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You are here: Permits Landing Page 2008 MSGP 2008 MSGP Details

2008 Industrial Multi-Sector General Quick Jump to Other

Permit Permits

Notice of Intent Details

Details for NMR05G982

General Information

Date Submitted: 11/24/2008

Current Status: Expired
Permit Type: MSGP

Operator Information

Name: Albuquerque Metal Recycling Inc

Street: 3339 2nd St. SW
Street 2: N/A
City: Albuquerque
State: NM
Zip Code: 87105
Phone Number 505-934-5350
IRS EIN: 850412406
Fax: N/A

Project / Facility Information

Project / Site Name: Albuquerque Metal Recycling Inc

Street: 3339 2nd St SW
Street 2: N/A
City: Albuquerque
State: NM
County: Bernalillo
Zip Code: 87105
Latitude / Longitude Type: Decimals
Latitude: 35,0410
Longitude: 106,6557
Latitude / Longitude Source: Other
Other data source: Streets and Trips Program
If you used a USGS topographic map, what was the scale? N/A
Is your facility located on Indian Country Lands? No
Reservation Name: N/A
Is this a federal facility? No
Have stormwater discharges from your site been covered previously
under an NPDES permit?:
Estimated area of industrial activity at your site exposed to stormwater

Discharge Information

Does your facility discharge into a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer
System (MS4)?
If yes, name of MS4 Operator: Albuquerque NM
Primary SIC Code: N/A
Primary Activity Code: N/A
Is the site presently inactive and unstaffed? No
If yes, is your site expected to be inactive and unstaffed for the entire
permit term?
If "no," indicate the length of time that you expect your facility to be
inactive and unstaffed:

The sector(s) or industrial activity, including co-located industrial activity, for which you are requesting permit coverage:
▸ Sector AD Subsector AD.1 ▸ Sector N Subsector N.1
Receiving water(s):
What is the name(s) of your
Are any of your discharges Has a TMDL been completed for the
receiving water(s) that receive What pollutant(s) are causing the Are those pollutants present in
directly into any segment of an pollutant(s) causing the
stormwater directly and/or impairment? your discharge?
"impaired" water? impairment?
through an MS4?

Rio Grande Y Fecal Coliform N N

Water Quality Standards (for new dischargers only)

Are any of your discharges into any portion of a receiving water

designated by the state or tribal authority under its antidegradation N/A
policy as a Tier 2 (or Tier 2.5) water?
Has the receiving water(s) been designated by the state or tribal
authority under its antidegradation policy as a Tier 3 water?

Federal Effluent Limitation Guidelines and Sector-Specific Requirements

If you are a Sector S (Air Transportation) facility, do you anticipate

using more than 100,000 gallons of glycol-based deicing/anti-icing
chemicals and/or 100 tons or more of urea on an average annual
Which effluent limitation guidelines apply to your stormwater discharges?
40 CFR Part/Subpart Eligible Discharges Affected MSGP Sector

SWPPP Contact Information

SWPPP Point of Contact: Jerold Schmider

Phone: N/A

Historic Preservation

Using the instructions in Appendix F of the MSGP, under which

criterion listed in Part 1.1.46 are you eligible for coverage under this B

Endangered Species Protection

Under which criterion are you eligible for coverage under this permit?

▸ CRITERION E Feedback
The federally-listed species or federally-designated critical habitat in the "action area":

▸ Silvery Minnow

The pollutant(s) expected in your discharge:

▸ Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

If you are an existing discharger, do you have effluent monitoring data from EPA�s MSGP 2000, or another previous NPDES permit?


If you have benchmark monitoring data, did you exceed any of the applicable benchmarks?


Did you exceed any applicable effluent limitation guideline or cause or contribute to an exceedance of a State or Tribal water quality standard?

Documentation supporting criterion E eligibility:
Documentation Link

3-23%20exec%20summary.pdf Download

Certification Information

Name: Jerold Schmider


Certification Date: 11/24/2008

Correspondence Documents
File Name Description Created Date Download

enoi_rtf_1227558009074.rtf NOI (Construction & Industrial) Acknowledgement 11/24/2008 Download

msgp_form_data11227558007249.pdf MSGP NOI Form 11/24/2008 Download

msgp_requirement_data11227558007783.pdf MSGP Monitoring Requirements 11/24/2008 Download


Reporting Correspondence and Forms

File Name Received Date Document Type Electronic / Hardcopy Download

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