
rather than marriage. This conclusively forced me to shift the TOB to 05:45:10 which is 10 seconds
ahead of given time that makes Mercury not only a significator of 2-7 but also makes Saturn
a significator of 2-5-7-11 in the progressed chart on the event date.

In chart with TOB 05:45:10 (Attached), Bhukti Mercury involves 7 but commits to 2
i.e. Mercury's star is in 7 and sub is in 2. This suggests that marriage could not have happened on
the given date and addition in the family was a possible one. The Signification of Mercury in
association with Antara, Sooksma and Prana made me to conclude that the native would have given
birth to a child only.

Progressed Chart (Virtual transit position of cusps and planets on the event date):

KCIL uses progressed chart (Attached) on the date of event just like Age Harmonic Chart.
Progressed Ascendant's SSL Moon is a significator of 2-7-11 in the natal chart. In the progressed
chart on the event date, the Dasa Lord's progressed position activates 2- 5-7-11 in the progressed

Transit (Real):

Sun was transiting in Mars sign and Mars is a significator of 5-7-11. Moon was transiting in Jupiter
sign and Jupiter is a significator of 5-7-11. Dasa Lord Rahu and Bhukti Lord Mercury were also
transiting in Mars sign whose signification is discussed above. Antara , Sooksma and Prana lord
was Saturn which was transiting on Saturn itself who is significator of the above houses. Rahu, the
Dasa Lord , and Saturn the Antara, Sooksma & Prana Lord activate 2-5-7. But, I came to the
conclusion that the event was child birth due to 1-2-7-11 signification of Bhukti.

The result was declared by Mr. Dymock 15 days after floating the chart and my answer is correct.
Out of more than 12 participants only three including me deduced the event correctly. The native
gave birth to a female child. Out of the three successful participants, two were Westerners who
used their own systems and I was the only Indian who used KCIL for deducing the correct answer.

Verification of KCIL method after declarion of result:

KCIL propound that Moon Star of 1st child should not only be a significator of 2-5-11 in the
parents chart but should also be related to 5th SSL. In the above blind chart, the child's Moon star
was Venus. The 5th cusp SSL is Rahu and in the natal chart, Rahu is sub of Venus. Further,
Venus is in the Star of Sat (2nd SSL) and in sub of Rahu (5th SSL and 11th SSL). Thus Rahu
maintains relation with 5 SSL and is a Significator of 2-5-11. In KCIL, only sex of the first child
could be ascertained using arc percentage. In this chart, 11th Cusp rises in Virgo( the male Sign)
and arc percentage of the SSL of the 11 cusp is more than 50% suggesting the sex of the child
female. Other subsequent issue's sex could not be ascertained in KCIL as 7th represent either
female or male partner and 9th necessarily be male. Sex determination of 2nd child and 3rd child
using nature of respective SSL planets and their placement always found to be an approximate one.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
N.ame : E-1 Dyniocfr Blirid Chart.
Place : WirvterbaeJi, Gtmiariy, LangHuda a Latiludc : 10-29-0-&48-27-0-M Sidereal Time : 04-26-33
Date 4 Day ; 0^9/1937 {Mcnday} Geocenlric Latitude : 40-15'32'H Nakshatra :&4.2!6-33
Time': 05:45:10 Lunar Nvdes rime Tithi: Stiukta Paksha - EMieeya
Tiin&Zoite : 41:0:0 DST : 00:00 Ayanamsa t 22-56-33
House .System: Placidus,.
Queeilon: What Important e^ent happen&d In Ih'e life of Hative Qn ?

VlniahcKarl Period (Contd.J
CurrtE AntAi-e
5u t-lP Me Ne J VePt Ro-t,lu4lFr-27^171905.:. 16:22:10
Pa41e-Ke-297d33i;05 :: 00:16:43
Ra-Me-Vs-ai'Oa? 190S:: 05:51:4 3
RM.ie-su-m.'in.'ia&s;: min i/
Ma rui Mafci 6X2 He Rli.MMll>27.'t27.1«5 :■ 10:13.07
P;j4.le4.1a-t9'i027.1&60 :: I3JI4.J0
Rlil.lt. Rn 4300771966 "I 1 1:14 '22
Pa-M*4u-tO111.'l9fl0:: 15:40:46
hlH [5 X, « >i 9 1 Or Pa-Me-Sa-OVlDlH 1907 02:57:07

Re41t.5n-Sn:04E12rig^.. 0O.O3'52
Po-M9-Sn-Me-24712119C0 :: 21:27:41
PLANETARY POSITION Ra4,l0 SD-K0-O2.a!7l967r I 1:55:00
Ra-Me-Sa-Va-I/TO 1/19ti7 :: 01:47:01
Ra-7.lt-Sa-5u-03.DJ71967 - 10:45:40
PlW.I<7-5a-P,io-15.,Cl2.,1067 ;: 17:42:02
OS'21'23 Su I Me I Vl MS noTTAftl Pf RlOClS Ra-Me-Sn-Mn-2410231907 :: 09.09:26
Mai^ 2]-4 4-59 R&.Mil-S9-R(H-ia.,03319.fl7 : 1 1:02:5?
Su I Me I □ a ant Ri- f.1s-Sp-itii-07iti431967 :: 02:57.07
wTTpTl?TM 24-34-54 fm Su - 00404930 - 17:57.07
Venus ]4'ia-54 Mo -b'STlffllMS:: 05:57:07 Current Plane
Saturn 10-09-24 Me -KJICWIOSS - 23:57:07 Ra'-t. ls-5a-5fl-Sfl-'l431171B0S ;; 0E'34:SS'
T.^nhu Rn - 00/1071974 11:57X37 Ri^ii^Se-Sfi'-MQTt 7/rii IH6Z! IK4 7:4 Z
T.KcjUI 17-14-JD wm^w Ju - 0031071990 ::.l 1:57:07 Pa-Ma-Sn-Sii-K*-19.' 1111906 I: 90:29:93
Uranus 1 TM 20-35-01 Ss-DS.'lO/TODg r 05:47:07 Ra-t.le-Sa-Sfl-Ve-iill 171659 z 2!:52:54
NeoUmr. Vi? I r-ia I MO -0571012(121;:: 11'57:07 l2a-I.1e-£a-Sfl-Su-2431111659 :: 01:5J .93
nuto ErnifSKn K?- OO.'iq.'JOSa _iJ5:57.07 Ra-Me-&a-Sn-Ma-?0.'1 T31056 " 00:3?'56
V0-00110.2053 rt>5:57:07 Rl>ji1^:sp.i5:i.lil,j.2r7l 111906.. 09:17:10
CUSPAL POSIT ON Ra-t.|0-Sn-Se-Ro-3Ori l/ISOO:: 21:20:47
Curiaial Bbtikll Ra-t,1e-SB-Sa-Ju-04/12' 100£-:: DQ'.03:52
OiS|> 1 19-S4-49 SMwma PO-Pn- IWO&i 135S : 04:09.07 Pa-I. ie-S;i-MB-MB-06711'l 9661:23.05:44
Cu-ijj [] | VIl [2-29-tl 5a I lig.BH Rp-Ju- 1171 UlOOt J 19.33:07 Ra-Me-Sn-Me-Ka-O&'lJ/lSCO z(H.'2D-.37
lusi'I in i ub ID-50-35 Rti-Sa -17VOO:, 196-1 z f7.'30i:07 Ra-Me-Sa-Me-lie-11712r16G6 :: IS:E4:3G
Wk.\ f fca vm KrViM LS-24-!i 5a | 99.4! fta-Me- 47:04719SJ :: 02:57:0/ Ra-Mt-Sa-Me-Sir-l 27127l L906 " 15:50:47
21-1 MO 27. in Ra-K(J-7JiOJ7t9ER'- 15:1507 Rl>.M(i-S9.Mo.Mri.|-J7l2. 19G0 :: 19 45:40
23-3S-44 Ju I 90.54 fie-Va - 2570il7l971 ::»: 15:07 Rj-tile-Sn-MB-Mn-1571231903:: 19.00.39
19-54-49 44.27 fin-Su - 1B,03'19T2 - K2:33:D7 Ra-LlB-Sa-Me-fia-ia'l 211809 = 19:13:M
mu.mdi 12-29-13 5a I 69.31 Rp-MO . [710371?73..
: ,
23:39.07' I'-la-Me-Sfl-Ma-Ju-Z 171231909 - 14:04:24
Cusp[X 10-58-35 41.12 RP-MP - 0ft I Qa' 19 74 : 11:57:07 Ra-Mt-5n-Mp-5a-?4Els7l?fiO ;; Zl'Z7:4i
CuspK 15-24-21 Ka I 02.15 iClPslag D-atee and TimesIndtcaledJ
Cusp X] 21-41-40

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014


Progressed Cusp I as AscendanlChart jFor 16-11 -1966 :: COiODlOO) Chart Rotated StartIrg with Cusji I
Name : Et Oymock Rfogressed chart mi date 16-11 1966-
Place : Gera Longitude & Latitude : l0-iM-0-E/48-27-0-W .Sidereal Tittte 1114-26-33
Dale a Day : O&'a/lSiT (Monday) ■Geecentrlc Latitude Nakshalra : 0d-2e-3S
Time : 06:46:10 Lunar Nodes ; True Tithi ; Shukla Pak^he -Dviteeya
Time Zone ; +1:0:0 DST : 00;IX] Ayanamsa : 22-63-33
House System: Placidus.

a-^eui ^LJJI BT- BHAVA CHART VlmstigllaiT Perl-g^

l-h Ms v?
/«\ Currel AnHrj
7 \ 5/ R;i-k!o-Mij-27/(Hn9e5 :: 10.22:10
\ y Ra-Mo-KsriS.'DSHPSS = 00:10.-13
^y\ Su iX Sul-loMe X5 He Ro-Ho-Ve-SS/OO.U'eO:: 06:61 >13
Ra-Me-Su-1 On Dn 005 = 19:31:37
Ro-Mo-Mo-S?.'tI'l965;: 10:14.07
Ni □ y Ra-MB-Ma-1tifla i900:: 13:1-1:40
^ Hi* R.-H KB y Rn-rLEu-R4i-09:d7Jl966 : 11:1-1:22
/12\ %< Ra-Mp-jtp.iovi tnnbo i5:J0:46
n!i-Mp-5oi-07/04/1-967 _ 02,57.07
1 1 C-urn?! Suk jhns
Rn-Me-Sn- se-wna/io'ee 00.03:52
Rn-kte-Sn- MB'-2tn2/l90fl .21:27:41
Ju Sd Rn-Mo-Sa- Ke-02.''a: 171907 11:55.09
\/ Rn-He-Sn- Va-27, 0171907 01:47:5 I
PLANETARY POSITION Rn-Me-Sa- Su ■93/Cl2n 907 10:15:40
RP-Mb-SS- Mo-15/0271967 17:42.02
VIMS HOTTER I PERIODS Rn-MB-Sn- MD:2.tf02.-|M7 .09.09:29
Sun Vlr | B)-57-22 I He
I Moon Lib I i4-ag-22 Rn-MO-SO- Rfi. 10,113/1997 1 I.D2.5i
Rp-Me-Sa-. Jii-07,114.t967: 02^7.07
Su-twio'isje::: 17.57.07
MP| LUPj11 wu-tfi/iojia-is :105:57 07
3(jplL&r Cwrwet Pffloa
r.1p -95/1 on 056 :J:: 23.57.07 Ra-MB-Sn-Sa-S3-1-L/| 1/1966 L 09-24:20
11-33^11 Rn -t36'10n07-t 2 11.67:07
^■."itLiin Art I 05-33-17 Re-Ms-Sa-Sa-Ale-17/11/1966 :: 15:47:42
Ju-oenonbon 2: t l;57.D7 Rn-MB-Sn-Snie-U'/11/1966 =00:29:03
I Kafru San | i7-l7-d3 Sa-ndMCraGtiB -1 05:57:07
K«^L^ Ra-MB-Sa-Sa-Ve-22/11/1006 = 21:52:54
Me-oeirift,7D2'e:::: I1;57.D7 Ra-MB-Sn-Sn- 3ii-24 /1, If 1906 = 01:54:03
CLP&PAL POSfTiON ka - nePiQ^osa - 05:67.07' Ra-MB-S0-Sa-ti1ck2fji '11.' 1900 :: 09:35:53
witn* vo-De.'100953;;; 05'57.07 ■ Ra-Me-Sa^Sfl-Mfl-27/1171030 = 09:17:19
Ctf5pl Vil I 25-iO-OD | Ni? S* I Ho | 17.22 rtfl-Ms-Sa-SakRa-OEhh i/iOOO:: 21:20:47
| CUSU II Lib | 2h-SG"?6 | Ve Ke | SU | 6S.&1 L Shuktl rS£)-MB-Sa-Sa-Ju4Hn271030 :: 09:03:52
- IJ.'OfnOSO' O-f.OOlOT Ra-Mu-Sii-MB-MB-OQ/1271966 _ 23.05.44
■ 1 m i/ioei: 1 18:33.07 Pa-MB-Sa-MB-K^Oi- ^IOee . 04:20 J7
KUu3l - 17,iKyit!6J 17;39.07
Cesn V mvSStam RB-MB-SB-MB-VB-I uiz.'lt^e :: 15.54:M
-07/04.'1067 :: 02.57.07 Ro-MB-Sn-MB-Su-12712/1936 = 16:59.47
Cijr.ii VI PiS | 07-M-73 I )u Mu I Sa | 65,7-1 -24.^719-08 .: 15:15:07
Cusp V[] 25'10'Od 37.22 Ra-krB-SD-MB-kto-U/f:.1^!/^ = 10.45:46
- 2SVU.'I97I r OB: 15:0 7 Ro-MB-Sa-MB-Ma-15-' 12/1906 = 05^0:39
Clip VI tl 2S'SS»t6 WZMwm - '19il0lr1972 102:39:07
Cuvp IK 28-75-11 Rp-MB-Sa-Me-fta-16/12/1906 :: 10: (3:14
- I i/Oa/lOTO 7 23-30^17 Ra-M9-Sp-Me-Ju-21'l2'IS6d r. 1-1:04:2-1
CesnX dl-Il-Ol 07.37 - OO,1'! 0.'1074 - 11 -57.117
I Cusp Xl lep I 09-71-37 I 5u 5a I Sfl I (JE.tU Ro-Me-Sa-Me-Sfl-2471271900 :: 21-27:4 1
| Ills 07-14-73 (CI05 Inn Dates a nd Ti/ii cs indtc.alBdl

Jan-Mar 2014

Child Birth Prediction: Khullar Cuspal Interlinks Method (KCIL)

Y.P. Khas

Engineering Graduate with MBA. Doing business in Delhi. Follower of Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar Ji and belonging to Art of Living family. Fond of doing Meditation and attending
Satsung. Astrology is his hobby in the midst of busy schedule. Learnt Parasari, KP, KCIL,
Brighu Nadi, Western astrology personally from Mr. S.P. Khullar, Rtd.ITS for the last
more than 10 years by visiting his house regularly.

Email: caspal 1 @vahoo.co.in

One of my friends came to me with one person who is childless for the past more than 8
years. He gave me horary No. 1974 and wants me to predict as to whether he will be
blessed with a child or not? If the answer is yes, he wanted to know the period. The
particulars of horary along with horary chart (attached) are given below:

Date of Judgement; 31.12.2012

Time of Judgement: 17:05:34

Place: New Delhi

Long: 077-14E and Lati: 28-36 N

Asc at the time of Judgement: Mer-Ra-Sat-Sat

Genuineness: Moon with no PS is in the Star of Mercury. Mercury is sign lord of 5th house and
SSL of 11th house. The horary is genuine.

Promise: Asc SSL Rahu is in the star of Jupiter (Star lord of 5th cusp) , sub of Mars (Sign Lord of
2nd and Virtual SSL of 11th ) with its sub sub Mercury placed in 2 and 11 house. 5th SSL Ketu is
significator of 2-5-11 and 11th SSL Mercury also significators of 2-5-11.

Dasa Series: At the time of horary, Dasa running was Mer-Ve-Ra. Asc at the time of judgement
was Mer-Ra-Sat-Sat. So, I earmarked that the birth of child should take place in the Saturn Antara
which starts from August 13 to 27.1.14. Besides Mercury and Venus, Saturn is also significators of
2-5-11. Accordingly, I told him that female child with Moon star either Mercury or Rahu will bom
during Saturn Antara. Querent confirmed me recently that his wife conceived during April 13 and
delivery is around 4 week of Janl4.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
To my curiosity, I asked him about LMP of his wife. LMP of his wife was 14th April 13.
Generally conception takes place 7-15 days after LMP. I took the period of conception as last
week of April 14 during which the Sooksma was of Saturn. For conception, Sooksma should be
source at 2 or 5 or 8 and significators of 2-5-8. In this case Saturn is source at 2 which is 8 from
nd th th
7th. It involves 2 house (8 from Asc) ,5 house (11th house from Asc) and commits to 8 (2nd
house from Asc) . During this sooksma period, Sun should also transit in the relevant sign which is
also significators of 2-5-8. During last week of April 13, Sun was transiting in Mars Sign and Mars
being a Source in 8th cusp (2nd from Asc) is significator of 2-5-8 .

Sex of the child: 5th cusp raises in Male sign and the arc percentage of SSL of the 5th cusp is 73.36
which is in the second half of the male sign. This means that the child will be female.

Moon Star of the Child: Moon star of the child should be either 5th SSL/Virtual SSL or planets
who are in the star/sub of 5th SSL. In this case Ketu is 5th SSL and Ketu is in the star of Sun & in
the sub of Rahu. Ketu is star lord of Mercury. Thus the possible Moon stars of the child are
Ketu/Sun/Ra/Mer/planets represented by Rahu and Ketu. Among this I ruled out Sun as the planet
is not significator of primary house. Among these three Stars Ketu though 5th SSL, it should also be
left out as Ketu is not significator of 1-7-10. Thus I fixed Moon star of the Female Baby as either
Rahu (25.1.14) or Mercury (27.1.14).

I will definitely inform the readers after birth of the child and verify the same with progressed
position of cusps and planets in the natal as well as progressed chart on the date of event.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014


Horary Chart
MamE iChtld Gilh Prediaiion il(tHOraryJ
Place :Ddhi Lonoitude & Latitude :77-14-0-tr23-36.0.W Sidereal Time !l7-2a-55
:17-2a-55 '
Date £ Day :31 /1212012 {Monday) Geweniric Latitude r2S' 25, tS.70n N Rahsha tra :AsJilesha-2
Nahshatra :AsJilesha- 2 Qtr.
Time :17:05:34 Lunar Nodes :Tme Tithi rKrishnaPaksha-Titeeya
:Krishna Paksha - Titeeya
Time Zone 45:30 DST :OD:0O Ayararnsa
Ayaranraa :24-0l-37
Query No. :1'&74 House System' :PlaadtJS
RP Time : At 12:10:{l9Hfs.dn 15-12-2013, RP ASC: Sa / Ju / Sa t Ra;. RP Moon: V# 1 Su 1 Me / Ntor 'RPRahu : Ve / Ra, RPKetu : Ma t Ke;
Day Lord : Su, Day; Sunday
RASHI CHART BHAVA CHART Vlinshottarl Period fContd.)
Current Antara '
He'V9-Ve'04«HQ012:: 15:46:15
Me-Ve-Su-26iD5'2012 :: 10:37:15
Ma-Vfl-MLj.20l'ni2Ot2!';: 15:22:15
M4-VB-Ma-20.'1«201£ 1: 01:11:45
Mo-ve-jtsQ^OAautA:: 06:44:46
Me-Ve-Ju-09i'Ca)2(H3:: 06:20:45
Me-Ve-Ea-20rOl &014 :: 02:52:15
Su He IH M9.Ve-M9.t3.'C6T2(Jt4;: 17:26-45
Ma-Ve-Ke-15.TI6/2014 :: 0246:15
Current Sukshma
Me-Ve-Me-Me-W.ll2)2014 :;'2 liO.Oa ■
W8-ve-Me-Kt-i 6.1)2.2014;; to;i 5:09
Ms-Ve-Me-Ve- lA.'OS/S014 :: 21:00:54
r-ie-ve-Ma-su-ii/OiraK ::04:»:33
Me-Ve-Me-Ma-t 1)0J.
Wo-V9-M9'Rs-01 a5)2(H4;: 23:11:41
DaShas Ue-Vfl-Me-Sa-1S.D6)2014 17:26:45
: Sun sa^ I | in ve Me-21Aia2025 :: 1^:52:15
Wcfli i Ke- 21,165,'5035 :: 06:52: IS Current Pfana ;
Miirs.- in|ggj|g§ Ve-aiiOS.^OSZ :: 06:52:15 M»-V9-Me4v1e4Vle-2A 01/2(Jl4;: 01:29:12
Wfiit^try L R.i So - 21i'05i'2DS3 :: 20:52:15. Me-Ve-Me-Me4te-24/Q 1/2014 :: 05:33:60
::0?:52;15 M3-Ve-Me-MB-V'e-27r01.2014 :: 17:35:2&
JupTUr T.iij | 13-47-44 I Ve Ho Ma-Ve-Me-Me:5u-2SrOlv20l415:33:52
fiu E Me 'i,lr]-22'i)3T2Q75 :: 02:52:15 Me-ve-Me-Me-Mo-SQiDi J2QU':: 12:06:12
Sa - 2l.i05r2iS3S:: I4:S5:1S
ju - ;au5.|Jt09 Me-Ve4v1a4VlB'Mp'31)(U)2(j'l4:: 17:10:49
Ea-OiflS^l^a ;: 06:52:15. Me-Ve4f1e-Me-Sa-03,l ,02)2014 :: 19:57i0
-H- Ma-Ve-ft1e-Me-Ju-C6. 02)2(U4 :: 14:24:43
rJiiHnliS I IQ-HS-JJ | Ju &i I & I i I I Current Bhukll Me-Va-Ma-Me-Sa-DS/O'S.iOli :: 21:20:00
Keptiine Jta J >i__ we-hie - it'fOQom:: oaisns Mfl.ve-Me-Ka-Ke-l&'Oi^OM:: 09:16:51
Me-ne-isn0r20l1 :: OS: IE: 15 W=-Ve-Me-Kje-Ve-11)02)20 14 :: 19:3101
Pltiio. I 13-JQ-17 | Ju I Va I'tteiTMe' Me-V4p-15.1)6/20 :: 02:16:15
, Me-Ve-Me-Ke-Su-12)02)2014 :: 03:4646
CUSPAL POSITION Ma-Su - 2ir06i 2015 :: 13:22:15 Ma-Ve+1e-«#-M> 12702)3014 :: 22:53:01
Me-!vlQ-lSril.i20!E ;;23:SJ:lS Me-Va-Ma-Ke-Ma-.l SroS'SOlJ ;; 10:51:24
Ms+is -17/1 woi 7:: 04:4S: 1 s Mfl-V9-M8-k^Pt-14)02.2014 :: 17:35:95
Ka rjOjiD Me-Sa - (J5'Ca2(}20 iL 14:07:15 Me-Va-Me:Ks-Ju-1502)2014 :: 21:00:35
Air | D4-in-::D sa I 13.96 ; Me-Ju - ti/o&'20i22:: 1 lAsns M£-Ve-Me-Kje-$a-17)02)2014 05:30:32
Cum lit T«r I W-11-26 Su Me-Sa - 21,'05:2025:: 14:52:15 M4-y9-M9-K*-M4-i6«2^oi4:: 10:35:09
Qisj) JV Tut | 16-50-1J ICIpsing Dptes and Times indicaled)
CJisp V Hum | 77-JD-JP I Me | Ju Kfl | 7fi.46 |
Cum VI tfl-2e-34 Ve
Cum Vi I 24-36-37 klo
Cum VIII LilJ I 04-10-20 VU | Ma 5# I 72.05 I
CumJX _04-II-26
Cusp X 2B"S "Me""
Cum xt SJirj I 72-36-1? Ju I Vi; I OAJI 1
Cusp Xll (Ap I tfl-26-34 Sa \ 36i20 i

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Promotion to Top Level: Khullar Cuspal Interlinks Method (KCIL)

Y.P. Khas

Engineering Graduate with MBA. Doing business in Delhi. Follower of Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar Ji and belonging to Art of Living family. Fond of doing Meditation and attending
Satsung. Astrology is his hobby in the midst of busy schedule. Learnt Parasari, KP, KCIL,
Brighu Nadi, Western astrology personally from Mr. S.P. Khullar, Rtd.ITS for the last
more than 10 years by visiting his house regularly.

Email: caspal 1 @vahoo.co.in

A higher level officer in Govt. approached me to predict his promotion in top level
management in Govt. He gave me Horary No. 1087 asked me when he will be promoted
to top level ? The horary chart is attached and particulars of the chart are given below:

Date of Judgment: 15.11.2012,

Place : New Delhi

Long: 77-14 E Lat:28-26-19 N,

Time : 16:43:11

1. Genuineness of query:

Moon was in the Star of Mercury with no PS. Moon itself is 10th SL and occupies 2nd in
Bhava Chart. Moon Star Mercury also 10th cusp Sign Lord ,1st cusp Sign Lord and
occupies 2 in Bhava chart. Thus the query is genuine. But, Moon's appearance in 8th

Cusp as SL and SSL and Moon star Mercury in 12th shows mental tension of the querent.

2. Promise:

i) Ascendant: Ascendant SSL Venus is simultaneous significator of 1-2-6-10-11

along with negative houses 4,8,12. Here itself Ascendant has become weak.
ii) Sixth SSL Saturn who has No PS involves 2,6,11 through its star and commits to 1,6
and 9. Promise of the Sixth SSL is also poor.
iii) 10th SSL Jupiter involves 2,10 and commits to 1,10 which also considered as poor
iv) 11th SSL Rahu involves 2,6,10 through its star Jupiter and commits to 1 and 11.
Though this promise is indicating poor monetary benefit but provides some hope for

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
3. For promotion to top level management, especially in horary, promise of the relevant cusp
should be 1-2-6-10-11 without operation of any negative house 4/8/12 as this kind of
posting always has so many contenders. Moreover, primary house 10th , should be linked
to 11th cusp which is absent in the above case. Promotion to this high level is possible only
if the concerned cusps SSL either involves 1-2 and commits to 6-10-11 or involves 11th and
commits to 1-2-6/10 with end result i.e. placement of SSL of the relevant SSL in houses
favourable to 10th cusp.

4. Keeping in view the above, it was predicted that the file would move due to mixed promise
but promotion will not take place as the primary house has no linkage with 11th.
Accordingly, till date (for the past one year) the file is shunting among PMO, DOPT,
Cabinet Secretariat and concerned Ministry, but with no clear conclusion on the proposal of
promotion though the officer is eligible.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Horary Chart
hlatne : PrormelionTo Top Level HAGiHorary)
Plaet!: New Delhi Longilude £ Lalitude : 77-1J-0-B2fl-33-0-N Sidereal Time : 07-4^09
Dale £ Day : l&'l V2012 (Thoridayj Gs&oerKrH; La'iiude: Nakehatra : 07-43-09
Time; 16:43:11 Lunar Nodes; True Titlii: Shukla Peksha ■ Dviteeye
Time Zone: +5:30:0 D5T r 00:00 Ayanamsa :■ 24-01-30
Query No,: 1QS7 House System: Plectdus

V-hhi^ i en AVA CHART

S11 Si SuHoMOR,) /X ^ Vimthsttarl Period {CcntdJ
\ // : / asc v
Curret Anlera
iteR Ve M9,5u'5u-02.i03'?{)13 ;: 13.03:24
Pa Me-5u-r.1O-28-l}M0 1300.58:54
X Me-5u-M&-iMO-1'20i3:: 12:37:45
\ e /' Me-Su-Rn -01,103/2013:: 02.17:39
/ Ma PJ 9^3 o y( 3 ■ Me-Su-Jif;1207.'20l3 = 11:46:27
/iiX /ii\ Mrv-Eu-E-a-SO/OH/TOIZ ;; 15;5 I'5J
\ > r.it-5u'Mi-i3'i&20i3;: i5:0S;i&
RlQ-5iJ-K(i-31,' 10.'TOI 317:45.06
.UiR kiR r.i*-Su-vo-22M2/?o-i3:: 11.30:06
t 6ukjhm«
U-VB-VB-OOII 1/2013 :: 03:43:30
lie u-Ve-Su-HJ 11/2013 : 22:-l9.-09
/ \
PLANETARY POSIT ON u-Ve-Mo-10/11/2013 :: 06:16:2-1
U-Ve-MB-I9ill.i20l3 :: 00:41:53
DS^ggiie a u-Va-R 0-27/11/201S _ 0 1:01:32
bun Lib I 29'2a-lO I Ve u-Ve-Ju-OS/lirtflli: : 22:36:20
Mrjim 21-21-JJ I Ha VIMfiHOTTftRI PERFCPS u-Ve-Sfl-l?.i 12/2013 ; 03: l3 Si
Njrs O-HItOI U-VB-MB- 19/12-2013 : 11.09:38.
MtflTCUIV Sea I D4-3't-5e I He Dnsii u-V0-Ka-22i12/2D13 :: 11:36:00
Jupiter Me -22/1112026; I3.M:06
VeniB KB -2211 132030-: 07 :Q6dj0 Current Prana
SAtmn I0-5IKM I V,J Vs - 22.'1 ir2D50 ::: 07:00.00 Me-5:u-Ve-V'e-Ve-02/l 1.-2C113 ::1
T,Rii5>u Stir I 02-01-29 I Mr, SU -21/1 lf205P ,. 19.0006 Me-£u-Ve-Ve-5j-D2/l.1/2013::
r^u I 02-ai-i9 I Ve' Su | Ju M<j-22V11I20W..: D7.OP.06 Me-lSu-Ve-Ve-Mo-OS,11 1/20 1-3 -
Ha-22'Mn073.-.: 01.06:00 Me-Sii-Ve-Vs-Xla-OZJIr 1/2013 ;:
00-20-M Rs-22N1'20SI =: 13:06.00 r-{e-5i/-V[;-Vi-Ra-a5. l 1,7013 r
J-OS-OS I .in Ju - SJi'llrllO? ;: 13.06:013 Me-5!u,Vp,Vo,Jil,0(i/l 1/2013 C
Sn -21'I I^U :: 07:00.-05 Me.Su-Vu.vi-SpHjr/l l.-2(Hi
CUSPAL POSITION MB-Su-Vu-ve.M.j-a4rii/2i)i3::
kQWlWMMn^* TWKilW Current Shukll ^te-SLl-VlH-V<^-Kn-05>■,11,20(3 _
Cusp t 26-30-13 Me-Me - 1904,'2009 :: 22:33.00 Me-Esu-Ve-Su-Su-UEi-'l I.IJOII r
Cusp II J7-2M1 Me-K-e -- iTiOirMHI) -03:3000 Me-SLi-ve-'Sii-r.kmari1 1/2013 -
CU50 III 27-59-49 MseVfc -- iSFDZTJOia zUn:3U OG Mp-Su-ve-su-Mfl-oa 11/7013::
- 22312/?01Z 3 11:36 06 r.k'-5u-Vi;-5U-Rn-1(1/11/7013 -
Ot-53-00 -33't]i'20l5 :;72:nq-.00 Mo-Su-Vo-Su-Ju-IO/l 1/2013. 1
02-00'23 -20,05/20 10 :: 03:00:00 Mft-Su'Vu-Su'Srs-l 1/1 1/2013.1
CuiO VI] 28-36-43 -07J12/20 IS. :: 12:2100 MB-SU-Vb-SU-MB-11/11/2013 "
CWPVIII 27-23Lll 14 '03/2021 : : 09:57.(10- Me-Su-Vg-Eu-Ke-ll/l I.^Oli-
1/2023 = 13:06:06 fOe-Su-Ve-Su-Ve-l 1/1 l.'SOtS = I
39-57-50 JCIcdEhg Djlee an-d Tlnle-s indh
Cusp XI 0l-5i'00
Cutd JtU Ol, 00-23

Jan-Mar 2014

Wedding Question Reveals Suicide Tendency

Madhu N Nair (aka 'Pranav )

The writer is a Management Postgraduate with passion in Jyotish, both Vedic and KP. He is actively
associated with various Astrological organizations of Kerala and used to contribute articles in the defunct
Astrological Magazine , KP & Astrology etc. and also in the KP Year Book, The Astrological E-Magazine
etc. He runs a fomm "THE ASTROLAB "in the yahoo group, exclusively for the purpose of research.

ase History

The querist father is a very rich spice grower of south India. The highly qualified
querist is on the wrong side of thirties and is a bachelor. His father was deeply worried
about it. And it was at the behest of his father the KP number was taken and the prasna

Ix 25:19 Ve06:49 Kel5:05 XII 24:56

Mel0:03 Jul3:57 Xi 26:16

X 26:38

Trivandrum,Kerala Mo22:51

Sun 22:00 KP No—81 Asc24:06

6 Mar 2012
VII 24:06 Ma(R)18:41
10:35 am 1ST
Query—marriage, it at all there
when ?

VI 24:56 V 26 :16 IV 26:38 11125:19

Ra 15:05 Sat (R) 04:49

Ruling Planets

Ase star lord Sun

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Asc sign lord —Mars

Moon star lord —Mer

Moon sign lord —Moon

Day lord —Mars

Whether the query is true ?

—Moon (mind) receives the aspect of Saturn, the ruler of seventh House of life mate. Thus the
query is clearly revealed .So we can proceed with the analysis.

Whether marriage is promised?

Ascendant falls in immoveable sign cancer indicating that the present status (bachelor) is going to

Here the question is primarily concerned with the seventh House

Ascendant lord Moon , a natural as well functional benefic , powerful since increasing in light
,aspects seventh House .This augurs well for the query.

Seventh House falls in Capricorn ruled by Saturn , that in turn, is in an angle identical with its
exaltation sign.

Two best natural benefics viz Jupiter and Venus aspect Satun the seventh lord

Based on the benefic influence on the seventh House Capricorn and its lord Saturn it was concluded
that marriage is promised for the querist.

Timing of marriage

At the time of judgement, horary dasha was of Mercury and sub period that of Moon .

Dashanath Mercury is in the star of Saturn the ruler of seventh House of spouse and also rules
eighth House of wedlock. So naturally marriage could come in the dasha of Mercury.

Marriage is ruled out in Moon sub period . Moon is in Aslesha nakshatra ruled by Mercury, the
ruler of third and twelfth House stationed in eigth House.Thus stellarwise Moon signify III, VIII
&XII. In terms of III, at th most betrothal cold take place but definitely not marriage since Moon is
not a strong significator of II,VII or XI Houses.

Next comes the sub period of Mars .

—The fifth House that unites the couple falls in Scorpio is ruled by Mars.

—Mars is in uttara phalguni ruled by Venus that owns the eleventh House of fulfilment of desires

Mars has repeated twice in ruling planets indicating it is strong enough to bring the marriage.

Retrograde status of Mars was by-passed since it is in the star of Venus in direct mode .
JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Rahu is in Scorpio . Since Rahu is a shadow planet it is better qualified to emit result of fifth
House than its owner Mars or in other words Rahu proxies for Mars.

To sum up, marriage could take place in Mercury »> Mars »> Rahu that is to run between 5
Nov and 29 Dec 2012

Bickering and separation foreseen

It was also predicted that bickering will start soon after the marriage leading to separation.

—Horary Dasha is of debilitated mercury. One meaning attributed to debilitated planet is


Mercury the dashanath owns twelfth House of separation and stellar-wise gets connected to
eighth House . This activates two cardinal House of Fourth Trigon viz VIII & XII where VIII is for
litigation and XII for self -undoing (divorce)

—Planet of quarrels Mars aspect the eighth House of wed-lock as well as Sun the ruler of the
second House of family, sans redeeming features from natural benefics.

—Saturn, that has dual portfolio of seventh House (life-mate) and eighth House (wed-lock)is
afflicted by Jupiter the ruler of sixth House of conflict

Suicidal tendency foreseen

—Horary Dashanth fallen Mecury rules third House of "arms" and twelfth House of suicide

Rahu the planet of suicide sans benefic influence tenants the fifth House of mind

—In the horary chart, Saturn the causative planet of longevity as the ruler of eighth House of death
aspect query Moon (Death)

Analysis of Mars the sub period ruler

Mars the sub period to start from 15 Oct 2012 is ruler of fifth House of mind.

—Retrograde status of Mars the fifth House ruler indicates that the querist mind is not in order.

—Mars as fifth House ruler of mind in fiery sign indicates his mind is boiling for some reason

Mars, gets the aspect of Jupiter the ruler of the sixth House of conflict.

Shashtashtama or 6/8 hostile relation between Mercury and Mars

The important point read observed was Mercury the dashanath is forming the hostile 6/8
relationship of conflict with the sub period ruler Mars that is also the planet of thoughtless action .

However, death was ruled out since benign aspect of Jupiter, the saviour, falls on Mars.

An attempt may be made when Transit Mars the subperiod ruler enters Capricorn by 18 Dec 2012
in the sixth (conflict) from its radical position and starts afflicting the Ascendant (Self)and its ruler

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Promise of marriage and the probable time alone was conveyed to the querist and the possibility of
suicide was told privately to his Dad.

Actual outcome

Mo 13:48 Ke00:00


Planetary position at 530 Horary

am 1ST on 23 Dec 2012 Asc

The date marriage took

Ma 3:55

Sn 7:57 Me23:34 Sa 14:47


Ra 0:00

Note— A day earlier , native attempted suicide.

Marriage was conducted in a grand manner on 23 Dec 2012 exactly as toretold . Nearly six
months later querist Dad told this scribe that his son attempted suicide on 22 Dec 2012 , a day
before marriage , by injecting heavy dose of insulin and was rushed to the hospital.

While writing this article on 27 Dec 2013 , the querist wile had already tiled tor divorce in
the family court. To end, all the predictions came true .

Happy Peaceful and Prosperous New Year to Dr Andrew and all readers of JASA

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

^ (ffiucfoeb wv (Sfipedictiae

When will I be able to secure good job in India & move back?

D. Senthilathiban

The author is having over 22 years of experience in Oil & Gas, Petrochemical,
Power and Chemical Projects. Presently working for a Project Management
Consultancy Project as a Senior Civil Engineer, in one of the MNC company's
Energy & Resources Division, United Arab Emirates. Aside from his engineering he
is a computer programmer and astrologer too. The author learned astrology from
K.Hariharan, KP Stellar Astrological Research Institute Chennai, INDIA and
obtained various titles in the KP Astrology.

E-mail address: rp.clock@vahoo.com

When I was working for a Project Management Consultancy Service to one of the client's project at
Ruwais Site - United Arab Emirates, One of my ex-collogue (Querent/Native) had called me over
phone from United States told me that he was planning to relocate to India, looking for appropriate
opportunity and he wanted to know the outcome through astrologically. In that connection I have
asked him to provide a horary number between 1-249 and he provided the following details along
with his queries for my analysis.

DOB: 19-6-1971, TOB: 2:28 AM, POB: 18N01 & 79E37 (Hanamkonda, Near Warangal)

Horary Number: 1

As I am planning to relocate to India, looking for appropriate opportunity. When will I be able to
secure good job in India & move back?

Also, please let me know if Mars dasa will be prospective or Rahu dasa as these two are conjoined
in my 10th house (Birth chart).

Important events:
1) Married on 9th November 1995
2) 1st child (daughter) Birth on 26th Feb 1997

3) 2nd child (son) Birth on 6th October 2000

It may be note that the events provided above are not considered for my analysis and it is for the
interested readers (Astrologers) reference and verification of T.O.B (if required) etc.,
Jan-Mar 2014


Before we go into the analysis let us see the house cusps and planets significations related to the
query asked by the Native/Querent. 1 (the Native/Querent), 2 (Family, Money, JUP karaka for
money/business/children), 3 (Communication from Native/Querent, Away from home [12th to 4th
house] to the Native/Querent), 4 (Native's/Querent's home, motherland), 5(Termination/End of
service [12th to 6th house] to Native/Querent, Company's acceptance [11th to 7th house]), 6
(Native's/Querent's Service, SAT karaka for Service, Loss to the Company [12th to 7th house]),7
(the Company), 8 (Native's/Querent's Worries/ Regret), 9(Long distance travel to the
rd th
Native/Querent, Communication from the Company [3 to 7 house], Losing/quitting the job by the
th th
Native/Querent [12 to 10 house]), 10 (Native's/ Querent's profession/job), 11
(Native's/Querent's Fulfillment of desire/ Gain), 12 (Loss/New Environment to the Native/Querent)

RULES & TOOLS (use of RP)

1. Whether the change of job is promised or not? (Primary RULE1)

10 (Primary Cusp) CSL (Cuspal Sub Lord) must signify 9th house (quitting the job 12th to 10th
house), 5 (termination of his service 12th to 6th house), followed by signification of new
job/service (10/6), earnings with new job (2,11), relocation (3 leaving the home/away from
home, 9 long distance travel, 12 job at new environment), 4 (back to motherland/India).

Kindly note that the 10CSL must signify 5, 9 houses for quitting the job and also signify
combination of 2, 6, 10, and 11 to get a new job. Depending upon the individual native's/
Querent's destiny other house significations will vary like same location, relocation of job etc.,
and accordingly the astrologer must carefully study it to predict the outcome of the future results
towards the native's/Querent's change of job and the RULES for the same are not discussed

2. Whether the Native/Querent can submit his resignation? (Supplementary RULE2)

Incase if the employee wants to leave the job, Most of the recent companies ask their employee
to submit resignation letter to provide sufficient notice period to the company for their future
planning. So the Native/Querent must submit his resignation letter (3rd house) to his Company
communication to them (9th house) that he want to quit his job 9th house (12th to 10th house) and
to terminate his service 5th house (12th to 6th house) for whatever reason that he may say to the
company. Here in this case the reason may be going back (3 leaving the home, 9 long distance
travel, 12 new environment, 4 motherland) for family (2nd house) reason.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
rd th th
Hence the 3 CSL must signify 5 (to terminate his service, 12 to 6 house), 9 (quitting the job
12th to 10th house, communication to the company 9th house), relocation (3 leaving the home, 9
long distance travel, 12 new environment, 4 motherland) for family reason(2).

Kindly note that the 3CSL must signify 5,9 houses to submit resignation and depending upon
the individual native's/ Querent's reason the other house significations will vary and
accordingly the astrologer must carefully study it to predict the reasons behind his resignation.
There are many cases where the employee may not communicate to his/her company that he/she
wants to quit the job and will leave the job/place/country without any notice for which the
RULES may vary which are not discussed here.

3. Whether the company accepted his resignation and relieved? (Supplementary RULE3)

Incase if the Company wants to accept their Employee's resignation, Most of the recent
companies will give reply letter (Relieving order) to the employee for their acceptance. So the
company must send letter (9th house- 3rd house to 7th house) to their Employee communication
to him (3rd house) that they accept (5th house - 11th to 7th house) to relieve from his duties/job
(9th house - 12th to 10th house), last date for termination of his service (5th house - 12th house to
6th house) and he will be asked to collect his full and final settlement/money (2, 11) for his job
(10), service (6) rendered to the company (7th house) for whatever reason that he may say to the

Hence the 9th CSL must signify 5 (to terminate his service, 12th to 6th house), 9 (quitting the job
12th to 10th house), 3 (communication to the employee, employee's efforts), settlement (2/11-
money/gain to the native), 10 (for his job), 6(service) rendered to the company.

Kindly note that the 9CSL must signify 3, 5, 9 houses to accept his resignation and depending
upon the individual native's/Querent's situation like any loan/debt with company may be
recovered from his full/final settlement and the remaining amount from/to Company may be
asked to collect/pay accordingly. So the other house significations will vary and accordingly the
astrologer must carefully study it to predict the company's response against his resignation.
There are many cases where the employee may leave the job/place/country without collecting the
settlements for some reasons for which the RULES may vary which are not discussed here.

4. Whether the purpose of relocation/travel is promised to the Native/Querent?

a) Rule to check the Primary House cusp for native's/ Querent's relocation (Supplementary

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

To visit new place (12th house) one must leave the present house (3rd house= [12th to 4th
house]), hold permit to travel that is ticket (9th house), Permit to Entry that is Passport/visa
(9th house) & the purpose of travel.

12th CSL must signify either 3(leave the present house) or 9(Permit to Entry/travel) or the
House signifying specific purpose.

b) Rule to check whether the native/Querent can leave the Home. (Supplementary RULE-4b)

If one wants to leave the house (3rd house) must take either short (3rd house) or long journey
(9th house) to the destination/New office location (12th house) or in this case motherland (4th

3rd CSL must signify either 3(short journey) or 9(long journey) or 12 (Visit new office
place) or 4(motherland).

c) Rule to Check whether the native/Querent has got ticket to travel (Supplementary RULE-4c)

Permit to travel (9th house-ticket) is for the person to take either short journey (3rd house) or
long journey (9th house) to the destination (12th house, 4 motherland).

9th CSL must signify either 3(short journey) or 9(long journey) or 12 (destination) or 4



For more rules and detailed explanation the readers (Astrologers) may refer my articles

mentioned in the reference [1,2].

5. The Native/Querent has to send an application to a company asking for a job? (Supplementary

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
3 house signifies Native's/Querent's communication and the application letter issued by the
Native/Querent. The purpose of the application is to ask for a suitable position in their Company
to do the job (10th house), service (6th house) to their company. Later when the Company contact
him at that time the Native/Querent will have to negotiate with the Company for the salary
structure (2nd house for money & 11th house for his gain/fulfillment of desire)

Hence the 3rd CSL must signify the 6 (service) or 10 (job), 9 (to have communication with the
Company), 2 (salary information), 11 (gain, acceptance and fulfillment of desire).

Kindly note that depending upon the Company, nature of job and it's location Native/Querent
may ask other benefits like family status, medical insurance, leave cycle/ annual leave, return
tickets etc., accordingly the other house significations will vary and the astrologer must carefully
study it to predict the Native's/Querent's communications/ demands with his Company for which
the RULES may vary which are not discussed here.

6. The Company has to send a letter to the Native/Querent to offer a job? (Supplementary RULE6)

9th house (3rd house to 7th house) signifies the offer letter issued by the Company. The purpose
of the offer letter is to communicate with the Native/Querent (3rd house) to join in their
company to do the job (10th house), service (6th house) to their company for which they will
provide some remuneration (2nd house), fulfillment of desire to the Native/Querent (11th house).

Hence the 9th CSL must signify the 6 (service) or 10 (job), 3 (to have communication with the
Native/Querent, 2 (salary information), 11 (gain, acceptance and fulfillment of desire to the

Kindly note that depending upon the Company, nature of job and it's location, the Company
may provide other benefits to the Native/Querent like family status, medical insurance, leave
cycle/annual leave, return tickets etc., accordingly the other house significations will vary and
the astrologer must carefully study it to predict the Company's communications/offered to the
Native/Querent for which the RULES may vary which are not discussed here.

7. Whether the offer given by the company is satisfactory to the Native/Querent? (Supplementary

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
11 house tells the matter about the fulfillment of his desire. For this the 10th CSL must be

signifying 2(Money), 6(Service), 10(Job/profession), 11 (fulfillment of his desire) for better

monetary gain and satisfaction.

8. When the events related to the query will take place?

a) Resignation of Job
The event will take place during the dasha, Bhukti and Antara of the strong significators of
3, 5, 9 houses. Transits of significators/luminaries (Particularly MOON) must also be considered
for judging the events.

b) Relocation
The event will take place during the dasha, Bhukti and Antara of the strong significators of
3, 9, 12/4(for motherland) houses. Transits of significators/luminaries (Particularly MOON)
must also be considered for judging the events.

c) Getting a job & Joining in a New Company

The event will take place during the dasha, Bhukti and Antara of the strong significators of
2, 6, 10, 11, 3, 9, 12 houses. Transits of significators/luminaries (Particularly MOON) must
also be considered for judging the events.

9. What Ruling Planets gives the indication about the question asked by the Native/Querent?

As the Moon is the karaka for mind, the RP MOON will revel the question in the Native/
Querent mind. The houses signified by the RP Moon, it's Star lord and it's Sub lord will give
the clue for the astrologer to decide the house matters related to the specific question are going
to be beneficial/fruitful or negate/adverse to the Native/ Querent.

The RP Ascendant's Sub lord will also revel the nature of query. The houses/karakas signified
by the RP Ascendant Sub lord and it's co-rulers (Sign-Star-Sub) and also the Signs occupied by
them will give the clue for the astrologer to decide the Native/Querent urge and the purpose in
the specific question matters.


a) For Horary chart, the primary CSL in query deposited in a star lord of a plant should not be
retrograde. If so until that planet becomes direct the matter will not give fruitful results. If
both CSL and its star lord are retrograde the answer to the Native/Querent can be given

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
b) Among the Ruling planets, which are retrograde or deposited in retrograde planets star/Sub
will not give any fruitful results and they are ignored.

c) The RP at the time of judgment will be same as the RP at the time of event.

d) The strength of a planet's sub lord decides/disposes the matters indicated by that planet's
star lord.

e) The strength of the karaka planet indicates the matters in query are favorable or not.

f) The house matter indicated by the karaka planet will show the strength to specific query
matters supported by them.

g) Finally the RP at the time of judgment gives the clue to select the strongest significator of
DBA and the transit of Ascendant/planet etc.
The readers (Astrologers) may note that the above RULES are for general guidance and shall be
used carefully while analyzing the chart to predict future events. In this article we are going to see
the failure of one of the above Rules [especially the above KP RULE (a)] in Horary chart while
predicting the future events are discussed here. Also the failure of above KP RULE (b) can be found
in my other article given in reference [3].


Ruling planets at the time of Analysis on 9 March 2012 @ 22:31:33 hrs, Ruwais Site-UAE

|RP ISign (Star (SuM lSub2

Day Lord: YEN

In RP/time chart the node KET is in VEN Sign. & RAH is in MAR Sign. KET represents YEN,
MOO, SAT. RAH represents MAR, SAT, VEN, JUP

Rule (9): Ascendant Sub lord will reveal the Matter in Query

In the time chart (RP chart), Ascendant Sub lord is MAR(R). MAR is in SUN Sign.

MAR Signifies <1, 6, 9, 12>{2, 7}(10) and SUN Signifies <10>{11}(5)

Symbol: < > Cuspal Sub lord, [ ] Cuspal Star lord,{ } Cusp owned,() Occupied in Cusp.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Thus the houses represented by the RP Ascendant Sub lord signifies 2(Money/Family matter to the
Native/Querent), 5(Quitting the service [12th to 6th house] to the Native/Querent), 6(Service & SAT
is the karaka to the Native/Querent), 9 (Long distance travel, leaving the job [12th to 10th house]),
10(Job/profession to the Native/Querent), 11 (Fulfillment of desire to the Native/Querent), 12(New
environment/place to the Native/Querent).

Ruling Planet MAR is connected with 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 and 12. So this Natives query is correct and it
shows some positive results towards the change of job & relocation. The MAR is retrograde thus
may be till (14 Apr 2012) the MAR becomes direct the event may not happen.

RP Chart Details
planetIsignificators Istar Isignificators Isub Isignificators

SUN <10>{11}(5) JUP [5] {3,6} (6) MER <5,8,11>{9,12}(5)

MOO [4,8]{10}(11) MOO [4,8]{10}(11) JUP [5] {3,6} (6)

MAR(R) <1,6,9,12>{2,7}(10) YEN =4>{1,8}(6) 1 AR(R) <1,6,9,12>{2,7}(10)

MER <5,8,11>{9,12}(5) SAT(R) <>{4,5}(12) AR(R)kl,6,9,12>{2,7}(10)

UP |[5]{3,6}(6) YEN <4>{1,8}(6)

YEN c4>{1,8}(6) KET(R) <2>{ }(7) SAT(R) < >{4,5}(12)

SAT(R) < >{4,5}(12) IAR(R) "EN <4>{1,8}(6)

RAH(R) <3,7>{ }(1) SAT(R) < >{4,5}(12) TIP [5]{3,6}(6)

KET(R) <2>{ }(7) MOO [4,8]{10}(11) JUP [5] {3,6} (6)

Verification of Rules


10 SUN Change of job (5,9), travel/relocation (3,9,12) & other job (JUP,
Quitting the service (5), back to motherland (4), JUP (family)

Acceptance of resignation of job (9), Settlement (2,6,10), losing

•iM PLTi » employee (6)

•iM PLTi » Travel to motherland (4,9,12) & for new job (2, 6, 10)

ravel (3,12) to motherland (4) & for new job (2, 6, 10)

AR(R) Long journey (9), destination to motherland (12, 4)

Service to new job (6, SAT), JUP (for money)

Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
AR(R) To provide Service to new job (6, 10), money (2)

7 10 SUN Service to new job (6), gain/fulfillment (11), JUP (for money)

Thus the time chart clearly indicates that the event is promised for change of job & relocation.

Study of Horary Chart (Hr.No: 1)

planetIsignificators Istar Isignificators Isub Isignificators

SUN [2]{6}(12) ;2,6,12>{10}(1) MER k7,ll>{4}(12)

MOO [11]{5}(6) IOO [11]{5}(6) JUP k2,6,12>{10}(l)

MAR(R) [3,7]{1,8,9}(5) EN [6,10]{2,3,7}(1) MAR(R)[3,7]{1,8,9}(5)

MER <7,11>{4}(12) SAT(R) 7) MAR(R)[3,7]{ 1,8,9}(5)

UP k2,6,12>{10}(l) VEN [6,10]{2,3,7}(1)

YEN [6,10]{2,3,7}(1) KET(R) <1,5>{ }(2) SAT(R)

SAT(R) <3,4,9,10>{ 11,12}(7)MAR(R) [3,7]{1,8,9}(5) EN [6,10] [2,3,7 }(1)

RAH(R) <8>{ }(8) SAT(R) 7) JUP <2,6,12>{ 10}(1)

KET(R) <1,5>{ }(2) IOO [11]{5}(6) UP k2,6,12>{10}(l)

Verification of Rules


SAT(R) Change of job (5,9), travel/relocation (3,9,12,4) & new job

SAT(R) Quitting the job/service (5,9), back to motherland (4), family (2)

SAT(R) End of service/job (5,9), Resignation Acceptance (5), Settlement

for the service/job (2,6,10,11), losing the employee (6)
JUP Travel/relocation (3) & for new job (2, 6, 10)

SAT(R) Travel/relocation (3,9,12,4) & for new job (6, 10,11,SAT)

Travel (3,9) to the destination (12,4) & for new job (6,
SAT(R) 10,11,SAT)

SAT(R) Communication (3,9) to seek for new job/service (6, 10,11,SAT)

FASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
SAT(R) Communication (9,3) to offer a new job/service (6, 10,11,SAT)

10 SAT(R) Service to new job (6,10,SAT), money gain/fulfillment (2,11)

Thus the horary c hart clear] y indicates that the event is promised for change of job & relocation.
However the 10CSL SAT is retrograde till (25 June 2012) & SAT is in MAR Star which is also
retrograde till (14 Apr 2012). As per KP Rule 10 a), if the primary cusp sub lord is retrograde
and in the star of a planet also retrograde then the matter will not materialize. However the
time chart clearly shows that the matter in query is promised and there was no retrograde planet
connected with primary cusp for the subject query (10) except 12th cusp which indicates that the
relocation may be delayed and may be after (14 Apr 2012). Thus it was concluded that the
Native/Querent would relocate after MAR becomes direct motion (14 Apr 2012) & get new job
after SAT becomes direct (25 June 2012).

Dasa-Bukthi-Anthra Lords
Upto 22-04-2012 20-05-2012 09-08-2012

From 22-04-2012 to 20-05-2012 (Rulers: MOO-JUP-KET)


5(quitting the service), 12(relocation), settlement/new job (2,6,10,11)

3(communication, away from home), 12(relocation), settlement/new job (2,6,10)

KET(R) 5(quitting the service), 12(relocation), settlement/new job (2,6,10)

It was predicted that during this period the person might quit his job & relocate to the motherland.
From 20-05-2012 to 09-08-2012 (Rulers: MOO-JUP-VEN)

5(quitting the service), 12(relocation), settlement/new job (2,6,10,11)

3(communication, away from home), 12(relocation), settlement/new job (2,6,10)

5(quitting the service), 3,4,9,12(relocation to motherland), settlement/new job

YEN (2,6,10,11)

It was predicted that during this period the person might communicate with new companies in the
motherland & join duty.

Birth Chart Details

planetIsignificators Istar Isignificators Isub Isignificators

SUN <5>{5}(2) MAR [11]{1,8}(10) :1,11>{2,7}(2)

MOO [2]{4}(12) KET(R) <6>{ }(4) SB ■§1 1131111

JASA Yol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
MAR |[11]{1,8}(10) IAR |[11]{1,8}(10) tAH(R) k2,8>{ }(10)

MER <7,12>{3,6}(2) IAR [11]{1,8}(10)

JUP(R) <3>{9,12}(7) SAT k4,9,10>{10,ll}(l) SAT gKMIIHHI]

YEN <1,11>{2,7}(2) 00 [2]{4}(12) UP(R) <3>{9,12}(7)

<4,9,10>{10,11}(1) SUN

RAH(R) <2,8>{ }(10) AR [11]{1,8}(10)

KET(R) <6>{ }(4) ER k7,12>{3,6}(2) amn

RP Ascendant sub lord MAR occupied in 5 house in birth chart at the time of judgment. Moreover
the Running DASA lord also found MARS. Thus RP gives the clue for change of job/quitting the
service. The readers (Astrologers) may note that here the Birth Chart is considered only for the
verification of Running Dasa-Bukthi and to know the strength of MAR, RAH as asked by the
Native/Querent. Promise of events & possible period are arrived mostly by using the Time/Horary
Chart only. Interested readers (astrologers) may verify the Birth Time, Promise of events by the
CSL & DBA lords, Transit etc.

Dasa-Bukthi-Anthra Lords

ige (Y-M-

22-01-2012 40-07-04 MAR-MER-VEN27-07-2012 41-01-08

MAR- SAT - JUP 16-03-2012 MAR-MER-SUN14-08-2012 41-01-26

06-05-2012 40-10-18 13-09-2012 41-02-26

MAR-MER-KET 27-05-2012 04-10-2012 41-03-17

Running Dasa-Bukthi
MAR Dasa signifies job (2,10,11) & RAH being a node represents SAT signifies 4, 9(quitting the
job) &10,ll(job). MAR transiting in 5 at the time of judgment.MER Bukthi signifies 3,12(
relocation), settlement/ new job (2,6,10,11). MER transiting in 12 at the time of judgment. Thus it
was predicted that during this period the native might change the job & relocate to the new job

Additional Query in Natal Chart

Also the Native/Querent wants to know whether Mars dasa will be prospective or Rahu dasa as
these two are conjoined in his 10th house.

In Birth Chart

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

MAR [11]{1,8}(10) IAR [11]{1,8}(10) tAH(R) <2,8>{ }(10)

RAH(R) <2,8>{ }(10) lAR [11]{1,8}(10) AAR [11]{1,8}(10)

RAH being a node represents SAT signifies <4,9,10>{10,11}(1). MAR occupied in MAR Star
RAH Sub indicates Strong. RAH occupied in MAR Star MAR Sub indicates Strong. Both MAR &
RAH are exchanging the significators and equally strong. However node is stronger than planet thus
RAH may be considered more prospective than MAR.

In RP Chart
planetIsignificators Istar Isignificators Isub Isignificators

MAR(R) <1,6,9,12>{2,7}(10) YEN k4>{l,8}(6) 1 AR(R) <1,6,9,12>{2,7}(10)

RAH(R) <3,7>{ }(1) SAT(R) < >{4,5}(12) JP [5] {3,6} (6)

Both RAH & MAR are in the Ruling planets and thus it gives a clue that the query is correct and
also both of them are strong too. RAH as a node represents MAR, SAT (Karaka for service), YEN,
JUP (Karaka for money & business). In RP chart, MAR is in its own Sub connected with 12th house
(loss to Native) & whereas the RAH is in JUP Sub connected with 6th house (winning the
opponent/ loss to opponent) & 5(may be share market). Thus RAH may be considered more
prospective than MAR also being a node that is stronger than planet.

Based on the Horary and RP Time chart, it was predicted that during the period 22-04-2012 to 09-
08-2012 the native would change the job & relocate to India. Also in Natal Chart, both MAR &
RAH are found to be equally strong. However node RAH may be considered more prospective than


a) Submission of his resignation:

During the end of April 2012 the Native/Querent submitted his resignation to his Company at that
time the Running period as per Horary Chart MOO-JUP-KET signifies 3,5 for submitting his
resignation as discussed/predicted above except relieving from his duties, relocation.

However while predicting the individual events particularly for relieving from his duties, relocation
more waitage for 3, 5 & 12 house signification was considered which did not happen because one
must get response/relieving order from his Company indicated by 9th house, long distance travel
indicated by 9th house and for relocation indicated by 12th and 4th house (for motherland). These
houses are signified by YEN (the anthra lord) as discussed above and during that period the End of
service and relocation events happened as mentioned below. Also study of 4th house for
representing motherland needs further study to verify the RULES associated with the signification
of 4th house.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
b) Last date of work:
His last date of work with the Company 30 May 2012 at that time the Running period as per Horary
Chart MOO-JUP-VEN signifies 3, 4, 5, 9, 12 for relieving from his duties and settlement of his
accounts (2,6,11) as discussed above. Probably the MOO may be transiting in its own Star at 15:00
hrs (Eastern Standard Time, United States) significator of 5th house.

c) Relocation:
His travel date/time to India was 2nd June 2012 6:00AM (Eastern Standard Time, United States) at
that time the Running period as per Horary Chart MOO-JUP-VEN signifies 3, 4, 5, 9, 12 indicating
long distance travel to his motherland as discussed above. The MOO was transiting in VEN Sign -
JUP Star significators of 3,4,9,12 houses. As predicted above the Native/Querent relocated after
MAR became in direct motion (14 Apr 2012).

d) Getting a job & Joining in a New Company:

His date of joining in a New Company at India was 09th Augest 2012 at that time the Running
period as per Horary Chart MOO-JUP-VEN signifies communication (3, 9) job matters (2, 6, 10,
11) as discussed/predicted above. Probably the MOO was transiting in MAR Sign - VEN Star -
MOO Sub at 10:00 hrs (Indian Standard Time) significator of the 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11 houses. As
predicted above the Native/Querent got a new job after SAT became in direct motion (25 June


As we can notice from the time chart that the VEN was one of the strong Ruling Planets which
played important role for giving change of job and relocation (to the Motherland) to the
Native/Querent both in Running period (for horary chart) as Anthra lord and in the MOON transit
signified as one of the co-rulers(Sign-Star-Sub) for the MOON at the time of fructification of
Events like termination/end of service/job, relocation & to obtain a new job.


From the above analysis it is very clear that all the primary and secondary RULES shall be checked
for the events in query to materialize. One should not go (believe) blindly by the RULES mentioned
in the KP Books to apply for the analysis, which can lead to failure results. Only application/study
of RULES with practical cases gives the knowledge/limitation about it and the requirement for the
improvement (new findings) by research study. Still the RULES mentioned in this article can lead
to failure, as there are other supplementary RULES yet to be found and applied to pin point the
actual Events. The astrologers (readers) shall use their astrological knowledge, logical thinking and
commonsense to find the ways of failure that can happen while applying these RULES and improve
accordingly. There is no end for research in any field to invent the new findings.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
I take this opportunity to thank my Guru Professor K.Hariharan who taught me this wonderful
scientific astrology. This article was published in one of the local astrological association's annual
conference book using the local language followed at their place. However for the benefit of other
readers/young astrologers/researchers around the world, the above article is published in JASA and
the author also thankful to Editor Shri.Andrew Dutta and the publisher for publishing the whole
article in JASA Jan-Mar 2014 issue.



1) Will I get Driving License? - By D.Senthilathiban

2) Whether I will be visiting abroad shortly or not? - By D.Senthilathiban

3) Which Company he will join? - By D.Senthilathiban

Published in KP Annual Number 2010 by Krishnamurti Publication- F21A First floor, Spencer
Plaza (phase-I), 769 Anna salai, Chennai 600 002. Website address www.kpastrologv.net

Jan-Mar 2014

Stock Market Trading—Prediction with KP Astrology

G. Sadasivan

Mr. Sadasivan, BE, MBA, is a Manager in a Navaratna Oil PSU of India and is an ardent practitioner of KP
astrology and 4 Step Theory. He is trained in KP astrology by the illustrious son of KSK, Sri K. Hariharan
and was awarded the title Jyotisha Visharath and KP Horaratna. He was also awarded the title of
Nakshatira Shiromani by the inventor of the 4 Step Theory, Dr. Sunil Gondhlekar for mastering 4 Step

Email: sadasivan g@vahoo.com

This article will be very helpful for traders in Stock Market . When 95 % of traders lose
money in Stock Market, Astrology can be handy to trade judiciously . I give below 2 articles
on KP Astrology and Share Market Trading . 2 Horary charts are analysed below . The
methodology can be used by Traders to minimize loss and maximize profit.

Back ground Analysis for Chart 1 : Election results of Rajasthan,Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and
Delhi will be out on 8th . 9th morning market will react to the election results . Either there will be a
gap up Opening or gap down opening . So if one buys a Nifty future on Friday ie on 6th and if it
opens gap up , one will make profit. On the contrary market opens gap down , then one will be in
loss . Market will open gap up if BJP wins and if BJP Loses , market will open gap down

Query of the querent (My friend ) : If I buy a Nifty future on 6.12.2013, will I get profit on 9th Dec
2013 ?

Horary Number: 171

Date & Time of Judgment: 09.17.17 AM
Place of Judgment: Calicut

Moon reveals the nature of query

Moon is in star of Sun and sub of Saturn . Planet Moon is the occupant of 1 owner of 8 (difficulties
). Starlord Sun is the occupant of 12, owner of 9 . Sublord Saturn is the occupant of 11 (Gain or
Profit), owner of 2 and 3 Moon signifies and in connection with the relevant houses, hence query is
genuine.8 and 12 indicates the anxieties in me whether I will make profit or loss .


5th Cusp is analysed for Share market trading . If the 5th CSL indicates 2,6,10,11 etc the trade
initiated will be profitable

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

The 5th CSL Saturn is in star of Jupiter and sub of Saturn .

• Planet Saturn is the occupant of 11 (Gain ), owner of 2 and 3

• Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 7 (opponent), owner of 1 and 4

• Sublord Saturn is the occupant of 11 (Gain ), owner of 2 and 3

• 5th CSL Saturn signifies 1,4,7 and in connection with 2,3,11

5th CSL signifies neutral houses and is in connection with positive (2,3,11) indicating profit

JOINT PERIOD (DBA: Dasha-Bhukti-Anthra)

On 9th morning we will have Sun/Sat/ Sun/Rahu

Sun is in the star of Mercury and sub of Venus . Sun is lord of 9 in 12th house. Star lord Mercury is
lord of 7 and 10 in 11th house. Sublord Venus is lord of 6 and 11 in 1st house. Sun signifies 7,10,11
and is connected with 6,11,1,9,12

Sun das a and Sun Anthara indicates profit

Bhukti lord Saturn is in star of Jupiter and sub of Saturn .

Saturn is the lord of 2 and 3 in 11 Jupiter is the lord of 1 and 4 in 7 .

Saturn signifies 1,4,7 and in connection with 2,3,11 indicating profit

Rahu sookshma : Rahu is in 11th house. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn . Saturn is lord of 2 and 3 in
11. Rahu is in sign of Venus which is lord of 6 and 11 in 1 .

My Opinion: 5th csl and DBAS are all indicating profit . Hence the trade was initiated

Actual Fact: Prediction came true. Market opened gap up on Monday . My friend made profit

Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK!

Horary 2 :

Horary Number: 167

Date & Time of Judgment: 09.18.47 AM
Place of Judgment: Calicut

Back ground Analysis for Chart 2 : Banking Stocks were weak on 19 Morning . Hence a query is
initiated to know whether profit can be made by going short on Indusind Bank

Query of the querent (My friend ) : If I sell Indusind Bank future today , will I get profit

Jan-Mar 2014

Moon reveals the nature of query

Moon is in star of Jupiter and sub of Saturn . Planet Moon is the occupant of 7 . Starlord Jupiter is
owner ofl, 2 and 4 and occupies 7 . Sublord Saturn is lord of 3 and occupies 11 house . Moon
signifies 2 and in connection with 11 hence query is genuine.


5th Cusp is analysed for Share market trading .If the 5th CSL indicates 2,6,10,11 etc the trade
initiated will be profitable


The 5th CSL Rahu is in star of Rahu and sub of Saturn .

• Planet Rahu is the occupant of 11 (Gain ). Rahu is conjoined with Saturn . Saturn is lord of
3 in 11 . Rahu is in sign of Venus .Venus is lord of 6 and 11 and occupies 2 .

• Starlord Rahu . Same as above

• Sublord Saturn is the occupant of 11 (Gain ), owner of 3

• 5th CSL Rahu signifies 2,6,11 and in connection with 2,6,11 ,3

5th CSL signifies positive houses and is in connection with positive (2,6,11) indicating profit

JOINT PERIOD (DBA: Dasha-Bhukti-Anthra)

On 19th morning we will have Jup/Sat/ Ven/Rahu

Jupiter is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Saturn . Jupiter is lord of 1,2,4 in 7th house. Star lord
Jupiter also indicates same. Sublord Saturn is lord of 3 in 11th house. Jupiter signifies 1,2,4,7 and
is connected with 1,2,4,7,3,11.

Jupiter dasa indicates profit

Bhukti lord Saturn is in star of Jupiter and sub of Mercury .

Saturn has no planets in its stars and Saturn is the Cuspal sublord of 4,6,10 and 12 . Saturn is lord
of 3 in 11 . Star lord Jupiter is owner of 1,2,4 and occupies 7 . Sublord Mercury is lord of 7,8 ,10,
and occupies 12 . Bhukti lord Saturn signifies 1,2,4,7 and is connected with 4,6,10,12,3,11,8,

Bhukti lord indicates medium profit

Venus Anthara : Venus is in star of Sun and sub of Saturn . Venus has no planets in its stars and is
the 9th Cuspal Sublord. Hence Venus signifies 9 . Venus is lord of 6 and 11 and occupies 2 .
Starlord Sun

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

occupies 1 and owns 9 . Sublord Saturn occupies 11 and owns 3 . Hence Anthara lord Venuss
signifies 1 and 9 and is connected with 2,6,11 ,3 etc .Venus Anthara indicates profit

Rahu sookshma : Rahu is in 11th house. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn . Saturn is lord of 3 in 11.
Rahu is in sign of Venus which is lord of 6 and 11 in 2 .

My Opinion: 5th csl and DBAS are all indicating profit . Hence the trade was initiated

Actual Fact: Prediction comes true. Stock fell . My friend made profit

Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK!

Jan-Mar 2014
Rasi Chart (Nirayan)
v FJxr VII
VIII warso" ■
^ Tij-

IFI SHORT I EUArt 4i j T M 1 LI Transit

Son of PROFIT 1 Al 07.53:56 PW on
Doe; 19 DecemJier. 2011 Tlkj^djiy [>S«liit}era013
Tina of ch-irt 9: 18: -17 GWTt«r3l> Trjnil A«i3v1ant
htorary Qurrfion No.: 167 96'38' 31.S"
Kp New AysfBOiKi: 23^ bT ^3" P/AP WON
Local Time: 6
S«Jere."itTtnM; m; a J: HS

li H^rsr MEft^T* Hi113' SAT SPV-V Ruling PlanetSIRed=>STHR)>Elua=>SBL(R^1Mogen1a=>[»lh retm,

SUH J'Sff.I'. Wl ffi-- MAfi-ii?4r:.ie:
ASC rtifl".-,, XI S-.JCf'i:. Chjrt Djy Moori Dillon Nbftes
type Lord SgnL SLL
- - .--^v

Vim&hotLarl Da^a iFoosit AyariaoisaL 23: ST: 43 (Trjitsit (dealiSivNalarf

Natal Longitude: TS* 50' OF E, LufiLude: 11" IS1 tTN.'
Doot Batance of JUP on f/re day of Query is
12 years.' i? niopfJw and 5 -flays
Details of prssorit dasa cohrbtnalkiris Planets and Cusps
□3r|I-t3 - JUPnSAI-VEH-RAH .5tl3.l3 n-
- JUP-S9I-VEW-JLIP -'l6-Qt-|4 PlanetSJ NftvOirtSA SiQilifiCiHOiS (SobLOid at}
1S-U1-M - JUP-SAI-VEW-SAT -09-02-14 Rasi
DMI-IJ - JUP-SAT.\,EM-Me4 -QJ-tU-W SUN 2- T^urm 5 1 ^
QHB-M - JUP-SA.7-VE7f-KET -11-03-14 MOW " I- Aries 7 1 2 4 f VIN XI )
n-B-U - JUP-SAT-SUN-SUN - I&03-I4 I- Afins 7 10 5 12
15A33.TJ . JUP-SAI.SUNt.VJON .m.'D3.14 MERii i2-Pisc&5 12 7 3 10 fill Vll I
la-B.tJ . JUP.SAT.SUN-MAR .2I.DI3-14 jMpli" 2' Tjutte ■ 7 12 4
21-I&N - JUP-SAT-SUN-RAH -28-0^(4 —j; " 11 -Aq-jaiija I 2 & 6- 11 [ IK]
ss-n-w - JUP-SAT-SUN-JUP . -oa-tt-u ULHL—
OW-U . JUP'^TT'SUH^AT . II.U.U SAT' " 2- Taufm 17 11 t :2 A 3 (IV VI H Ml >
11-Oi-M - JUP-SAI-SUH-HER -17-Oi-N " IQ-Caon'ttwi 11 1 II VT
17-154-14 - JUP-SAT-SUNrKET -211-0J-I4 KETIf -4-Cane j 5^11
TO-ti-tJ . JUP-SAI'SUN-VEH . ;S-DJ-14 Fnn.ma iS-Pisc* —
tn-us-rj - JUP-SAI-MON-MAB -OS-OS-H ~j] "vEn jup sat mon ajp
0fl-«-t4 - JUP-SAT-tAOtJ-RAH .J9-P5-1-1 —— SAl
20-16-i 4 - JUP-SA7-FAONJLJP -3^0&-U —— " JUP SAT MOM JUP
30-155-1.1 - JUP-SAT-MOH-SAT -H-OS-l.i —
?i-W5-t4 - JUP-SAT-FAONJiET -27-06-14 " VEH
lfl-D!'-r4 - JUP-SAT-MON-SUN -.14-07-14 VIII -OR MEfl MER
14-157-7.1 - JUP-SAT-t-WR-MAR--' 17^7-14 IX VEPJ SUN
17-I)7-TJ - JUP-SAT-MAR-RAH -26-07-14 — "MAP MER. MER
Legend LJW— "MEftMER MAfl

Jan-Mar 2014
Rasl Chart {Nirayan]
IV vn vy V IDPWis" VII
K£t ni^trau' jup Si* is1 ir rft

' ?
tPl BUVl LOrniftn tflL HtE Transit
Son of PROFIT AtDI :2f]:21 PM hi
Date: & Qecember, 2D13, Friday 25 December 2013
Tm^gftfuit 9: u- IT GMT-KB^W Trenail A$cerider4
Roiary OjesJiCrt NO- t T1 3S6P 37'W.J7"
Place - CflUCUT
KP Nevi AyanaiftM r ZS' SPJi" MER SUN
Lmsi Tirne: 9: SO: 36 FOR
SdEreaf TirrH: 13:51: Q

ilffl HMJ'ir SAT 23° iV IF TAW br:5-2F Ruling P!anet$;Red=STL(R),Dlrw^SQL(R),MaBen!is==-l»tft relm.

KII a^irir. RAH- ir+T K 3r-wi*r(MC)
MER rjonr Cftart > Day Maoe Moon Males
Typo ! Lad SgnL EEL

T1S3S^ Ayanamsai: 23. 57, 43 fTlafisA localim-Nalal)
Vlmshottar! Da^a Natal Loflgilodc: 75' Sac O" ^ Loiitude; in? Ctn
Dom EaftfTiire- of SUJV on !fie ttsy a? Quary is
EyoorCj 7 rmtiifts and 23 days
DclaKB of pfesnnt dasa comtimolfofis Planets and Cusps
06-12-13 SUfPEAT-SUM-Vaift - 07-12-13
□T-12-n SUN-SAT-SUN'RAH - 03.12-0 IPlanst92 Stof I Sub- IS.Sul Navtuinsa SignificatoTS (SubLord ofl
09-12-13 SIWSAT-SUNJUP - 12-12-13 Lord si
12-12-13 SUJPSAT-SUWSAT 1512-13 IJ, El :M rTTdJ 9'i a M 11 12 7 10 S
15-12-13 ■ SUH-SAl-SUNilEfl ■ 1M2-13 EMMCjlfMISWiMI 12 i e a
17-13-13 BEftt-SAT^yN.KeT 1613-13 LumiR 1 12 3 5f11
1B-12-i3 ■SUff-SAT-SUN-VEN 21-12-13 11 2 3 7 10
21-12-13 ■;El!f5SATJ#01MI0fcr 2512-13 ElMEBieEi™ 7 1 4
23-12-13 SllS-SAT-WOM-WAfl 2E-12-I3
2512-S3 SUK-EAt-MONRAH 29-13-13
29-12-Q ■ SUtiSAT-WfiArP □2-01-14 2> TflLMUE- EKEXHl KXMKzj
02-01-ll ■ ■ ELS4-SAT-MON-EAT 0J-QI-I4 MOO Itl-CK'rkBni-riHIN IX
or-oi-n ■ SUfASAT-MOl+WEH 11-01-14 mum 4-CanotJf IS
11431.14. EUN.SAT-MON'KfT 1501-14
1301-14 SUfAEAT^M-VEN 12-01-14 '/EJJ MONJUPSAT JUP
1T-01-14 Slfl^SATRAOWEOH 1901-14 UER SAT
19-01-14 ■ ■ SUM-SAt-MAft-MAfl 29.DM4 EBWEEBB RAH FOR fTER SAT
29-01-14 ■SUWOAT^jAMAH 2501-14 VEH MpR JUP EAT J1JP
23-01-14 EUIJ-^TTTAHJIIP 2601-14
2601-14 ■ ■ SUM-SAT-MAR-SAT 2901-14 KET irET HWR
2501-14 ■ ■ SUi+SAT-MAfl-MER 01-02-14 EEMIflteM VpfJ
□1-03.14 SLM.SATAlAft.KET 07TG.I4 laa^r^BEjMEaM JUP EAT JJ/P SUM l.lllft
02-02-14 ■; SUW-SAT-MAR-VEN 05-02-14 IftM WtgaWMA MflTM MOW
05-02-14 . £lJ44-SA7-WAR-SUi1! 0502-14 WR VEff WAR MOHSJW
06-03-14 ■ StfiTSAT-MAR-HCiff 06-02-14 ESTMI'jJW KET SUN aIER
08-02-14 ■ SUN-SAT-RAH-HAH 1602-14 ngfEgra MpR MERSVMRAHRAM SAT MFft VTN

Jan-Mar 2014

Cuspal Displacement and Intercepted Signs—Prediction with KP Astrology

G. Sadasivan

Mr. Sadasivan, BE, MBA, is a Manager in a Navaratna Oil PSU of India and is an ardent practitioner of KP
astrology and 4 Step Theory. He is trained in KP astrology by the illustrious son of KSK, Sri K. Hariharan
and was awarded the title Jyotisha Visharath and KP Horaratna. He was also awarded the title of
Nakshatira Shiromani by the inventor of the 4 Step Theory, Dr. Sunil Gondhlekar for mastering 4 Step

Email: sadasivan g@vahoo.com


The art of decoding Cuspal Displacement and Intercepted Signs helps an astrologer to
understand the querent and his situation well . Its like a Surgeon who understands the whole
body and does surgery. It may not alter ones prediction and may not be useful if only
prediction is the purpose . As far as this art is concerned I candidly confess that I am still a student
and lot is yet to be learnt . Dr Andrew Dutta is a Veteran in the subject and in his Video Course he
has mentioned about the topic . I can only say that I gained immense knowledge after seeing the
video and with that knowledge I am writing below 2 articles .

Back ground Analysis for Chart 1 : A friend of mine had lost lakhs in Share market . He wanted to
know whether he can recover the same from the market

Query of the querent (My friend ) : Can I recover the losses incurred in Share Market ? If so When

Horary Number: 6
Date & Time of Judgment: 30/11/2013 14.06.44 AM
Place of Judgment: Calicut

Moon reveals the nature of query

Moon is in star of Rahu and sub of retrograde Jupiter . Planet Moon is the occupant of 7 owner of
5. Moon is untenanted and is the Cuspal Sublord of 7 and 12th houses .Moon signifies 7 and 12
strongly . Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 7 .Rahu is conjoined with Saturn placed in 11 . Moon is
in the sub of Retro Jupiter placed in 3rd house . Jupiter is lord of 12, 9th and 10th houses . hence
query is genuine. 12 indicates the anxiety in him whether he will recover or not.


JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
th th th th
11 CSL ( 12 TO 12 (LOSS) indicates recovery .If 11 CSL signifies 2,6,10,11 losses can be

Lagna -Self
7th-Opponent (NSE)
6- Loss to Opponent
4- Profession of Opponent
11- Gain to Native


The 11th CSL Saturn is in star of Jupiter and sub of Saturn .

• Planet Saturn is the occupant of 7 , owner of 11 (Gain ). Saturn is aspected by Jupiter lord
of 10 placed in 3 .

• Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 3 owner of 9 ,10 and 12 .Star lord is retrograde . Jupiter
is aspected by Venus who is lord of 2nd House .

• Sublord Saturn is the occupant of 7 and owner of 11 (Gain ) . Saturn is aspected by Jupiter
lord of 10 placed in 3 .

• 11th CSL Saturn signifies 3,10,12,2 and in connection with 7 and 11 and hence recovery is
possible . Retro Jupiter indicating 12 will not make matters easy and recovery will be
after huge delay .

Gulbarga Theory : Here the Asc Cuspal Sublord Rahu is RP Moon Star lord . Hence answer is Yes

Let us analyse Lagna and 7th house

Lagna Cusp : Rahu is Lagna Cuspal Sublord. The querent is materialistic and ambitious . Rahu is in
7th house. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn placed in 7 and owns 11 . Rahu represents Venus also .
Venus is lord 2 and 7 placed in 9 . Starlord Rahu signifies 2,7,11 as above. Rahu is in sub of Saturn
which is placed in 7 and owns 11 . Here Lagna is favourable to the native as Rahu is also the 6 th and
10th CSL .

7th Cusp : We will see if Opponent loses . 7th CSL is Moon . Moon is 7 owner of 5 . Moon is
untenanted and is the Cuspal Sublord of 7 and 12th houses .Moon signifies 7 and 12 strongly .
Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 7 .Rahu is conjoined with Saturn placed in 11 . Rahu represents
Venus lord of 2 . Starlord gives ok signal but Moon is n the sub of Retro Jupiter placed in 3rd
house lord of 9,10 and 12 th house . Jupiter is lord of 12, 9th and 10th houses and 12 connection in
Sub will make the Opponent loose . Jupiter is aspected by Venus who owns 2 . Hence the opponent
also will give a good fight and recovery will be after a real struggle only .

11th CSL is Slow Moving Planet Saturn . Saturn is in star of retro Jupiter and sub of Saturn .All are
slow moving planets and things are going to be slow .

JOINT PERIOD (DBA: Dasha-Bhukti-Anthra)

Rahu Dasa/Jupiter Bhukti is running

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Rahu is conjoined with Saturn placed in 7 and owns 11 . Rahu represents Venus also . Venus is lord
2 and 7 placed in 9 . Starlord Rahu signifies 2,7,11 as above. Rahu is in sub of Saturn which is
placed in 7 and owns 11 . Here Lagna is favourable to the native as Rahu is also the 6th and 10th

Dasa lord has given Ok

Bhukti lord Jupiter is aspected by Venus lord of 2 and placed close to 10th cusp . Jupiter is in 3rd
house lording 9,10 and 12th houses. Jupiter is in sub of Mercury which is untenanted and is the
CSL of 2 and 8th house . Jupiter is in RP

Let us take Saturn Anthara as Saturn is the most powerful RP .Moreover Saturn has given ok as
mentioned in earlier paras.

It is during Rahu/Jup/Sat he will be recovering the lost amount not fully but partially

That time Sun will be transitting ASC CUSPAL SUBLORD RAHU , AST STAR LORD SAT







Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK!

Horary 2 :

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Horary Number: 43
Date & Time of Judgment: 17.12.2013 22.05.42 pm
Place of Judgment: Calicut

Back ground Analysis for Chart 2 : A Cinema Director embarked on production and he incurred
some losses .Now he is ready to produce the next film .

Query of the querent (My friend ) : Will I able to recover the debt incurred in Cinema thru Cinema
field itself. If so when

Moon reveals the nature of query

Moon is in star of Mars which is lord of 6 and Moon is conjoined with Jupiter lord of 11 . hence
query is genuine.


11th CSL ( 12th TO 12th (LOSS) indicates recovery .If 11th CSL signifies 2,6,10,11 losses can be

Lagna -Self
7th - Opponent
6- Loss to Opponent
4- Profession of Opponent
11- Gain to Native


The 11th CSL Saturn is in star of Jupiter and sub of Mercury .

• Planet Saturn is the occupant of 5, owner of 9 and 10 . Saturn is aspected by Jupiter lord
of 11,8 and 7 . Saturn is untenanted and is the 11th CSL . Hence signifies 11 strongly .

• Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 1 owner of 8, 7 and 11 .Star lord is retrograde .

Sublord Mercury is the occupant of 6 and owner of 2,1,5

11th CSL Saturn signifies 11 and in connection with 2 and 6 and hence recovery is
possible .
Retro Jupiter indicating 8 will not make matters easy and recovery will be after huge
delay . Since there is no 12 connection , 8 is indicating windfall gain .

Ascendant No CO Rulers are Mars/Mer and Ketu . They are present in RPs indicating the answer

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Lagna Cusp : Ketu is Lagna Cuspal Sublord.. Ketu is in llh house. Ketu represents Mars . Mars is
lord of 6 in 4 Ketu is in Ketus star . Ketu is in sub of Saturn which is placed in 5 and owns 10 .
Saturn is untenanted and is the 11th CSL . Saturn is aspected by Jupiter who is the lord of 11 .
Here Lagna is favourable to the native

11th CSL is Slow Moving Planet Saturn . Saturn is in star of retro Jupiter and sub of Mercury .All
are slow moving planets and things are going to be slow .

Analyse Fortuna : Fortuna is in 8th house. Its in star of Mars lot of 6 and in sub of Rahu .Rahu is
conjoined with Saturn who is untenanted and is a strong significator of 11th Cusp . Hence Fortune
helps him in realizing his lost money

JOINT PERIOD (DBA: Dasha-Bhukti-Anthra)

Rahu Dasa/Rahu Bhukti is running during sept 14

Rahu is conjoined with Saturn placed in 5 and owns 10 . Rahu represents Saturn . Saturn is in star of
Jupiter and sub of Mercury . Jupiter is lord of 11 th house and Sublord Mercury is lord of 2
placed in 6 .

Hence Rahu dasa/Rahu Bhukti /Rahu Anthara it will be a windfall gain to him .







Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK!

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Rasi Chart (Nkayan) Sft w qf ■st
FiuAsc ASt i'iJ'Jy' ii ^ ifrBir-. III J■> 1:16- ASC KET JUP
Xll FiS' irtf KEi-.T^BS-
IV -2^2^24-
f i ti
% vrt
\.Sf FOR
W Vt •}\\
HOu jfii'.ia-' v zf'ii13r Transit
Ooie:'20 NwrsmtAr, 2011. Soiuidiy A102:17:10 PM on
TnnqcdiilurL U: 10: 4J GMTtO&iJO 20 hinvemter^DIO.
Hwary Oueslicrt No.: 6 i:v.V TrjnErt11 Asu-endjnl
Place - CAUCLTT M.i 2? 30.27^
HI 2^5^31* Pff New Ay-mannii: 23° 5?' 4 [T
Local Timer 13:50: 3 VEN 5UH WER SAT f-Wi
"Sfttereal Time; 10; '27; 37 HAM MOO

- ^S;
!< 20* 22" 24? (MC i50JI .«4 2rjir MEfl 28* Si" 29- VI: 0* 29 IS- ' Ruling Plane IS! Hed=!'Sn.iR)10lue=='S0LtR}1M3ge!nla=^b(jlhraUo.
VE?I,27,?52- ' Mil 6'iCrir SAT rPKSt- ' MAR:i2* ff.56*
W 317" le?;1" -J,- V KAHMl'SFir Cnon [>-?y Moon LlfiCiri 701454 ■ Nodes
MOW KlffiliV Typp Lord S^nL 51.L SiibL !
V* VII'6° I? 20*2
H' f
\ ' '-I... t
Trnnsil Ayanotnsa: 23L-57:40 (Transil iDcalion-Natal)
Vimshottari Dasa Katal Lt^gitadc: TB^SO' 0" Ef LEtliiuder 11® IZ OTJ
Oasa BstaiKe of RAH on the Hay of Quofy is
iSySUiSi I /iiODffis a/ta 55 OOyS
Details of preseni doso combiniHions Planets and Cusps
66-11-16 - Fyn-SAT-MERAAU -28-11-16
28-LI-16-RAH-9A.r-#HERJJf -l£lM& PlBTICLS? | Sign Star SutH S.Sub Navamsa LSfgnrficat(irs(EubLonJof)
ig-1J-16 - R^H-EflTWER-SAT - ID4JI-1T Cusps i Lord LdtJ Lord Lord Rost [
tO01-1? - FHH-SAT-KET-KET -1JOI-17 SUN 1 MAR 1 SAT RAH VEN B-Scmw f? a miv ix 1
1431-1? -FUhl-SAT+iet-VEN -24-01-1? MOM" VEN RAH JUP JUP 9-3^.1CuiusF7 Si VII XII 1
24-01-1? : FMH-SAT-KET-SUN -27-01-1? WAR" 1 72 ER SUN JUP VEN (O-CapiUMjidf B 0: 1
2T-fH-l7 - RAH-3ATtaET-MOH -OI-OM? MER" 1 VEN JUP SUN MOO J-Gcnmi 2 7 9 10 12 4 6 ('II VIM 1
01-02-1? - RAH-SM-KET-M^ft -04-02-1? JUPf1 i MEF ' JUP MER SAT 2- Tauus 3 3 10 12 '
'04-412-17 - RAH-EAT-K^T-RAH -14.02.1? VEfil I JUP SUN
I-1-02-1? - RAH-SAT-KET-'JUP ■22-02-17 SUN SAT S- Sssj.ionus f 0 & 2 7 i III )
2MS-1I-ftAH-SrtV-fiei-fioT -OtOS-l? 5AT ; VEN JUP SAT MOO t-Ajies [3 7 9 10 12 11 iV X) i
03-01*17 - RAH-SAT-KET-MEfl -12-01-1?' RAHK | VEN RAH SAT RAH 1G- Cjiprr^qni r 7 1 1 VI XI
(2-08-17 -RAH-SAT-VEft-vEN -lO-OJ-l?' KETSf i MAR' KET MER VEN 4- Cdiiiiei i 1
10-04-1? -RjlH-SftlrVew-SUW - IB-CH-I? Fqriuru 5*4 T 1 RAH Jl TP JUP 9-Sin-llririLjs t —
19-0-1-17 -.RiH-SAT-VEW-MON -0305-17' ASC ! MAR IKET RAH RAH KET KET WAR
0308-17 -.RAH-SAT-VEf?-M6fi -13-05-1? II i VEN 1 SUN MER RAH VEN
11.05-17 -R/.H-EAT-VEN.RAH .D&05-17 III ! MER TMAfi" VEN 5UW MER JUP SAT JUP McR
00-06-17 - RAM-SAT-VEH-JUP OIO?-!?
-01-07-17 - RAH-SAT-VEN-SAT -2907-1? IV ?4SR JUP SUN VEN UER
79-0 M? -RAH-SAr-VEft-HER -22-08-1?' V MON IMER" SAT SAT WON
22-06-1? - R4H-5AT-VEN-KET -01-09-1? VI I J.1ER I SUM RAH KET UAft WEft
04-09-17 - RAH^AT-SUM.MOM - 06.09-1? VIII MAR (SAT MER SUN VEN WAR SUN A'All
66-00-17 - RAh-SAT-SUM-WAR -11-05-1? IK JUP Iket SUN MAR VEN MER JUP SAT JUP
II-09-17 -RAH-SAT-SUNJiAH -I309-17 Ji ! JUP 1 SUN RAH RAH .yen jup sat jlip
1909-17 -F2AH4AT-SUN JJP -;609-17' XI ; SAT IMAR. SAT SAT ."OR SUM SAT

Jan-Mar 2014
Rasi Chart (Nirayan)
KET il'J'Sft' aSt I4 51" SO" jup rduri
d. >-■ ,
JUP ■Sj'Ta'.ii- iR
1 V'\


Son of POSSIBLE AL 10.05^3 PM on
■ DoSa-lT Detsrhber, 2013, Tuesday 47 pi^-embsf 2013
rmidpr Chart 22: 5: '12 6MT+05 J0 TfanSiiL Ascenrfanl
Horary Ourtfkm No^ Q 117° 40' 53.71'
Pbw - CAUCUT IV 244JG-a91
FCiFl-244llM2- KP Newi Aysriom w: Jl* 57' 4 2*
VEK j'-aarse- Loctil Time; 21: 39; 1 fx
Sldeosn Tlnie: i: 34:5^
VIII 27' Si:jfj-- MEH l:2iy. Ht1 ai" SftT 24'4 L* bT- bWFMLr; W W Ruling Planets:Had=.'»STL(H)1Blue=>SBL[R),MngWiLi=>both«lra.
SUH,!' it-31" vi -1 ir is; ■ fJah -11 y M V ■ S4 ■■
VII I'sa-^a;' Cho<i Day Mcon fiiwn jTmAsaTinAst TmAal NoJet
Typo Lorri SgnL Sl.L SgnL Sl.L SubL
IT w J irna in W?b HI j jihu r
Transit AyDnnmsn: 23: 57: 42 (Transit locatkin-Niilaf)
Vimshottari Dasa Natal Longitude: 751, Sff O" E, Ladltrie: 11' IS" DTN
Dosa Oa/a7)ce of MAR on iiie Hoy of Oti&y is
OysorS, 9 monttrs find 8 days
Delfiils of presenl.tJnsa comlsnolians- Planets and Cusps
06-11-14 RAH-RAH-Ripl-SAT ■ 2SI-11-14
294 1-1-1 RAH-RAH-RAH-Milft - 29-11-14 PI onol^' Sicjn Star Sub- S.Sub Navanisa. Siguificalors (SobLord of}
20-11-14 RfiM-FWN-RAH-KET 29-12-14 Cusps Lord Lcrd Lwd Lord Raii
25-13-14 RAH-HAH-RAH-VEW 2J-01-15 SUM JUP KET VEN JUP 1-Arise 117 4
23451-11 RilH-RAH-RAH-SUN 30 01-15 fiOM MET? 1 WAR SUN JUP e-Sct/BP A 1 6 3 (VIII)
■30-01-15 IWH-RAH-RiH-iV.OH 11-02-.15 fAAR 74 ER WON WON VEN l-Arin 1 4 3 6
11-02-11 RAH-RAH-ftAH-MAft 2002-1£ MPRtf MAR M6R RAJ-I VEN ll-Aqrwrius 6 1 1 S( IV K )
20-02-11 HAH-RAHOUR-JUP 0903-15 JUP* MER JUP MER'- MER 2-Taurue 1 7 B tl ( Xtl 1
0M)3-15 RAH-RAH-JUR-SAI 30-03-15 VET4* SAT SUN SAT RA-H ll-Aqioriui 7 S 4 12 ( II VII f
30-03-15 RAH-RAH-JUP-MER 10-04-15
ipjjj.ii RAH.RIH-JUR-K^T 36.04-15 SAT* VEN JUP MER RAH 2-TaL*iji 1 5 7 U B 9 10 f V XI}
26-04-15 FWH-RAH-JUP-VEN 17-05-15 RAHA VEN RAH SAT MER 15 Cdnnoofn 5 (IN VI IX 1
17-05-15 rah-rah-jup-sow 24-0515 KETi> MAR KET SAT RAH J-C^wr 11(1)
24-05-15 RAH-RAH-JUR-fAON 04 05-15 FOJUIIU SAT WAR RAN JUP 5 Lt-j —
17-09-15 RAH-RAHJAT-KET 250515
16-09-15 -RAH-RAH^SAT-VEN 21-09-15 V MER MAR SAT VEN RAH RAH !5AT tAER t-'ER
29 09-15 RAH-R\H-SAr.74(JH 11-19-15 VII JUP 1 KET VEN RAH VE,M SUN JOP SAT Jljp
14-11-15 RAH-RAH-SATJUP . 04-12-15 X SAT JUP MER SAT 3AT

CdLtjoH. J. Atfrtc.

An eye opening article on Cuspal Displacement and

Intercepted Signs !!

CtTMjgflJCLLA- !f jfUH. <*CJ^fL<*C*£ flJtJCjdjLc^lxrM^

Jan-Mar 2014

Meena2 Naadi System: Application of Jeeva & Sareera, Uttama drekkana and
Digbala Principles

Mrs. Hemalatha A. Krishnan

Jyothisa Acharya, Smt.Hemalatha A.Krishnan is a Banker by profession and senior

faculty at JKR Astro Research Foundation, Secunderabad .She has been a student of
Sri P.V.K. Punneswara Rao Gam and leamt astrology directly from him. She has got
more than 15 years experience in astrology .She was conferred with honorary titles
of Jyothisa Ratna, Jyothisa Pandit and Jyothisa Choodamani. She is a staunch
follower of Meena2 Naadi system and disciple of Dr.NVRA Raja, Meena2 Jr.

Email: hemalatha 1308 @ gmail.com

Jyothisa Chakravarthi, KP astrologer, Late Sri P V K Punneswara Rao garu, hailed from a

simple and orthodox family. He was a great savant in astrology with profound knowledge in

the subject.

He evinced a keen interest in astrology from the age of 24 years and with over 36 years of

experience in traditional astrology. He switched over to Krishnamurthi Padhati for the next two

decades. He found the results from K P very encouraging and began teaching K P SYSTEM since

1986. He dedicated his life to teach astrology and allied sciences and was the Founder President of

Universal Research Institute of Astro and Occult Sciences, Hyderabad. His name appeared in the

All India Astrologers' Directory and was also selected among the 100 Astrologers of India in the

International Directory of Astrologers. This article is based on Jeeva and Sareera Stellar principle

taken from Stellar Effects in Astrology-Jeeva and Sareera by Dr.NVRA Raja. I am very please and

amazed to analyse Sri PVKs chart and found lot of important stellar concepts are fitting in his chart.

I trust you all will appreciate the Meena2 Naadi (Stellar) concepts.

If planets of Ascendant, 10th house, name, fame and status karaka Sun,spiritual planet Jupiter and
Philosophical planet, Saturn are well connected with Yogakaraka Planets, then those connected
Houses or Planets Karakathwas flourish" Meena 2Jr.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
14nOn924 QOiIBiOO, Zone5.50
Guruj] PVK 1ST Unnday
Lahiri 22:43:11
Provided by: Dr.Jynthisa Kesan Raja (JKR) Vijayawada India
Printed □ n 02/03/2013 at 17:14 SO E 37 16 N 31


10 / MA

Name Ret Sign Degrees

Ascendant Cancer Pushya M Merc

OSun Virgo IT 20 Mars Jiip
S'lS' Ketu Jyp
o Mars Aquanus SB 27" Dhamslha Mars Sun
Virgo 18 34' Hasia Moon Merc
^Jupiter Scorpio 23e 34' Jyestha Merc Mars
9verus Leo 14' 9' Purvaphalguni 1 Ven Ven
h Saturn Li&ra 10*32' Swan RahuSat
^ Rahu Cancer 27 r Asfltesha Merc Jup
®Kelu Capricorn 27" r Mars Jyp

Jeeva and Sareera, Digbala and Uttama Drekkana table




1st pada

Moon Mars Yes DB

Jan-Mar 2014
Aswini 3rd

Sun Mars Mars Saturn Yes DB YUD

Chitha 2n

Mercury Moon Moon Yes DB

Venus Venus Venus Yes DB VUD

Pubba 1st

Mars Mars Mars Saturn Yes DB

Jupiter Mercury Mercury Moon

Saturn Rahu Rahu Mercury


Lagna is in the star of Pushyami 1st pada whose lord is Saturn obtaining 1 in Uttama

Drekana Status and aspected by yogakaraka Jupiter.Guruji was a prominent person in the field of

astrology with sharp intelligence and culture.He led a wholesome , fruitful and successful life

guiding so many students.

Lagna lord Moon, is in the star of Ketu, Ketu is the JPJP Ketu is in the star of Mars,so Mars

is the SP.Lagna lord Moon being aspected by 4th posited planet, Saturn gets digbala(Meena2

principle).Furthur Moon in the star of Ashwini 3 in Uttama Drekana gives strength to lagna

bestowing longevity and poornayu.He lived till 88 years, blessed with 6 children and grandchildren.

Second lord Sun is in the star of Mars ,so Mars is the JPJP Mars is in his own star so the

sign lord where he is posited i.e. Saturn becomes the SP. Sun, Karaka for name and fame in the star

of the 10th lord gets digbala,being in Chitta 2,is in Vargottama Uttama Drekana and is also the SP

for 4th and 11 th house.He was known as a pioneer in teaching KP system and acquired name and

fame.He had a successful tenure in a government bank,was much revered and held in high esteem.

3rd and 12th lord Mercury , is in the star of Moon,so Moon is in the JPJP Moon is in the star

of Ketu,so Ketu is the SP .Mercury in the star of Lagna lord Moon gets digbala, is in his own

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
house, in exaltation, in Moolatrikona, alongwith Sun gave him high intellectual and communicative

ability. He was a voracious reader, fond of debates and authored books.

4th and 11 th lord Venus is in the star of Venus, so Venus is the JP.As Venus is in his own

star,the sign lord where he is posited,Sun becomes the SP.Venus is in the star of 4th lord,gets

digbala,in poorvaphalguni 1, hence in Vargottama Uttama Drekana and acquires same Guna.Venus

the JP of 4th and 11th house bestowed good education, success and popularity in life

5th and 10th lord Mars is in Mars star, so Mars in in JP and the sign lord where Mars is

posited,Saturn is the SP.Though Mars is in the 8th house,Mars posited in the star of the 10th lord

gets digbala,is in his own star and acquires same guna. Mars, JP of 2,5,10 houses and SP of lagna

aspecting 2,3 and 11 houses has ensured professional success.He had a government bank job and

retired as a chief instructor at the training centre of the bank.He was interested in sports like

cricket,badmintn and table tennis.

6th and 9th lord Jupiter,Yogakaraka, is in the star of Mercury,Mercury is the JP.JP,Mercury is

in the star of Moon,so Moon is the SP.Jupiter , a Satwik planet in the star of Mercury acquires

Satwik Guna and aspects Lagna, 9th and 11th houses.The connection of Yogakaraka Jupiter and JP

Mercury to 9th and 11th house made him a successful Astrologer.He has trained about 600 plus

persons and encouraged them at meetings and seminars.

7th and 8th lord Saturn is in the star of Rahu, Rahu is the JP.JP Rahu is in the star of Mercury,

so Mercury is the SP.Exalted Saturn being in the star of Rahu, acquires same tamasik guna,

aspected by lagna lord and aspects lagna.JP of Saturn,Rahu in Lagna is aspected by being in the

star of Rahu, acquires same tamasik guna, aspected by lagna lord and aspects lagna.JP of

Saturn,Rahu in Lagna aspected by Yogakaraka Jupiter enhanced his life expectancy through full

years.He led a very happily married and contented life. He took active part in various social

activities and contributed to society.


Lagna is in the star of Pushyami 1st pada whose lord is Saturn obtaining 1 in Uttama

Drekana Status and aspected by yogakaraka Jupiter. Guruji was a prominent person in the field of

astrology with sharp intelligence and culture.Moon in the star of Ashwini 3 in Uttama Drekana

gives strength to lagna bestowing longevity and poomayu.Sun, Karaka for name and fame in the

star of the 10th lord gets digbala,being in Chitta 2,is in Vargottama Uttama Drekana and is also the

SP for 4th and 11 th house.He was known as a pioneer in teaching KP system and acquired name

and fame. Mercury in the star of Lagna lord Moon gets digbala, is in his own house, in exaltation,

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
in Moolatrikona, alongwith Sun gave him high intellectual and communicative ability.Venus is in

the star of 4th lord,gets digbala,in poorvaphalguni 1, hence in Vargottama Uttama Drekana and

acquires same Guna.Venus the JP of 4th and 11th house bestowed good education, success and

popularity in life. Mars, JP of 2,5,10 houses and SP of lagna aspecting 2,3 and 11 houses has

ensured professional success. Jupiter , a Satwik planet in the star of Mercury acquires Satwik Guna

and aspects Lagna, 9th and 11th houses.The connection of Yogakaraka Jupiter and JP Mercury to 9th

and 11th house made him a successful Astrologer. JP of Saturn,Rahu in Lagna aspected by

Yogakaraka Jupiter enhanced his life expectancy through full years.He led a very happily married

and contented life.


If planets of Ascendant, 10th house, name, fame and status karaka Sun,spiritual planet Jupiter

and Philosophical planet, Saturn are well connected with Yogakaraka Planets, then those

connected Houses or Planets Karakathwas flourish "

- Meena 2 Jr.

Ref: Stellar effects in Astrology. Jeeva and Sareera by Dr.NVRA Raja - Meenal Jr

Jan-Mar 2014

Who will form Government in Delhi: A Future KP Prediction

Dr. Nirmal Kothari

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences from All India Federation of Astrologer's Societies
(AIFAS), New Delhi.
Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Acharya and Jyotish Gana Shiromani from KP Stellar Astrological Research Institute (KPSARI),
Chennai, TN.
Jyotish Shastri and Vastu Acharya from Udaipur University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Shiromani from Marwar University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Srestham from The Institute of Vedic Culture for Public Welfare & Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology, Durgapur,
Practitioner of Pyra-Vastu and Reiki Pranik Healing.

Email: astrologer.nirmalkothari(5)vahoo.com

Background Note: The results of Delhi Assembly State Election 2013 witnessed the
sensational political debut of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) that decimated many a big name
in the Delhi assembly elections. Although it practically wiped out the Congress, which won
only 8 seats, and halted the BJP's march to power (which won 31 seats as the single-largest party),
AAP is not in a position to form a government in Delhi on its own. The Congress has offered
unconditional support to Arvind Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) should they be ready to form
the next government in Delhi. But, there is still no clarity whether AAP will form government in
Delhi or President Rules comes into effect?

Question: Will BJP will form government in Delhi State Assembly?

Horary Number: 166 (out of 249, on behalf of BJP).
Time of Judgment: 10-12-2013, 13:31:06 Hrs. (1ST).
Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Moon (Pieces 03-13-07) is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Rahu. Planet Moon is the occupant of
3. Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 7, owner of 2 and 4. Sublord Rahu is the occupant of 11.
Rahu acts an agent of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 11, owner of 3. Moon signifies and/or in
connection with the relevant houses, hence query or urge is genuine.

Question: Will AAP will form government in New Delhi Assembly?

Horary Number: 155 (out of 249, on behalf of AAP).
Time of Judgment: 10-12-2013, 13:40:16 Hrs. (1ST).
Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Moon (Pieces 03-18-14) is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Rahu. Planet Moon is the occupant of
4, owner of 9. Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 8, owner of 2 and 5. Sublord Rahu is the
occupant of 11. Rahu acts an agent of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 12, owner of 3, 4. Moon
signifies and/or in connection with the relevant houses, hence query or urge is genuine.

Question: Will President Rules comes into force in Delhi State Assembly?
JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Horary Number: 105 (out of 249, on behalf of President Rule).
Time of Judgment: 10-12-2013, 13:47:59 Hrs. (1ST).
Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Moon (Pieces 03-22-32) is in the star and sub of Saturn. Planet Moon, being untenanted, is the
occupant of 7 and CSL of 9, 11. Starlord & Sublord Saturn is the occupant of 2, owner of 6 and
7. Moon signifies and/or in connection with the relevant houses, hence query or urge is

If 10th (one's position in politics) cuspal sublord signifies 10 (one's reputation, position and power),
11 (one's reputation as a winner), 1 (one's self-efforts for winning) or 3 (one's ability), then success
is assured.

The above-said rules should be crossed verified with 11th, 1st and 3rd CSL also. And then we make
an analysis in which we have to see the overall majority favors to whom. If we have any confusion
in this regard, we may further analyze the DBA of the significators of 10, 11, 1, 3 and then to see
overall majority favors to whom.

(Note: 10th is stronger than 3, 3rd is stronger than 11,11th is stronger than 1)


10th Cusp (Virgo 07-28-42): The sublord of 10th cusp Ketu is in star of Self (Ketu) and sub of

• Planet Ketu is the occupant of 5. Ketu posited in Aries (Lord: Mars) and aspected by
Saturn. Thus Ketu acts and agent of Mars and Saturn. Mars is the occupant of 9, owner of 1,
5,12. Saturn is the occupant of 11, owner of 3.

• Starlord Ketu is the occupant of 5. Ketu posited in Aries (Lord: Mars) and aspected by
Saturn. Thus Ketu acts and agent of Mars and Saturn. Mars is the occupant of 9, owner of 1,
5,12. Saturn is the occupant of 11, owner of 3.

• Sublord Mercury is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in
stars of Mercury) and posited in star of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 11, owner of 3.

• 10h CSL Ketu signifies 11, 3,11 and in connection with 3,11.

3rd Cusp (Aquarius 03-25-42): The sublord of 3rd cusp Venus is in star of Sun and sub of Jupiter.

• Planet Venus is the occupant of 2, owner of 6, 7, 11. Venus is having stellar (positional)
strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and CSL of 3.

• Starlord Sun is the occupant of 12, owner of 9.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
• Sublord Jupiter is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in
stars of Mercury) and posited in self-star. Jupiter is the occupant of 7, owner of 2 and 4.

• 3rd CSL Venus signifies 3,11 and without connection of 1, 3,10 or 11.

11th Cusp (Libra 07-49-52): The sublord of 11th cusp Rahu is in star of Self (Rahu) and sub of

• Planet Rahu is the occupant of 11. Rahu posited in Libra (Lord: Saturn) and thus acts an
agent of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 11, owner of 3.

• Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 11. Rahu posited in Libra (Lord: Saturn) and thus acts an
agent of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 11, owner of 3.

• Sublord Saturn (occupant of 11) is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted
(there is planet in stars of Saturn) and posited in star of Jupiter. Jupiter is the occupant of 7,
owner of 2 and 4.

• 11th CSL Rahu signifies 3,11 and in feeble connection with 11.

1st Cusp (Scorpio 27-53-20): The sublord of 1st cusp Saturn is in star of Jupiter and sub of

• Planet Saturn is the occupant of 11, owner of 3.

• Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 7, owner of 2 and 4.

• Sublord Mercury is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in
stars of Mercury) and posited in star of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 11, owner of 3.

• 1st CSL Saturn signifies 3,11 and in connection with 3,11.


10th Cusp (Leo 18-06-59): The sublord of 10th cusp Rahu is in star of Self (Rahu) and sub of

• Planet Rahu is the occupant of 11. Rahu posited in Libra (Lord: Saturn) and thus acts an
agent of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 12, owner of 3, 4.

• Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 11. Rahu posited in Libra (Lord: Saturn) and thus acts an
agent of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 12, owner of 3, 4.

• Sublord Saturn is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in
stars of Saturn) and posited in star of Jupiter. Jupiter is the occupant of 8, owner of 2 and 5.

• 10th CSL Rahu signifies 3,11 and without connection of 1, 3,10 or 11.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

3rd Cusp (Capricorn 14-29-36): The sublord of 3rd cusp Jupiter is in star of Self (Jupiter) and sub
of Mercury.

• Planet Jupiter is the occupant of 8, owner of 2, 5.

• Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 8, owner of 2, 5.

• Sublord Mercury is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in
stars of Mercury) and posited in star of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 12, owner of 3, 4.

• 3rd CSL Jupiter does not signify 1, 3,10 or 11 but in connection with 3.

11th Cusp (Virgo 19-51-52): The sublord of 11th cusp Ketu is in star of Self (Ketu) and sub of

• Planet Ketu is the occupant of 5. Ketu posited in Aries (Lord: Mars) and aspected by
Saturn. Thus Ketu acts and agent of Mars and Saturn. Mars, being untenanted, is the
occupant of 1, owner of 10 and CSL of 1, 6. Saturn is the occupant of 12, owner of 3, 4.

• Starlord Ketu is the occupant of 5. Ketu posited in Aries (Lord: Mars) and aspected by
Saturn. Thus Ketu acts and agent of Mars and Saturn. Mars, being untenanted, is the
occupant of 1, owner of 10 and CSL of 1, 6. Saturn is the occupant of 12, owner of 3, 4.

• Sublord Mercury is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in
stars of Mercury) and posited in star of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 12, owner of 3, 4.

• llh CSL Ketu signifies 1, 3,10 and in connection with 3.

1st Cusp (Scorpio 12-06-40): The sublord of 1st cusp Mars is in star of Sun and sub of Ketu.

• Planet Mars is the occupant of 10, owner of 1, 6. Mars is having stellar (positional) strength
i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Mars) and CSL of 1.

• Starlord Sun is the occupant of 1, owner of 10.

• Sublord Ketu is the occupant of 5. Ketu posited in Aries (Lord: Mars) and aspected by
Saturn. Thus Ketu acts and agent of Mars and Saturn. Mars, being untenanted, is the
occupant of 1, owner of 10 and CSL of 1, 6. Saturn is the occupant of 12, owner of 3, 4.

• 1st CSL Mars signifies 1,10 and in connection with 1, 3,10.


10th Cusp (Taurus 29-15-49): The sublord of 10th cusp Saturn is in star of Jupiter and sub of

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

• Planet Saturn is the occupant of 2, owner of 6 and 7.

• Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 10, owner of 5 and 8.

• Sublord Mercury (occupant of 3) is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted

(there is planet in stars of Mercury) and posited in star of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of
2, owner of 6 and 7.

• 10th CSL Saturn signifies 10 and feeble connection with 3.

3rd Cusp (Libra 28-26-26): The sublord of 3rd cusp Venus is in star of Sun and sub of Jupiter.

• Planet Venus is the occupant of 5, owner of 3, 10. Venus is having stellar (positional)
strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and CSL of 3.

• Starlord Sun is the occupant of 3, owner of 1, 12.

• Sublord Jupiter is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in
stars of Mercury) and posited in self-star. Jupiter is the occupant of 10, owner of 5 and 8.

• 3rd CSL Venus signifies 1, 3,11 and in connection with 10.

11th Cusp (Gemini 29-52-48): The sublord of 11th cusp Moon is in star and sub of Saturn.

• Planet Moon, being untenanted, is the occupant of 7 and CSL of 9, 11.

• Starlord Saturn is the occupant of 2, owner of 6 and 7.

• Sublord Saturn is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in
stars of Saturn) and posited in star of Jupiter. Jupiter is the occupant of 10, owner of 5 and

• llh CSL Moon signifies 11 and in connection with 10.

1st Cusp (Leo 29-13-20): The sublord of 1st cusp Rahu is in star of Self (Rahu) and sub of Saturn

• Planet Rahu is the occupant of 2. Rahu posited in Libra (Lord: Saturn) and thus acts an
agent of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 2, owner of 6, 7.

• Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 2. Rahu posited in Libra (Lord: Saturn) and thus acts an
agent of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 2, owner of 6, 7.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Strength-wise Houses (Signifies : Connection) (10th is stronger than 3) (3rd
Party is stronger than 11) (11th is stronger than 1)


Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) 3, 11 : 3, 11 3, 11 : NIL 3, 11:11*** 3, 11 : 3, 11

Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) 3, 11 : NIL NIL : 3 1,3, 10: 3 1, 10: 1,3, 10

President Rule (PR) 10 : 3*** 1,3, 11 : 10 11 : 10 NIL : 10


*** indicates feeble
• Sublord Saturn is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in
stars of Saturn) and posited in star of Jupiter. Jupiter is the occupant of 10, owner of 5 and

• 1st CSL Rahu does not signify 1, 3,10 or 11 but in connection with 10.

The Comparison Table between BJP and Opponent (other than BJP) has been judged keeping in
mind the following Golden Rules of KP Astrology, mainly KP Stellar Theory of Starlord versus

• Planet is the source of a result, Constellation is the nature of the result and Sub is the final
deciding factor of a result.

• If Starlord is benefic and Sublord is also benefic, then the native enjoys.

• If Starlord is malefic and Sublord is also malefic, then the native suffers.

• If Starlord is benefic and Sublord is malefic, then apparently it may seem that the event is
going to take place, but eventually it will hold.

• If Starlord is malefic and Sublord is benefic, then after some obstacles or hindrances, the
event will take place.

My Opinion: In Comparison Table, AAP is strong in overall majority. Thus in my opinion, AAP
will form government in Delhi State Assembly.
Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! Pranaam to my Guruji Sri P.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Horary No. 155 Ref. #. 339

Sufr R^tr: {£05:41 AM Svtr S$t! 04:53:05 PM Hura/yNb.: 155
Dot a Bw;; 335.25 0 WprH7: Mi? OosLs^finr
iVrihyd VQQE. SAldhl Karons. SlJ:^ WAAAPsmII lofm gfrtrrrr.Anl in NAw DpIiI AsasmhY0
Hxsi: ?r-fXZ fid^ lord: ifupi?r
L^v?: Soiqw LtSJWi tcif Mws
rury; Sfiuhlii ^dk-j-Tia, C-lijVjfnl
S.'jirr P.Bliadr^. Pnd^4 S i1.!1" 1- O'ld' J"Lrp?Jir
Ko 1 VIII 12:HIJ6
VI 1736:56. Ji<R|?viL47;m ■aa'Dw.'Eo^niiMe PM;-

V 19^132 □Af LCiirl: Bejii

fc-V) dSllill't
ttemo: Aafn Ajdinl Pail^AAP Slarpvtiy:
Gaiidar. Mjila |AlrJrLldh^3|
Qatd: fLfiiJajf. KfDcc^OTS
"nma.; (J1:.ii;;(6PM Sr-a'fiinHSI-
SIO: 19:20:29 . HSilnihMaiJl
Sl.nr; P.BhjdM, P^rf.n .i Fevflii(i)
IV 16.05:59 lalil^e: £2^7.^0 N Fl-Lirul^
Longii|jd9r8fi:?(m0 E BCihiiiili
Plaoo: KOLK^rA, WEST GEffltTAl.. Irditt AhrJra!2>
|PiJsflyairil['!) f.Vj Sa
D , IP.PI-islrjjnllS;.
AyaiuinKi:20 57 ^1'
Gal. DiBn: Juptff 0 V, 0 M, 12 E>
III 1.P2936
Va (J2JM5 PVan^jflfy po^j/cni
Ma 07:lt£7 lEElISMiiPadj).
P.IO |P.BIvidrj(>4)
5u Si 2J:ta.oi JulHJ |PLmimiJSJj(?|
II 12:08.106 Ma- K:fM:33 XII 17:^6
Fa 12.0C!:« I 12:K:Ji:i Hi 1 1:27L13
Dstsa Sumr^ifry. SwalilEj
BfttlifM \f=fon\ Fo l^ldHl

l-HJaeraKS A^nfJi'ejJort -. PttrteJs yjeir
r.TBUK.lM 26J«oi-i2De4 (.26Jvn-M4T
HMfnTKIRHM- a, it
D9-Jiui-S04& 2.5
H Jun-JOSO rrwiMMMmi 10
KC1U CK1» Vcntii u^M
as-neo-spflg- 2^Dei>2flj& H-Da'i-2a5&- 23-Dei>2a75 ^a.jaBtiM^KratraaaiaaH i 1 3.-:
zj-n&c-aajg Virtui lAH.WBdVriM 2.5
2f>-Juh2051 I 12 2.5
2B-NCM-2D51 li7-F«i-2a7a.
2S-JuiV2D52 [G-Jinr?079
1&N^-20SI n7-AUfr2D31 ftjDtj acrs'jis'sp&iriLy."^' Ve So..
\nx*TB*wm kH-Dac-2021 /foAj de/sss'^o.^ lor: Mi' $&''■
FJlDcn CiiM. Uiirs Disa „ RjhU Dai3 (Ah FSiinaii m Otnipufi^ f lar
:-23.Dei>2{Kl3 Sa-De'&itM}: 33. oe (i 3099 sa^Ds&soaa- ITV fffjV.OrowwiV'DfiiHJsa-: "
K-K»on FtT.JTOU.JjM i' il?-:7 fi'jiwfs
IklilWBJIilSM IHanu I'D,) - Ho'jia D»viEi"
2^Miv2Ca4 - IJuijai M^Jun- 50&I Sjfiirn ja-Jinr21u5
' EMiJw'STi? (SSmin 144/iav-20B4 Mwcurv ItSC^rjTTir
" 2i-Mai-aaar imcycuiv 22vJuri-£l|]Ba IIKlKu (2a-jLin-211ll
"SJOilMES JKALJ 19 Jun-2ag7 I Vmoi 1 II-JlJ-2111
" £4 Mif-ajyo Vanut 16«m-2007 Sxi iiiMui-arM
' Z+^isl-aiStf (Sin I S-la/i-i-OSS Moon llK-JLrt-211& - Tteiv filSn^s do rW? la'/p any .Vi?'r ifdri
|B6-Jijiv209j IjMoon |22-M3il-2099 11 Mas' i-IB-Do-l-illS

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Horary No. 166 Ref. #. 35i

s/n 5o\: WiMflSPM Hotar/No.:
C?iti 0.7/i: 3^.2S D QL&c&Ut;
Btfjv Vi'dl DJP will Perm uCr.'&mmCI-fl In DeIhl SbLa- AiiyniWy?
ftasC PlfeceB RasJ Lord Ajp'rlw
Lflflnu: Scorpw tdtjiwiofd" W-nra
JTrJu: SJiukJa FMkikn. Navailll
S\ir: P.Btedra, Psda-I Sfa-J-ffor Jupder
V ^7:^:&a VI 03:57^)1 AiiPl 24:47:M c.isrJn^ nrjw fp . .
Ko lt37;U Wl 27:5ISO VIM 29!l7iflD . 3.10:10.59 PM
Mran Su J Ke | W
IV 07:3ft:42
Md ajitqur D^p1 Lcrd; Sin
C^spHf Pffsfitons
Nrtme; Bwr^iyii Jwoia Prvsy BJP S3L.
Cispdar; Mnlp JyKhij.Uj I Ma
□ai@; To&Eday, U.AE.hadall'i
UABhadallj iPu
PM Dlvani»h1a[4)
SID:19:1T;L9 U.Blvaiifii^l
Slcir; P.BhodWp Pfflia ^ AiwiipJ
Ljyud4:2^57HMiJ KmiftaP) Su Sa
|jGr^A^do:38:2D:C0 £
Phcfl: KQLKATA, WEST BENQAL IpcSn Punarvfl-jLiO]
Ayjhi'nsa: Z3fl5r ^r
BbI. Daw; Juprler <' Y, 1- D Anuradham
Ve- a?2«:45 pr.iincjjiry PosriWJ7-
HO ^7;1S;^ Biiif(F^dn-K
K G;?\2AX2 Jyfeiirn-;3J
Fo 28:26:39 Anuradna^ll
I 27;W-20
SU 3.137:J3 5a 24:12:56 PuriLirvasui'2]
Wa 14:01^ Ra 11^7:14 UAbrmdai.S)
XII M.57:D1 Kf 07^952
Case? Sdji/rTmciOi1 s^dh'?!-
EJAuwr \Ff0in Altt'JllMI
Ejtum Dafia
29-Jan-zoi 4 - zskfrn-iaao 2g-j£]n-Zll33'-29-JJFl-2[)5J3
29-JlaiVt9E6 Baturii IW-Jin-SljEJ ^g-jai-ezcru
l7-Mrtr-2Dng Mnfoiirv IQI-Ffib-SOii' Kslu- p <^-J nn- £1735
EBElir^^W EtiEu ■ VfiiUi P22-Jui1-2D2G
2i>-Jap-20e^ n Signtltcatinp - PJjjwJs View,.
lEEroT-*'1^* lOt-Jjn-iWL.S

Kern Dim: venus CJia inii I 12 1.5.13

ifr'JanrSMO - »-Jan-2l)JT I n I E, ID
rvjarreHt-w Vdrrlta iwaimataMM
kHJIJ.hvf |17.No^?977
I Sr3-r.1i--2D7B
i!l2 e, 10
EES (Kts'Lii'iicafif far;
P.lars Dau,;. Fianu Dasa (A): HMdlS it) Cteujjart'i ir^J<
2U^l-£i]43' Z» Jpn'2Cr93 >3^fln.2O03-2ij[ilF21Clci' H^aruzi i:io'-20.'JjFF2iTa.. IS) -
ftamsMiai P.laTi li'hl'^^MIil'f'il ll'« IQ ' RiineteVripm&s «(ara'■■'
EEHTmmSlE 25-Jljn-3CiB3 l"i| II III III M
ag-*in-30S< i1?-jlil-3094
3D-DTjC-2CaE |l9-Julf3LiB5 i la-j^rvzioa
" 3D-ftpr-aiM7 106- Ju V SOW |?3-.lul-3-|lO
ag-Ngi-goee nla^MWOZ ~p&Avo.?111
faBTS^aHcr K-Coe'-aa? T ie-aMq-21 i4~
"9P-N(jv?1B0 " 22-F3b-20ffi> IICIxlul-2115 , jjtavteiti niiwcJjri
'iOiSM tcr^^ir"

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Horary No. 105 Ret if. 360

Sun Rise; AM Sun Set; PM horrrYtfa.: i05
36525 D Hvii: Mij 5 Cu 175-^0 n;
■Vrfty-a Eidahl KaraftA: 1 - B-rils1^ Wil Prdsickrri Rufi ChinasinlO lortd In DaII^SLdIh Aiiiiiitiy?
Aui': Piscs? R,is tajD .
t&Qr,'£.' Loo Lard.' Sun
TfOv: Shukh PJkifLi, NlphuiTm
Si,tit U.Qiijdrji, Pjid.n 1 Sr.ViLcra1: Eolurn
Ka Jlftffl 24>f6Jj0 nififf flP
Kl f.&Oec/a IS .1 f :41 !t3 AM

VIH ST:M:45 Dw Lend: SLU
MO D322 J3
Nnme; PRESIDENT PULE PP nrajdal'
GemJir: MtfQ U.PtiaSjiini|i|
□alijiTuirMly, 1(Hl«;'?ai3 Hiilri|2|
Tiini:ai:4T:5S PU VlaaVdam
530; Jy45hlOlK>
VII 2g:f3a> Scar: u.Shadra, Pada 1
VI flCi;D3:33 miiludoiffiSJmN DhaPshl^S}
|jsiighi)de;flflil>^JO E «.(JSJ33 P.BrudralJ^
I 26:IS:M ITctraliL'i)
Ayiui.Tmiun;?3',57' 41" PuiurvaaiJlS)
ELdl. Datn: Solmn IS Y. 11 M, S C nlll
Vo O0:3M1-
Fn QL:11:43 Planwufy PcKUiUs
M? 07:1035 Stiin'Partil'
II Zf:56:+S JyB±lili|3
U.EHadi mf I)
W ?3;1&:49 .in lejs-se Jl^H| PLiflivaaijia
Sti a-ia8:» Sd !4:t3:(B VB UA'JiaJilZI
13b 14:M;03 Hi 11:27:12
Djia'Stmimjry mlifij Sj JVi


Sun Ciaaa . .. v
'jun nrrpjcT^Ta
KUBBMUgl ragiaaaiWiM
KaiCTg^i Kl3iE]iKiL*i7M
m flWiu aa-ii: is spanTfflr; Ai; Vo.1 Sa.:
19-Nw-2{St Kb flu acisfias-'^flcflf iar
ffl- PT.ijten fln axufartfiyxt.-
0) - Qxt^aiv asitiwM;
inMSHaa— m-Ntv-Zt-B? 1 H-l9yr-2 L17 ft; 5'PJIana> fl/f.Qt-.icYai'a's
30-JuP21Q2 05-3411-2130 {Dj • ^lirwr.^,l
03-1337-2091 .55^111. MPDrt-SJ 01_ [la^iiJIK
0jiS5r-2IB& "Mgipiry si-ftFiio; " 23-cua £124
' 17-U.i72We Kalu iS-Mny-SnO aa-EflP-iigs
IVara: a&Uunrgm 129-13^72130
' ll-U(t250T Jijri O0-Juit2l K " IS-M3I2I20
"SITSf^'lilS - "liters " imiA2ia>
' rl3jr5" " • ^RTgriT TSmr " "gKiSP^'ai

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

When Lok Sabha Election 2014 Will Likely To Announce: A Future KP


Dr. Nirmal Kothari

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences from All India Federation of Astrologer's Societies
(AIFAS), New Delhi.
Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Acharya and Jyotish Gana Shiromani from KP Stellar Astrological Research Institute (KPSARI),
Chennai, TN.
Jyotish Shastri and Vastu Acharya from Udaipur University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Shiromani from Marwar University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Srestham from The Institute of Vedic Culture for Public Welfare & Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology, Durgapur,
Practitioner of Pyra-Vastu and Reiki Pranik Healing.

Email: astrologer.nirmalkothari@vahoo.com

Background Note: A general election will be the next election for the 16thLok
Sabha in India. Voting will take place in all parliamentary constituencies of India to elect
members of parliament in the Lok Sabha. By constitutional requirement, elections to
the Lok Sabha must be held at most every five years or whenever parliament is dissolved by
the president. The previous election, to the 15th Lok Sabha, was conducted in April-May 2009 and
its term would naturally expire on 31 May 2014. The election will be organized by the Election
Commission of India (ECI) and are normally held in multiple phases to better handle the large
electoral base and security concerns.

Question: When 16th Lok Sabha Election 2014 will likely to announce by ECI?

Horary Number: 143 (out of 249).

Time of Judgment: 24-10-2013, 18:19:14 Hrs. (1ST).

Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.


If the cuspal sub lord of 3rd (Election, People's view, Communication) be the significator of 3
(Election, People's view, Communication), 9 (People who think for opposite view, Communication
from Government Bodies) or 11 (Success, Fulfillment of event), date of election will be announced
during the joint period (DBA) of significators of 3, 9 and 11.


Moon (Gemini 10-37-22) is in the star of Rahu and sub of Saturn. Planet Moon is the occupant of
8, owner of 10. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 12. Rahu acts an agent of Sun, Mercury and
Saturn. Sun, being untenanted is the occupant of 12, CSL of 3. Mercury® is the occupant of 12,
owner of 9 and 11. Saturn, being untenanted, is the occupant of 12, owner of 4 and CSL of 4, 10.
Sublord Saturn, being untenanted, is the occupant of 12, owner of 4 and CSL of 4, 10. Thus,
JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Moon signifies and/or in connection with the relevant houses (3, 9,11), hence query or urge is


3rd Cusp (Sagittarius 26-54-34): The sublord of 3rd cusp Sun is in star and sub of Rahu.

• Planet Sun is the occupant of 12. Sun is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted
(there is no planet in stars of Sun) and CSL of 3.

• Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 12. Rahu conjoined with Sun-Mercury®-Saturn and thus
acts an agent of Sun-Mercury®-Saturn. Sun, being untenanted, is the owner of 12, CSL of 3.
Mercury® is the occupant of 12, owner of 9 and 11. Saturn, being untenanted, is the
occupant of 12, owner of 4 and CSL of 4, 10.

Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 12. Rahu conjoined with Sun and Mercury® and thus acts an
agent of Sun and Mercury®. Sun, being untenanted, is the owner of 12, CSL of 3. Mercury® is the
occupant of 12, owner of 9 and 12. Saturn, being untenanted, aspecting to 3rd cusp and is the
occupant of 12, owner of 4 and CSL of 4, 10.

• 3rd CSL Sun signifies 3, 9,11 and in connection with 3, 9,11.

Planets signify the houses 3. 9 or 11 in respect to A. B, C. D, E

A = Planets in Occupant's Stars

B = Occupant of Houses

C = Planets in Owner's Stars

D = House Owner

E = Planets Conjoined or Aspected (Vedic Aspects) by Significators (A), (B), (C), (D)

Orbit of Influence

Sun and Moon : Within ±8°

Rest Planets other than Nodes: Within ± 6°

Node Planets : Within Sign

Mercury Sun, Saturn,
Rahu, Ketu
Venus Mercury

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
I 11 I Venus Mercury

(A) Significators of 3, 9 or 11: Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

Ruling Planets at the time of judgment are

Lagna / Ascendant Venus - Sun - Rahu

Moon Mercury - Rahu - Saturn

Day Lord Jupiter

Nodes Rahu - Ketu

(B) Ruling Planets are - Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu.

C) Fruitful (Common) Planets who is the sisnificators of 3 or 8 or 12 and also nresent under
Ruling Planets: Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu.


Present Dasha Lord: Rahu (from 20-06-2008 to 20-06-2026) is a fruitful (common) planet, hence
taken into consideration.

Present Bhukti Lord: Saturn (from 29-07-2013 to 04-06-2016) is a fruitful (common) planet,
hence taken into consideration.

Now in Dasha-Bhukti of Rahu-Saturn (from 29-07-2013 to 04-06-2016),

Present Anthra Lord: Saturn (from 29-07-2013 to 11-01-2014) is a fruitful (common) planet but
not appeared twice under ruling planets. We have already taken Saturn as "Bhukti-Lord"; hence
Saturn Anthra is not taken into consideration.

Next Anthra Lord: Mercury (from 11-01-2014 to 06-06-2014) is a fruitful (common) planet.
Mercury is the owner of 9, 11 and posited in the star of Jupiter who is the lord of 3. Thus, Anthra
Lord Mercury signifies (in the star of occupant or owner) all the relevant houses i.e. 3 and 9 and 11.
Hence, Mercury Anthra is taken into consideration.

My Opinion: Date of 16th Lok Sabha Election 2014 will surely announce by Election Commission
of India (ECI) during the Joint DPA Period of Rahu-Saturn-Mercury (from 11-01-2014 to 06-06-
2014). As explained above, Anthra Lord Mercury signifies all the relevant houses (i.e. 3 and 9
and 11) and posited in sub of Saturn - who is a fruitful planet, being untenanted, aspecting to
3rd cusp and aspected by the lord of 3rd cusp (Jupiter). Thus, it indicates very strong chances

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
that General Lok Sabha Election 2014 will also be held or conducted during that neriod
(DBA: Rahu-Saturn-Mercury).

Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! Pranaam my Guruji


Horarv No. 143 Rei #: 363

Smflsor ni527;DQAM Swiilri: 05^1126 PW Wu-jyy ; 143 ■
ftiiil P-TVS' . DE5.ES D Macn SPPJJPR"
M.Vyfl- H'ojj.i: SJll'jfl ftima 1
Gor WJinn 1 wlil-eV BaUH! EJitiranEOU ri?iKih)1 In omwuiinu by ECI7 ■
fltir, [pamiri Res tpnd," Msr^iiy
iL^Jfij.' Ltifil LupM t«L£ VcrnJi
TaIAt Kiiihrtb PihiJu, SaafiLi
STurr Aridm. Pntia 2 Sri* irmrf- P.lHu
vi ufr&we Yi\\ 2&:54:&a Ca&rtnB Tinw RP.
i3iir:5a Ju 2E>:U:^ 2&lIj4^D13 lAU&Jl tU
VII £6^20

Day LdiJ:'Wir-fiitf;,1
Nqiru: 1GTH LOHT^KJ. 5LECTION ^0M StUllPiill- H^'JEITML MM I f|
QandDL PilaJii' V? IV?
□iis: Thuradnjf^.L'Ois^aia JynliLaP) r.ia. I Rn |Mc
Tlma: 1>^;1!=I04 PM UAsnaJari) Su I Jj
SID:20;&4:&5 Dh-nr^iilaf^;! Ss IF.n
3l£t:Arkl;j, PLiijlJ.2 P.DhadjiNj Ri | Jj
LcLludn-! 22:Z7 N Atvullllllt
Lcnjluda:£S^ftW) £ W[V3nj(4)
Pldco: KOLKATA . Vi'E 3T BEWGAL litli: r^dgnslrajr 11
Ay-aillrtiM: 23p ST H" U.Piialqunll^i Jj Isa
BaL [?□=□: Rfihu laV.TM^^D C^.rjlSj
Pf.lnOfrlr/ fffSltlvlis"
SiaiPlill. —
I 26^32^ AcldafS)
P.tilfl] 33:4G:TG
So VHfll(hn(f|
Ra \3'.±?:52
Fo 0e;3^?i2 " PurUtviUiJ
II .&j ar:1d:H Jyrtfibpj Ma I E<.k>
Vp 2J 05:55. XII Cij:EE-Oid
MO 130.
Bharanl(l] ■Jp |&f
RflhU DSSJ:-;
inOu^ii^3 = £^ijri-^2in

n r TMirn jum
SJIijflJWeaftwi .Pi.-ifwYfav

9- I 12 |J. 5
RMTIEiHi i, i
17-Jari-0oeCi lEy-OcE-aJS^
J^Uav-aOBfl $£G-Jun-2091
MBUM.tM 2?-Dbc-2D3D 1 < 6
12 | IE
RnVii/ nTi iiganf Vfi'fii
pjjmrfc.TgM Kte LB aifPft Sri/ "
H.i ftaiwtt jifh OannfcTllfi bLjis.
EWTIIBIHBailnffgTaM fffi^'Ootai^nror^kiu'sif^'' '
M^n-aios 2[>-Jaiv2H1 FHWuft-EtEl I'C.f- flj.n&ls jnfinjier'i stira
20-^t2;i2 StE^tQ^EIEI I'D) -' Wiufctf Ohivifr-j
I ce-Acf-aiw SO-NOv^E?^ JOS^3et-E1S2
11 f ?;r
" oe-Aii-sio? 2l-S5P:3Lir TTFtSJa-Pl^
Tie-ftr^giTfe" eir^-3iiT~
(tf AfK-SIM EfrS«[i-El1B I ta^iF-E FES
it3-Juli1E7 - Th«* p/joefr do .id frjw a'ly ^iwIj in iheir f in.
IBJLn-gMO" 15-Dlv>EI-ED

Jan-Mar 2014

Delhi Assembly Re-Election Prospects: A Future KP Prediction

Dr. Nirmal Kothari

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences from All India Federation of Astrologer's Societies
(AIFAS), New Delhi.
Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Acharya and Jyotish Gana Shiromani from KP Stellar Astrological Research Institute (KPSARI),
Chennai, TN.
Jyotish Shastri and Vastu Acharya from Udaipur University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Shiromani from Marwar University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Srestham from The Institute of Vedic Culture for Public Welfare & Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology, Durgapur,
Practitioner of Pyra-Vastu and Reiki Pranik Healing.

Email: astrologer.nirmalkothari(5)vahoo.com

Background Note: Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal is all set to take over the Chief
Minister of Delhi and is likely to take oath on 28th December 2013 at Ramlila Maidan, the
nerve centre of the Anna Hazare-led anti-corruption agitation in 2011.

As AAP sets out to form government with "outside support" from Congress, an overeager arch-
rival, tension between the two is set to grow. Protests within Congress over the move are fast
coming out in the open. Soon after Arvind Kejriwal met the LG to stake claim to form government,
rumors of a Congress rethink emerged. The party brass denied any move to withdraw support, but
angry workers protested outside the DPCC headquarters.

AAP's anti-corruption campaign was born out of discontent with the corruption-ridden politics of
Congress and BJP. Despite taking Congress support, AAP said it had nothing in common with its
ally. In its journey from main spoiler to key player, AAP's relationship with Congress has always
been that of bitter rivalry. An alliance with the AAP is important for Congress' image. The
Congress needs the AAP to shed its image of a corrupt government. If they do withdraw support, it
won't be good for them at all. They need to repair their image before they move on into the general
Lok Sabha elections. Keeping the fact in mind about the relationship like "Tom" and "Jerry"
between Congress and AAP, as far as defection and there is always a possibility that relationship
between them will break at any point of time after the expiry of minimum lock-in-period of alliance
i.e. after 6 months.

Question: Will any chance of Delhi Assembly's Re-Election after government form by AAP with
alliance of Congress?

Horary Number: 94 (out of 249).

Time of Judgment: 10-12-2013, 17:18:17 Hrs. (1ST).

Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014


If the cuspal sublord of 3rd (Election) be Mercury or any other planet deposited in dual sign
(Gemini, Sagittarius and Pieces) or the starlord of the 3rd CSL be posited in dual sign (Gemini,
Sagittarius and Pieces); and

If the cuspal sublord of 3rd (Election) be the significator of 3 (Election, People's view,
Communication), 9 (People who think for opposite view, Communication) or 11 (Success,
Fulfillment of event), chance of re-election is assured during the joint period (DBA) of significators
of 3, 9 and 11.


Moon (Pieces 05-19-32) is in the star and sub of Saturn. Planet Moon, being untenanted, is the
occupant of 7, owner of 12, CSL of 5. Starlord & Sublord Saturn is the occupant of 3, owner of 6
and 7. Thus, Moon signifies and/or in connection with the relevant house(s), hence query or
urge is genuine.


3rd Cusp (Libra 14-09-26): The sublord of 3rd cusp Mercury is in star of Saturn and sub of Rahu.

• Planet Mercury is the occupant of 3, owner of 2 and 11.

• Starlord Saturn is the occupant of 3, owner of 6 and 7.

• Sublord Rahu is the occupant of 2. Rahu conjoined with Saturn and thus acts an agent of
Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 3, owner of 6 and 7.

Thus, 3rd CSL is Mercury (Dual Planet). Mercury signifies 3, 11 and in connection with 3.
Hence, chance of re-election is assured.

Planets signify the houses 3, 9 or 11 in respect to A. B, C, 1), E

A = Planets in Occupant's Stars

B = Occupant of Houses

C = Planets in Owner's Stars

D = House Owner

E = Planets Conjoined or Aspected (Vedic Aspects) by Significators (A), (B), (C), (D)

Orbit of Influence

Sun and Moon : Within ± 8C

Rest Planets other than Nodes: Within ± 6C

Node Planets : Within Sign

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Houses A

Sun, Mercury, Mercury,

Moon Saturn
Rahu, Ketu

Jupiter, Saturn Jupiter Mercury

(A) Significators of 3, 9 or 11: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

Ruling Planets at the time of judgment are

Lagna / Ascendant Mercury - Mars - Mercury

Moon Jupiter - Saturn - Saturn

Day Lord Mars

Nodes Rahu - Ketu

(B) Ruling Planets are - Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu.

C) Fruitful (Common) Planets who is the significators of 3 or 9 or 11 and also present under
Ruling Planets: Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu.


Present Dasha Lord: Saturn (from 06-02-2011 to 06-02-2030) is a fruitful (common) planet,
hence taken into consideration.

Present Bhukti Lord: Saturn (from 06-02-2011 to 08-02-2014) is a fruitful (common) planet, but
not appeared twice under ruling planets as well as Saturn does not signify (in the star of occupant or
owner) all the relevant houses i.e. 3 and 9 and 11. We have already taken Saturn as Dasha Lord.
Hence, Saturn Bhukti is not taken into consideration.

Next Bhukti Lord: Mercury (from 08-02-2014 to 18-10-2016) is a fruitful (common) planet,
hence taken into consideration.

Note: From the date of judgment, if we count lock-in-period of 6 months, then it will comes
after 4th June 2014 and from that date Saturn Anthra will starts and will continued up to 26th
June 2014. And after that period Saturn Dasha will over and DBA of Ketu-Ketu-Ketu will

So, I prefer to select DBA of Ketu-Ketu-Ketu (from 26-06-2014 to 22-08-2014) due to the
following reasons -

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
V Ketu is a fruitful (common) planet;

V Ketu is deposited alone in sign of Mars (Aries). Mars is appeared twice under ruling planet.
Nodes are stronger than planet as per KP principles. Thus, we must give preference to
Ketu (agent of Mars who appeared strongly under ruling planets) by replacing Mars;

V Ketu is in self-star and sub of Mercury. Planet & Starlord Ketu acts as an agent of Mars
(lord of 9) and Saturn (occupant of 3). Sublord Mercury is tenanted and posited in star of
Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 3, owner of 6 and 7. Thus, Ketu signifies and in
connection with the prime house of election i.e. 3.

My Opinion: Chance of Delhi Assembly's Re-Election is assured during the Joint DBA Period of
Ketu-Ketu-Ketu (from 26-06-2014 to 22-08-2014).

Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! Pranaam to my Guruji Sri P.


JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Horary No. 94 Ref. #. 365

SunSe\: PM Hararf NQ* 9^
.365.SD .^rHS.' Mwn, r fijf&Gn:
■Vi-I'ij-1 j SiddH ttVara: GJla. l WHI <inv thnnw t« D?|h| Fle-EiKiim alwr Iori
fta-i .' Plsmg JlfHIor. wilh efliflncti or AAP airJ CongK-ss?
Lagn*: Leo Li^rijiord: ;iin
Tiflj': STpJKLi NJvfilfii
^ir; ULI^iadra, Pada 1
K0 7303:1-2 X.I 16:16:03 C^WflfliT TJmS ffp.i:
K 1-4:tt9.2£ Julfl] 24^9:04 .ESDocrKIl 11;D2Ja PM>
LK^'ia I Kta I Su (JL
hnbon I kta Uta | Rn |
VBI 13^4:GS Dfiy Lprd; Ktwajry
Md GE.:tg j?
GercEen MuJH P.PhQhmiiMI
Dale: TijesiiLy. lVD^-2013
Tnitt: D5:ia:irPM S.fdijrril
SIP:2£:K:W .. ^nuMctn.^fi)
^arill.EhKlrLi, P-odn 1 Pji.LJiiJarii
V« 10^3-20 is\iliAf.22^?:\XiU E-q'tft'iiltilSj
upgiiLKfcisgioijo E
flyjinnmw:3i 57 41 AdkJratS)
Bui. C-asar'Sfllim ifcY, 1 M.2S D
VI 1B:2?^3
Vfl 0J:3a^J PJGmyit.T FtHJNflflS
D 13.-34:55 J^htn^SJ
V 16:1603
Su 24$? :m
w issajM
Sa e4:i4:CO
□1 14^9.26 EEsn Pij n nrvj lip! 2 [
F* 13:COd! Mo' lJ:ie:2S U-A^hjidru;?!
fla 12:03:12 Vjukfiaiz^
Dasa Summary &,vaUf^}


rg-gTE. syjjjfjcaro.nt ■ PJantM insw.

. [Cl


rcgrnaaaM raxrx

■ED) Ha/iu.ws Ja Jej*:Ju, VC. -SJ.

jCah/ •y-'g-ir i-TfTdraJ br:AI.\ Si '
Jdpflier Qflsiv ^ {Aj? PfwKts m.Oewpani'sstsrz
^pauaiiG'iiciFeMiii {Sy^Odojpsnt'cftviisf ■■ ^
K-Feb-amO R5s?r!rK J Later mgmiMii: {C} - flijineis Itfpwnefs Hotb;
IW-Ju-V^SSD IB-Dcl-2099 Saiurti fOjz M&usBQwijer.
J 21 -J 1^2091 ; SKum 12-WJj-2t02 htarCufV DtDd^lig^
Se-'cur Kgiu
|lf7^ug-2BS5" "■ Vsnua
T03-rtun209^ Vwys
1B-M.ip3(M6 np^jtun 16-^113 1.1.1 r; EB-COiljT i- JtLu? d-n luiw ^iT}1 jt^w^ .:,n ^a'r ^rjr^
IS-Jan-jni RnSig 11-Sflp-3ii3

Jan-Mar 2014

Tarun Tejpal Imprisonment: A Future KP Prediction

Dr. Nirmal Kothari

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences from All India Federation of Astrologer's Societies
(AIFAS), New Delhi.
Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Acharya and Jyotish Gana Shiromani from KP Stellar Astrological Research Institute (KPSARI),
Chennai, TN.
Jyotish Shastri and Vastu Acharya from Udaipur University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Shiromani from Marwar University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Srestham from The Institute of Vedic Culture for Public Welfare & Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology, Durgapur,
Practitioner of Pyra-Vastu and Reiki Pranik Healing.

Email: astrologer.nirmalkothari(5)vahoo.com

Background Note: Tarun J Tejpal is an Indian journalist, publisher, novelist, philanthropist and
former editor-in-chief of Tehelka magazine. On 20th November 2013, he stepped down as editor for
six months after a woman colleague accused him of sexual assault. This received intense public
attention and media scrutiny especially because Tejpal and his magazine had previously been
involved in highlighting the issue of sexual violence in India. A non-bailable warrant has been
issued against him and he may likely to arrest soon by the Goa Police as because he is accused of
raping his 28-year-old colleague during an event in Goa last month.


Question: Will Tarun J Tejpal be arrest and go for imprisonment in sexual assault case?

Horary Number: 124 (out of 249).

Date & Time of Judgment: 27-11-2013, 19:49:25 Hrs. (1ST).

Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Moon reveals the nature of query

Moon (Virgo 01-57-13) is in star of Sun and sub of Jupiter. Planet Moon is the occupant of 12,
owner of 11. Starlord Sun is the occupant of 2, owner of 12. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 9,
owner of 4, 7. Moon signifies and/or in connection with the relevant houses, hence query is


12 CSL is the guide and the Karaka Planet for imprisonment (Jail) is Rahu. Therefore, while
judging imprisonment great importance must be given to Rahu.

* 12th CSL should be Rahu. If not Rahu but Saturn or any other planet deposited in star of
Rahu or connected with Rahu.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

A 12th CSL should not be deposited in the star of a planet that is retrograde at the time of

A 12th CSL should be the significator of 2 or 3 or 8 or 12.

If the cuspal sublord of 12th (Jail Restrictions) signifies 2 (decrease in family member), 3 (away
from home), 8 (Misfortune, Custody) or 12 (Imprisonment or Jail) in the joint period (DBA) of
significators of 3, 8 and 12, imprisonment (jail) is promised to native.

Reasons for going to imprisonment (jail)

• If the 12th CSL signifies 7, 10: for Business or Profession or Politics.

• If the 12th CSL signifies 2, 8: for Financial Reasons.

• If the 12th CSL signifies 1, 8 (or 7, 8): for Criminal Act.

• If the 12th CSL signifies 5, 8, 12: for illegal or sexual affairs.

Released from Jail

During the period and sub-period of significators of 12th and 11th houses which run after
imprisonment (jail), the native shall be released from Jail.


12thcusp (Leo 29-57-07): The sublord of 12th cusp Rahu is in star of Self (Rahu) and sub of

Planet & Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 1. Rahu, being the 12th CSL, deposited in self star and
no other planet is in Rahu star, thus Rahu becomes the strong significator of 12th also. Rahu
conjoined to Mercury and Saturn and thus acts an agent of Mercury and Saturn. Mercury is the
occupant of 1, owner of 1 and 10. Mercury is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted
(there is no planet in stars of Mercury) and cuspal starlord (CSTL) of 3, 7, 11. Saturn is the
occupant of 1, owner of 5 and 6.

Sublord Mercury is the occupant of 1, owner of 1 and 10. Mercury is having stellar (positional)
strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Mercury) and cuspal starlord (CSTL) of 3, 7,
11. Mercury is aspecting to 8th cusp. Mercury is conjoined with Saturn.

Thus the reasons of going to Jail is clearly shown as because -

• 12th CSL is Rahu;

• 12th CSL Rahu posited in self star;

• 12th CSL Rahu signifies 3, 12 and in connection with 3, 8;

• 12th CSL Rahu is in connection with Saturn as Rahu acts an agent of Saturn;

Jan-Mar 2014
12 CSL Rahu signifies 1, 7, so imprisonment is shown for Criminal Act.

• 12 CSL Rahu signifies 5, 12 and in connection with 8, so illegal and sexual affairs.

Imprisonment (Jail) - When?

Planets signify the houses 3, 8 and 12 in respect to A. B, C. D, E

A = Planets in Occupant's Stars

B = Occupant of Houses

C = Planets in Owner's Stars

D = House Owner

E = Planets Conjoined or Aspected (Vedic Aspects) by Significators (A), (B), (C), (D)

Orbit of Influence

Sun and Moon : Within ± 8°

Rest Planets other than Nodes: Within ± 6°

Node Planets : Within Sign

Houses A

Ketu, Venus Venus Mars

Mars Jupiter

Moon, Mars Moon, Mars Sun

Note: Mercury is strongly appeared under ruling planets, but Mercury is not a significator of 3 or 8
or 12 under house view significator in respect to A, B, C, D and E. Should we considered
Mercury and treated as a fruitful (common) planet or not?

Yes, we must considered Mercury as because Mercury is having stellar (positional) strength i.e.
untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Mercury). Mercury is not the cuspal sublord of any houses
between 1 to 12. But, Mercury is the cuspal starlord of 3, 7 and 7. Being the cuspal starlord of 3rd,
we must include Mercury under house view significator of 3 house and accordingly we must treated
Mercury as a fruitful (common) planet.

(A) Significators of 3, 8 and 12: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Ketu

Ruling Planets at the time of judgment are

Lagna / Ascendant Mercury - Jupiter - Mercury

Mercury - Sun - Jupiter

Jan-Mar 2014

Nodes Rahu - Ketu

(B) Ruling Planets are - Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu.

C) Fruitful (Common) Planets who is the sisnificators of 3 or 8 or 12 and also nresent under
Ruling Planets: Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Ketu.


Present Dasha-Bhukti-Antra (DBA) Lords are Sun-Jupiter-Mercury (from 24-10-2013 to 05-

12-2013): Running DBA Lord - all are fruitful (common) planets, hence imprisonment (jail) is
promised during this period and accordingly DBA is taken into consideration.


Since the event will possibly fructify within a month, hence transit of Moon we have to check.
During the DBA period of Sun-Jupiter-Mercury, from the date of judgment i.e. 27.11.2013, transit
of Moon will be -

27.11.2013 : Moon is in star of Sun - Dasha Lord & RP Moon Starlord, hence considered.

28.11.2013 : Moon is in star of Self (Moon) - not present in RP, hence rejected.

29.11.2013 : Moon is in star of Mars - not present in RP, hence rejected.

30.11.2013 : Moon is in star of Rahu. Rahu (karaka for jail/imprisonment) acts an agent of
Mercury (Rahu conjoined to Mercury) and Mercury is appeared RP Lagna Lord, RP Moon
Lord and RP Day Lord and hence strongest among ruling planets.

My Opinion: Tarun Tejpal will be arrested on 30th November 2013 in the DBA Sun-Jupiter-
Mercury when Moon transiting in the star of Rahu (karaka for jail/imprisonment).

Actual Fact: Prediction comes correct. Goa Police arrested "Tehelka" magazine editor-in-chief
Tarun Tejpal on Saturday 30th November 2013.

Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! Pranaam to my Guruji Sri P.


JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Horary No. 124 Re/, ^ 352

SunflisW 05:57715 AM Sim £tf.- «:51 ;15 PM HrroiyUQ.; |S4
CUwOayj,- 36&25D Hwn; VSijUD (JuMJiign
Nllfvit Vcffa- Prill Kinjnif VsrJ| Will Tarui J Tejaal tie iri aii unLl ya kn' lirtf. itLVinkifil hi dhjijiil aicaiilL
JTJSJ: Vi[r|d Rizi Li.-n'.- Mai^iry Cl1»7
Utg/m: Vligo L.nj-ria Lv& Mentry
Vi'k Hrlilmn PeJsta, DaMmf
Stu': U.Ffialgunl. PadaS SiarLotit Sun
Kfl UiUiK Fi 21:D7£3 Caairng TOne flp-'
JnFFg . tTHDst-WsSlliTjapM..
it SftfllHil
Ptirjel IliBlB—ESI
Meon iESIM tm
| Day Loid: lAsre
Hsirnv Taiun J Tcjoal SElIiP-iidDl
CsJKhr; Ciiilril.!?!.
I3,ii»; Wsckesiiv. VlES^lLrlR?
"Hire; 0^9:25 PM ■Jj'ashln.Mli Ju | v4
SO: 0033^ U AiEnmdii-! H Mo | Me
Eiar: U.PIa^uih, Padi 2 r^hdm=|-r1n{?^
VI LallluJe: E2-27B0 N P.Etoiain;,
Longcitdfr: MiftflO E
Plata:KOLK^TA. WEST BENGAL Braia KrhliUfl) EkJ ISa
Aj'Mianta: 23*57' 40' ArJAssLifAl
Bal. Diiai Sun 3 Y, 7 M, 13 0

Mo 01 :S7:13.
I 27S320 J.PhaJgjrr^l-
U.PhiHiTJnilZI' Rr |vo ^R^l
II 2794:05 vi==>,iu|2:i Mg |Sk. | Ma
Ma 34:46:43 PiUlAJViiLHSl" 'SO i FAd
W 26:01:10 III 27:10:36 Sa 22:46:46 Pj^ahadiiM) M:i |Rd
Vt S:!0fl5 5u 11^2:10 Ri 13:22.05
DOiJ SlTfllrTld'Wy.


JuphiK | 12-JlW>2020 nmmEBire
Salum 11-JCf>ZWl Sfgpftfcaicifs '• Pb/wts Weiw
ii-r^av-aoss M-Jajn-2Cr32 IgmWEMUM
a7-Wai-M1I* IFJ7m-J.l-J.-M
11'-JuJ- Eaia

flji'il/ Atfi sti d^orU /ar.-1 1 Afcf, ,
I---.5.1T5-.VJM Karu xii 24 irijwir .^r. .vrii /. JC; si,:
F^rcuryDasia' Kntu DiSi V^iiifs EJJSJ fdjl- Ranoli /d DcajpanJ'jiJjrr-
124jul--2Ci0r- 12-Jul-21(H iriul-TUKt-'W-Jufc-Z111- 1 StILII-3 111 3t
W-Juh2Q&7 ia-yi*?iw 12-Uii?ni jcj- - flj"/ K" ii' ift O*/1 W'd J rd>i-
D9-Da«-21D>1 12-^21 H Waist
Vamrt OC-Dm-EOM Biirt KV^ri 12-N(i^Sll5
.si^^ wRtoaoga" Wwn l^.-Ji.un- "
KViq 1^.in-g1D,7 RJIIti 11.3*^31 IS
Wu= fTTJan-aOK- Rnhai 13-Jnn-?3{>7 .kpflsr 11-Epp-E1g1
HaM uadnn-auaT ■Jupner ^ gt^tfT-aUK yftinm !i-Maf2iZ4 , ,
Jacriw S-JIJI-?553 "^lum T3^]f fT^_ * r/idie&'iiiww rfortorimo*dn^p a"ioBrnj1h^B (H.fl
"Soili/n 'fffWygl'dl ^grcjry

Jan-Mar 2014

Meena 2 Naadi System: Stellar Effects - Kalamsa and Gunas: Marriage

Matching Analysis

Nadi Jyothisa Kesari Dr. NVRARaja, PhD, Jr.Meena 2

Jyothisa Acharya, , Naadi Jyothisa Kesari (JKR) Dr.NVRA Raja, popularly known as MEENA-2 JUNIOR is an eminent
philosopher, counselor and practicing Astro-psychologist since 1993. He is in Mining profession for the past 30 years. His
academic track record includes his successful pursuits MA in Astrology, M.A.in Philosophy& Religion, PG Diploma in
Business Management and PhD in Astrology. Dr. N V RA Raja had been interested in the phenomenon of occult right from
the very beginning. He had the fortunate guidance of his father Sri N V Raghava Chary (Meena 2) who did 60 years of
research in Jyothisa particularly in Stellar Astrology (Naadi) and published Naadi Jyothisa (Meena system) along with Sri R G
Row(Meenal). He was drawn to occultism and gradually destined towards the astrology. Dr N V RA Raja was conferred as
"Asthana Jyothisa Vidwan" of Sri Ahobila Muth by His Holiness 45th Srimath Azhagiya Singar at Ahobilam on 27th June
2009. He has many tittles of honor and publication to his credit in the field of astrology. His recent publications are Stellar
Effects in Astrology Jeeva and Sareera , Stellar Effects-Nakshatra Prtashna for instant predictions. He has a flair for teaching,
counseling the people in the astrology. He desires that the subject astrology should reach the end user who needs it and
has been working hard towards this noble cause continuously. He is the guest faculty and Examiner to the Telugu University
in Astrology to the master's programme, Trustee of Universal College of Astrology, Hyderabad, Chairman of JKR Astro
Research Foundation and visiting professor to number of learned institutions of Astrology,
astro raia(5)gmail. com

Wish you all and your family members a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2014.

Nakshatras are the source of energy and can represent one person's journey from birth to
death. The Nakshatras always explain or indicate inner energy of a person. In Yedic
astrology, Jyothis means 27 constellations. Nakshatras are the daughters of Daksha
Prajapathi and got married to Moon. Astrology is perfect science or beyond science, purely based
on mathematical calculations which has its worth and social meaning. Every planet has its own
momentum and significance. Relationship among different planets in relation with stellar
connection decides one's destiny.

Marriage is a very important sanskar mentioned in sodasa karmas, in which a boy or a girl get
married to each other and start their marital life and enter in to Grahastasramam. Before finalising
the match for a boy or girl, most of the families' consult an astrologer for matching Horoscope of
the boy and the girl. The Yedic system of astrology has in it an age old traditional horoscope
matching considering Dasavidha poruthams,Kuja dosha considerations, dasa santhi and papasamaya
etc., and matched on the basis of Janma Naksatra of a boy and a girl and points are given or various
descriptions or considerations.

Compatibility of partners and marriage matching are very important analysis in astrology. An
astrologer plays an important role in guiding the society in this matter. There are so many methods
in matching of horoscope for marriage. Guruji Sri NY Raghava Chary (Meena2) had given
wonderful combination in matching and selection of horoscope for marriage in his Practical Stellar
Astrology. Here , we have deviated from normal astrology principle to stellar astrology principle
based on kalamsa or sub while analysig the compatibility of horoscopes. Taking this kalamsa as a
sensitive point, I have applied Jeeva and Sareera and Gunas for the kalamsa lord while arriving the
favorability of that bhava in question.Applying Jeeva and Sareera and Gunas concepts to kalamsa

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
lord, my consequent observation is that if the kalamsa lord get good and favourable guna in three
steps Guna, then that bhava or karaka planet flourishes.

You would have observed in my series of earlier articles published in JASA on Kalamsa-Gunas on
7th house, 2nd house and karaka planet that the results of the bhava or karaka vary according to the
Gunas obtained by the 7th Kalamsa lord or 2nd Kalamsa lord or Karaka Venus Kalamsa lord. In this
article I am elaborating and stating that one's marital life will be very good and happy, if 7th or 2nd
Kalamsa lord obtains favourable gunas even though dasavidhaportuthams and other traditional
matching combinations are not favourable.


"Whenever 2nd or 7th Lord or Karaka Venus' kalamsa lord obtains

SSS(Satiwika,Satwika,Satwika) guna in three fold gunas then harmonious and happy married
life is indicated. "-Dr.NVRA Raja, Meena2Jr.

Traditional method of analysis:

Male Chart Female Chart


5 h.

Nakshatra Male: Uthiraphalguni 2nd pada

Nakshatra Female: Poorvabhadrapada 1st pada

Matching points as per Vedic traditional table is 13/36.

Position of Moon between them is 6/8 combination. Position of Lagna between them is 6/8 position.
In the female chart second house is afflicted with Rahu and Mars. The said combination is not good
for marriage and generally any traditional astrologer may say no for marriage between the boy and
girl. Where as they have married in the year 1963 and living happily with three children. Following
analysis based(the above chart) on kalamsa-gunas may open many astrologers eyes that inner stellar
effects and bhavas' kalamsa lords Gunas play a vital role for happiness in marriage and also in
matching of horoscope for marriage.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Kalamsa-Gunas Method of approach:

25/lC-2rt940 Oli:34:9a, Zone5;50

Male [ST Saturday J
LaFiri 23; :23
Pra/iiJBd by: Dr.Jyctbisa Keaar Raja (JKR) Dhsnrapuri hdia
Prirrtedon 24n0/50"3all7:00 73 E 10 42 K 3


B^nefic O Sd'
Makfrc ^
H^irtril 'i1

Name Ret Sign Degrees Star QEr. Lord Kh]amea/Sub lord

Ascendant Scorpio 25* 28" Jyeslha 3 Merc Rahu
0 Sun Aquarius 12" 3" SalaPisha 2 Rafui Sat
SJ Moon Virgo 2" 18" Uttaraphalgun 2 Sun Jup
ef Mars Aries 12° 13" Ashwini 4 Ketu Merc
^ Mercury Aquarius 29° 27" Pur.rat;h3drapa 3 Jup Moon
^Jupiter Pisces 17* 47' Revafi 1 Merc Merc
S1 Venus Pisces 2.1" 59" RevaB 2 Merc Sun
K Saturn Aries 4° 22" AshMni 2 Ketu Moon
£2 Rabu Virgo 29*37' Chilra 2 Mars Sat
SKetu Pisces 29° 37" Revad 4 Merc Sat y

Lord Jupiter

In the Star of

Kalamsa of

Jeeva & Sareera Gunas Digbala

Jupiter and

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Second Lord Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and in the Kalamsa of Mercury. Now we have to
concentrate on Kalamsa Lord Mercury and find out KL Mercury's Jeeva and Sareera planets, Guna
obtained and Digbala. Kalamsa Lord Mercury is in the star of Jupiter and Jupiter is in his own house
and becomes Jeeva Planet. Jeeva Planet Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and hence Mercury has
become Sareera planet. Kalamsa Lord Mercury is in the star of Poorvabhadrapada 3rd pada and
obtains the Guna SSS (please ref page no:98-99 of Stellar Effects Kalamsa-Gunas for Gunas table)
and not possessing digbala. The KL Mercury's Jeeva Planet Jupiter (the Yoga karaka) is posited in
his own house along with exalted Venus.

13/06/1944 D7;2B:0O. Zone 5.50

DST On tOT Tuesday
Lahiri 23:4:36
Provided byr Dr.JyoSdisa Kesa rl FlHja. (J KR) Dtiflrmapuri India
Printed on 2^10/2013 at 17:04 7E E 1 0 1 2 H B

,JU 4 SU ve

e \9/KEB

Name Ret Sign Degrees otr. Lord KalamBa/SubliCii

Gemini 6° 13' Mrgashira. 4 Mars Moon
Taurus 23=40' Mrgashira 2 Mars Sat
Aquarius 20°.32' Purvabhadrapa 1 Jup Jup
Cancer 19° 26' Ashlesha 1 Merc Ven
Taurus 9° 26' Krttika 4 Sun Ven
Cancer 29° 5' Ashlesha 4 Merc Sat
Taurus 24° 56' Mrgashira 1 Mars Rahu
Gemini 5° 58' Mrgashira. 4 Mars Moon
Cancer 6° 25' Pushya 1 Sat Merc
Capricorn 6° 25' Uttarashadha 3 Sun Merc

Jan-Mar 2014

Lord Moon

In the Star of

Kalamsa of Jupiter"®*

Jeeva & Sareera Gunas Digbala

Venus & Jupiter

Second Lord Moon is in the star of Jupiter and in the Kalamsa of Jupiter. Let us find out Jeeva
and Sareera planets, Gunas and Digbala obtained by the Kalamsa Lord Jupiter. Jupiter is in the
star of Mercury, Mercury has to become Jeeva planet, but the Mercury is with group of
planets(Venus and Sun), since in the group ,the Venus is her own house and strong snatches the
power from Mercury and hence Venus becomes Jeeva planet. Jeeva Planet Venus is in the star
of Mars, but the Mars is with group of planets, in this group, Jupiter is exalted and strong
snatches the power from Mars and becomes Sareera Planet. Kalamsa Lord Jupiter is in the star
of Ashlesha 4th pada and obtains the Guna SSS (please ref page no:98-99 of Stellar Effects
Kalamsa-Gunas for Gunas table) and Jupiter is posited in Lagnathipathi star Ashlesh and gets
digbala. Here the KL Jeeva planet Venus is in her own house and Sareera planet Jupiter is
posited in its exalted house. This shows good combination and indicates favourable results to 2nd
house. Kalamsa Lord Jupiter's Jeeva and Sareera posited in good places, obtained good guna
and possessing digbala have increased the beneficial results to the second house


Traditional method of matching had not shown any encouraging results for favourable and
happy marital life to this native. Observation from the Kalamsa-Gunas method, in the males
chart, the 2nd lord Jupiter's' Kalamsa lord Mercury had obtained SSS(Sathwica, Sathwica,
Sathwica), incidentally the Sathwica Mercury getting SSS guna is very good and the native
could get the full benefit of the 2nd bhava. In the Female chart the 2nd lord Moon's Kalamsa
Lord Jupiter obtaining SSS guna, again the Sathwica Jupiter getting triple Sathwica guna given
the native full benefit of the 2nd bhava the kudumbasthana. Analysis based on inner stellar

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
effects - Kalamsa-Gunas' has shown good and happy marital life. The native got married on
1963 and living happily with three children. Whenever a bhava or karaka require sookshama
analysis, the inner stellar effects-kalamsa gunas approach may help an astrologer. Of course,
astrology is beyond science but it requires careful attention to analyse a horoscope. You cannot
generalise any prediction because of planets position and aspects on it but planets posited
constellation matter a lot. A good astrologer has to go through each and every aspect and give
importance to constellations while making calculations and predicting an event.

Ref: Practical Stellar Astrology by Sri. NV Raghava Chary, Meena2

Stellar Effects in Astrology-Jeeva and Sareera by Dr.NVRA Raja Meena2 Jr.
Stellar Effects-Kalamsa-Gunas by Dr.NVRA Raja MeenaZ Jr.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

6 Cusp Remedy - Pets Solve Marital Disharmony - KP Analysis

O. V. N. Murthy

Mr. Murthy did is Primary at Balajipeta, secondary at Badangi & Sompeta of Srikakulam Dist. SSLC at Vizianagaram. He started his
career at his tender age of 16 and did his higher education while in job. He did his Commerce Graduation at Badruka College,
Hyderabad and Post Graduation from Osmania University. He did is Post Diplomas and a Fellow Member of Institute of Company
Secretaries of India New Delhi and Costing from Institute of Cost & Works Accountants, Calcutta. He worked in Government since
1975 viz. A.P. Small Scale industrial Development Corporation Ltd., & A.P. State Essential Commodities Corporation Ltd. And
worked as a General Manager (Fin) & Company Secretary in Kumar's Group of Companies (Kumar's Metallurgical Corporation,
Stilbene Chemicals Ltd., Kumar's Cotex Ltd., & Kayquinone Organics (India) Ltd., at Hyderabad. AP. INDIA. Presently working as
Consultant to Nizam Sugars Limited and Practising as Company Secretary. He did his Computers Courses initially and later
developed himself in the Computer Awareness both Hardware & Software, well versed with DOS, WINXP, MS OFFICE, MULTI
MEDIA, INTERNET, E-MAIL, HTML AND JAVA, & WEB DESIGNING. The native learnt Astrology from his maternal uncle,
whose family belongs to Astrologers. Later from 1975 onwards for the last 33 years the native is engaged in Manual casting of birth
charts onNirayana system basing onEphemeris and Raphael's Tables of Houses, till the computers era started. From 1994 onwards,
the manual casting has been dispensed with and obtaining birth charts through computerized programs was started. The Astrology
consultancy was practiced as an Hobby with minimum charges from the clients, becaz the native is otherwise engaged in his
profession viz. a Fellow Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi, Post Graduate in Commerce and also
a Final student of Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India, Calcutta. Worked as General Manager (Finance) & Company
Secretary till 2000 and switched over to Practice. Upto 1990 the native worked in Govt. & Public Sector Undertakings then switched
over to Pvt. Sector. He has been awarded Daivagnya Ratna title in 1994 for his Astrological research work by the Speaker of AP
Govt. in Ravindra Bharathi and Daivagnya Siromani in 2004 by Universal College of Astro and Occult Sciences, Hyderabad.

Email: ovnmurthv@ gmail.com

At the outset I wish everybody a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2014.

During the KP Astrologers Forum's fortnightly meeting conducted on 24-Nov-2013 chaired by Sri
Rajendra Nimje, IAS. (MD of Solar Energy Corporation GOI), VI house matters relating to
Diseases and Cure were discussed.

The present paper is a Research Article deals with remedies for a marital disharmony or avoiding of


7th House Marriage 7th CSL signifies 6 and 12 apart from other favourable significations may lead
to disharmony in Love, Marriage and may lead to bickering with regular fights and compromises.
Mars is a planet known for fire and creates disharmony when is not occupied in a proper cusp.

While in my regular studies I found many a time that 6 and 12 operating in Dasa Bhukthi of the
couple would lead to either separation and quarrels without marital harmony. I could see that 6th
cusp is the culprit which creates misunderstanding or disharmony but it is good for earning and
those couples who are working with high profiles; it indicates accumulation of wealth but not the

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Recently I had the opportunity observing two charts who are loving each other but not having a
common understanding. In many things they differ each other inspite of a love affair between them.
The family and financial backgrounds are having wide gap.

When once they start taking of up pet animals into their family, the pets are connected to 6th house
hence the individuals are changed to common understanding. Their marriage is also taken place
recently happily previously many of their circle did not expect this event so early.

The Pets are replacing the 6th house karma and made them to lead a happy married life with all

It is also mentioned that 6th house apart from marital disharmony also indicates health problems.
Please try to see in many samples those who are having pets in their house are enjoying good or
normal health without of much complications. Many times i have seen Pet animals comes in 6th
cusp of Natural Zodiac Virgo and the people who are having the tendency to nurture pets are able
enjoy good health with their normal practice to take them to walk , food, bath etc.

I request the senior Astrologers of KP must observe their clients who are having pet animals are
having good family life.

It is also mentioned here as an observation for the people who wants to qualify themselves in
competitive exams or want to be away from ill health must associate with their Younger
sister/brother of mother which happens to the native's sixth cusp.

Pranams to KSK

Om tat sat!

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Chart 1
Date-21/01/1939 time 14:04:00 Place Nacharam Hyd ' Day Saturday
17;26;4Q North Long 7S;30;1SEa&t Zone e2;3CL0C East Time Corr -0:15:59
KP-hJA 23:36:35 Birth Star: Punuivasii-4-Rasi: Kateka Asc. : Tau 13:30:44

Planet's Nirayana Bhava Ruling Planets

Asc Sign Lord Ven
Ptn -R .Rasi Degree' R-L N-L Sub s-s Cusp Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub .S-S Asc Star Lord Mon
Asc Sub Lord' Rah
Su .Cap 7:4046 Sa Su Ke Me 1 Tan 13:0044 Ve m Ra Me Moon Sign Lord.: Mon
Mo Can 1:23:42 Mo Ju Ra Ra 2 Gem '9:03:21 Me Ra Ju So Moon Star Lord..-.:Jup
3 Can 4:15:11 Mo Sa Sa Va Moon Sub Lord...: Rah
Ma Ari 7:3046. MB Ke Ra Ma 4 Leo 1:4842 .Su Ke Ve Ra Day Lord : Sat
Me'-R ■Cap 13:37:35 Sa- Mo Ju Ra ■5 Vir :3:45:13- Me So Sa Kg
6 Lib 8:54:22 Ve Ra Ju Sa Vlmshottari
Ju .Tau ■ 2:29:00 ve ■ Su Ju Mb 7 Sco 13:00:44 Ma Sa Ra ■Ra' Jupltsr 2V-3JVI 27p
Ve .Sag 19:39:34 Ju Ve- Ra Ve 8 ■Sag 9:03:21 Ju Ke Ju [^0 lamina : G carp ID fly! 140
Sa Sag 14:20:16- Ju Ve Ve Ra 9 Cap 4:15:11 Sa Su Sa ^ Mercury
10 Abu 1:43:42 Sa Ma Me sa
■ 2a'05^010
Ra -R Aau 13:05:52 SB Ra Me Ve 11 Pis 3:45:13 Ju Sa Sa Me 21/05/2027
Ke -R Leo 13:05:52 Su Ke Me Sa 12 Ari 3:54:22 Ma Ke Ju Mo Mercury
,: 13/10/2012;
Ketu' Li 15/10/2015"
Venus 13/06/201 e-
Significatora of Houses Planet's Signification Sun 20.t1fi/20l 7-
M»rt 19/11/2016
Pbnef PULTiiy Mars ia'11/2019
Ratie . (}5j,(IB/2022
Vifi. Sal- &tjh ZtK Jupiter 09/09/202J
Won, Saturn 21/OS/2027
filnn Jnil, ^n. eih- i iih-
Won- Msr-
Mi'ir, Jit>> M;ji Jilh 1 lEll. i?in-
War- Mer ind" JMid- 5in- Ulh^ 16/10/2(112
v™. fiiil- 13/10/2010
.IU(J fiUi- iin- inn. nin--
Mai- 06/11/2012
Woiv Jiip- Von1 VUL IM. C-ili, D5/01/2013
Sun-1 War, Sill I5J- 2/1/01/2013
t:n- sin- t/in- 23/02/2013
finl- Rah- 1&03/2'j13
Rnh lOlrn D&O5/2013
Man- WaiL
Kt1 -4Lh+ 27/06/2013
Muh. Mar- Jlp, 23',09.l2Ci13

Jup- XEO"^
X Asc
Rn i?"'Mon
bun Mar I X I'-ur Msr IX Sun
Pie v.,* Ket ven I.VE
Ve w-vS—-
Sa iVJff

Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Chart. 2
Date.:10/06/1991 ,.Time-2li39;00. Place Sringgar Colony, Hyd.,1 Day. Monday . ...
17:25:51 ■North Long ■ 7B:2e:2-1 EasN'-Zohe :.02.3O:OO:Ea&l Time'Corr -'0:i6:14
KP-NA .23:38:35: Birtli Star: K/iltika^l RasiMMesha^ Asc. f Cap;';B:4e;3.p.;

Planets Nirayana Bhava Rulina Planets

Asc Sign Lord Sat
Plo R Rasl Dctirtre R-L N-L Sub s-s Cusp Rasi D egret) R'L N-L Sub s-s Asc Star Lord Stin
Su Tau 25:33:31 Ve Ma1 Ra Ve, 1 Cap 6:46:30 Sa Su Ma Sa Asc Sub Lord Me;
Mo Ari 29:51:25 Ma Su 'Ra Sa 2 Aqu 11:43:25 Sa Ra ■Sa Mo Moan'SignLard^'Mar
Moon Star Lord..,:Sun
3 Pis 16:50:35 Ju Me Me Me Moon Sub Lord...: Rah
Ma Can 15:17:31 Mo Sa Ju Sa 4 Ari 17:59:41 Ma Ve Ma Ve □ay Lord Mon
Me Tau 17:41:52 Ve Mo Sa Ju 5 Tau 14:53:45 Ve Mb ■Ju Ve
6 Gem 10:01:33 Me Ra JU Mo Vimshottarl
Ju Can 16:57:11 Mo Me Me Ke 7 Can 6:46:30 Mo Sa- Me Ra Sun 4Y-6M 23D
Ve" Can 10:57:01 Mo Sa Su Ve. 3 Leo 11:43:25 Su Ke Me Ke
Sa -R Cap 12:43:21 Sa Mo Ra Sa 2 Vir 16:50:35 Me Mo Sa Su
10 Lib 17:59:41 Ve Ra Su Ke
Ra -R Saa 26:53:49 JU Su Su JU 11 Sco 14:53:45 Ma Sa. Ju Ju Cli'ill.'iLrjl;
Ke -R Gem 26:58:40 Me Ju Ve Su 12 Sag 10:01:33 Ju Ke Sa Ke jlh lEWiMBi
P fluAnDme
x l&'liftKB
Significators of Houses Planet's Signification ^ IHDffTtJTJ
Housa PlDfiel FHdllG hluuLd m 22)ior;:i»T
ji lOD&'MSS:
M.'ii ■ ViHLh t-ii, Sun '1:h- sih. 7L\\ eihr 1 nn- J=I
1)10 IfVOjl
r.lrff- v&r So£- -lEh.
Jiip- Knt' Mori 5rn. 7Llv eui-
Sun- Mon, Hflf- tfcf. 5-li, M=f tlih 2F1J- JtlH- 7th, 1 lln-
Ski, Mon, Ml*, JliU, Veil- RJih, Mc-r -lih, fiLh. «fv 7th- ■Jlh- OZ'OV2CH3
Mar- .lup- IM, l&OgrzoiS
Jup ?rtl- ft-l. litP- ym-
Sui. Mon- r.liSf. Fnler- Jup, Ven. Sal- Kol.
Vnn i*l' 2pirt- 5i h- 7th, lOiri- SO.'DSCOIS
Sun- Mon- Rah- oe/to/2<h3
Mar- Jup- far fcsl. 2nd- Jth. 7tli-
Virfi- 3i^r/;(H4
Rfelk Sell. JUh- l?lri. 27^2014
Slti- Mnr-
Jup- Rah. K«- Kql Jlnl- frih, Trh, IJin- zswaois

ten ESHSUHI nuii

I Mo wr-i

Sat 10

MOrt 1

Sat P" Sun\ , h x

cap MerXaX / 5X
X Ktt X X
x\"mte X"'W

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Marriage Matching Through Scientific KP System

Dr. G.K. Adith Kashinath

Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath, an ardent devotee of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba and have been
endowed with plenary blessings. He was bom in South India in 1970. He was a
medical graduate and entered into the family business of textiles. Dr. Kashinath also
got a title of "KP Hora Ratna" from the esteemed institute of KP STELLAR
ASTROLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Chennai which is ran by Prof.K.S.K.
Hariharan s/o the great Prof.K.S.Krishnamurthi, the founder of KP system.

Email: gkadithkasinath@gmail.com

orshiping Lord Uchista Maha Ganapathy and our Guruji Shri.KSK, I like to furnish
herewith my method of marriage matching that a KP astrologer can follow.

• When everything is destined, is it possible for us to do as per our wish ?

• If one has to get married to one who is destined to become one's partner, can anyone change
• If so, practice of matching before marriage is of no use ?

The above are the valid questions arising in the mind of even great astrologers and also many of
common people.

My views are as follows:

• If everything is destined, what is role of Astrologers and what is use of Astrology?

• But everything has its own limitation.
• We can not bring in what is not destined. But we can make use of the beneficial ones
and reduce the impact of the malefic ones.

For example, image if one has lost a leg by some means. If he is , he can not afford getting an
artificial leg to him where as a rich person can. There the lost leg can not be brought back but the
impact of the lost leg can be balanced by an artificial leg.

Suppose the poor person with a single leg wants to go to a place by walk. He consults a person (say
an astrologer) on the way to show him a right path for him to go the place. The astrologer first has
to find possibility for him to reach the place he wants to go looking at the condition of the person. If
astrologer feels that he can reach the place with some effort even with his single leg by walk, the
astrologer has to advise him the best possible way with fewer hurdles for him to walk.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
No point in suggesting him the regular path wherein others can reach very fast and also no point in
showing him the path which is not possible for him to follow.

The astrologer can not bless him to recover his lost leg. But looking at the possibility and also the
condition of the person, when suggests a proper path , the disabled person understanding his
situation, can follow the advice and take forward to reach his place.

Similarly, when a native approaches an astrologer, he has to first study the destiny (condition) of the
marriage and marital life of the native. Then the native has to be informed about that. Then he has to
be advised to find a life partner who can either support him or at least balance his negative points
astrologically in the marital life.

The astrologers have to understand here that a native with a poor marital destiny can not be matched
to a partner with a good destiny and they can not marry also. Because the destiny for the person is
that he has to face trouble in the marriage life similar to a person who lost a leg. Here the astrologer
has to find a chart from the charts with mixed destiny with balancing significations to the native's
negative significations as it should not further worsen the situation by misunderstandings or
incompatibility in their mind settings and also by upcoming unfavorable periods.

There are several Traditional marriage matching rulers which comprises of Star matching, Guna
matching, Dasavidha poruththam along with the conditions on Mars Doshs, Rahu-Ketu Dosha, Kal
sharp Dosha and many more.

But being scientific astrologers following the wonderful KP system, we have to apply scientifically
the knowledge along with the logic and principles properly while doing the matching surpassing the
traditional method.



Lets imagine a father approaches us to find a match to his daughter.

STEP 1: (study on the native's chart):

First we have to scrutiny the destiny of the daughter on the marriage perspective whether she is
destined with a happy marital life or mixed destiny or complete negative destiny.

If the destiny is complete negative (negating marriage), then there is no use in proceeding further.

If the destiny is mixed , we have to study the level of mixed significations either just late marriage
or hurdles in marriage and also trouble in the marital life or chance for more than a marriage and so

Then the planets which are the causes for the mixed significations and also the significations of the
running and coming Dasa periods have to be found.

If she is destined with marriage but with troubled marital life, we have to find a boy chart with the
mixed destiny but not exactly as of her . And his chart should have some balancing/supporting
significations of her negative significations and vice versa.
Jan-Mar 2014

STEP 2 : (Study on the bride/groom's chart)

We have to study the chart which has been brought for matching to his daughter here equal to the
STEP 1 to find the level of destiny and the trouble giving planets and periods. If the destiny of the
alliance is not good or worse than the native, no need to proceed to the STEP 3.

STEP 3 : (Matching between the charts- Compatibility

We have to keep in mind that we can not just match a chart to any better chart provided both have
some interlinks within them. Ie., unless they are made for each other. So we can match to the other
only if both are having some connection between their charts astrologically. This is called
COMPATIBILITY. This can be found from this STEP 3.

STEP 4 : (Looking at the other parameters

If the STEP 3 is satisfactory then we can proceed with the last STEP 4 to find the
significations/strength on the health, longevity, progeny, profession, financial condition and more.

Nut Shell:

According to the level of destiny of the Native at the Step 1, matching to a partner with a
comparatively better destiny and with balancing the weak significations of the native is a must.

If the Partner's destiny is showing detrimental destiny than the native on the marital
life in the Step 2, proceeding with the Step 3 is not required.

If both the native and the partner's destiny are showing moderate or above moderate
significations on the marital life, we can further proceed with the Step 3 to check their

If the Step 3 is showing favorable, then we can move to Step 4.

After studying carefully all the above steps, it is the role of the Astrologer to decide the
compatibility level and to advise the parent.

Hope I have made myself clear in explaining the steps to the reader. The steps have been given in a
CHECK LIST format below in a tabular form for easy reference. Hope you all will like this.

Good Luck !

My pranams to our Guruji Shri.KSK !

Om Sai Ram !!

Marriage Matching Checklist

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014



1 7 House • Beneficial aspect • Afflicted by
aspect OR
occupation of
l/o 6 or 8 or 12
2 7 lord • 2,5,7,11 • 6,12,8,10,4,1

7th starlord • Afflicted by

Aspect or
7th Sublord conjunction of
l/o 6,8,12
• Indication of
more than a
Current Dasa • 2,5,11,7 • 1,6,12,8,4
/Bukthi and
Next Dasas

7 House Beneficial aspect • Afflicted by
aspect OR
occupation of
l/o 6 or 8 or 12
2 7 lord • 2,5,7,11 • 6,12,8,10,4,1

7th starlord • Afflicted by

Aspect or
7th Sublord conjunction of
l/o 6,8,12
• Indication of
more than a
3 Current Dasa • 2,5,7,11 • 1,6,12,8,4
/Bukthi and
Next Dasas

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014



1. Moon sign • Connected to 7th • 6,8,12,4 in

lord rulers in other's other's chart
Moon starlord
• 2-5-7-11 significator
Moon Sublord in other's chart

Lagna Sign • Connected to

lord Running DB of other

Lagna Star


Day lord
2 Lagna sign Compatible with the • 6,8,12 in
nature/Traits to other's chart
other's Lagna sign

3 Moon sign • 6,8,12 in

other's chart
Running Dasa • 1,5,11 in other's • 4,6,12 in
Bukthi chart other's chart
5 2,5,7,11 • 1,5,11,8 in other's • 4,6,12,10 in
SIGNIFICAT chart other's charts





Jan-Mar 2014
1 Lord • 1,10,11,3,5,9 • Lagna and its
1st CStl (exclude Badaka) lord: afflicted
1st CSL by 6.8,12 Lord
Lagna / lagna lord
aspected by • lcsl=l,6,2,7,
Beneficial planet 12, Badaka

8th lord 1,3,5,8,11 (exclude • 8csl=2,7,12,6,

8th Cstl 11 for chara Lagna) Badaka
8th CSL • Affliction to 8tl

6th Lord 1,5,11 (exclude 11 • 6th csl=

6th Cstl for chara Lagna) 1,6,12,8,
6th CSL Badaka

Progeny Jupiter • 2,5,11 • barren signs

5th lord • 2,5,11,8 • 1,4,10,12,6

5th CStL
5th CSL • Afflicted by
Longevity of • 2,7,5,9,11,3 (exclude • L8,6,4,
spouse (2nd badaka) badaka
Financial • 2,3,4,6,10,11 • 12,5,8
Career • 2,3,6,10,11 • 12,5,8
General 11 CSL • 2,5,11,10,1 • 6,8,12

Jan-Mar 2014

The Lunar Constellations (Part 10): Magha

Dr. E.S. Neelakantan

Dr. E. S. Neelakantan was born on 5th August 1967 in Kannimangalam Village, Palakkad District , Kerala. He completed his
graduation from Loyala College In Statistics with distinction in 1987. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1992. He is also a
qualified Information Systems Auditor since 2004. He developed interest in Astrology by reading the works of Dr. B. V. Raman .
He learnt Astrology in a formal way under Prof. K. V. Seshadrinatha Sastri, a renowned authority on Jyothisa and Ayurveda. For
his thesis on Medical Astrology, he was awarded Ph.d. , by Sri Chandrasekarendra University, Kancheepuram, which is
recognized as a Deemed University in 2005. He is a practising Chartered Accountant in Chennai since 1993. He is at present a
regular contributor to four of the leading journals on Astrology in India viz, Express Star Teller, Modern Astrology , Astrological
eMagazine and JASA.


The first cycle of nine stars commences from Ashwini and ends with Ashlesha. The second
cycle commences from Makha and ends with Jyeshta. In this article we will dwell on the
intricacies of Makha Star.

According to Kala Vidhana, "Should the birth star of either the bride or the groom happen to be
Swathi, Mrgashira, Makha or Anuradha, they will match very well even if all the ten Kutas do not
agree. Mrgashira, Makha, Swati and Anuradha fall under a special category of stars designated as
"Mahanakshatras" and considered as auspicious for the purpose of horoscope matching for
matrimony. A person born in Makha will be frank, wealthy and blessed with a clear mind. In Tamil
Nadu, it is considered extremely auspicious for a girl to be bom in Makha Star. Many families while
choosing a bride give special preference to brides bom in Makha Star. It is said that a girl bom in
Makha Star will beget everlasting fame. In Tamil Nadu, the full moon day which falls in "Makha
Star" is termed as Masi Makham. It is customary to worship Moon-God at the time of moonrise on
this particular Full Moon day. A bath in the holy waters on this day bestows a person with "Punya"
and hence many people bathe in sacred rivers on this day.

"Maghasnanam", is a holy bath, which many undertake in this month and this falls in the English
month Febmary-March. The "Mahamakham" festival in Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu and the
"Kumbha Mela" in the northern parts of India have their origin in Makha Star.

According to Yarahamitra, a person born in Makha Star will be hard working, affluent and is
devoted to (departed) forefathers. A person born in Makha star will be given to anger, will be
devoted to parents, indulgent in rituals and will be surrounded by both friends and enemies,
according to Maharishi Parasara.

According to Jataka Parijatha, a person born in Makha Star will be submissive to wife, self-
respecting and of limited desires. The initial 3.5 Ghatikas of Makha Star is subjected to Gandandha
Dosha. Makha is a suitable star to propitiate manes during auspicious days such as Ashada
Amavasya, Makara Sankranthi, eclipses as well as Mahalyapaksha fortnight. According to Dharma
Shastras everyone should worship Devas, Pitrus and Rishis in order to lead a fulfilling life. Devas

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
play an important role in bringing about change of seasons. Rishis bless us with knowledge and
wisdom. Pitrus bless us with progeny and thereby contribute to the never-ending life cycle.

It is quite possible that some day in the distant future, the world would come to an end due to some
natural calamity but till that date it is our duty to keep the world going in a Dharmic way. For that
purpose, the blessings of Devas, Rishis and Pitrus is a necessity.

Makha belong to a category of stars called "Ugra" meaning "fierce". Other stars in this category are
Bharani, Purvaphalguni, Purvashada and Purvabhadrapada. Ugra Nakshatras such as Makha favour
activities which require intensity, courage and recklessness. Makha is a downward looking star
(Adho Muka Nakshatra) which favours digging or working on the ground. For events of a beneficial
nature Makha is generally considered unfavourable, other stars in this category being being Bharani,
Krithika, Ardra, Ashlesha, Purvaphalguni, Jyeshta, Purvashada and Purvabhadrapada.

Siddha Yoga is a yoga formed through an intersection between Thithi, Vara and Nakshatra and is
considered very auspicious. When Makha occurs on a Thursday, Siddha Yoga is given rise to
provided the Thithi is Chaturthi, Panchami, Saptami,Navami, Trayodashi or Chathurdashi.
Generally persons bom in the same Rajju are found mutually incompatible for marriage. For
instance a girl born in Makha should not marry a boy who is Moola Star. However this argument
should not be extended to the Trijanma star. Very recently I came across a case when an astrologer
had wrongly rejected a match by counting from the boy's star-the boy was Krithika and the girl
Uttaraphalguni. The astrologer failed to appreciate that for an Uttaraphalguni girl, only an
Uttarashada boy should be rejected, not Krithika.

According to Kalaprakasika, Makha is a favourable star for agricultural activities such as

harvesting, gathering and storing grains.

For ploughing of land, Makha is termed a favourable star, according to Muhurtha Chintamani. To
enter the land for purpose of agriculture, Makha is an auspicious star.

It is also a good star for threshing grains .When some property is pledged in Makha star, the same
will neither come back to the owner, nor will it be a source of grain. When someone parts with gold
on Makha star, he/she will become a pauper while the one who receives gold will flourish.

Makha is a favourable star for repayment of debt. Riktha Thithis are generally considered
auspicious for loan repayment while it is advisable to avoid debt repayment on Wednesday. One
should not open a bank account or make large deposits on a day ruled by Makha Star. If tonsure
ceremony of a new born child is done in Makha Star, it leads to loss of prosperity. New dresses
should not be worn on Makha Star. If someone wears a new dress on Makha Star, it will endanger
his/her life. Please note that this embargo does not apply to a Makha bom person if he/she wears a
new dress on his/ her birthday. Makha is a favourable star for laying the foundation for building a
hotel or restaurant. The only exception to the above rule would be when a Makha star occurs on a
Tuesday when Mars occupies Pushy a, Makha Hasta, Moola, Purvashada or Revathi.

Digging for construction can commence in Makha star. For a person who is interested in the study
of Mathematics, Makha is a suitable star to commence learning the subject, other stars favouring
mathematics being Bharani and Krithika. Makha is specifically prohibited for commencement of

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
work in manufacturing a gold jewellery studded with diamonds.One can wear new jewellery on
Makha Star. For buying or selling or taming animals the following stars are favourable.

1. Ashwini;

2. Mrgashirsha;

3. Punarvasu;

4. Pushya;

5. Hasta;

6. Anuradha;

7. Sravana;

8. Dhanishta;

9. Uttrabhadrapada ;

10. Revathi

According to Kalaprakasika, in addition to the above, Makha, Uttaraphalguni and Uttarashada are
also considered favourable. Over the centuries horses have been used for transportation in war, for
carriage of goods and in racing. Riders need to be careful in mounting a horse as unless properly
trained, horses may not react favourably. To sit on a horse for the first time in one's life, Makha is a
suitable star. If wedding is conducted in Makha star, prosperity attends on the bride and the groom.
A disease which sets in when Makha star is on will prove dangerous in ten days. However for
commencement of treatment as well as surgery, it is recommended. When a person is initiated into a
Mantra, when Makha star is there, that mantra will give favourable results.For pacifying planets, a
ritual known as " Shanthi Karma", is undertaken. Makha is a favourable star for this ritual. For this
ritual it is essential that at that particular Muhurtha Jupiter and Venus are not combust.

"Possession by spirits" is a controversial subject. Some people term "ghosts" as just illusions while
some see truth in this matter. For controlling or exorcising a spirit, Makha is a favourable star.
Other asterisms in which exorcism of a ghost can be undertaken are Bharani, Mrgashira, Ardra and
Moola. For this event, the 8th house from the Muhurtha Lagna should preferably not be occupied by
any planet.

Travel is contra - indicated in Makha Nakshatra. If someone were to undertake travel in Makha,
there would be danger to life.Further one should never undertake a journey in the southern direction
when Makha star is in operation. If one's natal Moon is in Aries, all the more one should avoid
travel in Makha Star. A traveller meets with harm, if he returns home after a journey in Makha star.
To drive a car for the first time, Makha is a good star. Any vehicle, one can start to drive in Makha

One needs to wear a bullet proof vest before embarking on a commando operation or before
entering a battlefield. Any police or military or anti- terror operation requires wearing of protective

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
gears. Such bullet proof vests or protective gears can be worn when Makha star is in operation.
Weapons can be manufactured in Makha star. It is also good to dig wells in Makha star. Drinking
wine may not be a desirable habit but for taking the first sip of wine in a manufactured batch,
Makha is a suitable star.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014


Bhava Tithi Sphuta (BTS) in KP: Integrating Bhava Tithi Sphuta with
Krishnamurti Paddhati

Vijay Kumar

The author hails from the Electronics and Communication engineering background, who has headed
Senior Managerial positions with telecom majors over years. Besides teaching Parasharic and Jaimini
astrology at ICAS, Bangalore and contributing to The Astrological Magazine in Jaimini theme since a
decade till its closure in 2008; the author has special interest in The Krishnamurti Paddhati and is a
serious student of this subject.

Email: vkl608@gmail.com


My studies of various astrological principles in Parasharic, Jaimini, Tajika, Prashna and KP

system of astrology have led me to firmly conclude that many parameters of Parasharic
knowledge could be imported to KP domain and utilized in the framework of KP way of
delineation and be used along with the existing KP parameters to gather better accuracy of
predictive decisions by way of an additional opinion.
A similar approach to introduce Life Sensitive Points (LSPs) was brought forward in the Inaugural
Issue of JASA in July-2011, which may have been tested and used by the scholars for general
acceptance. One of the additional parameter is the knowledge of Bhava Tithi Sphutas, which is a
subject matter of Parashara Jyotish.
This write-up is the result of my humble endeavor to bring the knowledge of Bhava Tithi Sphuta in
KP astrology.

Bhava Tithi Sphuta (Parasharic Jyotish)

Reference of Bhava Tithi is drawn from Phaladeepika, Chapter 12, Shloka 15 which elaborates the
Putra Tithi.

JO-TJ fc<H W


'5T -Hlld ^HrT: 11

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
"Subtract five times the longitude of the Sun from five times the longitude of the Moon. If the Tithi
represented by the result be an auspicious one in the bright half of the lunar month, the native will
definitely have progeny without much effort. But if the resulting Tithi be one of the dark half of the
month, the effect will be taken to be negative. It is by close examination of the Tithi-whether it is
auspicious or is auspicious in both the Pakshas — bright and dark — that one has to ascertain
whether the native will have issues or not. During an Amavasya, Chhidra Tithi, the Vishti karana or
any of the Sthira karanas, there will be no Issue at all. "

Bhava Tithi Sphuta (BTS)

Tithi is represented by a defined longitude (Sphuta). When the Tithis are calculated for Bhavas, they
too have a defined sphuta. Each Bhava Tithi Sphuta is a sensitive point in the zodiac that controls
specific aspects of a Bhava in horoscopy.

In this article, I have humbly tried to blend the application of BTS in Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP).

Understanding BTS

1. Referring Phaladeepika by the quoted Shloka as above, readers may note that the Bhava Tithi is
calculated for the 5th house for delineating the prospects of 5th house (children) under reference.

2. It is logical to derive that all the 12 houses (Bhavas) have Tithi Sphutas, just as that of the
quoted 5th house and The Bhava Tithi Sphuta may be calculated independently for all the bhavas
in a horoscopy.

3. To recapitulate about the Tithi,

a. Tithi symbolizes the light of the Moon that it receives from The Sun and thus shows how
enlightened and prominent the Moon is in the life of the native.

b. The Moon starts receiving light from the beginning of Shukla Paksha and goes to its
highest light on Purnima, thereafter starts waning and goes to the complete dark phase
on Amavasya.

c. Tithi at any given point of time is represented by the separation of Moon from Sun and is
represented by a specific longitude (Sphuta).

Example, every separation of 12 deg of Moon from Sun causes the beginning of each
tithi from Shukla Pratipada to Amavasya forming a total of 30 tithis completing the full
zodiac of 360 deg.

Let us say, that the Moon is separated from the Sun by 30 deg, it may be said that the
Tritiya Tithi at 5deg is operating in Shukla Paksha at that moment of time.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
4. When the Birth Tithi in a horoscopy is talked about, it is technically the Bhava Tithi of the
Lagna or the 1st house. Thus, this tithi would have a say on the Lagna which may dictate its
effect on the physical self and intelligence makeup of the native.

5. The Bhava Tithis in horoscopy may be calculated for all the 12 houses, thus the prospects of all
the respective houses may be understood better in light of this new parameter.

6. Chiddra Tithi finds mention in the quoted Shloka from Phaladeepika.

Chaturthi (4), Shashti (6), Ashtami (8), Navami (9), Dwadashi (12) and Chaturdashi (14) Tithis
in both Shukla and Krishna Paksha come under the definition of Chhidra Tithi and are
considered inauspicious in results.

7. Each tithi is further divided into two halves, each called Kama, which is the fundamental
concept of Panchanga and every astrologer is expected to be aware of it.

8. Both the longitude of BTS and its associated Kama is used in KP application. While the BTS
longitude is the main parameter in use, the usage of Kama is no less.

9. The Kama spanned across tithis are tabulated as follows for ready reference.

Tithi Shukla aksha Krishna Paksha
1 (Pratipada) Kinstughna Bava Balava Kaulava
2 (Dwitiya) Balava Kaulava Taitula Garija
3 (Tritiya) Taitula Garija Vanija Vishti
4 (Chaturthi) Vanija Vishti Bava Balava
5 (Panchami) Bava Balava Kaulava Taitula
6 (Shashti) Kaulava Taitula Garija Vanija
7 (Saptami) Garija Vanija Vishti Bava
8 (Ashtami) Vishti Bava Balava Kaulava
9 (Navami) Balava Kaulava Taitula Garija
10 (Dashami) Taitula Garija Vanija Vishti
11 (Ekadashi) Vanija Vishti Bava Balava
12 (Dwadashi) Bava Balava Kaulava Taitula
13 (Trayodashi) Kaulava Taitula Garija Vanija
14 (Chaturdashi) Garija Vanija Vishti Shakuni
15/30 Vishti Bava Chatushpada Naga


• Bava to Vishti are Chara Kama.

• Bava to Vanija are ruled from Sun to Venus in weekday order and are auspicious in
• Vishti Kama is ruled by Saturn and is inauspicious in results
• Shakuni, Chatushpada, Naga and Kinstughna are the Sthir Kama. These are ruled by
Rahu and Ketu alternatively and are inauspicious in results.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Abbreviating BTS

As indicated above, BTS may be calculated for all the 12 houses of horoscopy. In order to facilitate
the uniformity of the representation, it is suggested to represent the BTS as BTS-nH. Here, n is the
integer indicating the house (Bhava) and H indicates the House.

Example, the BTS for the 9th house may be represented as BTS-9H.

Calculating BTS

1. BTS is calculated by the manipulation of the longitudes of Sun and Moon under the
consideration of the house (Bhava) for which the BTS is to be calculated.

2. Each BTS is calculated by the following formula as per Phaladeepika.

BTS of the nth house = n(Longitude of Moon) - n(Longitude of Sun)

This formula translates as follows,

BTS-nth house = n (Longitude of Moon - Longitude of Sun)

= n (BTS-Lagna)

Here, n is the house for which the Bhava Tithi Sphuta is to be calculated. The resulting logitude
may be brought under 0 to 360 deg span to represent a longitude within the zodiac by expunging
multiples of 360 if it exceeds 360 deg.

3. The calculation of BTS remains same irrespective of the natal or horary charts, day or night
births, whether the chart pertains to the male or female nativity or whether the charts pertain to
human or mundane affairs.

4. The calculation of BTS would become easier, if planetary longitudes are converted in Zodiacal
longitudes in decimal figures before applying the formula.

5. By applying the formula, we may calculate Bhava Tithi Sphuta to decipher the following

a. Shukla Paksha or Krishna Paksha in operating Tithi

b. Tithi
c. Type of Tithi (Chhidra or not)
d. Part of the tithi operating (1st half or 2nd half)
e. Operating Kama
f. The lord of Kama

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
6. Example to calculate BTS for 10 house

Consider a chart where the Sun is placed in Scorpio 22 deg 30 min and Moon is placed in
Aquarius 9 deg 15 min.

Converting the planetary longitudes to Zodiacal longitudes in decimal figures, we have Sun at
the longitude 232.5 deg and Moon is at 309.25 deg.

BTS-10H = n (Longitude of Moon - Longitude of Sun)

= 10 (309.25 - 232.5) deg

= 10 (76.75) deg
= 767.5 deg
= 47.5 deg (by expunging multiples of 360)

BTS-10H = Shukla Paksha Chaturthi

11.5 deg spent in Chaturthi, thus it is 2nd half of tithi

The operating tithi is a Chhidra Tithi
Vishti Kama is operating
Saturn is the lord of Kama

Hypothesis of the applicability of BTS in KP System

Readers may note that the author is attempting to form a starting basis (hypothesis) before the
readers to evaluate the BTS in the KP way of analysis as follows. However, the author has tested
this concept in numerous cases with astounding results.

a. As noted earlier, BTS find their universal applicability on all kinds of the charts, be it of
male/female, birth/horary, day/night births or Jataka/mundane nature.

b. The study of BTS is equally applicable in birth charts as well as in horary charts derived with
the horary numbers (be it within 1-249 or 1-2193 scheme) or through time charts. This concept
is equally applicable on mundane charts of national importance as well.

c. It may be noted that in all types of analysis of charts, primarily the relevant houses (Bhavas) are
identified for analysis and are analyzed for its beneficence and maleficience for the matter in
question. Thus, the knowledge about the bhavas is intrinsically important.

d. Note that a house (Bhava) under scrutiny is analyzed by the following parameters in
conventional way of delineation in KP framework

1. The cusp of the Bhava

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
2. The Bhava-Star-Sub and sub-sub lordship of the Bhava cusp
3. The sub-lord of the Bhava cusp
4. Planets joined in the Bhava and the planets involved in its stars
5. Bhava lord and the planets involved its star, if the Bhava is vacant

e. Even after analyzing all the parameters as indicated above, it is very difficult to assert the
overall strength and auspiciousness of the bhava and sometimes some other parameter is really
desired which could give an overall assessment, if the bhava is auspicious or otherwise for the

The BTS offers help at this juncture as it gives an overall view of the bhava in terms of its
auspiciousness or otherwise.

KP approach of delineation of BTS

1. BTS for a bhava has following important parameters to be considered

a. Nature of Bava Tithi

b. Bhava Tithi Longitude
c. Nature of Kama
d. Kama lordship

2. Nature of Bhava Tithi and Kama would show the overall nature of the Bhava but with a
difference in meaning. These parameters set perspectives in a different tone.

a. Tithi represent Jala Tatva that involves emotional and sustenance aspects in the native's
life. When the Tithi for a particular Bhava is talked about, its presence is talked about in
the life of the native, in other words it is understood if the bhava sustains the native.

Thus, if a native's BTS-7H is not auspicious; it would mean that the native does not have
the right perspective of relationship within his life's definition by its presence or in other
words, the native does not receive sustenance from relationship related matters in life.

b. Similarly, Kama represents Prithvi Tatva that shows Karmik aspects in life, which in
other words shows accomplishment (a karmik definition). When the Kama for a
particular bhava is talked about, its accomplishment is talked about in the life of the

For example, if Kama lord of the BTS-7H is auspicious, the native would involve
constmctively joining hands with the partner to lift the relationship in life because the
relationship has the luck to accomplish in life.

c. Readers are cautioned not to draw conclusions on the above alone, as they are subjective
conclusions that may drastically undergo changes by the disposition of the BTS and
Kama lord in the chart.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
BTS is a very BIG and HUGE disgnostic tool to understand the deeper dimensions on
the life of the native, which should not be under-estimated.

3. BTS for a Bhava is defined through its location in the zodiac longitudinally, thus BTS for a
Bhava is defined by sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub-sub lord just as cusps and planets are
defined in KP astrology.

4. The Kama lord for a Bhava is a planet that is one amongst the 9 planets in the horoscopy which
has an additional role to play through its lordship of Karmik influences of the Bhava at a Meta
level. The Kama lord may be analyzed by applying all the delineation jugglery of KP astrology.

5. BTS for a bhava may be analyzed as follows

a. Note if the BTS for a Bhava is auspicious or not. This would set a holistic tone of the
presence of that Bhava in the native's life.

b. Note its location in the zodiac and note in which house it falls. This would indicate how
it sets its presence in life.

Example, If BTS-10H falls in 5th house, it would mean that the work scenarios in the
person's life would always be under constant change, though the native would constantly
desire of seeking his optimum professional direction.

6. Sub-lord of the BTS for a Bhava may be analyzed with manifold angles.

a. If it is analyzed wrto the BTS itself, it delineates the strength of the presence of BTS in
person's life

b. If is analyzed wrto the Lagna, it delineates how the results manifests in the person's life

Example, Let us assume that BTS-10H falls in the 5th house and its sub-lord shows its
influence to the 8th house. Here, the sub-lord's influence is centered on 4th house from BTS-
10H which would mean that the native may want to consolidate his professional pursuit,
because the 4th house is the home where consolidation takes place and where the native
derives pleasure out of his possessions. However, since the sub-lord's influence is on 8th
house from lagna, it would impel the native to change the job for betterment.

7. The Kama may be analyzed for its auspiciousness, which may set a tone if the karmas
performed towards the bhava are just and worthy. Rightfully in other words, this may indicate if
the native performs rightful actions to receive the karmas pertaining to the Bhava.

8. Sub-lord of the Kama lord may be analyzed as follows

a. Sub-lord of the Kama lord ultimately mles the Karma of a person pertaining to the
Bhava in question.

JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
b. The analysis may be centered mainly wrto Lagna, as we would be more interested to
know the results of karmas coming to the native.

c. The Kama sub-lord may also be the sub-lord of the other bhava cusps, thus it may pose
connectivity with those bhavas. In case, if the star lord of the Kama sub-lord is the same
as the other cuspal sub-lords, the said cusps would set the tone of their presence in
relation to the Bhava under scrutiny.

d. If the Kama sub-lord is positionally strong, it may strongly influence the bhava where it
is posited. That bhava from Lagna would be important for imparting the Bhava's
influence from Karmik angle.

Example, If the Kama lord for the BTS-7H gets a positional status in 9H. This would
state that the partner would be very active in proving his/her position (3rd house of action
from 7th house) and depending on the nature of the Sign and the nature of the Sub-lord
planet, the amount of efforts may be scaled. However, the partner may be instrumental to
bring luck to the native through such efforts (efforts placed in the house of luck through
the efforts).

9. BTS for a Bhava and Kama lord results are dispensed under the influence of the Dasha and its
sub-divisions. The dasha results are delineated in the usual way as is done in classical KP.

10. While considering the transit effects, both the transit of sub-lord of BTS and transit of Kama
lord matters a lot. In addition, a benefic planet transiting the BTS or in its trines activates the
BTS to give good results, similarly converse for the transit of malefic planets. I have not
covered this aspect in this write-up, but a good success rate is likely to be obtained.

11. The application of BTS in KP does not pose any controversy as the house cusps are well defined
unlike the Parasharic astrology where there are multiple theories for defining the cusp of houses
based on equal house division and un-equal house division.

12. Since, the applicability of usage of BTS is at the hypothesis level, I would request readers to
consider adopting the framework of BTS usage as second opinion to the conventional
delineations in KP. I have obtained a decisive success by BTS in many conclusions hence I am
convinced of its applicability in KP domain.

13. Just as BTS merges well with the KP horoscopy, it merges equally well with LSPs. It would be
worth applying both LSPs and BTSs for multitude in predictive excellence.

Demonstrative examples:

In order to be brief, I am taking up only one example case of a female whose birth chart was
published by the author in the Inaugural Issue of JASA (July-2011) which had integrated the
conventional KP with innovative LSP concepts in the domain of KP.

The analysis on this chart in the present article adds the analysis on the basis of BTS concepts apart
from LSP. The BTS concepts are integrated showing the harmony of both the LSP and BTS taken
JASA Vol.3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
BTS calculations and derivations are explained in detail, bringing the BTS concept to the
understanding level of readers.

This is the birth chart of a female native who has not derived happiness from her marital life in
general. Since the beginning of 2011, she was summoned to leave the house due to serious
misunderstanding from her spouse after being provoked by her mother-in-law. Later, all was settled
for forced harmony.

Ketu 10- Sat
BTS-7H 21- 32-23 44-13
VII 59-31
59-48 IX X
Sun 14- VIII 13-38 31-53
47-18 52-00

Jup 09-

VI Birth Chart (Female)

Merc XI
14-26 08-00
18-20-00 Hrs 1ST
26N5, 91E43

KP ayanamsha: 23-25-16
08-00 Geocentric Correction: Yes 31-41
Mars 26-08-
27 Nodes: Mean

BTS-10H 18-

IV i- III 24-
31-53 13-38 II 23-52- 59-48
VLSP 25- Rahu 10-32- 00
31-10 23 Moon 13-38-

Jan-Mar 2014
Cusp SgL StL SbL
Planet SgL StL SbL SsL
I Mer Mar Rah
Sun Jup Sat Rah Mar
II Yen Jup Sat
Moon Ven Rah Mer Rah
III Mar Mer Rah
Mar Sat Mar Jup Sat
V Jup Yen Mer
Mer Sat Jup Ket Jup
V Sat Mar Jup
Jup Jup Sat Ven Rah
VI Sat Jup Ven
Ven Mar Ven Rah Rah
VII Jup Mer Rah
Sat Mer Rah Mon Sat
VIII Mar Yen Sat
Rah Mar Sat Sun Rah
IX Yen Mar Rah
Ket Ven Mon Mon Sat
X Mer Jup Mer
For Sat Jup Ket Rah
XI Mon Mer Jup
BTS- Ven Jup Sun Mon
XII Sun Sun Mon Lag

BTS-7H Mar Ven Sat Sat

BTS- Sat Mon Mer Sun


The analysis by conventional means revealed the following

On a brief look, the 7 cuspal sub-lord Rahu may be examined. Rahu falls in the star of Saturn placed in
9th house whereas its sub lord Sun as 12th lord gets placed in 6th house. This indicates her dissatisfaction
and possible discord in the marital life.

Now, examine this case from the angle of LSP.

In principle, we need to calculate the Yivaha LSP to gauze the quality of marital life. Since, the native is
born after Sunset; hence the Yivaha LSP is calculated with the formula as Saturn-Venus+Lagna (Refer
table of LSP).

Note that the Lagna is not placed between Venus to Saturn when counted zodiacally from Venus to
Saturn; hence addition of 30 deg is required. All longitudes are in d-m-s format.

JASA Vol. 3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Vivaha LSP = (78-44-13) - (18-12-51) + (174-59-48) + (30-0-0)

= 265-31-10

= Sagittarius 25o-3r-10"

Note that the Vivaha LSP (VLSP) placed in Sagittarius is lorded by Jupiter-Venus-Mercury-Jupiter as
sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub-sub lord.

Note the following observations bv wav of Vivaha LSP.

a. Vivaha LSP falls in the 4 house, the house that brings the focus of home & happiness in life and
the aspect of Saturn bring some kind of dissatisfaction.

b. The sub-lord of vivah LSP is Mercury. Mercury has the positional status, as there is no planet in
its star, thus its placement is important. Note that the Mercury is placed in 5 th house, indicating
that the native would be interested to maintain her marriage. However, its close proximity to 6th
cusp (within 3 degree) does show the possibility of discord.

c. At the stellar level, Mercury falls in the star of Jupiter placed in 6th house while its sub-lord Ketu
is placed in 8th house. This certainly points for the native to suffer in marital life.

d. Mother-in-law is represented by 10th cusp, which has Mercury as the sub-lord. Since, Mercury is
well placed in 5th house but close to 6th cusp positionally, it does indicate the conditional support
of mother-in-law but also the provocation to her husband (6th house) continuously.

Since, 10th cusp indicates profession, the provocation by mother-in-law may trigger when the
native takes up a job, which has taken up voluntarily recently.

e. The native was married in Saturn dasha. The open discord with the spouse started in Moon antar
dasha in Saturn dasha operating till May 01, 2012.

f. It would be important to note that Moon falls in the sub of Mercury and Moon would behave as
per the dictate of Mercury, which shows the marital discord through the considerations of Vivah

g. The next antar-dasha of Mars in Saturn's dasha may relieve the native of the serious discord going
on at present, as Mars does not have any connection with Mercury.

It may be noted that the Vivaha LSP has helped to explain the marital discord that resulted in Moon's
antara dasha. Since, Saturn does not have any strong connection with Mercury, it made the native marry
(though with limited happiness) and carry on with life till Moon antara started. LSP thus offered a
second opinion to the case towards marital discord.

JASA Vol. 3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Introducing the analysis through BTS

1. Bhavas important for the present case.

a. Marriage is the focus with mother-in-law's intervention. Thus, the following houses are
important to be considered.
i. Lagna that represents the native
ii. 7th house that represents the spouse
iii. 10th house that represents the Mother-in-law

2. In BTS, we would calculate the Bhava Tithis for Lagna, 7th house and 10th house abbreviated as BTS-
Lagna, BTS-7H and BTS-10H.

3. Co-ordinates of BTSs

Readers may note that calculations for BTS-Lagna and BTS-7H are given in detail for the purpose of
educating the readers and hereafter, the calculations would not be given.

Longitude of Sun = Pisces 14-47-18 (d-m-s)

= 344.788 deg

Longitude of Moon = Libra 13-38-39 (d-m-s)

= 193.644 deg

BTS-Lagna = 193.644 - 344.788

= (193.644+360) - 344.788
= 208.856 deg
= Krishna Paksha (KP) 28.856 deg
= Krishna Paksha (KP), 3rd Tithi, 4.856 deg spent (1st Half)

BTS-7H = 7x208.856 deg

= 1461.992 deg
= 21.992 deg after expunging multiples of 360
= Shukla Paksha (SP) 21.992 deg
= Shukla Paksha (SP), 2nd Tithi, 9.992 deg spent (2nd Half)

BTS-10H = Krishna Paksha (KP), 10th tithi, 0.56 deg spent (1st half)

BTS BTS Longitude Lordship Tithi Karna Karna

Decimal d-m-s Sign Star Sub SSub Lord
108.856 208-51- Yen Jup Sun Mon KP-3, 1st Vanija Venus
eg 22 Half
BTS-7H 21.992 21-59- Mar Yen Sat Sat Tnd
SP-2, 2 Kaulava Mars
1 leg 31 Half
BTS-10H I 288.56 deg 288-33- Sat Mon Mer Sun KP-10, 1st Vanija Venus

4. Analysis for the Native

JASA Vol. 3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

Analyze BTS-Lagna

a. BTS-Lagna falls in 2nd house which is the 8th house of 7th house. This portends possibility of
breakage of marriage.

b. Looking from Lagna, this BTS falls in 2nd house and thus it supports the Lagna and the native.

c. The tithi does not fall in the Chhidra category, thus it does not portend intrinsic danger of
maintenance of marriage.

d. Sub-lord of BTS-Lagna is Sun. Sun is positionally strong planet as there is no planet in its star.
Thus, the position of the Sun would dictate on its positional status. Readers may note that Sun
is placed in 6th house, thus the native does promote/triggers marital discord on her own. Sun
brings ego issues and being conjunct with Jupiter, brings issues relating to self prestige and

Analyze Kama for BTS-Lagna

a. Yanija Kama operates on BTS-Lagna, which is a Chara Kama and is auspicious in nature.

b. Venus is also the sub-lord of the 6th cusp, thus Venus has the tinge of marital disharmony in its

c. There is no planet in the star of Venus except Venus placed therein. Thus, Venus is
positionally strong. Venus placed in 7th house does not pose a danger to the marital life.

d. At the stellar level, Rahu is the sub-lord of Kama lord-Venus and Rahu's placement in 2nd
house does pose dangers towards discord due to being in 8th house from 7th house. However,
Rahu disposes Venus which is placed safely in 7th house. Thus, the marriage is saved.

By the analysis of the native through BTS-Lagna, it is inferred that the native is prone to trigger
marital discord due to her own ego/pride issues. Thus, the native does not contain the marital
happiness in her luck. However, the analysis of Kama lord of BTS-Lagna reveals, the karma
playing the role in native's life may not take the matter to the ultimate breakage of marriage and
the marriage may remain saved.

5. Analysis for the Spouse

JASA Vol. 3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
Analyze BTS-7H

a. BTS-7H falls in 7th house close to 8th cusp from behind. This cusp is safely placed from 7th
house hence it shows the safe presence of marital life in the life of spouse.

b. The closeness of BTS-7H to the 8th cusp shows dangers looming for the discord. The person
causing/triggering discord is analyzed later.

c. Saturn is the sub-lord of BTS-7H. Sun, Jupiter and Rahu are the planets that rule the results of
Saturn. All the three planets do not pose marital felicity positionally in the chart, thus the
marital discord looms in its sway.

d. At the stellar level, Saturn falls in the star of Rahu and in the sub of Moon. Moon placed in the
Lagna would work to save the marriage, as the native does not cross boundaries leading to

Analyze Kama for BTS-7H

a. Kaulava is the Kama for BTS-7H, lorded by Mars, an inflammatory planet. Mars is also a
positionally strong planet and its placement in 4th house is not a welcome situation.

b. Note that the 4th house from the Lagna is the home and happiness for the native. It may mean
that the karma of the Spouse may be impelling her to disturb her own happiness at home and
indulging in hot arguments at times.

c. At the stellar level, Mars is in the sub of Jupiter placed in 6th house. Thus the karmas done by
indulging in argumentative mode spoils the peace at home and attracts the marital strife (6th
house) from Spouse.

Looking to the analysis of the spouse through BTS-7H, it is evident that the Spouse possesses marital life
with the native. However, the mutual karmas do impel to trigger marital discord.

6. Analyze for mother-in-law

Analyze BTS-10H

a. BTS-10H falls in the 4th house and the mother-in-law has definite presence in the home and
happiness of the native (4th house).

JASA Vol. 3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014
b. Note that the BTS-10H is sign lorded by Saturn and Saturn is the sub-lord of the BTS-7H.
This linkage has direct control of the mother-in-law on the Spouse. Saturn as analyzed above
does save the marriage ultimately through the native.

c. Mercury is the sub-lord of the BTS-10H. Mercury is positionally strong and its placement in
5th house does indicate the emotional support of mother-in-law to the native. However,
Mercury is very close to 6th cusp positionally, thus its provocation may cause scenes of marital
discord (6th house) continuously.

d. Readers may note that the 10th cusp of the native's chart has Mercury as the sub-lord that tally
with the sub-lord of BTS-10H. Due to this reason, mother-in-law may have a definite
interference in the professional matters of the native (10H).

While, the closeness of Mercury with the 6th cusp may trigger discord issues, the stellar
indications of Mercury shows the matter of discord (6th house) through its Star-Jupiter and
serious marital dis-harmony through the sub-lord Ketu in 8th house. Since Ketu disposes,
Venus again comes to rescue and thus saves the marriage.

Readers may note that Mercury gets triggered to show its unpleasantness when the native
insists to opt for the job (Mercury as 10' sub-lord) and Mother-in-law intervenes to cause
disturbance on her proposal, which has actually happened.

Analyze Kama for BTS-10H

a. Vanija is the Kama operating with Venus as its lord.

b. As observed in earlier sections, Venus works to save marriage, though does not mind causing
occasional strife.

c. Thus, mother-in-law is set to trigger karmas (actions) causing marital discord.

Analyzing the presence and Karmas of mother-in-law is not very healthy in the life of the native, though
she has decisive influence. However, it does not cause ultimate danger towards the breakage of the

As observed earlier, marital discord openly started with the spouse in Moon antar dasha in Saturn dasha
operating till May 01, 2012.

It would be important to note that Moon falls in the sub of Mercury and Moon would behave as per the
dictate of Mercury, which shows the marital discord through the considerations of Vivah LSP, BTS-10H
and cuspal sub-lord of 10th cusp.

JASA Vol. 3 (3) Jan-Mar 2014

The next antar-dasha of Mars in Saturn's dasha may relieve the native slightly, as during this antara;
native's 4th house does come in operation.

The analysis is yet not complete. If the BTSs of all the houses are calculated, it may be evidently known
as to who would involve with the karmik influence to make/mar the relationship of the couple. However,
I have not indulged to go so far.

Readers may note that the knowledge and application of BTS unfolds the events in the life of the native
and offers strong and conclusive opinions.


I have been very conservative to give only one demonstrative example to prove the usage scenario of
BTSs in a birth chart, though I have innumerous cases in records, where this concept has been proved par-
excellence. As said earlier, its usage is not limited to birth charts alone but is applicable for any matter
under the sky on any chart.

I hope, readers would appreciate the import of knowledge of Bhava Tithi Sphuta (BTS) from Parasharic
to KP domain. The BTSs bring-in a lot of dynamism in any chart and gives opinion on the involved
Bhavas in various tones.

Similar to the appeal that I had posted when I introduced innovative concept of LSPs in the Inaugural
Issue of JASA in July-2011, I again request the readers to tryout the BTS concepts, given herewith on
their day to day delineations and embrace this research idea whole-heartedly, perhaps to their acceptance
and benefits.

I bow my head to Sri Krishnamurthy to have devised an innovative predictive methodology that embraces
advanced innovations in it and is ever expandable to the research needs.

JASA Confers the Title "Einstein of KP

Astrology" to Shri Vijay Kumar ji and allots JASA

Idea Incubator number

JASA/3-3/2014/VK/BTS to Sri Vijay Kumar for Bhava Tithi Sphuta (BTS) in KP

Integrating Bhava Tithi Sphuta with Krishnamurti Paddhati

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

The Journal for Advancement of Stellar Astrology (JASA) is a free, quarterly international journal for the
propagation and development of Stellar Astrology and Krishnamurti Paddhati.

"In the pursuit and discovery of Truth for creating Universal welfare of humankind"

3rd Anniversary Issue

1. Editorial

KP Astrology Section
Entangled Money: Will I recover Er. V.K. Shanna
Status of Missing Son Dr. Ninnal Kothari
Infertility: A Case Study Vijay Kiunar
Marriage When? A KP Analysis S. N. Sai dar
I want to Live: Nirbhaya D. K. Khandal
fata Mangeshkar—The Melody Queen of India Par!ha S. Rout
When Predictions Come True: Marriage Event Vediko
Divorce after Marriage R. V.S.N. Sanna
When the Fifth house is Negative G.H.W. Si ha

3. Meena 2 Nadi Section

Stellar Effects-Role ofVargothama Padas-Gunas Dr. NV.R.A. Raja
LongevityJeeva & Sareera Method- Meena 2 Naadi System R. Vijayalakslmti
Meena? Naadi System: Power Play of Planets T.K. Raghmiathan
Marriage compatibility /Divorce: A Case Study on Meena 2 Naadi H. A. Krislman
When Planets do not work, Prayers will help Prof. RK. Den

4. Four Step Theory Section

Marriage and Promotion through 11oraiy S. Gondhalekar
Pluto Effects: 4 Step Theoiy G. Sadasivan

5. Research Perspectives Sections

Die Lunar Constellations Part XI: Pun a Phalgimi Dr. E.S. Neelakantan

6. Book Review by Editor

7. JASA Idea Incubator

8. Suggestion Box

9. Billet Doux

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014






editor Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri








JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit)



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JASA Vol. 4 (1) Tnl-Spn 9014

Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit)

M.Com. (Gold Medalist), Ph.D
Member of American Federation of Astrologers
Jyotish Vidya Ratna (Gold Medalist)
Jyotish Vibhakar, Jyotish Surya
Jyotisha Vigyan Bhaskara

K.S. Krishnamurti Ji suggesting Remedies for Child


JASA DOES NOT BAN ANYONE. I believe that criticism can help a person grow.
Unfortunately, some of our authors are getting banned and ill-treated at the hands of
some other editors for writing in JASA, or for talking with me and or pin-pointing out
the fallacies of those editors who are self-proclaimed KP astrologers without any

But our authors have shown great grit and strength of backbone, wherein they
did not succumb to the pressures of such editors and have withdrawn their article. Not only
that, these authors have also made correct KP predictions whereas such editors have made
dismally wrong predictions. As late K.S. Krishnamurti used to say "Do not be in the
company of bluffers When you are true, remember, truth alone will prevail". It has
been brought to my notice that some people are propagating a false theory that late K.S.
Krishnamurti did not believe in remedies, did not adovate remedies and he was a fatalist—
who believed in total destiny. Nothing is far from truth that such misconception about
this great man is being made by such people who have never ever read anything on
KP astrology except the Readers. Neither they have been trained by late KSK's
disciples in Guru-Sishya Parampara nor do they have any access to the original
writings of Krishnamurti ji.

In this issue of JASA, I am providing an article from Astrology & Athrista,

June 1965 Issue titled "Prayer and Progeny" where late KSK is advocating

prayers and religious methods to beget children for his client. The main purpose
of providing this rare article of KSK is to help all or readers understand and know the
authentic KP astrology that was invented by the inventor himself. A section of astrologers
who love to call them as KP astrologers are doing some training programs here and there
and fooling people with their wrongful disbelief about retrograde planets, non-rotation of
horary charts and worst—they are saying that late KSK did not believe in remedies. It is

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
high time that such bad propaganda about our Guruji late KSK is stopped and such fellows
are exposed in the public who dare to malign our Guruji.


Fortunately, the nLimber 28 also shows

that the Lagna is Ganeer - Kataka - bet
i , Since a few years, 1 had been ween 0" and 30 20
worsbippine Lord Gancsh made of silver.
I enjoyed peace of jnind ; there was a The Lugna, the aspects to the Lagna.
■ steady increase in my popularity; lam the disposition of the Lord of the Lagna,
vet comniandinE much respect ; but I fee), and the.various eonncetions which it has,
now and then, depressed, ns 1 have no indicate whether one's desire will be fnL
child. iMay 1 request you to kindly sug- filled or not.
gest to mc, as to what 1 should do? The position of Moon called 'Mnthi',
i Let me give yovi the number' 28' so that the mind, shows the nature of the qvicry.
you can offer your valuable suggcsliom What he has in his niind, as the urge to
Thanking you, put n question is given by Moon,
Y. S. N. Lagna is Cancer—Kataka- It is gover-
Indorc. ned by Moon. Lagna gains strength as'it
Dear Sir, s
is directly aspecled by Moon. (A sign
gains strength if it receives aspect from its
The.foilowing;is the chart prepared for
lord or if it is" occupied by him.) So
the moment at which 1 took your letter
,. Lagna is strong.
for study and judgment:
Lagna is not occupied by malefics. Nor
it is aspected by evil planets-
16'33' 1 i Jt> Rahu Hence, what you want to have, you will
22° W
surely have.
Moon, the planet indicating the query
Saturn Lagno.
20*3' is in the sign Capricorn ruled by Saturn,
Friday in the star governed by Sun—Uthrashada,
and in the sub of Jupiter,
11-35 A.M. Mtirs-
IS*32' As per stellar astrology. Moon in Sun's
Uranus constellation indicates the matters signified
17° 42'
by Sun who owns the second bouse. The
second house, denotes ''Family and
Kulhu Neptune Finance". ■
22* 46' 25* 4SJ
Most of the people are warned about
"Family and Finance", So, Moon in
Sim's star does not specifically mention
Jupltbr Saturn Neptune Sun the nature of the query.
Now study the sub and also' * Sun -'.
As Moon was in 2fl 45', it is in Sun's star
Lagna Uthrashada and in the sub of Jupiter.
Rahu Jupiter is the Chief Governor for Children
Navatnsam and Money. Again, to eliminate either
and for clurirication to select the exact
Kcthu nature of the query, furthennore one is
to study-
Take Sun, the lord of the constellation.
Tt is in the constellaiion of Kcthu who
Mercury Uranus
occupies the 5ih house which governs the
birth of a child.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Consider JLipiter who is the lord of .ihe (b) the occupants of the houses 2, 5
sub. It is in ihe 11th Bhnva, is the coiis
tellfltioTi of Sun. Jupiter is strong to
, (c) the planets in the constellation of
indicate children- 11 th house in the fifth
the lords of these houses 2 or 5 or II ;
from'the seventh,
(d) the lords of these houses;
Hence the query is about " chlld'birtfi
(e) those which arc con joined with
-First of al], one is to' find out the evil
these significators; or
influences-and ascertain its magnitude.
Then oniyf one is to eonsider the favour- (f) those receiving aspects from the
able aspects promising an aflrrmativc indicators.
answer. ^ House 2 is occupied by Mars, Its stars
Houses 6, 8 and 12 occupied by maledcs, are Mrigasirishaj Chi thru and Dhahishta.
threaten loss^dilliculty, del ay1 or denial, No planet is found in any of the three
6th houso'is vacant: 8tli houseisY;occupied ^asterisms.
by Saturn which in Jupiter's constella-
House 5 is occupied by Kethu- It rules
tion and thereby its evil results are miti-
over the constelJations Aswini, Makham
gated by Jupiter. Hence it will bq a delay-
and Moolam,
ing; planet and not a denying one. 12th
house is unoccupied. Sun and Venus are in Aswini star.
Hence there will be much delay In No planet occupies either Makham or
becoming the father of a child: Moolam. Hence Sun and Venus are strong
significatprs, *'
You have asked-me to suggest as to
what you should do: House 11 is occupied by Jupiter and
Rahu: Jupjier?$ stars are Pnnarvasu,
^ Answer:* You have to perform
. VisakhaandPoorvapathra. No.planetis
" ShanihiYou have mentioned that
you pray for Lord Ganesh, It is correct, in, Punarvasu. Neptune, to which no dasa
because, the 5th house, indicates the initia- is allotted, is in Visakha. Saturn is m
■ tibn of the Mantra, Upasana etc. Kethu Poorvapathra-
is in the o.Sth house. It is aspectcd" by Rahu governs the three stars Arudhra
Mars, the lord of 5, Jupiter, the religious Swathi and Satliabhisha. No planet is
planet ruling the 9th house and tlie planet in these constellations.
Saturn throwing obstacles. Mars and
Therefore Sun, Venus and lastly Saturn
Kethu, having connection with the 5th
are the significators.
house indicate that you are a devotee of
Lord Ganesh. to confirm whether they are the real
significatprs, follow the method adopted
Whenever Jupiter aspects* either the by the Editor,
Ascendant or the Moon in a.horoscope
the person will have faith and "knowincly Today is Friday. Who is the lord ?—
or unknowingly, will be doing meriiorious Venus rules over/Friday. (23—4—1965.)
+ "
deeds: he may also pray or do "Shanihi What is the constellattOQ today in
In the horary chart, Jupiter aspects Mobn
which Moon transits?-Uthrashada- who
who is- nUo the lord "of bagha and hence
is its lord ?—Shn.
you Will follow the advice to enjoy Ihe
mcneucjai results. Which is the ?sign in which Moon is
passing at the time of answering the
The query is about child birth. Houses query? Ca prico m - Makatam. Who
A Ovand 11 arc to be considered. The
strength of the planets which signify those rnles the Sign, Capricorn ? . Saturn 'owns
matters of the houses 2, 5 and 11 is to be it. Hence this moment is ruled by Venus,'
taken in the following order; the lord of the day, Sun, the ruler of the
star Uthrashada and Saturn the owner of
(a) The planets in the constcllDtion Capricorn. " _ ,
of the pepupgnis of the houses 2, 5 or if;
Therefore, when will a child be bom ?

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
A a
As Saliirn is in Lhc 8th Iidusc, it delays. or Swelha Arka is the best,*An idol
Vanus1 the lord of 11, will give the child made of coral gives success in competition,
in its Bluikii—Apaknra sub period ; The authority, power and health. Generaily,
dasa lord will be Sun, Sun dasa, Venus rich people do not maintain good health.
Bhukti, Saiurn anthara will be the time of An idol made of gold possessed by them,
the birth of the child. will offer good health. Those who suffer
How to find it? At the time of answer- from chronic disease may have the figure
ing the Moon was in Uthrashada star, of the Lord in the ring or pendant, for
governed by Sun. It was in 2fl 45'. There- speedy recovery from the disease and to
fore balance of Sun Dasa was 3 years maintain good health in the future. If
3 months and 3 days. silver is used to make the idol, it gives
name, fume, reputation etc. If the idol is
Sun dasa, Venus Bhukti will commence made of copper, one will have' children.
on 26—7—1967. It runs for one year. If the idol is prepared in stone, one will
The anthra of Saturn will be operating be lucky to have much of landed property.
between 17-3-1968 and 14-5-68,
But one should handle the idol carefully
Therefore you can expect a child oa a
and keep it safely. If the image is hurt,
Karthika Nakshatra day between 17-3-68
it is an ill oman. It affects the head
and 14-5-68.
man of the family. . If any hole forms on
Now, let us take the Western System, the idol, there will be disease, trouble etc.
and find out how it coincides—rather, how However costly it may be, give it away to
that system also gives the same time. the temple authorities to be kept in the
Moon, by progression, in 3 years forms temple.
sextile aspect with the lords of 2 and 11, Therefore, buy Lord Ganesh made of
i.e., Sun and Venus. copper and pray for him,
Sun, by progression, ,as lord of- 2, 'Shanthi' done calmly during night
conjoins Venus-Sukra, the lord of 11 in hours will never go in vain, as there will
3 years front now onwards. be no disturbance and you can then con-
Hence, it is certain that you must have centrate.
a .child, mostly on a Karthika nakshthra Lord Ganesh made of copper gives
day in the end of April 1968 ; when Moon enthusiasm and encouragement. Ganesh
transits the position of Jupiter. will bless you with a child.
You mentioned that you have the idol People desirous of enjoyingall the fruits
of Lord Ganesh, in silver. For the of life, make the idol in an alloy of gold,
information of the readers, let the follow- silver, copper, etc—" Pmchaloka ",
ing details be given.
Whether you pray or not, the chart
If one is afraid of one's longevity, shows that exactly in 3 years, you will
have an idol made of wood or clay and
have a child and thus become the father.
pray. It bestows long life. Also, people
desiring to have much of prosperity can
have it in sandal wood, For Victory Good Luck
over enemies, idol in clay or sandal wood

Grateful Acknowledgement: Astrology & Athristha, June 1965 Issue, Page 23-25

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

The most important point is that late K.S. Krishnamurti ji is providing clear
remedies for many health and other troubles of life. IT IS IN HIS OWN WORDS IN

So all readers are advised to be careful of such people who have no background in
astrological training and who open their mouth without knowing what true KP astrology
is. I am sure you will find this article wonderful and eye opening and get closer to truth.

In this 3rd Anniversary Issue, we have 5 New AllthOTS who joined our JASA

family. They are Sri S.N. Sardar, Sri R.V.S.N. Sarma, Sri Partha Sarathi Rout, who has
contributed Krishnamurti Paddhati articles. In Meena 2 Naadi System Sri T.K.
Raghunathan, and Prof. R.K. Devi have contributed very thoughtful and important articles
in the Meena2 Naadi system method. Thanks to Dr. N.V.R.A Raja for passing the articles
through his experienced eyes where the articles have emerged as more polished and

Special Congratulations goes to Dr. Nirmal Kothari who has

rightly predicted months ago before June 2014 that BJP will win

majority seats in the 2014 General Elections of India and Sri

Narendra Modi ji will become the Prime Minister of India.

I am very proud to say that your prestigious international journal—JASA—has

crossed the 116 country mark in terms of readership reach and there are 22000+ readers
spread across the world who have shown their faith on this journal for its authenticity and
high quality.

Apart from these, there are our regular authors who keep on providing us with high
class and high quality astrological material by enriching us with their personal astrological
experiential journey. It is my honor to publish their articles in this prestigious
international journal of stellar astrology.

Last but not the least, from now on, every Anniversary issue of JASA will be in
the loving memory of my mother. We will call it as UjJWALA DUTTA MEMORIAL ISSUE
and we start it from this Anniversary Issue itself.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Enjoy this issue and a keep writing to me because I enjoy reading your emails.


JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

dnlangU? /Pleneq—tOiU £ teceoet? ft KTp flnatysis

Er. V. K. Sharma

The author has done B.E electrical from Punjab University .Chandigarh and started his career as Sub divisional officer in
Punjab state electricity board from 1976-1984. Then he worked at various senior posts of Bhakra Beas Management Board
including Superintending Engineer at Bhakra Dam (World's Largest Gravity Hydro Dam) from 1984-2005. Er. Sharma
retired in September-2005, and was practicing Parasher astrology since 1992. He learned KP Astrology from Dr H.S Negi,
Ludhiana, Late Sh. Suresh Suhasane, Mumbai and Prof K.Hariharan, son of Late Sh. K.S Krishnamurthy and I am practicing
KP and Parasher Astrology and also writing articles in various magazines from last 8-9 years. He has learnt Parashar
astrology from Dr H.S Rawat, Director Maharishi Prasher Jyotish Vidyalya, New Delhi. Er. Sharma obtained following
degree from Maharishi Prasher Jyotish Vidyalya,New Delhi: JYOTISHVID. He has also obtained following degrees in
astrology from KPS Astrological Research Institute Chennai : JYOTISH VISHARATH, JYOTISH VACHASAPATI, K.P

Email: nick0885(S>smaiL com

A property dealer doing business nearby Chandigarh approached me to check astrologically

whether he will recover the entangled money amounting Rs 15 lacks he has lent to somebody
regarding property matter As the borrower is not responding to his repeated enquiry and he is
not traceable.

The last so many days I asked him to intimate any horary number between 1 to 249

Horary number given by the consultant 8

Date of judgement 5-3-2014

Time of judgement 10:44AM

Place of judgement CHANDIGARH

Moon Reveals the nature of Query

Moon in 1 lord of 5 and it is in the Star of Ketu in 12 and it is in the Sub of Merc in 11 lord of 3 and 4
Hence moon has linkage with 12[loss],4[property /house], 11 [regaining] So query relates to loss of
Entangled money /property and its regaining. So I decided to proceed in the matter.

Gulbarga Theory

As per Gulbarga Theory if the Sublord of horary number furnished happens to be either Moon Starlord
Or Lagna Starlord among the Ruling Planets then the query is to be answered in the affirmative
otherwise not In the query under reference the Sublord of horary number is Saturan and Moon

Starlord is Ketu and Ketu is aspected by Saturn. Hence I told the querent that answer to his query is
affirmative and he will certainly recover the entangled money.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
Fulfillment of desire

11 th Sublord is Mars in 6 lord of 1 and 8 it is again is in the Star of Mars in 6 lord 1 and 8 and further it
is in Sub of Venus in 10 lord of 2 and 7 Hence 11 th cusp Sublord signifies 2,6 10 and 11 which shows
that querent desire will be fulfilled.

What K.P.says about Entangled money

As per page 229 Horary Astrology Sixth Reader by Sh K.S Krishnamurti whether one borrows money or
one gets back one,s dues judge the 6 th Cusp and find out whether the lord of the Sub of the 6th Cusp is
either retrograde or deposited in a constellation whose lord is retrograde if either is

Retrograde one cannot either borrow or recover that which has lent or given or deposited if the sub lord
and the lord of the constellation in which the sublord is situated is in direct motion then one will recover
the money If it is Saturan then there will be delay and some obstacles to recover.

In the case under reference 6 th cusp sublord is Moon in 1 lord of 5 and Moon is not having any planet in
its star so it becomes strong significator of 6 th being Sublord of 6 th cusp further Moon is in the Star of
Ketu and Ketu is in thesign of Mars in 6 th and It is in the Sub of Mercuray in 11 lord of 3 and 4. So 6th
cusp sublord and it constellation both are not retrograde and are in direct motion.

So the querent will get the entangled money recovered Moreover 6 th cusp Sublord signifies 6 and 11
which is conducive for recovery of entangled money.

AND 11





VENUS in 10 lord of 2 and 7 it is in the Star of Sun in 11 lord of 6 and it is in the Sub of Merc in 10 lord
of 3 and 4 Hence Venus signifies 2,6,10 and 11 which is conducive for recovery of entangled money.

KETU in the sign of Mars in 6 lord of 1 and 8 and it again in the Star of Ketu and in the Sub of Rahu in 6.
Hence Ketu is significator of 6 which is conducive for recovery of entangled money.

MARS is in 6 lord of 1 and 8 and it is again in the Star of Mars and in the Sub of Venus in 10 lord of 2
and 7 Hence Mars signifies 2,6 and 10 which is conducive for recovery of entangled money.

MERCURY In 11 lord of 3 and 4 and it is in the Star of Mars in 6 lord of 1 and 8 it is in the Sub of Rahu
in 6th. Hence Mercury is significator of 6 and 1 Iwhich is conducive for recovery of entangled money.

So All the Ruling Planets are significator 2,6,10 and 11 which is conducive for recovery of entangled

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

As the happening of event likely within few months so I decided to move transit of Sun. On dated 5-3-
2014 Sun was transiting in Aquarius sign of Saturan then it will move in the Pisces sign of JUP as JUP is
not a R.P So I ignored this. Next Sun will transit in Aries sign of Mars I ignored this as Saturn is
aspecting Moon which is likely to delay the happening of event [Punarapoo effect of Saturn on Moon]
Next Sun will transit in Taurus sign of Venus. I selected this because Venus is R .P. of highest
order[being Asc sign lord ]. In the Taurus sign of Venus there are three Nakshtara




As Sun and Moon are not in R.P So I discarded both SUN and Moon Then I selected Mrigshira Nakshtar
of Mars As Mars is RULING PLANET So happening of event is likely from 7 June to 14 June because
every year Sun will be transiting in Mrigshira Nakshtar of Mars from june7 th to June 14th.

Accordingly I informed the querent that he is likely to recover the entangled money before 14 th June
2014 with some obstacles due to Satuan effect on Moon.

Facts of case

Querent met me on dated 16-6-2014 and happily intmated that he has recovered almost all the entangled
money with great difficulty up to 16-6-2014 and only small amount is left with the borrower and he is
expecting to receive the same shortly

My Parnam to Guru ji sh K.S.Krishnamurti ji for this wonderful Padhadhati

Hrlltcrn. A. ^ttrLc.

We congratulate Sri Sharma ji for his precise prediction of the event. He has upheld the
beauty and accuracy of KP astrology for which KP is well known in its traditional and
unblemished version.

These days some self-made KP doers are propagating in their training programs that
they "don't believe" in retrograde planets in KP astrology. THIS IS GROSSLY
WRONG. We can see from Sharmaji's article how beautifully he has used retrograde
effect in his analysis like the true and original KSK tradition

All the readers around the world will benefit to read his article.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
Horatj Number Place diaidigart
Date 05fl3£m 4 Wednesday L attitude 3fl;43H
Time 1D;44:D0AM (GMT USHiLCAM 05/03^014] Longitude 076:47 E
TimeZotie 053UE Indian Standard Time Maksatra AswniPada4
TimeCtMrectioti Standaid Time (No Docrecticn] Flasi Mesham
Ayanamsa 24:02:36 (KP-NewComti) Yoga BraniTam
Lagna Mesham Thithi Pancfiami

Uia 6-51 KetS*52 Fat 0-22

Lag 9'20 III 4-32
13-20 Gur(R] 16-24
Chan 11-33 IV 27-41

XII 27-24
Sur 20t-30
Nep 11-21
BhavaJKnshnamiithi Palhalh]
Bud 25-12 VI27-24

SarrfR 29-16
VII 9-20
Rah 6-52

DasaBalance at Eiith; Ketu Dasa QYeai 11 Month 5 Bay

Tablej given below show EndingDates of Dasa Bhukthi Anthaia t Shiitshma
Dasa Bukthi Anthara
Cut. Dasa: Stik Cut. Bukthi:! Cur. Anthaia: 5uk
Ket 10-02-2015 Suk 10-06-2010 Suk 01-09-2015 Suk 14-03-2015
10-02-2035 Sur 10-06-2019 Sur 01-11-2015 Sui 24-03-2015
Sli 10-02-2041 Chan 10-02-2021 Chan 10-02-201S Chan 11-04-2015
Chan 10-02-2051 Kui 10-34-2022 <U| 23-04-2016 23-04-2015
fc mm i mm if mm mm
Gt* 10-02-2092 San 10-02-2031 San 10-10-2017 21-07-2015
San 10-02-2111 Bud 10-12-2033 Bud 01-04-2018 19-08-2015
Gud 10-02-2126 M 10-02-2035 <et 13-06-2018 01-08-2015

Graka Table Bhawi Tab!&

Rasi Star. Sub Sub Sub Bliava Star Sub SubSiii
Graka De Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord
Sur 320:30 21 San
Chan 20
011:33 zu Kui
RU I 006 Kli Kel
(R] 183:24 43 Suk II 040 Suk Chan
Bud 2S5:12 08 San III 004 Bud Kui
G« (R) 076:24 04 Bud Bud Gut
Suk 275:24 37 San Chan Bud
San (R] 203:16 14 Suk VI 147
Rath 186:52 33 Suk VII 189 Scot Rah
K«t 006:52 33 Kui VIII 220 Kui San
Ura 340:51 46 G ur IX 244 Gut Kel
Nep 311:21 33 San X 267
Fwt 060:22 59 Bud XI 263 San Kui
RP. 036:13 10 Suk

Cusp In Star of Occupants □ ccipants hStar o Owner Planet Star wise

3, E, 6,10,11 3,6,6,13
III SutSan 1,5,12 1.3,4,6,6,11
IV 1.6,8 2.6,7,10,11
V 1,3,4,6,8,11 6
VI KujBudGuiRah
VII 3.6,9,10 2.6.7,10.11
VIII 2T6,7,10,11 1.3.4,6,8.11
IX 3,7,9,10,15,123.6,9,10.11
X Suk
XI Suk Sur Bud G 6
XII Chan Ket Ket 12 6

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

plains efo /Hissing ^en: /4 KTp 'pteTHclion

Dr. Nirmal Kothari

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences from All India Federation of Astrologer's Societies
(AIFAS), New Delhi.
Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Acharya and Jyotish Gana Shiromani from KP Stellar Astrological Research Institute (KPSARI),
Chennai, TN.
Jyotish Shastri and Vastu Acharya from Udaipur University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Shiromani from Marwar University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Srestham from The Institute of Vedic Culture for Public Welfare & Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology, Durgapur,
Practitioner of Pyra-Vastu and Reiki Pranik Healing.

Email : astrologer.nirmalkothari(S>vahoo.com

Background Note: Due to scolding by family members on some personal issues, my Son has
leaved home and it's about 2 years has been passed and still he not returned home. At present he
is missing from home and we have no information about him. I want to know about his status -
whether he is alive or not?

Name & Sex of the Querent: Mr. B. Patwari, Male.

Question of Querent - I want to know about the status of my missing Son - whether alive or not? If
alive, when he will returned to home? (Question asked by father on behalf of Son).

Horary No: 131(out of 249).

Date & Time of Judgment: 02-03-2014, 19:33:13 Hrs. (1ST).
Place of Judgment: Park Street - 22.33N / 88.21E, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

For a missing person, it is always need to change the Lagna connected to the missing person. 5th
house is for children and accordingly chart rotated to 5th cusp treated as Lagna for Son (children).

Consider the houses 3 (away from home), 9 (unknown place, long journey) or 12 (separation from family,
new surroundings/environment) for the missing person. Counting from his or her Lagna and the houses 2
(family), 8 (return of missing person from unknown long journey) or 11 (reunion) (being 12th to 3-9-12)
are for returning home.

Consider the houses 1, 3 and 8 for longevity.

Maraka Houses: The 12th to any particular houses denotes non-existence of the matter signified by the
particular house. So, the houses 12 (12th to 1), 2 (12th to 1) and 7 (12th to 8) are known as Maraka (death
dealing) houses.

Badhaka House: The house 11 is badhaka (harmful to life) for those bom in Movable Signs (Aries,
Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) as their Ascendant; the 9th for those born in Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo,
Scorpio and Aquarius) and the 7th for those bom in Common Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
Death: The Badhaka house is more harmful than the Maraka houses. So far death consideration first the
Badhaka house and then the Maraka houses. Saturn is the chief governor of longevity.

Harmonious Houses : 1, 3, 8
Detrimental Houses : 2, 7, 12 & Badhaka
Life Supporting Houses : 1, 3, 5, 9 (only for movable & common lagna), 10 (only for movable
lagna), 11 (only for fixed & common lagna).

12th house indicate Moksha, End of Life. 10th house indicate Retirement from the present world. 4th house
indicate Graveyard, End of everything.


If the Cuspal Sub Lord of the Ascendant be the significator (in the star of occupant or owner) of Badhaka
and Maraka houses, the life is short (within SSVtyears). There is a danger to life during the joint period of
the significators of the badhaka and maraka houses. If the Cuspal Joint Rulers (Signlord-Starlord-
Sublord) of the Ascendant or 8th Cusp be the significators of the badhaka and maraka houses, their join
period is very critical for life.

Whether missing person is alive or dead?

If the Cuspal Sublord (CSL) of Ascendant (Lagna) be posited in the star of a planet who signifies 1st
house, then the missing person may alive subject to Lagna CSL does not signifies or connected with
Maraka & Badhaka.

If the Cuspal Sublord (CSL) of 8th be signifies or in connection with Maraka & Badhaka and Mars, then it
indicates that the native committed suicide and may not be alive.


Moon (Pieces 05-04-06) is in star and sub of Saturn. Planet Moon, being untenanted, is the occupant of
5 (Children - Son), owner of 10 and CSL of 6. Starlord and Sublord Saturn is the occupant of 1, owner
of 4 (Home) and 5 (Children - Son). Moon signifies and in connection with the relevant houses, hence
query or urge is genuine.

(Chart rotated to 5th cusp treated as Lagna for Son (Children)

Let us first check the longevity prospects for missing Son. Consider the houses 1, 3 and 8 for

Lagna Cusp (Aquarius 11-12-57): The sublord of Lagna cusp Saturn is in star of Jupiter® and sub of

• Planet Saturn is the occupant of 9, owner of 1 and 12.

• Starlord Jupiter® is the occupant of 5, owner of 2 and 11.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

• Sublord Sun is the occupant of 1, owner of 7.

x Lagna CSL Saturn signifies 2 (Maraka), 9 (Badhaka), 12 (Moksha, end of life) and in
connection 7 (Maraka).

x Lagna CSL Saturn posited in star of Jupiter (Badhakapati) who does not signify 1.

3ri1 Cusp (Aries 08-40-00): The sublord of 3rd cusp Jupiter is in star of Rahu and sub of Venus.

• Planet Jupiter is the occupant of 5, owner of 2 and 11.

• Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 8. Rahu conjoined to Mars-Saturn and thus acts an agent of
Mars and Saturn. Mars® is the occupant of 8, owner of 3 and 10. Saturn® is the occupant of 9,
owner of 1 and 12.

• Sublord Venus is the occupant of 11, owner of 4 and 9. Venus is having stellar (positional)
strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and CSL of 4-6-12. Moon is aspected
by Mars® (occupant of 8, owner of 3 and 10).

x 3rd CSL Jupiter signifies 2 (Maraka), 9 (Badhaka), 12 (Moksha, end of life) and in
connection with 4 (Graveyard, end of everything), 6 (Sickness), 9 (Badhaka), 10 (Retirement
from present world).

8th Cusp (Virgo 11-32-40): The sublord of 8th cusp Mars® is in star of Self (Mars®) and sub of Venus.

• Planet and Starlord Mars® is the occupant of 8, owner of 3 and 10. Mars® conjoined with Rahu
within ± 6° and Rahu as an agent of Saturn signifies 9-12.

• Sublord Venus is the occupant of 11, owner of 4 and 9. Venus is having stellar (positional)
strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and CSL of 4-6-12. Moon is aspected
by Mars® (occupant of 8, owner of 3 and 10).

x 8th CSL Mars® signifies 8 (Death dealings, suicide), 10 (Retirement from present world) and
in connection with 4 (Graveyard, End of everything), 6 (Sickness), 9 (Badhaka), 10
(Retirement from present world), 12 (Moksha, End of life).

Lagna-3rd-8th CSL signifies and in connection of Maraka & Badhaka, so longevity prospects is very
poor and indicates that the native may not be alive.

Place of Death and/or Accident

• If the 8th CSL signifies 1, 4, 10, end will come in his own place;
JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
• If the 8 CSL signifies 3, end will be on journey mostly on returning;
• If the 8th CSL signifies 6, 8, 12, death is in hospital, Jail or unknown places;
• If the 8th CSL signifies 9, death occurs in long journey and usually far off places.

8th CSL Mars® signifies 8-9-12 and in connection with 8-9-12, hence place of death will come in a
long journey and usually far off place or unknown place due to suicidal accident.

My Opinion: I feel deep pain & sorrow in saying that the missing Son has ended his life in a suicidal
accident due to the reasons briefed above. I wish and pray to God that I am absolute wrong in my

Actual Fact: Prediction likely to be true as there is no information of the missing Son till date and time.

Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! Pranaam to my Guruji Sri P. Roychaudhary!

A. JVcrLt




These days in some KP training programs some people are wrongly propagating that
there is no need to rotate the horary chart and the same Ascendant from Horary Number
can be treated as one and same THIS IS MISGUIDING PEOPLE DUE TO LACK OF

lVe 7fian£ IDr. JCotfiari for showing tfie correct metfiocf ofJCSJC

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
Horary No. 131/249 Ref. #. 725
Sun Rise: 05:57:33 AM Sun Set: 05:40:19 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D
Nithya Yoga: Sarfhya Hora; Mars Karana: Balav Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl IBBWl
Horary Wo.; 131 Satabh]sha(2) Sa Ra Sa Ve
Question : I want to know about the status of my missing Son - whether alive or not7 if U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Mo Sa
alive, when he will relumed to home? (Question asked by father on behalf of Son). Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ju Ve
Ruling Planets • 02/Mar/20U 07:33:13 PM Kritlika[4) Ve Ve Ve
Pushyami[2) Mo Sa Ve Ju
Magha(4) Su Ke Sa Ju
Hasta(l) Me
Swatl[1) Ve
Day Lord: Sun
Nlravana Btiava Cballt
|U.Ashada(4) [Sa Su |Ve Sa
Planetary Positions
Mo 05:04:06 uai
111:12:57 r
XI 06:03:45 UBhadra(l)
Su 17:56:40 Ve 03:21:43 Chitra(4)
PfllPB Aridra(3)
S/gmffcarors ■ Planets View

V 06:03:45 N Sa 29:21:17
Jir[R) 16:30:07 1X06:40:00

Ra 05:18:22 Rabu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju. W <Aj - Planets fn Occupant's stars
MalRJ 03:33:47 Ketu acts as agent ton Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets In Owner's stars
(D) ■ House Owner
Ke 05:18:22 Dasa Summary
III 08:40:00 ll'JWIM llJiTh.Tf HJAItili 'llrtiPl.Tf HJiiffj*
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
11-Sep-2011 ■- 11-Sep-2030 11-Sep-2030 - 11-Sep-2t)47 11 -Sep-21147 ■- H-Sep-2054
Saturn 11-Sep-2011 Mercury |l1-Sep-2030 Ketu 11-Sep-2Q47
Mercury 14-Sep-2014 Ketu 07-Feb-2033 Venus 07-Feb-204B
Ketu 25-May-2017 Venus 04-Feb-2034 Sun 09-Apr-2049
Venus OaJukTO]^ Sun 05 DrC 2035 Moon 15-Aug-2049
Name: B PATWARI _Sun Moon J UjcbZOST^ Mars 1S-Mar-2b50
Gender: Male Moon Mars 12-Mar-2039 Rahu 12-Aun-2050
Date: Sunday, 02/Mar/2014 Mats 15-Mar-2024 Rahu 03-Mar-2040 Jupiter 30-AUP-2051
Time: 07:33:13 PM SID: 06:37:46 Rahu 24-Apr-2025 Jupiter 2S-Sep-2042 Satum D5-Aup-2052
Jupiter 28-Feb-2028 Saturn 01.Jan.2Q4 5 Mercury 14-Sep-2053
Lat: 22:33:00 N Lon: 33:21:00 E Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
Place: KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL India 11-Sep-20S4 ■• 11jSep-2074_ 11-Sep-2074 - 11-Sep-2080_ 1 l-Sep-SMO ■• i1-Sep.2090_
Su 17:5640 Venus JJj?®P:2054_ Sun Ti-Sep^O?^ Moon ^_rSep-2030_
I 11:12:57 Sun _11Jan;20S3_ Moon 29J3ec-2074_ _Mara 12-JuJ;2 Mi _
Ayanamsa: 23* 57 53" Moon J|1-Jan;2059_ Mara 30^un;2075_ Rahu ICLFeb-2082
[KP Ayanamsa) - Placidus Mars jb"Sep-2060_ Rahu "05Sov;2075_ Jupiter J12'Aug-20S3_
Stan LLBhadraf Pada 1 Rahu 10JNov'2061 Jupiter 29-Sep-207S Satum 12-"Dec-2aS4
Star Lord: Saturn Jupiter 10.Nou.2064 Saturn iajul-2Q77 Mercury 13Jul-2Q66
Rasi: Pisces Rasi Lord: Jupiter Satum 12^lul-2067 Mercury 3Q^Jun-2Q7fl Ketu 12-D&C-2Q87
Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord: Saturn Metoury 1t3-Sep-2070 Ketu 06-May-2079 Venus 12-Jul-20Be
m 24:24:35 Ketu 12-JUI-2073 Venus 11 'Sep-2079 Sun 13-Mar-2i)"90
i XII 09:23:47 . Titht: Shukla Paksha, D^tiya Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
I Ve 03:21:43 | BaL Dasa: Saturn 16 Y. 6 M, 10 O 11-Sep-2090 ■-11-Sep-2097 11-Sep-2097 ■ 11-Sep-2115 11-Sep-2115 ■■11-Sep-2131
Mars 11 ■Sep-2090 Rahu 11Ls?E:209L. Jupiter 11-See:2V[5_
Rahu 07-Fet>2091 Jupiter 25JJay-2lb(l_ Saturn 30^005.21J7__
Jupiter 25-Fet>2092 Saturn ja;pct;2102_ Mercury yi-%y-2120_
Satum 31-Jan-2093 Mercury 24-Aug-2i05 Ketu 17-Aug'-2122
Mercury 12-Mar-2094 Ketu 12-Mar-2103 Venus 24-Jul-2123
Sa 29:21:17 Ketu 09-Mar;2095_ Venus 30-Mar-2109_ Sun 24Jlar-2126_
IX 06:40:00 Venus b5V\ug-2095_ "Sun 30-Mar-2'12_ Moon 4 6^aiv2127_
Ra 05:18:22 Suj b5-dcU2096_ Moon "22^66-2 ll3_ Mars _11iMay-2128_
MalRj 03:33:47 Moon ioJFeb-2097 Mara 24-Auo-2114 Rahu 17-Apr-2129
•"These pfecers do cor have aeyptecers in their stars.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014


Vijay Kumar

The author hails from the Electronics and Communication engineering background, who has headed
Senior Managerial positions with telecom majors over years. Besides teaching Parasharic and Jaimini
astrology at ICAS, Bangalore and contributing to The Astrological Magazine in Jaimini theme since a
decade till its closure in 2008; the author has special interest in The Krishnamurti Paddhati and is a
serious student of this subject.

Email: vkl608(8).gmail.com

The following natal chart is the recent case from my file of records. This chart of a male has no
trace of children since about 12 years of marriage. The chart of the spouse is not presented and
analysed here in order to have the brevity of the article. Some aspects from the angle of spouse
have been analyzed from this chart.

However, the principles of analysis presented herewith are applicable in any chart.

Ven-R 17-44-08 VIII 00-34-54 X 00-44-27

Rahu 05-16-08 Sat 05-57-51 IX 01-06-15 BTSP-5H 08-14-29
VII 00-15-40 Sun 10-43-00 BTSP-1H 25-38-54
Mer 26-50-47

XI 00-03-04
Male Moon 06-21-54
April 24, 1969 XII 29-59-09
15:45 Hrs 1ST
77E32, 12N47

(KP Ayanamsha: 23-20-18]

29-59-09 Geocentric Correction: Applied

00-03-04 Nodes: Mean

BTSP-7H 29-32-17 I 00-15-40

Mars 23-21-56 Ptr-LSP 27-54-14 BS 02-27-36
Pu-LSP 25-54-34 BTSP-11H 12-07-53 Jup-R 04-00-28
IV 00-44-27 III 01-06-15 00-34-54 Ketu 05-16-08
BTSP-2H 21-17-48

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Cusp SgL StL SbL

I Mer Sun Rah
II Yen Mar Mer
III Mar Jup Mar
IV Jup Ket Ket
V Sat Sun Rah
VI Sat Mar Sat
VII Jup Jup Mon
VIII Mar Ket Ket
IX Yen Sun Rah
X Mer Mar Mer
XI Mon Jup Mon
XH Mon Mer Sat

Parameter SgL StL SbL SsL

BS Mer Sun Jup Sun
Pu-LSP Jup Yen Ket Ket
Ptr-LSP Yen Jup Yen Jup
BTSP-Lag Mer Jup Mer Sat
BTSP-2H Mer Mon Yen Rah
BTSP-5H Mer Rah Rah Yen
BTSP-7H Mar Mer Sat Rah
BTSP-11H Mar Sat Mar Mar

Planet SgL StL SbL SsL

Sun Mar Ket Sat Mon
Moon Mon Sat Mer Mon
Mars Mar Mer Mar Mar
Merc Mar Sun Sun Rah
Jup-R Mer Sun Sat Yen
Ven-R Jup Mer Mer Rah
Sat Mar Ket Rah Jup
Rahu Jup Sat Sat Jup
Ketu Mer Sun Mer Mer

The co-ordinates of judgment

For the fertility and the childbirth to be ensured, the 5th house is taken to signify the overall prospects of
fertility and childbirth. It would be good, if sub-lord of the Sphuta signify the 2-5-11th house/cusp
indicating the fertility and its usefulness for the childbirth. At the same time, it should not establish a
favorable connection with the houses denying childbirth.

In male chart, the fertility is seen through Beeja Sphuta (BS) and its sub-lord should be well placed and
be well linked with the 5th and 11th house.

By the principles of LSPs, the Punya LSP and Putra LSP need be analyzed. By the Bhava Tithi Sensitive
Point (BTSP) analysis, the BTSP of 1-2-5-7-11th houses may have to be examined.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
Part-A: Conventional analysis by KP norms

1. Look to 5th house

5th house is vacant and its lord Saturn gets placed in the stars lorded by Moon and Rahu, thus these
planets govern the 5th house.

Moon is placed in Saturn's Star and in Mercury's sub, both placed in 8th house to the detriment of

At the stellar level, sub-lord of the 5th cusp is Rahu which falls in the Star of Saturn and in the sub of
Saturn, placed in 8th house.

Note that Rahu disposes Venus which is conjunct to it and Jupiter due to placed in its sign. Thus, all
the indications of Venus and Jupiter would be governed by Rahu.

So far, the 5th house does not show friendly terms towards childbirth.

2. Look to the 2nA house

The 2nd house indicates family clan and the absence of childbirth shows extinction of family clan.
Thus the examination of the 2nd house becomes very important.

2nd house is vacant and its lord Venus is positionally strong as well as in retrogression. At the stellar
level, Venus is disposed in the star and sub of Mercury placed in 8th house. This clearly establishes the
denial of childbirth.

3. Look to the 11th house

11th house is the 5th house from 7th house (Spouse) hence is relevant to be examined. Being the house
of desire fulfillment, it is yet more relevant.

11th house is lorded and conjunct with its lord Moon. Incidentally, the 5th cuspal sub-lord is also
Moon. Since, there is no planet in the stars of Moon; the Moon is a strong planet by its placement. It
may be understood that Moon governs the mental faculty and due to its sub-lordship of 5th cusp, the
desire of childbirth would be strong.

At the stellar level, Moon is placed in the star of Saturn (placed in 8th house) and in the sub of
Mercury placed in 8th house.

The 11th house does not pose fruitfulness towards childbirth and thus the childbirth becomes very

Part-B: Analysis by LSP principles

Readers may refer my article on Life sensitive Points (LSP) in the Inaugural Issue of JASA, July 2011 for

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
1. Analyze Beeja Sphuta

Though, Beeja Sphuta is not a part of LSPs, yet I have placed in this group for convenience sake.

a. The Beeja Sphuta (BS) computes to 152-27-36 deg after adding the longitudes of Sun, Venus and
Jupiter. Thus, Beeja Sphuta (BS) gets plotted to Virgo 02-27-36 deg as shown in the chart. The BS
falls in the sign of Mercury, Star of Sun, Sub of Jupiter and Sub-sub of Sun.

b. BS falls in the even sign (Virgo) and Capricorn Navamsha (Even sign) indicating that there is no
strength and life in sperms to cause fertility.

c. BS falls in Lagna close to its longitude, thus the desire for children seems intense. Note that the
sub-lord of BS is Jupiter which is positionally strong but its retrogression shows intense karmik
flaws to obstruct childbirth.

d. At the stellar level, BS sub-lord Jupiter falls in the star of Sun and sub of Saturn, both placed in 8th
house. This is a denial case of childbirth by the consideration of Beeja Sphuta.

2. Analyze Punya LSP (Pu-LSP)

Due to the birth in day time, The Punya LSP is calculated by the formula (Moon-Sun + Lagna).
Additional 30 deg are required to be added as the Lagna does not fall between Sun to Moon. By the
manipulation of longitudes, the Punya LSP (Pu-LSP) falls in Sagittarius 25-54-34 (d-m-s) lorded by
Sign lord Jupiter, Star lord Venus, Sub-lord Ketu and Sub sub-lord Ketu.

Note as follows

a. Punya LSP falls in 4th house that negates the 5th house of children.

b. Ketu is the sub-lord of Punya LSP. Ketu falls in the star of Sun and in the sub of Mercury, both
placed in 8th house from Lagna.

Thus, the native does not have luck for the childbirth.

3. Analyze Putra LSP (Ptr-LSP)

Due to the birth in day time, The Putra LSP is calculated by the formula (Jupiter-Moon + Lagna).
Additional 30 deg are not required to be added as the Lagna falls between Moon to Jupiter. By the
manipulation of longitudes, the Putra LSP (Ptr-LSP) falls in Libra 27-54-14 (d-m-s) lorded by Sign
lord Venus, Star lord Jupiter, Sub-lord Venus and Sub sub-lord Jupiter.

Note as follows

a. Putra LSP falls in 2nd house, which is a reasonable indication.

b. Venus is the sub-lord of Putra LSP. Venus is positionally strong planet, as there is no planet in its
stars. Venus is in retrogression, thus there seems to be some karmik sufferings that could inhibit
childbirth. Venus is eclipse by Rahu by conjunction, thus the results given by Rahu would
dominate. As discussed in pre-para, Rahu does not promote childbirth.

c. At the stellar level, Sub-lord of Putra LSP Venus falls in the star and sub of Mercury that falls in
8th house, thereby denying childbirth.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Thus, the analysis of Beeja Sphuta and relevant LSP denies the hope of childbirth to the native.

Part-C: Analysis by BTSP principles

Readers may refer my article on BTSP published in JASA-Jan 2014 and note that the Bhava Tithi
Sensitive Points of the houses control all that is contained in the house and its interaction with the various
areas of life in real terms and it unfolds karmas through Kama. This parameter brings to fore many hidden
aspects of life interactively.

1. For Child-birth, following houses get relevant.

a. Lagna that shows personal focus and applied intelligence

b. 2m house that shows the lineage and childlessness may extinct the lineage
c. 5th house that shows childbirth capacity of the native
d. 7th house that represents spouse and her viewpoint
e. 11th house that shows the childbirth of the spouse

2. Following table lists relevant BTSP parameters for all the above Bhavas

BTSP BTSP Longitude Lordship Tithi Karna Karna

Decima d-m-s Sign Star Sub SSu Lord
(deg) b_
BTSP- 85.648 85-38- Mer Jup Mer Sat SP-08, 1st Vishti Saturn
Lag _33 54 half
BTSP- 171.29 171-17- Moo Yen Rah SP-15, 1st Vishti Saturn
2H 66 48 n u half
BTSP- 68.241 68-14- Rah Rah Yen SP-06, 2nd Taitula Mercury
5H _55 29 u u half
BTSP- 239.53 239-32- Mer Sat Rah KP-05, 2nd Taitula Mercury
7H 81
_81 17 c half
BTSP- 222.13 222-07- Sat Mar Mar KP-04, 2,ld Balava Moon
11H 13 53 s s half

3. BTSP-Lagna
a. BTSP-Lagna gets placed in 10th house which is 6th house from 5th house (Children). This
indicates that there could be a reason of native's own weakness or disease (6th house) suffering
b. Mercury is the sub-lord of BTSP-Lagna which falls in the star and sub of Sun placed in 8th
house. This does not promote for the child-birth.
c. Saturn is the Kama lord placed in 8th house which indicates that the native might be doing
karma related to all sorts of treatment, as 8th house is the future (5th house) of 4th house (Cure).
Saturn falls in the star of Ketu and sub of Rahu in 7th house. Since, Rahu eclipses 4th lord
Jupiter (doctors/cure) indicating that all the sought treatment may not be of any avail and
parental hood may not be granted to the native.

4. BTSP-2H
a. BTSP-2H falls in Lagna that shows that the native would be responsible for extinction of his
own lineage, if BTSP-2H is adverse.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
b. Venus is the sub-lord of BTSP-2H. Venus is a strong planet positionally and its placement in
7th house (maraka) house and its retrogression indicates that there have been some karmik
faults of previous births for punishment towards childlessness.
c. At the stellar level, Venus falls in the star and sub of Mercury placed in 8th house which
confirms the karmik faults and does not grant children.
d. Saturn is the karna lord and as discussed above, it is averse to grant cure for begetting

5. BTSP-5H
a. BTSP-5H falls in the 10th house (6th house from 5th house). Since, 6th house is the maraka of
5th house (2nd bhava to 5th house), the placement of BTSP-5H in 6th house is a clear indication
that the children cannot be borne by karmik faults.
b. Rahu is the sub-lord of BTSP-5H and falls in the star and sub of debilitated Saturn in 8th
house. Rahu, as discussed in pre-paras is against granting children.
c. Mercury is the Karna lord that shows the karma related to 10th house and Lagna which it lords
and as discussed in pre-paras, it may not be of any avail as it falls in the star and sub of Sun
placed in 8th house.

6. BTSP-7H
a. 7H is the house of spouse and indicates the scenario of children from her end.
b. BTSP-7H gets placed in the 3rd house which is the 9th house of pregnancy for 7th house. The
spouse may be exploring all possible ways to attain motherhood.
c. Saturn is the sub-lord of BTSP-7H and as discussed in pre-pars, it may not grant motherhood.
d. Mercury is the Karna lord that shows the karma related to 10th house (4th house from 7th house
indicating treatment) which may be of some help as it falls in the star and sub of Sun placed in
the 2nd house from 7th house; the house of acquisition. This points that the spouse may have
ability to bear pregnancy after doctor's intervention (4th house)

7. BTSP-11H
a. 11H is the 5th house from 7th house and shows children from Spouse.
b. BTSP-11H gets placed in 3rd house which is Ok in principle.
c. Mars is the sub-lord of BTSP-11H, which falls in the star of Mercury in 8th house (acquisition)
and sub of Mars placed in 3rd house (pregnancy). This point to the ability of the spouse to hold
d. Moon is the Karna lord and is a very benevolent planet as Karna lord. Moon is not only very
strong planet positionally but is further strong by its placement in its own house. Being placed
in 11th house, it shows the path to children but it would distract the spouse to take-in other
male's semen for artificial fertilization.

Can someone appreciate that this is the true nature of unafflicted and strong Moon (The
Goddess); not to vitiate the dharma principle of marriage for the sake of acquiring children
through other men !! It is a remarkable mindset of Dharma.

Inter-linkages of BTSPs

• Mercury is the Sub-lord of BTSP-Lagna which co-lords the 2nd and 10th Cusps as sub-lord. Thus, the
native may have been very bold to accept childlessness as these cusps do not grant children.
• Rahu is the Sub-lord of BTSP-5H which co-lords the Lagna, 5th and 9th cusps as sub-lords. This
completely blocks the prospects of children in his life as Rahu is against granting children, discussed
in pre-paras.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
th th
• Saturn is the Sub-lord of BTSP-7H which co-lords the 6 and 12 cusp as sub-lords. This completely
blocks the prospects of children in his life as Saturn is under control of Rahu who is against granting
children, as discussed in pre-paras.
• Mars is the Sub-lord of BTSP-11H which co-lords the 3rd cusp as sub-lord (House of pregnancy of
spouse). This keeps the scope open for the spouse to bear pregnancies.


Readers may note that there is absolute denial of children for the native in every analysis, be it by
conventional KP, by LSPs or by BTSP principles.

With the analysis of BTSPs as above, the bottleneck seems to be on the side of male native not having
sufficient life in sperms while Spouse seems to be having capabilities to hold pregnancies.

However, the spouse would rejected the idea of inheriting other men's sperms for artificial pregnancy due
to her strong dharmic mindset.

Facts of the case

The couples had shown their charts to me and I had indicated my impressions as indicated above. They
confessed the conclusions of the doctors that there is no life in sperms. Wife clearly rejected the idea of
artificial semination from other men.


The KP principles are infallible and crystal clear, although, it requires genuine efforts for understanding
and applying. Prof. Krishnamurthy has devised a pioneering predictive model in predictive astrology,
which deserves sincere appreciation.

Readers may note that there are many diverse dimensions that get in focus by LSP and BTSP principles.
The analysis by LSP and BTSP principles not only provide the second opinion but they indicate many
new dimensions to the conclusions drawn by the conventional KP system of analysis.

I close this write-up with my sincere thanks to The Krishnamurti Paddhati, which is instrumental to give
us learning in the wisdom of astrology from newer perspectives.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

/Vlawiaqe. tQhen? /I ICp flnalqsis

S. N. Sardar

The author is a very senior officer of the Customs & Excise Department of Government of India. He
has been practicing KP Astrology for over decades and has learnt it from retupted KP astrologer of
Kolkata, late P. Roy Chowdhury. The author has also written Bengali book in KP astrology, which has
been well received in Bengal.

Email: snsardar54@rediffmail.com

My colleague Mr. J.K. Nayek called me in his chamber in the 1st week of August, 2011 and
asked me whether I could predict marriage date of his son astrologically. In this regard, he
gave all the particulars about his son which is given below and I casted a KP Chart with the
given particulars on 15.08.2011 at 13.41 hrs.

: Mr. A. Nayek LONGITUDE : 88-25 E

DATE OF BIRTH : 01.06.1983 LATITUDE : 22-28 N

TIME OF BIRTH : 02-36-40 AM

PLACE OF BIRTH : Park Circus, Kolkata

ASC 7-26 II 8-23 RAH 2-19 CUSP STAR SUB

MER 24-23 SUN 16-18 III 4-0

XII 28-53 VEN 0-54

Dasa Balance at birth :- V 25-48 JUP VEN
MON7 yrs 4 months & 30
days MER RAH


XI 25-48 FOR 10-25 VII RAH RAH

MON 13-26 VI 28-53


Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
X 28-34 JUP 12-01® I VII 7-26 SUN MAR
IX 4-4 VIII 8-23 SAT 4-56®




1983-06-01 Bom
7-04-30 MON Dasa Balance


1990-11-01 2-6-18 RAH/MER

7- 0-0 MAR Dasa

2008- 5 -1

1997-11-01 1-0-18 RAH/KET

2-8-12 RAH/RAH

2009-05- 19

2000-07-13 3-0-0 RAH/VEN

2- 4 -24 RAH/JUP

2012- 5 -19

2002 -12-7 0-10-24 RAH/SUN

2- 10-6 RAH/SAT

2013 -4 -13

2005-10-13 1-6-0 RAH/MON

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Let us see whether the time of birth is correct or not in light of Guruji's Ruling Planets
theory. The Ruling Planets at the time of judgement in order of preference are as follows:-

Date of judgement = 15.08.2011, Monday, Place of judgement = Kolkata and Time of judgement =13-41

1) Ascendant Star lord = Merc

2) Ascendant Sign lord = Mars
3) Moon Star lord = Rah
4) Moon Sign lord = Sat
5) Day lord ( Monday) = Moon

The Ruling planets at the time of birth in order of preference are as follows:-

Date of Birth = 01.06.1983, Tuesday, Place of birth = Park Circus, Kolkata and Time of Birth = 02-36-40

1) Ascendant Star lord = Ket

2) Ascendant Sign lord = Mars

3) Moon Star lord = Moon
4) Moon Sign lord = Sat
5) Day lord ( Tuesday) = Mars

K.P. Rule :- The Ruling planets at the time of judgement agree with the ruling planets at the time of birth.

In this Chart, Ascendant falls in Aries at 7-26 and it is jointly ruled by Mars as Sign Lord, Ketu as Star
Lord, Rahu as Sub Lord and Mars as Sub sub Lord. The Sign lord, Sub lord and Sub sub lord of the
Ascendant at the time of birth agree with the ruling planets at the time of judgement. But the Star lord of
the Ascendant at birth is not tallied. The Star lord of the Ascendant is Ketu in the star of Mars and Mars
is a ruling planet at the time of judgement. Thus, the RP both at the time of judgement as well as Birth are
tallied. So the given birth time is correct.

Now let us examine whether the marriage is promised or not in the light of K.P. laws.

K.P. Rule:- 7th Cuspal Sub lord is the guide. If the sub lord of the 7th Cusp signifies either 2 or 7 or 11
house, then marriage is promised and the marriage would take place during the conjoined periods of the
significators of houses 2,7 and 11.

Cuspal Analysis:- In this chart under consideration, 7th Cusp sub lord is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Mars
and sub of Ketu. Mars signifies houses 1,2 & 8; Ketu signifies houses 1,2,8 & 11 and Rahu signifies 2M
house. Moreover, 7th Cusp sub lord Rahu is a strong significator of 7th house having no planets in its stars.
So marriage is promised in this native.

Significators of Houses

Houses Planet in Occupant Planets in Owner Planets

Occupant's Owner's star conjoined
star with or
aspected by
the above
Sat, Rahu Sun, Mars, Merc Jup, Ket,
Rahu Mon, Sat
x x Merc Mon, Sat
X x Jup Ket, Merc,

The significators of houses 2,7 & 11 are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and

Ruling Planets :-The chart was judged on 15-08-2011 atl3.41 hrs, Monday in Kolkata, West Bengal.

1) Ascendant Star lord = Merc

2) Ascendant Sign lord = Mars
3) Moon Star lord = Rah
4) Moon Sign lord = Sat
5) Day lord ( Monday) = Moon

Therefore, the Ruling Planets at the time of judgement are Merc, Mars, Rah, Sat and Moon. It may
be mentioned here that all the ruling planets are not always beneficial. When they are deposited either in
the constellation or sub of a retrograde planet, they will ultimately prove to be tempters. In the present
case, none of the ruling planets are in the star or sub of a retrograde planet.

The common planets between the significators of houses 2,7 & 11 and the ruling planets are Moon,
Mars, Merc, Sat and Rah. So the marriage can take place during the conjoined period of Moon, Mars,
Merc, Sat and Rah provided transit agrees.

Dasa-Bhukti-Anthra Analyse :- At the time of judgement,the native was running the major Dasa of
Rahu, Bhukti of Venus. But the bhukti lord Venus is not found as one of the common planets. Next
bhukti is Sun and it is also not found in common planets. Next Bhukti is Moon from 13.04.2013 to

Now it is to be fixed anthra lord among the common planets. Among RP, Merc is the strongest, so take
Merc. Merc anthra starts from 28.02.2014. On 28.02.2014, Sun was in Aquarius at 15-15 i.e. in Rahu star.
Sun stays in one star for 13 days. In Aquarius, Rahu star starts from 6-40-00 and ends at 20-00-00. It
means marriage can be celebrated within 5 days. It is checked immediately the "Drik Siddhanta
Almanac" to locate the date of marriage. It was found that there was an auspicious date for marriage on
02.03.2014 between 18-29 hrs.and 10.54 hrs.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
Actual Facts of the case

The date of marriage was informed my colleague accordingly but he was not happy. He told me that
they were going to fix the date of marriage of his son next month. But he informed me later that they
would not like to proceed further in this regard for some other reason. Actually, the marriage was
celebrated on 02.03.2014 as predicted much before and I was invited on the occasion.

At the end of this article, I would like to convey my pranams and regards to Lord Ganesha and to our
Guruji Late Prof. K.S.Krishnamurti. I would also like to convey my regards to my Guru, Late P. Roy
Choudhuri, Kolkata.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Iftant to Ai0e—/y}i?6Aaifa

Dinesh Kumar Khandal

The author hails from Jaipur in the state of Rajasthan who has spent many years in the field of
astrology and has done a lot of research through various case studies. An ardent lover and follower of
Krishnamurti Paddhati, he also teaches students KP astrology for the betterment of this science. A
firm believer in God in the journey of astrology, the author's goal is to eradicate misconceptions in
astrology from people's mind.

Email: dineshkhandal21(S)gmail.com

elhi, 16l -Dec-2012 - tormented everyone who heard of that brutal news. How could a person
cross these limits, it terrified entire nation. This incident left everybody with sorrow & tears in
D their eyes.

'She' - who was struggling hard to live, praying for only one thing to her parents, society and the
almighty - "I want to live."

Who was she? She was not only the daughter of her parents; she was the daughter of the nation. India -
Symbol of religion; but this immorality left everyone ashamed & scared. Even while striving hard, her
wish to stay alive was making everyone more wailing. Entire country has started praying for her. Being a
determined daughter she was honored with many titles as 'Amanat', 'Damini' or 'Nirbhaya' by the

Such news can sicken anyone's senses and I was one among those. How could anyone commit such
brutality in our country - I was worried and restless thinking about it. Our struggling daughter Nirbhaya
had only one wish - "I want to live". Hence to know whether her wish and prayers would be fulfilled or
not, I've taken help of K.P. astrology theory provided by Pujya Gurudev Lt. Shri Krishnamurthi Ji.

Analysis by K.P. Astrology theory:

Question: Will God fulfill her desire to live?

Horary No. : 1465 (Sub-Sub no.)

Place: Joshi Marg Jaipur (Raj) Longitude & Latitude : 75-44-10-E/26-56-45-N Sidereal Time: 12-25-00
Date & Day: 19/12/2012 (Wednesday) Geocentric Latitude: 26-47-26-N Nakshatra : P.Bhadrapad- 3 Qtr.
Time: 23:38:27 Lunar Nodes: True Tithi: Shukla Paksha - Asthami
Time Zone: +05:30:00 Ayanamsa: 24-01-35
DST: 0 House System: Placidus

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
X Me Ve Ra Me Ve

Mo Ne So Mo Ur \ / ni \ „ / Sa Ra
X 10/ Su Ma PI \a /

/ 2


Planet Sgn D-M-S SgnL StL SbL SSbL Dir. PS □ashas
Sun Sag 04-13-41 Ju Ke Mo Sa Ju - 1@/D@/2018: 23:06:35
Moon Aqu 28-15-32 Sa Ju Ve Ke Sa -16/06/2037: : 17:06:35
Mars Cap 01-03-16 Sa Su Ra Mo Me -16/06/2054 :: 23:06:35
Mercury Sco 18-09-01 Ma Me Me Ju Ke -16/06/2061 : 17:06:35
Jupiter Tau 15-04-33 Ve Mo Ju Su Ve -16/06/2081 : 17:06:35
Venus Sco 10-25-09 Ma Sa Su Mo Su - 17/06/2087 : 05:06:35
Saturn Lib 14-28-32 Ve Ra Ke Ke Mo -16/06/2097 : 17:06:35
Rahu Sco 01-33-54 Ma Ju Ra Ra Ma -17/06/2104 :: 11:06:35
Ketu Tau 01-33-54 Ve Su Ju Sa Ra -17/06/2122: : 23:06:35
Uranus Pis 10-36-01 Ju Sa Su Ju
Neptune Aqu 06-44-47 Sa Ra Ra Ra Current Bhukti
Pluto Sag 14-51-33 Ju Ve Ve Sa Ju-Ju - 04/08/2004 03:54:35
CUSPAL POSITION Ju-Sa - 15/02/2007 : 11:06:35
Cusp Sgn D-M-S StL SbL SSArc Ju-Me 23/05/2009 :: 08:42:35
00-10-30 Ke Ke 00.01 Ju-Ke - 29/04/2010 : 06:18:35
02-t9-10 Su Ju 32.25 Ju-Ve - 28/12/2012 : 06:18:35
08-26-44 Ra Ra 37.38 Ju-Su - 16/10/2013 : 11:06:35
12-16-17 Sa Ma 95.82 Ju-Mo 15/02/2015 :: 11:06:35
12-12-14 Ke Me 70.81 Ju-Ma 22/01/2016 :: 08:42:35
07-08-30 Su Ke 74.33 Ju-Ra ■ 16/06/2018 : 23:06:35
00-10-30 Ma Me 65.40
02-19-10 Ju Ra 60.80
08-26-14 Ke Ju 05.40
12-16-17 Mo Ra 02.66
12-12-14 Ra Sa 77.84
07-08-30 Sa Me 35.93

Let's discuss on Authenticity of the query:

Look at the first chart, the Moon who indicates the inquirer's mind is posted in 3rd cusp or house
(signifies: News). Moon's sign Cancer in 8th cusp which signifies sorrow/accident.

Now rotate the chart and select 9th cusp as Nirbhaya's Ascendant as she is stranger for me. Ninth cusp is
also known for desire of God and Dharma. Moon is in 7th cusp (Maraka or Fatal house) and its sign is
present in 12th cusp (Moksha or Liberation house). Also, Moon is in Jupiter's star and Jupiter is located in
10th cusp which is twelfth (12th) to 11th cusp (desire).

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
Rotated chart:


Me Ve Ra
/ AscX
Sa Sa Ra

Su Ma
/ 10 v
JuR Ke

Cusp Sgn D-M-S SgnL StL SbL SSbL
Leo 08-26-44 Su Ke" Ju Ve
Vir 12-46-47 Me Ma Ra Me
Lib 12-12-14 Ve Ra Sa Ra
IV Sco 07-08-30 Ma Sa Me 35_93
V Sag 00-10-30 Ju Ke Ke 00_01
VI Cap 02-49-10 Sa Su Ju 32.25
VII Aqu 08-26-44 Sa Ra Ra 37.38
VIII Pis 12-46-47 Ju Sa Ma 95_82
IX Ari 12-12-14 Ma Ke Me 70_81
X Tau 07-08-30 Ve Su Ke 74_33
XI Gem 00-10-30 Me Ma Me 65.40
XII Can 02-49-10 Mo Ju Ra 60.80

Planet Sgn D-M-S SgnL StL SbL SSbL Dir. PS
Sun Sag 04-13^t1 Ju Ke Mo Sa P
Moon Aqu 28-45-32 Sa Ju Ve Ke P
Mars Cap 01-03-46 Sa Su Ra Mo P
Mercury Sco 18-09-01 Ma Me Me Ju P
Jupiter Tau 15-04-33 Ve Mo Ju Su R P
Venus Sco 10-25419 Ma Sa Su Mo
Safum Ub 14-28-32 Ve Ra Ke Ke
Rahu Sco 01-33-54 Ma Ju Ra Ra
Ketu Tau 01-33-54 Ve Su Ju Sa P
Uranus Pis 10-36411 Ju Sa Su Ju
Neptune Aqu 06-44^17 Sa Ra Ra Ra
Pluto Sag 14-51-33 Ju Ve Ve Sa

Jupiter's one sign Sagittarius is present in 5th cusp (Dharma or Natural-law cusp) where Sun
(Government) and Mars (Police) are situated in conjunction which signifies that there would be a tough
situation like Dharma Sankat. Fifth cusp is also known for recovery cusp. Second sign Pisces is in 8th
cusp which signifies accident, sorrow, age etc.

Considering these various significant factors, we can say this chart is 100% accurate for analysis.
JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
Rule: In K.P. astrology, if we read only Dasha, Bhukti and Antra - they are not connected to Maraka
(Fatal), Badhaka (Obstructive) and the 12th cusp, one could survive.


Jupiter Dasa has been running up to 16th-June-2018. Here Jupiter is posted in 10th cusp which is twelfth to
11th cusp (desire). Jupiter's one sign Sagittarius is in 5th cusp where Sun & Mars are already present. Fifth
cusp signifies recovery whereas Sun is a significant of good health and Mars is of surgery. Another sign
Pisces is located in 8th cusp which signifies accident, age, sorrow etc. Jupiter is in Moon's star and Moon
is posted in 7th cusp (Maraka house). Her sign Cancer is in 12th cusp (Moksha house).


On 19th-Dec-2012, Venus bhukti is operating up to 28th-Dec-2012. Venus is posted in 4th cusp which is
twelfth to 5th cusp denotes recovery. One sign Tauras is present in 10th cusp which is again twelfth to 11th
cusp leads to desire. Second sign Libra is present in 3rd cusp which signifies courage factor. But the
combination of Saturn (Marakesh or Lord of Fatal) and Rahu (Snake) present, this leads to lack of
courage. Saturn is Markesh (Lord of Fatal), Rahu is in Mars sign (Badhaka or Obstructive) and Jupiter
star (read as above). Venus (Bhukti lord) is in Saturn star and Saturn is Markesh and posted in Rahu star.
Rahu is in Mars (Badhaka) and 4th cusp - Signlord and twelfth to 5th cusp (recovery).

After analyzing the strong relationship of Venus with Maraka and Badhaka cusps, we can conclude that
Venus (Bhukti lord) is not in favor of her desire. If we look at this in more detail, Venus is located in Star
of Saturn, Sub of Sun and Sub-Sub of Moon. These three planets will not let her get cured at any cost.

On 29th-Dec-2012, Sun's Bhukti and Antara are going to be started which is arising more threats. Sun is
situated with Mars (Lord of Badhak cusp) in 5th cusp. Sun is also located in Sign of Jupiter, Star of Ketu,
Sub of Moon and Sub-Sub of Saturn. This presence of Sun in Star of Ketu leads to more grief. Ketu
himself is a sign of Liberation and being located in Sign of Venus, Star of Sun, Sub of Jupiter and Sub-
Sub of Saturn - leads to strong cause of death. It means she would merge in five elements (Pancha tattva)
on 29th-Dec-2012. Bhukti and Antra lord is also known as government and according to the evidences
Indian government has declared her death on 29th-Dec-2012.

Unfortunately, the transit on the same date (29th-Dec-2012) attached below was also not in favor of her

Planet Sgn D-M-S SgnL StL SbL SSbL Dir. PS
Sun Sag 13-55-07 Ju Ve Ve Mo
Moon Gem 23-10-03 Me Ju Sa Mo P
Mars Cap 08-30-24 Sa Su Ve Ma P
Mercury Sag 02-25-04 Ju Ke Ve Sa P
Jupiter Tau 14-00-35 Ve Mo Ju Ju R P
Venus See 22-18-56 Ma Me Mo Ma
Saturn Lib 15-17-51 Ve Ra Ve Ve
Rahu Sco 01-21-44 Ma Ju Ra Ra
Ketu Tau 01-21-44 Ve Su Ju Ju
Uranus Pis 10A1-24 Ju Sa Su Sa
Neptune Aqu 06-58-08 Sa Ra Ra Ju
Pluto Sag 15-11-40 Ju Ve Ve Me

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
To whom and when one should have given this kind of sad news, I haven't understood this till now. After
knowing about the only desire (Will to live) of Nirbhaya wouldn't be fulfilled by God - I became
shocked silent. The Wheel of Time turned, on 29th-Dec-2012 news said - Nirbhaya went to God's home
by leaving us with many questions unanswered.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Aala /HanQ(iskkaih<~[,he. /HeUty Queen ofc £ribla

Part ha Sarathi Rout (Sree Rudrapriyo)

Partha Sarathi Rout (Sree Rudrapriyo) was born on 13th November 1980 at a small village named Nutangram of
Purulia district in West Bengal. He is a graduate of B.Com and Diploma in computer application. He is residing in
Durgapur and is presently employed as a senior accountant with Jayshree Automobiles India Pvt. Ltd. (JCB
Dealership) in Durgapur, West Bengal. He stared his K.P. Astrology studies from his guru Rabindranath Ghosh at a
very young age of only 31 years in the year 2011. He is a trained K.P. Astrologer from Krishnamurti Institute of
Astrology, Kolkata and studied under the Durgapur Branch. He had achieved the following titles in astrology. He
has been awarded the title of "Jyotish Vidyabhuson" from KIA and also the title of "Jyotish Acharya" from
Krishnamurti Institute of Stellar Astrology, Kolkata, West Bengal. He is a very promising astrologer in the field of
K.P. Astrology and he presently practices in Durgapur, West Bengal. He is presently also a student of K.P. Stellar
Astrological Research Institute (KPSARI), Chennai.

Email: kp.rudraprivo(5)gmail.com

The most perfect voice in the world according to Royal Albert Hall, London. Lata Mangeshkar is
the pride of Indian music industry, blessed with beautiful voice, she is the most well known Indian
vocalist, highly versatile, she has sung in more than 20 languages. To honour and give recognition
to her works, Lata Mangeshkar is also known as the Nightingale of India.

Lata Mangeshkar was born in Indore on September 28, 1929, and became, quite simply, the most popular
playback singer in Bollywood's history. She has sung for over 50 years for actresses from Nargis to Preity
Zinta, as well as having recorded albums of all kinds (Ghazals, Pop, etc). Until the 1991 edition, when her
entry disappeared, the Guinness Book of World Records listed her as the most-recorded artist in the world
with not less than 30,000 solo, duet, and chorus-backed songs recorded in 20 Indian languages from 1948
to 1987. Today that number might have reached 40,000!

Lata Mangeshkar is only the second Indian singer to have received the "Bharat Ratna", India's highest
civilian honour, the other being M. S. Subbulakshmi. In fact, no other Indian singer of non-classical
music has been awarded anything higher than the Padma Bhushan, the nation's third highest civilian
honour as of April 2007. Well, in this article, I will present to you with the help of Astrology that what
planetary combinations made Lata Mangeshkar a great singer forever for her lifetime.

Music is a fine art. It has its own beauty and melody. It is a God's gift by birth, music had its origin even
in Vedas age. Samveda is rendered in such a melodious tune that it is said Lord Shiva could be pleased
with reciting Samveda. It has got its own peculiar rhythm tune and melody. In Hindu Astrology it is

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
nd rd ld rd
stated that the natural division of Zodiac, the 2 and 3 signs along with 2' and 3 houses from lagna
are to be judged as to whether one is destined to shine in Music. The Mercury, Moon and Venus are
known as "Sangeet Karaka" planets. Jupiter also should be considered as he is the "Gyan Karaka"
(Indicating wisdom). The Planets in the 2Ild and 3rd house from lagna and those in the sign of Taurus and
Gemini are also to be judged.

For the benefit of the readers, I would like to give some important combinations both in Traditional way
and also in K.P. system for the evaluation of the talent in Music, and would try to elucidate what
planetary combinations made Lata Mangeshkar such a great singer.

Her birth details are - D.O.B. —28 September 1929; T.O.B. — 09.50 P.M., I.S.T.; P.O.B. — Indore-
Madhya Pradesh -India; Day of birth-Saturday; Longitude-75:50 East, Lattitude-22:43 North. Ayanamsa
220:47':10" (K.P.)

Lata Manqeshkar
Sun Rise: 06:17:04AM 06:17:37 PM Dssa Days: 365.25 D Ruling Planets - 19/Jui/2014 12:40:1$ AM
Nlthya Yoga: Siddha Jupiter Karana: Bau MAD1PAKKAM, CHENNAI, TAMIL NADU, India
Planet _ | Sgl | Sll [ Sbl | Ssl | Sss
Lagna Ma Ve Su Ve Ke
Moon Ju Me Sa Me Sa
Day Lord: Venus
XII 10:51:32 I 16:21:06 | Quspat Positions
Ra 21 ;OS:46 Ju 23:32:36 I Cusp _ I StarfPada)

Fo 20:45:53
XI 04:38:45 Swati{2)
Name: Lets Mangeshkar |:i 05:52:00 Anuradha(4)
Gender: Female Mo 16:40:21 Mc»la(4)
Date: Saturday, 2&/Sep/1929 UAshada(3)
Time: 09:50:00PM SID: 21:51:09 Dhanistita(3)
Lat: 22:43:00 N Lon: 75:50:00 E " U.Bhadra(I) "
Ayanamsa: 22° 47 10" IV 02:43:59 | Planetary Positions
[KP Ayanamsa] Ve 10:51:07
Star: Ashlesha, Pada 1
Star Lord: Mercury
Rasi: Cancer Rasi Lord: Moon
Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus
Trthi: Krishna Paksha, Ekadasi
Bal. Dasa: Mercury 16 Y, 11 M, 27D
V 04:38:45
Su 12:15:34

Ke 21:08:46
VI 10:51:32
VIM 11:33:43 Ma 01:55:45
I Sa 01:51:43 I VII MelRl 00:04:40
| Dasa Summary
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa I Venus Dasa
26-Sep-1929 • 26-Sep-1946_ 26-Sep-1946- 26-Sep-19S3 26-Sep-1953-
Mercury [ 26-5ep-1929 Ketu 26-5ep-1945 Venus 26-5ep-1953
Keti.' 23-Feb-1932 Venus 23-Feb-1947 Sun 25-Jan-1957
Venus 20-Feb-l933 Sun 23-Apr.1948 Moon 2S^lan-1958
Sun 2Q-Dec-1935 Moon 29-Aug-1948 Mars 25-Sep-1959
Moon 26-Oct-1936 Mars 2&-Mar-1949 Rahu 24-Nov-1950 FSignificators - Planets View
Mars 27-Mar-1938 Rahu 26-Aug-1&49 Jupiter 25-Now-19S3 (A) . .<B>,
Rahu 24-Mar.l939 Jupiter 14-Sep-195Q Saturn 2SJul-1966 5u+ 3 5 3
Jupiter 12-Oct-1941 Saturn 20-Aug-1951 Mercury 25-5ep-1959 Mo 5 3 2,5
Saturn 1S-Jan-1944 Mercury 25-Sep-1952 Ketu 25-Jul-1972
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Ma 5 5 7,12
26-Sep-1373 ZS-SeR-l 979 2€-Sep-1979' 26-SeP'19B9 2|^ep-1989• 28-Sep-1996 _ Me 5 5 7,12
Sun 26-Sep-1973 Moon 26-Sep-1979 "Mars |26-Sep-19S9 5 1 7,12
Moon 14-Jan-1974 Mars "26-Jul-1980 Rahu 23-Feb-1990 6 4
Mars 14-Jul-1974 Rahu 26-Feb-19S1 Jupiter 12-Mar-1991 6 7
Rahu 20-Noy-1974 Jupiter 26-Auq-1982 Saturn 17-Feb-1992 4 12 ' 1,6
Jupiter i4-Oct-1975 Saturn 26-Dec-i983 Mercury 27-Mar-1993 1 6 8,11
Saturn 01-Aufl-1976 Mercury 25-Jul-1985 Ketu 24-Mar-1994 5 11 *2,5
Mercury 14-Jul-1977 Ketu 25-Dec-1986_ Venus 21-Aug-1994
Ketu 20-May-1978 Venus 25-Jul-1987 Sun 21-Oct-1995 Rahu acts as agent for Ma, Me.
Venus 26-Sep-1978 Sun 24-Mar-1989 I Moon |27-Feb-1996~ Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ve.
[Saturn Dasa (A) - Pianets in Occupants stars
26-Sep '1996 • 2B-Sep-2014 26-Sep-2014 - 26-Sep-2O30 26-Sep-2030- 26-Sep-204& (3) - Occupant of house
Rahu 26-560-1996 Jupiter 26-Sep-2014 Saturn |26-Sep-2Q30 (C) - Planets in omets stars
Jupiter 08-Jun-1999 Saturn 13^Nov-2016 Mercury "29-Sep-2Q33 {D) - House Owner
Saturn 02-Nov-2001 Mercuryf 26-Mav-2019 Ketu 07-Jun-2036
Mercury OS-Sep-2004 Ketu 01-Sep-2021 Venus 18-Jul-2037
Ketu 28-Mar-2007 Venus h, 07-Aug-2022 Suri_ \ 7-Sep-2Q40
Venus 14-Apr-2008 Sun 06-Apr-2025 Moon 29-Aug-2041
Sun 15-Apr-2011 Moon 25-Jan-202& Mars 29-Mar12043_
Moon 10-Mar-2012 Mars 25-May-2027 Rahu 07-Mav-2044 * These pkneis do nut have any plenefs in their stars.
Mars |11-Sep-2013 [Rahu 01-May-2028 Jupiter l4-Mar-2047

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
Traditional Combinations:

Planetary combinations that contributed for Music -

1. The 3rd house, strong Mercury and Jupiter tenanting the 3rd house or aspecting it or any one of the two

strongly posited in Kendra from 3rd the native will have talent in Music.

2. If the Moon or Venus or Mercury is in the 2Ild house the person gets melodious voice and talent in


3. If the 4th house and its lord are strong and Moon and Venus are strong Venus occupy 4th house, one

becomes a famous Musician.

4. If Venus occupies a Kendra identical with its own house, or exalted sign or friendly sign and at the

same time, the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter is strong, one becomes a Musician.

5. If the 3rd lord occupies 10th house, one becomes a lover of Music.

6. If strong Sun is in the 4th house, one becomes lover of Music and so on.

K.P. Combinations:

Planetary combinations that contributed for Music -

1. According to K.P. the 5th house indicates whether one can learn Music, one can appreciate Music, one
can become a Musician or one hate Music. If the sublord of the 5th cusp is deposited in the
constellation of planet situated in Leo or Aquarius signs, one will be popular in Music.

2. If the lord of the constellation in which the sublord of the 5th cusp is deposited is connected with Moon
and Venus one will have taste for improving his talent in Music. If it is connected with Venus and
Mercury, one will be supremely intelligent even to compose songs for Musician.

3. If the lord of the constellation in which the sublord of 5th cusp is posited occupies either Gemini or
Sagittarius one can render Music to the appeal the sense of the audience.

4. The 7th house has been spoken as ruling all fine arts and hence the 7th house of the natural zodiac
"LIBRA" is assigned to "Venus" the planet of "Fine Arts" and Karaka (Chief Governor) for music.
2nd house is also to be analysed for Music, (Mainly for vocal).

5. Airy signs (which are also voice signs) promote music. An Airy sign on the cusp of the 2'ld house
indicates talent in Music.

K.P. Analysis:

The lagna falls in Taurus sing ruled by Venus, Karaka for Music and lord of 2nd natural division of
zodiac ruling voice and 2nd house indicates the vocal Music. The lagna lord Venus is posited in "Leo"
the 5th sign of the zodiac, in the constellation of Ketu posited in Libra, voice sign. Gemini, Libra and
Aquarius are termed as airy signs (which are also voice signs), Venus is in the sub of Saturn posited in

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
the 7 house ruling "FINE ARTS" etc. This shows the native's talent in Music. The lagna lord Venus
in the 4th house shows that she comes from the family of Musician.

The 5th cusp falls in Virgo sign ruled by Mercury, constellation is ruled by Sun and sub is ruled by
Saturn. The sign lord Mercury posited in the 5th house and is also lord of 2nd house "Gemini" as airy
sign. So is in the constellation of Mars posited in 5th cusp.

The constellation lord of the 5th cusp is Sun. He is the lord of sign "Leo", the 5th sign of the
zodiac, posited in the 5th house itself. The sublord Saturn, is posited in the 7th house ruling "Fine Arts"
etc; and he is aspecting the houses 2nd and 5th. He is in the constellation of Ketu, an occupant of Libra an
airy sign and the 7th sign of the natural zodiac. Ketu as as agent for Venus as he is posited in Libra ruled
by Venus. The sublord Saturn is in the sub of Venus (Karaka for Music and planet of melody) posited in
Leo, the 5th sign of the natural zodiac. The lagna is occupied by strong Jupiter, the natural benific and he
is aspecting the 5th house by his powerful 5th aspect. The sublord of the S1 cusp Saturn happens to be the
sublord of 2Ild cusp also.

In the chart under discussion, the 2nd house is Gemini an airy sign indicates vocal Music. Thus all
the significator of houses 2Ild and 5th are well connected to Venus the chief governor for Music and
Melodious voice and the native has good talent in Music and blessed with melodious voice and everyone
likes to hear the Music.

According to K.P. if the sublord of the 5th cusp is a significator of houses 5, 6, 10 and 11
popularity and success in the field of Music which will be taken up as profession can be assured.

The sublord of 5th cusp Saturn is in the constellation of Ketu posited in the 5th house. He is in the
sub of Venus, the karaka for Music posited in Leo, the 5th sign of the natural zodiac. Saturn (untenanted)
is also the sublord of the cusp 2, 5 and 11. He is the lord of 10th house. Hence the sublord Saturn is a
strong significator of houses 2, 5, 6, 10 and 11; so the native would be very popular in Music in cine-field

K.P. says that if the sublord of the 5th cusp in connected to 'Gemini or Sagittarius' one can render
Music to the intensive appeal of the audience. In the chart the sublord Saturn, is posited in Sagittarius, he
is aspecting the Gemini. This accounts for the native's capacity to captivate the audience.

We would wish the great singer a journey of long life and we are blessed to have such a precious
"Diamond" born in India.
My Pranam to Guruji Sh. K.S. Krishnamurti for providing such a wonderful KP system of stellar

Vtalcome Partha Sarathi Uout (Sree Uudropri^o) ji to the family

of JASA !! ■ _

We are proud to have you among us and we wish you many years of fruitful
, authorship for JASA in KP Astrology and other systems of stellar astrology methods
in enriching our 22000+ thousands of readers across 110+ countries world that no
other KP Magazines can boast of

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

tftkcn ^P^cbiciiens cOMte Ithml: /Uawiage ^ocni

Basilioli Sandro (Vediko)

Since 1995 Vediko is practicing different schools of astrology such as karntic astrology, traditional/Vedic
astrology ,KP astrology and Nadi astrology. He is very interested in research in astrology using both ancient
and novel astrological methods. Practices art since 1990 and is also involved in making research in the
unknown mysteries of human history. He publishes articles in Saptarishis Magazine and other online

Email vediko@.libero.it

In the year 2008 a friend of mine ask me to look into his birth chart for any possible marriage . His
birth chart time of birth is accurate by birth certificate in hand so i felt very sure to predict this event
using the scientific KP method. At that time he was not involved in any serious love story or had any
girlfriend and this was my prediction.

Birth chart details

Name: Francesco
Date & Time : 09/02/1974 03:00:00
Place Name : Roma; Regione Lazio; Italy
Latitude :041:54:00N
Longitude : 012:29:00 E
Time Zone : 01:00:00 East ofUT
Event : Marriage: Marriage

Name: ruling planets for Any Marriage

Date & Time : 20/09/2008 11:13:34

Place Name : Ostialido; Regione Lazio; Italy
Latitude : 041:44:00 N
Longitude : 012:17:00 E
Time Zone : 01:00:00 East ofUT
Question : Rulling planets for any Marriage
Event : Marriage: Marriage
kph number : 13 (of 249)

JASA Vol. 4 (1)
ping planets foTAny Marriage ~ KPH ^ 3ueEtion:Rulling planetsj

StarLond RasiLond Sub Lord

Day lord


Rules for any marriage

7th, 2nd and 11th cuspal sub-lords should signify houses 2,7,&11.

7th csl is planet Mercury.

Mer in 3 owns cups 8 & 10, in star of Rahu in 1 ruler lord is Jup in 2 owns 2, 4, sub-lord is Ketu in 7
conjoined Saturn in 7 owns 3.No planets in Saturn , Mercury star. Mer is sublord of 1,3,7 and Sat of 2,8.

Here we have 2,7& 11 with sub-lord Ketu that decide for positive result.

2nd cusp sublord is Saturn.

Sat is in 7 owns 3. Starlord is Mars in 5 owns 1,5 & 6 sub-lord is Venus in 2 owns 7,11 and 12. No
planets in Sa star: Sa is sub-lord of 2,8.

Here we have 2,7 &11 with sub-lord Yen decide for positive results.

11th cusp sub lord is Moon.

Mo in 9. Starlord is Venus in 2 owns 7,11 and 12 , sub-lord is Me in 3 owns cups 8 &1. No planets in Mo,
Me star: Moon is sub-lord of 11 and sub lord Me is sub-lord of 1,3 and 7.

Here again we have 2, 7&11 with sub-lord Mercury decide for positive results signify 7.

So Marriage is promise for my friend.

Timing the event.

Rahu dash was running from 01/07/1998 to 01/07/2016.

Ra in 1 rule-lord: Ju 2,4 star lord Ket:in 7 conj Sa 7,3. Sub lord is Venus in 2 owns 7,11 and 12. No
planets in Sa star: Sa is Sbl of 2,8. Rahu signify 2,7 and 11 so i predict him that he will get marriage
before 2017.

But he wanted to know the exact years so i went forward in the analysis.

Ruling planets
JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

In the ruling planets Saturn is very strong , Rahu in Saturn sign is also a ruling planet ,Moon is strong
and Venus and Mars are less strong.

Next bhukti period are:

Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun and Moon,

Mercury was not in RP, Ketu is a separative planet so I did not choose it, and Sun is not in RP so it could
happen only in Venus-Moon period.

Venus from 19/01/2010 to 19/01/2013 and the Moon from 13/12/2013 to 13/06/2015.

Both planets signify full signification for marriage but i selected the Moon very strong as a ruling planet
because it was in own star and sub . It is true that Venus is Karaka for marriage but the RP guide me very
well to select the right period. In this periodi it could be only in Saturn antara from 03/08/2014 to


I predict my friend marriage could take place in these years from 13/12/2013 to 13/06/2015 and
maybe from 03/08/2014 to 29/10/2014.

The event will take place in date 05/10/2014 in Rome.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

^Oioetce. /tyle* /HawUiqe

R.V.S.N Sarma

The author is working in Doordarshan as Engineering Assistant and has 10 years of experience as KP
Astrologer. He is also a member of KP Astrologer Forum, Hyderabad since 2007 and has been attending
all the Seminars conducted by KPAF, Hyderabad.

In this Article I would like to share with our readers an interesting case of Divorce after Marriage. In
May 2014,1 was asked by one of my friends as to what will be the fate of a couple who were married
during OCX 2009 after the marital discord between them. I looked at the Birth Charts of Both the
Male and Female Chart and said that future is bad regarding continuation of Married Life.The following
are the Birth Details of the couple mentioned above:

Male :DOB 10 MAY 1985,TOB 0502 AM,FOB ELURU.

Female: DOB 26 APR 1989,TOB 0302 AM,POB VIJAYAWADA.

Before analysis of the charts above let us see what are the indications of Divorce according to
Krish n amurth i Paddhathi:

1.If the 7th Cusp Sublord is a significator of houses 2 or 7 or 11,Marriage is promised.

2. Unhappy Married Life is indicated if the 7th Cusp Sub lord happens to be the significator of 6 or 8 or 12
houses and there shall be disharmony.

3. Seperation is indicated if the 7th Cusp Sublord is a significator of/Connected with 6,12 houses and the
indications are as below:


a. 6th House: Seperation due to partner going away

b. 12th House: The native seeks separation

c.8th House: Disharmony, quarrels and unhappiness.

4.If the 7th CSL is connected with 1 or 6 or 12 and if it is :

a.MARS: Seperation is indicated due to quarrels.

b.SATURN: Seperation is due to dissatisfaction.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
5. DIVORCE is indicated if the Sublord of the 7 Cusp is a significator of 1 or 6 or 10 houses and is
connected with 4,12 houses and if it happens to be Jupiter,then there will be legal separation.

Apart from the above,! would like to mention that the studies have shown that the planets

Basing on the above, the Birth Charts of the Male and Female are analysed in KP as follows:



KET(7,2,12) JUP(10,9,12) MER(12,3,6) KET(7)

RAH(1,5,8,2) VEN(12,2,7) MER(12,3,6) KET(7)
MER(12,3,6) KET(7,2,12) KET(7,2,12) JUP(IO)
VEN(12,2,7) SAT(7,10,11) JUP(10,9,12) MOO(10,4)
MARS(2,1,8) MOO(10,4) SAT(7,10,11) JUP(IO)
JUP(10,9,12) MOO(10,4) VEN(12,2,7) SAT(7,10,11]
SAT(7,10,11) JUP(10 9,12) RAH(L5,8,2) VEN( 12,2,7)

1. It can be noted that the 7th Cusp Sublord is KETU.Ketu is posited in 7th house and is in star of Jupiter.
Jupiter is posited in 10th house and is lord of 9,12 houses. Ketu is in sign of Venus the 7th Lord and 2nd
Lord posited in 12th house.

2. Ketu is in Sub of Mercury. Mercury is untenanted and thus has Positional Status in 12th house where
Mercury is lord of 6th and 3rd House.

3. From the above, the 7th Cusp Sublord Ketu is a significator of 10,12,2,7 and connected to 6th house.
Since houses 2,7 are signified by the 7th CSL, the Marriage is promised.

4. Divorce or separation is possible due to the signification of houses 10,12 and connection with 6th
house by the 7th CSL Ketu. As Ketu is in Jupiter Star there is possibility of Legal Seperation.

5. The 7th Cusp Star Lord is Rahu.Rahu is posited in star of Venus where Venus is posited in 12th house.
Hence 7th Cusp Star Lord Rahu is also indicating separation.

6.The Marriage took place in the DBA of RAHU-JUP-RAHU during OCX 2009.Rahu is posited in Lagna
and is in close conjunction with Sun the 5th Lord. Rahu being in the sign of Mars represents Mars. Mars is
lord of 1,8 in 2nd house. Rahu is in star of Venus(12-2,7) and in Sub of Mercury(12-3,6). Jupiter(10-9,12)
is in star of Moon which is posited in 9th house and very close to 10th Cusp(2 deg ORB).Moon is lord of
4th house. Jupiter is in sub of Venus(12-2,7).

7.From the above Rahu which signifies 1,5,8,12,2,7 is in Sub of Mercury which signifies l,2,3,6.Hence
Rahu Dasa though it promises Marriage is highly unfavourable for Married life due to the negative
significations of it's Sublord Mercury.Jupiter which is a significator of 10,12,4 is unfavourable for
Married life. Hence the Native had unhappy Married life immediately after Marriage.

S.The Bhuktis that will operate after OCX 2009 are of SAT and Mercury.SAT(7-10,11) is in Jupiter
Star(10-9,12).SAT is in Sub of Rahu(l,5,8,12).Thus the Bhukti of SAT is also bad for Married life

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
because Sat signifying 7,10,12,11 is in sub of Rahu which is a strong significator of 8,12 houses.This
indicates that Marriage is sustained with unhappy Married Life.

9.The Next Bhukti is of Mercury.MERClJRY(12-3,6) is posited in the Star of KETU.Ketu is posited in

KETU indicates the Native cannot derive any pleasure from wife and will have a bad wife.

10.No pleasure from wife is indicated because KETU is 7th CSL and is posited in 7th House. The 6th
CSL & 12thCSL is VEN. Venus is posited in Saturn Star.Saturn the Starlord is posited in Jupiter star
Visakha 4th Pada and is suggestive of ailment in Genital organs as per KP. Hence the Native has a
defective Sexual function ie,the native has Erectile dysfunction(This was the main problem in the
Married life as reported to me by my friend). Though the Sexual planet Venus is in exaltation and is in
12( house of bed comforts) the married life is unhappy due to the 6th , 12th CSL Starlord Jupiter.

11.The Bhukti Lord Mercury (12-3,6) is in star of Ketu,where Ketu is posited in 7 and is representing
Venus( 12-2,7).Mercury is in Sub of Ketu(2,7,12) and Ketu is in Star of Jupiter(10-9,12).Mercury is
untenanted and is also Cuspal Sublord for 4,10 houses and thus Mercury becomes a strong significator of
12,6,4,10,2,7.Hence in Mercury Bhukti,the separation is possible through divorce.


12. In the Male chart, the 8th CSL is RAHU. Rahu is Dasa Lord.Rahu as mentioned above is a significator
of 2,7,1,5,8,12 houses. Whenever the signicator of 2Ild also signifies 1,5,8,12 it means that there shall be
heavy financial loss and it is going to benefit the partner ie,wife because 5,8,12 houses are 11,2,6 houses
for the partner and there is every possibility that the Male may have to loose money to his partner when
divorce takes place.



SUN(2,7) KET(6,7,2) MER(3,5,8) SUN(2,7)

RAH(12,1) RAH(12,1) RAH(12,1)
VEN(2,4,9) VEN(2,4,9) MARS(4,3,10)
MER(3,5,8) SUN(2,7) JUP(3,2,11) MOO(10,6)
KET(6,7,2) KET(6,7,2) JUP(3,2,11) MOO(10,6)
MOO(10,6) KET(6,7,2) RAH(12,1)
MARS(4,3,10) MARS(4,3,10) VEN(2,4,9)
JUP(2,3,11) MOO(10,6) JUP(2,3,11)

Lit can be noted that the 7th CSL is Jupiter.Jupiter is posited in 3rd house and is lord of 2,11.Jupiter is in
Moon Star where Moon is lord of 6th house posited in 10th house in conjunction with Saturn,the lord of
1,12 houses. Jupiter is in its own sub.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
2.The 7 CSL Jupiter is a significator of 2,11,3,6,10 and connected to houses 1,12.Since the houses 2,11
are signified 7th CSL Jupiter,the Marriage is promised.The signification of houses 6,10 and connection to
the houses 1,12 by the 7th CSL Jupiter promises separation or divorce through legal means.

3.The Marriage took place in OCT 2009 during the DBA of VEN-MER-VEN.VEN is posited in 2nd house
.Being the lord of 4,9 the planet Venus is poisted in its own star. Venus is in Sub of Mars. Mars is posited
in 4th house and is lord of 3,10. Hence Venus is a significator of 2,4,9 and connected to house 10.

4.Mercury the Bhukti Lord is posited in 3rd house and is lord of 5,S.Mercury is in star of Sun where Sun is
posited in 2Ild house and lord of 7th.Mercury is in Sub of Jupiter,the significator 2,11,3 houses. Hence
Marriage took place in VEN Dasa,Mercury Bhukti.Mercury is the only planet which is connected to
houses 2,5,7,11 and if the chart is examined then we can note that Sun,Rahu,Ketu,Jupiter and Moon are
conjointly signifying 1,6,12,7 houses meaning the Married life will not be smooth.

5. The Dasa Lord Venus is connected to house 2 and is also connected to houses 4,10 which are
unfavourable to Marriage house.

6. The next Bhukti Ketu is a significator of houses 6,7,2 because Ketu is posited in 6th house and
represents Sun which is lord of 7 in 2.Ketu is in its own star. Hence the mixed signification of 7,6 is
unfavourable for Married life. House 6 is 12th and House 2 is 8th to Husband. This means houses 1,8,12
are in operation for Husband and it means stress disappointment, expenditure to Husband.

7.The Next Dasa Will be SUN. The Dasa lord Sun is Lord of 7 and posited in 2.Sun is in the star of
Ketu.Ketu as mentioned above is a significator of 6,7,2. Hence Dasa lord Sun is unfavourable for Married

S.The Next Bhukti Lord Moon is posited in 10th house and is lord of 6.Moon is in star of Ketu.Ketu as
mentioned above is signifying houses 6,7,2.Hence Bhukti of Moon is also unfavourable for Married life.

9.The Next Bhukti is of Mars. Mars(4-3,10)is in its own star. Mars is in sub of Venus(2-4,9).Hence
Bhukti Lord Mars which is strongly connected to houses 4,10 is never promising smooth Married life-
Which is loveless.

10.The next Bhukti Lord is RAHU.Rahu is posited in 12th house in its own star and Sub.Rahu represents
Saturn where Saturn is posited in 10th house and is lord of l,12.Hence Rahu is a strong significator of

11.The Dasa of SUN and Bhukti of Rahu operates from April 2014 to March 2015.SUN and RAHU are
conjointly signifying houses 1,6,10,12 .Hence I told my friend that there is a chance of Divorce in the
Bhukti of RAHU.


l.The Ruling planets of Male are:

Lagna Lord : MARS

Moon Star Lord: SUN

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
Moon Sign Lord: SAT

Day Lord : JUP

2. The Ruling Planets of Female are:

Lagna Lord : SAT

Moon Star Lord: KET

Moon Sign Lord: JUP

Day Lord : MARS

From the above we can see the planets Mars, Sat, Jup are common to both in their ruling planets.


1. MARS: 1,2,4,9,10

SAT: 7,11,10,12

JUP: 4,10,9,12


MARS: 4,3,10

SAT: 1,10,12

JUP: 2,3,11,6,10

From the above it can be observed that planets Mars and Saturn for Male and Planet Jupiter for Female
made the Marriage possible between them. As all Mars, Sat, Jup are conjointly signifying 1,4,10,12 for
Male and conjointly signifying 1,4,10,12,6 for Female, there was disharmony between the couple.

It can be noted that the Star Lord of Female is Ketu and Ketu is posited in 7th house for Male without any
beneficial aspect in Male's Chart and hence he was not able to derive pleasure from the Female.


1.The couple were leading unhappy married life immediately after Marriage and there was no physical
relationship between them since then due to physical defect of the Male.

2.The couple started living separately since AUG 2013 and a court case under SEC 498 was filed by the
Female on the Male and a penality of Rupees Six Lakhs was imposed on the Male.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
3.The Male and his Parents were in severe financial crisis and finally the Divorce took place in 2nd Week
of June 2014.

\ Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
FEMALE Ref. #. 15
Sun Rise: 05:45:42 AM SunS&t 05:25:11 PM DasaDays: 355.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Vega; Shiva Hera; Salurn Karana: Kaulav
Ruling Planets - 1S/Jtil/2014 11:10:41 PM Mrigasira(l)
Planet . Stf. i Stl Sbl ' 1 Ssl i Sssl | Ashiesha(1)
Lagna Ju Me Ve Ke Sa P.PhalguniiS)
Moon Ma Ke Sa Ra Sa Visgkha[3) Ve Ju Ve Sa
[ Day Lord: Salurn | Jyashta(3) Ma Ma Ra Sa
Nksvsna Bhava Chalit P.Ashada(3) JU Ve
Su 12:01:17 Ha. 08:05:11 Sravana(3J Sa Mo
Ve 17:25:06 XI117:52:14 IPfr 1i T4 /: 11 'I&Tlfitt
1127:03:24 Planet SlarlPada
Ma Ke Me
Sa[R] Ju Ke Ra
, 20:18:11 Me Ma Ve
XI 20:17:50
Va Su Ju
Ma 04:20:45 Md 05 00:06 SatabhisMI]
IV 24:5251 X 24:52^1
Sfgnlficators - Planets View
Planet (AJ {B)

Ke 08:05:11
V117:52:14 Rahu acts as agent tor: Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupani s stars
Kelu acts as agent lor: Sut (B} - Occupant of house
(CJ - Planets in Owner's stsfs
(0) - House Owner
Su 12:01:17 Me 01:32:45 Ma 04:20:46 Dasa Summary
Ve 17:26:06 Ju 14:4951 V 20:17:50
III 26:09:30 IV 24:52:31 4GZS» <OE5» tnss*
venue Daea Sun Daea
02-Mar-1993 -02-Mar-20l3 02-Mar-2013 □2-Mar-zQl9
0244aM993 Sun 02-Mar-2013
bi-juT-1936" Moon 1^Jun-2b'i'3"
01 -Ju 1-1997 Mars 19-Ded-2D13
Rahu 26'Apr120l4_
Name: FEMALE ^Ma^OOO Jupiter 2i>Mar-2bl5
Gender: Female O2'May-2O03 Saturn 0&-Jan-20ia
Dale: Wednesday, 2GyApr/1969 3ljDec:2b05 Mercury i^Das'-aoie
Time: 03:02:00 AM SID: 17:09:57 6"2-Mar-2bb9 Keiu 2^Qct"2017"
Lai: 16:31:00 N Lcn: 80:37:00 E ssm OIJan-2012 Venus 02-Mar-201fl
I 20:49:02 PRADESH, India
Ra 05:05:11
Ayanamsa: 23e37 4 Ke 08:05:11
[KP Ayanamsa] ■ Placidus VII 20:49:02
Slar: Moola, Pada 2
Slar Lord: Ketu
Rash Sagittarius Rasi Lord: Jupiter
Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord; Saturn
Tilhl: Krishna Paksha, Panchami
BaL Dasa; Ketu 3 Y. 10 M, 5 D
VIII 27:03:24

Sa[R] 20:18:11
XI 20:17:50 us
Me 06:00:06
Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Ref. #, 14
SunRtsv: 05:36i27AM SunSef: 06:27:16 PU DasaDays: 365.25 D [ Cuspai Posllicns
Nithya Yoga: Shubha Horat Venus Karana: Vanij Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Bharani(l) Ma Ve Ve Me Me
Rohlnl(2) Ve Mo Ju Me Sa
Andra(2) Me Ra Ju
Ruling Planets - WJu\ 2014 T 1:07.34 PM PushyamHI) "Mo fSa Me
Planet _ Sgl Sll Sfal Sal Sssl i U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ve Ra Ju
Swati(3) Ve Ra Ke Me Me
Lagna Ju Ma Ve Ju Ka Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ra Mo Ra
Moon Ma Kd Sa Ra Ju Moola{4) Ju Ke Sa Ve Ke
Day Lord: Saturn U.Aahada(3j Sa Su Me Ma Ve
Niravana Bhava Chattt Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Su Mo Ma
Ma 15:49:51 Me 00:3638 U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Ve Mo Ju
I114:33:09 Ve 1621:18 Ptanetary Poshhns
XII 08:40:00 Planet | StartPada) [ Sg! - I Stl m I Sbl m I Ssl m ] Sssl |
Su 25:42:03 Su Bharani(4) ^ Ma Ve Me Sa Ve
Ra 24:45:20 Mo U.A&hada(3) Sa Su Sa Ra Ve
[15:06:49 Ma Rohlni(2) Ve Mo Sa Sa Ve
"Me AsMvinj(l) Ma Ke Ke Sa Su
Sravana(41 Sa Mo Ve Me
U.Shadra(4i Ju Sa Ju Ma
Visakha{4} I Ma I Ju Ra Ju
Ju 22:21:19 Bharanl(4)
X 05:08:03 [Ke |Visakha{2) Ve Ju Me Mo
4 VMO Significalocs - Planats VIbw
/K {A) (B)
12 1 2,7
1 10 5
SaJR] 01:42:00 10 2 4
Ke 24:45:20 Mo 04:43:31 7 12
VI115:05:49 IX 10:26:11 10 10 4
7 12 10,11
10 7 9,12
12 1 2,7
10 7 9,12
flartu flora aa ag&ntior: So.Ma.M (A) - Planets in Occupant s stars
K&u acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Va (B) - Occupant ot house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) • House Owner
Me 00:36:30 I II 14:06:09 Dasa Summary
I 15:06:49 ' Ma 15:49:51
Ra 24:45:20
Su 25:42:03 [Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
,24-5*0-1901 24-Se[Kl987_ 24-5*^1987^ _24:Sep^1&97_ |24-Sep-1997 _24:5ep-2004
Sun i ^Pd^L Moon 24ISej>j987__ . Mars 24_LS0|>i997
JMoon i 12-Jan-1982 Mars 25-JUI-198S Rahu 2i-F&b-l996
Ve 16:21:15 Mars : i4-Jul-1902 Rahu 23-Feb-t989 Jupiter 11-Mar-1999
XII 03:40:00 Rahu ! 18-Nov-1902 Jupiter 24-Aug-1990 [Saturn 15-Feb-2000
Name: MALE ' Jupiler ! 13-Oct-1933 Saturn 24-Dec-199t Mercury 26^^2001
Gender Male rSflturn I "Mercury "25~jLil-l993 _ Ketu 24'Mar-2bb2
Dale: Friday. 1 (VMay/l 905 M&rcury j3"juM935_ Keiu 25-Decj994_ Venus 20iAug-2002"
Time: 05:02:00 AM SID: 20:07:28 "Ketu 2d-May-1986 Venus 2G-Jul-1995 Sun "2d-Ocl-2063"
I Venus 25-Sep-1986 Sun 26-Mar-1997 fMoon 24-Feb-2064
Lai: 16:44:00 N Len: 81^19:00 E , Rahii Dasa "DupiierDasa pSaturn Dasa
Place: ELURU, ANDHRA PRADESH, India ! 24-Sep-2004 ■ 24-Sep-2022 24-Sep-2022 ■ 24-Sep'2038 |24-Sep-203B 24-Sep-2057
Rahu j 24-Sep-20O4 Jupiter 24-Sep-2d22 Saturn 24-Sep-2O00
Ayanamsa; 23e 33' 45* Jupiler Td?^ un-2007 Saturn J2*Ncv12024_ Mercury 2^Se£-2641_
"Saturn 31-6ct>2069 _ Mercury 2^May'2b27_ Ketu 66-Jun*2044
|KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus i Mercury ~td6-Sep-2di 2_ Keiu 31-Aug-2b29_ .Venus "i6'Jul»2045""
Star: UAshada, Pada3 Ketu |26-Mar-2015 Venus Q7-Aug-2O0O Sun 'l5-Se[>-204B''
Slar Lord: Sun i Venus 13-Apr-2016 Sun O0-Apr-2O33 Moon JSjAug^O.
Rasi; Capricorn Rasi Lord: Saturn I Sun |l3-Apr-2Q19 Moon 25-Jaiv2034_ _Mars 29-^2051
Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: Mars ^Moon ~|07-Mar-2026 "Mars 27'May'2635_ Rahu 07'"May.2652
Ju 22:21:19 ^Mars ] 05-Se"p-2Q21_ [Rahu 02:May^63G_[ [Jupiter 14^Maf;2055
X 06:08:08 Tilhi: Krishna Paksha, Sashti ' Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa [Venus Dasa
Mo 04:43:31 Bal. Dasa: Sun 2 Y. 4 M. 14 D [24^Sep-2057 - 24-Sep-2074_ 24^ep-2074' 24-Sep-2081_ 24-5ep12081 24-Sep-2101
Mercury 124-5ep-2057 " Keiu "24-Sep:2074_ [Venus ^ 24{Se|>:2d81
Ketu " 21-Feb-2b6d Venus 2i-Feb-2075 Sun 24sJan-2O05~
I, Venus l7'Fgb'2061 Sun 21'Apr'2076 Moon "24-Jgn 2036
Sun jS-DeC-2063_ Moon 27'Aug'2076_ Mai^ 2S'SBp-20S7
"Moon 244Dct'2064 _Mars _2a-Mar-2077 _ Rahu 25VNov-20B8
"Mars 25'Mar-2066_ RehU 24-Aug-2b77_ Jupiler "25"NCV'2691
|_Rahu 22:Maj;-2067_ Jupiter J2 Sep:2O70_ Saturn 26^Jui-2094~
VIII 14:38:09 Ke 24:45:20 _Jupi(er d9-6ct-2069 Saturn _19-Aug"-2d79_ Mercury 25->ep_-209V
JX 10:28:11 SafR] 01:42:00 VII 15:08:49 i Saturn 14-Jan-2072 Mercury 27'SeP"2d30 Ketu "28"-J'ul'2i'6d
t These planets do net Lave any planets in their stars.
JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

1*0hen the ^J-ifcth 'House is /Negative

G.H. W. Silva

The author is a follower of Krishnamurthi Paddhathi, propounded hy Guruji, Jyotish Marthand, Sothida Mannan,
late Professor K.S.Krishnamurthi for nearly forty years. He has contributed articles to "Astrology & Athrishta"
and lightly to the book titled, K P & R P. Sri Silva has also written to a number of news papers and magazine
locally and abroad on Krishnamurthi Paddhathi and series of lessons including conducting classes on KP.
Currently he is working as a Consulting Engineer in the road sector in Sri Lanka.


We have discussed about the fifth bhava of the birth chart on child birth. Now we thought of
looking at a birth chart of a lady, who was not fortunate to be a mother in spite of a number of
medical and spiritual treatments and by horoscopy too. This is the birth chart we are trying to
analyse according to Krishnamurthi Paddhathi. We will see the 5th bhava falls in the sign of Libra, in a
star of Mars and in the sub of Sun.
According to Krushnamurthi Paddhathi, the sub lord of the fifth cusp decides whether we are fortunate to
have children or not. If the sub lord or the constellation lord in whom the sub lord is deposited is a
significator for the 2nd, or the 5th or the 11th bhavas, he or she is fortunate to be a father or a mother. On
the other hand if this sub lord is a significator for houses which are negations to these houses or 12th to
them, the native is denied of any children. On matters connected to children or child birth, the 2Ild bhava
shows the expansion of the family by birth of children, the 5th bhava for matters connected with children
and the 11th bhava for the fulfillment of the expectation of the native concerned.
If the results are positive, the native will have children during the major and minor periods of
Vimsoththari dashas of the significators for the above bhavas, supported by transit and aspects of these
Niravana Bhava Chart.

05.18.24 06.45.20 06.00.02
Venus Moon
25.39.27 19.00.32

Kethu 03.59.45 II
IX 01.04.40 Birth Chart 02.39.05

24,h March 1980

At 11.45 hrs. m 01.04.40

VHI 02.39.05 80.40 E, 07.16 N
Rahu 03.59.45

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

06.00.02 VI I 05.18.24

Dasha Balance for Mercury at Birth 11 years 04 months and 02 days.

Planetary Positions

Planet Bhava


In this birth chart, the sub lord of the 5th cusp is Moon. This Moon is the owner of the 6th bhava
occupying the 1st bhava, and deposited in a star of Mercury, owner of 4th, 5th and 7th bhavas. Therefore
this native is fortunate to have children as the sub lord being a significator for the 5th bhava.
Now to find the period of child birth we need to find the significators for the bhavas connected with the
child birth.
The 2nd bhava: is owned by Mars and Rahu is occupying it. No planets are deposited in the constellations
of the planet Mars. Mercury, Venus and Kethu are deposited in the constellations of Rahu.
The 5th bhava: is owned by Mercury and Saturn is occupying it. Moon and Saturn are deposited in the
constellations of the planet Mercury. No planets are deposited in the constellations of Saturn,
The 11th bhava: is owned by Jupiter and no planets are occupying it or the constellations of Jupiter.
Accordingly, Mars, Rahu, Mercury, Venus. Kethu, Saturn, Moon and Jupiter become significators for
these bhavas.
This lady had given birth to a child on 13th March 1980. On this day, she was under the influence of
Venus dasha Saturn bukthi and Mercury antara.
Dasha lord Venus was a significator for the 2Ild, 4th , 3rd and 8th bhavas and deposited in a star of Rahu
occupying the 2'ld bhava.
Venus was transiting in the 2'ld bhava nearly in conjunction with natal Rahu, and aspecting its natal
position by sextile. Further this Venus is in trine aspect to natal Mars, who is the owner of the 2nd bhava.
JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
th th th th
Bukthi lord Saturn was a significator for 4 , 5 , 7 and 12 bhavas in the natal chart and deposited in a
star of Venus.
Transiting Saturn was in Virgo in a star of Sun, in sextile aspect to the 5th cusp of the natal chart.

Antara lord Mercury is a significator for 2nd. 4th, 5th and 7th bhavas and in a star of Rahu a significator
for 2nd bhava.
Mercury was transiting in the sign of Aquarius in the 12th bhava in a star of Rahu with trine aspect to its
natal position in Gemini.
Luminary Sun was transiting in Aquarius in a star of Jupiter. The lord of the 11th bhava with exact trine
aspect to the natal 5th bhava.
Luminary Moon in Capricorn in its own star with trine aspect to natal Sun. this Moon is the sub lord of
the 5th bhava of the native.
These details show the significance of the sub lord in the analysis of birth charts, according to the rules in
the infallible Krishnamurthi Paddhathi.



JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014


J sincereCy Hojye and trust that my system (SteCCar JAstroCogy 'Based on SNaadi TrinctpCes) wdC
Benefit the readers injyredictwns and interpretations of the 3-foroscojyes to a Carge extent to
accuracy and prediction.
~ Meena 2

Meena2 was a Yug Rishi who revived and rejuvenated the great traditions founded by Varahamihira, Satyacharya
and other preachers or Pravarthakas of astrology. Meena 2 Naadi system is not a completely new. This was being
practiced by some of the greatest astrologers in early 1940s. The concepts traditionally told by them were modified
by Meena 2 by applying stellar principles coupled or blended with Naadi sutras. His inventions in applicability of
Sutras or principles for day-to-day use are very well appreciated by followers of Stellar Astrology in particular.
Meena 2 has brought out excellent predictive tools to interpret natal and horary charts. With proper instruction and
a reasonable amount of effort, anyone can leam to cast a horoscope and read it so that it becomes a guide to
important affairs of life.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

£fofacts- JZele efi "UavgolhaHta 'Pabas-tfunas©

Nadi Jyothisa Kesari Dr. NVRA Raja, PhD, JrMeena 2

Jyothisa Acharya, , Naadi Jyothisa Kesari (JKR) Dr.NVRA Raja, popularly known as MEENA-2 JUNIOR is an eminent
philosopher, counselor and practicing Astro-psychologist since 1993. He is in Mining profession for the past 30 years. His
academic track record includes his successful pursuits MA in Astrology, M.A.in Philosophy& Religion, PG Diploma in
Business Management and PhD in Astrology. Dr. N V RA Raja had been interested in the phenomenon of occult right from
the very beginning. He had the fortunate guidance of his father Sri N V Raghava Chary (Meena 2) who did 60 years of
research in Jyothisa particularly in Stellar Astrology (Naadi) and published Naadi Jyothisa (Meena system) along with Sri R G
Row(Meenal). He was drawn to occultism and gradually destined towards the astrology. Dr N V RA Raja was conferred as
"Asthana Jyothisa Vidwan" of Sri Ahobila Muth by His Holiness 45th Srimath Azhagiya Singar at Ahobilam on 27th June
2009. He has many tittles of honor and publication to his credit in the field of astrology. His recent publications are Stellar
Effects in Astrology Jeeva and Sareera , Stellar Effects-Nakshatra Prtashna for instant predictions. He has a flair for teaching,
counseling the people in the astrology. He desires that the subject astrology should reach the end user who needs it and
has been working hard towards this noble cause continuously. He is the guest faculty and Examiner to the Telugu University
in Astrology to the master's programme, Trustee of Universal College of Astrology, Hyderabad, Chairman of JKR Astro
Research Foundation and visiting professor to number of learned institutions of Astrology.

Wishing all JASA esteemed readers and authors a very happy 3rd Anniversary Issue reading.

Naadi astrology-Stellar astrology gives lot of importance to the Vargothama postions of

planets or Lagna padas. As we all know that the strength of Vargothama is equivalent to

swakshetra(Own House). Generally it is considered all vargothama padas are very aupicious and give

good results. But actually it is not so. All Vargothama padas where planets posited are not to be considerd

good. In this article I would like to establish the theroy given to us by Sri.RG Row(Meenal) and

Sri.NVR(Meena2) with examples that Lagna vargothama pada , 2Ild and 7th vargothama padas and four

major planets in vargothama pada delivers varient results.

Here theory is being established that if 1) a planet or bhavathipathi is in enemies constellation and

possessing Vargothama pada 2) Planet in Vargothama pada possessing Thamasic Vargothama then

the native may not enjoy the result of the bhava or karakathwas of the planet.

In the follwing example charts I would like to state that the lagna vargothama pada had not given any

benefit to the native, bhavathipathi vargothama not given proper result to that bhava and benefic

bhavathipathis' in vargothama padas not allowed proper status to the native.

Example Chart No:l

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
Lagna star lord is Uthirashada 1 pada whose lord is the Sun. As you all know that Uthirashada 1st pada

falls Vargothama pada.. The lagna star lord the Sun is with the lagnathipathi Jupiter. This vargothama

lagna star lord is yogakaraka for the Sagittarius lagna and it is with lagnathithi,.Hence the native was an

important person in Government.

/ N Rahu
Moon Ketu Mars

Sun ^ 12 \
Jup Moon
Chart No.l
Rasi "SaT / 3\
Mer /5
Mara Sat
Lagna Rahu
_J | [X Ketu
JLetu Sun, Jup^

Vargotfama Lagna uthirashada 1st pada

Example Chart No: 2

Here also the Lagna/Asc Star lord is Uthirashada 1st pada in Sagittarius. Whose lord the Sun, is with 10th

lord Mercury and gets Digbala1. Even though the Lagna pada has got vargothama status, but its Star lord

the Sun is with 10th lord and giving a combination of Dharma Karma Yoga. The native was a great

philosopher and also sanyasi devoid of family comforts. This is due to position of the lagna pada star lord

the Sun in enemy's house along with 6th lord Venus.

V io xx 8 X
1 i\SunfMei\ X X. RahuX^ 7
Mars Ketu XVenX
X12 f ^ X.
X X Moon
Chart No <2
Sat j;
Sun Xv
Mer Xs
Moon j/i X. X^Xx
Sat Ketu
Vargottama Lagna Uthirashada

Read earlier articles of JASA for Digbala theory
JASA Jul-Sep 2014
Example Chart No: 3

Note here the Lagna pada again in Uthirashada 1st pada Vargothama, whose lord is the Sun. But this Sun

is not associated with any good planet to get good strength. Hence even though the Lagna pada is

vargothama, the native lived normal life without much status.

Mer, Mar
Sun Kaiiu, Ven
Moon Lagna

Chart No.3

Mer, Mar
Rahu, Ven
Lagna ^2 \
v Moon /
Ketu Sun

Vargottama Lagna — Uthirashada 1st pada

Example Chart No:4

Note here the 2nd and 7th lord Mars is in Uthirashada 1st pada, the vargothama pada of the Sun. The stellar

lord of the Lagna pada the Sun is afflicted with Rahu, posited in Aquarius. Mars is in vargothama pada,

had given him twice marriage. But it's star lord the Sun was associated with Rahu, and posited in

enemies house. The native lost his first wife during Sun Dasa and second wife during Rahu Dasa.

Dhanasthanathipathi the 2Ild house lord being vargothama had not given even good finance also.

Mar Ketu
Sun ID
RBhxx Mer Jup
Chart No.4
Mer 11
Ven Moon
Lagna 12

Mars is in Vargottama'-- Uthirashada

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Example Chart No:5

Note here the Lagnathipathi and the 2nd lord the Saturn is in Chitha 2nd pada vargothama, the fourth lord

and eleventh lord Mars is in Aswini 1st pada vargothama, fifth lord and tenth lord Venus is in Uthirashada

1st pada Vargothama and the Sun 8th lord is in Sadabhisa 3rd pada Vargothama. Irrespective of major

houses which control native's status are in vargothama position, the native status in not that good. This is

due to the Lagna and 2nd lord the Saturn is in enemy's(Mars) Vargothama. 5th and 10th lord Venus in

Asubha or 8th (Astamathipathi)bad house lord the Suns' star Vargothama. Hence the native was not

comfortable either in profession or in financial conditions.

Sim 9 Ven
1 Moon \y shadal
Aswini Lagna
etu Chart No.5 Mar

UShada 1 JU
P 'Chitha 2 Moon Raliu


As you know, planets posited in a sign may not deliver results but its' star lord delivers the result is the

main concept of Meena2 System. We should not come to a conclusion that the native may enjoy all

positive results just because a planet or bhavathipathi or lagna pada is vargothama. Here we should be

careful in pronouncing the results of a bhava or planet if they are possessing vargothama pada. I had

given number of stellar principles in my Stellar Effects-Kalamsa-Gunas; readers can go through this book

for further reading and better understanding and utilising for your prediction purposes.

Ref: Stellar Effects-Kalamsa-Gunas by Dr.NVRA Raja Meena2 Jr.

JASA and all its readers thank the author Sri Raja ji for such path-

breaking and unique article. It is to be treasured by all.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

AenqeoUy fleeoa Si /Hclkob- /Heena 2 /Vaaii

Jyothida Thendral Mrs. R. Vijayalakshmi

Mrs R Vijayalakshmi is a practicing Naadi astrologer from Barur Dharmapuri Dt.TN. Did her M.A.
(astrology) from Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad. She is one of the founder trustees of JKR
Astro research foundation, Secunderabad. She participated in many Astro conferences and seminars and
delivered talk on importance of stellar astrology. She has honorary titles like Jyothida Thendral, Jyothida
Ratna, etc.,. She is a resource person to Department of Astrology, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu. She
had contributed number of articles in Tamil astrology magazines. She is a keen follower of Naadi Jyothisa of
Meena 2 system and also disciple of Dr.NVRA Raja Jr.Meenal.

barurviiavalakshmitg) gmail.com

The Zodiac is Nature's living memory. The living photograph of every instant of the life of a wish
or thought cherished by us is automatically by a subtle process recorded in it. So all the wide
spreading results of its activities are charged with absolute justice against its creator. So it is only
too true that as a man sows so does he reap. Realise the glory of this spiritual and moral teaching. Guruji
Sri NV Raghavachary had given a torch light to our hand, trying to shape the life in accordance with this
knowledge. Dr.NVRA Raja has given in excellent principles to identify the strength of the planets and
bhavasin his work"Stellar Effects in Astrology- Jeeva and Sareera".


Whenever 8th lords Jeeva and Sareera planets, Ayush karaka Saturn's Jeeva and Sareera planets,
Bhathagathipathi planet's Jeeva and Sareera with Dasa, Bhukthi, Anthara then possibilities of death like
situation occurs. If above said combinations connected with yoga karaka planets in Gochara the native
may get relief - Dr.NVRA Raja Jr.Meenal

Male, 12.06.1988, 08.28Am, Coimbatore -TamilNadu

Sun Rahu

Ven Mer




Ketu Jup(R) Sat


JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Lagna 02.07 Cancer Punarvasu 4

Sun 27.14 Taurus Mirgasira 2

Moon 26.50 Capricorn Dhanista 2

Mars 12.12 Virgo Hasta 1

Mer(R) 19.09 Taurus Rohini 1

Jup(R) 07.12 Libra Swathi 1

Venus 20.40 Aries Bharani 3

Sat(R) 21.56 Virgo Hasta 4

Rahu 21.00 Gemini Punarvasu 1

Ketu 21.00 Sagittarius Poorvasha 3


8th lord Saturn is in the star of Moon, Moon has become Jeeva planet. Jeeva planet is in the star of Mars
star therefore Mars has become Sareera planet. Ayush karaka Saturn is in the star of Moon, Moon has
become Jeeva planet. Jeeva planet is in the star of Mars star therefore Mars has become Sareera planet.

The Venus is Bhathagathipathi planet for Cancer Lagna. Venus is in the star of Venus, Venus has
become Jeeva planet. Jeeva planet is in own star therefore his occupied house lord Mars should become
Sareera planet.


Jup Sun.Mer




JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Rahu transits in Poorvabhadhrapada star

The native met major car accident in his childhood; in the accident he lost his full left leg. At the time of
accident (12.06.1988) the native was running Rahu Dasa, Rahu Bhukthi, and Saturn Anthara from
13.05.1988 to 20.10.1988. On the day of accident Dasa lord and Bhukthi lord Rahu transiting in eight
house along with Mars, Mars is Sareera planet of 8th lord and Ayush karaka Saturn and also
Bhathagathipathi planet Venus. Anthara lord Saturn aspects from Sagittarius(Transit) the Sareera planet
Mars posited in Virgo(Natal)We can observe, that death inflicting planets, 8th house Sareera planet,
bhathagathipathi'sSareera planet Mars is connected to Dasa and Bhukthi lord Rahu and Anthara Lord
Saturn. But Dasalord Rahu is transiting in Jupiter's star Poorvabhadrapada, Jupiter is a Yoga karaka for
Cancer Lagna. Even though Dasa lord and Bhukthi lord had connection to Mars, but its connection to
Yoga Karaka saved the life of the native and given accident and taken away his left leg.

Here we can note the connection of Dasa and Bhukthi lord Rahu with Sareera planet of 8th lord and
bhadhagathipathi'sSareera planet. The native met near the death. But he could survive from the
connection of Jupiter, who is yoga karaka of Cancer Lagna.

Jai Guruji Meenal.

Ref: "Stellar Effects in Astrology- Jeeva and Sareera" By Dr.NVRA Raja,Meena2 Jr.

editor's Note

This article proves beyond any doubt that Astrology is the mother of all sciences. No
other modern scientific endeavour of mankind can tell with such precise accuracy
the place of the building and its color!!

We heartily thank Smt. R. Vijayalakshmi for contributing this splendid article based
on Meena2 Naadi.

GtTMjyJlXLLA- !f jfTjH. G4T*lfL«*C*£ ]2JlX*jdljC±JIXrM-A-

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
/Haanal flaabi instant: 'Play oft planets

Article Edited by Prof. NVRA Raja, PhD

Jyothisa Acharya. TKRaghunathan

Jyothisa Acharya. T. K. Raghunathan is a retired engineer interested in astrology, literature and poetry. He is
based in Secunderabad. His interest in astrology is inspired by his association with JKR ASTRO RESEARCH
FOUNDATION. He hopes to contribute to astro literature by writing articles on special themes of
contemporary interest concerning sports and literary personalities. He is a Sr.faculty in JKR Astro Research
Foundation, Secunderabad.

Email: tkraghunathan@rediffmail.com

JKR Astro Research Foundation, Secunderabad, Conducts lively discussions on astrological

justifications on various contemporary events in public gaze, as part of programme to spread

awareness about stellar astrology among student community interested in astrology. They conduct

regular classes and hold assessment examinations to test proficiency in astrological domain, leading to

award of Shiromani and Visharadha certificates. The following article presented under the title "Power

play of planets" is compiled from one such discussion on the results of Loksabha in April/May,2014.

The spectacular and unprecedented victory achieved by Bharatiya Janata Party under the campaign

leadership of Shri Narendra Modi has caught every one's attention as the most dramatic election of our

time, for control of India decisively changed hands with decimation of Congress as high light of the show

that unfolded in front of us. It would be an absorbing astrological study to find out. How Mr.Modi could

go about smashing the core credibility of Congress party led by an ebullient Rahul Gandhi, who was left

stranded in his lone uncelebrated victory in the benign neighbourhood of Amethi, while a morale

shattering experience confronted him on all India scene . We will leave it to the Historians and political

pundits to analyse the reasons for the massive failure of congress to stop the rampaging Modi who raced

to a sensational victory.

We as students of Astrology will look at the scenes differently, as we do not believe in mundane reasons

and rhetoric involved in contrasting electoral strategies deployed by the players. Instead we will indulge

in games of stargazing, exotic concepts of Digbala, Jeeva Sareera and Kalamsa and Guna refinements to

check if it was all preordained by the planetary and stellar dispensations beyond the manipulative skills of

electoral strategists short foes of intellectual perceptions and motivations.

What do we have for such an exercise?

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
Using contemporary technology tools of Google and Jagannathahora astro softwares, we take in hand the

birth details of Sri Modi and obtain the latest print out of the horoscope of our Hero of the day, born on

17 sept, 1950 at ll.OOhrs in the remote small town called Mehsena in Gujarat. Not wanting to tease the

software about the whereabouts of geographical location of Mehsena, we replace it as Ahmedabad.

17/09/1950 11Zone5.50 T
Narendra Modi 1ST Sunday y
Lahiri 23:10:7 k
Ahmadabadl India S
72 E 37 23 N 2 S


Name Ret Sign Degrees Star Otr. Lord SubBindusShasti B/M

Ascendan! Scorpio "T 30' Vi sakha 4 Jup Rahu Amrita B
O Sun Virgo O-SB' Uttaraphalgun 2 Sun Rahu 5 Bhraman M
3} Moon Scorpio 0° A3' Anuradha 2 Sat Ven 5 Utpata M
d" Mars Scorpio O- 55' Vi sakha 4 Jup Mars 6 Bhraman M
S Mercury R Virgo O'AT Uttaraphalgun 2 Sun Rahu 7 Bhraman M
^Jupiter R Aquarius G" 35' Dhanistha 4 Mars Moon 4 Ma rut B
^ Venus Leo 1B- 4T Purvaphalguni 1 Ven Sun 2 Kaala M
Saturn Leo 29° 39' Uttaraphalgun 1 Sun Rahu 3 Chandra. B
Rahu Pisces 5° 13' Uttarabhadrap 1 Sat Sat Praveen B
Ketu Virgo 5° 13' Uttaraphalgun 3 Sun Merc P rave en B

We now have the entire universe in our hand with all celebrated planets all trapped nicely in fascinating

square boxes. What we see is a staggering arrangement of planets screaming at us silently, flexing their

muscles and doing high fives in their jubilations .Let us record what we see

1. A Scorpio Lagna in the constellation of Vishaka whose lord is Jupiter. The Lord of Lagnakendra

is the ponderous looking Mars making his presence felt in his own house in the same star and

with a mild looking Moon in Anuradha whose Lord is Saturn. Thus right at birth, this native was

endowed with power by planets Jupiter, Saturn and Mars to exploit relationship with people,

tremendous energy levels, unbridled ambition and innovative mind, as represented by these

planets and their stellar Lords.

2. We see the sagacious Jupiter occupying the 4th house in the constellation of Dhanista whose Lord

is Mars. The Lord of the 4th house is Saturn. This combination of power, mind and people took

time to develop into a lethal force that we saw in recent times.

3. The 5th house belonging to Jupiter houses the shadowy Rahu in the constellation of

Uthirabhadrapada whose lord again is Saturn. If you set store by the dictum that Rahu and Saturn

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
behave in like manner, we see the combination of Jup, Mars and Saturn again gathering together

spoiling for fight.

4. We then see the 10th house belonging to great lord Sun, tenanted by two ebullient planets Venus in

his own star and Saturn in star of Uthirapalguni whose lord is Sun. This combination of Venus and

Saturn in the house of Sun is a pointer to what the entire native could achieve to snatch glory in

his hands in a public dominated platform.

5. The 11th house belonging to Mercury is tenanted by three planets, an exalted Mercury in the star

of Sun, along with Sun in his own star and the master of all moderation Ketu also in star of Sun.

The Labhastan of the native is dominated by Mercury and Sun with all three planets resident,

under stellar control of Sun.

6. It is a significant point to note that Mars and Mercury are in own houses, Sun and Venus are in

own stars, Mercury is exalted in Virgo and Venus in poorvapalguni 1 is vargothama. Also note

that Yoga karaka planets for this chart are Jupiter and Moon and the Sun.

7. We check for the digbalas2 present in the chart's planetary distribution. It is astounding to note

that out of nine planets, seven have digbalas as explained down below.

a)Jupiter has digbala because it is aspected by planet Mars from Lagnakendra.

b) Moon has digbala because its star lord Saturn is Lord of 4th house

c) Venus has digbala because it is in conjunction with Saturn the lord of 4th house and also it is

aspected by 4th house positioned planet Jupiter.

d) Saturn has digbala because it is in conjunction with Venus the lord of 7th house.

e) Rahu has digbala because its star lord Saturn is in conjunction with lord of 7th house Venus.

f) Planet Sun has digbala because it is lord of 10th house.

g) Ketu has digbala because it is in conjunction with Sun lord of 10th house.

The two planets Mercury and Mars do not have digbala. But it does not matter because they are

already strong as they are in their own houses and also because Mercury is exalted and Mars is

with 9th lord Moon.

Don't you feel amazed by the emerging power play? To evaluate their real effectiveness we have

to relate this power to what combination of bhavas would take one to zenith of power structure in

political field in the course of an election. For that we need to study Bhavas# 1,2,6,10, and 11

along with their relationship with Mars, Saturn and Mercury.

Why above bhavas and planets you may ask?

The answer is explained as follows.

Read earlier articles of Prof.NVRA Raja, published in JASA
JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
• The first Bhava describes the persona in relation to the karaka planet sun. This will

determine how basic, inborn character, upbringing, energy levels in the individual combine

together to carry the native to position of power. It is significant here to check that

lagnadhipati is Mars and its relation to Jupiter and Sun.

• The second bhava with karaka planet Jupiter indicates the power of conviction, power of

expression by word and actions. If this bhava was weak, you would be a nonstarter in any

game. In this chart Jupiter is bhavadhipati himself.

• The 6th bhava indicates the competitiveness involved, energy levels required to overcome

the hurdles. Here also karaka planet Mars is also bhavadhipati

• The 10th Bhava indicates the profession and the success you are destined to attain in that

chosen field. The karaka planet for this bhava is Sun who is posited in its own star with

exalted Mercury in Labhasthana. The two planets in this bhava are Venus and Saturn

which indicate the operating domain as public. This bhava is aspected by Jupiter.

• The 11th bhava indicates if all the power we noticed are going to be used to achieve

common good or channelized to be wasted away. The planets in this bhava are Sun,

Mercury and Ketu. It is significant that all three planets are in star of Sun

We now apply the concept of kalamsa to the chart and identify the exact kalamsa Lord actively

engaged for the bhava, its Jeeva/Sareera planets and guna transformations.. The relationship

between, bhava lord , karaka planet, kalamsa lord are clearly illustrated in following table. See

how beautifully they all played their parts in the drama unfolded during the months of April and

May to astound the nation with their dramatic outcomes. Please read earlier articles of Prof.NVRA

Raja published in JASA or his publications to workout Jeeva & Sareera and Gunas.

Bhava # Karaka Kalamsa Jeeva planet of KL Sareera Guna of

planet lord Planet Of KL

Mars Merc

Moon Venus Merc

Mars Mars Merc

Merc Rahu

Rahu Venus Merc

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
This is the power pack that stunned poor Rahul Gandhi. He really did not know what hit him so


Look at the Jeeva/Sareera planets tell the complete story. The planets Sun, Moon and Jup are all

yoga karakas for this chart. The Sareera planet Mercury is exalted and associated with sun. Venus

and Saturn have digbala and are aspected by yoga karaka Jupiter. The planets Venus, Mercury and

Jupiter combined so beautifully, along with karaka planets Sun, Mars and Jup to deliver the results

in such dramatic effect. If you see that Rahu and Saturn are alike, you will see the kalamsa lords

were effectively lordly Mars, Moon and Saturn.

The fact that entire campaign was conducted during the months of April and May the months of

exaltation for sun and moon, adding to the beauty of effect

The refinement of gunas of these kalamsa lords to that of Rajasic nature is by itself another story

Finally like an icing to a cake, the native hero was RUNNING Moon mahadasa ,Rahu bukthi and

Venus anthara during the entire campaign and on the day of result, Moon was just hovering over

the lagna of natives chart. Do you agree now that what felled Congress was planets & stars

intervention and all they could do was to acknowledge that they fell to the forces understood

less by humans leave alone congressmen.

1) Stellar Effects in Astrology-Jeeva & Sareera by Prof.NVRA Raja PhD,Meena2 Jr.
2) Stellar Effects-Kalamsa -Gunas- by. Prof.NVRA Raja .PhD. Meena2Jr.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

/tiawiage. cCMtftalibilUq /^Oioe^ca: /I case, siuty base}) en /Pleena_2

fladbi 'Ptinciftles

Mrs. Hemalatha A. Krishnan

Jyothisa Acharya, Smt.Hemalatha A.Krishnan is a Banker by profession and senior faculty at

JKR Astro Research Foundation, Secunderabad .She has been a student of Sri P.V.K.
Punneswara Rao Garu and learnt astrology directly from him. She has got more than 15 years
experience in astrology .She was conferred with honorary titles of Jyothisa Ratna, Jyothisa
Pandit and Jyothisa Choodamani. She is a staunch follower of Meena2 Naadi system and
disciple of Dr.NVRA Raja, Meena2 Jr.

Email: hemalathal308(i

The Jeeva and Sareera concept is based on stellar dispositor theory. Meena 2 Naadi system gives
the rules to identify the two sensitive planets called Jeeva planet and Sareera planet which are
keys to assess the strength of a bhava and a planet. They play a vital role to determine the timing
of events and help to analyse the results accurately.

Marriages are made in heaven, so goes the saying. Even as destiny directs the marriages, planetary
patterns reveal the seeds of marital problems. A critical study of the Jeeva planet and the Sareera planet of
the concerned houses will help us to understand whether the couple will lead a happy married life, the
duration of their togetherness, mutual happiness or to the contrary.

Principle: Whenever Jeeva or Sareera planet of husband's 6th house is connected with 7th
house Jeeva or Sareera planet of wife or vice versa ,then there will be very little or no mutual
happiness in their marital life. -PROF N V R A RAJA , MEENA 2 Jr

The couple whose birth charts are given here below were married on 13-08-2008. There was lot of
incompatibility and they decided to separate. The divorce took place on 14-3-2014.

Wife Husband
DOB:15-8-1989 DOB:03-12-1982
Vijayawada: 22.00hrs Vijayawada: 15.23hrs

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014






Stellar position of planets in the natal charts


Let us analyse these charts applying the unique Jeeva and Sareera concept.

The following table is arrived based on the Meena-2 Naadi principle Of Jeeva & Sareera that the Jeeva
Planet is the lord of the constellation in which the particular Bhava lord is posited. The Sareera planet is
the lord of the constellation in which the Jeeva Planet is situated. When the Jeeva planet is posited in his
own star the house lord becomes the Sareera planet. Please ref: Practical Stellar Astrology by Sri N.V.
Raghavachary-Meena 2 ,.Previous issues of JASA wherein the method of arriving at Jeeva planet and
Sareera planet for each bhava has been explained in detail by Dr.NVRA Raja.


Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

JP-Jeeva planet SP-Sareera Planet

Analysis - Compatibility
From wife

• 7th house SP Mercury is the 6Th house JP of husband.

• 7th lord Venus, debilitated in her 6th house. 7th house JP Sun is SP of 6,8 of self and 8th JP of
• 7th house JP Sun and SP Mercury along with Venus, karaka for marriage in the 8th house of
husband's chart
• 6th house JP Venus and SP Sun in conjunction with 7th house JP of husband, Mercury in the 8th
house in the husband's chart.
• Mercury, SP of Venus the lord of 2 & 6 is posited with two malefics, Mars and Ketu and aspected
by Rahu.

The above position of planets did not give her any comfort in marital life.

From Husband

• 6th house JP Mercury is the 7th house SP of wife.

• 7th house JP Mercury is the 6th lord of wife. Mercury is in Scorpio along with Venus who is the JP
of wife's 8th house.
• 7th SP Mars posited in the wife's 6th SP Sun's house
• Mercury, JP of Venus posited in 8th along with 5th & 7th lord hemmed between malefics, Ketu in
Sagittarius and Saturn in Libra
• 7th house JP Mercury and SP Mars are also JP and SP respectively of 6th and 8th houses.

From the above analysis we can see the clear connection of 6th and 7th house in both Husband and wife's
charts. They never enjoyed their married life for the past 5 years. They finally decided to separate and

Jupiter is the karaka for legal separation

Wife Husband
Jupiter Jeeva Sareera Jeeva Sareera
Rahu Saturn Jupiter Mars


Let us analyse the period on the date of Divorce


Dasa lord Rahu transiting along with Mars, 6th SP of Husband, in V1 house of Venus, Karaka for
marriage who is IP of 6 & 8.
Bhukthi lord Saturn ,SP for Jupiter, Karaka for legal separation transiting in the star of Jupiter
along with Rahu, JP of Jupiter in the house of Venus,JP of 6,8 aspecting natal Sun,SP of 6,8.
Antara lord Jupiter, transiting in the star of Rahu,JP of Jupiter, in the house of Mercury , SP of
Venus. SP of Jupiter, Saturn in natal chart is aspected by transiting Jupiter in Gemini.


• Dasa lord Saturn transiting in the star of Jupiter, who is JP of Jupiter, Karaka for separation,
aspected by transiting Jupiter from Gemini along with Mars SP of 6 in the house of Venus, 6th JP
of wife.
• Bhukthi lord Rahu, transiting in Libra in the star of Mars , SP of 6
JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
• Antara lord Sun, transiting in star of Jupiter in Aquarius along with Mercury, JP of 6. Sun is the
wife's 6th SP.Dasa lord Saturn and Bhukthi lord Rahu are themselves JP and SP of wife's Jupiter


As per Meena-2 Naadi system, Divorce or events like long separation between couples may happen when
the Dasa, Bhukthi, Antara Lords of husband and wife have mutual connection to 6th house JP, SP and
legal separation planet Jupiter in transit


1. Practical Stellar Astrology by Sri N.V. Raghavachary.Meenal

2. Stellar effects in Astrology- Jeeva and Sareera by Prof. NVRA Raja-Meena 2 Jr

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Iftkm ^planets 7)6 net toovk, 'Pvayavs tvlll hcty-^lcUav concept: /Xcci7ent

and ^ecooe^-'/Heena -2 flaabi system

Prof. Ramanujam Kathyayani Devi

Prof.R.Kathyayani Devi is a DMLT, M.Sc (Zoology) O.U, M.Sc (Medical Microbiology), Utkal University
and M.A (Astrology - Gold medalist) from PSTU. She is also a faculty member in JKR Astro Research
Foundation, is practicing Meena -2 Naadi System. Working as a faculty member in a medical college.
She believes in selfless service to the needy, and spares time for online consultation in India and
abroad. She is also a proud recipient of Titles Jyothishya Acharya and Jyothishya Choodamani and
recently received Professorship in Vedanga Jyothisam from Yogasamskritham University -Florida.
Now pursuing PhD in Medical Astrology under the guidance of Prof. Dr. N.V.R.A. Raja, Chairman, JKR
Astro Research Foundation.

email: t kathvvikram(S)vahoo.com

Poorvaianma krutham paapam vyadhiroopena bhadhithe

Thathshanthi roushadhai iapahomarchanadhibihi

Native born on IS111 may 1989 @8,35 pm Nalgonda

Native is a medical graduate and was planning to do her Post graduation in medicine. On 5/feb/2013 she
visited the hospital to see her grandfather who was declared dead by the doctors in Malakpet.
Next day i.e. 6/feb/2013 @ 6.30 pm

She fell from one step in her house and had a big hematoma in her head, there were no external injuries,
no bleeding and was brought to the hospital in the unconscious state, she was admitted in the hospital
ICCU and was being treated .Next day, slowly she slipped into coma and the Doctors gave up hope
saying that she would not survive. As it is, the family has a jolt due to the demise of the elder member in
the family added to the agony this budding doctor going into coma. I consoled the family and took the
birth details of the girl with the blessings of my Guruji .Dr.N.V.R.A.Raja gam applied the principles of
Paramapujya Guruji Sri.N.V.Raghavachary gam's Jeeva Sareera method and applied the principles on the
Natal chart.

VE *

Ascendant Sagittarius 0° 57' Mula 1

FtmaJt G Sun Taurus 3° 55' Krttika 3
1&-&-1989 3) Moon Libra 9° 56' Swati 1
20:35 hi d Mars Gemini 18° 19' Ardra 4
jNalgoniLa S Mercury R Taurus 11° 44' Rohini 1
^Jupiter Taurus 19° 46' Rohini 3
5 Venus Taurus 15° 20' Rohini 2
A Saturn R Sagittarius 19° 41' Purvashadha 2
6 Rahu Aquarius 6° 47' Satabisha. 1
Ketu Leo 6° 47' Magha 3

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
Native was running Vimshottari Dasa of Jupiter/Venus/Mercury From 22-DEC-2012 TO 5-5-2013
Self-lst house Moon Rahu
Accident house-6th Moon Rahu
8th -Sudden incident Rahu Saturn
12th Hospitalization Rahu Saturn
Mars-karaka for accident Rahu Saturn
5th house Rahu Saturn
11th house Moon Rahu

Followed by Jupiter/Venus/Ketu uotp 4-7-2014. Yogakaraka for Sagittarius Lagna is Sun, Maraka planets
are Saturn and Mercury. Bhadaka planet is Mercury.


Ascendant lord and the 4th lord Jupiter are in the star of moon, moon happens to be the Jeeva
Planet. Jeeva planet moon is in the constellation of Rahu, hence Rahu becomes the Sareera
Saturn the 2nd/3rd lord is in the constellation of Venus , Venus is in the group of which Venus is
most powerful by virtue of its position in its own house, hence Venus becomes the Jeeva planet
Jeeva planet Venus is in Moon star hence Moon becomes the Sareera planet.
Mars the 5th /12th lord Mars is posited in Rahu constellation, Rahu becomes the Jeeva planet.
Jeeva planet Rahu is in his own constellation henceforth the house lord Saturn becomes the
Sareera planet.
Venus the 6th and the 11th lord is posited in his own house in the constellation of Moon, Moon
becomes the Jeeva planet. Jeeva planet Moon is in the constellation of Rahu; hence Rahu becomes
the Sareera planet.
Moon the 8th lord posited in the Rahu constellation, Rahu becomes the Jeeva planet Jeeva planet
Rahu is in his own constellation hence house lord Saturn becomes the Sareera planet.
Sun is the 9th lord is in the star of Sun and he is in a group of which Venus is powerful being in his
own house, and hence Venus has become Jeeva Planet. Venus is in the constellation of Moon.
Moon becomes the Sareera planet.

Time of Accident is 6/feb/2013(5)6.30 AM Secunderabad

Dasa/Bukthi/Anthara at the time of accident was Jupiter/Venus/Mercury.

ke ju

Acci dant Day Ascendant Capricorn 17° 43-'

ME '6th Feb 2013 G Sun Capricorn 23° 21'
gy Hyderabad 3) Moon Scorpio 25° 45'
AC d Mars Aquarius 9° 5'
VE 5 Mercury Aquarius 6° 40'
^Jupiter Taurus 12° 21'
£Venus Capricorn 10° 52'
E Saturn Libra 17° 20.
6 Rahu Libra 27" 38'
. Ketu Aries 27° 38'

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
Analysis: In the natal chart, Jupiter /Venus /Mercury, all three of them are in the constellation of Moon.
Moon is the Jeeva planet and Rahu is the Sareera planet for 1/6 houses. Rahu is Jeeva planet for the 8th,
12th house and for Mars and Sareera planet for 1st and 6th house. Saturn is the Sareera planet for 8th, 12th
houses and Mars. Dasa lord Jupiter transiting in the constellation of Moon who happens to be the 1st and
6th house Jeeva planet. Bukthi lord Venus also in the constellation of Moon and Anthara lord Mercury
transiting in the Rahu star, Rahu is Jeeva planet for the 8th, 12th house, for Mars and Sareera planet for 1st
and 6th house and in the house of Saturn , Saturn is the Sareera planet for 8th, 12th houses and Mars.

Note DBA have connections of 1,6,8,12th houses and Mars's Jeeva & Sareera planets in transit, caused
accident to the native. The Native was in coma from 7/02/2013. Her parents came to me and asked if she
would recover or not? Let us observe is there any connection to 5th and 11th house at the time of accident.
Here 5th Jeeva and Sareera planets are Rahu and Saturn. 11th house Jeeva and Sareera planets are Moon
and Rahu. Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting in the constellation of moon that happens to be the 11th Jeeva
planet, Bukthi lord Venus is also in the constellation of moon and Anthara lord Mercury is Transiting in
the Rahu star. Rahu happens to be the Jeeva planet for the 5th and Sareera planet for the 11th and Mercury
is transiting in the house of Saturn who is the Sareera for 5th house.

Hence even though the accident occurred and was in coma it was informed that she will recover and will
lead a normal life. This is due to the strong connection of the 5th and the 11th Jeeva and Sareera planets to
the DBA. There was a sign of relief when I said that she would recover. I asked them to perform the
Mahamruthyunjaya mandala puja for 48 days(mandal period) as Saturn is ayushkaraka and Mars is
karaka for accident. Mars and Saturn are in mutual aspect in the Natal chart. For Sagittarius lagna Saturn
is Marakadhipathi sitting in the lagna and aspecting the Mars in the 7th house.

PRINCIPLE- Whenever Jeeva and Sareera planets of 1/6/8/12 and Mars are connected to the
D/B/A then events like accidents may happen, but if the same D/B/A are connected to the 5th /11th
houses the native will be discharged from the Hospital. Stellar Effects in Astrology-Jeeva and
Sareera -pg no: 270

The Date of discharge from the Hospital was 13/3/2013. On the date of discharge also note that the
DBA lords Jupiter /Venus/Mercury have connection to 5th and 11th Jeeva and Sareera planets. The parents
have informed me that they have successful completed performing Mahamruthunjaya mandal puja , God
has answered their prayers.

Discharge G Sun Aquarius 28° 45' PurvabhadYapa 3

13-3-2013 3) Moon Pisces 15° 56' Uttarabhadrap 4
Hydeiabad Mars Pisces 6° 42' Uttarabhadrap 2
S Mercury R Aquarius 12° 41' ■Satabisha 2
^■Jupiter Taurus 15° 3' Rohini 2
SVenus Aquarius 24° 51' Purvabhadrapa 2
h. Saturn R Libra 17° 3' Swati 4
& Rahu Libra. 25° 46' Vi sakha. 2
Ketu Aries 25° 46' Bharani 4

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014



Applying the Principle -Whenever Jeeva or Sareera planets of 1/6/8/12 and Mars are connected to the
D/B/A then events like accidents may happen, but if the same D/B/A lords are connected to the 5/11
houses then native will recover and get cured.- Stellar Effects in Astrology-Jeeva Sareera - by Dr.N.V.RA
Raja PhD(Pg.no:270).
From the above analysis we can note that DBA had connection to 6, 8,12th houses and Mars and also
strong connection to recovery houses 5th and 11th made the native to come back from coma. We can give
quick and accurate prediction by using principles of Meena2 system.


Mahamruthunjaya mandala puja was suggested for 48 days (27+12+9) as manah karaka moon is in the
Rahu constellation .Ayushkaraka was in the lagna aspecting the Mars karaka for accident in the Gemini.
Remeidal measures suggested were performed and she recovered. This clearly indicates that remedies
will help when performed in right time. Native is preparing for her medical PG entrance, due in April
2014.May God bless her fulfill her mission.


1. Practical Stellar Astrology - by Sri N.V.Raghavachary Meena-2

2. Stellar Effects on Astrology-Jeeva and Sareera - Dr.NVRA.Raja PhD

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

J L ' \i


JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

/PlawLage an? ^tOMtetien ihwugh -Hetaity: ft 4 £leq> ^hceiH^ flnatysis

Sunil Gondhalekar

Sri Sunil Gondhalekar is the inventor of 4 Step Theory. He developed this theory in 1990 after many years of painstaking
research. Sri Gondhalekar is a mechanical engineering diploma holder, who has also studied KP technique from 1980 and is the
winner of many awards and titles. From 1993, he is the editor of a Marathi language magazine of astrology: 'Nakshatrache Dene',
published from Maharashtra, India. He has also published various books on astrology in Marathi such as 'Vivaha Yoga', courses
on KP, Nakshatra Sandesh, Nakshatra Prabha, Nakshatra Triveni.

Email: sunilalakatSivahoo.com

A young person came to my office for the marriage probability. He did not know his birth details
so decided to check by horary method. He took out number 244(out of 1 to 249) from my token
box. This query is solved on 21st Sept.2008 at 11-06-16 AM at Thane. In the chart 7th sub is
Venus and signify as follows: (bracketed houses are strong significators) The Horary chart is attached for


Itself: Venus:- 7 3 8

IfsN.Swami: Mars:-(7) 2(9) Mercury-Yuti (7) (4)7

It's Sub : Ketu:- (5) Rashi-Swami Moon (2) 5

It's Sub's N.Swami :— Mercury:- (7) (4)7 Mars-Yuti (7) 2(9)

Venus signify 7-5 houses indicating the marriage probability. Now to check DBA. He was running
Moon Dasa till 17 Nov.2009. Since Saturn aspecting Moon and a dual sign ascendant I eliminated Moon
dasa and switched to next Mars Dasa which signify as follows:


Itself: Mars:- (7) 2 (9) Mercury-Yuti (7) (4) 7

IfsN.Swami: Mars:-(7) 2(9) Mercury-Yuti (7) (4)7

It's Sub : Jupiter:- (10) (1) 10 Cusp Yuti: (10)

It's Sub's N.Swami :— Venus:- (7) (3) (8)

Dasaswami Mars signify 7-8 houses. Since to complete chain I checked Rahu Bhukti which signify as


Itself: Rahu:- (11) Rashi-Swami Saturn (6) 11 (12)

IfsN.Swami: Moon:-(2) 5 Cusp Yuti: (3) Satum-Drusht (6) 11(12)

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
It's Sub Venus:- 7 3 8

It's Sub's N.Swami Mars:- (7) 2(9) Mercury-Yuti (7) (4)7

Rahu signify 2-7-11 houses thus completing the chain, so I declared that native will get married during
Mars/Rahu/Rahu period that will be during April-June 2010. So predicted that you will get married
during May 2010.

In horary chart Jupiter is lord lagna in 10th house showing his good carrier but he was very ordinary
person in organization, so I decided to check 10th sub and it was Moon who signify as follows:


Itself: Moon:-(2) 5 CuspYuti:(3) Satum-Drusht (6) 11(12)

It's N.Swami: Moon:-(2) 5 CuspYuti:(3) Satum-Drusht (6) 11(12)

It's Sub : Venus:- 7 3 8

It's Sub's N.Swami :— Mars:- (7) 2(9) Mercury-Yuti (7) (4)7

Moon signify 2-6 houses and Mars on 4th step indicating good position, I judged DB and they are
indicating 1-10-2-11-6 houses and Dasa of mars indicating good position. Selected Sun antara as it
signify 6-1-10 houses as follows:


Itself: Sun:- (6) 6

It's N.Swami : Sun:- (6) 6

It's Sub : Saturn:- (6) 11 (12) Jupiter-Dmsht (10) (1) 10

It's Sub's N.Swami :— Venus:- (7) (3) (8)

So this period will be during Feb.2011 to March 2011, Hence told him that you will become Manager
during this period. Native said to me " Kyo Saab Maskari Karato Ho?" but I was confident and asked him
to give me feedback. In actual Native got married on 14-05-2010 and promoted as Manager in Feb.2011.
10th sub is Moon in Moon star indicating job related to liquid and is in sub of Venus indicates liquor
hence native was a waiter in small bar and got promoted in same bar. One interesting point in this horary
about Saturn in Sixth house. One astrologer Mr Narayan Thombare (recently expired) told about this
Saturn in sixth house indicates that native sells wine in his lifetime. This tally with this horary chart.
Readers are requested to check such combination in the natal chart from their data bank and give

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014


Lagna Raslii Chart

11 ^-"Ra NeR

Ke Fo Su Ma Me

Ciiso Bhavchalit Chart

la NeR

Ke Fo Ma Me Ve

Navamsha D9 Chart
Su Fo

10 Sa

UrRPI Mo Ra -■Ma Me Ju

This Report is bv Astro-Kundali PRO (Lite Version) Software. Web Site: http://astrokundaii.com/

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Planet D Si L ii Deg Mm Sec Star StarLord Sub SubSuh
Sun Virgo 04 Q 43 ' 23 " Uttar-Phal (3) Sun Saturn Rahu
Moon T aums 21 0 47 ' 31 " Rohini (4) Moon Venus Jupiter
Mars Virgo 27° 26' 10" Chitra (2) Mars Jupiter Moon
Mercury Virao 28° 27'34 " China (2) Mars Saturn Mercury
Jupiter Sagittarius 18 0 55 ' 06 " Purvashadha (2) Venus Rahu Saturn
Venus Libra 02 0 35 ' 02 " Chitra (3) Mars Ketu Mercun
Saturn Leo 20° 10'46" Purva-Phal (3) Venus Jupiter Jupiter
Rahu Capricorn 22 0 27 ' 55 " Shravana (4) Moon Venus Merc up)
Ketu Cancer 22° 27'55" Aslesha (2) Mercury Moon Rahu
Uranus R Aquarius 26 0 27 ' 52 " Purvabhadra (2) Jupiter Kem Mercury
Neptune R Capricorn 28 0 02 '41 " Dhanishtha (2) Mars Saturn Saturn
Pluto Sagittarius 04° 38' 55 " Mula (2) Ketu Moon Venus
Fortuna Cancer 25° 16'01 " Aslesha (3) Mercury Rahu Mercun

Cusps Sign Deg Mm Sec H.Lord StarLord Sub SubSub

1 Pisces 21 0 33 '20" Jupiter Mercury Sun Sun
2 Aries 24 0 50 1 56 " Mars Venus Mercury Moon
3 T aums 22° 12'20" Venus Moon Venus Saturn
4 Gemini 17° 14'34" Mercury Rahu Venus Mercury
5 Cancer 13 0 35'27" Moon Saturn Rahu Saturn
6 Leo 14° 37' 35" Sun Venus Venus Jupiter
7 Virgo 21 0 33 ' 20" Mercury Moon Venus Rahu
8 Libra 24 0 50 ' 56 " Venus Jupiter Mercury Mars
9 Scorpio 22 0 12' 20" Mars Mercury Sun Venus
10 Sagittarius 17° 14'34" Jupiter Venus Moon Venus
11 Capricorn 13 0 35'27" Saturn Moon Rahu Sun
12 Aquarius 14° 37 '35" Saturn Rahu Ketu Sun

Cusp Significators
1 1/ ffl ft! 74/ Jup 75/ (Sun) (Mar) (Mer)
2 17 Mon Rah 12! Mon 737 Mar Mer Ven 747 Mar 75/ Mar Mer (Ven) (Jup) (Mar)
3 17 72/ 737 Jup Sat 74/ Ven 75/ (Sat)
4 17 72/ 737 Ket 747 Mer 757 Mar (Jup)
5 17 727 Ket 737 Mon Rail 74/ Mon 757 (Rah)
6 17 Sun 727 Sun Sat 73/ Sun 747 Sun 757 (Jup)
7 17 Mar Mer Ven Ket Jup Sat 727 Mar Mer Ven 737 Ket 747 Mer 757 Mar Mer
8 17 727 737 Jup Sat 747 Ven 757 (Sat)
9 1/ 727 737 Mar Mer Ven 747 Mar 757 Mar Mer (Mon)
10 17727 Jup 737 747 Jup 757 (Mar)
11 17 727 Rah 73/ 747 Sat 757 (Ket)
12 17727 73/747 Sat 757 (Sat)

Planet 4 Step Strong Significators (underlined ones: by first 2 steps)

House V V V V V IX X X
Sun 0
Mars 10
This Report is by Astro-Kundah PRO (Lite version) Software. Web Site: http://astrokunda1i.com/

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

^plutc ^fiecis: 4- T,hcc^

G. Sadasivan

Mr. Sadasivan, BE, MBA, is a Manager in a Navaratna Oil PSU of India and is an ardent practitioner of KP
astrology and 4 Step Theory. He is trained in KP astrology by the illustrious son of KSK, Sri K. Hariharan
and was awarded the title Jyotisha Visharath and KP Horaratna. He was also awarded the title of
Nakshatira Shiromani by the inventor of the 4 Step Theory, Dr. Sunil Gondhlekar for mastering 4 Step

Email: sadasivan g@vahoo.com

In Traditional KP , marriage is promised if7thCSL signifies 2 or 7 or 11 .

However in some cases marriage is inordinately delayed or sometimes denied even if 7th CSL
signifies 2 or 7 or 11 .

I give below the chart of Ramji whom I had met during 2011 at Kottayam , Kerala State . He is 38 years
old and is still unmarried. He is an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna .

But who can change the fate ordained by the planets. Let us analyse his chart

DOB : 13.4.1976
POB : Ettumanoor (Kottayam district, KERALA)
TOB : 4.05 AM

The birth details are stunningly accurate and can be verified by Dr Andrew Duttas Rule of Origin


Let us take the 4 step significations of Jupiter


2-Star-Lord is KET: 2 (MAR 4 3 10), KET (Asp- 7 11)

KETUS STAR VENUS : 1 AND 9 . Venus aspecting Pluto

3-Sub-Lord is SAT:

4-Star-Lord of SubLord is JUP: 2 11 (Conj-MER 2 )

Hence marriage denied till now .

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
The role of Pluto as a destructive planet has been dealt at length by my Guruji Shri Sunil
Gondhalekhar .

Let us see when marriage is likely to take place .

Jupiter dasa is currently running .The 4 step significators of Jupiter is

2-Star-Lord is KET: 2 (MAR 4 3 10), KET (Asp- 7 11)
3-Sub-Lord is SAT:
4-Star-Lord of SuhLord is JUP: 2 11 (Conj-MER 2 )

Jupiter signifies 2 and 11 and hence gives the green signal for marriage .

Saturn hhukthi will begin from June 2014 . Saturn signifies

2-Star-Lord is JUP: 2 11 (Conj-MER 2 )
3-Sub-Lord is RAH:
4-Star-Lord of SuhLord is JUP: 2 11 (Conj-MER 2 )

Saturn signifies 2 and 11 .Hence Saturn gives the green signal for marriage .

Now we have to select an anthara which signifies 7 and ie Mars . Mars signifies

MARS* : -4 3 10 5(cuspal) (Asp-RAH 8 (YEN 1 9 ))

2-Star-Lord is RAH: 8 (YEN 1 9 ), RAH (Asp- 1 5)
3-Sub-Lord is MON: 7 6
4-Star-Lord of SuhLord is SUN: 2

Mars signifies 7 and hence the chain is completed .

The marriage is likely to happen during March 2016 . However the aspect of Venus on Pluto will not
give a happy married life .

My pranams to Guruji Sunil Gondhalekhar and I thank Dr Andrew Dutta to give me an opportunity to
publish this article in JASA.

Rasi Chart (Nirayan) s $_fl s
JUP lO^g1 54" JUP FOR
MER 11'40" 51"
KET 20° 22'48"
III 26° 37' 2\ ,
Vv '( ,y.jr
At 06:55:44 PM on
Son of ABC
23 March 2014.
Date: 13 April, 1976. Tuesday
Tn' -t of diart: 4; 5; 0 GUT +05:30 Transit Ascendant
165° 7'6.37"
XtJ 16°: 39'24" Place - Etturnanilr
KP New Ayanamsa : 23° 26' 9" MAR SAT
Local Time: 3: 41:15
Sidereal Time: 17: 6:15

MOM 7° 37118 Ruling Planets:Red=>STL(R)1Blue=>SBL(R).Magerta=>both retro.

FOR 12° 54" 31"
PLU 16° 33' 2" (R) Chart Day Moon Moon Asc Asc Nodes
VIII 25° 26' 1" Type Lord SgnL St.L SgnI St.L
Transit Ayanamsa: 23; 57; 55 (Transit location-Natal)
Vimshottari Dasa Natal Longitude: 76° 34' 0" E, Latitude: 9° 40' 0"N
Da$a Balance of SUN at birth is
1 years, 0 months and 26 days
Details of present dasa combinations Planets and Cusps
12-04-76 -5UN-KET-SAT-MON -13-04-75
13-04-76 -SUN-KET-SAT-MAR -14-04-76 Planets/ Sub- S.Sub iNavamsa j Significators (SubLord of)
14-04-76 -SUN-KET-SAT-RAH -15-04-76 Cusps Lord Lord Lord Lord Rasi
18-04-76 - SUN-KET-SAT-JUP - 20-04-76 SUN JUP MER SAT RAH 12- Pisces 2 3 5 7
20-04-76 -SUN-KET-MER-MER - 23-04-76 MON* MER SUN KET SAT 12- Pisces 2 7 6
23-04-76 -SUN-KET-MER-KET -24-04-76 MAR* MER RAH MON SAT 12- Pisces 8 4 10 3
24-04-76 -SUN-KET-MER-VEN -27-04-76 MER MAR KET MER MER 4- Cancer 2 8 S ( Xll )
27-04-76 -SUN-KET-MER-SUN -23-04-76 JUP MAR KET SAT MOO 4- Cancer 2 11 (i v vii xn
28-04-76 -SUN-KET-MER-MON -20-04-76
29-04-76 -SUN-KET-MER-MAR -30-04-76 VEN JUP SAT MAR RAH 7- Libra 5 1 12 4 9( IX)
30-04-76 -SUN-KET-MER-RAH -03-05-76 SAT MON JUP RAH VEN 4- Cancer 2 5 11 1 12
03-05-76 - SUN-KET-MER-JUP -05-05-76 RAH VEN JUP JUP SAT 1- Aries 2 8 11 ( II IV Vlll )
05-05-76 -SUN-KET-MER-SAT -05-05-76 KET MAR VEN JUP SAT 7- Libra 1 2 4 9 (111 VI)
08-05-76 - SUN-VEN-VEN-VEN -19-05-75 Fortuna MER MOO RAH MER 1- Aries ...
22-05-76 -5UN-VEN-VEN-MON -27-05-76 II JUP MER RAH VEN |me ju sa ne su mo ra sujume
27-05-76 -SUN-VEN-VEI4-MAR - 30-05-76 III MAR YEN KET MER MAR
30-05-76 -SUN-VEN-VEN-RAH -05-06-76
11-07-76 - SUN-VEN-SUN-MAR -12-07-76 X MAR MER RAH RAH MAR
(for Planet and Cusps table) Rahu(M)also represents:-Houses - 8 9 4 1 and Planets - URA JUP VEN
# - The Planet in self Star Ketu{M) also represents:-House$ - 2 3 10 4 and Planets - MER JUP VEN MAR
* - Has no planet in its Star
Astrologer's notes
♦ A-Planets in star of planets in House
♦ B- Planet in the house
♦ C- Planet in star of house-lord
♦ D- Sign-lord
♦ The SubLord is retrograde

Consultant Astrologer
My Name
My Address
My Contact +919906908910

Pis. send suggestions to kpstarone@in.com, visit website http://kpstarone.com for download

KPStarOne Version 6.7.20 Page 1
JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

Another 4 Step Theory Snippet Case by the same author

KP will give a misleading answer here. Traditional KP will give a different answer. Only 4 step
theory can explain.

One young person approached me in Nov.2009 for to check his marriage probability. The birth details are
as follows: 04-02-1973; 1 l-24AM;Dombivli;19-13;73-50. He was running Saturn dasa from July 2009
who signify as follows:

Itself: Saturn:- (2) 10 11
It's N.Swami : Moon:- (11) (4) (5) Cusp Yuti: (11)
It's Sub : Ketu:- 3 Rashi-Swami Mercury 10 3 6
It's Sub's N.Swami :— Jupiter:- (10) 9 (12) Cusp Yuti: (10) Venus-Yuti (10) 2 (7)

Saturn was signifying 2-11-5 on first two steps and 10-12 on 4th step but due to conj.of Venus it signify
10-7 also, so Saturn dasa is favorable to give marriage, I have decided to check7th sub as his age was
about 36 years at the time of judgement. 7th sub is Jupiter who signify as follows:

Itself: Jupiter:- 10 9 12 Cusp Yuti: (10) Venus-Yuti 10 2 7
It's N.Swami : Sun:- (10)
It's Sub : Jupiter:- 10 9 12 Cusp Yuti: (10) Venus-Yuti 10 2 7
It's Sub's N.Swami :— Sun:- (10)

Here Jupiter is negative to offer him marriage as per rules of 4 step theory. But as per classic it is
indicating marriage as Jupiter signify 2-7 on 1st level as well as on sub level. I told him marriage
probability is not indicated in your chart but your carrier was very good during Jupiter Dasa. He was
unhappy as I have told a bitter truth to him.

Recently he again visited my office for another problem, but till this date he is unmarried and on date of
current consultation Jupiter was in RP. Anyway can you guess what will be his query? Members should
take active parts for to get good knowledge from the group.

JASA 4(1) Jul-Sep 2014

r \

Lj LJ U-

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014

X,ke. Anna* Gonsle-Ualiens CfiaH il): ^MNfa ^halquni

Dr. E.S. Neelakantan

Dr. E. S. Neelakantan was born on 5th August 1967 in Kannimangalam Village, Palakkad District , Kerala. He completed his
graduation from Loyala College In Statistics with distinction in 1987. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1992. He is also a
qualified Information Systems Auditor since 2004. He developed interest in Astrology by reading the works of Dr. B. V. Raman .
He learnt Astrology in a formal way under Prof. K. V. Seshadrinatha Sastri, a renowned authority on Jyothisa and Ayurveda. For
his thesis on Medical Astrology, he was awarded Ph.d. , by Sri Chandrasekarendra University, Kancheepuram, which is
recognized as a Deemed University in 2005. He is a practising Chartered Accountant in Chennai since 1993. He is at present a
regular contributor to four of the leading journals on Astrology in India viz, Express Star Teller, Modern Astrology , Astrological
eMagazine and JASA.


The four quarters of this star, in navamsa, fall in Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio,respectively. The
involved Planets are Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Of the above, two (Sun and Mars) are masculine,
while the other two (Venus and Mercury) are not masculine. People born in this star are capable of
attracting others by their eloquent speech. They work for the government in some capacity or the other.
They are handsome and prefer travel to staying in one place. They tend to take up assignments only after
proper scrutiny and due diligence. People born in this star are blessed with prosperity.

They tend to quarrel, work with vested interests, get into problems due to unsuppressed desires. They
have altruistic values in life. Once decided, they tend to stick to their decisions.

One born in the first quarter of this star is clever. One born in the second quarter upholds dharma. One
born in the third quarter is either a king or a leader. The one born in the fourth quarter is short lived. One
born in this star appears to be brave, though a coward. For selling of grains, Purva Phalguni is considered
a favourable star. It is also good for threshing grains. Boat building and launching are favoured by this

A star that is suitable for buying in a commercial transaction may not be suitable for selling. Purva
Phalguni is a favourable star for selling; the other stars which favour the seller are Bharani, Krithika,
Ashlesha, Vishaka, Purva Ashada and Purva Bhadrapad. The stars which favour buying are Ashwini,
Chitra, Swati, Shravana, Shathabhisha and Revathi. A thumb rule which a student of astrology can derive
out of these principles is that all inauspicious stars favour the seller and all the auspicious stars favour the
buyer. Take the stock market for instance. On a particular day, one man buys and the other man sells.
Obviously, for a transaction to go through, you need a buyer and a seller. If the above astrological
principles are tracked carefully, you can foresee who will gain and who will lose in a particular

Valuables that are lent or pledged on a day ruled by Bharani, Krithika, Ashlesha, Makha, Purva Phalguni,
Vishaka, Jyeshta, Moola, Purva Ashadha or Purva Bhadrapad will either not return to the owner or will
not be a source of gain. When a debt is repaid in instalments, payment of first instalment is critical and
needs to be done under an auspicious Muhurtha. The best stars for loan repayment are: Ashwini,
Punarvasu, Pushya, Swati and Shathabhisha. Stars which are somewhat auspicious for this purpose are:
Krithika, Ardra, Makha, Purva Phalguni, Vishaka, Jyeshta, Moola, Sravana and Dhanishta.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
When investments are made in Bharani,Krithika, Ardra, Makha, Purva Phalguni, Vishaka, Jyeshta,
Moola,Purva ashadha or Purva Bhadrapad, only financial loss will occur. In other words, these stars are
inauspicious for making investments.

Tonsure for the first time in a person's life is a Hindu Samskara called "Chowla". This function is
particularly significant as it affects the health and longevity of that individual. The person will get some
kind of disease if "Chowlam " is performed in Purva Phalguni star. Hence, this star should be avoided for
"Chowlam" ceremony in particular and for tonsure, in general.

Even when a person wears a new dress in Purva Phalguni star, it gives rise to disease. However, a person
born in Purva Phalguni star can wear new dress on his / her birthday. This principle may be treated as an
exception to the general ban on wearing new dress in this star.

Digging for construction of a building can commence in this star.

Purva Phalguni is a favourable star for beginning an operation to catch criminals. For this operation,
Monday, Tuesday and Saturday are favourable. Movable rasis are preferable. Mercury or Moon aspecting
the Lagna favours catching the criminal.

In today's world, most of the boys and girls have some extra - curricular activity such as dance, music or
acting. The following stars favour these activities: Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Pushya, Purva Phalguni, Uttara
Phalguni, Hasta, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Uttara Ashadha, Dhanishta, Shathabhisha, Uttara Bhadrapad and

According to Muhurtha Chintamani, a disease commencing in Purva Phalguni could prove fatal while
some say it would subside in three weeks.

One should not travel on a day ruled by Purva Phalguni. Similarly, one should not travel on a day ruled
by one's Janma Nakshatra.I will cite a particular example to show how a double affliction in the form of
travel commencing on janma nakshatra in Purval Phal guni could prove fatal. Rajiv Gandhi( 20 August
1944 - 21 May 1991) was the sixth Prime Minister of India serving from 1984 to 1989. As can be seen
from the birth data furnished above Rajiv Gandhi was born in Purva Phalguni star.On the date of his
death,Purva Phalguni star was in operation.In other words Rajiv Gnadhi's birth as well as death happen to
be on the same star viz., Purva Phalguni.

Rajiv Gandhi was campaigning for the upcoming elections. On 21 May 1991, after successfully
campaigning in Visakhapatnam, his next stop was Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu. A couple of hours after
arriving in Chennai, Rajiv Gandhi was driven by motorcade in a white car to Sriperumbudur, stopping
along the way at a few other election campaigning venues. When he reached the campaign rally in
Sriperumbudur, he got out of his car and began to walk towards the dais where he would deliver a speech.
Along the way, he was garlanded by many well-wishers, party workers and school children. At 22:21
1ST the assassin, approached and greeted him. She then bent down to touch his feet and detonated an
RDX explosive-laden belt tucked below her dress. Rajiv Gandhi, his assassin and 14 others were killed in
the explosion that followed. The assassination was caught on film by a local photographer, whose camera
and film was found at the site though the photographer himself died in the blast.

JASA Vol. 4 (1) Jul-Sep 2014
One must be cautious while embarking on travel.Purva phalguni suffers from Nitya dosha for travel(
meaning it is taboo for one and all) while Janma nakshatra dosha is one form of kartr dosha( meaning it
is taboo only for that specific person).In the episode we discussed just now,the star suffers from dosha on
both counts meaning it has nitya dosha as well as kartr dosha.In such cases the danger is more
pronounced and hence travel as far as possible is avoidable on such days in order to mitigate adverse

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014

The Journal for Advancement of Stellar Astrology (JASA) is a free, quarterly international journal for the
propagation and development of Stellar Astrology and Krishnamurti Paddhati.
"In the pursuit and discovery of Truth for creating Universal welfare of humankind"

1. Editorial
2. KP Astrology Section
Any Foreign Assignment A KP Analysis VK Shaima
Any Change in Hostel Room? A KP Analysis Dr. Nhmal Kothari
FIFA World Cup 2014 Prediction? A KP Analysis Dr. Nhmal Kothari
Jhalak Dikla Jaa Season 7 Grand Finale A KP Analysis Dr. Nhmal Kothari
Sublord ofPlanet- A KP Analysis CA PS. Chiranjeevi
Horary Astrology for verifying Past Events: A KP Analysis Navin Chitlangia "Rudra'
Recovery ofLosses from Shares in Stock Market A KP Analysis Navin Chitlangia "Rudra'
When is die Marriage? A KP Analysis S. N. Saielar
Essence ofMuhurat Calculation—The KP Way Dinesh. K. Khandal
Missing Dog Charlie—A KP Analysis Dinesh. K. Khandal
Progeny Prospects and Gender of Child: A Scan Through KP Horary Partha Saradii Rout
When can I have a Vehicle: A KP Analysis Manish Pan/Icy
Job Prospects: A KP Case Study Vijay Kumar
Kaimic Inlluences aie indicated by Intercepted Signs G.H.W. Silva
Getting VISA for Higher Education Abroad: A KP Analysis ShivK. Joshi " Lai a"
Case of Infant Mortality: A KP Analysis RanjitSingh Chawla
Will my daughter clear die Driving Test? A KP Analysis G. Sadasivan
Who mil be the next CM of Tamil Nadu: a KP Analysis G. Sadasivan
3. Meena 2 Nadi Section
Higher Studies Abroad- Meena 2 Naadi System R. Vijayalakshmi
Accidents-Cure and Fatal: Jeeva and Saieera Method Meena2 Naadi System I.K. Raghunathan
Stelkw Effects: Analysis of Sudden Events, Critical in Nature H. A. Krishnan
Bi-polar Disorder-Manic Depressive Illness: Stellar Perspective Prof. RK Devi
Status & Elevation in Life: Uttama Drekkana Analysis Saradha Devi
4. Four Step Theory Section
Sub Adversity S. (londhalckar
5. Research Perspectives Sections
The Lunar Constellations Part XII: Uttara Phalguni Dr. E.S. Neelakantan
MK's MA TMethod xrith DBA Step Theory Mohan Kumar R
6. Astrology News Section CA PS. Chiranjeevi
7. JASA Idea Incubator
8. Suggestion Box
9. Billet Doux

Oct-Dec 2014

Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit)



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Oct-Dec 2014

^N Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit) /.* • /

M.Com. (Gold Medalist), Ph.D
j\t Jyotishya Mahamahopadhyaya
j£. Member of American Federation of Astrologers
j| *V\V 1 Jyotish Vidya Ratna (Gold Medalist)
■ mJ- ^ ,fr rV Jyotish Vibhakar, Jyotish Surya
fc 1 U \ Jyotisha Vigyan Bhaskara
7 ^www.astroandrewkp.org

Rare Article on "Ruling Planet Fortuna" by K. S.

Krishnamurti from Astrology & Athsishta

Happy Deepavali to all our 24000+ subscribed readers spread across more than 120
countries. Truly, this is largest astrological family in the whole world and no other e-
magazine can ever boast of such large readership.

In this issue of JASA, I am providing an article from Astrology & Athrista, June

1965 Issue titled "Ruling Planet Fortuna" where late KSK is explaining how to

interpret Ruling Planets. Like in the last issue there was the article by KSK on Prayer
and Remedies. The main purpose of providing this rare article of KSK is to help all or
readers understand and know the authentic KP astrology that was invented by the inventor
himself. A section of astrologers who love to call them as KP astrologers are doing some
training programs here and there and fooling people with their wrongful disbelief about
retrograde planets, non-rotation of horary charts and worst—they are saying that late KSK
did not believe in remedies. It is high time that such bad propaganda about our Guruji late
KSK is stopped and such fellows are exposed in the public who dare to malign our Guruji.

The biggest joke is that after the Jul-Sep 2014 issue of JASA a reviewer of a
magazine wrote in his friend's magazine that in the last paragraph KSK is saying "whether
you pray or not the event will happen" and using this statement to say that KSK did not
believe in remedies. What that foolish reviewer did not understand was that the statement
of KSK showed his confidence on his own prediction and not his disbelief of remedies.
KSK himself was the worshipper of Lord Uchchista Ganapati and no Hindu
worshipper can ever disbelieve in remedies.

Here in this article of A&A given in this issue of JASA, you will come to know
the philosophical basis of Ruling planets. READ IT YOURSELF to find out the
truth. The complete fortuna article can be accessed free of cost from

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

In this issue of JASA we have fantastic articles by 21 aiithOFS who have together

contributed 26 articles of high calibre. Among them there are 7 new authors

who are Sri Naveen Chitlangia (Rudra) ji, Sri Shiv Kumar Joshi (Lala) ji, Sri P. S.
Chiranjeevi ji, Sri Mohan Kumar R. Ji, Sri Ranjit Singh Chawla ji, Sri Dinesh
Kumar Khandal ji, and Smt. Saradha Devi ji

Each of these authors have shared finest pieces of articles on KP astrology, Meena2 Naadi
system and new modem techniques of stellar astrology such as the the wonderful article by
Sri Mohan Kumar R. Ji.

Apart from these, there are our regular authors who keep on providing us with high
class and high quality astrological material by enriching us with their personal astrological
experiential journey. It is my honor to publish their articles in this prestigious
international journal of stellar astrology.

This November 1st will be the 106th Birth Anniversary of our Guruji of all—late
K.S. Krishnamurti ji and so this issue of JASA is dedicated in his loving memory.

Enjoy this issue and a keep writing to me because I enjoy reading your emails.


JASA Vol. 4 (21 Oct-Dec 2014


tion where Moon was- transrting~"ni the
time of birth and the lord of the day in,
Kmdly elucidate the fo!lowing ;
which one is born (Sunrise to nest Sunrise
(a) Badbakastlmna adhipailii— is the astrological day) are taken as ruling
already discussed In ifotuil—a planets. Consider their disposition and
copy will be sent to you—'free. strength. The sirongciU of these, well
(b) Ruling pl&nci plsecd in a horoscope is the ruling planet,
That is what is followed by the modern
(c) How to interpret the results of astrological Research Institute, Madras
the lord of the sifin where Fttriimi and Delhi.
.has fallen?
A person may claim that he can choose
(d) Fortuna is said to benefit the sign
hia wife, his profession, place of residence,
where it is. If it is in 6, 8 or 12,
etc. But he or she has no choice for his
will il increase the benefic dTects.
or her parents- So also he or she has no
These houses being bad, will bad
choice of Lagna, rasi, the star and the
eflccts be predominant,
day of birth. The lords of the Lagna,
rasi, star and the day gave birth at a
Rullag [ilanet
moment when they were jointly ruling the
Westerners call the planet governing the time; Hence these four plflflets or 3 pla-
Lagna—Ascendant as the ruling planet. nets if any one planet rules any two of the
four, or 2 planets, if all the four arc
Also they take the planet or the planets governed by two planets or only one
in the first house, especially when it is
planet if it rules all the four,. E.g., if one
between the cusp of the first house and Is born on a Thursday, the lord is Jupiter;
20a from it. if the Lagna is Pisces—Meena, it is owned
Note in which sigrij Sun was at the lime by Jupiter; if the Nakshathra or constella-
of birth. The lord of the sign occupied tion in which Moon was transiting is
yby Sun is taken as a ruling planet. Poorva pathra pada, the lord Is Jupiter.
If it is the 4ih quarter or Charn, Moon will
Find out with which planet Sun is in the
be In Pisces—Meena, and the lord is
closest aspect [especially applying). The
Jupiter. Hence his ruling planet is Jupiter
planet with which Sun forms an aspect
and Jupiter alone. s.
immediately after binh or the planet
which forms an aspect with Sun, will be Ruling planets indicate to which one
the ruling planet. will be known to all his friends, relatives
and community. In which has Dbridba-
The strongest and'the most prominent
rastra excelled others ? Is he not the
planet in the horoscope is also included.
father of a hundred children ? So his ruling
The above is what the Westerners planets will be Jupiter, the chief governor
follow. for children, well posited in his horoscope,
other than the houses. 6 or 8 or 12—and
It is the custom of the astrologers to
the lords of the houses 2 or 5 or 11.
call the Lord of Lagna as the ruler of the
Hence, even though he was blind, and
horoscope. To a good extent, it is correct,
could not see his vast empire or enjoy the
Lagna rcpresenls one's body and health,
beauty of the world, somehow the ruling
In Medical astrology, it is very correct.
planets managed to bless him with IQG
The Lord of the Lagna, the lord of the children. Probably he would have been
sign in which Moon was at the time of born in Capricorn—Makara Lagna, having
the birth, the ford of the star—constella- exaUed Saturn, Mars and Venus, owniiic

JASA Vol. 4 (21 Oct-Dec 2014

Saturn AJC. I
14-40 Venus
14-17 iilvSmVtii'm i wit

m*ni t!l!T!BBi3g3an^BHnM?!raiB^^p»

La gnu fium^eii

I*IM«Jllj!*l S
J wno
Mercury Jupiter i f rom
fiM8*rg*v!TjT!TiMltrM[tT<iBii«i ad also
Novamsani t«i i^pntupHn^B^^BV*! i ii i he 9tb
Mars iiitwAfflttHiMHTBnfftiKJrKiWiBMivfii
Neptune Vcnua


[«]»}. ■ul<l

r -I+Jf J
(i mrtti

i*nwtiTtMlTH f«i n fiP

JASA Vol. 4 (21 Oct-Dec 2014

ihnisi on him a more covctablc posjiioti Thus jf you study some horoscopes, it
ii its period on. 7-1-1964 which he richly will be confirmed that during the con joined
deserves. periods of the ruling planets,'one will
have an advancement in his career, appro-
Between 9-5*64 and 29-7-64 he (why all priate to his nge (e.g.) in youth, success in
of us) lost our beloved leader ditrinE the cxHminntion, in adult age, marriage, cnlry
Moon sub sub period. As our lender was into service, promotion etc., or commence-
bom jn Career, ruled by Moon, and as ment of a business improvement in it, and
Moon is Vrnyndhipnthi to this muivc, lie in old age, after having lived the allotted
had this loss. span, pcncGful ond of life.
Now, the readers and my students can (c) The results of the lord of the
study the nature of events during Wentts sign where fortuna is r—-
dasQ Sat urn Bfntkti to understand how
Suppose the lord of the sign itself is
planets, especially ruling planets'behave.
there, how will you judge: so also, one
Mercury anlhra 19-8-65 to 1-2-66, Kellm
Is to consider and give the results when-
antiira 1-2-66 10 7-4-66, Venus anlhra
7*.4-6& to 17-10-66, and Sun aitlhra ever Ho r tun a receives aspects during pro-
T 7-10-66 to 14-12-66. gression or during transit,-
(d) Please refer to' pages 29, 30 and
if you carerully study this, you can 31 of May Issue—Astrology and
understand what ruling planets can do. Athrishla.
Kethu and Moon are not helpful whereas
other planets arc very bcncficiah K. S* K.



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" A^tfoloey & Alhrlahtn June 15SJ.

Grateful Acknowledgement: Astrology & Athristha, June 1965 Issue. Page 20-22

For the full article on Fortuna (mentioned in the last para above) written by Bala please visit http://www.kpastrologvlearning.com/free-
JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

AhH AssignMtt? A K-T* A^Attisu

Er. V. K. Sharma

The author has done B.E electrical from Punjab University,Chandigarh and started his career as Sub divisional officer in
Punjab state electricity board from 1976-1984. Then he worked at various senior posts of Bhakra Beas Management Board
including Superintending Engineer at Bhakra Dam (World's Largest Gravity Hydro Dam) from 1984-2005. Er. Sharma
retired in September-2005, and was practicing Parasher astrology since 1992. He learned KP Astrology from Dr H.S Negi,
Ludhiana, Late Sh. Suresh Suhasane, Mumbai and Prof K.Hariharan, son of Late Sh. K.S Krishnamurthy and I am practicing
KP and Parasher Astrology and also writing articles in various magazines from last 8-9 years. He has learnt Parashar
astrology from Dr H.S Rawat, Director Maharishi Prasher Jyotish Vidyalya, New Delhi. Er. Sharma obtained following
degree from Maharishi Prasher Jyotish Vidyalya,New Delhi: JYOTISHVID. He has also obtained following degrees in
astrology from KPS Astrological Research Institute Chennai : JYOTISH VISHARATH, JYOTISH VACHASAPATI, K.P

Email: nick0885(A)smail. com

Aquerent who was working in a M.N.C as I.T.Engineer was trying for foreign assignment asked me
to check if there is possibility for any foreign assignment I asked him to furnish any horary number
between 1 to 249 He told me the horary number as 17 I made the calculations on dated 6-9-2010 at 1:06
pm at chandigarh

Horary number supplied by the consultant 17

Date of judgement 6-9-2010

Time of judgement 1:06 P.M

Place of judgement Chandigarh

Moon reveals the nature of query

Moon lord of 4 in 4 in the star of Merc in 5 lord of 3 and 6 and it is in sub of Venus in 6 lord of 2 and 7

So moon is significator of 3 [leaving permanent residence as 3rd house is 12 th to 4 th] 6[assignment]

2 [financial gain] Hence moon reveals the nature of query regarding foreign job assignment and and its
financial gain.

K.P Rule for foreign assignment

As per Horary Astrology Sixth Reader written by Sh K. S .Krishnamurti page 300-301 for going abroad
judge the 12 th cusp and find out whether the lord of the sub of 12 th cusp is either retrograde or
deposited in a constellation whose lord is retrograde If either is retrograde one cannot go abroad. If the
sublord and the lord of constellation in which the sublord is situated are in direct Motion and if the
sublord of the 12 th cusp is also a significator of either 3 rd or 9 th or 12 th house.

One goes abroad and further if it also significator of 6 th house one goes abroad on job basis permanent
residence is indicated by 4 th house .Leaving it is therefore shown by 3 rd house [12 th to

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
4 th] .Long journey is shown by 9 th house Staying for a short time or settling down in foreign land is
denoted by the 12 th house It shows new environment and surroundings.

Fulfilment of desire

If sublord of 11 th cusp and its starlord either of which is retrograde then desire will not be fulfilled

In the case under reference 11 th cusp is Moon and its Starlord is Merc As Merc is retrograde on the

Day of judgement So desire of querent will not be fulfilled for foreign assignment. So I told the querent

that foreign assignment is not possible as per planetary positions


Asc signlord MARS

Moon starlord MERC [Retrograde] Asc Starlord MERC [Retrograde]

Moon signlord MOON

Day Lord MOON

12 th Cuspal Sublord

12 th cusp sublord is Mars in 5 lord of 1 and 8 and it is in the Star lord of Mars in 5 lord of 1 and 8

Hence 12 th cusp sublord and its starlord is not significator of 12,9 and 3 which is not conducive for for
foreign assignment.

9 th Cuspal Sublord

9 th cusp sublord is Venus in 6 lord of 2 and 7 and it is in the Star of Mars in 6 lord of 1 and 8

Hence 9 th cusp sublord and its Starlord is not significator of 3.9 and 12 which is not conducive

For foreign assignment

Mahadasha of Merc [Retrograde]

On the day of judgement Mahadasha of Mec which was retrograde was running which is also not
conducive for foreign assignment

Fact of Case

It is learnt that querent is not able to get any foreign assisgnment till date up to September 2014

My pamam to Guru ji sh K.S.Krishnamurti for this wonderful Padhadhati

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014

{hdJutaH. A. JVari-tz.

We congratulate Sri Sharma ji for his precise prediction of the event. He has upheld the
beauty and accuracy of KP astrology for which KP is well known in its traditional and
unblemished version.

These days some self-made KP doers are propagating in their training programs that
they "don't believe" in retrograde planets in KP astrology. THIS IS GROSSLY
WRONG. We can see from Sharmaji's article how beautifully he has used retrograde
effect in his analysis like the true and original KSK tradition

All the readers around the world will benefit to read his article.

Cuspal Positions Prime Significator - Cusp

XII 12.30.35 I 2-.00.00 II 21.4i.25 Ket 14.28.09 Cusp I SGN Degree SGL | STL |SL I SSL Cusp I House Prime
Jup 05.20.42 III 15.02.56
I Ari 2^.00.00 Mar Ven Her Mer I Mer 6 7
II Tau 21.44.25 Ven Hoc Ven Jup II Ven 1 6
III Gem 15.02.56 Her Rah Ket Sat III Ket 28
IV Can 08.i0.ll Moo Sat Ven Moo IV Ven 1 6
V Leo 06.37.54 Sun Ket Rah Mer V Rah 6 7
XI 06.37.54 IV 08.40.11 VI Vir 12.30.35 Mer Moo Rah Sat VI Rah 6 7
Moo 19.26.21 VII Lib 2i.00.00 Ven Jup Her Mer VII Mer 6 7
VIII Sco 21.ii.25 Mar Mer Sun Rah VIII Sun 5 6 7
IX Sag 15.02.56 Jup Ven Ven Sat IX Ven 1 6
X Cap 08.i0.ll Sat Sun Ven Rah X Ven 1 6
Bhava XI Aqu 06.37.5i Sat Mar Hoc Sun XI Moo 3 5
X 08.40.11 V 06.37.54 XII Pis 12.30.35 Jup Sat Mar Mer XII Mar 1 6
Her 14.23.27
Sun 19.36.22
Planet Positions
Ruling Planets 11
Planet | SGN I Degree | SGL | STL |SL | SSL
Planet | SGI | STL | EL | SSL II
Sun Leo 19.36.22 Sun Ven Rah Ven
Can 19.26.21 Moo Mer Ven Ven Asc Mar Her Ven Ven
IX 15.02.56 VIII 21.44.25 VII 24.00.00 Sat 10.43.40 Lib 00.16.57 Ven Mar Her Ket Moo Moo Her Ven Ven
Rah 14.28.09 TL 19.24.23 For 19.14.22 VI 12.30.35 Her Leo 14.23.27 Sun Ven Ven Rah
Ven 04.09.57 Jup Pis 06.20.42 Jup Sat Her Moo Da1/ Lord : Moon
Mar 00.16.57
Ven Lib 04.09.57 Ven Mar Ven Sat
Sat Vir 10.43.40 Mer Mcc Hoc Mer
Rah Sag 14.28.09 Jup Ven Ven Jup
Ket Gem 14.28.09 Mer Rah Ket Ket
Dasa Balance : MercuryDasa 13Y -5M - 20D For Lib 19.14.22 Ven Rah Mar Mar

Oct-Dec 2014

Ohange In ~Hestel JZcem?: /4 KTj) 'JltebiciUn

Dr. Nirmal Kothari

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences from All India Federation of Astrologer's Societies
(AIFAS), New Delhi.
Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Acharya and Jyotish Gana Shiromani from KP Stellar Astrological Research Institute (KPSARI),
Chennai, TN.
Jyotish Shastri and Vastu Acharya from Udaipur University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Shiromani from Marwar University, Rajasthan.
a Vastu Srestham from The Institute of Vedic Culture for Public Welfare & Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology, Durgapur,
TJWmm Practitioner of Pyra-Vastu and Reiki Pranik Healing.

Email : astrologer.nirmalkothari(S»vahoo.com

Background Note: The querent's son has been pursuing MBA course in Gandinagar, Gujarat. He has
been recently allotted a campus hostel room along with one colleague (student) which was very
quarrel (malefic) in nature and having a ragging tendency imposing to others. The querent's son are being
in vein and afraid of such type of behavior. He has complaint about it to the competent authority as well
as informed to his parents and requested to the management to change the room. In this regard the
querent's mother asked the question about change of hostel room of her son.

Question of Querent : Will any change of hostel room for my son? If yes - when?
(Question asked by mother on behalf of Son)

Horary Number : 80 (out of 249).

Time of Judgment : 11-09-2013, 20:51:31 Hrs. 1ST.
Place of Judgment : Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N33, 88E21), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.


Moon (Scorpio 11-06-22) is in star of Saturn and sub of Moon. Planet Moon is the occupant of 4,
owner of 1. Starlord Saturn is the occupant of 3, owner of 7-8. Sublord Moon is the occupant of 4,
owner of 1. Moon is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of
Moon) and CSTL (Cuspal Star-Lord) of 3. Moon is aspecting to 11th cusp.
There is a mutual exchange of Rashi in between Moon and Mars. Moon is in Scorpio and Mars is in
Cancer. Mars is the lord of 5th cusp. Again Moon and Mars are connected through a third planet i.e.
Saturn as because both are posited in star of Saturn.

V Moon signifies and/or in connection with the relevant houses (3-4-5-11), hence query or urge
is genuine.


Consider the houses 3, 11 and 12 for change of present place or residence. 4l house is considering the
prime house for present residence or place where we are living. Hence 4th CSL is the guide regarding
change of present residence or place (in our case hostel room). 3rd house (being 12th to 4th) indicates
absence of the present residence i.e. change of place or residence. 12th house indicates life in unfamiliar
atmosphere i.e. in new environment or surroundings) and 11th house (being 12th from 12th) is consider for
success, fulfillment of desire and profits.

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

If the cuspal sub lord of 4th be the significator of 3 or 12 and connected with 11 in any manner, change of
present place (residence) is assured during the joint period (DBA) of the significators of 3, 11 and 12.


(Note: It is always needed to change the Lagna connected to person for which query has been asked. In
our case question has been asked by mother about her Son. And accordingly chart rotate to 5th (Children)
treated as Lagna of Son)

4th Cusp (Aquarius 19-36-18): The sublord of 4th cusp Mars is in star of Saturn and sub of Jupiter.

• Planet Mars is the occupant of 8, owner of 1 and 6.

• Starlord Saturn is the occupant of 11, owner of 3 and 4.

• Sublord Jupiter (being posited in self-star and no other planet in its star) is the occupant of 7,
owner of 2-5 and CSL (Cuspal Sublord) of 6-12. Jupiter is aspecting to 12th cusp.

V 4th CSL Mars signifies 3-11 and in connection with 12.

Planets signify the houses 2, 7 and 11 (Maraka & Badhaka) in respect to A. B, C, D, E

A = Planets in Occupant's Stars

B = Occupant of Houses
C = Planets in Owner's Stars
D = House Owner
E = Planets Conjoined or Aspected (Vedic Aspects) by Significators (A), (B), (C), (D)

Orbit of Influence

Sun and Moon : Within ± 8°

Rest Planets other than Nodes: Within ± 6°
Node Planets : Within Sign

Houses A B C D E

Mars, Moon Saturn

Ketu, Sun,
Venus, Saturn,
Mars, Moon, Mercury
Saturn, Rahu

Moon Venus

(A) Significators of 2, 7 and 11: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu.

Ruling Planets at the time of judgment (11-09-2013, 20:51:31 Hrs., Park Street 22N33, 88E21)
Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
Mars - Venus - Mercury
Mars - Saturn - Moon
Rahu - Ketu

(B) Ruling Planets are: Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu.

(C) Common (Fruitful) Planets among (A) and (B): Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu.


Present Pasha Lord: Saturn (from 15-08-2002 to 15-08-2021)

Saturn is a common (fruitful) planet that signifies 3 and 11. Hence Saturn Dasha is taken into

Present Bhukti Lord: Moon (from 18-07-2013 to 16-02-2015)

Moon is a common (fruitful) planet that signifies all the relevant houses i.e. 3, 11 and 12; hence event
will be surely fructified in Bhukti period of moon and accordingly Moon Bhukti is taken into

Now in Dasha-Bhukti of Saturn-Moon (from 18-07-2013 to 16-02-2015)

Present Anthra Lord: Mars (from 05-09-2013 to 08-10-2013)

Mars is a common (fruitful) planet that signifies 3 and 11. Mars is a strong ruling planet that appeared
twice and posited in a star of another ruling planet (i.e. Saturn). Hence, Mars Anthra is taken into

Now in Dasha-Bhukti-Anthra of Saturn-Moon-Mars (from 05-09-2013 to 08-10-2013), the available

Sookshma Lords are - Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun and Moon,

x Mercury is strong significator of 10 of grade A-B-C and lord of 8-11. Mercury is having stellar
(positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Mercury) and CSL of 2-8-11.
Mercury strongly signifies 10 (negating 11th - success, fulfillment of desire) and 8 (hindrances,
difficulties, obstacles). Hence, Mercury Sookshma is not taken into consideration.

x Sun is not a common (fruitful) planet; hence Sun Sookshma is not taken into consideration.

Now the balance common (fruitful) planets are - Saturn, Ketu, Venus and Moon. Saturn and Moon we
have already as Dasha-Bhukti Lord; hence less preferable but cannot be avoided as because
PUNARPHOO is present in chart (Moon is in star of Saturn and sub of Sell).

In this circumstances, in preference, I will Ketu at first and then after Saturn or Moon due to
PUNARPHOO present. This is because nodes are stronger than planets according to KP principles.
Here Ketu posited in Aries thus representing Mars that appeared twice under ruling planets. Again Ketu is
aspected by Saturn and Venus (both are ruling planets) and thus acts an agent of Saturn and Venus. Ketu
posited in star of Venus signifies 11 and 12. Ketu as an agent of Saturn signifies 11 and 3. Ketu signifies
the entire relevant house 3,11 and 12, Moreover Ketu strongly signifies 11.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014

Now there is confusion about selection of Sookshma Lord among Saturn, Ketu and Moon. As explained
above Saturn signifies 3-11, Ketu and Moon signifies all the relevant houses i.e. 3-11-12. As
PUNARPHOO is present, the role of Saturn will come. There may be maximum delay up to Moon
Sookshma period (08-10-2013). As nodes are stronger than planet, Ketu is highly preferable. So, which
Sookshma has to be taken?

Before concluding any decision let us check the transit which will come as a rescue tool regarding
selection of correct Sookshma Dasha. Since the event will fructify within a month from the date of
judgment (11-10-2013), we have to check the transit of Moon.

During the period from 11-10-2013 (DOJ) to 08-10-2013 (under DBA: Saturn-Moon-Mars), the transit of
Moon will be -

16-09-2013 (Monday): Sign of Saturn (Dasha Lord) and Star of Moon (Bhukti Lord);

17-09-2013 (Tuesday): Sign of Saturn (RP Moon Starlord) and Star of Mars (RP Lagna

23-09-2013 (Monday): Sign of Mars (RP Moon Signlord) and Star of Venus (RP Lagna

29-09-2013 (Sunday) : in the sign of Moon (Bhukti Lord) and star of Saturn (Dasha Lord);

06-10-2013 (Sunday) : in the sign of Venus (RP Lagna Starlord) and star of Mars (RP Moon

x The date 29-09-2013 (Day Lord - Sun) falls under Sookshma Dasha Lord - Sun which is not
a common (fruitful) planet, hence rejected.

x The date 06-10-2013, Day Lord - Sun is not present under ruling planets, hence rejected.

x The date 23-09-2013 (Day Lord - Moon) falls under Sookshma Dasha Lord - Mercury,
which we rejected earlier as briefed above.

x Under Ketu Sookshma period (from 26-09-2013 to 28-09-2013), favorable transit of Moon is
not found, hence Ketu Sookshma is not taken into consideration.

V Now to select the balance dates either 16-09-2013 or 17-09-2013 which falls under Sookshma
Dasha Lord - Saturn.

My Opinion: Change of Hostel Room (present place/residence) for your Son is assured during the Joint
DBAS Period of Saturn-Moon-Mars-Saturn (from DOJ i.e. 11-09-2013 to 21-09-2013). More
specifically it wills either 16th September 2013 or 17th September 2013.

Actual Fact: Prediction comes true. Event fructified on 17th September 2013 at around 10:30 AM.

Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! Pranaam to my Guruji Sri P. Roychaudhary!
JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

{hdJuLaH. A. JVtrtc.

GtrLLc.c.tjtjfL A. ^4*V£M.C.LC.




These days in some KP training programs some people are wrongly propagating that
there is no need to rotate the horary chart and the same Ascendant from Horary Number
can be treated as one and same. THIS IS MISGUIDING PEOPLE DUE TO LACK OF

IVe Tfcank Dr. JCotfiari forsfiowma tfie correct metfiocf ofXSX

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

Horary No. 80/249 Rot #, 815

SwfiVss: 05:!£;15AM Sun Sef; FM basztfys: 365.25 D | fltrling Pfanets -1! H/SeprTtlTS OS.-Sf:3l PM \
Hilltys Yogs: ViEhktimHia. rtwa.' Moor KaraftJ.' Gar 1 PARK STREET, KGLKATjA, WEST EENGAL, MfS 1
HoiwyWe-afl PlaneL &bt Sd
Quezlian : WH. B-iy diange of Siaatel loom for son? If yea - when? Legna Me Sa Sa
IvViCn Me •As Re
| Day Lord: Mercury |

Kb 14:54:43 FO »-25;06 Jii 21147:10 Ctfipflf FiKfffeffi

Vl 21:33:50 VII 23:32:30 Vlll 24:06:13 ep-ip StVlPrida
V 13:26:05 Kevati(l)
tMRl 17^25:45 0haranii3|
Nanse: Mfj, XV.2 tlQTHSR IWa 15:16:54 Mrjgasira[1)
Sender Malo IX 23:20:00 Punania5u(2)
Cafe: Wedrie^da^, 111'Sepi^013
Tirrte: 03:51;i1 PM 5ID: 20:36:00 P.Ptialguni(2l
Lar 22:33:00 M Lon: 86:21:00 E Hiafaia)
IV 19:36:10 VlaaVhafl f
NefRl 09^5:10
Ayannniaa: 25' 57' 29* X 19:3£;ia PilafwfaFy PosrfHjna
|KP Ayanamaa] - HadiJua Su 25:05:42 ll3Eu^Bnn?|!Fff^BHaJIE!BiE3BB^BiBaKI
Slar. AnuradhB. Pada 3 P.PhnkjuiilCA) F $ij
Star Lard: Saium Amufadhal^ F Ma
Rasi: Sccrpin Rfei Lard: Mars PLfihyBini(4) I Mo
Lagna: Srarpio Lagna Lord: Mars iiiaaEimrgM 1 Me
Tifhl: Shukfa Pa^aha, Sapleml Punarvesufl h t Ms
Sal.Oma:SahmT Y. 11 M. 2D Chilr3(4) IVe
W5e 09:54:23 SwBli(3) |Ve
XI 10:26:05 Swali(33 |Ve
BIwanilTi f Ma
Re-ralHtf Uu
E-iHahlwhi-jl f S&a
>01 21:33:50 P.AahLsdalYl {Ju
Ra 14-5443
l| ^4-08:13 I 23.;15.3d £a 14:06:29
PIIRI 15:03:07 fito 11:06:22 Ve 06:26:49
Prupiioijs-Cirrrefjl-Wieil Dasa DetaHs
Sa Daaa Sa Dasa
15-Aug-2002-15-Aup-2t121__ 15-AU3-20D2 ■ 15-AU9-2CI21
Seilurn _15i4.ug:2002 Salum T15-AUQ-2C0-2"
Mercury ifl-Afig-2(lQ5_ Mercury MS-Aug-SEOS
Kelu " aWpniMa _ Kelu sTrApr^a"
Venue -bS-Jufi-iOOS VettuI 05-JurbSOOS
Sii-gnffjcerurs - pranela Vjsw
27-r4ar-2Di9 10
Sa-5u EitUkll " 1. 6
CI5iAug-Z012.15?I.IJl-2pi3_ ■M 3,4
Sltii, . .OtALigiHji 2 _ IScFii^OIS 10 a. ii
Moon 23.Aug Jsji 2 _ iZ-^rlnr-jblJ IS 2. 5
SlarE_ "jf.Sep-jSi 2 _ OB-Ora- 2013 M 1,6 7,12
Rahu 'ii-des-aois' OS-Jan- 2014 Jy 3,4
fl2-Dec-2fi12 £1-rvEar-2Dt4 ■Be
17-Jan-2u1i 21-JU1-2014
Mercury lirAar-2013 _ 11-Sep-2014 7, 12
Keiu ibl-Mai2bl j_ "t44)r4-2314
Veikia Tii'MaV'Zill 3

14.Oo|.20l4 fiaJtir aefs as agenf jftr.' Ma, Jo. Va1, Sa.

0?-Jii2014 5343ot-2Dl4 A'efif ectS a? dS^nr /or; Mo, Wj, 5a.
07-JI/-2014 fAj -Pi'aner? ib OCtupAnt'S Siart-'
(B) " Cocppar^ DffvjL'se
. OI-Aug-20,14 LR.ahu_ l25-Eeg-a!}14_ 02-0ec-2014 P fCJ - PJSrreii b Ovtrne/if dlarS
Il3Mepl2014 1&4>bc-2014" fOj - Hapje-Ovimef
l-^Agg./ijU i Salum ;mde*»i4_ 30;t>^-20i4
ji9-Augaji4 [Mercurj moSraiii ' l3.Janr2bl"S
+ rntifffAaecra rfDeerOflreenypfjiwesbCiifiir stars

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014

PQetO (Zup 2014?: /4 KTj) 'Jltebicturf

Dr. Nirmal Kothari

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences from All India Federation of Astrologer's Societies
(AIFAS), New Delhi.
Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Acharya and Jyotish Gana Shiromani from KP Stellar Astrological Research Institute (KPSARI),
Chennai, TN.
iW- Jyotish Shastri and Vastu Acharya from Udaipur University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Shiromani from Marwar University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Srestham from The Institute of Vedic Culture for Public Welfare & Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology, Durgapur,
Practitioner of Pyra-Vastu and Reiki Pranik Healing.

Email : astrologer.nirmalkothari(5>vahoo.com

Background Note: The long journey of FIFA World Cup 2014 has come to end as the final four
semi-finalists, namely (1) Argentina; (2) Brazil; (3) Germany; and (4) Netherlands will fight each
other in 1st and 2nd semi-final rounds to win the title in the final to be held on 13 th July 2014 at Rio
de Janeiro.

Question: Will Argentina win the title of FIFA World Cup 2014?
Horary Number: 106 (out of 249).
Time of Judgment: 08-07-2014, 07:58:38 Hrs. 1ST.
Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Question: Will Brazil win the title of FIFA World Cup 2014?
Horary Number: 121 (out of 249).
Time of Judgment: 08-07-2014, 08:06:51 Hrs. 1ST.
Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Question: Will Germany win the title of FIFA World Cup 2014?
Horary Number: 198 (out of 249).
Time of Judgment: 08-07-2014, 08:14:36 Hrs. 1ST.
Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Question: Will Netherlands win the title of FIFA World Cup 2014?
Horary Number: 29 (out of 249).
Time of Judgment: 08-07-2014, 08:21:15 Hrs. 1ST.
Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Win in Sport's Competition:
In cases of competition and contest between two rival parties in any walk of life viz. sports like football
match, If the Cuspal Sublord (CSL) of 6th or 11th be the significator of 6 (defeat to rivals, being 12th from
7th, loss of opponent), 11 (success in competition, reputation as a winner), 1 (self-efforts for winning),

Article was received on June 29th 2014 at 10:09 pm
Article was received on October 5th 2014 at 7:07 pm 25
JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
success is assured in the joint period (DBAS) of significators of 1, 6, 11. (6 is stronger that 1 & 11 and
11 is stronger that 1)

Note: To win any sort of competition, 6, 11 cusps are judge primarily, while 1 (self-efforts for
winning), 3 (one's ability) and 10 (One's power & position, Status as a winner) should be
considered as an additional supportive houses.

Favorable houses : 1, 3, 6,10,11

Non-favorable houses : 5, 8,12



6th Cusp (Aquarius 00-56-46): The sub lord of 6th cusp Mercury is in star of Mars and sub of Ketu.

• Planet Mercury is the occupant of 10, owner of 1-2-10. Mercury is having stellar (positional)
strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Mercury) and CSL of 6-10.

• Starlord Mars is the occupant of 1, owner of 9.

• Sublord Ketu is the occupant of 8. Ketu is in self-star and no other planet is in Ketu star. Ketu is
the CSL of 4. Ketu posited alone in sign Aries and thus acts an agent of Mars. Mars is the
occupant of 1, owner of 9.

6th CSL Mercury signifies 1-6-10 and in connection with 1. (1-6)

6th CSL Mercury does not signify 5-8-12 but in connection with 8. (8)

11th Cusp (Cancer 00-40-02): The sublord of 11th cusp Mars is in star of Self (Mars) and sub of

• Planet Mars is the occupant of 1, owner of 9.

• Starlord Mars is the occupant of 1, owner of 9.

• Sublord Jupiter is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in stars of
Jupiter) and posited in the star of Saturn®. Saturn® is the occupant of 2, owner of 5 and 6.

11th CSL Mars signifies 1 and in connection with 6. (1-6)

11th CSL Mars does not signify 5-8-12 but in connection with 5. (5)


6th Cusp (Aquarius 25-07-52): The sublord of 6th cusp Mercury is in star of Mars and sub of Ketu.

• Planet Mercury is the occupant of 9, owner of 1-10. Mercury is having stellar (positional)
strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Mercury) and CSL of 6-12.

• Starlord Mars is the occupant of 1, owner of 3-8.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
• Sublord Ketu is the occupant of 7. Ketu posited alone in sign Aries and thus acts an agent of
Mars. Mars is the occupant of 1, owner of 3-8.

6th CSL Mercury signifies 1-3-6-10 and in connection with 1-3. (1-6)
6th CSL Mercury does signifies 8-12 and in connection with 8. (8-12)

11th Cusp (Cancer 24-33-11): The sublord of 11th cusp Rahu is in star of Mars and sub of Mercury.

• Planet Rahu is the occupant of 1. Rahu is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted
(there is no planet in stars of Rahu) and CSL of 5-11. Rahu conjoined to Saturn-Moon and thus
acts an agent of Saturn and Moon. Saturn is the occupant of 2, owner of 5-6. Moon, being
untenanted, is the occupant of 2, owner of 11, CSL of 3.

• Starlord Mars is the occupant of 1, owner of 3-8.

• Sublord Mercury is the occupant of 9, owner of 1-10. Mercury is having stellar (positional)
strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Mercury) and CSL of 6-12.

11th CSL Rahu signifies 1-3-6-11 and in connection with 1-10-11. (1-6-11)
11th CSL Rahu signifies 5-8 and in connection with 12. (5-8-12)


6th Cusp (Gemini 16-30-07): The sublord of 6th cusp Venus is in star and sub of Mars.

• Planet Venus is the occupant of 5, owner of 5-10. Venus is having stellar (positional) strength i.e.
untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and CSL of 5-6-10.

• Starlord Mars is the occupant of 9, owner of 4 and 11.

• Sublord Mars is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in stars of
Mars) and posited in self-star. Mars is the occupant of 9, owner of 4 and 11.

6th CSL Venus signifies 6-10-11 and in connection with 11. (6-11)
6th CSL Venus signifies 5 without connection of 5-8-12. (5)

11th Cusp (Scorpio 22-03-38): The sublord of 11th cusp Sun is in star of Jupiter and sub of Saturn®.

• Planet Sun is the occupant of 6, owner of 8. Sun is having stellar (positional) strength i.e.
untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Sun) and CSL of 11.

• Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 6, owner of 3-12.

• Sublord Saturn® is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in stars of
Saturn®) and posited in star of Jupiter. Jupiter is the occupant of 6, owner of 3-12

• 11th CSL Sun signifies 3-6-11 and in connection with 3, 6. (6-11)

• 11th CSL Jupiter signifies 8,12 and in connection with 12. (8-12)

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014

6th Cusp (Virgo 20-55-20): The sublord of 6th cusp Venus is in star and sub of Mars.

• Planet Venus is the occupant of 1, owner of 2-7. Venus is having stellar (positional) strength i.e.
untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and CSL of 5-6-7-11-12.

• Starlord Mars is the occupant of 6, owner of 1 and 18.

• Sublord Mars is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in stars of
Mars) and posited in self-star. Mars is the occupant of 6, owner of 1 and 8.

6th CSL Venus signifies 1-6-11 and in connection with 1-6. (1-6-11)
6th CSL Venus signifies 5-8-12 and in connection of 8. (5-8-12)

11th Cusp (Aquarius 15-25-01): The sublord of 11th cusp Venus is in star and sub of Mars.

• Planet Venus is the occupant of 1, owner of 2-7. Venus is having stellar (positional) strength i.e.
untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and CSL of 5-6-7-11-12.

• Starlord Mars is the occupant of 6, owner of 1 and 18.

• Sublord Mars is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in stars of
Mars) and posited in self-star. Mars is the occupant of 6, owner of 1 and 8.

6th CSL Venus signifies 1-6-11 and in connection with 1-6. (1-6-11)
6th CSL Venus signifies 5-8-12 and in connection of 8. (5-8-12)

Strength-wise Houses (Signifies & Connection) (6 is stronger than
11 & 1) (11 is stronger than 1)

Favorable Unfavorable Favorable Unfavorable

(1-6) (8) (1-6) (5)
(1-6) (8-12) (1-6-11) (5-8-12)
(6-11) 15) (6-11) (5-12)
(1-6-11) (5-8-12) (1-6-11) (5-8-12)

The Comparison Table has been judged keeping in mind the following Golden Rules of KP Astrology,
mainly KP Stellar Theory of Starlord versus Sublord.

• Planet is the source of a result, Constellation is the nature of the result and Sub is the final
deciding factor of a result.

• If Starlord is benefic (favorable) and Sublord is also benefic (favorable), then the native enjoys.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
• If Starlord is malefic (unfavorable) and Sublord is also malefic (unfavorable), then the native

• If Starlord is benefic (favorable) and Sublord is malefic (unfavorable), then apparently it may
seem that the event is going to take place, but eventually it will hold.

• If Starlord is malefic (unfavorable) and Sublord is benefic (favorable), then after some obstacles
or hindrances, the event will take place.

Concluding Points:

In Comparison Table, we can see that for 6th cusp - Netherlands seems stronger as it signifies and in
connection with more favorable houses (1-6-11). But in another part, it signifies and in connection with
more un-favorable houses (5-8-12) also. Thus the chance of winning FIFA World Cup 2014 has been
ruled out for Netherlands. After Netherland, among rest teams, chance for win by Germany is very high
as because it sienifies and in connection of more strong favorable houses 16-111 and less un-favorable
housels) (5) rather than rest teams Argentina (1-6, 8) and Brazil (1-6, 8-12).

Again for 11th cusp - chance of winning by Brazil and Argentina has been ruled out as because both
favorable (1-6-11) and un-favorable (5-8-12) are present. And from rest teams, chance for win by
Germany is very high as because significance and connection of more strong houses 16-11) is present in
compare to Argentina 11-6).

My Opinion: Germany will win the title of FIFA World Cup 2014.

Actual Fact: Prediction comes true. Germany won the title of FIFA World Cup 2014.

Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! Pranaam to my Guruji Sri P. Roychaudhary!

CcrMj^JijfLtuJjfi^laT^A. -NI+U+IXLL TsCcrthjoJil. fpaH.

t^A^xriLMjtLLMjg. 'Ph.c.fLi.c.t.lja-M. ff

IVe 3ltan£ Dr. JCotfiari far sfiowma tfe correct metfocf ofJCSJC

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
Horary No. 106/249 Ref. #, 744
Smftss: OiiSfiilJAM SiinSeJ; 06:S4:&3 PM Dsjrar 365.25 D Cw?£iai .Pcirjrjw7.j
Y^Lj'j; Saiihya. FiSTS.' [Mctotiry PTiiJJrM, Vanij
■Hltvajy Wa: 106. U-Rldlguh^)
Sii'&shofi Wa Argentira ivin the dde Flf A World Cup Ciiilra(2f
S^.i | Mb
fluhVig PTjJWU-^tlbVLriUi'.'TuT'J Dr.-SfliSff JAf
RARX57fte£7; AOiXATA. WOES J" flEWGAt,,
Plan pi | ^ | gH | SM | : .5=1 | S-gl P-nzni!irfa(2^
: P1IBkiifr^4)

E.hai-a PungivasLili) Ma I Sa
SaJRJ 22:46:19 pyjnfjjjy PefJweiu
Md 22:57:57
II 15-44:15 I M.OS.OD ftiron'aaiu)
M4 27:Z1;ia Ju Dt:1l;l» V-sakhadl
XI 0040:62 CNtra|2

Me 02:11:16
X DQ:02:D4
SfluNDfjrrjfs. PJa.neLi: view


Will :5-.44:l5
Ki 06^0-22 Ralru mfeasfljml far. Mo..Ve. & (AJ - PJarafe id Oituanrs slare
Si f^'Occupimtof^iKwe
(CJ ■ Rte'ielsifa QwwrU iliwf
ID) • Hbuse -Oiwie;
Kfl 00:50:21 Dais Summary
IX 29:13:11 rmz* <EEEW fttiaaf <rjTTT> rrmrifc <EZE»
JupilEi Daia- Saturn Dasa.
17«»C'»15*1J-&ecJK6 IT-DerCOIS - 17-DK'2Mi
Maine; PFA WORLD CUP 2014 ARtfchfTlNft XI 00:40:02 3D4M:2I?,1&' I OT.OeL.2D36
Qendei: MaSe Ju 0i:1l;1B [i9J4gu.2037
Date: TuriOay, OifJul'SnHi 20Jur>2039
Tme: 07:E3:M AM SID:.fl3:2E:SE 05 ^Kin-SOil
Lat 22:33:00 H Lon: 63:21 :M e venOjihisfl
PIm: KOLKATA, lA'ESi SENGAL. Injln IT.&Sllrint-g - 1740«r2liJS
AyanaaKa: 23 53' 10
|KP Ayanamsal - Pladriuft
Star; ViakKa. Petlp 1
Sbi Lnnj. Jup6er
feEi; lit™ Rasi Lurti' Vewia
Laigriai VTrgg L^na Icrd! Mnrgix^
Thlir. Shukla Pakstia^ Ekadasi KahyDa;a
Bal. Di^j: Jublbr 12 Vi □ M, B D 17-CK.211Z . 17.0et.21M
I 0000:00 Pahu
1Aa 27.21:13 1D5 ! ljj|iML
II !S;44;15 07 [ nSa"iirn
IDS Mercur
MI tMar-ZlOO
D-ISiar-jL I JU THI iTJun-JlOi;0i_j Li('eEu_ l17Jm-2ia
III 29:13:11 iTjcid^iai"'"! kj 14 Jtin'2i110
11}" Venia [oB-jLlsiM
Mo 22:S7:i7 i B-Mbrraiaa""I vswn \ idj^m^T-rdTiD-1 psui'
3"m' idtJiASfST
Sb[R] 22:48:19 iT^aibi'_ r&.in' M0^'n*-2TM2_1
M2 -4 Mrxin
Mmn 2^M^V-ilS6
Ra 00 50:22 e-Jurv21&5 \i\im ~[JlTAIaf lUli 112 1 Mare "latNurflZS
Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
Horary No. 121/249 Ref. #. 745
Sun Rise.' SLWSor BOSS Odys' 3f5.J5 D cusfijjpaifuerts
Vbpa: Saijiya Hara: Msrmiry Rarana" y/ani ElarlPriaj
KiyayNdr 121 CKilja^l)
(JupsituT ' Wi! Brasilwri tha-ir-Je of FIFA World Cup 231i? 'i/iBafchalll
fiultog-Waiiots - HifJuVlBU Off.'M.Sfl A At PjHshacfeiH]
njQjijH F.BhadralS)
Day Sji'd! f.uiii
W/ra ysru tthavE Chatit AaMKhi](3f
N U W.M P.Pholgpni(J1
?d|RJ22.iP.:lS PJdinoEary FcsiuaiiB
Wo £3:p2:£3
RbM:5C:2I Piriarvs^inl
I 2S.2D:Da Vissthadi

X 23:21:43 Ve Kia
Ju 04:11:24 Ha Ka
SfgnrfffflMira - Wafers Wcrt1

VII 2J-20:!0
s;&a0:E0:2l Ve 23:26 16
IX 22:JT:2a
Su 21 :££.□?
Me 02:11:30

ffnturaalsffiFdpaTlfiKAfcyVeia WJ - RfflnsJo^i Cteupanl 5 ifars

Wsd/ocl! ssi^irfif.' f4l Atf. a fflV - OraajMdi ofhrKrse.
flfj - AJjaftyrs *i C»™ns Jtars
fPJ -Wijusi? □vpijer
Ko 00:50:21 IK 22:37:33 Ohm S antu} sty
VIII 2£2i:22 Ve 23:2!!:IB [ertrjs/r m
[Sjrjrn I

Manie: FIFA WORLD-CUP.201* BRAZIL Ju 04:11:24
Gender: Male l XI 24-33:11
Pute; TiJEaduy. 0B. Jidi2214
rura: 0&U6:S1 A.\1 510:03:34.10
Lal:2z:33:H]N Liai:Ba:2t:o0E Kfitu caaa Vinua IJos.a Sun CKa ~
Plarj* KOiKATA. WEST BEN6AL. India 1i4lo'J--2flSi ■ 134104^005 ■13-MoV-!OSS tJ+Je/^DBS.IS.NoV-iOSS
Kflii*" riiNtw'ZOEZ | Venii 13^07.2353 UhlflV.SOBa
1 Venus' llV-Ap'rlaB' :3-:iri t^MnrllOTj" Od-War^?]
AVa.-im^o: 21* EB 10" Sun i 1-Jiin-2ffi4 Moon |r>r.1nr.'!b7J Ot-Se^JOSO
[KP A/BnarnsB] - PlBo3du5 tAiai l7.0ct-a&4 iJ-NDiv-SiiTS 07-Jan-2Ml
Star: V&akhs, Pads 1 V-inrt iV-ttev-ltt IS-Jnn-ZOJT
S^r Lord. ArnTfir fehii M-Ort-'aftM
Rasi: Libra Rasa Lord: Varaa
LajnarViiigo Lagna Lord: Merajry
. Tilly: Shrikla Pakslu, Ehsdas? I' fitoon Oasa [Mais Caaa Rahu Dana
Bal. daw; Aiptar t2t.4M,5D IS-Mg'r-SOJS -«-NgV-210^ IS-KwJIQJ-IJ-IJpv-SIt:, 13*lav-ai1i L«-tigv-ii30_
I 23-2300 fAitti tll-Na■42053 " Mars rt3Nev.2105 ' Ruliu "13.^.2112 _
Ma 27-2137 fAFirn. tlS-SepE^OSeJ Rahu lil44ifj10B 27^1.3-2115 _
i Raiiii. |i3-Apr-2097 jupiler J29-AjH^ib7" ! Salmi atDac-jitT
•Jupfier 13-Oct-MS3 ^Sabum ' 04 -Aj]'r-210E. I Marenj EB-dct-aiSCi
Salun 12-Fgb^iDg_ Mgmay 14.Mny-2109 , Xhiu 14-h(Liy212l _
Ho 2302:33 j.WSJEUQf '13-Sefc21f'lj Kitu "114«1av;-2ij bj 0tJjiinii24_
EojRJ 22:4:3:1.3 Jlojj 12:Fnb"2lb3 _ Vartis 57^2.11 bWun-aiiL.
l| 22:29:12 Venus 13-Seg-ii43_ Sun bfflec-2l 11 2S-Apr-2i2i
Ra 00-50:21 Sun jSLMty-SjOS _ ^hBn" I'i'j'AfrJiT? _ 15-CniliM
* Ff¥«e^nir»4g'4fAli»Si|nj'plH«UBn|l»f tiff

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
Horary No. 198/249 Ref. #. 746
SfjJfPfte' Euflter, a6:f4:5aPi( PflSiUJflys; MS.ISD Cu'spaJ PoiJUooB
ttixijya 'voga: Horn: Sun Kwisns: BjcTt'.a S5I . I Sil
Hxary llo.: 1SS Sravana[5)
QLBsn'en ,' WH Gspnan/ wn 1hs lille of FIFA Wodd Cup 201 A? P.Shaiail)

ftulinj PJantis. BBMtoU M,ft Jff PM Bhamilij

^Innnil Pushyain^l Ma ISa
Lngi-LF! 15a I hfc I Su I Ra I Ra RFUdlauriiiSi
i.k'jn I Vb Ju Mb l Ju I Ra Dliilra;?)
D-ay Lsrt: Mars Ve Su
filfavsna BDava Cfrztlt fie S3
Puna^asiil 1) I WH JU.
KefldUSiSV, ViHlih3(J1
III &55\21 ChhaB) I He Ma

MB 29:53:56 ChiimB)
SippjAuatora - PJaficts UJelv

Me 02-26M0\ ^Ma2734:di5
tf2JB3:33 X 1X26.55:35
Va ja:(H:J0 2 55[RJ B:4T:*3,
Ha 0048:5^

17116:30:07 iivTAIlB, We, S, ffl - Ptinels M Osci-ipanrS slara

Su 2:SS:tl3 ffelyacls asajenliW l^, Ma.'Sf (B;. Ctajp&Tt cf Jtoijja
fCJ-. PiatKla fri Oausrle sJara
(O)" House Dvoier
Ku 03:45 51 V 2J-33:JS Oasa Sofflmary
IV 28:37:54 VB 24:02:33 :v I-ifftLTi* :'WiSSfc
IIM8& *€85* KEEP* .
r Oata SaEum Da;-a Mercury Dasa
-22-Airfl-::0lS_ LZ2-Aug-201S - I5-Aug-I037_ !2^ijg-_!MT :.I2-Aug-2n54_
"""~ 3->w-2IK2 ^Selum r22j4:!},.23iS_ Mercury 22-Ayif-2017_
, .J(i-oa:20f4_ f-temjiy ! SOJVjgjHi _ Mu_ i8-J?TFi?Tp_
ry 23-Ap;-2067 Majii"' Iflif May-2024 _ Venue 15-Jan-264i
LjggLii'-2M9 A'cri.i= "fa-Jun-SOSS' "Sun "i'5-Npy-M« _
Wame.rlFAWORl,DCVP2f14 GERMAMY JTj M.-lftrM- j05Jui-2dlb Sun 12-AughK5S K'ooi 20-3ej>2044
GentferjMals VII 13:53:20 Da-Mar Kno"' 'r.ViQn 2S,Jijl-2:?3 Mara !D-Feti-2t4&
Oate: Tifesday, OEfJiiFa014 !!a:[JsF:?qi3_ iMareU _llJfclr-!031_ fehii j7:F«MR47j
Time; 08:11-36 PM SFOr 15:43:55 iV-Apr-jdij _ .F!#I .._. —L^^Fri^MS: _ Juprer btSej>3j49_
;:5B-Mar-K)'i6 "jupiler IQSkFeihFbai SalLfin iS-DetSSi'
LSI: 523300 N Loit: 38:21:00 E Sun Das?
Plats: KQLKATA, WtST BENGAL Indb as-Aug-ZMi -^a-Aug-snaj
: Sun 122-Aijg-2fl6.i
Ayjr'ii'iniija; 2]' 5&J 1{]' |rE-r.li...
Mars- 'ltJm-20S2
[KP Ayanameaj - Plaoidua. n.c -fcn'=-Ji
Star: '.Isairna, Pada 3
Sttrl-rrd: JupHier 52-Jul-2057 _ JupiLer.
Sasl; LLra Raai Ltfd. Venus lO-Aug-2biB . SaEurn
Lajna: Caprtpf n Lagfna Lend: Salum iu"-Jd-2D55 %^rfiury
Trtfii: Sliuklj Pili-ia, EVailail JSsU"
Sail E'-jsa: Jupherd V. 14,1. 13 D ^UB-2
IX 25.6522 ftjj-ji
Ma 27:S4:4E _lJbj:2:
iflO "ftugrji
OJI Feb.21
Mo 53:53:56 (Si
X 2337,54 (B4_| _Ve™s_ 17-Jul-21Q1 IB-Mar
Sa{RJ 22 4742 : 22-Jun-2ME _ Sjn__ 16-Sap 2403 JIMleon_ m'lfeb-aiiO
Be 00-46-51 22jnn-?fB4J [MirS Jbj-ftij j-2131J
+ Trisip do iW nni-T B.,i|7li,nneis,m Iti&titatt

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
Horary Mo. 21/249 Ref. #. 747
Sii? SK (ffi:2iiS3PM Dasa Dayis: 26S 25D CifspaJ RoiidnfM"
Wftyi Vugs: Sadhya Hera: KaTmi.' Vanij wTTM siarLR^dnl
Horary No-21 Krllli1;i|1)
CJueiJifli) Will hJ«Ul=rlnr>d5 winihs Ulkg' FIFA Wgild Cup JOU? Mrigasirafll
HSJf STRSSr.KOLKAfA msT££tHiAL, Inila P.PhaljunUt)
Ftsrst VljatriaU)
Lagn? pu K? I Ra j Ju | Ifa
tAooi, |Vi |Ju 0.1a [ Ra P'Ashatfap
fey Lord: Mar^ SiHVEirial'2
NhaYana EftaVa Cl^aPC SalafjflthiaiJf
.aD2:1t:Aa' Xll 2L.'-5t' Rflyali[2)
II 2S:17:ffl KEOO:E0:2O Planejsjy PoaJrions
Ve 23:27:02
Jitdd.il:3X I ia:26-4[i
Su 2t.:55-43

K154020 ChSap
A X 10 SLgmn«rj»3 ■ Planers Ideiv


' Ra(10:;0:2(]N VIII iSdTiKP

VI213520 Raf)rj0dJa3J3m!ltKlLto.V,,a, Si (rtJ-flfcnetafrlOsEupiinfS stars
SaPf 22:48:17 KeJaratis Bsepenl.'drUa. A6.Se (3)' Qccapatfvft.oiiae
Wg 23:10:37 {Cf-ftanet&fo Gsnerls slwa
HaS:2l:4i roj - owisr
St COiEd^P V<! 2327:02 Me C2;11:« Da.sa ^ommairi/
1 23:2£40 U 25:17:30 III 20:13:30
So 21:55:23 mm <*373i»
Mercury Ossa
l5-6ej]-20il5 - li-aep- 20_G 2
H 20:&!:2]
Narpe:Ft;AWORLDCUP.2fiSi1 L.£'fl-£SLAWC Ju 01:1132
Sender Mala IV ISADJO
Dane: Tveeday, O^i'Jul'JOH Moan Is Jan-2022
TimK58:21:1 SAM 510:0148:36 MEra J71ila!jt2023 ;:.R5fni
"Saliu !22^pr-2021 ;i Jipileir
LaL 22:53:00 6 Lffi:fi6-2l:WE KeteDdsa [venus Oeaa
Place: KGlKATA, WEST EENSAi, India lG^Sep-2M2 ■ 15-Sep-2M3. .hS^ep^eH 2S^e]>-2fl^_
Rebj I iS-Sefi-OOai l5rSej>3i:63 _
W 15:23:01 Wriua ni'-Fataiea' i 5Tjan'-2)073
Ayanainaa: 23" 56' 10" 1231|*r-20El_ OI-JiPJOW .
[KF AyEfiaataa] - Piacidus JO^-JOaj oPrjw.aiuO
Elw: Visnklna. Pada 1 194iar-306S" Rafiu Ol'-OoS;91 "
51ar Lvrl' Jupder J: JujHCJ 22rjor:KIH_
Raga. URaa REIni Ldld- VcoLa fij^ea-ioSE ;| EaLim . hAeroury oj-ju.iO&i
Legna: Adea Asgna Lord: Mars 087Vig-2'067" ' t Mgit ury ' Kflfu "lO-bWy-ZCOl
^Sneiu [Venus flSSep-30Sl
Tilhh EJnuj.tj Pakahn, Ekafcal Ratiu Daia
X 154D:!0 &al.Qaaa Jnpiair 12 Y,2M7 D l£:5ep-;ii_2 - is^ep-nsa
VI 23:65.20 15-5ej>2l12
Ma 27:21:12 ■rF '2&:riajfr2115
13-Fab-2097 0 y.1sr-2107 22-Octji"i7"
JJya7!Sl:*S5?._: feMri :
I i5jliSn2M9 [ Msranrji 7jV I'y,lar2i23'
VII 252640 J5 Jul-2 ibT ffeehJ . J.W.iur-2 U D_|i Venus 03-Pflr-2l24
Md 23:10:37 iS.ftecJlOZ Vends lb AvB-2tld~|! Sun dJ-_f^r12l27_
Sap] 22:16.17 J6 Jul-2103 ^lSi]n_ "lO-OtS-2i1 ] Ipiiam 26-Fjb-2i26
Re 00:60:20 M'/Jvi'ar-ii'K .rOtaon' "l&F^-2ii2 liMais 26-'Aiif2l'29'
jy+iB fJwuts da ivd ay/ptortf* in iViivftvi
JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014

Qhalak Dikhla Qua ^aasen 7 fyarib J-inaU. ft KTj) 'JtioblciUn2

Dr. Nirmal Kothari

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences from All India Federation of Astrologer's Societies
(AIFAS), New Delhi.
Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Acharya and Jyotish Gana Shiromani from KP Stellar Astrological Research Institute (KPSARI),
Chennai, TN.
Jyotish Shastri and Vastu Acharya from Udaipur University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Shiromani from Marwar University, Rajasthan.
Vastu Srestham from The Institute of Vedic Culture for Public Welfare & Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology, Durgapur,
Practitioner of Pyra-Vastu and Reiki Pranik Healing.

Email : astrologer.nirmalkothari(S»vahoo.com

Background Note: Jhalak Dikhla Jaa is the most famous Indian celebrity dance realty show
premiered its Season 7 on June, 2014 onwards. The show aired on the Indian Satellite Television
Channel "Colors". The Bollywood Director Karan Johar, Actress Madhuri Dixit Nene and
Choreographer Remo D'Souza are the judges. The long journey of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa Season 7 (JDJ7)
will come to end at Grand Finale scheduled on 20th September 2014. The JDJ7 has announced its top 4
finalists as (1) Shakti Mohan (Dancer & Actress); (2) Karan Tacker (Indian Television Actor & Host);
(3) Ashish Sharma (Indian Model & Television Actor); and (4) Mouni Roy (Actress & Dancer).

Question Will Shakti Mohan win the title of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa Season 7?
Horary Number 94 (out of 249, on behalf of Shakti Mohan),
Time of Judgment 20-09-2014, 13:56:56 Hrs. 1ST.
Place of Judgment Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N33, 88E21), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Moon (Cancer 20-29-48) is in the star of Mercury and sub of Venus. Planet Moon is the occupant and
owner of 12. Moon is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of
Moon) and CSL of 5. Starlord Mercury is the occupant of 2, owner of 11. Sublord Venus is the
occupant of 1, owner of 3 and 10. Moon signifies and/or in connection with the relevant houses, hence
query or urge is genuine.

Question Will Karan Tacker win the title of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa Season 7?
Horary Number 141 (out of 249, on behalf of Karan Tacker).
Time of Judgment 20-09-2014, 14:03:56 Hrs. 1ST.
Place of Judgment Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N33, 88E21), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Moon (Cancer 20-33-15) is in the star of Mercury and sub of Venus. Planet Moon is the occupant of 9,
owner of 10. Moon is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of
Moon) and CSL of 2. Starlord Mercury is the occupant of 12, owner of 9 and 12. Sublord Venus is the

Article was received on October 5th 2014 at 7:07 pm
JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
occupant of 10, owner of 1 and 8. Moon signifies and/or in connection with the relevant houses, hence
query or urge is genuine.

Question : Will Ashish Sharma win the title of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa Season 7?
Horary Number : 174 (out of 249, on behalf of Ashish Sharma).
Time of Judgment : 20-09-2014, 14:09:28 Hrs. 1ST.
Place of Judgment : Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N33, 88E21), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Moon (Cancer 20-35-59) is in the star of Mercury and sub of Venus. Planet Moon is the occupant and
owner of 8. Moon is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of
Moon) and CSTL (Cuspal Starlord) of 2-6-10. Starlord Mercury is the occupant of 10, owner of 7 and
10. Sublord Venus is the occupant of 9, owner of 6 and 11. Moon signifies and/or in connection with
the relevant houses, hence query or urge is genuine.

Question : Will Mouni Roy win the title of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa Season 7?
Horary Number : 67 (out of 249, on behalf of Mouni Roy).
Time of Judgment : 20-09-2014, 14:13:50 Hrs. 1ST.
Place of Judgment : Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N33, 88E21), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Moon (Cancer 20-38-08) is in the star of Mercury and sub of Venus. Planet Moon is the occupant and
owner of 1. Moon is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of
Moon) and CSL 12. Starlord Mercury is the occupant of 3, owner of 12. Sublord Venus is the occupant
of 2, owner of 4 and 11. Moon signifies and/or in connection with the relevant houses, hence query
or urge is genuine.


If 6th or 11th cuspal sublord signifies 6 (defeat to opponent or rivals, being 12th from 7th loss of opponent),
11 (reputation as a winner, fulfillment of desire, success), 1 (self-efforts for winning), success is assured
in the joint period (DBAS) of significators of 1, 6, 11. (Note: 6th is stronger than 11, 11th is stronger
than 1)

(Note: To win any sort of competition, 6,11 cusps are judge primarily, while 1 (Self-efforts for
winning), 3 (one's ability) and 10 (position and power) should be considered as a supportive houses)


6th Cusp (Capricorn 16-23-12): The sublord of 6th cusp Saturn is in star of Jupiter and sub of

• Planet Saturn is the occupant of 3, owner of 6 and 7.

• Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 12, owner of 5 and 8.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
• Sublord Mercury is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in stars of
Mercury) and posited in star of Mars. Mars is the occupant of 3, owner of 4 and 9.

V 6th CSL Saturn signifies 3-6 and in connection with 3. (3-6)

x 6th CSL Saturn signifies 5-8-12. (5-8-12)

11th Cusp (Gemini 16-16-05): The sublord of 11th cusp Venus is in star of Self and sub of Mercury.

• Planet Venus is the occupant of I, owner of 3 and 10.

• Starlord Venus is the occupant of I, owner of 3 and 10.

• Sublord Mercury is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in stars of
Mercury) and posited in star of Mars. Mars is the occupant of 3, owner of 4 and 9.

V 11th CSL Venus signifies 1-3-10 and in connection with 3. (1-3-10)


6th Cusp (Pieces 28-03-25): The sublord of 6th cusp Saturn is in star of Jupiter and sub of Mercury.

• Planet Saturn is the occupant of 1, owner of 4 and 5.

• Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 9, owner of 3 and 6.

• Sublord Mercury is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in stars of
Mercury) and posited in star of Mars. Mars is the occupant of 1, owner of 2 and 7.

V 6th CSL Saturn signifies 1-6 and in connection with 1. (1-3-6)

x 6th CSL Saturn signifies 5. (5)

11th Cusp (Leo 28-35-26): The sublord of 11th cusp Mars is in star of Saturn and sub of Sun.

• Planet Mars is the occupant of 1, owner of 2 and 7.

• Starlord Saturn is the occupant of 1, owner of 4 and 5.

• Sublord Sun is posited in self-star and no other planet posited in its star. Sun is the occupant and
owner of 11, CSL of 8.

V 11th CSL Mars signifies 1 and in connection with 11. (1-11)

x 11th CSL Mars signifies 5 and in connection with 8. (5-8)


6th Cusp (Taurus 15-16-52): The sublord of 6th cusp Jupiter is in star of Mercury and sub of Venus.

• Planet Jupiter is the occupant of 8, owner of 1 and 4.

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

• Starlord Mercury is the occupant of 10, owner of 7 and 10.

• Sublord Venus is posited in self-star and no other planet posited in its star. Venus is the occupant
of 9, owner of 6-11, CSL of 4-10.

V 6th CSL Jupiter signifies 1-10 and in connection with 6-10-11. (1-6-10-11)
x 6th CSL Jupiter signifies 8. (8)

11th Cusp (Libra 20-08-50): The sublord of 11th cusp Jupiter is in star of Mercury and sub of Venus.

• Planet Jupiter is the occupant of 8, owner of 1 and 4.

• Starlord Mercury is the occupant of 10, owner of 7 and 10.

• Sublord Venus is posited in self-star and no other planet posited in its star. Venus is the occupant
of 9, owner of 6-11, CSL of 4-10.

V 11th CSL Jupiter signifies 1-10 and in connection with 6-10-11. (1-6-10-11)
x 11th CSL Jupiter signifies 8. (8)


6th Cusp (Sagittarius 05-43-07): The sublord of 6th cusp Rahu is in star of Mars and sub of Self (Rahu).

• Planet Rahu is the occupant of 3. Rahu is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted
(there is no planet in stars of Rahu) and CSL of 6.

• Starlord Mars is the occupant of 5, owner of 5 and 10.

• Sublord Rahu is the occupant of 3. Rahu is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted
(there is no planet in stars of Rahu) and CSL of 6. Rahu conjoined to Sun-Mercury and thus acts
an agent of Sun and Mercury. Sun is the occupant of 3, owner of 2 and 3. Mercury is the
occupant of 3, owner of 12.

V 6th CSL Rahu signifies 3-6-10 and in connection with 3-6-10. (3-6-10)
x 6th CSL Rahu signifies 5 and in connection with 12. (5-12)

11th Cusp (Taurus 03-53-12): The sublord of 11th cusp Saturn is in star of Jupiter and sub of Mercury.

• Planet Saturn is the occupant of 4, owner of 7, 8 and 9.

• Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 1, owner of 6.

• Sublord Mercury is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in stars of
Mercury) and posited in star of Mars. Mars is the occupant of 5, owner of 5 and 10.

V 11th CSL Saturn signifies 1-6 and in connection with 10. (1-6-10)

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
11 CSL Saturn signifies 8 and in connection with 5. (5-8)
Strength-wise Houses (Signifies &
Connection) (6 is stronger than 1-
Candidate 3-11) (11 is stronger than 1-3) (1 is
stronger than 3)

Favorable 1-3-10
Shakti Mohan
Unfavorable 5-8-12
Favorable 1-3-6
Karan Tacker
Favorable 1-6-10-11 1-6-10-11
Ashish Sharma
Favorable 3-6-10 1-6-10
Mouni Roy
Strong Ashish Ashish

The Comparison Table has been judged keeping in mind the following Golden Rules of KP Astrology,
mainly KP Stellar Theory of Starlord versus Sublord.

• Planet is the source of a result, Constellation is the nature of the result and Sub is the final
deciding factor of a result.
• If Starlord is benefic (favorable) and Sublord is also benefic (favorable), then the native enjoys.
• If Starlord is malefic (unfavorable) and Sublord is also malefic (unfavorable), then the native
• If Starlord is benefic (favorable) and Sublord is malefic (unfavorable), then apparently it may
seem that the event is going to take place, but eventually it will hold.
• If Starlord is malefic (unfavorable) and Sublord is benefic (favorable), then after some obstacles
or hindrances, the event will take place.

My Opinion: Ashish Sharma will win the title of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa Season 7. Actual Fact:
Prediction comes true. Ashish Sharma won the Grand Finale Title of JDJ7.
Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! Pranaam to my Guruji Sri P, Roychaudhary!

GO-mjqJI.{VLU. LfyLLcm-A- JViju*ija-L TsCcrthjafil. fpaH.

CtrWucxuL "PhjcjcHtutLoTLl I

lVe Jftank Dr JCotfiari for showing tfie correct met/tocf ofJCSJC

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
Horary Mo, 174/249 Ref, if, 824
Sun Set CSiM: !■: PH Daasnays,' 365 25 0 Giispst FoslffOfts
rttftya Voga; Shka Hora. Jupilsr Karana: KauJav Sla^Paia]
riorafy Wclt1 1 ?i
WjlAnNsh Ehiirtrtj UlifclliE lllleif Jhafcik Dlkhla Joa SEdidh 7? SravaTia^l)
Saljbhli^i'-;] 15a Iftti
fluTirig P|W
^ridrad i
IVba1! I k'-a ItA* I Vt Lru Ke P.PhsJguiili
DEtylcrrJ; G-alim H=rl5[4)
Wi'^l'Jlld ChiHi viEaSfiEi; i)
y^aK:25L3J:1S AE/IIEBI-iei'?! e™
6 / XI Anij^dKan) 5-u mp
\A Ha C7:«:22:W CNIrs!2! HMIM 39 Ha
V^ath.dlSj M& .SB |MB
IV 11:21:10:4!' htoM:2S:34:4J Gliilfill) Su
Kb 11:25.27 U pa 05:2S;27:1.2 Ravalilj Ra VE
SJgjUOcjTtii'j! ■ PiEnjfj Vtfiiti

/Je pi-Jil: 11:11
IX 04:17:32:13.
5y 05;0J-2C'.42

'Uo (fi:2a:55.SX
Ju 0J:20:C1:40 ssnuacrsas esiienritir Jsr. i^a. W-PJano^tfOwwaniijsisrj
Vlll 0312.12^2 ^ (iti.sfls (ijrsi^, iHV, JV iBt - (?«iypiirii of fteuw
fd ■ fltn&ls Di Oiwe^s sffrj
fi>j - Hiusp Okvjet
V 20:09:51 VI 15:16:52 VII 00'20:CO flSSil SOrlltttiry
WcrcurvDssn KctU Dnin Venus. Dtisir
1^Stp-2MS'-i:-S*p-2i>2S H4SEP-2020 _l5jSEp_-2q33_ [iS-Sep-iiiOi -15_-SapJ0S3_
. HeacoTv li-SEP-iCOi Kelu | J 525ejF2b^6_
Tfelii 1 i-Peb-SOlj Ventre 11-Fiti"2b27_ j5-Ja[i-20i7
Ke 25:27:12 jVflnus &7-Peb-20iO r. Sun_ 12-Apr:20a_ Js jan,-203S._
IV 21:10:40 Sun f6s.5ec.2C)15r Hooj l^Aiij.ifl2S_ iS.Sip.2iB4
|4aii'e.L>1ALAJ4 OTKHULJAA7 AS.HI5M SHART VII! 12:12:22 lAara 1S-M3r-2020 _ t5fl(rle£I41
Sander: Hale Ai 2001:43 Rjhu i5.ALKj::o2B_ J.S.Nov.2:i3_2
Dale: Snliiiday, 20^1512014 Mo 20:55:51 Juphef b2-SejF203b_ t7^jP2i:4€"_
Tfetie: gs g? as Pfsi sio: 14:20:5; 5al.i4.n_ q^Aui-m ii _ JS^cfi-EfiJ _
lAercyu' le-Eep-abffi jyvl^KS
Lai: 22'13:KI H Lan: 63:21:00 E Sun DnSa lAcxm uasa
Plect: KOtKATA. tVEST BENGAL India 15-Sep-2050 IS-Spp-IOEl
Sun IAjcti "iS-Se'p-'ibM
Htvlri TMdaivK&i Ma 15 T5-JiJr26S0
AyaisiiM: 2J*5S2&' IX 11:32:11 Aiss [wjur-aiBj Rahri^ "is-FEbaiet
|XP Ayananso] - Plaedus V* 24:11:14 RdllU ! HdNOi'JD54 inpllar ^S-Au^'JjOES
Star: titileiha. Pada 2 SatUTj 1 S-Da'c-S 0B3'
Star Lgirl, Mefiaay I^ICEII IfcJrf-SOSS
Raai: Cancer Pasi Laid: l.tian
Lijnj Sa-ijittiriLis Lacna turd: Jupller
. Tilhi; Krctrus Paksha. Diaifesi RulluDau Jupllnr Onsn I Saturn Dasn
B?i DasarWarrwy 11 v. n H.2i0 .1MBp'2176'1 Msp.'JM^ Ji-SEP^OS^- t54Sep'21iq_ |15"Sap-211l] i1SiSfP"2f29
Sir 03:20:42 Pahu Jl5^0p-2!j75 Jupilijr J iVSep-2084 :Sslijin ts'-Sap^til
X 21; Id.40 Arpter , fO-May-ZOTs" Salun b^NoreTO 06 13.52^.2113
Sa 25:27:12 '.Sasjni t22flcLj(jai_ IAeraiij_ ij-'Maj'4Zi:99" 28-911^2116 "
Me 20:34:11 HtrfcOIV "f 27 Jlug. 25134 Keiu 22>^-'2ljpr ESjjjlSll'?" "
Keln | i8-lMaf-^0S7 _ yenua "2S-J [4-21112 ES-SEp-2!2!
' Vunna I QOdArr-aOiS Sm 2J-Mnr-2105_ t6-AiJj3-2121_
'Eiin fMdApr-'2M1 Mmh 1S-jan-2ib9- i9-MBa--2i21
XII 15:10:57 5a 25:33:19 Hdiii SO^Feb-MK " jAaia 17-1X^-3107 '23A|:r-2l24
.I a02D.dD Ml 10:22:01 XI 2003:50 rti'arE ravi'lifl-iwi" Rahu. 22^2jfflL C4iiiar-2i'27
Tfiiia di-jira KarBftHoefinj'jimnsijm Ifmt sfau

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
Horary Wo. 141/249 Ret U. 823
Sun mss: USHABM sunset CS:35:ia Piil Bsss-Daya: 365.250 Cuspar^oaiijans
FJithva rogs:
Yeas: Shiva Hora: Jup.^r tfsra'is-/ Kaulav
Hofar/ilo.: U1 VflatKnl^j
: Will Kftan TArkgf wltl Hit: Nile df JhrilalV D.khle Jdu Sea&nl r?

ROWS FJfflrrj ■ WScpxm Qtmrn FM □l%EiniBh1a.i;i|


□BrlDfo: Salun ftifilashadl
Nhavana Bhavs Cham Li.PJi^iunl{l)
XH Pijwiary PosjcIEUS
^ 0J.I Dj 1.53 Su | U.PhalguniUi
I Ki:;3:51:2Ci >X] 61:23:35:36
Sjaaiasi-HMi X Rj 65:^:2711 i
^ SuSSiHiaiS
JU .AnliKham | Mr. H= V
5a IViraWiiliSI
lVDg:J6:3J'1T 3( 03:25:33:17
Va<K:M: 10:57
SUgnnffraiiirs - Ptanets' Wei*

VII (10:23:53:210
/fX 62:24:01:53
V 10:28:15:25 MDO3-20-31:35
JO 03:2601.47

VIII 0t:21:lT.3>
flarm etSs SJ aeeiif tar 5|/, Me. fjSj - FUmEte In Ocnipaitl'zelsrt.
Ktli)jeffesoge'itW' Sd tfc. A. (B) ■ Oettyi&if (iffisose
ficj - Pisiwi? M : Oiwwif sto
(Dj -Hmsg 0r, ai3f
V 215120 V H;1 K 14:01:55 Data Sumffiarv
t JJTTT.eTft jlj't'AVjt KBimai iBrmfc .irwut KBSmT
Venus DntJ
VeniK 'B6^O'n-2031
|6S.MarJ02T ■Sun Sun OS-ratSOiT
(M-r.lay-20S6 rMoan
Mcon _ OB-Feb-HllS
_ Ma;t
'via:*- *D743C!-203B
Owc-vHlLAK pWHy* JftA7 K^WMTWKE I Ju 23:0l^T Rabu OT-Dec-^OiO
Oendei; MJIE Ma _L(i6 &jjj-23S _ 07-1Jac-26iJ
Daic: Salorday. iO'S^p^Oll X 26:23:17 _[2SS*jjMH_
Tira: 0201:56 PM SOr 14:23:50 HJi59|>2311_
TlfrOtS-jfflj. mam
Lat 22:33:60 N Lou £6:21:00 £
Place: KCLKATA, ^STGENGAL Irtdie usai
V 28:15:23
t'^SFiBmsa; 23° 567 26" Vo 24:10:57 23ilaj-20Jl
[SP Ajananaa]. Pladdaa H S:J5:23 [stsiini; 1 "ij-Feb-'a72 :
Stan ASlilssha, Fade 2. [Mei'mr. DTjAjir.lD?^
StarLoni: Mercery _L12flus:KlE6 MeAjir-ibyi _
Rasi: Cecwi Rac" tcrd; rtjci _]2y!J;2a57_ blJfE^i.
LagnaiLitfa. L-acnaLrnJ; VMnos lOi-jon-SbSS bl44OT.207E
■ar.oetsa&s 674jar.2aJ6
rilhi: KrjE.rina Pehaho, DvaUaal Jupiter dire a Salum Dana
Bal. Daaa: Mefctfy 12 V, 0 Ml fS D flSOtt-ZD^ 0B-Dtlt-Z034 ■ D6-OcEt2'[1D NfrOlMII D. D6JDcJr2J25|_
Sc 01:30:19 bE£Ch(.5fl7a_ Jupiter Baliirn, 'K43ctJlj'0_
Ra £5:27:13 _ilWun-2b79 'Saium |"24^Npv-H9S [Mercuiy Mflcl-Tll j
Ml iflflJ-SS ;M5rci*J {;7JLili-3D_39_ iajtih.2116_
Me 26:14:3 116-"Sai>3d(!4 [Ka'lu i2'S?p^2lbl 28'Jul-2l 1J
ioT^pesi^ Vnnns IBAig-2102 27^cp jl25_
JJSApr.KiSa jSun" 261'.cr-ilO? M-Sep-2l2i_
js^pabsij iMiiini |a'5.ra-iiqB "iaHPr;31_23_
U 23;11:M 5a 25:13:14 iS-Mnr-iMl : Mara |0Sdun-2i37 19^^-2124_
III 24:01:56 Ma 1021:55 I jaiMO _L17^2053 LRaSiu L^'-'sy^iOE 'S-War-ffiT
. 77u»'|£rvfS[e]ixriuevanf^iUnclK.Y?innrrrj^

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
Horary No. 67/249 Ref. #. 825
Sunftsfl-.- 0S:24:-!5fiM Sii? Set 0^35:10™ Dasa Days: 365 25 D Cifspai PosJliiujs'
WWijfl rpji.' Shwa Jupiter Kanrnr,' Kaulav
nimyno.:e7 Pushyairiill
■SjiF-sitir? - Will Wnimi Rpywin Ihs blisr/Jhalak DikNa J?a Season??
U.RiaJgun^ 1}
KlsitsW Pti fittS - ZWStpftQU 02:1 ?:E4} PU CPilpmliS
Lagila Sii 5i/ 6^ I Va DhaniBhtailJ
r.fcon Mo Ma Ve I Ju I Ve Pflljaii ijj)
tay Lcrdi Sa'urn A&rinri^l
Mra?anS Bhava Chalit Krlliikafi)'
II N:0ikl5:lti Mripasirqlj*)
Ve-Ci4.:i4.lt:2E. PJaneWiy PovTiWi
suosffiaosa Ju OliiOiGl :6t D ;P3:5J: U A?li!(f5Sir^j2) 1W5 i
f!a[Q:J5:2Jr1?\N Mp H:a;3S:0»
riDJ:a:3J:4& I >.13 iSu
Me DS:2B.33:54 5
F.Phalgi!rw4s .Su iVh
N 05:0I>J52S
£a Dfi2EJ3:1?
SipmffEsrais * PJanefs Wflw

ix ia:3:S4.4-;'
Ma 07:10:22:11 Ke 11:2S:27L12

Vies:H:13-0 « 6-1
fiiTi'il/ as ojijflf ftf. ar, Ms. (A) - RiSISisAi OcCMiafiriS iiart
Ke!!rflE!sijasisn;fcrrSufJkii (Bf - Omt|panl tf Jrouie
fCf - pianefj fri a»r»r'iS efar s .■
fDJ - Hoirae Onlwr
MI 05:4107 i| Daia1 Summary
imaafr -MBIIISK- 'icaiafc- tU^JfrW
Merctjr,1 Dbsb I.KBluDasa
3IHkug.2n09TaD.Ariq-M3S | IM-Aug-Ml■M3e . 3ijr4uy-3M3
Meiajiy IMrAug-iMS iikfllij 3D-Aiig'2!i24
I is Jan.?: 12 jEJar.SO??
rwcn _ !26-DB>203T
Mara T3D.AiJ^2!CI3^I_
NuieiJHAUtfQlKHUUAAJMOU.KlRQYI t 05:26:43 Rehu j3D-OcP2343_
Send sr Male Ju 83:01^1 Jj^Ner ■3t'.flti-2di3
Dais: StPurJay, 2i,,SEfi,,26l4 Mo S0;M;M ! Selim l3!Kjm-2045_
Time: 52:13:53 PM SID:14J3:£4 | i'Si'vUPi' j3tAjj-3i4-3
hjD.jLji.3D52 "*
Lai: 22:33:D& ti lL*i:.5E.2l:CH]e SunDaan I'MsDnDaae
Pjce: KOLXATA, WEST EENGAL, India 3Mijg^li3 - JD-ALfo-IOisJ > ta-Aifg-WSS ■ 30^-2046
IK 26:34:45 Sun i"3i!J-Aog-2053 j.Moofi. . lAars TSIJ-Aug-2063
Vlll Dait-ID Llmii ll2^t-:053 :'5ijra' ' 29.Jun.2l(lHJ Ralw !26J™i-20J0
Ajimamsa: 23" SS130' II 00:14:13 Mars JSJun-2354 .RbJilj
[KP AyHieTise] - P'sGidua Vo J4:11;Sa flaii_u_ 24 j3cl:2by ~J.:: Jualfa
613.- AaNealia, Pidn 2 III 29:3445 Juriler h7-Se8i-2ti55 1 SeLnn
Sdar Lend: IJenury Saturn lMOul-2M6 .lliierfiiirv 29-Jun-30ES :tFeti-2074
Rasr Cancsr R^si Lord: Ivftwn Mpoiff ll7J:ir>3357_ 1iKo!y_ _ 29440^2:65 25-JLJ-M74
Lsgna- Cancir Legna Lord; 'Moon Kflhi ..24JLpf-aOM .^IVTeixis 3(Wijn-2057 2+Sej>2d75
Venue- S'i-Aijq-jdaE: "l|£un 2E.F3l.305S 2S-Jan.2D7E
Tilhi; Kriahna Paitaha. Oadasi Pahu mm —
-Ti ihijitHr Diaa Saturn Data
Bel. Des-a: Me™™ 11 V. ll M. JD [JMu^IOTS _-JD;ALi.3-_nj4j -30^-211^ jQ-Aug-HH!)
Su 03^0:53 Pehy. SO jkiig-2"(J76 . Jtpilei T0P.u.);2::9i Sal urn 1 j3iiAu^:i"io
Ra 23:27:12 Jd |ater I24ja^2.j78j [ SanjnT |..ITjMJME— I.Aar.jiP, ;02Sepn2il3_
Me 28:34:54 Saturn 1 Did3d-!031 _. lilsiiurj J(Wi{!r;2099 1 J(.Sju Ih'-Msy~lll5_
Mwcuiy 11 %Aijq-2itiai J^KjeU 'OS-Augiitdl f Veriua [2frJun-21l7
Kn5i ; Son. . I2D-Alish21!0 _
Venue 'IT-Mar-JOES1 : Sun 1:3-Mar-2iOS I tAicn 02-Aijgr2121
Sun Ij'TjMaj^nS' _ [^Mem 3D.dec;2tDS □3rjyiarr2l23_
Ma 10:22:11 Sa 2S:23:lT Moon. 109-Fel>-2092 ..Man. '"oYj.lay-OIOTnf "h-Aprj!l'24_
'.VI DS:43 07 V Dl'53:t2 OJ D&-35'2S 1 Mate J10 Jtj^-2rj93_ ■_Rahu_ (l£J^r-2l0e [ itFeti.2l2T
t TSflse^rf)|ln/iSli»yti^S(S"«tJi.lW6VSl<H8L

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
Horary No. 94/249 Ref. #. 022
Sim Rue: 05:24:^S AM Su/iSBt 05:35:10 PM Dm Cajre: 265.25 D Cilspti PoiitrgrM'
Stiivs Ji^iior Knuln^ EBHESIIBSSJ®^ ma
Wrsry WDJ Pi PPhiilguniOl
DiMSd'C^l itVil Sh^kji Mckvin IkiH IjllegF Jirfak Dr^hla Jug

ftufdng Wflflsla - 2lS^5efl^2l)I^ WJS.'Ee ?jlf Aniiralha[4].

PAfEK 57fl£c r KQLKAtf.. WESTEEKGAL, InA'a Pj!iEhada(IJ
Plena iars'shiE-liiir.)
Fta U.EiiiHraiJl:
kbtti i lAj Ir.Vi [ Ve LJm Jit
Ldirl: Sulljrt
li 05:13:33.45 iJU.2P:iia Pus^mii+S
JuM;2J 01-43 PJanefary FosiWcps
lita05:2M^:H XH 03:18:23:12 Planel
Su 05:03:20.12 UPhri13uiiir3| Ua | Su | £.3 Mr;
Ma 07:1(3:21213 la4.lSJ3:M /X\ K;1S;1fl-05
Iirg6:f+:P7:57> VelH:24:1M5
Sa 0S:2MJ:f3
IVC7;15;£7:Q& X1M;15:27:W
s^nr^wrors ■ prfftrwrs

VII 10:15:3120
V 03:1 tl 62:5S IX H3:1i:07:S7

Xa t1:23:27:1iiS
Vtll 11:13-3146 fiahu aris as age.ii hr. Su, Ms. (Al - P.ainsrsVi Ora^tiK safara
Kslitfltlsasagsmfc!;StiJul ffij-O«:i^snfti77ioss9
tQ ■ pisneti nt OK'tisrt srars
F'OJ. Hausa Oitvief
IX 14:DI7;SJ y. 15:27:05 XI t6;1g:05 D^.sa^Oi'H.'iwr'y
¥SSS9 Hi-JrLlfc IEEE® tffaasfc
, I'anuatkaaj
I P2.HB!r.2(33i .|]2.NflV-2ll63
02-l4!iD-20;9 tfl-Mav-2026 : Venn I fr2^oa-2031
20.htar.2312 H.fclaj.&o:? ■ Sun !MMar.20J7
hjan»:JHALPK BkHLAJSA 7 SdPKTl FflOh^l I XH 16:23:12
GeJidsr: Male Ju 20:01:41
Date: Saturday, 20.ilSep>l20t4 Mo 20:19:33
T>ne; 01 ;56:E6 Pkl SID: 14:16-58
Lai: 22:33:M N Lon: 63:21X10 E Sun Dasa Mme Basa
PImsi KOtKAH, WEST BEIVSXL. hdia 02;No^2053 ■ K+lss^gsg OJ.Wgv.JOSJ-02446^76
Sun Mara ! (HJIauJOfiP
VI 1633:20 MKUI ; 20-Fflbii]'S4" Raliu Til AlV-2070 "
AytnmiEa: 2J1 SS^OT I t5:M:SJ3 Hii-a 21.6^-2054 jJupller i l9.A|jf-2b7l
[KP Ayanamaa] ■ PljirfLi Ve 24:1036 3ahu :
27-DicJ05i rSalum ; Igidai-IflTS
Star; Ashlcsfis, PaJa 2 Aj piter ■21-1*114-2066 Mefctj-'ji [P3-May-207j
Star Utnl; Meftuiy Safljra [ 05-_S_4Jp2056. J
J^alu "| 30^p--;074
Metujiy ff-Aug-JOSTj !
Rasl: Cancer Rasl Lerd: Moan Vtms. ["27^60-2074
Lagns: Leo Lagna Lard: Sm Keij" :ajJn-2tsn _§un 126 .Nd0-2Ci76
Vmira oi-hkiu-iosa 1 M t^jn 16^ jtpf-3076
Tillll: XiEMiMi Patilli, D.1 ad Ltd flahj Daia pjplterDiaa ialurn Ddii
VI 1623:12 Bal Daaa: Meraiiv 12Y. 1 M. 12 D OZ-MlIU-2075 - g2-ijQV-2DM 102-HPV-21B4 - 01-6104-2118 OS-Huv-il 10 - fl2-Nov-Z1 H
EU 03>2D;12 1 Ju
i^]®L r
iH-S'a^2iB4_ ' Saturn _i_-H^av-211D
11 13:13:45 Isatiiri " iji J^t-ODOE ^leitiAr |]jHjNd«^11l '
Ra 25:27:1-1 . ketu "jiiJhiiMs
Mr 29:24:11 i24A|jg-2ll7_
"T 23-Oil-! 120

IV 15:27ns Sa 25(33:13
Ma 10:21:43 III 14:07:67 10Jui>210a ; JuciLar ;22-Apr-2127
nwfl flW.ttt&i iWf Wus jiiy^wiiirji pwt&j-

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

£ub Utb efo 'jHanet: ft KTj) /Analysis

CA P. S. Chiranjeevi

P.S.Chiranjeevi is the younger son of Guruji Late Sri. P.V.K.Punneswara Rao, the founder President of "Universal Research
Institute of Astro & Occult Sciences" and "Universal College of Astrology", Hyderabad. Academics: Post Graduate in Commerce
and a Graduate in Law, he is a Chartered Accountant. Made a beginning in the field of Astrology in the year 1999. After successful
compietion of the courses, conferred the titles of "JYOTHISHA PRAVEENA" on 9th Juiy, 2000 and "JYOTHISHA VISARADA" on 28th
October, 2001 by 'Universal Research Institute of Astro & Occult Sciences'. Became 'Life Member' in 'Universal Research Institute of
Astro & Occult Sciences' on 24th June, 2000. Further journey in the Astrological world has been continued and bagged the titles of
"VASTU VISARADA"on 17* August, 2003 and "JYOTHISHA RATNA"on 24* July, 2005, conferred by 'Universal College of
Astrology'. Also conferred with honorary title of "JYOTHISHA SIROMANI" on 28* October, 2004 on the occasion of'Akhila Bharata
Ivothisha Sammelan'. held at Hyderabad. Honorary Titles : He is honoured with a title of "JYOTHISHA PRASHASTHA" (in
March, 2012] 'Chronosnaadiastro.com' founded by Sri. Satyanarayana Naik; Also honoured with a title of "JYOTHISHA
VIGNANA BHASKARA" (in March, 2013] by 'JKR Astro Research Foundation' founded by Dr. N.V.RARaja; He is one of the
faculty in 'Universal College of Astrology' since 2008 and actively involved in imparting the knowledge of astrology in
K.P.System. Also discharging the responsibilities of Joint Secretary of Universal College of Astrology, and Universal Astrological
Book Trust, Hyderabad. Since 2010, carrying the mantle of Guruji Late Sri. P.V.KPunneswara Rao in the propagation of KP.System
of astrology through the platform of "Universal Research Institute of Astro & Occult Sciences" of which he is the Joint Secretary at
present. E-mail: chiranieevips@gmail.com

Guruji Late KSK used the sublord as SIGNIFICATOR in his 1966 two volume books. But in
the 1970 and 1971 Six Readers, for unknown reasons, the focus was on 4 fold significators.

In the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2, 1966, Sagar Publications, the six fold significators "with
the sub" were used in three example charts on pp 113-114, 274 and 319-320.

But the four fold significators "without the sub" were used in thirteen examples on pp 57, 74, 118, 139,
236, 244, 256, 269, 276-277, 301, 303, 308 and 333. :

Only the first six fold example chart on pp 113-4, bom on 9-3-1923: "According to Krishnamurty
Paddhathi, one can borrow money during the dasas and bukthies of:

(a) planets in the star or "sub" of occupants of 6th house

(b) occupants of 6th house

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014

(c) planets in the star or "sub" of lord of 6th house

(d) the lord of 6th house;

(e) planets conjoined with or aspected by any of these planets."

is included in the KP Reader III under "Free from Debts", 1971 Edition, Practical Part pp 59-62, New
Edition pp 216-219 "without the above a) to e) write up".

The second and third six fold example charts are not included in any of KP Readers.

Moreover, the four fold significators are also found applied in the KP Reader III pp 342; KP Reader IV
pp 118, 128, 201; KP Reader V pp 149, 201; KP Reader VI pp 157, 197, 247 etc., KP SWs and the KP
literature in general.

Six Fold Significators - Planet View

Planet* Planets in the Planets in the Occupants in the Planets in Planets in the House
Sub of House Star of House House the Sub of Star of House Lord
Occupants Occupants House Lord



* House - for Six Lold Significators - House View

However, it is in fact the inclusion of the Sub's signification as straight significators, not deciders.
Perhaps that is why the six fold significator table is not used in the six KP readers in particular and KP
practice in general.

Details :

"The Cuspal Sub-Lord decides the fate of the Native in a chart, i.e., whether the cusp gives favourable or

unfavourable results of the subject matter to which the cusp belongs. The Star lord indicates the

significators of the particular Bhava , and the SUB-LORD, i.e., Planetary sub-lord indicates whether the

nature of the event is favourable or not. In timing of the events - this sub-lord, along with CUSPAL Sub-

lord gives clue to the astrologer, for a correct future prediction". {Prof. Vaikari Ramamurthy - Preface to

"Sub Lord speaks - Part 1" by Late Prof. K. M.Subramaniam)

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
Our beloved Guruji, Sri. KSK was very emphatic in telling how the prediction should be given only after

taking into the Sub-Lord where the planet under observation is stationed (K.P. Reader No. III).

Also, Sri. KSK emphasized that what matter actually one will enjoy or experience, depends on the lord of

the constellation, but these can be felt with deviation in the result, in terms of the signification of the lord

of the sub tenanted by the concerned planet. Therefore, "According to the postulates of Krishnamurthi

Padhdhathi, when a planet lies in a certain constellation, it is modified by the planet that presides over the

constellation. The planet is not only coloured by the constellation lord but also by the sub division of the

constellation, according to the signification of the sub-lord by house lordship and occupation; and so the

sub division has an important role in modifying and even deviating in the matter, as obtained by the star


The basic principle of KP method is that the results are offered by the Star Lord (constellation) of any

planet and whether it is good or bad, will materialize or not, will be decided by the Sub-Lord. Houses

(cuspal) sub lord promises various events during the lifetime of the native. Planetary sub lord

decides if it is going to materialize in its dasa or bhukti periods.

Thus, the Cuspal Sub Lord and its signification tells whether the native has such matters as shown by that

Bhava are to be enjoyed by him or not and to what quantum. Planetary Sub-Lord and its significations

tell the timing of such matters to get fructified and the matters as has been promised by the Cuspal Sub-

Lords. Further, a planet in the Sub of an evil planet, indicates loss, difficulty, failure whereas the same

planet in the same star but in the sub of a benefic, promises success, gain and pleasure.

In other words, the sub-lord decides whether the event indicated by the star lord is favourable or not.

This, Sub-lord decides according to his lordship. The Sub-lord is concerned ONLY to decide whether the

event is favourable or not according to his ownership ONLY and not according to his occupation. This

is in respect of "Transit Astrology" [ Gochara Phalam ].

In Transit Astrology, the transiting planet is the source of the event, the star lord in which transiting

planet is moving indicates the nature of the event according to its own nature [fast moving or slow

moving], occupation and ownership, while the sub-lord indicates whether the event is favourable or

unfavourable according to ownership only. We need not take its occupation or nature. Transit Astrology

means yearly predictions, monthly predictions or daily predictions according to Lagna of the Birth Chart

(not Moon sign) [according to K.P.]. This transit is not related to Dasa, Bhukti and Antara of Birth Chart

where we see cross transit of Dasa, Bhukti and Antara for " Timing of the Event".

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

In case of Birth Charts and Horary Charts, the Sub-lord of a planet goes along with the star lord of the

planet. That means, first the sub lord of the cusp should be the significator of the subject matter, then the

star lord of the cusp sub-lord and then the sub-lord of the planet. If he is also a significator he gives the

results most favourably.

The sub lords of the significators define if the particular planet can offer fruitful result. If the sub-lord of

the significator signifies the concerned houses or at least do not signify the adverse houses, then the

particular planet may give the result. If it signifies the negative houses it is very likely that it does not

offer desirable result. These planets may safely be excluded.

If any planet becomes 'Sole and Strong Significator' of a Bhava, then other planets who are posited in

this planet's sub would play a vital role in strengthening the impact of the planet. Similarly, the Sub-

Lords of this 'S & S' planet would also play a very vital role in giving the results of the concerned Bhava.

Results being Good or Bad is decided by the Lord of Dasha and Bhukti being placed in the Sub portion of

which Planet.

The Planet will occuvv a Sub vortion, the Sub-Lord of the Planet also own's a house or houses. The

nature of house decides if the event indicated bv the Star-Lord is sood or Bad. Planet considered to be a

Benefic bv Lordship offers the results signified bv it. through the Planet deposited in its Stars.

If the Lord of the SUB occupied bv the tenant planet is favourable connected bv Occupation. Lordship to

the matters signified bv the Star Lord of the tenant Planet, the tenant Planet fructifies the matter of which

it is the significator due to its Star position.

If the tenant planet is placed in the SUB of a planet who occupies or owns houses detrimental to the

affairs of the Star Lord, the matter is not fulfilled. The Sub Lord should not be in unfavourable aspect to

the CUSP of the house signified bv the Star Lord.

Mr. Suresh Shahasane's rule :

"If a planet is in its own star, then it gives the result of its sub-lord; and if a planet is in its own star as

well as in its own sub; then it logically follows that it will give the result of its sub-sub-lord."

- late Mr. Suresh Shahasane

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

(1) K. P. Readers;

(2) 'Sub Lord SpeaksPart 1 by Late Prof. K. M.Subramaniam;

(3) The lectures and speeches by Guruji Late Sri. P. V.K.Punneswara Rao;

Role of Sub-Lord of Planet

M.P.Ravi Kumar > DoB : 12-11-1942 ToB : 7-35 um (TST 8-35 um Advanced Time Wartime) PoB :
Tanjore 10-47 Lat 79-10 Long

The native of this chart is a gazetted officer with the advent of Rahu dasa which started in May, 1974 in
Jupiter bukthi became a employee of electrical department. Rahu is in 3rd bhava in the star of Ketu who
is in 9th. This indicates 'NO SERVICE' at all in Rahu dasa as 9th house is 12th to 10 th house.

Rahu is in the sub of Rahu and such sublord Rahu is in Leo Rasi. Sun is in 6th house, further such Sun is
in the star of Jupiter, who is a significator of 2 & 9.

Jupiter is in his own star in 2nd bhava. Sun is in 6th house. So Dasa lord Rahu acquries the strength of 2,
6 and 9. Because of the sublord position, he got the job in Jupiter bukthi - why? Why not Rahu Bhukti?

The reason : Rahu is in the star of Ketu, who is in 9th house (12th house to 10th house). Hence he did
not get the job in Rahu Bhukti. In Jupiter Bhukti, he got the job because Jupiter is Occupant and PCO of
2nd house. Thus, the native enjoyed good service status.

P R K Prasad > DoB : 20-9-1942 ToB : 9-30 am 1ST PoB : Tenali

The native became a teacher in school in Rahu dasa, Rahu bhukti. Rahu is in the star of Ketu - who is in
4th house. He completed his teacher training. Then came Jupiter Bhukt. On 04-03-1964, Jupiter is in
9th house and in his own star. Hence 'no job', but he got the job during this period - Why?

The reason : Jupiter is in the Sub of Venus, who is posited in 10th house. Thus the sub lord of Jupiter i.e.,
Venus influenced Bhukti Lord and gave him the job. A classic instance of the role of 'Sub-lord'.

Pramela Iyer 11-9-1961 at chennai 11-44 am ist

At the time of marriage, the native was running the Dasa of Rahu. Rahu, significator of 3 & 9 on his
own and 10, 11 & 8 by Sub. Hence 'No marriage' in Rahu Bhukti. The marriage happened in Saturn
Bhukti. Saturn is in the sub of Rahu, signifying 3 & 9. Rahu represents Sun who in turn is the
significator of 7 & 9. Hence the marriage took place. The marriage did not take place in Jupiter Bhukti -

The reason : Jupiter signifies 2 & 5. Jupiter is in the sub of Saturn and such Saturn is the significator of

10 and 6 - negative houses. Hence 'No marriage'. The Sub lord played role in making the event happen.

Constellation needs consideration. The sisn is not very imnortant. The house occunied bv a nlanet

should be indeed, takine in which constellation the nlanet is nositioned. The role of the sien
JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
occupied is not so important as that of the constellation. Therefore, the constellation lord shows

which matters it refers, but deciding factor - whether good or bad, success or failure - is the Sub-


-Cm Cf.» Cartapathayft Katnoha

1 XT 1&-51 XXX 23- S Sani 17-33 20-24 1 Plan Sign Star Sub
X 2 5-12
Suiry Sukr Guru Sukr
Chan Gucu Suks Cutu
Ku j a Sukr Rahu Budh
Eudh Sukr Rahu sukr
Gvrn Chan Gutu Rahu
Hukr Sukr Guru Budh
Sani Sukr Chan Barti
Rahu Sury XetU Rahu
x le-sa Birth Guru 2-17 Eetu S*ni TClhu Rahu
Kt^tu 7-10 Chart ctjf ITS 17-13
MR.X (HAXE> HoiJSe S igfi S tar Sub
DOB; 12-11-19 52 THU I Sukr Kuja Rahu
TOBi 19:35BPS(I3T) 13 Budh Gutu Guru
tlA: TMiJOaRE IIX Chan Budh Budh
L/L( lOe^B'K 7S* 9TE 3V Su try Sukr Chan
SID: 22:55iS3 V Budh Chan Xetu
Ala: 22057'35" VX Sukr Guru Saul
XX 17-13 5TFLS PUKVSADA 3 Rahu 7-10 VXI Ku j a Budh Rahu
TIT: SUKXA fAUCHJlM JV 16-50 V33I Curu Sukr Guru
TOGt SCOLA rx 5ani Chan Saiil
KKRt BAXAVA X Sani Rahu Sukr
XI Guru Budh Sukr
XII Xuja Sukr Sanl
Chan. 20-59 24-12 I Sury 26-36 19-51 Star ItOcdrKetu
VTII 20-2*5 |i Sufcr 2S-3S ISlgn LordiSuiry
I VI 23- 9
[ Budh 15-51 Roprcrsontsticin of Rdtu
f Kuia 14-14 con j :
Aape ■; Sanliah
Star LordiTlahu
Sign LordlOani

t i 1 3 I 3 6 | 7 | B 10 1 11
SCO I- -I ■ 1
I ISurturlHujtud Cha I 1fl^o
I |But iKot t t
per I- 1 1
I I &ux I ILah auXamri j ChA
PC Hi [ I 1
I Clu i 1 DAA. Criu. t I L i£
I I Cuh i jeuE
! I I
K SULE I B-uHi l| CIUB |Sii£f ]' BiuUj, BuXC |KUJA icucn ■ 41^1 IBAUi ICUCU
Aapn 1 - ■ -■ 1 -I—
I CliEflAal Itij C ti r 1S Biileli t C Uz BUEKui
I 1 1 I ■udsux,
bzn: £ Dtro SaiDi dtuhthd: =00,17
SASj.-tiitnfTUi PETziifl
□ iai, TNpa- ph purnrntr rnon1 - to eimcm: tbom - to gctttrnx raoH - to
eUKA llrtAYlSSl llKOVII-lTnjjm* dm Ulunfl-lTltljtH HLrulI ITJliHT-nniFSiJ
mniT nm-tissT SSRFSI SiOEPSl- SlURST SaiiRli -i unLEa
tiJWj53- 5JTEH53 iJCH 53-13 KUL54 IJKULS4- SHUISS
5KABS5—11 JAHit 11 JlJlSft-lTrtiT'lS n WITS e-nwiTST
ciun 37]UTiafi7 n Etkisi -i7it**se 1 TKlASB-l 70«se llOCTSB-llAPPfiO
niPKiP-lTiUcSl mncfil-lTrttnH iTHiHsa-Hinaez
17 -17HAR55 nftrfits-nucAfss ITjWVSH-lTKliei
kuja nnirtS-J* nKATSl-HOCTOf aZCcTST- fritwfD
Bocrrts-iTaoirro ITiffflfTO-l 1HOT71 14mAn 1-11 itRTl
li!iTi7S-il,ron7a mmrj-a-a Tocrra 1 Tocna-St BlTJ*
17«4l-M-a 9 JamTT 3 SJUTTI—£3 JTDJRS i J jTiM74-a 5 At nOi

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
as Gam canspatKayft Namaba

I V 21-lSi I VI 20-26 VII 16-18 | VIII 15-55 Flan Sign

Su ry
Chan Budh
Kuja Budh
Budh Eudh
Guru Sani
sufer Chan
Salii Ealii
Rahu Sury
I IV 13-10 I Bieth IK 16-40 KetU sani
I Ketu 2-42 I chart of Sultr 21-50
MRS-E fF) Huubb jign

ChOBI 11- 9-1961 WOli

TCE: ll:4i4HRS(IST)
FliA! CHEflfiM ill sanl
L/LJ 13fl a'H eOell'F, IV Sani
SID: 10:55: 1
III 16-40 STRi UTTAHA 4 Rahu 2-42 VII 5ukc
Gutu fl-20 TIT: SUKUi DHITCYA JT 19-10 VIII Budh
gani 0-13 70G! SUEHA Sury 25- 3


AT TIME OF BERTH 1 Fapreaentaticn of Rahu
15-56 16-40 KEI 20-20 Chan 7-37 Star LordiKetu
Budh 16-21 Sian LordiSury
XI 21-1S
ICuja 23- 4 HapreaantatiCin of Ketu
Con j :
Aape :SL)CRah
Star LordsKuja
Sign IfOrd:5ani

J, 1 1 1 J 4 1 S 6 1 7 e i 9 I 15 i 11 1 12
TCP j ( ( ,
1 { Rah 1 I BUx | ChaOtir I Kut 1
t I I BAHIju J | {
1 1 I I BiidSklkl i
CP c c — |
\ 9«ii5UX 1 Bit 1 )auVanh|Siu;Cb«| Kup I
1 I f Bud I |
PCEI 1 j | 1 1
tct 1 L Jtt Jflac Suk. ItujBudKfcitur [But ISuc
1 I i ieatL I I
) J. v
Ku^d 1 C-u.ru IBimi 5 ini ( CHLEU EUJA rauxz DimUl ICkus. (Suri | Budh iflukz
IILujJ laut auffuthi cisAiuj KUj 1 Cur I CueSAD.! K&t Ifiur iftin.
t 1 nudaih I I I 1
Bi±S « tTtll TCEH PHlHTID: 11/lh/ll 14:43:03
buri locnSHil jomt iibep$i- ioci6l bdek 4oct6i- 4arr£l
CUN 4IKT1971 CBLili I DC Til- I ilT&fJ JTHJ* 4lUJt(4 SJUTO 4KUI'S4- 4SSP65
OUflU 4EEP45- 4JJtMS7 Biifl tJki!67- 4iDC6a StOS lAtKtS- 1J1H70
EXTd iJUiaO- 4lllfi70 □HER iAIKTCr- iUAll BURT 4kPR72- IOCT73
PUA flocnsia najj. IOCT7J- IHARTI IUSS imim-iSKJUtta ccaa isiuit74-J5PE575
flun 2S IfltTS- 4IEHT6 B&DB 4un7C- 1APH77 KSTTT llI][77-SSl0O77
SCIHR SeitfUTT-iBOClTB ami SOCCTTa- iifUJl79 CBkK 4KU173- 4DCI7S
IkHTI tgcrmT JUDO 4CC!n3-l«JW®3 eusu 16TDfiBS-ltiMOVe4 Bun HSWVBf-lMePBT
StlSJ IIXlll34-16HiHa5 CillH 1 tHiflSS- 16HEP3B KDIk l^BSPSfr- 40CT97
cuiw *ccT20iT cmn 4ocT=n-j5nov5J) amj ujicrifas- iron a toon 4JTih a-ioesp 4
"•"t -ififlM c-miu: p; utiPTB- ikjtici s-triuR b atfitT ieiph B' 4fu 9
Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
Ca Gan Ganapathayfl Kanaha

VI 2 6-6 VII 23-31 Sani 19-30 IK 22-27 Plan Sign Star Sub
VIII 22-40 Guru 2B- 0
Sury Budh Sury Sani
Chan Safii sury Budh
Ku^a. Budh Sury Sukc
Budh Budh Ku ja Snni
Guru Budh Guru Eukr
Sukr Sury Sukr Rahu
Sani Sukrr Chan Budh
Rahu Sury Kctu Sani
V 25-36 Birth 23-3B ItfrtU Sani Rahu Guru
Xatu ID- D Chart of
MR, Y ( M J Houoe Sign Star Sub

DOB: 20- 9-1942 SUV I suJcr Guru Sani

TCtBi 9 OOfiRS (JEST) II Kuja Budh Chan
BLA: TElfALI III Guru Sukr Sani
L/Li 16014'H SOcSB'E IV Sani Ku^a Kuja
SIDt 9)16:12 V Sani Guru Budh
AYR: Za&STZT" VI Guru Budh Rahu
iv 23-ae STRs LtTRASADA 3 Rahu 10- 0 VII Ku ja Sukr Sarti
Chan 6-11 TIT: SUKLA EKMJASI Sukr 16-52 VIII Sukr Chan Sury
YOG: ATIGATTOA XI 25-36 IX Budh Gu eu Sani
KAR: VANIJA X Chan Budh Ku ja
XI Sury Sukr Budh
XII Budh Kuj a Rahu
AT TIME OT BIRTH 1 RepcescntaT-ion of Rahu
Aepe :Xc-t
III 22-27 22-40 | I 23-31 Su try 3-36 Star iHOtd^etu
Ruja 0-49 Sign lordjsury
XII 26- 6
Budh 20-37 RepreBsntBtion of Ketu
Con'j :
As paGu r S u k S a rLRa h
Star LordsRahu
sign tordsSani
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a«ni | Baql Ifincu \ (Sucj
KtljGut: I CQESrtl BittKllJ t Kit j f ClUd ASl KaL |
I BaiiRahl Hud I I \ I
BiW c YXB! SttEtJ pjmreifD: 11/16/11 14:11:39
TrKii-mtintTrwr DITklLti
CHXfi 7iniJfl9S4
Cii*N 7ffiml4- *)prn4S
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gunt leeeio- IIBHSD buaii IUPJO- THEPSI
UHO TJPHISIS (LAHTJ 7 J13Hfcl-19l*iFb4
WlflU 19FKE£(-llLjnLG6 SIHT lSfnt£«-19fU169
6BH ISBECTS-lSjfCWie nun i gwovTs- isKina KBJI ismne- TTONIS
CUPU V-JUHlSSS CTTFU sjlhx asjuxsi- ira 004 Bu&n 7FEBS4-i3Bire6
US TV 13fU106-1&ftepS1 SUM 15iAt>Pt)7-1BPimE)9 BUHT 19PECe9- T0CT90
CILIH Kjcsao- iekpss HQJ* 7FEB31-73JU793 EJJfU llJJJTSa- IJUfJUS
GUfX IJTKlOll SUIT: IJTJMaS-ltJjWM soon i0jun9a-i9ris i kxth iSrea i-USku i

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

Welcome Shri P. S. Chiranjeevi ji to the family of JASA

- * ■vv■ _ * -

We are proud to have you among us and we wish you many years of

fruitful authorship for JASA in KP Astrology and other systems of

stellar astrology methods in enriching our 23000+thousands of readers

across 120+ countries world that no other KP Magazines can boast of

Oct-Dec 2014

-HetaiH flstteUfpi fa* Detifaing '~j)ast ^oenls: /I KTj) Analysis

Navin Chitlangia

(MBA - Finance & Accounts, M.Com)

(Bachelor of Astrology, Jyotish Surya, Jyotish Ratna, Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Bhushan,
Jyotish Marmagya, Jyotish Marthand, Jyotish Bharati and Jyotish Sastri B.A.)
Email: pratibha astrology navin@vahoo.com astrologer.navin@vahoo.com

Astrology is a noble science. It is as old as the ages of the Vedas. It depends on the position of the
planets ascertained astronomically. It explains the celestial phenomena and corresponding terrestrial
events. The true meaning of Astrology is the "Message of the Stars". The whole world is running
according to a well-defined plan. Nothing happens by chance and nothing happens as an accident/chance.
The divine plan is wall arranged and is timed with amazing precision. Astrology can be correctly
interpreted only by a genius endowed with divine grace and wisdom. The basic aim of astrology is to
offer correct prediction.

Horary astrology is one of the branches of astrology. It deals with the preparation of the chart at time of
the question and reading the results. This branch of science is mysterious, perfect and most useful. After
thoroughly understanding the principles, correct, clear and precise predictions can be offered. This helps
the astrologers to confirm what prediction he has to give by using other methods, when explained will
convince and satisfy the consultant Generally, this branch of science/astrology is resorted to mostly by
those who have no horoscopes or who doubt the correctness of them. This branch can answer all
questions and clear all doubts, like longevity, health, success or failure in one's enterprise, foreign
travel/his return, time of marriage, description of partner, divorce, re-union, birth & death of children,
examination results, recovery of lost articles, speculation, gain by lottery, litigation and anything on earth.
On many occasions, there are contradictory indications according to the birth charts. On such occasions,
we can make the best use of horary astrology for proper guidance and confirmation. Even when one
decides to offer prediction using other branches of the science, horary astrology has to be used as a final
safe method to declare with confidence, the results already obtained.

Can horary astrology be used for verifying past events? Yes it should be logically? When Horary
Astrology is quite useful in predicting the future, then why not it can be used to verify the past event?
Being a branch of astrology and a noble science, certainly we have to believe that it is useful to verify
past events also. But the problem is that we have neither such guidance available about the predictive
techniques or methodology used for verifying neither past events nor we have such a research based
examples or rules/hints available in books or astrological literatures.

The methodology of analysis and interpretation for a past event with the help of horary astrology is not an
easy task. As we have no such examples or guidance or methodology, lots of concentration, analysis and
synthesis techniques have to be used or applied logically, judiciously and intelligently based on the divine
experience of an astrologer to prove the past event.

In this regard, let me try to explain my views to verify one past event with the help of horary

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
Background Note: On 30 September 2013 or afterwards (exact date is not remember to me) one of my
astro-friend from Bhopal informed me that on 26th September 2013, his spirit (holistic) Guru called him
to meet urgently. As instructed he immediately left to Indore for meeting his Guru. But on the way, he got
the news that his guru left for heavenly abode on 27th September 2013 in between 09:30 Hrs. to 10:15
Hrs. 1ST at a place nearby Indore. Hence my friend was curious to know about his guru's mysterious
death as well as the exact death time.

I am little bit confused how to verify the past event with the help of horary astrology. Finally, I am
of the opinion that with the help of present ruling planets and time chart (without horary seed or
divine or magic number) based on date-time-place of death of Guru, I will try to resolve the past
event with help of horary astrology

As we have a clue that death of Guru was on 27th September 2013 at nearby Indore in between the time
from 09:30 Hrs. to 10:15 Hrs. 1ST (say Spanl), let us at first cast the chart at the starting time of Spanl
i.e. 09:30 Hrs. 1ST to fix the Ascendant Co-Rulers with the help of Ruling Planets

Ruling Planets at the time of judgment (25-07-2014, 00:09:14 Hrs. Kolkata - 22N41, 88E20) are

Lagna Lord : Mars (Aries 26-47-33)

Lagna Starlord : Sun (Kritika-1)
Moon Signlord : Mercury (Gemini 13-55-53)
Moon Starlord : Rahu (Aridra-3)
Day Lord : Jupiter (Thursday)

Fixing Ascendant Signlord

At the starting point of Time Spanl, Ascendant falls in Libra (Lord Venus) and Scorpio (Lord Mars).
Venus is not present under ruling planets. Mars is present under ruling planets. Thus, Ascendant
Sign fixed as Scorpio (Lord Mars) and the starting point of time for Scorpio Ascendant comes as
10:01:10 Hrs. 1ST. And accordingly the revised time will be from 10:01:10 Hrs. to 10:30:00 Hrs. 1ST
(say Span2).

Fixing Ascendant Starlord

During the Span2 time, the available stars are Visakha (Lord Jupiter) and Anuradha (Lord Saturn).
Saturn is not present under ruling planets. Jupiter is present under ruling planets. Thus, Ascendant
Star fixed as Visakha (Lord Jupiter) and accordingly the revised time will be from 10:01:10 Hrs. to
10:16:19 Hrs. 1ST (say Span3).

Fixing Ascendant Sublord

During the Span3 time, the available sublords are Moon, Mars and Rahu. Moon is not present under
ruling planets. Mars we have already taken as a Ascendant Signlord. Rahu is present under ruling
planets. Thus, Ascendant Sublord fixed as Rahu and accordingly the revised time will be from
10:07:14 Hrs. to 10:16:19 Hrs. 1ST (say Span4).

Fixing Ascendant Sub-sublord

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
During the Span4 time, the available sublords are Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Sun, Moon and
Mars. Saturn-Ketu-Moon is not present under ruling planets. Rahu-Jupiter-Mars we have already
taken. Now we have to choose one among Mercury and Sun. In time chart, Sun is rapt conjoined with
Jupiter (a ruling planet) and posited in star of Saturn which is not present under ruling planet. But
Mercury is posited in star of Jupiter (a ruling planet) and Jupiter is rapt conjoined with Sun (a ruling
planet). Thus, I must give preference to select Mercury as the sub-sublord and accordingly the revised
time will be from 10:11:15 Hrs, to 10:12:32 Hrs, 1ST (say SpanS).

Fixing Ascendant Sub-sub-sublord

During the SpanS time, the balance ruling planet Sun has been taken as the sub-sub-sublord of the
Ascendant. And accordingly the revised time will be from 10:11:44 Hrs. to 10:12:46 Hrs. 1ST (say

V Thus the mid-point of SpanS time i.e. 10:11:45 Hrs. 1ST has been taken and accordingly the
Joint-Rulers of the Ascendant are fixed as Mars-Jupiter-Rahn-Mercnry-Snn.

After Lagna Joint-Rulers has been fixed as Mars-Jupiter-Rahn-Mercnry-Snn, it is always need to

change the Lagna connected to the person for which question has been asked. In our case, as the question
is pertaining to nature and time of death of Guru and as the 9th house is considered for Guru in astrology,
the chart rotate to 9th house treated as Lagna of Guru.

Consider the houses 1, 3 and 8 for longevity.

Maraka Houses: The 12th to any particular houses denotes non-existence of the matter signified by the
particular house. So, the houses 12 (12th to 1), 2 (12th to 1) and 7 (12th to 8) are known as Maraka (death
dealing) houses. The 2nd and 7th house are Maraka (death inflicting houses) for all Lagna because they are
in 12th of houses 3 and 8 denoting the extent of longevity or life to be lived in this world to enjoy the
fruits of past karma good as well as bad. Houses 2 and 7 also opposed to 8th and lagna ruling longevity.

Badhaka House: The house 11 is badhaka (harmful to life) for those bom in Movable Signs (Aries,
Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) as their Ascendant; the 9th for those bom in Fixed Signs (Taums, Leo,
Scorpio and Aquarius) and the 7th for those bom in Common Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and

Death: The Badhaka house is more harmful than the Maraka houses. So far death consideration first the
Badhaka house and then the Maraka houses. Saturn is the chief governor of longevity.

Harmonious Houses : 1, 3, 8
Detrimental Houses : 2, 7, 12 & Badhaka
Life Supporting Houses : 1, 3, 5, 9 (Only for Movable & Common Lagna), 10 (Only for Movable
Lagna), 11 (Only for Fixed & Common Lagna).

4th house considered for "Chir-Sukh-Nindra" bhava and thus indicate Graveyard and end of everything.
8th house is called as "Mrityusangyak" bhava and thus considered for death dealings or place of death.
12th house to lagna is "Vyaya-Stahaan" (negation) to life. Thus, 12th house if called "Moksha" bhava of
"house of liberation". It indicate end of life from the present world. Saturn is called "Yama" or
"Ayushkarka" and thus considered as the chief governor of longevity.


JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

As we know that the death will happened during the Joint-Period of significators of Maraka & Badhaka
and the 4-8-12 (the 4th Trigon in astrology called "MOKSHA"). After rotation of chart treated 9th house
as the Lagna of Guru, the Ascendant falls in Cancer 03-21-38, the movable (chara) lagna, hence 11th
house is considered as Badhaka house and the lord of the 11th house i.e. Venus is Bhadhakapati.

Although it is not necessary to check the longevity part as the event was already held on the date-time-
place as mentioned above. But it is interesting to see how ruling planets helps us and works amazingly or
divinely to arrive a correct time of event. In our case, based on revised and rectified time, the ascendant
(Cancer 03-21-38) sublord comes as Rahu. As per Guruji KSK, if the Cuspal Sub Lord (CSL) of the
Ascendant (Lagna) be deposited in constellation of the significators (in the star of occupant or
owner) of Badhaka and Maraka houses, the life is short (within SSViyears). In our case, the
Ascendant CSL Saturn is in constellation of Rahu. Rahu is the occupant of 4. Rahu conjoined to
Mercury-Venus-Saturn and thus acts an agent of Mercury-Venus-Saturn. Mercury is the occupant of 3,
owner of 3-12. Venus is the occupant of 4, owner of 4-11. Saturn, being untenanted, is the occupant of 4,
owner of 7-8 and CSL of 1-7. Rahu signifies Maraka & Badhaka (7-11) as well as the houses of 4th
Trigon (4-8-12), which is not good as per longevity concern.

Now to select the common planets among Maraka & Badhakapati (2-7-11) and the MOKSHA Trigon
houses (4-8-12).

Planets signify the houses 2, 7 and 11 (Maraka & Badhaka) in respect to A. B, C, D, E

A = Planets in Occupant's Stars

B = Occupant of Houses
C = Planets in Owner's Stars
D = House Owner
E = Planets Conjoined or Aspected (Vedic Aspects) by Significators (A), (B), (C), (D)

Orbit of Influence
Sun and Moon : Within ± 8°
Rest Planets other than Nodes: Within ± 6°
Node Planets : Within Sign

Houses A B C D E

Saturn Rahu, Mars,


(A) Significators of 2, 7 and 11: Sun, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

Planets signify the houses 4, 8 and 12 (4th Trigon Houses) in respect to A, B, C, D, E

Oct-Dec 2014
Ketu, Moon, Venus, Saturn,
Saturn, Rahu- Rahu


Sun, Jupiter, . . .
' r Moon, Jupiter Mars Mercury

(B) Significators of 4, 8 and 12: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

(C) Common (Fruitful) Planets among (A) and (B): Sun, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu.

Joint-Period (DBAS) at the time of death of Guru was Rahu-Saturn-Saturn-Sun (from 19-09-2013 to
27-09-2013). All DBAS Lords are Common and thus fruitful Planets. It may be noted that all DBA Lords
are posited in star of Rahu. Rahu, as discussed above, is highly malefic in terms of longevity as it
signifies both Maraka & Badhaka (7-11) as well as the Death Trigon (4-8-12). Further, the Sookshma
Lord Sun is posited in star of Moon. We have already discussed above that Moon is not good in terms of
longevity prospects.

Nature of Death

According to Guruji KSK -

If the CSL of the ascendant is deposited in the constellation of the significators of 6th house, the native
will suffer from disease but will not succumb to it;

If the CSL of the ascendant is deposited in the constellation of the significators of 8th house, the native
will meet accident;

If the CSL of the ascendant is deposited in the constellation of the significators of 12th house, the native
will be in bed and may be admitted in hospital.

In our case, ascendant CSL Saturn is in star of Rahu. As discussed above that Rahu signifies 1-3-4-7-8-
11-12. Rahu does not signify 6th, hence the chances of death by disease is ruled out. Rahu signifies 8
and 12, but in actual there was no accident or hospitalization. Then, what were the reasons behind
nature of death?

Before I conclude my final points, let analyze 8th cusp to know about the place of death.


If the sublord of the 8th cusp is the significator of the houses, signifies 1, 4 or 10, end will come in his
own place;

If the sublord of the 8th cusp is the significator of 3rd house shows that while one is making a short
journey, mostly on returned journey, one passes away;

If the sublord of the 8th cusp is the significator of the houses 6 or 8 or 12 indicates, death in Jail or in the
hospital or in an unknown place;

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014

If the sublord of the 8th cusp is the significator of 9th house, death will happen during long journey and
usually far off places.

8th Cusp (Aquarius 06-22-50): The sublord of the 8th cusp Moon is in star of Rahu and sub of Saturn.

Planet Moon is the occupant of 12, owner of 1.

Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 4. As discussed above, Rahu acts an agent of Mercury-Venus- signifies

8th CSL Moon signifies 1-3-4 and 4-9 indicate death due to disease & hospitalization and in own
place or far off place.

My views

The sign Cancer is a movable sign and since lagna cusp falls in a movable sign, 11 are badhaksthana
capable of causing death. The 12th cusp signifies moksha or enlightenment from this world and
ascendant CSL in constellation of a planet that signifies bahdhaka, maraka and mokshstahana. The 3rd
house indicates for mental inclination. The 8th house indicates disincarnation. The natural rulers of
zodiac are 9 and 12 house which refers to dharmastahana and mokshstahana and the lord of the natural
ruler of zodiac (Sagittarius and Pieces) is Jupiter which is a karaka planet for Dharma. Saturn (the
ascendant CSL), being an Mrityusangyak planet and karaka for sudden and unnatural death is posited in
4th (graveyard) and conjoined to Rahu (karaka of 12th house and the starlord of ascendant CSL). As
discussed, Rahu (the starlord of ascendant CSL) signifies 3-8-12, the indication is that the native himself
will be the cause of his own death. As the Lagna Lord Moon and Jupiter is in 12th cusp, this may an
indication towards the path or journey to leave the materialistic world and enter into the spirit
world for getting Moksha, enlightenment by the native himself. Moreover the 8th CSL Moon signifies
1-4 indicates death i.e. end of life will comes in own place, which was the fact and actually held.

My Opinion: The Guru of my astro friend went to self-imposed enlightenment (referred as Dehtyaag or
Samadhi or Mahaprayaan in Hindu Mythology) and he was solely and only responsible for his death.

Actual Fact: There was no disease or accident or hospitalization happened. Death of Guru was in his
own residence (Ashrama) in a normal condition. People of Ashrama who are the devotee or followers of
Guruji are in opinion that through the means of Yog-Kriya, Guruji left for heavenly abode
(Mahaprayaan) for the betterment of his spirit world.


Though, I have tried to explain, logically and astrologically, to the best of my knowledge, understandings
and experience of astrology. And from above live example, as discussed, I am in opinion that we can
verify the past events with the help of horary astrology subject to we need to use a proper
methodology routed through with the clues or hints available to us. Rest I will leave upon you.
Comments are welcomes in this regards.

Pranaam to Lord Ganesha and Guruji KSK!


JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

Astro-Friend Death of My Guru Ref. #. 742

Sjmftteer Sunder: 0S;17;S3 PM Oaia fls/j; J&5 25D ftuiing P/aneis -3&JuVMf4 flfirf JMfl PIU
Nilhya Vcja; Vsfl^n tfora: Sslvim Parana: KaitlsJ WWO J^OTflS, KQiXATA. WESTSEMSAt, tniha
G.Vsn Timer MrSftiflJ AM; HftefiHOI 3 PJanst mamM Sbl | Sal 1 Sssl
Lagns Ss Ra Mo [ Ve I Sa
Moon En 1 Ve Sa I Ma | Va
| Day Lord: Maroury |
X 07:13:26 *1 02:19:39 KH 01:S2:J2 Cuzpat Positions"
Ke 15:22:59 Mo 10:36:07
Ju 23:56:06 I Pu^tiyaniiEiJi
5 I Mafl-Tiarii
UMS sn
I S^alnl
UrtR! 16:49:46 IVriatriai-JJ
W OS:3ti15 I Mrn>.Ei(l)
hame; Asuo-Fnand Daam d My Guat 1 03'21:36
Gender: Male Ma 24:57:31
Dare: FAday, JT/Sep'SOf 0 | U.ahudra.;:)
Tana: ta.HdSAM SJD. 10.05.39' 10 i ^5vflni(J>
InC 22:43:00 N Un: 75 5a-» E 11 I Kfillikniil M Va
rra[RT 09:12:16 India 12 | MrigaseaJJ)
Avnnsm&a: 21" 57' 31" Fu 02.40:40 Pltncitsiy pastsions
p(P Ayanamaa] - flaaduE. .II 06:22:50
Stan Aritta, PsJa 2 hdila(l)
Star Lord: Rahu Aridia(2J
Rsal: Gamri Raal Lout Meroury SiSfilHShjIJ)
Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lad: Moon
Thhi; Kfishna Paksha, AshJami PunSfb-ftsunTh
VII 03:21:33 Dal. Dasa; Rahir 12 Y, 7 M. 21 D
III 06:31:19
Su 10:17:05

Va 24:15:27 CQyl SeisSh^hwl)

Ed 13:36:37
Fta 1i:22:S9
PI t5fl2:i2 IV 07:13:23
VI □1:32:42 V 02:19:39 Me 03:01:34
Djsa S'fminj.irj'
Rahu Daaa Juprter oa^a Saturn Dasa
iB-May.aica - ij-fiay-ianE IB-t.tav-SDZft.11B-Hav-ZIM2 ia.Mjy.2042 . 13-May.2 DEI
Rahu Jujailef L a-May-Kfifi Saturn 1&Mayi2fi42
Jupilor _;29-jHn:I011_ SHjurn.^ ^C^jul-20!3. Meiwy "21-l\(af2045'
EjIuri ;2iJun-lai3 Msi^uiy TTJan^ill iKetu 2BJ3!i-204E.
Kelu " ^-Apfj'bjJ Vanus 'ii:i«ar-2!iil9
Vis mas >i'-Mar'-2C34 " Sun . 'i'O-'MayJOSi" a'[r™'frcsfDra - Planets View
$uil |iObRav-20aB Minn 22Apr-Jfii53 BnaFEulEtil
Mare 2ijjoy-2J«4
■Rsiiu i0-i?«-2055
filancury Data Kelu Data [Veruis Data'
lA-Miy-Mtl - li-Mav-jaTS 16-1.1 a-.r-jOTa-lB-Mjy-BCiS
Mercuij ' 1 S^May-aCSl Kelu Ra-Mar-aoTa venua 1frMay-20SS
Kelu" .T5-&h-20S3 VBBUB ii-OctJOTE Sun 172Sap-2{Mg
Vwius •I'j^T-SO&J Sun ri'4-bfle-2b7f Ifein
M3f3_ l3M^-2b9i
.=^u_ 1^.JJ-2[iy2 Ket- | 4
iBMar-iDJS Uf i J
02Jun-207J Ne I 4
S-un Daaa Mara Data
iS4iay.2lfl5 - la-way-ai 11_ -lB.rLiay.2121 .ta.May.2126 .flafur scfa ay sgienr Jbr Ma.. Ju. Vs. Sa.
siS'" "' "™ia.M'iiv,2iD5 MiVs "li^May^Vgl" Keiu 05fs nsflijflHir ror: wa; wu. se
"Moan 05-&?(3-21'5i _ .1Me1-2iai (Al - PJisviets in Ctxupamtttws:;
Mars t07-Mar-2ib6 jLjiSei '02-iim-2il2' fj?j - Onripanf of touw
Rahu 'iS-Jul^lOB Saturn ' ' fCJ - PllaijeJs in Owner's stars
Jupilar OGJun^iOT IT-HIJV-2124 IB)-WXr}&Qi<i!!er
Salum ^jy.lHr-aiOS 15-Wov-2l25 .
OS-Mi LlajAu^zlls iJrAgr-ZlJS
119-Mar-iri9 13-Jun-2127
M7-Nai212a IBjgcl-2127 rfwie msnersoo nut irf rt aiiyrtsnert in rneir slant
Oct-Dec 2014

TZeceoefif Aosses faMHH £ha*cs In ^ieck /Hatkel: /4 KSp flnalqsis

Navin Chitlangia

(MBA - Finance & Accounts, M.Com)

(Bachelor of Astrology, Jyotish Surya, Jyotish Ratna, Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Bhushan,
Jyotish Marmagya, Jyotish Marthand, Jyotish Bharati and Jyotish Sastri B.A.)
Email: pratibha astrology navin@vahoo.com astrologer.navin@vahoo.com

Background Note: I have entered in JAIN IRRIGATION STOCK Future Buy at Rs. 76/-. Now it is
hovering at Rs. 56, heavy Loss to me. Time is there till 28.06.2013. Will I recover the money? I am
not asking for profit. Just getting back my money is enough. Will I get it through the said stock before
28.06.2013? (Question asked by means of communication i.e. through Email).

Name & Sex of Querent : Mr. S. GOPAL, Male.

Major Question of the Querent : Before 28th June 2013, will any possible recovery to compete
the loss money at break-even point (no profit or loss) from shares (Jain Irrigation Stock) invest in
stock market?

Horary (Seed) Number : 144 (out of 249).

Date & Time of judgment : 17-06-2013, 11:52:45 Hrs. 1ST.

Place of Judgment : Hind Motor - 22N41, 88E20, Hooghly, West Bengal, India.


The 5th house is considered for Share Market, Share Stock or Speculation. 12th house indicates investment
of any nature. Therefore the 11th house (being 12th to 12th i.e. recovery of losses incurred through
investment of any nature) has to be carefully scrutinized.

If the sub-lord of 11th cusp (recovery of losses incurred through investment of any nature ) be signify and
in connection with 2 (Money, Liquid Wealth), 6 (Income from efforts) or 11 (profits, gains, fulfillment of
desire) AND connected with Mercury or Jupiter or 5 th cusp (Share Market, Share Stock, Speculation)
AND not connected with 8 (Money blockage, hindrances, difficulties, obstacles) or 12 (Loss or
expenses), one will have able recover losses or achieve profits or gains incurred in share stock investment
as per his/her desire during the joint period of significators (DBA) of 2, 5, 6 and 11.

(Note: The Planet(s) who is/are the Significators of 5th cusp (Share or Stock market, Speculation) that
signifies 2, 6 or 11 through their sublord, should be treated the strongest planet(s) responsible to recover
losses or expenses incurred due to investment in shares in stock market)


JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

Moon (Virgo 08-48-37) is in star of Sun and sub of Venus. Planet Moon is the occupant of 11. Starlord
Sun is the occupant of 8, owner of 10. Sublord Venus is the occupant of 8, owner of 1-8-12. Moon
signifies and/or in connection with the relevant house(s), hence query is genuine.


11th Cusp (Virgo 04-20-19): The sublord of 11th cusp Saturn® is in star of Rahu and sub of Self

• Planet Saturn® is the occupant of 12, owner of 4. Saturn® is having stellar (positional) strength
i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Saturn) and CSL (cuspal sublord) of 2-5-8-11.

• Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 12. Rahu conjoined to Saturn and thus acts an agent of Saturn.
Saturn®, being untenanted, is the occupant of 12, owner of 4 and CSL of 2-5-8-11.

• Sublord Saturn® is the occupant of 12, owner of 4. Saturn® is having stellar (positional)
strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Saturn) and CSL (cuspal sublord) of 2-5-8-11

V 11th CSL Saturn signifies 2-11 and in connection with 2-11;

x 11th CSL Saturn signifies 8-12 and in connection with 8-12;

x 11th CSL Saturn is retrograde and deposited in sub of a retrograde planet (i.e. self-sub),
Saturn turn direct from 08-07-2013;

x 11th CSL Saturn is in star of Rahu (aspected by Jupiter) who acts an agent of Saturn which
is retrograde.


Before concluding to final points, let us analyze the running DBAS (Joint-Period) within the desire range
of querent i.e. up to 28th June 2013.


Running Dasha-Bhukti-Anthra Lords are Sun-Venus-Rahu (from DOJ to 03-07-2013)

Dasha Lord Sun is present under ruling planets and signifies (in the star of occupant or owner) 2-6-7-8-
10 indicating mixed results;

Bhukti Lord Venus is not present under ruling planets and signifies (in the star of occupant or owner) 1-
3-5-8-12 which is not favorable houses at all;

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
Anthra Lord Rahu is not present under ruling planets and signifies (in the star of occupant or owner) 3-
5-8-12. Rahu as an agent of Saturn signifies 2-4-5-8-11-12. Rahu strongly signifies 5-8-12 which is not
favorable towards recovery of losses.

The Sookshma Lords are Venus (from 14-06-2013 to 23-06-2013), Sun (from 23-06-2013 to 26-06-
2013) and Moon (from 26-06-2013 to 30-06-2013). Sun-Venus-Moon, we have discussed above.

My Opinion: Since the CSL of 11th does not strongly favors the matters due to the effect of retrogression
and significance & connection of more negative houses and as the Bhukti Lord (Venus) restricted the
matter totally due to non-significance of favorable house(s); hence getting losses is assured and the
querent will not able to compete towards recovery of losses or not able to attain break-even point (no
profit & loss) from shares invested in stock market.

Actual Outcomes: Prediction comes true. The querent suffered heavy losses.

Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK!

Welcome Shri Naveen Chitlangia ji to the family of

. JASA!! .

We are proud to have you among us and we wish you many years of

fruitful authorship for JASA in KP Astrology and other systems of

stellar astrology methods in enriching our 23000+ thousands of readers

across 120+ countries world that no other KP Magazines can boast of

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

Horary No. 144/249 Ref. #.811

Sun Rise: Q1:52:Q3AM. SUnSet 06:23:05 PMi Daia Days' 365.25 D newflsf FFirietS ■ f r/Jifti/ZSTi 1 i:SX;tS AM
t.'iSiya Voga. VyaUpaba Hera: hSoon Ksrans? EaLw HIND MOTOR. KQLKATA. WEST BENGAL ibefo
Sbl Ssl Sssl
OyeiTiilu J Bafara 25ih June 2013, will any pcesible racmery tocomp>ela sha bia monay
al bmak-evan pairH (nn pralitar loailtiDin stares [Jain IrrlQallan Elach) Invest In stock
Day LDrcfc Moon

Vt 03:23:03 Ma 17;S6:0S Sy OSilS'iS CHitta/ PeiiOerii

Ke ESjtriOS Vlll 26:12:25 Ju
Vtl ZSMM Va 23:20:39 Visakliaj:3)
Me 25:56:0- J^eshla(4)
IK 29:24:00
Ur tflil 1:42 U.Bhadra(l)
V 04:20:50 AewiraiS)
GeraJar: Mala MFgnfilMlY)
Data: rvbiiLJiy, i/i'JunrztnO PuniiivaFiUiO)
Tinwc 11;52'45AM SiD: 05:55:47 bLigha(t|.
Let 22:41:00 N Lan: Bfi-2fl:DS E U.PhafgunKS)
Nop.] 41:20:34
IV 02 05.56
Aysnirrtsa: 20" $0' 10" Arame-Jary Posjifons
[KP Ayanamaa] - Pladdue
Slen U Phnlgunj, Psda 4 Su n Mrlgasjra(3) r4a , K?
SlarLord: Stin Mo n U. Ptialgunif 4] Su i|Ve Ra
RaacUirga Eaal Lartf: Metictiry Me 1 RolniruJOj
La-jia:. Libra Lagna Lord: Veruia Ma il Pinanja£iii;2i
Titli Shukla Paksha, Navarni
Fo 26:56:09 Dal, Diraa: Sun 0 Y, 6 M, 12 D V* I piMinrv.is<i(2) JU i &A
K1 C*L:2Q:5Q Ra iSel
MO 03:46.37 Ju I Ju
Ke i: BltaranllO} Va i|Ju
Ur iRocaHD Me i; Me
NeiR! I $a1nltliisba(2l
I 25. '45':4 0
Ra 20:47^!
111 29:24:00 Sa[Rf 11:13:03
PURS 16'<!2:1l II 26:1225 XII iB-a3:0g
PwvloiiS'CtrjTeol'Meil Dasa DetaHs
Su Dasa MaDPsa
JO-DecJflOT -30-DecrM43 M-Dee-2623 - i943Et-2Eia&
30.E>i<d2fl07 _J0;nefi.20lJ_ Mars r30.Deb2023
ItApr-SSHO 31-6it-:o"l4 RbIsu. :26-May-H}24
IS-Od-OCCa _(}1-jL!i1-2i}1_S_ Jupiiw *i5-Jgn-70g5""
^OO-NWooi^ Sahm r224,lay:2iii26_
117-Jm-2010 rs=lLim_ _OrApr-20T6_ Mercuiy ;36-Jun-2(}27 _
ToVNov-ffild [Mencury 3i-OctJOi3 Kefu" " i:"26Uun-2i}20 SwnfTjrflftjrs - PJs.nE'ta Wetv
[j5f1d;20il_ [RS4IJ_ 23-Nov.2025 uraaaQinDi
] 24 ^-2012 _ [yi(iua_ _diLNav-2d21_ 23-Jan-2030n
13{00ac-2012 ^ .d2-Jul-202a 30-MBy-2(}30n

_3a.nee.20io _ 3. 5 9, 11
' 2S-"j'an-20i 4_ 2. 6,7 3.5
I^Msr-zgia _Rghu ji^FB"b-!014_ JUpilcr 14-Dcc-2gi4 3, 5 1,3, 12
Jupiter 29.M'ar^0"i 4 Saterri 12^3^20 IS _ 4
Sa1um_ ^09-May-20U_ Mereuiy 14-Feb-20i5 3. 5
Mereuiy ■ ae-'jun-Wi lietu" pT0-MsijoT5"
"Kclii '03-i VenuaJ 2s.M3L.2_OI 5JII 1.B. 12
Venus ' 2a.ALjj.2aid
26.i Sun" i 'riSEMay.iOlS
O^&ec-HJIS [Sun ieO
i0-CK;t-2d"i4 irVccn T+'Mij-aoTs
[ Mn-Ma-Ka Anlhara Mo-Mo-Ve Anihara Fdn-Mo-Su Antbara 1r6, T2
[pB-Au^OH ■ 26-Auj-!014_ IS-Aug-SOId - IMct-2014 lfrOat-2014 -31 -Ocl-2014_ To 7 3 12.6,7
Kebj TdftAjug-iCi'll pVanuB "26.ALj^20l"j Sun 164ict-2"bl4 ftafm artr oi agpflf fer Ju, Ve, Sa.
'"Venus b^Aug-20i4 fSiin , OS-Sep^'OM- [Mmn 16"-Oet-2dl4 Kelts acts as agent Fiflir Ms. Sa.
FSun12Aug-OOi 4 " [MtJon, ;C6-"Sif"2014 LMcra ; i6-0:t-2di4 (A) - RJanets Jn Ocipupanr'a stara
[kfcgn | J J. Aug-fCI 4_ !Mji« J O-'Sgij 014_ Rahu ' 1 B45tl-2gi4 (B) - owupaifir or j wps#
. SSatB 14 Aufl-HiU [Rahu 1"[TSejrfii 14_ Qupiler dijGct-bbid fCJ - Ptanefa 4i Owner's SfarS
^ftihu .I5d4jug-2SH ; [Juprler ^2i-SBj>jbi4 |Satwfi_ j23-pBb2tii4"._. (&i - Ffauja Owner
-JiTd'S [ Salum 27-563^2014 ■Macurv Z5-OcL-Z014
, Sadim ayiug-SlU I Mercury . OS-6ct-2di4 pietu 27-bct-20l4
Marairy 23-Aug-E;i4 [KtelLi " l'3-bcEj0f4 Venus 2e-bct-20i4'
+ TTieae pfe jets Ha (Ml FHv# evi/ p Wivft il iSeiYijais,

Oct-Dec 2014

POhen is ike maiftrtaqe? ft KTf) flnatysls

S. N. Sardar

The author is a very senior officer of the Customs & Excise Department of Government of India. He
has been practicing KP Astrology for over decades and has learnt it from reputed KP astrologer of
Kolkata, late P. Roy Chowdhury. The author has also written Bengali book in KP astrology, which has
been well received in Bengal.

Email: snsardar54(5)rediffmail.com

The father of the native approached me to find out the time of marriage of his son. The native belongs
to a good Brahmin family. Generally Brahmin boys or girls are get married at an early age. But in
this case, the native has already crossed twenty-nine years. So the father of the native was worried very
much about his son's marriage.

In this regard, he gave all the particulars about his son which is given below and I casted a KP Chart
with the given particulars

NAME : S. Mukherjee LONGITUDE : 88-24 E

DATE OF BIRTH : 05.04.1984 LATITUDE : 22-34 N
PLACE OF BIRTH : Kolkata, West Bengal.

Sun 22-07 X 0-54 XI 4-13 XII 6-03

Yen 3-17 Merc 10-45 Moon 4-41
Rah 15-56

IX 28-54 Asc. 5-47

VIII 0-36 Balance ofDasa
Sun 2 years 4 months 22 days
VII 5-47 II 0-36
III 28-54
Jup 18-29 Ket 15-56 Sat 21-30®
VI 6-03 Mars 4-47
V 4-13 IV 0-54


I Sat Merc Sun Merc Sun
II Ket Ket Moon Sun Sat
III Sun Mars Mars Sat Sat
IV Mars Merc Merc Ket Sat
V Sat Sat Jup Ven Rah
VI Ket Rah Ven Jup Rah
VII Sun Merc Sat Jup Jup

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
VIII Mars Merc Rah Moon Sat
IX Jup Sun Ket Sat Jup
X Ket Ven For Yen Rah
XI Sun Sat
XII Mars Moon

Let us see whether the time of birth is correct or not in the light of Guruji's Ruling Planets theory.
The Ruling Planets at the time of judgement in order of preference are as follows:-

Date of judgement = 26.12.2013, Thursday, Place of judgement = Kolkata and Time of judgement =8-43

Ascendant Star lord = Moon

Ascendant Sign lord = Saturn
Moon Star lord = Moon
Moon Sign lord = Mercury
Day lord ( Thursday) = Jupiter

The Ruling planets at the time of birth in order of preference are as follows
Date of Birth = 05.04.1984, Thursday, Place of birth = Kolkata, West Bengal and Time of Birth = 12-12

1) Ascendant Star lord = Saturn

Ascendant Sign lord = Moon
Moon Star lord = Sun
Moon Sign lord = Venus
Day lord (Thursday) = Jupiter

K.P. Rule
The Ruling planets at the time of judgment agree with the ruling planets at the time of birth.

In this Chart, Ascendant falls in Cancer at 5-47 and it is jointly ruled by Moon as Sign Lord, Saturn as
Star Lord, Mercury as Sub Lord and Ketu as Sub sub Lord. The Sign lord and Star lord of the Ascendant
at the time of birth agree with the ruling planets at the time of judgment. But the Sub lord Mercury is in
the sub of Saturn and Sub sub lord Ketu is in the star of Saturn and sub of Jupiter, both Saturn and Jupiter
are the ruling planets at time of judgment. Thus, the RP both at the time of judgment as well as Birth are
tallied. So the given birth time is correct and do not require any correction.

Now let us re-check the given birth time as to whether it is correct or not in the light of "Rule of
Origin" propounded by Dr. Andrew Dutta. The Rule is "If the given birth time or rectified birth time is
truly correct, then the Ascendant/Lagna must be linked with the 9th cusp". Here we find that Lagna cusp
Sublord Mercury is linked to the 9th cusp Sublord Sun directly. Mercury is the starlord of Sun. Hence, the
given birth time is absolutely correct.

For marriage, houses are to be considered 2,7 and 11 in Krishnamurti Paddhati. In Traditional
Hindu astrology, only 7th house and the planets ruling and occupying it are taken into account. But
Krishnamurti Paddhati goes further and tells us that apart from 7th house, the 2nd and the 11th houses
should also be examined.

The 2nd house denotes 'kutumba' - the family, all those members closely allied to the native by
birth or by connection. Further, 2nd house also denotes 'acquisition' and acquisition to the family by
marriage. The 7th house denotes legal bondage with another and the partner with whom one is to lead

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
family life, she who legally shares the property, possessions etc. though she may or may not share our
sorrows. The 11th house shows long standing love, pleasure, permanent tie of friendship and partnership
in life, fulfillment of desires, marital bliss etc. That is why houses 2,7 and 11 are considered for marriage.
Now let us examine whether the marriage is promised or not in the light of K.P. laws.

K.P. Rule:- 7th Cuspal Sub lord is the guide. If the sub lord of the 7th Cusp signifies either 2 or 7 or 11
house, then marriage is promised and the marriage would take place during the conjoined periods of the
significators of houses 2,7 and 11.

Cuspal Analysis:- In this chart under consideration, 7th Cusp sub lord is Mercury. Mercury is in the star
of Ketu and sub of Saturn. Mercury signifies houses 10 & 12; Ketu signifies houses 4,5,7,8,9,10 & 11 and
Saturn signifies houses 4,6,7,8,9 & 11. So marriage is promised in this native.

Significators of Houses

Houses Planet in Occupant Planet in Owner's Owner

occupant's star


Mars, Ketu

Moon, Rahu Jupiter

The significators of houses 2,7 & 11 are Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and

Ruling Planets :-The chart was judged on 26.12.2013, Thursday at 8-43 hrs. in Kolkata, West Bengal.

Ascendant Star lord = Moon

Ascendant Sign lord = Saturn
Moon Star lord = Moon
Moon Sign lord = Mercury
Day lord (Thursday) = Jupiter

Rahu and Ketu are the two nodes which will represent Saturn as Rahu is conjoined with Saturn and Ketu
is aspected by Saturn. Krishnamurtiji has said that Rahu or Ketu will give first of all the results indicated
by the planets with which they are conjoined or by which they are aspected. Hence, the two nodes are
included in the list of RP.

Therefore, the Ruling Planets at the time of judgement are Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu
and Ketu. It may be mentioned here that all the ruling planets are not always beneficial. When they are
deposited either in the constellation or sub of a retrograde planet, they will ultimately prove to be
tempters. In the present case, Jupiter and Venus are retrograde at the time of judgement. Jupiter and
Saturn are in the star of Jupiter and Mercury is in the sub of Jupiter. Therefore, Mercury, Jupiter and
Saturn are rejected from the Ruling Planets. Venus is in the star of Sun and in the sub of Saturn. Venus is
by itself retrograde. But this does not prevent it from giving results all throughout. It cannot give results
as long as it is retrograde. Once it becomes direct, it will give results and Venus will be retrograde till
31.01.2014. Therefore fruitful ruling planets are Moon, Venus, Rahu and Ketu.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
The common planets between the significators of houses 2,7 & 11 and the ruling planets are Moon,
Venus, Rahu and Ketu. So the marriage can take place during the conjoined period of Moon, Venus,
Rahu and Ketu provided transit agrees.

Dasa-Bhukti-Anthra Analyse At the time of judgement, the native was running the major Dasa of
Rahu, Bhukti of Mercury and Anthra of Saturn from 30.09.2013 to 25.02.2014. The Bhukti lord Mercury
as well as Anthra lord Saturn are not found in the list of common planets. Next Bhukti is Ketu from
25.02.2014 to 13.03.2015 and Ketu is among the common planets list. In Ketu Bhukti, Moon Anthra
starts from 10.06.2014 to 12.07.2014. In that Moon Anthra, Venus Sookshma would start from
05.07.2014 to 11.07.2014. It is expected that marriage can be celebrated during the period between
05.07.2014 to 11.07.2014 .

Actual Facts of the case

Actually, the marriage was celebrated on 09.07.2014 and I was invited on the occasion.
At the end of this article, I would like to covey my pranams and regards to Lord Ganesha and to our great
Guruji Late Prof. K.S.Krishnamurti. I would also like to convey my regards to my Guru, Late P. Roy
Choudhuri, Kolkata.

HxLLtaH. A. JVfrtjc.

We congratulate Sri S.N. Sardar ji for his precise prediction of the event. He has upheld
the beauty and accuracy of KP astrology for which KP is well known in its traditional
and unblemished version. All the readers around the world will benefit to read his
article. This article truly captures the original KSK's method of KP astrology.

GoTLtyJlJCLLA. !! CJtJ+lfUCjcA. I2JM.€*€IIC.£L€FJ±A,

Oct-Dec 2014

Essence /Huhutal C^UulaiUn—^XJie. ICf) tQay

Dinesh Kumar Khandal

The author hails from Jaipur in the state of Rajasthan who has spent many years in the field of
astrology and has done a lot of research through various case studies. An ardent lover and follower of
Krishnamurti Paddhati, he also teaches students KP astrology for the betterment of this science. A
firm believer in God in the journey of astrology, the author's goal is to eradicate misconceptions in
astrology from people's mind.

Email: dineshkhandal21(5)gmail.com

Today my son has texted me from Bangalore about one of his friends from Indore wanted to buy a
new vehicle and she asked him to consult the best muhurat time to get it. I always find it surprising
when people directly ask for muhurat to Astrologers. Similarly many of our bright astrologers will give
you the straight-forward solution (i.e. best time or Shubh Muhurat) based on the Choghadiya (Muhurat
Table) or any other theory on which they have command over.

However with reference to this example, according to me - We should consider the following important
points while determining muhurat for vehicle:

• Will the person's desire to buy a new vehicle be fulfilled?

• Is there any vehicle pleasure (Yahan Sukh) in his life, will he get it now?
• As the person is going to buy a new vehicle, will he be able to purchase it today or will it happen on
some other day?
• Concrete explanation of vehicle purchasing and its associated diagnosis

Now with these considerations if results are favourable then only we should calculate the best time of
muhurat. But before we come to final conclusion, we should deeply analyse the further particulars of
vehicle purchasing based on above mentioned points. It will result in more accurate and fine outcomes.
Makes sense, doesn't it? Well, things are about to become clear. Let's see now the complete explanation
of determining Muhurat for vehicle purchasing based on our above mentioned considerations:

DOJ : 04-Sep-2014 Time : 13:09:56 Place : Jaipur



JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
VImshottarl Period
Plane! Sgn □-M-S SgnL StL 5bL SSbL Dir. PS
Sun Led 17-39-41 Su Ve Ma Sa DasTias
Mood Sag 11-29-57 Ju Ke Me Me Ke - 22iQBt2Q 15 :: 06:29:04
Mars Lib 29-39-04 Ve Ju Mo Ra Current Bhukti
Mercury Vir 09-03-45 Me Su Ve Ju Ke-Ke - 17/0172009 :: 15:56:04
Jupiter Can 16-47-35 Mo Me Me Me Ke-Ve - 19/03/2010 :: 18:56:04
Venus Lea 04-13-32 Su Ke Mo Sa
Saturn Lib 24-13-01 Ve Ju Me Ke Ke-Su -25/07/2010 :: 15:02:04
Rahu 25-51-40 Me Ma Ra Mo Ke-Mo -23/02/2011 :: 16:32:04
Ketu 25-51-40 Ju Me Ra Mo Ke-Ma-22/07/2011 :: 19:59:04
Uranus Pis 21-42-57 Ju Me Su Ra Ke-Ra - 09/08/2012 :: 08:17:04
Neptune Aqu 11-58-35 Sa Ra Sa Ra Ke-Ju - 16/07/2013 :: 05:53:04
PJulD Sag 17-01-49 Ju Ve Mo Ke Ke-Sa-25/06/2014 :: 01:32:04
CUSPAL POSmON Ke-Me - 22/03/2015 :: 06:29:04
cusp Sgn D-iM-S SgnL StL SbL SSbL SSArc Current Antara
Pis 23-14-26 Ju Me Sa 05.78 Ke-Me-Me -15/10/2014 :: 09:02:08
Art 27-39-07 Ma Su Mo 96,76 Ke-Me^Ke - 05/11/2014 :: 12:07:28
Taii 29-29-46 Ve Ma Sa 29.80 Ke-Me-Ve - 04/01/2015 :: 20:56:58
Can 01-54-51 Mo Ju Ra 04.48
Leo 02-20-04 Su Ke Ve 37.19 Current Sookahma
Vir 00-30-37 Me Su Ra 01.43 Ke-Me-Me-Me - 01/09/2014 :: 07:59:50
Vir 23-14-26 Me Ma Sa 05.78 Ke-Me-Me-Ke - 04/09/2014 :: 07:50:05
Lib 27-39-07 Ve Ju Ve 90.05 Ke-Me-Me-Ve -12/09/2014 :: 21:05:06
Sco 29-29-46 Ma Me Sa 29.80
Cap 01-54-51 Sa Su Ju 68.86 Current Prana
AqU 02-2.0-04 Sa Ma Ke 04.74 Ke-Me-Me-Ve-Ve - 05/09/2014 :: 1802:35
Pis 00-30-37 Ju Ju Mo 18.56

Authenticity of the query;

• Look at the Chart, Sub lord of the 1st cusp is Saturn and its one sign Aquarius is in 11th cusp (signifies
fulfilment of desire i.e. vehicle). Saturn is in Jupiter's star and it is posited in fourth cusp which is also
a significator of vehicle.
• Moon is posited in 9th cusp. Seventh cusp signifies dealer or distributor of vehicle and its fourth
(vehicle) is 10th cusp and 9th cusp is twelfth to 10th cusp (signifies Vehicle Possession). Hence 9th cusp
is also connected to vehicle purchasing.
• Moon's sign Cancer is also situated in 4th cusp (vehicle)
• Moon is in the star of Ketu and sub of Mercury. Here Ketu is in 12th cusp (money loss for vehicle).
Ketu gives results of its sign lord and star lord. Ketu is in the Jupiter sign and Mercury star. Jupiter is
posited in fourth cusp (vehicle). Jupiter's one sign Pisces is in 1st cusp (it is for native and twelfth to
Money cusp which indicates loss of money for the purchasing of vehicle)
• Mercury is in the 6th cusp (Bargaining) and its one sign is in the 7th (Dealer /distributor)

Considering these various significant factors, we can say this chart is 100% accurate for analysis and
the above query is validated.

Fulfilment of Desire:

• Read 4th and 11th cusp for the fulfilment of vehicle's desire
Look at the Friend's Asc chart (after rotated) fourth cusp's sub lord is Jupiter which is posited in 4*
cusp (vehicle). Jupiter is in the Moon sign - Mercury star. Moon is situated in 9th cusp and its sign

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
Cancer is in 4 cusp. Both are connected with vehicle purchasing. Mercury is posited in 6th. Its one

sign Virgo is connected to 6th and 7th (bargaining from dealer).

• 11th cusp (signifies fulfilment of desire) sub lord is Ketu which we have already discussed above is
also linked to vehicle purchasing.
• Fulfilment of desire can also be read from 1st cusp's sub lord. Here it is Saturn and as mentioned
above is also connected to fulfilment of desire i.e vehicle purchasing in our case.

Hence based on these favourable outcomes, we can say that God will surely fulfil the native's desire of
vehicle purchasing.

Can Running Dasa period permits to purchase the vehicle:

• At the time of judgement, the native was running the Dasa of Ketu, Bhukti of Mercury, Antara of
Mercury, Sookshma of Venus and Prana of Venus.
• Planet Ketu and Mercury, we have already discussed above. Venus is in the star of Ketu.

Thus Running Dasa period is also in favour of purchasing a vehicle.

Can purchase today (on 04/09/2014):

We will determine this using Ruling Planets (RP's). At the time of judgement, RP's are:

RP's Sgn StL SbL SSbl

Asc Ma Me Ve Ve
Moon Ju Ke Me Me
T-Ra Me Ma - -
T-Ke Ju Me - -
Day Lord Ju (Thursday)

Here Mars is posited in 8' cusp (Dealer's Money cusp & Insurance). Its one sign is in the first cusp,
second is in 9th cusp. Mars is in Jupiter's star (Posited in 4th cusp i.e. related to vehicle). Mars is in the
Moon's sub. Moon is posited in 9th cusp and her one sign Cancer is in the 4th cusp (vehicle).

All the Ruling Planets - Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Ketu agree for today's vehicle purchasing.

Selection of Muhurat La«na (Ascendant) for the purchasing of vehicle:

The best Ascendant for vehicle purchasing should be considered as Char Lagna i.e. movable sign's
ascendant as vehicle should be always in motion (running vehicle).

After time of judgement, only one Char (movable) sign Capricorn is starting from 15:57 to 17:44 in
Indore (M.P.). Capricorn sign lord is Saturn and Saturn's one sign is in the 11th cusp (fulfilment of
desire). Saturn is in the Jupiter's star which is posited in the 4th cusp (vehicle). Capricorn sign has Sun,
Moon and Mars stars are also permitting to purchase the vehicle.

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
This is the best Muhurat period I've predicted for the purchasing of vehicle.

This kind of precise and accurate results can only possible with KP Astrology. I would like to give credits
to my Pujya Gurudev Lt. Prof. Krishnamurthi Ji - The founder of KP System.



"A new vehicle is a lot more than just a new set of wheels. It is something with which you will associate
beautiful memories. Congratulations to my son's friend for her new vehicle.

fhdjbtxr^v. S. JSTtrtc.

We congratulate Sri Dinesh Khandal ji for his precise prediction of the event and
showing us the correct method to apply KP Muhurta. Some authors of KP Muhurat
falsely propagate through their ignorance that Chara Lagna should be avoided because
11th house is Badhaka for Chara Lagna. But Sri Khandal ji has shown us beautifully the
fallacy of such wrong statements through this wonderful article.

CxmjyJi.€LL&- !! fuaWucjc^. JiJixijdljcJklxrM-A-

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
/Hissing "Deg CAatUe—fl KTf) foMtqsls

Dinesh Kumar Khandal

The author hails from Jaipur in the state of Rajasthan who has spent many years in the field of
astrology and has done a lot of research through various case studies. An ardent lover and follower of
Krishnamurti Paddhati, he also teaches students KP astrology for the betterment of this science. A
firm believer in God in the journey of astrology, the author's goal is to eradicate misconceptions in
astrology from people's mind.

Email: dineshkhandal21(i

Disclaimer by Author: This article is not intended to harm anyone and doesn't represent any political party or person. All the information
and content provided in this article is published in goodfaith andfor educational purposes only. The author will not be liable for any losses
or damages from the display or use of this information. This article is written in gain of no benefit instead to demonstrate the precise level of
explanation which can be only achieved by studying astrology scientifically (KP Astrology).

While teaching students in my class, I always pondered this question to myself:

Use case: If someone has lost his/her pet animal then, Can we determine the current status of
the pet with the help of astrology? If yes, then how can we find his current location and when
will he return back? Is he alive or deceased?

I didn't find such example in traditional astrology based theories. Perhaps I wasn't able to locate. I spend
most of my time in doing research work and reading articles, newspaper and other sources of information.

Coincidentally, on 22-Sep-2014 I found this while reading the newspaper online:

-f-.t- A- -X Ty

hf ^ ^di vife\i
nm f w i isMhilH
h jftilTl! sift 3 uitfi

nf |'i ES ^ ■gl ^ 4^1'^ if w ^ EFHFt

f^h;!.rf^ f+4y; fvl set 5=) wi ^ nflfr if ^
SRt' if yim n-ji ^i
iFvof w wt TST BTur-fa^^l

News Reference:
1 &pagedate=09/22/2014&editioncode= 14&pageno=2&view=image

Next day on 23-Sep-2014, I got a sudden intense feeling that I should not miss this opportunity of
learning and determining the result for it.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
Question: Hon'ble Minister (who is stranger for me) has lost his pet dog. Will Charlie be found? If yes,
then when will he return back and what could be his current location.

To determine this, I took help of K.P. astrology and created the following chart:

Note: I didn't know whether Charlie has been found or not till this time.

Horary He a 706
Place: Jctfil Marg.iftiQtwara.Jalpur LanqLludflS LEiLLiidfl': 75-44-14-E/26-5&4S-N SBdere^l Time: D2-5-4 -32
Ostg * ftiy : 23^20" fTuosday) Hsk-Eheira r U Pfialjupi-1 Qlr,
Tlrfis = 15:4 ■ 2 LuiuJ Nodes: Tn^i Tllhl; Kfbhfin Pakjt^ ■ Amavftsyn
TlmoZona : Ayanam&ai S-f-QMS
OST :G HOUW : Pbodia

Ke 25-T 2-39 III 22-C2-S2 I III 24-40-53 | IV 25-47-24 VIMSHOTTARI I
UrR Das lias
21-02-20 Current Eoak&hma
119^5-47 Su - 2ara9/2020 :: 14:50:17 Su-Sil-Si>Su- 21rt)&2Cil4:: 09:24:45
Mo-21^9/203002:50:17 Su-Sd-SiJ-Ma - 21/Cia,2014 H 2th22 12
Ma - 20109/2037 :: 20:50:17 Su-Sd-Eu-Ma - 22^9/2014 ^tM.-D2:25
Ra - 21/09/2055 :: 08:50:17 SU-SU-EU-RB - 22/09/2014 z 23:45:50
Ju-21/09/2^71 :r 03:50:17 SU-SU-EU-JLI - 23/09/2014 :: 17:17:45
XII 20-25-21 Ju 20-30-55 ' Sa-21/09/2090 r 02:50:17 Su-Sd-SO-Sa- 24/09/2014 :: 14^16^4
NeR 11-20-41 V 24-59-40 Me-22/09/2107:: 00:50:17 Su-Sd-Eu-Me - 25/09/2014 r-afl:44:34
Ke-22/09/2114 :: 02:50:17 SU-SU-SIJ-KB- 25^9/2014 :: 16:24:47
Ve-22/09/2134:: 02:50:17 Su-Sd-Eu-Ve- 26/09(2014 :: 14:19:41
Current BhuhU Currant Prarra
Su^Su-00/01/2015:: 16:30:17 Su-SU-SU-SB-SB -23/n9l«)14 ,
:: 20:35:32
5L>-MQ - 10/07/2015 :: 07:33:17 Su-Ei>5rj-Sa-I49 - 2a«9i
i J I
2D14 = 23-32:29
Su-KIa 15/11/2015 " 03:44:17 SU-EU-SU-SB-KB -24i Q 1 2014 ^ 30:45:22
VI 20-25-21 Su-Ra- 03/10/2010:: 21 Sd-Eu-Eu-Sa-Vs - 24/I39/2014 ^ {14:13:33
Mo 25-40-55 Su-Ju-20/07/2017 = 01:56:17 Su-Su-SU-Sa-Sd -24/59/2014-95:16:01
Ve 27-53-10
Su-Sa - 10/07/2010 ^ 01:30:17 SU-SU-SU-SB-MO - 24/09/2014 = 07:00:D8
Su-Me - 16/05/2019 :: 12:44:17 Sd-Su-Su-Sa-Ma - 24jli09/2tH4 :: 0&:12:58
Su-Ke-21/09/2019:: 00:50:17 Sd-Eij-Eu-Sa-Ra: - 24/09/2314 :: 1129:21
Su-Ve - 20/09/2020 :: 14:50:17 Sd-Su-SU-SB-Jij - 24/09i2314 :: U£B:54
Current An Lara Sd-Eu-Eu-Wfl-Ma - 24/09/2014 Z 15:45:14
X 25-47-24 1X24-40-53 Sfl 25-44-40 Su 06-14-11 Su-Su-Su- 26/09/2014:: 14:19:41 SU-SU-SU-MB-KB - 24/09/2914 ^ 17^926
Pi 15-56-30 Ma 12-21-43 VIII 22-02-52 VEi 1945-47 Su-Su-MD-OS/IO/aOH :: 17:26:41
M0 02-29-15 Ra 25-12-30 SLHSU-&j-l.te-V0 - 24/09/2914 " 2Q:5&:43
Su-Eij-Ma -1Z/10/2014 :: U2 52^i Su-Su-Su-Ma-Su - 24/09/2914 - 21:52:39
Su-Su-Ra -2B/1D/2Q14 :: 13:21:11 SU-SU-SU-MB-MD- 24/991/2014 :: 23 25:44
Su-EJ-Ju - 12/11/2014 i 03:59:35 Sd-Su-Su-Me-Ma -25/D9.i2014- z 00:30^5
Su-Su-Sa - 20/11/2514 k 1222:41 Su-Su-Eu-hfe-Ra - 25/99^2014 Z 03:16:35
. SU-SU-MB- 15/12/2014 =00:55:59 Su-Su-SU-Me-Jd -25/99/2014 - 05:47^6
Su-Eu-Kb - 21/12/2014 z 1025:17 SLhSu-Sjj-l.te-Sa - 25/09/2914 = 00:44:34
Su-Eti-Ve - D8/01/2D15 - 16:30:17 (CkKirq Dales a nd Times irdscale


C UE>P Sgn D-ht-S SnnL StL SbL SSbL SSArc Planet Sqn D-M-S SqnL StL SbL SSbL Dir. Pot.
1 Pit 19-45-47 Ju Me Ve Su 53.36 Sun Vlr 06 14-11 Me Su Me Ra P
II Ari 22-02-52 Ma VB Ea Sa ■47.57 Moon Leo 26-40-55 Su Su Su Su P
III Tau 24-40-53 Ve Ma Ra 5a 01.54 Mars SM 12-21-43 Ma Sa Ma Ju
IV Gem 25-47-24 Me Ju Ke Ke 27.23 Mercury Lib 02-26-15 Ve Ma Ke Sa
V Can 24-59-40 Mo Me Ra Me 00.00 Juplier Can 2GJa55 Mo Me Ve Ju
vi Lea 20-25-21 Su Va Ju Sa 26.38 Venire Leo 27-53-10 Su Su Mo Sa
VJ1 Vlr 19-45-47 Me Mo Ke Ve 39,31 Saturn Lib 25_4iMQ Ve Ju Me Sa
VJII Lib 22-02-52 Ve Ju Sa 5a 00.81 Rahu Vlr 25-12-39 Me Ma Ra Me
EX Sco 24-40-53 Ma Me Ra 5a 01.54 Ketu pis 25-12-39 Ju Me Ra Me P
X Sag 25-47-24 Ju Ve Me 5a 66.98 Uranus Pis 21 -02-20 Ju Me Ve Sa R
XI Cap 24-59-40 Sa Ma Ra Me 00.00 Nepyune Aqu 11-23-41 Sa Ra Sa Ve R
XII Aqu 20-25-21 3a Ju Ju Sa 65.85 Pluto Sag 16-56-36 Ju Ve Mo Me

Rules for Analysis:

1. After rotating the chart, 9' cusp will become Ascendant of Hon'ble Minister (presented in above
2. Consider following cusps for the analyses:
• Ascendant for Hon. Minister's cusp
• 2nd cusp for his family
Oct-Dec 2014
4' cusp for Residence
6th cusp for his pet dog (Charlie)
7th cusp for dog's family (sixth to 2nd cusp)
9th cusp for dog's residence
11th cusp for fulfilment of Minister's desire and so on.

3. 6' cusp Sub lord will indicate the location of dog at present
4. Dasa and Transit will tell us about when will he come back

Now based on the above rules, let's validate the authenticity of the query.

Authenticity of the query:

• Hon'ble Minister's ascendant sub lord is Venus and it is posited in 6th cusp (Pet's cusp)
• Moon is posited in 6th cusp and its Sign lord, Star lord, Sub lord, Sub Sub lord - Sun with its
sign Leo also posited in 6th cusp.

This is the first time I've seen such kind of exact and favourable planetary positions. Based on this
outcome, we can say that my query is 100% accurate for analysis.

Fulfilment of desire:

11th cusp (cusp for fulfilment of desire) Sub lord is Rahu which is posited in 7th cusp (dog's family cusp
as it is sixth to 2nd cusp). Rahu will also give results of its Sign lord Mercury & Star lord Mars. Here
Mercury is also posited in 7th cusp and its one sign Gemini is in the 4th cusp (Residence). Mars is also
connected with 11th cusp which signifies fulfilment of desire i.e. Charlie's return.

Hence with this detailed analysis, we can say Hon'ble Minister's desire will be fulfilled.

Now we've got the confirmation of desire fulfilment but the next question is - Where is Charlie and when
will he come back?

Where is Charlie?

As per the rule, 6th cusp (Pet's cusp) Sub lord is Jupiter which is posited in 4th cusp (signifies residence).
Hence we can say, at present Charlie is at home or near to it.

When will Charlie come back?

To determine this, we will analyse Dasa & Transit. Here I've seen another wonderful Dasa Period in my
astrological learning period. Dasa of Sun, Bhukti of Sun, Antra of Sun, Sookshma of Jupiter - all these
planets signifies fulfilment of desire as we have studied above.

But if we dive deep into it and look at the chart, 11th cusp Sub lord is Rahu and Sookshma of Rahu was
running on the date 22-Sep-2014 which indicates that desire would have been fulfilled on this date.
Transit is also agreed.

What our Ruling Planets fRP's) say on this:

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

RP's Sgn StL SbL SSbl

Asc Sa Su Sa Mo
Moon Su Su Su Su
Day Lord Ma (Tuesday)

All the Ruling Planets also agree for the fulfilment of desire on this date.


Newspaper states - Charlie has been found on 22-Sep-2014 near to Hon'ble Minister's residence.

fad i\H\ cET

ssicpl ftfer w-as % en??

Hit ClNflJ I'iTT [nEriWI
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^ 73t ^ ifi
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Ftyir so pe w ^ti| w ?ft 11

News Reference:
1 &pagedate=09/23/2014&editioncode= 14&pageno=2&view=image

For TOI readers: http://epaperbeta.timesofindia.com/Article.aspx?eid=31810&articlexml=Minister-gets-


In the end, I would like to thank and give credits to my Pujya Gurudev Lt, Prof. Krishnamurthi Ji
(The founder of KP System) for blessing us with such a great and precise theory.

I hope through this article, you might have learnt a unique example of KP astrology which is very rare to
find elsewhere. Astrology will certainly help you in many cases in the real life scenarios if one can study
it logically (assessed according to strict principles of validity). This is not a black magic or any kind of
JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
mystery. I hope Government of India should consider it worthy and valued science as it could have
helped Police Department also in their investigation of finding Charlie. Similarly, it can also be
productive for various divergent departments of the country either from a large extent or to the individual

Happy Learning!

Quiz Question for our Newcomers: Why did this pet (Charlie) get name and fame?

Hint: This chart will also tell you about this.

CdiLaft!A. JVvrtc.




These days in some KP training programs some people are wrongly propagating that
there is no need to rotate the horary chart and the same Ascendant from Horary Number
can be treated as one and same. THIS IS MISGUIDING PEOPLE DUE TO LACK OF

IVe lHanfc Sri JC/iandaf n for sflowina tfie correct metfiod'ofJCSJC

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

'ptogenii ^tcsfuct anb tfenbet oft ClkiCb: scan thteuqh KTp -Hetatif

Partha Sarathi Rout (Sree Rudrapriyo)

Partha Sarathi Rout (Sree Rudrapriyo) was born on 13 November 1980 at a small village named Nutangram of
Purulia district in West Bengal. He is a graduate of B.Com and Diploma in computer application. He is residing in
Durgapur and is presently employed as a senior accountant with Jayshree Automobiles India Pvt. Ltd. (JCB
Dealership) in Durgapur, West Bengal. He stared his K.P. Astrology studies from his guru Rabindranath Ghosh at a
very young age of only 31 years in the year 2011. He is a trained K.P. Astrologer from Krishnamurti Institute of
Astrology, Kolkata and studied under the Durgapur Branch. He had achieved the following titles in astrology. He
has been awarded the title of "Jyotish Vidyabhuson" from KIA and also the title of "Jyotish Acharya" from
Krishnamurti Institute of Stellar Astrology, Kolkata, West Bengal. He is a very promising astrologer in the field of
K.P. Astrology and he presently practices in Durgapur, West Bengal. He is presently also a student of K.P. Stellar
Astrological Research Institute (KPSARI), Chennai.

A relative of mine who was married at the end of 2011 and till date she has no issues. She wanted to
know in advance astrologically to predict whether she would have any issues and determine the sex
of the child at birth. Due to her curiosity to know about her child birth, I asked her to intimate any horary
number between 1 to 249. Accordingly she had told me a horary number which is 201, I made the K.P.
chart for the said number on dated 26.08.2013 at 08:52:05 P.M. at Durgapur, West Bengal.


Name of the Querent: Mrs. Sudipta Maharaj

Horary Number: 201.
Time of Judgement: 26-08-2013 (Monday), 20:52:5 Hrs.(IST).
Place of Judgement: Durgapur, (Lat/ Long: 23N29, 87E20)
Ayanamsa: KPNA 23:57:27

Moon reveals the nature of query;

Moon is in the star of Venus and sub of Rahu. Moon is the occupant of 3 owner of 7. Stralord Venus is
the occupant of 8 (worries/ tension) owner of 4, 5 (Child) and 9 (5th to 5th supporting house for child
birth). Sublord Rahu is the occupant of 9 and if Rahu occupies in Libra sign thus Rahu represents Venus
which had already been discussed. Rahu aspect Jupiter (Putra Karaka) who was already occupied in 5th
house (prime house for child birth) and Jupiter aspect 2nd cusp by his 9th aspect. Jupiter also having
stellar positional strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet is the stars of Jupiter) and CSL of the houses
4, 5, 6, 11 & 12. Thus Moon signifies the relevant houses. Hence query or urge is genuine.

Important step in Horary:

Dr. Andrew Dutta has said that if the RP Lagna is between 0 to 5 degrees, the question is premature i.e.
the event is yet to mature. If the RP Lagna is between 25 to 30 degrees, the event has already happened.
In such cases, it is advisable not to proceed with the horary analysis. In this case, RP Lagna is 6 degrees.
Hence we can proceed the horary analysis.

ry numoer rurnis ora amo
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jn WJ E-.^i art- 03:^ 57FU umzw-i- idhjuo- J^htrj ■ ^Auryjfli 4 PUT

V-Sii'DtTUi^ Srtwn KS^'H!"' ^eni afiMChrrv'. rt-Kf flsve^L K»S
H&i*?/**., 20;
OtrtssLw/b Proflf-TrPrcmindT'Whptfwf wauHbfl-cNd E Mn^w'Emnse?

lllti?\V:^0 ClnPi^^i?ji*inrra
Tm^aoKsiS^ Jul&M<2T
Ka ITX-lID V23£2:±4 VI212+02
Kb I'D 4S K

nAiVFriul'l I
Namn: KVi •Eudifi'j LTahv^< Ma Dt-OfiiM
C«n^pr F^fVyJn VII1S4I5CO
Dale: M&yisf,
timH:05.i2mPM ElS: 1^31:34
Lflt:2i39.i»K Lyn:87 30.»E
I^JMldURr-suPLin, WfcET
ijaW t2
A|Mnbmu- :■:■ 57" 27'' EKJ':*:.=,
[KP Ak^n^in^ M9 11 Jicw fr'aithfli'-j-i
Si*: =i*imi. pr.ihn 5 vim jatw 12
Sbr Lort: "/PTM- H
Rap: A{ln- Rap Larir Mam
Lagta: C-at-^cm LaaiaLwd: Eofcjn
TiMir KHslra PaMhs. &3aJi|l
De^i ttTi:91CY.-3U.flD 3HS-J|I!21

;OW:!y U Sn
% 01 &7:4i3 IKCGpSs^

Kiaw.T.w.gggBgn as;
ttAwmm llbB'jgBfjliJf I
iaicsgsrasM B&EBmmt ■H'l'S.nifrCJCWJ ■'^rtnpi'j Vipw
iBgnsawaiTunnTT'^ -|IBSBiBail!l55Z95Cee^EEEai5@iel EUTZMwfjMmxw

iffla2E3HJZ*i KBBBHaiei
HHwrgawM mxrrsvam ■KalvtKlsM «3",nl far, Md. A^a. Ju. V-p. C-i
■Kefu'DEtTBET^eni'rbr'.Ma. Ma. -ta
(+} - ftsrwi if) thKigMill^ Hdi"!
i Bnnn^^H HSI^BBM ■MgJg*«M:iga—^g.tBWMir ^ - .RFonwe in Oyrt?5rt
I F ^Mli niliLililfc .'□/-.hJlili^Optrnir
LEE— jannsEiM IE'.ii.I—o'li.mxw
licai—irammBi lIEHSMJMllZZiaiP^&EaifMIt r-we av-w «" n« Wt I^"'h'£<-Jry-'-F F" "W*aw«i
JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
The Horary chart under discussion belongs to a lady. Hence consideration on 5 cusp is necessary. This
cusp rules many things and "Progeny" comes under the purview of this cusp. This cusp clearly indicates
the result of the query.

According to K.P. the sublord of the 5th cusp should not be retrograde. It should not be posited in the
constellation of a retrograde planet and lastly the sublord should be a signification of either 2nd or 5th or
11th house. These three conditions should be simultaneously satisfied for the prospect of child birth.

Jupiter also should be considered as he is the chief governor for childbirth on the principle that his sphere
of life is "EXPANSION".

In the chart under discussion the 5th cusp falls in Taurus sign, in Mars star and Jupiter sub. The sublord
Jupiter, the "Puthrakaraka" an occupant of 5th house. No Planets is in Jupiter's star and hence Jupiter
(untenanted) is the strong significator of the 5th house and the childbirth is promised.

Now for the benefit of the readers I would conclude as to how I have determine the sex of the child.

Sun, Mars and Jupiter are male planets. Moon, Venus and Rahu are female planets. Mercury, Saturn and
Ketu are neuter gender. Odd number signs (1,3,5,7,9,11) indicate male and even number signs
(2,4,6,8,10,12) indicate female. However it is most difficult task to predict about the gender of a child.

If 5th cusp joint rulers (Sign lord, Star lord and Sub lord) and their starlord and also sublord of the joint
rulers are positioned in the majority of male planets (Sun, Mars, Jupiter) and posited in Odd/Male signs
(Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius), a chance of male child birth is assured.

If 5th cusp joint rulers (Sign lord, Star lord and Sub lord) and their starlord and also sublord of the joint
rulers are positioned in the majority of female planets (Moon, Venus, Rahu) and posited in Even/Female
signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pieces), a chance of female child birth is assured.

Joint Rulers of 5th Cusp (Taurus 26-52-54): Venus (Signlord) - Mars (Starlord) - Jupiter (Sublord)

5th cusp signlord Venus (Female Planet) deposited in the constellation of Moon (Female Planet). Moon
posited in Aries (Odd/ Male sign) and Moon conjoined with Ketu (Neuter gender). Both Moon and Ketu
are posited in Aries (Odd/ Male sign). Now as Venus is in the sub of Mercury, Mercury is also posited in
Feo (Odd/ Male sign).

5th cusp starlod Mars (Male Planet) deposited in the constellation of Saturn (Neuter gender). Saturn
posited in Libra (Odd/ Male sign) and Saturn conjoined with Rahu (Female planet). Both Saturn and
Rahu are posited in Fibra (Odd/ Male sign). Now as Mars is in the sub of Saturn, Saturn is also posited in
Libra (Odd/ Male sign).

5th cusp sublord Jupiter (Male Planet) is posited in Gemini (Odd/ Male sign), Jupiter deposited in the
constellation of Rahu (Female planet). Rahu posited in Fibra (Odd/ Male sign) and Rahu conjoined with
Saturn (Neuter gender). Both Rahu and Saturn are posited in Libra (Odd/ Male sign). Now as Jupiter is in
the sub of Moon, Moon is also posited in Aries (Odd/ Male sing).

5th cusp joint rulers (Signlord, Starlord and Sublord) and their starlord and also sublord of the joint rulers
do mostly signify/ are in connection with Male planets and Odd/Male signs. So a chance of male child
JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
birth is promised.

As per the method by V.S.N. Murthy, in May 2008:

Ruling Planets (26-08-2013, 20:52:05 Hrs., Durgapur- 23N29/87E20, W.B.)

Day Lord (Monday) Mon
Moon (Aries 19-49-06) Mars - Venus - Rahu
Ascendant (Aries 06-05-54) Mars - Ketu - Rahu
Nodes Rahu, Ketu

S.N. Name of Post of the In which In which In which Sign the

The Planet Planet Sub the Star the Star of the Sub of
R.P. is Sub of the The R.P. is Posited
R.P. is
1 Rahu Lagna Sublo Venus Moon Aries Male Sign
2 Ketu Lagna Starlo Moon Venus Virgo Female
3 Mars Lagna Signlo Saturn Rahu Libra Male
4 Rahu Moon Sublo Venus Moon Aries Male
5 Venus Moon Starlo Mercury Ket Aries Male
6 Mars Moon Signlo Saturn Rahu Libra Male
7 Moon Day Lord Rahu Rahu Libra Male Sign

From the above given table it is transparently visible that the majority of the Ruling Planets indicate
only MALE Child, viz. 6 Male and 1 Female out of 7 R.Ps.

Present Prashna Dasha: Venus (upto 05-12-2023)

Dasha lord Venus is in the star of Moon who is posited in (Aries, Male sign) and sub of Mercury which is
posited in (Leo, Male sign).

Concluding Points:

1) 5th cusp joint rulers (Signlord, Starlord and Sublord) and their starlord and also the sublord of the
joint rulers are mostly indicating male child birth.

2) 5th cusp sub Lord Jupiter is posited in Gemini (Male sign) in the star of Rahu who is posited in Libra
(Male sign) and the sub of Moon. Moon is also posited in Aries (Odd/Male sign), indicating male
child birth.

3) Ruling Planets are mostly indicating male child birth.

4) Dasha lord Venus is indicating male child birth.

My Opinion: Male child birth is indicated.

Actual Outcome: - A MALE Child was bom safely to my relative on 04-08-2014 Monday at 5-30 P.M.
at Dhanbad. I have predicted the progeny prospect and the sex of the child well in advance with the help
of the K.P. Horary Astrology.

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

I have predicted so many cases like this which gave me good and accurate results by taking these method
in consideration. This entire credit of accurate prediction by K.P. Horary method goes only to our great
Guru and master of astrology late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti the inventor of this system and also to my
Guru Sri Rabindranath Ghosh who had taught me this wonderful padhdhati of accurate prediction through
K.P. Horary system.



HfLitaH. A. JVcrLc.

We congratulate Sri Rudropriyo ji for his precise prediction of the event. He has upheld
the beauty and accuracy of KP astrology for which KP is well known in its traditional
and unblemished version. All the readers around the world will benefit to read his

This article truly captures the original KSK's method of KP astrology.

Gb-mjqJmjclLA. !f tmVucxuL

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
Wken can £ haoe a oehlcle: /4 fCp flnatysis

Manish Pandey

The author hails from Varanasi in the state of Uttar Pradesh who has spent many years in the field of
astrology and has done a lot of research through various case studies. An ardent lover and follower of
Krishnamurti Paddhati, he also teaches students KP astrology for the betterment of this science. He is
Jyotish Visharad and Jyotish Vachaspati from KP Stellar Astrological Research Institute (KPSARI),
Chennai, TN.
Email: astrologyniodern@.gmail.com

Name & Sex of the Native: Devndra Awasthi, Male.

Questions of Querent: When can I have a vehicle?
Number: 32 (out of 249).
Time of Judgement: 25 July, 2014, Friday; 12:24:36 PM 1ST
Place of Judgement: LUCKNOW, India), Lat/Long: 26N51, 80E55
Aynamsha: 23.58.13

Chart Details

One of my friend on 25th July 2014 asked me to tell whether he would purchase a new vehicle by selling
the present one. He wanted to buy the same by end of next month (that is August) after taking loan from
his provident fund account.


1. Vehicle is signified by the 4th cusp and Venus is the chief governor for vehicles. 9th and 10th houses speak of
enjoyment of past good karma and 12th house for investment. 11th house indicates fulfilment of one's desire.
Hence for purchase of a car- houses 4,9, 10, 11 are to be considered.

2. Thus, if 4th cusp sub lord is connected to 4,9,10 or 11 and /or 12 and if it is connected to Venus (vehicle), Moon
(Karaka of 4th house) or Jupiter (wealth), then owning a vehicle is assured.

3. If 4th cusp sub lord is connected to 3, 4, 5, 10, sale of vehicle will take place. If 4th cusp sub lord is also
connected to 6th it indicates purchase of vehicle by borrowings.

Cuspal Analysis

Cusp 4th (Cancer 28' 10' 51") : The sub lord of the 4th cusp is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Jupiter and
sub of own. Saturn is occupant of 6 and owner of 9, 10 and 11. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 3 and
owner of 8. Thus 4th cusp sub lord Saturn is the significator of 3,8 and connected with 6,9,10 & 11.
Saturn is in the movable sign Libra, ruled by Venus (vehicle). Thus Venus is connected with Saturn. So
the 4th cusp sub lord signifies 9 (luck), 10 (status), 11 (fulfilment of desire) and Jupiter (wealth). Saturn is
also connected with movable sign and Venus, so vehicle purchase is assured. Star lord Jupiter is
conjoined with Sun which is occupant of 3 and owner of 5. Houses 3 and 5 indicates sale of old vehicle
and 11 indicates monetary benefit out of it. Additionally Jupiter is in movable sign Cancer, ruled by
Moon (karaka of 4th house). Saturn connection with 6th indicates that he would be taking the loan.

Ruling Planets: Date: 25/Jul/2014 Time: 12:24:36 PM Place: Lucknow, INDIA 26N51, 80E55

Day Lord Sign Lord Star Lord Sub Lord

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
Day Friday Venus
Asc. Taurus 13'53'20" Venus Rahu Jupiter
Moon Gemini 20'04'51" Mercurv Jupiter Jupiter

Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury and Ketu is in Pisces sign, hence represents Jupiter.
Therefore ruling planets are Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.

Dasa Bhukti Analysis

At the time of judgment (Jupiter Dasa from 19-06-2014 to 19-06-2030) the querent is running the joint
period of Jupiter-Jupiter-Jupiter from 19-06-2014 to 02-10-2014. Dasa, Bhukti & Antara nath is Jupiter,
which is in the star of Saturn and sub of Ketu. Jupiter is occupant of 3 and owner of 8. Star lord Saturn is
occupant of 6 and owner of 9, 10, and 11. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 11 and is aspected by Jupiter,
occupant of 3 and owner of 8. Thus Jupiter signifies 6,9,10 at star level and 3,8,11 at sub level. As already
mentioned Jupiter is in movable sign Cancer, ruled by Moon (karaka of 4th house). Its star Saturn is in the
movable sign Libra, ruled by Venus (vehicle). Hence, Jupiter DBA would fulfil his desire of getting a
new vehicle through loan after disposing the old vehicle. Jupiter is also in RP.


As per the analysis shown above, Jupiter Antara runs up to 02-10-2014, hence he would be able to
acquire the vehicle during this period.

Actual Outcome

The prediction comes correct. The native called me to inform about purchase of his new car through loan
and by selling away his old one in exchange for monetary consideration. The purchase was made on 10
August 2014 at 03. 30. 00 hours at Lucknow.

Joint period on 10 August 2014 is Jupiter-Jupiter-Jupiter-Ketu. We have already discuss above about
Jupiter. Sookshma lord is Ketu which is in star of Mercury and sub of Saturn. Ketu is occupant of 11
(success, fulfil of desire) and is aspected by Jupiter, occupant of 3 (sale of old vehicle) and owner of 8. As
already mentioned Jupiter is in movable sign Cancer, ruled by Moon (karaka of 4th house). Star lord
Mercury is occupant of 2 (movable wealth) and owner of 2. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 6 (taking of
loan) and owner of 9 (luck), 10 (status), and 11 (fulfilment of desire). Moreover, Saturn is in the movable
sign Libra, ruled by Venus (vehicle). Hence buying a vehicle is assured. Ketu is also in RP too.

On erection of the chart for the said time of event, the ruling planets at the event tally perfectly with those
of the ruling planets at the time of the judgement.

Date: 10/August/2014 Time: 15:30:00 PM Place: Lucknow, INDIA 26N51, 80E55

Day Lord Sign Lord Star Lord Sub Lord

Day Sunday Sun — —
Asc. Sagittarius 03' 20' 16" Jupiter Ketu Sun
Moon Capricorn 18' 51' 34" — Saturn Moon Mercury

Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury and Ketu is in Pisces sign, hence represents Jupiter.
Therefore ruling planets are Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Rahu and Ketu. Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu
and Ketu become the common RPs

My pranam to Lord Ganesha and beloved Guruji KSK.

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

Welcome Shri Manish Pandey ji to the family of JASA I!

We are proud to have you among us and )ve wish you many years of

fruitful authorship for JASA in KP Astrology and other systems of

stellar astrology methods in enriching our 23000+ thousands of readers

across 120+ countries world that no other KP Magazines can boast of

Oct-Dec 2014

Qeb '~j)tcspccls: /( ICft Case £tub%i

The author hails from the Electronics and Communication engineering background, who has headed a
Senior Managerial position at The Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT), Bangalore. Besides
teaching Parasharic and Jaimini astrology at ICAS, Bangalore and contributing to The Astrological
Magazine in Jaimini theme since a decade, the author has special interest in The Krishnamurti Paddhati
and is a serious student of this subject.

This case is from my file of records. One of my acquaintances approached me on 01-07-2005 to ask me
whether there are some prospects for him to have a job change. I leamt later that he had a job offer in
hand and was internally targeting at it. The matter was taken up for scrutiny immediately at 12:9:22 Hrs
on 01-07-2005. There was no urge to take any horary number from him and the chart was prepared for the
time, the native approached me and asked the query. The Horary time chart is as follows.

Rahu 25-30-52

Mars 19-08-59
VII 12-52-34 VIII 13-07-07 IX 13-02-38
Moon 16-13-54 K-LSP 21-38-34

Sat 04-08-18

Ven 09-45-35
Merc 10-22-59
Prashna Chart
XI 12-03-17
VI 12-35-43 P-LSP 13-29-56

01-07-2005 (Friday) KS-LSP 28-54-45

12:09:22Hrs 1ST


(KP Ayanamsha : 23-55-20)

V 12-03-17 12-35-43

13-02-38 II 13-07-07 I 12-52-34


Oct-Dec 2014

Planet SgL StL SbL

Sun Mer Rah Yen

Moon Mar Yen Moo

Mars Jup Mer Ket

Merc Moo Sat Sun

Jup Mer Mon Sat

Yen Mon Sat Yen

Sat Mon Sat Sat

Rahu Jup Mer Rah

Ketu Mer Mar Rah

Mon Sat Rah

Yen Mon Yen
Mon Mer Sat

usp SgL StL SbL

Mer Mon Rah

Yen Rah Mer

Mar Sat Rah
Jup Ket Mer
Sat Mon Rah

6 Sat

7 Jup Sat Mar

8 Mar Ket Mer

9 Yen Mon Rah


[1 Mon

[2 Sun
JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
Coordinates of Judgment

Note that the analysis of cusps of various houses along with the planetary significations represent the
fixed promises of the chart but the results are dispensed by the suitable dasha-bhukti in consonance with
the transits.

The prospects in a horary chart relating to the profession are primarily governed by the 10th house, as this
house decides the way the flow of karma takes place for matters relating to profession. The indications of
10th cusp are then verified by the examination of 6th cusp as it indicates the job in hand. In case if the
ambition of the native under the framework of prashna is to be realized, the 11th cusp should support the
matter in full. In a query related to a job change, it is evident that the querist has already a job from
where the change is sought, thus the 6th cusp in such a prashna chart relates to the present job. In case, if
the job has to be changed, the 5H should operate to leave the present job (6H) and 9H should operate to
indicate the disruption of the already existing flow of Karma. Thus, in principle, the 10th cuspal sub-lord
should signify 5th and 9th house to leave the job and 2-6-10-11H to get a new job simultaneously. These
indications may fructify in proper spread of dasha-bhukti in line with the transits. In this case study, the
10th and 6th house refer to the present job in which the native is placed.

Ruling Planets

At the time of working out the chart, the Ruling planets were Moon-Mercury-Venus-Mars.

The Query

Fundamentally, in any prashna, the lagna should indicate the query, while the Moon should indicate the
status of mind and the matter on which the querist is concerned about.

Look to the Lagna SbL-Rahu, which is placed in the star of Mercury (1-10L) placed in 10H. Mercury as
10L placed in 10H establishes that the query relates to the profession.
Moon itself gets placed in 8H indicating a sense of choking and frustration. Moon falls in the star of
Venus, which is placed in the 10H again establishing the frustration relating to the present profession.
Thus, the question is well indicated in the prashna chart and it is comfortable to proceed further.

Part-A: Analysis by conventional principles of KP

1. Examine the clustering of 10H by way of the placement of 10th lord Mercury, 9th lord Venus, 5th lord
Saturn and 12th lord Sun. This in principle indicates some scope of change in profession. Let this be
closely looked at.

2. Examine the 10th cusp to delineate the professional indications. In case, if the native has to change the
job, the 10th cuspal sub-lord should signify 5th and 9th houses.

Note the 10th cuspal sub-lord Saturn placed in its own star and sub. The Saturn as the lord of 5th and 6th
cusp placed in 10H means that it signifies 10th, 5th and 6th houses. Till now, the situation seems
encouraging due to some possibility of leaving the present job (5H) and get into a new job (6-1 OH).
Saturn being in its own sub affirms it.

3. Look to the 6th cusp, which refers the present job. In case if the native has to leave the present job for
another one, the 6t cusp should signify 5-9th house (to leave the present job) and 2-6-10th house (to
get a new job).

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

In this case, the 6th cuspal sub-lord is Mercury. Mercury (l-10th lord) is in the star of Saturn (5-6th lord)
and both Mercury and Saturn are placed in 10H. Thus 6th cuspal sub-lord Mercury signifies 10-5-6-1H
that does keep open the possibility of a job change (5H) and get into a job (6-10H). Mercury falls in
the sub of Sun which as 12L gets placed in 10H meaning that the job change may not happen.

4. Just to cross check whether the job-change would be possible, examine the 5-9th cusps. Incidentally,
Rahu happens to be the sub-lord of both these cusps. Since, Rahu is a node, it is advisable to examine
Rahu by itself, then by Mars with whom it is conjunct and by the house lord Jupiter in whose house it
is placed.

Rahu is placed in 7H, the house that obstructs the flow of ambitions. Rahu in the star of 10th lord
Mercury placed in 10th house does not support job change. Mars as 8th lord and Jupiter as 7th lord
signifying 8th house through Moon in the house of Mars make the Rahu to be yet a difficult planet to
obstruct the flow of ambitions for a job change. Since, Rahu falls in its own sub; it gets more firm in
its decisions. Thus, the 5-9th cusps do not support a job change.

5. Even though, the 10th and 6th Cusps do show the possibility of a job change, yet both the cusps have
not shown any linkage to the 11th cusp without which, the desire of job change cannot be fulfilled.
Now, take a look at the 11th cusp, which rule the overall prospects of the prashna (in this case, a job

The 11th cuspal sub-lord is Moon. The Moon falls in the star of Venus, which gets placed in 10H as 2-9th
lord. Readers may note that the Star-lord shows the matter in question; hence the examination of Venus
may be interesting. Since, both 2nd and 9th houses are vacant; the Venus would have strong lordship of
these houses. Thus, 11th cuspal sub-lord Moon through stellar significations of Venus keeps the options of
a job change open because of its significations of 9H.

Incidentally, Moon falls in its own sub, which has a purview to decide whether the matter indicated by
11th cuspal sub-lord Moon through its star-lord Venus would materialize or not. Carefully note that Moon
in the capacity as a sub-lord strongly signifies 8H by its placement in 8H, thereby negating the indications
of 9H given by Venus. The Moon thus indicates the possibility of job change through its stellar lord but
negates by itself as a sub-lord. The 11th sub-lord Moon signifying 8H at the sub-level would deny the job-
change (by negating 9H) as well as causing a lot of frustration (8H). Here, the supremacy of sub level
signification is proved beyond doubt.

6. Take a look at dasha sequence. Venus-Moon-Moon was running at the time of prashna. Dasha lord
Venus is aptly justified to signify the matter of job-change as analysed above. The bhukti and antara
of Moon was conducive of building hopes for a job change although not fructifying ultimately.

Part-B: Analysis by LSP principles

Refer my article in the Inaugural Issue of JASA of July-2011, wherein the principles of Life Sensitive
Points (LSPs) have been given to the astrological world.

Calculate Punya LSP (P-LSP) to assess the luck

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

Due to the prashna assessment in day hours, the Punya LSP is calculated by the formula (Moon - Sun
+ Lagna). Additional 30deg is not required to be added as the Lagna falls between Sun to Moon. By
the manipulation of the longitudes, the Punya LSP falls in Cancer 13-29-56 (d-m-s) lorded by Sign
lord Moon, Star lord Saturn, Sub-lord Rahu and Sub-sub lord Saturn

Note the following.

a. P-LSP gets placed in the 11th house, thus it does promote the job-change
b. P-LSP falls in the star of Saturn and in the sub of Rahu placed in the 7th house. As analysed in the
previous section, Rahu does not promote job change.

Thus, even though the native has luck for a job-change, the circumstances (Sub-lords) may not permit

Calculate Karma LSP (K-LSP) to check the potential of desire

Due to the prashna assessment in day hours, the Karma LSP is calculated by the formula (Mars -
Mercury + Lagna). Additional 30deg is not required to be added as the Lagna falls between Mercury to
Mars. By the manipulation of the longitudes, the Karma LSP falls in Taurus 21-38-34 (d-m-s) lorded
by Sign lord Venus, Star lord Moon, Sub-lord Venus and Sub-sub lord Jupiter.

Note as follows
a. K-LSP falls in 9th house, a fixed sign but a badhaka to the Lagna. Thus, the movement of the
native from the present job may have some unseen obstructions (Badha) and not permitted
(Taurus as a fixed sign).

b. K-LSP falls into the star lord Moon & the sub-lord Jupiter (badhaka). The badhaka lord Jupiter
falls in Lagna, thus the native has to suffer some unseen obstructions at the last moment. At the
stellar level, Jupiter falls in the star of Moon in 8th house, thereby sealing the fate of any job-
Thus, the native does not have the potential of a job-change. The Karma potential strongly links to the
badhaka planets and the 8th house, thus there could be embarrassment thereby inhibiting the job-

Calculate Karya-Siddhi LSP (KS-LSP) to check the luck of success in work

Due to the prashna assessment in day hours, the Karya-Siddhi LSP is calculated by the formula (Saturn
- Sun + Lord of Sun sign), thereby meaning (Saturn - Sun + Mercury) as Mercury disposes Sun.
Additional 30deg is required to be added as the Lagna does not fall between Sun to Saturn. By the
manipulation of the longitudes, the Karya-Siddhi LSP falls in Cancer 28-54-45 (d-m-s) lorded by Sign
lord Moon, Star lord Mercury, Sub-lord Saturn and Sub-sub lord Venus.

Note as follows

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
a. KS-LSP gets placed in 11 house in the moveable sign and shows good possibilities.
b. Note that the KS-LSP falls in the star of Mercury in 10th house, thus it heightens the flavor of no
job-change. Notably, Saturn (6th lord) is in the Star & Sub-lord of KS-LSP placed in 10th house,
which shows no job-change but continuing in the same job (10th house).

Thus, the native does not seem to meet his required ends of job-change.

Facts of the case

• Take a close look to the onset of Moon bhukti in the dasha of Venus on 26-06-2005. Since, Moon is
11th cuspal sub-lord signifying 2-9-10th houses by stellar signification through Venus, it may create an
opportunity for a job-change. On enquiry from the querist, it was confirmed that the job offer had
been obtained just 3 days back from the date of prashna.

• The querist had to withdraw the resignation on 10-08-2005 within the dasha of Venus-Moon-Moon. It
may be noted that the bhukti lord-Moon was transiting in the star of Moon on that day, placed in 8H
in the prashna chart. Perhaps, taking back the resignation was an act of disgust and dishonor, which
aptly fitted the attributes indicated by the 8H by the star lord of bhukti/antara lord Moon on that day.

The supremacy of sub-lord is the key word of KP, which gets proved time and again and this case study
proves it. The KP principles are infallible and crystal clear, although, it requires genuine efforts for
understanding and applying them. Prof. Krishnamurthy has devised a pioneering predictive model in
predictive astrology, which deserves sincere appreciation.

The KP principles are infallible and crystal clear, although, it requires genuine efforts for understanding
and applying. Prof. Krishnamurthy has devised a pioneering predictive model in predictive astrology,
which deserves sincere appreciation.
Readers may note that there are many diverse dimensions that get into focus by LSP principles. The LSP
principles not only provide the second opinion but they indicate many new dimensions to the conclusions
drawn by the conventional KP system of analysis.

I close this write-up with my sincere thanks to The Krishnamurti Paddhati, which is instrumental to give
us learning in the wisdom of astrology from newer perspectives.

HxLLtaH. A. JVortc.

We congratulate Sri Vijay Kumar ji for his precise prediction of the event. He has
upheld the beauty and accuracy of KP astrology for which KP is well known.

All the readers around the world will benefit to read his article.

GcmjyJijajLA. !! cxrfifix±.cjL

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

ICatHtic /DnfiUtences /4*e <Onbicale2 TZq £ntetcef>Ud £lqns

G.H. W Silva

The author is a follower of Krishnamurthi Paddhathi, propounded by Guruji, Jyotish Marthand, Sothida Mannan,
late Professor K.S.Krishnamurthi for nearly forty years. He has contributed articles to "Astrology & Athrishta"
and lightly to the book titled, K P & R P. Sri Silva has also written to a number of news papers and magazine
locally and abroad on Krishnamurthi Paddhathi and series of lessons including conducting classes on KP.
Currently he is working as a Consulting Engineer in the road sector in Sri Lanka.


Intercepted signs: In the birth chart, the bhava positions are generally commencing from the ascendant
and extending to the next sign and then continue in the same pattern to all the signs. But in some birth
charts, we have observed that bhava positions commence in one sign and extending to the second next
sign and end, not as in the usual way of extending to the adjoining sign. This type of bypassing of a sign
is the interception, resulting a sign with no cusp in between. This will cause one sign to intercept and the
sign on the opposite side also to get intercepted. When signs are intercepted, the span of the bhava is
getting enlarged.

This is a type of blockage of the matters signified by the intercepted sign, and its opposite sign, not in the
usual way of having equal sizes indicating equal treatment to all the signs. When one sign is intercepted,
the adjoining signs interfere with the matters signified by the sign which is in interception. The owners of
the adjoining signs will involve with the activities of the intercepted sign.

Further this interception will result in a combination of two cusps in one sign and its opposite sign in the
birth chart. Thus it is a type of imbalance of the matters signified by these duplicated bhavas as these
bhavas are getting contracted. As the signs are intercepted we could consider that the entrance to that sign
is closed and therefore no direct access to them. Therefore we need to access them through the adjoining
signs. The previous or the next sign will allow access to the intercepted sign. Therefore the matters
signified by the intercepted signs are getting hampered and thus, those signs will be assisted by the
significators of the adjoining signs.

In assessing the characteristics of an intercepted sign, we need to find what are the matters signified that
house. To unlock the sign and understand the characteristics of the interception, we need to observe the
signification of the ruler of that sign and then the sign where he is occupying, along with aspects received
by such significators

Some are in the opinion that the interception will appear in a birth chart, when the birth occurs in
localities away from the equator towards the poles. Generally the births beyond 30° from north or south of
the equator will cause interception of signs in the birth chart. When we are moving beyond 30° there
would be, not two signs, but three or more are getting intercepted.

We have noted in births close to the equator are also showing interceptions. Therefore it is not true to say
that interceptions are caused due to the latitude of the place. These interceptions and combinations are
caused due to some karmic influences from the previous births of the native.
JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
We will take some example birth charts, which are connected with re birth cases. This No. 1 is that of
Lugdi, who was re-born as Shanthi Devi in India.

Niravana Planetary Positions at birth of Ludgi.

IV 00.06.01
II 05.07.44 III 05.16.14 Neptune06.57.54
Moon. 16.33.42 Pluto 24.36.05 V 23.55.06
Kethu. 17.11.37

Asc. 26.08.57
Birth Chart
Venus 10.00.18 VI 20.56.10
of Lugdi

18th January 1902

XII 20.56.10
Mars 20.21.17 10.00 hrs 1ST
VII 26.08.57
27 N 28, 77 E 41
Sun. 04.46.19
Jupiter 03.01.08

Satum27.19.50 Uranus26.59.07 Rahu. 17.11.37

XI 23.55.06 IX 05.16.14 VIII 05.07.44
X 00.06.01

In this birth chart, Lagna bhava is falling in the sign of Aquarius and it is extending up to the sign Taurus,
bypassing the sign Pisces. Thus Pisces sign is intercepted and its opposite sign Virgo is also intercepted.
These interceptions have caused to make two duplicated houses, which are Gemini and Sagittarius. The
4th and 5th cusps and duplicated in Gemini and 10th and 11th cusps are duplicated in Sagittarius.

Due to this interception of the 2nd sign of Pisces, we will see the behavior and characteristics of Pisces.
This sign rules imagination and faith, dreams and ideals, to achieve anything, you have to imagine what
you need. The native is trying to have goals which cannot be achieved. Even the native tries very hard,
but fails. There are great difficulties in discriminating, telling the difference between achievable goals and
total fantasy. The house with the Pisces interception shows where we can be easily deceived, by ourselves
as well as by others. Virgo is intercepted in the opposite house. To come for equilibrium we need to
obtain the support of the sign of Virgo. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, and it assimilates information, and is
always looking for tiny details. There can be great visions of things a person would like to do, but without
the help of Virgo, you don't know how to do them. Without the help from the intercepted Pisces, Virgo
becomes a true cynic, knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing.

It can work the other way too. If the house with Virgo intercepts, we may attract people who, at first,
optimistic, and generous but gradually loosing the good qualities and behave differently. When Virgo is
intercepted, the native is trying to be like a leader as he is influenced by the Leo nature. But it is not easy
for him to get as he is not a person to continue any task. Look to Mercury ruler of the intercepted signs,
for ways out of these difficulties. Look also to the duplicated signs, the ones appearing on the cusps of

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
two houses. These will provide other ways out.The ruler of Pisces, Jupiter is occupying the 11th bhava.
Therefore you will engage in the works connected to larger community within which you interact
socially, friends, social causes, dreams, hopes, aspirations.

Duplicated 4th house and 5th house gives emotional power, which could be used for your work
recollecting your past experiences, your inheritance, and emotional strength, and to be creative, express
your emotional power in a very outstanding manner. Again the duplicated 10th house (same sign on 10th
and 11th house cusps) gives the power of influence, use the earned social position for a social cause
which can benefit from the professional skills of the native. Lugdi lived in a very pathetic way and she
was forced to get married in her very young age. Her marriage was not successful and also the child
births. She had passed away after delivering her third child. These difficulties had been carried forward in
her life as Shanthi Devi. Shanthi Devi did not marry as she had a promise with her former husband, but
the husband did not keep the promise. In the rebirth, Shanthi Devi kept her promise in her previous life. It
is reported that she had reminded about their promise, when they met again.

In the second case, we would like to discuss, here the lives of two Presidents of the United States.

We know that there are a very large number of similarities between the lives of these two Presidents;
namely, President Abraham Lincoln and President John F Kennedy, both were assassinated during their
offices as Presidents. In addition to this, very large number of similarities was existed between them, in a
gap about 100 years, proving that the President Kennedy was a reincarnation of President Lincoln.

We try to see the influences of interception of the birth chart of the President Lincoln.

Nirayana Planetary Positions at birth of President Lincoln.

Venus 16.19.27 IV 06.03.36

II 01.42.59 III 08.51.15
VI 20.05.18
Jupiter 00.58.32 Kethu. 15.50.10 V 28.19.49

Pluto 22.30.47
Mercury 19.09.27 Birth Chart VII 16.32.52
Fortuna 13.24.05 of President Lincoln
Sun. 02.19,28
12th February 1809

06.45 hrs
Ascend. 16.32.52
37 N 34, 85 W 44
Moon 05.28.15

XI 28.19.49 Uranusl8.34.15
Neptune 15.35.18 Rahu. 15.50.10
XII 20.05.18 Saturn 12.02.19 IX 08.51.15 VIII 01.42.59
X 06.03.36 Mars 04.23.18

In the birth chart of President Lincoln, the 2nd sign is intercepted, as the 1st bhava is commencing from
Capricorn 16.32.52 and ending at Pisces 01.42.59 the sign Aquarius is skipped by the ending point of the

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
1 bhava, thus intercepting the sign Aquarius. When Aquarius is intercepted in a birth chart, its
opposition sign, Leo is also get intercepted. Lord of the intercepted sign Aquarius is Saturn. This planet is
deposited in the 10th bhava in the sign Scorpio; this sign Scorpio is a combined, where 10th and 11th cusps
are placed. The opposite of this combined sign is Taurus, in which the 4th and 5th cusps are falling.

The intercepted 2nd sign is occupied by a number of planets, namely Mercury, the lord of 6th and 8th
bhavas and Sun, the lord of the opposite intercepted sign, including Jupiter, who is the owner of the 2nd
bhava, Pisces.

Much of the bad effects caused by the interception will be nullified, as the lord of one of the adjoining
signs is occupying the 1st intercepted sign. The intercepted 2nd bhava will bar the indications such as
famous and proposals. But the lord of the 6th and 8th, Mercury will help the native in financial matters.

Generally intercepted planets are supported by the adjoining bhava lords, if the intercepted sign is
unoccupied. As ascendant lord and the 2nd lord, Saturn is occupying the 10th bhava; the native will get the
compensation from the 10th bhava. On the other hand the 2nd cusp lord Jupiter is occupying the 1st has
reduced the bad effects to a greater extent. When we come to the opposite sign, it is the sign of Leo and
the 8th bhava. The owner of this intercepted sign is Sun. who is occupying the opposite sign and will
maintain the equilibrium of the interception.

This intercepted sign is not occupied by any planet and therefore its adjoining sign and its lord will have
to help the 8th cusp. The lord of the 7th cusp is moon and is occupying the opposite sign. Capricorn in the
12th bhava. The next adjoining sign is Virgo owned by Mercury. Mercury is in the opposite sign.
Therefore the absence of any planet will not cause any bad effects. Sudden gains and accident are caused
by the 8th bhava.

2nd bhava is connected with wealth. As far as we know, that Abraham Lincoln was not a rich parson. But
not poor also. He had a very good eloquence as the famous Gettysburg Address made him a great person.
This is due to the presence of Mercury in that bhava.

8th bhava speak about the longevity of a native. He was only fortunate to have a medium span of life and
passed away at his age of 56 years. 8th lord Sun is in the 8th causing accidents. Wealth of the spouse or
partner is also indicated by the 8th bhava. She was very rich, we could say as her hobby was counting her
cloths in a large number of suit cases.

Nirayana Planetary Positions at birth of President Kennedy.

Jupiter 00.25.59
VII 27.22.53 Sun. 15.13.46
VIII 24.42.43 Venus 24.07.51 Pluto 10.39.16
VI 03.37.55 Mars 25.49.01 IX 26.24.49 Kethu. 19.52.30
Mercury 27.58.46

Birth Chart

of President Kennedy

Oct-Dec 2014
29 May 1917
Fortuna 06.44.49
15.00 hrs
IV 01.09.34 XI 04.41.12
42 N 20, 71 W 07 Moon 24.35.42

XII 03.37.55
Rahu. 19.52.30 III 26.24.49 II 24.42.43
Asc. 27.22.53

In this birth chart of Late President John F Kennedy, the 4th sign Sagittarius is intercepted and its opposite
sign is also intercepted. As a result of these interceptions, 7th and 8th bhavas are combined in the sign of
Pisces and its opposite in the sign of Virgo, 12th and the ascendant are combined.

The lord of the 10th intercepted sign is Mercury. Mercury is occupying the sign of Aries in the 8 th bhava.
And he is in conjunction with the 8th cusp and Mars, the lord of the 8th bhava is also occupying the 8th
bhava. This shows that JFK's intercepted bhava lord is occupying and in conjunction with the 8th cusp the
place of danger.

This sign is occupied by Kethu, who is the life giver of the past life. 4th sign in owned by Jupiter and he is
occupying the 8th bhava and occupying the sign of Taurus. The owner of the 3rd is Mars and is also in the
8th bhava, the next sign; Capricorn lord is occupying the sign of Cancer and the 10th bhava. Rahu, the life
giver of this life is occupying this sign.

Combined Pisces sign 6th and 7th lord is Jupiter and he is occupying the 8th bhava. Gemini and Sagittarius:
This will cause the native to the need to think about a variety of ideas and information, and to
communicate stability and attachment to material results may stifle intellectual curiosity and mental
stimulation, and fixed ideas may close the channels of communication.

Intercepted 4th house (same sign on 4th and 5th house cusps) gives us emotional power: use your past
experiences, your inheritance, and emotional strength, to be creative. Express your emotional power.

Intercepted 10th house (same sign on 10th gives us the power of influence: use your earned social
position for a social cause which can benefit from your professional skills.
-Intercepted Mercury (and the houses of Gemini the messenger, the mediator between the different parts
is not accessible. You have no access to the necessary information, you are unable to communicate. You
need to gather information from hidden, unusual sources, and find the freedom to communicate and learn
in your own way.

Intercepted Jupiter, lord of the houses, Sagittarius and Pisces is a great benefic, the guardian angel, needs
freedom to explore, experience, and discover the meaning behind the experience.

We will continue this with more details of comparisons of the birth charts for births and re births.


JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

{hdJuta^M. A- JVtrLc.

This is a WONDERFUL, EYE-OPENING article by Sri Silva ji!!


Sri Silva ji has shown very beautifully that Cuspal Displacements and Intercepted signs
have infallible interpretations of Karma from past births. In my KP Astrology Video
Courses, I have also touched upon the same concept.

In JASA Oct-Dec 2013 Issue Mr. Indramohan's Letter was published containing
valuable references of Western astrologer-authors who have also shown Karmic
influences from Intercepted Signs.

Unfortunately, some self-proclaimed KP reference givers on the internet say that

Intercepted signs do not show Karma simply because they suffer for senile debility.
Readers are advised to stay away from such misguidance givers.

Gfrllc*c.£€J*L A. ^4il£lc.Lc. try- cSTZi/tl J7£ ff

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

tfeiUng ~Olsa -Hlqhet ^ucaiien ftbteab

Shiv Kumar Joshi "Lala "

The author is a famous practicing astrologer from Kolkata, West Bengal. Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Acharya and
Jyotish Gana Shiromani from KP Stellar Astrological Research Institute (KPSARI), Chennai, TN.
..j v- r
Email: shivkumarioshi3@.gmail.com

Name & Sex of Querent: Mrs. Doshi, Female.

Question of Querent : When my Son will get VISA for higher education in France?
(Question asked by mother on behalf of her Son)

Horary (Seed) No. 1 (out of 249).

Date & Time of Judgment 12-09-2014, 09:20:52 Hrs. (1ST).
Place of Judgment Burrabazar (22N35, 88E21), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.


VISA is a document or instrument or a type of endorsement like letter or mark in passport showing that a
person is legally and conditionally authorized to enter or leave the territory for which it was issued. Thus
the role of 3rd house (document, letter, instrument etc.) 11th house (Success, Fulfillment of desire) and 12th
house (foreign travel through VISA) will come. And for the purpose of education, connection of 4
(education, preparation of examination, academic qualification, regular attendance in school or
college) or 9 (deep study and higher education) is required.


If the 3r CSL be the significator of 3 (VISA) or 12 (foreign travel through VISA) and connected with 4
(education), 9 (higher education) or 11 (success, gains, fulfillment of desire), getting VISA is assured in
the Joint Period (DBAS) of significators of 3, 11 and 12. (Note: The above rule may be crossed verified
with 11th CSL, if required).


Moon (Aries 07-31-49) is in star of Ketu and sub of Rahu. Moon is the occupant of 1, owner of 5.
Starlord Ketu is the occupant of 12. Ketu is in Pieces and aspected by Jupiter and thus acts an agent of
Jupiter. Jupiter is the occupant 4, owner of 10. Sublord Rahu, being untenanted, is the occupant of 6,
CSL of 8. Rahu conjoined to Mercury and thus acts an agent of Mercury. Mercury is the occupant of 6,
owner of 4. Moon signifies and/or in connection with the relevant houses. Hence query or urge is
JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014


(Note: It is always needed to change the Lagna connected to the person for which query has been
asked. In our case, question was asked by mother about her son. And accordingly chart rotate to 5th
cusp (Children) treated as Lagna for Son)

3rd Cusp (Libra 00-00-00): The sublord of 3rd cusp Mercury is in star of Moon and sub of Ketu.

• Planet Mercury is the occupant of 2, owner of 12.

• Starlord Moon is the occupant of 9, owner of 1.

• Sublord Ketu is the occupant of 8. Ketu is in Pieces and aspected by Jupiter and thus acts an
agent of Jupiter. Jupiter is the occupant 12, owner of 6.

V 3rd CSL Mercury signifies 9,12 and in connection with 12.

11th Cusp (Taurus 28-25-12): The sublord of 1 lh cusp Saturn is in star of Jupiter and sub of Mercury.

• Planet Saturn is the occupant of 3, owner of 7 and 8.

• Starlord Jupiter is the occupant 12, owner of 6.

• Sublord Mercury is having no stellar (positional) strength i.e. tenanted (there is planet in stars of
Mercury) and posited in star of Moon. Moon is the occupant of 9, owner of 1.

V 11th CSL Saturn signifies 3-12 and in connection with 9.

Planets signify the houses 3,11 and 12 in respect to A. B, C, D, E

A = Planets in Occupant's Stars

B = Occupant of Houses
C = Planets in Owner's Stars
D = House Owner
E = Planets Conjoined or Aspected (Vedic Aspects) by Significators (A), (B), (C), (D), (E)

Orbit of Influence

Sun and Moon : Within ± 8°

Rest Planets other than Nodes: Within ± 6°
Node Planets : Within Sign


Mars Sun, Venus

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

Sun, Venus Venus

Saturn Jupiter Jupiter, Ketu I Mercury

(*) Nodes are stronger than planets. Here Rahn acts an agent of Mercury. Thus importance should
be given to Rahn in place of Mercury. And accordingly Mercury may be replaced by Rahn, if

(A) Significators of 3 and 11: Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu (Mercury), Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Ketu.

Ruling Planets at the time of judgment

Lagna / Ascendant Venus - Rahu - Moon
Moon Mars - Ketu - Rahu
Day Lord Venus
Nodes Ketu

(B) Ruling Planets are: Moon, Mars, Venus, Rahu, Ketu.

(C) Common (fruitful) planets among (A) and (B): Moon, Mars, Venus, Rahu, Ketu.


Present Pasha Lord: Ketu (from 29-10-2010 to 29-09-2017)

Ketu is a common (fruitful) planet; hence Ketu Dasha is taken into consideration.

Present Bhukti Lord: Rahu (from 30-08-2013 to 17-09-20141

Rahu is a common (fruitful) planet; hence Rahu Dasha is taken into consideration.

Present Anthra Lord: Mars (from 26-08-2014 to 17-09-2014)

Mars is a common (fruitful) planet; hence Mars Anthra is taken into consideration.

Now in Dasha-Bhukti-Anthra of Ketu-Rahu-Mars (from DOJ to 17-09-2014), we have to select

Sookshma Lord among balance common planets i.e. Venus and Moon. Venus is a strong ruling planet as
it appeared twice and posited in star and sub of another ruling planet(s) (self-star and self-sub). Venus
signifies (in the star of occupant or owner) 3-11. So I will select Venus Sookshma (from DOJ to 14-09-
2014) in preference and thereafter after Moon Sookshma (from 15-09-2013 to 17-09-2013) as Moon (a
ruling planet) posited in star of Ketu (Dasha Lord) and sub of Rahu (Bhukti Lord).

Before I conclude to final outcomes, let me check the transit. Since the event will fructify within a
month from the date of judgment (12-09-2014), we have to check the transit of Moon


During the Joint Period of DBAS Ketu-Rahu-Mars-Venus (from DOJ to 14-09-2013), the transit of
Moon will be -

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
13-09-2013 (Friday) : In the star of Bharani (lord Venus - a strong ruling planet and RP Lagna
Signlord as well as the strong significator of 11th cusp in chart)

14-09-2014 (Saturday) : In the star of Kritika (lord Sun - a strong significator of 111 cusp in chart)

16-09-2014 (Monday) : In the star of Mrigashira (lord Mars - RP Moon Signlord)

My Opinion: Getting VISA for the purpose of higher education for your Son is promised during the Joint
Period of DBAS Ketu-Rahu-Mars-Venus (from DOJ to 14-09-2013).

Actual Fact: Prediction comes correct. The VISA has been issued on either 13-09-2014 or 14-09-2014 or
before; but due to closure of office hours on Saturday and Sunday, the confirmation status about the
issuance of VISA has been informed by the VISA authority to the issuer (querenfs son) via mail on 16-
09-2013 and subsequently the issuer (querenfs son) has personally collected the same from VISA
department on 17-09-2013.

Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK!

Pranaam to my Guruji Sri P. Roychaudhary and Sri Rajendra Kumar Vyas (Mamu Maharaj)!

Welcome Sim Shiv Kumar Joshi "Lala" ji to the family

. of JASA !! .

We are proud to have you among us and we wish you many years of

fruitful authorship for JASA in KP Astrology and other systems of

stellar astrology methods in enriching our 23000+ thousands of readers

across 120+ countries world that no other KP Magazines can boast of

CtUbah! A. JVfrLc.




These days in some KP training programs some people are wrongly propagating that
there is no need to rotate the horary chart and the same Ascendant from Horary Number
can be treated as one and same. THIS IS MISGUIDING PEOPLE DUE TO LACK OF

lVe Thanfe Sri fosfii n farsfiowma tfie correct met/iocf ofJCSJC

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014

Horary No. 1/249 Ref. #. bsq

S-un Risa; oEiiiiiAM San Set: PM Das? Days' aeS.SSD PuJJrtg FMncijl . t2/Si:p,'?0f4 03:20:51 AJH
PJiT.I/a" Y'jira.' DhmvA WtX'B'.' flaGLrn Piansfta.' Salav SARA BAZAR, KOtKATA, lrViSS7S£iVGAi, irtdts
Hoisry No.: 1 Planet WM — Sbl Sal Sset 1
Oyeston rWhen my Swi Vfill gol VtSAfor higfnsr educHhon in Francs? Lagna vm Ra >40 Me Sa
Mean BM Ke "Sa Ma Ve
| Day Lord: Venus |
I* CO.til.m X 02:13:83 XII 22:S3:&0 CuapaJ Positions
Me (j7:3t>l5 XI 2a.'i5:t2

KK 26 M-.n
Utr(R) 21:32:07
Name! Mra. DOSHI JU 16:26:59
Gender: Female 1 19:27;D4
Data: Frkfuy, ^Bep^OU Fo 27:54:56
lino: l»'20:52 AM SID: 88:06:36
Lat: 22:36.CG IN LOn. BElEI |DD E
Vlil 2i73S:19
ftefRf 11:S0:43
Ayanamia. 23" SJ' 13" Ve 14:80:27
[KP AyaframaaJ - dtackftje II 21:35:19
Sbu: Ai'.vtit, Pada 3 Su 25:21:04
Star Lord: Kelu
Raul! Aries Raul Lnld: Mure
Lagna; >gz'ineer Lagna Lord; Monn
Tilhi: Krahca Pakshs, Cbaluni
VII 19-27:84 Bill. DaSu:. KeiU 3 Y. D M. 17 D
Ra 20:50:11

NafRI i SalaWithai^ 1
V 2835:12 QMMI PABhedai2j
VI 22:53:59 Ma W-SHJ Sa 24:52:27 AshlnshafA f
PIRI 17:83:12 IV 02:13:83 III 00.00^0
Preirious^Curren t-Mexl Oasa- Petasis ■
ke Disa Kc Daea - - ■ Ve Diaa
a-£sp-2PHt - 2s^epH!0lI_ SS-Sejj-jai 8 - 294Sep-2fl 17 294Sep^0lT-2S-S«t203T
"kiciu' ^ig-Scp^iaio _ Kclu [S9'4iEP'2aiD VefiLis l29-Egp.2Q17 ~
v«iijr. ^ia-Fn^-wi i_ VuniK | gt-Fet>2dl1 29.,J3n-?5ai
Em 2S-Aiir-HD-i^ Sun j2t. Apjl70i2 _ UdC^I 2B-Jan-2022
Mo® 51 -Set 2C)TJ_ Mncn iPT^np-iOl^ Msm_ 3a-£^-2uS5
Mans Ja-flfir-adii _ rilirs. TP2LApr-2di3 _ Rnhu 3Q-N0V-2Q24
Rahu i 30-Auj-S 013 iRa)iu fitAug-MiS Jupiter 30-Nov-202? f Slgnllicators - Wejtera Wew |
Jupller 'jupitar J^7-5e£-2aH_ Saium 31-Jul-2WQ PJanet (A) LB) . . (C) CD)
"Saiurn: 2t-hiij.'2Di5 'Saliirn \ 24TALie-'20'l5_ Msituiy 3a-.Eep-2D33 .Silt 1 2 3,10, 11 2
Mercury^ aS-OcCSDie Mermry iDiOdJflia KdU jajul-2".3b
Ke-Ju ehuHi Kc-Si Bhuktl Mo i 9 1
KcRsBhulitl 4 7, 6
J[>Aug-3ni 3. ■ IT-Sep.Sim 17.Stp.2gi4 ■ 24-Am)r2giE 24-Aug.;PI5 3 A 5,9
Rshu ^O-Ai^SOi^ japitcc 11 j-Sep-j OH Sttlum Tdi-AirgiJOlB IZEH 9 2 1 12
Xip'hsr ae'-&!t-'aoi3_ Ssium rDTPtot2dl+ ' Mercury !a7-6ct-'aoi5 _ 2 El 12 a
ssiupi. Tie-beSapia Wercury ^E-Oac-jdli. , Kitu.. 23-bec-28l& Ei^H 1 i 3,. 10, 11 3, 15, 11
Mercury liS-Feb-JflU KaLu _ S1-Feb-20':S_ q'efiue- 1 S-jajvSSt 6 _] .Sa El 3 B 7. a
keiu Siiri Ji'^Mar-MIE J Rut 4 2^_ 4, 5, a
VtrfHJl Q 3"- U ay - 20- fi" Sun _"23i3i"pfJBT5 T2-Api2D1& Ke 2 ir~ 12
gipi 2;q9-Jui-S!^_J Mgpn_ _ S_ Mar^ 'i'SJ-lajtBtQ
Mpon iajul-JOl'! _ Msrs- . i4-Jm-20;i5_ REihu_ TOS-JumKif^ 'Ur' 2~ ' 8 12
Marp ag-iCi-abM RjhLi 1w^-2dl5 Juprinr Igg-A^ggiE . Ne "~2 7
Ke-Rs-Ua AntHara Ke-Ju-Ju Antharc Ke-Ju-Sa AnUtcra PI 1 5 3. 10, 11
a&^Aua^P" ■ JL'Stp-a®1!. 17-S<p-3ai4 .OI-Nnv-ZEH 81J{oy-Zgi4-S5.Der;-iMTrt Fo 2 1 12
Mara ""M-Aiip-aM Jupiter Il7-Sep-20H Saturn. 'dl-Hav-2014 ^iu 4iiVf el agam for: lite.
Rahu Vr-Ajq^DH SaLurn U^Sepjaqj^J Mercury "It b.Nuv-20l4_ ' tcetu acts aa agejif flor Afe, Ju.
^lupMer dii.Ai^-^QJA MerbUry tZ'j-Sep ZIG14 "ttelu TlT.Nair^g'iu (A)-PtaneKin QPrtipanfa jfnre
girl urn d2- _ FKeIU lD&Qc^idi4~ Vcfiua 21iNny-2D14_ (B) - Oceupsnt of Jrause
Mercury ^d6-&C3>-2()14 _ I Veniiis OMa-Bju _ Sun 3'g-Noy-2gi4
Keiii , 08-Sei>'a0"l4 LSun_. jy-dci-licii _ oa-Ds(>aoi4.. 1 fCJ - PUnera iYi Otvners alars
Veiiua ' lO-SefcSCH-l _ ykonn l^-ddi-SQ 14 Mara "07-bec-2014 (Di - Hbuaa Ormar
Sim m-sim-ad'n IMarc E3ibc("-adi4_ Rahu ig-bec-2gi_V
Mrran [Ts-jit 2014 Rahu afroci-adu Jupiter ia-Dat2"0iJl
+ mwepAs/HM-rf&MJ hflVfl-anypAp.-wro iq [fA'r^Jsn

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

Case Of <Onfant /HertaUlif: /( KTp /Analysis

Ranjit Singh Chawla

Ranjit Singh Chawla : Admin of KP Stellar Astrology Learners Group .

Jyotish Visharad from KP Stellar Astrological Research Institute, (KPSARI),Chennai, IN.
Nakshatra Shiromani from Sri Sunil Gondalekar,Editor Nakshatrache Dene.
Student of Sri Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit).
Student of Sri Kanak K. Bosmia Editor and Publisher KP-Ezine

Email: chawla91@gmail.com

Native DOB: 4-04-2014 TOB: 2.05 PM POB: Patna (Bihar)

eath is indicated only by the significators of Marakasthana and Badhakasthana." (KP Reader VI p
_L/155; also repeated in K. Hariharan: Longevity, 1986 pp 36 & 50)
Death comes during the conjoined Dasa period of significators of primarily Badhaka (11 or 9 or 7),
Maraka (2, 7), Moksha (12), along with terminal or trigonal houses 4 = end of everything including life, 8
= accident, danger to life, and 12= end of lie especially in serious accidents or unnatural death and in
some cases also 10 = retirement from this world or life and 6 = injury in accident). Badhaka house is 11th
for moving sign Asc. 9th for fixed sign and 7th for common sign according to the cusp position in the
Placidus Bhava chart, not Rasi chart.

Hints: ( Further lights on Nakshatra Chintamani by C.R. Bhatt p 25)

1. If the Asc. CSL (in the star of the Occupant or owner) of badhaka and the Maraka houses, it is not
a good sign for long life.

2. Likewise consider the sublord of 3rd and 8th cusp also.

3. The houses 1, 8 and 3 are for longevity. So the houses 12, 2 & 7 which are 12th from 1, 3, and 8
are Maraka houses (death dealing houses)

4. The house 11 is badhaka (harmful to life) to those born in movable signs as their ascendant; 9th
for those bom in fixed signs and the 7th for those bom in common signs.

5. The badhaka houses are more harmful than the maraka houses. So for death consider first the
badhaka house and then the maraka house. Saturn is the chief governor of longevity.

6. There is danger to life during the joint period of significator of the badhaka and maraka houses.

7. Suppose the joint mlers of ascendant or the 8th or 12th cusp be significator of the badhaka and the
maraka houses and the native is bom during the joint period of these mlers, then their joint period
is very critical for life.

"When Saturn, Rahu and Ketu simultaneously transit in the stars and subs of badhaka and maraka
significators in the birth map during a particular year the native is likely to suffer from serious sickness"-
(Further Lights on Nakshatra Chintamani by Chandrakant. R. Bhatt p 212)
JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014

To pinpoint an event transits should be seen in the following manner (The rule of three in KP
Transit by Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit) as per Professional Video course:

On the day of the event, at least any 3 Fruitful significators (or even Effective signifrcators) of the event
related houses (which may or may not also be the DBA lords) will be found to:
1. Conjoin in the same rashi and house in tight orb of within 3 degree or
2. Individually or mutually aspect each other or
3. Occupy the event related houses or
4. Give rashi aspect to the event related houses or
5. Conjoin on their own or mutual Natal positions in a tight orb of within 3 degree.

After one of the above conditions is fulfilled the event can take place at any given moment.

Lagna: Cancer - Movable sign (11 house is the Badhaka House)

Cusp: Ascendant: Cancer (27:11:26) Moon-Mercury-Jupiter: The sublord of 1st cusp is Jupiter.
Jupiter in star Rahu and sub of Sun. Jupiter occupant of 11 owns 6-9. Star lord Rahu occupant 3
Conj. Saturn* occupant of 4 owner 7- 8 No planet in the star of Saturn and Saturn is CSL of 2-8
Sublord Sun occupant of 8 owner 2 .

Thus 1st Cusp sublord is significator of 2, (maraka) 7 (Maraka) , 3, 4 (end of everything) ,8

(chronic disease) and connected to ll(badhaka), 6 (disease),9, 8,2(maraka), Rahu & Sun. So not a
good sign for longevity.

Cusp: Third: Virgo (22:44:35) Mercury-Moon-Sun: The sublord of 3rd cusp is Sun. Sun* is in star of
Mercury in sub of Venus. Sun occupant of 8, owner 2. No planet is star of Sun and Sun is CSL 3. Star
Lord Mercury occupant 8, owner 3-12. Sublord Venus* occupant 7 owner 4-11. No planet in the star of
Venus and Venus is CSL 12.

3rd CSL is significator of 8, 3,12 (Moksha-end of life) and connected to 8-3-4 (end of everything)-! 1
(Badhaka)-2 (Maraka)-12 (Moksha/ hospitalization)

Cusp: Eight: Aquarius (23:5:17) Saturn-Jupiter-Saturn: The sublord of 8th cusp is Saturn. Saturn* is
in star of Jupiter and in sub of Venus. Saturn* occupant of 4 owner 7- 8 No planet in the star of Saturn
and Saturn is CSL of 2-8. Star lord Jupiter occupant of 11, owns 6-9. Sublord Venus* occupant 7 owner
4-11. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL 12.

8th CSL is significator of 11 (badhaka)-6(disease)-9 and connected to 4(end of everything)-7

(maraka)-8-2(maraka)-4 (end of everything)-ll(badhaka)-12(Moksha), Jupiter and Venus

Cusp : 12th Gemini (28: 1:33) : Mercury-Jupiter-Venus. The sublord of 12th cusp is Venus. Venus is
in the Star of Mars and sub of Venus.

Venus* occupant 7 owner 4-11. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL 12. Star lord Mars is
occupant of 3 and owner 5-10. Venus sublord as discussed.

12th Cusp sublord signifies 3-5-10 and connected to 4,7,11,12. (all Badhaka, Maraka & Moksha)

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
KSK has also insisted to check the RP

RP: TOJ: 8:15:49 DOJ: 7-04-14 POJ: Sambalpur, Orissa (21-27/83-58)

Asc: Venus-Jupiter-Satum (Rahu)
Moon: Mercury-Jupiter-Venus
Day Lord Moon

All the Joint Periods were present in the RP, so I decided to judge the running Period.

Now let us judge the Joint periods:

Mahadasa Moon; Moon 10(retirement from this worldly life) (1), in own star Moon 10(1) in sub
Saturn*4(7, 8) [2, 8]. So Moon signifies 10, 1 and connected to 2, 7 Maraka, 8, 4 (end of everything).

Saturn Antara: Saturn* 4(7,8) [2,8] in Star Jupiter 1 l(6,9)in sub Venus* 7(4,11)[12]
Saturn signifies 1 l(badhaka), 9 and connected to 4(end of everything)2,7 (maraka)8, 1 l(badhaka)12
(Moksha / hospitalization).

Saturn 4(end of everything) 2-7(Maraka) 8 (chronic disease & defect) Antara was selected as it was in
Star Jupiter 11 (badhaka), 6 (diseases) 9 (cure) in sub Venus 7(Maraka), 11 (badhaka) 4(end of
everything, graveyard) 12 (Moksha/) (all significators of death)

Pratyantara Moon as discussed above.

Now Sookshma 6th April to 9th April Ketu

Ketu 9 aspected by Mars 3(5, 10) -Ketu 3, 5, 10-Mars 3,5,10. 5th & 9th house some relief

After Ketu -Venus * (From 9th April to 17th april,2014} 4(7,11) in star Mars 3(5,10) in sub Venus
4(7,11) (all except 5 for causes of death). As we know sub is stronger than star, and the sub signifies 4
(end of everything) 7 (Maraka) & 11 (Badhaka)

As per rule "When Saturn, Rahu and Ketu simultaneously transit in the stars and subs of badhaka and
maraka significators in the birth map during a particular year the native is likely to suffer from serious
sickness"- (Further Lights on Nakshatra Chintamani by Chandrakant. R. Bhatt p 212).

I checked the transit of Saturn which was in the star Jupiter 11 (6,9)and sub of Venus 4 (7,11) on 7-04-
14 and the position will remain the same between 9th April till 17th April.

The transit of Rahu was at time in star of Mars-Sun up to 12-04-14 and its sub will change to Venus from
13-04-14 till 24-05-14. The sub Venus was more dangerous than the sub of Sun as discussed above.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
I then checked the position of Ketu and at that time Ketu was in star of Ketu and in sub of Mars. On 15-
04-14 and will change its position by being in the Star of Ketu and sub of Moon.
Moon 1(10) in star of Moon 1(10) in sub Saturn 4(7, 8) {2, 8} gave will the clue that that period will
cause death of the native.

Then I checked the transit for the date 15-04-14 and onwards. On 17-04-14 ;

Moon will transit in the star of Jupiter and sub of Rahu/ Venus will transitStar of Rahu and in sub of
Moon / Saturn in star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. All significators of death as discussed above.

The rule of three also worked:

Sun & Ketu Conjoined within a orb of 1.27 and Saturn & Moon Conjoined within an orb of 1.50.

When Saturn, Rahu and Ketu simultaneously transit in the stars and subs of badhaka and maraka
significators in the birth map during a particular year the native is likely to suffer from serious sickness.
Thus on 17th the transits of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu coincided in their influence and also in the subs of the
above significators. The native was sent to ICU on 7-04-14 and expired on 17-04-14.

So as per my Judgment Moon-Satum-Moon- Venus (9th April 14 till 17th April, 14) will be bad for


Rajesh Pandey (the queerest) replied on 18 April

Just to update there is sad news the concern died yesterday ...as predicted by Ranjit ji between 9-17

Welcome Shri Ranjit Singh Chawla ji to the family of

. JASA!!

We are proud to have you among us and we wish you many years of

fruitful authorship for JASA in KP Astrology and other systems of

stellar astrology methods in enriching our 23000+ thousands of readers

across 120+ countries world that no other KP Magazines can boast of

CditxrH. A. ATtrLc.

Our Author Sri Chawla ji has upheld THE CORRECT METHOD OF KP AS PER

IVe iHank Sri C/iawJa fi for sfarwina tfe correct metfod'ofSCSJC

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
airth Chart Report
Name: ICO
Bifih Oats: fwiayApiiroi 2014 02:05 00 PM; Place- Peine, Bihar, Indie. 35:7:0 E, 25:30:0 N, TZene; 5.5
Gastincj. tilonday April 07 SOI 4 07:57:17 Pfrt Sarrfba/pur, Or/ssa, India, SJ Sfl, Q £, 21:27:0 74, TZona. 5,5
KPfNenj Ayartamsftd: 23:57:53 SUteraal Tims: 3:5:43
IJ< 71.44:3:5 Ki3 5:;i.^1 Mo 1 ,r:D:4 Ju
Su 20:31:52 X 24:563$ XJ 27:12:17 XII 24.1:33
^f0"^ Cn:27Ll1:: Aari[eBlia[il]
L,in!a:S;1T P.Phalgimlia]
TJI Vh33"44:afi
Ve d:26:&3 Ll-SJiStii? VirhaHiutJ]
5i;;S7;l!;l7 XV*5l5[*l
ICU ■JSI 5g;!5;l:K U.Aa-thUittm
DiiApr^ClUGS-D'&iGG PM Cp:!7r11:I5 DnaplaWati]
Pain a Aq:?3:5;17 P.BJiaidfJtl]
Vfc 27:11:26 ^:7:0 Eri2S;H;0 H JESS
TZcne: 3,S m
KP(New^ Ayanamsha
iraL'^J PI
IV124:56:29 T* 17;Q:4
Ra 5:21:21

Li 23:29:0 ViJtohlijEJ]
LI &:21;ai
Ar 5:21:31 AShrtlraifS]
IF 33:6:17 XII 3a; 1:3* [Jfmshoitsri Dasha: Moon Matratiasha Balance: 4 years/S
JU 17rf7Jl> tnunths/5Q days

119 32^4:35 Lagnii 37:11:2B XI 27:12:17

FOKJSJB 6 2 Md 17:0:4
HaiRi 26:^1:4

Ra52i:zi H24;5L£a
IV24K:Z9 KflS'ZfZI
S^RJ 2ft:23:D Jupttgr faggl 29mj. Saturn [aqg: ASyi;B mj . MetclrrYjagD:. 64 jUijt in]
Jupift-r j 03.HjanB3Q^4 fialurpi l_03-Jar!"M60 Mercury
" Sabirn L2D:Felt2D4a' ""Mereurv _ 03-3^-2063 Kku"" ' r OI^Mav-MSl'
htcrgurv I Ci^Srp^O^S 1S-$«p^flES V^nug. i_3*i1ay-Jfle2
M-DM-zogofvenija Z5-oct:ZMS ~3un' I SWular^OBi
Venus Sun 24>Dei-2t!S3 Moon | tIJeb-SMS
V 27! 12:17 1X2244:35 Sun [ : toon DEJ3«-2ara Uprp ! fl4-lu|-ag&7
27:11:26 j~M-Hav-5CiB5 Mara 07^1111-2072. _RaJLju L®|jkl-20Ba.
MhG:^2:-0- Jfars I Pi-Stp-SO^ ftaHn l£Aug'ig?J ^uprr^r !_1 WPH'SPSI
Pahu g-i 057 jy_ pittr Law j i :2 a-74 "satLi'rni a^pr-zusa.
Ktfiu [JG i7lfii_y^SjTi"l VcntjS fagoi gfl y/S ml Sun [nqg: IDS VJ3 irij_
| Kelu 0!i>jjn-2'0B« Venus O^Jari-SIOS' Sun . 04-Jan-<±i23
V 23:1:33 Ve-iXSAi Venua "ST-Mny-aoae "suh" " O^May'-ZIDe "Moon j/SWipr-ZtZS
V1IF23:5:17 "Sun '3l'-jid-2M7 >'fAoon "0^May-i1Q7 Mars" : 2ai&c|-2123'
"&5-D0C'2O37.' rAars _R5.1H1'
Jteri .DI^Hlir2MS.:_RaiiU pB-Maj^ilO .'Jiijfiter L 21 Jan-it JE
_FLahLi OS-Dec-SCiflS Jiipirter QS-Marilli _Sjturn i_ 164,Jaw«2!i3S
.Jupller f"zz-bec'-Z0i'9a|"aaHir'n 'o£no£211 5| Mercury _"2W>c«-Z]Z6'
Saturn SB-NPV^StbQ Marcury O^Jan-'JI'jS -Kriu" ' . 2J
" Wareurv roe~Jjin-illHr Keju " rOH-Noy-Ilill Vtrius tn Jon-stZH
Pancha naa DQtafte Ruling Planets - Casting Time
P?ksFin 5h.iH(|flP3k&l»n Lagna: bs fin tie [Sgi, Sd, sl) : Mvwi tlf Ju K« ISgl, $LJ : 0*/ Lofd; r*o
■fut ■.-tnanjmimi^i^itiAHi.ii.tii In Staruf Rttroarailt PlanEla: Ha Rs
mmrim™™ In Sub orRelra^rada Planati: Ka
HOTimt [3
Ayi^hniTin 1^,51% ramDlnlii LECEND:
ESn Type A : In Slat or ciijcupant/B
KatJkfl Type B: Oceupanlrt
Vrlaltabha Type C 1, In Siar nf □"■inen's
Suh Rftfrllme FlfeetdV Adllt D4 2Q14 Q5:33:24AM Type D : Owner
Sun E-cD Time luucxlila TYP*
h £ r Ccinnccted la A, &, C « 0
Ra^lklJ ;; |n d^vji Star
B : No PSanels k> 5tnrE
Gulfta Kaaliiii i wuiMjim jremamm +■ l In Dffn Sub
[t]: Empty cuap
RaPiU ii ji^ertt IW. Ju Ha Ve
KelU tS fiyeiitfar: Ha 5a Ke

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
frOitl /Hy "bauqhle.? (Zleat the. T^Hoing T,csi? - /{ KTj) /knaL^sis

G. Sadasivan

Mr. Sadasivan, BE, MBA, is a Manager in a Navaratna Oil PSU of India and is an ardent practitioner of KP
astrology and 4 Step Theory. He is trained in KP astrology by the illustrious son of KSK, Sri K. Hariharan
and was awarded the title Jyotisha Visharath and KP Horaratna. He was also awarded the title of
Nakshatira Shiromani by the inventor of the 4 Step Theory, Dr. Sunil Gondhlekar for mastering 4 Step

Email: sadasivan g@vahoo.com

On 3rd evening my assistant asked me at when I was in my Office " Tomorrow my daughter has
driving test. Will she clear the test ".

I asked her to give a Horary Number after praying her Ishta devatha . She gave me No 97 .

I wanted to know whether her query is genuine or not.

Signification of Moon: Moon is lord of 12th house placed in 5th house. She fears that her daughter may
not pass the test. Moon is in the star of Sun .Sun is the lord of 1 in 1 . Moon is in the sub of Venus placed
in the first house. Venus is the lord of 3 ( courage, license ) and 10th house . Moon is aspected by Jupiter
. Jupiter is lord of 5 and 8 in 12 th house. It all indicates that fear of losing is prevailing in her mind .

KP Rule for judgement: KP rule for winning test is 1 lesl should signify 11 ,1,3 and not signify 5
,8,12 . Saturn should not be in RP .

With the above rule, I casually looked at my RPS. Saturn was in RP.

Since the daughter is her second child, I rotated the chart to the 7th house as 7th house indicates second

The rotated chart is given below. I checked the 11th CSL .

The 11th CSL is the mysterious Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Mars and sub of Rahu . Rahu is in 8th house.
Rahu is conjunct with Venus and Sun. Sun is the lord of 7 in 7 bordering 8 th house. Venus is the lord of
4 and 9 placed in 7. Rahu represents Mercury. Mercury is the lord of 5 and 8 placed in 8. Star lord
Mars is placed in the 9th house bordering 10th house and is the lord of 3 and 10 . Sublord Rahu has been
explained as before .

Sub lord Rahu is in 8th house . Star lord indicates 10 negating 11 the house of success .

DBAS is that of SurWen/Moon/Ketu . Sookshma lord Ketu is in star of Mercury and sub of Rahu .
Merucry is lord of 5 and 8 placed in 8. Rahu as seen above indicates 5,7,8 .

Hence I told her "Sorry Madam , Your daughter will do well but in the end she would lose ". I took a
promise that she should not convey her to her daughter as that would affect her. She agreed.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
Next day, I called her when she said that I was right. Her daughter did well but in the end, while she was
taking a turn , one the wheels hit one of the stands and the same was captured in the camera . Hence she
did not get the license.

My pranams to Guruji KSK and Dr Andrew Dutta .

HfLitaH. A. JVcrLc.

Our esteemed Author Sri Sadasivan ji has upheld THE CORRECT METHOD OF

IVe 7fian& Sri Sadasivan n far showing t/ie correct method'ofJCSJC

Oct-Dec 2014

Rasi Chart (Nirayan)

X&T HO 43" -13' III 19-39' 5" FOR KPJS'.S" |v fa'M'aa1

ASC ipe'.M" VI IT5 SB" IT Transit

jlF'i Rotated Ctiart-Vll tn Moum so Aot, jgp jpjp-fr
Daughter nr ram At 05:26:13 PMon
Dale: 3 Oeiobsf, 201^. Fflaaj 3 October 2014.
Timsofctart: 17:36; t tSiJT.DJ-JO r.-V Trensii Asceodeni
Korery Queslien Ne.: 97 ajS" .2' 57.35"
XII t7eM'.19* Piece- CALICUT VII l^e'iOr'
MON 0*24'S" KP Mew Ayanamsa : 23° SB" 22" iVEH SUH
h - RAH
Local: Tim: 17: i;20
SlSefeal Tims: 17: 43:43

| xi ta^jfivaa- ;x ig'ao14" rwci sat aa^riT 1 TmAin 2° 59' 22' R UI i n g P la n ets: Red^STLtR). Blue »>S6L( R). Magerta= ^bcxh retro.
ViAS 19=27'si- IX l^SSrS" VEN' lO'as'U"
-J MER.I^IS'JO" SUN 0 , Char! Day Moon Mooa ETtlW!! Nodes
VII] ta 27 14- Type LGnd SgnL St.L
i ran&it Ayanamsa: 23: SB; 22 (Transil Luialion-NalaJ)
Vimshottari Dasa Naiai Longltuda: IS* SO' 0" E, Latitude: 11" 1Z OTJ
BslSftCQ of BUN On tfr$ d&y of Ouofy Is
0 years, 8 months and 20 days
Details of present dasa combinaSons Planets and Cusps
K-1D-14 - SUH-VEN-MCK-StET -IH-lO-14
M-10-14 - 3UN-VE>J-blOM-VEN -DB-ID-H Planets/ S.Sub iNaVSmsa | Sigrtif&Mtore (SubLord of)
M-10-14 - SUN-VEN-MW-SUM-10-10-14 Cusps LOi '
10-10-14 - SUN-VEN-hlRS-MAI? -11-10-14 SUN 2- T^Liru:;
11-i 0-i A - SUN-ven-MAS-RAH -IS^IO-H MON 12- Prauea
IS-10-14 -SUN-VEN-MAR-JUP -17-10-14 MAR 9- Sp^lUsriiK IPTCTT^
17.10-14 - SUN.VEJJ-MAR-5AT -31-10-14 MER
21-1044 - SUN-VEW-MAR-MEH .24-10-14 JUP 10- CfiDrimmr 6 5 2 11
24-10-14 - SUN-VEW.MAR.KEj -25-10-14.
23-10-14 - SUN-VEN-MAR-YSN -29-10-14 VEN" 1' Ari«
29-10-14 . SUN-VEN-MAR-SUH -30-10-14 SAT" VtilM FPTM 3- Cpnmini & & 1t 2 1 \2
20.10-14 . SUN-VEtJ MAFt-MQM - 31 -10-14 RAH UldJnSMbHWItjjM S-- LSD 9 0 3 10 < III VII XI
31-10-14 . SUN-VEtJ.RAH RAI-l -09-11-14 KET" -'TremiW!B & 2 5
(J9-11-U - SUN-VEtJ-RAH-JUP -16-11-14 FdrlUha IJ W 1-Aikvs
15-11-14 . SUN.VEN-RAH-SAT -25-11-14 ASC
25-11-14 - SUN.VEJJ.RAH.MEfi .02.12-14 KET EAT J'J?
02-12.14 . SUN-VEtJ.RAH.KET -06.12-14 FOR RAH MAR
06-12-14 - SUN-VEtJ-RAH-VEN -15-12-14 jUIEUEm
15-12-14 - SUN.VEN-RAH-5 JN -17-12-14 IBIdiWUMMUIdJ VEN
17-12-14 - SUN-VEtJ-RAH-MCHJ -22-12-14 MAR JUP KET UE3
22*12-14 -EUN-VEtJ.RAH.MAFt-25-12-14. 5AT JUP VEN SUN MON
25-12-14 . SUN-VEJJ-JUP-JLIP -01-01-15 MON SUM MOW SUN
06-01-15 - SUN-VEWJUP-MER -15-01-15 ISldf1 RAH |I'm JUP RAH SAT MAR VFhJ
15-01-15 - SUN-VEJJJUP-KET -15-01-15 VEN VEN rah r.lAn
(fur Planet and Cusps tabla) Rahur'Mj also feprea&nts; "HouBEa - fl 6 BJid Planet . SUN URA MAR MER
S ■ The Planet in self Star KtLuilM) also rtp^sijnts:- HouS#S-Z1l6 sndFlaneta- URA JUFSUN MER JUP
* - Has na olanet in Its Star

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

I/O ho toiU he. the next (Zhiefi /Hiniste? efi [-amU /^abu - /4 KTj)


G. Sadasivan

Mr. Sadasivan, BE, MBA, is a Manager in a Navaratna Oil PSU of India and is an ardent practitioner of KP
astrology and 4 Step Theory. He is trained in KP astrology by the illustrious son of KSK, Sri K. Hariharan
and was awarded the title Jyotisha Visharath and KP Horaratna. He was also awarded the title of
Nakshatira Shiromani by the inventor of the 4 Step Theory, Dr. Sunil Gondhlekar for mastering 4 Step

Email: sadasivan g@vahoo.com

On 28th September afternoon, I was watching the Times Now Channel when the channel was
discussing about the possibilities of the next Chief Minister ofTamilnadu .

Times Now was displaying the various possibilities and they were

1 .Shri Navneethkrishnan
2. Smt Sheela Balakrishnan
3. O.Paneerselvam
4. Others

I just thought of cracking this puzzle by the help of Ruling Planets .

I just allotted numbers to the above personalities in the following manner .

1 OO-Paneerselvam
200- None of the above

After allotting the numbers , I made the time chart at 2.04.55 pm which is attached

RPs are

Sun-Asc Star Lord

Satum-Asc Sign lord

Jupiter-Moon starlord

Venus-Moon sign lord

Sun-Day lord

Article received on 5th October 2014 at 4:16 pm
JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
Then I started comparing the Sign/Star and Sub for each Number with the RPs at the time of preparing
the Time chart.

No 50 is in Mer Sign Rah Star and Mer Sub -Not matching with RPS. Hence rejected
No 100 is in Sun sign Yen star and Mer Sub - SUN AND Venus are there in RPs. Hence OK
No 150 is in Mars sign Sat star and Mer Sub — Mars and Mer not there in RPs . No chance
200 is in Sat sign Moon star and Mer sub - Moon and Mer not there in RPs .No chance

As No 100 is matching with the RPS, I predicted that Shri O Paneerselvam will be the next CM.

Actual fact: Prediction came true .At 4.45 PM or so , Times Now declared that Shri O.Paneerselvam is
the next CM of Tamilnadu

HdlixrH. A. JVfrtc.

IVe ?7uzn£ Sri Sadastvan n for sfiowina tfe metfocf ofcfoosi

afternatives tfirouaf SCT Jlstrofaam

SimiCar met hods are shown in my video course on HuCing TCanets

Oct-Dec 2014

Rasi Chart (Nirayan)

RET SS' '^0 hV 9*51^ hF VI il°2$rJ7-
URA 20° 55' 2S" IP ''j
ill t iarw..

FOR is®was- VII I' lft1 14- Transit
NEP ir SS' ZE.-'tR ,VKO WIU. BE THE CM OF TAtfItfTA JUP 21123' 2&°
ii DsIls; 2-5- ^ptflrnitinr, ^1-, Synriij-y At 02:03:30 PM en
T*rr®i>f chart: 14: 4: G ^+09:30 28 Eeptemhe/ 2314.
V T ransit Ascendant
Place - CALICUT 271® 2B' BA^'T
fl KP Pew Ayanemee : 23° W Z? VIII y 16' 49"
ASC 1 1F 14"
Lci-al Time: 13: 3&: 14 MER SAT VEN SUN
SidEfeal Time: 14:. 6: 2B /'V - WON RAH

IPLU i17°, 1 jSD" I MAR 15° 52' D" MOM 2a°1fl"1- VEN H'S' 52f RuEing :P[anets;Red-^STL(R},B9uo-^SBE.(R}1Meg«nla->bcith retro,
■mi 4 s9 3r ■xi 1
SAT 20*47' 7* 1 H 7°4#59''
. X ®°ES"4Br (MCt SUN 11°, 10'l 39" M-son Ase Asc Ase
MER t°. it1: E4° RAH 2F SB lDr st.l. SqnL St L SubL
Vimshottori Dasa Transit Ayenamaa:. 23: SS: 21 (Transit Iccation'Matal)
Natal Longiluda: 73® 60' 0" E, La1i!ude: 11" 12' [TN
Dasa Balance of JUP at tiffffi fc
e yiears, 0 monififrs and 1 days
□stalls of present dasa eombinalicns Planets and Cusps
15.094 4 - JUP-VEN-SATJUP .DE40-14
05-10-14 - JUP-VgNJ/EA-MER -25-10-14 PlanolsV Wavamsa I Stgnificators (SubLcird of)
2540-14 . JUP-VErf.IMEft-KET .024144 Cusps Lord i Lord
02-114 4 . JUP-VEN-MEK-VEN -254144 3LIN MON MAR RA_H 1-AriM MO 9 7 6
25-11-14 - JUP-VEM^Efl-SUtJ -02-12-14 MON VEN : JUP VEN SAT 8-Seinini 7 10 3 121VIII XII
02-1244 -JUP-VENJAERA40f4 - 13-1244 MAR MAR : SAT JUP VEN B-Scnrbio IfO 11 2 1 4 (VII
18-1244 - JUP-VEM-ME-R-MAR -21-12-14 MER VEN IMAR MON MER. IS- Scorokj Ml S 4 6
21-1244 -JUP-VEP4WEH4R.AH -11-01-15 JUP 'MER YEN KET ip-cw™™ 3 7 6 3 12M X
11-01-15 -JUP-VEN-tfER-JuP -29-01-15
29-01-15 -JUP-VEN-WER-SAT -2M2-15 VEN1 MER .SUN SAT SUN 11 * A-Lt^EirluB 9 6 5 10 f II V VI IX XI
2M2-15 -JUP-VEN-KET-KET -24-02-15 SAT nm i JUP KET |JUP 12- Taurus |7 10 12 3 1 2 ( IV >
24-02-15 -JUP-VEN-i'lET-VEN -05-05-15 RAH" EBU ■MAR RAH MOO 5- Leo 119 4
0500-15 -JUP-VEM-KET-SUN -05415.15 KET JUP 1ITilRf RAH I MOO n-AwraHus I 3 3 $
0503-15 - JUP-VEP-KET'-MON -13.03-15 FaiUna mm i RAH 12- Pteeei
1303-15 -JLlP-VEP-KET-MAR -15-03-15 ASC mm ' SUN JUP JUP MAR SAT
15.03.15 - JUP-VEH.KET-RAH .24-0345 SAT : MAR VEN JUP
01-04-15 -JUP-VEN-KET-SAT -10-04-15
10-04-15 - JUP-VEP-KET-MgR -15-04-15 ■ KET SAT MER RAH MAR
10-04-15 - JUP-SUN-SUN-MON -20-04-15 iraga MAR YEN JUP L'RA KET MER
204)445 -JUP-SUN-SUN-MAR -2S-04-15 MON : JUP MAR satmonjus SUN MON
21-04-15 -JUP-SUN-SUN-RAH -2804-15 KET Ptu VfN VfiN SUN
(for Planet and Cusps table) RahLj{M) also repnasanlsi-Houtrss - 9 5 a/id Planets - MER URA MAR MER
#-The Planet In self Star KetuiM)olso repnesenls-.J-ldusei-ZtZ 7 and Planet?-- URA JUP MCR JUP
* - Has no planet in its Star
Astrologer's notes

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014


I sincereCy hope and trust that my system (SteCCar JAstroCogy 'Based on Naadi TrincipCes) ■wiCC
Benefit the readers in predictions and interpretations of the ^Horoscopes to a Carge extent to
accuracy andprediction.
~ Meena 2

Meena2 was a Yug Rishi who revived and rejuvenated the great traditions founded by Varahamihira, Satyacharya
and other preachers or Pravarthakas of astrology. Meena 2 Naadi system is not a completely new. This was being
practiced by some of the greatest astrologers in early 1940s. The concepts traditionally told by them were modified
by Meena 2 by applying stellar principles coupled or blended with Naadi sutras. His inventions in applicability of
Sutras or principles for day-to-day use are very well appreciated by followers of Stellar Astrology in particular.
Meena 2 has brought out excellent predictive tools to interpret natal and horary charts. With proper instruction and
a reasonable amount of effort, anyone can leam to cast a horoscope and read it so that it becomes a guide to
important affairs of life.

r In r In

Oct-Dec 2014

-HUjlxet ^tUbl&s /46tUfa?' /tieetta 2 flaabi ^ystom

Jyothida Thendral Mrs. R . Vijayalakshmi

Mrs R Vijayalakshmi is a practicing Naadi astrologer from Barur Dharmapuri Dt.TN. Did her M.A.
(astrology) from Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad. She is one of the founder trustees of JKR
Astro research foundation, Secunderabad. She participated in many Astro conferences and seminars and
delivered talk on importance of stellar astrology. She has honorary titles like Jyothida Thendral, Jyothida
Ratna, etc.,. She is a resource person to Department of Astrology, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu. She
had contributed number of articles in Tamil astrology magazines. She is a keen follower of Naadi Jyothisa of
Meena 2 system and also disciple of Dr.NVRA Raja Jr.Meena2.


I had earlier written serial of articles based on Jeeva and Sareera method. Jeeva and Sareera planets are
sensitive in nature and they will be helpful in arriving timing of events. Dr.NVRA Raja explained in
detail on arriving timing of events in his work Stellar Effects in Astrology-Jeeva and Sareera. As you all
know that everyone wants to know, is there any possibility of going abroad for higher studies, job or on
pleasure trips ,etc., This article based on the principle given by Dr.NVRA Raja on how to arrive timing of
events on foreign travel.

Rule: If 3rd, 9th and 12th lords Jeeva and Sareera planets having connections with DBA then the native
may go abroad. If the connection linked with the Mercury further studies, linked with the Venus
pleasure trip and these links have connection with 6th house and also Rahu and Saturn then trip for
medical treatment etc., If Jeeva and Sareera planets of 11th house also linked to DBA, then the trip to
abroad will be successful. Dr. NVRA Raja.

Male, Date of birth: 19.01.1990. 04.13Pm at Chennai, Tamil Nadu.


RA E=r.a:iD3'Sat9
Mifeflc cT
,rr N-=rlItrU 0 A

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
Name Ret Sign Degrees Star Qtr.
Ascendant Gemini ir 11, Ardra 2
O Sun Capricorn 5° 22' Uttarashadha 3
3) Moon Libra 11- 26' Swati 2
t? Mars Scorpio 29° 0' Jyestha 4
^ Mercury R Sagittarius 16° 0' Purvashadha 1
^Jupiter R Gemini 9° 11' Ardra 1
9 Venus R Capricorn 4° 33' Uttarashadha 3
Saturn Sagittarius 24° 3' Purvashadha 4
S3 Rahu Capricorn 22= 55' Shravan 4
*5 Ketu Cancer 22° 55' Ashlesha 2


3rd lord Sun is in the star of Sun, Sun has become Jeeva planet of 3rd house. Jeeva planet Sun is in its own
star and hence posited house lord Saturn has become Sareera planet.

9th lord Saturn is in the star of Venus, Venus has become Jeeva planet of 9th house, Jeeva planet Venus is
in the star of Sun. Hence Sun has become the Sareera planet of 9th house.

12th lord Venus in the star of Sun, Sun has become Jeeva planet. Jeeva planet Sun is in its own star and
hence posited house lord Saturn has become Sareera planet.

Jeeva Sareera

3rd Sun Saturn

9th Venus Sun
12* Sun Saturn
Mercury Venus Sun
11th house (Mer)Saturn Venus

Transit Chart: Left for higher studies during August 2013. Running Dasa at the time of Foreign trip Dasa
Jupiter/Bukthi Moon/Anthara Saturn 29-6-2013 to 16-9-2013

Name Ret Sign Degrees Star Qtr

O Sun Cancer 23° 26' Ashlesha 3

3 Moon Leo 2S° 1T Uttaraphalgun 1
d" Mars Gemini 24° 1T Punarvasu 2
S Mercury Cancer 8° 25' Pushya 2
^Jupiter Gemini 15° 46' Ardra 3
SVenus Leo 27° 58' Uttaraphalgun 1
Fi Saturn Libra 11° 37' Swati 2
S3 Rahu Libra 17° 50' Swati 4
& Ketu Aries 17° 50' Bharani 2:

When he got the Visa for higher studies in foreign country, the native was running Jupiter dasa, Moon
bhukthi, Saturn anthara from 29.06.2013 to 16.09.2013. Dasa lord Jupiter is transiting in Aridra
nakashatra whose lord is Rahu. Sanivath Rahu, hence we can take it as if Jupiter is transiting in Saturn's
star. Dasa lord Jupiter is transiting over the natal Jupiter and aspecting the Sareera planet Saturn of 3rd and

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
12 house posited in Sagittarius (birth) and transiting Saturn posited in Libra. Bhukthi lord Moon posited
in Libra sign in birth chart, on this Sareera planet of Saturn for the 3rd and 12th house and Jeeva planet
for the 11th house is transiting. Anthara lord himself is Sareera planet for 3rd and 12th houses. Anthara
lord is transiting in the house of Libra whose lord is Venus, who is Jeeva planet for 9th house. Anthara
lord Saturn is transiting in the Venus house, who is 11th house Sareera planet and Saturn himself is Jeeva
planet for 11th house. The native has gone for higher studies; note here that the Mercury's Jeeva and
Sareera planets are Venus and Sun. As mentioned earlier Anthara lord having connection with Jeeva
planet of Mercury and the Dasa lord is aspecting the Mercury posited in 7th house in birth chart and also
Jupiter is transiting the house of Mercury. Anthara lord Saturn transiting in Libra is aspecting the Sareera
planet Sun of Mercury transiting in Cancer.

Here we can observe that the Dasa ,Bukthi and Anthra lords having strong connection to 3rd,9th and 12th
house Jeeva and Sareera planets and also education karaka Mercury's Jeeva and Sareera planet ,over and
above these DBA has got the connection with 11th house Jeeva and Sareera planets and hence the native
may complete his higher education successfully.

"Jai Guruji Meena 2"

Ref: Stellar Effects in Astrology -Jeeva and Sareera- By Dr.NVRA Raja(Meena2Jr.)

'Editor's Note

This article proves beyond any doubt that Astrology is the mother of all sciences. No
other modern scientific endeavour of mankind can tell with such precise accuracy
the place of the building and its color!!

We heartily thank Smt. R. Vijayalakshmi for contributing this splendid article based
on Meena2 Naadi.

GcTTLtyJl-fVtA. !! jpCF^T- CXrflfl.tlC.'t /l^L€*€li.C.£tXJT±A,

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
flccibanls-CrUte. and ^J-atal: Qeaoa and £atee.ta ntcihed analysis

/Iieena2 flaadl ^ysient

Jyothisa A chary a. T. K. Raghunathan

Jyothisa Acharya.T.K.Raghunathan is a retired engineer interested in astrology, literature and poetry. He is

based in Secunderabad. His interest in astrology is inspired by his association with JKR ASTRO RESEARCH
FOUNDATION. He hopes to contribute to astro literature by writing articles on special themes of
contemporary interest concerning sports and literary personalities. He is a Sr.faculty in JKR Astro Research
Foundation, Secunderabad.

Email: tkraghunathan@rediffmail.com

Part -I

Study of accidents and their consequences from astrological perspective is a fascinating exercise.. As
per Guruji Sri N V Raghavachary (Meena2), the concepts of Jeeva/Sareera when applied in the study
of accident cases, clearly reveal the forces that cause the accidents. As per these techniques, it is very
feasible to predict post-accident situations in terms of survival, rehabilitations and discomfort levels the
victim may face.

Accidents make sensational news always, more so when the victim happens to be a popular man, a star
or a great politician. We all remember very clearly how, the film star actor Amitabh Bachchan's accident
during the shooting of Film Cooli, created great deal of anxiety and concern .More recently in Andhra
Pradesh ,We experienced the agony and distress on account of fatal accident suffered by Sri Y S
Rajasekara Reddy, ex CM of Andhra Pradesh , in a helicopter crash due to poor weather conditions. I
would like to present my analysis in two parts.

In this exercise, we will apply Jeeva /Sareera concepts to study the charts of these extra ordinary people
and see how the accident came about and try to explain the consequences after the accident.

In an excellent Book titled Jeeva-Sareera authored by the present Torch bearer of Stellar Astrology, Dr. N
V R A Raja, he has presented a simple sutra to study accident cases. The Sutra (Rules) reads as follows

"Whenever Jeeva or Sareera planets of housesl,6,8,12 and planet Mars of a person's chart, are
connected with Dasa, Bhnkthi and Anthara lords, then events like accidents may happen. If the
same lords are associated with Jeeva/Sareera planets of houses 5 and 11 the native survives the
accident and gets cured" Page No. 264-Chart No.lO-Revised edition. Stellar Effects in Astrology-
Jeeva and Sareera.

To illustrate how this sutra operates we will apply Jeeva/Sareera tools on the chart of Sri.Amithab
Bachchan and see how appropriate the sutra is.

Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014


From the astrological sources open to public we have jotted down the birth chart of Bachchan. The stellar
dispositions of different planets in above chart is given as follows.

Planet House Star Star lord

Asc Aquarius Dhanista
Sun Virgo Chita
Moon Libra Swati
Mars Hastha Moon
Mercu Chita Mars
Jupiter cancer Punarvasu Jupiter
Venus Virgo Hastha Moon
Saturn Taurus Rohini Moon
Rahu Leo Magha Ketu
Ketu Aquarius Sadabhisa Rahu

The salient features of this chart are.

1. He was bom on 11 October 1942 at 16 .00 hours at Allahabad.

2. AQUARIUS LAGNA, with two planets mercury and Venus as yoga karaka. while one yoga
karaka(Venus) is positioned in debilitation, the other one (Mercury)is in exaltation.

3. Jupiter and Mercury in exaltation.

4.5planets have Uttama drekkana status. They are Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Out of these, 4
planets in the same house.

5 planets have digbala. These planets are Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Rahu

Now let us look at reasons for fame, great professional success, longevity, vast wealth and public acclaim
that have made this native such a great starry phenomenon.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
a) The first house lord is Saturn, his stellar lord Moon are in yoga karaka Venus's house. Sun is in
conjunction with both yoga karakas Venus and mercury. Sun is having Uttama drekkana.

b) The tenth lord shows the profession and the karaka planet is mercury. The tenth lord is mars and is in
conjunction with mercury, the karaka planet who is exalted. This indicates successful professional
engagement. As tenth house is aspected by dhana karaka Jupiter, the native could amass great wealth due
to professional excellence.

C) The 11th house indicates labhasthanam .This belongs to Jupiter and he is also having exalted status
along with Uttama drekkana.

d) The long career is indicated by 8th house whose lord mercury is exalted and Uttama drekkana

Thus all requirements of a great star is satisfied by the natives chart

A star, such as this one, suffered a freak accident while shooting for a film titled Coolie. In a dramatic
fighting scene the actor was thrown against a table and its sharp corner jammed the actor's intestines
rupturing spleen and causing damages to intestines. This accident almost proved fatal but for intensive
surgical and post-surgery care taken by Breach Candy hospital Bombay and their team of expert doctors.
The actor took more than a year to recoup his strength and resume his career. This is a remarkable case of
recovery and is recommended case study for astrology students. As we are going to apply Jeeva/Sareera
concepts, let us first understand the concept and methodology for identifying the Jeeva and Sareera
planets for each bhava. This will help in applying this concept to real life situations.

What is this Jeeva/Sareera concept?

Without getting bogged into different religious philosophies associated with concepts of Jeeva and
Sareera, let us look at the life as we live. The good lord plays the role of creator, creates this earth and
endows it with all resources to support life. He then created life which we call Jeeva .To enjoy the
resources so kindly presented to the Jeeva, Jeeva must act. The actions may be anything like reaching out
to a fruit and eating it. Killing another life form and eating it or it could be robbing from one life form and
giving it to another, satisfying its needs for enjoyment. For any such actions the Jeeva needs a Sareera
with a mind and limbs to act. There is a virtual thematic balance sheet maintained for every Jeeva,
registering all good and evil actions. The Jeeva gets rewarded for good actions and gets ticked off for
improper actions. On the day of reckoning, the good lord looks at this balance sheet and decides the fate
of the Jeeva. If there is surplus of credits, the Jeeva improves his life comforts and gets closer to the Lord.
If there is surplus of tick offs, the Jeeva gets to be roasted again in the fire pit called life with more
difficulties to surmount. The ultimate reward is union with god and boon of not having to be bom again to

In astrology we believe that the planets around us affect our life. Our sages and rishi-munis have
developed a sophisticated system of deciding which planet will influence who , when and how. How do
the planets act? They too take the Jeeva or Sareera roles to act, to deliver a particular result at appropriate
time. Their actions can be harmful or beneficial. The results are achievement of certain karakatwas of life.
Karakatwas are associated with bhavas and karaka planets. The bhavas are inherent in a natal chart. So
astrologers have another tool to help predict events pertaining to bhavas. This tool is called Jeeva/Sareera
concept application. Basic requirement for identifying the Jeeva/Sareera planets for each bhava of a chart
is the birth chart with details of stellar disposition for every planet in the chart.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
To apply this concept, a set of rules have been evolved, using the natal chart and stellar principles

Rules and guide lines

Rulel; The Jeeva planet of a bhava is the lord of constellation in which this particular Bhava lord is
placed. The Sareera planet is the Lord of constellation in which the Jeeva planet is situated.

Rule 2 when the Jeeva planet identified as above is not alone but is sharing the same house with one or
more of other planets, then the Jeeva title gets transferred to strongest of the group of planets. To decide
this strongest of planets in a group, stellar concepts like digbala, exaltation status, own house, own star
status etc. are all examined. This may happen in case of identified Sareera planets also.

Rule 3.

In cases where the bhava lord is in his own constellation, then the Bhava Lord himself becomes Jeeva
planet. Then the Sareera planet is the lord of the house in which the Jeeva planet is tenanting.

Rule 4

At times bhava lord is not only in his own constellation, he is also in his own house also. In such a case
the bhava lord assumes the role of both Jeeva planet as well as Sareera planet.

Applying the rules in the case of object of our present study .

We will apply these rules to the chart of Sri Amitabh Bachchan and prepare a chart of Jeeva/Sareera
planets for each bhava.




Methodology of identification

Bhavas#! and 12.

The Bhava Lord for is Saturn. Saturn is in the constellation of Rohini, whose lord is Moon. So Moon
becomes the Jeeva planet for these bhavas. The Jeeva planet moon is in the constellation of Swati whose

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
lord is Rahu. So Rahu becomes the Sareera planet for bhavas land 12.This is recorded in the chart as
shown below.

Bhavas 2and 11

The bhava lord for these two bhavas is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the constellation of Punarvasu, whose Lord is
Jupiter himself. So Jupiter becomes Jeeva planet. So as per rulc3, Sareera planet is the Lord of house
where Jeeva planet is located. This Lord is Moon. So moon becomes the Sareera planet.

Bhavas 3 and 10

The Bhava Lord is Mars. Mars is in the star of Hastha, whose Lord is again Moon. So Moon is the Jeeva
planet. Moon is in the constellation of Swati, whose Lord is Rahu. So Rahu becomes the Sareera planet

Bhavas 4 and 9

The Bhava Lord is Venus. Venus is in the constellation of Hastha , whose Lord is Moon. So Moon is the
Jeeva planet. As illustrated in above bhavas, Rahu becomes Sareera planet.

Bhavas 5 and 8

The Bhava Lord is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of Chita, whose Lord is Mars. So Mars must become
Jeeva planet. But Mars is not alone but with three other planets in the same bhava, who can be more
powerful than Mars. So we must apply rule2 to ascertain the strongest planet in the house and assign the
Jeeva role to that strongest planet. As Planet is owner of the house, he is the strongest of all 4 planets
stationed in his house. So Mercury takes power over from mars and becomes Jeeva planet .Again
Mercury is in the star of Mars. So we must expect Mars to become Sareera planet. But situation is same
as before and we apply rule3 again to make mercury as Sareera planet

Bhava 6.

The bhava lord is Moon, who is in the star of Swati. Rahu is Lord of Swati.so Jeeva planet is Rahu. Rahu
is in star of Makha, whose Lord is Ketu

Jeeva/Sareera chart

Bhava # Bhava lord Jeeva planet Sareera planet

11/12 _Sat Moon .Rahu
2/11 Jup Jup Moon
3; 10 M ^Moon^^^^^l
4/9 Venus Moon Rahu
_ (Mars)Mercury_ . (Mars)Mercury_
6 Moon Rahu Ketu
(Mars)Mercury (Mars)Mercury'

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
We will study the Jeeva/Sareera planets of the chart of Sri Amitabh Bachchan to learn how the accident
occurred, the type of damages suffered and factors influencing the recovery. We consider following
points in our assessment

1.The accident causing karaka planet is Mars and bhava associated with it is #6 .

2. The accidents are always sudden. The suddenness is indicated by bhava #8, whose karaka planet is

3.As accidents generally lead to hospitalisation and expenses , we need to look at bhava# 12, whose
karaka planet again is Saturn

4.As all above involve the native, we need to look at lagna,bhava# 1 and its atmakaraka planet Sun.

We now put bhava no,/ karaka planet/ Jeeva/ Sareera planet in the table as follows

Bhava# Karaka planet Jeeva Sareera planet

Sun Mercury Mercury
Mars Moon Rahu
Sat Moon Rahu
Sat Moon Rahu

From above chart it is clear that significant JEEVA PLANET involved in accident is moon, who is lord of
sixth house. Moon is in star of Rahu the Sareera planet. The Jeeva/Sareera planets are enemy planets.
Further Rahu is housed in the house of Leo whose lord is sun. Sun is karaka planet for#l bhava .Rahu is
also in star of Ketu, who is associated with Lagna Kendra. Thus accident connection to victim is

Other points worth noting are

a) Moon is a comparatively fast moving planet, so accident happened quickly. But Rahu is slow moving
shadow planet. Hence gravity of injury was severe and consequences of accident continued for more than
a year. Rahu is in star of Ketu who is in lagna kendra. This indicates surgery needs on account of

b)The Jeeva/Sareera planet for sun ,the karaka planet for bhava#l are Mercury and Mercury. Mercury is
in own house and exalted. Mercury is also the yogakaraka this possibly saved the native. Another reason
for escaping death is that bhadaka planet Venus is debilitated.

c)The accident resulted in serious injuries to intestinal organs like spleen. This is indicated by
involvement of Moon/Rahu/Ketu.

d) On the day of accident 26 July 1982, in the gochara chart for the day, the Jeeva/Sareera planet of native
Moon and Rahu were positioned in the house of mercury, the yoga karaka. Further Moon was in Chita
the Rahu's star, sat was in moon's star and Rahu was in own star. Sat and moon were together in Virgo,
tenth house. This shows that accident happened during professional outing (fdm shooting)

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
e) The 12 house lord sat in native's chart is sat who is a slow moving planet. This indicates long duration
for recovery.

f)The Dasa /bukthi/Anthara prevailing at the time of accident was Saturn mahadasa/Moon bukthi/Saturn
Anthara and Rahu pradantara. Normally we treat sat and Rahu as similar planets. Hence we can see
how nicely the Jeeva/Sareera planets have arraigned themselves as lords of DBA for the accident to

g) For recovery/cure and rehabilitation we need to look at house 5 and 11.The Jeeva/Sareera planets
involved are Mercury, Jupiter and Moon. Both Mercury and Jupiter are exalted. Mercury is lord of 5 and
8, he is also yoga karaka. Jupiter is lord of 2 and 11.To survive an accident, the Dasa /bukthi /anthara
lords must have a link to Jeeva/Sareera planet of bhavas 5 and 11. We note that sat and moon the lords of
D/B/A are located in the house of Venus who is associated with mercury and located in house of
Mercury. Further Jupiter is in house of moon

Thus Jupiter and Mercury saved the native.

h) The recovery however was slow because Sat is aspecting Jupiter. Further as lord of 12, aspecting
dhanakaraka Jupiter indicates enormous expenditure involved in treatment. Further prayers of millions of
fans(Saturn) helped create a complimentary environs for divine blessings in form of Jupiter.

We will read the sutra relating to accident and survival as follows

"whenever Jeeva or Sareera planets of 1,6,8,12 and Mars are connected with Dasa,hukti,antara lords,
then events like accidents may occur, but if the same dasa, bukthi and anthara lords are connected to
5 and 11th bhava, then that native recovers and gets cured"

On the other hand when you do similar exercise with Sri YS Rajasekara Reddy's chart we find that
Jeeva/Sareera planet for #5 and #11 were Mars and Sat .All most all bhavas had Mars as either Jeeva or
Sareera planet. As Mars is a bhadaka planet for his lagna, there was no scope for survival, continue this
analysis in next issue.

Continue— Part II

Ref: Stellar Effects in Astrology-Jeeva & Sareera-By Prof.NVRA Raja,PhD(Meena2Jr.)

'Editor's Note

This article is a master piece in Meena2 Naadi System for all the readers of JASA.


Part II will be published in JASA Jan-Mar 2015 Issue

Oct-Dec 2014

/fttatysls Otf tEffettto, (ZrfdUal /Vadatt

Mrs. Hemalatha A. Krishnan

Jyothisa Acharya, Smt.Hemalatha A.Krishnan is a Banker by profession and senior faculty at

JKR Astro Research Foundation, Secunderabad .She has been a student of Sri P.V.K.
Punneswara Rao Garu and learnt astrology directly from him. She has got more than 15 years
experience in astrology .She was conferred with honorary titles of Jyothisa Ratna, Jyothisa
Pandit and Jyothisa Choodamani. She is a staunch follower of Meena2 Naadi system and
disciple of Dr.NVRA Raja, Meena2 Jr.

Email: hemalathal308@gmail.com

The JEEVA and SAREERA Theory originated from the NAADI Granthas.MEENA-2 STELLAR
System of Astrology, based on Naadi Principles gives the concept of arriving at the Jeeva planet (JP)
and the Sareera planet (SP) for every Bhava, which play a pivotal role in accurate predictions and
determining the Timing of Events. Salutations to the Pioneer of Stellar Astrology, Paramapujya
GurujiSriN V RAGHAVACHARY, Meena 2 for developing the novel method and giving lucid Stellar

Predictive Astrology has 3 Limbs- one is Natal Chart, second is Vimsothari Dasa System and the other is
Transit(Gocharam).combination of natal chart,vimsothari dasa and transit gives accurate prediction of
Timing of events, If the Dasa Lord or Bhukthi Lord or the Antara Lord have connection with the Jeeva or
Sareera planets of a Bhava or Karaka in question, then fructification of results shall happen during that
period (ref'.Stellar effects in Astrology-Jeeva and Sareera by Dr.N VRA RAJA- MeenalJr.)

The following case study is of a businessman who passed away in his sleep, at home, after he suffered a
massive cardiac arrest. Such kind of sudden events are likely to happen- Whenever the Jeeva or Sareera
planets of 8th House have connection to the Badhaka Lord and Maraka Lord, Death like events may
take place suddenly or unexpectedly during their periods of DBA.A close scrutiny can also reveal the
affected part of the body through the connection of 6th and 8th Houses. -Dr.NVRA Raja.

Oct-Dec 2014

DO.Birth: 21-04-1953 DO.Death:26-06-2014

Chennai: OO.BOhrs Hyderabad: 06.00hrs

mer sun







Method to arrive at JP and SP

The Lord of the 1st and 2nd House, Saturn is in the star of Mars, so Mars is the JPJP Mars is in the star of
Sun, but Sun is in a group with Mars, where Mars being in his own house is stronger, so Mars snatches
the power from Sun to become the SP

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
This rule can be applied for the other house Lords or Please Refer articles on Meena2 Naadi in the
previous issues of JASA, Where these Rules are given in detail.


HOUSES 1 8 11 (BADHAKA) 7(MARAKA) 6 12


Whenever the JP and SP of a Bhava are inimical to each other, that Bhava may not flourish.-Rnle

The JP and SP of the 8th Bhava, the house for Longevity are Moon and Sat respectively. They being
enemies have not bestowed longevity to the native. JP Moon is posited in the Maraka house,7th along with
Ketu. SP Saturn is exalted in Retro in the star of Mar his enemy

The Lagna of the native is Capricorn, a moveable sign, so the 11 th Lord, Mars is the Badhaka Lord. The
JP and SP of the 11th House also happen to be Mars. A point worth noting here is that Mar is either Jeeva
or Sareera or both of many houses including l-self,6-disease,7-maraka,8-sudden difficulties, 12-fmal
emancipation of the soul.

Lords of 2,7 their occupants and planets in conjunction with them are Maraka planets. Mars is the JP and
SP of 2nd . Sat is the SP of 8th and JP of 6 and 7.The 7th Lord Moon is in his own house along with Ketu.
Sat and Mar are the JP and SP of 7

JP ,Sat of the Rogasthana,th6th House is in the star of Mars aspecting Sun and Mars conjoined in Aries.
Mars is the karaka for Disease, blood and sudden events. Sun is the karaka for blood, circulation, heat and

The aspect of Sat from the 10th House has caused the stop of circulation of Blood to the heart due to BP
on account of professional tension. The SP Mars of the 6th is with Sun, the 8th Lord, posited in the 4th
from Lagna, area of chest, causing a Heart Attack.

The Vimsothari dasa of the native at the Time of Death on 26 JUNE 2014 was

YEN Dasa KET Bukhti Mer Antara

Dasa Lord Ven

Transiting in the Taurus with Moon the Jeeva planet of 8th house. Badhaka Lord Mars, in transit aspects
Natal Venus

Bukthi Lord Ketu

Ketu is transiting in Ketu star, in the house of Mars and transiting on the natal Mars, who is almost
either Jeeva or Sareera for marka, bhadaka,6th and 12th houses.

Antara Lord Mercury

Mercury is transiting in Mars star in Gemini and who is almost either Jeeva or Sareera for marka,
bhadaka,6th and 12th houses.
We can clearly note that Dasa,Bukthi and Anthara lords have connection to Jeeva or Sareera planets of
1st,6th, 8th,Maraka and bhadhaka houses.

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

Whenever the Jeeva or Sareera planets of 8th House have connection to the Badhaka Lord and Maraka
Lord, Death like events may take place suddenly or unexpectedly during their periods of DBA.


1. Practical Stellar Astrology by Sri N V Raghavachary (Meena2)

2. Stellar effects in Astrology-Jeeva and Sareera by Dr. NVRA Raja (Meena2Jr.)

'Editor's Note

This article is a master piece in Meena2 Naadi System for all the readers of JASA. All
readers who read and practice Meena2 Naadi System will find this article very
informative and helpful

QHjcjclL 'WGHJ*-!I

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

TZl ^elat "Disttbah/Haniac 'ftefttessioe £Unassi '])e*sf>ecUoe

/Heena -2 /Vaabi system

Prof. Ramanujam Kathyayani Devi

Prof.R.Kathyayani Devi is a DMLT, M.Sc (Zoology) O.U, M.Sc (Medical Microbiology), Utkal
University and M.A (Astrology - Gold medalist) from PSTU. Prof.R.Kathyayani Devi a faculty
member in JKR Astro Research Foundation, is practicing Meena -2 Naadi System. Working as a
faculty member in a medical college. She believes in selfless service to the needy, and spares time
for online consultation in India and abroad. She is also a proud recipient of Titles Jyothishya
Acharya and Jyothishya Choodamani and recently received Professorship in Vedanga Jyothisam
from Yogasamskritham University -Florida. Now pursuing PhD in Medical Astrology under the
guidance of Prof. N.V.R.A. Raja, Chairman JKR Astro Research Foundation.

email: t kathvvikram@yahoo.com

Maniac Depressive illness is a psychiatric disorder also called as mood Disorder, Is virtually a
mental disorder including schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, alcoholism, Verbal abuse, Dementia,
Personality disorders and paranoid behavior. Maniac Depressive illness patients show symptoms of
extreme fatigue alternating with racing thoughts, Hypersomnia with increased sexual drive.
In women it manifests as Depressive Disorder where as in Men it manifests as Mania. Risk factors are
between 7-65 yrs of age group mean age being 20-40 yrs. It is genetically predisposed Factor connected
to X chromosome. Deficiency of Neurotransmitters like Nor-epinephrine, serotonin and dopamine
attributes to depression and mania. Mental Illness on Insanity is indicated as the lords of 6/8/12 houses
and their star lord's disposition. Moon the karaka for mind, Mercury karaka for Intellect and Nerves. Ketu
the karaka for Insanity and Saturn the karaka for melancholy if connected to Lagna (self) and 4th house
cause Psychiatric disorder.

Applying the Principle:

1) When lords of 6/8/12 become exalted , we will have to find out its Star lord and its placement
in the horoscope to decide the favourable or unfavorable results to the native.Pg-134:
Practical Stellar Astrology-By Sri N V Raghava Chary (Meena2)
2) 6/8/12th lords' Jeeva and Sareera planets have a say in deciding the native's health and
probable period of health setback,—Prof.NVRA Raja (Meena2Jr.)

Native born on 21/4/1990 @4.08 PM ,Secunderabad is a resident of Australia.She was diagnosed for
Bipolar Disorder and has been taking treatment for the past 4 yrs.The Disease was diagnosed in
December 2011 , Corresponding to her Saturn Dasa /Saturn Bukthi upto 9/12/2014. Sun Karaka for Head
exalted along with Lagna lord Mercury in Aries ,the constellation triggered the Neurological
Problem.Native suddenly went into Depression as she was running Saturn Dasa/Satum bukthi.

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

Asc 3.34.45 Uttaraphalguni-3
Mer Sun 7.21.12 Ashwini-3
Mon 15-50.00 Satabhisha-3
Ven 21/4/1990
Mar 6.40.31 Satabhisha-1
Mar 4.08 pm
Mer 23.38.54 Bharani-4
Mon Sec-bad Jup 11.39.51 Arudra-2
Sat female Ven 22.14.25 Purvabhadra-1
Sat 01.27.08 Uttarashada-2
Rah 19.22.31 Sravana-3
Ket 19.22.31 Aslesha-1

Native was running Vimshottari Dasa of Saturn dasa/Saturn Bukthi/Saturn anthera from 6/12/2011 to
9/12 /2014 Neurological Problem triggered with the onset of Saturn dasa around December
201 l.Yogakaraka for Virgo lagna is Venus ,Bliadaka is Jupiter .

Ketu; Karaka for insanity is in the Constellation of Mercury, While fixing Jeeva and Sareera for Ketu,
note that Mercury is with Sun, Sun grabs the power from Mercury. Then the Sun becomes the Jeeva
planet. Jeeva planet Sun is posited in the 8th house in the constellation of Ketu .So Ketu has become
Sareera. Sareera planet Ketu posited in the 11th house.

House House lord Jeeva Sareera

CVlO Mercury Moon Saturn
nd tl1
2 /9 Venus Jupiter Saturn
rd th
3 /8 Mars Saturn Sun
4th /7th Jupiter Saturn Sun
th th
5 /6 Saturn Sun Ketu
11 lord Moon Saturn Sun
12 lord Sun Ketu Sun
Saturn Sun Ketu
Ketu Sun Ketu
Mercury Moon Saturn

Please Refer articles on Meena2 Naadi in the previous issues of JASA, Where these Rules are given
in detail to find out Jeeva and Sareera planet.

Lagna connection to 6/8/12

Lagna lord Mercury is in the 8th house with Exalted 12th lord Sun. According to Guruji an Exalted 12th
lord may not benefit the native. Sun karaka for head being posited in Aries and that too in Ketu's star
indicates a Bipolar Disorder in the brain. The Native appears to be normal at times but suddenly goes into
depression and anxiety. Mercury karaka for Neurons, is posited in the constellation of Venus and Venus
JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
is posited in the 6 house along with Moon karaka for mind and with 3 and 8 lord Mars. The 3rd
th rd th

connection indicates on and off erratic mood swing. Thus establishing 1/6/8/12 connection.
Sun the 12th lord Jeeva planet Ketu is in the 11th house and Sareera planet Sun is exalted in the 8th house.
Lagna star lord is also Sun, thus establishing 1/8 /12 connection.
Moon the 11th lord Karaka for mind is in the 6th house with 8th lord Mars and the 2nd lord. Moon and
Rahu enter into sookshma Nakshatra parivarthana with their exchanged star lords. (Moon in Rahu star
and Rahu in Moon star)Moon the 11th lord is posited in the 6th house with the 8th lord, thus establishing
6/8/11 connection. Moon's Jeeva and Sareera planets are Saturn and Sun, the Saturn is the 5th and 6th lord
and the Sun is posited in 8th house is 12th lord.
Saturn 6th lord the karaka for depression is with Rahu. Saturn is in his own house in the 12th lord
constellation of Sun. Jeeva planet for 6th house is Sun who is in the 8th house along with lagna lord
Mercury and Sareera planet Ketu being aspected by 6th lord Saturn. Thus establishing 1/6/8/12
connections. Ketu posited in 11th house and being aspected by 5th lord may give a ray of hope for
recovery that too after a good treatment.
Mars the 8th lord is in the 6th with 9th and the 11th lords.
Jeeva planet Saturn is with Rahu. Sareera planet Sun is in the 8th house, thus establishing 1/6/8/12
Dasa/Bukthi/anthera connection -Dasa/Bukthi and anthara lords are all Saturn, who is posited in the 5th
house, The Saturn is Sareera planet for 1st house, Jeeva planet for 8th house. Ketu happens to be the
Sareera planet posited in the 11th house. The transiting Dasa lord Saturn from Libra aspecting natal Ketu,
who is Sareera planet for 6th house and Jeeva planet for 12th house. Thus Dasa/Bukthi and Anthara lord
Saturn establishing connection of 6,8th and 12 Jeeva or Sareera planets.

Thanks to my Guru Prof. N.V.R.A.Raja garu for unveiling the Naadi secrets as he used mention that
while analyzing results for exalted planet, we should look at their star lord and their position in the
horoscopes for favourable or unfavourable results.

References :
1) Practical Stellar Astrology Sri.N.V.Raghavachary(Meena2)
2) Stellar Effects in Astrology- Jeeva and Sareera by Prof.NVRA Raja (Meena2 Jr.)

'Editor's Note

This article is a master piece in Meena2 Naadi System for all the readers of JASA. All
readers who read and practice Meena2 Naadi System will find this article very
informative and helpful

(JHX*XLL 'WcF*M-k-!!

Oct-Dec 2014

£laiu$ & £.U.oatUn Aifa: £.{jfoe.cls-HttaHta "Otektuwa-

flnalqsis — /Hccna2 flaabi ^ystetH

Mrs. Saradha Devi

Mrs. Saradha Devi did her B.Tech (IT] and pursuing M.A Astrology from Potti Sreeramulu Telugu
University, Hyderabad. She is also a Reiki practitioner. She is learning Meena 2 Naadi system
under the gracious direction of Dr. NVRA Raja (Meena2 Jr] Sir, with blessings of Parama
Poojyaguru N V Raghavacharyji (Meena2] and with grace of goddess Chamundeswari.

Email: devikor jmail.com

In this article, with the blessings of our Parama Poojyaguru N V Raghavacharyji (Meena2), I am going
to explain a concept called Uttama Drekkana and its effect on native. This is based on Meena 2 Naadi
system. With the help of Meena 2 Naadi system we may be in a position to identify the status of a person
and know the strength of each and every bhava or karaka to decide what type of results they are going to
deliver at appropriate time. Uttama Drekkana concept mentioned in Practical Stellar astrology by Meena2
was explained to us by Dr.NVRA Raja(Meena2Jr) and used to quote " Even though a bhavathipathi or
karaka planet is debilitated and not associated with proper houses, once they possess Uttama drekkana
status then that bhava or karaka may flourish well and give elevation at appropriate time"

Let us consider two prominent natives Sri.Lakshmi Mittal and Sri.Warren Buffet and apply Uttama
Drekkana principle to them. Lakshmi Mittal is the richest person in UK and 6th person in Forbes list and
Warren Buffet is the richest stock market investor in the world.

Details on Uttama Drekkana as per Guruji Sri NVR (Meena2)-Practical Stellar Astrology.

Now, let me explain what UD concept is and apply this concept to above natives.

Natural zodiac has 12 Rasis (signs). These Rasis are represented by 3 fold system as follows:

• Chara Rasi: Mesha, Karkataka, Tula, Makara

• Sthira Rasi: Vrushabha, Simha, Vruschika, Kumbha
• Ubhaya Rasi: Midhuna, Kanya, Dhanus, Meena.

And each Rasi is divided in to three Drekkanas, each of them are 10 degrees as follows.

• Pradhama Drekkana: 1-10 degrees

• Dwithiya Drekkana: 10-20 degrees
• Truthiya Drekkana: 20-30 degrees

As said by Guruji Sri NY Raghavachariji,(Meena2) the following Drekkanas are called

UtthamaDrekkanas (UD).

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
• Pradhama Drekkana in Chararasi
• Dwithiya Drekkana in Sthirarasi
• Truthiya Drekkana in Ubhayarasi

Each Drekkana has 3 nakshatra padas. One of these padas is called vargothama pada and the other two
padas are called parivarthana padas. The following are vargothama padas.

• The 1st nakshatra pada in Chararasi

• The 5th nakshatra pada in Sthirarasi
• The 9th nakshatra pada in Ubhayarasi

All other padas are called parivarthana padas.

The following table summarizes these concepts.4

Vargothama pada Parivarthana

Uttama Drekkana pada
Aswinil Aswini 2&3
Rohini2 Rohinil&3
Punarvasu 3 Punarvasu 1&2
Pnarvasu4 Pushyami 1&2
Pubbal 1 Magha4&pubba 1
Chitha2 Hasta4&chital
Chitha3 Chitha4&swathi 1
Anuradha4 Anuradha3 &j esta 1
Uttaraashadhal Poorvashada 3&4
Uttaraashada2 Uttaraashada3 &4
Sathabisham 3 Sathabisham2&4
Revathi 4 Revathi 2&3

The natives bom in Uttama Drekkanas are generally prominent in life. They are also highly educated with
sharp intelligence and culture. The natives are likely to be eminent, influential, famous, powerful,
educated, wealthy, commanding etc.

These principles could also be extended to the bhavathipathis and constellation lords while assessing the
result s of the houses in one horoscope.

Let us apply these principles to above natives.

Chart No: 1

Native: Sri.Lakshmi Mittai

Date & Time of Birth: 15-Jun-1950 12:00 PM

Readers can go through earlier issues of JASA for Uttama Drekkana detail concepts.
JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
Longitude: 28.38N Latitude: 75.24E


Asc Sat
Rah sun

Planet positions:

Name/Ret Sign Degree Star Qtr Starlord

Ascendant Leo 24:24:00 Pubba 4 Venus

Sun Gemini 00:25:57 Mngasira Mars

Moon Taurus 26:03:13 Mngasira Mars

Mars Virgo 08:07:50 Uttaraphalgum 4 Sun

Mercury Taurus 07:39:12 Knthika Sun

Jupiter Aquarius 14:04:53 Satabisha Rahu

Venus Aries 22:37:05 Bharam Venus

Saturn Leo 20:13:24 Pubba Venus

Rahu Pisces 10:11:39 Uttarabadhra 3 Saturn

Ketu Virgo 10:11:39 Hasta 1 Moon

General Findings:

1. Dhanakaraka Jupiter's star lord is in Dusthana 8 house.

2. Runasthanadhipathi Saturn aspects Dhanakaraka Jupiter.
3. Dhana sthanadhipati is conjoined with 12th lord Moon(Bahulapaksha Moon).
4. Dhana sthanadhipati star lord sun is aspected by dusthanadhipathi Jupiter, indeed Jupiter is also
aspecting Labhasthana.
5. Malefic planet Ketu and Mars are posited in 2nd House
6. Rahu aspects 2nd House.

The above facts are not showing a great picture to the native but with the help of analyzing Meena2 Naadi
system we can observe the following
JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
1. Dhanakaraka Jupiter is Vargothama UD planet since it is posited in Sathabhisha 3 pada.
2. Lagna aspected by UD planet Jupiter
3. Name& Fame karaka Sun aspected by UD planet Jupiter and Yogakaraka.
4. Business denoted house is occupied by UD planet Jupiter and 7th lord aspected by Jupiter.

Conclusion: Since Dhana karaka planet Jupiter has Vargothama UD status and connected to Lagna, Sun
and 7th house, this native has become successful richest business man.

Chart No:2Native: Warren Buffet Date & Time of Birth: 30-Aug-1930 3:00 PM

Longitude: 4L15N Latitude: 95.56W


Sat Mo Ket Mer

Ven Mar Asc Ket Ven

Planet positions:

Name/Ret Sign Degrees Star Qtr star lord

Ascendant Cancer 21:37:12 Ashlesh 2 Mercury

Sun Leo 13:25:06 Pubba 1 Venus

Moon Scorpion 06:32:07 Anuradha 1 Saturn

Mars Gemini 08:20:11 Arudra 1 Rahu

Mercury Virgo 10:10:31 Hasta 1 Moon

Jupiter Gemini 20:40:51 Punarvasu 1 Jupiter

Venus Virgo 29:09:01 Chitra 2 Mars

Sat(R) Sagittarius 12:27:34 Moola 4 Ketu

Rahu(R) Aries 03:16:01 Ashwini 1 Ketu

Ketu(R) Libra 03:16:01 Chitra 3 Mars

General Findings:

1. Excellent comfort luxury giving Venus is debilitated.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
2. Venus and Jupiter have aspect of 8th Lord Saturn posited in 6th house.
3. Dhanasthanadhipati sun posited in 2ndhouse and its star lord Venus is debilitated and
having connection to 8th house through the aspect of 8th lord.
4. Name and fame karaka planet Sun's star lord Venus is debilitated.
5. Lagnathipathi Moon is debilitated.

The above facts is not showing a great picture to the native but with the help of analyzing Meena2 Naadi
system we can observe the following

1. Sun is UD planet since it is posited in Pubba 1st pada.

2. Jupiter is LID planet since it is posited in Punarvasu 1st pada.
3. Venus is LID planet since it is posited in Chitta 2nd pada.
4. Dhanasthanadhipati and 2H occupant sun get LID status.
5. Dhanakarakas Jupiter and Venus attain UD status.
6. Name and fame karaka sun and its star lord Venus attained UD status

Conclusion: Though excellent luxury karaka Venus is debilitated but she attained UD status. Sun and
Jupiter also attained UD status and has link to 2nd house. The lagnathipathi Moon attained Uthama
drekkana status even though he is posited in debilitated house. This way the native has become successful
and richest investor.

As per above general findings, we cannot conclude whether these natives will have average earnings or
may lead normal life while looking at status of planet whether debilitated or exalted. But while
analyzing with the help of Stellar astrology that too with Meena2 Naadi system and applying
Uttamadrekkana principle we can come to a conclusion that the bhavathipathi and karaka attains good
Uttama drekkana status then the native may become very prominent and required bhava may flourish.
These principles are explained by Dr.NVRA Raja in our class and while applying these principles we are
getting excellent results and in a position to arrive correct status of the native.

Ref: Practical Stellar Astrology-By Sri NV Raghava Chary (Meena2)

Welcome Mrs. Saradha Devi ji to the family of JASA !!

We are proud to have you among us and we' wish you many years of

fruitful authorship for JASA in KP Astrology and other systems of

stellar astrology methods in enriching our 23000+ thousands of readers

across 120+ countries world that no other KP Magazines can boast of

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

£ub ^boetsUy: ft 4 flnalqsis

Sunil Gondhalekar

Sri Sunil Gondhalekar is the inventor of 4 Step Theory. He developed this theory in 1990 after many years of painstaking
research. Sri Gondhalekar is a mechanical engineering diploma holder, who has also studied KP technique from 1980 and is the
winner of many awards and titles. From 1993, he is the editor of a Marathi language magazine of astrology: 'Nakshatrache Dene',
published from Maharashtra, India. He has also published various books on astrology in Marathi such as 'Vivaha Yoga', courses
on KP, Nakshatra Sandesh, Nakshatra Prabha, Nakshatra Triveni.

Email: sunilalaka@vahoo.com

One young person approached me in Nov.2009 for to check his marriage probability. The birth details
are as follows: 04-02-1973; 1 l-24AM;Dombivli;19-13;73-50. He was running Saturn dasa from
July 2009 who signify as follows: PLANET : SATURN

Itself: Saturn:- (2) 10 11

IfsN.Swami: Moon:-(11) (4) (5) Cusp Yuti: (11)

It's Sub : Ketu:- 3 Rashi-Swami Mercury 10 3 6

It's Sub's N.Swami:— Jupiter:- (10) 9 (12) Cusp Yuti: (10) Venus-Yuti (10) 2 (7)

Saturn signify 2-11-5 on first two steps and 10-12 on 4th step but due to conjunction of Venus it signify
10-7 also, so Saturn dasa is favorable to give him marriage, But I have decided to check7th sub as his age
was about 36 years at the time of judgement. 7th sub is Jupiter who signify as follows:


Itself: Jupiter:-10 9 12 Cusp Yuti: (10) Venus-Yuti 10 2 7

It's N.Swami: Sun:- (10)

If s Sub : Jupiter:-10 9 12 Cusp Yuti: (10) Venus-Yuti 10 2 7

It's Sub's N.Swami:— Sun:- (10)

Here Jupiter is negative to offer him marriage as per rules of 4 step theory. But as per classic it is
indicating marriage as Jupiter signify 2-7 on 1st level as well as on sub level. I told him marriage
probability is not indicated in your chart but your carrier will be very good during Jupiter and Saturn
Dasa. He was unhappy as I have told him a bitter truth.

Recently he again visited my office for another problem, but till this date he is unmarried and on date of
current consultation Jupiter was in RP. He was under Mercury Bhukti and Mercury signify as follows:


Itself: Mercury:- (10) 3 (6) Cusp Yuti: (11)

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014
It's N.Swami: Mars:- (8) (1)8

It's Sub : Jupiter:- 10 9 12 Cusp Yuti: (10) Venus-Yuti 10 2 7

It's Sub's N.Swami:— Sun:- (10)

He narrated that the company has given him notice to change the job as company is in trouble to get more
comtracts. Mercury signify 10-6-11 strongly and is not indicating any unfavorable in job. I think 8th house
may be creating problem but he should not loose the job. I told him that either you will get the job before
your notice period or company will call you back and asked him to give me feedback. Recently he called
me back and informed that company has asked him to continue the service. Hats off to 4step Theory.

CdlixrH. A. JVfrLc.

We congratulate Sri Sunil Gondhalekar ji for his precise prediction of the future with his
own invented system of 4 Step Theory.

!! fihxijdljcJkljo-M-A-

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014


Litgii» Riislii Cliart


1 We Ju Ve
4 J><^0

hR P1R

Cusn Bhnvchnlir Chart

Ke ^^2^^ 12

1 Su We Ju Ve

JrR P1R Ms He

jNavamshii DO Chart
Su SaR

f.le 2 Ke P1R

UrR Fo

Mo Ra

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

Pin net D Sign DegiMinSec Star StnrLord Sub SubSiih
Sun Capricorn 21 p 53 ' 56 " Shravana (4) Moon Venus Saturn
Moon Aquarius 02 0 01 ' 17 " Dlianishtha (3) Mars Kelu Venus
Mats Sagittarius O]^^" Miila(l) Kelu Venus Venus
Mercury Capricorn 26035, 37 " Dhaihslitha (1) Mars Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter Capricorn 02 0 22 1 49 " Uttarshadlia. (2) Sun Jupiter Venus
Venus Capricorn 05 5 56" 32" Uttarshadha (3) Sun Mcrcuiy Moon
Saturn R Taurus 20 e 19 " 3 1 " Rohini (4) Moon Ketu Saturn
Ralui Sagittaritis 22 p 03 ' 00 " Pnrvashadha (3) Venus Saturn Saturn
Ketu Gemini 22 0 03 ' 00 " Punanasu (1) Jupiter Saturn Saturn
Uranus R Virgo 29 ° 38 ' 34 " Chimt (2) Mars Saturn Rahu
Neptune Scorpio 13 0 44 1 13 " Anuradha (4) Sutum Rahu Saturn
Pluto R Virgo 10c 48' 14" Hasta(l) Moon Moon Mercuy
FoiTimfi Aries 19 D 07 " 3 1 " Bharani (2) Venus Rahu Mcrcuiy

Cusps Sign Deg Mill Sec H.Lord Star Lord Sub SubSnb
1 ' Aries 09^00'10" Mars Ketu Jupiter Mars
2 Taurus 09 0 33 1 37 ,! Venus Sun Venus Mercury
3 Gemini 05 0 27 1 11" Mercurv Mars Sun Venus
4 Cancer 00 0 34 1 03 " Moon Jupiter Mars Mars
5 Cancer 28 Q 23 1 10 " Moon Mercury Saturn Mercury
6 Viryo 01 Q 34 1 20 " Mercury Sun Jupiter Saturn
7 Libra 09'DO'10" Venus' Rahu Jupiter Saturn
S Scorpio 09 0 33 137 " Mars Sauim Venus Saturn
9 Sagiitarius 0o 0 27 1 LI " Jupiter Ketu Mars Sun
10 Capricorn 00 Q 341 03 " Saturn Sun Rahu Venus
E 1 Capricorn 2SD23IL0" Saturn Mars Saturn Mercury
12 Pisces 01 15 34 1 20 " Jupiter Jupiter Rahu Rahu

Cusp Sigiiifkntors
] /I//2//3/Mon Mer/4/ Mar /5/
2 fUnf Sat /3/ Rah 14/ Ven {5/ Jup (Jup)
nf Mar m Ket m /4/ Mcr /5/ (Mar) (Rah)
4 i 1 / fit fV Sun Sat M/ Men /5/ (Sun) (Mer) (Jup) (Ven) (Sat) (Mar)
5 nuv m Sun Sat m Mon /5/ (Mon)
6 /i//2//3//4/Mer /5/(Jlip)
7 /I / W Bi Rali /4/ Ven /5/ Jup
8 i\i Mon Mer 111 Mar B! Mon Mer !4i Mar /5/ (Sat)
9 / [/ !2i Rah B! Ket /4/ Jup IS! Yen (Ket)
10 /1 / Jup Ven. Ket Rail 111 Sun Mer Jup Ven ttl 74/ Sal /.V Jup Ven
1 1 III Sun Sat /2/ Mon B!/4/ Sal 75/ (Sat)
12 /17 72 / 73/ Ket 74/ Jup /5/ Ven (Mar)

Plauet 4 Step Strong Slgniftcators (underlined ones: by first 2 steps)

Ketu 2 4 5 7 10 1 1 12
Venus 1 6 S 10 ! 1
Sun 4 5 10 JJ.
Moon I 7 3 10 1 1 12
Mars 3 6 10
Raliu 2 4 5 7 9 10 1 1 12
Jupiter H)
Satum ~ 4 5 7 10 11 12
Mercury 1 6 8 10 11

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

r ▼

i u

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

TA& Amm* C-ensteUatUns ("PaH 12): Ciiiata phal^uni

Dr. E.S. Neelakantan

Dr. E. S. Neelakantan was born on 5th August 1967 in Kannimangalam Village, Palakkad District , Kerala. He completed his
graduation from Loyala College In Statistics with distinction in 1987. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1992. He is also a
qualified Information Systems Auditor since 2004. He developed interest in Astrology by reading the works of Dr. B. V. Raman .
He learnt Astrology in a formal way under Prof. K. V. Seshadrinatha Sastri, a renowned authority on Jyothisa and Ayurveda. For
his thesis on Medical Astrology, he was awarded Ph.d. , by Sri Chandrasekarendra University, Kancheepuram, which is
recognized as a Deemed University in 2005. He is a practising Chartered Accountant in Chennai since 1993. He is at present a
regular contributor to four of the leading journals on Astrology in India viz, Express Star Teller, Modern Astrology , Astrological
MM eMagazine and JASA.


Uttaraphalguni is a star which spreads to two Rasis - normally Leo and Virgo. "Bagha" is the
presiding deity for this star. We have heard of the famous vedic prayer "Bhagya Suktam" which
improves a person's good fortune. This prayer is addressed to "Bagha". Wealth, happiness, fame and
modesty are all conferred upon a person bom in this star.

According to Maharishi Parasara, this star is auspicious for planting trees, constmcting new buildings and
doing charitable activities. A person born in the 1st pada of Uttaraphalguni is knowledgeable. One born in
the 2nd pada is a leader. One bom in the 3rd pada is victorious and one born in the last quarter is charitable.
One born in this star will manage to overcome all the adversities and attain their goal in life.

Uttaraphalguni belongs to a category of stars termed "Urdhvamukha" stars. Coronation ceremonies and
constmction of high rise buildings can be done in this star. Actions done on this star last for a long time.
They have a permanent impact and influence over a long period of time. Hence this is termed as a
"Dhruva" or fixed nakshatra.

In marriage, the 22nd nakshatra counted from the girl is a "vainashika" star and should be rejected. This is,
in spite of the fact that 22nd is actually a kshema nakshtra. For eating fresh grains and for first use of
flowers, fruits and leaves, it is considered a good star, according to Kalaprakasika. It is also a good day
for harvest. For sowing seeds in an orchard or garden or for planting, it is a suitable star. For ploughing, it
is an auspicious star.

Uttaraphalguni is an auspicious star for boat building and landing. Accounting, book keeping and
business correspondence can be done on a day ruled by Uttaraphalguni star. It is also a good star for
buying and selling. In my humble opinion, Poorvaphalguni is a better star for selling whereas
Uttaraphalguni is a better star for buying. Things which are lent or pledged under Uttaraphalguni star will
not come back. For opening a business store, Uttaraphalguni is an auspicious star.

We are living in an age when infertility is a major problem all over the world. Absence of issue is the
major issue. A rudimentary knowledge of the rules of astrology could help couples planning to have an
issue. When a woman's menstrual period starts on a day when Moon is in an Anupachaya bhava (bhavas
other than 3,6,10,11) counted from Janma Lagna and the Moon is either in conjunction or aspected by
Mars, then that cycle is conducive for conception. If Moon is in an Upachaya Bhava (3,6,10,11), that
period will not result in conception.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
For cohabitation, the conducive stars are Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha,
Uttarashada, Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabisha and Uttarabhadrapada. The stars to be avoided are Ashwini,
Bharani, Makha, Moola and Revati.

The effects of cohabitation on the following days are explained as follows:


1 Fatal to Husband
2 Affects girls's longevity
3 Abortion
4 Short lived son
5 Gives rise to a daughter
6 Gives rise to a son
7 Gives rise to a daughter who will have no issues
8 Noble son
9 Wicked girl
10 Praiseworthy son
11 Unrighteous girl
12 Virtuous Son
13 Virtuous daughter.
14 Affluent boy
15 Short lived daughter
16 Son with great intelligence

Feeding of a new born child should be done on the 31st day from birth or when moon is in the 10th star
from Janma nakshatra. For this purpose Uttaraphalguni is an auspicious star. The time at which the child
partakes solid food has an impact over the child's health. Even for this purpose, Uttaraphalguni is a good

The new born child will be free from disease if the Chowla (tonsure) ceremony is held on Uttaraphalguni
star. The Jatakarma of a newborn child is to be held on the 12th day of birth, failing which it can be held
on Uttaraphalguni star. If one wears a new cloth on a day ruled by Uttaraphalguni, that person will get
plenty of clothes. As mentioned earlier, any construction activity can be launched in Uttaraphalguni as it
happens to be a Urdhvamukha nakshatra.

For learning to dance or learning to sing or act, this is a favourable star. For education in general there is a
debate over whether this star is good or not. According to Kalaprakasika, Uttaraphalguni is an auspicious
star. One can commence learning Tarka Sastra or logic in this star. Uttaraphalguni is an auspicious star to
enter a house (Grihapravesha). For the activity of jewellery making, this happens to be a suitable star.
New jewellery can alsio be worn in this star. The first sexual union or Nisheka can be done in this star.

A disease which sets in while this star is in operation gets cured within 9 days. Medical treatment can also
commence in this star. Taking oil bath is a healthy activity. It promotes health and well being. If one takes
oil bath on a Saturday, prosperity accrues. Ardra, Uttraphalguni, Jyeshta and Shravana are unfavourable
for oil baths. Wealth as well as longevity will be harmed by taking oil bath on a day ruled by

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
Coronation ceremony can be held on a day ruled by Uttaraphalguni. This star is also favouable for
performance of Seemandham function. A student can be initiated into a mantra on a day ruled by
Uttaraphalguni. The Upanayanam or sacred thread ceremony can also be held in this star.

Summing up Uttaraphalguni is an auspicious star for a variety of occasions. Being a dhruva star, it brings
about lasting happiness and benefits of an enduring nature. Hence, one should take advantage of this
asterism while choosing to perform actions which have far-reaching implications.

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

'/HK's /Heikcb (with 7)3/4 £te.p 'theetq)' an? fiboance?

^taUat flstf6Uq%i -On 'going abtoa?'

Mohan Kumar R.

Director: Advanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy (ASARA], Salem; Ex-Secretary (2007 & 2009]:
Prof.A.Vaithialingam Astrological Research Society (PAVARS]. Hails from a textile-business family; belongs
to Devangar (Kannada-speaking] Community; did his schooling at Fatima Convent & Holy Cross
Matriculation School, Salem; finished his graduation at Salem Sowdeswari College, Salem. (Madras University
- 1980]; had been in family business for 15 years and then worked at private business concerns at
managerial level for 10 years; had also run a Spoken English Institute for some time; teaching 'Advanced
Techniques in KP Astrology' and giving astrological consultations has been a favorite hobby for past 14 years,
but not as a full-time business; presently busy with online stock-trading activity and real estate dealings;
Email: mkthefriend(a>amaiLcom

Pranams to our Guruji KSK and my KP Master Prof. ShrLA.Vaithialingam Ayya, My respects
to all JASA Members! I feel very thankful to Shri.Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit Ji), the Editor, for
having accepted this for publication in his JASA Journal, which has made tremendous growth in a couple
of years on the Internet towards educating the community of scientific and stellar astrologers by
encouraging new research and innovative approaches by the stalwarts and the aspirants in this field.
It gives me real pleasure to present this article to JASA community of Members and to introduce
them a unique step-theory and technique of prediction in study of Advanced Stellar Astrology, by name
"MK's MAT (Micro-Analytical Technique) Method with DBA (Dasa Bhukthi Anthara) Step Theory)",
based on the basic principles of KP System.
Let me present an example of a Horary Chart Analysis on the question about 'Foreign Trip or
Going Abroad', using my innovative and unique approach (that I happened to derive in the year 2005) of
diving deeper beyond the 249 SUB divisions of the zodiac propagated by our Guruji Shri.KSK by his
extraordinary and truth-seeking SubLord Theory of KP system. Dr.K.R.KAR of Bolani, another stalwart
in the line of KSK and inventor of SubSub Theory (2193 divisions), is my Guru and inspiring light in this
line of research.
MK's Work Sheet: Horary TIME Chart - 15.11.2011 - 15.12.58 Hrs- Salem 11.39N; 78.10E

Oct-Dec 2014

JunlflbW-WMT til Iflftir jv i«w P'barwT S'vb 63 SS5

ij wmar I btit jjoq i^irjor Syrr Ven Jup Vaqi Ktn Sir
M« Mer HUf Ven, Bun
Si^, Ttel Met Sen
Met Mai> UDT Van W- Ridv
UrcCft] fHrarKT Mjr Jup fllfi
V«n*1 Mar Mfrf Moa Moa Bat
j Dtrlh Chfiri Sat V«n Mat UDP Mm- MSn
Grflnfilsorfs Ameoqa Tnp -When Rgti Mar Mpr V?T1 Kfl! Ssf
15/1tSD11 TUESDAY net VrHI MDO Vm Ran Sun
Iflr'H'Sr Oi l£.S8 PM Fw PAar Sal M£r Ran Sji
imoow QS'TtrjSf' BMtr* H.L ML SuO <S BBS
7fl:1M0E Iff'55 ST 1 Alp Sai A^' Ktl Vin
Ata : u P.1 jr Vvn Rah EJU M*
n Vm Mm But Ran Jup
flfih-ay 3M eD IV Uer Hal* M(" Mm Km
V Mac Sa! Bun Mar Mar
VI Sni Kill Sol Rah Jur
ViM H-is'ST vn Mar Mm Sat EH Sat
ftp it smtiT VEII Van Run Mm 6fil Jup
Ugf srnrw 1 Si#* W-iATr IX Mar Mai MH Voh. Bar
T3"ttt4r IX irifisr vw ir^a'W 7 Aip Van Van Vwi Mar
Ti'sar^jr Fflf MMiyMf 1 Sffi flrerir MM.
*3 Sal Mm Jup Sun
xn Eat RBUI Sat Ms Mar
Rulsvg PtirwU
Vlmsotarl Dasa ^ 360 Sinn SIM Slrbi
Ah. Jup Sal Jup
J4VJ«5 JlipnJyp-FAii Uoon Mar Pan Mar
3392-3012 13 U aos-fins ia.i2 JM-liSSflTJ Pi 11 Da/Lout Mar
oviS:wriaif BIWIOH 1J II jPifli.'mrJw JJ
jijn O^WM Juc «wwtj Maf irrorpi?
Sol SBTOOTfi CH/lHJ'ra tz Ke[ afir-rsasiz
Me: HViiTpiA Mar rtfl i.'SS pJ Ifcn U'tliMlJ
pCsn 2^1 JiMte Kd of mini} Sun isiuajiz
Visn tJBf.'MSZ Vm iaflj.Mia rjiae 2?n irzoi z
Bun Jtfti'jan Svn MWTfltJ Hnt tHJrj,W1Z
U49 11WS®-! MOC n'lO'MH Ran saiftjau
MiJ TWJTJMea^ Mar Wig/zo rz Juo (M-tHiMIl
Bin uijiafisr run OIiphtom Sa! SIDIStm
St* e.M 1 (6) Mo 1,3,7,11,6,11,4 (4),! Ws 3^,55,13,12 (IJ.Ju.lO
Ms A,?,t,A5,l!^|Si1V«,ft»,l Ju 1,10,1 AI AS,® ll S.Us ,8,1® Ve 3,5,^10,105,16.1 (9),Ms^ii
So 1U13,11Rj!,07.1I.a.7^17,» <7) Ri AJB.12,2,3,6 (9>^lo.Voi,1 jMof Ko 6,1,-1(3),7, Von

rv St* 65.11 (S) Ma 5,3,7,11,6,11,4 (4).l Mi ■ 3,9,55.10,13 [5)^*1,10

it" Ju 1,10,1,11 AS,e [1),Md.e,19 Ri 4,6,1 EA.S.OtDI.Mo.Vir.l .fit? Ka 5,1,4 OkJ.Vafi
Ve 3,35.10.10,3.10.1 (Ol.Mo.fla Ms 3.955.10.15 (5Wu.lO Ju,3, e.&(l|.64a.fl,lD
S3 KS 0,1.41 (SJ.T.VOfl VS 36^,10,10.0.10,1 Ol.iMa.Rfl (,TS 4,7,9.4,9,12J(9),V6,Rfl,l
SS9 S» 11,13.155,6,7,15,3,75,75(71 Snj 65,11 (6) Su 6.5,11 (6)

Ms 4,7.0,4,9,11,3 (9).VerRa.1 Ju 1,10.1,11J.6.e(i).lla 6,10 Ve 3001010.9,19.1 (9},MsjRa

Mfl 4.7,0,45,17.2 (9),Va.fla.1 K9 5,1.4 i3),7,VWi 1.1 Q 4,7,9.4.9,122 (-9) Vo.RiL 1
V& 3,0A 10.! 0,9,10.1 fSI.Me.fia Ju 1.10,1,11,3.6.6 C1).Ma.6.10 Mo 6.0,7,11.6,1M (4).S
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Ri 416.130!.3.6'(9).Ma,Vfl.l.Maf Ra 4.013J3,0.0 [9).Me.Vs.1,Mar SB 11,13^1^0^.7,132.722,9(7)
Ms 4.7.g,4,9.15,219).Vt. Rfl.1 Ma 4.7.6Jl.g,ia.2 (91.Va.Ra.l
Si 11,13.122,6,7,15,072.7.9(7) Ri 42.1521.0,6 (8), Ma.Vs.t JJtnr Ka a,t,4(3),7,V.n
Ma 3,05,5,1012(5)Ju. 10 M(r 4,7,0,42,122 (0|,VB,Rji,1 IXO 52,7.112,11,4 (4),0
Ms 4,7.9,4.9,12.2 (9).Vs.fta.l Vs,1 (9),i(.!s.Ra Vu 0,62,10, (BJ.Ma.nn
MS 4.7.104,9,l2,2(e).VO,fta.l Kg 5,1,4 [3i,7,V(«1 Rfl ! 42.12.2,3.6(B).MS,Va,l,Mrtr
Ma 5,07112.1 M (4),0 SJI 11.15,1,52.6,7,15.3.70,7,0 (7) 5u 0S,11 (6)
Rs 4,5,12222 (ej.Ms.vs,! .Mar

Horary Question: "Mohan, our Balaji's proposed trip to USA (for a 1-yr IT project) has been getting
delayed for the last six months or so. The trip had got cancelled twice. When will he be able to go to
A few years ago, on 15th November 2011 afternoon, my elderly Uncle, well-versed in traditional
astrology, asked me this question about his grandson (i.e. my cousin sister's son). His grandson had
earlier made a few such trips of shorter durations to USA.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
That evening, I worked out the Horary Chart and gave him this answer in writing: "Our Balaji
will be in America in coming February (2012)." Disappointed by the timing, my Uncle asked me: "Will
it take another two and a half months for that? Okay, let's see." He was expecting it to happen sooner,
may be in a week or two!
Soon, I forgot the topic, and later by the end of Feb 2012, in a family get-together, when some
talks were on about finding brides for a few bachelors in our family, someone mentioned that the above
said Balaji had left to America. So, it would take another one year or so for him to get married. On
hearing this comment, I remembered my uncle's question about his trip and immediately I called my
cousin sister over phone to inquire about it. I told her about my prediction to her dad and asked when her
son had left to USA. She first said that she didn't know about her father's question to me and then
replied: "Yes brother, Balaji had landed in California on February 1st itself." Aha! My prediction has
come true! How did I do this? I would like to share my analysis with you all, dear JASA readers.

New Approach: For horary analysis, we can handle the below approach as derived by me and illustrated
in my forthcoming text book "Deep Secrets of Planets — MK's MAT Method (with DBA Step Theory) in
KP Astrology" (A primer Tamil version of this book was published in 2009 and applauded by many of its
readers). Some of the salient features of this approach (for horary) are:

1. A Horary Time Chart should be cast for the TIME - hr, min, sec - of the Query, using the latitude and
longitude of the Place of Query. (Note: NOT the Time and Place of Analysis of the Query)(Even if
you take the Horary Number (out of '1 to 249') from the querist, the Planetary Positions at the Time
of and for the Place of Query only need to be worked out).
2. All questions can be answered from the Ascendant or Lagna Cuspal Point itself, arising at the Time of
Query OR for the Horary Number.
3. Lagna Cuspal Point denotes the Querist and the Cuspal Point Significators pertaining to the Lagna
Cusp denote the Destiny or Fate embedded within the question.
4. If any other person is inquired about, then the signification of the event pertaining to that person
should be reckoned from the Cuspal Point denoting that person. (Note: Only the event signification is
derivedfrom that cuspal point with reference to that person, but the Fate of the question is held by the
Horary Lagna Cuspal Point.)
5. Whatever be the nature of event, the Full Combination of the Event-Signifying Houses should be
considered. In this combination, apart from those of the Supporting Houses acting together, the role
of the Main House, pertaining to the event in question, is vital,. Such a combination of Houses is
called "First-grade Favorable Combination".
6. The Combination of Event-Negating Houses (i.e., the 12th Houses to the Favorable Houses as taken
in No.5 above), as they are detrimental to the fructification of the desired event, is called "First-grade
Unfavorable Combination".
7. The Combination of Support-booster Houses, (i.e., the 11th Houses OR the Houses of Profit to the
Favorable Houses as taken in No.5 above), is called "Second-grade Favorable Combination". These
Houses are capable of dissolving the negation impact of the Unfavorable Houses as taken in No.6
above as these, being the 12th Houses, are detrimental to the Event-Negating Houses.
8. The Combination of Negation-booster Houses (i.e., the 12th Houses to the Support-booster Houses
as taken in No.7 above) is called "Second-grade Unfavorable Combination". These Houses are
capable of dissolving the positive-power of the Support-booster Houses as taken in No.7 above.

Thus, in "MK's MAT Method (with DBA Step Theory)", we have four types of Combinations of
Houses to deal with:
(1) First-grade Favorable'; (2) 'First-grade Unfavorable';
(3) 'Second-Grade Favorable'and (4)'Second-grade Unfavorable'.

MK Rule of Significators: Of these four types of combinations, only the first-graded ones can either
bring about or block the outcome according to their nature. The second-graded ones cannot do this by
themselves. They can only be supportive to the first-graded ones.
JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

Houses to be Signified for the event in question:

9' House (5th to 5th) denotes Grandson; 9th to 9th = 5 denotes his House of Foreign Land.
So, we need to consider the following four combinations for the matter of 'Grandson's Foreign Trip':

11-5-8-7 3-9-12-11 to 9 - Can go abroad Favorable Houses -1 Grade

Event-Signifying Houses
10-4 2-8 to 9th- Can't go abroad Unfavorable Houses -1 Grade
Event-Negating Houses
9-3 1-7 to 9th- Lessens negation Favorable Houses - II Grade
Support-booster Houses
6 to 9 Lessens support Unfavorable Houses - II Grade
Negation-booster Houses

MK's Analysis: Don't we need to see whether the query is a genuine one or not? Yes, we would better.
As the querist was my own uncle, I shouldn't have any doubt about his questioning me. But still, just to
be cautious and on the safer side, let me analyze how genuine the question is. The Houses signified by
Moon, the ruler of the Mind, should answer this.
In the below chart, according to my "Cuspal Point Signification (CPS) Method", Moon signifies
the Houses 5,3,7,1,8,11,4 (4)8.
[Note: All planets ruling any Cuspal Point (from its Sign to SSS Level) and all those posited in a
120° aspect (+/- 6°) to that Cuspal Point and the Occupants of that Bhava are together called 'the Cuspal
Point Significators'. Learn more from my forthcoming book: "Deep Secrets of Planets — MK's MAT
Method in KP Astrology".]
As seen in the first column above, 11-5-8-7 is the full combination needed to signify the said
event and Moon has got the same. In addition, 4th House (which is 8th to the 9th House) is also signified
twice by Moon, which only indicates the fear, in the mind of the querist, of the hurdles that keep
hindering the journey. This hurdle, or the fear of it, is the real cause of the question seeking answer.
Thus, by Moon's signification, we can conclude that the question is quite genuine and the querist
is really concerned about the possibility of his grandson going abroad by overcoming the hurdles.
Let's see the Destiny, after a brief explanation of what-is-what in MK's MAT Method:

DBAS Lords (Dasa, Bhukthi, Anthara, Sookshama Lords) And "MK's MAT Method (with DBA
Step Theory)":

KP Rule of Significators and Timing of Events: "An Event will happen during the combined
DBA period of the strongest Significators of the Houses, pertaining to the event." ('Four-fold
Significators Table' is used for this task, wherein only the SignLord and the Occupants of the relevant
Houses are considered.)
It is well-known by KP Followers that when a Dasa Lord has been judged to be favorable to offer
a desired event, then the next task would be to select the most fruitful Bhukthi Lord who would cooperate
with Dasa Lord to bring about the fructification of the said event. Likewise, after deciding such a Bhukthi
Lord, we would have to find one fruitful Anthara Lord who would join hands with that Bhukthi Lord,
who in turn acts at the command of the Dasa Lord.
For this purpose of deciding upon the fruitful Significators, who would combine together to act as
the DBA Lords, our Guruji KSK has taught us to seek the help of Ruling Planets taken at the Time of
Analysis, which would guide us to filter the 'fruitful significators' out of several prospective ones
appearing in the 'four-fold table'.
Readers may have had their own experiences in this regard. I have had mine too. I withhold my
comments on it for the time being.

MK's Micro-Analytical Technique (MAT) and Role of DBA Step Theory in selecting the
Fruitful Significators:

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
(Note: With no bias in his mind, a KP follower would certainly realize, that this below concept of
mine is quite a 'new one' - a never before attempted or even thought of by our community of KP
followers world-over. I hope so.
I am pleased to present and declare that this 'Micro-Analytical Technique (MAT) with DBA
Step Theory' has the potential to replace the need for Ruling Planets in selecting the fruitful
significators' in a more logical way. This MK's Theory does NOT apply Ruling Planets at all, either in a
Birth Chart or in a Horary Chart, for the sake of selecting fruitful significators as propounded by our
Guruji. This would certainly be shocking news for all KP followers, but, believe it or not, it is a fact and it
works well too. Note: Don't expect any approach to be 100% perfect and, I am sure, none can claim so.
For me, it is not only the rate of success, but also the ease of handling that counts ultimately for any
approach to be liked and adapted.)
Among the relevant Houses (i.e., among the First-grade Favourable Houses) pertaining to the
event in question, Cuspal Point Significators of ONLY the MAIN HOUSE are considered. As far as the
Dasa Lord is concerned, we NEED NOT stress too much on the criterion of being a Cuspal Point
Significator of the Main House in question. In most cases, the Dasa Lord happens to be a Cuspal Point
Significator by rule. In some cases, it may not appear so, but it would offer the result, if the same does not
command negation strongly.
Now, to get a fruitful Bhukthi Lord to assist the Dasa Lord, we have to look for the one who
qualifies not only as a Cuspal Point Significator but also is a stronger one by its position when compared
to the other ones. Such a Significator, who has the first-grade favourable combination', at most of the
four levels, i.e., at the Star, Sub, SubSub and SubSubSub levels, will be able to give the desired results. In
this way, we would not have much difficulty in fixing a potential Anthara Lord and also a Sookshama
Lord. The secret lies in the micro-analytical technique (MAT) in assessing the four levels (DBA Step
Theory) of each of the prospective significators.
Now, how does my 'MAT-cum-DBA Step Theory' work? Okay, here it is.
Let's suppose the Dasa Lord (be it or not a Cuspal Point Significator but certainly NOT with a
strong negation quality) has got the 'first-grade favourable combination' of Houses pertaining to the
desired event at its third level, i.e., the SubSub level. Next, we need to decide on the right Bhukthi Lord.
How? Divide the value of full span of period (i.e., 120 years) in Vimshottari Dasa System by 4. It gives
four quarters of 30 years each, totally ruled by all the 9 Bhukthi Lords.
Now, if we add up the corresponding years of periods, starting from the first Bhukthi Lord and
noting down those Lords jointly ruling each of the quarter periods of 30 years. Two or three Bhukthi
Lords (in full or in part) may rule the third quarter of 30 years, i.e., 60-90 cumulative years. Of these two
or three, one or more will qualify as the relevant Cuspal Point Significator(s). Select the one with most
power as the potential Bhukthi Lord. Thus, we can narrow down on the potential Bhukthi Lord for the
particular event. Likewise, among the qualifying Cuspal Point Significators, the most potential Anthara
Lord and also the Sookshama Lord can be narrowed down with ease.
This approach works fine with Birth Charts, but the criterion here would naturally be to arrive at
the right Birth Time up to hr-min-secs. (And that's a different issue beyond the scope of this article!)
More detailed explanation and ample proof on all these respects are provided in my forthcoming book
mentioned above. Readers would certainly wonder at how results are achieved without the help of Ruling
Moreover, based on the concept of 'SOURCE-MATTER-EFFECT' as propounded by our Guruji,
MK's Theory lays emphasis on "the Combination of Houses" for fructification of any event.
For example, for the gift of Marriage, KP Rule goes like this: "If the 7th Cuspal Sublord signifies
the House 2 or 7 or 11, then marriage is promised for the native. "
This KP Rule gets modified thus by MK's viewpoint: "If any of the 7th Cuspal Point
Significators signify the combination of Houses 2-11, then it would, in its Bhukthi period, facilitate the
event of Marriage. "(Where 7th means Husband or Wife as being the SOURCE and the MATTER is
denoted by 2-11, meaning growth of family or increase (or gain) in the number of family members. The
EFFECT of such a legal bondage may be favorable OR unfavorable as Destiny may have it - signified
by the combination of Houses 5-8-11-12 for mutual happiness, conjugal bliss, bed comfort, etc., OR the

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
combination of Houses 1-4-6-10-12 for misunderstandings, deprivation of sexual pleasure, tendency for
separation, ego clashes, etc. Such is the power of 'Combination of Houses' used in MK's Theory.
An illustration with the help of the above horary chart would throw some light on my above idea
of DESTINY and SIGNIFICATORS. Now, let's continue the analysis on the question of 'Going

Analysis continued: The period running, at the time of this query, is Mars Bhukthi in Rahu Dasa,
which is about to end in 3 to 4 months. If this Rahu Dasa (18 yrs) is favorable, then it would render
favorable result in its period. Now that most of its long period has lapsed, and with only the last Bhukthi
of Mars left, will this Rahu Dasa bear any fruit?

By MK's Rule of Significators for horary analysis, this Rahu, in order to execute the desired
event, will need to qualify as a Significator of the Lagna Bhava. If not so, Rahu, as the DasaLord, at least,
should not possess strong negating powers constraining the event. Being placed at 21° 31' in Vrishika
(Scorpio) Sign, Rahu, with a strong 120° aspect, gets connected to the Lagna Cuspal Point, falling in
Meena (Pisces) Sign. So, Rahu becomes a Significator of Lagna Bhava. Well, this criterion alone will not
be enough, unless Rahu is posited favorably to ensure the result. That is, not all Cuspal Point
Significators are bound to give favourable results in matters pertaining to that Cusp or Bhava (MK
Let us now apply the stellar concept and make a micro-analysis at a deeper level. To intricately
examine whether Rahu will bear fruit or not, we need to ponder deep through the four steps of Rahu's
position- down through its Star, Sub, SubSub(SS) and SubSubSub(SSS) levels .

Now looking into Rahu's placement in the chart, only if the last level of Rahu's position is
favorable, then the corresponding Bhukthi lords (in this case only Mars) would co-operate to deliver the
desired result. But, is there any obligation for Mars to give it? Only if this Mars, the Bhukthi Lord, is also
favorable by its own position, we can rest assured. Mars's position will certainly be so when fate has
been so designed. More important, again by MK's Rule of Significators, Mars should also be a
Significator of Lagna Bhava to deliver the event in question.
Rahu, at its last level, (i.e., at its SSS level), is transformed as Saturn. This Saturn signifies the
Houses 11,12,1,5,3,3,6,7,12,2,7,8,7,9 (7). Among these, the first-grade favorable combination of Houses
11-5-8-7 is very much evident. The first-grade unfavorable combination of Houses 10-4 is absent. (Refer
columns above). Saturn's signification of Houses to this effect is quite enough to trigger the desired event
in Rahu Dasa. Thus, a fate favorable by nature is possessed by the Dasa Lord Rahu.
If Fate has got the desired event so much assured to be delivered through the Dasa Lord, then the
acting Bhukthi Lord Mars, being the only one left in this case, would also be in a position to facilitate the
said event. It cannot be simply assumed so. It has to be there and it will be there.
Let's see what Mars holds within its own position in the zodiac. Mars Bhukthi period in Rahu
Dasa extends to 12 months and 18 days. By the time the query came to me for analysis, more than nine
months of Mars Bhukthi period had already lapsed without any result. Mars Bhukthi Venus Anthara
period was running at the time of question. It would be enough for us to see whether the remaining period
of Venus Anthara in Mars Bhukthi (or the next Sun or Moon Anthara) would be fruitful or not.
This Mars, the Bhukthi Lord in action, also becomes a Significator of Lagna Bhava as it is in a
strong 120° aspect to Jupiter, who, being the SignLord and SubLord of Lagna Cuspal Point, is another
strong Significator of the same.
Now, going deep into the position of this Mars, down through its four steps up to its SSS level,
Sun appears as the acting or transformed power agent of Mars at the SSS (4th step) level, holding a strong
combination of Houses 11-5-8. As this is a favorable combination of the first-grade (without any
unfavorable houses to hinder the outcome), it was very comfortably decided by me that Mars Bhukthi
would render the result by the end of its period. (Remember: Rahu, as the master influencing the Bhukthi
Lord, has already permitted the same at its last level.)
As Moon rules the last Anthara period of Mars Bhukthi, and as it signifies the first-grade
favorable combination of Houses 11-5-8 at its Sub and SSS Levels, I decided that Moon would bestow

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
the wish in its period without fail (between 23.1.2013 and 23.2.2013). So, the prediction that the grandson
of the querist would certainly be in a foreign land during Feb 2013 was made with certainty. And as said,
the concerned person did land in America on Feb 1st, 2012.
Though the exact date of the person's landing abroad was not explored at that time, as I was in a
hurry to move out for some other work, I was confident that the event would happen in the second or the
last quarter of Moon Anthara period, which, in total, runs for about 31 days in Mars Bhukthi of Rahu
It so happened that the event materialized on the 9th day of this short period of Moon Anthara, and
that part happens to be ruled by Rahu again as the Sookshama Lord. Rahu's Sookshama period runs for 5
days from the 6th to the 10th day. So, in the last step of Rahu, i.e., at the SSS level, Saturn once again
played the role perfectly just as it did for the same Rahu in its domain as the Dasa Lord.

(Note: To some of the curious minds reading this article, it would be evident that Moon does not
appear as a Lagna Cuspal Point Significator in any way as explained earlier. YES. I accept it. Very
rarely, as it so happened in this particular Horary Chart, the Anthara Lord Moon has appeared as the
StarLord and Sub Lord of the 11th Cuspal Point. Hence, by judging the potential held by Mars at its final
and 4th Step and also that of Moon at its 2nd and 3rd Steps, and this being a Horary Chart analysis, I just
felt like trying to see if a 11th Cuspal Point Significator (denoting the querist's fulfillment of desires)
would have any play here. And it worked out neatly. So, for a Horary Chart, sometimes there may be an
exception as this to my CPS Rule. BUT, to be honest to myself, I would adhere to my CPS Rule strictly
and wouldn't dare to go beyond the MAIN House in question in the case of a Birth Chart analysis.
Readers would have very well noticed by this time that no use of Ruling Planets is made in this article. A
rare phenomenon indeed in KP! Also, MK's DBA Step Theory is in no way influenced by the famous '4-
step Theory' of Shri.Sunil Gondhalekar Ji).

Transit: The transit positions of the DBAS Lords (i.e. the Period Lords) and Transit Luminaries
(Sun and Moon) are also a matter to be cherished on this happening. The Dasa Lord Rahu was transiting
in the Star and Sub of Mercury and the Bhukthi Lord Mars was passing over Sun star and its own sub,
while the Anthara Lord Moon was moving in Sun star and sub of Jupiter.
It can be noted well to one's surprise that all the above three - Mercury, Mars and Jupiter - are
Significators of the Lagna Cuspal Point. As far as Sun is concerned, it rules the favorable Houses 11-5-8
to become the strongest Significator of the said event all by itself. This Sun, as the SSS Lord, takes
control of the Bhukthi Lord Mars, who under the sway of Rahu, the Dasalord, is bound to co-operate to
bring about the desired event.
Two important rules of KP theory have been met clearly in this analysis, though the application
goes way beyond the usual method: (1) the event would materialize in the conjoined DBA period of the
Significators of the concerned Houses; (2) the DBA planets and the Luminaries would transit in the star
or sub of the Significators.
Friends, it has been conceived and tested in numerous cases and established beyond doubt that
deeper you dig into the planetary positions, clearer picture you get of what the planets hold within
For those who would wonder or want to question me 'why go so deep up to the SSS level, when
KSK had not touched it or even mentioned it?'.... It is a fact that the SubSubSub divisions of the zodiac
were clearly tabulated and presented in KSK's "Astrology and Athrishta" magazine way back in 1977
issues*, but none had given a try on its applications until later in one of his articles Dr.Kar gave a small
clue about the utility and power of SSS lords of planets**.
As the last student of Dr.Kar, with his divine blessings, the author of this article takes a humble
pride in declaring as being the first one to have used SubSubSub Lords (19689 divisions and SSS Lords)
in an exhaustive manner since 2005 and to have authored the first text book (in Tamil) on a 'New Theory
of Application' of these SubSubSub Lords, by his name 'MK's Predictive Techniques in KP Astrology'
in 2009. [One other article of the same author by title "MK's Predictive Techniques in KP Astrology"
was published in another Internet E-magazine (December 2008, Vol.2 - Issue 11; pages 29-31)].

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
I request the member friends of JASA to join hands with me for further research and establishment of
truth in astrology. May the divine soul of our Great Guruji KSK bless us all in our endeavors!

imp fitiir 9^hnutft PtJ/

iirt Mtf! tMMfl

* A photo-copy of a section of the page showing the SubSubSub Table in "Astrology and Athrishta "
Magazine, Feb 1977 issue, is given above.
** Dr.K.R.Kar's article by title "A Survey through Stellar Astrology" in the book "Krishnamurti
Padhdhati-A Study of Astrology" - page 134, 2nd para; Edition: May1999 - Publisher:
Shri.K.Hariharan, Krishnamurti Publications, Chennai.

Welcome to my blog: 'mkr-astroresearch.blogspot.in' for further enlightenment and sharing of

insights based on KP System. Readers may place their comments in the above blogger site or email them
to 'mkthefriend@gmail.comwhich would help me refine my theory in case of any pitfall.
I appreciate Shri.Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit Ji), the Editor, for his commendable work in bringing
out JASA in dashing colors for the advancement of scientific astrology. I once again thank him for
graciously accepting this article for publication in the forthcoming issue of his esteemed journal.
Thank you, friends! Hope to meet you all again through JASA!

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

lA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
Report on
on 28th Annual Conference of

Universal Research Institute of Astro & Occult Sciences


22nd Annual Convocation of

Universal College of Astrology

(Regd.No. 1073/92)

1-1-336/95 Viveknagar, Chikkadpally, Hyderabad-500 020

Held at Siindarayya Vignana Kendram, Doddi Komarayya Hall, Bagh Iingampally,

Hyderabad - 500044 pm Sunday, 10th August, 2014

> About 100 members have attended the event, apart from Dr. N.V.R.A. a Trustee member
of the College and the Presdient of JKR Astro Research Foundation; Sri. K.Upendraiah,
President of Hima Sri Jyothisha Kendram, the Affiliate Institute at Khammam; Sri
M.K.Viswanath and Sri. R.Balaji from Astrovision;

> The Secretary Sri. S.Babu Rao has invited the President of the Institute and the Chairman
of the College, Prof. C.Sambasiva Rao to the dais followed by the Vice-President, Sri.
Akella Krishna Murthy;

> The Secretary has invited the Chief Guest, Dr. ANDREW DUTTA (Sri Indrajit) to the dais; He
was honoured with a Shawl and boquet;

JASA Vol. 4 (2) Oct-Dec 2014

> Prayer was rendered by Kurm. P.Yasaswini Chiranjeev, grand daughter of Guruji, Late Sri.
P.V.K.Punneswara Rao;

> After lighting the lamp by the dignitaries on the dais, Sri. S.Babu Rao has presented the
Secretary's Report for the year 2013-14; With deep regrets the gathering has observed a
2 minute silence as a mark of respect on the sad demise of Sri. C.N.R. Reddy garu,
founder Chairman of our affiliate body at Kakinada, 'Jupiter Institute of Astro Sciences',
on 11th August, 2013 due to heart failure. The Institute has placed on record, the
yeomen services rendered by him in furtherance of propagation of astrology in

> The President of the Institute, Prof. C.Sambasiva Rao has delivered his welcome speech.

> The Joint Secretary, Sri. P.S.Chiranjeevi, S/o. Guruji Late Sri. P.V.K.Punneswara Rao has
given a brief introduction of the Chief Chief Guest, Dr. ANDREW DUTTA (Sri Indrajit) to
the gathering :

He has done Doctorate in Management, a Visiting Research Scholar to Bentley University,

Massachusetts, USA during 2004-05, M.Com (Business Finance) [Gold Medalist University of
Calcutta, 1999], MTP from IIMT, Hyderabad;

He is Associate Member of American Federation of Astrologers, Member of Universal College of

Astrology, Hyderabad ;

He is the winner of Nostradamus Award, 2009; Maharshi Parashar Gold Medal Award Winner,
2002; and has the following titles to his credit : Jyothish Bibhakar, Jyothish Vidya Ratna, Jyothish
Surya, Jyothish Visharad, Jyotisha Vignana Bhaskar etc..

Dr. Andrew Dutta is the founder and Honorary Editor of the international journal -The Journal for
Advancement of Stellar Astrology [JASA] which has 22,000+ subscribers spread across 110
countries of the world and is a dedicated stellar astrology international journal.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
He is married to Ms. Moumita in the year 2005 and blessed with a daughter, Mythili who was born
in Hyderabad;

Dr. Andrew Dutta has attended the event along with his family. Ms. Moumita Dutta -
the person behind Dr. Dutta's strength - was also honoured.

> Then the Chief Guest Dr. Andrew Dutta has delivered his speech on Birth Time
Rectification with Krishnamurti Paddhati. The audience was spell bound with the Chief
Guest's presentation on the topic. The topic was dealt, starting with basics as to whether
BTR should be resorted in every case, the role of Ruling Planets, how to check and
correct the birth Ascendant, the method to rectify the birth time and verify the same
and finally elaborated on his pet rule which he calls 'the Rule of Origin'.

> The members of the Institute are absolutely happy to know the BTR procedure right from
the words of Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit) and during the entire time of speech by him,
the whole auditorium was in absolute silence. That itself shows how well the speech is

> The Vice President of the Institute, Sri. Akella Krishna Murthy has given a brief speech and
conveyed his experiences in brief.

> Sri. K. Upendraiah, the President of our Institute's affiliate at Khammam has briefed about
his attachment with our Institute and Guruji Late Sri. P.V.K. Punneswara Rao. He, himself is
known Vasthu expert, has volunteered to conduct few sessions on Vasthu at Hyderabd
to share his rich experiences with the members at Hyderabad.

> The Treasurer, Sri. K. Nageswara Rao has presented Treasurer's Report for the year 2013-
14 and informed that the Institute's financial condition is satisfactory.

> Sri. K.Babu Rao, one of the founder members of the Institute and erstwhile Principal of
Universal College of Astrology is declared by the Chief Guest, Dr. Andrew Dutta - as the
recipient of 'Life time Achievement Award' and is to be honoured with a Shawl, a
Certificate and a Cash award of Rs. 5,000.

JASA Vol. 4(2) Oct-Dec 2014
> Then the 'distribution of Certificates by the Chief Guest took place :

❖ Honourary Certificates to the 'Faculty Members' :

(1) Sri. M.B.K. Sarma - Jyothisha Mohopadhyaya

(2) Sri. K.Nageswara Rao- Jyothisha Acharya
(3) Sri. P.S. Chiranjeevi - Jyothisha Acharya
(4) Sri. T.V.S. Kumar - Jyothisha Acharya

❖ Honorary Certificates to 'ln-charges of Affiliated Institutes' :

(1)Sri. Akella Krishna Murty, Hanamkonda - Jyothir Vaidya Ratna

(2) Sri. K.Upendraiah, Khammam - Vasthu Ratna
(3) Sri. D.Venkateswar, Kakinada - Jyothisha Acharya

❖ Certificates and Cash Prizes to the successful students in the courses conducted by
the Universal College of Astrology viz., Jyothisha Praveena, Jyothisha Visarada and
Jyothisha Siromani.

> Then the Chief Guest, Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit) was honoured with a title of
'Jyothisha Mahamahopadhyay' in recognition of his dedicated global services in the
field of astrology.

> Some of the Students volunteered to address the gathering and expressed their opinion
and happiness about the functioning of the Institute and the College.

> The Joint Secretary, Sri. P.S.Chiranjeevi has presented the Vote of Thanks to the Chief
Guest and other dignitaries on the dais and also the esteemed members and visitors to
the Conference.

Place: Hyderabad CA. P.S.Chiranjeevi

Date : 23rd September, 2014 yyi.Com., LLB., FCA, MA (Astro)


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