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My Conversation

Multi-Modal Project- My Conversation

Kendal Buckalew

University of North Carolina-Charlotte

Revision May 1, 2018

My Conversation

Writing Prompt 8:

Multi-Modal Project- My Conversation

For this assignment, I chose to hold a conversation with my dad regarding my partner and

I’s chosen topic for our semester long project. Overall, I would say that our conversation was

very productive and informative, and that it definitely helped me gain different perspectives

about “The History of the FBI”.

I began the conversation by telling my dad what our topic was. He found it to be a very

interesting topic, however, he admitted that it was one he did not know very much about. I first

asked the question, “What FBI case do you know the most information about”. He then

proceeded to answer with, “Definitely the killing of Martin Luther King Jr…my family used to

talk about the case all of the time. It was incomprehensible to all of us how our very own United

States government could be behind something so horrific”.

I definitely used this conversation with my dad to further my research on the FBI scandal

of the Martin Luther King Jr. case. I want to be sure to make it a very integral part of the “FBI

scandals” portion of our project. I look forward to digging even further into these scandals and

making sure that all of the truths are brought to the open.

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