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April 1987

Engineman 1 & C


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DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Although the words “he,” “him,” and
“his” are used sparingly in this course to
enhance communication, they are not
intended to be gender driven or to affront or
discriminate against anyone.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

PENSACOLA, FL 32509-5237

ERRATA #1 12 Mar 1991

Specific Instructions and Errata for

Training Manual and
Nonresident Training Course

1. No attempt has been made to issue corrections for errors in typing,

punctuation, etc., that do not affect your ability to answer the question or
2. To receive credit for deleted questions, show this errata to your local
course administrator (ESO/scorer). The local course administrator is
directed to correct the course and the answer key by indicating the question
3. Assignment Booklet

Delete the following questions, and leave the corresponding spaces blank
on the answer sheets:
Questions Questions
3-69 8-46
7-32 9-21
7-40 9-22

Make the following changes:
Question Change
2-23 In the question, line 2, change the words
"ship-to-ship" "to ship-to-shop."
3-35 In the question, line 4, delete the word
4-35 In choice 1, change the word "pressure"
to read "presence" and delete the word
"the" before "oil."
5-42 In choice 2, change the word "tapped" to
read "tappet."
8-4 In the question, line 1, change the words
"an air" to read "A."

In the instructions for Change figure numbers "9-4" and

answering questions "9-5" to read "7-4" and "7-5."
9-55 through 9-58
4. Textbook, Engineman 1 & C
Make the following changes:
Page Column Par. Change

2-4 Right 2 Change "feed" to "feet."

8-14 Right 1 Change "chapter 63" to
"chapter 631."

9-13 Left 3 Delete repeat sentence

starting from "a few lights
ending to switchboards."
By enrolling in this self-study course, you have demonstrated a desire to improve yourself and the Navy.
Remember, however, this self-study course is only one part of the total Navy training program. Practical
experience, schools, selected reading, and your desire to succeed are also necessary to successfully round
out a fully meaningful training program.

COURSE OVERVIEW: In completing this nonresident training course, you will demonstrate a
knowledge of the subject matter by correctly answering questions on the following: maintenance of
engines, reduction gears, air-conditioning equipment, and additional auxiliary machinery; the performance
and efficiency of an engine; engineering casualty control; engineering records and reports; and ship
inspections and trials.

THE COURSE: This self-study course is organized into subject matter areas, each containing learning
objectives to help you determine what you should learn along with text and illustrations to help you
understand the information. The subject matter reflects day-to-day requirements and experiences of
personnel in the rating or skill area. It also reflects guidance provided by Enlisted Community Managers
(ECMs) and other senior personnel, technical references, instructions, etc., and either the occupational or
naval standards, which are listed in the Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower Personnel Classifications
and Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068.

THE QUESTIONS: The questions that appear in this course are designed to help you understand the
material in the text.

VALUE: In completing this course, you will improve your military and professional knowledge.
Importantly, it can also help you study for the Navy-wide advancement in rate examination. If you are
studying and discover a reference in the text to another publication for further information, look it up.

1983 Edition Prepared by

ENC Kenneth L. Butts

Published by

NAVSUP Logistics Tracking Number


Sailor’s Creed

“I am a United States Sailor.

I will support and defend the

Constitution of the United States of
America and I will obey the orders
of those appointed over me.

I represent the fighting spirit of the

Navy and those who have gone
before me to defend freedom and
democracy around the world.

I proudly serve my country’s Navy

combat team with honor, courage
and commitment.

I am committed to excellence and

the fair treatment of all.”


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

2. Administration, Supervision, and Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

3. Engine Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

4. Reduction Gears and Related Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

5. Engine Performance and Efficiency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

6. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

7. Auxiliary Machinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

8. Environmental Pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1

9. Engineering Casualty Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1

Nonresident Career Course follows Index

The illustrations indicated below are included in this edition of Engineman
1 & C through the courtesy of the designated sources. Permission to use these
illustrations is gratefully acknowledged. Permission to reproduce illustrations
and other materials in this publication should be obtained from the source.

Sources: Figures:

Bacharach Industrial Instrument 3-1, 3-2, 3-3



ASSIGNMENTS assignments. To submit your assignment

answers via the Internet, go to:
The text pages that you are to study are listed at
the beginning of each assignment. Study these http://courses.cnet.navy.mil
pages carefully before attempting to answer the
questions. Pay close attention to tables and Grading by Mail: When you submit answer
illustrations and read the learning objectives. sheets by mail, send all of your assignments at
The learning objectives state what you should be one time. Do NOT submit individual answer
able to do after studying the material. Answering sheets for grading. Mail all of your assignments
the questions correctly helps you accomplish the in an envelope, which you either provide
objectives. yourself or obtain from your nearest Educational
Services Officer (ESO). Submit answer sheets

Read each question carefully, then select the COMMANDING OFFICER

BEST answer. You may refer freely to the text. NETPDTC N331
The answers must be the result of your own 6490 SAUFLEY FIELD ROAD
work and decisions. You are prohibited from PENSACOLA FL 32559-5000
referring to or copying the answers of others and
from giving answers to anyone else taking the Answer Sheets: All courses include one
course. “scannable” answer sheet for each assignment.
These answer sheets are preprinted with your
SUBMITTING YOUR ASSIGNMENTS SSN, name, assignment number, and course
number. Explanations for completing the answer
To have your assignments graded, you must be sheets are on the answer sheet.
enrolled in the course with the Nonresident
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two ways of having your assignments graded:
(1) use the Internet to submit your assignments Follow the instructions for marking your
as you complete them, or (2) send all the answers on the answer sheet. Be sure that blocks
assignments at one time by mail to NETPDTC. 1, 2, and 3 are filled in correctly. This
information is necessary for your course to be
Grading on the Internet: Advantages to properly processed and for you to receive credit
Internet grading are: for your work.

• you may submit your answers as soon as COMPLETION TIME

you complete an assignment, and
• you get your results faster; usually by the Courses must be completed within 12 months
next working day (approximately 24 hours). from the date of enrollment. This includes time
required to resubmit failed assignments.
In addition to receiving grade results for each
assignment, you will receive course completion
confirmation once you have completed all the

PASS/FAIL ASSIGNMENT PROCEDURES For subject matter questions:

If your overall course score is 3.2 or higher, you E-mail: n314.products@cnet.navy.mil

will pass the course and will not be required to Phone: Comm: (850) 452-1001, Ext. 1826
resubmit assignments. Once your assignments DSN: 922-1001, Ext. 1826
have been graded you will receive course FAX: (850) 452-1370
completion confirmation. (Do not fax answer sheets.)
If you receive less than a 3.2 on any assignment NETPDTC N314
and your overall course score is below 3.2, you 6490 SAUFLEY FIELD ROAD
will be given the opportunity to resubmit failed PENSACOLA FL 32509-5237
assignments. You may resubmit failed
assignments only once. Internet students will For enrollment, shipping, grading, or
receive notification when they have failed an completion letter questions
assignment--they may then resubmit failed
assignments on the web site. Internet students E-mail: fleetservices@cnet.navy.mil
may view and print results for failed Phone: Toll Free: 877-264-8583
assignments from the web site. Students who Comm: (850) 452-1511/1181/1859
submit by mail will receive a failing result letter DSN: 922-1511/1181/1859
and a new answer sheet for resubmission of each FAX: (850) 452-1370
failed assignment. (Do not fax answer sheets.)
After successfully completing this course, you PENSACOLA FL 32559-5000
will receive a letter of completion.
If you are a member of the Naval Reserve,
Errata are used to correct minor errors or delete you may earn retirement points for successfully
obsolete information in a course. Errata may completing this course, if authorized under
also be used to provide instructions to the current directives governing retirement of Naval
student. If a course has an errata, it will be Reserve personnel. For Naval Reserve retire-
included as the first page(s) after the front cover. ment, this course is evaluated at 22 points.
Errata for all courses can be accessed and Points will be credited in units as follows:
viewed/downloaded at:
Unit 1: 12 points upon satisfactory
http://www.advancement.cnet.navy.mil completion of assignments 1 through 5.

STUDENT FEEDBACK QUESTIONS Unit 2: 10 points upon satisfactory

completion of assignments 6 through 11.
We value your suggestions, questions, and
criticisms on our courses. If you would like to (Refer to Administrative Procedures for Naval
communicate with us regarding this course, we Reservists on Inactive Duty, BUPERSINST
encourage you, if possible, to use e-mail. If you 1001.39, for more information about retirement
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Comment form that follows this page.

Student Comments
Course Title: Engineman 1 & C

NAVEDTRA: 14075 Date:

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NETPDTC 1550/41 (Rev 4-00


At this stage in your naval career, you are well to the occupational requirements of the
aware that training on a continuous basis is essen- Engineman rating.
tial if you are to reach your desired goals, and You will find that your responsibilities for
if the mission of the Navy is to be successfully military leadership are about the same as those
accomplished. The purpose of this manual is to of petty officers in other ratings, since every
serve as one of many sources of information as petty officer is a military person as well as a
you continue your training to become proficient technical specialist. Your responsibilities for
in the tasks you will be required to perform at the technical leadership are specific to your rating and
E-6 and E-7 levels of your rating. A knowledge are directly related to the nature of your work.
of the information in this manual, combined with Operating and maintaining the machinery and
the everyday practical experience, should help you equipment for which an Engineman is responsi-
learn to perform assigned tasks and accept greater ble is a job of vital importance. It is a teamwork
responsibilities. job which requires that special kind of supervisory
ability that can only be developed by personnel
who have a high degree of technical competence
RESPONSIBILITIES AND REWARDS and a deep sense of personal responsibility.
Certain practical details that relate to your
responsibilities for administration, supervision,
As you attain each higher promotional level and training are discussed in subsequent chapters
in your rating, you, as well as the Navy, benefit. of this training manual. At this point, let’s con-
The fact that you are using this training manual sider some of the broader aspects of your ever
indicates that you have found personal satisfac- increasing responsibilities for military and
tion in developing your skills, increasing your technical leadership.
knowledge, and getting ahead in your chosen
career. The Navy has benefited, and will continue YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES WILL EX-
to do so as you become more valuable as a TEND BOTH UPWARD AND DOWNWARD.
technical specialist in your rating and as a per- Officers and Supervisors will expect you to carry
out their orders. Enlisted personnel will expect you
son who can supervise and train others, thus to translate the general orders given by officers
making far reaching and long lasting contributions
to the success of the Navy. into detailed, practical on-the-job language that
In large measure, the extent of your contribu- can be understood and followed even by relatively
inexperienced personnel. In dealing with your
tion to the Navy depends upon your willingness
juniors, it is up to you to see that they perform
and ability to accept increasing responsibilities as
their work properly. At the same time, you must
you advance. When you assumed the duties of an be able to explain to officers any important needs
EN3, the Navy rewarded you with an increase in
or problems pertaining to the enlisted personnel.
pay and responsibility, a responsibility not only
for yourself but for the work of others. With each YOU WILL HAVE REGULAR AND CON-
advancement, you accept an increasing respon- TINUING RESPONSIBILITIES FOR TRAIN-
sibility in military matters and in matters relating ING. Even if you are fortunate enough to have


a highly skilled and well trained group, you will Engineman rating will enable you to exchange
still find that additional training is necessary. For ideas with other personnel of the same rating. Per-
example, you will always be responsible for sonnel who do not understand the precise mean-
training lower rated personnel to perform their ing of terms used in connection with the work of
assigned tasks. Occasionally, some of your best their own rating are at a disadvantage when they
workers may be transferred and replaced by in- try to read official publications relating to their
experienced or poorly trained personnel. Also, work. They are also at a great disadvantage when
some particular job may call for skills that none taking written examinations for advancement.
of your personnel have. These and similar prob- Although it is always important to use technical
lems will require you to be a training specialist terms correctly, it is particularly important when
who can train individuals and groups in the you are dealing with lower rated personnel. Slop-
effective execution of assigned tasks. piness in the use of technical terms may be
extremely confusing and frustrating to an inex-
YOU WILL HAVE INCREASING perienced person.
OTHERS. You will find that many of your plans YOU WILL HAVE INCREASED RESPON-
and decisions affect a large number of people, SIBILITIES FOR KEEPING UP WITH NEW
some of whom are not in your division and some DEVELOPMENTS. Practically everything in the
of whom are not even in the engineering depart- Navy—policies, procedures, equipment, publica-
ment. It becomes increasingly important, tions, systems—is subject to change and develop-
therefore, to understand the duties and respon- ment. As an EN1, and even more as an ENC, you
sibilities of personnel in other ratings. Every must keep yourself informed about all changes
petty officer in the Navy is a technical specialist and new developments that might affect your
in his/her own field. Learn as much as you can rating or your work.
about the work of other ratings, and plan your Some changes will be called directly to your
own work so that it will fit in with the overall mis- attention; others you will have to look for. Try
sion of the organization. to develop a special kind of alertness for new in-
formation. Keep up to date on all sources of
AS YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES IN- technical information. Information on sources of
CREASE, YOUR ABILITY TO COM- primary concern to the Engineman is given later
in this chapter.
MUST ALSO INCREASE. The basic require-
ment for effective communication is a knowledge As you prepare to assume increased respon-
of your own language. Use correct language in sibilities at a higher level, you need to be familiar
speaking and in writing. Remember that the basic with (1) the military requirements and occupa-
function of all communication is understanding. tional standards given in the Navy Enlisted
To lead, supervise, and train others, you must be Manpower and Personnel Classifications and
able to speak and write in such a way that others Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068 (with
can understand exactly what you mean. You must changes); (2) the Personnel Advancement
be able to convey information accurately, Requirement (PAR), NAVPERS 1414/4; (3)
simply, and clearly. appropriate rate training manuals; and (4) any
A second requirement for effective com- other material that may be required or recom-
munication in the Navy is a sound knowledge of mended in the most current edition of the
the Navy way of saying things. Some Navy terms Bibliography for Advancement Examination
have been standardized for the purpose of ensur- Study, NAVEDTRA 10052. These materials and
ing efficient communication. When a situation their use are discussed more thoroughly in Military
calls for the use of standard Navy terminology, Requirements for Petty Officers 1 & C, NAVED-
use it. TRA 10057 (current edition), and Engineman
Still another requirement for effective com- 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10541 (current edition).
munication is precision in the use of technical Other sources of information will be described
terms. Command of the technical language of the later in this chapter.


THE ENGINEMAN—YOUR JOB 3. Performing overhaul and repair work on

internal combustion engines, using established
procedures for disassembly, replacement, and
Since you first became a rated person you have reassembly.
mastered basic skills, became familiar with much 4. Conducting routine tests and inspections
of the terminology applicable to internal combus- of all engineroom machinery.
tion engines and other equipment, and learned to 5. Operating and making repairs to auxiliary
answer many of the technical questions asked by boilers and to refrigeration, air conditioning, and
lower rated personnel. Along with this increase distilling systems.
in knowledge, you have gradually assumed greater 6. Using lathes and other machine shop
responsibilities. The rate for which you are now equipment.
preparing demands more knowledge and skill, a 7. Using measuring instruments needed in
willingness to assume greater responsibility, and engine overhaul, such as micrometers, feeler
the ability to lead people. gages, and inside and outside calipers.
8. Reading accurately such instruments as
As an EN1 or ENC, you must be familiar with thermometers, pressure gages, and pressure
all the functions of the engineering department indicators.
and be proficient in a wide variety of tasks. Your
duties will include using proper procedures for Probably you can already do many of these
troubleshooting, maintenance and repair, plan- jobs. Others you will have to learn from addi-
ning, organizing, and carrying out the work tional practical experience and through study.
involved in these procedures. You will maintain Although you will be learning many new jobs as
records and submit reports; you will supervise the an EN1, and especially as a ENC, you will be con-
stowage of supplies and repair parts; and you will cerned principally with directing and observing
take an active part in the training of lower rated the work of personnel assigned to you. You will
personnel. In brief, you will be a technical be responsible for their performance and their
specialist and a military leader. training in all of the jobs required of an
MILITARY DUTIES AND In addition to the duties already mentioned,
RESPONSIBILITIES you will compile necessary data for the prepara-
tion of engineering reports and records. It will be
your duty to make frequent tours of assigned
Information related to the military spaces, and to inspect equipment for proper
requirements for advancement is included in train- operation. You will check the auxiliary watch for
ing manuals specifically prepared to cover such performance of duty in accordance with standing
requirements. These manuals are listed and orders. You will be responsible for the use of the
described briefly later in this chapter. correct operating procedure for all equipment
under your jurisdiction. You will be accountable
TECHNICAL DUTIES AND for daily routine inspections, tests, and reports
RESPONSIBILITIES on all equipment that require daily maintenance
and testing.
You may be held responsible to the division
A petty officer must become a technical officer for the proper setting and standing of all
specialist in his/her rating. Technical duties which watches during your duty period. You may be
an Engineman must learn to perform efficiently required to post the daily watch list in the
include: engineroom and may be responsible for instruct-
ing and training watchstanders in their duties.
1. Operating internal combustion engines and You will instruct lower rated personnel in the
auxiliary engineroom machinery. correct procedures to be used for casualties
2. Maintaining internal combustion engines involving the engineroom. It will be your
and related accessories and equipment. responsibility to see that personnel under your


supervision learn about the capabilities and limita- in their specialties. This duty includes assisting in
tions of the equipment with which they work, and the assignment of watch stations and other duties.
the procedures to follow should casualties occur. Every watch in the engineering department is
Safety is a responsibility of all Navy person- a vital part of the ship’s maintenance and opera-
nel. As an EN1 or ENC, you will instruct your tion program. The engineer officer is responsible
personnel in shipboard safety precautions, par- for the operation and maintenance of the main
ticularly those that are applicable to your division, engines and auxiliary machinery. However, the
and will ensure that copies of these precautions EN1s or ENCs and the personnel they supervise
are posted in conspicuous places. Most impor- on the various watches actually do most of the
tantly, you will watch for careless methods of work. Therefore, it is very important that the petty
work—the frequent source of accidents. You will officers in charge learn and understand the
be expected to set a good example for following extent of their responsibility to the engineer
safety practices. The example you will set will have officer.
a great influence on your people and other per-
sonnel. You will watch for and report all unsafe Engineering Officer
conditions. of the Watch
To successfully perform your duties, you
should know the duties performed in other divi-
sions, and how the various shops can help you The following excerpts from chapter 10 of
get a job done. While it is true that many Navy Regulations describe some of the duties of
maintenance and repair jobs occurring in your the officer of the engineroom watch:
own division can be properly handled from start
to finish without the aid of any outside rating, “Status, Authority, and Responsibil-
other jobs may be more extensive and may require ity. The engineering officer of the watch
special skills or equipment not available within is the officer on watch in charge of the
your division. Although you and the personnel main propulsion plant of the ship, and of
under your supervision may be able to do the bulk the associated auxiliaries. He shall be
of the work, certain portions of a job may require responsible for the safe and proper opera-
the skill of an Electrician’s Mate, a Machinist’s tion of such units, and for the perform-
Mate, a Machinery Repairman, a Hull ance of the duties prescribed in these
Maintenance Technician, or people in other regulations and by other competent
ratings. Therefore, you must know what equip- authority.”
ment is used by other ratings in the engineering
department, and what kind of work can be done “Directing and Relieving the
with that equipment. Familiarize yourself with the Engineering Officer of the Watch. The
work performed and equipment used in other divi- engineer officer, or in his absence, the
sions by observing them at work and by talking main propulsion assistant may direct the
to leading petty officers in other ratings. There engineering officer of the watch con-
is no excuse for using unskilled personnel and un- cerning the duties of the watch, or may
satisfactory procedures when the skill of other assume charge of the watch, and shall do
ratings and the equipment they use are already so should it, in his judgment, be
available. necessary.”
“Relation with the Officer of the
WATCH DUTIES AND Deck. The engineering officer of the
RESPONSIBILITIES watch shall ensure that all orders re-
ceived from the officer of the deck are
As a first class or chief petty officer aboard promptly and properly executed. He shall
ship, you may be required to assist the division not permit the main engines to be turned
officer in organizing, supervising, and instructing except as authorized or ordered by the
other personnel in their military duties as well as officer of the deck.”


“Reports by the Engineering Officer department duty officer, assigned by the engineer
of the Watch. The engineering officer of officer, must be a qualified engineering officer of
the watch shall report promptly to the the watch. On some ships, chief petty officers may
officer of the deck and the engineer be assigned as the engineering department duty
officer any actual or probable derange- officer.
ment of machinery, boilers, or auxiliaries In the temporary absence of the engineer
which may affect the proper operation of officer, the duties of the engineer officer may be
the ship.” performed by the engineering department duty
officer. If the engineer officer is on board, the
“Reports to the Engineering Officer duty officer reports the condition of the depart-
of the Watch. The engineering officer of ment to him/her prior to the eight o’clock reports.
the watch shall be promptly informed of In the absence of the engineer officer, the duty
any engineering work or change in officer makes the eight o’clock reports for the
disposition of machinery which may department to the executive officer (or command
affect the proper operation of the plant duty officer).
or endanger personnel, or which is re- The engineering duty officer, in addition to
quired for entry in the record of his such other duties as may be properly assigned to
watch.” him/her, is responsible for:

“Inspection and Operation of 1. The alertness and proper performance of

Machinery. The engineering officer of the all personnel of the engineering watches.
watch shall cause frequent inspections to 2. The safe and economical operation of all
be made of the engines, boilers, and their engineering machinery and systems in use.
auxiliaries; and shall ensure that pre-
scribed tests, methods of operation, and 3. The elimination of fire and flooding
instructions pertaining to the safety of per- hazards and the prevention of sabotage.
sonnel and material are strictly observed.” 4. The security of all engineering spaces. In
order to determine the actual conditions that
“Records and Logs. The engineering exist in the engineering space and to evaluate the
officer of the watch shall ensure that the performance of watch personnel, the duty officer
engineering log, engineer’s bell book, and must make frequent inspections of the engineer-
prescribed operating records are properly ing spaces.
kept. On being relieved, he shall sign the 5. The proper maintenance of all machinery
engineering log and the engineer’s bell operating logs, and for writing and signing the
book for that watch.” engineering log for the period he/she is on duty.

Engineering Department The engineering department duty officer

Duty Officer makes reports in the same manner as the engineer-
ing officer of the watch, except that when acting
in place of the engineer officer, he/she is respon-
In ships not underway, the commanding sible for making the reports required of that
officer may authorize the standing of a day’s officer. Engineering watch supervisors and the
duty in lieu of the continuous watch of the duty petty officers of the engineering divisions
engineering officer of the watch. When author- report to the duty officer during the performance
ized, the duties of the engineering officer, of the of their duties.
watch are assigned in port to the engineering A chief petty officer who is a qualified
department duty officer. However, when not at engineroom watch supervisor underway may be
the station of the engineering officer of the watch, assigned a watch as the engineering department
the duty officer must always be ready for duty duty chief petty officer to assist the engineering
the moment he/she is summoned or notified that department duty officer. The duty chief petty
his/her presence is required. The engineering officer is normally assigned duty for the same


period as the duty office, and reports to that and that the prescribed pressure is maintained in
officer. the firemain.
Except in emergencies, the engineroom aux-
Standing Watches iliary watch does not make any changes such as
stopping, starting, or shifting ship’s service
As a watchstander, you will be the “eyes” of generators without first notifying the Electrician’s
the engineering department. You will be respon- Mate and the petty officer in charge of the watch.
sible for the orderly appearance and cleanliness A watch going off duty will not be considered
of your assigned station. Prior to standing watch, relieved until the floor plates are wiped, the
you should thoroughly inspect all existing condi- engineroom is clean, all operating logs and records
tions, such as the operating condition of are correct, and information concerning the status
machinery and firefighting equipment. You of the machinery in operation, orders, special
should also check your assigned area for leaks and orders, and non-completed orders have been given
potential fire hazards. If a casualty occurs, you to the relief.
should take immediate steps to control it, as well
as promptly notify the proper authority. COLD-IRON WATCHES.—Under certain
While on watch, you should strictly observe prescribed conditions (such as when a ship moves
all operating instructions, regulations, and alongside a repair ship or tender, or into a naval
safety precautions. You should never leave your shipyard, and is receiving power from these
station unless you have permission from proper activities) a security and fire watch is usually set
authority to do so, or are properly relieved. You by each division. This security watch is commonly
should promptly execute all standing or special known as a cold-iron watch. Each cold-iron watch
orders. When relieved, you should pass on to the makes frequent inspections of the assigned area
relieving watch all information concerning existing and checks for fire hazards, flooding, or other
conditions and special orders. unusual conditions throughout the area. The cold-
There are several watches that you may stand iron watch keeps bilges reasonably free of water
or for which you may be responsible. The stations in accordance with applicable instructions. Hourly
and duties of some of the watches commonly reports on existing conditions are made to the
stood by Enginemen are discussed in the follow- officer of the deck.
ing paragraphs. All unusual conditions are immediately
reported to the officer of the deck and to the
ENGINEROOM AUXILIARY WATCH.— engineering duty officer, so that the proper divi-
Auxiliary watches are maintained underway and sion or department can be notified to take the
in port to supply light, power, steam, and other necessary corrective measures. When welding or
services. The engineroom auxiliary watch main- burning is to be performed in the area, the cold-
tained in port includes a petty officer in charge iron watch checks to see that a fire watch is
and one or more Firemen. The petty officer in stationed.
charge is responsible for seeing that an efficient If the ship is in drydock, the watch must check
and economical watch is being stood. All all sea valves, after working hours, to see that the
machinery not in operation must be checked to valves are secured or blanked off. The watch must
see that it has been properly secured. make sure that oil or water is not being pumped
The petty officer in charge of the auxiliary into the drydock and that weights such as fuel oil,
watch is responsible for the proper operation of feedwater, or potable water are not shifted
the ship’s service generator and associated without permission of the engineer officer.
machinery; however, the operation of the elec-
trical equipment is the responsibility of an Elec- DUTY ASSIGNMENTS
trician’s Mate. The petty officer in charge checks
to see that all operating machinery is lubricated As an Engineman, you will be assigned duty
as prescribed by the operating instructions. aboard various types of ships, ranging from air-
He/she makes sure that the fire and flushing craft carriers to the smallest of river patrol boats.
pumps are inspected for satisfactory operation You will also be assigned shore duty. Your specific


duties will depend on the type and size of ship or It must be satisfactorily completed before
station to which you will be assigned. you can advance to EN1 or ENC, whether you
Aboard an aircraft carrier or a cruiser, you are in the Regular Navy or in the Naval Reserve.
may be assigned to the “A” division. As a
member of the “A” gang, you will be responsi- It is NOT designed to give you informa-
ble for a wide variety of tasks including the tion on the military requirements for advancement
operation, maintenance and repair of internal to PO1 or CPO. Rate training manuals that are
combustion engines, and the operation and specially prepared to give information on the
maintenance of auxiliary, refrigeration, and air military requirements are discussed in the section
conditioning equipment. of this chapter that deals with sources of
On diesel-driven ships, you may be assigned information.
to the “M” division or the “A” division. Your
responsibility will vary depending on the size of It is NOT designed to give you informa-
the ship. You may have charge of one of the tion that is related primarily to the qualifications
engineering spaces or the “A” gang and, on some for advancement to EN3 and EN2. Such infor-
small ships, you may act as the “M” division mation is given in Engineman 3 & 2, NAVED-
officer. TRA 10541 (current edition).
On a repair ship or tender, you may be as-
signed to the repair department. As an EN1 or
ENC, you may be in charge of one of the repair The occupational qualifications that were
shops such as the engine overhaul shop or the used as a guide in the preparation of this train-
governor and fuel injector shop, or you may be ing manual were those promulgated in the Navy
in charge of one of the repair gangs. You may Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Classifications
also be selected to attend Diesel Inspector’s school and Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068-D
and become a Navy diesel engine inspector. (1981). Therefore, changes in the Engineman
qualifications that may have occurred after the
Duty at most shore stations will depend on
your training and your field of specialization. You D edition became effective may not be reflected
may also be assigned as an instructor either at one in the information given in this training manual.
of the Engineman schools or at a recruit training
station, or a canvasser recruiter. To qualify for This training manual includes information
instructor duty, you must successfully complete that is related to both the knowledge and the Oc-
a course in instructor training. cupational Standards for advancement to EN1
As an Engineman, you may perform duty at and ENC. However, no training manual can take
the Naval Education and Training Program and the place of actual on-the-job experience for
Development Center, Pensacola, FL. Personnel developing skill in the practical factors. This train-
assigned to this activity are involved in either the ing manual can help you understand some of the
preparation of service-wide examinations for whys and wherefores, but you must combine
advancement or the preparation and revision of knowledge with practical experience before you
rate training manuals and other training materials. can develop the required skills. The Personnel Ad-
vancement Requirement, NAVPERS 1414/4,
should be utilized in conjunction with this training
SCOPE OF THIS manual whenever possible.
Before studying any book, it is a good idea Subsequent chapters in this training
to know the purpose and the scope of that book. manual deal with the technical subject matter of
Here are some things you should know about this the Engineman rating. Before studying these
training manual: chapters, study the table of contents and
note the arrangement of information. You will
It is designed to give you information on find it helpful to get an overall view of the
the occupational qualifications for advancement organization of this training manual before you
to EN1 and ENC. start to study it.


SOURCES OF INFORMATION Center. Each revised edition is identified by a

letter following the NAVEDTRA number. When
It is very important for you to have an exten- using this publication, be SURE you have the
sive knowledge of the references to consult for most recent edition.
detailed, authoritative, up-to-date information on In NAVEDTRA 10052, the required and
all subjects related to the military requirements recommended references are listed by pay grade
and to the occupational qualifications of the level. It is important to remember that you are
Engineman rating. responsible for all references used at lower levels,
Some of the publications discussed here are as well as those listed for the pay grade to which
subject to change or revision from time to time— you are seeking advancement.
some at regular intervals, others as the need arises.
When using any publication that is subject to Rate training manuals that are marked with
change or revision, be sure you have the latest edi- an asterisk (*) in NAVEDTRA 10052 are MAN-
tion. When using any publication that is kept cur- DATORY at the indicated levels. A mandatory
rent by means of changes, be sure you have a copy training manual may be completed by (1)
in which all official changes have been entered. passing the appropriate Enlisted Correspondence
Course based on the mandatory training manual,
(2) passing locally prepared tests based on the in-
NAVAL EDUCATION AND formation given in the mandatory training
TRAINING (NAVEDTRA) manual, or (3) in some cases, successfully
PUBLICATIONS graduating from an appropriate Navy school.
Originally, training manuals were developed It is important to note that all references,
by the Chief of Naval Training and carried the whether mandatory or recommended, listed in
designation NAVTRA followed by a number. In NAVEDTRA 10052, may be expected to be used
1973, the Naval Education and Training Produc- as source material for the written examinations
tion Development Center (NETPDC) came di- at the appropriate levels. In addition, references
rectly under the command of the Chief of Naval listed in a rate training manual may also be used
Education and Training (CNET). Training as source material for examination questions.
materials published by NETPDC after the above
date are designated NAVEDTRA in lieu of NAV- Rate Training Manuals
TRA; however, the numbers remain as originally
assigned for most publications. The designators
of publications printed prior to 1973 will be Most rate training manuals are written for the
changed as each publication is revised. specific purpose of helping personnel prepare for
The naval training publications described here advancement. Some manuals are general in nature
include some which are absolutely essential for and are intended for use by more than one rating;
anyone seeking advancement and some which, others (such as this one) are specific to a particular
although not essential, are extremely helpful. rating.
Rate training manuals are revised from time
NAVEDTRA 10052 to time to bring them up to date. The revision of
a rate training manual is identified by a letter
The Bibliography for Advancement Examina- following the NAVEDTRA number. You can tell
tion Study, NAVEDTRA 10052 is a very impor- whether or not a rate training manual you are
tant publication for anyone preparing for using is the latest edition by checking the NAVED-
advancement. This publication lists required and TRA number and the letter following it in the
recommended rate training manuals and other most recent edition of the List of Training
reference material to be used by personnel Manuals and Correspondence Courses, NAVED-
working for advancement. NAVEDTRA 10052 TRA 10061 (revised).
is revised and issued once each year by the Naval There are three rate training manuals that are
Education Training and Program Development specially prepared to present information on the


military requirements for advancement. These Engineman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10541 (cur-
manuals are: rent edition), must be satisfactorily completed for
advancement to EN3 and EN2. If you have met
Basic Military Requirements, NAVEDTRA this requirement by satisfactorily completing
10054 (current edition) earlier editions of training manuals prepared for
Enginemen, you should at least become familiar
Military Requirements for Petty Officer with Engineman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10541 (cur-
3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10056 (current edition) rent edition). Much of the information given in
this edition of Engineman I & C is based on the
Military Requirements for Petty Officer assumption that you are familiar with the con-
I & C, NAVEDTRA 10057 (current edition) tents of Engineman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10541
(current edition).
Each of the military requirements manuals is Rate training manuals prepared for other
mandatory at the indicated pay grade levels. In Group VII (Engineering and Hull) ratings are
addition to giving information on the military often a useful source of information. Reference
requirements, these three books give a good deal to these training manuals will broaden your
of useful information on the enlisted rating struc- knowledge of the duties and skills of other per-
ture; on how to prepare for advancement; on how sonnel in the engineering department. The train-
to supervise, train, and lead other people; and on ing manuals prepared for Machinist’s Mates,
how to meet increasing responsibilities as you ad- Boiler Technicians, and Machinery Repairmen are
vance in rating. likely to be of particular interest to you.
Some of the rate training manuals that may For a complete listing of rate training manuals,
be useful to you when you are preparing to meet consult the List of Training Manuals and Cor-
the occupational qualifications for advancement respondence Courses, NAVEDTRA 10061 (latest
are discussed briefly in the following paragraphs. revision).

Tools and Their Uses, NAVEDTRA 10085 Correspondence Courses

(current edition), contains a good deal of useful
information on the care and use of all types of Most rate training manuals and officer texts
handtools and portable power tools commonly are used as the basis for correspondence courses.
used in the Navy. Credit for the completion of a mandatory train-
ing manual is earned by passing the cor-
Blueprint Reading and Sketching, NAVED- respondence course that is based on that training
TRA 10077 (current edition), chapters 1 through manual. You will find it helpful to take other cor-
4 and chapter 7, recommended reading in prepar- respondence courses, as well as those that are
ing for advancement to EN2. The remainder of based on mandatory training manuals. A cor-
the training manual contains additional informa- respondence course helps you to master the in-
tion that may be of value to you as you prepare formation given in the training manual or text.
for advancement to EN1 and ENC. It also gives you a good idea of how much you
have learned.
Mathematics, Vol. 1, NAVEDTRA 10069
(current edition), and Mathematics, Vol. 2, NAVSEA PUBLICATIONS
NAVEDTRA 10071 (current edition), may be
helpful if you need to brush up on your
mathematics. Volume 1 contains basic informa- A number of publications issued by the Naval
tion that is needed for using formulas and for Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) will be of in-
making simple computations. Volume 2 contains terest to you. While you do not need to know
more advanced information than you will need everything that is given in the publications men-
for most purposes. However, occasionally, you tioned here, you should have a general idea of
may find the information in this book to be where to find information in NAVSEA
helpful. publications.


The Naval Ships’ Technical Manual is a basic on operation, maintenance, and repair of
doctrine publication of NAVSEA. To allow the machinery and equipment. The manufacturers’
ship to distribute copies to the working spaces technical manuals for internal combustion engines
where information is required, chapters are now and associated equipment are usually given
issued as separate paper-bound volumes. Chapters NAVSEA numbers.
are kept up to date by means of yearly revisions.
Chapters are reviewed less frequently where yearly
revisions are not necessary. In chapters where TRAINING FILMS
intra-year changes are required, either an intra-
year edition or a NAVSEA Notice is distributed Training films which are available to naval
as a temporary supplement for use pending issue personnel are a valuable source of supplementary
of the new edition of the chapter. information on many technical subjects. Films
You will find chapters in Naval Ships’ that may be of interest to you are listed in the
Technical Manual of particular importance to the Department of the Navy Catalog of Audiovisual
Engineman referenced in this training manual. Production Products, OPNAVINST 3 157.1.
For a list of all chapters in the manual, see When selecting a film, note its date of issue
appendix A, chapter 001. in the film catalog. As you know, procedures
The Deck Plate is a monthly publication which sometimes change rapidly. Thus some films
contains interesting and useful information on all become obsolete rapidly. If a film is obsolete
aspects of shipboard engineering. This magazine only in part, it may sometimes be shown effec-
is particularly useful because it presents informa- tively if before or during its showing you carefully
tion which supplements and clarifies information point out to trainees the procedures that have
contained in the Naval Ships’ Technical Manual changed. When you plan to show a film to train
and because it presents information on new equip- personnel, take a look at it in advance if possible
ment, policies, and procedures. so that you may spot material that may have
Manufacturers’ technical manuals that are fur- become obsolete, then verify current procedures
nished with most machinery units and many types by looking them up in the appropriate sources
of equipment are valuable sources of information before showing the film.


The higher you go in the Navy, the more ADMINISTRATION AND
responsibility you will have for administration, SUPERVISION
supervision, and training. This chapter deals
briefly with some of your administrative and As an Engineman, you will have ad-
supervisory responsibilities and then takes up cer- ministrative and supervisory responsibilities in
tain aspects of your responsibility for training connection with engineroom and auxiliary opera-
others. tions and with equipment maintenance and repair.
Although it is possible to consider administra-
tion, supervision, and training as three separate OPERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES
areas of responsibility, it is important to
remember that the three cannot be totally The engineering department administrative
separated. Much of your work requires you to ad- organization is set up to provide a means for the
minister, supervise, and train, all at the same time. proper assignment of duties and for the proper
For example, consider a pump overhaul job. As supervision of personnel. However, no organiza-
an administrator, you will schedule the job, check tion can run itself. Personnel—including you—
on the history of the pump, and see that the are needed to see that all pertinent instructions
required forms and reports are submitted. are carried out; that all machinery, equipment,
and piping systems are operated in accordance
As a supervisor, you will actually oversee the with good engineering practice; that operating
work and make sure it is done correctly. As a instructions and safety precautions are posted by
trainer, you will provide information and instruc- the machinery and obeyed by all engineroom
tion on repair parts, repair procedures and personnel; that all watchstanders are properly
policies, safety precautions, and other matters. supervised; that records and reports are filled-in
These administrative, supervisory, and train- correctly and submitted as required; and that the
ing tasks have a direct relationship to the job at entire engineering plant is operated with max-
hand—namely, the overhaul of the pump. But the imum reliability, efficiency, and safety.
pump overhaul job can’t even get started unless In order for you to monitor and record your
a variety of administrative, supervisory, and train- plant’s status and performance, you need to know
ing functions are performed on a continuing basis. which engineering records and reports for the
Materials, repair parts, and tools must be administration, maintenance, and repair of naval
available when they are needed; jobs must be ships are prescribed by directives from such
scheduled with due regard to the urgency of other authorities as the Type Commander, Naval Ship
work; records must be kept and reports must be Systems Command (NAVSHIPS), and Chief of
submitted; and personnel must be in a continuous Naval Operations (CNO). These records must be
state of training so that they can assume increas- accurate and up to date in accordance with cur-
ingly important duties and responsibilities. The rent instructions.
only way to keep things running smoothly is to As an EN3 and EN2, you have been primarily
take your administrative, supervisory, and train- concerned with operating logs and similar records.
ing responsibilities seriously. As an EN1 or ENC, you will have new supervisory


duties which will require that you have a greater Entries in the Engineering Log must be made
knowledge of engineering paperwork and the in accordance with instructions given (1) on the
associated administrative procedures. Supervisory log sheet (NAVSEA 3120/2), (2) in chapter 10 of
duties and responsibilities require a knowledge of U.S. Navy Regulations, (3) in Naval Ships’
engineering records as well as of such items as Technical Manual, chapter 9004, and (4) in direc-
inspections, administrative procedures, training, tives of the type commander.
preventive maintenance, and repair procedures. Remarks written in the Engineering Log must
Information on the most common engineer- include (1) boilers in use, (2) engine combination
ing records and reports is given in this chapter. in use, (3) major speed changes (such as 1/3, 2/3,
These standard forms are prepared by the various standard, and full), (4) all injuries to personnel
systems commands and CNO. The forms are for occurring within the department, (5) casualties
issue to forces afloat and can be obtained as occurring to material under the cognizance of the
indicated in the Navy Stock List of Forms and engineering department, and (6) such other mat-
Publications, NAVSUP 2002. Since these forms ters as may be specified by competent authority.
are revised as conditions warrant, personnel order- Each entry must be a complete statement and
ing forms must be sure that the most current employ standard phraseology. The type com-
forms are obtained. When complementary forms mander’s directives contain other specific
are necessary for local use, make certain that an requirements pertaining to the “remarks” section
existing standard form will not serve the purpose of Engineering Logs for ships of the type; the
before having complementary forms prepared and engineer officer must ensure compliance with
printed. these directives.
The original Engineering Log, prepared neatly
Legal Engineering Records and legibly in ink or pencil, is the legal record.
The remarks should be prepared—and must be
The Engineering Log and the Engineer’s Bell signed—by the engineering officer of the watch
Book are the only legal records compiled by the (EOOW) (underway) or the engineering depart-
engineering department. The Engineering Log is ment duty officer (in port). No erasures are per-
a midnight-to-midnight record of the ship’s mitted in the log. When a correction is deemed
necessary, a single line is drawn through the
engineering department. The Engineer’s Bell Book
original entry so that the entry remains legible and
is a legal record of any order regarding change
in the movement of the propellers. the correct entry is inserted in such a manner as
to ensure clarity and legibility. Corrections,
ENGINEERING LOG.—The Engineering additions, or changes are made only by the per-
Log, NAVSEA 3120/2 (figure 2-1), and the Log son required to sign the log for the watch and are
Continuation Sheet, NAVSEA 3120/2A, are initialed by him on the margin of the page.
used to record important daily events and data The engineer officer verifies the accuracy and
pertaining to the engineering department and the completeness of all entries and signs the log
operation of the engineering plant. A table is pro- daily. The commanding officer approves the log
vided in the log for recording the hourly average and signs the log on the last calendar day of each
rpm (to the nearest tenth) of all shafts and the month and on the date he relinquishes command.
resultant speed, in knots. Additional tables and The engineer officer should require that the log
spaces are provided for recording the ship’s draft sheets be submitted to him in sufficient time to
and displacement (upon getting underway and allow him to check and sign them prior to noon
anchoring or mooring); the total engine miles of the first day following the date of the log
steamed for the day and the distance traveled sheet(s).
through water; the number of days out of dock; When the commanding officer (or engineer
the amount of fuel, water, and lubricating oil on officer) directs a change or addition to the
hand, received, and expended; the name of the Engineering Log, the person concerned must
ship, the date, and the location or route of the comply unless he believes the proposed change or
ship; and remarks chronicling important events. addition to be incorrect; in this event the


Figure 2-1.—Engineering Log—All ships.


commanding officer (or engineer officer) enters B2/3 — back 2/3 speed
such remarks over his signature as he deems ap- BF — back full speed
propriate. After the log has been signed by the BEM — back emergency speed
commanding officer, no change is permitted
without his permission or direction. 4. The number of revolutions corresponding
Completed Engineering Log sheets are filed to the major speed change ordered is entered in
in a post-type binder. Pages of the log are column 3. (NOTE: When the order received is
numbered consecutively with a new series of page recorded as rpm in column 2 (minor speed
numbers commencing with the first day of each changes), no entry is made in column 3.)
calendar year. 5. The shaft revolution counter reading (total
rpm) at the time of the speed change is recorded
ENGINEER’S BELL BOOK.—The in column 4. The shaft revolution counter
Engineer’s Bell Book, NAVSEA 3120/ 1 (figure reading—as taken hourly on the hour, while
2-2), is a record of all bells, signals, and other underway—also is entered in column 4.
orders received by the throttleman regarding
movement of the ship’s propellers. Entries are Ships and craft equipped with controllable
made in the Bell Book by the throttleman (or an reversible pitch propellers record in column 4 the
assistant) as soon as an order is received. Entries propeller pitch in feed and fractions of feet set
may be made by an assistant when the ship is in response to a signaled speed change, rather than
entering or leaving port, or engaging in any the shaft revolution counter readings. The entries
maneuver which is likely to involve numerous or for astern pitch are preceded by the letter B. Each
rapid speed changes. This procedure allows the hour on the hour, entries are made of counter
throttleman to devote his undivided attention to readings, thus facilitating the calculation of engine
answering the signals. miles steamed during those hours when the
The Bell Book is maintained in the following propeller pitch remains constant at the last value
manner: set in response to a signaled order.
Before going off watch, the EOOW signs the
1. A separate bell sheet is used for each shaft Bell Book on the line following the last entry for
each day, except where more than one shaft is his watch and the next EOOW continues the
controlled by the same throttle station, in which record immediately thereafter. In machinery
case the same bell sheet is used to record the orders spaces where an EOOW is not stationed, the bell
for all shafts controlled by the station. All sheets sheet is signed by the watch supervisor.
for the same date are filed together as a single The Bell Book is maintained by bridge per-
record. sonnel in ships and craft equipped with con-
2. The time of receipt of the order is recorded trollable reversible pitch propellers, and in which
in column number 1 (figure 2-2). the engines are directly controlled from the bridge.
3. The order received is recorded in column When control is shifted to the engineroom,
number 2. Minor speed changes (generally re- however, the Bell Book is maintained by the
ceived via revolution telegraph) are recorded by engineroom personnel. The last entry made in the
entering the number of rpm ordered. Major speed Bell Book on the bridge indicates the time that
changes (normally received via engine order control is shifted; and the first entry made in the
telegraph) are recorded using the following Bell Book in the engineroom indicates the time
symbols: that control is taken by the engineroom.
Similarly, the last entry made by engineroom per-
1/3 — ahead 1/3 speed sonnel indicates when control is shifted to the
2/3 —ahead 2/3 speed bridge. When the Bell Book is maintained by the
I —ahead standard speed bridge personnel, it is signed by the officer of the
II —ahead full speed deck (OOD) in the same manner as prescribed for
III —ahead flank speed the EOOW.
Z —stop Alterations or erasures are not permitted in
B1/3 — back 1/3 speed the Bell Book. An incorrect entry is corrected by


Figure 2-2.—Engineer’s Bell Book, NAVSEA 3120/1.


drawing a single line through the entry and the record are immediately reported to the
recording the correct entry on the following line. engineer officer and the record is sent to the
Deleted entries are initialed by the EOOW, the engineer officer for approval.
OOD, or the watch supervisor, as appropriate.
Operating Records and Reports maintenance of daily diesel fuel, lubricating oil,
and water accounts is vital to the efficient opera-
tion of the engineering department. Forms and
Engineering operating records are meant to procedures necessary to account for and preserve
ensure regular inspection of operating machinery a limited supply of freshwater and fuel are
and to provide data for performance analysis. generally prescribed by the type commanders.
Operating records are not intended to replace fre- Principally, the accounts inform the engineer
quent inspections of operating machinery by officer of the status of the ship’s liquid load and
supervisory personnel and are not to be trusted form the basis of reports submitted to higher
implicitly to provide warning of impending authority by the engineer officer.
casualties. Personnel who maintain operating It is fundamental to all naval operations that
records must be properly indoctrinated. They the ship and unit commanders know the exact
must be trained to correctly obtain, interpret, and amount of burnable fuel on hand. When com-
record data, and to report any abnormal condi- puting the amount of burnable fuel on board,
tions noted. consider only the fuel in the service and storage
The type commander’s directives specify tanks. All the fuel below the fuel suction line is
which engineering operating records will be main- to be considered not burnable.
tained and prescribe the forms to be used when
no standard record forms are provided. The FUEL AND WATER REPORTS.—The Fuel
engineer officer may require additional operating and Water Report, NAVSEA 9255/9 (figures 2-5
records when (all factors considered—including and 2-6), is a report submitted daily to the com-
the burden of added paperwork) he deems them manding officer. This report indicates the amount
necessary. of fuel oil and water on hand as of midnight, the
The operating records discussed in this chapter previous day. The Fuel and Water Report also
are generally retained on board for a period of includes the previous day’s feed and potable water
2 years, after which time they may be destroyed performance and results of water tests. The
in accordance with current disposal regulations. original and one copy are submitted to the OOD
Completed records must be stowed where they will in sufficient time for submission to the command-
be properly preserved, and in such a manner as ing officer or command duty officer with the
to ensure that any one of the records can be 1200 reports. The copy is retained by the OOD.
easily located.
DIESEL ENGINE OPERATING Summary of Fuel Inventory and Steaming Hours
RECORD.—The Diesel Engine Operating Report is a comprehensive monthly report of
Record-all Ships, NAVSEA 9231/2 (figures 2-3 engineering data from which the operating effi-
and 2-4), is a daily record maintained for each ciency and general performance of the ship’s
operating diesel engine. In ships with more than engineering plant can be calculated (see figure
one main engine in the same engineroom, a 2-7). Requirements for this report are contained
separate record sheet is maintained for each in Fleet Commander Instructions. This report is
operating engine. prepared by the engineer officer and verified, as
The watch supervisor enters the remarks and to fuel receipts, by the supply officer. Then, it
signs the record for his watch. The petty officer is approved and forwarded by the commanding
in charge of the engineroom or the senior officer directly to the fleet commander. A copy
engineman checks the accuracy of the record and is retained on board in the files of the engineer-
signs the record in the space provided on the back ing department. An additional copy of the report
of the record. Any unusual conditions noted in may be provided to the type commander.

Page 2-7

Figure 2-3.—Diesel Engine Operating Record—All ships.

Page 2-8

Figure 2-4.—Diesel Engine Operating Record—All ships (Back).


Figure 2-5.—Fuel and Water Report (Front).


Figure 2-6.—Fuel and Water Report (Back).


Figure 2-7.—Monthly Summary of Fuel and Steaming Hours Report, CINCLANT FLT Report 3100-4.


The Monthly Summary includes the ship’s fuel certified by the engineer officer as being true
receipts data, fuel consumption and steaming copies for the ship’s files.
hours necessary to establish monthly financial At regular intervals, such as each quarter, the
obligations, and fuel requirements data for budget parts of those records that are over 3 years old
justification. It also generates management are destroyed. When a ship that is less than 3 years
reports for fuel receipts by operational and type old is decommissioned, the current books are re-
commanders. This report includes all fuel data as tained. If a ship is scrapped, the current books
of 2400 hours of the last day of the month and are forwarded to the nearest Naval Records
must be forwarded within 5 days of completion Management Center.
of the reporting month. Fleet Commander All reports forwarded to, and received from,
Instructions contain detailed instructions for com- NAVSEA or other superior command may be
pleting the forms, as well as the definitions of the destroyed when 2 years old, if they are no longer
terms used. required.
In addition to data on fuel inventory, the Only those reports which are required or serve
report contains space for fuel consumed under- a specified purpose should be maintained on
way, fuel consumed not underway, and fuel con- board ship. However, any report or record which
sumed by boats. Space is also provided for total may assist personnel in scheduling or making
steaming hours broken down as underway and not repairs and which will supply personnel with
underway. information which is not contained in publications
or manuals should also be kept on board.
Most engineer officers prefer to compile the
necessary data for this summary on a daily basis Trend and Spectrographic
rather than wait until the end of the month and Analysis
make computations from the various records. The
mathematical accuracy of the computations must Two types of inspections and tests that can be
be observed when the report is being prepared to used to “spot” impending trouble in an internal
avoid the necessity of resubmitting a corrected combustion engine before it can seriously affect
form later. its operation are called trend and spectrographic
analyses. We will now discuss and explain their
Disposal of Engineering importance and use in detecting problems in
Records and Reports internal combustion engines.


Before any of the engineering department maintenance receives a great deal of attention
records are destroyed, the Disposal of Navy and from everyone in the field of diesel engine opera-
Marine Corps Records, USN and USNS Vessels, tion, since the idea of letting an engine run as long
SECNAVINST P5212.5 (revised), should be as it will run and fixing it only after a breakdown
studied. This publication informs ships of the occurs is not only foolish, but extremely costly.
Navy of the procedures used for disposing of On the other hand, it would be just as foolish to
records. For each department aboard ship, these be constantly tearing down an engine for inspec-
instructions list the permanent records which must tion. It is a known fact that vital parts of an engine
be kept, and the temporary records which may last longer and operate better if they are not
be disposed of in accordance with an established tampered with unnecessarily. Therefore an
schedule. attempt must be made to find a happy medium
Both the Engineering Log and Engineer’s Bell between these two forms of maintenance.
Book must be preserved as permanent records on One way is to determine the condition of an
board ship for a 3-year period unless they are re- engine is by monitoring its operation. This is done
quested by a Naval Court or Board, or by the by regularly obtaining certain engine operating
Navy Department. In such case, copies (preferably data and by studying, and analyzing, and com-
photostatic) of such sheets or parts of these paring it with previous data. This information is
records that are sent away from the ship are then reduced to a form which all engineering


personnel can interpret and, based on the findings, These data are then plotted on 10 × 10 lines
decide whether or not the engine needs to be per inch graph paper as shown on the examples
overhauled in order to ward off serious and costly (figures 2-8 through 2-15). For convenience, the
damage or just be temporarily shut down for some first points are located at zero time for an engine
simple maintenance. that has just been overhauled or at the number
The key to utilizing engine performance data of hours on the engine since the last overhaul (0,
as a tool is to make graphs from the data which 400, 1000, 1600 hours, etc.). The first point for
show at a glance the signs of impending distress. lube oil consumption occurs at 200 engine hours.
Analysis of this graphical display is commonly This is done because it is easier to start with a full
called trend analysis. engine sump and monitor the amount of oil
In order to get a good indication of the engine added each 200 hours to obtain the consumption
condition, the following specific items are rate. Once the initial points have been plotted, all
recorded. that is required is to record and plot the same
information each 200 hours and observe the trends
1. Cylinder compression pressures. that develop. (NOTE: remember to always take
2. Cylinder firing pressures. data under the same controlled conditions!)
3. Fuel pump rack or governor power piston
position. A close look at the sample graphs will reveal
4. Cylinder exhaust temperature. how they can be used to determine engine condi-
5. Crankcase vacuum. tion. For purposes of illustration, the ideal trend
6. Lubricating oil pressure at engine inlet or of each graphed value is shown for a hypothetical
upper header. engine. Unfortunately, the Navy does not have
7. Manifold air or scavenging air pressure. too many ideal engines so some samples of
problem indications that may be expected are also
To produce meaningful graphs, all data must included.
be plotted under the same conditions, and be ob- On figures 2-8 and 2-9, a high, average, and
tained at some readily duplicated condition. It is low value is plotted for both firing and compres-
not important that the engine be under full load sion pressures. Under normal conditions these
at full speed when taking data, but it is impor- curves will remain flat until the engine is
tant that all data be obtained under similar con- approaching the time of overhaul, then the curves
ditions. For example: will start to fall off. The high and low firing
pressures will remain at about ± 50 psi (100 psi
1. Always obtain data from generator sets at spread) from the average firing pressure for a well-
80% load and 100% speed. balanced engine. If you look at figure 2-8 you can
2. Always obtain data from propulsion see that a decided drop in firing pressure has oc-
engines; for example, standard or full. curred at 1600 hours (point A). This failure in the
compressing pressures indicates that the rings are
Data need not be plotted daily. In most cases, either sticking, broken, or beginning to wear; that
a set of readings should be plotted every 200 hours the valves are not functioning properly; or that
of operation. In some cases it may be prudent to the liner is beginning to score or possibly that a
repeat a set of readings when a large change in piston has cracked. Remember that any change
operating characteristics has apparently occurred. in a curve (beyond normal limits) indicates that
The first step in preparing the graphs for trend immediate attention is required. At this point, it
analysis is to collect the data. This is done by should be pointed out that more than one
observing and recording the above items with the indicator will usually reveal the same distress
engine operated at a selected type of condition for signal. Therefore, before any corrective action is
a sufficient time, prior to taking data, to allow taken, it is best to make a study of other curves
pressures and temperatures to stabilize. (It can be to deny or confirm the problem. In this case check
assumed that conditions have stabilized when lube the lube oil consumption, crankcase vacuum, and
oil and freshwater temperatures are within ± 5° exhaust temperature curves. In figures 2-9, 2-10,
of the normal operating temperatures. and 2-15 the typical indications for this problem


Figure 2-8.— Firing Pressure Graph.

Figure 2-9.—Compression Pressure Graph.


Figure 2-10.—Crankcase Vacuum Graph.

Figure 2-11.—Exhaust Temperature Graph.


Figure 2-12.—Lube Oil Pressure Graph.

Figure 2-13.—Scavenging Pressure Graph.


Figure 2-14.—Rack Setting Graph.

Figure 2-15.—Lube Oil Consumption Graph.


are marked as point A. All indications point to deterioration or a decrease in engine combustion
a definite internal problem in one cylinder. No efficiency.
rise in lube oil consumption is indicated (point A The lubrication oil consumption graph (figure
on figure 2-15) because a slightly worn set of rings 2-15) is for the lubricating oil consumption in
or liner probably would not cause a measurable gallons per 200 hours operation. It should be
increase in lube oil consumption. The logs should noted that the values on this curve are initially
now be consulted to find the problem cylinder and very high. They decrease and then remain nearly
initiate appropriate repairs. constant until the engine is approaching its
If only firing pressures and exhaust overhaul time. The initial high consumption is due
temperature are low, the fuel system should be to unseated piston rings. As rings become seated,
checked on the problem cylinder. the consumption will decrease to a normal value
The crankcase vacuum graph (figure 2-10) and remain nearly constant until the rings or liners
indicates ring, piston, or liner condition. As long begin to wear. Any significant increase in lube oil
as everything is normal, this curve will also be flat. consumption must be carefully evaluated to deter-
A cracked piston, worn rings, or liner will increase mine if the oil is really being consumed in the
blow-by, causing decreased crankcase vacuum. If engine or is being lost because of external leaks.
crankcase vacuum decreases with no change in Too many times an engine is assumed to be at
other indicators, the crankcase scavenging system fault when lube oil is really being lost due to
should be checked for proper operation. An leakage.
increase in crankcase vacuum may be caused by
a clogged intake screen. Review of figures 2-8 through 2-15 will also
indicate other problems that are not discussed in
The exhaust temperature graph (figure 2-11) this text. Each sample problem is marked on the
indicates general cylinder conditions and engine various graphs at the appropriate engine hours so
balance, although this item is not necessarily a a study of the samples can be made.
definite indication of trouble itself. Any abnor-
mal temperature with no accompanying change In conclusion, operational graphs show the
in the various other indicators can usually be condition of the engine. They show what is hap-
attributed to a faulty pyrometer. The pyrometer pening, what needs to be done, and what has to
in question should then be carefully inspected and be planned for in advance. The life expectancy
tested before any other inspections or adjustments of vital parts can be determined from these curves,
are accomplished. and the parts can be renewed before they reach
The lube oil pressure graph (figure 2-12) the point of failure.
indicates the engine bearing condition, lube oil The trend analysis program must be followed
pump condition, piping conditions, by-pass relief closely, especially during the initial period of the
valve conditions, etc. Lube oil pressure obtained program when care must be taken to ensure that
at the upper header of Fairbanks Morse opposed the data gathered are meaningful. However, if the
piston engines is particularly useful in monitor- condition of any particular engine indicates that
ing the condition of the internal portion of the an overhaul is required to maintain it operational,
lube oil system. this should be accomplished at the earliest possi-
The manifold pressure graph (figure 2-13) ble time.
indicates the condition of the scavenging system.
Increasing air box pressures indicate port ENGINE LUBE OIL ANALYSIS.—
clogging, while reduced air box pressures indicate Spectrometric oil analysis is another valuable tool
some abnormality in the air intake systems, which can be used to determine the extent of
blower, or turbocharger. Both of these cases re- accelerated wear in internal combustion engines
quire immediate attention. and other machinery which use closed lube oil or
The fuel rack or governor power piston posi- hydraulic oil systems. By the use of spectrometric
tion graph (figure 2-14) indicates the general con- oil analysis, the accelerated wear in machinery can
dition of the fuel system. Increased rack settings be detected without disassembling the equipment
for a given power output indicate fuel pump long before there is any other indication of


immediate trouble. As a result of this type of Element Concentration In

analysis, skilled maintenance personnel have been
able to pinpoint wear areas early, and to take Standard Reference Specimen Standard Deviation
corrective and preventive maintenance action (Range in PPM) (Maximum in PPM)
during an emergency or on a pre-planned basis
as determined by the type of accelerated wear 3- 9 1.5
detected. By replacing worn out minor parts a 10 - 19 2
major failure can be prevented, and the require- 20 - 49 3
ment for costly parts replacements of complete 50 - 99 5
overhaul of the equipment can be eliminated. 100 - 199 8
200 - 500 15
Ships shall maintain accurate records of
operating hours since major overhauls, oil Figure 2-16.—Element Concentrations.
changes, and samplings in order to provide the
testing facility with the information requested in
the sampling kit. (COMNAVSURFLANT uses following elements in parts per million (ppm). (See
the services of the Charleston Naval Shipyard and figure 2-16.)
COMNAVSURFPAC uses Intermediate
Maintenance Activities (IMA) for analyzing oil Iron (Fe) Nickel (Ni) *Sodium (Na)
samples from machinery employing closed lube Lead (Pb) Silver (Ag) Phosphorus (P)
oil/hydraulic systems.) In addition, a record of Copper (Cu) Tin (Sn) Zinc (Zn)
conditions found and repairs effected as a result Chromium (Cr) Silicon (Si) Calcium (Ca)
of inspections conducted following recom- Aluminum (Al) Boron (B) Barium (Ba)
mendations of the laboratory must also be
maintained. *Only when evidence of water is present.

When the shipyard or IMA laboratory receives Testing will be done for all the above elements.
the oil sample, a physical test and a spectrometric
analysis are performed. The physical test consists The sensitivity and reliability of the equipment
of the following: used for the test will be such that the standard
deviation obtained in the analysis for each
1. All samples are tested for fuel dilution, and specified element must not exceed the appropriate
a report is provided to all concerned by percent value shown in figure 2-16.
volume as per requirements of ASTM D92057. Additional information on trend analysis and
oil spectrometric analysis is contained in COM-
2. All samples are tested for solids by NAVSURFLANTINST 9000.1 or COMNAV-
centrifuge to show the amount of suspended
particles separately from precipitated solids. The
test must differentiate between those fine particles
suspended by the active compounds in the oil and RESPONSIBILITIES
those that can settle out of the oil spontaneously
to give a ratio of colloidal/precipitated solids.

3. Allowable “use limits” are tested and In order to fulfill your maintenance and repair
responsibilities along with your administrative and
recorded. supervisory responsibilities you must plan your
work ahead of time.
When the physical test is completed the You must determine all the work that must
shipyard/IMAs should make a spectrometric be done and prepare a schedule to ensure that it
analysis of each used oil sample, then record and is done. You must also keep your schedule flexi-
report to all concerned the concentrations of the ble enough to allow unexpected maintenance and


repair work to be done whenever the need for such The fact that materials and repair parts are
work arises. not specified in the instructions accompanying a
Review the Maintenance and Material job does not mean that you are free to use your
Management (3-M) Manual, OPNAVINST own judgment in selecting parts and materials to
4790.4, it will make your planning and schedul- accomplish a job. Instead, it usually means that
ing considerably easier. you must know where to look for information on
the type of material or repair parts needed, then
locate and requisition them in order to complete
Materials and Repair Parts the assigned job.
There are several shipboard sources of infor-
The responsibility for maintaining adequate mation that will be useful to you in identifying
stocks of engineroom repair parts and repair the equipment and/or the repair parts needed.
materials belongs at least as much to you as it does They include the Coordinated Shipboard
to the supply department. The duties of the supply Allowance List (COSAL); nameplates on the
officer are to procure, receive, stow, issue, and equipment; manufacturer’s technical manuals;
account for the support of the ship. However, the and ships’ plans, blueprints, and other drawings.
supply officer is not the prime user of repair parts
and repair materials; the initiative for maintain- COORDINATED SHIPBOARD ALLOW-
ing adequate stocks of repair materials, parts, and ANCE LIST (COSAL).—The COSAL is
equipment must come from the personnel who are both a technical and a supply document prepared
going to use such items. Namely You! for an individual ship. It lists the equipment or
Basic information on supply matters is given components required for the ship’s operation; the
in Military Requirements for PO 3 & 2, NAVED- repair parts and special tools required, the
TRA 10056 (current edition), Military Re- overhaul and repair equipment, and the
quirements for PO 1 & C, NAVEDTRA 10057 miscellaneous portable items necessary for the
(current edition), and OPNAVINST 4790.4, care and upkeep of the ship.
volume II. For your purpose, the COSAL is the basic
source of information on repair parts and
materials needed for a job. A COSAL gives you
Identification of Repair information on such items as the noun name of
Parts and Materials a system (engine, pump, ejector, etc.), the
manufacturer’s name and the I.D. number
Identification of repair parts and materials is (General Motors Corporation #3255), the
not usually a great problem when you are deal- technical manual number for the system, the
ing with familiar equipment on your own ship; manufacturer’s drawing numbers, and the
but it may present problems when you are doing Allowance Parts List (APL) numbers for related
repair work for other ships, as you would if systems (governor’s, starters, transmissions, etc.).
assigned to the machine shop on a repair ship or In addition, COSAL provides specific informa-
tender. tion about National Stock numbers (NSNs), units
The materials and repair parts to be used are of issue, costs, and the number of items needed.
specified for many repair jobs but not for all. It may also include lists of part numbers and
When materials or parts are not identified in the Federal Stock Numbers (FSNs) for crossover
instructions accompanying a job, you will either checks.
have to use your own judgment or do research To request materials and repair parts from the
to find out just what material or part should be supply department aboard ship, you must fill out
used. When you must make the decision yourself, and submit a NAVSUP Form 1250, a single item
select materials on the basis of the service condi- consumption/management document. If the item
tions they must withstand. Operating pressure and is not stocked aboard ship, the supply department
operating temperature are primary considerations will requisition the material from a supply activity,
in selecting materials and parts for most using the identifying information that you have
engineroom repair work. given on the NAVSUP Form 1250. However, if


all the information you have available is a 2. Work informally with the supply depart-
manufacturer’s part number, then you must also ment personnel who are actually responsible for
fill out and submit, along with the NAVSUP identifying and requesting material. You have the
Form 1250, a DD-1348-6 Form, NON-NSN REQ- technical knowledge, and you know what you
UISITION. For information on how to fill out need. If you cannot find the correct stock number,
these supply forms, review Military Requirements however, your job is to give enough standard iden-
for PO 3 & 2, volume II of OPNAVINST 4790.4, tification information, such as manufacturer part
or ask your ship’s supply personnel for assistance. numbers, and Allowance Parts List/Component
Whenever you find it necessary to request Identification Description (APL/CID) numbers,
materials or repair parts, remember two things: so that supply personnel on board ship or ashore
can identify the item you want. Experienced
1. If at all possible, find the correct NSN for supply personnel are familiar with identification
each item requested. All materials now in the publications and can help you to locate the cor-
supply system have been assigned an NSN, and rect stock numbers and other important identi-
you should be able to locate them by using the fying information.
COSAL and the other sources of information
available to you such as the following: SHIP EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION
a. NAMEPLATES on equipment supply structure or composition of either the ship or a
information regarding the characteristics of the particular system or equipment on board a ship
equipment. Nameplate data seldom, if ever, is modified, this modification must be
include the exact materials required for repairs; documented. This action will ensure proper ac-
however, the information given on the counting of configuration changes, and will help
characteristics of the equipment and on pressure improve supply and maintenance support
and temperature limitations may provide useful technical manuals, PMS coverage, updated
clues for the selection of materials. COSAL, etc., to your ship. SECAS is the
b. MANUFACTURERS’ TECHNICAL designated system responsible for maintaining the
MANUALS are furnished with all machinery and configuration status reported by your ship.
equipment aboard ship. Materials and repair parts Although the responsibility for identifying and
are sometimes described in the text of these reporting these changes rests at all levels of the
technical manuals; more commonly, however, command, the work center supervisor is respon-
details of materials and parts are given on the sible for ensuring that the proper documentation
drawings. Manufacturers’ catalogs of repair parts is completed and processed as described in volume
are also furnished with some shipboard equip- II of OPNAVINST 4790.4.
ment; when available, these catalogs are a valuable
source of information on repair parts and OPNAV Form 4790/CK, Ship’s Configura-
materials. tion Change Form, is used to report configura-
tion changes at the individual equipment level.
OTHER DRAWINGS available on board ship are SHIP-TO-SHOP WORK.—Many repair jobs
excellent sources of information on materials and are designated by the ship or approved by the
parts to be used in making various kinds of repair activity as “ship-to-shop” jobs. In this type
repairs. Many of these plans and blueprints are of job, the ship’s force does a large part of the
furnished in the regular large sizes; but lately, repair work. For example, the repair or renewal
microfilm is being used increasingly for these of a damaged pump shaft might well be written
drawings. Information obtained from plans, up as a ship-to-shop job. The ship’s force will
blueprints, and other drawings should always be disassemble the pump and remove the shaft. Then
checked against the information given on the the shaft and any necessary blueprints or technical
ship’s COSAL to be sure that any changes made manuals are delivered to the designated shop of
since the original installation have been noted on the repair activity. After the shaft has been
the drawings. repaired, or a new one has been made, it is


picked up and brought back to the ship by the completion of specific PMS requirements; to
ship’s force. The pump is reassembled, inspected, request repair of equipment or services from
and tested by the ship’s force to make sure that IMAs or shipyards; or can be used to describe
it is operating satisfactorily. equipment malfunctions. OPNAV Form 4790/2L
An important thing to remember is that while is a supplemental form which you use to provide
the repair facility is responsible for ensuring that amplifying information relating to a maintenance
its personnel repair or manufacture this shaft to action described on a corresponding 4790/2K. The
the manufacturer’s specifications, perform all OPNAV 4790/2L may also be used to list: Multi-
tests required by Quality Assurance (QA), and fill ple item serial numbers and locations for which
out properly all the required forms, it is your identical maintenance requirements exist from an
responsibility to witness any test required by QA, outside activity; and Drawings and sketches.
to monitor the status of the job at all times, and OPNAV Form 4790/2Q is an automated work
to reassemble and test operate the equipment request produced by an IMA with computer
properly, so that the end results will produce a capabilities. The “2Q” is produced from the
reliable operating piece of equipment. original 4790/2K which is in your Current Ships
Maintenance Project (CSMP) suspense file. For
EQUIPMENT TESTS.—As an EN1 or ENC, more detailed information about these forms and
you have the responsibility for scheduling and per- schedules, and how to fill them out, review OP-
forming various tests on your equipment. The NAVINST 4790.4, volumes I and II.
purpose of those tests is to determine how your Some of the proven uses you should follow
equipment is performing and if there are any when scheduling maintenance and repair work are
equipment malfunctions. These tests are per- listed below:
formed at various times, such as (1) before going
to the shipyard for overhaul, (2) after post deploy- 1. Size up each job before you let anyone start
ment, (3) during a tender availability, or (4) as working on it. Check the applicable Maintenance
required by PMS. The tests are performed by the Requirement Cards (MRCs) so that you will know
ship’s force, IMA personnel, shipyard personnel, exactly what needs to be done. Also, check all
or by an inspection team (such as the Board of applicable drawings and manufacturer’s technical
Inspection and Survey (INSURV Board)). manuals.
Detailed types of inspections are described in
COMNAVSURFLANT Inst. 9000.1 or COM- 2. Check on materials before you start. Be
NAVSURFPAC Inst. 4700.1A. sure that all required materials are available before
your personnel start working on any job. Do not
overlook small items—nuts, bolts, washers, pack-
Scheduling Work ing and gasket materials, tools, measuring devices,
and so forth. A good deal of labor can be saved
Careful planning is required to keep up with by the simple process of checking on the availabil-
all auxiliary maintenance and repair work in the ity of materials before a job is actually started.
enginerooms. You should already have in your An inoperable piece of machinery may be useless,
work center the necessary items which can help but it can become a nuisance and a safety hazard
you in scheduling your work. These items are (1) if it is spread around the engineroom in bits and
the Quarterly PMS Schedule, which is the visual pieces while you wait for the arrival of repair parts
display of your work center’s PMS requirements or materials.
for a specific 3-month period; (2) the weekly
schedule (taken from the quarterly schedule), 3. Check the priority of the job and that of
which displays all your work center’s PMS all other work that needs to be done.
schedule for completion in a given week; and (3)
the Maintenance Data Collection Subsystem 4. When assigning work, carefully consider
(MDCS) forms, such as the OPNAV 4790-2K, the capabilities and experience of your personnel.
OPNAV 4790-2L, and OPNAV 4790-2Q. Of As a rule, the more complicated jobs should be
these, OPNAV Form 4790.2K is used to show given to the more skilled and more experienced


people. When possible, however, less experienced officer asks for estimates. When you give an
people should be given difficult work to do under estimate to someone in authority over you, you
supervision so that they may acquire skill in such cannot tell how far up the line this information
jobs. will go. It is possible that an estimate you give
to your division officer could ultimately affect the
Be sure that the person who is going to do a operational schedule of the ship; it is essential,
job is given as much information as necessary. therefore, that such estimates be as accurate as
An experienced person may need only a drawing you can possibly make them.
and a general statement concerning the nature of Many of the factors that apply to the schedul-
the job. A less experienced person is likely to ing of all maintenance and repair work apply also
require additional instructions and, as a rule, to estimating the time that will be required for
closer supervision. a particular repair job. You cannot make a
reasonable estimate until you have sized up the
5. Keep track of the work as it is being done. job, checked on the availability of materials,
In particular, check to be sure that proper checked on the availability of skilled personnel,
materials and parts are being used, that the job and checked on the priority of the various jobs
is properly laid out or set up, that all tools and for which you are responsible. In order to make
equipment are being used correctly, and that all an accurate estimate of the time required to com-
safety precautions are being observed. plete a specific repair job, you must also consider
(1) what part of the work must be done by other
6. After a job has been completed, make a shops, and (2) what kinds of interruptions and
careful inspection to be sure that everything has delays may occur. Although these factors are also
been done correctly and that all final details have important in the routine scheduling of
been taken care of. Check to be sure that all maintenance and repair work, they are particu-
necessary records and reports have been prepared. larly important when estimates of time that may
These job inspections serve at least two very affect the operational schedule of the ship are
important purposes: first, they are needed to make made.
sure that the work has been properly performed; If part of the job must be done by other shops,
and second, they provide for an evaluation of the you must consider not only the time actually
skills and knowledge of the person who has done required by these shops but also time that may
the work. Do not overlook the training aspects be lost if one of them holds up your work, and
of a job inspection. When your inspection of a the time spent to transport the material between
completed job reveals any defects or flaws, be sure shops. Each shop should make a separate
to explain what is wrong, why it is wrong, and estimate, and the estimates should be combined
how to avoid similar mistakes in the future. in order to obtain the final estimate. Do NOT at-
tempt to estimate the time that will be required
by other personnel. Attempting to estimate what
Estimating Work someone else can do is risky because you can’t
possibly have enough information to make an ac-
You will often be required to estimate the curate estimate.
amount of time, the number of personnel, and Consider all the interruptions that might cause
the amount of material that will be required for delay, over and above the time required for the
specific repair jobs. Actually, you are making work itself. Such things as drills, inspections, field
some kind of estimate every time you plan and days, and working parties can have quite an
start a repair job, as you consider such questions effect on the number of people who will be
as: How long will it take? Who can best do the available to work on the job at any given time.
job? How many people will be needed? Are all Estimating the number of personnel who will
necessary materials available? be required for a certain repair job is, obviously,
However, there is one important difference closely related to estimating time. You will have
between the estimates you make for your own use to consider not only the nature of the job and the
and those that you make when your division number of people available but also the maximum


number of people who can work EFFECTIVELY nature and theory of engineroom operations;
on a job or on part of the job at the same time. operational troubleshooting; engineering casualty
Doubling the number of personnel will not cut control; engineroom maintenance and repair;
the time in half; instead, it will result in confu- characteristics of metals and alloys; tests and
sion and aimless milling around. inspections of main engines; characteristics and
The best way to estimate the time and the tests of lube oil; and records, reports, and other
number of personnel needed to do a job is to administrative requirements.
divide the total job into the various phases or steps
that will have to be done, and then estimate the As you well know, this is only a partial list
time and the personnel required for each step. of the skills and knowledge you must have in order
Estimating the materials required for a repair to qualify as an expert Engineman. But even a
job is often more difficult than estimating the time very wide range of abilities and an extensive
and labor required for the job. Although your theoretical knowledge will not, in themselves,
own past experience will be your best guide for guarantee your success as an instructor.
this kind of estimating, a few general considera-
tions should be noted: TRAINING RESPONSIBILITIES

1. Keep accurate records of all materials and You must be technically competent before you
tools used in any major repair job. These records can teach others, but your technical competence
serve two purposes: first, they provide a means must be supplemented by the ability to organize
of accounting for materials used; and second, they information, to present it effectively, and to
provide a guide for estimating materials that will arouse and keep the interest of your trainees.
be required for similar jobs in the future. You will find excellent general information on
how to plan, carry out, and evaluate an instruc-
2. Before starting any repair job, plan the job tional program in Military Requirements for Petty
carefully and in detail. Make full use of manufac- Officer 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10056 (current edi-
turers’ technical manuals, blueprints, drawings, tion) and in Military Requirements for Petty
and any other available information, and find out Officer 1 & C, NAVEDTRA 10057 (current edi-
in advance all the tools and materials that will be tion). The present discussion does not include
required for the accomplishment of each step of basic information of the type given in these
the job. references; instead, it deals with some of the dif-
ficulties peculiar to the training of engineroom
3. Make a reasonable allowance for waste and auxiliary personnel and some of the ways in
when calculating the amount of material you will which you can overcome or minimize these
need. difficulties.
What kinds of things cause special problems
in the training of engineroom personnel? For one
TRAINING thing, the interrelationship of propulsion plant
operations. Each person must be trained to per-
By the time you have reached the E-5 or E-6 form not only as an individual but also as a
level, you have acquired many skills and a large member of a team. Take for instance the duties
amount of theoretical knowledge. Among other of the watchstanders. They are very closely
things, you have learned about— related, and the actions taken by one person de-
pend in some way upon the actions taken by other
Construction details, operating principles, and persons. From a long-range point of view,
operating characteristics of all types of naval however, the teamwork required for engineroom
propulsion plants and associated engineroom aux- operations can actually be turned to a training
iliary machinery; propulsion plant layout and pip- advantage. As a person is being trained for one
ing system arrangement; theory of combustion, specific duty, he must of necessity be learning
theory of energy transformations, and factors something about the other duties. As a rule,
governing engineroom and fireroom efficiency; therefore, the first part of a person’s engineroom


training may take quite a while, but the last part satisfied that the trainee is completely qualified
will be comparatively fast. for this duty.
The procedures for training a new person in In training engineroom personnel who have
engineroom operations vary considerably, not had previous engineroom experience,
depending upon such factors as the ship’s steam- remember than an engineroom can be a com-
ing schedule, the condition of the engineroom plicated and confusing place to someone who
machinery, the number of experienced personnel walks into it for the first time. A lot of equip-
available to assist in the training, and the amount ment is crammed into a small space, and a lot of
of time that can be devoted to the training. In complex actions are going on at once. When train-
general, however, you will probably begin to train ing new personnel, try to think back to the time
a person to act as messenger. Then before the when you first went into an engineroom. What
trainee is assigned to any actual duty, of course, aspects of engineroom operations were most con-
the trainee should be introduced to the fusing to you at first? What kind of training
engineroom and become familiar with the loca- would have made your learning easier and faster?
tion of all machinery, equipment, piping, and By analyzing your own early experience and reac-
valves. The trainee must also be instructed in cer- tions, you get a bearing on what a new person may
tain basic safety precautions and be specifically be experiencing and you may be able to provide
warned about the dangers of turning valve wheels more effective training.
or tampering with machinery. “IF IN DOUBT, When you are training new personnel,
ASK QUESTIONS!” is a pretty good rule for any remember that they vary widely in their methods
new person in the engineroom to follow. of learning and in their rates of learning. Some
A person ready to be trained in the duties of people will learn most effectively if you give them
messenger should be shown all the gages that are an overall view of main engine operations,
in use, told about what the gages indicate and including a certain amount of theory, before
shown how to take readings. The reason why the going into the details of the hardware and the
readings are important should be explained. The manual operations. Others will learn most effec-
trainee should understand exactly how often each tively if they are taught some manual skills before
gage must be read and how to make accurate getting too much involved with theory. Some
entries in the engineroom log. When you are sure people learn manual skills rapidly but take a long
the trainee understands everything about time to absorb the theory; for others, the reverse
gages, teach the trainee how to check lube oil is true. And, of course, some people learn
levels and how to clean metal edge type filters and everything slowly. Some trainees benefit from pa-
basket-type strainers. tient, almost endless repetition of information;
For a while you will have to keep a close watch others may become bored and restless if you go
on the trainee’s performance of these duties. over the same point just once too often. The
When the trainee becomes proficient in the duties important thing to remember is that your train-
of messenger, start the training in throttleman’s ing efforts will be most successful if you are able
duties, First, let the trainee observe the throt- to observe and allow for the individual differences
tleman. Then, if conditions permit, let the trainee that are bound to exist. Closely related to this
start and secure machinery. point is another: Don’t make snap judgments
As far as manual skills are concerned, the about people’s abilities until they have had a
throttleman’s job is probably easier than the chance to DEMONSTRATE them. You may turn
messenger’s job. But the throttle watch requires out to be very wrong if you make snap judgments
the utmost vigilance and reliability, and a new per- on the basis of a general impression, such as
son will have a lot to learn before being trusted appearance, or the rate at which they learn when
to stand the throttle watch alone. Personnel they first come into the engineroom.
should always be started out under the supervi- When training personnel who have already
sion of an experienced throttleman, and should had some engineroom experience but who have
remain under this supervision until the petty been on some other type ship, you may find that
officer in charge of the engineroom is fully a certain amount of retraining is needed before


the individual can qualify as an engineroom Most Standards are divided into four sections:
watchstander on your ship. No two enginerooms Fundamentals, Systems, Watchstations, and a
are precisely alike in all details, and no two main Qualification Card. The Fundamentals section
engines that appear to be identical behave in contains the facts, principles, and fundamentals
precisely the same way under all conditions. Each concerning the subject for which a person is quali-
engine has its own individuality, and operating fying. The Systems section deals with the major
personnel must adjust to the engine in order to working parts of the installation, organization,
obtain the best results. Practically all Enginemen or equipment with which the PQS is concerned.
learn this sooner or later; you can speed up the The Watchstation section defines the actual
learning process by encouraging engineroom per- duties, assignments, and responsibilities needed
sonnel to notice and to discuss differences between for qualification. The Qualification Card has
engines. questions that match those in the Watchstation
section and provides a space for the supervisor’s
Because of the necessity for strict observance or the qualifying officer’s signature.
of safety precautions, all engineroom operational
training must be rigidly controlled and supervised. Not only your work center personnel must
On-the-job training is necessary if an individual qualify under PQS but also you must qualify on
is to acquire the actual skills needed for main all equipment under your control, in addition to
engine operation; however, the person must not the Maintenance and Material Management (3-M)
be allowed to learn by trial and error, since er- System, and General Damage Control. Let’s look
rors could be too dangerous and too costly. Safety at one of the requirements for an EN1 or ENC
precautions should be taught from the very begin- under PQS and the Engineman Occupational
ning and should be emphasized constantly Standards, NAVPERS 18068-D. The requirement
throughout the training program. calls for you to supervise a damage control
party. As an engineer you will probably be
TRAINING PROGRAMS assigned to Repair 5 (propulsion repair) for a
general quarters station. Repair 5 usually has an
engineering department officer or the chief petty
As an EN1 or ENC you are required to officer in charge. The damage control party you
establish or maintain a training program for your must supervise is composed of an electrical
work center personnel. In this program you are officer (or senior Electrician’s Mate) and a broad
required to teach the proper methods of equip- cross section of engineering ratings. Emphasis on
ment operation, repair, and safety. You should assignment of personnel to Repair 5 is placed on
use all the materials available to you including fireroom and engineroom takeover qualifications
teaching aids (manufacturer’s technical manuals, rather than damage control qualifications. On
instructions, or rate training manuals). In addi- larger ships, Repair 5 may be split. Each half of
tion, you should know what schools are available the party is assigned one-half of the engineering
to your workers and should try to get quotas for plant so that maximum use of manpower and
them (i.e., EN “A” or “C”, or A/C&R). equipment, and greater dispersal of personnel may
In recent years, one of the best ways to check be realized. Each section of the repair party is
on how well personnel retain the information be- assigned sufficiently qualified engineering casualty
ing taught in your training program has been the control and damage control personnel.
use of the Personnel Qualification Standard
Although your main function is for
PQS). engineroom and fireroom takeover, your repair
A PQS is a written list of knowledge and skills party must still be able to function as a damage
that are required to qualify for a specific watch- control repair party if the need arises. Being the
station, maintain a specific equipment or system, leader, you must be familiar with all the equip-
or perform as a team member within an assigned ment used and the function of each. You must
unit. The PQS program is a method for qualify- train your personnel in the use of the equipment
ing personnel to perform their assigned duties. and the functions of a repair party. Following is


a list of functions which are common to all repair Some of the specific functions for which
parties: Repair 5 is responsible in its own assigned area
are listed below:
1. Each party must be capable of making
repairs to electrical and sound-powered telephone 1. Maintenance of stability and buoyancy—
circuits. members of the repair party must be:
2. Each party must be capable of giving first a. Stationed so that they can reach all
aid and transporting injured personnel to battle parts of their assigned area with a minimum open-
dressing stations without seriously reducing the ing of watertight closures.
damage control capabilities of the repair party.
3. Each party must be capable of detecting, b. Able to repair damage to structures,
identifying, and measuring dose and dose-rate closures, or fittings that are designed to maintain
intensities from radiological involvement, and of watertight integrity, by shoring, plugging,
surveying and decontaminating contaminated per- welding, caulking the bulkheads and decks, reset-
sonnel and areas, except where specifically as- ting valves, and blanking or plugging lines through
signed to another department as in the case of watertight subdivisions of the ship.
nuclear weapons accident/incident. c. Be prepared to sound, drain, pump,
4. Each party must be capable of sampling counterflood, or shift liquids in tanks, voids, or
and/or identifying biological or chemical agents, other compartments; and be thoroughly familiar
and of decontaminating areas and personnel with the location and use of all equipment and
affected as a result of biological or chemical at- methods of action.
tack, except where this responsibility is assigned
to the medical department. d. Maintain two status boards for accurate
5. Each party must be capable of controlling evaluation of underwater damage: the Stability
Status Board (Flooding Effects Diagram) to be
and extinguishing all types of fires.
used for visual display of all flooding, flooding
6. Each party must be organized to evaluate boundaries, corrective measures taken, and effects
and report correctly the extent of damage in its on list and trim; the Liquid Load Status Board
area. This will include maintaining: to show the current status of all fuel and water
tanks and the soundings of each tank in feet and
Deck plans showing locations of NBC con- inches.
tamination, battle dressing and personnel clean-
ing stations, and safe routes to them. 2. Maintenance of ship’s propulsion—the per-
sonnel in the repair party must be able to:
A casualty board for visual display of a. Maintain, make repairs, or isolate
structural damage. damage to main propulsion machinery and
A graphic display board showing damage
and action taken to correct disrupted or b. Operate, repair, isolate, and modify the
damaged systems. The use of standard control segregation of vital systems.
symbology and the accompanying preprinted
message format are recommended to facilitate c. Assist in the operation and repair of the
recording transmitted damage control informa- steering control systems.
tion. Use the standard control symbology shown
in figure 2-17 to read the message format in figure d. Assist in the maintenance and repair of
2-18. In reading this message you should have communications systems.
come up with the following information: An
8-inch hole, 4 feet up from the deck at frame 38, e. Assist Repairs 1, 2, 3, and 4 and the
starboard side of compartment 2-35-0-L. crash and salvage team when required.


Figure 2-17.—Navy Standard Damage Control Symbology.


Figure 2-17.—Navy Standard Damage Control Symbology—Continued.


Figure 2-17.—Navy Standard Damage Control Symbology—Continued.

Engineering Operational each class of ship is built and joins the fleet.
Sequencing System Increased complexity requires increased engineer-
ing skills for proper operation. Ships that lack the
To help make the job of supervision and train- required experienced personnel have had material
ing easier and more effective, and enhance the casualties which jeopardized their operational
operational capability of shipboard engineering readiness. In addition, the rapid turnover of the
personnel, the Navy has developed a system engineering personnel who man and operate the
known as the Engineering Operational Sequenc- ships further compounds the problem of develop-
ing System (EOSS). Essentially, the EOSS is to ing and maintaining a high level of operator and
the operator what the PMS is to the maintainer. operating efficiency.
The Navy has been increasingly aware of these
OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS.—The main problems and has undertaken studies to evaluate
propulsion plants in the ships of the modern day the methods and procedures presently used in
Navy are becoming more technically complex as operating complex engineering plants. The results


procedures not only between adjoining spaces but

also between watch sections within the same

The posted operating instructions often do

not apply to the installed equipment. They were
conflicting or incorrect. No procedures were pro-
vided for aligning the various systems with other

The light-off and securing schedules were

prepared by each ship and were not standardized
between ships. The schedules were written for
general, rather than specific, equipment or system
values and did not include shifts between all the
existing modes of operation.

Following these studies, NAVSEA developed

the EOSS, designed to help eliminate operational
problems. EOSS involves the participation of all
personnel from the department head to the watch-
stander on watch. The EOSS consists of a set of
systematic and detailed written procedures which
utilize charts, instructions, and diagrams
developed specifically for the operational and
casualty control function of a specific ship’s
engineering plant and configuration.
EOSS is designed to improve the operational
readiness of the ship’s engineering plant by
increasing its operational efficiency, providing
better engineering-plant control, reducing opera-
tional casualties, and extending the equipment
Figure 2-18.—Preprinted message format. life. These objectives are accomplished by first
defining the levels of control and operating within
the engineering plant and then providing each
of these studies have shown that in many instances supervisor and operator with the information
sound operating techniques were not followed. needed—in words they could understand—at their
Some of the circumstances found to be prevail- watch station.
ing in engineering plants are described below: The EOSS is comprised of three basic parts:

The information needed by the watch- The User’s Guide

stander was usually scattered throughout publica-
tions which were generally not readily available. The Engineering Operational Procedures
The bulk of the publications were not
systems oriented. Reporting engineering person- The Engineering Operational Casualty
nel had to learn specific operating procedures Control (EOCC)
from “old hands” presently assigned. Such prac-
tices could ultimately lead to misinformation or EOSS USER’S GUIDE.—The User’s Guide
degradation of the transferred information. They is a booklet which explains the EOSS package and
were costly and resulted in non-standard operating how it is used to the ship’s best advantage. It


contains document samples and explains how they Stage I is considered as the total engineering
are used. It provides recommendations for plant level under the direct cognizance of the plant
introducing the EOSS system and the methods for supervisor (EOOW). The officer coordinates the
training the ship’s personnel in utilizing the pro- placing in operation and securing of all systems
cedures set forth in this system. and components normally controlled by the
various space supervisors. The EOOW also super-
EOSS documentation is developed using vises those functions which affect conditions ex-
work-study techniques. All existing methods and ternal to the engineering plant such as jacking,
procedures for plant operation and casualty con- testing, and spinning main engines. The EOP
trol procedures are documented, including the documentation assists you, the plant supervisor,
actual ship procedures as well as those procedures in ensuring optimum plant operating efficiency,
contained in available reference sources. properly sequencing of events in each operational
evolution, and the training of newly assigned per-
Each action taken is subjected to a critical sonnel. During a plant evolution, you will con-
examination to evaluate the adequacy of the trol and designate the operation of the following
present procedures. At the completion of this systems and components:
analysis phase new procedural steps are developed
into an operational sequencing system, and
step-by-step time-sequenced procedures and con- Systems that interconnect one or more
figuration diagrams are prepared to show the engineering plant machinery spaces and the elec-
plant layout in relation to operational com- trical system.
ponents. The final step in the development phase
of an EOSS is a validation on board ship check Major components such as boilers, main
conducted to ensure technical accuracy and ade- engines, and electrical generators.
quacy of the prepared sequencing system. All
required corrections are made and then incor- Systems and components required to sup-
porated into the package before installation port the engineering plant or other ship functions
aboard ship. such as distilling plants, air compressors, steam
system to catapults, and thrust blocks which are
The resulting sequencing system provides the placed in operation or secured in response to
best tailored operating and engineering opera- demand upon their services.
tional casualty control procedures available per-
taining to a particular ship’s propulsion plant.
Each level is provided with the information re- To assist you the plant supervisor with these
quired to enable the engineering plant to respond operations, the EOP section provides you with the
to any demands placed upon it. following documents:

ENGINEERING OPERATIONAL PRO- Index pages listing each document in the

CEDURES (EOP).—The operational portion of Stage I station book by identification number and
the EOSS contains all the information necessary title.
for the proper operation of a ship’s engineering
plant. It also contains guides for scheduling, con- Plant procedure charts (figure 2-19) pro-
trolling, and directing plant evolutions through viding step-by-step procedures for each engineer-
operational modes from receiving shore services, ing plant evolution. (NOTE: At the time this
to various modes of inport auxiliary plant steam- publication was prepared for printing, EOSS
ing, to underway steaming. diagrams illustrating specific equipment for which
the Engineman is responsible were not available;
The EOP documentation is prepared for the example used, in this section, however, il-
specifically defined operational stages. These are lustrates the types of EOSS diagrams used
defined as Stages I, II, and III. regardless of equipment .)


Figure 2-19.—Sample plant procedure Chart.

Plant status boards (figure 2-20) providing current plot of systems alignment and equipment
a systematic display of the major systems and operating status.
cross-connect valves as well as a graphic presen-
tation of the major equipment in each machinery A diagram for plant steaming conditions
space. These boards are used to maintain a versus optimum generator combinations


Figure 2-20.—Sample Plant Status Diagram.

delineating the preferred electric power generator A diagram for equipment versus speed
combinations for the various plant operating con- requirement delineating the equipment normally
ditions. This diagram is also provided in the Stage required for various ship speeds.
II electrical documentation.
A diagram for shore services connection
System alignment diagrams (figure 2-21) locations delineating the location of shore service
delineating the preferred initial and final align- connections for steam, electrical power, feed-
ment for each engineering plant. water, potable water, and saltwater, and fuel oil.


Figure 2-21.—Sample preferred alignment diagrams.

Training diagrams (figure 2-22) delineating each engineroom and fireroom, and the electrical
each major piping system to aid in plant plant supervisor (electrical load dispatcher). In
familiarization and training of newly assigned per- Stage II, the space supervisor accomplishes the
sonnel. These diagrams indicate the relative loca- tasks delegated by the plant supervisor. The EOP
tions of lines, valves, and equipment. documentation assists the space supervisor in
properly sequencing the events, controlling the
Stage II is considered as the system compo- operation of equipment within the machinery
nent level supervised by the space supervisor in space or electric-power complex in maintaining


Figure 2-22.—Sample Training Diagrams.


an up-to-date status of the operational condition required valves, switches, and controllers. Stage
of the assumed equipment assigned and in train- III documents include:
ing newly assigned personnel. To assist the space
supervisor in this effort, the EOP section provides Index pages listing each document by iden-
the following Stage II documents: tification number and title for each specified
system such as fuel-oil service system, lube oil
Index pages listing each document by service system, etc.
identification number and title for each specified
operating group such as engineroom, fireroom, Component procedure cards providing
electrical, etc. step-by-step procedures for systems alignment or
component operation.
Space procedure charts (similar to the plant
procedure chart) providing the step-by-step pro- Component procedure cards as required to
cedure to be accomplished within a space to satisfy
support each operation or alignment.
and support the requirements of the plant pro-
cedure charts.
Alignment diagrams (figure 2-23) ampli-
Space status board providing a schematic fying the written procedure to assist the
of major systems and a tabular listing of the component operator in proper systems alignment.
major equipment within the individual machinery Alignment diagrams are provided whenever two
spaces for maintaining a plot of systems or more alignment conditions exist for a given
alignments and equipment operating status. This system or component.
board is similar in configuration to that provided
for the Stage I documentation (figure 2-20). The operational use of EOP documentation
is of primary importance at all levels in con-
Diagram for Electrical Plant Status (DLS) trolling, supervising, and operating the evolutional
delineating generators, switchboards, and shore- functions of the engineering plant.
power connections within the electrical distribu-
tion systems. The DLS is provided in both the ENGINEERING OPERATIONAL
electrical operating group and in the Stage I CASUALTY CONTROL (EOCC).—The casu-
(EOOW) documentation for maintaining a plot alty control portion of EOSS contains informa-
of the system alignment. tion relative to the recognition of casualty
symptoms and their probable causes and effects.
Diagram for plant steaming conditions ver- In addition, it contains information on preven-
sus optimum generator combinations provided in tive action to be taken to preclude a casualty and
the electrical operating group documentation on procedures for controlling single and multi-
delineating the preferred electric power generator ple source casualties.
combination. This diagram is the same as that
provided in the Stage I documentation. Casualty prevention must be the concern of
everyone on board. Proper training of all person-
Training diagrams of each major piping nel must provide for adequate knowledge and
system developed for Stage I, plus diagrams of experience in effective casualty prevention. The
such systems as fuel-oil service, and main engine EOCC manual contains efficient, technically cor-
lube oil that are normally located within the rect casualty control and prevention procedures
machinery spaces. which relate to all phases of an engineering plant.
The EOCC documents elaborate on possible
Stage III is considered as the system compo- casualties caused by error, material failure, and
nent level attended by the component operators. battle. The EOCC manual describes tried and
The component operators place equipment in and proven methods for the control of a casualty and
out of operation, align systems, and monitor and prevention of further damage to the component,
control their operation by manipulating the the system, or the engineering plant concerned.


Figure 2-23.—Sample Component/System Alignment Diagram.

The EOCC manuals are available to the per- techniques for all watchstanders. The manual con-
sonnel in their own machinery space so that they tains the documentation required to effectively
can be used as a means of self-indoctrination for assist engineering personnel in developing and
newly assigned personnel and as an instrument maintaining maximum proficiency in controlling
with which to improve casualty control procedure casualties to the ship’s propulsion plant.


Proficiency in EOCC procedures is maintained master copy of this list, in addition to posting the
through a well-administered training program. individual operating instructions and safety
Primary training concentrates on controlling precautions throughout the engineering spaces. If
single-source casualties—those which may be any of the posted operating instructions and safety
attributed to the failure or malfunction of a single precautions are damaged or lost, a duplicate copy
component or the failure of piping at a specific can be readily made up from the master list.
point in a system. Advanced training concentrates For ships in commission and in service, plastic
on controlling multiple casualties or on conduct- laminated operating instructions and safety
ing a battle problem. An effective and well- precautions are available; they are listed in the
administered EOOW training program must Navy Stock List of Forms and Publications,
contain, as a minimum, the following elements: NAVSUP Publication 2002.

Recognition of the symptoms.

Probable causes.
A naval ship must be inspected from time to
Probable effects. time to ensure that its operation, administration,
and equipment reflect a high standard of readiness
Preventive actions that may be taken to for war. The frequency with which the various
reduce, eliminate, or control casualties. types of inspections are held are determined by
the CNO, the fleet commander, and the type com-
An EOSS package is not intended to be forgot- mander. As far as the ship is concerned, the type
ten once it is developed and installed aboard a commander usually designates the type of inspec-
ship. It offers many advantages to the ship’s tion and when it will be held.
operational readiness capabilities, providing A ship is frequently notified some time in
detailed step-by-step sequencing of events for all advance when an inspection will take place, but
phases of the engineering-plant operation. Its pro- preparation for an inspection should not be
cedures are tailored to each specific ship and postponed until the notice of inspection is re-
are prepared for each level of management and ceived. It is a mistake to think that a poorly
operation. Because it is work-studied and system- administered division or department can, by a
oriented, the EOSS provides the basic informa- sudden burst of energy, be prepared to meet the
tion for the optimum utilization of equipment and inspector’s eagle eye. By using proper procedures,
systems by specifying correct procedures tailored and keeping up to date on such items as repair
for a specific plant configuration. work, maintenance work, operating procedures,
The EOSS is not intended to eliminate the training of personnel, engineering casualty con-
need for skilled plant operators. No program or trol drills, maintenance records and reports, you
system can achieve such a goal. The EOSS is a will always be ready for an inspection.
tool for better utilization of manpower and skills Since your ship may be required to furnish an
available. Although the EOSS is an excellent tool inspecting party to make an inspection on another
for shipboard training of personnel, it is primarily ship, you as a CPO or PO1 may be assigned the
a working system for scheduling, controlling, and duty as an assistant inspector. Therefore, you
directing plant operations and casualty-control should know something about the different types
procedures. of inspections and how they are conducted.



A master list of all the engineering department Administrative inspections cover

operating instructions and safety precautions is administrative methods and procedures normally
kept in the log room. When a ship is commis- employed by the ship. Each inspection is divided
sioned, the building yard normally provides a into two general categories—the general


administration of the ship as a whole, and the 2. Cleanliness, sanitation, smartness, and ap-
administration of each department. In this discus- pearance of the ship as a whole.
sion we will consider the engineering department 3. Adequacy and condition of clothing and
only. equipment of personnel.
The purpose of the administrative inspection 4. General knowledge of personnel in regard
is to determine whether or not (1) the department to the ship’s organization, ship’s orders, and ad-
is being administered in an intelligent, sound, and ministrative procedures.
efficient manner; and (2) the organizational and 5. Dissemination of all necessary information
administrative methods and procedures are among the personnel.
directed toward the objective of every naval 6. Indoctrination of newly reported
ship-namely, being prepared to carry out its personnel.
intended mission. 7. General education facilities for individuals.
8. Comfort and conveniences of living spaces,
Inspecting Party including adequacy of light, heat, ventilation, and
It is a routine procedure for one ship to con- 9. Economy of resources.
duct an inspection of a similar division on another
ship. General instructions for conducting the Engineering Department Inspection
inspection are usually given by the division com-
mander; however, the selecting and organizing of
The engineering department administrative
the inspecting party is done aboard the ship that
must conduct the inspection. inspection is primarily the inspection of the
engineering department paper work, which
The chief inspector, usually the commanding
officer of the ship, will organize the assisting includes publications, bills, files, books, records,
board. The organization of the assisting board, and logs. Additionally, this inspection includes
in general conformance with the departmental other items with which the chief and first class
must be concerned. Some of these items are the
organization of the ship, is divided into ap- cleanliness and preservation of machinery and
propriate groups, each headed by an inspector
engineering spaces; the training of personnel; the
with as many assistant inspectors as necessary.
assignment of personnel to watches and duties;
Chief petty officers and petty officers first class
the proper posting of operating instructions and
may be assigned as assistant inspectors.
safety precautions; the adequacy of warning signs
The engineering department inspecting group
and guards; the marking and labeling of lines and
(or party) is organized and supervised by the valves; and the proper maintenance of operating
engineer officer. The manner in which an
individual inspection is carried out depends to a logs.
great extent upon the knowledge and ability of
the members of the group (or party). Administrative Inspection
Checkoff Lists
General Inspection of
the Ship as a Whole Administrative inspection checkoff lists are
usually furnished to the ships by the type
One of the two categories of administrative commander. These lists are used as an aid for
inspection is the general administration of the ship inspecting officers and chiefs, to assist them in
as a whole. Items of this inspection that will have ensuring that no important item is overlooked.
a direct bearing on the engineering department, However, inspecting personnel should not accept
and for which the report of inspection indicates these lists as being all-inclusive, since usually
a grade, are as follows: during an inspection, additional items develop
that must be considered or observed.
1. Appearance, bearing, and smartness of As a petty officer, you should be familiar with
personnel. the various checkoff lists used for inspections.


These checkoff lists will give you a good (4) Are personnel concerned properly
understanding of how to prepare for an inspec- instructed and trained to handle casualties to
tion as well as how to carry out your daily super- machinery?
visory duties. You will find it helpful to obtain
copies of the various inspection checkoff lists (5) Are personnel properly instructed
from the log room and to carefully look them and trained in damage control?
over. They will give detailed information about
what type of inspection you may expect for your (6) Are training films available and
type of ship. used to the maximum extent?
Following is an abbreviated sample of an
engineering department checkoff list. You should (7) Are training records of personnel
get a better understanding of the scope and pur- adequate and properly maintained?
pose of administrative inspections by reviewing
a. Is necessary information disseminated
a. Inspect the following, among others, within the department and divisions?
for completeness, correctness, and adequacy:
b. Are the means of familiarizing new per-
(1) Department Organization. sonnel with department routine orders and regula-
tions considered satisfactory?
(2) Watch, Quarter, and Station Bills.

(3) Engineering Casualty Bill. 4. ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL TO

(4) Fueling Bill.
a. Are personnel properly assigned to bat-
2. ADMINISTRATION AND EFFEC- tle stations and watches?
b. Are sufficient personnel aboard at all
a. Administration and effectiveness of times to get the ship under way?
training of personnel for current and prospective
duties. c. Are personnel examined and qualified
for important watches?
(1) Are sufficient nonrated personnel
in training to replace anticipated losses? d. Does it appear that personnel on watch
have been properly instructed? (Question person-
(2) NAVEDTRA training courses: nel at random.)

(a) Number of personnel enrolled. 5. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS,

(b) Percentage of personnel in CHECKOFF LISTS:
department enrolled.
a. Inspect completeness of the following:
(c) Number of personnel whose
courses are completed. (1) Operating instructions posted near
(3) Are personnel concerned familiar
with operating instructions and safety precau- (2) Posting of necessary safety
tions? (Question personnel at random.) precautions.


b. Are PMS schedules properly posted and (2) Bell Book.

maintained in the working spaces?
(3) Operating Records.
c. Is the Master PMS Schedule posted and (4) Maintenance Records.
up to date?
(5) Alteration and Improvement
d. Are responsible personnel familiar with Program.
current instructions regarding routine testing and (6) Daily Oil and Water Records.
(7) Engineering Reports.
e. Are lighting-off and securing sheets
properly used? (8) Training Logs and Records.
(9) Work Books for Engineering
a. Is an adequate procedure in use for
replacement of repair parts? a. Engineering Blueprints Recommended:
(1) Ship’s Plan Index (SPI).
b. Are there adequate measures used to
prevent excessive waste of consumable supplies? (2) Proper indexing of blueprints.

c. Is there proper supervision in the (3) Completeness and condition.

proper supply of, care of, and accountability for b. Manufacturers’ Instruction Books:
(1) Proper indexing.
d. Are inventories taken of repair parts
(2) Completeness and condition.
which are in the custody of the engineering
department? c. Type Commanders Material Letters.
e. How well are repair parts preserved and d. NAVSEA Technical Manual.
stowed? e. General Information Book.
f. What type of system is used to locate f. Booklet Plans of Machinery.
a repair part carried on board? (Have a chief or
first class petty officer explain to you how a repair 9. CLEANLINESS AND PRESERVATION:
part for a certain piece of machinery is obtained.) a. Preservation and cleanliness of space
g. Are custody cards properly maintained (including bilges.)
for accountable tools and equipment? b. Preservation and cleanliness of
machinery and equipment.
LOGS: c. Neatness of stowage.

a. Inspect the following for compliance d. Condition of ventilation.

with pertinent directives, completeness, and e. Condition of lighting.
proper form:
f. Compliance with standard painting
(1) Engineering Log. instructions.



The operational readiness inspection is con- In this discussion we will consider the battle
ducted to ensure that the ship is ready and able problem from the viewpoint of the observer, and
to perform the operations which might be required present some general information on the
of it in time of war. requirements and duties of a member of the
engineering department observing party. The
This inspection consists of the conduct of a knowledge of the viewpoint and duties of an
battle problem and of other operational exercises. observer should help you prepare yourself and
A great deal of emphasis is placed on AA and sur- your personnel for a battle problem and other
face gunnery, damage control, engineering casu- appropriate exercises.
alty control, and other appropriate exercises.
Various drills are held and observed, and the ship PREPARATION OF A BATTLE
is operated at full power for a brief period of time. PROBLEM.—The degree of perfection achieved
in any battle problem is reflected in the skills and
The overall criteria of performance include: applications of those who prepare it. A great deal
depends upon the experience of officers and chief
1. Can the ship as a whole carry out her opera- petty officers.
tional functions? The primary purpose of a shipboard battle
problem is to provide a medium for testing and
2. Is the ship’s company well trained, well in- evaluating the ability of all divisions of the
structed, competent, and skillful in all phases of engineering department to function together as
the evolutions? a team in simulated combat operations.
Battle problems are the most profitable and
3. Is the ship’s company stationed in accord- significant of all peacetime training experience,
ance with the ship’s Battle Bill, and does the Battle since they demonstrate a department’s readiness
Bill meet wartime requirements? * for combat. The degree of realism of this test
determines their value: the more nearly it approx-
Observing Party imates actual battle conditions, the more valuable
it is.
Another element in the conduct of a battle
The personnel and organization of the opera- problem which significantly increases the value
tional readiness observing party are similar to of these tests to the ship’s company is the element
those of the administrative inspection party. of surprise.
However, more personnel are usually required for
the operational readiness observing party. These CONDUCT OF A BATTLE PROBLEM.—
additional personnel are very often chiefs and first Before a battle problem is to be conducted, the
class petty officers. ship is furnished specific information such as that
listed below:
The observing party members are briefed in
advance of the scheduled exercises and about the 1. Authority for conducting the inspection.
drills that are to be conducted. They must have 2. Time of boarding of the inspecting party.
sufficient training and experience so that they can 3. Time the ship is to get underway.
properly evaluate the exercises and drills that are 4. Time for setting the first material readiness
to be held. Each observer is usually assigned to condition.
a specific station, and should be well qualified in 5. Time for conducting the inspection to zero
the procedure of conducting drills and exercises problem time conditions.
for that station. That each observer be familiar 6. Zero problem time.
with the type of ship to be inspected is also highly 7. End of problem time.
desirable. 8. Time of critique.


Observers must be proficient in the proper An inspection should be made to see that the
methods of introduction of information. In engineering plant is properly split in accordance
general, when practical, the information delivered with current directives. Fire hazards such as paint,
to ship’s personnel should be verbal, and should rags, or oil, and missile hazards such as loose gear,
contain only that information which would help loose floor plates, tool boxes, and repair parts
the ship’s personnel develop adequate procedures boxes should be noted. The condition of
for the search and investigation of the imposed firefighting, damage control, and remote control
casualty. In the event the ship’s personnel fail to gear should be carefully inspected.
locate the casualty, the observer may resort to
coaching, but a notation should be made on the ANALYSIS OF THE BATTLE PROB-
observer’s form as to the time allowed before LEM.—The maximum benefit obtained from
coaching and information were furnished. Special conducting a battle problem lies in pinpointing
precautions should be taken to give the symptoms existing weaknesses and deficiencies, and in the
of casualty the same degree of realism that they resulting recommendations for improvement in
would have if the casualty were actual rather than organization and training. Every effort should be
simulated. made by the observers to emphasize strong points
In order to impose casualties, valves may have as well as deficiencies. Knowledge of existing
to be closed, switches opened, or machinery strong points is helpful to boost the morale of the
stopped. In each case the observer should inform ship’s personnel.
responsible ship’s personnel of the action desired, Analysis of the battle problem affords the
and the ship’s personnel should operate the observers an opportunity to present to the ship
designated equipment. A casualty should be their opinion of its performance, and for the ship
simulated, or omitted entirely, if there is danger to comment on the observers’ remarks as well as
that personnel injury or material damage might to consider suggested improvements.
result because of lack of preparation or the Analysis is conducted in two steps: the critique
experience of personnel. The supply of lubricating and the observers’ reports.
oil to the main engines or the supply of feedwater
to the boilers MUST NOT be stopped to simulate A critique of the battle problem is held on
casualties. board the observed ship before the observing
An emergency procedure should be set up, by party leaves, in order that the problems and the
the observing party and ship’s company, to actions taken may be reviewed when they are fresh
ensure proper action in case actual casualties— in the minds of all concerned. The critique is
as distinguished from simulated or problem attended by all the ship’s officers, appropriate
casualties—should occur. chief and first class petty officers, the chief
Although the general announcing system (the observer, and all senior observers. The various
1MC circuit) may be used by the ship, observers, points of interest of the battle problem are dis-
normally, have priority in its use. The problem cussed, and the chief observer comments on the
time announcer uses the general announcing overall conduct of the problem after the senior
system to announce the start of the battle observers complete their analysis of the battle
problem, the problem time at regular intervals, problem as reported in their observers’ reports.
the conclusion of the problem, and the restora- The observers’ reports are prepared in the
tion of casualties. The general announcing system form prescribed by the type commander, and
is kept available at all times for use in case of ac- include any additional instructions given by the
tual emergency. All other announcing system cir- chief observer. The reports of the observers are
cuits and other means of interior communications collected by the senior observer for each depart-
are reserved for the use of the ship. ment and are submitted to the chief observer. All
Engineering telephone circuits should be observers’ reports are reviewed by the senior
monitored by one or more observers. A check observers before the critique is held.
should be made for proper procedure and circuit The observers’ reports provide the inspected
discipline, and for the proper handling of infor- ship with detailed observations of the battle
mation or casualties. problem which, because of time limitations, may


not have been brought out during the critique. The i. Were proper doctrine and procedures
inspected ship receives a copy of all observers’ used?
reports; in this way, each department is given the
opportunity to review the comments and set up j. Were prompting and additional infor-
a training schedule to cover the weak points. mation given by observer?
Following is a example of an engineering k. Were proper reports made?
observer’s report.
1. Readiness of standby units.
Engineering observer. . . . . . . . . . . . .
m. Readiness of alternate and emergency
Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lighting and power.
1. The engineering department’s evaluation is n. Were proper safety precautions ob-
based on: (a) extent of the department’s prepara- served?
tion and fulfillment of the ordered conditions of
readiness as appropriate to the problem, (b) o. Material deficiencies.
extent of correct utilization of the engineering
damage control features built into the ship, (c) p. Coordination of personnel.
extent to which proper engineering casualty con-
trol is accomplished, (d) extent to which on sta- q. Coordination of engineering spaces.
tion personnel take corrective action for control
of damage, (e) adequacy of reports and dissemina- 3. Main engine control. Receipt of vital
tion of information, and (f) the general handling interior communications, origination and
of the plant in accordance with good engineering transmission of required reports to Conn, Damage
practice, and the ability of the department to en- Control Central, and other stations.
sure maximum mobility and maneuverability of
the ship and to supply all necessary services to 4. Action taken by main engine control:
other departments in fighting the ship.
a. Correct action.
2. Hit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. Sound judgment based on good
Exercise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . practice.

a. Preparation and status of the plant. c. Assurance.

d. Speed.
b. Fulfillment of proper conditions of
readiness. 5. Recommendations
c. Fire and missile hazards. The blank parts of the observers’ report forms
are filled in as applicable to the individual
d. Condition of firefighting and damage
observer’s station. Items that were not observed
control gear.
are either left blank or crossed out. Additional
e. Condition of personnel clothing and information, if required for a certain exercise or
protection. condition, may be written on the reverse side of
the form. A separate form or sheet is used for each
f. Stationing and readiness of personnel. exercise or drill. Remarks or statements made by
the observer should be clear and legible.
g. Investigation and interpretation of

h. Promptness and effectiveness in taking The purpose of material inspection is to deter-

care of casualty. mine the actual material condition of the ship. On


the basis of what the inspection discloses, it may Preparation for the
be necessary to recommend repairs, alterations, Material Inspection
changes, or developments which will ensure the
material readiness of the ship to carry out the mis- At an appropriate time prior to the date of
sion for which it was designed. In addition, the the inspection, the chief inspector will furnish the
material inspection determines whether or not ship with advance instructions. These instructions
proper procedures are being carried out in the care will include:
and operation of machinery and equipment.
Administrative procedures and material records 1. List of machinery and major equipment to
which are inspected include maintenance records be opened for inspection. The limit that a unit
and routine tests, and inspections. of machinery or equipment should be opened is
The requirements prescribed for material that which is necessary to reveal known or
readiness are as follows: probable defects. The units selected to be
opened should be representative and, in case of
1. Established routines for the conduct of in- a multiple-shaft ship, should not disable more
spections and tests, schedule for preventive than one-half of the propulsion units. Proper con-
maintenance, and a system which will ensure sideration must be given to the ship’s operational
timely and effective repairs. schedule and safety.
2. Adequate material maintenance records, 2. List of equipment to be operated. Auxiliary
kept in accordance with current directives that give machinery such as the anchor windlass, winches,
the history and detailed description of the condi- and steering gear are normally placed on this list.
tion of the machinery and the equipment. 3. Copies of the condition sheets. These are
3. Planned and effective utilization of the checkoff lists which are used for the material
ship’s facilities for preservation, maintenance, and inspection.
4. Correct allocation of necessary work to the 4. Any additional instructions considered
following categories: (a) the ship’s force, (b) the necessary by the type commander or other higher
tenders and repair ships, and (c) the naval authority.
shipyards or other shore repair activity.
Each department must prepare work lists
The scope of the material inspection is similar showing the items of work to be accomplished and
to that of the inspection made by the Board of the recommended means for accomplishment
Inspection and Survey. (These inspections are (shipyard, tender or repair ship, or ship’s force
discussed later in this chapter.) These inspections during an overhaul or upkeep period.) The items
should be thorough and searching, and cover, in are arranged in the recommended order of impor-
detail, maintenance and repair rather than general tance and numbered. A list of the outstanding
appearance. The distinction between ad- alterations is also made up for the inspection.
ministrative inspections and material inspections Work lists usually consist of 5 by 8 cards, with
should be readily recognized, and there should be one repair or alteration item on each card. The
as little duplication as possible. Examination of work list should include all maintenance and
the material maintenance records and reports repair items, because if material deficiencies are
should be made to determine the material condi- found during the inspection they will be checked
tion of machinery and equipment. General ad- against the work list. If the item does not appear
ministrative methods, general appearance, on the work list, a discrepancy in maintaining the
cleanliness of compartments, and cleanliness of required records will be noted by the inspector.
machinery are not part of this inspection, except
in cases where they have a direct bearing on CONDITION SHEETS.—Condition sheets
material condition. are made up in accordance with the needs of the
The composition of the inspecting party for different material groups. The engineering depart-
the material inspection is similar to that of the ment is primarily concerned with the machinery,
administrative. inspection party. the electrical, the damage control, and the hull


condition sheets. Condition sheets contain Ship’s company should have portable exten-
checkoff sheets and material data sheets, and con- sion lights rigged up and in readiness for the units
sist of a large number of pages. Items for data of machinery opened up for inspection. The
and checkoff purposes are listed for all parts of lighting of the space should be in good order. The
the ship, and for all machinery and equipment on inspectors should be furnished flashlights,
board ship. chipping hammers, file scrapers, and similar
In advance of inspection, the ship to be items. Precision measuring instruments should be
inspected must fill in a preliminary copy of the readily available.
condition sheets. In order to do this, detailed data
is obtained from the maintenance records and
An entry for any known fault or abnormal REPORTS.—The material inspection also
condition of the machinery or equipment is made includes an inspection of various material records
in the proper place on the condition sheets. Details and reports. These documents are assembled so
and information are given, as necessary, to as to be readily available for inspection. Records
indicate the material condition to the inspecting must be kept up to date at all times; it is a good
party. If corrective work is required in connec- idea to check over all records to make sure that
tion with a unit or space, a reference is made to they ARE up to date and that nothing has been
the work list item. Data and information overlooked. The individual records should be
requested in the condition sheets should be filled out and maintained in accordance with cur-
furnished whenever possible. The preliminary rent directives. Where applicable, the petty officer
copy, if properly filled out, represents the best in charge of an engineering space should check
estimate of the existing material condition of the all records or reports that concern the material
ship. or the maintenance procedures of that space.
When the condition sheets have been com-
pleted, they are turned over to the respective
members of the inspecting party upon their Conduct of the Inspection
arrival on board ship. During the inspection, the
inspectors fill in the various checkoff sections of The inspecting group for the engineering
the condition sheets. These sheets are then used department should conduct a critical and
to prepare the final inspection report on the thorough inspection of the machinery and equip-
condition of the ship. ment under the cognizance of the department. The
For more detailed information concerning a condition sheets supplied by the type commander
ship, you should obtain a copy of the applicable serve as a guide and a checkoff list in making the
condition sheets from the engineering log room. inspection. Appropriate remarks, comments, and
recommendations are entered on the condition
OPENING MACHINERY FOR INSPEC- sheets for any particular unit of machinery or
TION.—The ship will open machinery as equipment.
previously directed by the chief inspector, in order
to obtain the inspector’s opinion concerning The inspectors should conduct the inspection
known or probable defects. The information given together with the ship’s personnel. No attempt
in Naval Ship’s Technical Manual, chapter 090, must be made to follow a predetermined inspec-
is used as a guide in opening particular machinery tion schedule, but different units should be
units. More detailed information on opening inspected as they are made available by the ship’s
machinery for material inspections is found in the company. If the ship is prepared for the inspec-
administrative letters of the type commander. tion, there should be no delay between the inspec-
A list of machinery, tanks, and major equip- tion of the different units of machinery. It is not
ment opened, and the extent of opening, should necessary that all machinery of one type be
be supplied to the inspecting party on its arrival. inspected simultaneously nor is it necessary to
Test reports on samples of lubricating oil should complete the inspection of one space before
be furnished to the machinery inspector. going to another.


Important items to be covered by the inspec- group, and such other personnel as may be
tion are indicated below: designated from the inspected ship.
The inspectors, after receiving data from the
1. All opened machinery and equipment is assistant inspectors, submit reports of their inspec-
carefully inspected, especially where the need of tions to the chief inspector. These reports provide
repair work is indicated on the work list. the inspected ship with those observations that
2. Investigations are made to locate any may not be fully discussed during the critique but
defects, in addition to those already known, that are of interest to the ship’s officers concerned.
may exist in material condition or design. The inspector’s reports include evaluations and
3. Operational tests of machinery and equip- any recommendations for the items inspected or
ment conducted in accordance with the furnished observed. These reports are used by the ship as
list. checkoff lists for corrective action and material
4. Electrical equipment is not endangered by improvement.
saltwater from hatches, doors, or ventilation
outlets. Possible leaks in piping flanges are The chief inspector, after receiving the reports
checked. from the inspectors, makes up a report on
5. Currently required firefighting and evaluating and grading the inspection. The chief
damage control equipment in the engineering inspector discusses, with appropriate comment,
space is installed and properly maintained in the following items.
accordance with current directives.
6. Supports and running gear of heavy 1. Those conditions requiring remedial action
suspended material are inspected. which should be brought to the attention of the
7. Hold-down bolts, plates, and other commanding officer of the ship inspected, and to
members of machinery foundations are inspected. higher authority.
Hammers may be used for sounding, and file 2. Those conditions of such excellence that
scrapers may be used for removing paint in order their dissemination will be of value to other ships.
to disclose any condition of metal corrosion.
8. Condition sheets are checked to see that 3. Those suggestions or recommendations
all the required information has been filled in by which merit consideration by higher authority.
the ship being inspected, and that all items have
been checked off and filled in by the inspector. The final smooth report is written up in a
9. Routine tests of mechanical and electrical detailed procedure in accordance with the type
safety devices are observed to ensure that they are commander’s directives.
being conducted according to current directives.
10. Maintenance records and reports are care- BOARD OF INSPECTION
fully inspected to see that they are maintained in AND SURVEY INSPECTION
accordance with prescribed procedures. A check
is made to ensure that all known repair re-
quirements are listed. The Board of Inspection and Survey is under
the administration of CNO. This board consists
of a flag officer, as president, and of such other
Analysis and Reports senior officers as may be required to assist the
president in carrying out the duties of the board.
Regional boards and sub-boards are established,
A critique is held on board the inspected ship, as necessary, to assist the Board of Inspection and
at a convenient time after the completion of the Survey in the performance of its duties. In this
material inspection, in order that the ship may discussion we will consider shipboard inspections
derive the greatest benefit from the inspection. It that are made by the sub-boards. These sub-
is attended by the ship’s commanding and boards consist of the chief inspector and about
executive officers, the heads of departments, the 10 or more members, depending upon the type
chief inspector, and inspectors of each inspection of ship that is to be inspected.


Material Inspections made correction of defects and deficiencies. The Board

by the Board also recommends any changes in design which it
believes should be made on the ship itself or other
The inspection made by the Board of Inspec- ships of its type. These recommendations are
tion and Survey is in several respects similar to made to the Secretary of the Navy.
the material inspection that has just been dis- Unless war circumstances prevent it, an
cussed. In fact, the Board of Inspection and acceptance trial takes place at sea over an
Survey’s inspection procedures, condition sheets, established trial course. The tests include full
and reports are used as guidelines in establishing power runs ahead and astern, quick reverse, boiler
directives for the material inspection. The primary overload, steering, and anchor engine tests.
difference, in regard to material inspections, is During the trial, usually the builder’s personnel
that the material inspection is conducted by Forces operate the ship and its machinery. Ship’s per-
Afloat, usually a sister ship, and the Board of sonnel who are on board to observe the trial
Inspection and Survey inspection is conducted by carefully inspect the operation and material con-
a specially appointed board. This distinction, dition of machinery and equipment. They note
however, refers only to routine shipboard material all defects or deficiencies and bring them to the
inspection. It must be remembered that the Board attention of the division or engineer officer, so
of Inspection and Survey conducts other types of that each item can be discussed with the
inspections. appropriate members of the Board of Inspection
Inspections of ships are conducted by the and Survey.
Board of Inspection and Survey, when directed
by CNO, to determine their material condition. Survey of Ships
Their inspection usually takes place 4 to 6 months
prior to regular overhaul. Whenever practicable, Survey of a ship is conducted by the Board
such inspections are held sufficiently in advance of Inspection and Survey whenever a ship is
of a regular overhaul of the ship so as to include deemed by CNO to be unfit for further service,
in the overhaul all the work recommended by the because of material condition or obsolescence.
Board following the inspection. Upon the com- The Board after a thorough inspection, renders
pletion of its inspection, the Board reports the an opinion to the Secretary of the Navy as to
general condition of the ship and its suitability whether the ship is fit for further naval service,
for further naval service, together with a list of or can be made so without excessive cost.
the repairs, alterations, and design changes which, When the Board believes that the ship is
in its opinion, should be made. unfit for further naval service, the Board makes
appropriate recommendations as to the ship’s
Acceptance Trials and Inspections disposition.
Trials and inspections are conducted by the
Board of Inspection and Survey on all ships prior There are a number of different types of trials
to final acceptance for naval service, to determine which are carried out under specified conditions.
whether or not the contract and authorized A list comprising most of them is given here:
changes there to have been satisfactorily fulfilled.
The builder’s trials and acceptance trials are 1. Builder’s trial.
usually conducted before a new ship is placed in 2. Acceptance trials.
commission. After commissioning, a final con- 3. Final contract trials.
tract trial is held. Similar inspections are made 4. Post repair trials.
on ships that have been converted to other types. 5. Laying up or pre-overhaul trial.
All material, performance, and design defects and 6. Recommissioning trials.
deficiencies found, either during the trials or as 7. Standardization trials.
a result of examination at the completion of trials, 8. Tactical trials.
are reported by the Board, together with its 9. Full power trials.
recommendations as to the responsibility for 10. Economy trials.


The trials that are considered to be routine technicians carefully inspect it to determine the
ship’s trials are numbers 3, 9, and 10 of the above cause of unsatisfactory operation.
list. Post repair, full power, and economy trials
are the only ones discussed in this chapter, but Full Power and Economy Trials
information on the other types of trials can be
found in Naval Ships’ Technical Manual, chapter Trials are necessary to test engineering
094. readiness for war. Except while authorized to
disable or partially disable, ships are expected to
Post Repair Trial be able to conduct prescribed trials at any time.
Ships normally should be allowed approximately
The post repair trial should be made whenever a 2-week period after tender overhaul, and a
the machinery of a vessel has undergone exten- 1-month period after shipyard overhaul, to per-
sive overhaul, repair, or alteration which may mit final checks, tests, and adjustments of
affect the power or capabilities of the ship or the machinery before being called upon to conduct
machinery. A post repair trial is usually made competitive trials.
when the ship has completed a routine naval Trials are also held from time to time to deter-
shipyard overhaul period; the trial is OPTIONAL mine machinery efficiency under service condi-
whenever machinery, has undergone only partial tions, the extent, if any, of repairs necessary, the
overhaul or repair. The object of this trial is to sufficiency of repairs, and the most economical
ascertain if the work has been satisfactorily com- rate of performance under various conditions of
pleted and efficiently performed, and if all parts service.
of the machinery. are ready, for service.
The post repair trial should be held as soon INSPECTIONS AND TESTS PRIOR TO
as practicable after the repair work has been com- TRIALS.—The full power and the economy
pleted, the preliminary dock trial made, and the trials, as discussed in this chapter, are considered
persons responsible for the work are satisfied that in the nature of competitive trials. It is assumed
the machinery is in all respects ready for a full that the ship has been in full operational status
power trial. The conditions of the trial are for sufficient time to be in a good material con-
largely determined by the character of the work dition and to have a well-trained crew.
that has been performed. The trial should be con- Prior to the full power trial, inspections and
ducted in such manner as the commanding officer tests of machinery and equipment should be made
and commander of the shipyard may deem to ensure that no material item will interfere with
necessary. In cases where repairs have been slight the successful operation of the ship at full power.
and the commanding officer is satisfied that they The extent of the inspections and the tests will
are satisfactorily performed and can be tested largely depend upon the recent performance of
without a full power trial, such trial may be the ship at high speeds, the material condition of
dispensed with. the ship, and the time limits imposed by opera-
tional commitments.
Any unsatisfactory, conditions found to be Not later than one day before a trial, the
beyond the capacity of the ship’s force should be engineer officer must report to the commanding
corrected by the naval shipyard. When necessary, officer the condition of the machinery, stating
machinery should be opened up and carefully whether or not it is in proper condition and fit
inspected to determine the extent of any injury, to proceed with the trial.
defect, or maladjustment which may have
appeared during the post trial. GENERAL RULES FOR TRIALS.—During
A certain number of naval shipyard all full power trials, and during other machinery
personnel—technicians, inspectors, and trials, the following general rules should be
repairmen—accompany the ship on a post repair observed:
trial. They check the operation of machinery that
has been overhauled by the yard. If a unit of 1. Prior to commencing a power trial, the
machinery does not operate properly, the yard machinery should be thoroughly warmed up; this


can be accomplished by operating at a high frac- As far as reports are concerned, full power
tional power. trials are of 4 hours duration. The usual procedure
2. The speed of the engines should be gradu- is to operate the ship at full power for a suffi-
ally increased to the speed specified for the trial. cient length of time until all readings are
3. The machinery should be operated constant, and then start the official 4-hour trial
economically, and designed pressures, period. Economy trials are of 6 hours duration,
temperatures, and number of revolutions must not a different speed being run at each time a trial
be exceeded. is made.
4. The full power trial should not be con- Once scheduled, trials should be run unless
ducted in SHALLOW WATER, which is con- prevented by such circumstances as:
ducive to excessive vibration, loss of speed, and
overloading of the propulsion plant. 1. Weather conditions which might cause
5. A full power trial should continue beyond damage to the ship.
the length originally specified, and all observa-
tions should be continued until the trial is finished. 2. Material troubles which force the ship to
6. The trial should be continuous and without discontinue the trial.
interruption. If a trial at constant rpm must be 3. Any situation where running or completing
discontinued for any reason, that trial should be the trial would endanger human life.
considered unsatisfactory and a new start made.
7. No major changes of the plant set-up or If a trial performance is UNSATISFAC-
arrangement should be made during economy TORY, the ship concerned will normally be
trials. required to hold a retrial of such character as the
type commander may consider appropriate.
UNDERWAY REPORT DATA.—Reports of The fact that a ship failed to make the required
trials include all the attending circumstances, rpm for any hour during the trial, and the amount
especially draft forward, draft aft, mean draft, by which it failed, should be noted in the trial
and corresponding displacement of the ship at the report.
middle of the trial; the condition of the ship’s bot-
tom; the last time drydocked; the consumption
of fuel per hour; the average speed of the ship OBSERVATION OF TRIALS.—When full
through the water; and the average revolutions power trials are scheduled, observing parties are
of the propelling engines. The methods by which appointed from another ship whenever
the speed was determined should also be practicable. When a ship is scheduled to conduct
described. a trial while proceeding independently between
Reports should also include tabulations of ports, or under the other conditions where it is
gage and thermometer readings of the machinery considered impractical to provide observers from
in use, and the revolutions or strokes of pertinent another ship, the ship under trial may be directed
auxiliaries. The auxiliaries in use during the trial to appoint the observers.
should be stated. Each report should state whether The number of personnel assigned to an
the machinery is in a satisfactory condition. If the observing party vary according to size and type
machinery’s condition is found to be unsatisfac- of ship. The duties of the observing party are
tory, all defects and deficiencies should be fully usually as follows:
described and recommendations made for correct-
ing them. 1. The chief observers organize, instruct, and
station the observing party. They check the ship’s
TRIAL REQUIREMENTS.—Trial require- draft, either at the beginning of the trial or before
ments for each ship cover the rpm for full power leaving port; supervise the performance of the
at various displacements and injection engineroom observers; check the taking of counter
temperatures. They are furnished to commanders readings; render all decisions in accordance with
and units concerned, by the Chief of Naval Opera- current directives; and check and sign the trial
tions (Operations Readiness Division). reports.


2. The assistant chief observers assist the chief manner of conducting full power and economy
observers as directed; supervise the performance trials are as follows:
of the observers; check the taking of fuel oil
soundings and meter readings; and make out the 1. Unless otherwise ordered, a full power trial
trial reports. may be started at any time on the date set.
3. Assistant observers take fuel soundings, 2. The trial should be divided into hourly
meter readings, counter readings, the ship’s draft, intervals, but readings should be taken and
and collect all other data that may be required recorded every half hour. Data are submitted as
for the trial reports. hourly readings in the trial report.
3. Fuel expenditures for each hourly interval
The following items should be accomplished of the trial should be determined by the most ac-
or considered before starting the trial: curate means practicable, normally by meter
readings corrected for meter error and verified by
1. When requested by the observing party, the soundings.
ship under trial should provide or designate a 4. The appropriate material condition of the
suitable signaling system so that fuel soundings ship should be set during the different trials.
and the readings of counters and meters may be 5. During all trials the usual “housekeeping”
taken simultaneously. and auxiliary loads should be maintained and the
2. The ship under trial should furnish the minimum services provided should include nor-
chief observer with a written statement of the date mal operation of the distilling plant, air com-
of last undocking, and the authorized and actual pressor, laundry, galley, ventilation systems,
settings of all main machinery safety devices and elevators (if installed), and generators for light and
dates when last tested. power under load conditions similar to those re-
3. The ship should have its draft, trim, and quired for normal operations at similar speeds
loading conform to trial requirements. In case a under the prescribed material condition.
least draft is not specified, the liquid loading 6. All ships fitted with indicators, torsion-
should equal at least 75% of the full load capacity. meters, and other devices for measuring shaft or
indicated horsepower should make at least two
4. The chief observer should determine draft observations during the full power trial to deter-
and trim before and after the trial, verify the mine the power being developed.
amount of fuel on board and correct this amount 7. The chief observer’s report of the trial
of the time of beginning the trial. The draft should state whether all rules for the trial have
observer should also determine the rpm required been complied with.
for the full power trial, at the displacement and
injection temperature existing at the start of the SOME HINTS IN REGARD TO FULL
trial. POWER TRIALS.—There are special forms
5. The observing party should detect and used for full power and economy trial reports.
promptly correct any errors in recording data, Illustrations of these forms are not given in this
since it is important that the required data be cor- training manual, but you can obtain copies from
rect within the limits of accuracy of the shipboard your log room, and in this way get an idea of the
instruments. data and readings that are required for full power
6. The chief observer should instruct members and economy trials.
of the observing party to detect any violation of Trial forms, and such items as tachometers,
trial instructions, of instructions in the Naval stop watches, and flashlights, should be available
Ships’ Technical Manual, or of good engineering to the observing party and to the personnel who
practice, and then verify any such report and pro- take readings. Any gages or thermometers which
vide the commanding officer or a detailed account are considered doubtful or defective should be
of each violation. replaced before trials are held. A quartermaster
must check and adjust all clocks in the engineer-
MANNER OF CONDUCTING TRIALS.— ing spaces and on the bridge before any trials are
Some of the requirements in regards to the held.


It is important to make careful inspections and 3. Quantity and quality of fuel injected.
tests of equipment and items of machinery that 4. Firing pressures.
may cause difficulties during full power opera- 5. Inlet valve timing and lift.
tion, since it is possible that unknown defects or
conditions may go undetected during operation 6. Exhaust valve timing and lift.
at fractional powers—the normal operating con- 7. Exhaust gas temperatures.
dition of the ship most of the time.
Before a trial run is made, the main engines
should be inspected to make sure that the power A common practice among many com-
output of the individual cylinders is equal; this manding officers, when making full power trials,
ensures a balanced, smooth-operating engine, at is first to bring the ship up to a speed of one or
maximum speed and power. Equal load distribu- more knots below the trial run speed of the ship
tion between the individual cylinders depends on and then turn the control of the speed (except in
the following factors being as nearly equal as cases of emergency nature) over to the engineer
possible for all cylinders. officer. The control engineroom, under the super-
vision of the engineer officer, brings the speed up
1. Compression pressures. slowly, depending upon the conditions of the
2. Fuel injection timing. plant, until the specified speed has been reached.


Keeping an internal combustion engine (diesel adaptable to all models. However, there are
or gasoline) in good operating condition demands several general rules which apply to all engines.
a well-planned procedure of periodic inspection, They are:
adjustments, maintenance, and repair. If inspec-
tions are made regularly, many malfunctions can 1. Detailed repair procedures are listed in
be detected and corrected before a serious casualty manufacturers’ instruction manuals and in
results. A planned maintenance program will help maintenance pamphlets. Study the appropriate
to prevent major casualties and the occurrence of manuals and pamphlets before attempting any
many operating troubles. repair work. Pay particular attention to tolerance
The Maintenance and Material Management limits, and adjustments.
(3-M) System provides a logical and efficient 2. Observe the highest degree of cleanliness
approach to many maintenance problems. It pro- in handling engine parts during overhaul.
duces a large reservoir of information about 3. Before starting repair work, be sure that
equipment disorder and indicates what corrective all required tools and replacements for known
steps must be taken to prevent them. defective parts are available.
Another aspect that must be considered in 4. Keep detailed records of repairs. Such
connection with maintenance problems is the records should include the measurements of parts,
safety requirement aboard ship. On some ships, hours in use, and the names of the new parts in-
the 3-M System includes safety requirement cards. stalled. Analyses of such records will indicate the
A safety requirement card provides guidelines and hours of operation that may be expected from the
periodicity for the inspection of selected areas not various engine parts. This knowledge is helpful
covered in the regular maintenance schedule. as an aid in determining when a part should be
Complete information about the 3-M System renewed in order to avoid a failure.
is contained in the Maintenance and Material
Management (3-M) Manual, OPNAVINST Since maintenance cards, the manufacturers’
4790.4. maintenance manuals, and the various types of
There may be times when service requirements instructions discuss repair procedures in detail,
will interfere with a planned maintenance pro- this chapter will be limited to general informa-
gram. In such event, routine maintenance must tion on engine inspections, adjustments, and
be performed as soon as possible after the maintenance, as well as some of the troubles
specified interval of time has elapsed. All encountered during overhaul, the causes of such
necessary corrective measures should be troubles, and the methods of repair to be used.
accomplished as soon as possible. Repair jobs
should not be allowed to accumulate, otherwise
hurried and inadequate work will result. INSPECTIONS
Since the Navy uses many models of internal
combustion engines, it is impossible to specify a Inspections and maintenance are vital in order
detailed overhaul procedure that would be to maintain engines (diesel and gasoline) in


proper operating condition and to minimize the corrected in order to avoid repeated failure of the
occurrence of casualties caused by material same or similar components. Prompt inspection
failure. may eliminate a wave of repeated casualties.
A comparatively minor engine malfunction, Strict attention must be paid to the proper
if not recognized and remedied in its early stages, lubrication of all equipment, including frequent
might well develop into a major casualty. You and inspection and sampling to ensure that the cor-
your work center personnel must be able to rect quantity of the proper lubricant is in the unit.
recognize the symptoms of any developing It is good practice to make a daily check of
malfunction by using your senses of sight, samples of lubricating oil in all auxiliaries. Such
hearing, smell, or even touch or feel samples should be allowed to stand long enough
(heat/vibration). for any water to settle. When auxiliaries have been
Your personnel must be trained to pay idle for several hours, particularly overnight, a
particular and continuous attention to the follow- sufficient sample to remove all settled water
ing indicators of oncoming malfunctions: should be drained from the lowest part of the oil
sump. Replenishment with fresh oil to the nor-
1. Unusual noises mal level should be included in this routine.
2. Vibrations The presence of saltwater in the oil can be
3. Abnormal temperatures detected by drawing off the settled water by means
4. Abnormal pressures of a pipette and by running a standard chloride
5. Abnormal operating speeds test. A sample of sufficient size for the test can
be obtained by adding distilled water to the oil
All operating personnel should thoroughly sample, shaking it vigorously, and then allowing
familiarize themselves with the specific the water to settle before draining off the test sam-
temperatures, pressures, and operating speeds of ple. Because of its corrosive effects, saltwater in
equipment that are required for normal operation, the lubricating oil is far more dangerous to a unit
so that any departure from the normal will than is an equal amount of freshwater. Saltwater
become more readily apparent. is particularly harmful to units containing oil-
If a gage, or other instrument for recording lubricated ball bearings.
operating conditions of machinery, gives an The information given so far relates to the
abnormal reading, the cause of the malfunction inspections that Enginemen make on operating
must be fully investigated. Normally the installa- engines (either diesel or gasoline). Since the Navy
tion of a spare instrument, or a calibration test, uses more diesel than gasoline engines the
will quickly indicate whether the abnormal reading remainder of this chapter will deal with diesel
is due to instrument error. Any other cause must engines and with the inspection and maintenance
be traced to its source. procedures that are required by the planned
Because of the safety factor commonly incor- maintenance system (PMS) and the manufac-
porated in pumps and similar equipment, con- turers’ technical manuals.
siderable loss of capacity can occur before any
external evidence is apparent. Changes in the COMPRESSION AND FIRING
operating speeds (from those normal for the
existing load) of pressure-governor-controlled
equipment should be viewed with suspicion. Most
variations from normal pressures, lubricating oil Readings of the compression and firing
temperatures, and system pressures indicate either pressures must be taken every 200 hours for the
inefficient operation or poor condition of trend analysis graphs. They may also be taken at
machinery. other times when engine operating conditions
When a material failure occurs in any unit, require additional monitoring such as when an
a prompt inspection should be made of all similar engine misfires, fires erratically, or when any one
units to determine whether there is any danger that cylinder misfires regularly. There can be many
a similar failure might occur in other units. The reasons for an engine to misfire, some of these
cause of the failure must also be determined and are a clogged air cleaner/filter, an engaged fuel


cutout mechanism, or a loss of compression. If, being tested is cut out, the cylinder test cock is
after checking the air cleaner, the filter, and the opened, and the spring tension on the indicator
fuel cutout mechanism, you determine that the is adjusted. The tension of the spring is reduced
problem is due to loss of compression, then you by rotating the vulcanized handle
must perform a compression check with a cylinder counterclockwise until the maximum cylinder
pressure indicator. pressure barely offsets the spring pressure. At this
There are several different types of indicators point, the latch mechanism of the indicator trips
that may be used. Most indicators used with and locks the handle firmly in position, giving a
diesel-cylinder engines are either of the spring direct and exact reading of the pressure in pounds
balanced type or the trapped pressure type. They per square inch (psi). To reset the lock mechanism
are manufactured by various companies such as for a new reading, the handle must be rotated
Kiene, Bacharach, and Kent-Moore. Some of counterclockwise one-fourth turn. When this in-
these indicators measure only compression dicator is stowed for future use, the indicator
pressure, others measure both compression and spring must be unloaded by rotating the handle
firing pressures. counterclockwise until a zero pressure reading is
Spring Balanced Indicator
Trapped Pressure Indicators
A spring balanced indicator, such as the one
manufactured by Bacharach (figure 3-1), employs In this type of indicator, the cylinder gases
a spherical ball piston, which is held on its seat enter past a valve into a chamber which leads to
by the force of a helical spring actuated by the a gage. When the pressure above the valve equals
cylinder pressure which acts against the bottom that of the cylinder, the valve seats and traps the
of the ball piston to oppose the spring tension. gas above the valve at its highest pressure, then
Before the indicator is attached to the engine, the this pressure is read on the gage. There are several
vulcanized handle must be rotated clockwise other types of indicators. The one pictured in
until the reading on the counter is greater than figure 3-2 is used to take compression readings
the maximum cylinder pressure expected. The
amount of this pressure is listed in the engine
manufacturer’s technical manual. When the
indicator is installed, the operator must make sure
that it is placed as near the cylinder as possible
and position it so that it can be read easily. After
the indicator is installed the engine is operated at
the specified rpm, then the fuel to the cylinder

75.238X 75.238X
Courtesy of Bacharach, Inc., USA Courtesy of Bacharach, Inc., USA

Figure 3-1.-Spring balanced Pressure Indicator. Figure 3-2.—Trapped Pressure Indicator (small boat).


only on engines installed on small boats. Engines flow from the engine into the chamber until the
like the GM-6-71 do not have indicator cocks pressures are equalized. This gage is attached to
installed. the chamber and the pressure is read directly. The
check valve is an inverted piston seating on a seat
When taking compression readings on a 6-71 piece. The valve moves up and down in a guide.
engine, you will perform the following steps: A stop nut is used to adjust the travel of the check
1. Check the manufacturer’s technical manual
for the minimum compression pressure required Most of you should become familiar with this
for the engine. indicator since it is widely used to check both the
2. Start the engine and run it at approximately compression and firing pressures on main diesel
one-half the rated load until normal operating engines and emergency generator diesel engines.
temperatures are reached. Review figure 3-4A and B. It is a PMS situation
requirement to be performed when the engine
3. Stop the engine and remove the fuel pipes operating conditions indicate problems.
from the injector and the fuel connectors on the
cylinder to be tested.
4. Remove the injector and install the EXHAUST AND CYLINDER
indicator adapter, with pressure gage attached, TEMPERATURES
and use the crab nut to hold the adapter in place.
5. Use a space fuel pipe to fabricate a jumper One of the most useful tools that the engine
connection between the fuel inlet and the return operator has for monitoring an engine’s perform-
manifold connectors to by-pass fuel to and from ance is the thermocouple pyrometer. The prin-
the injector. cipal use of this device is in the exhaust system
6. Start the engine again and run it at approx- (but it can also be used for other purposes) where
imately 600 rpm. it is used to measure the exhaust gas temperatures
7. Observe and record the compression at each cylinder or the common temperature in
pressure as indicated on the gage. the exhaust manifold. By comparing the exhaust
gas temperatures of each cylinder, the operator
Another type of trapped pressure indicator is can determine if the load is balanced throughout
the Kiene indicator (figure 3-3). This indicator is the engine.
basically a Bourdon gage connected to a cylin-
The two types of pyrometers in use are the
drical pressure chamber. The pressure chamber
contains a check valve which allows the gas to fixed installation and the portable hand-held
instrument (figure 3-5). Both types use a ther-
mocouple unit, such as the one shown in figure
3-5, installed in the exhaust manifold.
In its simplest form, a thermocouple consists
of two dissimilar metal wires, usually iron and
constantan (55% copper and 45% nickel) that are
joined at both ends to form a continuous circuit.
When the temperatures at the junctions are dif-
ferent an electrical current is produced and flows
in the circuit. The greater the temperature dif-
ference, the greater the voltage produced.
One junction, known as the hot junction, is
contained in a closed-end tube, installed in the ex-
75.238X haust manifold of each cylinder. The other junc-
Courtesy of Bacharach, Inc., USA tion called the cold junction, is exposed to room
Figure 3-3.—Trapped Pressure Indicator.
temperature, and is located at the pyrometer wire

Page 3-5

Figure 3-4A.—MRC-for measuring compression and firing Figure 3-4B.—MRC-for measuring compression and firing
pressures (front). pressures (back).

Figure 3-6.—Sectional view of a thermocouple.

tell you how your engine is performing and what

is happening inside the engine. Graphic records
indicate the overall condition of an engine and
75.170 warn you when certain parts are beginning to wear
Figure 3-5.—Pyrometers used in diesel exhaust systems. out so that you may take prompt corrective ac-
tions and prevent major casualties.

terminals (see figure 3-6). A pyrometer (millivolt

meter) measures the voltage produced and shows ADJUSTMENT AND MAINTENANCE
the results on a scale which has been calibrated
to read in degrees of temperature. In fixed installa- An internal combustion engine is a com-
tion pyrometers, if the connecting wires are of the plicated machine, built with a high degree of preci-
same type as those of the thermocouples, the ther- sion throughout and capable of long dependable
mocouple element becomes, in effect, extended service if it is kept in good operating condition.
to the pyrometer terminals and the temperature To keep an engine in good operating condi-
at the meter (now the cold junction) becomes the tion you must perform all the adjustments and
reference temperature. Then the selector switch maintenance prescribed in your installed PMS and
can be rotated to any cylinder and contact can the manufacturers’ technical manuals. In this sec-
be made between the pyrometer and the hot junc- tion you will read about the adjustment and
tion. A reading can then be obtained for that par- maintenance of various components of an inter-
ticular point. nal combustion engine.
The hand-held pyrometer consists of an
indicator and a pair of pointed prods attached to AUTOMATIC REGULATING VALVE
a sub-base and supported by a handle. To obtain
a reading, the prod points are pressed against the In many engines, freshwater temperature is
exposed thermocouple terminals. The reading is regulated by an automatic regulating valve which
taken from the scale. A point to remember is that maintains the freshwater temperature at any
the zero adjuster must be set to indicate room desired value by bypassing a portion of the water
temperature rather than 0° temperature. around the freshwater cooler. An automatic
temperature regulator of the type commonly
GRAPHIC RECORDS used in the cooling systems of marine engines is
shown in figure 3-7. Even though these regulators
As you read in chapter 2, graphic records play are automatic (self-operated), provisions are in-
an important part in keeping an engine in proper cluded in most installations for manual operation
operating condition. When used properly they can in the event that the automatic feature fails.


Figure 3-7.—Automatic temperature regulator.


The temperature regulator consists of a valve temperature for which the regulator is set, the
and a thermostatic control unit mounted on the regulator actuates a valve to increase the flow of
valve. The thermostatic control unit consists of seawater through the coolers. On the other hand,
a temperature-control element and a control when the freshwater temperature is below the
assembly. temperature for which the regulator is set, the
The temperature-control element is essentially regulator actuates the valve and decreases the flow
two sealed chambers consisting of a bellows con- of seawater through the coolers.
nected by a flexible armored capillary tube to a In installations where the regulator is in the
bulb mounted in the engine cooling-water freshwater circuit, water is directed to the cooler
discharge line. One chamber is formed by the when the temperature of the water is above the
bellows and cap, which are sealed together at the maximum setting of the regulator. After passing
bottom; the other chamber is in the bulb. The through the cooler where the temperature of the
entire system (except for a small space at the top water is lowered, the water returns to the suction
of the bulb) is filled with a mixture of ether and side of the freshwater pump to be recirculated.
alcohol which vaporizes at a low temperature. When the temperature of the water is below the
When the bulb is heated, the liquid vaporizes and maximum setting of the regulator, the water
the pressure within the bulb increases. This forces bypasses the cooler and flows directly to the suc-
the liquid out of the bulb and through the tion side of the pump. Bypassing the cooler per-
capillary tube to the bellows. As the bellows is mits the water to be recirculated through the
moved down, it operates the valve. engine; in this way, the temperature of the water
The control assembly consists of a spring- is raised to the proper operating level.
loaded mechanical linkage which connects the Regardless of whether the regulator is in the
temperature-control element to the valve stem. fresh or seawater circuit, the bulb which causes
The coil spring in the control assembly provides the regulator to operate is located in the
the force necessary to balance the force of the freshwater discharge line of the engine.
vapor pressure in the temperature-control Temperature regulators not only control the
element. temperature of the freshwater but also control
Thus, the downward force of the temperature- indirectly the temperature of the oil discharged
control element is balanced, at any point, by the from the lubricating oil cooler. Control of the
upward force of the spring. This permits the valve lubricating oil temperature is possible because the
to be set to hold the temperature of the engine water (freshwater or saltwater) that is passed
cooling water within the allowed limits. through the regulator and the freshwater cooler
The regulator operates only within the is also the cooling agent for the lubricating oil
temperature range marked on the nameplate; it cooler. When the lubricating oil is cooled by
may be adjusted for any temperature within this seawater, two temperature regulators are installed
range. The setting is controlled by the range- in the seawater circuit. The temperature regulator
adjusting wheel, located under the spring seat. A bulb of the regulator that controls the temperature
pointer attached to the spring seat indicates the of the freshwater is installed in the freshwater cir-
temperature setting on a scale which is attached cuit; the bulb of the regulator that controls the
to the regulator frame. The scale is graduated temperature of the lubricating oil is installed in
from 0 to 9, representing the total operating range the lubricating oil system.
of the regulator.
The location of a temperature regulator Maintenance
may be located in either the seawater
or freshwater circuit. In most engines, the To allow proper operation of a temperature
regulator is located in the freshwater regulator, the valve stem must not bind in the
circuit. stuffing box, but must move freely. The valve
When located in the seawater circuit, the stem must be lubricated frequently where it enters
regulator controls the amount of seawater flow- the stuffing box and also around the threaded
ing through the coolers. As the temperature of sleeve used for the manual control. A small
the freshwater becomes greater than the amount of grease should also be used on the bevel


Figure 3-8.—Figure Removed.

gears. The valve packing nut should be kept only not stuck in the COOLER CLOSED (minimum
finger tight and should be lubricated occasionally cooling) position.
with a drop of oil. Should it become necessary 3. Check the water lines for other causes of
to renew the packing, you will need to remove the the difficulty. If this check does not reveal the
nut, take out the packing gland, clean the stuff- cause of the trouble, it is probable that the
ing box, and repack it with asbestos wicking temperature control element is inoperative, and
saturated with oil. that it should be checked.
Should the temperature of the freshwater
leaving the engine be too high when the regulator If undercooling occurs when the temperature
is set on the lowest adjustment setting you should regulator is set on the highest adjustment setting,
do the following: check for a sticking valve in the BY-PASS
CLOSED (maximum cooling) position. Sticking
1. Ensure that the manual pointer is set at the may be caused by a tight stuffing box or by dirt
THERMOSTATIC position. under the lower valve seat. If the temperature at
2. Ensure that the packing gland is not the bulb is lower than the set temperature and the
binding the valve stem and that the valve stem is valve position indicator shows COOLER


CLOSED, excessive leakage is indicated. In such 9. Secure the packing gland nut finger tight.
case you will have to regrind the valve using the 10. Insert the bulb into the ship’s piping in
following procedure: either a horizontal or vertical position, as shown
in views A and B of figure 3-9. When the bulb
1. Disconnect the valve from the piping. is installed in the vertical position, the nut must
2. Remove the packing nut and the packing. be at the top; when it is installed in the horizon-
3. Disconnect the valve stem and remove the tal position, the arrow on the indicator disk must
locknut from the thermostatic stem. point upward. NEVER INSTALL THE BULB
4. Remove the thermostatic control unit WITH THE NUT AT THE BOTTOM (as shown
from the valve. in view C of figure 3-9) because in this position
5. Clean the valve stem until it is smooth. the liquid would be below the end of the internal
If necessary, polish it with fine emery cloth. capillary tube and would have little or no effect
6. Grind the valve seats until a perfect seal on the bellows of the temperature regulator valve.
is obtained; then remove all grinding compound 11. Adjust the regulator.
from the valve and the seats.
7. Reassemble the valve and the control unit. Adjustment
8. Repack the stuffing box and lubricate it
with engine oil. A closeup of the adjusting and indicating
features of the temperature regulator is shown in
figure 3-10. The procedure for adjusting a
temperature regulator is as follows: Rotate the
manual crank pin until the indicator pointer is in

Figure 3-10.—Scale and Indicator plates of temperature

Figure 3-9.—Bulb installation. regulator.



adjusting wheel until the pointer is opposite 2 on DEFINITIONS
the scale plate. Loosen the locknut and unscrew
the valve stem until it is free of the thermostatic Problems with the cooling system of an engine
stem. Then turn the adjusting wheel until the may prevent the cooling system from keeping the
pointer is opposite 8 on the scale plate. (Note: The engine parts and working fluids at safe operating
preceding steps should be performed with the ther- temperatures. Failure of the system may lead to
mostatic bulb removed from the ship’s piping and several of the troubles and casualties that have
when the bulb temperature is below 100°F.) been discussed earlier.
Again rotate the manual crankpin until the In marine installations, lubricating oil and
lower end of the seating sleeve is flush with the most of the engine parts are cooled by the circula-
lower end of the thermostatic stem. With the tion of seawater, freshwater, or both. When the
seating sleeve and the indicator pointer in this cooling of an engine part is mostly by oil spray
position, loosen the screws in the indicator plate or oil circulation, the oil is cooled by circulation
and slide the plate up or down as needed to align through an oil cooler. Figure 3-11 illustrates a
the THERMOSTATIC mark in the center of the cooling system in which both freshwater and
plate with the indicator pointer. Then retighten seawater serve as coolants.
the screws. (The marks COOLER CLOSED and When maintaining engine cooling water
COOLER BY-PASS on the indicator plate are temperatures within specified limits, the principal
only approximate.) Screw the valve stem into the difficulties you may encounter are in maintain-
thermostatic stem and turn it until the cooler pop- ing circulating pumps in operating condition;
pet valve seats firmly. Turn the adjusting wheel preventing corrosion; reducing the cause of scale
until the pointer is opposite 2 on the scale plate. formation in water jackets and heat exchangers;
Turn the valve stem one full turn into the ther- cleaning jackets and heat exchangers according
mostatic stem and retighten the locknut. to proper procedures; and in preventing leaks in
the various parts of the system.
With the manual control on the THER- The coolers (or heat exchangers) which remove
MOSTATIC position, turn the adjusting wheel the heat from the cooling water of an engine may
in a direction to bring the pointer to number 9 vary considerably in design. Those used in cool-
on the scale plate. Run the engine at warmup ing systems may be classified basically as the
speed until the temperature of the fluid, as radiator type and the tubular type. The radiator
indicated by the thermometer in the line with the is sometimes referred to as the strut or the Har-
thermostatic bulb, rises to the desired rison type, while the tubular is identified as the
temperature. (The desired temperature must be Ross or shell-and-tube type. A heat exchanger of
determined in advance from applicable both types is shown in figure 3-12. The heat ex-
instructions.) changer on the top of the picture is a radiator type
With the engine running at warmup speed and heat exchanger; the one on the bottom is a
the temperature at the thermostatic bulb at the tubular-type heat exchanger. In heat exchangers
desired value, turn the adjusting wheel until the of the radiator type, the freshwater passes through
cooler poppet just begins to leave its seat. This the tubes and the seawater passes around them.
action is shown by the movement of the mark on In the tubular type, the freshwater surrounds the
the valve stem downward from the COOLER tubes and the seawater passes through them.
CLOSED mark on the valve position indicator.
Valves adjusted in accordance with this procedure CASUALTIES
will normally maintain the temperature of the
fluid at the thermostatic bulb between the desired Although heat exchangers vary in design, they
value and a temperature approximately 20° are all subject to similar casualties. The principal
higher, under any conditions of engine load or difficulties which may prevent heat exchangers
injection temperature. This 20° difference is the from functioning properly are excessive scale
temperature rise required to cause the poppet deposits on the cooler element, clogged cooler
valve to move through the necessary travel. elements, or cooler leakage.


Figure 3-11.—A cooling water system.

A gradual increase in the freshwater closed cooling systems must be as pure as

temperature is usually an indication of EX- possible. Distilled water is recommended for a
CESSIVE SCALE on a cooler element. As scale freshwater cooling system, but since distilled water
formation increases, there is a gradual increase is not absolutely pure, additional steps must be
in the pressure difference between the inlet and taken to control acidity and alkalinity. The treat-
outlet of the heat exchanger. Scale deposits ment used to control these factors will not remove
generally form faster on the saltwater side than scales already formed, but it will prevent further
on the freshwater side, because of the greater precipitation of scale-forming slats. You will find
amount of dissolved salt present in the water. details for water treatment in closed water systems
Complete prevention of scale formation is not in chapter 233, NAVSHIPS Technical Manual,
possible, but steps can be taken to reduce its for- and in most engine instruction manuals.
mation by using proper cleaning methods and pro- Not only the hard deposits chemically
cedures. Seawater discharge temperature should precipitated from the circulating water, but also
be maintained below a specified limit (130°F), such items as marine life, grease, and debris of
because the rate of scale formation is increased various types may CLOG OR RESTRICT
as the temperature increases. The water used in COOLER ELEMENTS. The principal causes of


Figure 3-12.—Types of heat exchanges.

cooler clogging by loose foreign matter are faulty soon as possible. Obviously, the use of dirty
seawater strainers, dirty freshwater, excessive freshwater will hasten the clogging of a cooler ele-
lubrication of the pumps, and leaking oil coolers. ment. Grease and oil may enter the cooling system
To prevent the entry of sea debris, a punctured and the film deposited on the cooler element will
screen in a seawater strainer must be replaced as reduce the capacity of the cooler. Grease may


come from grease cups which are used on some (radiator and tubular) differ in some respects.
water pumps to lubricate bearings. If the cups are Radiator-type heat exchangers are cleaned by
turned down too much or too often, grease is chemical means because mechanical cleaning is
forced into the circulating water. A hole in the not satisfactory for this type heat exchanger.
element of an oil cooler permits oil to flow into Chemical cleaning of radiator-type units is
the cooling system. Any source of oil or grease discussed in Engineman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA
should be located and repairs made as soon as 10541 (current edition). Tubular heat exchangers,
possible. on the other hand, are cleaned by mechanical
Corrosion or erosion of the element in a heat means.
exchanger, as well as operation at excessive In both types of heat exchangers, loose foreign
pressure, may cause LEAKS. These leaks can matter such as seaweed, sand, and dirt may be
develop either in the element or in the casing. removed by blowing steam through the element
Leakage from the cooler casing can usually be in a direction opposite to the normal flow of
detected by inspection. Element leaks, however, water. When an element is badly clogged, care
are more difficult to detect. Any noticeable decline must be exercised not to admit steam at a pressure
or rise in the freshwater tank level, with the exceeding the maximum specified for the element.
temperature remaining normal, usually indicates If a film of oil or grease is evident, the element
leakage. should be cleaned like an oil cooler element.
A hole made by corrosion in a cooler element Leakage from the CASING of a radiator-type
indicates that corrosion probably exists heat exchanger may be caused by a damaged
throughout the element, and a thorough inspec- gasket. If so, the heat exchanger should be re-
tion should be made. Corrosion can be prevented moved from the piping in order that flange faces
to a large extent by using the prescribed freshwater may be tightened evenly after a new gasket is
treatment, inspecting as necessary and venting the installed. If there is any reason to suspect that
cooler to remove entrapped air. there are leaks in a heat exchanger element, the
Holes due to erosion are usually caused by best method for locating them is by an air test.
particles of grit (sand, dirt, etc., resulting This test may be accomplished as follows:
usually from operation in shallow water) striking
an element at high velocity. Grit is for the most 1. Remove the element from the casing.
part so fine that it passes easily through the 2. Block off the discharge side of the element.
strainer. If the strainer is defective, even the larger 3. Attach a pressure gage to the inlet line of
particles of grit may enter the cooler. the element.
Erosion by water at high velocity may also 4. Supply low-pressure air to the inlet side of
result in holes in a cooler element. This occurs the element. Remember: Air pressure must
when water flow has to be increased above the NEVER exceed design pressure for the
rated capacity in order to maintain a desired element.
freshwater temperature. Whenever it is found 5. Immerse the element in a tank of water.
necessary to greatly increase the water flow, the 6. Check for bubbles.
cooler should be cleaned.
If the designed maximum operating pressure An element of a heat exchanger may also be
(indicated on the exchanger name plate) is ex- tested hydrostatically by filling the element with
ceeded, leaks are apt to result. Excessive pressure water under pressure and checking for leaks.
is likely to occur in conjunction with clogging, Emergency repair of leaks in the element of
because additional pressure is necessary to force a radiator-type heat exchanger can be made as
a given quantity of water through a clogged shown in figure 3-13. When emergency repairs to
element. the radiator-type heat exchanger are necessary,
they may be made with the use of soft solder and
MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR a small torch or soldering iron. Extreme care must
be taken to prevent the surrounding area from
Because of the difference in their construction, being overheated, thus causing the existing solder
methods of cleaning both types of heat exchangers to melt. Small radiator-type heat exchangers


further corrosion. Removing the tarnish will also

reduce the tube wall thickness and over a period
of time and a number of cleanings, could suffi-
ciently reduce tube strength, resulting in tube
failure. For the proper procedures for cleaning
shell and tube type heat exchangers and the
safety precautions, use the PMS maintenance
requirements cards, the manufacturer’s technical
manual and Naval Ships’s Technical Manual,
chapter 254.


To ensure that all the parts of an engine receive

adequate lubrication, it is essential that all parts
of the lubricating oil system be properly main-
tained at all times. Some parts which may be a
source of trouble are considered in this section.
For other information on lubricating systems, see
Engineman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10541 (current


Pumps used in engine lubricating systems are

of the positive displacement type. In some pumps
pressure control is maintained by pressure
121.33 regulating or pressure relief valves built directly
Figure 3-13.—Emergency repair of a tube leak in a radiator into the pump; in other pumps, valves exterior
type heat exchanger. to the pump are used for this purpose. Most
regulating devices recirculate excess lube oil back
to the suction side of the pump, but some pumps
should be replaced as soon as a leak develops, if discharge excess oil directly into the engine sump.
a replacement is available. The presence of one Pump casualties, as well as many other lube
leak, unless caused by dropping or accidental systems failures, are indicated by the loss of lube
puncture, indicates that other areas in the heat oil pressure. The loss of oil pressure can be
exchanger may be eroded. recognized by checking the pressure gages at
In shell-and-tube heat exchangers, a leaking prescribed intervals, or by means of an electrical
tube must be replaced as soon as possible. In an alarm system. Most lube oil pump failures are
emergency, a faulty tube may be blocked off by generally due to wear, and develop gradually.
inserting a special plug at each end, until the tube Failures may also occur abruptly if a drive shaft
can be replaced. An air lance or water lance breaks, or some parts suffer physical deforma-
should be used to clean the tubes of a shell-and- tion. Such failures are usually indicated by ab-
tube heat exchanger. If the scale has hardened in normal noise in the pump and by sounding of the
the tubes, a round bristle brush or soft rubber low-pressure lube oil alarm.
plugs may be used to clean the tubes. When clean- The warning system should be tested at
ing the tubes by mechanical means, avoid specified intervals, usually when an engine is
damaging the protective coating inside the tubes. being started or secured. Warning systems do not
These tubes should never be polished, as the tar- excuse personnel from their responsibility for
nish on the tubes acts as insulation to prevent keeping a vigilant and accurate watch on engine


instruments. The instruments give the most maintenance and repair of the various systems are
reliable indication as to what an engine is doing also similar.
and what adjustments should be made. Let’s review briefly not only the function of
a fuel system but also the various types of fuel
OIL LINES AND PASSAGES systems. As you know the function of a fuel
injection system is to deliver fuel to the engine
cylinders under specific conditions: at a high
Troubles occurring in the oil passages and oil pressure, at the proper time, in the proper quan-
lines are usually in the form of plugged or tities, and properly atomized. This function may
cracked lines. The former is generally the result be carried out by either one of two types of
of carelessness, while the latter is usually a result systems: the air injection type or the solid injec-
of improper support of the line. tion type. Since there are few air injections systems
Even though clogged passages may be now in use, we will consider only the solid
indicated by increased pressure gage readings, it (mechanical) injection type systems.
is dangerous to rely wholly on such indications, Solid injection systems may be classified as
since stoppage occurring beyond the pressure jerk pump systems and common rail systems.
regulating valve and pressure gage may cause very Variations are to be found in each of these
little, if any, pressure increase on the gage. You systems. The following examples show some of
can best determine if a bearing is receiving oil by the basic differences between the various solid
inspecting it occasionally, just after engine injection systems.
shut-down. There should be plenty of oil in the Systems of the JERK PUMP type may be
vicinity of the parts being lubricated. Another identified as either individual pump systems or
method for checking bearing lubrication is to note unit injection systems. Some jerk pump systems
the temperature of the bearings by feeling them use a separate pump and fuel injector for each
with the hand after engine shut-down. You should cylinder, while the unit injection systems combine
be able to keep your hand on them for at least the pump and injector into a single unit.
a few seconds.
You can help prevent most oil line stoppage The Bosch system is an example of an in-
by observing the following rules: dividual pump system. The pump is a cam-
actuated, constant stroke, lapped plunger and
barrel pump. The pump times, meters, distributes,
1. Never use cotton waste or paper towels for and provides the necessary pressure to inject the
cleaning an engine. They may leave lint or small fuel into the cylinder through a separate nozzle.
bits of material which later may collect in the lines. The General Motors unit injector is an exam-
2. Service the oil filters at specified intervals. ple of a unit injection system. It embodies a cam-
Clean the case properly and when the lines are actuated, constant stroke, lapped plunger and
removed, blow them out with compressed air. bushing, a high pressure pump, and an injection
nozzle, all in one unit.
In the Cummins injection system, a cam-
FUEL INJECTION EQUIPMENT actuated injector and nozzle assembly is mounted
AND CONTROLS in each cylinder. This system employs a common
metering device that distributes a measured quan-
The fuel system is one of the most complicated tity of fuel to each of the injectors. The
of all engine systems; therefore, special care must Cummings injection system embodies
be exercised when making adjustments and characteristics of the unit injector and is
repairs. Even though manufacturers have sometimes classified as such, although it is also
designed many different fuel systems, the basic called a distributor system.
principle involved is the same in all of them. If The Fairbanks-Morse injection system is
you understand the basic principle for one system, another example of a jerk pump system.
you will have no difficulty in becoming familiar The injection system known as the COMMON
with other systems. The procedures for the RAIL system includes two types: the basic


common rail system and the modified common jerk pump or common rail type, or the pressure
rail system. pump and the injector may be separate or
The fuel injection systems used on Atlas combined.)
engines and some older models of Cooper-
Bessemer engines are of the basic type. In this Damaged Plunger
system one untimed, high-pressure pump supplies
fuel at injection pressure to a main header (com- In the plunger and barrel assembly of a high-
mon rail). The fuel flows from the header to the pressure pump and in the plunger and bushing
injector valves and nozzles at each cylinder. The assembly of a unit injector, the symptoms and
injector valves are cam-operated and timed. causes of damage are similar.
Metering of the fuel is controlled by the length Damage may become apparent through erratic
of time the nozzle remains open and by the engine operation. Symptoms vary widely and may
pressure maintained by the high-pressure pump include failure of the engine to develop full power,
in the common rail. low exhaust temperature, low firing pressure for
The modified common rail system (constant the affected cylinder, difficulty in balancing
pressure), found on newer models of Cooper- (calibrating) the pumps or injectors, and failure
Bessemer engines, uses a high-pressure pump to of one or more cylinders of the engine to fire.
maintain fuel at the injection pressure in an Damage to a plunger and the part in which it slides
accumulator bottle. The fuel is metered by may also be recognized by testing the unit on a
individual valves mounted on the side of the test stand. However, the best way to determine
engine; it then flows to the pressure-operated the extent of damage is to disassemble the unit,
nozzles in the cylinder head, to be atomized and clean it thoroughly, and then carefully inspect
distributed in the cylinder. each part.
Since complete details for the maintenance and Cleaning of the units can be best accomplished
repair of each of the various fuel systems in serv- by use of an approved solvent. Clean diesel fuel
ice are beyond the scope of this book, specific may be used when more effective cleaners are not
information on a particular fuel injection system available. A brush must be used with diesel fuel
must come from the appropriate manufacturer’s and even then, removal of gummy deposits is dif-
technical manual. ficult. Keep each plunger and barrel (bushing)
together during the inspection to avoid improper
assembly, as they are manufactured in matched
The use of a magnifying glass during the
examination of a plunger will facilitate the detec-
In any discussion of a fuel system, the impor- tion of damage. Inspect for fine scratches, dull
tance of each of its parts cannot be overlooked. surface appearance, cracks, pit marks (usually
The first requirement for trouble-free operation accompanied by dark discoloration), and erosion
of a fuel system is clean fuel. Accordingly, the and roughness at the edge of the helix or at the
filters, the strainers, the tanks, the transfer pumps, end of the plunger. An example of a badly scored
and the lines must be maintained according to plunger is illustrated in A of figure 3-14.
prescribed instructions. Even when these parts A plunger with the lapped surface and helix edge
function properly, the principal elements of the in good condition is shown in B of figure 3-14.
injection system—pressure pump, injection Surface irregularities in the region illustrated are
valves, and injection nozzles—are subject to serious because they affect metering and, conse-
troubles. The following discussion covers some quently, engine operation.
of these troubles, their symptoms and causes, and When examining a barrel or bushing, search
provides general information concerning for erosion of the ports or scoring of the lapped
maintenance and repair of this equipment. As you surfaces. Pay particular attention to the lapped
study this information, keep in mind the dif- plane surface at the end of a pump barrel. Rust
ferences which may exist between the various or pit marks on this surface must be removed by
systems. (A system, for example, may be of the lapping before reassembly.


During the overhaul of fuel injection equip-

ment, a spotlessly clean working space is essen-
tial for the protection of all parts. Ideally, the area
should also be air conditioned. All air should be
thoroughly filtered before it enters the space.
Benches should have smooth tops. Metal-topped
benches should be covered with linoleum or lint-
free rags. Ample quantities of approved cleaning
solvent, of clean fuel oil, and of compressed air
to blow parts dry, should be used to help ensure
cleanliness during overhaul. Never use rags or
waste to clean injectors, as lint particles from them
may damage the injector parts.

From the time a unit is removed from the

engine until it is replaced on the engine, extreme
care must be exerted to keep dust and dirt away
from all its parts. Before any connections are
Figure 3-14.—A damaged and serviceable plunger. loosened, all dirt should be removed from the
unit, tubing, and fittings by washing. After
removal of the unit from the engine, all opening
Damage to the plunger of a fuel injection (pump, nozzle, tubing, or injectors) should be
pump or injector may be caused by such different covered with approved caps or coverings.
factors as entry of dirt into the equipment, careless
handling while the equipment is disassembled, Because many surfaces of the parts of pumps
corrosion, and improper assembly and and injectors are lapped to extremely accurate
disassembly procedures. finishes, it is essential that they be HANDLED
WITH GREAT CARE. Parts that are dropped
Dirt and water are responsible for practically
may be bent, nicked, dented, or otherwise
all trouble encountered with fuel injection equip-
ment. If the units are not properly protected, they ruined. All work should be done well over the
can be damaged beyond repair within a very short center of the bench. The use of a linoleum cover-
period of operation. Remember that the ing will reduce casualties caused by dropping parts
on the bench. Never leave parts uncovered on the
clearances between the lapped surfaces are so
bench, but keep them immersed in diesel fuel until
small that occasionally extremely fine particles,
such as dust from the atmosphere, are capable of handled. Never handle lapped surfaces when they
scoring these surfaces. Then small amounts of are dry, as the perspiration on your hands may
water that may collect from condensation will cor- cause corrosion. Before a lapped surface is
rode these surfaces. handled, it should be immersed in clean diesel
fuel, and the hands rinsed in clean fuel. Since the
An engine should never be operated unless the mating parts of pumps and injectors are fitted to
fuel has been properly filtered before reaching the one another, such parts as plunger and barrel
injection equipment. Although regular filters and should be kept together to avoid interchanging.
strainers are present in all fuel systems, in some
systems special safety filters or screens are incor- Since water in the fuel, or improper storage
porated to further reduce the possibility of foreign of parts, can also cause CORROSION of the parts
matter mixing with the fuel as it reaches the pump of a pump or an injector, all fuel should be cen-
and the injector. The location of these additional trifuged, and filter and strainer cases drained
safety devices depends upon the system. In one periodically to prevent excessive collection of
system a screen is placed between the fuel transfer water. Information on proper stowage procedures
pump and the fuel distributor, while in another should be obtained from the appropriate technical
a filter is mounted directly on the pump. manual.


Special care must be exercised in is stuck. Misfiring may occur intermittently if the
DISASSEMBLING and ASSEMBLING the parts plunger sticks and releases at intervals. Upon
of a fuel injection system, since any damage to disassembly, it may be difficult to remove the
these finely finished surfaces will necessitate plunger. Sometimes the plunger may stick when
replacement of the parts. When work is being the pump or the injector is assembled, but will
done on any part of a fuel injection system, the work smoothly when the unit is disassembled. At
procedure outlined in the engine technical manual, times, the plunger will not stick until some time
or the manufacturer’s fuel system technical after the unit has been removed from the engine.
manual, must be followed. This is particularly true when the plunger and
Remember that the damage to a plunger and mating part have been stored under conditions
barrel assembly of a fuel pressure pump or to the that cause corrosion, or when the parts have been
plunger and bushing assembly of a unit injector mishandled after removal.
generally requires replacement of the parts. A unit injector may be checked, after removal
A damaged part may not be replaced individually. from the engine, by performing the binding
A plunger and its mating part (barrel, bushing, plunger test. This test is performed by depress-
or bore) must be installed as a complete assembly. ing the plunger, either by hand or by using the
“popping” fixture of a test stand, and noting the
External Leakage return action of the plunger. The plunger should
return with a definite snap. This test should be
Trouble caused by external leakage from an performed at three successive rack settings. A
injection pump or an injector may become suffi- sluggish return action indicates a sticky plunger.
ciently serious to cause an engine to misfire. It A sticking plunger may be caused by dirt,
is of extreme importance that signs of external gummy deposits in the unit, or distortion of the
leakage be detected as soon as possible. Leakage plunger and its adjacent part.
outside of the combustion space may be suffi- The movement of a plunger may be restricted
ciently large not only to affect engine operation or entirely prevented by small particles of dirt
but also to create a fire hazard. External leakage which may lodge between the plunger and its
of a unit injector can cause fuel dilution of the mating surface. Lacquer-like deposits, from fuel,
engine lube oil, reduce lubrication, and increase will also interfere with the movement of the
the possibility of a crankcase explosion. plunger.
In general, external leakage from pumps and The greatest care must be taken when
injectors is caused by improper assembly, loose handling the parts of a pump or injector. Because
connections, faulty gaskets, damaged threads and of the extremely close clearances between plunger
sealing surfaces, broken springs, or cracked hous- and mating surfaces, a slight distortion of either
will cause binding. Distortion may result from
ings or bodies. While leakage from pumps is
generally visible during engine operation, leakage dropping, from striking the plunger and a mating
from an injector may not become apparent until part, or from improper assembly.
Stuck plungers in fuel pumps or injectors
appropriate tests are performed. should be freed or replaced. Sometimes a little
You can stop the external leakage from a
pump or injector either by tightening loose con- cleaning may eliminate the need for a replace-
nections or by replacing the damaged parts. ment. The plunger and barrel or bushing assembly
Before the equipment is inspected for leakage, should be soaked in an approved cleaning fluid.
thoroughly clean all parts. On some equipment, The assembly should be soaked overnight, or
you may eliminate mild roughness or discolora- longer if necessary. Cleaning fluids approved for
tion of the sealing surfaces by lapping. this purpose will immediately soften and remove
any paint or enamel with which they come in con-
tact. These fluids should be used with care, since
Stuck Plunger they will damage rubber gaskets.
The specific procedures for cleaning fuel
When the cylinder of an engine fails to fire, injection equipment, although similar, vary to
it is an indication that the injection pump plunger some degree, depending upon the unit involved


and the manufacturer. The following brief Broken plunger springs must be replaced. Also
description of the procedures for equipment made they should be replaced when there is evidence of
by two different manufacturers emphasizes some cracking, chipping, nicking, weakening of the
of these similarities, and further emphasizes the spring, excessive wear, or when the condition of
need for following only the procedures indicated the spring is doubtful.
in the appropriate manufacturer’s technical
manual. Jammed Fuel Control Rack
A plunger of a Bosch fuel injection pump can
be loosened by cleaning. However, if the plunger
does not slide freely in the barrel, both the plunger If an engine is to operate satisfactorily, the fuel
and barrel should be cleaned with an approved control rack must be completely free to move.
cleaning fluid, rinsed in clean fuel oil, and blown Since the rack controls the quantity of fuel
dry with compressed air. A small quantity of mut- injected per stroke, any resistance to motion will
ton tallow should then be placed on the plunger. result in governing difficulties. When this occurs,
Working the plunger back and forth and rotating the engine speed may fluctuate (decreasing as the
it in the barrel should remove all gummy deposits. engine is loaded; racing as the load is removed),
Instructions for Bosch fuel injection equipment or the engine may hunt continuously or only when
state that such items as hard or sharp tools or the load is changed. If the fuel control rack
abrasives of any kind should never be used in becomes jammed, it may become impossible to
cleaning the pumps. control the engine speed with the throttle. The
engine may even resist securing efforts under such
Freeing the sticking plunger in a GM unit in- conditions. Since a sticking fuel control rack can
jector may be done in much the same manner as cause serious difficulty, especially in an emer-
in a Bosch pump. gency, every effort should be made to prevent its
Stains on plungers may be removed by the use occurrence. The best way to check for a sticking
of a limited quantity of jewelers’ rouge on a piece fuel control rack is to disconnect the linkage to
of soft tissue paper. It is important to remember the governor and attempt to move the rack by
that the plunger should not be lapped to the hand. There should be no resistance to movement
bushing with an abrasive such as jewelers’ rouge. of the rack when all springs and linkages are
After a plunger has been cleaned with jewelers’ disconnected.
rouge, it must be cleaned thoroughly with diesel A fuel control rack may stick or jam as a result
fuel before being placed in the bushing. If after of a stuck plunger, dirt or paint in the rack
repeated cleanings, the plunger still does not slide mechanism, a damaged rack or gear, or improper
freely, you may assume that either the plunger or assembly. When this jamming or sticking occurs,
the bushing is distorted. it is necessary to determine the cause of binding.
The principal difference in the cleaning pro- If it is due to damage, the damaged parts must
cedures for these two units of equipment is in the be replaced; if the stickiness is due to the presence
use of abrasives. If the recommended cleaning of dirt, a thorough cleaning of all parts will prob-
procedure for these units fails to loosen the ably correct the trouble. Avoid errors in
plunger so it will slide freely, the plunger and its reassembly and adjustment by carefully studying
mating part will have to be replaced. the instructions.

Broken Plunger Spring Backlash in the Control Rack

A pump of an injector will fail when the Backlash, looseness, or play in the fuel con-
plunger spring breaks and fails to return the trol rack, like sticking or binding of the rack, will
plunger after injection has occurred. influence governing of the engine. Proper
Factors which contribute to broken plunger governing is based on the theory that for every
springs are failure to inspect the springs change in speed of the engine, there will be a cor-
thoroughly and careless handling. responding change in the quantity of fuel injected.


This is impossible if backlash, looseness, or play usually causes overheating, high exhaust
exists in the control system. Continuous or inter- temperatures, loss of power, and smoky exhaust.
mittent movement of the rack may indicate ex- Although, usually, improper fuel injection
cessive looseness. Engine speed variations are also timing is caused by failure to follow the manufac-
indicative of this problem. Note that even though turer’s instructions for timing, there may be other
these symptoms are characteristic of a loose rack, causes for the difficulty, depending upon design
a governor which is dirty or out of adjustment of the particular systems. For example, fuel
will present similar symptoms. injection time in the injection pump of a Bosch
Backlash in a fuel control system is generally system may get out of time because of a worn
due to a wornout gear, rack, or control sleeve. pump camshaft. The same problem may occur
When you disassemble a pump or injector for when the adjusting screw on the injector control
overhaul be sure to inspect all parts of the con- rack of a GM system becomes loose. Either of
trol system for signs of excessive wear. If the rack these conditions will change fuel injection timing.
may be moved more than a prescribed amount Faulty calibration and improper timing are
without moving the plunger, find the parts that generally due to failure to follow instructions
are worn, and replace them. given in the engine technical manual and the fuel
injection equipment maintenance manual. These
manuals should always be consulted and fol-
Improper Calibration lowed whenever timing or calibration difficulties
When improper calibration (balance) of fuel
injector pumps or injectors occurs, there is a dif- GOVERNORS
ference in the amount of fuel injected into each
of the cylinders. If some pumps or injectors
deliver more fuel per stroke than others, the To control an engine means to keep it run-
engine will be UNBALANCED; that is, some ning at a desired speed, either in accordance with,
cylinders will carry a greater load than others. This or regardless of, the changes in the load carried
condition may be detected by differences in by the engine. The degree of control required
cylinder exhaust temperatures and firing depends on two factors: The engine’s performance
pressures, and by smoky exhaust from the characteristics and the type of load which it drives.
overloaded cylinders. Roughness in operation and In diesel engines the speed and power output of
engine vibration are also indicators of an the engine is determined by varying the amount
unbalanced condition. of fuel that is injected into the cylinders to con-
trol combustion. There are two principal types of
It is important to remember that many other governors: hydraulic and mechanical.
types of engine difficulties may cause engine
symptoms identical with those due to unbalance.
So when unbalance is suspected, consider first a Hydraulic Governors
few of the other faults that may be present such
as poor condition of piston rings, inaccurate It is beyond the scope of this training manual
exhaust pyrometers and thermocouples, mistimed to list all of the possible troubles which may be
or faulty engine exhaust or inlet valves. encountered with a hydraulic governor. This sec-
tion deals only with the most common ones. Poor
Improper Timing regulation of speed may be due to the faulty ad-
justment of the governor or to faulty action of
an engine, a generator, a synchronizing motor,
Improper timing of a fuel system will result a voltage regulator, or any piece of equipment
in uneven operation or vibration of the engine. which has a direct bearing on the operation of the
Early timing may cause the engine to detonate and engine.
lose power. Cylinders which are timed early may Manufacturers state that 50% of all governor
show low exhaust temperatures. Late timing troubles are caused by dirty oil. For this reason,


Table 3-1.—Troubleshooting Chart-Governor

Trouble Probable Cause Corrective Action

Engine hunts or surges Compensating needle valve ad- Make needle valve adjust-
justment incorrect ment; ensure that the op-
posite needle valve is closed
Dirty oil in governor Drain oil; flush governor;
Low oil level Fill to correct level with clean
Foamy oil in governor Drain oil; refill
Lost motion in engine governor Repair linkage and realign
linkage or fuel pumps pumps

Governor worn or incorrectly Remove governor and make

adjusted internal checks for
clearances according to ap-
plicable instructions
Engine misfiring Test and replace injectors
External fuel linkage sticking or Disconnect fuel rack from
binding governor and manually
move linkage and pro-
gressively disconnect fuel
pump links until binding
area is found (dirt, paint,
and misalignment are the
usual causes of binding)
Governor rod end jiggles Rough engine drive Check alignment of gears;
inspect for rough gear teeth;
check backlash of gear
Governor base not bolted down Loosen bolts; realign and
evenly secure

every precaution should be taken to prevent the governors with oil are clean, and that only clean,
oil from becoming contaminated. Most hydraulic new, or filtered oil is being used. You should also
governors use the same type of oil that is used in check the oil level frequently to ensure the proper
the engine crankcase, provided it is absolutely level is maintained and that the oil does not
clean and does not foam. You should change the foam. Foaming of the oil is usually an indication
oil in the governor at regular intervals, depending that water is present in the oil. Water in the oil will
upon the type of operation, and at least every six cause serious damage to the governor. After
months regardless of the operation. You must installing a new governor or one that has been
ensure that the containers used to fill the overhauled, adjust the governor compensating


needle valve even though it has previously been on GM 71 engines. One type, known as the
done at the factory or repair facility. This adjust- constant-speed governor, is used on generator sets
ment must be made with the governor installed and is designed to hold the speed of the engine
and controlling an engine with a load. If this is at a predetermined operating speed. The other
not done, high overspeeds and low underspeeds type is similar in construction and is used primar-
after load changes will result and the return to ily for propulsion engines. It has a throttle plate
normal speeds will be slowed. Maintenance and so designed that speeds intermediate between idl-
repair of each unit must be in accordance with ing and full speeds may be obtained by manual
the manufacturer’s maintenance manual and the adjustment. The following description applies to
PMS. both types of governors. Do note, however, that
on the constant-speed governor, there is no buf-
NOTE: When governor troubles are fer spring adjustment.
suspected, before performing any maintenance or In the idling speed range, control is effected
adjustments, always disconnect the governor fuel by centrifugal force of two sets of flyweights
rod end from the fuel control rack and ensure that (figure 3-15), large and small, acting against a light
there is no sticking or binding of the rack. This
procedure is necessary to determine if the trou-
ble is actually in the governor.
The chart in table 3-1 lists some of the
probable causes of trouble which are common to
most hydraulic governors. This chart should be
used for training purposes only; it must NOT be
used to troubleshoot a governor. Always use the
applicable manufacturer’s instruction manual for
troubleshooting. Following are the definitions of
the terms used in the chart.
HUNT: A rhythmic variation of speed which
can be eliminated by blocking the fuel linkage
manually, but which will reappear when returned
to governor control.
SURGE: A rhythmic variation of speed always
of large magnitude which can be eliminated by
blocking the fuel linkage and which will not reap-
pear when returned to governor control unless the
speed adjustment of the load changes.
JIGGLE: A high frequency vibration of the
governor fuel rod end or engine linkage. Do not
confuse jiggle with normal regulating action of
the governor.
Mechanical Governors
Mechanical governors used in the Navy are
generally of the spring-loaded flyball type. All
mechanical governors have a speed droop. This
means that as the load is increased at a constant
throttle setting, the speed of the engine will drop
or droop slightly, rather than remain constant.
Consequently, mechanical governors are never
used where absolute constant speeds are necessary.
There are several types of mechanical gover- 121.22
nors. Two of the most common types are used Figure 3-15.—GM mechanical governor.


(low speed) spring. Maximum speed control is ef- Adjustment procedures for the replacement of
fected by the action of the high speed (small) any governor are listed in the manufacturer’s
flyweights acting against a heavy (high speed) instruction manual and should be followed with
spring. (See figure 3-16.) particular attention given to the precautions listed.
Mechanical governor faults usually manifest
themselves in speed variations; however, not all OVERSPEED SAFETY DEVICES
speed variations indicate governor faults. When
improper speed variations appear do the Mechanical overspeed trips depend on the cen-
following: trifugal forces developed by the engine and should
be maintained in good working condition. A
1. Check the load to be sure that speed faulty overspeed device can endanger not only the
changes are not the result of load fluctuations. engine but also personnel if the engine explodes
or flies apart because of uncontrolled speed.
2. If the load is found to be steady, check the The engine instruction manual contains infor-
engine to be sure all cylinders are firing properly. mation as to the speed at which the overspeed is
supposed to function. Most overspeed trips are
3. Make sure there is no binding in the gover- adjustable. Prior to making any change in the ad-
nor mechanism or operating linkage between justment of the overspeed trip, determine if the
governor and engine, and that no binding exists engine did not trip out for some reason other than
in the injector control rack shaft or its mounting the action of the element of the overspeed trip.
brackets. If you find no binding anywhere and It is highly advisable that you first check the ac-
the governor still fails to control the engine prop- curacy of the tachometer and then test the
erly, you may assume the governor is worn or overspeed trip. All spring tension adjustments and
unfit for further service until the unit has been linkage adjustments to an overspeed trip are
completely disassembled, inspected, and rebuilt critical. Instructions given for making these ad-
or replaced. justments are found in the manufacturer’s instruc-
tions manual and must be followed.
Hydraulic overspeed trips are extremely sen-
sitive to dirt. Dirt or lacquer-like deposits may
cause a trip to bind internally. The speed sensitive
element must be kept clean and so should all parts
of the linkage and mechanisms incorporated in
this speed sensitive element. When painting
around the engine, the painter should be cau-
tioned against allowing paint to fall on joints,
springs, pins, and other critical points in the
All linkage binding should be eliminated. If
parts are bent, badly worn, improperly installed,
dirty, or if their motion is restricted by some other
part of the engine, the trip will not function
properly. On occasion the drive shaft of the
overspeed trip may be broken and prevent rota-
tion of the flyweight and the overspeed trip.
Insufficient oil in the hydraulic trip may be
another source of this problem. Oil should be
maintained at the level specified in the instruc-
tion manual.
The cause of any malfunction should be deter-
121.23 mined and eliminated. This will involve cleaning
Figure 3-16.—Mechanical governor control mechanism. the trip and its linkage, removing the source of


binding, replacing faulty parts, adding oil to overhaul periods the engine should be protected
hydraulic type trips, or adjusting the speed sen- when sandblasting is occurring in areas adjacent
sitive element, always in accordance with the in- to the ship.
struction manual. If the trip has been damaged, 2. Before starting repair work, make sure that
it is advisable to install a spare overspeed trip and all required tools and spare parts are available.
completely rebuild or overhaul the damaged one. Plan ahead for repair periods so everything
needed is available to ensure successful and ex-
REPAIR OF INTERNAL peditious completion of the work.
The Navy uses so many models of diesel
engines that it is not possible to describe in any Never attempt to jack the engine over by hand
detail all the overhaul procedures used by the without first disabling the starter circuit.
Navy. Detailed repair procedures are listed in the
manufacturers’ technical manuals and in your 3. Disable the starter circuit and tagout the
PMS. Always consult the manuals and the starter before you start working, particularly when
maintenance requirement cards (MRCs) before the jacking gear is to be engaged.
starting any type of repair work. Pay particular 4. Keep detailed records of repairs, including
attention to installation tolerances, wear limits, measurements of worn parts (with hours in use),
adjustments, and safety procedures. Also be sure and the new parts installed. Later, an analysis of
to follow the general rules, listed below, which these records will indicate the number of hours
apply to all engines. of operation that may be expected from the
various parts and will facilitate prediction as to
1. Observe the highest degree of cleanliness when they should be renewed before a failure
in handling engine parts. Engines have been com- occurs. Measurement of new parts are needed to
pletely wrecked by the presence of abrasives and determine whether or not they come within the
various objects which have been carelessly left in tolerances listed in the manufacturers’ instruction
the engines after overhaul. Make sure that any books or the wear limit charts. In addition, before
engine assembled for post-repair running is installation, all replacement parts should be com-
scrupulously free of foreign matter prior to run- pared with removed parts to ensure that they are
ning. Too much emphasis cannot be given to the suitable.
necessity for maintaining engines clean both in- 5. Do not test an overhauled diesel engine at
ternally and externally. Since dirt entering the 125% of full load or any other overload before
engine during overhaul causes increased wear and the engine is returned to service. It has been
poor operation, it is essential that all repair work reported that some overhauled diesel engines
be done under clean conditions. When overhaul used for driving generators are being tested at
or repair of precision parts and surfaces is re- 125% of full load before being returned to serv-
quired, the parts and the surface should be ice. The original purpose for this test was to
thoroughly cleaned and wrapped in a clean cloth demonstrate a 25% overload capability for a
or suitable paper. The parts should then be stored 2-hour period to absorb occasional electrical peak
in a dry place until reinstalled. During installa- loads. The nameplate rating of many of the older
tion, parts should be wiped with a cloth free of generator sets indicates a 25% temporary overload
lint and coated, where applicable, with clean capacity. (More recent generator sets have a single
lubricating oil. When removing or installing parts rating with no stated overload requirement.) The
such as pistons, connecting rods, camshafts, and earlier practice was a reasonable approach since
cylinder liners, make sure that these parts are not the engine was frequently capable of substanti-
nicked or distorted. Take precautions to keep dirt ally greater power than could be absorbed by the
and other foreign material in the surrounding generator and the 125% test was not likely to be
atmosphere from entering the engine while it is detrimental to the engine. Now that these engines
being overhauled. As an example, during shipyard have aged, the margin of excess power available


is less and the overload test is neither required nor

Another important point to remember is that Troubles Possible Causes
if you cannot overhaul an engine due to lack of
space, manpower, or expertise, you may request Undue piston Insufficient lubrication
outside help by using an OPNAV Form 4790.2K. wear; crown Improper cooling water
This form, when used as a work request, will be and land temperatures
sent to a Ship Intermediate Maintenance Activ- dragging Overload
ity (SIMA). The SIMA will then accept or reject Unbalanced load
the work request. If the work request is accepted, Improper fit
the SIMA will order all repair parts, overhaul the Dirty intake air cleaner
Dirty oil
engine, and perform an operational test in accord- Improper starting procedures
ance with manufacturers’ technical manuals and
NAVSHIPS Technical Manual, chapter 233. Cracks
As stated earlier in this section, since Faulty cooling
maintenance cards, manufacturers’ maintenance Loose piston
manuals, and various other instructions discuss Crown Obstruction in cylinder
repair procedures in detail, this chapter will be Faulty nozzle spray
limited to general information on some of the
troubles encountered during overhaul, the causes Insufficient lubrication
of such troubles, and the methods of repair. Cocked piston
Insufficient ring groove
Lands Excessive wear of piston
Broken ring
Piston assemblies may have the trunk-type or Improper installation or
the crosshead-type pistons. The majority of removal
engines in use by the Navy have trunk-type
pistons. Since the troubles encountered with Piston seizure Inadequate lubrication
crosshead pistons are very similar to those en- Excessive temperatures
countered with the trunk type, only the latter is Improper cleaning
discussed here.
Piston pin Insufficient lubrication
PISTONS bushing wear Excessive temperatures
Unbalanced load
Trunk-type pistons are subject to such forces
as gas pressure, side thrust, inertia, and friction.
These forces, together with overheating and the
presence of foreign matter, may cause such 121.1
troubles as piston wear, cracks, piston seizure, and Figure 3-17.-Piston troubles and their causes.
piston pin bushing wear (see figure 3-17).
Piston wear is characterized by an excessive
clearance between the piston and the cylinder. occurs, allowing lubricating oil to pass and be
Symptoms of excessive clearance between a piston burned in the cylinder. This results in the
and cylinder are piston slap and excessive oil con- accumulation of excessive carbon deposits on the
sumption. Piston slap occurs just after top dead piston, the combustion chamber, and the engine
center and bottom dead center, as the piston shifts exhaust valves or ports. This accumulation of car-
its thrust from one side to the other. As the bon deposits will cause erratic operation and
cylinder taper increases with wear, oil consump- greatly reduce engine efficiency.
tion increases. Since taper causes the rings to flex Occasionally pistons and liners become suffi-
on each stroke of the piston, excessive ring wear ciently worn to permit the piston to cock over in


the cylinder. This allows the crown and ring lands While insufficient lubrication and uneven
to drag on the cylinder wall. The results of drag- cooling may cause ring land failure, excessive oil
ging can be determined by visually inspecting the temperatures may cause piston seizure. An
parts of the piston in question. However, most increase in the rate of oxidation of the oil may
of the pistons now in use in the Navy are free from result in clogged oil passages or damage to piston
this trouble, since the crown and ring lands are pin bushings.
of smaller diameter than the skirt and do not con-
Seizure and excessive wear of pistons may be
tact the cylinder wall. caused by improper fit. New pistons or liners must
Some piston wear is normal in any engine; the be installed with the piston-to-cylinder clearances
amount and rate depends on several controllable specified in the manufacturer’s technical manual.
factors. The causes of excessive piston wear are If clearance is insufficient, a piston will NOT wear
also the causes of other piston troubles. in and will probably bind. The resulting excess
One of the factors controlling wear is lubrica- surface temperatures may lead to seizure or
tion. An adequate supply of oil is essential to pro- breakage.
vide the film necessary to cushion the piston and Binding increases wear and shortens piston life
other parts within the cylinder and prevent metal- by scuffing the liner or galling the piston skirt.
to-metal contact. Inadequate lubrication will not Scuffing roughens the liner so that an abrasive
only cause piston wear but the extra friction may action takes place on the piston skirt, thus
also cause piston seizure, land breakage, and generating additional heat which may distort or
piston pin bushing wear. crack the piston or liner. Galling, especially on
Lack of lubrication is caused either by a lack aluminum pistons, causes the metal to be wiped
of lube oil pressure or by restricted oil passages. in such a manner that the rings bind in the
The pressure-recording instruments usually give grooves.
warning of low oil pressure before any great harm A loose fitting piston may be just as destruc-
occurs. However, clogged passages offer no such tive as one which is too tight. A loose piston may
warnings. Only by inspecting and cleaning the cause dragging and cocking of the piston, which
piston and connecting rod assembly may you in turn may cause broken or cracked ring groove
insure adequate lubrication. lands.
Another controllable factor that may be Excessive wear on the piston and piston pin
directly or indirectly responsible for many piston bushing may be caused by either an overload or
troubles is improper cooling water temperatures. by an unbalanced load. Overloading an engine
If an engine is operated at higher than the increases the forces on the pistons and subjects
specified temperature limits, lubrication troubles them to higher temperatures, thus increasing their
will develop. High cylinder surface temperatures rate of wear. There should be a load balance on
will reduce the viscosity of the oil. As the cylinder all pistons at all times. Balance of an engine is
lubricant thins, it will run off the surfaces. The determined by checking the exhaust gas
resulting lack of lubrication leads to excessive temperature at each cylinder, the rack settings,
piston and liner wear. On the other hand, if the and the firing and compression pressures.
engine is operated at temperatures that are below
those specified, viscosity will be increased, and Cracking of the lands of a piston is caused by
the oil will not readily reach the parts requiring insufficient ring groove clearance. For correct
lubrication. piston ring operation, proper clearance must be
Oil plays an important part in the cooling of maintained between the ring and the land, and
the piston crown. If the oil flow to the underside also between the ends of the ring. This is necessary
of the crown is restricted, deposits caused by in order that the ring may be free to flex at all
oxidation of the oil will accumulate and lower the temperatures of operation. The clearance depends
rate of heat transfer. For this reason, the under- upon the ring and the materials involved.
side of each piston crown should be thoroughly After installing a ring, check the clearance be-
cleaned whenever pistons are removed. tween the ring and the land. This check is made


Excessive Wear Sticking Breakage

A. Symptoms: C. Symptoms: E. Symptoms:

1. Low compression (Other factors 1. Low compres- 1. Hard starting
which may cause sion
2. Hard starting low compression
pressure: 2. Loss of power 2. Loss of power
3. Loss of power
a. Leaking cylinder 3. Smoky exhaust 3. Excess oil
4. Smoky exhaust valves consumption
b. Faulty injector
5. Waste of fuel gasket 4. Excessive oil 4. Possible emis-
c. Faulty head consumption sion of smoke
6. Excess oil gasket from crank-
consumption d. Leaking after- 5. Blow-by forcing case breather
chamber valves fumes from
7. Poor engine e. Clogged intake crankcase
operation ports
f. Intake air header
g. Faulty blower
h. Clogged air
Other factors which
may cause excessive
oil consumption:
a. Loose bearings
b. High lube oil
c. Oil line leakage D. Causes
d. Improper oil) 1. Improper ring-
B. Causes: to-land clear- F. Causes:
1. Inadequate lubrication ance 1. Cylinder liner
2. Excessive piston heat 2. Insufficient ring ridge
3. Rings damaged during installation pressure 2. Cylinder port
4. Ring- to-land clearance insufficient 3. Excessive oper- damage
5. Dust or dirt in intake air ating tempera- 3. Insufficient gap
6. Dirt in lube oil or fuel ture clearance
7. Rings stuck in grooves 4. Improper oil 4. Insufficient
8. Worn cylinder liners 5. Improper in- clearance be-
stallation hind ring

Figure 3-18.—Piston ring troubles, their symptoms and causes. 121.2

with a thickness gage, and must be made com- PISTON RINGS

pletely around the piston.
The troubles to which piston rings are subject
Replace most damaged or excessively worn and their symptoms and causes are listed in figure
pistons. Since replacement of damaged pistons is 3-18.
usually necessary, shipboard repair parts should All symptoms and causes shown for ring wear
always be maintained at full allowance. are either directly and indirectly related to


other ring and piston troubles. In addition to A bright spot found on each end of a broken
symptoms and causes of piston ring troubles, ring indicates insufficient gap clearance. Sufficient
there are other factors that may also be responsi- gap clearance must exist at both the top and the
ble either for low compression or for excessive oil bottom of the cylinder bore when rings are
consumption. installed.
When a cylinder with a low compression Sticking and binding of the ring may result
pressure is located, the possibility of the cause be- from insufficient ring pressure. The tendency of
ing some factor other than excessive wear should the ring to return to its original shape pushes it
be eliminated before the pistons rings are against the cylinder wall, and makes the initial
disassembled or replaced. Look at figure 3-18. Of seal. The pressure of the combustion gases behind
the causes listed under “Other factors which may the rings reinforces this seal. Pressures (compres-
cause low compression pressure” are a, b, c, d, sion and combination) within the cylinder force
and there are causes that would affect the pressure the combustion rings down and cause a seal be-
in only one cylinder assembly of a multicylinder tween the bottom side of the rings and the upper
engine. Causes f, g, and h may affect a group of side of the lands; therefore, properly wearing rings
cylinders, or possibly all cylinders. Therefore, will appear shiny on the outer face and bottom
when symptoms indicate compression ring wear side. Any discoloration (usually appearing as
consider first other possibilities. Excessive oil con- black lines) indicates the leakage of gases past the
sumption is generally associated with worn oil rings. Extended use and overheating may weaken
rings, but there are other factors which may cause rings to the point where they do not seat
abnormal oil usage, and these should be checked properly, and the rings are then likely to bind in
before replacement of oil rings is undertaken. the grooves. A check of the free gap for a piston
Oxidation of the lube oil leaves carbon ring will indicate the ring’s condition with respect
deposits on the rings and in the grooves. It is to sealing qualities. If the instruction manual does
caused by excessive operating temperatures. The not give a prescribed dimension for free gap, com-
carbon buildup limits movement and expansion pare the gap with that of a new ring.
of the rings, prevents the rings from following the Conditions which cause piston rings to stick
cylinder contour and sealing the cylinder, and may in the grooves, wear excessively, or break are often
cause sticking, excessive wear, or breakage. the result of using improper lube oil. Some lube
Proper clearance must exist between the ring oils cause a resinous gumlike deposit to form on
and land as well as behind the ring, since insuffi- engine parts. Trouble of this nature can be
cient ring groove clearance can cause the rings to avoided by using Navy-approved oils, or oil
stick. It is not the function of the rings to sup- recommended by the manufacturer.
port or position the piston in the cylinder bore, Probably the greatest factor affecting the
but if the proper clearance does not exist, the rings wearing of piston rings is a worn cylinder liner.
are likely to become loaded by inertia forces and Therefore, when new rings are installed, surface
by side thrust on the piston—forces which should condition, amount of taper, and out-of-roundness
be borne solely by the skirt of trunk-type pistons. of the liner must all be considered. The ring is in
Two factors that cause improper ring the best position to make allowance for cylinder
clearance are: wear if the ring gaps are in line with the piston
bosses. Gaps of adjacent rings should be staggered
1. Abnormal amount of carbon deposits on 180° to reduce gas leakage.
rings and in grooves. With the wearing away of material near the
2. Improper dimensions. New rings must have top of a cylinder liner, a ridge will gradually be
the proper thickness, width, diameter, and formed. When a piston is removed, this ridge must
gap. also be removed, even though it has caused no
damage to the old set of rings. The new rings will
One cause of undue loads on a ring could be travel higher in the bore by an amount equal to
insufficient gap clearance. This condition would the wear of the old rings, and the replacement of
cause the ring to be forced out and into a port the connecting rod bearing inserts will also in-
of a ported cylinder, and possibly result in crease piston travel. As the top piston ring will
breakage. strike the ridge because of this increase in travel,


breakage of the ring and perhaps of the land is will result. The fact that a rod is misaligned is
almost certain if the ridge is not removed. usually indicated by uneven wear of the piston pin
and bushing and by piston skirt wear. Misalign-
PISTON PINS AND PIN BEARINGS ment may be caused by improper reaming of the
bushing for proper clearance.
Piston pins are made of hardened steel alloy,
and their surfaces are precision finished. Piston CONNECTING RODS
sleeve bearings or bushings are made of bronze
or a similar material. These pins and pin bear-
ings require very little service and total failure Connecting rod troubles usually involve either
seldom occurs. the connecting rod bearing or the piston pin bear-
Wear, pitting, and scoring are the usual ing. Some of these troubles, such as misalignment,
troubles encountered with piston pins and piston defective bolts, cracks, or plugged oil passages,
pin bearings. can be avoided by performing proper maintenance
Wear of a pin or bearing is normal, but the and by following instructions in the manufac-
rate of wear can be unnecessarily increased by turer’s technical manual.
such factors as inadequate and improper lubrica- Misalignment causes binding of the piston,
tion, overloading, misalignment of parts, or piston pin, and the connecting rod journal bear-
failure of adjacent parts. ing. This binding is likely to result in breakage
Every time a piston assembly is removed from and in increased wear of the parts, leading to total
an engine, the complete assembly should be failure and possible damage to the entire engine
checked for wear. Piston pins and bushings should structure. Connecting rods must be checked for
be measured with a micrometer to determine if proper alignment before being installed in an
wear is excessive. Do NOT measure areas that do engine, and after any derangement involving the
not make contact, such as those between the con- piston, cylinder, or crankshaft.
necting rod and piston bosses, and the areas under
the oil holes and grooves. The correct and limiting Defective bolts are often the result of over-
values for measurements may be found in the tightening. Connecting rod bolts should be
manufacturer’s technical manual for the par- tightened by using a torque wrench, or an
ticular engine. elongated gage to ensure that a predetermined
Excessive wear of pins, bushings, or bearings turning force is applied to the nut. Defective
is often the result of insufficient or improper threads can cause considerable trouble by allow-
lubrication. (These parts are usually pressure ing the connecting rod to be loosened and cause
lubricated.) The failure of a pressure lubricating serious damage to the engine. Whenever rod bolts
system is usually detected before piston pins, are removed they should be carefully inspected
bushings, or bearings are seriously damaged. for stripped or damaged threads and elongation.
Insufficient lubrication of these parts is usually Cracked rods are usually the result of
caused by obstructions blocking the oil passages overstressing caused by overloading or
of the connecting rods. If the bushings have been overspeeding or because defective material was
installed so that the oil holes do not line up, used at the time of manufacture. It is of prime
lubrication may be restricted. Such misalignment importance to discover the cracks before they have
of oil holes may also be caused by a bushing com- developed to the point where the failure of the
ing loose and revolving slightly out of position. rod will take place. No attempts should be made
Also interchanging the upper and lower connect- to repair cracked rods. They should be replaced;
ing rod bearings ON SOME ENGINES may serious damage may result if breakage occurs
obstruct the flow of oil to the upper end of the
during operation.
rod. Always check the manufacturer’s technical
manual for information on interchangeability of Restricted oil passages are often the result of
parts. improper assembly of the bushing and the con-
If there is misalignment of the connecting necting rod bearing inserts. They may also be due
rods, uneven loading on piston pins and bearings to foreign matter lodging in the oil passages.


SHAFTS AND BEARINGS Operation of an engine at critical torsional

speeds and in excess of the rated speed will lead
The principal shafts (crankshafts and cam- to engine shaft and bearing difficulties. Each
shafts) and associated bearings (journal bearings multicylinder engine has one or several critical
and antifriction bearings) of an internal combus- speeds which must be avoided in order to prevent
tion engine are all subject to several types of trou- possible breakage of the crankshaft, camshaft,
ble. Some of the troubles may be common to all and gear train.
of these parts; others may be related to only one A critical speed of the first order exists when
part. Causes of troubles common to all parts are impulses due to combustion occur at the same rate
metal fatigue, inadequate lubrication, and opera- as the natural rate of torsional vibration of the
tion of the engine at critical speeds. shaft. If the crankshaft receives an impulse from
Metal fatigue in crankshafts, camshafts, and firing at every other natural vibration of the shaft,
bearings may lead to shaft breakage or bearing a critical speed of the second order occurs. Opera-
failure; however, you must keep in mind that tion at these speeds for any length of time may
metal fatigue is only one of several possible causes cause the shaft to break. If critical speeds are not
which may lead to such troubles. avoided, torsional vibrations may not only cause
Fatigue failure of journal bearings in internal shaft breakage but may also cause severe damage
combustion engines is usually caused by cyclic to the entire gear train assembly.
peak loads. Such failures are accelerated by
improper or loose fit of the bearing shell in its In some engines, critical speeds fall within the
housing, and by the lack of adequate priming of normal operating range; the instruction manual
the lubricating oil system before the engine is for the specific engine will warn against engine
started. operation for any length of time within the critical
Severe overloading or overspeeding of an speed range. If the critical speed range falls within
engine increases fatigue failure. Some indication the normal operating range, it must be con-
of the cause of the failure may be obtained by spicuously marked upon the engine tachometer,
noting which half of a bearing failed. Overloading and every effort should be made to keep the
of the engine will cause failure of the lower halves engine from operating in the range. If this is not
of main journal bearings, while overspeeding may possible, the critical speed should be passed over
cause either the upper or the lower halves to fail. as fast as possible.
Crankshaft or camshaft failure does not Overspeeding of an engine must be avoided.
occur too often. When it does occur, it may be If the rated speed is exceeded for any extended
due to metal fatigue. Shaft fatigue failure may period of time, the increase in inertia forces may
be caused by improper manufacturing procedures, cause excessive wear of the journal bearings and
such as improper quenching or balancing, or by other engine parts, and in uneven wear of the
the presence of torsional vibration. Shaft fatigue journals.
failures generally develop over a long period of
The importance of lubrication cannot be
overstressed. Much that has been stated previously
about proper lubricants and adequate supply and Scored crankshaft journals are caused not only
pressure of lube oils is also applicable to by lubrication difficulties but also by journal
crankshafts, camshafts, and their associated bear- bearing failure or improper and careless
ings. Some of the troubles which may be caused handling during overhaul.
by improper lubrication are damaged cams and Journal bearing failures may cause not only
camshaft bearing failure, scored or out-of-round scoring but also broken or bent crankshafts and
crankshaft journals, and journal bearing failure. out-of-round journals. Journal bearing failures
Lubrication difficulties you should watch for are may be caused by several different factors and
low lube oil pressure, high temperatures, and lube may lead to more than one trouble. The causes
oil contamination by water, fuel, and foreign and the prevention of such failures are discussed
particles. in more detail later in this chapter.


Broken or bent crankshafts may be caused by

the improper functioning of a torsional vibration
damper. Vibration dampers are mounted on the
crankshafts of some engines to reduce the tor-
sional vibrations set up within the crankshaft and
to ensure a smoother running engine. If a damper
functions improperly, torsional vibrations may
rupture the internal structure of the shaft.
The principle of operation is similar in most
dampers, yet their construction and their
component parts vary somewhat. If the engine is
equipped with a vibration damper, the engine in-
struction manual must be consulted for informa-
tion on type, construction, and maintenance of
the damper.
In most engines, one end of the crankshaft is
flanged to receive the damper, the damper being 121.3
bolted or doweled onto the flange. A damper must Figure 3-19.—Cracked crank web.
be fastened securely to the crankshaft at all times
during engine operation; otherwise, the damper
will not control the crankshaft vibrations. bearing. You can minimize the possibility of jour-
Small dampers are usually grease-packed, nal out-of-roundness by taking measures to pre-
while larger ones frequently receive lubrication vent improper lubrication, journal bearing failure,
from the main oil system. Dampers that are grease overspeeding or overloading of the engine,
lubricated must have the grease changed excessive crankshaft deflection, and misalignment
periodically, as specified in the manufacturer’s of parts.
instructions. If the assembly is of the elastic type, Crankshaft bending breakage (out-of-
it must be protected from fuel, lube oil, grease, roundness) may also result from excessive
and excessive heat, all of which are detrimental crankshaft deflection. Excessive shaft deflection,
to the rubber. caused by improper alignment between the driven
Excessive rumbling at certain engine speeds unit and the engine, may result in a broken or bent
may indicate that the damper is not functioning shaft along with considerable other damage to
properly. You must learn to distinguish between bearings, connecting rods, and other parts. Ex-
this and the normal noise usually heard in some cessive crankshaft deflection may also be caused
engines during the first and last few revolutions by overspeeding an engine. The amount of deflec-
when the engine is starting or stopping. This noise tion of a crankshaft may be determined by the
is normal, it is due to the large designed clearances use of a straight gage.
in the damper and is not a sign of impending
trouble. The straight gage is merely a dial-reading
Crankshaft breakage or bending may be the inside micrometer used to measure the variation
result of excessive bearing clearances. Excessive in the distance between adjacent crank webs where
clearance in one main bearing may place practic- the engine shaft is barred over. When installing
ally all of the load on another main bearing. Flex- the gage, or indicator, between the webs of a
ing of the crankshaft under load may result in crank throw, place the gage as far as possible from
fatigue and eventual fracture of the crank web. the axis of the crankpin. The ends of the indicator
(See figure 3-19.) Excessive bearing clearance may should rest in the prick-punch marks in the crank
be caused by the same factors that cause journal webs. If these marks are not present, you must
bearing failure. Furthermore, off-center and out- make them so that the indicator may be placed
of-round journals tend to scrape off bearing in its correct position. Consult the manufacturer’s
material. This leads to excessive wear and to the technical manual for the proper location of new
increase of the clearance between the shaft and marks.


Readings are generally taken at the four crank camshaft may be damaged as a result of improper
positions: top dead center, inboard, near or at valve tappet adjustment, worn or stuck cam
bottom dead center, and outboard. In some followers, or failure of the camshaft gear.
engines, it is possible to take readings at bottom Cams are likely to be damaged when a loose
dead center. In others, the connecting rod may valve tappet adjustment or a broken tappet screw
interfere, making it necessary to take the reading causes the valve to jam against the cylinder head,
as near as possible to bottom dead center without and the push rods to jam against their cams. This
having the gage come in contact with the con- will result in scoring or breaking of the cams and
necting rod. The manufacturer’s technical manual followers, as well as severe damage to the piston
for the specific engine provides information con- and the cylinder.
cerning the proper position of the crank when Valves must be timed correctly at all times,
readings are to be taken. When the gage is in its not only for the proper operation of the engine
lowest position, the dial will be upside down, but also to prevent possible damage to the engine
necessitating the use of a mirror and flashlight to parts. You should inspect frequently the valve
obtain a reading. actuating linkage during operation to determine
Once the indicator has been placed in position if it is operating properly. Such inspections should
for the first deflection reading, do NOT touch the include taking tappet clearances and adjusting,
gage until all four readings have been taken and if necessary; checking for broken, chipped, or
recorded. improperly seated valve springs; inspecting push
Variations in the readings obtained at the four rod end fittings for proper seating; and inspect-
crank positions will indicate distortion of the ing cam follower surfaces for grooves or scoring.
crank. Distortion may be caused by several fac-
tors, such as a bent crankshaft, worn bearings,
or improper engine alignment. The maximum
allowable deflection can be obtained from the
manufacturer’s technical manual. If the deflec- Engine journal bearing failure and their causes
tion exceeds the specified limit, take steps to deter- may vary to some degree, depending upon the
mine the cause of the distortion and to correct type of bearing. The following discussion of the
the trouble. causes of bearing failure applies to most
Deflection readings are also employed to bearings—main bearings as well as crank pin bear-
determine correct alignment between the engine ings. The most common journal bearing failures
and the generator, or between the engine and the may be due to one or to a combination of the
coupling. When alignment is being determined, following causes:
a set of deflection readings is usually taken at the
crank nearest to the generator or the coupling. 1. Corrosion of bearing materials caused by
In aligning an engine and generator, it may be chemical action of oxidized lubricating oils.
necessary to install new chocks between the Oxidation of oil may be minimized by changing
generator and its base to bring the deflection oil at the designated intervals, and by keeping
within the allowable value. It may also be engine temperatures within recommended limits.
necessary to shift the generator horizontally to Bearing failures due to corrosion may be identified
obtain proper alignment. When an engine and a by very small pits covering the surfaces. In most
coupling are to be aligned, the coupling must first instances, corrosion occurs over small bearings
be correctly aligned with the drive shaft; then, the areas in which high localized pressures and
engine must be properly aligned to the coupling, temperatures exist. Since the small pits caused by
rather than the coupling aligned to the engine. corrosion are so closely spaced that they form
channels, the oil film is not continuous and the
load-carrying area of the bearing is reduced below
CAMSHAFTS the point of safe operation.

In addition to the camshaft and bearing 2. Surface pitting of bearings due to high
troubles already mentioned, the cams of a localized temperatures that cause the lead to melt.


This is generally the result of very close oil loads on the main bearings because of the force
clearances and the use of an oil having a viscos- that is necessary to retain correct alignment be-
ity higher than recommended. Early stages of the tween the bearing and the journal.
loss of lead, due to melting, will be evidenced by
very small streaks of lead on the bearing surface. A bent or misaligned connecting rod can be
3. Inadequate bond between the bearing metal the cause of a ruined crank-pin bearing. Misalign-
and the bearing shell. A poor bond may be ment between the connecting rod bore and the
caused by fatigue resulting from cyclic loads, or piston pin bushing bore is indicated by the crack-
it may be the result of defective manufacturing. ing of the bearing material at the opposite ends
A failure due to inadequate bond is shown in of the upper and lower-bearing shell. An indica-
figure 3-20. In such failures, the bearing shell tion of a bent connecting rod is heavy wear or
shows through the bearing surface clearly. scoring on the piston surface.
4. Out-of-round journals due to excessive 7. Faulty installation, due to negligence or
bearing wear. As the bearings wear, excessive lack of experience. The paramount factor is
clearance is created; this leads to engine pounding, inattention to cleanliness. Hard particles lodge
oil leakage from the bearing, reduced flow of oil between the bearing shell and the connecting rod
to other bearings, and overheating, with the con- bore, and create an air space. This space retards
sequent melting of bearing material. To prevent the normal flow of heat and causes localized high
bearing wear, the journals should be checked for temperatures. Such condition may be further ag-
out-of-roundness. Manufacturers require crank gravated if the bearing surface is forced out into
pins to be reground when the out-of-roundness the oil clearance spaces and creates a high spot
exceeds a specified amount, but the amount varies in the bearing surface. The result of a bearing
with manufacturers. Always check the engine failure is illustrated in figure 3-21. Foreign par-
manual for this type of data. ticles, excessive clearance, or rough surface may
5. Rough spots. Burrs or ridges may cause cause poor contact between a bearing shell and
grooves in the bearings and lead to bearing failure. a connecting rod. Poor contact is indicated by the
Removal of rough spots is done with a fine oil formation of a gumlike deposit (sometimes re-
stone and a piece of crocus cloth. Be sure to place ferred to as lacquer or varnish) on the back of
a clean cloth beneath the journal to catch all par- the shell.
ticles. Apply a coat of clean lubricating oil to the
journal and to the bearing before a bearing is Bearing failures may result from improper fit
installed. of the shell to the connecting rod. If the locking
6. Misalignment of parts. Misalignment of the lip of a bearing does not fit properly into the recess
main bearings can be caused by a warped or bent of the bearing housing, distortion of the shell and
crankshaft. Such misalignment imposes heavy failure of the bearing results.

121.4 Figure 3-21.—Bearing failure resulting from wiping and
Figure 3-20.—Bearing failure due to inadequate bond. excessive temperatures.


Another source of trouble during installation circulation, and sufficiently low to prevent
is due to the interchanging of the upper and lower excessive oxidation of the lubricating oil. Nor-
shells. The installation of a plain upper shell in mally, the manufacturer’s technical manual
place of a lower shell, which contains an oil should be followed as to the correct lubricating
groove, completely stops the oil flow and leads oil temperature to maintain. However, if no
to early bearing failure. The resulting damage not manual is available, the temperature of the oil
only may ruin the bearing but may also extend leaving the engine should be maintained between
to other parts, such as the crankshaft connecting 160° and 200°F. When possible, oil must be
rod, piston, and wrist pin. analyzed at recommended intervals to determine
its suitability for further use. In addition, regular
8. Failure to follow recommended procedures service of oil filters and strainers must be main-
in the care of lubricating oil. Lack of proper tained, and oil samples must periodically be drawn
amount of lubricating oil will cause the from the lowest point in the sump to determine
overheating of a bearing, causing its failure (see the presence of abrasive materials or water. The
figure 3-22). In large engines, the volume of the lube oil purifier should be used in accordance with
lubricating oil passages is so great that the time required procedures. Strict adherence to recom-
required to fill them when starting an engine could mended practices will reduce the failure of bear-
be sufficient to permit damage to the bearings. ings and other parts because of the contaminated
To prevent this, separately driven lubricating oil oil or insufficient supply of clean oil.
priming pumps are installed, and by their action,
the oil is circulated to the bearings before an FRICTIONLESS BEARINGS
engine is started. Priming pumps should be
secured prior to starting the engine when the
prescribed pressure has been obtained. Figure 3-23 lists the troubles that may be
encountered with all types of (antifriction fric-
Maintenance of recommended oil pressures is tionless) bearings.
essential to ensure an adequate supply of oil at Since dirty bearings will have a very short serv-
all bearing surfaces. Refer to the oil pressure gage ice life, every possible precaution must be taken
as it is the best source of operational information to prevent the entry of foreign matter into bear-
to indicate satisfactory performance. ings. Dirt in a bearing which has been improperly
or insufficiently cleaned may be detected by noise
Use Navy-approved, low-corrosive lubricating when the bearing is rotated, by difficulty in
oils at recommended oil temperatures. Recom- rotating, or by visual inspection. Do not discard
mended temperatures have been determined by an antifriction bearing until you have definitely
extensive tests in laboratory and in service. established that something in addition to dirt has
They are sufficiently high to assure satisfactory caused the trouble. You may determine this by
properly cleaning the bearing.
Spalled or pitted rollers or races may be first
recognized by the noisy operation of the bearing.
Upon removal and after a very thorough clean-
ing, the bearing will still be noisy when rotated
by hand. (Never spin a frictionless bearing with
compressed air.) Roughness may indicate spall-
ing at one point on the raceway.
Pay particular attention to the inner surface
of the inner race, since it is here that most sur-
face disintegration first occurs. Since pits may be
covered with rust, any sign of rust on the rollers
121.6 or contact surfaces of the races is a probable
Figure 3-22.—Overheated bearing. indication that the bearing is ruined.


Brinelled bearings must not be placed back in

Trouble Causes service. Steps can be taken to prevent brinelling.
Proper maintenance will help a great deal, and
Dirty bearing Improper handling or the best insurance against brinelling caused by
Use of dirty or improper
vibration is to rotate the shafts supported by the
lubricant frictionless bearings at regular intervals (at least
Failure to clean housing once a day) during periods of idleness. These
Poor condition of seal actions will prevent the rollers from resting too
long upon the same portion of the races.
Spalled or pitted Dirt in bearing Separator failure may become apparent by
rollers or races Water in bearing noisy operation. Inspection of the bearings may
Improper adjustment of reveal loose rivets, failure of a spot weld, or crack-
tapered roller bearings ing and distortion of the separator. Failure of
Bearing misaligned or off separators can usually be avoided if proper
square installation and removal procedure are followed,
and steps are taken to exclude the entry of dirt.
Dented (brinelled) Improper installation or
Abrasion (scoring, wiping, burnishing) on the
Vibration while bearing is external surface of a race indicates that relative
inoperative motion has occurred between the race and the
bearing housing or shaft surface. The race adja-
Failed separator Initial damage during in- cent to the stationary member is usually made a
stallation or removal push fit so that some creep will occur. Creep is
Dirt in the bearing a very gradual rotation of the race. This extremely
slow rotation is desirable as it prevents repeated
Races abraded on Locked bearing stressing of the same portion of the stationary
external surfaces Improper fit of races race. Wear resulting from the proper creep is
negligible and no damaging abrasion occurs.
Cracked race Improper installation or
removal (cocking)
However, abrasion caused by locked bearings or
the improper fit of the races must be prevented.
Excessive Abrasives in lubricant Cracked races will usually be recognized by
looseness a definite thump or clicking noise in the bearing
during operation. Cleaning and inspection is the
best means of determining if cracks exist. Cracks
Figure 3-23.—Antifriction bearing troubles and their causes. usually form parallel to the axis of the race. The
cracking of bearing races seldom occurs if
proper installation and removal procedures are
Brinelled or dented races are most easily followed.
recognized by inspection after a thorough clean- Excessive looseness may occur on rare occa-
ing. Brinelling receives its name from its similarity sions even though no surface disintegration is
to the Brinnell hardness test, in which a hardened apparent. Since many frictionless bearings appear
ball is pressed into the material. The diameter of to be loose, even when new, looseness is not
the indentation is used to indicate the hardness always a sign of wear. The best check for excessive
of the material. Bearing races may be brinelled looseness is to compare the suspected bearing with
by excessive and undue pressures during installa- a new one.
tion or removal, or by vibration from other Wear of bearings, which cause looseness
machinery while the bearing is inoperative. If without apparent surface disintegration, is
heavy shafts supported by frictionless bearings are generally caused by the presence of fine abrasives
allowed to stand motionless for a long time, and in the lubricant. Taking steps to exclude abrasives
if the equipment is subject to considerable vibra- and keeping lubricating oil filters and strainers in
tion, brinelling may occur. This is due to the peen- good condition is the best way to prevent this type
ing action of the rollers or balls on the races. of trouble.


Most of the troubles listed in figure 3-23

require the replacement of an antifriction bear-
ing. The cause of damage must be determined and
eliminated so that similar damage to the replace-
ment bearing may be prevented.
Dirty bearings may be made serviceable with
a proper cleaning, providing other damage does
not exist. In some cases, races abraded on the
external surfaces can be made serviceable, but it
is generally advisable to replace abraded bearings.
Dirty frictionless bearings must be thoroughly
cleaned before being rotated or inspected.


Auxiliary drive mechanisms are used in inter-

nal combustion engines to maintain a fixed and
definite relationship between the rotation of the
crankshaft and the camshaft. This is necessary in
order that the sequence of events necessary for
the correct operation of the engine may be car-
ried out in perfect unison. Timing and the rota-
tion of various auxiliaries (blowers, governor, fuel
and lubricating oil pumps, circulating water
pumps, overspeed trips, etc.) are accomplished by
a gear or chain drive mechanism from the
crankshaft. (Some small engine auxiliaries may
be belt-driven.) 121.8
Figure 3-24.—Relative arrangement of the gears in an auxili-
ary drive mechanism.

The principal type of power transmission for 3-24.) Most gears are made of steel, although cast
timing and accessory drives in most diesel engines iron, bronze, or fiber are sometimes used.
is a system of gears similar to those shown in The timing gear train shown in figure 3-24 is
figure 3-24. In some of the larger engines, there used on some two-stroke cycle diesel engines. The
may be two separate gear trains, one for driving camshafts rotate at the same speed as the
the camshaft and the other for driving certain crankshaft. Note that two idler gears are necessary
accessories. to transfer crankshaft rotation to the camshaft
The type of gear employed for a particular gears. The idler gears are used because the cam-
drive depends upon the function it is to perform. shafts and crankshaft are displaced a considerable
Most gear trains use single helical spur gears, while distance. If idler gears were not used, the
governor drives are usually of the bevel type; crankshaft and camshaft gears would have to be
reverse and reduction gear units employ double considerably larger.
helical gears to balance fore and aft components A similar timing gear train may be found in
of tooth pressure. some four-stroke cycle engines, except that the
Small gears are usually made from a single camshaft gear or gears will have twice as many
forging, while larger ones are quite often built up teeth as the crankshaft gear to permit the cam-
in split sections. (See the crankshaft gear in figure shaft to rotate at one-half the crankshaft speed.


A different type of drive gear mechanism is follow the instructions given in the manufacturer’s
used for a four-stroke cycle, V-type gasoline technical manual.
engine. The camshaft gears are driven through a
train of bevel gears from the crankshaft. This ar- Maintenance and repair of gear trains involve
rangement serves to drive not only the camshaft a thorough check (for scoring, wearing, pitting,
but also other accessories, such as a magneto, or etc.) of the gear shafts, bushings and bearings,
distributor, a fuel pump, and a tachometer. An and gear teeth during each periodic inspection.
additional gear, called the oil and freshwater Be sure that the oil passages are clear, and that
pump drive gear, meshes with the crankshaft gear. the woodruff keys, dowel pins, and other lock-
ing devices are secured to a tight fit in order to
The causes of gear failure (improper lubrica- prevent longitudinal gear movement. It is essen-
tion, corrosion, misalignment of parts, torsional tial that all broken or chipped parts be removed
vibration, excessive backlash, wiped gear bearings from the lubrication system before new gears are
and bushing, metal obstructions, and improper installed.
manufacturing procedures) are basically the same
as the causes of similar troubles in other engine An engine must not be barred over while the
parts. The best method of prevention is to adhere camshaft actuating gears are removed from the
to the prescribed maintenance procedures and train. Should the engine be barred over, there is

Figure 3-25.—Checking clearance of positive displacement blower lobes.


danger that the piston will strike valves that may

be open and extending into the cylinder. Make
certain that any gears removed are replaced in the
original position. Special punch marks, or
numbers (figure 3-24), are usually found on gear
teeth that should mate. If they are not present,
make identifying marks to facilitate the correct
mating of the gears later.
Bearing, bushing, and gear clearances must be
properly maintained. If bushing clearances exceed
the allowable value, the bushings must be re-
newed. The allowable values for backlash and
bushing clearances should be obtained from the
instruction manual for the engine involved.
Usually, a broken or chipped gear must be Figure 3-26.—Checking the backlash of blower rotor gears.
replaced. Care should be exercised in determin-
ing whether a pitted gear should be replaced.
The minimum clearance is found in a similar
manner except that rotor lobes are held in such
BLOWER ROTOR GEARS a position as to take up all slack and backlash.
The difference of the two clearance readings is
One of the most important parts of a root type the value of the backlash of the rotor lobes. Since
blower is the set of gears that drive and syn- a change in lobe clearance is normally caused by
chronize the two rotors. Satisfactory operation wear of the gears, the gear clearance must be
depends on the condition of these gears. checked. The most direct method for checking
Worn gears are found by measuring the gear clearance is by the use of feeler gages. (See
backlash of the gear set. Gears with a greater figure 3-26.)
backlash than specified in the applicable technical Any gear set which has excessive lash or shows
manual are considered to be excessively worn and, any sign of fracture must be replaced with a new
if not replaced, will eventually cause extensive set. Since blower drive gears come in matched sets,
damage to the entire blower assembly. gears from different sets must not be
A certain amount of gear wear is to be interchanged.
expected, but scored and otherwise damaged rotor
lobes resulting from excessively worn gears are CHAIN MECHANISMS
inexcusable. It is the duty of the engineering force
to inspect the gears and lobes, and to measure the In some engines, chains are not only used to
clearance at frequent intervals. During the inspec- drive camshafts and auxiliaries but also to drive
tion, it will be possible to measure accurately the such parts as rotating supercharger valves. Con-
values of backlash. These values should be re- necting links for two types of chains are shown
corded. By observing the rate of increase of wear, in figure 3-27. Note that the connecting pins in
it will be possible to estimate the life of the gears one are secured by cotter pins, while the joint pins
and to determine when it will be necessary to shown in the other are riveted.
replace them. The principal causes of drive chain failure are
Lobe clearance can be found by determining improper chain tension, lack of lubrication,
the difference of the maximum and minimum sheared cotter pins or improperly riveted joint
rotor lobe clearance at the same distance from the pins, and misalignment of parts, especially idler
center. To find the maximum clearance, hold the gears.
rotors so that there is maximum clearance between Chain drives should be checked for any symp-
the two rotor lobes. Then, with feeler gages deter- toms of such difficulties, in accordance with the
mine the value of the rotor lobe clearance. (See instructions in the appropriate engine manual. The
figure 3-25.) tension should be adjusted as required during



Figure 3-27.—Accessory drive chain link assemblies.

these inspections. An idler sprocket and chain

tightener are used on most engines to adjust chain
tension. During operation, chains increase slightly
in length because of stretch and wear. Ad-
justments should be made for these increases
whenever necessary.
When you are installing a new chain, peen the
connecting link pins into place, but avoid excessive
peening. After peening, make sure the links move
freely without binding in position. Cotter pins
must be secured or the joint pin ends riveted,
whichever is applicable. Repair links should be
carried at all times. Always check engine timing
after installing a new timing and accessory drive


The turbochargers used in the Navy today may

operate with temperatures as high as 1200 °F and


speeds up to 75,000 rpm. Therefore, it is of shrill high pitch whine, shut down the engine at
utmost importance that turbochargers be main- once. The whine may be caused by a failing
tained in proper working order at all times. If a bearing, and serious damage may result. Do not
turbocharger is allowed to operate without confuse the whine heard as the turbine runs down
lubrication, cooling, or the proper clearances, it with that of a bad bearing.
not only could be completely destroyed in a
matter of minutes but also could possibly cause
extensive damage to other machinery and Noise from the turbocharger may also be
personnel. caused by improper clearances between the
All oil lines and air duct connections should turbine wheel and the turbine housing. The
be inspected and free of leakage. The air filter clearances should be checked at predetermined in-
should be clean and in place and there should be tervals in accordance with the PMS. Check
no build-up of dust or dirt on the impeller. Turn bearing axial end play and shaft radial movement.
the impeller by hand and check for binding or rub- Crankcase vents should not be directed towards
bing and listen for any unusual noises. the turbocharger air intakes, as the corrosive gases
When the turbocharger is operating, listen for may cause pitting of the blades and bearings,
any unusual noise or vibrations. If you hear a thereby reducing the life of the turbocharger.



This chapter contains information on the Lubrication of Gears and Bearings
operation, care and maintenance of reduction
gears and related equipment found on Navy ships. The correct quantity and quality of lubricating
All EN1s and ENCs must be familiar with the oil must be available at all times in the main sump.
design and construction details of naval reduction This oil must be clean and it must be supplied to
gears and related equipment. When more detailed the gears and bearings at the pressure specified
information is needed, refer to the manufacturer’s by the manufacturer. In order to supply the
technical manual. proper quantity of oil, several conditions must be
met. The lubricating oil pump must deliver the
proper discharge pressure, and all relief valves in
REDUCTION GEARS the lubricating system must be set to function at
their designed pressure. Too small a quantity of
oil will cause the bearing to run hot. On the other
The main reduction gears are the largest hand if too much oil is delivered to the bearing,
and most expensive single units of machinery the excessive pressure will cause the oil to leak at
found in the engineering department. When the the seal rings, and may also cause the bearing to
main reduction gears are installed properly and overheat.
are operated properly they give years of satisfac-
tory service. However, when casualties occur to Lubricating oil must reach the bearing at the
the main reduction gears they put any ship out proper temperature. If the oil is too cold, there
of operation or force it to operate at reduced will be insufficient oil flow. If the oil supply is
speed. Main reduction gear repairs are very too hot, some lubricating capacity is lost. For
costly. Usually they must be accomplished by a most main reduction gears, the normal
shipyard. temperature of oil leaving the lube oil cooler
should be between 120°F and 130°F. For full
power operation, the temperature of the oil leav-
FACTORS AFFECTING GEAR ing the bearings should be between 140°F and
OPERATION 160°F. The maximum temperature rise of oil
passing through any gear or bearing, under any
operating condition, should not exceed 50°F, and
Proper lubrication is essential for the efficient the final temperature of the oil leaving the gear
operation of reduction gears. This includes or bearing should not exceed 180°F. Temperature
supplying the proper amount of oil to the gears rise and limit may be monitored by a thermometer
and bearings, and keeping the oil clean and at or by a resistance temperature element installed
the proper temperature. All abnormal noises and where the oil is discharged from the bearings.
vibrations must be investigated and corrective
action must be taken immediately. Gears and Cleanliness of lubricating oil cannot be
bearings must be inspected in accordance with cur- overstressed. The oil must be free from such
rent instructions issued by NAVSEA, the type impurities as water, grit, metal, and dirt. Par-
commander, or other proper authority. ticular care must be taken to remove metal flakes


and dirt when new gears or bearings are wearing oil and that of the reduction gear casing approxi-
in or after they have been opened for inspection. mate the engineroom temperature. While the oil
Lint or dirt, if left in the system, may clog the is being circulated, the cooler should be operated
oil spray nozzles. The spray nozzle passages must and the gear should be jacked continuously. The
be open at all times. Spray nozzles should not be purifier should also be operated to renovate the
altered without proper authorization. oil while the oil is being circulated and after the
oil circulation is stopped until water is no longer
Although the lubricating oil strainers perform discharged from the purifier. This procedure
satisfactorily under normal operating conditions,
eliminates condensation from the interior of the
they cannot trap particles of metal and dirt which main reduction gear casing and reduces rusting
are fine enough to pass through the mesh. These
in the upper gear case and gears.
fine particles can become embedded in the bear-
Generally, lubricating oil will be maintained
ing metal and cause wear on the bearings and in good condition if proper use is made of the
journals. These fine abrasive particles passing purifier and settling tanks. However, if the
through the gear teeth act like a lapping com- purifier does not operate satisfactorily and does
pound and remove metal from the teeth. not have the correct water seal, it will not separate
the water from the oil. You can check for the
EFFECTS OF WATER AND ACID IN presence of water by taking small samples of oil
OIL.—Water in the oil is extremely harmful. Even in bottles, and allowing the samples to settle.
small amounts soon cause pitting and corrosion
These samples should be taken from a low point
of the teeth. Acid can cause even more serious
in the lube oil system.
problems. The oil must be tested frequently for Samples of lubricating oil should be tested at
water, and periodic tests should be made for acid
every opportunity for acid, water, and sediment
content. Immediate corrective measures must be content at a naval shipyard (or other similar
taken when saltwater is found in the reduction
gear lubricating oil system. activity). With continuous use, lube oil increases
in acidity, and free fatty acids form a mineral soap
Occasionally gross contamination of the oil which reacts with the oil to form an emulsion. As
by saltwater occurs when a cooler leaks or when the oil emulsifies, it loses its lubricating quality.
leaks develop in a sump. The immediate location Once the oil has emulsified, the removal of water
and sealing of the leak is not enough. Additional and other impurities becomes increasingly dif-
steps must be taken to remove the contaminated ficult. When the formation of a proper oil film
oil from all steel parts. Several instances are is rendered impossible, the oil must be renovated.
known when, because such treatment was Sometimes, when a ship from the reserve fleet
postponed—sometimes for a week or less—gears, is placed back in commission, the rust preventive
journals, and couplings became so badly corroded compound is not removed completely. The residue
and pitted that it was necessary to remove the of this compound may cause serious emulsifica-
gears and recondition the teeth and journals. tion of the lubricating oil. Operating with
Saltwater contamination of the lubricating oil may emulsified oil may result in damage to the bear-
also cause bearing burnout. ings or the reduction gears. Since it is extremely
difficult aboard ship to destroy emulsions by
Water, in small amounts, is always present heating, settling, and centrifuging, you must make
within the lubrication system as a result of con- sure that emulsions do not occur. At the first
densation. Air which enters the units contains indication of an emulsion, the plant should be
moisture. This moisture condenses into water
stopped and the oil renovated.
when it strikes a cooler surface and subsequently
mixes with the oil. The water displaces the oil
from the metal surfaces and causes rusting. Water LEVEL.—It is of extreme importance that the
mixed with oil also reduces the lubricating value
quantity of oil in the sump be maintained within
of the oil itself. the prescribed maximum and minimum levels.
When the main engines are secured, the oil Too much oil as well as too little oil in the sump
should be circulated until the temperature of the can lead to trouble. If the oil level is above the


prescribed maximum and the bull gear runs in the and under close observation by experienced per-
oil, the oil foams and heats as a result of the sonnel. A more thorough investigation should be
“churning” action. If the oil level is below the made, as soon as practicable, to determine the
prescribed minimum, it may lead to a low lube cause of the unusual noise. Upon discovery of the
oil casualty such as a damaged bearing or gears. trouble, appropriate action should be taken to
In gear installations where the sump tank remedy the condition.
extends’up around the bull gear, and the normal
oil level is above the bottom of the gear, an oil-
excluding pan (sheet metal shield) is fitted under Vibration
the lower part of the gear to prevent its running
in the sump oil. Under normal conditions, the bull If the main reduction gear begins to vibrate,
gear comes in contact with only a small quantity a complete investigation should be made,
of oil. The oil which tends to fill the pan is swept preferably by a naval shipyard. Vibrations may
out by the gear and is drained back to the sump. be caused by bent shafts, damaged propellers,
When there is too much oil in the sump, the misalignment between prime mover and gear, a
engines must be slowed or stopped until the worn out bearing, or coupling, or an improper
excess oil can be removed and normal conditions balance in the gear train. When these units are
restored. Routine checks should be made to see built, the gear wheels are carefully balanced (both
that the lubricating oil is maintained at the statically and dynamically). Later any unbalance
proper level. Any sudden loss or gain in the in the gears is manifested either by unusual vibra-
amount of oil should immediately be investigated. tion and noise, or by unusual wear of the bearings.
When a ship has been damaged, vibration of
Unusual Noises the main reduction gear may result from misalign-
ment of the engine and the main shafting as well
as from misalignment of the engine and the main
A properly operating gear has a definite sound gear foundation.
which the experienced engine operator can easily When the vibration occurs within the main
recognize. The operator should be familiar with reduction gear, trouble or damage to the propeller
the sounds of the gears aboard the ship during should be one of the first things to consider. The
normal operation and at different speeds and vulnerable position of propellers makes them
under various operating conditions. more liable to damage than any other part of the
Often the readings of lube oil pressures and main plant. Bent or broken propeller blading and
temperatures may help in determining the propellers fouled with line and steel cable may
reason(s) for abnormal sounds. A burned-out transmit vibration to the main reduction gear.
pinion bearing or main thrust bearing may be in-
dicated by a rapid rise in oil temperature for the MAINTENANCE OF
individual bearing. A noise may indicate misalign-
ment, improper meshing of the gear teeth, or gear REDUCTION GEARS
tooth damage.
When there is either a burned-out bearing or Under normal conditions, all repairs and
trouble with the gear teeth, the main propeller major maintenance on main reduction gears
shaft should immediately be stopped, locked, and should be accomplished by a naval shipyard.
inspected to determine the cause of the abnormal However, when the services of a shipyard are not
sound or noise. The trouble should be remedied available, emergency repairs should be ac-
before the reduction gear is placed back in complished (where possible) either by a repair ship
operation. or at an advanced base. Minor inspections, tests,
In some cases, conditions of a minor nature and repairs should be accomplished by the ship’s
may cause unusual noises in a reduction gear force.
which is otherwise operating satisfactorily. When It is of utmost importance that the ship retain
an investigation reveals the cause of the noise to a complete record of the reduction gears from the
be minor, the gear should be operated cautiously time of commissioning. Complete installation


data, furnished by the contractor, should be

entered in prescribed records by the ship’s
engineering personnel when the ship is at the con-
tractor’s yard. They should include the crown
thickness readings and the clearances of the
original bearings, the thrust settings and
clearances, and the backlash and root clearances
for gear and pinion teeth. It is essential to have
this information available at the time when the
alignment must be checked.
All repairs, adjustments, readings, and
casualties should be reported in accordance with
3-M system procedures. All original bearing data,
as well as all additional bearing measurements,
should be entered in appropriate records.
The manufacturer’s technical manual, which
gives detailed information regarding repairs to be
made to reduction gears, is furnished to each ship.
Special tools and equipment are normally pro-
vided on board ship for (1) lifting some reduc-
tion gear covers, (2) handling the gear elements
when removing or replacing their bearings, (3)
making the required measurements, and (4) rebab- Figure 4-1.—Scribe lines used in measuring the crown
thickness of reduction gear bearings.
bitting bearings.
These special tools and equipment should be
available aboard ship in case repairs have to be bearings are given in the manufacturer’s technical
made by repair ships or at advanced bases. Bridge manual. These clearances are also shown on the
gages are no longer used to check bearing wear blueprints for the main reduction gears.
of the main reduction gears. When bearing wear
must be checked, the crown thickness method is On a multishaft ship, if a main reduction gear
used. bearing is wiped, the preferred procedure (if prac-
ticable) is to secure the shaft and the reduction
A bearing shell consists of a pressure-bearing
half and a nonpressure-bearing half. The gear until the units can be inspected and repaired
nonpressure-bearing half has a radial scribe line by a repair activity.
at one end of the geometric center. The pressure- A glance at figure 4-2 will indicate why the
bearing half of every main reduction gear shell replacement of a bearing in a main reduction gear
has three radial scribe lines on each end of the would be a major undertaking for the ship’s force.
bearing shell (figure 4-1). As you can see one of However, emergency conditions may require
these scribe lines is located at the geometric center action by the ship’s force. When such action is
of the shell and the remaining lines intersect the to be taken, a number of factors must be taken
center scribe line at a 45° angle. into consideration before repairs are attempted.
The crown thickness of each shell at these The first factor to consider would be whether
points should be measured with a micrometer at or not to attempt the repair work.
a prescribed distance from the end of the shell. The EN1 or the ENC must study the manufac-
These measurements should be recorded during turer’s instructions and the blueprints for the
the initial alignment and should be permanently reduction gear, so as to have a clear understanding
marked adjacent to each scribe line. of the constructions details and the repair pro-
The amount of bearing clearance should not cedures and to be able to decide whether or not
be allowed to become too great to cause incor- the work should be done by the ship’s force. Other
rect tooth contact. The designed clearances for factors which must be considered are the location


Figure 4-2.—Starboard gear unit with cover removed—view from aft and inboard.

of the ship, the availability of Navy repair ac- bearing. Then, with the aid of a special jack, roll
tivities, and the operational schedule of the ship. out the lower half of the bearing. The function
of the jack is to relieve the weight from the lower
CAUTION: No portion of the gear casing or half of the bearing and to properly support the
its access openings, plugs, piping, or attached fix- rotating elements when the journal bearings are
tures shall be dismantled or removed without the removed.
specific authorization of the ship’s engineer The journal surface of the shaft and all oil
officer. passages (nozzles) should be carefully inspected
and cleaned. The new bearing to be used to replace
Refer to the gear shown in figure 4-2 during the wiped one should also be cleaned and
the following discussion. Assume that the after inspected. Its crown thickness, as measured at the
bearing for the inboard pinion has been wiped factory, is stamped on the new bearing. The
because of an obstructed oil passageway. measurements of the new bearing should be com-
pared with those of the original bearing and with
When making repairs to this unit, ensure the the specifications in the manufacturer’s
propeller shaft is locked rigid and the lubricating instructions.
oil is pumped from the sump BEFORE the bear- After ensuring that the new bearing is well
ing cap is disturbed. For the physical security of oiled, the lower half of the bearing can be rolled
main reduction gears refer to Naval Ship’s into place and the jack removed. Then the upper
Technical Manual chapter 9420 and current ships half is placed in position. Be sure that the bear-
instructions. After removing the bearing cap, ing and its dowel are in the required position,
remove and inspect the upper half of the and in accordance with the manufacturer’s


instructions. Afterwards, the bearing cap can be The designed center-to-center distance of the
lowered into position and securely bolted down. axes of the rotating elements should be maintained
It is possible that the forward bearing for the as accurate as practicable. In all cases the axes
inboard pinion is also damaged as a result of of pinions and gear shafts must be parallel. Non-
excessive wear. When one pinion bearing fails, parallel shafts concentrate the load in one end of
that end of the shaft will tend to move away from a helix. This situation may cause flaking, galling,
the bull gear; consequently, an abnormal load will pitting, featheredge on teeth, deformation of
be placed on the other pinion bearing. For this tooth contour, or breakage of tooth ends.
reason, the other pinion bearing should also be The designed TOOTH CONTOUR must also
opened and inspected, and checked with a be maintained. If the contour is destroyed, a rub-
micrometer, using the crown thickness method. bing contact will occur with consequent danger
All readings should compare with the readings of abrasion.
listed in the manufacturer’s instructions. If ex- If proper tooth contact is obtained when the
cessive wear is indicated, the bearing should be gears are installed, there will not be much trou-
replaced with a new one. If no wear of the ble as far as the WEAR OF TEETH is concerned.
opposite pinion bearing is indicated, then the for- Excessive wear cannot take place unless there is
ward bearing can be reassembled. metallic contact, and metallic contact will not
The condition of the bearings depends a great occur if adequate lubrication is provided. An ade-
deal upon the type of casualty that has occurred. quate supply of lubricating oil at all times,
When the casualty is due to a loss of lubricating proper cleanliness, and inspection for scores will
oil, the pinion bearings must be checked first. If prevent the wearing of teeth.
these bearings are in good condition, it may be If, after all precautions have been taken, the
assumed that the bull gear shaft bearings are also lubricating oil supply should fail and the TEETH
in satisfactory condition. However, after a bear- DO BECOME SCORED, the gears must be
ing casualty has been corrected, a close watch thoroughly overhauled by a naval shipyard, as
should be maintained on all bearings. soon as possible.
Remember that when the reduction gear is During the first few months that reduction
opened, every precaution should be taken to keep gears are in service, PITTING may occur, par-
out dirt and foreign matter and that the repair ticularly along the pitch line. Although slight pit-
personnel should remove all loose articles from ting does not affect the operation of the gears,
their clothing. Again, before closing the reduc- care must be taken to see that no flakes of metal
tion gear, a careful inspection should be made to are allowed to remain in the oiling system.
see that the inside of the gear is free of all dirt, Play between the surfaces of the teeth in mesh
foreign matter, and misplaced tools. on the pitch circle is known as BACKLASH. It
increases as the teeth wear out. However, backlash
can increase considerably without causing any
Gear Teeth trouble.

New gears or gears which have been realigned ROOT CLEARANCE.—The designed root
should be given a wearing-in run at low power clearance with gear and pinion operating on their
before being subjected to the maximum tooth designed centers can be obtained from the
pressure of full power. manufacturer’s drawing or blueprint. The actual
For the proper operation of the gears, it is clearance can be found by taking leads or by
essential that the tooth contact (or total tooth inserting a long feeler gage or a wedge gage. This
pressure) be uniformly distributed over the total clearance should check with the designed
area of the tooth faces. This is accomplished by clearances. When the root clearance is con-
accurate alignment and adherence to designed siderably different at the two ends, the pinion and
clearances. Gear tooth contact is verified by the gear shaft are not parallel. Some tolerance is per-
application of Dkem to the gear teeth and by jack- mitted, provided that there is still sufficient
ing the gears. Then the gears are inspected to backlash and that the teeth are not meshed so
check for the Dkem impressions. closely that lubrication is adversely affected.


ALIGNMENT OF GEAR TEETH.—When Remember that the stoning of gears is useful

the gear and the pinion are parallel (axes of the only to remove a local hump or deformation, not
two shafts are in the same plane and equally dis- to remove deep pitting or galling.
tant from each other), the gear train is aligned.
In service the best indication of proper alignment
is good tooth contact and quiet operation. Main Thrust Bearings
The length of tooth contact across the face of
the pinions and gears is the criterion for satisfac- A ship is moved through the water by an ax-
tory alignment of reduction gears. To static check ial thrust that is developed by the propeller and
the length of tooth contact, coat about 5 to 10 transmitted to the ship’s structure. This axial
teeth with either Prussian blue or red lead, then thrust is transmitted by the shaft through a thrust
roll the gears together with sufficient torque to bearing which is located either at the forward end
cause contact between the meshing teeth and force or at the after end of the main reduction bull gear
the journals into the ahead reaction position in or in the propeller line shafting aft of the gear.
their bearings. After you determine the tooth con- Pivoted-segmental shoe bearings (Kingsbury type)
tact, remove all the coating to prevent possible utilize a wedge-shaped film of oil in their opera-
contamination of the lubricating oil. If tooth con- tion. The source of lubricating oil for thrust bear-
tact is to be checked under operating conditions, ings depends on the location of the bearings. In
coat the teeth with red or blue Dyken or with cop- some installations oil is provided by the same
per sulphate. system which furnishes oil to the reduction gears.
In other installations, a separate lubricating
SPOTTING GEAR TEETH.—All abnormal system is provided.
conditions which may be revealed by operational Kingsbury-type thrust bearings consist of a
sounds or by inspections should be corrected as collar mounted on the shaft and revolving between
soon as possible. Rough gear teeth surfaces, one or more sets of babbitt-faced segmental shoes.
resulting from the passage of foreign objects The backs of these shoes rest against round
through the teeth, should be stoned smooth. If hardened steel pivots which permit the shoes to
the deterioration of a tooth surface cannot be assume a tilt and change their angle with respect
traced directly to a foreign object, give special at- to the shaft collar. Bearings in which the thrust
tention to lubrication and to the condition of the is always exerted in the same direction are
bearings. Also consider the possibility that a equipped with shoes on one side only, but since
change in the supporting structure may have provision must be made in most marine applica-
disturbed the parallelism of the rotors. tions for thrust in two directions, it is more com-
mon to find shoes on each side of the collar. The
Spotting reduction gear teeth is done first by shoes are free to adjust themselves at an angle to
coating the teeth with Prussian blue and then by the collar. Rotation of the shaft collar drags a film
jacking the gear in its ahead direction of rotation. of oil into the space between the shoes and the
As the gear teeth come in contact with the collar, and as the oil film forms, the shoes adjust
marked pinion teeth, an impression is left on the themselves to the angle most efficient for the load
high part of each gear tooth. Rotate the gear conditions and the oil viscosity.
about 1/4 of a turn to a convenient position for Additional information on Kingsbury-type
stoning. Then remove all the high spots indicated thrust bearings and other types of bearings is pro-
by the marking with a small handstone. Normally, vided in the NAVSHIPS Technical Manual,
it will be necessary to replace the bluing on the chapter 243. Detailed information on allowable
pinion teeth repeatedly, since if the bluing is tolerances and procedures for taking thrust bear-
applied too heavily you may obtain false impres- ing readings can be obtained from the manufac-
sions on the gear teeth. turer’s technical manual.
A satisfactory tooth contact is obtained when End play checking of a Kingsbury thrust bear-
at least 80% of the axial length of the working ing must always be done with the upper half of
face of each tooth is in contact and distributed the housing solidly bolted down, otherwise the
over approximately 100% of the face width. base rings may tilt and provide a false reading.


Keep a record of the end play measurements MAIN PROPULSION SHAFT

and refer to them when checking the main thrust BEARINGS
bearing. The normal wear of a pivoted shoe-type
thrust bearing is negligible even with years of use. You will be required to watch and maintain
However, when a thrust bearing is new, there may the main propeller shaft bearings. These bearings
be slight settling of the leveling plates. If you support and hold the propulsion shafting in align-
notice any increase in the end play, examine the ment. They are divided into two general groups:
thrust shoe surfaces, and make all necessary the main line shaft bearings (spring bearings), and
repairs. the stern tube and strut bearings.
In most cases, the main thrust bearing cap
must be removed for inspection. The opening is MAIN LINE SHAFT BEARINGS
of such size that it will permit the withdrawal of (SPRING BEARINGS)
the pair of ahead and astern thrust shoes located
in line with it. The main line shaft bearings (spring bearings)
are of the ring-oiled, babbitt-faced, spherical seat,
CHECKING END PLAY WHILE shell type. These bearings (figure 4-3) are designed
RUNNING THE SHAFT.—The simplest method primarily to align themselves to support the weight
of checking end play is to use a suitable measur- of the shafting. In many of the older, low-
ing instrument on any accessible part of the powered ships, the bearings are not of the self-
propeller shaft while running the shaft slowly aligning type and consist only of bottom halves.
ahead and astern. This is normally done at the The upper half of each assembly consists only of
end of a run when the ship is maneuvering to ap- a cap or cover (not in contact with the shaft)
proach the pier before the machinery and shaft designed to protect the shaft journal from dirt.
are cold. Although the speeds should be slow to The spring bearings of all modern naval ships,
avoid adding deflections of bearing parts and however, are provided with both upper and lower
housing to the actual end play, these speeds should self-aligning bearing halves.
be sufficient to overcome the rake of the shaft The brass oiler rings (figure 4-3) hang loosely
and to ensure that the full end play is actually over the shaft journal and the lower bearing half,
taken up. and are slowly drag fed around by the rotation
of the shaft. The upper half of the bearing is
End play is measured with a dial indicator
mounted on a rigid support close to any con-
venient coupling flange. Occasionally a shaft may
have a shoulder turned on it for the sole purpose
of applying a dial indicator. Make sure that the
flange surface is free from paint, burrs, and rust
spots. The flange surface should also be well
oiled in order to prevent damage to the dial


it is not feasible to measure the end play of a shaft
while running, your next choice is to jack the shaft
fore and aft at some convenient main shaft flange.
Use a dial indicator make certain that the shaft
movement is free, and guard against overdoing
the jacking force. The main difficulty associated
with the use of the jacking methods is in finding
suitable supports to ensure that no structural
damage will be incurred when jacking is done
against a main shaft flange coupling. Figure 4-3.—Main line shaft bearing.


grooved to accommodate the rings. As they glide is supported in the stern tube by two bearings—
through the reservoir of oil at the bottom, the one at the inner end and one at the outer end of
rings carry some of the oil along to the top of the the stern tube—called stern tube bearings. At the
shaft journal. inner end of the stern tube there is a stuffing box
On some steam driven ships, the most recent containing the packing gland (figure 4-4), which
line shaft bearing design employs oiler discs is generally referred to as the stern tube gland.
instead of oiler rings for lubrication. At very low The stern tube gland seals the area between the
speeds (i.e., when the shaft is jacked for 24 hours shaft and stern tube but allows the shaft to rotate.
while the turbines are cooling), the oil rings tend The stuffing box is flanged and bolted to the
to slip and lubrication is sometimes inadequate. stern tube. Its casing is divided into two
The oiler discs are clamped to propulsion shaft compartments—the forward space which is the
and have cavities at the periphery which carry oil stuffing box proper, and the after space, provided
to the top of the bearing regardless of the shaft with a flushing connection, designed to maintain
speed. a positive flow of water through the stern tube
Spring bearing temperatures and oil levels for lubricating, cooling, and flushing. This
should be checked hourly while underway. At flushing connection is supplied by the firemain.
least once each year, the bearings should be A DRAIN CONNECTION is provided both for
inspected, clearances taken, and any defects testing for the presence of cooling water in the
corrected. bearing and for permitting sea water to flow
through the stern tube and cool the bearing when
STERN TUBE AND STERN underway, where natural seawater circulation is
The gland for the stuffing box is divided
The hole in the hull structure for accom- longitudinally into two parts. The gland bolts are
modating the propeller shaft to the outside of the long enough to support the gland when the latter
hull is called the stern tube. The propeller shaft is withdrawn at least 1 inch clear of the stuffing

Figure 4-4.—Stern tube stuffing box and gland.


Figure 4-5.—Details of underwater strut bearing. A. Longitudinal view. B. Cross-sectional view. C. Rubber stripping in the

box. This permits the addition of a ring of new Both face seals are on a plane perpendicular to
packing, when needed, while the ship is water- the shafting, against a gland ring for rubber face
borne. Either braided flax packing or special seal or against a seal ring for a mechanical face
semimetallic packing must be used (ship’s seal. Further, most face seals require seawater for
engineering drawings show the proper type of both cooling and lubrication.
packing). This gland is usually tightened to The rubber face consists of a rubber element
eliminate leakage when the ship is in port, and that is clamped around the shaft just tightly
is loosened (prior to warming up) just enough to enough to prevent rotational slippage and leakage
permit a slight trickle of water for cooling pur- underneath the seal, while at the same time, the
poses when the ship is underway. seal is able to travel axially along the shaft. This
More recent shaft seal designs utilize packing axial motion is necessary so that the seal can main-
only for emergencies. These newer seals are of two tain its position against the gland ring regardless
types; rubber face seals and mechanical face seals. of shaft position.


The mechanical face seal is a ring made of consisting of layers of cotton fabric impregnated
either a hard synthetic or a carbon compound. and bonded with phenolic resin. Strips of this
This ring is held tightly against the seal ring by material, as shown in view C of figure 4-5, are
springs mounted behind it. fitted inside the bearing. A rubber composition
is the type most used in modern installations.
NOTE: More information on face-type seals
is available in manufactures technical manuals— CONTROLLABLE PITCH PROPELLERS
(Crane Co., “Surface Ship, Seal Inc.“,
“Submarine”). This section will describe the major com-
ponents and the principles of operation of the con-
STRUT BEARINGS trollable reversible pitch (CRP) propeller (a part
of the main propulsion system).
The strut bearings, like the stern tube bear-
ings, are equipped with composition bushings COMPONENTS OF THE CRP
which are split longitudinally into two halves. The PROPELLER
outer surface of the bushing is machined with Most ships that use CRP propellers use two
steps to bear on matching landings in the bore of independent units with their associated
the strut. mechanical, hydraulic, and electronic pitch con-
Since it is usually impracticable to use oil or trol mechanisms, plus all the required valves and
grease as a lubricant for underwater bearings, seals. Some type ships require tubing and passages
some other material must be employed for that for the discharge of prairie air through each pro-
purpose. Materials that become slippery when wet peller blade. The CRP propellers form an integral
include natural or synthetic rubber; lignum vitae, part of the ship’s two shaft main propulsion
a hard tropical wood with excellent wearing system. Figure 4-6 shows the major components
qualities; and laminated phenolic material of a single CRP propeller.

Figure 4-6.—CRP Propeller Machinery.


Table 4-1.—Related Propulstion System Components Related propulsion system components, which
are necessary for the operation of a CRP propeller
but which are not part of the CRP propeller are
System Name/Description listed in table 4-1. Let’s look at some of these com-
ponents, along with other components, shown in
table 4-2.
Main Reduction Gear, Mounting and
Coupling for Gear-Driven Hydraulic Oil Hub/Blade Assembly
Propeller Shaft. The propeller’s hub/blade assembly (see figure
4-6), attached to the main propulsion propeller
Interconnecting Hydraulic Oil Piping. shaft, provides the mounting for the propeller
Head Tank, Sump Tank and Hydraulic Oil blades and houses the blade turning mechanism
Supply plus Associated Components, and for rotating and holding the pitch position of the
Fittings. blades. Attached to the after end of the hub body
are the hub cone and the hub cone end cover.
Central Control Station (CCS) Controls These items form the chamber for the servomotor
and Indicators. piston. The hub body is fitted to the tailshaft by
guide pin dowels which also transmit the torque

Table 4-2.—CRP Propeller Hardware Components


Hub Assembly, LG Hydraulic Oil Power Module, P/S
Hub assembly. RH (each including): Electronic Pitch Control Assembly,
Blades (Set of 5). LH Suction Strainer (1)
Blades (Set of 5). RH Feedback Potentiometer, P/S
Hydraulic Oil Pump, Coupling
and Motor (1) Readout Potentiometer, P/S
VALVE ROD ASSEMBLY Duplex Discharge Filters (3)
Air Bleed Valves (2)
Piping, Couplings & Guides, Port Pressure Control Assembly, con-
Piping, Couplings & Guides, Stbd sisting of: sequence and relief Pitch Indicating Assembly, P/S
valve, unloading and check
control oil relief valve.
Manual Bypass Valve (1) Emergency Hand Pump Assembly,
DD Box Assembly. Port
Gauge Panels (2) P/S
DD Box Assembly, Stbd.
Manifold Block Assembly, P/S (each
Electra-hydraulic Servo Control
Valve (1) Rotoseal, P/S
Manual Pitch Control Valve (1) Check Valve (hub), LH/RH
Manual Changeover Valves (2) Check Valve (OD Box), P/S
Standby Hydraulic Oil Pump (gear Prairie Air Tube Assy.. P/S
driven), P/S Connectors, Prairie Air, Hub to
Suction Strainer (gear pump), P/S Blade (Set of 5). LH/RH
Return Check Valve, P/S


from the shafting to the hub assembly. The hub class and DD 963 class ships, is mounted to the
is secured to the tailshaft by flange bolts. These forward end of the main reduction gear and is
bolts are not designed to take torque from the tail flange-connected to the main reduction gear shaft
shaft. The hub to tailshaft joint is sealed by coupling. The other type, used on the LST
O-rings located between the hub and the tailshaft, 1179-1198 class ships, is called the Bird-Johnson
and between the tailshaft and the tailshaft spigot. Kamewa Unit; it is manufactured of steel, is cast
Each blade is attached to a crank pin ring by blade in two sections, and is line-bored for installation
bolts. The crank pin ring fits over and rotates over the intermediate shaft. The OD box provides
about a center post which is physically a part of a direct hydraulic oil connection to the main pro-
the hub body. The crank pin ring is retained in pulsion shaft and also translates to the valve rod
the hub by the bearing ring. The area under each in response to hydraulic control oil commands.
blade is sealed by the blade port cover and by two High pressure oil from the hydraulic oil power
O-rings in the blade seal base ring. Each blade module (HOPM) is introduced through the OD
seal base ring is spring-loaded against the under- box to the internal bore of the valve rod and to
side of the blade port cover to provide a sealing the hub. The oil returns from the propeller hub
surface under all loading conditions. to the hydraulic oil sump tank by way of the an-
The blade turning mechanism in the hub con- nulus between the valve rod and the internal bore
sists of a single crosshead, attached to the end of of the shafting, through the OD box.
a piston rod. Several sliding blocks are fitted
into the machined chambers of the crosshead. An Hydraulic System
eccentric pin on the underside of each crank pin
ring fits into a hole machined into each sliding The hydraulic system consists of a self-
block. The hub servomotor is attached to the after contained HOPM, a standby hydraulic pump
end of the crosshead. A piston rod carries the lines driven by the main reduction gear, the pitch con-
for the regulating valve pin which is attached to trol valves manifold block assembly, and all the
the end of the valve rod. This assembly forms a associated connecting piping, fittings, and valves.
passage for hydraulic power oil flow and return The hydraulic oil is supplied to the hydraulic oil
oil flow to and from the hub. pumps from a separate sump tank. To maintain
a static head pressure when the hydraulic system
Valve Rod Assembly is shut down, a gravity head tank is connected to
the OD box.
The valve rod assembly is composed of
fabricated sections of seamless steel tubing HYDRAULIC OIL POWER MODULE.—
joined by couplings to provide a mechanical link The HOPM is located adjacent to the main reduc-
between the oil distribution (OD) box and the hub tion gear. It is a RESILIENT mounted, welded
servomotor through the internal bore of the structural assembly, consisting of a base plate with
propeller shaft. The valve rod assembly provides structural ANGLE bar, flat bar, and mounting
a passage for high pressure hydraulic oil from the plates. The HOPM contains the major com-
oil distribution box to the hub. Each valve sec- ponents of the hydraulic system, including (1)
tion is supported at the center of the propeller either the motor-driven hydraulic screw or the
shaft bore by guides. The after end of the valve vane pump, coupling, and AC motor; (2) a suc-
rod assembly supports a regulating valve pin tion strainer for the motor-driven pump; (3) two
which operates in the valve pin liner of the hub 40 micron duplex discharge filters; (4) the pressure
servomotor. The forward end of the valve rod control assembly operating valves, which consist
assembly is mechanically linked to the OD box of a pressure reducing valve, an auxiliary relief
shaft, so that the valve rod assembly turns with valve, a check valve, an unloading and check
the shaft. valve, and a relief and sequence valve; (5) one 10
Oil Distribution Box micron duplex control oil filter; (6) a gauge panel
assembly and associated instrumentation; (7) a
Presently there are two types of OD boxes manual bypass valve; and (8) the interconnecting
being used in the Navy. One type, used on FFG-7 piping and fittings.


STANDBY PUMP.—The standby pump is of When a change of propeller pitch position is

the same type as the main hydraulic pump, but ordered, a pitch position command from the pro-
it is mounted at the forward end of the main pulsion control system is fed to the controls. This
reduction gear housing and is driven through a command signal activates the electrohydraulic ser-
disconnect coupling. The suction strainer and suc- vocontrol valve which, in turn, activates the flow
tion gauge for this pump are mounted separately. of control oil to and from the OD box to change
The primary function of the standby pump is to the position of the valve rod actuator. The
assist the main pump in effecting pitch changes. hydraulic power oil flows to the OD box and is
When the control pitch (C/P) unit is in the holding admitted to the valve rod via the annular chamber
pitch position, the standby pump discharge oil is in the OD box and the ports in the valve rod. The
unloaded back to the sump through the hydraulic oil flows within the bore of the valve rod to the
block. But, whenever a pitch change is ordered, hub servomotor, and returns from the hub via a
the pump discharge oil is directed to the hydraulic passage formed between the valve rod and the
block high pressure passage. propulsion shaft bore. ‘The oil leaves the OD box
via ports in the OD box shaft and the annular
LOWER OIL TANK.—The lower (sump) oil chamber to return to the sump tank. Control oil
tank is usually located aft and below the OD box is regulated by a set of sequencing and reducing
assembly. The oil capacity of the sump varies valves in the hydraulic system which maintain the
depending on the type and class of ship. Two required pressure level. Control oil is supplied to
pumps, the main and standby hydraulic pumps, the electrohydraulic servocontrol valve. From the
take suction on the lower oil tank through a foot servocontrol valve, the control oil flows to one
valve, which permits the oil to flow from the tank side of the low pressure (LP) chamber of the OD
but does not allow it to return through the suc- box to drive the valve rod actuator. Control oil
tion line. returns to the sump through the OD box manifold
from the other side of the LP chamber.
UPPER GRAVITY OIL TANK.—This tank When the propeller is operating at the desired
is located above the maximum draft line. Its main blade pitch position, the OD box valve rod
purpose is to maintain hub oil pressure above that actuator is hydraulically locked and the hub ser-
of the surrounding seawater when the C/P unit vomotor is hydraulically held in a stationary posi-
is secured. In the Kamewa installation, the tion. The configuration of the regulating valve pin
upper gravity oil tank serves an additional pur- in the hub servomotor allows hydraulic power oil
pose. During C/P unit operation the tank assists to circulate continuously through the hub servo.
in maintaining the sliding ring chamber pressure. The oil pressure developed on each side of the hub
servomotor piston is balanced and established at
the level necessary to counteract blade loading
which would tend to change pitch position. A
hydraulic pitch change signal from the elec-
The CRP propeller provides the ahead and trohydraulic servo control valve moves the valve
astern propulsion thrust for a vessel by a change rod actuator and the valve rod. This movement
in the pitch of the propeller blades. Such changes changes the size of the oil passages to each face
can be obtained even when the main propulsion of the hub servomotor piston, thereby creating
machinery, including the propeller shaft, are a differential pressure in the circulating oil to each
turning at a high rate of speed. Blade pitch con- face of the piston. The regulating valve pin then
trol permits a full range of ahead and astern supplies high pressure oil to one face of the piston
thrusts. Maximum ahead thrust is provided with and connects the other face to the return oil
the blades in the full ahead pitch position, and passage. The high pressure oil develops the
maximum astern thrust is provided with the blades necessary pressure on the piston face to overcome
in the full astern pitch position. When the pro- blade loading and move the turning mechanism
peller blades are set at zero thrust, the propeller and the blades to the desired pitch position. Blade
shaft may be turning at any speed without im- pitch will continue to change until the oil port
parting thrust to the vessel. openings equalize and the oil pressure developed


on each face of the piston is balanced. 3. Inspect the strainers for the oil-spray
Removing the oil signal from the valve rod nozzles to see that dirt or sediment has not
actuator stops motion in the valve rod and the accumulated in them.
hub servomotor. The self-centering feature of the 4. Take and record all main thrust bearing
servomotor over the regulating valve pin provides readings.
the restoring force to counteract any
hydrodynamic tendency to change pitch from that When conditions warrant or if trouble is
set by the command signal. suspected, a work request should be submitted to
a naval shipyard to perform a 7-YEAR INSPEC-
TION of the main reduction gears. This inspec-
INSPECTIONS tion includes clearance readings of bearings and
journals; alignment checks and readings; and any
The inspections mentioned here are the other inspections, tests, or maintenance work that
minimum requirements for reduction gears. may be considered necessary.
Where defects are suspected, or operating condi- If the ship’s propeller strikes ground or a
tions so indicate, inspections should be made at submerged object, a careful inspection should be
more frequent intervals. made of the main reduction gear immediately
No inspection plates or other fittings of the following the OCCURRENCE of the casualty. In
main reduction gear may be opened without the this inspection, the possible misalignment of the
permission of the engineer officer. Before replac- bull gear and its shaft should be considered.
ing of an inspection plate, connection, fitting, or Where practicable, a naval shipyard should be re-
cover which permits access to the gear casing, quested to check the alignment and concentricity
make a careful inspection to ensure that no of the bull gear.
foreign matter has entered or remains in the cas-
ing or oil lines. An entry of the inspections, and NAVAL SHIPYARD OVERHAUL
the name of the CPO or officer who witnesses the
closing of the inspection plate, should be made During a naval shipyard overhaul, the fol-
in the Engineering Log. lowing work should be performed: inspection of
the condition and clearance of thrust shoes to en-
PMS INSPECTIONS sure proper position of gear; inspection of the
thrust collar, nut, and locking device; and inspec-
The PMS requirements discussed in this sec- tion of the flexible couplings between turbines and
tion are general in scope. Inspection requirements reduction gears and removal of the sludge
for your ship are listed in the ship’s PMS Manual deposits.
and should be referred to for all maintenance
Gears should be jacked DAILY—AT
ANCHOR—so that the main gear shaft is The correction of any defect disclosed by
moved 1 1/4 revolutions. This jacking should be regular tests and inspections, and the conscien-
done with lubricating oil circulating in the system. tious observance of the manufacturers’ instruc-
You should take the following actions tions, should assure that the gears are ready for
QUARTERLY: full power at all times.
It is not advisable to open up gear cases,
1. Sound with a hammer the holding down bearings, and thrusts immediately BEFORE
bolts, ties, and chocks to detect signs of loosen- TRIALS. In addition to the inspections which
ing of casing fastenings. may be directed by proper authority which are
2. Open inspection plates, inspect gears, and conducted during the FULL POWER TRIALS,
oil-spray nozzles. Wipe off oil at different points the following checks must be made AFTER
and note whether the surface is bright or if already TRIALS. Open the inspection plates, and examine
corroded, and whether or not new areas are the tooth contact and the condition of the teeth
affected. to note changes that may have occurred during


the trials. (Running for a few hours at high power 7. The immediate vicinity of an inspection
will show any possible condition of improper con- plate joint should be kept free from paint and dirt.
tact or abnormal wear that would not have shown 8. When gear cases are open, precautions
up in months of operation at lower powers.) should be taken to prevent the entry of foreign
Check the clearance of the main thrust bearing. matter. The openings should never be left unat-
tended unless satisfactory temporary closures have
been installed.
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 9. Lifting devices should be inspected
carefully before being used and should not be
Observe the following safety precautions overloaded.
which apply to the operation, care, and 10. Naked lights should be kept away from
maintenance of reduction gears and related equip- vents while gears are in use (the oil vapor may be
ment found on Navy ships. explosive).
11. Ships anchored in localities where there
1. If churning or emulsification of the oil in are strong currents or tides should take precau-
the gear case occurs, the gear must be slowed tions and lock the main shafts.
down or stopped until the defect is remedied. 12. When divers are in the vicinity of the pro-
2. If the supply of lubricating oil to the gears peller, propeller shafts should be locked.
fails, the gears should be stopped and the cause 13. When a shaft is allowed to turn or trail,
located and remedied. the lubrication system must be in operation.
3. When bearings have been overheated, the
gears should NOT be operated—except in extreme 14. The main propeller shaft must be brought
emergencies—until bearings have been examined to a dead stop position before an attempt is made
and defects have been remedied. to engage or disengage the turning gear.
4. If excessive flaking of metal from the gear 15. When a main shaft is being locked,
teeth occurs, the gears should not be adjusted, ex- precautions must be taken to apply the brake
cept in case of emergency, until the cause has been quickly and securely.
determined. 16. Where there is a limiting maximum safe
5. Unusual noises should be investigated at speed at which a ship can steam with a locked pro-
once, and the gears should be operated cautiously peller shaft, this speed should not be exceeded.
or stopped until the cause for the noise has been 17. When the main gears are being jacked
discovered and remedied. over, precautions must be taken to see that the
6. No inspection plate, connection, fitting, turning gear is properly lubricated.
or cover which permits access to the gear casing 18. Before the main engines are started, it
should be removed without specific authority of should be definitely determined that the turning
the engineer officer. gear has been disengaged.



Your prime concern as an Engineman is to combustion, volumetric efficiency, and the
keep the machinery for which you are responsi- proper mixing of fuel and air limit the power
ble operating in the most efficient manner possi- which a given engine cylinder can develop. You
ble. From your past experience and training, you must become familiar with the factors which cause
know that engine efficiency and performance overloading of an engine and unbalance between
depend upon much more than just operating the engine cylinders. You should know the symptoms,
throttle and changing oil at prescribed intervals. causes, and effects of cylinder load unbalance and
The preceding chapters have covered many of the the steps that are necessary to maintain an equal
casualties which may occur to reduce the power load on each cylinder.
output of an engine. You have learned how to pre- You must know what is meant by engine
vent the occurrence of many of these casualties. efficiency and know how the various types of
As you gain experience and understanding, you efficiencies and losses are used in analyzing the
will probably have to train other people. The peo- internal combustion process. You must also be
ple you will train will frequently come up with familiar with those factors which may cause the
many questions about why an engine does or does efficiencies to increase or decrease, and with the
not perform efficiently. Will you be able to answer ways these variations affect engine performance.
their questions? Parts of this chapter may serve as a brief
To understand the various factors that review, but most of the information provided
influence engine performance and efficiency, a deals with those factors that influence engine per-
thorough knowledge of the internal combustion formance and efficiency.
process is necessary. Once the combustion
process is understood, it will be much easier for
you to appreciate the part played by such factors ENGINE PERFORMANCE
as engine design, engine operating conditions, fuel
characteristics, fuel injection, ignition, pressures In addition to mechanical difficulties, any
and temperatures, and compression ratios. This engine performance may be affected by other
chapter provides some of the information causes, such as engine design and operator’s per-
necessary for a better understanding of the many formance. A comparison of the principal condi-
factors that affect engine performance and effi- tions which influence the performance of
ciency. As an Engineman, you will be able to gain internal combustion engines is given in table 5-1.
complete understanding of such factors only Note that the performance conditions for the two
through continued study and practical experience. types of engines (diesel and gasoline) are
You should know how the power which an somewhat similar, except for some differences due
engine can develop is limited by such factors as to factors dealing with fuel and ignition.
the mean effective pressure, the length of piston
stroke, the cylinder bore, and the engine speed. POWER LIMITATIONS
You must also know how these factors are used
in determining the power developed by an engine. The design of an engine limits the amount of
You must learn how heat losses, efficiency of power that an engine can develop. Other limiting


Table 5-1.—Factors That Influence Engine Performance

Diesel Engines Gasoline Engines

1. Fuel characteristics X X
2. Compression ratio X X

3. Engine operating conditions

Combustion chamber design X X
Valve arrangements X X

Size of valves X X
Manifold arrangements X X

Hot spots (presence/absence) X X

Location of spark plugs X

Number of spark plugs X

4. Pressure and temperature of air in the engine cylinder

at start of compression X

5. Pressure/temperature of the charge in the engine

cylinder at the start of compression X

factors are the mean effective pressure, the length Length of Stroke
of stroke, the cylinder bore, and the number of
revolutions per minute (piston speed) of the The distance a piston travels between top and
engine. The latter, piston speed, is limited by the bottom dead centers (TDC, BDC) is known as the
frictional heat and by the inertia of the moving length of stroke. This distance is one of the fac-
parts. tors that determines the piston speed. In some
modern diesel engines, piston speeds may reach
Mean Effective Pressure about 1600 feet per minute (fpm).

The mean effective pressure (MEP) is the Cylinder Bore

average pressure exerted on the piston during each
power stroke, and is determined from a formula Bore is used to identify the diameter of the
or by means of a planimeter. There are two kinds cylinder. The cylinder bore must be known in
of mep: indicated mean effective pressure (imep), order to compute the area of the piston crown
which is developed in the cylinder and can be upon which the pressure acts to create the
measured; and brake mean effective pressure driving force. This pressure is calculated and ex-
(bmep), which is computed from the brake pressed for an area of one square inch as pounds
horsepower (bhp) delivered by the engine. per square inch (psi).


The ratio of length of stroke to cylinder bore Using the factors which influence the engine’s
is fixed in engine design; in most slow speed capacity to develop power, the general or
engines, the stroke is greater than the bore. standard formula for calculating ihp is as follows:

Revolutions Per Minute P × L × A × N

ihp =
Revolutions per minute (rpm) is the speed at
which the crankshaft rotates. Since the piston is where
connected to the shaft, the rpm, along with the
length of the stroke, determine piston speed. P = Mean indicated pressure, in psi
Since, during each revolution, the piston com-
pletes one up-stroke and one down-stroke, piston L = Length of stroke, in feet
speed is obtained by multiplying the rpm by twice
the length of the stroke. This speed is usually ex- A = Effective area of the piston, in
pressed in feet per minute (fpm). If the stroke is square inches
10.5 inches (or 10.5/12 of a foot), and the speed
of rotation is 720 rpm, the piston speed is com- N = Number of power strokes per minute
puted as follows:
33,000 = Unit of power (one horsepower), or
footpounds per minute.

To illustrate the use of this formula, assume

that a 12-cylinder, 2-stroke cycle, single-acting
engine has a bore of 8.5 inches and a stroke of
HORSEPOWER COMPUTATION 10 inches. Its rated speed is 744 rpm. With the
engine running at full load and speed, the imep
is measured and found to be 105 psi. What is the
The power developed by an engine depends ihp developed by the engine?
upon the type of engine as well as the speed of In this case
the engine. A cylinder of a single-acting, 4-stroke
cycle engine will produce one power stroke for
every two crankshaft revolutions, while a single-
acting, 2-stroke cycle engine produces one power
stroke for each revolution.

Indicated Horsepower
Substituting these amounts in the formula,
The power developed within a cylinder can be you have
calculated by measuring the imep and the engine
speed. (The rpm of the engine is converted to the
number of power strokes per minute.) With the
bore and stroke known (available in engine
manufacturers’ technical manuals), the
horsepower (hp) can be computed. This power is This amount represents the horsepower
called indicated horsepower (ihp) because it is ob- developed in only one cylinder; since there are 12
tained from the pressure measured with an engine cylinders in this engine, total horsepower for the
indicator. Power loss due to friction is not con- engine will equal 12 times 111.9, or approximately
sidered in computing ihp. 1343.


Brake Horsepower share, the remainder of the cylinders will become

Brake horsepower (bhp), sometimes called Using the rated speed and bhp, it is possible
shaft horsepower, is the amount of power to determine for each INDIVIDUAL CYLINDER
available for useful work. Bhp is less than ihp a rated bmep which may not be exceeded without
because of the various power losses which occur overloading the cylinder. If the ENGINE rpm
during engine operation. drops below the rated speed, then the cylinder
To determine the brake or shaft horsepower bmep generally drops to a lower value. The bmep
that is delivered as useful work by an engine, the should never exceed the normal mep at lower
sum total of all mechanical losses must be engine speed. Usually, it should be somewhat
deducted from the total ihp. lower if the engine speed is decreased.
Some engine manufacturers design the fuel
CYLINDER PERFORMANCE systems so that it is impossible to exceed the rated
LIMITATIONS bmep. This is done by installing a positive stop
to limit the maximum throttle or fuel control. This
The factors which limit the power that a given positive stop regulates the maximum amount of
cylinder can develop are the piston speed and the fuel that can enter the cylinder and limits the
mep. The piston speed, as stated before, is limited maximum load of the cylinder.
by the inertia forces set up by the moving parts In order to meet emergency situations, engines
and by frictional heat. In the case of the mep, the used by the Navy are generally rated lower than
limiting factors are as follows: those designed for industrial use. The economical
speed for most of the Navy’s diesel engines is
1. Heat losses and efficiency of combustion. approximately 90% of the rated speed. For such
speed, the best load conditions have been found
2. Volumetric efficiency (the amount of air to be from 70% to 80% of the rated load or out-
charged into the cylinder and the degree of put. When an engine is operated at an 80-90 com-
scavenging). bination (80% of rated load at 90% rated speed)
3. Mixing of the fuel and air. the parts last longer and the engine remains
cleaner and in better operating condition.
The limiting meps, both bmep and imep, are Diesel engines do not operate well at ex-
prescribed by the manufacturer or NAVSEA. ceedingly low bmep such as that occurring at
They should never be exceeded. In a direct-drive idling speeds. You are well aware that idling an
ship, the meps developed are determined by the engine tends to gum up parts associated with the
rpm of the power shaft. In electric-drive ships, combustion spaces. Operating an engine at idling
the horsepower and bmep are determined by a speeds for long periods will result in the
computation based on readings from electrical in- necessity for cleaning and overhauling the engine
struments and from generator efficiency. much sooner than when operating at 50 to 100%
of load.
Symptoms of Unbalance
In order to ensure a balanced, smooth-
operating engine, the general mechanical condi- Evidence of an unbalanced condition between
tion of the engine must be properly maintained the cylinders of an engine may be indicated by
so that the power output of the individual the following symptoms:
cylinders is within the prescribed limits at all loads
and speeds. In order to have a balanced load on 1. Black exhaust smoke. When this occurs,
the engine, each cylinder must produce its share it is not always possible to determine immediately
of the total power developed. If the engine is whether the entire engine or just one of the
developing its rated full power, or nearly so, and cylinders is overloaded. To determine which
one cylinder or more is producing less than its cylinder is overloaded, you must open the


indicator cock on each individual cylinder and unless you secure the engine and dismantle at least
check the color of the exhaust. a part of it.
2. High exhaust temperatures. If the
temperatures of exhaust gases from individual To obtain equal load distribution between
cylinders become higher than normal, it is an in- individual cylinders, the clearances, tolerances,
dication of an overload within the cylinder. If the and the general condition of all parts that affect
temperature of the gases in the exhaust header the cycle must be maintained so that very little,
becomes higher than usual, it is an indication that if any, variation exists between individual
all cylinders are probably overloaded. Frequent cylinders. Unbalance will occur unless the follow-
checks on the pyrometer will indicate whether ing conditions are as nearly alike as possible for
each cylinder is firing properly and carrying its all cylinders:
share of the load. Any sudden change in the
exhaust temperature of any cylinder should be
investigated immediately. The difference in ex- 1. Compression pressures
haust temperatures between any two cylinders 2. Fuel injection timing
should not exceed the limits prescribed in the
engine manufacturer’s technical manual. 3. Quantity and quality of fuel injected
3. High lubricating oil and cooling water 4. Firing pressures
temperatures. If the temperature gages for these
5. Valve timing and lift
systems show an abnormal rise in temperature,
an overloaded condition may exist. The causes of
the abnormal temperature in these systems should When unbalance occurs, correction usually in-
be determined and corrected immediately if engine volves repair, replacement, or adjustment of the
efficiency is to be maintained. affected part or system. Before any adjustments
4. Excessive heat. In general, excessive heat are made to eliminate unbalance, it must be deter-
in any part of the engine may indicate mined beyond any doubt that the engine is in
overloading. An overheated bearing may be the proper mechanical condition. When an engine is
result of an overloaded cylinder; or an abnormally in good mechanical condition, few adjustments
hot crankcase may be the result of overloading will be required. However, after an overhaul in
the engine as a whole. which piston rings or cylinder liners have been
5. Excessive vibration or unusual sound. If renewed, considerable adjustment may be
all cylinders are not developing an equal amount necessary. Until the rings become properly seated,
of power, the forces exerted by individual pistons some lubricating oil will leak past the rings into
will be unequal. When this occurs, the unequal the combustion space. This excess oil will burn
forces cause an uneven turning movement to be in the cylinder, giving an incorrect indication of
exerted on the crankshaft, and vibrations are set fuel oil combustion. If the fuel pump is set for
up. Through experience, you will learn to tell by normal compression, and the rings have not seated
the vibrations and sound of an engine when a poor properly, the engine will become overloaded. As
distribution of load exists. You should use every the compression rises to normal pressures, there
opportunity to observe and listen to engines will be an increase in the power developed, as well
running under all conditions of loading and as in the pressure and temperature under which
performance. the combustion takes place. Therefore, when an
overhaul has been completed, the engine
Causes of Unbalance instruments must be carefully watched until the
rings are seated, and all necessary adjustments are
made. Frequent compression tests will serve as a
An engine must be kept in excellent helpful aid in making the necessary adjustments.
mechanical condition to prevent unbalance. A Unless an engine is so equipped that compression
leaky valve or fuel injector, leaky compression can be readily varied, the engine should be
rings, or any other mechanical difficulties will operated under light load until the rings are
make it impossible for you to balance the load properly seated.


Effect of Unbalance 4. Keep cylinder temperatures and pressures

as evenly distributed as possible.
5. Train yourself to recognize the symptoms
From the preceding discussion, it can be of serious engine conditions.
readily seen that, in general, the result of un-
balance will be overheating of the engine. The
clearances established by the engine designer allow ENGINE EFFICIENCY
for sufficient expansion of the moving parts when
the engine is operating at the designed Engine efficiency is the amount of power
temperatures, but an engine operating at developed as compared to the energy input which
temperatures in excess of those for which it was is measured by the heating value of the fuel con-
designed is subject to many casualties. Excessive sumed. The term “efficiency” is used to designate
expansion soon leads to seizure and burning of the relationship between the result obtained and
the engine parts. Should the temperatures in the the effort expended to produce the result.
crankcase rise above the flash point of the The term “compression ratio” is frequently
lubricating oil vapors, an explosion may result. used in connection with engine performance.
High temperature may destroy the oil film be- From your study of the principles of internal com-
tween adjacent parts, and the resulting increased bustion, you will recall that compression ratio is
friction will further increase the temperature. the ratio of the volume of air above the piston,
Since power is directly proportional to the mep when the piston is at the BDC position, to the
developed in a cylinder, any increase in mep will volume of air above the piston when the piston
cause a corresponding increase in power. If the is at the TDC position.
meps in the individual cylinders vary, power will
not be evenly distributed among the cylinders. EFFICIENCIES
The quality of combustion obtained depends
upon the heat content of the fuel. The amount The principal efficiencies which must be
of heat available for power depends upon considered in the internal combustion process are
temperature. Temperature varies directly as cycle, thermal, mechanical, and volumetric.
pressure; therefore a decrease in pressure will
result in a decrease in temperature, and in poor Cycle Efficiency
combustion. Poor combustion will cause lowered
thermal efficiency and reduced engine output. The efficiency of any cycle is equal to the out-
Cylinder load balance is essential if the desired put divided by the input. The efficiency of the
efficiency and performance of an engine is to be diesel cycle is considerably higher than the Otto
obtained. To avoid the harmful effects of or constant volume cycle because of higher com-
overloading and unbalancing of load, the load on pression ratio and because combustion starts at
an engine should be properly distributed among a higher temperature. In other words, the heat
the working cylinders; and no cylinder, or the input in a diesel engine is at a higher average
engine itself, should ever be overloaded. temperature. Theoretically, a gasoline engine
using the Otto cycle would be more efficient than
In general, load balance in an engine can be the diesel engine if equivalent compression ratios
maintained if the following procedures are could be used. However, engines operating on the
observed: Otto cycle cannot use a compression ratio com-
parable to that of diesel engines because fuel and
1. Maintain the engine in proper mechanical air are drawn together into the cylinder and com-
condition. pressed. If comparable compression ratios were
2. Adjust the fuel system according to the used, the fuel would fire or detonate before the
manufacturer’s instructions. piston reached the correct firing position.
3. Operate the engine within the temperature Since temperature and amount of heat con-
limits specified in appropriate instructions. tent which is available for power are proportional


to each other, the cycle efficiency is actually com- hour, and that the fuel has a value of 19,200 Btu
puted by measuring the temperature. The specific per pound. What is the ite of the engine?
heat of the mixture in the cylinder is either known The work done per hour when 1343 ihp are
or assumed, and when combined with the developed is 1343 × 2545 or 3,417,935 Btu. The
temperature, the heat can be calculated at any heat input for the same time is 360 × 19,200 or
instant. 6,912,000 Btu. Then, by the above expression, the
indicated thermal efficiency is as follows:
Thermal Efficiency

Thermal efficiency is the measure of the effi-

ciency and completeness of combustion of the
fuel, or, more specifically, the ratio of the out-
put or work done by the working substance in the
cylinder in a given time to the input or heat energy
of the fuel supplied during the same time. Two
kinds of thermal efficiency are generally con-
sidered for an engine: indicated thermal efficiency The other type of thermal efficiency—
and overall thermal efficiency. OVERALL THERMAL EFFICIENCY—
Since the work done by the gases in the considered for an engine is a ratio similar to ite,
cylinder is called indicated work, the thermal except that the useful or shaft work (bhp) is
efficiency determined by its use is often called IN- used. Therefore, overall efficiency (often called
DICATED THERMAL EFFICIENCY (ite). If all brake thermal efficiency) is computed by the
the potential heat in the fuel could be delivered following expression:
as work, the thermal efficiency would be 100%.
Because of the various losses, however, this per- Overall thermal efficiency =
cent is not possible in actual installations.
If the amount of fuel injected is known, the × 100
total heat content of the injected fuel can be deter- Heat input of fuel
mined from the heating value, or Btu per pound,
of the fuel; and the thermal efficiencies for the Converting these factors into the same units
engine can then be calculated. From the (Btu), the expression is written as power output
mechanical equivalent of heat (778 foot-pounds in Btu divided by fuel input in Btu.
equal 1 Btu and 2545 Btu equal 1 hp-hr), the For example, if the engine used in the
number of foot-pounds of work contained in the preceding problem delivers 900 bhp (determined
fuel can be computed. If the amount of fuel by the manufacturer) what is the overall thermal
injected is measured over a period of time, the efficiency of the engine?
rate at which the heat is put into the engine can
be converted into potential power. Then, if the 1 hp-hr = 2545 Btu
ihp developed by the engine is calculated, as
previously explained, the indicated thermal effi- 900 bhp × 2545 Btu per hp-hr =
ciency can be computed by the following
expression: 2,290,500 Btu output per hr

Substituting factors already known, overall

hp × 2545 Btu per hr per hp
ite = × 100 thermal efficiency is computed as follows:
Rate of heat input of fuel in Btu per hr
Overall thermal efficiency =
For example, assume that the same engine
used as an example in computing ihp consumes 2,290,500
= 0.331, or 33.1%
360 pounds (approximately 50 gallons) of fuel per 6,912,000


Compression ratio influences the thermal the preceding examples, then, would be
efficiency of an engine. Theoretically, the ther- 1343 (ihp) – 900 (bhp) = 443 fhp, or 33% of
mal efficiency increases as the compression ratio the ihp developed in the cylinders. Then, using
is increased. The minimum value of a diesel engine the expression for mechanical efficiency, the
compression ratio is determined by the compres- percentage of power available at the shaft is com-
sion required for starting; and this compression puted as follows:
is, to a large extent, dependent on the type of fuel
used. The maximum value of the compression 900
ratio is not limited by the fuel used, but is limited Mechanical efficiency = 1343 = 0.67, or 67%
by the strength of the engine parts and the
allowable engine weight per bhp output.
When an engine is operating under part load,
it has a lower mechanical efficiency than when
Mechanical Efficiency operating at full load. The explanation for this
is that most mechanical losses are almost indepen-
This is the rating that shows how much of the dent of the load, and therefore, when load
power developed by the expansion of the gases decreases, ihp decreases relatively less than bhp.
in the cylinder is actually delivered as useful Mechanical efficiency becomes zero when an
power. The factor which has the greatest effect engine operates at no load because then bhp = 0,
on mechanical efficiency is friction within the but ihp is not zero. In fact, if bhp is zero and the
engine. The friction between moving parts in an expression for fhp is used, ihp is equal to fhp.
engine remains practically constant throughout To show how mechanical efficiency is lower
the engine’s speed range. Therefore, the at part load, assume the engine used in preceding
mechanical efficiency of an engine will be highest examples is operating at three-fourths load. Brake
when the engine is running at the speed at which horsepower at three-fourths load is 900 × 0.75
maximum bhp is developed. Since power output or 675. Assuming that fhp does not change with
is bhp, and the maximum horsepower available load, fhp = 443. The ihp is, by expression, the
is ihp, then sum of bhp and fhp.
bhp ihp = 675 + 443 = 1118
Mechanical efficiency = ihp × 100
Mechanical efficiency = 675/1118 = 0.60, or
During the transmission of ihp through the 60%; this is appreciably lower than the 67%
piston and connecting rod to the crankshaft, the indicated for the engine at full load.
mechanical losses which occur may be due to fric- Bmep is a useful concept when dealing with
tion, or they may be due to power absorbed. Fric- mechanical efficiency. Bmep can be obtained if
tion losses occur because of friction in the various the standard expression for computing
bearings, between piston and piston rings, and horsepower (ihp) is applied to bhp instead of ihp
between piston rings and the cylinder walls. Power and the mean pressure (p) is designated as bmep.
is absorbed by valve and injection mechanisms,
and by various auxiliaries, such as the lubricating
oil and water circulating pumps and the scavenge (bmep) × L × A × N
bhp =
and supercharge blowers. As a result, the power 33,000
delivered to the crankshaft and available for
doing useful work (bhp) is less than indicated or
33,000 × bhp
The mechanical losses which affect the effici- bmep = L × A × N
ency of an engine may be called frictional
horsepower (fhp) or the difference between ihp From the relations between bmep, bhp, ihp,
and bhp. The fhp of the engine used in and mechanical efficiency, by designating


indicated mean effective pressure by imep in the type meter) the amount of air taken in by the
expression, one can also show: engine, converting the amount to volume, and
comparing this volume to the piston displacement.
bmep = imep × mechanical efficiency
Volumetric efficiency =
To illustrate this, the bmep for the engine in
preceding examples at full load and three-fourths Volume of air admitted to cylinder
× 100
load is computed as follows: Volume of air equal to piston displacement

33,000 × bhp 33,000 × 900 The concept of volumetric efficiency does not
12 12 apply to 2-stroke cycle engines. Instead, the term
bmep =
= 10 × 56.14 × 744 “scavenge efficiency” is used. Scavenge efficiency
L × A × N
12 shows how thoroughly the burned gases are
removed and the cylinder filled with fresh air. As
in the case of a 4-stroke cycle engine, it is desirable
= 70 psi
that the air supply be sufficiently cool. Scavenge
or efficiency depends largely upon the arrangement
of the exhaust, scavenge air ports, and valves.
bmep = imep × mechanical efficiency
= 105 × 67, or 70 psi

Bmep gives an indication of the load an engine As the heat content of a fuel is transformed
carries, and what the output is for piston displace- into useful work, during the combustion process,
ment. As the bmep for an engine increases, the many different losses take place. These losses can
engine develops greater horsepower per pound of be divided into two general classifications: ther-
weight. For a given engine, bmep changes in direct modynamic and mechanical. The net useful work
proportion with the load. delivered by an engine is the result obtained by
deducting the total losses from the heat energy
Volumetric Efficiency

The volumetric efficiency of a 4-stroke engine Thermodynamic Losses

is the relationship between the quantity of intake
air and the piston displacement. In other words, Losses of this nature are a result of the follow-
volumetric efficiency is the ratio between the ing: loss to the cooling and lubricating systems;
charge that actually enters the cylinder and the loss to the surrounding air; loss to the exhaust;
amount that could enter under ideal conditions. and loss due to imperfect combustion.
Piston displacement is used since it is difficult to
measure the amount of charge that would enter Heat energy losses from both the cooling water
the cylinder under ideal conditions. An engine systems and the lubricating oil system are always
would have 100% volumetric efficiency if, at at- present. Some heat is conducted through the
mospheric pressure and normal temperature, an engine parts and radiated to the atmosphere or
amount of air exactly equal to piston displacement picked up by the surrounding air by convection.
could be drawn into the cylinder. This is not possi- The effect of these losses varies according to the
ble, except by supercharging, because the passages part of the cycle in which they occur. The heat
through which the air must flow offer a resistance, of the jacket cooling water cannot be taken as a
the force pushing the air into the cylinder is only true measure of heat losses, since all this heat is
atmospheric, and the air absorbs heat during the not absorbed by the water. Some heat is lost to
process. Therefore, volumetric efficiency is deter- the jackets during the compression, combustion,
mined by measuring (with an orifice or venturi and expansion phases of the cycle; some is lost


(to the atmosphere) during the exhaust stroke; and the short interval of time necessary for the cycle
some is absorbed by the walls of the exhaust in modern engines, complete combustion is not
passages. possible; but heat losses can be kept to a minimum
Heat losses to the atmosphere through the if the engine is kept in proper adjustment. It is
exhaust are unavoidable. This is because the often possible to detect incomplete combustion
engine cylinder must be cleared of the hot exhaust by watching for abnormal exhaust temperatures
gases before the next air intake charge can be and changes in the exhaust color, and by being
made. The heat lost to the exhaust is determined alert for unusual noises in the engine.
by the temperature within the cylinder when ex-
haust begins. The amount of fuel injected and the Mechanical Losses
weight of air compressed within the cylinder are
the controlling factors. Improper timing of the There are several kinds of mechanical losses,
exhaust valves, whether too early or too late, will but all are not present in every engine. The
result in increased heat losses. If too early, the mechanical or friction losses of an engine include
valve releases the pressure in the cylinder before bearing friction; piston and piston ring friction;
all the available work is obtained; if too late, the pumping losses caused by operation of water
necessary amount of air for complete combustion pumps, lubricating pumps, and scavenging air
of the next charge cannot be realized, although blowers; power required to operate valves; etc.
a small amount of additional work may be ob- Friction losses cannot be eliminated, but they can
tained. Proper timing and seating of the valves be kept to a minimum by maintaining the engine
is essential in order to maintain heat loss to the in its best mechanical condition. Bearings, pistons,
exhaust at a minimum. and piston rings should be properly installed and
Heat losses due to imperfect or incomplete fitted, shafts must be in alignment, and lubricating
combustion have a serious effect on the power and cooling systems should be at their highest
that can be developed in the cylinder. Because of operating efficiency.



As an EN1 or ENC you have already learned In the following discussion, we will deal with
the principles of refrigeration and air condition- the R-12 system as though it had only one
ing, and the components and accessories that evaporator, one compressor, and one condenser.
make up the system. You have learned how to However, a refrigeration system may (and usually
start, operate, and secure refrigeration plants. In does) include more than one evaporator, and it
addition, you have performed routine may include additional compressor and condenser
maintenance jobs such as trouble shooting, and units.
servicing the system, and used correct procedure’s
for leak detecting, and changing the lubricating
oil in refrigeration compressors. As you advance COMPRESSORS
in rate, you will be expected to have a greater
knowledge of the construction and operating
principles of refrigerating equipment. You will be Many different types and sizes of compressors
required to perform more complicated are used in refrigeration and air conditioning
maintenance jobs, to make repairs as required, systems. They vary from the small hermetic units
and to determine the causes of inefficient plant used in drinking fountains and refrigerators, to
operation and accomplish the necessary correc- the large centrifugal units used for air con-
tive procedures. ditioning.
This chapter provides information that sup-
plements related information in other training One of the most commonly encountered com-
manuals applicable to your rating and related to pressors on today’s modern ships is a high speed,
the qualifications for advancement. Information continuous running unit with a variable capacity.
is included on the construction and maintenance This compressor is of the multicylinder,
of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, reciprocating design, with a positive unloaded
and the detection and correction of operating system built into the compressor to control the
difficulties. compressor’s capacity.
You should refer to the manufacturer’s
technical manual for details of the plant on your SHAFT SEALS
The main parts of an R-12 refrigeration system
are shown in figure 6-1. The primary components Where the crankshaft extends through the
of the system are the thermostatic expansion crankcase, a leakproof seal must be maintained
valve, the evaporator, the compressor, the con- to prevent the refrigerant and oil from escaping
denser, and the receiver. Additional equipment and also to prevent air from entering the
required to complete the plant includes piping, crankcase when the pressure in the crankcase is
pressure gages, thermometers, various types of lower than the surrounding atmospheric pressure.
control switches and control valves, strainers, This is accomplished by crankshaft seal
relief valves, sight-flow indicators, dehydrators, assemblies. There are several types of seals
and charging connections. including the rotary seal, and the diaphragm.


Figure 6-1.

The rotary seal shown in figure 6-2 consists
of a stationary cover plate and gasket, a rotating
assembly which includes a carbon ring, a neoprene
seal, a compression spring, and compression
washers. The sealing points are located (1) be-
tween the crankshaft and the rotating carbon
rings, and sealed by a neoprene ring; (2) between
the rotating carbon ring and the cover plate, and
sealed by lapped surfaces; and (3) between the
cover plate and the crankcase, and sealed by a
metallic gasket. The seal is adjusted by adding or
removing metal washers between the crankshaft
shoulder and the shaft seal compression spring.
A stationary bellows seal is illustrated in figure
6-3. It consists of a bellows clamped to the com-
pressor housing at one end to form a seal against
a rotating shaft seal collar on the other. The seal-
ing points are located (1) between the crankcase
and the bellows, and sealed by the cover plate
gasket; (2) between the crankshaft and the shaft
seal collar, and sealed by a neoprene gasket; and
(3) between the surface of the bellows nose and Figure 6-3.—Stationary bellows seal.
the surface of the seal collar, and sealed by
lapped surfaces. The stationary bellows seal is
factory set for proper tension and should not be shaft seal shoulder on the other end. The sealing
altered. points are located (1) between the crankshaft and
The rotating bellows seals, figure 6-4, consists bellows, and sealed by a shaft seal clamping nut;
of a bellows clamped to the crankshaft at one end (2) between the removable shaft seal shoulder and
to form a seal against a stationary, removable the crankcase and sealed by a neoprene gasket;
and (3) between the bellows nose piece and the
shaft seal collar, and sealed by lapped surfaces.
This type seal is also factory set.

Figure 6-2.—Rotary seal. Figure 6-4.—Rotating bellows seal.


The diaphragm seal, figure 6-5, consists of a

diaphragm clamped to the crankcase at its outer
circumference and to a fulcrum ring at its center.
The fulcrum ring forms a seal collar which is
locked to the diaphragm. The sealing points are
located (1) between the outer circumference of the
diaphragm and the crankcase, and sealed by a
copper ring gasket; (2) between the fulcrum ring
and the diaphragm—sealed at the factory and not
to be broken; (3) between the fulcrum ring and
the rotating shaft seal collar, and sealed by
lapped surfaces; and (4) between the shaft seal
collar and the crankshaft shoulder, also sealed by
lapped surfaces.

The tension in a diaphragm seal is adjusted

by adding or removing diaphragm-to-crankcase
gaskets to obtain the specified deflection. For
information on handling, cleaning, and replace-
Figure 6-5.—Diaphragm type seal. ment of shaft seal assemblies, consult the

Figure 6-6.—Unloader mechanism in unloaded position.


manufacturer’s technical manual or the directions Unloader Mechanism

enclosed with every new seal.
CAPACITY CONTROL When the compressor is not in operation, the
unloader power element mechanism, which is
Controlling the capacity of the compressor is operated by oil pressure from the capacity con-
accomplished by unloading and loading the trol valve, is in the unloaded position (figure 6-6).
cylinders. This is a very desirable design feature The unloader spring pushes against the unloader
of the unit, because if the compressor is to be piston. This action moves the unloader rod to the
started under a load (all cylinders are working), left, thereby rotating the cam rings. As the cam
there is a much greater amount of torque required rings are rotated, the lifting pins are forced up-
and it is necessary to have a much larger drive ward, raising the suction valve off its seat. The
motor. Also, if the compressor is running at a con- suction valve is held in this position until the com-
stant capacity or output, it will reach the low pressor is started and oil pressure of approxi-
temperature or pressure limits and will be con- mately 30 psi is reached. At this time, the oil
stantly starting and stopping, thereby putting ex- pressure from the capacity control valve pushes
cessive work on the unit. the unloader piston back to the right against the
Unloading of the cylinders in the compressor unloader spring. The motion transmitted through
is accomplished by lifting the suction valves off the push rod rotates the cam ring, thus lowering
their seats and holding them open. This method the lifting pins and allowing the suction valve to
of capacity control unloads the cylinders com- close or operate normally and the cylinder to
pletely and allows the compressor to work at as become loaded (figure 6-7). On most compressors
little as 25% of its rated capacity. unloaders are connected to the cylinders in pairs.

Figure 6-7.—Unloader mechanism in loaded position.


Capacity Control Valve for repairs, it is necessary first to close the suc-
tion and discharge valves and then following all
The capacity control valve (figure 6-8) is safety precautions, to allow all the refrigerant in
located in the compressor crankcase cover. The the compressor to vent to the atmosphere through
valve is actuated by oil pressure from the main a drain plug.
oil pump, and its function is to admit or relieve When it becomes necessary to remove, replace,
oil to or from the individual unloader power or repair any internal parts of the compressor,
elements, depending on suction or crankcase observe the following precautions:
pressure. When the compressor is at rest the two
cylinders equipped with the unloader element are 1. Carefully disassemble and inspect while
unloaded and remain unloaded until the com- removing all parts, noting their correct relative
pressor is started and the oil pressure reaches nor- position so that errors will not be made when
mal operating pressure. reassembling.
As the high pressure oil from the pump enters 2. Inspect all parts that become accessible
chamber A of the capacity control valve and after the removal of those parts requiring repair
passes through an orifice in the top of the piston or replacement.
to chamber B, it forces the piston to the end of 3. Make certain that all parts and surfaces are
its stroke against spring A. When the piston of free of dirt and moisture.
the valve is forced against spring A, the circular 4. Apply clean compressor oil freely to all
grooves which form chamber A are put in con- bearing and rubbing surfaces of the parts being
tact with the unloader connections. This admits replaced or reinstalled.
high pressure oil to the unloader cylinder, 5. If the compressor is not equipped with an
actuating the unloader mechanism. oil pump, make certain that the oil dipper on the
To control the oil pressure from the capacity lower connecting rod is in the correct position for
control valve, a capacity control regulating dipping oil when the unit is in operation.
needle valve is installed. It is connected to the 6. Position the ends of the piston rings so that
crankcase and has an oil connecting line to alternate joints come on the opposite side of the
chamber B of the capacity control valve. As the piston.
crankcase, or suction pressure pulls down 7. Take care not to score the gasket surfaces.
slightly below the setting of the regulating valve, 8. Renew all gaskets.
the regulator needle valve opens and relieves the 9. Clean the crankcase and renew the oil
oil pressure from chamber B of the capacity con- following correct procedures.
trol valve. This permits spring A to push the
capacity control piston one step toward chamber EVACUATING THE COMPRESSOR
B, uncovering the unloader connection nearest the
end of the capacity control valve. This action In all but emergency situations it is desirable
relieves the oil pressure from the power element to evacuate the compressor with a vacuum pump
and allows the power element spring to rotate the rather than with the compressor itself. However,
cam rings and unload the cylinder. if you do not have a vacuum pump available, use
If the suction pressure continues to drop, the the following procedure:
regulator needle valve relieves more oil pressure
and more cylinders become unloaded. On the 1. Disconnect the connection in the com-
other hand, if the heat load increases, the suction pressor discharge gage line, between the discharge
pressure increases, causing the regulating needle line stop valve and the compressor.
valve to close and more cylinders to become 2. Start the compressor and let it run until the
loaded. greatest possible vacuum is obtained.
3. Stop the compressor and immediately open
MAINTENANCE PRECAUTIONS the suction stop valve slightly in order to blow
refrigerant through the compressor valves and
If a compressor cannot be pumped down and purge the air above the discharge valves through
is damaged to the extent that it has to be opened the open gage line.


Figure 6-8.—Capacity control system.


4. Close the discharge gage line and open the air or noncondensable gases accumulated in the
discharge line stop valve. condenser are lighter than the refrigerant gas and
5. Remove all oil from the exterior of the rise to the top of the condenser when the plant
compressor, and test the compressor joints for is shut down. A purge valve, for purging the
leakage, using the halide leak detector. refrigeration system (when necessary), is installed
either at the top of the condenser, or at a high
CLEANING SUCTION STRAINERS point in the compressor discharge line.

When putting a new unit into operation, the

suction strainers should be cleaned after a few CLEANING CONDENSER TUBES
hours of operation. Refrigerants have a solvent
action and will loosen any foreign matter in the In order to clean the condenser tubes
system. This foreign matter will eventually reach properly, it is necessary first to drain the cooling
the suction strainers and after a few days of opera- water from the condenser and then disconnect the
tion, the strainers will need cleaning. Strainers water connections and remove the condenser
should be inspected frequently during the first few heads. When you remove the condenser heads,
weeks of plant operation, and then cleaned as be careful not to damage the gaskets between the
found necessary. tube sheet and the water side of the condenser
The suction strainers are located either in the heads. Tubes should be inspected as often as prac-
compressor housing or in the suction piping. The ticable and be cleaned when necessary, by using
procedure for cleaning a strainer is as follows: any approved method. Use rubber plugs and an
air or water lance when it is necessary to remove
1. Pump down the compressor. foreign deposits. Although it is essential that the
2. Slowly bleed pressure from unit. tube surfaces be kept clear of particles of foreign
3. Remove the strainer and inspect it for matter, care must be taken not to destroy the thin
foreign matter. protective coating on the inner surfaces of the
4. Clean the strainer screen by dipping it in tubes. When the tubes become badly corroded,
an approved solvent and then allow it to they should be replaced in order to avoid the
dry. possibility of losing the R-12 charge and admit-
5. Replace the strainer and evacuate the air ting salt water into the R-12 system.
from the compressor.
6. Test the housing for leaks by wiping up all
oil and then using a halide leak detector. CLEANING AIR-COOLED

CONDENSERS Although the large plants are equipped with

water-cooled condensers, the auxiliary units are
The compressor discharge line terminates at commonly provided with air-cooled condensers.
the refrigerant condenser. In shipboard R-12 The use of air-cooled condensers eliminates the
installations, these condensers are usually of the necessity for circulating water pumps and piping.
multipass shell-and-tube type, with water cir-
culating through the tubes. The tubes are ex- The exterior surface of the tubes and fins on
panded into grooved holes in the tube sheet so a condenser should be kept free of dirt and any
as to make an absolutely tight joint between the matter that might obstruct heat flow and air cir-
shell and the circulating water. Refrigerant vapor culation. Brush the finned surface clean with a
is admitted to the shell, and condenses on the stiff bristle brush as often as necessary. Use low
outer surfaces of the tubes. pressure air to remove dirt in hard to reach places
Any air or noncondensable gases which may on the condenser. When installations are exposed
accidentally enter the refrigeration system is to salt spray and rain through open doors or
drawn through the piping and eventually dis- hatches, take care to minimize corrosion of the
charged into the condenser with the R-12 gas. The exterior surfaces.



To prevent serious loss of refrigerant through
leaky condenser tubes, test the condenser for An overall check for water-cooled condenser
leakage every week. Any condenser that has not performance may be used after, AND ONLY
been in use for the preceding 12 hours should also AFTER, the condenser has been properly
be tested. purged. After the condition of the condensing sur-
To test for leaky condenser tubes, drain the face has been determined, prepare the system as
water side of the condenser and let stand for 12 outlined in the procedure used to check for non-
hours, then insert the exploring tube of the leak condensable gases discussed earlier in the chapter.
detector through one of the drain plug openings. Then proceed as follows:
If this test indicates that R-12 gas is present, you
need to detect the exact location of the leak in the 1. While the compressor is in operation,
following manner: record the condensing temperature which cor-
responds to the pressure in the condenser.
1. Remove the condenser heads. 2. Record the temperature of the water leav-
2. Clean and dry the tube sheets and the ends ing the condenser.
of the tubes. 3. Subtract the temperature of the water leav-
3. Start at the top and work your way down ing the condenser from the condensing
the tube sheet. temperature. (The temperature of the water leav-
4. Check both ends of each tube with a leak ing the condenser should be several degrees below
detector. the condensing temperature of pure R-12.)
4. If the difference between the temperature
Mark the tubes which show an indication of of the water leaving the condenser and the con-
leakage. If you cannot determine if the tube is densing temperature is 5° to 10°F above the
leaking internally or around the tube sheet joint, temperature difference obtained when the con-
plug the suspected tube with a cork or a similar denser was in good condition and operating under
device and again check around the tube sheet similar heat loads, and if this difference is not
joint. Mark adjacent tubes, if necessary, to isolate caused by an overcharge of refrigerant or non-
the suspected area. condensable gases, clean the water side of the
5. To locate or isolate very small leaks in the
condenser tubes, hold the exploring tube at one THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION
end of the condenser tube for about 10 seconds VALVES
to draw fresh air through the tube. Then drive
a cork in each end of the tube. Repeat this pro- When the thermostatic expansion valve is
cedure with all the tubes in the condenser. Allow operating properly, the temperature at the outlet
the condenser tubes to remain plugged for 4 to side of the valve is much lower than that at the
6 hours; then, remove the plugs one at a time and inlet side. If there is no such temperature dif-
check each tube for leakage. If a leaky tube is ference when the system is in operation, the valve
detected, replace the plug immediately to reduce seat is probably dirty and clogged with foreign
the amount of refrigerant escaping. Make matter.
appropriate repairs, or mark all leaky tubes for Once a valve is properly adjusted, further
later repairs. adjustment should not be necessary. Any major
trouble can usually be traced to moisture or dirt
RETUBING CONDENSERS collecting at the valve seat and at the orifice.
The general procedure for retubing condensers TESTING AND ADJUSTMENT
is outlined in Naval Ships’ Technical Manual
chapter 516. The procedures are given in the Thermostatic expansion valves used in most
applicable manufacturer’s technical manual when shipboard systems can be adjusted by means of
a condenser of a specific type is being retubed. a gear and screw arrangement, (superheat to


adjustment), maintain a superheat ranging is used to supply gas under pressure. The gas
approximately from 4° to 12 °F at the cooling coil used does not have to be the same as that
outlet. The proper superheat adjustment varies, employed in the thermal element of the valve be-
of course, with the design and the service ing tested.
operating conditions of the valve, and the design 2. A high pressure and a low pressure gage.
of a particular plant. Increased spring pressure The low pressure gage should be accurate and in
increases the degree of superheat at the coil outlet; good condition so that the pointer does not have
decreased pressure on the other hand, has the any appreciable lost motion. The high pressure
opposite effect. Many thermostatic expansion gage, while not absolutely necessary, is useful in
valves are initially adjusted by the manufacturer showing the pressure on the inlet side of the valve.
to maintain a predetermined degree of superheat, Normally, refrigeration plants are provided with
and no provisions are made for further ad- suitable replacement and test pressure gages.
justments in service.
When the expansion valves are adjusted to give The procedure for testing is as follows:
a high degree of superheat at the coil outlet, or
when a valve is stuck shut, the amount of 1. Connect the valve inlet to the gas supply
refrigerant admitted to the cooling coil is reduced. with the high pressure gage attached to indicate
With an insufficient amount of refrigerant, the the gas pressure to the valve, and the low pressure
coil is “starved” and operates at a reduced capac- gage loosely connected to the expansion valve
ity. Compressor lubricating oil carried with the outlet. The low pressure gage must be connected
refrigerant tends to collect at the bottom of the up loosely so as to provide a small amount of
cooling coils, thus robbing the compressor leakage through the connection.
crankcase, and providing a condition whereby 2. Insert the expansion valve thermal element
slugs of lubricating oil are drawn back to the com- in a bath of crushed ice. Do not perform this test
pressor. If an expansion valve is adjusted for too with a container full of water in which only a small
low a degree of superheat, or if the valve is stuck amount of crushed ice is floating.
open, the liquid refrigerant may flood from the 3. Open the valve on the service drum or in
cooling coils back to the compressor. Should the the air supply line. Make certain that the gas
liquid refrigerant collect at a low point in the suc- supply is sufficient to build up the pressure to at
tion line or coil, and be drawn back to the com- least 70 psi on the high pressure gage.
pressor intermittently in slugs, there will be danger 4. Adjust the expansion valve, if it is desired
of injury to the moving parts of the compressor. to adjust for 10°F superheat, the pressure on the
outlet gage should be 22.5 psig. This pressure is
In general, the expansion valves for air con- equivalent to the pressure of an R-12 evaporating
ditioning and water cooling plants (high temperature of 22°F. Since the ice maintains the
temperature installations) are adjusted for higher bulb at 32°F, the valve adjustment is for 10°F
superheat than the expansion valves for cold superheat (difference between 32 and 22). For a
storage refrigeration and ship’s service store 5 °F superheat adjustment, the valve should be
equipment (low temperature installations). adjusted to give a pressure of approximately
If it is impossible to adjust expansion valves 26.1 psig. Allow for a small amount of leakage
to the desired settings, or if it is suspected that through the low pressure gage connection while
the expansion valve assembly is defective and re- this adjustment is being made.
quires replacement, make appropriate tests. (First 5. To determine if the valve operates
make sure that the liquid strainers are clean, that smoothly, tap the valve body lightly with a small
the solenoid valves are operative, and that the weight. The low pressure gage needle should not
system is sufficiently charged with refrigerant.) jump more than 1 psi.
The major equipment required for expansion 6. Tighten the low pressure gage connection
valve tests is as follows: and stop the leakage at the joints. Determine if
the expansion valve seats tightly. If the valve is
1. A service drum of R-12, or a supply of in good condition, the pressure will increase a few
clean dry air at 70 to 100 psig. The service drum pounds and then either stop or build up very


slowly. If the valve is leaking, the pressure will present in various combinations in the compound.
build up rapidly until it equals the inlet pressure. You may be more familiar with their brand or
7. Again loosen the gage to permit leakage at trademark names such as: Freon(s), Gentron,
the gage connections. Remove the thermal ele- Genesolv D, Frigen, AFFF, or carbon
ment, or control bulb, from the crushed ice and tetrachloride. As Enginemen, we work with these
warm it with the hand or place it in water that refrigerants, solvents, and fire extinguishing com-
is at room temperature. The pressure should pounds regularly aboard ship. The extended and
increase rapidly, showing that the power element routine usage of halocarbons in the military and
has not lost its charge. If there is no increase in civilian environments (e.g., home/car air condi-
pressure, the power element is dead. tioners) has led us to a false sense of security which
8. With high pressure showing on both gages makes us forget the inherent poisonous nature of
as outlined above, the valve can be tested to deter- halocarbons, particularly when used in high con-
mine whether the body joints or the bellows leak. centrations in enclosed or confined spaces.
This can be done by using a halide leak detector. Warnings, hazards, and cautions in technical
When performing this test, it is important that and training publications are usually benign. The
the body of the valve have a fairly high pressure labeling of containers and storage areas are con-
applied to it. In addition, the gages and other fit- sistently inadequate. The procedures for the
tings should be made up tightly at the joints so disposal of halocarbon waste are not well known
as to eliminate leakage at these points. nor are they followed. Most people do not know
the physiological effects of high concentrations
REPLACEMENT OF A VALVE of halocarbons on humans or the recommended
first aid by both medical and non-medical
When an expansion valve is defective, it must personnel.
be replaced. Some valves used on naval ships have
replaceable assemblies and it is possible to replace All Enginemen who handle or use halocarbons
a faulty power element or other part of the valve must be aware of the hazardous properties of
without having to replace the entire assembly. halocarbons. The greatest hazards have been
When replacement of an expansion valve is associated with Freon 113 refrigerant and
necessary, replace the unit with a valve of the same Genetron 113 (a fluorocarbon compound), with
capacity and type. the chemical name of TRICHLOROTRI-
FLUOROETHANE, which is used in large quan-
ADDITIONAL SYSTEM tities for cleaning refrigeration, hydraulic, air and
MAINTENANCE oxygen systems, and as a solvent for removing oil
and grease from machinery. Trichlorotri-
In addition to the maintenance of the com- fluoroethane is a heavy, colorless liquid at room
ponents described above, there are other parts of temperature, and has an odor similar to dryclean-
the system that will need periodic maintenance to ing fluid. Because of its low boiling-point it
keep the plant operating properly. evaporates rapidly at room temperature. Its vapor
Vibration may cause leakage in the piping is several times heavier than air and tends to col-
system, allowing air and moisture to be drawn in lect in low places.
or there may be a loss of the refrigerant charge. Trichlorotrifluoroethane should always be
If this happens, the plant will operate erratically treated as a toxic solvent. Exposure to it can cause
and inefficiently until the cause of trouble is headache, rapid heartbeat, light-headedness, and
corrected. tingling of fingers or toes. Any of these symptoms
is a warning to leave the area immediately. In
HALOCARBON SAFETY higher concentrations the solvent has an anesthetic
effect (causing uncoordination and stumbling); it
Halocarbons are organic chemical compounds can effect the heartbeat (causing irregular beats
containing one or more atoms of carbon and or even stoppage) and can cause tremors, convul-
hydrogen plus one or more atoms of fluorine, sions, and DEATH. Refrigerant gases such as
bromine, chlorine, or iodine which may be Freon 12 and 22 have properties similar to the


ones described above except that they are practic- 7. A medical department representative, who
ally odorless and can cause freeze burns. is trained and knowledgeable in the physiological
effects, prescribed first aid and emergency treat-
During all primary maintenance or industrial ment methods for halocarbon mishaps, should be
uses of halocarbons such as flushing or recharg- alerted to the maintenance action being performed
ing refrigeration or air conditioning systems, the and standing by for quick response.
following “good engineering” precautions are 8. An emergency eyewash/shower system in
mandatory: the immediate vicinity of all halocarbon opera-
tions should its use be required. Where a perma-
1. Strict compliance with NSTM gas-free nent system is not available, a portable system of
Engineering directions for entry into enclosed or 5-10 gallon capacity should suffice. Only potable
confined spaces, and close adherence to standard water should be utilized for this purpose.
operating procedures for all halocarbon 9. Ship’s emergency rescue teams (e.g.,
maintenance actions. “Flying Squads” and repair parties) familiar with
2. Tested and operational ventilation systems. the hazards of halocarbons and trained in air-
Availability of portable equipment to provide in- supplied respirator requirements when involved
take from—and exhaust to the atmosphere (not in halocarbon rescue operations.
recirculation) sufficient to maintain halocarbon 10. The performance of hot work is pro-
concentration at acceptable limits throughout the hibited from halocarbon work areas, due to the
whole maintenance action. (Example: The limit potential decomposition of halocarbons into more
for continuous exposure to the vapors of Freon toxic chemicals.
113 is 1000 parts of solvent per million parts of
air. This limit will be reached by evaporation of As stated earlier, in high concentrations,
approximately 100 milliliters (less than 1/2 cup) halocarbons are toxic chemicals. Any handling or
of solvent in a 10 × 10 × 10 ft. space). Local usage of these chemicals requires the following
exhaust ventilation capable of maintaining a minimum personal protective measures:
minimum capture velocity of 100 fpm over the
face of the container or operation is normally 1. Full-length face shield or chemical workers
required in order to maintain the vapor within ac- goggles
ceptable limits. Note: Absolutely NO venting of 2. Apron or coveralls (both may be required)
halocarbons below decks shall be permitted. 3. Elbow length gloves
3. Positive pressure emergency breathing 4. Boots or booties
devices with supplied air available in the space for 5. Clothing and equipment must be im-
instant donning and egress in the event of a pervious and resistant to halocarbons.
halocarbon mishap.
Note: Non-impervious clothing which
4. Established two-way communications be- becomes wet with halocarbons must be
tween the halocarbon pump at the bulk source and immediately removed and not reworn until all
the equipment being filled, cleaned, or flushed. traces of the chemical are removed by cleaning.
A backup sound powered system is recommended.
5. Verification of filling and flushing system CHARGING THE SYSTEM
integrity by leak testing (e.g., a pressure drop test)
before halocarbon operations commence. Information concerning the charging of
6. A minimum of two people should be sta- refrigeration systems may be found in Naval
tioned in the space, with a safety observer (tender) Ships’ Technical Manual chapter 516. The amount
in the vicinity of the egress route if available. of refrigerant charge must be sufficient to main-
Rescue equipment (as necessary) to quickly tain a liquid seal between the condensing and the
remove personnel from the space in the event of evaporating sides of the system. When the com-
an emergency. (Rescue personnel should also be pressor stops, under normal operating conditions,
equipped with protective clothing and positive the receiver of a properly charged system is about
pressure respiratory protection.) 85% full of refrigerant. The proper charge for a


specific system or unit can be found in the and screen in the strainer body. Replace the
manufacturer’s technical manual or on the ship’s strainer cap loosely. Purge the air out of the
blueprints. strainer, by blowing refrigerant through it, then
A refrigeration system should not be charged tighten the cap. After assembly is complete, test
if there are leaks or if there is reason to believe the unit for leaks.
that there is a leak in the system. The leaks must
be found and corrected. A system should be CLEANING OIL FILTERS
checked for leaks immediately following—or AND STRAINERS
during—the process of charging.
A refrigeration system must have an adequate Compressors arranged for forced feed lubrica-
charge of refrigerant at all times; otherwise its tion are provided with lubricating oil strainers in
efficiency and capacity will be impaired. the suction line of the lube oil pump and an oil
filter installed in the pump discharge line. A
PURGING THE SYSTEM gradual decrease in lubricating oil pressure in-
dicates that the units need cleaning. Cleaning is
To determine if there are noncondensable accomplished in much the same manner as
gases in the system, close the liquid line stop described for cleaning suction strainers.
valve. By-pass all evaporator pressure regulator When cleaning is necessary, the lubricating oil
valves and allow the system to pump down one in the crankcase should be drained from the com-
or more times. Stop the compressor. By-pass the pressor and a new charge of oil, equal to the
water regulating valve and circulate cooling water amount drained, should be added before re-
through the condenser. When discharge pressure starting the unit. When the compressor is put back
stops dropping, convert the pressure to into operation, the lube oil pressure must be
temperature and from this subtract the adjusted to the proper setting by adjustment of
temperature of the injection or overboard. (They the oil pressure regulator.
both should be equalized.) A variation of over 5 °F
will indicate that air and noncondensable gases MAINTAINING COOLING COILS
are present in the system. Crack open the purge
valve for 2-3 seconds at 2 to 3 minute intervals Cooling coils should be inspected regularly and
until the temperature is within 5 °F. cleaned as required. The cooling coils should be
defrosted as often as necessary to maintain the
CLEANING LIQUID effectiveness of the cooling surface. Excessive
LINE STRAINERS build up of frost on the cooling coils will result
in reduced capacity of the plant, low compressor
Where a liquid line strainer is installed, it suction pressure, and a tendency for the com-
should be cleaned at the same intervals as the suc- pressor to short-cycle. The maximum time inter-
tion strainer. If a liquid line strainer becomes val between defrosting depends on such factors
clogged to the extent that it needs cleaning, a loss as refrigerant evaporating temperature, condition
of refrigeration effect will take place. The of door gaskets, moisture content of supplies
tubing on the outlet side of the strainer will be placed in boxes, how frequently the doors are
much colder than the tubing on the inlet side. opened and atmospheric humidity.
To clean the liquid line strainer, secure the Cooling coils should be defrosted before the
receiver outlet valve and wait a few minutes to frost thickness reaches three-sixteenths of an inch.
allow any liquid in the strainer to flow to the cool- When defrosting, do not scrape or break off the
ing coils. Close the strainer outlet valve and very frost, as this may cause damage to the coils.
carefully loosen the cap which is bolted to the
strainer body. (Use all appropriate safety gear.) EVACUATING AND DEHYDRATING
When all of the pressure is bled out of the strainer, THE SYSTEM
remove the cap and lift out the strainer screen.
Clean the strainer screen with a small brush, The major cause of system failures is moisture
using an approved solvent. Reassemble the spring (H2O) which is brought in through air leaks.


When H2O combines with R- 12 it forms sulfric evacuation process. If possible, the dehydrated
acid which will attack the entire system. Good air should be heated to about 240°F.
engineering practice dictates that evacuation, Large dehydrators, suitable for preliminary
dehydration and fixing all air leaks will in the long dehydration of refrigeration systems, are usually
term prevent an acid attack upon the system. available at naval shipyards and aboard tenders
and repair ships.
Where moisture accumulation must be cor- After the preliminary dehydration, the remain-
rected, the system should first be cleared of ing moisture is evacuated by means of a two-stage
refrigerant and air. The time required for these high-efficiency vacuum pump. (These vacuum
processes will depend upon the size of the system pumps are available aboard tenders and repair
and the amount of moisture present. It is good ships.)
engineering practice to circulate heated air A vacuum indicator (figure 6-9) is attached to
through a large dehydrator for several hours, the two-stage high efficiency pump. It consists of
or as long as the dehydrator drying agent an insulated test tube containing a wet bulb ther-
remains effective, before proceeding with the mometer with its wick immersed in distilled water.
This indicator is connected to the vacuum pump
suction line, which in turn, is connected to the
refrigeration system. The refrigerant circuit should
be closed to the atmosphere and the charging con-
nection should be opened to the vacuum pump.
Two-stage pumps are started for operation in
PARALLEL so that maximum displacement may
be obtained during the initial pump-down stages.
When the indicator shows a temperature of about
55 °F (0.43 inch Hg, absolute), the pumps are
placed in SERIES operation (wherein the
discharge from the first step enters the suction of
the second step pump). The dehydration process
will be reflected in the temperature drop of the
vacuum indicator (as shown in figure 6-10).
Readings will initially reflect ambient
temperatures. Then they will show rapidly

Figure 6-10.—Vacuum indicator readings plotted during

Figure 6-9.—Dehydrator vacuum indicator. dehydration.


falling temperatures until the water in the system as activated alumina and silica gel. However,
starts to boil. when special drying agents are employed they
When most of the evaporated moisture has should be reactivated in accordance with the
been evacuated from the system, the indicator will specific instructions furnished by the
show a decrease in temperature. As soon as the manufacturer.
temperature reaches 35 °F (0.2 inch Hg, absolute),
admit dry air through a chemical dehydrator After reactivation, the drying agent should be
into the system at a point farthest from the pump. placed back in the dehydrator shell and sealed as
As the pump continues operating, the dry air will quickly as possible, in order to prevent absorp-
mix with and dilute any remaining moisture. tion of atmospheric moisture. When the drying
Secure the opening which feeds the dry air to the agent becomes fouled or saturated with lubricating
system. The system must continue evacuating until oil, it must be replaced with a fresh charge, or
the indicator again shows a temperature of 35 °F. with a dehydrator cartridge, taken from a sealed
At this time, the dehydration process is complete. container.
Close the valves and disconnect the vacuum
pump. Remember that the dehydrators that are
Sometimes it is impossible to obtain a permanently installed in refrigeration systems of
temperature as low as 35 °F in the vacuum naval ships are designed to remove only the
indicator. The probable reasons for this and the minute quantities of moisture unavoidably
corrective procedures to take, are as follows: introduced in the system. Extreme care must be
taken to prevent moisture, or moisture-laden air,
1. Excess moisture is present in the system. from entering the system.
Because of the acid being formed, the dehydra-
tion procedure should be conducted for longer
2. Absorbed refrigerant is present in the
lubricating oil contained in the compressor Systems may accumulate dirt and scale as a
crankcase. Remove the lubricating oil from the result of improper procedures used during repair
crankcase before proceeding with the dehydration or installation of the system. If such dirt is
process. excessive and a tank-type cleaner is available, con-
3. Air is leaking into the system. The leak nect the cleaner to the compressor suction strainer.
must be found and stopped. It will be necessary Where such a cleaner is not available, insert a hard
to repeat the procedure required for detecting wool felt filter, about 5/16 inch thick, in the suc-
leaks in the system. tion strainer screen. The plant should then be
4. Inefficient vacuum pump or defective operated with an operator in attendance, for at
vacuum indicator. The defective unit(s) should be least 36 hours or until cleaned, depending upon
repaired or replaced. the size and the condition of the plant.

Immediately after each period of use, or after

the system has been opened for repairs, the dry- AIR CONDITIONING CONTROL
ing agent in the dehydrator should be replaced.
If a replacement cartridge is not available, the dry-
ing agent can be reactivated and used until a Most of the information presented to this
replacement is available. point applies to the refrigeration side of a system,
Reactivation is accomplished by removing the whether it is used for a refrigeration plant or for
drying agent and heating it, for 12 hours, at a air conditioning. The compressor controls for
temperature of 300°F to bake out the moisture. both type systems are nearly identical, however,
The drying agent may be placed in an oven, or the devices used to control space temperatures dif-
a stream of hot air may be circulated through the fer. A two-position control, sometimes called the
cartridge. These methods are satisfactory for reac- on/off control, is used for the automatic control
tivating commonly used dehydrating agents such of most shipboard air conditioning systems.


TWO-POSITION CONTROL and working spaces more comfortable and to the

rapid development of various types of weapons
This control may be used on three types of systems. Such spaces often use a common cool-
systems: ing coil serving several different spaces. Assume
that three spaces are being cooled by a common
1. Systems employing a simple thermostatic- coil. Since the load changes seldom occur
ally controlled single-pole switch to control flow simultaneously, electric or steam reheaters are
of refrigerant to the cooling coil. installed in the cooling air ducts and the cooling
2. Systems using reheaters, employing a ther- thermostats of the various spaces are connected
mostatic element actuating two interlocked in parallel so that any one may open the cooling
switches. coil valve.
3. Systems using reheaters in the same man-
ner as in item 2 with control of humidity added, Suppose space “B” (figure 6-11) has a load
where specified. change and spaces “A” and “C” do not. These
spaces would become too cold for comfort with
The type 1 system above is the most commonly the coil operating to take care of space "B". In
used and requires little explanation. A thermostat, order to prevent this condition, the thermostat
consisting of a temperature sending element, would close the heating switch and energize the
actuating a single-pole, single-throw switch, opens reheaters for spaces A and C.
and closes a magnetic valve to start and stop the The type 3 system is identical to the type 2
flow of refrigerant—chilled water or commercial system, except that a humidistat is wired in
refrigerant. This type of control is similar to ther- parallel with the thermostatic heating switch. This
mostatic control for the refrigeration plant. type system is used mostly in weapons and elec-
Although the type 1 system requires single-pole tronic spaces. The humidistat is set for the relative
thermostats, the 2PD used in type 2 and type 3 humidity condition desired. In most installations,
systems can be used. The cooling switch would it is only necessary to prevent the humidity from
then be connected in the normal manner with the exceeding 55%. Where the humidistat is installed,
heating switch inoperative. an increase in temperature beyond the thermostat
The use of the type 2 system has greatly in- setting will close the thermostat cooling switch and
creased, due to the present effort to make living an increase in relative humidity beyond the

Figure 6-11.—Typical air conditioning system.


humidistat setting will close the heating switch, Setpoints of the thermostats and humidistats
energizing the reheaters. should be checked with a calibrated thermometer
and a reliable humidity indicator.
When servicing the two-position control
Proper attention to maintenance checks will system there are three possible areas where trou-
often allow you to detect developing troubles in ble may occur:
time to take corrective action. Since most
breakdowns often occur at the most inopportune 1. The sensing element and its associated
time, periodic checks and maintenance will mechanism.
prove to be well worthwhile to avoid 2. The magnetic valves that control the flow
malfunctions. or refrigerant.
The two-position control system can easily be 3. The wiring system which connects the sen-
checked out in a reasonably short time. The sing elements to the solenoids of the magnetic
checkout period should be at least every three valves and the controller of the electric heaters.
months or more often if it proves to be necessary.
Inspection and checks should be conducted at the
beginning of the cooling season and about mid- DETECTING AND
way. The same should be done for the heating CORRECTING TROUBLES
Sensing elements should be inspected and any Faulty operation of the refrigerating and air
dust accumulations removed. Thermostatic conditioning plants is indicated by various definite
sensing elements should have dust and dirt re- symptoms. Information in figures 6-12 and 6-13
moved with a soft brush, and the sensing elements indicates some possible troubles that may be en-
in humidistats should be blown off gently with countered, the possible causes of these troubles,
air so as not to damage the elements. and the corrective action which may be taken. But
Magnetic valves should be checked for opera- remember always consult the manufacturer’s
tion. Be sure that the valves are opening and clos- technical manual before attempting any repair or
ing completely. adjustment on your equipment.


Trouble Possible Cause Corrective Measure

High condensing pressure. Air or non-condensable gas Purge air from condenser.
in system.
Inlet water warm. Increase quantity of con-
densing water.
Insufficient water flowing Increase quantity of water.
through condenser.
Condenser tubes clogged or Clean condenser water tubes.
Too much liquid in receiver, Draw off liquid into service
condenser tubes submerged cylinder.
in liquid refrigerant.

Low condensing pressure. Too much water flowing Reduce quantity of water.
through condenser.
Water too cold. Reduce quantity of water.
Liquid refrigerant flooding Change expansion valve
back from evaporator. adjustment, examine
fastening of thermal bulb.
Leaky discharge valve. Remove head, examine valves.
Replace any found defective.

High suction pressure. Overfeeding of expansion Regulate expansion valve,

valve. check bulb attachment.
Leaky suction valve. Remove head, examine valve
and replace if worn.

Low suction pressure. Restricted liquid line and Pump down, remove, examine
expansion valve or suction and clean screens.
Insufficient refrigerant in Check refrigerant charge
Too much oil circulating Check for too much oil in
in system. circulation. Remove oil.
Improper adjustment of Adjust valve to give more
expansion valves. flow.
Expansion valve power Replace expansion valve
element dead or weak. power element.

Figure 6-12.—Trouble diagnosis chart.


Trouble Possible Cause Corrective Measure

Compressor short cycles on Low refrigerant charge. Locate and repair leaks.
low pressure control. Charge refrigerant.
Thermal expansion valve not Adjust, repair or replace
feeding properly. thermal expansion valve.

(a) Dirty strainers. (a) Clean strainers.

(b) Moisture frozen in orifice (b) Remove moirture or dirt
or orifice plugged with (Use system dehydrator).
(c) Power element dead or (c) Replace power element.
Water flow through Remove restriction. Check
evaporators restricted or water flow. Clean coils
stopped. Evaporator coils or tubes.
plugged, dirty, or clogged
with frost.
Defective low pressure Repair or replace low pres-
control switch. sure control switch.

Compressor runs continuously. Shortage of refrigerant. Repair leak and recharge

Leaking discharge valves. Replace discharge valves.

Compressor short cycles on Insufficient water flowing Determine if water has been
high pressure control switch. through condenser, clogged turned off. Check for scaled
condenser. or fouled condenser.
Defective high pressure Repair or replace high
control switch. pressure control switch.

Compressor will not run. Seized compressor. Repair or replace compressor.

Cut-in point of low pressure Set L. P. control switch to
control switch too high. cut-in at correct pressure.
High pressure control switch Check discharge pressure
does not cut-in. and reset H. P. control
1. Defective switch. 1. Repair or replace switch.
2. Electric power cut off. 2. Check power supply.
2. Service or disconnect 3. Close switches.
switch open.

Figure 6-12.—Trouble diagnosis chart—Continued.


Trouble Possible Cause Corrective Measure

Compressor will not run. 4. Fuses blown. 4. Test fuses and renew
(Cont‘d) if necessary.
5. Over-load relays tripped. 5. Re-set relays and find
cause of overload.
6. Low voltage. 6. Check voltage (should
be within 10 percent of
nameplate rating).
7. Electrical motor in trouble. 7. Repair or replace motor.
8. Trouble in starting switch 8. Close switch manually to
or control circuit. test power supply. If
OK check control circuit
including temperature and
pressure controls.
9. Compressor motor stopped 9. Check oil level in crank-
by oil pressure differ- case. Check oil pump
ential switch. pressure.

Sudden loss of oil from Liquid refrigerant slugging Adjust or replace expansion
crankcase. back to compressor crank valve.

Capacity reduction system Hand operating stem of Set hand operating stem to
fails to unload cylinders. capacity control valve not automatic position.
turned to automatic position.

Compressor continues to Pressure regulating valve Adjust or repair pressure

operate at full or partial load. not opening. regulating valve.

Capacity reduction system Broken or leaking oil tube Repair leak.

fails to load cylinders. between pump and power

Compressor continues to Pressure regulating valve Adjust or repair pressure

operate unloaded. not closing. regulating valve.

Figure 6-12.—Trouble diagnosis chart-Continued.




Space temperature B a d l o c a t i o n o f Carefully read tempera- Relocate thermostat to

higher than thermostat thermostat. ture at the sensing a place more repre-
setting and thermostat element. sentative of average
contacts are open. space temperature.

Thermostat out of ad- Calibrate with good Clean, adjust, or

justment or sticking. thermometer. replace the thermostat.

Cooling coil magnetic Solenoid Valve. Replace solenoid coil.

valve not opening. Valve sticking. Clean valve or adjust

Space temperature Bad location of ther- Test with reliable ther- Move thermostat to a
thermostat lower than mostat (this will also ef- mometer at location. better location.
thermostat setting and fect cooling).
contacts are closed.

Space temperature Cooling coil magnetic Stuck valve. Disassemble and clean.
lower than thermostat valve stuck in open
setting and thermostat position.
contacts are open.

Heating coil magnetic Test solenoid. Replace solenoid coil.

valve stuck or bad Test valve. Clean the valve.

Thermostat or humidi- Sensing element fouled Examine. Clean.

stat time constant too with lint and dirt.
low, causing wide
deviation from set

Electric heater does not Controller contacts Use test lamp to Replace contacts,
cut out. stuck. determine. springs or other parts as
found defective.

Electric heater does not Overheat protection Place test lamp across. Repair or replace.
cut in. not reset or defective.

Figure 6-13.—Trouble diagnosis chart.


Information related to much of the auxiliary should be kept constantly in mind when a machine
machinery aboard ship is provided in Engineman of any kind is being serviced. Remember, the im-
3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10541 (current revision). proper use of tools and methods may cause serious
This chapter provides additional information on casualties to both machinery and personnel.
the care and maintenance of compressed air Although rugged and dependable, modern
systems and equipment, auxiliary boilers, auxiliary machinery is not designed to withstand
hydraulic systems, distilling plants and pressure abusive treatment. Gasketed joints, pipe joints,
valves. and bolts are designed to safely withstand the
strain required for a tight connection when the
specified torque is applied with the correct tool.
COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEMS Whenever a joint or bolt cannot be tightened
without the use of an oversized wrench or wrench
Qualifications for lower rates require that you handle extension, there is usually something
know not only the purpose and principles in- wrong with the assembly.
volved, but also the operation and performance Pounding on a wrench to acquire additional
of routine maintenance on many auxiliary systems force usually results in damage to the equipment.
and units which use compressed air. As an EN, Use of a wrench extension is likely to distort the
you have already used compressed air for such gasketed surface or twist off the bolt without
jobs as starting diesel engines, blowing out and achieving a tight joint. The application of any
cleaning various units, and operating numerous force in excess of the force prescribed usually
pneumatic tools. When working with any of the results in breakage.
three types of compressed air systems (low,
medium, and high pressure), you have probably CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF
found that the principal source of many troubles AIR COMPRESSORS
is to be found in the compressor. Even though To keep the ship’s air compressors operating
the design and capacity of compressors vary, the efficiently at all times and to prevent as many
maintenance procedures are essentially the same troubles as possible, it is necessary to know how
for all of them. However, the care and to care for air intakes and filters; how to main-
maintenance of high pressure compressors require tain and replace air valves; how to take care of
additional safety precautions and adherence to air cylinders, pistons, and wrist pins; how to
procedures recommended by the manufacturer. adjust bearings and couplings; and how to
Because of your past experience, parts of the properly maintain the lubrication, the cooling, the
following discussion will serve only as a review, control, and the air systems.
while other portions of the discussion will benefit
you in your study for advancement, and will be Air Intakes and
helpful when you are called upon to train others. Intake Filters
To avoid unnecessary damage to equipment,
always use proper tools and take all necessary The satisfactory operation of any compressor
precautions. The correct use of proper tools is based on a supply of clean, cool, dry air. To


aid in keeping the air supply clean, filters are discharge valve below the intercooler will cause
fitted to compressor intakes. Unless inspected and a decrease in the intercooler pressure. An unusu-
cleaned regularly, these filters become clogged and ally hot valve cover is a sign of valve trouble.
cause a loss of capacity. Dirt is generally the cause of leaking valves.
Filter elements should be removed from the The source of valve trouble can usually be traced
intake and cleaned either with a jet of hot water to dirty intake air; the use of excessive or improper
or steam, or by immersion in a strong solution cylinder oil; or excessively high air temperature,
of sal soda. The filter body should be drained and resulting from faulty cooling. A periodic inspec-
replaced. Filter elements of the oil-wetted type tion and cleaning of valves and valve passages will
should be dipped in a clean, medium viscosity oil minimize and perhaps prevent the occurrence of
after cleaning and the excess oil should be air valve troubles. The frequency for cleaning
drained from the elements before replacing them valves must be determined for each installation.
on the filter intakes. Gasoline or kerosene should The air valves are easily accessible and are
not be used for cleaning air filters because of the removed by first loosening the valve cover plates.
explosive fumes which may collect in the com- Then the valve and valve unloader, if installed,
pressor or air receiver. may be lifted out. Each valve should be marked
so that it may later be returned to the same open-
Dehydrators ing from which it was removed.
Dirt or carbon can usually be removed from
On some ships, compressed air is used for the valve parts without disassembling the valve. If
operation of missile system components and with disassembly is necessary, notice should be taken
automatic controls for boilers. In order to pre- on how the various parts are arranged so that the
vent failure of these systems, moisture and proper relationship will be kept when the valve
lubricants from the compressor must be kept at is reassembled. To remove carbon from valve
a minimum. Blowing down the compressor parts, soak each part in kerosene and then brush
separators prevents most of this, but still some or scrape lightly. After drying and reassembling
moisture is carried over. the valve parts, test the valve action to be sure
To aid in the removal of the moisture and that the valve opens and closes freely.
lubricants, two types of dehydrators are gener- Before air valves are replaced in a cylinder,
ally used: type I refrigerant dehydrators and type inspect the gaskets. If the gaskets are made of
II dehydrators using a desiccant of either silica materials other than copper, and are damaged,
gel or activated alumina, and containing electric change them. Copper gaskets should always be
heating coils for reactivating the desiccant when replaced. Since it is often difficult to distinguish
it becomes saturated with moisture. Type II between suction and discharge valves, use extreme
dehydrators are normally installed in pairs so that care when inserting valves in the cylinder. Make
one can always be in service while the other is be- sure that suction valves open TOWARD, and
ing reactivated. discharge valves AWAY FROM, the center of the
cylinder. Otherwise, serious damage or loss of
Air Valves capacity will result. If special locknuts are not pro-
vided to seal against leakage at the threads of the
Air inlet and discharge valves are vital parts valve setscrew, place a turn of solder or fuse wire
of a compressor and should receive careful atten- around the screw and set down into a recess by
tion. When these valves leak, the compressor the locking nut.
capacity is reduced and results in an unbalanced
stage pressure. Cylinders and Pistons
There are several symptoms which signify that
an air valve is not functioning properly. A devia- When you find that it is necessary to inspect
tion from normal intercooler pressure may the cylinders or pistons of an air compressor, you
indicate a leaking or broken valve. A defective should refer to the manufacturer’s instruction
inlet valve above the intercooler will cause a rise manual and the appropriate Planned Maintenance
in pressure in the intercooler, while a defective System (PMS) maintenance requirement card


(MRC) for the proper methods and tools required differential pistons, it is necessary to loop a wire
for removing the heads. The following is general around the top of the lower liner, using valve ports
information on removing a piston, fitting new for access, and squeeze each ring closed as it
piston rings, and checking piston end clearance approaches the top of the liner. One technique
for a vertical compressor. is to slip the rings over a thin piece of shim stock
To remove trunk pistons from vertical com- which, in turn, is slipped over the piston. This
pressors, it is first necessary to remove the cylinder prevents overstretching and other possible ring
heads. In the case of three- or four-stage com- damage.
pressors, the third and fourth stage cylinders will After a piston has been replaced in a com-
also have to be removed. Next, you must turn the pressor and the head has been drawn down
compressor by hand to top center and remove the evenly, it will be necessary for you to check piston
lower half of the crank pin bearing, or the entire end clearance. NOTE: The piston end clearance
crank pin bearing box, if so directed. Pull up the must always be measured and adjusted after
piston and connecting rod through the cylinder. replacing the pistons, or after any adjustment or
In removing pistons from compressors fitted with replacement of the main, crank pin, wrist pin, or
cross heads and piston rods, the general procedure cross head bearing has been made. This is ac-
is to loosen the piston rod locknuts adjacent to complished by inserting a lead wire through a
the cross head, then unscrew the piston rod from valve port or indicator connection, and then jack-
the cross head and lift the piston and the rod out ing the compressor over so that when the piston
of the cylinder. has moved to the end of its stroke (top dead center
If the piston rings are worn or broken and
(TDC)), the lead will be flattened to the exact
require replacement, take accurate measurements amount of clearance at the end of the stroke. The
of the cylinder or liner to determine the exact lead wire should be long enough so that the
diameter. Standard size rings may be used in over- reading can be taken at a point near the center
size cylinders if the oversize does not exceed 0.003 of the piston.
inch per inch of the cylinder diameter. If the
cylinder or liner is worn beyond the manufac- In differential piston compressors in which
turer’s recommended limits, it should be replaced. compression takes place in two stages during the
On compressors not equipped with liners, such same stroke, the clearance must be measured for
as air-cooled or large pneumatic service com- both stages. In double-acting compressors, or in
pressors, one reboring is allowed. those compressors in which compression in any
When piston rings are being replaced, they stage takes place on the reverse stroke, a second
should first be fitted to the cylinder to check for reading of the clearance at the bottom of the
proper end clearance. If necessary, the ends stroke (bottom dead center (BDC)) of that
should be filed until the manufacturer’s recom- cylinder must be taken.
mended clearance is obtained. Rings should then After taking these readings, you can adjust the
be fitted to the piston grooves, making sure that piston end clearances. Proper clearances for a
the side clearance of each ring is such as to allow specific compressor are usually found in the
it to fall into the groove by its own weight. The manufacturer’s instruction book or on the
thickness of each ring should be checked to make blueprints. If neither of these documents is
sure that the groove is deep enough for the ring available, then you should adjust the clearance
thickness. In replacing the rings, care must be so that the TDC stroke is approximately 1/64 inch
taken to ensure that they are staggered so that the greater than the BDC stroke. This is necessary to
ring splits are not in line. After the piston is allow for the expansion of the running parts when
assembled, it is advisable to wire the rings tightly the compressor is in operation.
with a soft copper wire so that they will enter the
bore without difficulty. As each ring enters the The method of adjusting the piston clearance
bore, the binding wire can be removed through varies with different compressors or designs.
the valve ports. Most cylinder liners are beveled Adjustments may be accomplished by one of the
at the top to permit the rings to compress and following methods: (1) by adding or removing
enter the bore easily. In certain designs of shims in the connecting rod between the lower end


of the rod and the crank pin bearing boxes; (2) In general, the lubricating system of a com-
by adding or removing shims between piston and pressor will give you little trouble if the follow-
socket type wrist pin boxes; (3) by screwing in or ing steps are taken:
backing out the wrist pin adapter, in compressors
having a threaded wrist pin adapter; (4) by turn- 1. Keep the reservoir oil at the prescribed level
ing the piston rod in or out of the cross head, in in order to maintain proper oil temperature.
double-acting pistons equipped with piston rod 2. Change crankcase oil periodically, flush the
and cross head. In some compressors, the piston crankcase, and clean the oil filter.
clearance is nonadjustable. 3. Maintain proper lube oil pressure by keep-
ing the oil pump in good working condition and
Control Devices by adjusting the bypass relief valve.
4. Keep the oil cooler free from leaks to pre-
Because of the great variety of control, vent oil contamination and emulsification.
regulating, and unloading devices used with com- 5. Inspect cylinder lubricators.
pressors, detailed instructions on their adjustment
a. When Navy Symbol 9000 series oil is
and maintenance must be obtained from
used for compressor cylinder lubrication, the sight
manufacturers’ technical manuals.
When a control valve fails to work properly, flow indicators should be filled with glycerine
disassembly and a thorough cleaning is usually alone.
necessary. Some control valves are fitted with b. When Navy Symbol 2000 series oil is
used for cylinder lubrication, the sight flow in-
filters filled with sponge or woolen yarn, to pre-
dicators should be filled with a mixture of 50%
vent dust and grit from being carried into the valve
distilled water and 50% glycerine.
chamber and to remove gummy deposits which
come from the oil used in the compressor
cylinders. Replace the filter element with the 6. Keep the lubricator in proper adjustment
for the specified quantity of oil feed.
specified material each time a valve is cleaned.

WARNING: DO NOT use cotton as a filter The general requirements for care and
element because it will pack down and stop the maintenance of compressor cooling systems are
as follows:
air flow.

Since relief valves are essential for the safe 1. Intercoolers and aftercoolers should be in-
spected periodically.
operation of a compressed air system, they must
2. Collections of gummy oils or tarry
be kept in satisfactory working condition at all
substances on the sides of cooler tubes should be
times. Relief valves should be set as specified by removed by washing the tube nests with a cutting
the manufacturer, and tested by hand each time solution. Be sure that the nests are completely dry
the compressor is started. Periodically, the set-
ting of relief valves should be checked by raising before reassembly.
3. Any leaks in tube nests must be repaired;
the pressure in the space which they serve. otherwise, water will leak into the compressor
while it is secured, and air will leak into the water
Lubricating and Cooling Systems side during operation.

The maintenance procedures for lubricating If during operation, a water relief valve on the
and cooling systems in air compressors are similar coolers blows while the cooling water pressure is
to the procedures used for lubricating and cool- normal, it is evident that a tube in the cooler is
ing systems in internal combustion engines. For ruptured. The compressor should be secured im-
air-cooled compressors, steps must be taken to mediately and the tube plugged, if possible.
keep the cooling fins clean. Oil and dust act as
insulators and, if allowed to collect on the fins, 4. Cylinder water jackets should be inspected
will prevent heat transfer. and cleaned periodically with a cleaning nozzle.


5. When the cooling water system of the com- coating, and when necessary, the exterior is
pressor is being refilled, the water inlet valve painted. Further information on the details of the
should be opened slightly to allow the water to inspections and maintenance performed by repair
rise slowly in the cooler shell and water jackets. activities can be found in chapter 551, section
Also, the vent valves which are fitted to the water VIII, of Naval Ships’ Technical Manual.
spaces should be opened to permit entrapped air
to escape, and thus prevent the formation of air
pockets in the system. INSPECTIONS AND TESTS

CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF The minimum maintenance requirements for

AIR SYSTEM EQUIPMENT the performance of inspections and tests of com-
pressed air plants are given in figure 7-1. It is the
The air flasks and separators of surface ships responsibility of the engineer officer to determine
must be given a surface inspection every 3 months if the condition of the equipment, hours of
to determine if there is any external corrosion or service, or operating conditions necessitate more
damage to flasks or piping. frequent inspections and tests. Details for each
Because of the coating of zinc chromate test and inspection are obtained from the PMS
primer, corrosion is seldom a source of trouble Manual, or the appropriate manufacturer’s
on the internal surfaces of air flasks; however, technical manual.
corrosion may take place on the external surfaces
of air flasks and may be sufficiently serious to
weaken the material, especially in high-pressure SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
flasks. Surface corrosion usually occurs at points
which cannot be easily reached for proper Competent personnel operating and maintain-
cleaning and painting. ing any machine keep it performing as efficiently
Drainage of air system equipment must be suf- as possible. In order to achieve peak performance
ficiently frequent to prevent excessive accumula- from a compressed air plant, they take steps to
tions of moisture and oil. Such accumulations not prevent or minimize the occurrence of any con-
only cause internal corrosion and fouling of dition which might reduce plant capacity or result
moving parts, but also create a serious hazard in serious damage. All personnel should take every
since any excessive oil accumulation may result possible precaution to prevent potential explo-
in an explosion. sions, especially when operating high pressure
All high-pressure flasks and separators must systems. Safety precautions which will aid you in
be inspected, cleaned, tested, and repainted at preventing explosions and in maintaining a plant
prescribed intervals by a repair activity. For sur- in satisfactory operating condition are listed
face ships, the initial and subsequent intervals below.
should not exceed 6 years. Although inspection
intervals for separator flasks are approximately 1. Minimize the possibility of explosions in
3 years, if there is reason to believe that serious an air compressor, discharge line, or receiver by
corrosion of either the exterior or the interior of taking steps to prevent or eliminate the following:
air flasks is taking place, before the lapse of the
normal interval, the flasks should be inspected and a. Dust-laden intake air.
tested at once. b. Presence of oil vapor in compressor or
Periodic examinations are essential to deter- receiver.
mine the condition of air system equipment; these c. Leaking or dirty valves.
examinations should include not only a complete
inspection of the interior and the exterior of flasks 2. Make sure that the compressor intake
and separators, but also ultrasonic inspections and receives only cool, dry air.
hydrostatic tests. After a thorough cleaning, the 3. Use only prescribed agents for cleaning
flasks which successfully pass the hydrostatic test compressor intake filters, cylinders, or air
are given the prescribed internal protective passages. DO NOT use benzene, kerosene, or


Figure 7-1.—PMS tests and inspections for compressed air plants.


other light oils that vaporize easily and that, under operation, and maintenance of auxiliary boilers
compression, form a highly explosive mixture. must be obtained from the manufacturer’s
4. Use only the minimum amount and the technical manual.
proper grade of oil for cylinder lubrication.
5. Secure a compressor immediately if there
is an abnormal rise in the temperature of air OPERATION
discharge from any stage.
6. Be sure a relief valve is installed between The operation of auxiliary boilers used on
a compressor and a stop valve, or a check valve diesel-driven ships is under the supervision of an
is installed between a compressor and the receiver. ENC or EN1. You should ensure that personnel
If there is no relief valve and the compressor is charged with the operation and maintenance of
started against a closed valve or a deranged check an auxiliary boiler are thoroughly familiar with
valve, the air will not be able to escape and an the boiler and its associated equipment. Satisfac-
explosion will result. tory operation of the boiler depends on proper
7. Do not leave a compressor station after care and maintenance. Specific attention must be
starting a compressor, especially a new com- paid to maintaining automatic regulating, control,
pressor or one that has been idle for some time, and safety devices in proper operating condition.
until you are positive that the control, unloading, Failure of these devices may lead to a major
and governing devices are working properly. casualty, damage to equipment, and injury to per-
8. Do not disconnect any part of a com- sonnel; therefore, continuous, alert watchstanding
pressor if the system is under pressure. To avoid should be maintained while the auxiliary boiler
serious accidents, the following precautions is in semiautomatic or manual operation. An
should be taken before working on, or removing, operating auxiliary boiler should never be left
any part of a compressor: unattended.

a. Leave all pressure gages open.

b. Be sure the compressor is actually secured TROUBLESHOOTING
and cannot be started automatically or
accidentally. Faulty operation of auxiliary boilers is
c. Be sure the compressor is completely indicated by various symptoms. These symptoms
blown down. may indicate one or more conditions in the boiler.
d. Be sure all valves, including the control Each condition must be corrected. Consult the
or unloading valves, between the compressor and manufacturer’s technical manual for detailed
the receiver are closed. information on troubleshooting a particular
boiler. Knowing the probable causes of a par-
9. Operate a compressor at recommended ticular symptom can assist you in correcting any
speeds and maintain proper cooling water circula- trouble quickly and efficiently. Some of the
tion to prevent damage from excessive troubles encountered in the operation of auxiliary
temperatures. boilers and their causes are listed in figure 7-2.
10. Drain the circulating water system of a
compressor if it is to remain idle for an extended AUXILIARY BOILER
period, or if it is to be exposed to freezing WATER TREATMENT
The auxiliary boiler feedwater is exposed to
AUXILIARY BOILERS the same contaminants as the propulsion boiler
feedwater. Auxiliary boilers are generally used for
Information about the operation, hotel service loads, and shore water used for
maintenance, and safety regarding auxiliary feedwater is usually the prime source of con-
boilers in this chapter supplements that given in tamination. The shore water may contaminate the
Engineman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10541 (current feedwater system by leakage through malfunction-
edition). Detailed information on construction, ing galley mixing valves, laundry equipment, and


Symptom Symptom Condition may be due to

Condition may be due to
or Difficulty or Difficulty

Ignition Faulty transformer. Oil pump Improper oil relief valve set-
failure Broken or grounded high tension fails to ting.
leads. deliver Defective gasket on the oil pump.
Cracked high tension electrode (continued) Leaky pump seal.
Carbon deposits on electrodes Blower fails Slipping V-belts.
or insulators. to deliver Driver pulley loose on the shaft.
Incorrect electrode setting. Misalignment.
Malfunctioning programing con- Dirty fan blades.
trol cams. Restriction at the blower inlet.
Faulty ignition cable connector. Seized bearings in the blower or
Solenoid oil or air valve fails to the blower drive.
open. Bent or broken shaft.
Water in the oil. Dirty air inlet screen.
Dirty or clogged burner tip. Insufficient supply voltage to
motor (d-c machinery).
Flame Dirty glass in the photocell. Fluctuating voltage.
failure Abnormal ambient temperature.
Bad electron tube in the photo- Feed pump Dirty suction strainer.
cell. fails to Abnormally high water tem-
Damaged photocell. deliver perature.
Faulty electron tube in the com- Leak in the suction line.
bustion safeguard control. Pump packing gland leaks badly.
Loose connection on the photo- Plugged inlet piping.
cell. Excessive discharge head.
Out of oil or have water in the Slipping or broken drive coup-
oil. ling.
Clogged fuel oil nozzle. Jammed pump impeller.
Clogged fuel oil line or strainer. Dirty water level relay contacts
Broken pressure regulator (electrode - probe type con-
spring. trol).
Faulty solenoid valve. Malfunctioning pump time delay
Broken belt (V-belt drive). relay. Grounded water probes
(electrode - probe type con-
Burner Dirty nozzle. trol).
smokes or Excessive return line oil pres- Pump vapor locked.
pulsates sure (return flow system). Insufficient water supply.
Nozzle not positioned correctly. Reversed rotation.
Insufficient air for combustion. Wornout impeller.
Low oil pressure. Defective water pressure gage.
Incorrect burner linkage set-
ting. Excessive Combustion pulses.
Incorrect setting of primary air. vibration Loose hold-dorn bolts.
Low voltage (d-c machinery). Badly worn bearings.
Fluctuating voltage. Insufficient air to the burner.
Loose mechanical fastings.
Oil pump Leak in the suction line. Misalignment of rotating auxil-
fails to Insufficient fuel in the tank. iaries.
deliver Clogged or dirty strainers. Dynamic unbalance of rotating
Worn pump members. auxiliaries.

Figure 7-2.—Troubleshooting guide—auxiliary boilers. 121.21


hot water heaters. Shore water is usually hard phosphate without significantly affecting the
water which contains high concentrations of alkalinity.
dissolved solids and silica. Although it can have
either high or low pH, in a boiler, shore water Initial Treatment
usually causes high pH. High concentrations of
dissolved solids lead to boiler water carryover with The boiler is initially half-filled with feedwater
the steam. Silica may be deposited on the boiler to partially dilute the treatment chemicals which
watersides and in the steam system as it vaporizes. must be added. The treatment chemicals are then
added to bring the boiler water conditions to near
Water hardness leads to excessive usage of the upper limits. The necessary amounts of treat-
boiler water treatment chemicals which causes cor- ment chemicals are weighed, dissolved in feed-
rosion, scale, and sludge buildup. Excessively high water, and injected into the boiler.
pH causes caustic embrittlement and subsequent
erosion of boiler metal parts. WARNING: TSP solutions are corrosive and
cause burns to skin, eyes, and body tissues.
Firetube and watertube auxiliary boilers are Affected personnel should flush skin with cold
natural circulation boilers. The water treatment water. If TSP or its solutions enter the eyes, flush
for natural circulation auxiliary boilers is main- with cold water and obtain immediate medical
tained in the same manner as the propulsion boiler attention.
water. Section 21 of Naval Ships’ Technical
Manual, chapter 220, volume 2, describes this TSP is added to bring the alkalinity to 2.0
water treatment. The control parameters for aux- equivalents per million (epm) (2.0 meq/L) and to
iliary boiler water are alkalinity, phosphate, and provide some of the needed phosphate. DSP is
chloride. In auxiliary boilers, the alkalinity of the added to bring the phosphate to 300 parts per
auxiliary boiler water is measured instead of the million (ppm) (300 mg/L) and not to the upper
pH because its higher alkalinity level can be more limit of 400 ppm (400 mg/L). In order to deter-
easily measured by the alkalinity test than by the mine the amount of chemicals needed, the volume
pH meter test. The alkalinity range is equivalent of water requiring chemical treatment must be
to a pH range of 11.0 to 11.3. The auxiliary boiler known. This information is sometimes available
limits are given in table 7-1. in the instruction manual for the boiler. If the
weight of water at normal steaming level while
The same treatment chemicals, trisodium steaming is given, divide the weight in pounds by
phosphate dodecahydrate (TSP) and disodium 8.33 to determine volume in gallons. If the boiler
phosphate anhydrous (DSP), are used for aux- weight data gives only the dry weight and the wet
iliary boiler water treatment except that a higher weight of the boiler, determine the boiler water
level must be maintained due to the lower chemical treatment volume as follows:
operating pressures. The TSP provides alkalin-
ity and phosphate. The DSP provides additional 1. Subtract the boiler dry weight from the
boiler wet weight to obtain a weight of cold water
in the boiler.
Table 7-1.—Auxiliary Boiler Water Limits For Firetube and 2. Divide the weight of cold boiler water in
Natural Circulation Water Tube Auxiliary Boilers pounds by 9.30 for boilers operating at 125
pounds per square inch (psi) or 8.87 for boilers
operating at 35 psi to obtain the boiler water
Alkalinity: 1.0 - 2.0 epm (1.0 - 2.0 meq/L) volume, in gallons, for chemical treatment. This
volume times the initial chemical treatment fac-
Phosphate: 200 - 400 ppm (200 - 400 mg/L) tors (ounces per gallon) given in table 7-2 deter-
mines the ounces of TSP and DSP required. Enter
Chloride: 10.0 epm (10.0 meq/L) maximum the volume to the nearest gallon and the calculated
dosage to the nearest one-half ounce in the
appropriate columns.


Table 7-2.—Natural Circulation Auxiliary Boiler Water Initial Dosage

Factor X Boiler Volume = Initial Dosage

(ounces/ for Chemical (ounces)
gallon) Treatment (gallons)

TSP 0.100 x =

DSP 0.022 x =

Initial dosages for several of the auxiliary chemicals only.” Add cold feedwater, cap the
boilers are given in table 7-3. The volumes listed bottle and spout, then shake to dissolve. Inject
are for the following vessels: the solution into the boiler.

Auxiliary boilers are equipped with a chemical

FF-1040, FF-1041, AGFF-1 215 gallons injection system on a bypass of the feedwater line.
One treatment system schematic and general pro-
Other ships having pressure- cedures for auxiliary boilers are presented in figure
fired main boilers 300 gallons
7-3. When you are operating an injection system,
slightly overfill the tank to bleed air out of it. The
LST- 1179 class 280 gallons over-filling must be minimal; otherwise an ex-
cessive amount of treatment will be discharged to
MSOs having cyclotherm the bilge. In addition, injection must continue for
MC-800 boilers 84 gallons
at least 10 minutes to ensure that all of the treat-
ment is flushed into the boiler. Upon completion
Weigh the necessary amount of chemicals and of the chemical addition, finish filling the boiler
place both in the 10-liter safety dispensing bot- to the lightoff level, or if the boiler has been over-
tle. The safety dispensing bottle should be filled, drain until the proper water level is
marked and used “For boiler water treatment reached. A boiler water sample obtained from a

Table 7-3.—Chemical Weights For Freshly Filling Some Auxiliary Boilers

Boiler Water Volume for 84 215 280 300

Chemical Treatment
Weight required *TSP 8.5 21.5 28 30
Weight required **DSP 2 4.5 6 6.5

1 gallon = 3.785 liters *TSP - Trisodium Phosphate

1 ounce = 28.35 grams **DSP - Disodium Phosphate
16 ounces = 1 pound


WARNING: Protective clothing shall be worn while pouring concentrated chemicals into chemical
injection tank and while topping off.


1. Slowly open valves 7 (drain), 6 (overflow/vent), and then 5 (funnel fill).

2. Close valve 7.
3. Charge the injection tank with treatment chemicals already in solution through
the funnel.
4. Top off tank with feedwater obtained in bucket until an overflow just starts.
5. Close valves 5 and 6.
6. Open valves 4 and 8.
7. Close valve 1.
8. Maintain a flow of water for 10 minutes to wash out the injection tank.


1. Open valve 1.
2. Close valves 4 and 8.
3. Drain injection tank by first slowly opening valve 7 and then valve 6.
4. Close valves 6 and 7.

Figure 7-3.—Auxiliary Boiler Chemical Injection Procedure.


freshly filled, chemically treated boiler, prior to and phosphate are linked. The DSP provides
light off, is not representative and is therefore additional phosphate as needed. The boiler
meaningless. The freshly filled and treated boiler water volume for chemical treatment must be
shall be steamed immediately but not later determined as described earlier. Using this
than 24 hours after being filled. Preferably, the volume, the dosages of TSP and DSP are
boiler should not be filled unless it is expected calculated. Table 7-4 gives the TSP dosage fac-
to be fired within 24 hours. If the boiler can- tor (ounces per gallon) for all values of alkalinity.
not be steamed within 24 hours, it should be The boiler volume is multiplied by the factor and
placed under dry layup in accordance with chap- the dosage of TSP is entered to the nearest one-
ter 221, Boilers, Naval Ships’ Technical half ounce in the appropriate space. The increase
Manual. in phosphate due to TSP is given in the last
column. The DSP dosages are calculated similarly
using the DSP factors (ounces per gallon) given
ALKALINITY AND PHOSPHATE.—Since in table 7-5. TSP and DSP dosages for the aux-
the addition of TSP to raise the alkalinity iliary boilers are given in tables 7-6 and 7-7. The
also raises the phosphate, the control of alkalinity procedures for determining the chemical treatment

Table 7-4.—Trisodium Phosphate Dosage For Natural Circulation Auxiliary Boilers (Trisodium Pbosphate, Dodecahydrate,
Na 3 PO 4 12H 2 0)

(Enter) (Calculate)
Boiler water TSP Dosage X Boiler Water = Ounces of TSP Phosphate
Alkalinity Factor Volume for required to raise Correction
epm (meg/L) (ounces/gallon) Chemical alkalinity
Treatment to 2.0 epm

0.1 0.095 X = 180

0.2 0.090 X = 170
0.3 0.085 X = 160
0.4 0.080 X = 150
0.5 0.075 X = 140
0.6 0.070 X = 130
0.7 0.065 X = 120
0.8 0.060 X = 110
0.9 0.055 X = 100
1.0 0.050 X = 90
1.1 0.045 X = 90
1.2 0.040 X = 80
1.3 0.035 X = 70
1.4 0.030 X = 60
1.5 0.025 X = 50
1.6 0.020 X = 40
1.7 0.015 X = 30
1.8 0.010 X = 20
1.9 0.005 X = 10

1 gallon = 3.785 liters

1 ounce = 28.35 grams
TSP - Trisodium Phosphate


Table 7-5.—Disodium Phosphate Dosage For Natural Circulation Auxiliary Boilers (Disodium Phoshate, Anhydrous
Na 2 HPO 4 )

(Enter) (Calculate)
Corrected DSP Dosage X Boiler Water = ounces of
Boiler Water Factor Volume for DSP Required
Phoshate (ounces/gallons) Chemical to raise Phosphate
ppm (mg/L) Treatment to 300 ppm (300 mg/L)

10 0.058 X =
20 0.056 X =
30 0.054 X =
40 0.052 X =
50 0.050 X =
60 0.048 X =
70 0.046 X =
80 0.044 X =
90 0.042 X =
100 0.040 X =
110 0.038 X =
120 0.036 X =
130 0.034 X =
140 0.032 X =
150 0.030 X =
160 0.028 X =
170 0.026 X =
180 0.024 X =
190 0.022 X =
200 0.020 X =
210 0.018 X =
220 0.016 X =
230 0.014 X =
240 0.012 X =
250 0.010 X =
260 0.008 X =
270 0.006 X =
280 0.004 X =
290 0.002 X =

1 ounce - 28.35 grams

1 gallon - 3.785 liters

DSP - Disodium Phosphate

dosages for the completed dosage tables are 2. Locate the boiler water alkalinity in the
described below: first column of table 7-4. Then read across
to the weight of TSP required for the correct
1. Determine the alkalinity and phosphate volume. (Use table 7-6 for the vessels listed ear-
concentrations in the boiler water from sample lier in the chapter.) Enter this weight in the
results. log.


Table 7-6.—Calculated Trisodium Phosphate Dosages For Some Natural Circulation Auxiliary Boilers (Trisodium Phosphate,
Dodecahydrate Na3Po412H2O)

Boiler Water Volume at Normal Steaming Level Add

Boiler Water (Gallons) to
Alkalinity 84 215 280 300 Current
epm (meg/L) Ounces of TSP Phosphate
Required to Raise Alkalinity to 2.0 epm (2.0 meq/L)

0.1 8 20.5 26.5 28.5 180

0.2 7.5 19.5 25 21 170
0.3 7 18.5 24 25.5 160
0.4 6.5 17 22.5 24 150
0.5 6.5 16 21 22.5 140
0.6 6 15 19.5 21 130
0.7 5.5 14 18 19.5 120
0.8 5 13 17 18 110
0.9 4.5 12 15.5 16.5 100
1.0 4 10.5 14 15 90
1.1 4 9.5 12.5 13.5 90
1.2 3.5 8.5 11 12 80
1.3 3 7.5 10 10.5 70
1.4 2.5 6.5 8.5 9 60
1.5 2 5.5 7 7.5 50
1.6 1.5 4.5 5.5 6 40
1.7 1.5 3 4 4.5 30
1.8 1 2 3 3 20
1.9 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 10

1 ounce = 28.35 grams

1 gallon = 3.785 liters

TSP - Trisodium Phosphate

3. Continue to the last column to find the correct volume. (Use table 7-7 for the vessels listed
phosphate correction. This is the amount the earlier.) Enter this weight in the log.
phosphate will increase due to the TSP. Record
the phosphate correction in the log. 6. Weigh the chemicals, dissolve them
together in the 10-liter safety dispensing bottle,
4. Add the phosphate correction caused by and inject the solution into the boiler.
TSP to the measured boiler water phosphate. This
gives the corrected phosphate concentration; NOTE: TSP must be dissolved in cold feed-
record this in the log. water since TSP generates heat when dissolving.
DSP must be dissolved in hot feedwater if only
5. Proceed to table 7-5. Locate the corrected DSP will be injected into the boiler. Therefore,
phosphate in the first column. Read across the TSP should be added first to cold water in the
table to the weight of DSP required for the bottle, then dissolved. This will generate sufficient


Table 7-7.—Calculated Disodium Phosphate Dosages For Some Natural Circulation Auxiliary Boilers, (Disodium Phosphate
Anhydrous, Na2HPO 4)

Boiler Water Volume at Normal Steaming Level

Corrected (Gallons)
Boiler Water 84 215 280 300
Phosphate Ounces of DSP
ppm (mg/L) Required to Raise Phosphate to 300 ppm (300 mg/L)

10 5 12.5 16 17.5
20 4.5 12 15.5 17
30 4.5 11.5 15 16
40 4.5 11 14.5 15.5
50 4 10.5 14 15
60 4 10 13.5 14.5
70 4 10 13 14
80 3.5 9.5 12.5 13
90 3.5 9 12 12.5
100 3.5 8.5 11 12
110 3 8 10.5 11.5
120 3 7.5 10 11
130 3 7 9.5 10
140 2.5 7 9 9.5
150 2.5 6.5 8.5 9
160 2.5 6 8 8.5
170 2 5.5 7.5 8
180 2 5 7 7
190 2 4.5 6 6.5
200 1.5 4.5 5.5 6
210 1.5 4 5 5.5
220 1.5 3.5 4.5 5
230 1 3 4 4
240 1 2.5 3.5 3.5
250 1 2 3 3
240 0.5 1.5 2 2.5
270 0.5 1 1.5 2
280 0.5 1 1 1
290 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

1 gallon - 3.785 liters

1 ounce - 28.35 grams
DSP - Disodium Phosphate


heat to dissolve the DSP when it is transferred HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS

to the TSP solution.
The overall efficiency of the hydraulic installa-
Remember, treatment in accordance with the tions used to control or drive auxiliary machines
DSP dosage table will not bring the phosphate is basically dependent upon the size, oil pressure,
level to the upper limit of 400 ppm (400 mg/L) speed, and stroke of the hydraulic installation.
but will only raise it to 300 ppm (300 mg/L). DSP The efficiency of the hydraulic speed gears and
is added to allow a margin for phosphate in case the components of the system as a whole will
it should become necessary to treat the feedwater depend upon the care which is given them. Since
only for alkalinity since the addition of TSP to major repair of hydraulic gear, except for piping
raise alkalinity will also increase its phosphate and fittings, is generally done in a naval shipyard
level. The boiler must never be surface blown if or by the manufacturers, this section will deal
this action will cause boiler water limits to go primarily with troubleshooting and preventive
below the minimum requirements for alkalinity maintenance.
and phosphate, regardless of the chloride level. Hydraulic transmissions are sturdy, service-
A 10 percent blowdown will cause the phosphate, proven machines, inspected and tested with such
alkalinity, and chloride levels to drop by 10 per- care that casualties seldom occur except as a result
cent. There are no “dump” limits for alkalinity of faulty assembly, installation, or maintenance.
or phosphate. From the standpoint of feedwater A correctly installed hydraulic system, operated
consumption, it is better to secure and dump the regularly and serviced with proper care, will re-
boiler when its alkalinity level is 6 epm (6 meg/L) tain its design characteristics of power, speed, and
or when its phosphate level is 1200 ppm (1200 control. The need for costly repair and replace-
mg/L). ment will seldom occur if the equipment has been
maintained properly.
CHLORIDE.—If feedwater quality is prop-
erly maintained, a maximum concentration of TROUBLESHOOTING
10.0 epm (10 meg/L) chloride in boiler water can
be achieved without difficulty. Leakage of Troubleshooting an electrohydraulic system
seawater into the feedwater system, or abnormally involves the systematic elimination of the possi-
high makeup rates, will cause a continuous ble causes, one by one, until the actual cause of
increase in the chloride level of boiler water. Boiler a casualty is found. In attempting to locate the
water chloride level is controlled by surface source of any trouble in an electrohydraulic
blowdown and by elimination of seawater con- system, remember that all troubles occur in one
tamination in the feedwater. If a serious seawater of three categories—hydraulic, electric, or
contamination situation arises, every effort must mechanical. Isolating a trouble into one of these
be made to isolate and correct the source of con- categories is one of the main steps in locating the
tamination and to limit it to the system already source of trouble.
contaminated. If the boiler water chloride level
exceeds 30 epm (30 meg/L), more makeup feed Hydraulic Troubles
is needed to conduct surface blowdowns than is
used in dumping, flushing, and refilling the boiler. Casualties in a hydraulic system are generally
For additional information about boiler the result of low oil levels, external or internal
water/feedwater test and treatment, read chapter leakage, clogged lines or fittings, or improper
220, volume 2, of the Naval Ships’ Technical adjustment of valves and other working parts. Do
Manual. This manual covers such subjects as (1) not disassemble a unit unless you are certain that
steam plant water chemistry principles, (2) water the trouble exists within that unit. Unnecessary
requirements for propulsion boilers, (3) casualty disassembly may create conditions which lead to
control, (4) quantitative analysis and additional trouble, since dirt may enter an open
troubleshooting, (5) chemical safety precautions, system.
(6) supply information, and (7) water Leaks are a frequent cause of trouble in
requirements for auxiliary boilers. hydraulic equipment. Generally, leaks are a result


of excessively worn parts, abnormal and con- when speed or load is reduced. If the noise per-
tinuous vibration, excessively high operating sists at low speeds or light loads, the system needs
pressures, or faulty or careless assembly. Exter- to be vented of air. Air in a hydraulic system can
nal leaks usually have little effect on the opera- also cause uneven motion of the hydraulic motors.
tion of equipment other than a steady draining When a GRINDING noise occurs, it can
of the oil supply; but even a small leak wastes oil, usually be traced to dry bearings, foreign matter
and the resulting unsightly appearance of a in the oil, worn or scored parts, or overtightness
machine is indicative of poor maintenance of some adjustment.
procedures. The term HYDRAULIC CHATTER is
External leaks may result from any of the sometimes used to identify noises caused by a
following causes: improperly tightened threaded vibrating spring-actuated valve, by long pipes im-
fittings; crossed threads in fittings; improperly properly secured, by air in lines, or by binding
fitted or damaged gaskets; distorted or scored of some part of the equipment.
sealing rings, oil seals, or packing rings; scored SQUEALS or SQUEAKS indicate that the
surfaces of working parts; improperly flared tube packing is too tight around some moving part or
ends; or flanged joints not seating squarely. that a high-frequency vibration is occurring in a
Internal leaks usually result in unsatisfactory relief valve.
operation of the equipment. Large internal leaks
are signified by loss of pressure and failure of
Electrical Troubles
equipment. While large internal leaks can usually
be located by installing pressure gages in various
parts of the equipment, the location of small leaks Even though troubles occurring in electrical
generally requires disassembly and visual inspec- equipment are the responsibility of the Electri-
tion of the parts. Internal leaks may result from cian’s Mate, the Engineman can facilitate
worn or scored valves, pistons, valve plates or maintenance of such equipment by making a few
bushings, or improperly fitted or damaged simple checks when electrical troubles occur.
gaskets. Failure to have a switch in the ON position will
The symptoms of trouble in a hydraulic system cause unnecessary delay in operating electrical
are frequently unusual noises. Some noises are equipment. If the switch is closed and the equip-
characteristic of normal operation and can be ment still fails to operate, check for blown fuses
disregarded, while others are evidence of serious and tripped circuit breakers. Troubles of this type
trouble. Even though the exact sound indicating are usually the result of an overload on the equip-
a specific trouble can be learned only through ment. If a circuit breaker continues to cut out,
practical experience, the following descriptive the trouble may be caused by damaged equip-
terms will give a general idea of the noises which ment, excessive binding in the electric motor,
are trouble warnings. obstruction in the hydraulic transmission lines,
If POPPING and SPUTTERING noises or faulty operation of the circuit breaker. Check
occur, air is entering the pump intake line. Air for visual indication of open or shorted leads,
entering the system at this point may be the result faulty switches, and loose connections. Do not
of too small an intake pipe, an air leak in the suc- make repairs to the electrical equipment or system
tion line, a low oil level in the supply tank, cold and do not open enclosures of electrical equip-
or heavy oil, or possibly the use of improper oil. ment, but report the condition to the Electrician’s
If air becomes trapped in a hydraulic system, Mate when evidence of electrical failure is found.
HAMMERING will occur in the equipment or
transmission lines. When this occurs, check for
Mechanical Troubles
improper venting. Sometimes, a POUNDING or
RATTLING noise occurs as the result of a par-
tial vacuum produced in the active fluid during When an electrohydraulically driven auxiliary
high speed operation or when a heavy load is becomes inoperative because of a mechanical
applied. This noise may be unavoidable under the failure, a check should be made for improper ad-
conditions stated and can be ignored if it stops justment or misalignment of parts; shearing of


pins or keys; or breakage of gearing, shafting, or 6. Start and operate the unit with a light load
linkage. Elimination of troubles resulting from for a short interval of time (3 to 5 minutes, unless
any of these causes should be accomplished ac- otherwise specified). Allow the equipment to stand
cording to the manufacturer’s instructions for the idle for about 15 minutes, then repeat the whole
specific piece of equipment. cleaning process. Do this two or three times.

Never operate a hydraulic unit with a full load

MAINTENANCE when it is filled with cleaning fluid. Keep the
operating pressure as low as possible.
The principal requirements necessary to keep
a hydraulic transmission in satisfactory operating After each short operating period, turn the
condition are regular operation, proper lubrica- cleaning handles of edge type filters (if installed)
tion, and the maintenance of all the units and the and drain from the filter an amount of cleaning
fluid in the required state of cleanliness. Regular fluid equal to its volume.
operation of hydraulic equipment prevents the
accumulation of sludge and the freezing of adja- 7. If time permits, allow the system to stand
cent parts, and aids in preventing corrosion. The idle for an additional hour following the series
necessity of proper lubrication and cleanliness of short operating periods.
cannot be too strongly emphasized. 8. Drain the system of cleaning fluid. Reclean
Detailed instructions on the maintenance of permanent filters, if necessary; install new
a specific unit should be obtained from the replaceable filters. Close the system, and fill it
appropriate manufacturer’s technical manual, but with the proper hydraulic oil.
the following general information will also be
useful. As the system is filled, the hydraulic oil should
be strained through a fine wire screen of 180 or
200 mesh. If oil is not clean, it should be run
The Fluid System through a centrifuge. Adequate protection should
be provided against dust and moisture. Moisture
If an inspection of an oil sample drawn from should be expelled from the oil before it is poured
a hydraulic system reveals evidence of water, into a system; oil with noticeable water content
sludge, or acidity, the system must be should be rejected or centrifuged.
DRAINED, then CLEANED with the prescribed When a hydraulic system is being filled, suf-
acid-free cleaning fluid (flushing oil), and ficient hydraulic fluid should be used to com-
FILLED with clean hydraulic oil. A hydraulic pletely fill the active parts of the mechanism,
system may be drained and cleaned as follows: leaving no air pockets. Air valves should be
opened during the filling process, so that air can
1. Remove permanent filters and wash them escape to the oil expansion box. Be sure the valves
in flushing oil. Then use low pressure air for dry- are closed tightly after the system has been filled.
ing purposes. If filters have replaceable elements,
install new elements. Pumps and Motors
2. Drain the system of old hydraulic oil as
completely as possible. Whether the pumps and motors of hydraulic
3. Close all connections and fill the system transmissions are of the axial or radial piston type,
with acid-free cleaning fluid. the maintenance procedures, as well as the
4. Start and operate the unit under idling con- operating principles, are relatively the same. In
ditions in order to fill the system thoroughly with general, maintenance information on other types
the cleaning fluid. of pumps also applies to hydraulic pumps and
5. Secure the unit and allow it to stand idle motors.
for the prescribed period (usually about an hour). Neoprene is utilized as a seal around the shafts
This period of idleness permits the cleaning fluid of most modern hydraulic pumps and motors, but
to dissolve any sludge. other types of shaft packing are also used.


On some modern hydraulic transmissions, the a reduction in the efficiency of the unit, frequent
SHAFT STUFFING BOX PACKING is of the inspections should be made for leakage and steps
square-braided pure asbestos type. This packing should be taken to eliminate any leakage found.
is easily removed, but care must be taken to If leaks occur at a flanged joint in the line of
ensure that it is not replaced too tightly. If prop- a hydraulic system, tighten the flange bolts
erly installed, this packing makes a tight joint evenly, but not excessively. If the leaks persist,
when you apply light pressure. If packing wears use the auxiliary gear while the leaking flange is
out quickly, the shaft should be inspected for being refitted with copper asbestos or "O" ring
roughness. If a lathe is available, roughness may packing. Be sure the flange surfaces are cleaned
be eliminated from a shaft by a finishing cut to carefully before the packing is applied.
smooth the surface. If a lathe is not available, it
may be necessary to replace the shaft. Packing CAUTION: Exposure to asbestos fibers is a
should be renewed at prescribed intervals to recognized health hazard. Refer to N.S.T.M.
eliminate the possibility of the packing becoming chapter 635 for safety requirements applicable to
hard and scoring the shaft. When packing is be- handling asbestos packing and gaskets.
ing replaced, make certain that there is a uniform
thickness around the shaft. An excess of packing Operation of hydraulic equipment may be
on one side of the shaft will cause shaft deflec- continued while leakage repairs are being made
tion and may cause breakage. Stuffing boxes in some parts of the system if certain measures
should be packed loosely and the packing gland are taken. When lines in an auxiliary system leak,
set up lightly to allow adequate leakage for cool- they should be valved off from the main line con-
ing and lubrication. nection to prevent leakage between the two
There will be very little likelihood of poor systems. If leaks occur in the pumping connec-
alignment between the driving and driven tions to the three-way valves of a steering gear
members of a hydraulic transmission if the installation, the pump can be cut out with the
wedges, shims, jacking screws, or adjusting valve, and another pump cut in. If the three-way
setscrews are properly set and secured when con- valves fail to cut out the leaking unit, and it
necting units are installed. However, when a becomes necessary to cut out both pumps of a
casualty occurs or a unit is replaced, it is possi- steering gear installation, the valves may be
ble for units to get out of alignment sufficiently closed at the ram cylinder. Since hydraulic systems
to cause severe stress and strain on the coupling will work without pressure control, leaking pipes
and connected parts. Excessive misalignment or cylinders of the pressure control can be cut out
should be eliminated as soon as possible by replac- of the system for repair by closing the valves in
ing any defective parts and by readjusting the the lines where they join the main piping.
aligning devices. If this is not done, pins, Expansion lines and replenishment lines in
bushings, and bearings will wear out too fast and hydraulic systems of older ships are seldom a
will have to be replaced frequently. source of leakage or breakage, since they are not
Since there is no end play to either the pump under any appreciable pressure; however, all con-
shaft or the motor shaft, flexible couplings are nections must be maintained intact. In more
generally used in hydraulic transmissions. Such recent installations, however, replenishing lines
couplings permit satisfactory operation with a are under pressure of as much as 300 psi. In these
slight misalignment, without requiring frequent installations, the hydraulic systems should not be
renewal of parts. operated during repair of the lines.
Relief valves and shuttle valves of a hydraulic
system may also be a source of trouble. The seats
Piping and Fittings
of relief valves which are leaking should be
reground. Loss of power is a symptom of a leak-
If properly installed, the piping and valves of ing relief valve. Shuttle valves may stick and fail
a hydraulic system are seldom a source of to cut off; this condition is evidenced either by
trouble, except for leakage. Since some leaks, the escape of oil from the high pressure side of
however, can be of sufficient seriousness to cause the line into the expansion tank or by the failure


of the pressure control. When a shuttle valve fails because the valve adjustment may allow more
to operate, the stop valves should be closed and fluid to pass through leakage points in the system
the defective valve removed and repaired. than through the valve.
Incorrectly adjusted needle valves can be
another source of trouble. Needle valves which SERVOVALVES
are adjusted too fine may cause the device
operated by the valve to stop short of its Although there are many types of valves
intended stopping point. This may happen used for control in a hydraulic system, the valve

Figure 7-4.—Servovalve—neutral.


most commonly used when fine control is desired to block the right nozzle and causes a pressure
is the servovalve (servocontrol). Servocontrol may increase in chamber A. The increased pressure
be defined as a control actuated by a feedback causes the spool valve to start sliding to the left.
system which compares the output signal with the As the spool valve moves, it uncovers the high
input or reference signal and makes corrections pressure line to chamber D (right side of the
to reduce the differences. The feedback signal may piston) and the return line from the left side of
be provided by fluid pressure, mechanical linkage, the piston through chamber E (nonpressure side
electrical signal, or a combination of the three. of the hydraulic system). The synchromotor is
One type of hydraulic servovalve is illustrated geared to the actuator shaft. As the actuator
in figure 7-4. The valve is controlled by two moves to the left, the synchromotor rotates and
solenoids through an amplifier which energizes produces a feedback signal to the amplifier. When
either the right or left solenoid, depending on the the feedback signal and the input signal are
input signal. The valve shown in figure 7-5 has matched, the solenoid is deenergized and the
the right solenoid energized; this causes the reed magnetic reed returns to the neutral position. With

Figure 7-5.—Servovalve—actuated.


the reed in the neutral position, the fluid pressure exceed 4000 gallons per day (gpd). Since the vapor
is relieved to chamber C through the nozzles and compression type found on surface crafts is
a pressure drop allows the centering springs to being replaced with the heat recovery distilling
return the spool valve to a central position; in this units, vapor compression distilling units will not
position, the valve blocks the pressure and return be covered in this manual. Chapter 531 (9580-II)
line, creating a hydraulic lock in chambers E and of Naval Ships’ Technical Manual contains infor-
D. By energizing the left-hand solenoid, the mation on these plants.
magnetic reed will move to the left and the entire The low-pressure steam distilling unit is used
process will be reversed. in all steam-driven surface ships and nuclear sub-
The position of the spool valve can be adjusted marines. Enginemen usually share responsibility
by using the centering screw. Fixed orifices are with Machinist’s Mates for the maintenance and
used so that the pressure drop in the hydraulic operation of the low-pressure steam distilling
servovalve will not create a pressure drop in the plants.
opposite nozzle which is closed. Note that the ser- There are two reasons why low-pressure steam
vovalve is basically a sliding spool valve. This type distilling units are considered “low pressure”: (1)
of valve has many other applications in hydraulic they use low-pressure steam as the source of
systems. For example, servovalves are used in the energy, and (2) their operating shell pressure is
guidance systems of missiles and in the control less than atmospheric pressure.
systems of aircraft. The three major types of low-pressure steam
distilling units are submerged tube, flash type, and
vertical basket.
DISTILLING PLANTS In this section of the chapter we will be
discussing only two of these distilling units—the
This section will deal with the operation, submerged tube and the flash type.
troubleshooting, and repairing of the submerged
tube and the flash type distilling plants that are SUBMERGED TUBE PLANTS
used by the Navy. For additional and more de-
tailed information than is provided by this train-
ing manual, consult the manufacturer’s technical Low pressure, submerged tube plants differ
manual for the type of distilling plant installed from ship to ship, but the operating conditions
on your ship. and the maintenance procedures are basically the
Distilling plants in naval ships are of three same. In almost all instances, the personnel who
general types: (1) vapor compression, (2) low- stand watches on distilling plants are also respon-
pressure steam, and (3) heat recovery. The sible for the maintenance of the plants. This gives
major differences between the three types are the them ample opportunity to detect abnormal
kinds of energy used to operate the units and the operating conditions before such conditions reach
pressure under which distillation takes place. advanced stages. When operating troubles do
Vapor compression units use electrical energy (for occur, it is the responsibility of the EN1 or ENC
heaters and compressors). Low-pressure steam on duty to locate the trouble and to make the
distilling units use low-pressure steam from either necessary adjustments or repairs.
the auxiliary exhaust steam systems or the aux- Steady operating conditions are essential for
iliary steam system. Heat recovery distilling units satisfactory results. Except under emergency con-
use diesel engine jacket water instead of steam as ditions, no plant should be forced beyond its rated
the heat source. Vapor compression units boil the capacity, because higher steam pressures will be
feedwater at a pressure slightly above atmospheric required and the resulting higher temperatures will
pressure. Low-pressure steam and heat recovery cause more rapid scaling of the evaporator tubes.
units depend on a relatively high vacuum for During operation, the various elements of any
operation. plant are interdependent due to the heat and fluid
Vapor compression type distilling units are balances throughout the plant. Adjustment of any
used in submarines and small diesel-driven sur- one control can produce widespread effects on
face craft where the daily requirements do not these balances. For example, an increase in the


feed to the first effect will raise the liquid level gland properly vented, gland properly packed and
in the first effect. More heat will be required to sealed, no air leaks in piping).
raise the feed to the boiling point, so that less heat
will be available for evaporation in the first-effect f. Tube nests properly drained.
shell and a smaller amount of heat will flow to
the second-effect tube nest. These changes would (1) Proper operation of all drain
work out to a new balanced condition, but other regulators.
adjustments would be required to make the new
balance satisfactory. Under such circumstances, (2) Proper operation of the tube nest
overcontrolling can cause many readjustments. drain pump.
The operator will always find it is better to make
adjustments singly and in small increments, allow- 3. Highest possible vacuum in the last-effect
ing enough time between each adjustment for the shell.
conditions to become steady.
a. No air leaks.
Causes of Low Plant Output b. Proper air ejector operation.
Failure to obtain full rated capacity is one of (1) Clean nozzle and strainer.
the most frequent troubles encountered during
operation of a distilling plant. The trouble may (2) Steam at the required quality and
be very difficult to remedy since it may result from quantity.
a combination of things. Following are the various
factors which promote full output of the distill- c. Ample flow of circulating water.
ing plant. Any variations of these may cause a
decrease in the plant’s efficiency. (1) Clean strainer, pipeline, and tubes.
1. Proper steam pressure above the orifice. (2) Proper valve settings.
2. Highest possible vacuum in the first-effect (3) Proper operation of the circulating
tube nest. pump.
a. No air leaks d. Effective surface in the distilling
b. Proper water levels in the evaporator condenser.
(1) No undue deposits inside the tubes.
c. Evaporator tube nests continuously
vented. (2) Proper venting of the condenser
d. Evaporator tube nests reasonably clean.
(3) Proper operation of the condensate
(1) Continuous feed treatment. pump.
(2) Tubes mechanically cleaned when
necessary. Steam Pressure
e. Density of brine overboard not over
1.5/32. A distilling plant cannot maintain its full out-
put unless it is supplied with dry steam at the
(1) Overboard piping reasonably clean. designed pressure. The orifices supplied are
designed to pass the proper amount of steam to
(2) Proper valve settings. ensure designed plant output with a pressure of
(3) Proper operation of brine pump about 5 psig above the orifice. Orifices should be
(clean piping and strainers, proper speed and inspected annually. An orifice should be measured
direction of rotation, pump properly vented, and the reading compared with the figure stamped


on the plate. If necessary, the orifice should be Keeping the vacuum in the first-effect tube
renewed. nest as high as possible reduces scale formation
If the steam pressure above the orifice varies, to a minimum, enabling the plant to operate at
the source of trouble should be located and cor- full capacity.
rected. First the weight-loaded regulating valve A vacuum reduction which results from any
and then the pressure reducing valve (if installed) factor other than deposits on tube surfaces should
should be checked to determine whether or not be corrected to reduce deposits and greatly pro-
each valve is operating properly. If they are func- long the interval of time between cleanings. The
tioning properly and the pressure cannot be main- primary factors affecting the first-effect tube nest
tained above the orifice, you may assume that an vacuum are air leakage, low water level in the
insufficient amount of steam is being supplied to evaporator shells, improper venting of the
the plant. evaporator shells, scale or other deposits on the
The auxiliary exhaust steam supply for the tubes, and improper draining of the evaporator
distilling plants, after passing through the tube nests.
regulating valve, is usually slightly superheated Loss of vacuum resulting from deposits on
because of the pressure drop through the reduc- evaporator tubes should be gradual. Under nor-
ing valve and orifice plate. A small amount of mal conditions, there will be no large change of
superheat has little or no effect on the operation vacuum for any one day’s operation. Any sud-
or the scale formation; however, when live steam den drop in vacuum can be traced to causes other
must be used, the installed desuperheater spray than scale deposits.
connection should be used to control the The generating steam circuit operates under
superheat. The water for desuperheating must be vacuum and is subject to air leaks. Leaks from
taken from the boiler feed system, preferably the steam side of the first-effect tube nest to the
from the first-effect tube nest drain pump. Water first-effect shell space cause losses of capacity and
for desuperheating must never be taken directly economy. Losses of vacuum and capacity may be
from the freshwater distilled by the distilling plant. due to air leaks from the atmosphere into the
Fluctuations in the first effect generating generating steam line (downstream from the
steam pressure and temperature cause fluctuations orifice plate), from the first-effect tube nest front
of pressure and temperature throughout the header, and from the first-effect tube nest drain
entire plant. With increased salinity of the piping. Air leaks in this part of the distilling plant
distillate, the fluctuations may cause priming, as may be less noticeable than air or water leaks
well as erratic water levels in the shells. These fluc- elsewhere because the effect on the plant is similar
tuations may be eliminated by proper operation to the scaling of the tube surfaces.
of automatic pressure regulators in the steam
supply line. Proper Water Levels

A reduced first-effect tube nest vacuum can

First-Effect Tube Nest Vacuum result from low water level in any evaporator shell.
On older plants, the water levels are controlled
The range of the pressure maintained in the by manually regulating the feed valves. On newer
first-effect tube must be between 16 inches of mer- ships, the water levels are automatically controlled
cury, with clean tubes, to 1 to 2 inches of mer- by weir type feed regulators. Inability to feed the
cury as scale forms. The output of a submerged first effect is usually due either to scale deposits
tube type distilling plant is not greatly reduced in the seawater sides of the air ejector condenser
until the deposits on the tubes have caused the and the vapor feed heater, or to obstructions in
vacuum to drop to about atmospheric pressure. the feed line. Inability to feed second or third
When the first-effect tube nest vacuum is lost effects is due to air leakage or heavy scale deposits
entirely, the reduction in output becomes very in the feed lines between the effects. It is impor-
great. Assuming the reduction in vacuum is due tant that the gage glass and the gage glass fittings
to scale and not to improper operating conditions, be kept free of scale, otherwise false water level
the tubes must be cleaned. indications will be given. Air leaks around the


gage glass will also result in false level indications Engineman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10541 (current
in the gage glass. edition).
Once the distilling plant is in operation, the
feeding must be maintained at a steady rate. Sud- Last-Effect Shell Vacuum
den rising of the water levels or too high a water
level will cause carryover of small particles of Most manuafacturers’ technical manuals
brine with the vapor (priming). The level of water indicate that a vacuum of approximately
in the shell must be carried at the highest level that 26 inches of mercury should be obtained in the
can be held and still prevent the carrying over of last-effect shell when the temperature of the
saltwater particles with the freshwater vapor, seawater is 85 °F, and that the vacuum should be
otherwise scale will form rapidly on exposed tube
higher when the seawater is colder. Failure to ob-
surfaces. tain a vacuum of 26 inches of mercury, or more,
The pressure differential between the first and
can generally be traced to one of the following
second effects permits the second-effect feed to factors: air leaks, improper operation of air ejec-
be discharged into the second-effect shell. A par- tors, insufficient flow of seawater, and ineffec-
tial or total loss of pressure differential indicates tive use of heat transfer surface in the distilling
that air leaks have occurred between the first and condenser.
second-effect shells in the two-effect distilling
plants. Large air leaks between the first effect and
second effects can be readily detected because the Testing for Air Leaks
vacuum gage for the first effect will read approx-
imately the same as the vacuum gage for the sec- The importance of eliminating air leaks can-
ond effect. Large air leaks of this type will disrupt not be overemphasized. Many distilling plant
the operation of the plant and must be located troubles are direct results of air leaks. Air leaks
and repaired before the plant will operate in the shells of distilling plants cause a loss of
properly. vacuum and capacity. Extreme care must be taken
in making up joints and in keeping them tight.
Joints should be periodically tested under pressure
Improper Venting of Evaporator for leaks.
Tube Nests There are several methods by which tests can
be made for air leaks in tube nests, heat
Improper venting of the evaporator tube nests exchangers, shells, and the piping systems of the
causes either an accumulation of air in the tubes, distilling plant. When the plant is in operation,
with a loss of capacity, or an excessive loss of tube a candleflame can be used to test all joints and
nest steam to the distilling condenser, with loss parts under vacuum. With the plant secured, air
of economy. Troubles of this type usually result pressure tests or a soapsuds test can be used on
from improper operation rather than from the various component parts of the distilling plant.
material failures. The manufacturer’s technical manual describes
how the various parts of the plant can be isolated
and placed under air pressure.
Scale Deposits on Air leakage may also be detected by
Evaporator Tubes hydrostatically testing the various parts of the
plant. When performing air tests or hydrostatic
Until 1958, scale deposits on evaporator tubes tests, precautions should be taken not to exceed
had been one of the more serious causes of the maximum limit of the test pressures specified
operating difficulties. In 1958, a new compound by the manufacturer.
was authorized for treatment of evaporator
feedwater. The new compound PD-8 evaporator Testing for Saltwater Leaks
treatment is far superior to the cornstarch-boiler
compound formerly used. For details on PD-8 If a leak is detected in a heat exchanger, the
and its use, refer to the applicable chapter in defective tube(s) should be located by means of


an air test or a hydrostatic test, in accordance with designed (stamped on the nameplate). Pressures
the recommended procedure in the manufac- at the air ejector nozzle may be 10 to 15 psig
turer’s instructions. Blueprints should also be used higher than the minimum specified by the
to study the construction details of the individual manufacturer.
heat exchanger. 2. The primary causes of air ejector trouble
As soon as a leaky tube has been located, it are low steam pressure, wet steam, obstructed
should be plugged at both ends. Special composi- nozzle, or a clogged steam strainer. Such trouble
tion plugs are provided in the allowance repair is indicated by failure to obtain or to maintain
parts and should be used. the required vacuum. If the trouble is due to low
Since plugging the tubes reduces the amount steam pressure or to wet steam, it will be necessary
of heating surface, the heat exchanger will fail to either to increase the steam pressure or to pro-
give satisfactory performance after a number of vide suitable drainage by installing a trap or by
tubes have been plugged. It will then become using manual means. If the nozzle or steam
necessary to retube the heat exchanger. Under strainer is clogged, it must be removed and
normal conditions, this work should be cleaned. Most plants are provided with two sets
accomplished by a naval shipyard or tender. of air ejectors; this permits the use of the plant
However, repair parts and a number of special on one unit while the second is being cleaned or
tools are included in the Ship’s Allowance List repaired. However, some of the latest plants have
to permit emergency repairs to the heat exchangers only one set of air ejectors.
and to other parts of the distilling plant.
To find which of the tubes within a When it becomes necessary to clean air ejec-
REMOVABLE TUBE BUNDLE is leaking, it is tor nozzles, they should be cleaned with the special
necessary to test the individual bundles nozzle reamers furnished to each ship for this pur-
hydrostatically. If the leak is in a removable bun- pose. Sharp-edged tools should never be used for
dle (vapor feed heaters when within an evaporator cleaning nozzles because the nozzle surfaces will
shell, evaporator tube nests, distilling condensers be damaged and the efficiency of the air ejectors
on Solo-shell end-pull plants), the bundle must will be impaired.
be withdrawn and a hydrostatic test at full Procedures for testing air ejectors can be
pressure (50 psi) must be applied on the tube side. found in the manufacturer’s technical manual. In
If a leak occurs in a NONREMOVABLE general, the same maintenance procedures should
TUBE BUNDLE (distillate coolers, air ejectors be followed for distilling plant air ejectors as for
condenser, external vapor feed heaters), the tube air ejectors for main condensers.
nest covers must be removed, and the full test Since the air ejector strainer is usually an
pressure (50 psi) applied on the shell side of the integral part of the air ejector inlet, it should be
unit. inspected and cleaned in accordance with the
If a nonremovable distillate condenser bun- PMS. When a new plant is first put into opera-
dle is within an evaporator shell, the tube nest tion, the strainer may require cleaning once a day
covers must be removed and a full test pressure or even more frequently. Failure to keep the
of 30 psi should be applied to the evaporator shell. strainer clean will cause a reduced or fluctuating
If the distilling condenser is fitted with a vacuum. When a strainer or a nozzle becomes
diaphragm-type (Goubert) expansion joint, a test damaged, it should always be replaced with a new
ring will be required to replace the tube nest cover one.
for testing.
Air Ejector Operation Insufficient Circulating Water
In operation, air ejectors require little atten-
tion. However, the following points should be An insufficient flow of circulating water is
noted. indicated if the temperature of the water rises
more than 20°F in passing through the condens-
1. The steam pressure at the nozzle inlet must ing section of the distiller condenser. The last-
not be less than that for which the ejector is effect shell pressure is directly dependent upon the


distiller condenser vacuum. The vacuum is indication of improper draining of the condenser,
dependent upon the temperature and quantity of but the fact that the level appears to be in the gage
the circulating water, and the proper operation glass or below is not necessarily an indication of
of the air ejectors. Too low an overboard improper drainage because air leaks at the gage
discharge temperature of the distiller condenser glass fittings may indicate a false liquid level.
circulating water is accompanied by efficiency A temperature difference of more than 5 °F
losses in the distilling plant. The overboard to 10°F between the last-effect shell temperature
discharge temperature should be kept as high as and the temperature of the distillate at the
possible, without exceeding the desired 20°F distillate cooler inlet is another indication of
temperature rise through the distiller condenser. improper drainage; however, the fact that the
In addition, limiting the quantity of circulating temperature difference is within the proper range
water tends to prolong the service life of the tubes does not necessarily indicate proper drainage.
and tube sheets. When troubles occur which are Scale deposits are unlikely to form in the
not caused by improper operating procedures, an distilling condenser tubes if the plant is properly
inspection should be made of the condenser cir- operated and a full flow of circulating water is
culating water system to determine the cause of maintained. However, if scale deposits do occur,
faulty operation. the tubes must be cleaned.
Preventive maintenance procedures should be Venting of the vapor side of the distiller con-
carried out to ensure that the circulating water denser is continuously accomplished by the air
pump is maintained in good material condition. ejector. Venting of the saltwater side of this and
The maintenance and repair procedures for this other units of the distilling plant need not be con-
pump are similar to those for the other pumps tinuous. While starting the plant, and once every
of the plant. watch thereafter, the vents on all saltwater heads
Routine procedures should be carried out to should be opened until all air is expelled and a
ensure the proper setting and maintenance of the solid stream of water appears, then the vents
back-pressure regulating valve. If this valve is not should be closed.
functioning properly, the valve should be
disassembled, the valve parts replaced, and the
Constant Brine Density
necessary repairs to the valve made, before its
faulty operation interferes with the operation of
the distilling plant. The concentration of brine in the evaporators,
To ensure that the condenser circulating water to a certain extent, has a direct bearing on the
system is clean and free from scale and foreign quality of the distillate, and since varying quan-
matter, the piping should be inspected at regular tities of brine discharged overboard may affect
intervals. The operators of the distilling plant the operating conditions, the quantity of brine
should inspect and clean the strainers, in accord- discharged and the brine density must be kept as
ance with the PMS, to prevent accumulations of constant as possible.
foreign matter from interfering with the If the brine concentration is too low, there will
proper operation of the plant. be a loss in capacity and economy. If the brine
concentration is too high, there will be an increase
in the rate of scaling of the evaporator heating
Improper Drainage surfaces, and the quality of the distillate will be
Failure of the distilling plant to produce The brine density, which should never exceed
designed output when the pressure above the 1.5/32, is dependent mainly on the quantity of
orifice is 5 psig and the first-effect tube nest brine pumped overboard and the amount of
vacuum is several inches of mercury always freshwater being produced. The density must be
indicates improper drainage of the distiller con- checked frequently during each watch and
denser or of one of the evaporator tube nests adjusted to the required density. On older distill-
subsequent to the first effect. Complete flooding ing plants, the brine density is adjusted by means
of the flash chamber gage glass is also a positive of a hand-controlled valve located in the discharge


line of the brine overboard pump. In plants FLASH TYPE DISTILLING

equipped with wire control valves and in basket PLANTS
type plants, the brine density is controlled by ad-
justing the first-effect feed valve. Increasing the
rate of feed decreases the brine density, and The flash type evaporator, like all distilling
decreasing the rate of feed increases the brine plants, removes salts and other impurities from
density. raw seawater by the process of evaporation and
Frequent changes of brine density have a condensation. This is accomplished by boiling the
tendency to disrupt steady performance of the water to convert it to steam, and condensing this
plant; therefore, only very small changes should steam to form distilled water. The flash
be made. The proper setting for a specific plant evaporator is different from other distilling plants,
should be learned from experience, and this because evaporation takes place at temperatures
setting should be maintained as practicable. well below the normal boiling point of water and
without the use of submerged heat transfer
Use of the Salinometer surfaces.
In the flash type distilling plant, the
temperature of the water is never raised beyond
The salinometer is an instrument (on the 175 °F, and is only raised to this temperature
principle of a float) for measuring the degree of within the last pass of tubes of the saltwater
salinity or the concentration of the brine. It is a heater. Flash evaporation takes place at
hollow, metal vessel weighted at the bottom, and temperatures as low as 104°F. In addition, no
having a projecting stem which is graduated in boiling occurs on heat transfer tube surfaces; as
four scales to read the salinity for various a result, the scale formation is greatly reduced and
temperatures of the brine. The graduations are operation at maximum efficiency is prolonged.
marked in thirty-seconds. When the salinity of a The term “flash evaporation” means that
sample of brine is to be measured, the temperature water is converted to steam as it enters an
of the sample should be brought to a temperature evaporating chamber, without further addition of
corresponding to that of one of the scales on the heat. Flashing at low temperatures is possible only
instrument in order that an accurate reading may when a vacuum is maintained in the chamber,
be obtained. The accuracy of the salinometer since the boiling point of water decreases as the
should be checked occasionally by placing it in pressure in the chamber is reduced. As in other
distilled water; if it is accurate, it should sink to methods of distillation, a portion of the water re-
the zero mark on the scale corresponding to the mains behind in the evaporating chamber and is
temperature of the water. taken off as a concentrated waste (brine).
A pot is provided for holding the sample of
brine. The pot must be amply deep so that there Principal Components
is no danger of breaking the bottom of the
salinometer when it is placed in the pot. To use
the salinometer, proceed as follows: The unit discussed in this section is a five-stage
plant in which feedwater is flashed to vapor in
1. Draw off a sample of brine, from the test five evaporator stages at successively lower
cocks on the discharge side of the brine pump, pressures.
then insert the thermometer into the sample. Connections (or passages) that exist between
the evaporator stages are the feedwater and its
2. Allow the sample to cool to the distillate loop seals, which permit the flow of feed-
temperature of one of the scale temperatures. water and distillate from stage to stage while
3. Put the salinometer in the pot and read the preserving the varying degrees of vacuum in each
degree of salinity. stage.
4. Remove the salinometer and wipe off all Condensers are mounted on top of each stage
moisture since accumulations of salt or dirt will between the front and rear water boxes. Feedwater
result in false readings. flows through the tubes in six passes, entering at


the lowest tubes at the front of the condenser, distillate to the bilges or waste tank until the salin-
reversing direction at the water boxes three times, ity is again back to or below 0.065 epm per
and leaving at the top of the tubes in the con- gallon .)
denser. Each condenser has a pet cock for Pet cocks are located on each end of the cooler
venting entrained air and noncondensable gases. to bleed off any accumulation of air or non-
The evaporator stages become larger in the condensable gases.
direction of reduced pressure. The feedwater loop The FEEDWATER PREHEATER is a gas or
seals which extend from the bottom of evaporator liquid heat exchanger of the shell-and-tube type,
stage one through four are visible as cylinders. similar in design to the distillate cooler. The
An evaporator drain is located in the center of preheater is located in the feedwater line between
the dished bottom of each loop seal. The flanged the condenser of the first evaporator stage and
brine outlet from the evaporator is at the bottom the saltwater heater.
of the fifth stage. High pressure ship’s steam, first used by the
The distillate loop seal between the distillate air ejectors to evacuate the stage evaporators, is
collection trough of one stage, and the condensers piped into the preheater shell. A series of five baf-
of the following stages, also protrude below the fles, spaced closely together in the top steam
bottom of the evaporator. outlet, reduce the velocity of the steam and let
If the salinity of the distillate reaches 0.065 the steam condense on the outside of the heat
epm per gallon, a warning device indicates the transfer tubes.
high salinity. The salinity cell shutoff valves per- Feedwater that has already been partially
mit withdrawal and descaling of the salinity cells heated in the tubes of the distillate cooler and the
without securing the unit. five-stage condensers flows through the tubes of
Although each stage condenser produces an the preheater via the front water box in a single
equal amount of distillate, the amount flowing pass and acquires the heat of condensation of the
from each stage is larger than the preceding. Con- air ejector steam before leaving the preheater at
sequently, the loop seal piping grows progressively the rear water box outlet.
larger. A salinity cell is set to energize at 0.10 epm.
The total distillate production of the five It operates as a shutoff valve in the piping below
stages is withdrawn from the bottom of stage five the condensate outlet to dump high salinity water
and pumped into the shell of the distillate cooler, to the bilge or the drain tank. A 6-inch loop seal
and on to the storage tanks. in the condensate line ensures that the salinity cell
The DISTILLATE COOLER is a heat is submerged at all times.
exchanger of the shell-and-tube type, in which the A thermometer is located on the front of the
heat of the hot distillate flowing around the tubes preheater, and a pet cock for venting is located
is transferred by conduction to the cooler feed- on the water box.
water flowing through the tubes. The SALT WATER HEATER is a gas or
Distillate flows into the shell space sur- liquid heat exchanger designed to raise the feed-
rounding the tubes through an inlet near the feed- water temperature prior to its entrance into the
water outlet. The distillate is retained in the cooler flash chamber of the first evaporator stage. The
long enough to efficiently transfer its heat through saltwater heater is mounted on the operating end
the tubes by vertically placed baffles, as it flows of the evaporator and extends the full width of
from top to bottom of the cooler. the unit. Feedwater enters and leaves the heater
Thermometers are mounted on the inlet and from the front water box after making four passes
outlet piping of the cooler and on the feedwater through the heater.
inlet piping. Four thermometers are installed on the heater:
As the distillate leaves the cooler, it is pumped two to measure the feedwater inlet and outlet
to storage tanks, provided the salinity does not temperatures; a third, mounted on the heater
exceed 0.065 epm per gallon. (If the salinity shell, to measure the steam temperature sur-
exceeds 0.065 epm per gallon, a solenoid trip valve rounding the tubes; and a fourth, mounted on top
operated by a salinity indicating cell, dumps the of the heater shell, to measure the temperature


of the desuperheating temperature in the steam The outlet for noncondensables is mounted on
side. the top of the shell and flanged to the suction
The steam supply to the saltwater heater flows chamber of the first ejector of the two-stage air
from the auxiliary exhaust line, through the ejector system. The two air ejectors produce the
regulating valve (1-5 psig) and then through an vacuum in the precooler which causes the flow
orifice which provides, within limits, a uniform of steam and noncondensables from the
flow of steam. It then flows past the desuperheater evaporator.
nozzle, which reduces the steam temperature in A thermometer is mounted on the feedwater
the shell of the heater. Steam pressure is indicated inlet of the cooler.
by a pressure gage on the operating panel. Cooling water from the air ejector precooler
The entering steam is directed along the length flows into the AFTER-CONDENSER, which is
of the tubes by impingement baffles. Steam con- the fifth of the heat exchangers mounted on the
denses on the tubes and falls to a condensate well evaporator. The after-condenser completes the
at the bottom of the heater shell. (A drain condensation of any air ejector steam not con-
regulator of the float type controls the level of densed in the precooler and cools noncondensable
the condensate in the well. A salinity cell, set to gases before venting them to the atmosphere. The
energize at 0.10 epm, controls a shutoff valve after-condenser enables the unit to operate
located in the ship’s piping between the drain without emission of steam from the evaporator.
pump and the regulating valve.) The Cooling water enters and leaves the after-
desuperheater atomizes the heater condensate in condenser through an inlet pipe in the front and
the low pressure steam side of the heater. an outlet pipe in the rear of the condenser.
The function of the saltwater heater is to pro- Air ejector steam and noncondensable gases
vide feedwater to the inlet of the first evaporator enter the shell side through an inlet in the front
stage flash chamber. Since the amount of heat of the unit. Noncondensable gases are vented
from the steam is constant, the feedwater flow through a valve on the rear of the unit. A series
through the heater must be adjusted according to of vertical baffles direct the steam around the
the inlet temperature so that the feedwater flow tubes on which it condenses. Condensate is re-
is controlled by a valve on the outlet side of the moved through bottom outlets on both ends of
heater. the condenser.
The air ejector PRECOOLER is a gas or A salinity cell set to operate at 0.10 epm con-
liquid heat exchanger which cools noncon- trols a shutoff valve below the condenser.
densables and condenses steam drawn from the Three high-pressure steam-operated vacuum-
first three evaporator stages and the saltwater producing AIR EJECTORS are mounted on the
heater by a two-stage, vacuum-producing air precooler side of the evaporator unit. The ejec-
ejector. tor system consists of a single-stage (booster) air
The precooler receives its coolant from the ejector and a two-stage air ejector arrangement
feedwater pumped into the distilling unit. The in which the steam outlet from one air ejector is
flow of coolant is through the heat transfer tubes, flanged to the suction side of the other.
where it makes six passes, entering and leaving The single-stage ejector uses ship’s steam to
at the front end of the cooler. draw vapor and noncondensables from
Steam and noncondensables are drawn into evaporator stages four and five. Gases are drawn
the cooler at the top near the rear of the cooler. from the evaporator through a vapor duct in each
Impingement baffles at the inlet and seven ver- distillate collection trough so that a minimum of
tical baffles, through which the transfer tubes run, steam is withdrawn. Pipes from stages four and
direct the flow of hot gases around the tubes for five lead to a bronze tee flanged to the ejector.
efficient heat transfer. The single-stage ejector steam and entrained
Condensate collects on the tubes and drops to gases leave the ejector outlet tubing, flow through
the bottom of the shell. A salinity cell operates a check valve, and reenter the evaporator shell
a shutoff valve in the precooler condensate line through the top of stage three, from which they
to dump to the bilge or drain tank when the salin- are piped into the bottom of the stage three con-
ity is greater than 0.65 epm. denser section.


The purpose of this arrangement is to enable one basket becomes clogged, flow is switched to
the single-stage ejector to produce the high degree the other and the clogged basket is ready to be
of vacuum required in stages four and five. An removed and cleaned.
ejector discharging into a vacuum is able to An inlet and outlet angle-type RELIEF
achieve a higher degree of vacuum than one VALVE is flanged into the feedwater inlet be-
discharging to atmosphere. A vacuum of 28 tween the feedwater pump and the air ejector
inches of mercury is required in stage five. precooler. The valve is set to open at 75 psig to
The two-stage ejector draws noncondensables prevent pressure buildup from an obstruction in
from the saltwater heater and the first three the feedwater lines or accidental operation of the
evaporator stages and, since the noncondensables feedwater pump with the feedwater control valve
from stages four and five are directed back into closed.
stage three, the two-stage ejector actually handles Two FLOWRATORS are mounted on the
all noncondensables within the unit. unit to measure the amount of feedwater and
The suction chamber of the first stage of the cooling water pumped into the system. Since the
second ejector (first two-stage) is flanged to the amount of fluid to be measured in both cooling
noncondensables outlet of the precooler through and feedwater lines is large, the flowrators are
which the gases pass before entrainment in the air mounted in bypass piping arrangements, measur-
ejector steam. The two-stage ejectors use ship’s ing a small portion of the actual main stream flow
steam and produce a vacuum in the precooler and providing a reading on the graduated scale
slightly greater than in the first evaporator stage. of the cylinder for the entire flow. Main stream
and range orifices are provided for each flowrator.
Orifice plates of varying size are flanged into The flowrators serve as manometers. The
the piping from the evaporator stages and the pressure drop across the manometer is equal to
saltwater heater leading to the air ejectors. These the pressure drop created by the constriction of
plates prevent the air ejectors from withdrawing the main stream orifice. The range orifice at the
any undue amount of steam from the evaporator inlet of the flowrator constricts the bypass flow
along with the noncondensables. so that a maximum main stream flow will register
The discharge of the first stage of the second a maximum reading on the flowrator scale.
ejector is flanged to the suction chamber of the It is, therefore, essential that main stream and
third (second two-stage) ejector. The discharge of range orifices be in good condition and of
the third ejector is flanged to piping, containing proper bore diameter, if correct readings are to
a check valve, which runs diagonally across the be obtained on the flowrators. The size of the
top of the evaporator shell to the air ejector steam orifice bore should be checked regularly. When
inlet of the preheater shell near the front water cleaning orifice plates and checking bore diameter
box. (stamped on the plates), be careful not to damage
The pressure of ship’s steam piped to the ejec- the metering edge (the upstream edge). It must
tors is indicated on the independently mounted be square and sharp, free of either burrs or
pressure gage panel. Line pressure to the air ejec- rounding so that the corner does not reflect light
tors must be maintained at or above 135 pounds when viewed with magnification. Piping should
per square inch gage (psig), as a lower pressure also be inspected to see that scale deposits have
will cause unstable operation of the ejector and not decreased the inside diameter.
will affect the vacuum in the evaporator.
A DUPLEX STRAINER, located in the ship’s
feedwater inlet piping, removes solid matter from Maintenance of Flash
seawater by filtering through one of two per- Type Units
forated and screened bronze baskets. Basket wells
are located in the body or housing of the strainer Many maintenance procedures for a flash type
on either side of the centrally located flanged in- distilling plant are similar to the maintenance pro-
let and outlet. cedures required for a submerged tube plant. Both
A lever handle between the wells directs the types of plants are subject to air leakage, saltwater
feedwater into the left- or right-hand well. When leakage, and malfunctioning of pumps and other


auxiliary equipment. Some of the more important dependable operation of the pumps. General in-
maintenance problems will be discussed in the formation on the operation and maintenance of
following paragraphs. pumps is found in Engineman 3 & 2, NAVED-
AIR LEAKAGE.—Since all parts of the TRA 10541 (current edition). However, for details
distilling plant are designed to operate under a of any specific pump, consult the manufacturer’s
vacuum except the circulating, feed, and technical manual.
freshwater lines, extreme care must be taken to
prevent leakage of air which might seriously SALTWATER LEAKAGE.—Saltwater to
interfere with the proper operation of the plant. distillate or saltwater to condensate leaks at any
The brine overboard and distillate pumps take of the various tube bundles will be immediately
indicated by an alarm bell and a red light which
their suction from points of relatively high
shows at which cell a conductivity increase has
vacuum. Air leakage in the piping to these pumps
occurred. These cells are located downstream
is particularly objectionable and must be from each tube bundle. Tube leaks usually result
eliminated. A small amount of air entering these from damaged or corroded tubes or from im-
lines, even though it is insufficient to affect the
proper expansion of tubes into the tube sheets.
distilling plant vacuum, may cause the pump to Faulty tubes may be sealed with plastic tube
lose suction. Leaks in the lines to the pump suc- plugs or may be removed and replaced in accord-
tion gages must never be overlooked. ance with standard Navy procedures, as given in
An 8 to 10 psig, low pressure hydrostatic test chapter 9581 of Naval Ships’ Technical Manual.
should be applied to the entire system in accord-
ance with the PMS, and at any other time when Cleaning Heat Exchangers
there is an indication that air leakage may exist.
The saltwater circulating pump can be used to
The tubes of the distillate cooler, the air ejec-
apply the pressure.
tor condenser, and the stage condensers operate
PUMPS.—Proper operation of all pumps is with comparatively cool saltwater inside them and
essential for the successful operation of the dis- seldom require cleaning. The seawater in the
tilling plant. The effect of air leakage into the suc- saltwater heater, on the other hand, is at a higher
tion line of the pumps has been discussed in the temperature and its tubes will occasionally require
preceding paragraph. Proper operation of the cleaning to remove the hard scale on the inside
water-sealed gland lines and proper mainte- of the tubes. A special tool is furnished for this
nance of the glands themselves are necessary for purpose; this cleaning tool is shown in figure 7-6.

Figure 7-6.—Tool for removing scale inside tubes.


The procedure for cleaning saltwater heaters devices. Their maintenance and operation are the
is as follows: responsibility of the EN1 or ENC on duty. Of the
various types of pressure and temperature con-
1. Remove the waterheads. trol devices, the temperature control regulator,
2. Insert the special cleaning tool in the tube the relief valve, and the reducing valve are the
and drive it with a 250 to 300 rpm motor. The types that you will encounter more often. Since
motor should be of the reversible type. temperature regulators were discussed in an earlier
3. Feed a light stream of water into the chapter, we will not cover them in this chapter.
opposite end of the tube to wash the scale from We will discuss only the relief valve and the reduc-
the cutting tool and out of the tube. A light stream ing valve. Remember, the information given in
of compressed air may be substituted in place of this chapter is general. More detailed information
the water. Care should be taken not to drive the can be obtained from the manufacturer’s technical
tool too fast and to be certain that the tool is manual.
straight when it is inserted into the tube. All reducing valves should be inspected,
cleaned, and repaired semiannually, or whenever
An 8 to 10 psig hydrostatic test should be per- they do not operate properly.
formed on the shell of the saltwater heater before
replacing the heads. If a greater test pressure is RELIEF VALVES
used, the relief valve will have to be plugged or
removed. Relief valves are designed to open automatic-
ally when the pressure in the line or the unit
Cleaning Feed Boxes becomes too high. They are commonly installed
in steam, water, and oil lines, and on various units
If feed flow is below normal and the distiller of machinery where pressure must not exceed a
feed pump discharge is normal, the first-stage certain limit. Relief valves prevent the building-
flash orifices may be plugged. Fouling of the up of an excessive pressure which may be caused
second-stage orifices may be evidenced by water by such conditions as the sudden closing of an
backing up into the first stage; however, the outlet valve or the failure of a reducing valve.
second-stage orifices are larger and will not be as There are many different types of relief valves,
readily plugged. Water backing into the first stage but most of them consist of a valve body contain-
may also be caused by insufficient pressure dif- ing a disk or ball. Under normal pressure condi-
ference between the stages. tions, the compression of a coil spring holds the
Since the temperatures that exist in the feed disk or ball on its seat. When the pressure in a
boxes are well below the range in which saltwater valve exceeds the resistance of the spring, the disk
scale forms, the only plugging or fouling expected or ball lifts off its seat and the pressure is reduced
at the orifices would come from the introduction until it falls below the pressure for which the valve
of foreign matter into the system. Should the is set.
orifices in either stage become plugged, it will be Relief valves should be set at the lifting
necessary to remove the access plate at the front pressure specified by the manufacturer. The ten-
of the unit, remove the perforated plates from the sion on the valve spring can be adjusted by means
feed box, and remove the obstructing material of an adjusting nut. The nut should be locked
from the orifices. The feed boxes are constructed when the desired setting is attained. Since the set-
so that the front can be readily removed for ting for a specific valve will depend on the design
access to the orifices. of the valve and its use, the instructions in the
applicable manufacturer’s technical manual
should be followed when any relief valve is being
CONTROL DEVICES Continual lifting (popping) of a relief valve
indicates either excessive pressure or malfunc-
Most shipboard systems and machinery are tioning of the valve. Either condition should be
protected by pressure or temperature control corrected immediately. A relief valve which is not


operating properly should be removed, if the deformation is slight, make a proper

disassembled, cleaned, and inspected. The disk, adjustment of the adjusting spring.
or ball, and the seat should be checked for
pitting and excessive wear. The spring should be 3. Leakage may be caused by failure of the
carefully inspected for possible defects. When a main valve or the auxiliary valve to seat properly.
relief valve is removed for any reason, the spring Check the valves for wear and for the presence
tension must be reset. of dirt or scale. Correct the trouble by cleaning
Relief valves must never be locked in the and grinding-in the main valve and the auxiliary
closed position, except in an emergency. When valve. After grinding-in the auxiliary valve, the
emergency measures are taken, the valves must auxiliary valve stem may be too long. If it is too
be repaired or replaced as soon as possible after long, face off the end of the auxiliary valve stem
the emergency. until the proper clearance is obtained between the
diaphragm and the end of the valve stem.

Pneumatic Pressure-Controlled
Reducing Valve
Reducing valves are used to provide a steady
discharge pressure lower than the supply pressure.
They are used on gland seal lines, galley steam The pneumatic pressure-controlled reducing
lines, heating system lines, and on many other valve has a water seal in the upper half of the
reduced-pressure lines. A reducing valve can be dome and a glycerine seal in the lower half of the
set for any desired discharge pressure, within the dome. The glycerine seal is put in at the factory;
limits of the design of the valve. After the valve the water seal is put in when the valve is installed.
is set, the reduced pressure will be maintained The condensation of steam is sufficient to main-
regardless of changes in the supply pressure, as tain the water seal at the proper level after the
long as the supply pressure is at least as high as valve has been placed in service. When the valve
the desired delivery pressure. is being repaired, however, the water seal will
Two types of reducing valves are in common probably be lost. Be SURE to replace the water
use, the spring-loaded reducing valve and the seal before putting the valve back in service, since
pneumatic pressure-controlled reducing valve. steam must not be allowed to come in contact with
Reducing valves of the pneumatic type are of two the diaphragm. The glycerine seal does not, as a
designs—those which regulate low temperature rule, require replacement in service. However, if
fluids such as water or oil, and those which it is necessary to replace or replenish the glycerine
regulate high temperature fluids such as steam or seal, place the dome in its normal vertical posi-
hot water. tion and fill it with glycerine to the level of the
filling plug. Screw the plug in and tighten it. In
an emergency, water may be used temporarily,
Spring-Loaded Reducing instead of glycerine, for the lower seal.
If a pneumatic pressure-controlled reducing
valve fails to operate properly, check the
If a spring-loaded reducing valve fails to following:
operate properly, the trouble may be due to one
or more of the following causes: 1. If the pressure in the lower dome becomes
excessively high soon after the valve has been put
1. The adjusting spring may have taken a per- into service, the extra pressure may be caused by
manent set. Readjust it or install a new spring. expansion of the air due to temperature changes.
Bleed enough air from the dome so as to main-
2. The diaphragm may be damaged or ex- tain the proper pressure at the operating
cessively deformed. Install a new diaphragm or, temperature.


2. If there is a gradual loss of pressure in the it reads the same as the outlet pressure gage, the
lower dome, check the bleeder valve, the air- diaphragm has probably failed.
loading connection, the pressure gage connection,
and the filling plug for air leakage.
3. If the reduced pressure builds up beyond The procedures to be followed when a
the set pressure, steam may be leaking past the reducing valve is being inspected, cleaned,
valve. Check the valve for wear and for the and repaired will depend upon the design
presence of dirt or scale; also check to be sure that of the valve and its use. Therefore, the
the valve stem is not binding and holding the valve maintenance of a specific reducing valve should
open. be accomplished in accordance with the instruc-
4. If the reducing valve closes and fails to tions provided in the applicable manufacturer’s
deliver steam, check the dome pressure gage. If technical manual.


Several laws have been enacted in the past to to 150 miles in some areas. Most countries border-
control both air and water pollution, but, for ing the Mediterranean Sea, for example, have a
various reasons, they were largely ineffective. zone of 100 miles; the Australian zone extends 150
With increased awareness, however, that our miles around most of the continent. Although this
ecological system was seriously endangered by Act does not specifically apply to naval vessels,
pollution, Congress on 1 January 1970 passed the its provisions were incorporated into Article 1272
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, and the following year. (The Act of 1961 is a ratifica-
followed in April with the Environmental Quality tion of an international agreement known as the
Improvement Act of 1970. In these two Acts Con- Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the
gress declared a national policy for enhancement Sea by Oil, 1954. Proposed amendments would
of environmental quality and assigned respon- abolish prohibited zones and extend oil dumping
sibilities for carrying out this policy. prohibitions to all ocean areas).
Briefly, these Acts require the Federal Govern- The Oil Pollution Act of 1924 was repealed
ment, in cooperation with State and local govern- by the Water Quality Improvement Act of 1970
ments, to use all practicable means to create and (Public Law 91-224). (The Acts of 1899 and 1961
maintain conditions for a compatible existence remain in effect, as does Article 1272 of Navy
between humans and nature. Each Federal depart- Regulations.) This Act prohibits the noncasualty
ment or agency involved in any action that affects discharge of any type of oil from any vessel, on-
the environment is required to observe all existing shore facility, or offshore facility, into or upon
laws governing the control of pollution. All future navigable waters of the United States, adjoining
construction is to be designed with pollution con- shorelines, or waters of the contiguous zone (12
trol in mind. miles). Other features of the Act provide for the
control of hazardous substances other than oil and
POLLUTION CONTROL for the control of sewage discharges from vessels.
REGULATIONS The Clean Air Amendments of 1970 (Public
Law 91-604) set goals for the reduction of pollu-
In 1899 Congress passed a law prohibiting the tant emissions from stationary sources and from
discharge of refuse in navigable waters of the motor vehicles. New stationary sources that burn
United States. The Oil Pollution Act of 1924 pro- fossil fuels must conform to emission standards
hibited the discharge of oil of any kind (fuel oil, as determined and promulgated by the Environ-
sludge, oily wastes, etc.) into the navigable waters. mental Protection Agency (EPA).
These Acts formed the basis for Article 1272, Guidelines for preventing, controlling, and
Navy Regulations 1948, which forbids the abating air and water pollution are contained in
discharge of oil or refuse into inland or coastal the Navy’s environmental quality program, OP-
waters. The Oil Pollution Act of 1961 prohibits NAV Instruction 6240.3. In general, the Navy is
the discharge of oil or oily mixtures, such as charged with ensuring that all facilities (ships, air-
ballast, within specific zones bordering coastal na- craft, shore activities, vehicles, etc.) are de-
tions. These prohibited zones extend a minimum signed, operated, and maintained in conformance
of 50 miles seaward from the nearest land and out with standards set forth in the two Acts. Some


of the most pertinent requirements of this instruc- Pt. Hueneme, CA. This program has already
tion follow. resulted in significant improvements in equipment
Municipal regional waste collection and and cleanup techniques. As new methods of im-
disposal systems are to be used by shore activities provements are developed, this information is
whenever possible. All materials (solid fuels, used in equipment procurement and operator
petroleum products, chemicals, etc.) are to be training programs.
handled so as to prevent or minimize pollution
of the air and water. Resources are to be con- RESPONSIBILITIES
served by reprocessing, reclamation, and reuse of
waste materials whenever feasible. Ships must use The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) issued
port disposal facilities for all wastes prior to get- OPNAVINST 6240.3E, which assigned specific
ting underway and upon return to port. Oil pro- responsibilities to the fleet commanders, area
ducts will not be discharged within any prohibited coordinators, the Chief of Naval Material, and
zone, and trash and garbage will not be discard- other major claimants with respect to oil spill
ed within 12 miles of shore; waste materials nor- cleanup.
mally will not be burned in open fires. Sinking
agents and dispersants will not be used for com- Area Coordinator
bating oil spills except when necessary to reduce
hazard to human life, or when there is a substan- Area Coordinators assume the role of, or
tial fire hazard. designate, on-scene coordinators and on-scene
In striving to meet requirements of the Clean commanders for navy oil spills. They are respon-
Air and Water Quality Improvement Acts, the sible for planning contingency operations and for
Navy has instituted several ongoing programs, coordinating, with local commands and ap-
some of which are in operation; others are being propriate local, state, and federal agencies, the
tested and evaluated. For example, completely implementation of these contingency plans. They
enclosed firefighting training facilities from which are also responsible for coordinating and im-
no smoke escapes are now in operation. Aboard plementing the development of effective and com-
ship, the shift from Navy standard fuel oil to prehensive contingency plans for naval activities
distillate will greatly reduce air pollution because within their areas.
of the distillate’s low sulfur content. (It also is
a cleaner-burning fuel.) Undergoing evaluation On-Scene Coordinator
are several models of self-contained shipboard
sanitary treatment systems that eliminate the The on-scene coordinator (OSC), person
discharge of polluted sewage. predesignated by the Area Coordinator, is respon-
sible for making all reports required by OP-
NAVINST 6240.3E and by any local instruction
OIL POLLUTION pertaining to reporting oil spills. Final message
reports must be submitted within 24 hours after
The Navy, as required by a National Con- securing a cleanup operation.
tingency Plan, has established a rapid response When a report of a navy polluting incident is
capability at each of its major naval bases to clean received, OSC must obtain full information
up oil spills emanating from naval vessels or shore concerning,
facilities. At many naval activities, these
capabilities include contractors, other Federal (1) Ship or activity involved;
agencies, and municipal, civic, and other local and (2) The location of the spill;
volunteer organizations. To provide adequate (3) The time and date of the spill, if known;
equipment for this purpose, the Navy, under (4) The amount (in gallons) and type of oil
the direction of the Naval Facilities Engi- spills, or the amount (pounds/kilograms) and type
neering Command, is pursuing a multi-year of hazardous substance(s) spilled;
technical development and procurement program (5) The primary and secondary causes of the
at the Naval Construction Battalion Center, spill, if known;


(6) The corrective action taken to stop, con- Phase I—Discovery and Notification
tain, and prevent recurrence by the reporting ship
or activity, if any; Discovery of an oil spill usually results from
(7) The assessment of the help required (con- one or more of the following: (1) casual observa-
tainment equipment and/or clean up equipment). tion by personnel or the public, (2) result of
monitoring and surveillance program, or (3)
The OSC must also (1) designate an on-scene report made by the spiller. Whatever the mode
commander (OSCDR), (2) notify the personnel of discovery, all Navy related spills must be
concerned with cleaning up the pollutant, and (3) reported.
take charge at the scene until the arrival of the
OSCDR. Phase II—Evaluation And
Initiation of Action
On-Scene Commander
Upon notification and inspection of the spill,
The OSCDR reports directly to the OSC and the Navy OSCDR must evaluate the following:
assumes the responsibility for directing the man- (1) magnitude and severity of the spill, (2) poten-
power and equipment at the scene of the pollu- tial impacts of the spill including hazard to life
tion, and utilizes all available resources to or property, (3) available response time, and (4)
quickly remove the pollutant and to restore the capability of local resources to handle the spill.
environmental quality. Upon notification of a Based upon this evaluation, the OSCDR should
navy spill in local waters, the OSCDR takes im- initiate local containment action and notify the
mediate action to contain or isolate the spill by Navy OSC. The OSC may either alert Regional
utilizing duty section personnel or personnel Response Teams (RRT) or request assistance for
assigned to a spill recovery team and their spills which are beyond the local Navy response
equipment. unit capability. The OSC will also evaluate the
The OSCDR’s responsibility is to determine effectiveness of measures applied to the spill and
the source of the spill, contain it, commence maintain a detailed log of spill related activities.
cleanup operations, and eliminate it. Spill samples should be taken as soon as possible
If the navy spill occurs after working hours after the spill and analyzed in accord with accept-
the OSCDR executes the recall bill, if necessary. able procedure. Data should be recorded for
possible future use.
Phase III—Containment And
When oil is spilled, it triggers a series of ac- Countermeasures
tions that are common to all spills and which have
been categorized into the following operational Containment and countermeasures are
phases. positive actions taken to limit the continued
spread and migration of the spill and to stop the
1. Discovery and notification. flow at the source. These steps are the first cor-
2. Evaluation and initiation of action. rective actions to be taken, and should be initiated
3. Containment and countermeasures. as soon as possible after a spill is discovered.
4. Recovery, mitigation, and disposal.
5. Cleaning and repositioning equipment. COUNTERMEASURES.—Typical counter-
6. Documentation and cost recovery. measures include:
Spill phases do not necessarily follow in sequence, 1. The isolation and evacuation of the spill
but may and generally do, overlap. Figure 8-1 area to protect life or health.
shows this overlap and summarizes some of the 2. The “Shut off” activities at the source of
actions in each phase of an oil spill. Spill control the spill. These may range from simple valve
operations can last anywhere from a few hours realinement to extensive salvage operations. Rup-
to several weeks and individual spills do not re- tured tanks, for example, may be sealed with
quire the same degree of implementation for all chemicals which foam in place and form reliable
the operational phases. seals.

Page 8-4

Figure 8-1.-Operational Phases in an Oil Spill.


3. The placing of booms or other physical or CONTAINMENT.—Containment is the

absorbent barriers to prevent contact of the spill critical first step of any coordinated spill cleanup
with areas of sensitive beneficial uses such as activity. The rapidity and effectiveness with which
parks; estuaries, tributary streams, or water it is applied will limit the adverse impacts of the
supply intakes. spill on other beneficial uses of the affected water
4. The preplanned construction of trenches or or land area. Table 8-1 summarizes some of the
dikes to isolate potential spill areas on land. containment methods available.

Table 8-1.—Containment Methods

Principle of
Type of System Operation Advantages Disadvantages

Air Barriers Subsurface bub- Do not impede Are costly to

bling to create vessel move- install and
upswelling of ment maintain.
water surface Are limited by
factors (wind,

Piston Film or Surface ten- Can be easily Only provides

Herder sion phenom- applied. limited contain-
Chemicals enon Small dose ment for a mat-
required. ter of hours.
approved prod-
ucts must be

Booms A physical Can be deployed Work best in

barrier quickly. calm waters.
Are physical May be used in
barriers. limited currents
and waves.

Hose Spray Turbulent Can be rapidly Is limited to

barrier to applied use in con-
oil fined areas and
calm water.
Is temporary

Sorbent Both physical Can be easily Works best in

Barrier barrier and deployed. calm water.
absorbent sur- Can be used Oil is not
face for oil for both con- effectively
pickup tainment and contained.
pickup. Slows spreading.


The Navy preferred containment equip- washed over the boom, and the skirt long enough
ment/procedures are piston film chemicals and to prevent oil from being swept under it. Booms
solid, floating booms. are purchased in several height/depth sizes to meet
their use requirements under various wind and sea
Piston Film Chemicals.—Piston film conditions.
chemicals have high surface activity and spread 2. Booms may be used in either a dynamic
rapidly over the water surface. The spreading (towed) mode or in fixed position. Figure 8-3.I
force of the chemical is sufficient to overcome the shows a boom being towed in a “vee” configura-
spreading forces of the slick. These chemicals push tion in conjunction with a skimming device. The
the oil layer back until it reaches a limiting slick boom directs the oil to the skimming device where
thickness, which the piston film cannot exceed. it is collected.
The oil may be moved ahead of the spreading film 3. Booms are also being used to prevent oil
toward a collecting or containment device as from going under the pier and to direct the oil
shown in figure 8-2A, or the piston film may be to the skimmer (figure 8-3.II). The slick is
quickly spread around the periphery of the spill moved to the skimmer under the influence of wind
as is shown in figure 8-2B. This technique simply and current, or it could be pushed toward the
slows down the spreading rate. skimmer by hose spray, air jet, or piston film, if
Containment Booms.—Containment booms necessary.
are solid (floating barrier) booms. They are solid, 4. Booms may be anchored in a position that
continuous obstructions to the spread or migra- will entrap the oil but leave a channel open for
tion of oil spills. Because they are the most navigation if necessary (figure 8-3.III). The angle
at which the boom must be set is important in
effective containment device, they are preferred
for use with Navy related spills. order to avoid loss of collected oil due to entrap-
ment in the current or from being carried under
1. Booms are available in various sizes (in boom skirts.
50-foot lengths) which are joined to form a con- 5. Figure 8-3 .IV depicts typical use of a boom
tinuous barrier to the oil. Their freeboard must stretched across a stream. This alinement is feasi-
be sufficiently high to prevent the oil from being ble in small streams, mild currents, or tidal

Figure 8-2.—Use of Piston Film Chemicals.


Figure 8-3.—Typical uses of floating booms.


fluctuations. As depicted, diagonal deployment, practice. However, it may occur, and can con-
in lieu of perpendicular, has been generally found stitute a final polishing action if all the oil is not
more effective in flowing streams. removed by physical means.
In addition, gelling agents (chemicals which
Procedures to contain spills on land vary with convert the spill to a semisolid mass) or sorbent
the amount and type of oil spilled, the type of soil materials such as straw, polyester plastic shavings,
and the terrain. Less viscous oil and more porous or polyurethane foam may be used to help the
soil allow greater and more rapid penetration and subsequent manual or mechanical removal of a
lateral migration in the soil. Where feasible, ab- spill.
sorbent materials should be applied as soon as
possible. Larger spills may require containment PHYSICAL REMOVAL METHODS.—The
devices such as interceptor trenches or collecting Navy prefers physical-mechanical methods of
pools from which the oil may be pumped. removal, and has designated the types of skim-
Spill containment by the use of hose spray can mers for use with Navy spills in various locations.
be an effective method in confined areas. This 1. Small Skimmers. The small unit which is
technique is immediately available to ships’ forces
and provides the earliest form of containment. designed for use in congested harbor areas is based
on the weir principle. The weir depth of these
Phase IV—Recovery, Mitigation, skimmers is controlled by adjusting the flow rate
of the attached pump. As the flow rate is
and Disposal
increased, the fluid is removed from the rear
This phase of an oil spill involves those ac- buoyancy chamber, tipping the unit clockwise,
tions taken to recover spilled oil from the affected and thereby increasing the weir depth. Decreas-
environment as well as the monitoring activity ing the flow rate allows the buoyancy chamber
associated with determination of the effectiveness to fill, tipping the unit counterclockwise, and
thereby reducing the weir depth. This unit is most
of the cleanup operation. It includes those actions
taken to mitigate damage cause by the spilled oil, effective in a stationary mode where it is posi-
and to dispose of the recovered oil in an en- tioned and the oil directed to it.
vironmentally acceptable manner. 2. Medium Skimmers. The medium skimmer
selected by the Navy is an “endless” belt unit.
REMOVAL.—Removal of spilled oil and oil It is operable from a pier via handheld controls.
derivatives may be accomplished several ways, The principle of operation is shown in figure 8-4.
including: The rotating belt submerges the oil and directs it
to the collection well where it concentrates and
1. Allowing evaporation to take place from which it eventually is pumped to a temporary
(gasoline and JP-4). storage. This principle is entitled the dynamic in-
2. Use of physical removal methods such as clined plane (DIP ) .
manual collection or collection by mechanical 3. Large Skimmers. The large skimmer
equipment, such as skimmers. selected for use by the Navy is a larger version
3. Removal by fostering biodegradation. of the medium skimmer (DIP ). This unit is
4. Removal by burning. vessel-mounted for use in protected open waters,
5. Removal by dispersion (emulsification). and is quite effective even in choppy water in that
6. Pumping of oil in land spills. it overruns and submerges the oil layer before col-
lecting it. A rotating belt directs the oil to the col-
Because of effects which are detrimental to the lection well.
environment, method 4 is not recommended, or 4. Suction Based Skimmers. Other commer-
practiced, by the Navy unless there is a direct cially available units for oil removal are based on
threat to human life and property. Because of the suction, either taken directly off the surface of
lengthy reaction time involved, and because of the the water or by the development of a submerged
possibility of toxic by products, method 3 is not vortex. Since these units are highly susceptible to
practiced nor recommended as a desirable Navy wave action and clogging, they work best in calm,


debris-free waters, and with thick oil layers. They major shellfish or finfish nurseries, harvesting,
are not extensively used for Navy spills. grounds, passage areas, or beaches is a prime
5. Sorbent Surface Skimmers. These units use concern.
Such chemicals should only be used in those
an endless belt, hose, or rotating drum, the sur-
surface water areas and under those circumstances
face of which absorbs the spilled oil from the
water surfaces. The concept is applied in large, where preservation and protection of water related
craft-mounted units for large spills and in smaller natural resources is judged not to be the highest
units using an endless, hose-width belt. The ab- priority or where a choice as to resource preser-
sorbed oil is conveyed to temporary storage tanks vation may make the use of such materials a
necessary alternative. When chemical compounds
where it is squeezed from the belt or wiped from
the drum or disc. are used in connection with oil cleanup, only those
compounds exhibiting minimum toxicity toward
6. Manual Methods. Occasionally, manual aquatic flora and fauna should be used. The EPA
removal methods are used in the Navy. Manual is now developing, and will soon issue, a standard
removal processes involve the physical pickup of procedure for determining the toxicity of such
the oil from shoreline areas with the use of sor- chemicals.
bent materials, pitchforks, and/or shovels. They Now let’s describe some of the chemical
also include “in water” removal operations such removal methods used.
as that mounted for small shipside spills in which
the Mark I Spill Control Kit is employed. In this 1. Dispersants. Dispersants (emulsifiers) are
instance, herder chemicals may be used to retard surface active agents which foster the development
spreading of the spill, and hand-held polyurethane of oil/water emulsion. They may be ionic or non-
absorbent pads or “mops” are used to “sorb” ionic in nature and are typically mixed with
and remove the oil. The pads are squeezed out stabilizers, to preserve the emulsion formed, and
with conventional mop wringers. solvents for cold weather use when surfactant
viscosity is reduced. A typical dispersant is about
Chemical Removal Methods.—Chemicals 70-80% solvent, 10-15% surfactant and 10-15%
should not be used to emulsify, disperse, stabilizer.
solubilize, or precipitate oil whenever the protec- The use of dispersants exposes a great surface
tion or preservation of freshwater supply sources, area for microbiological attack. However, many

Figure 8-4.—Principle of Operation of Dynamic Inclined Plane (DIP) Skimmer.


of the surfactants are not degradable; and they, oiled debris is properly disposed of by the Navy
or the materials with which they are mixed, may activity or contract operator, it can and will
be toxic to microorganisms and aquatic species. become a problem at the disposal site. The
By dispersing, they distribute the oil throughout conventional disposal methods listed in Table 8-2,
the water column, extend its area of influence con- for example, may allow the oil to recontaminate
siderably, and have a resultant adverse biological surface or ground waters, degrade the air
impact. Also, dispersant may have a short effec- quality, or present fire hazards. Damages re-
tiveness period; and the oil is released and resur- sulting from any unauthorized disposal of oil
faces. In fact, dispersion is not really a removal by the Navy or its contractor may lead to
method but rather one of spreading the oil and litigation.
reducing its visibility.
2. Sinking Agents. Sinking agents are The disposal options are essentially limited to
materials such as clay, fly ash, sand, or crushed (1) reuse; (2) disposal by soil cultivation tech-
stone which when applied to spilled oil will sink niques; (3) controlled burning; or (4) placement
it. Sunken oil will cover and smother or taint the in “approved” sanitary landfills.
bottom (benthic) organisms, including shellfish. Reuse of the oil collected from the spill is
Additionally, it will move and resurface as a result to be preferred where it is possible. The re-
of turbulence or microbial degradation. For this covered oil may be “re-refined” and recycled
reason the use of sinking agents is prohibited by for beneficial use. Re-refining facilities are
Federal regulations. not always readily accessible from spill sites,
3. Gelling Agents. These materials absorb, but the possibility of reuse should always be
congeal, entrap, and fix the oil to form a semi- considered.
rigid or gelatinous mass, which may be more easily
recovered, or will inhibit the spread of the spill. MITIGATION.—Oil spills will affect the
Gel agents include soap solution, wax, fatty acids, beneficial uses of the water or land with which
and various polymers. they have contact. Mitigation deals with the
4. Burning Agents. The loss of volatile removal of oil from the area to the degree
components and the incorporation of water make necessary to permit resumption of the original use
oil spills difficult to ignite and sustain in the of the water or area.
burning condition. The use of burning agents is
essential if burning is to be pursued, and Mitigation operations are response actions
approved, as a disposal means. These agents which may not involve much removal of the pollu-
contain combustion promoting and sustaining tant, but are desirable to lessen the impact of the
chemicals. Their use may be authorized by spill.
the OSC when it will prevent or substantially
reduce hazard to life or property. Such instances Restoration activities may include shoveling
are rare in inland waters, and burning should be up asphaltic or tarry residues of the spill; applica-
avoided. tion of hot water washes on rocky shorelines; ex-
tensive manual or mechanized efforts to collect,
DISPOSAL.—As oil is recovered from the reclaim, and reestablish affected beach sand; or
spill area, it must be pumped to a storage area trenching of estuaries to remove as much oil as
or container where oil/water separation is initiated possible. Most restoration efforts deal with beach
or continued. Gravity separation, centrifugation, areas, where the procedures selected vary with the
and other separation techniques are available in type, age, and amount of spilled oil and the type
commercial equipment. The concentrated oil is of beach affected. Generally, lighter oils (less
then removed to transport facilities and conveyed viscous) penetrate the sand more rapidly, and re-
to recycle or disposal sites. quire the use of techniques that include harrow-
ing in sorbent material to foster degradation, sand
Once oil has been removed from the spill site, pickup, reclamation and/or replacement. Treat-
the major battle may have been won; but the ment of beach sand to remove oil can only be
conflict goes on, because unless the oily waste or justified where beach sand is scarce and its

Table 8-2.—Summary of Spilled Oil Disposal Techniques

Page 8-11

replacement is costly, because the current methods CAUSES OF OIL SPILLS

for beach sand reclamation are very expensive.
Mitigation of impacts may also involve The frequency of occurrence and the volume
biological reseeding of areas affected by the of oil spilled in relation to the various causes as
spill or the cleanup operations. It may also reported to, and compiled by, the Navy Environ-
include the collection, cleanup, and care of oil mental Support Office (NESO) is shown in table
soaked birds, which were attracted to the spill 8-3. You can clearly “see” that human error is
area, although this effort is generally only involved in the majority of these spills.
partially effective. It requires expert knowledge,
facilities for recuperation, and extensive use of The best way to help cope with this problem
manpower. of “human error” is through the proper training
As you read earlier in this chapter there are of operational personnel. This should include
six operational phases involved with spills. We study of pertinent regulations and operational
have briefly discussed only four of these. For procedures; adherence to the Personnel Qualifica-
more detailed information about the phases tion System (PQS) and periodic drills involving
discussed and additional information on the care cleanup procedures and operation of oil spil1
of the equipment and administrative follow up cleanup equipment.
to a spill read and study NAVFAC P-908, In addition to routine and schedule
Oil Spill Control for Inland Waters and maintenance, as well run facility should perform
Harbors. and log periodic inspections dealing with the

Table 8-3.—Navy Related Oil Spills by Cause (1975)

Percent Volume Percent Av. Vol.

No. of Total Spilled Total Vol. of Each
Cause Spills Spills (gal) Spilled Occurrence
Valve misaligned 39 9.4 3,943 3.4 101
Monitoring error 80 19.2 6,792 5.8 85
Donut (WOR) 16 3.8 794 .7 50
Collision 1 .2 1,500 1.3 1,500
Grounding 0 - - - -
Structural/design 95 22.8 52,267 44.5 550
Tank overflow 27 6.5 3,305 2.8 122
Fuel transfer
(internal) 3 0.7 178 0.1 58
(external) 14 3.4 1,824 1.6 130
Air in line 7 1.7 74 .l 11
Unknown 124 29.7 39,744 33.8 321
Other 11 2.6 7,143 8.1 649


prevention of accidental oil spills. Tanks, Secretary of Defense. Navy policies and respon-
pipelines, and valves should be periodically in- sibilities are defined in OPNAVINST 6240.3.
spected for corrosion. The proper operation and The Navy plans to equip each naval ship with
sealing of valves and pumping units are a must. a marine sanitation device (MSD) which will
A daily record of tank levels, and observance enable a ship to comply with the sewage discharge
of standard operating procedures for many shore standards without compromising the ship mission
facilities and all ships, are effective ways for capability.
detecting slow leaks before a major equipment Sewage discharge regulations do not preclude
failure occurs. Hydrostatic testing of hoses, overboard discharge when an emergency situation
pipelines and storage tanks should be performed exists and when failure to discharge would en-
periodically to verify their use for oil service. danger the health and safety of personnel.
Operating personnel should be encouraged to In the past, shipboard sewage has been
report unsafe conditions in equipment or pro- discharged overboard as a matter of routine.
cedures. Another good practice is to report and Studies have shown that concentration of sewage
document causes of oil spill “near misses” so that in inland waters, ports, harbors, and coastal
preventive action can be initiated. All inspections waters of the United States had detrimental ef-
and records should be in accordance with fects on the environment.
established written procedures and should remain In 1972, anticipating the present regulations,
on file for the use of new personnel and for the the CNO made the policy decision to install the
identification of deteriorating trends in Sewage Collection, Holding, and Transfer (CHT)
equipment. system aboard naval ships which could employ
The Navy is expending time, money, and ef- this method of sewage pollution control without
fort to reduce environmental pollution. Therefore, serious reduction in military capabilities. The
close supervision must be exercised over all opera- CHT system represented the least cost and risk
tions involving fuel handling, waste disposal, and solution to the problem.
use and disposal of toxic materials. Personnel The design goal of the CHT system is to pro-
must be aware of pollution problems and the vide the capacity to hold shipboard sewage
necessity to reduce pollution occurrences. Within generated over a 12-hour period. This goal can
one’s area of responsibility, regular inspection and usually be achieved in large ships. Smaller ships,
monitoring procedures must be conducted to en- where the maximum capacity limits holding times
sure compliance with all applicable regulations to 3 hours or less, which is insufficient time to
and operating procedures for pollution control transit a 3-mile restricted zone, cannot achieve
devices. such a goal.
You will find more detailed information on
oil spills in NAVFAC P-908. This publication will ELEMENTS OF THE CHT SYSTEM
provide you with information about policy, rules,
regulations, and procedures for the prevention of
Most operational fleet ships of sufficient size
oil spills. It will also provide you with informa-
tion on what type of equipment is used to will be equipped with CHT systems. This system
remove/contain oil spills, what are the procedures is designed to accept soil drains from water closets
for cleaning the equipment, and what procedures and urinals and waste drains from showers, laun-
to follow when reporting the cost of an oil spill. dries, and galleys. As the name of the system im-
plies, sewage collection, holding, and transfer are
COLLECTION, HOLDING, AND three functional elements which constitute the
CHT system.

The environmental effects that result from Collection Element

sewage discharges into rivers, harbors, and coastal
waters by naval ships are of great concern to the The collection element consists of soil and
Navy. The Navy is required to control sewage waste drains with diverter valves. Depending on
discharges under regulations promulgated by the the position of the diverter valves, the soil or waste


can be diverted overboard or into the CHT tank. Very large tanks may require swash bulkheads to
The basic CHT system concept requires that waste dampen movement of the tank contents. The tank
drains be kept separate from soil drains wherever bottom slopes approximately 1.5 inches/ft toward
practical until they reach their respective over- the pump section. All internal surfaces of the tank
board diverter valves. Downstream of their over- are coated in accordance with procedures given
board diverter valves both waste drains and soil in the Naval Ship’s Technical Manual chapter
drains may be combined into a single drain line. 63(9190). Preservation of Ships in Service, for
All drains above the waterline may be diverted protecting sanitary tanks, and to prevent corro-
overboard by gravity. Drains located below the sion. Each CHT tank is fitted with a vent to the
waterline cannot be diverted directly overboard atmosphere and an overflow to the sea. In addi-
and must use the CHT system as an ejection tion, a manhole is provided for internal
system. In this case, the CHT system must operate maintenance. Vents should be positioned to avoid
continuously in all modes. intake of CHT gases into the air compressor or
All drain piping is pitched to insure rapid and ventilation intakes.
complete drainage. Pitch is 1/4-inch/ft whenever
possible, but not less than 1/8-inch/ft relative to Transfer Element
the operating trim.
Garbage grinder drains connected to the waste Each tank is equipped with two nonclog
drains are installed with a minimum slope of 3 marine sewage pumps connected in parallel. The
inches/ft. Garbage grinder drains are also pro- pumps may discharge sewage to a tender, barge,
vided with a check valve to preclude back-flow shore facility, or directly overboard, depending
from the waste drain and a diverter valve to per- on the position of the discharge diverter valve.
mit drainage to either the CHT tank or overboard. Each pump is equipped with full-port plug or ball
When the garbage grinder employs seawater for suction and discharge valves, and a discharge
flushing, the waste piping downstream of the gar- swing check valve with a hold-open device. An
bage grinder is of copper-nickel alloy. explanation of pump characteristics curves is given
Plumbing drains may penetrate watertight in Naval Ships’ Technical Manual, Chapter
bulkheads. Usually, each bulkhead penetration 503(9470), Pumps.
below flooding water level (FWL-1) is provided
with a bulkhead stop valve. The stop valve is a System Types
round, full-port plug or ball valve. The stop valve Two types of CHT systems are installed. The
is operable at the valve and the damage control type selected for a particular ship depends on the
deck. In some installations, diverter valves (3-way holding tank capacity. Systems with tanks with
valves) are used to prevent progressive flooding a capacity of more than 2000 gallons use a com-
throughout the CHT system drains, eliminating minutor and aeration system. Smaller systems
the need for a bulkhead stop valve. with tanks having a capacity of less than 2000
Where CHT system valves are designated as gallons use strainers.
damaged control closures, the valve bonnet and
hand wheel is labeled SET X-RAY, SET YOKE, Comminutor
or SET ZEBRA, with the direction to be turned
marked with an arrow. Similar labeling is required In a comminutor-type system the comminutor
at the damage control deck box. The damage con- located in the soil drain or the combined soil and
trol labeling is in addition to the CHT classifica- waste drain serves to macerate solids passing in-
tion and label plate. to the CHT tank. A bypass is fitted upstream of
the comminutor. If the comminutor jams or
Holding Element plugs, the bypass provides drainage around the
The CHT tank is usually sized for a 12-hour comminutor and into the tank. If a valve is fit-
holding period. Individual ship constraints may ted in the bypass, it should always remain open.
affect this design objective. Each tank has inside Isolation valves are fitted directly before and after
surfaces which are usually free of structural the comminutor to allow for maintenance. Most
members such as stiffeners, headers, and brackets. installations include an access port, or cleanout,

to permit removal of foreign objects which may 2. The CHT pump set; one pump set per tank.
jam or plug the comminutor. The components of A pump set consists of two motor-driven pumps,
the comminutor-type system, shown in figure 8-5, two suction plug or ball valves, two discharge plug
include: or ball valves, two discharge check valves (with
hold-open device), a pump controller, a high level
1. The CHT tank. The capacity of each alarm, and an appropriate number of liquid level
tank usually is more than 2000 gallons. sensors.

Figure 8-5.—Comminutor type CHT system.


3. The comminutor. One comminutor is set up to collect and hold the discharges from soil
located in each soil drain or combined drain enter- drains only.
ing each tank. 2. In Port. During in-port periods, the CHT
4. The aeration supply system. system collects, holds, and transfers to shore
5. The firemain flushing connections and sewage facility all discharges from soil and waste
spray cleaning nozzle for tank washdown. drains.
6. The piping, valves, and fittings. 3. At Sea. When operating at sea outside
restricted areas, the CHT system is set up to divert
Strainer discharges from both soil and waste drains
The strainer-type system incorporates an
overflow strainer within the CHT tank and an in- Transmit Mode
flow strainer mounted on the discharge side of While transiting a restricted zone, soil drains are
each pump. The drain collection piping directs routed to the CHT tanks and the waste drains are
sewage flow through the overflow strainer where diverted overboard. Both CHT pump controller
liquids may overflow into the CHT tank if the switches are in the OFF position. Pump suction
inflow strainer or the pumps become clogged. valves A and inflow stop valve G (for strainer
Solid and liquid wastes flow through the ball or system only). are open (see figure 8-6). Pump
plug valve and the check valves until they reach discharge valves B and the tank washdown
the pump discharge piping. At this junction, the supply valve are closed. Soil drain diverter valves
sewage flow passes through the inflow strainer H are in the CHT COLLECTION position. Waste
where large solids are collected, then through the drain diverter valves J are in the OVERBOARD
pumps, and back into the CHT tank. The inflow position, discharging through the gag scupper
strainer limits the flow of solids, but liquids are valves.
allowed to pass through the pump into the tank. For systems equipped with a comminutor (see
Each time the pump operates, its inflow strainer figure 8-5) and an aeration system (see figure 8-7),
is cleaned by the reverse flow of liquid being open the comminutor isolation valves, D and
pumped from the tank. The strainer-type system operate the comminutor. The tank contents must
components, shown in figure 8-6, include: be aerated continuously. Operate the air blower
and open discharge valve M (shown in figure 8-7).
1. The CHT tank. The capacity of each tank Air also can be supplied by opening the ship serv-
usually is less than 2000 gallons. ice air supply valve N (also shown in figure 8-7).
2. The CHT pump set; one pump set per tank. If an aspirator system is employed, the aspirator
A pump set consists of two motor-driven pumps, pump should be activated.
two suction plug or ball valves, two discharge plug
or ball valves, two discharge check valves (with
hold-open device), a pump controller, a high level WARNING
alarm, and an appropriate number of liquid level
sensors. Whenever a high level alarm sounds,
3. The Firemain flushing connections and immediate action must be taken to close
spray cleaning nozzle for tank washdowns. the isolation valves on drains below the
4. The piping, valves, and fittings. overboard discharge and to divert upper
level drains overboard to preclude flooding

The CHT system can be used in any of three After sewage transfer hose connections are
district modes of operation in accordance with any completed, both soil and waste drains are routed
one of the following situations: to the CHT tank and then discharged to a shore
receiving facility, nested ship, or barge receiving
1. Transiting Restricted Zones. When tran- station. When connecting the sewage transfer
siting restricted zones, the CHT system must be hose, proper chafing gear and supporting lines


Figure 8-6.—Strainer-type CHT system.

should be fitted where required to protect the connection F, pass the word to the CHT pump
hose. Care should be taken to prevent the hose room that hose connections have been made (see
from snagging between the ship and the pier. figures 8-5 and 8-6).
Valves A, B, and C should be lined up and Set both pump controller selector switches to
set for discharge to the shore side deck discharge AUTO position. Set soil drain diverter valves H
at valve F. The receiving station sewer valve and waste drain diverter valves J to the CHT
should then be opened, followed by valve F at the COLLECTION position for drainage to the CHT
deck connection. With a person stationed at deck tank. After the tank is pumped down and the


Figure 8-7.—Aeration subsystem.

pump stops, open the tank washdown supply In the event of a high level alarm, the operator
valve and wash the tank for 30 minutes. Close the should recognize that a problem exists with the
tank washdown supply valve. pumps, the discharge piping, or both. If the tank
completely fills while the system malfunction is
The comminutor and aeration system should being investigated, the waste will overflow over-
be operated continuously in the in-port mode. board and through any heads or fixtures located
During extended in-port transfer operations, the below the overflow discharge lines. Drain lines
CHT tank must be washed a minimum of 30 from these fixtures incorporate both a check valve
min/wk. While discharging waste through and an isolation, or cutoff, valve. These fixtures
transfer hoses, check periodically for leakage, must be identified prior to initial system use.
kinking, and snagging. Whenever a high level alarm sounds, immediate


action must be taken to close the isolation valves NOISE POLLUTION

on drains located below the CHT tank overflow
line discharge and divert upper deck drains over- Hearing loss problems have been and continue
board to preclude flooding of space. In the event to be a source of concern within the Navy, both
of leakage or snagging of the transfer hoses, close ashore and afloat. In the Navy the loss of hear-
valve F (shown in figures 8-5 and 8-6) at the deck ing can occur from exposure to impulse or blast
connection only (closure of pier valve may cause noise (i.e., gunfire, rockets, etc.) or from con-
the discharge hose to rupture). Line up pump tinuous or intermittent sounds such as jet or pro-
discharge diverter valve C for overboard peller aircraft, marine engines, boiler equipment
discharge, to prevent overflow or backup of operations, and any of a myriad of noise sources
drains located below the tank overflow. associated with industrial type activities (such as
shipyards). Hearing loss may be temporary, and
At-Sea Mode will disappear after a brief period of nonexposure,
or it may become permanent through repeated
In order to set the CHT system up for the At- exposures to intense noise levels. The loss of hear-
sea mode (refer to figures 8-5 and 8-6) set soil and ing sensitivity is generally in the higher frequen-
waste drain diverter valves H and J to the OVER- cies of 4000-6000 Hertz (Hz) with many people
BOARD position. Open pump discharge valves sustaining extensive impairment before the all im-
B and set pump discharge diverter valve C to the portant speech range of 500-3000 Hz is ap-
overboard position. Check to insure that gag scup- preciably affected.
per valve at the hull in the pump discharge line The Navy recognized noise pollution to be a
is open. Set the discharge pump controller selec- problem and started to combat it through the
tor switches to the MAN1 position. After the Hearing Conservation Program. The main pur-
pumps lose suction, set both controller selector pose of this program is to establish and imple-
switches to the AUTO position. Open the tank ment an effective occupational noise control and
washdown supply valve and wash the tank for 30 hearing conservation program which has as its
minutes. Close the tank washdown supply valve. goal the elimination/prevention of hearing loss.
Set the controller selector switches to MAN1 posi- HEARING CONSERVATION
tion. After loss of pump suction, set controller PROGRAM
switches in the OFF position. Close pump suc-
tion valves A, discharge valves B, and, in the Hearing loss associated with exposure to
strainer system only, close the inflow stopvalves hazardous noise and the high cost of compensa-
G. tion claims have highlighted a significant problem
which requires action to reduce or eliminate
For CHT systems outfitted will comminutors hazardous occupational noise levels. An effective
and aeration systems, secure the comminutor after occupational noise control and hearing conserva-
setting the soil drain diverter valves. Close air tion program will prevent or reduce the exposure
blower discharge valve M and secure air blower, of personnel to potentially hazardous noise. Such
or close ship supply valve N after tank washdown programs will incorporate the following elements:
procedures have been completed and the pump 1. Identification of hazardous noise areas and
has lost suction. If an air aspirator system is in- their sources.
stalled, shut the system down and secure the 2. Elimination or reduction of noise levels
aspiration pump. through the use of engineering controls.
The CHT system is now secured with all soil 3. Periodic hearing testing of noise-exposed
and waste being discharged overboard through the personnel to evaluate program effectiveness.
gravity drainage system. 4. Education of all hands in the command’s
program and their individual responsibilities.
For additional information on the CHT 5. Strict enforcement of all prescribed occupa-
system and its components, refer to the manufac- tional noise control and hearing conservation
turer’s technical manuals and Naval Ships’ measures including disciplinary action for
Technical Manual, Chapter 593. violators and supervisors, as necessary.


RESPONSIBILITIES The Chief, Naval Education

and Training
The Secretary of the Navy policy, contained
in SECNAVINST 5100.1D, emphasizes that oc- The Chief, Naval Education and Training
cupational safety and health are the respon- (CNET) shall, with the assistance of CHBUMED
sibilities of all commands. Accordingly, the and CHNAVMAT incorporate hearing conserva-
following actions and responsibilities are assigned. tion and engineering control guidance informa-
tion in the curricula of all appropriate training
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery courses. It shall provide specialized hearing con-
servation and engineering control training and
The Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery education as required, and serve as the central
(CHBUMED) shall manage the hearing conser- source for the collection, publication and
vation program and maintain the program’s cur- dissemination of information on specialized hear-
rency and effectiveness. It must provide ing conservation and engineering control train-
audiometric support to all military and civilian ing courses.
personnel who are included in a hearing conser-
vation program, professional and technical Naval Inspector General
assistance to commands responsible for assuring The Naval Inspector General (NAVINSGEN)
that the hearing of military and civilian person- shall evaluate hearing conservation and engineer-
nel is protected, and appropriate professional and ing control procedures during conduct of the
technical hearing conservation guidance and Navy’s Occupational Safety and Health Inspec-
assistance to the Chief of Naval Education and tion Program (NOSHIP) oversight inspections of
Training (CNET). activities ashore.
It must develop guidelines and issue certifica-
tions in accordance with OPNAVINST 6260.2 President, Board of Inspection
Enclosure (1) for personnel conducting sound level and Survey
measurements, (2) personnel performing hearing
conservation audiometry, (3) audiometric test The President, Board of Inspection and
chambers, (4) audiometers, and (5) all sound level Survey (PRESINSURV) shall be directly respon-
measuring equipment, and it must support a sible for oversight inspection aspects of shipboard
research and development effort in medical hearing conservation and engineering control
aspects of hearing conservation to insure existing compliance. Inspections of fleet units shall be in-
technology represents the most advanced state- corporated into existing condition inspection
of-the-art. programs.
Commander, Naval Safety Center
Chief of Naval Material
The Chief of Naval Material (CHNAVMAT) The Commander, Naval Safety Center (COM-
shall in coordination with CHBUMED, provide NAVSAFECEN) shall provide program evalua-
technical assist and and engineering guidance to tion, as requested, provide program promotion
commands as delineated in OPNAVINST 6260.2 through NAVSAFECEN publications, and review
and periodically update to maintain currency and program compliance during the conduct of
effectiveness. It shall insure, consistent and re- surveys.
quired military capabilities, that noise abatement Fleet Commander in Chief
is considered, designed, and engineered into all
(both existing and future) ships and aircraft, Fleet Commanders in Chief and other major
weapons and weapon systems, equipment, commanders, commanding officers, and officers
materials, supplies, and facilities which are ac- in charge shall insure that all Navy areas,
quired, constructed, or provided through the worksites, and equipment under their cognizance
Naval Material Command; and it shall provide are identified as potentially hazardous and labeled
appropriate technical and engineering control in accordance with OPNAVINST 6260.2 where
methodology guidance and assistance to CNET. noise levels are 85 dBA or greater or where


impulse or impact noise exceeds a peak sound medical element of hazards to hearing resulting
pressure level of 140 dB. Where necessary, surveys from “non-use.” The following paragraphs
shall be conducted in compliance with the outline the specific actions to be taken by the
guidance outlined in OPNAVINST 6260.2 engineer officer and subordinates to insure the ef-
enclosure (1). Enclosure (3) of OPNAVINST fectiveness of the command program.
6260.2 provides a listing of activities where in- The engineer officer will:
dustrial hygiene assistance may be obtained.
Where a potential noise hazard has been iden- 1. Insure that all newly reporting personnel
tified, a hearing conservation program shall be have received a base-line audiogram and that each
instituted in accordance with OPNAVINST individual’s medical record reflects the results of
this examination.
6260.2 and a roster will be maintained on person- 2. Insure that all engineering department per-
nel placed in the program. Noise levels will be sonnel receive an annual re-examination by a
eliminated or reduced through the use of engineer- medical activity.
ing controls. 3. Advise the medical department represen-
Personal hearing protective devices will be tative, by memorandum, of personnel by name
provided and used properly by personnel where who are working or stand watches in areas deter-
administrative or engineering controls are infeasi- mined to be “high noise areas” and defined in
ble or ineffective. All military civilian personnel OPNAVINST 6260.2.
whose duties entail exposure to potentially hazard- 4. Arrange for a noise survey to be taken in-
ous noise will receive instruction regarding the itially by an industrial or IMA activity, and in-
command occupational noise control and hear- sure that surveys are retaken at least annually.
ing conservation program, the undesirable effects 5. Designate “high noise areas” from the sur-
of noise, the proper use and care of hearing pro- vey and insure that areas are properly marked or
tective devices, and the necessity of periodic labeled with prescribed markings. Advise the
hearing testing. Emphasis will be placed upon medical department of areas so designated and
leadership by example as regards the wearing of of any changes that may occur.
hearing protective devices. Command policy shall 6. Insure aural protective devices to all per-
be enforced, including the initiation of disciplinary sonnel tasked to work in designated “high noise
measures for repeated failure to comply with the areas.” These devices will be made available
requirements of the hearing conservation through the medical department for individual fit-
program. ting and issue. Issue of these devices will be
In addition to the personnel mentioned above, recorded in the individuals’ medical records.
we need to describe the shipboard responsibilities 7. Insure that sufficient training is provided
of the Engineer Officer and the work center to operating personnel concerning the hazards and
supervisor. preventive elements of the program, stressing the
ENGINEER OFFICER.—OPNAVINST use of available protective devices.
8. The main propulsion assistant should be
6260.2 outlines the shipboard program for hear- designated as the department officer to monitor
ing conservation. Although the medical depart- and assist the engineer officer in all elements of
ment representative has primary cognizant over the program.
this program there are elements that the engineer
officer must monitor and which are subject to WORK CENTER SUPERVISOR.—As a
periodic review. Periodic surveys must be ac- work center supervisor you are responsible for en-
complished to properly identify those areas within suring that safety signs are posted in your spaces
the propulsion spaces that fall into the category which are high noise areas, that your personnel
“Noise Hazardous Area.” These areas must be are trained and counseled as to the effects of noise
marked and personnel tasked with working in pollution, and that they have the proper hearing
these areas must have available to them and utilize protection as required for that area.
the prescribed aural protective devices. Training For additional information on the Hearing
and discussion should emphasize the need for Conservation Program refer to OPNAVINST
wearing these devices and should stress the 6260.2.



This chapter provides general information on procedures that must be followed when engineer-
engineering casualty control, a phase of damage ing casualties, damage to the ship, or other
control. If a review of damage control principles emergency conditions occur.
and related information is necessary, see Basic
Military Requirements, NAVEDTRA 10054 (cur-
rent edition), Military Requirements for Petty Of- FACTORS INFLUENCING
ficer 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10056 (current edition), CASUALTY CONTROL
Fireman, NAVEDTRA 10520 (current edition), The basic factors influencing the effectiveness
and Naval Ships’ Technical Manual, chapter 079. of engineering casualty control are much broader
The mission of engineering casualty control is to than the immediate actions taken at the time of
maintain all engineering services in a state of max- the casualty. Engineering casualty control effi-
imum readiness and reliability. To carry out this ciency is obtained through a combination of
mission, it is necessary for all personnel concerned sound design, careful inspection, thorough plant
to know what actions are necessary to prevent, maintenance (including preventive maintenance),
minimize, and correct any effects of operational and effective personnel organization and train-
and battle casualties on the machinery and the ing. CASUALTY PREVENTION IS THE MOST
electrical and piping installations of their ship. EFFECTIVE FORM OF CASUALTY CON-
The primary objective of casualty control is TROL.
to maintain a ship in such a condition that it will
function effectively as a fighting unit. This re- DESIGN
quires effective maintenance of propulsion
machinery, electrical systems, interior and exterior Design influences the effectiveness of casu-
communications, fire control, electronic services, alty control in two ways: (1) the elimination of
ship control, fire main supply, and of such weaknesses which may lead to material failure and
miscellaneous services as heating, air condition- (2) the installation of alternate or standby equip-
ing, and compressed air. Failure of any of these ment for supplying vital services in the event of
services will affect a ship’s ability to fulfill its a casualty to the primary equipment. Both of these
primary objective, either directly, by reducing its factors are considered in the design of naval ships.
power, or indirectly, by creating conditions which Each individual plant aboard ship is equipped
would lower personnel morale and efficiency. with duplicate vital auxiliaries, loop systems, and
A secondary objective of casualty control is cross connections. All complete propulsion plants
to minimize personnel casualties and secondary are designed to operate as isolated units (split-
damage to vital machinery. plant design).
You can find detailed information on casu-
alty control in the Engineering Casualty Control CASUALTY CONTROL
Manual, the Damage Control Book, the Ship’s COMMUNICATIONS
Organization Book, and the Ship’s Repair Party
Manual. Although these publications vary from Casualty control communications is extremely
ship to ship, they explain the organization and the important to the operation and organization of


the ship. Without adequate and proper means of required for the normal operation of equipment,
communication between the different units, the in order to detect all departures from normal
whole organization of casualty control will fail operation.
in its primary objective. When a gage, or other instrument recording
To ensure that sufficient means of com- the operating conditions of machinery, gives an
munications are available, several different abnormal reading, the cause must be fully in-
systems are installed aboard ship. The normal vestigated. A spare instrument, or a calibration
means of communications are the battle telephone test, will quickly indicate whether or not the ab-
circuits (sound powered), interstation 2-way normal reading is due to instrument error. Any
systems (intercoms), ship service telephones, ship’s other cause must be traced to its source.
loud speaker (1-MC), and voice tubes. Messengers
are also used in some situations when other Because of the safety factor commonly incor-
methods of communications are not available or porated in pumps and similar equipment, con-
when written reports are required. siderable loss of capacity can occur before any
The transmission of correct information re- external evidence is readily apparent. Changes in
the operating speeds (from those normal for the
garding a casualty and the speed with which the
report is made are essential to be of value in any existing load) of pressure-governor-controlled
method of communication. equipment should be viewed with suspicion.
It is also essential that control of all com- Variations from normal pressures, lubricating oil
munication circuits be established by the con- temperatures, and system pressures indicate either
trolling station. The circuits must never be allowed inefficient operation or poor condition of
to get out of control, because of “cross-talk” machinery.
caused by more than one station operating at the When a material failure occurs in any unit,
same time and each assuming that it has the prior- a prompt inspection should be made of all similar
ity message. Casualty control communication units to determine if there is danger that other
must be incorporated into casualty control train- similar failures might occur. Prompt inspection
ing, since prompt action to notify the control sta- will prevent a series of repeated casualties.
tion or engineering control of a casualty must be Strict attention must be paid to the proper
taken to prevent the development of other lubrication of all equipment. Frequent inspections
casualties which could be more serious than the and samplings must be made to ensure that the
original casualty. correct quantity of the proper lubricant is in the
unit. Lube oil samples must be taken daily on all
INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE operating auxiliaries. Lube oil samples should be
allowed to stand long enough for any water to
Inspection and maintenance are vital to suc- settle. Where auxiliaries have been idle for several
cessful casualty control, since they minimize the hours, particularly overnight, a sufficient sample
occurrence of casualties due to material failures. should be drained from the lowest part of the oil
Continuous and detailed inspections are necessary sump to remove all settled water. Replenishment
not only to discover partly damaged parts which with fresh oil to the normal level should be in-
may fail at a critical time, but also to eliminate cluded in this routine.
any underlying conditions which may lead to early The presence of saltwater in the oil can be
failure (maladjustment, improper lubrication, cor- detected by running a standard chloride test. A
rosion, erosion, and other causes of machinery sample of sufficient size for test purposes can be
damage). Particular and continuous attention obtained by adding distilled water to the oil sam-
must be paid to symptoms of malfunctioning, ple, shaking vigorously, and then allowing the
such as unusual noises, vibrations, abnormal water to settle before draining off the test sam-
temperatures, abnormal pressures, and abnormal ple. Because of its corrosive effects, saltwater in
operating speeds. the lubricating oil is far more dangerous to a unit
Operating personnel should thoroughly than an equal quantity of freshwater. Saltwater
familiarize themselves with the specific in units containing oil-lubricated ball bearings is
temperatures, pressures, and operating speeds particularly harmful.


TRAINING methodical and organized approach to casualty

control has resulted in increased control, less
Casualty control training must be a continuous disabling of a plant, and an increase in the overall
step-by-step procedure and should provide for safety to the plant and personnel.
refresher drills. Any realistic simulation of To ensure maximum engineering department
casualties must be preceded by adequate prepara- operational readiness, a ship must be self suffi-
tion. You and your work center personnel must cient in the conduct of propulsion plant casualty
learn to understand fully the consequences of any control drills. The management required for such
error which may be made in handling real or drills involves the establishment of the Engineer-
simulated casualties. ing Casualty Control Evaluation Team (ECCET)
and the preliminary administrative support for the
The majority of all engineering plant casualties training program.
can be attributed to a lack of knowledge of the
correct procedures on the part of the watch sta- Engineering Casualty Control
tion personnel. Often a relatively simple problem, Evaluation Team (ECCET)
if allowed to compound itself, could lead,
ultimately, to the disabling of the ship. The causes An ECCET should be developed for each
of ineffective casualty control and their preven- underway watch section, and a sufficient number
tion are listed as follows: of personnel should be assigned to evaluate each
watch station during the drills.
1. Lack of positive control. The Engineering The engineer officer must ensure the develop-
Officer of the Watch (EOOW) must maintain ment of an accurate, comprehensive drill package
positive control of every situation that arises and adequate to exercise the engineering department
must possess thorough knowledge of the correct in all phases of casualty control procedures. The
procedures and systems operation. drill package should contain a complete file of
2. Lack of effective communications. Com- drill scenarios and drill cards for each type of
munications throughout the engineering plant casualty that could reasonably occur to the pro-
must be maintained at all times. The repeat back pulsion plant. The scenarios should contain the
technique for watchstanders is the only means of drill title, scenario number (if assigned), a general
ensuring that communications are received and description of the casualty, the method of impos-
understood. ing the drill, the cause (several possible causes
3. Lack of systems knowledge. Watch person- should be listed) and estimated time of repair
nel are frequently shallow in their depth of systems (ETR), cautions to prevent personnel hazards or
knowledge and approach to casualty control. machinery damage, and any simulations to be
Watch sections must be familiar with the opera- used in the drill. The drill cards must give the cor-
tion and theory of all vital engineering systems. rect procedure to be followed by each watch team
4. Lack of casualty control assistance. Off- member in the proper sequence for the drill. The
watch personnel are not called to assist in casualty purpose of the drill cards is to give the ECCET
control follow-up actions with the result that members ready reference to the proper procedures
watchstanders are unable to satisfactorily deal to be followed. The engineer officer must ensure
with recovering from a casualty. Off-watch that adequate research is done to ensure the ac-
personnel must be called to provide requisite ex- curacy of each scenario and pertinent drill cards.
pertise and augment assigned watchstanders per- EOCC, if installed, should be the prime informa-
forming restoration actions. tion source. The main propulsion assistant (MPA)
should have custody of a master drill package,
In the past, the primary emphasis in casualty with appropriate copies of applicable drill
control training has been placed on speed. scenarios and drill cards for each space.
However, with the development and implemen- The planning and scheduling of casualty con-
tation of the Engineering Operational Casualty trol drills should receive equal priority with other
Control (EOCC) portion of the Engineering training evolutions that are conducted during nor-
Operational Sequence System (EOSS), a more mal working hours. When a specified time for


conducting casualty control drills is authorized by finding for the drill and, in the case of unsatisfac-
the commanding officer, the engineer officer must tory drills, provides the reasons for that finding.
prepare a drill plan which provides for the train- All other ECCET members then read their drill
ing desired. Careful preplanning and sequencing critique form. Drills are evaluated as satisfactory
of events is mandatory. or unsatisfactory by the ECCET leader, based on
After the proposed drill plan is approved by a review of the critique sheets prior to the cri-
the commanding officer, the designated ECCET tique. The following deficiencies form a basis for
a finding of unsatisfactory for a drill:
personnel meet and make sure that each member
of the team understands the procedures and the
1. Loss of plant control by the EOOW or
sequencing of events. In preparing the drill plan, space supervisor when he is either unaware of the
consideration is given to the following: status of the plant, or unable to restore the plant
to a normal operating condition utilizing
1. General condition of the engineering plant.
2. Machinery and safety devices out of com- EOSS/EOCC or other promulgated casualty con-
trol procedures.
3. Length of time set aside for drills. 2. Safety violations which cause a hazard to
4. State of training of the watch section. personnel or may result in serious machinery
5. Power to be provided to vital circuits. 3. Significant procedural deficiencies which
indicate a lack of knowledge of the proper pro-
Within the constraints of the items listed
above, first priority on drill selection is given to cedures to be followed in correcting a casualty.
boiler casualty drills and propulsion space fire
drills in that these drills represent the greatest
danger and involve the largest number of propul- CORRECTION AND PREVENTION
sion plant watch team personnel. Second prior-
ity is given to lube oil system casualties because
The speed with which corrective action is ap-
of the inherent danger to main and auxiliary
plied to an engineering casualty is frequently of
equipments that these casualties represent. Third paramount importance. This is particularly true
priority is given to other main engine casualties.
when dealing with casualties which affect propul-
In selecting drills, the engineer officer must give sion power, steering, and electrical power genera-
emphasis to the development of watch team pro- tion and distribution. If casualties associated with
ficiency in handling priority one type casualties.
these functions are allowed to spread, they may
Normally, ECCET members arrive on station lead to serious damage to the engineering installa-
shortly before the drills commence and ensure that tion, a damage which often cannot be repaired
communications are established throughout the without loss of the ship’s operating availability.
plant. With the officer of the deck’s (OOD’s) per- Where possible risk of permanent damage exists,
mission, the drill initiator imposes a casualty in the commanding officer has the responsibility for
accordance with the drill plan. Within the bound- deciding whether or not to continue the opera-
aries of safety to personnel and equipment, drills tion of the equipment under casualty conditions.
are conducted as realistically as possible and The operation of equipment under casualty con-
simulations are kept to an absolute minimum. trol can be justified only where the risk of even
Any time a hazardous situation develops, ECCET greater damage, or loss of the ship, may be in-
members assist the watch section in restoring the curred by immediately securing the affected unit.
plant to the proper operating parameters. Addi- Whenever there is no probability of greater
tionally, the ECCET members complete a drill risk, the proper procedure is to secure the
critique form during the course of the drill. malfunctioning unit as quickly as possible even
As soon as possible following the drill, a cri- though considerable disturbance to the ship’s
tique is conducted. It is attended by personnel of operations may occur. Although speed in control-
the applicable watch section, the ECCET, and the ling a casualty is essential, action should never
engineer officer. The ECCET leader gives the be undertaken without accurate information,


otherwise the casualty may be mishandled, and auxiliaries. Each engineering plant operates its
irreparable damage and possible loss of the ship own propeller shaft. If one engineering plant were
may result. War experience has shown that the to be put out of action by an explosion, shellfire,
cross-connecting of an intact system with a or flooding, the other plant could continue to
partly damaged one should be delayed until it is drive the ship ahead, though at somewhat re-
certain that such action will not jeopardize the in- duced speed.
tact system. Speed in the handling of casualties Split-plant operation is not an absolute in-
can be achieved only by a thorough knowledge surance against damage that might immobilize the
of the equipment and associated systems, and by entire engineering plant, but it does reduce the
thorough and repeated training in the routine re- chances of such a casualty and it prevents damage
quired to handle specific predictable casualties. to one plant from being transmitted to, or seri-
ously affect the operation of, the other plant or
PHASES OF CASUALTY CONTROL plants. Split-plant operation is the first step in the
PREVENTION of major engineering casualties.
The handling of any casualty can usually be The fuel oil system is generally so arranged
divided into three phases: (1) limitation of the ef- that by means of fuel oil transfer pumps, suction
fects of the damage, (2) emergency restoration, can be taken from any fuel oil tank on the ship
and (3) complete repair. and the oil pumped to any other fuel oil tank.
The first phase is concerned with the im- Fuel oil service pumps are used to supply oil from
mediate control of the casualty so as to prevent the service tanks to the main engines. In split-plant
further damage to the unit affected and to pre- operations the forward fuel oil service pumps of
vent the casualty from spreading. a ship are lined up with the forward service tanks,
The second phase consists of restoring, as far and the after service pumps are lined up with the
as practicable, the services which were interrupted after service tanks. The cross-connection valves
as a result of the casualty. For many casualties, in the fuel oil transfer line are always closed ex-
the completion of this phase eliminates all other cept when oil is being transferred.
operational handicaps, except for the temporary Although geared diesel propulsion plants are
loss of the standby units-which lessens the ship’s designed for split-plant operation only, some of
ability to withstand additional failures. If no the auxiliary and main systems maybe run cross-
damage to machinery occurred, this phase usually connected or split. Among these are the starting
completes this phase of casualty control. air systems, the cooling water systems, the fire-
The third phase of casualty control consists main systems, and, in some plants, the fuel and
of making repairs which completely restore an in- lube oil systems.
stallation to its original condition. In diesel-electric installations the diesel
elements are designed for split operation, but
SPLIT-PLANT OPERATION generator elements can be run either split or cross-
In ships having two or more shafts, a fun-
damental principle of engineering casualty con- LOCKING MAIN SHAFT
trol is SPLIT-PLANT operation. The purpose of
the split-plant design is to minimize damage that An engineering casualty may affect the rota-
might result from any one hit. tion of the main shaft and cause further damage.
Most naval ships built primarily as warships In such cases, the main shaft should be locked
have at least two engineering plants. The larger until necessary repairs can be made, since, except
combatant ships have four individual engineer- at very low speeds, movement of the ship through
ing plants. the water will cause the shaft to turn, whether the
Split-plant operation means separating the ship is proceeding by its own power or being
engines, pumps, and other machinery so that two towed.
or more engineering plants are available, each There are no standard procedures for locking
complete in itself. Each main engine installation a main shaft which are applicable to all types of
is equipped with its own piping systems and other diesel-driven ships. On ships that have main


reduction gears, shaft locking by means of the for a few minutes than to risk putting them com-
jacking gear is permissible, provided that the jack- pletely out of commission.
ing gear has been designed for this purpose (as When a casualty occurs, notify immediately
indicated, by the manufacturer’s instructions) or the EOOW or the petty officer of the watch, who
when such action is approved by NAVSEA. Some will in turn notify the OOD and the engineer of-
ships are provided with brakes that are used for ficer. Main engine control must keep the bridge
holding the shaft stationary. When no provisions informed as to the nature of the casualty, the
have been made for locking the main shaft, it is ship’s ability to answer bells, the maximum speed
usually possible to arrange a jury rig (preferably available, and the probable duration of the
at a flanged coupling) which will hold the shaft. casualty.
As a precautionary measure, jury rigs should be
made in advance of an actual need for locking DIESEL ENGINE CASUALTIES
a shaft. On diesel-electric drive ships, no attempt
should be made to hold the shaft stationary by The Engineman’s duties concerning engineer-
energizing the electrical propulsion circuits. ing casualties and their control depend upon the
type of ship-which may be anything from a PT
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES boat to a carrier. An Engineman operates engines
of various sizes, made by various manufacturers,
Under certain circumstances you may receive and intended for different types of services.
the order to light off additional engines. When Detailed information of diesel engine casu-
time will not permit following normal routine pro- alty control procedures must be obtained from the
cedures, emergency procedures may have to be manufacturers’ instructions, the pertinent type
used. Since procedures differ, depending on the commander’s instructions, and the ship’s
installation, you must be familiar with the pro- Engineering Casualty Control Manual.
cedures established for your ship. Some examples of the types of engineering
These emergency procedures are listed in the casualties that may occur, and the action to be
Engineering Casualty Control Manual for your taken are given below. The observance of all
ship. They are issued by the type commander. necessary safety precautions is essential in all
Upon receipt, manuals are modified to fit the in- casualty control procedures.
dividual installation. It is the responsibility of your
ship’s engineer officer to establish the step-by-step BROKEN INJECTION TIP
emergency procedures and the necessary 1. Cut out the faulty injector.
checklists. 2. Notify the engineer officer and the bridge
of the casualty. Request permission to secure the
engine for repairs.
ENGINEROOM CASUALTIES 3. After permission has been obtained, secure
the engine, remove the injector and replace it with
The type commander for each class ship for- the spare, following the procedures outlined in the
mulates the engineering casualty procedures which appropriate maintenance manual.
are applicable to a specific type of engineering 4. After repairs are completed, test the engine.
plant. When it is operating properly, report to the
In the event of a casualty to a component of engineer officer and the bridge.
the propulsion plant, the principal objective is the
prevention of additional or major casualties. BROKEN CYLINDER LINER
Where practicable, the propulsion plant must be
kept in operation by means of standby pumps, 1. Secure the engine.
auxiliary machinery, and piping systems. The im- 2. Report to the engineer officer and the
portant action to be taken is to prevent minor bridge. Request permission to proceed with
casualties from becoming major casualties, even repairs.
if it means suspending the operation of the pro- 3. When permission is granted, remove the
pulsion plant. It is better to stop the main engines head and piston; pull the broken liner and replace


it with the spare liner. Follow the procedure as LOST FUEL OIL PRESSURE
outlined in the engine maintenance manual.
4. Make the necessary reports. 1. Notify the bridge.
2. Check the entire fuel system, including
FAILED MAIN ENGINE LUBE strainers, filters, and valves. Check the amount
OIL PRESSURE of fuel in service tanks, fuel lines, pumps, and
relief valves until the trouble is found.
1. Secure the engine immediately. 3. Make necessary repairs and test the engine.
2. Notify the engineer officer and the bridge. 4. Place the engine back in commission when
3. Check the sump oil level, the piping, the the troubles are corrected.
filters, the strainers, and the lube oil pump
capacity. Make repairs. ABNORMALLY HIGH LUBE OIL
4. After repairs have been completed, notify TEMPERATURE
the engineer officer and the bridge.

WATER IN AN ENGINE CYLINDER, 1. Check the lube oil pressure.

CRANKCASE, OR AIR PORTS 2. Check the saltwater dump discharge
pressure and the temperature of the cooling water.
1. Notify the OOD and the engineer officer 3. Check the freshwater level in the expansion
and keep them informed. tank and the temperature of the freshwater.
2. Do not allow the engine to be started until 4. Check the sea suction and the overboard
the cause of the casualty has been determined and valves.
corrected. 5. Vent the freshwater and the saltwater
3. Check the cylinders by jacking over with pumps.
test cocks open. 6. Check the operation of the thermostat con-
trol valve to the lube oil and freshwater heat
4. Put pressure test on freshwater system and exchanger.
conduct visual inspection of the units. 7. Report any trouble found to the engineer
5. Replace part or parts, as necessary. officer and the bridge. Request permission to
6. Start the lube oil purifier to remove water secure the engine for repairs.
from the lubricating oil. 8. When permission is received, make repairs.
7. After repairs have been completed, test the 9. After repairs are completed, check the
engine and place it back in commission. engine and, after it is operating properly, report
to the engineer officer and the bridge.
1. Control the engine manually, if possible. TEMPERATURE ABOVE THE
2. Notify the engineer officer and the bridge, ALLOWED LIMIT
and request permission to secure the engine for
repairs. 1. Notify the bridge.
3. When permission has been obtained, check 2. Reduce the load and the speed of the
the governor control mechanism. engine.
3. Check the freshwater level in the expansion
4. Check the linkage for binding or sticking. tank.
5. Check the lubrication; flush and refill with 4. Check the saltwater discharge pressure.
proper oil. 5. Check the sea suction and the discharge
6. Check setting of needle valve. valves.
7. Make repairs. When they are completed, 6. Vent the freshwater and the saltwater
start the engine and check its operation. When pumps.
it is operating properly, notify the engineer of- 7. Check the setting and operation of the
ficer and the bridge. temperature regulating valve.


8. If conditions warrant securing the engine be taken, are applicable to some Fairbanks-Morse
at any time, secure and notify the bridge and the marine installations.
engineer officer.
9. Make repairs, test out the engine, and, if FAILURE OF THE MAIN LUBE OIL
it is operating properly, notify the engineer of- PUMP
ficer and the bridge.
1. Start the standby pump or the lube oil
FUEL OIL CASUALTIES transfer pump and cut in on the line.
2. Cross-connect the twin hydraulic coupling
In addition to casualties which may involve systems.
parts of the fuel oil system within the engine, other 3. Notify the engineer officer and the bridge
casualties may occur which involve the system out- of the casualty and the emergency measures taken.
side of the engine. Examples of some of the possi- 4. At the earliest possible time, repair the
ble casualties, along with the action to be taken hydraulic lube oil pump.
follow: 5. Report the repairs completed to the
engineer officer and the bridge, and request per-
WATER IN DIESEL FUEL OIL mission of the engineer officer to start the pumps.
1. Shift fuel oil suction. PNEUMATIC BRAKE
2. Notify the engineer officer and the bridge
of the casualty. 1. Report the casualty to the bridge and the
3. Drain the water from all filters, strainers, engineer officer.
and lines. 2. Check the air pressure to the brake.
4. Open all test cocks on the engine, and turn 3. Check the air reducing valve to the brake.
the engine over until assured that the system is 4. Check the electrical and pressure control
free of water. switches to the air control valve.
5. Close the test cock. Start the engine. Check 5. If the trouble is not determined and the use
its operation. If operation is normal, notify the of the engine is required, do the following:
engineer officer and the bridge that the engine is
ready for normal operation. a. Secure the air to the brake system until
6. Strip or drain the contaminated service proper inspection of the brake shoes and expan-
tank and refill with clean fuel using the fuel oil sion core can be made.
purifier. b. Notify the bridge and the engineer of-
ficer that the engine is being operated without the
INOPERATIVE DIESEL FUEL OIL brake, and that the throttle alone is being used
TRANSFER PUMP for control.
c. Use extreme caution during the
1. Line up the diesel purifier to supply the operation.
tank as quickly as possible. d. At the earliest possible time, inspect and
2. Notify the engineer officer of the casualty. repair the brake.
3. In an emergency, line up and use the hand- e. Report the repairs to the engineer
operated pump in order to continue operation. officer.
4. At the earliest possible time, inspect and
repair the fuel oil transfer pump. INOPERATIVE COUPLING LUBE
5. Report the results of the investigation and OIL REGULATING VALVE
repairs to the engineer officer.
1. Maintain the correct operating pressure by
HYDRAULIC COUPLING CASUALTIES manually operating the clutch dump valve.
2. Report to the engineer officer and the
Coupling casualties vary with each installa- bridge. Request permission to secure the engine
tion. The following examples, and the action to to effect repairs.


3. When permission is granted, replace or apply pressure to the freshwater side of the system
repair the valve. by opening the valve from the ship’s freshwater
4. Test for proper operation. supply system, and check for leaks.
5. If the valve is operating properly, report 5. Upon detection of the leak, plug the tubes
to the engineer officer and the bridge. or install another core.
6. Upon completion of the repairs, notify the
OVERHEATING COUPLING engineer officer.
1. Check the system to determine the cause DURING HOSTILITIES, WITH
of overheating. ACTION PROBABLE
2. Regulate the valves manually to maintain
proper operating temperatures. 1. Notify the engineer officer and the OOD,
3. Notify the engineer officer and the bridge. and request permission to slow the engine and in-
If it is necessary to secure the engine to effect crease speed on the other engine to maintain the
repairs, request permission. speed required.
4. When permission is granted, secure the 2. Reduce the saltwater cooling pressure to the
engine and effect repairs. heat exchanger by using manual control.
5. Upon completion of repairs, notify the 3. Keep a constant watch on the supply of
engineer officer and the bridge. freshwater in the expansion tank; keep the tank
refilled from the ship’s service freshwater system,
COUPLING THROWING OIL to replace water lost through the leak. Observe
all gages constantly for normal operating
1. Check the system. Attempt to repair the pressures and temperatures. Keep the engineer of-
leak. ficer informed of operating conditions.
2. Report to the engineer officer and the 4. At the earliest possible time, make the
bridge. If the leak is not repaired, request per- necessary repairs.
mission to secure the engine for repairs.
3. When permission is granted, secure the OTHER PROPULSION PLANT
engine, conduct an investigation, and make CASUALTIES
necessary repairs.
4. Upon completion of repairs, test the Examples of other casualties which may af-
coupling. fect propulsion plant operation are described
5. Report to the engineer officer and the below.
Hot bearings may generally be traced to one
Following are the procedures to be followed of the following causes:
under various conditions of operation when diesel
engine heat exchanger casualties occur: 1. Insufficient lubrication.
2. Defective oil ring.
UNDER NORMAL STEAMING 3. Grit or dirt in the oil.
CONDITIONS 4. Bearing out of line.
5. Bearing improperly fitted.
1. Notify the engineer officer and the OOD, 6. Poor condition of bearing or journal
and request permission to secure the engine. surface.
2. When permission is granted, secure the
engine. If the trouble is due to insufficient lubrication
3. Secure both the saltwater inlet and outlet and is discovered before the bearing metal has
valves to the heat exchanger. wiped, an abundant supply of oil should gradually
4. Remove the visual inspection plate on the bring the bearing back to its normal operating
exchanger. Plug the expansion tank vent, and temperature.


A defective oil ring should be repaired or 2. When there is a loud or roaring noise in-
replaced. dicating gear tooth damage:
Should the trouble be caused by grit, dirt, or
foreign matter in the bearing, the oil should be a. Stop the engine and check the shaft
renewed. The new oil may flush out the impurities immediately.
in the bearing surfaces sufficiently to permit con- b. Lock the main shaft in accordance with
tinued operation. EOSS/EOCC procedures or the manufacturer’s
If the main shaft bearing is out of line or im- c. Make a preliminary investigation of the
properly fitted, or if the bearing or journal is not gear teeth and other parts of the main reduction
in proper condition, only temporary relief can be gear.
obtained from use of the various means suggested
above. The most effective treatment will probably PROPULSION SHAFT VIBRATES
be the operation of the main engines at low or EXCESSIVELY
moderate speeds until such time as the proper ad-
justments or repairs can be made. When the propulsion shaft vibrates exces-
Abnormal temperatures of a bearing can be sively, take the following actions:
lowered by slowing down the main shaft and thus
decreasing the amount of friction in the bearing. 1. Slow the shaft. If the vibration continues,
If the trouble has reached an advanced stage, it stop and lock the shaft.
may be necessary to stop the main shaft. In an 2. Investigate to determine the cause of the
emergency, cold water may be used on a bearing vibration. Take necessary action to correct the
to reduce the temperature so that it will be within cause of the vibration.
safe operating limits; it must be remembered,
however, that cold water will cause contraction Frequently, the circumstances under which a
of the bearing. Also, care must be taken to see ship is operating should be considered when try-
that water does not contaminate the bearing oil. ing to determine the probable cause for excessive
Once a bearing has wiped, it should be recon- vibration. For example, if the ship is in shallow
ditioned. If it has wiped out slightly, it can prob- water or close to a beach, the vibration may be
ably be scraped to a good bearing surface and caused by the propeller striking ground.
restored to service. If badly wiped or burned out,
the bearing will require replacement. Inspect the
journal and remove any high spots by lapping the ELECTRICAL CASUALTY CONTROL
Since Enginemen and Electrician’s Mates are
UNUSUAL NOISE IN REDUCTION assigned duties in operating diesel-driven emer-
GEAR gency generating plants on steam-driven ships,
and all electrical generating plants on diesel-driven
This information applies to diesel-driven ships ships, they must have a general knowledge of the
that have main reduction gears. The action taken purpose of electric generating plants, their opera-
will depend upon the two following conditions: tion under various conditions, and the types of
casualties that will interfere with, or disrupt, the
1. When noise and conditions indicate that normal operation of an engineering plant.
tooth failure is not probable:
a. Slow the engine immediately and stop
it if the noise persists. The ship’s power and lighting plant consists
b. Check the oil discharge pressure, the of generators, switchboards, power panels, cables,
temperature of the bearing, and the operation of circuit breakers, and other equipment necessary
oil sprays and strainers. Look for the presence of for the generation, distribution, and control of
babbitt or other foreign matter. power supplies to electrically driven auxiliaries,


lighting, interior communication, electronics from any live switchboard to supply power to vital
equipment, and other electrically powered devices. circuits.
In designing the electric plant, every effort is made
to obtain the greatest reliability and continuity of EMERGENCY POWER SYSTEM
service possible under casualty conditions.
The purpose of the emergency power system
The distribution system forms the vital con- is to furnish an immediate, automatic source of
nection between the generators and the equipment electric power to a limited number of selected vital
which uses electric power. The distribution of elec- circuits. It includes one or more diesel-driven
trical power is generally done through either the emergency generators, the emergency switch-
ship’s service or the emergency switchboards. boards, and a distribution system, which is
Electrical power distribution may also be done separate from the ship’s service electric plant and
through a casualty power circuit rigged from distribution system. Emergency feeders run from
either of these switchboards. the emergency switchboards to at least one and
The general arrangement of the ship’s service usually to two different ship’s service switch-
system is such that any faulty circuit will be cut boards. Emergency power feeders for certain vital
out automatically, without interruption of power auxiliaries are also run to control panels. The
supply to other circuits. This is done through the emergency power system, with the use of
operation of protective devices. If the ship’s serv- transformers, is also used for furnishing emer-
ice generators fail, the emergency generator is gency lighting.
automatically placed in operation for battle func- Whenever practical, emergency generators and
tions. The emergency switchboard can supply switchboards are installed above the waterline, to
power to all parts of the ship; however, all un- minimize danger from flooding. Also, the
necessary circuits must be stripped from the board emergency plant is installed as far away as prac-
when the emergency generator is set up in tical from the ship’s service plant, to avoid both
automatic to supply emergency power to vital plants being put out of action by battle damage.
equipment. If this is not done, the generator will On most ships, the emergency generators do
be overloaded and the breakers will trip out or not have the same capacity as the ship’s service
the diesel engine will stall. plants. Therefore, care must be taken to prevent
overloading the emergency generator, which in
Protection against loss of power on a ship with
ship’s service, emergency, and casualty power turn will overload the diesel engine.
distribution systems is described below: CASUALTY POWER SYSTEM
1. FAILURE OF ONE SHIP’S SERVICE The casualty power system is used to supply
GENERATING PLANT. The load is trans- emergency power for steering gear, fireroom and
ferred, by the Electrician’s Mate, to the other engineroom auxiliaries, fire pumps, drainage
ship’s service generating plant. Care must be taken pumps, communications equipment, and other
to prevent overloading the generating plant that vital machinery needed to keep the ship afloat or
takes over the load. to get it out of a danger area.
2. CIRCUIT OR SWITCHBOARD The casualty power system is a simple electrical
FAILURE. Vital loads are transferred to an alter- distribution system used to maintain a source of
nate feeder and source of ship’s service power by electrical supply for the most vital machinery and
means of a transfer switch on the control panel. equipment needed to keep the ship afloat and
3. FAILURE OF BOTH NORMAL AND functioning. This casualty power system is in-
ALTERNATE POWER SUPPLY. Certain vital tended to supply power during emergencies
equipment are shifted to an emergency feeder ONLY. The system is purposely kept simple so
which receives power from the emergency that it can be rigged quickly and with a minimum
switchboard. chance of error; but, the very simplicity of its
4. FAILURE OF THE SHIP’S SERVICE design limits the extent of its use.
AND EMERGENCY CIRCUITS. Temporary Sources of supply for casualty power use are
circuits are rigged with the casualty power cables provided at each ship’s service switchboard and


at each emergency switchboard. They consist of carry the casualty power from the level of the
casualty power terminals that are connected to the generators to the main deck and second deck
bus bars through circuit breakers. Some ships levels.
have small diesel-driven generators which are Portable switches are sometimes provided on
designed for casualty power use only; these the bulkheads, near the cable racks. These are sim-
generators are very small and have a minimum ple ON-OFF switches which have special holes for
of control equipment. Casualty power terminals use with the portable cables.
are installed on power panels that feed equipment The terminals and the cables in an a.c. casualty
designated to receive casualty power; these ter- power system are marked so that they can be iden-
minals may also be used as a source of supply to tified easily when the system is being connected.
the casualty power system if power from the per- The faces of the terminals are marked A, B, and
manent feeders to the panels is still available. C, and the three leads on each cable are colored
The casualty power system is either a.c. or black, white, and red, respectively. When connect-
d.c., as appropriate for the particular installation. ing the cables to the terminals, you connect the
Only the a.c. system is described here. The d.c. black lead to A, the white lead to B, and the red
system is similar to the a.c. system, but uses dif- lead to C. Since the letters and the colors cannot
ferent types of cables and fittings. be seen in darkness, the terminals are further iden-
The portable, thermoplastic-covered or tified by molded knobs in the A, B, and C
neoprene-covered cables for the a.c. casualty areas—one knob for A, two for B, and three for
power system are stowed in racks in convenient C. The cable leads are identified by servings of
locations throughout the ship. Each cable contains twine—one for black, two for white, and three
three leads (conductors), colored black, white, and for red. Each serving of twine is about 1 inch
red. This same color code is used in all three-wire wide. Thus each lead and its corresponding posi-
power circuits throughout the ship. tion in the terminal can be identified merely by
On smaller ships, the bulkhead terminals for feeling the leads and matching the number of
the casualty power system are arranged so as to pieces of twine on each lead with the number of
allow for one horizontal run of the portable cable raised knobs on the terminal. (In older ships, the
along the main deck, and generally, if possible, casualty power fittings may still have identifying
inside the deck house. On larger ships, generally V-shaped notches in the outer edge instead of
there are terminals for two horizontal runs of raised knobs.)
cable, one port and one starboard. These are
located on the second deck. The terminals extend CAUTION: When connecting a run of casu-
through the bulkhead and project from it on each alty power cable, ALWAYS CONNECT FROM
side, and do not impair the water-tight integrity THE LOAD BACK TO THE POWER SUPPLY!
of the compartments in which they are installed. By rigging the system in this manner, you will
The cable ends are inserted into the holes that are avoid working with an energized cable. Also be
provided around the outer rim (curved surface) SURE to shut off the normal supply to any power
of the terminal. Both the rim and the face of each panel before you connect the casualty power cable
terminal have three groups of three holes each, to the terminals on the power panel.
into which fit the square-shanked, insulated
wrenches that are used to secure the cables in the EMERGENCY FIRE PUMPS
terminal. Two square-shanked wrenches are pro-
vided in the rack mounted on the bulkhead at each Most ships have electric-driven fire pumps
point where they will be required. These wrenches located outside the engineering spaces. These
MUST be kept in the racks at all times when they pumps furnish water under presssure to their own
are not actually in use. piping system or to the ship’s firemain. Provisions
The riser terminals for the casualty power are made for different sources of electrical power
system are similar to the bulkhead terminals, ex- to these pumps: normal and alternate supply from
cept that they are connected to other riser ter- the ship’s service generators, emergency supply
minals by vertical runs of permanently installed, from the diesel-driven emergency generators, and
armored cable. The risers and the riser terminals the casualty power system itself.


Many ships, such as carriers, tankers, and emergency. These panels are equipped with cir-
tugs, have independent diesel-driven fire pumps. cuit breakers or switches which permit the transfer
If ship’s pumps and firemain are damaged, these from one source to another in the event of a
diesel-driven pumps can be used to furnish large casualty.
amounts of water for firefighting purposes. Regular electrical outlets are installed
LIGHTING SYSTEM throughout the engineering spaces for use with
small portable tools; multipurpose outlets are in-
On ships using a.c. generators, the ship’s serv- stalled in selected locations for use with portable
ice and emergency lighting systems are energized submersible pumps and portable welding sets.
from the generator and distribution switchboards These outlets are located so that it is possible to
through a bank of transformers. These use two portable submersible pumps in any water-
transformers supply power to the lighting system tight compartment. Portable triple outlet ex-
through the lighting distribution panels. tension cables are provided to permit the
Lighting throughout the machinery spaces is concentration of all submersible pumps in one
supplied from the normal switchboard for the area. An adapter provided with these extension
compartments involved, with some lights in each cables permits connection of the submersible
space supplied from the alternate switchboard. A pumps to the casualty power terminals. All this
few lights in each compartment are supplied equipment is stowed in the damage control
through automatic bus transfer equipment from lockers.
circuits originating at the emergency switch- Engineroom personnel should be trained in the
boards. A few lights in each compartment are sup- emergency use and operation of submersible
plied through automatic bus transfer equipment pumps as well as other damage control equipment.
from circuits originating at the emergency They should know the location of both normal
switchboards. and emergency power outlets in their spaces, and
Automatic type hand lanterns are provided to should understand the different methods used to
supply an instantaneous source of illumination, supply electrical power for operating submers-
in the event of complete failure of the ship’s serv- ible pumps in the engineroom.
ice and emergency lighting systems. These relay- Engineroom personnel should also be familiar
operated hand lanterns are installed at vital with sources of electrical power provided to the
stations. In addition to these, nonautomatic type different power panels in an engineroom. Dur-
hand lanterns are also installed at these stations. ing engineering casualty control drills and during
An EN1 or ENC in charge of an engineering actual emergencies, the Enginemen should be able
space has the supervisory responsibility to see that to shift from one source of electrical supply to
the hand lanterns, especially the automatic type, another.
are not removed except for actual intended use,
and that hand lanterns are available for use at all
times. Although the Electrician’s Mates have the BATTLE CASUALTIES
responsibility for the maintenance of the hand
battle lanterns, it is the duty of the petty officer As an EN1 or ENC you will be responsible
in charge of the space to see that personnel do for handling battle casualties, you will have to
not remove the lanterns or use them for know the location of isolating and cross-
unauthorized purposes. connecting valves, and recognize which of the
The EN1 or ENC should also ensure that per- valves are remotely controlled. As a general rule,
sonnel have an adequate number or flashlights personnel safety will be your first consideration
available for use should all the lights in an in handling casualties.
engineering space go out. Effective control of battle casualties depends
on a good knowledge of the principal engineer-
ing piping systems and related equipment. This
information may be found in the ship’s Engineer-
Power panels are supplied with two or three ing Casualty Control Manual, in the Damage
sources of power—normal, alternate, and Control Book, in the plans of the principle


engineering systems, and in other applicable should be used, when provided, to restore service
sources located aboard ship. to vital systems. Whenever feasible, emergency
In the event of a battle casualty to an engineer- repairs should be made and the system restored
ing piping system, the damaged section must be to normal operation. Special precautions should
isolated and the system should be cross-connected, be taken to prevent additional damage which may
when possible. Emergency or alternate equipment result from any original casualty.


A Auxiliary machinery, 7-1 to 7-35

automatic pressure control devices, 7-33
to 7-35
Administration, supervision, and training, 2-1 reducing valves, 7-34 to 7-35
to 2-53 relief valves, 7-33 to 7-34
administration and supervision, 2-1 to
2-24 auxiliary boilers, 7-7 to 7-16
maintenance and repair responsi- auxiliary boiler water treatment, 7-7
bilities, 2-19 to 2-24 to 7-16
operational responsibilities, 2-1 to operation, 7-7
2-19 troubleshooting, 7-7
inspections and trials, 2-39 to 2-53 compressed air systems, 7-1 to 7-7
administrative inspection, 2-39 to care and maintenance of air com-
2-42 pressors, 7-1 to 7-5
Board of Inspection and Survey care and maintenance of air system
inspection, 2-48 to 2-49 equipment, 7-5
material inspection, 2-45 to 2-48 inspections and tests, 7-5
operational readiness inspection, 2-43 safety precautions, 7-5 to 7-7
to 2-45 distilling plants, 7-22 to 7-33
ship trials, 2-49 to 2-53 flash type distilling plants, 7-28 to
training, 2-24 to 2-39 7-33
training programs, 2-26 to 2-39 submerged tube plants, 7-22 to
training responsibilities, 2-24 to 2-26 7-28
Administrative inspection, 2-39 to 2-42 hydraulic systems, 7-16 to 7-22
Air compressors, care and maintenance of, maintenance, 7-18 to 7-20
7-1 to 7-5 servovalves, 7-20 to 7-22
Air conditioning and refrigeration, 6-1 to 6-2 troubleshooting, 7-16 to 7-18
Air conditioning control, 6-15 to 6-17
Air-cooled condensers, cleaning, 6-8
Air system equipment, care and maintenance B
of, 7-5
Automatic pressure control devices, 7-33 to
7-35 Battle casualities, 9-13 to 9-14
Automatic regulating valve, 3-6 to 3-11 Bearings and shafts, 3-31 to 3-37
Auxiliary boiler water treatment, 7-7 to 7-16 Blower rotor gears, 3-39
Auxiliary boilers, 7-7 to 7-16 Board of Inspection and Survey inspection,
Auxiliary drive mechanisms, 3-37 to 3-41 2-48 to 2-49


C Engine maintenance, 3-1 to 3-41

adjustment and maintenance, 3-6 to 3-11
automatic regulating valve, 3-6 to
Camshafts, 3-33 3-11
Capacity control, 6-5 to 6-6 auxiliary drive mechanisms, 3-37 to 3-41
Casualties, 3-11 to 3-14 blower rotor gears, 3-39
Casualties, correction and prevention of, 9-4 chain mechanisms, 3-39 to 3-40
to 9-6 gear mechanisms, 3-37 to 3-39
Casualty control communications, 9-1 to 9-2 turbochargers, 3-40 to 3-41
Casualty control, electrical, 9-10 to 9-13 fuel injection equipment and controls,
Casualty control, engineering, 9-1 to 9-14 3-16 to 3-25
Casualty control, phases of, 9-5 fuel injection pumps and injectors,
Casualty power system, 9-11 to 9-12 3-17 to 3-21
Chain mechanisms, 3-39 to 3-40 governors, 3-21 to 3-24
CHT operational modes, 8-16 to 8-19 overspeed safety devices, 3-24 to 3-25
CHT system, elements of the, 8-13 to 8-16 heating exchanger definitions, 3-11 to
Collection, holding, and transfer system, 8-13 3-15
to 8-19 casualties, 3-11 to 3-14
Compressed air systems, 7-1 to 7-7 maintenance and repair, 3-14 to 3-15
Compression and firing pressures, 3-2 to 3-4 inspections, 3-1 to 3-6
Compressor, evacuating the, 6-6 to 6-8 compression and firing pressures, 3-2
Compressors, 6-1 to 6-8 to 3-4
Condenser performance, checking, 6-9 exhaust and cylinder temperatures,
Condenser tubes, cleaning, 6-8 3-4 to 3-6
Condensers, 6-8 to 6-9 graphic records, 3-6
Connecting rods, 3-30 lubricating system, 3-15 to 3-16
Controllable pitch propellers, 4-11 to 4-15 lube oil pumps, 3-15 to 3-16
Crankshafts, 3-31 to 3-33 oil lines and passages, 3-16
CRP propeller, components of the, 4-11 to piston assemblies and rods, 3-26 to 3-30
4-14 connecting rods, 3-30
Cycle efficiency, 5-6 to 5-7 piston pins and pin bearings, 3-30
Cylinder load balance, 5-4 to 5-6 piston rings, 3-28 to 3-30
Cylinder performance limitations, 5-4 pistons, 3-26 to 3-28
repair of internal combustion engines,
3-25 to 3-26
D shafts and bearings, 3-31 to 3-37
camshafts, 3-33
Detecting and correcting troubles, 6-17 to 6-21 crankshafts, 3-31 to 3-33
Diesel engine casualties, 9-6 to 9-8 frictionless bearings, 3-35 to 3-37
Distilling plants, 7-22 to 7-33 journal bearings, 3-33 to 3-35
Duty assignments, 1-6 to 1-7 Engine performance and efficiency, 5-1 to
engine efficiency, 5-6 to 5-10
E efficiencies, 5-6 to 5-9
engine losses, 5-9 to 5-10
engine performance, 5-1 to 5-6
Electrical casualty control, 9-10 to 9-13 cylinder load balance, 5-4 to 5-6
Electrical plant, the, 9-10 to 9-11 cylinder performance limitations,
Electrical power panels and terminals, 9-13 5-4
Emergency fire pumps, 9-12 to 9-13 horsepower computation, 5-3 to 5-4
Emergency power system, 9-11 power limitations, 5-1 to 5-3


Engineering casualty control, 9-1 to 9-14 F

battle casualties, 9-13 to 9-14
correction and prevention of casualties, Flash type distilling plants, 7-28 to 7-33
9-4 to 9-6 Frictionless bearings, 3-35 to 3-37
emergency procedures, 9-6 Fuel injection equipment and controls, 3-16 to
locking main shaft, 9-5 to 9-6 3-25
phases of casualty control, 9-5 Fuel injection pumps and injectors, 3-17 to 3-21
split-plant operation, 9-5 Fuel oil casualties, 9-8
electrical casualty control, 9-10 to 9-13 Full power trials, 4-15 to 4-16
casualty power system, 9-11 to 9-12
electrical plant, the, 9-10 to 9-11 G
electrical power panels and terminals,
emergency fire pumps, 9-12 to 9-13 Gear mechanisms, 3-37 to 3-39
emergency power system, 9-11 Gear operation, factors affecting, 4-1 to 4-3
lighting system, 9-13 Governors, 3-21 to 3-24
Graphic records, 3-6
engineroom casualties, 9-6 to 9-10
diesel engine casualties, 9-6 to 9-8
fuel oil casualties, 9-8 H
heat exchanger casualties, 9-9
hydraulic coupling casualties, 9-8 to Halocarbon safety, 6-11 to 6-12
9-9 Hearing conservation program, 8-19
other propulsion plant casualties, 9-9 Heat exchanger casualties, 9-9
to 9-10 Heating exchanger definitions, 3-11 to 3-15
factors influencing casualty control, 9-1 Horsepower computation, 5-3 to 5-4
to 9-4 Hydraulic coupling casualties, 9-8 to 9-9
casualty control communications, 9-1 Hydraulic systems, 7-16 to 7-22
to 9-2
design, 9-1
inspection and maintenance, 9-2
training, 9-3 to 9-4
Engineman-your job, 1-3 to 1-7 Inspections, 3-1 to 3-6, 4-15 to 4-16
Inspections and trials, 2-39 to 2-53
Engineroom casualties, 9-6 to 9-10 Internal combustion engines, repair of, 3-25
Environmental pollution, 8-1 to 8-21 to 3-26
collection, holding, and transfer system, Introduction, 1-1 to 1-10
8-13 to 8-19 responsibilities and rewards, 1-1 to 1-2
CHT operational modes, 8-16 to 8-19 scope of this training manual, 1-7
elements of the CHT system, 8-13 to sources of information, 1-8 to 1-10
8-16 Naval Education and Training (NAV-
noise pollution, 8-19 to 8-21 EDTRA) publications, 1-8 to 1-9
hearing conservation program, 8-19 NAVSEA publications, 1-9 to 1-10
responsibilities, 8-20 to 8-21 training films, 1-10
the engineman-your job, 1-3 to 1-7
oil pollution, 8-2 to 8-13 duty assignments, 1-6 to 1-7
causes of oil spills, 8-12 to 8-13 military duties and responsibilities, 1-3
responsibilities, 8-2 to 8-3 technical duties and responsibilities,
spill phases, 8-3 to 8-12
1-3 to 1-4
pollution control regulations, 8-1 to 8-2 watch duties and responsibilities, 1-4
Exhaust and cylinder temperatures, 3-4 to 3-6 to 1-6



Piston assemblies and rods, 3-26 to 3-30

Journal bearings, 3-33 to 3-35 Piston pins and pin bearings, 3-30
Piston rings, 3-28 to 3-30
Pistons, 3-26 to 3-28
L PMS inspections, 4-15
Pollution control regulations, 8-1 to 8-2
Power limitations, 5-l to 5-3
Leaks, testing for, 6-9 Propulsion plant casualties, other, 9-9 to 9-10
Lighting system, 9-13
Locking main shaft, 9-5 to 9-6 R
Lube oil pumps, 3-15 to 3-16
Lubricating system, 3-15 to 3-16
Reducing valves, 7-34 to 7-35
Reduction gears and related equipment, 4-1 to
M 4-16
controllable pitch propellers, 4-11 to 4-15
components of the CRP propeller,
4-11 to 4-14
Main line shaft bearings (spring bearings), principles of operation, 4-14 to 4-15
4-8 to 4-9 inspections, 4-15 to 4-16
Main propulsion shaft bearings, 4-8 to 4-11 full power trials, 4-15 to 4-16
Maintenance and repair responsibilities, 2-19 naval shipyard overhaul, 4-15
to 2-24 PMS inspections, 4-15
Material inspection, 2-45 to 2-48 main propulsion shaft bearings, 4-8 to
Mechanical efficiency, 5-8 to 5-9 4-11
Mechanical losses, 5-10 main line shaft bearings (spring
Military duties and responsibilities, 1-3 bearings), 4-8 to 4-9
stern tube and stern tube bearings,
4-9 to 4-11
N strut bearings, 4-11
reduction gears, 4-1 to 4-8
factors affecting gear operation, 4-1
Naval Education and Training (NAVEDTRA) to 4-3
publications, 1-8 to 1-9 maintenance of reduction gears, 4-3
Naval shipyard overhaul, 4-15 to 4-8
NAVSEA publications, 1-9 to 1-10 safety precautions, 4-16
Noise pollution, 8-19 to 8-21 Reduction gears, maintenance of, 4-3 to 4-8
Refrigeration and air conditioning, 6-1 to 6-21
additional system maintenance, 6-11 to
O 6-15
charging the system, 6-12 to 6-13
cleaning liquid line strainers, 6-13
Oil lines and passages, 3-16 cleaning oil filters and strainers, 6-13
Oil pollution, 8-2 to 8-13 cleaning the system, 6-15
evacuating and dehydrating the
Oil spills, causes of, 8-12 to 8-13 system, 6-13 to 6-15
Operational readiness inspection, 2-43 to 2-45 halocarbon safety, 6-11 to 6-12
Operational responsibilities, 2-1 to 2-19 maintaining cooling coils, 6-13
Overspeed safety devices, 3-24 to 3-25 purging the system, 6-13


Refrigeration and air conditioning-Continued Shafts and bearings, 3-31 to 3-37

air conditioning control, 6-15 to 6-17 Ship trials, 2-49 to 2-53
maintenance, 6-17 Sources of information, 1-8 to 1-10
two-position control, 6-16 to 6-17 Spill phases, 8-3 to 8-12
compressors, 6-1 to 6-8 Split-plant operation, 9-5
capacity control, 6-5 to 6-6 Spring bearings, 4-8 to 4-9
cleaning suction strainers, 6-8 Stern tube and stern tube bearings, 4-9 to 4-11
evacuating the compressor, 6-6 to 6-8 Strut bearings, 4-11
maintenance precautions, 6-6 Submerged tube plants, 7-22 to 7-28
shaft seals, 6-1 to 6-5 Suction strainers, cleaning, 6-8
condensers, 6-8 to 6-9 System maintenance, additional, 6-11 to 6-15
checking condenser performance, 6-9
cleaning air-cooled condensers, 6-8
cleaning condenser tubes, 6-8 T
retubing condensers, 6-9
testing for leaks, 6-9
detecting and correcting troubles, 6-17 to Technical duties and responsibilities, 1-3 to 1-4
6-21 Thermal efficiency, 5-7 to 5-8
thermostatic expansion valves, 6-9 to 6-1 1 Thermodynamic losses, 5-9 to 5-10
replacement of a valve, 6-11 Themostatic expansion valves, 6-9 to 6-11
testing and adjustment, 6-9 to 6-11 Training, 2-24 to 2-39
Relief valves, 7-33 to 7-34 Training films, 1-10
Repair and maintenance responsibilities, 2-19 Training programs, 2-26 to 2-39
to 2-24 Training responsibilities, 2-24 to 2-26
Repair of internal combustion engines, 3-25 to Trials and inspections, 2-39 to 2-53
3-26 Turbochargers, 3-40 to 3-41
Retubing condensers, 6-9
Volumetric efficiency, 5-9
Safety precautions, 4-16
Scope of this training manual, 1-7 W
Servovalves, 7-20 to 7-22
Shaft seals, 6-1 to 6-5 Watch duties and responsibilities, 1-4 to 1-6

Assignment Questions

Information: The text pages that you are to study are

provided at the beginning of the assignment questions.
Assignment 1
Administration, Supervision, and Training
Textbook Assignment: Engineman l&C; NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, Pages 1-1 through 2-12

In this course you will demonstrate that learning has taken place by correctly answering train-
ing items. The mere physical act of indicating a choice on an answer sheet is not in itself impor-
tant; it is the mental achievement, in whatever form it may take, prior to the physical act that is
important and toward which correspondence course learning objectives are directed. The selection
of the correct choice for a correspondence course training item indicates that you have fulfilled,
at least in part, the stated objective(s).
The accomplishment of certain objectives, for example, a physical act such as drafting a memo,
cannot readily be determined by means of objective type correspondence course items; however, you
can demonstrate by means of answers to training items that you have acquired the requisite knowledge
to perform the physical act. The accomplishment of certain other learning objectives, for example,
the mental acts of comparing, recognizing, evaluating, choosing, selecting, etc., may be readily
demonstrated in a correspondence course by indicating the correct answers to training items.
The comprehensive objective for this course has already been given. It states the purpose of
the course in terms of what you will be able to do as you complete the course.
The detailed objectives in' each assignment state what you should accomplish as you progress
through the course. They may appear singly or in clusters of closely related objectives, as
appropriate; they are followed by items which will enable you to indicate your accomplishment.
All objectives in this course are learning objectives and items are teaching items. They point
out important things, they assist in learning, and they should enable you to do a better job for
the Navy.
This self-study course is only one part of the total Navy training program; by its very nature
it can take you only part of the way to a training goal. Practical experience, schools, selected
reading, and the desire to accomplish are also necessary to round out a fully meaningful training

1-3. When talking to a group of trainees about

Learning Objective: Recognize some of diesel engines, why should you use precise
the increased responsibilities related technical and standard Navy terms?
to advancement and point out some of the
practices that should be followed when 1. To convey information accurately,
training personnel. simply, and clearly
2. To take advantage of the opportunity
for self-improvement
Questions 1-1 and 1-2 are to be judged 3. To avoid criticism from trainees
True or False. having higher formal education
4. To impress the trainees
1-1. The successful accomplishment of the 1-4. What should you do to prevent a wide
Navy's mission depends on continuous training level gap which occurs when
training of its personnel. highly skilled personnel are transferred?
1-2. With each advancement, you MUST accept 1. Require strikers to devote off-duty
an increased responsibility in military time to increase their proficiency
matters only. 2. Help those trainees who have trouble
with their task
3. Emphasize training with movies, rather
than on-the-job training
4. Conduct a continuous training program

Question 1-5 is to be judged True 1-11. You should provide each person in your
or False. division with detailed information on
training manuals that should be studied
1-5. As an EN advances, he should become more for advancement. What publications
familiar with the work of other ratings should you consult to obtain this
so that he may direct the work of his information?
group for maximum benefit of the
organization as a whole. 1. Shipboard Training Manual
2. Guide for Enlisted Classification
1-6. Why should petty officers strive con- 3. Bibliography for Advancement
stantly to improve their grammar usage? Examination Study
4. Manual for Qualifications for
1. To vitalize instruction Advancement
2. To impress trainees
3. To avoid criticism
4. To exchange ideas
Learning Objective: Identify some
1-7. Why should a petty officer know the of the military and occupational
precise meanings of engineering duties performed by EN1s and ENCs.
technical terms?
1. To convey information accurately 1-12. As an EN1 or ENC you may be required to
2. To obtain information from official perform which of the following assign-
publications related to his work ments?
3. To understand questions on
written examinations for advancement 1. Maintenance and repair of machinery
4. All of the above 2. Planning and organizing work details
3. Training and supervising lower rates
Question 1-8 is to be judged True or 4. All of the above
1-13. The duties required of an EN1 or ENC may
1-8. If you hear anything that is new include whi ch of the following actions?
concerning the operation and maintenance
of diesel engine fuel equipment, you 1. Instructing watchstanders in the
should find out everything you can about performance of their duties
it. 2. Ensuring that safety precautions are
posted in conspicuous places
1-9. What should you do to keep abreast of new 3. Familiarization with equipment used
developments that affect you, your work, by all other engineering ratings
and the Navy? 4. All of the above
1. Find up-to-date information and check 1-14. Except in cases of an emergency, the
that which pertains to your rate engineering officer of the watch must
2. Collect personal copies of pertinent be authorized to turn the ship's main
technical manuals engines by which of the following
3. Complete all enlisted correspondence personnel?
courses that pertain to your rating
4. Complete all officer correspondence 1. Navigator
courses that are related to your 2. Executive officer
rating 3. Officer of the deck
4. Commanding officer
1-10. Which of the following statements regard-
ing the "Quals" Manual is correct? 1-15. A ship is underway when a lubricating
oil casualty occurs in a main reduction
1. It is issued annually by the Bureau of gear. The casualty should be promptly
Naval Personnel reported to which of the following
2. It covers only the professional personnel?
requirements for personnel advancement
3. It lists qualifications for general 1. Officer of the deck
ratings but not for service ratings 2. Engineer officer
4. It covers both military and 3. Both 1 and 2 above
professional requirements for 4. Main propulsion assistant
advancement in all rates and ratings

1-16. As specified in Navy Regulations, the
duties of a ship's engineering officer
of the watch include which of the Learning Objective: Identify sources
following actions? of information that are helpful when
studying for advancement.
1. Ensure that the Engineering Log,
Engineer's Bell Book, and prescribed
operating records for the ship are 1-21. To use the rate training manual Engineman
properly kept 1&C to its best advantage and to gain the
2. Make frequent inspections of the most from it, you should start your study
ship's engines and auxiliary equip- by following which of the following
ment practices?
3. Report to the officer of the deck
and the engineer officer any actual 1. Read the preface, table of
or probable engine condition that contents, and index
may affect the proper operation 2. Read the introduction to each
of the ship chapter
4. All of the above 3. Read chapter 1
4. Browse through the book
1-17. A chief petty officer is assigned duty
as the engineering department duty 1-22. An EN who is preparing for the Navy-wide
officer. He is responsible for which advancement in rate examination, should
of the following actions? study which of the followng materials?
1. Make all reports required by the
engineering officer 1. The mandatory and recommended manuals
2. Write the engineering log for his listed in the Bibliography for
day's duty Advancement Examination Study,
3. Report the condition of the NAVEDTRA 10052
department to the CDO 2. The knowledge factors covered in the
4. All of the above Quals Manual
3. The mandatory manuals listed in
Questions 1-18 is to be judged Bibliography for Advancement
True or False. Examination Study, NAVEDTRA 10052 onl
4. The publications pertinent to the
1-18. The cleanliness of the engineering watch- professional mechanical aspects of
standing space and the status of the the rating and those relating to the
firefighting equipment in that space are military requirements
the responsibility of the EN1 or ENC
standing the watch. 1-23. How often is NAVEDTRA 10052 issued
revised form?
1-19. Before assuming the engineroom watch, the
relieving watch should make sure that 1. Semiannually
which, if any, of the following actions 2. Annually
have taken place? 3. Every 2 years
4. Every 5 years
1. Bilges have been cleaned
2. All orders have been completed 1-24. When training junior personnel for
3. Any uncompleted order has been advancement, you should stress that they
received are responsible for which of the
4. None following rate levels?
1-20. A cold-iron watch is normally stood when 1. The rate level to which they seek
a ship is in which of the following advancement only
conditions? 2. Their present and lower rate levels
3. Their present and higher rate levels
1. Underway 4. The rate level to which they seek
2. At anchor advancement and all lower levels
3. Moored to a buoy
4. Alongside a tender

1-25. Questions in the written advancement 1-31. The Deck Plate is a magazine published
examinations are based on which monthly by NAVSEA containing information
of the following factors? on new equipment and supplying
engineering data that augments the Naval
1. knowledge factors and practical Ship's Technical Manual.
factors of military and professional
qualifications 1-32. Films that may be of use as training aids
2. Knowledge and practical factors of are listed in the Department of the Navy
the professional qualifications only Catalog of Audiovisual Production
3. Practical factors of the military and Products, OPNAVINST 3157.1.
professional qualifications
4. knowledge factors of the military and
professional qualifications
Learning Objective: Describe some of
1-26. Which of the manuals listed in NAVEDTRA the administrative and supervisory
10052 for your rating must you complete responsibilities of the EN1 and ENC in
before you are eligible to take the relation to subordinate personnel.
advancement in rating examinations?
1. All manuals listed for the 1-33. Which of the following areas of
Engineering and Hull group responsibility includes the submitting of
2. All manuals listed for the next records and reports that are associated
higher rate with an engine overhaul job?
3. Only manuals listed for the next
higher rate and marked with asterisks 1. Administration
4. Only unmarked manuals listed for the 2. Supervision
next higher rate 3. Training
4. Maintenance
Question 1-27 is to be judged True or
False. 1-34. When machinery repairs are in progress,
the supervisor is responsible for which
1-27. All personnel seeking advancement to PO1 of the following tasks?
or CPO must satisfactorily complete the
appropriate Rate Training Manual, and the 1. Assign experienced personnel to
Military Requirements for Petty Officer perform the work
l&C. 2. Ensure that the job is done correctly
3. Ensure that spare parts are available
1-28. When you are preparing for advancement, 4. All of the above
which of the following rate training
manuals will provide you with additional 1-35. Which of the following statements bests
occupational knowledge? describes your administrative,
supervisory, and training
1. Mathematics, Volume 1 responsibilities as an EN1 or ENC?
2. Blueprint Reading and Sketching
3. Tools and Their Uses 1. Materials, parts, tools, and trained
4. All of the above personnel must be available when
Questions 1-29 through 1-32 are to be 2. Reports must be submitted and records
judged True or False. must be complete and orderly
3. Individual repair jobs must be
1-29. One method of judging how much you have performed in a planned logical
learned from a training manual is to sequence
complete the correspondence course based 4. All of the above
on that manual.
1-30. Chapter 001 of Naval Ship's Technical
Manual will be particularly important to
you as an Engineman, because it gives a
complete listing of all chapters included
in the manual.

1-36. As an engineman, with which of the 1-40. Which of the following statements
following areas of responsibility should pertaining to the Engineering Log is
you be concerned? correct?

1. Administrative, in connection with 1. Remarks must include all minor speed

engineroom operations, maintenance changes and boilers in use
and repair only 2. Spaces are provided for recording
2. Supervisory, in connection with total engine miles steamed for the
engineroom operations, maintenance day, route of the ship, and the
and repair only number of days out of drydock
3. Administrative and supervisory, in 3. An erasure is not allowed unless it
connection with engineroom operations is neat and the re-entry is legible
only 4. The Engineering Log must be prepared
4. Administrative and supervisory, in and signed by the senior petty
connection with engineroom and officer of the watch whether he is or
auxiliary operations, maintenance and is not the engineering officer of the
repair watch
1-41. Where are the instructions for making
entries in the Engineering Log contained?
Learning Objective: Indicate how
necessary engineering records and 1. In the Naval Ship's Technical Manual
reports for naval ships are prescribed 2. In the type commander's directives
and obtained. 3. In the U.S. Navy Regulations
4. All of the above
1-37. Reports for the administration and upkeep 1-42. You are in charge of the entire underway
of naval ships are described by watch when Fireman Jones slips and breaks
directives from which of the following his arm in the engineroom. Where should
authorities? you record this injury?
1. NAVSHIPS 1. In the Monthly Summary
2. Type commanders 2. In the Engineering Log
3. CNO 3. In the Engineer's Bell Book
4. All of the above 4. All of the above
Question 1-38 is to be judged True or 1-43. If an error is made in an entry to the
False. Engineering Log, what should be done
about the erroneous entry?
1-38. Information on obtaining most engineering
forms and records is indicated in the 1. The error should be erased and the
Navy Stock List of Forms and correction inserted
Publications, NAVSUP 2002. 2. The error should be lined through
once, rewritten correctly, and
3. The error should be underlined and an
Learning Objective: Identify and give explanatory note entered in the
the purpose of legal records used in margin
the engineering department and 4. The error should be circled and an
describe how the records should be explanatory note made at the bottom
maintained. of the page
1-44. The commanding officer signs the
1-39. Which of the following engineering Engineering Log on what day of each
department records must be preserved as month?
permanent legal records?
1. The fifth calendar day
1. Engineering Log and Fuel and 2. The tenth calendar day
Water Report 3. The twentieth calendar day
2. Engineer's Bell Book and Mail Log 4. The last calendar day
3. Engineering Log and Engineer's Bell
4. Machinery History and Boiler Room
Room Operating Record

1-45. Which of the following persons is 1-51. If the bridge signals ahead 1/3 on the
responsible for reviewing and signing the engine order telegraph and ahead 35 on
Engineering Log each day to indicate that the engine revolution telegraph, what
all entries are complete and accurate? entry should the throttleman make in (a)
column 2 and (b) column 3 of the
1. Petty officer of the watch Engineer's Bell Book?
2. CPO with the day's duty
3. Engineer officer 1. (a) Column 2: blank;(b) column 3: 35
4. Main propulsion officer 2. (a) Column 2: I; (b) column 3: blank
3. (a) Column 2: I; (b) column 3: 35
Question 1-46 is to be judged True 4. (a) Column 2: 1/3; (b) column 3: 35
or False.
Questions 1-52 through 1-54 are to be
1-46. Neither the petty officer of the watch, judged True or False.
the CPO who wrote the log, nor the
engineer officer may, without first 1-52. Ships with controllable reversible pitch
obtaining permission, enter changes or propellers must record in the Engineer's
additions to the Engineering Log after it Bell Book any signaled speed changes by
has been signed by the commanding noting the shaft counter readings.
1-53. The engine miles underway are calculated
1-47. A new series of page numbers added to the from the counter readings taken each hour
Engineering Log are used starting with on the hour recorded in column 4 of the
the first day of each Engineer's Bell Book.
1. month 1-54. Before being relieved of the watch, the
2. quarter throttleman of the machinery spaces
3. fiscal year should initial the Engineer's Bell Book
4. calendar year on the line following the last entry.
1-48. A ship's Engineer's Bell Book provides a 1-55. By whom and under what conditions is the
legal record concerning the Engineer's Bell Book maintained on a ship
equipped with controllable reversible
1. operating efficiency and general pitch propellers and with engines that
performance of the ship's engineering are directly controlled either by the
plant engineroom or from the bridge?
2. time of any change in movement of the
ship's propellers 1. By bridge personnel at all times
3. operating efficiency of the ship's 2. By engineroom personnel at all times
engineering plant only 3. By bridge personnel when engines are
4. general performance of the ship's directly controlled from the bridge
engineering plant only and by engineroom personnel at all
other times
1-49. Who normally makes entries in the 4. By engineroom personnel when engines
Engineer's Bell Book while the ship is are directly controlled from the
steaming at sea? bridge and by bridge personnel at all
other times
1. The messenger
2. The throttleman 1-56. Assume that a ship is equipped with
3. The CPO on duty controllable reversible pitch propellers
4. The EOOW and the movement of the propellers is in
bridge control. Before going off watch,
1-50. While a ship is entering port, entries in who signs the Engineer's Bell Book on the
the Engineer's Bell Book may be made by line following the last entry?
1. Quartermaster of the watch
1. throttleman's assistant 2. Officer of the deck
2. engineer officer 3. Executive officer
3. throttleman 4. Commanding officer
4. engineering officer of the watch

Question 1-57 is to be judged True 1-62. Why is a daily Fuel and Water Account
or False. maintained by the engineering department?
1-57. Neat corrections and erasures are 1. Because it may be used to form the
permitted in the Engineer's Bell Book, if basis of other reports
they are made only by the person required 2. Because it is used to inform
to sign the record for the watch and if selected personnel of the liquid
the change is neatly initialed in the load
margin of the page. 3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. Because it must be submitted to the
type commander
Learning Objective: Recognize the 1-63. If you were assigned to compute the
importance of operating records amount of burnable fuel aboard ship, you
and reports and indicate factors would compute
affecting the maintenance and
disposal of such records. 1. all the fuel in the service, storage,
and settling tanks
2. all the fuel in the service and
1-58. What is the purpose of maintaining and storage tanks only
keeping engineering operating records and 3. only the fuel above the service and
reports? storage tank suction line
4. only the fuel above the service tank
1. Ensure regular inspections of suction line
operating machinery
2. Provide data for performance Question 1-64 is to be judge True or
analysis False.
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. Warn of impending casualties to 1-64. The original copy of the Fuel and Water
operating machinery Report is submitted to the commanding
officer daily with the 1200 reports.
1-59. When standard engineering operating
forms are not available, who will Questions 1-65 through 1-68 concern
authorize the temporary forms to be used? the Monthly Summary of Fuel Inventory
and Steaming Hours Report (short title:
1. Engineer officer Monthly Summary).
2. Executive officer
3. Squadron commander 1-65. After the Monthly Summary has been been
4. Type commander prepared, who must verify the amount of
fuel received for the month?
1-60. After how many years may the Diesel
Engine Operating Record, All Ships 1. The commanding officer
(NAVSEA 9231/2), be destroyed? 2. The supply officer
3. The type commander
1. 1 yr 4. The engineer officer
2. 2 yr
3. 3 yr 1-66. Which of the following is a true
4. 4 yr statement about a ship's Monthly Summary
for a given month?
1-61. Which of the following persons approves
the diesel engine operating logs? 1. The commanding officer signs the
copy which goes to the type commander
1. Petty Officer of the Watch 2. The engineer officer signs the copy
2. Engineer officer which goes to the files of the
3. Senior engineman engineering department
4. Watch supervisor 3. The original is forwarded to the
fleet commander by the fifth of the
next month
4. The hours-not-underway entries are
made on the back of the report

1-67. Where may you find additional information 1-70. The Engineering Log must be retained
regarding the use of definitions and aboard ship for a period of how many
explanations in the preparation of the years?
Monthly Summary?
1. 1 yr
1. OPNAVINST 5213.7 2. 2 yr
2. NWIP 10-1 (revised) 3. 3 yr
3. Fleet Commander's Instructions 4. 4 yr
4. OPNAVINST 3540.1
1-71. What disposition is made of a ship's
Question 1-68 is to be judged True Engineer's Bell Book if the ship is
or False. scrapped?
1-68. Many engineer officers facilitate the 1. It is scrapped
preparation of the Monthly Summary by 2. It is sent to the nearest Naval
recording operating information on a Records Management Center
daily basis. 3. It is sent to NAVSHIPS
4. It is sent to BUDOCKS
1-69. Information about engineering records
that must be kept permanently is 1-72. A NAVSEA report that has served its
contained in purpose and is no longer useful may be
destroyed after how many months?
1. Naval Ship's Technical Manual
2. SECNAVINST P5212.5 1. 1 month
3. NAVSHIPS 5083 2. 12 months
4. NAVSHIPS 3648 3. 3 months
4. 24 months

Assignment 2
Administration, Supervision, and Training (cont)
Textbook Assignment: Engineman 1&C, NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, Pages 2-12 through 2-39

Questions 2-5 and 2-6 are to be judged

True or False.
Learning Objective: Recognize the
purpose and the importance of Trend 2-5. In most cases, a set of readings should
and Spectrographic Analyses. be plotted every 200 hours of engine
Question 2-1 is to be judged True or 2-6. Engine performance data should be
False. obtained within 5 minutes after start up.
2-1. Trend and spectrographic analyses are used 2-7. When preparing a graph, at what operating
to spot impending engine malfunctions. hour do you place your first point for
lube oil consumption?
2-2. Which of the following is a means used to
determine if an engine needs to be 1. 100
overhauled? 2. 200
3. 300
1. The current operating data is compared 4. 400
with the previous operating data
2. The operating data of the engine is 2-8. Which of the following information can be
compared with that of another engine obtained from the curves on graphs?
of the same type
3. The temperature of the lube oil 1. The condition of the engine
entering the oil cooler is compared to 2. What needs to be done to the engine
that of the one leaving the cooler 3. The life expectancy of vital parts
4. The last two operating data sheets are 4. All of the above.
2-9. What can you determine from a
2-3. How are engine performance data used as a spectrometric analysis of engine oil?
1. The extent of accelerated wear of an
1. They are used to circle the readings internal combustion engine
that are out of limits 2. The amount of oil the engine uses per
2. They are used to make graphs month
3. They are used to bring the out of 3. The rate of flow of the cooling water
limit readings to the attention of the to the lube oil cooler
engineer officer 4. The amount of oil pressure produced
4. They are used to discuss the operating by the lube oil pump
data with all operators
Questions 2-10 and 2-11 are to be judged
2-4. In order to produce meaningful graphs for True or False.
a generator, what load percentage should
the data indicate? 2-10. After major overhaul, ships should,
maintain accurate records of operating
1. 25% hours, including oil changes, and
2. 50% samplings in order to provide the testing
3. 80% facility with the information indicated
4. 100% in the sampling kit.

2-11. After an oil sample is received at a 2-16. Which of the following sources of
shipyard or an IMA, a physical test and a information should you consult to obtain
spectrometric analysis are performed. the National Stock Numbers of repair
parts for a diesel engine cylinder liner
and gaskets?
Learning Objective: Point out some 1. Planned Maintenance System Manual
administrative and supervisory 2. Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List
responsibilities in relation to 3. Nameplate on the equipment
subordinate personnel, the procure- 4. Each of the above
ment of repair parts and materials,
scheduling jobs, and estimating time 2-17. What document should you use to request a
and materials for a job. repair item stocked in the supply
department aboard ship?
2-12. In addition to the supply officer, who is 1. DD Form 1150
responsible for taking the initiative in 2. DD Form 1348
maintaining an adequate supply of 3. NAVSUP Form 1250
engineering spare parts? 4. NAVSUP Form 4757
1. Engineer officer 2-18. Which of the following sources of
2. Main propulsion assistant information is/are NOT likely to identify
3. Prime users of the parts the type of material used in
4. Senior supply petty officer manufacturing a gear for a fuel oil
service pump?
2-13. Aboard ship, which of the following is
NOT one of your responsibilities in 1. Nameplate on the pump
connection with maintenance and repair? 2. Stock cards maintained by the supply
1. To select materials on the basis of 3. Ship's plans and blueprints
service conditions they must 4. Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List
2. Issue and account for material Questions 2-19 and 2-20 are to be judge
required for the support of the ship True or False.
3. Identify repair parts from
machinery that is familiar to you 2-19. When unable to locate the National Stock
4. Know where to look for information Number of an item you are requesting from
on repair parts and material you will a shipboard supply department, you should
use furnish the supply personnel with enough
standard information to help identify the
2-14. What should you do when materials and item.
repair parts are not specified in the
instructions accompanying a job? 2-20. SECAS is the designated system
responsible for maintaining the CASREP
1. Always use your own judgment status of your ship.
2. Never use your own judgment
3. Look for the information 2-21. Who is responsible for ensuring that the
4. Refuse the job until you are provided proper documentation is completed and
with the information processed as described in Volume II of
2-15. Which of the following sources of
information is helpful in identifying or 1. The commanding officer
selecting materials and repair parts? 2. The engineer officer
3. The work center supervisor
1. Stock cards maintained by the supply 4. The ship's 3-M coordinator
2. Ship's plans and blueprints 2-22. At the individual equipment level, which
3. Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List of the following forms is used to report
4. All of the above a configuration change?
1. OPNAV Form 1250
2. OPNAV Form 1348
3. OPNAV Form 4790/2K
4. OPNAV Form 4790/CK

2-23. A work request to repair a pump shaft has 2-29. The amount of information required to be
been designated as a ship-to-ship job. given to the personnel doing a particular
Which of the following actions will the repair job will depend largely on which
ship's force personnel be expected to of the following considerations?
1. The safety precautions you expect
1. Disassemble the pump and remove the them to ignore
shaft 2. The manhours estimated to complete
2. Deliver the shaft to the repair shop the job
3. Pick up the shaft when the repair 3. The experience of the personnel
work has been completed assigned to the job
4. All of the above 4. The degree of care with which you
expect to inspect the job upon
2-24. All tests required to be performed by completion
Quality Assurance must be witnessed by
the Question 2-30 is to be judged True or
1. commanding officer
2. ship's force 2-30. A careful inspection should be conducted
3. type commander after a job has been completed to ensure
4. SIMA repair officer that the work was properly performed and
that necessary records or reports have
2-25. Under which of the following conditions been prepared.
would you use the OPNAV Form 4790/2K?
2-31. When estimating the amount of time
1. To request transferring a piece of required to accomplish a repair, what
equipment to another work center factor(s) should you take into
2. To request PMS Maintenance consideration?
Requirement Cards
3. To request a shipyard's assistance 1. The personnel who can best do the job
4. To request consumable materials 2. The number of personnel required for
the work
2-26. What is the purpose of the OPNAV Form 3. The availability of the repair
4790/2L? materials
4. Each of the above
1. To defer a piece of equipment
2. To document completion of a job Questions 2-32 and 2-33 are to be judged
order True or False.
3. To request work from an IMA
4. To amplify information described 2-32. The accuracy of job estimates that you
on a 4790/2K must submit to your division officer is
important because such estimates may
2-27. Which of the following forms is an affect the operational schedule of the
automated work request produced by an IMA ship.
with computer capabilities?
2-33. When more than one shop is required to
1. OPNAV Form 4790/2K complete an engine repair, each shop
2. OPNAV Form 4790/2L should make a separate time estimate of
3. OPNAV Form 4790/2Q the job.
4. OPNAV Form 1348
2-34. Besides the actual time required for the
2-28. Checking on the availability of materials work itself, what other factors must be
before starting work on a maintenance job considered in arriving at a final
is an important part of careful planning estimate for a particular job?
because failure to do so may result in
which of the following conditions? 1. Drills
2. Inspections
1. Wasted effort 3. Working parties
2. Unsafe working condition 4. All of the above
3. Useless equipment
4. All of the above

Question 2-35 is to be judged True or 2-41. Which of the following factors helps
False. determine the procedures for training a
new person in engineroom operations?
2-35. Dividing a total job into sub-jobs and
then determining the time and number of 1. Ship's operating schedule
personnel required for each sub-job is a 2. Number of experienced men available
waste of labor and time for the purpose 3. Condition of engineroom machinery
of arriving at accurate estimates. 4. Each of the above
2-36. Which of the following estimates is often 2-42. An Engineman striker who is newly
the most difficult for a supervisor to assigned to the engineroom is not ready
make in arriving at a job completion for messenger duty training until he
time? becomes familiar with the
1. Tools required 1. duties of the throttleman
2. Materials required 2. technique of reading pressure gages
3. Personnel required 3. procedures of starting or securing
4. Time and labor required the main propulsion plant
4. locations of all machinery,
2-37. You are responsible for submitting an equipment, piping, and valves
estimate of the materials required to
complete a job. If the job is one your 2-43. During what part of an engineroom
shop handles regularly, which factor is a watchstander's training should a student
basis for making an accurate estimate? learn how to take gage readings?
1. Records of the jobs kept by the shop 1. While learning the duties of the
2. In-service conditions to be fulfilled throttleman
3. Condition of tools and equipment 2. While learning the duties of the
4. Availability of the materials messenger
3. After becoming proficient in the
Question 2-38 is to be judged True or duties of the throttleman
False. 4. After learning to perform the duties
of the throttleman
2-38. In estimati ng material needs for a job,
you should make allowances for waste. 2-44. When should an Engineman striker be
trained to perform the duties of a
Learning Objective: Indicate 1. After becoming competent in
practices and procedures used administrative requirements
when training personnel. 2. After becoming proficient in the
duties of the messenger
3. While learning the duties of the
2-39. In addition to the technical competence messenger
that you must possess before you can 4. While learning specific basic safety
teach others, which of the following precautions
functions should you also be capable to
perform? Questions 2-45 and 2-46 are to be judged
True or False.
1. Organize information
2. Present information 2-45. A good way to start on-the-job training
effectively for the throttleman's job is to assign an
3. Motivate your students experienced throttleman to supervise the
4. All of the above trainee.
Question 2-40 is to be judged True or 2-46. As the instructor of engineroom
False. personnel, you should analyze and apply
your own experiences and reactions to
2-40. From a training standpoint, each person help trainees learn more effectively.
on watch in the engineroom is required to
function as part of a team because of the
close relationship between each
watchstander's duties.

2-47. Which of the following factors should be 2-55. As a repair party leader, you are
included in the training of engineroom responsible for which of the following
personnel? functions?
1. Consideration of the individual 1. Knowing how many personnel on the
difference in the learning rates of ship are fully qualified in damage
personnel control
2. Time to be spent on engine theory 2. Training your repair party personnel
prior to manual operation on the equipment they will be using
3. Encouragement of personnel to notice 3. Training your repair party personnel
and discuss differences in the ways in the function of a repair party
that engines behave during operation 4. Both 2 and 3 above
4. Each of the above
2-56. What two Status Boards is Repair V
Question 2-48 is to be judged True or required to maintain?
1. Stability and liquid load
2-48. An experienced Engineman reporting aboard 2. Auxiliary and main propulsion
for duty from another type of ship will machinery
require a certain amount of retraining to 3. Air and surface contacts
qualify as a watchstander. 4. Personnel casualty and radiological

2-49. Which of the following factors should be

emphasized constantly throughout an
engineroom training program? Learning Objective: Recognize the
purpose and the importance of the
1. Safety precautions Engineering Operational Sequencing
2. Trial-and-error techniques System (EOSS).
3. Emergency repair procedures
4. Machinery characteristics
Question 2-57 is to be judged True or
Questions 2-50 through 2-53 are to be False.
judged True or False.
2-57. The EOSS was developed to help combat the
2-50. The PQS program is a method designed to problems created by rapid turnover of
ensure quality assurance. personnel and the lack of needed
2-51. Most PQS standards are divided into four
sections. 2-58. When the EOSS is used properly it
accomplishes which of the following
2-52. The watchstation section defines the considerations?
actual duties, assignments, and
responsibilities needed for 1. Reduces operational casualties
qualification. 2. Provides better plant control
3. Extends the operational life of
2-53. As a work center supervisor, it is NOT machinery
absolutely necessary for you to be PQS 4. All of the above
qualified in all the equipment under your
control. 2-59. Under Stage I of the EOP, who has direct
control of an evolution involving the
2-54. When personnel are assigned to repair V, starting and securing of a main engine?
where should the emphasis be placed?
1. The engineering officer of the watch
1. PQS, qualification in damage control 2. The engineroom top watch
2. PQS, qualification in engineroom 3. The main propulsion asistant
takeover 4. The engineer officer
3. PQS, qualification in ship's 3-M
4. PQS, qualification in first aid

2-60. How does the EOP documentation help the 2-63. All engineroom watchstanders can increase
EOOW? their ability to control and prevent
casualties by studying which of the
1. It helps him to select equipment following publications?
combinations for plant efficiency
2. It helps him to train newly assigned 1. The user's guide
personnel 2. The EOCC manual
3. It helps him to properly schedule 3. The EOP manual Stage I
operational events 4. The EOP manual Stage II
4. It helps him to perform all of the
above tasks 2-64. Which of the following elements must be
included in a well administered and
2-61. To help assist the plant supervision with effective casualty control training
an operation involving the shifting of program?
the ship's service generator, the EOP
section of the EOSS provides him with 1. Recognition of the symptoms
which of the following documents? 2. Probable causes and effects
3. Preventive action necessary to
1. Plant procedure charts reduce, eliminate, or control
2. A diagram for plant steaming casualties
conditions 4. Each of the above
3. Plant status boards
4. All of the above
Question 2-62 is to be judged True or
2-62. Stage II of the EOP can be used by the
space supervisor to assist in the
training of newly assigned personnel in
the operation of equipment.

Assignment 3
Administration, Supervision, and Training (Cont'd)

Textbook Assignment: Engineman 1&C, NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, Pages 2-39 through 2-53

3-5. During the general administration inspec-

tion, which of the following has a direct
Learning Objective: Recognize the purpose bearing on the ship's engineering
of and the types of inspections held in department?
the engineering department aboard ship,
and describe the methods and procedures 1. Acquaintance of engineering personnel
for conducting each. with the ship's administrative
2. Proper maintenance of operating logs
Information for questions 3-1 and 3-2. 3. Indoctrination procedures for new
An inspection party from destroyer A personnel
boards destroyer B and proceeds to carry out 4. All of the above
a competitive material inspection.
3-6. An administrative inspection of a ship's
3-1. Which of the following officers most pro- engineering department is principally
bably determined the type of inspection to concerned with the department's
be held aboard destroyer B?
1. paper work
1. Fleet commander 2. administration of divisional
2. Type commander responsibilities
3. Commanding officer of destroyer B only 3. assignment of personnel to
4. Commanding officer of destroyer B and administrative duties
the commanding officer of destroyer A 4. training facilities
3-2. The inspection party was most probably 3-7. Who normally provides checkoff lists for
selected by the administrative inspections of ships?
1. CNO 1. Type commander
2. type commander 2. Division commander
3. division commander 3. Captain of the ship that will conduct
4. commanding officer of destroyer A the inspection
4. Captain of the ship that will be
Questions 3-3 and 3-4 are to be judged inspected
True or False.
3-8. An administrative inspection is being
3-3. The administrative inspection of a ship's conducted in the engineering department.
engineering department is concerned with Which of the following bills should be
the ship's readiness to carry out its inspected by the assistant inspector for
basic mission. adequacy, completeness, and correctness?
3-4. The appearance of the engineering 1. Fueling Bill
personnel is evaluated for grading 2. Engineering Casualty Bill
purposes during administrative inspec- 3. Watch, Quarter, and Station Bills
tions. 4. All of the above

3-9. The best way for an inspector to deter- 3-14. The operational readiness observing party
mine whether personnel are familiar with differs from the administrative
the operating instructions of their inspecting party in that it usually
department is to question the contains
1. department head concerning the 1. fewer warrant officers
methods of instruction 2. more third class petty officers
2. leading petty officers of the 3. fewer commissioned officers
department 4. more leading petty officers
3. newly assigned or nonrated personnel
in the department 3-15. What is the primary function of the
4. personnel at random battle problem as it is related to the
engineering department of a ship?
3-10. How does an inspector determine the
methods employed in the engineering 1. To test the teamwork within the
department to locate stowed items? department
2. To evaluate the quality of the ship's
1. By examining the various supply equipage
records and forms 3. To test the skill of rated personnel
2. By inspecting the stowage bins and in the department
boxes 4. To measure the operational efficiency
3. By asking a senior petty officer how of the engineering machinery
he would locate an item
4. By questioning a department officer 3-16. The value of a battle problem to a ship's
on the methods employed company is directly proportional to the
3-11. What type of inspection is mainly con- 1. amount of preparation time allowed
cerned with a ship's ability to carry out the ship's company before zero
its wartime missions? problem time
2. amount of realism provided in the
1. Administrative inspection of the problem
ship as a whole 3. skill of the observing party
2. Administrative inspection of the evaluating operational procedures
ship's departments 4. number of trained observers
3. Operational readiness inspection conducting the problem
4. Material inspection
3-17. What specific element increases the
3-12. Which of the following types of inspec- value of a battle problem to a ship's
tions include battle problems? company?
1. Material inspections and operational 1. Surprise
readiness inspections 2. Dress rehearsal
2. Operational readiness inspections 3. Advance notice
only 4. Suspense
3. Material inspections only
4. All formal inspections 3-18. Which of the following types of infor-
mation should be supplied to a ship
3-13. HOW is a ship's performance during its before a battle problem begins?
operational readiness inspection
measured? 1. The time of "darken ship" inspection
2. The time of a simulated casualty to
1. By the standard of professional abi- the power supply
lity attained by the crew 3. The end of problem time
2. By the ship's ability to perform its 4. The time of JV telephone circuit
wartime functions adequately casualty
3. By the completeness, adequacy, and
implementation of its Battle Bill
4. All of the above

Question 3-19 is to be judged True or 3-24. Who uses the engineering telephone cir-
False. cuits during the battle problem?
3-19. When practicable, during a battle 1. The observing party, to announce
problem, pertinent information should be start and end of the problem
given verbally by observers to the ship's 2. The observing party, in case of
crew. actual casualty
3. The ship's personnel, in case of
3-20. When may an observer coach ship's person- actual casualty
nel during a battle problem? 4. The ship's engineering personnel, to
cope with the battle problem assigned
1. When questioned by personnel to the ship
concerning imposed casualties
2. When imposed casualties are Question 3-25 is to be judged True or
undiscovered by personnel False.
3. When it is inconvenient to simulate
casualties 3-25. In a shipboard battle problem, observers
4. When the corrective action taken by should use equal effort to note
personnel is inappropriate excellence as well as weakness.
3-21. During a battle problem, a valve must be 3-26. The analysis of a battle problem is
closed in order to simulate a casualty to divided into two steps:
a main engine. Which of the following
personnel should actually close the 1. critique and observers' reports
valve? 2. captain's report and observers'
1. The assistant inspector 3. critique and ship's company report
2. A member of the observing party 4. observers' and ship's company reports
3. A member of the ship's engineering
force 3-27. Which of the following personnel attend
4. Either a member of the ship's the critique that is held aboard ship
engineering force or a member of after a battle problem?
the observing party
1. Commanding officer, department heads,
3-22. During a battle problem, an observer has chief observer, and senior observers
requested that the feedwater to the 2. All ship's officers, chief observer,
boilers be shut off to simulate a boiler and senior observers
casualty. What should the engineer 3. All ship's officers, some chiefs and
officer of the watch do? first class petty officers, chief
observer, and senior observers
1. Direct the engineroom personnel to do 4. All ship's officers, some chiefs and
whatever the observer requests first class petty officers, and chief
2. Not permit this to be done observer
3. Make sure the supply of lubricating
oil to the main engines is stopped 3-28. Who sets down the format of the
at the same time observers' reports?
4. Allow only the observer to handle
the shutoff valve 1. The senior observer for each depart-
3-23. Which of the following personnel are 2. The chief observer
responsible for setting up provisions for 3. The type commander
emergency action in case of a real 4. The fleet commander
casualty during a battle problem?
1. Type commander
2. Ship's company and the observing
3. Ship's company only
4. Observing party only

3-29. After an operational readiness inspec- 3-34. A list of the units to be opened is
tion, one purpose of supplying the furnished to the ship for material
inspected ship with copies of the inspection by the
inspector's report is to provide the
inspected ship with a 1. type commander
2. Board of Inspection and Survey
1. checkoff list for correcting defects 3. chief inspector
2. statement of probable action by the 4. individual inspectors
type commander
3. schedule for future overhaul periods Question 3-35 is to be judged True or
4. statement of condition of material in False.
comparison with other ships in the
division 3-35. All material deficiencies found during an
inspection, but NOT included on the
3-30. When evaluating the performance of an Work List are noted as discrepancies by
engineering department during a battle the chief inspector.
problem, an observer checks the extent to
which the engineering department carries 3-36. The information on the condition sheets
out which of the following tasks? provided to the inspection party
describes the condition of
1. Exercises engineering casualty
control measures 1. the machinery to be opened
2. Utilizes damage control features 2. the machinery to be tested
built into the ship 3. all parts of the ship, and all
3. Maintains maximum mobility and machinery and equipment on board
manueverability of the ship 4. machinery to be operated
4. All of the above
3-37. The preliminary copies of the condition
3-31. The specific purpose of the material sheets to be used for a material
inspection is to determine whether the inspection are filled in by the
1. ship's machinery is kept clean 1. type commander
2. cleanliness of a ship's compart- 2. division commander
ments meets acceptable standards 3. ship that conducts the inspection
3. correct procedures are being used in 4. ship to be inspected
the maintenance of machinery and
equipment 3-38. Which of the following items should be
4. military bearing and appearance entered on a condition sheet?
of a ship's personnel have improved
materially since the last inspection 1. Machinery to be opened for inspection
2. Equipment to be operated
3-32. Which of the following types of inspec- 3. Material condition of an inoperative
tions is similar to the Board of safety device
Inspection and Survey inspection? 4. All of the above
1. The shipwide administrative Question 3-39 is to be judged True
inspection or False.
2. The departmental administrative
inspection 3-39. Condition sheets describe the condition
3. The material inspection of the ship's hull, machinery, and
4. The operational readiness inspection equipment. Condition sheets are filled
in by the inspected ship's company
Question 3-33 is to be judged True or and used by the inspection party as a
False. checkoff list and inspection record
during the inspection. After the
3-33. Unless they have a direct bearing on the inspection, condition sheets are used in
material condition, administrative preparing the final inspection report on
methods and cleanliness should NOT be the condition of the ship.
considered as part of a material

3-40. Why is chapter 090 of the Naval Ships' 3-45. Who evaluates the results of a material
Technical Manual important? inspection on the basis of reports
submitted to the inspector of each
1. It is a guide for use when opening inspection group?
particular machinery units
2. It is a comprehensive material 1. CNO
inspection guide 2. Type commander
3. It is a guide for preparing Work 3. Ship's commanding officer
Lists 4. Chief inspector
4. It is a guide for preparing
Condition Sheets 3-46. The main difference between a material
inspection group and the Board of
3-41. Who furnishes the condition Sheets used Inspection and Survey is that the Board
in material inspections?
1. is interested mainly in operational
1. Inspecting party readiness
2. Inspected ship 2. is not from Forces Afloat, but is
3. Division commander especially appointed
4. Type commander 3. contains at least 10 officers
4. is interested mainly in
3-42. Which of the following statements administrative efficiency
describes the manner in which a material
inspection should proceed? 3-47. Following a shipboard material
inspection, which of the following items
1. All equipment of the same type should will be included in the report submitted
be inspected simultaneously by the Board of Inspection and survey?
2. A predetermined inspection schedule
should be followed 1. The general condition of the ship
3. Inspection of each space should be 2. The suitability of the ship for
completed before the next is begun further service
4. Inspections of all units should be 3. A list of proposed repairs, altera-
made with the knowledge and assis- tions, and design changes
tance of ship's personnel 4. All of the above
3-43. Which of the following is a main inspec- 3-48. After conducting trials and inspections
tion item for a material inspection of of a new or converted ship prior to final
engineering spaces? acceptance for naval service, the Board
of Inspection and Survey will include in
1. Procedures used for the replacement its report all of the following informa-
of repair parts tion EXCEPT the
2. Installation and maintenance of
required firefighting equipment in 1. recommended changes in design
the engineering spaces in accordance 2. existing defects and deficiencies
with up-to-date procedures in material and performance
3. Maintenance of equipment custody 3. explanation of how speed and shaft
cards horsepower are determined
4. Knowledge by responsible engineering 4. opinion as to who is responsible for
personnel of current instructions correcting reported defects
regarding routine testing and
inspections 3-49. To whom does the Board of Inspection and
Survey submit recommendations for the
3-44. After a material inspection, one purpose acceptance or rejection of a new ship?
of supplying the inspected ship with
copies of the inspector's report is to 1. Bureau of Ships
provide the ship with a 2. Prospective fleet commander
3. Chief of Naval Operations
1. checkoff list for correcting defects 4. Secretary of the Navy
2. statement of probable action by the
type commander
3. schedule for future overhaul periods
4. statements of condition of material
in comparison with other ships in the

3-50. Which of the following tests are included 3-55. Which of the following ship's trials is
in the acceptance trial tests? a competitive trial?

1. Full power runs and boiler overload 1. Standardization

tests 2. Economy
2. Quick-reversal and backing tests 3. Tactical
3. Steering and anchor engine tests 4. Recommissioning
4. All of the above
3-56. Before a full power trial, the ship's
engineer officer makes a report on the
condition of the engineering plant to the
Learning Objective Indicate
familiarity with and the procedure 1. Board of Inspection and Survey
for conducting routine ship's 2. chief inspector
trials. 3. engineering inspector
4. commanding officer
3-51. Which of the following trials are 3-57. What kind of trouble can be expected when
considered routine ship's trials? a full power trial is held in shallow
1. Laying up, final acceptance, and
recommissioning 1. Excessive speed
2. Tactical, standardization, and post 2. Multiple pump failures
repair 3. Overloading of the propulsion plant
3. Economy, post repair, and full power 4. Foaming of lube oil in reduction
4. Preliminary acceptance, economy, and gears
3-58. A full power trial planned for 3 hours
3-52. Which of the following ships should be duration has to be interrupted at the
required to have a post repair trial? end of 2 hours. What action should be
1. An MSO deploying to the Mediterranean
2. A DE finishing extensive repairs to 1. The remaining hour of the full power
its hull trial should be completed at the
3. An AO switching home ports from first opportunity
Norfolk to San Diego 2. Two more hours of full power trial
4. A CVS completing a routine naval should be conducted at the first
shipyard overhaul period opportunity
3. The trial should be regarded as
3-53. Who determines the specific nature of a unsatisfactory and another trial of
post repair trial? 3 hours duration should be held at
the first opportunity
1. Type commander 4. The trial should be regarded as
2. Commanding officer of the ship unsatisfactory and a special report
3. Shipyard commander should be made to the Board of
4. Both 2 and 3 above Inspection and Survey
3-54. Before a competitive trial is conducted, 3-59. When should the displacement
how much time is a ship normally allowed corresponding to the ship's draft be
to test and adjust the machinery over- recorded during a trial run?
hauled by naval shipyard personnel?
1. At the start and end of the trial
1. 1 week only
2. 2 weeks 2. At the middle of the trial only
3. 20 days 3. At the start, middle, and end of the
4. 1 month trial
4. Every hour of the trial

3-60. Who determines the full-power rpm 3-67. When a minimum draft has NOT been
requirements for a ship that is running specified by trial requirements, the
a full-power trial? liquid loading should NOT be less than
what percentage of the full load
1. The chief observer capacity?
2. The type commander
3. BUSHIPS 1. 25%
4. The Chief of Naval Operations 2. 50%
3. 75%
Question 3-61 is to be judged True or 4. 90%
3-68. When should the chief observer determine
3-61. Before the official full power trial the ship's draft and trim for a trial?
period starts, the ship is normally
operated at full power long enough to 1. Before and after the trial
permit all readings to become constant. 2. At the middle of the trial
3. At the start, middle, and end of the
3-62. An economy trial is normally conducted trial
over a period of 4. Every hour of the trial
1. 6 hr 3-69. A competitive trial report normally
2. 5 hr includes data on
3. 3 hr
4. 4 hr 1. condenser water injection and
discharge temperatures
Question 3-63 is to be judged True or 2. consumption of fuel oil per hour
False. 3. bearing clearances before and after
the trial
3-63. When a ship fails a performance trial, 4. ship's trim under full power
the type commander may specify a retrial
which he deems appropriate to, demonstrate 3-70. How often are readings taken and recorded
satisfactory engineering readiness. during an economy trial?
3-64. Which of the following actions is NOT a 1. Every half hour
duty of the assistant chief observer? 2. Every hour
3. At the start and end of the trial
1. Taking counter readings 4. At the start, middle, and end of the
2. Supervising the engineroom observers trial
3. Checking tank soundings
4. Checking fuel oil meter readings 3-71. A ship undergoing a 4-hour full power
trail is equipped with a torsionmeter
3-65. Which of the following personnel makes for measuring shaft horsepower. To
out the economy trial report? determine the power being developed,
how many observations should be taken?
1. Commanding officer
2. Chief observer 1. At least one during the trial
3. Assistant chief observer 2. At least two during the trial
4. The assistant observers 3. At least one each hour
4. At least two each hour
3-66. What information should be furnished in
writing to the chief observer prior to 3-72. Which of the following is NOT a responsi-
the start of a full power trial? bility of engineering department
personnel during an engineering trial?
1. Date of last undocking
2. Dates of last testing of all 1. To provide observers with a written
machinery safety devices statement of the date of the ship's
3. Authorized and actual settings of last undocking
all main machinery safety settings 2. To ensure that clocks are
4. All of the above synchronized in all engineering
spaces and on the bridge
3. To provide the usual "housekeeping"
and auxiliary loads
4. To check the setting of machinery
safety devices

Assignment 4


Textbook Assignment: Engineman 1&C, NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, Pages 3-1 through 3-24

Questions 4-6 and 4-7 are to be judged

True or False.
Learning Objective: Describe the
procedure and equipments used to 4-6. The Kiene indicator is used only to
inspect and test-run diesel measure the firing pressure of an engine.
4-7. A multivolt meter is used to measure the
voltage produced by the thermocouples
Questions 4-1 through 4-4 are to be installed in an engine's exhaust system.
judged True or False.
4-1. A comparatively minor engine malfunction, Learning Objective:Specify what
if not recognized and remedied in its maintenance and adjustments are required
early stages,never develops into a on temperature regulators, and recognize
major casualty. some of the troubles that may be
4-2. Work center personnel must learn to
recognize symptoms of developing
malfunctions by using the senses of sight, Question 4-8 is to be judged True or
hearing, smell, and touch. False.

4-3. Because of the safety features which are 4-8. For maximum temperature control, the bulb
commonly incorporated in pumps and similar of the temperature regulator should always
equipment, considerable loss of capacity be installed in the inlet side of the
may occur before any external evidence of engine cooling water piping system.
damage is apparent.
4-9. At which of the following points should
4-4. When a material failure occurs in any the valve stem of a temperature regulator
unit, a prompt inspection of all similar be lubricated?
units will NOT prevent a wave of similar
casualties. 1. Where the valve stem enters the
stuffing box
4-5. A spring-balanced indicator uses which of 2. Around the threaded sleeve used for
the following types of pistons? manual control
3. Both 1 and 2 above
1. Trunk 4. At the temperature adjusting
2. Inverted wheel
3. Ball
4. Check 4-10. What should you do if the temperature
of the freshwater leaving the engine
becomes too high when the regulator
is set on the lowest adjustment setting?
1. Make sure that the manual pointer is
set at the THERMOSTATIC position
2. Make sure that the packing gland is
not binding the valve stem and the
valve stem is not stuck in the
minimum cooling position
3. Make sure that the temperature
control element is operating properly
4. All of the above
4-11. The temperature at the bulb of the 4-14. When is the indicator slid up or down for
temperature regulator drops below the set adjustment to the proper position?
temperature and the valve position
indicator shows COOLER CLOSED. Which of 1. After the lower end of the seating
the following remedial measures should sleeve comes in contact with the
you take? lower end of the thermostatic stem
2. Before the lower end of the seating
1. Secure the packing gland nut wrench sleeve comes in contact with the
tight lower end of the thermostatic stem
2. Grind the valve seats until a perfect 3. After the lower end of the seating
seal is achieved sleeve comes in contact with the
3. Insert the bulb into the ship's upper end of the thermostatic stem
piping in the horizontal position 4. Before the upper end of the seating
with the arrow on the indicator disk sleeve comes in contact with the
point downward lower end of the valve stem
4. Insert the bulb into the ship's
piping in the vertical position with 4-15. The indicator plate is secured and the
the nut at the top of the unit pointer and thermostatic center marks are
aligned. What is the final valve stem
4-12. Why should a liquid filled bulb of a adjustment you should make prior to
temperature regulator be installed tightening the locknut?
either in the vertical position with the
nut up or in the horizontal position with 1. Two complete turns into the
the arrow up? thermostatic stem past the seating
sleeve contact
1. To allow the liquid level to be above 2. One complete turn into the
the end of the internal capillary thermostatic stem past the seating
tube sleeve contact
2. To allow the liquid level to be below 3. Two complete turns into the
the capillary tube thermostatic stem past the poppet
3. To prevent liquid from effecting the valve seating position
bellows 4. One complete turn into the
4. To ensure that the arrow on the thermostatic stem past the poppet
indicator disk is always pointing valve seating position
4-16. If the desired temperature of the water
When answering questions 4-13 through in a diesel engine cooling system is
4-15, assume you are in the process of 160°F, a properly adjusted temperature
adjusting a temperature regulator to the diesel regulator will maintain the water at a
engine freshwater cooling system. temperature between
4-13. The manual crankpin should be rotated 1. 150° and 160°F
until the pointer is aligned with which 2. 150° and 170°F
of the following marked positions on the 3. 160° and 170°F
indicator plate? 4. 160° and 18O°F
1. Cooler closed
2. Cooler bypass
3. Thermostatic Learning Objective: Recognize the
4. Each of the above purpose and types of heat exchangers;
indicate what factors affect their
operation; and point out the methods of
maintenance and repair.

4-17. In a marine cooling system installation,

which of the following engine coolants
may be circulated through a heat
1. Oil
2. Freshwater
3. Saltwater
4. Both 2 and 3 above

Question 4-18 is to be judged True or 4-24. Erosion holes in the cooler element of a
False. heat exchanger are usually caused by
which of the following conditions?
4-18. The two basic types of heat exchangers
used on engines are radiator and tubular. 1. A clogged cooler element
2. A low-pressure water flow
4-19. In the Harrison-type heat exchanger, how 3. Air entrapped in the cooler casing
do the liquid coolants pass through the 4. Fast movement of grit particles
4-25. By which of the following actions will
1. Freshwater passes through the tubes, you cause internal leaks of a heat
and seawater passes around the tubes exchanger element installed in the
2. Freshwater passes through the tubes, engine cooling system?
and freshwater passes through the
tubes 1. By increasing the oil temperature of
3. Seawater passes through the tubes, the cooler
and freshwater passes around the 2. By reducing the water pressure to the
tubes cooler
4. Seawater passes through the tubes, 3. By allowing continued cooler
and the seawater passes around tubes operation at excessive pressure
4. By allowing continued cooler
4-20. How is excessive scale on the cooler of a operation at reduced pressure
heat exchanger usually indicated?
4-26. The heat exchanger outlet side is used to
1. By a slow increase in freshwater admit the proper amount of steam required
temperature to blow through a clogged cooler element
2. By a similiarity between inlet and containing which of the following
outlet pressures deposits?
3. By the decrease in freshwater
temperature 1. Oil
4. By a rise in the freshwater tank 2. Sand
level 3. Grease
4. Roth 2 and 3 above
4-21. The temperature in the saltwater cooling
system of an engine should never be 4-27. YOU are performing an air test on a heat
allowed to exceed what maximum exchanger to check for leaks. What
temperature? should you do after attaching a pressure
gage to the inlet line of the element?
1. 130°F
2. 140°F 1. Immerse the element in a tank of
3. 170°F water
4. 180°F 2. Block off the discharge side of the
4-22. Which of the following conditions can 3. Admit low-pressure air to the inlet
cause a cooler element to become clogged side of the element
with foreign matter? 4. Remove the element from the casing
1. Leak in oil cooler 4-28. Which of the following methods should you
2. Dirty freshwater use to make an emergency repair to a
3. Faulty seawater strainers strut-type heat exchanger?
4. All of the above
1. Plug the tube
Questions 4-23 is to be judged True or 2. Replace the element
False. 3. Soft solder the element
4. Silver solder the element
4-23. Overlubrication of the circulating water
pump bearings will NOT affect the cooling
capacity to the heat exchanger element.

4-29. How should you make emergency repairs to 4-35. In addition to temperature and pressure
a leaky tube of a shell in a tube-type oil readings, which of the following methods
cooler? should you use to determine if a bearing
is receiving oil?
1. Plug the tube at both ends with a
special plug 1. After shutdown, inspect bearings to
2. Plug the tube at both ends with a determine the pressure of the oil
strip of neoprene 2. After shutdown, place you hand on a
3. Seal the tube with soft solder bearing to note the temperature
4. Seal the tube with solder at the 3. Both 1 and 2 above
inlet end only 4. Blow air through lube oil passages
4-30. Shell-and-tube-type heat exchangers are 4-36. Which of the following materials should
cleaned by which of the following you use when cleaning an engine lube oil
methods? sump?
1. Air lances, steam sprays, or chemical 1. Cotton waste
solutions 2. Paper towels
2. Steam sprays or chemical solutions 3. Lintfree cloths
only 4. All of the above
3. Air or water lances only
4. Chemical solutions, air lances, or 4-37. You have removed an oil filter line from
water lances an engine. Before reinstalling, the line
should be cleared of any obstructions
Learning Objective: Recognize casualties 1. diesel oil
pertaining to lubricating systems and 2. compressed air
point out how they may be avoided. 3. low-pressure steam
4. freshwater lances
Question 4-31 is to be judged True or
False. Learning Objective: Explain the
operational characteristics of fuel
4-31. If you will use the proper type of lube injection equipment and engine
oil in an engine lubricating oil system controls. Recognize symptoms of
you will ensure that all engine parts fuel injection trouble and their
receive sufficient lubrication. causes, and indicate what corrective
measures may be required.
4-32. Pressure in the lubricating system is
maintained by which of the following
devices? 4-38. Regardless of design, under which of the
following conditions should solid fuel
1. Relief valves injection systems deliver the fuel oil to
2. External relief valves each engine cylinder?
3. Internal pressure regulating valves
4. All of the above 1. At a high pressure
2. In the correct amounts
4-33. Which of the following conditions 3. At the proper time
indicate a broken lube oil pump? 4. All of the above
1. Smoke rising from the shaft 4-39. What are the two general types of solid
2. Abnormal noise in the pump fuel injection systems?
3. Sudden increase of lube oil
pressure 1. Unit injection and common rail
4. Fluctuation of lube oil pressure 2. Jerk pump and common rail
3. Individual pump and jerk pump
4-34. When is the low-pressure warning device 4. Unit injection and individual pump
of a lube oi 1 system usually tested?
1. Every day
2. When the system is started and
3. Only when the system is started
4. Only when the system is secured
Question 4-40 is to be judged True or 4-45. Which of the following operations is
False. affected by irregularities in the surface
and helix edge of a plunger?
4-40. The pump-injection system that combines a
high-pressure pump and fuel injection 1. Pumping
nozzle into one unit is called a unit 2. Metering
injector. 3. Combustion
4. Firing
4-41. Which of the following injection systems
uses a metering device that delivers the 4-46. If the lapped surfaces of a plunger and
appropriate amount of fuel to each barrel assembly are exposed to
injector? atmospheric dust, the surfaces will
1. Atlas 1. erode
2. Cooper-Bessemer 2. rust
3. Bosch 3. score
4. Cummins 4. bind
4-42. Which of the following factor(s) Questions 4-47 and 4-48 are to be judged
control(s) the amount of fuel that is True or False.
injected by the cam-operated injector
valves of the basic common-rail injection 4-47. Some fuel oil systems have additional
system? safety filters or screens located between
the fuel transfer pump and the fuel
1. The length of time the nozzle stays distributor.
2. The pressure held by the 4-48. The absorbent qualities of cotton waste
high-pressure pump in the common make it an excellent drying agent for
rail fuel injector parts.
3. The action of the individual valves
mounted on the side of the engine 4-49. Lapped surfaces should be handled only
4. The length of time the nozzle remains after they have been
open and by the pressure held by the
high-pressure pump in the common 1. allowed to dry at room temperature
rail 2. immersed in clean diesel oil
3. washed in distilled water
Question 4-43 is to be judged True or 4. dried by heat for several minutes
4-50. External leakage of diesel fuel from
4-43. Most diesel injection equipment operating pumps and injectors is probably caused by
problems are resolved when clean fuel is which of the following conditions?
1. Loose connections, scored plungers,
4-44. Which of the following is the best method or cracked housings
to determine whether the bushing assembly 2. Scored plungers, improper assembly,
of a unit injector has been damaged? or broken springs
3. Eroded bushing ports, loose
1. Place the injector in a test stand connections, or broken springs
and test the bushing assembly 4. Improper assembly, loose connections,
2. Install the injector in a test or cracked housings
engine, operate the engine, and
check for low firing pressure 4-51. On some fuel injection equipment, mild
3. Disassemble the injector, clean it, roughness and discoloration of the
and inspect each part of the bushing sealing surfaces may be removed by
assembly which of the following methods?
4. Install the injector in a test
engine, operate the engine, and 1. Lapping
check for low exhaust temperature 2. Scrapping
3. Grinding
4. Honing

4-52. When the plunger of the injection pump of 4-59. What effect, if any, may backlash in the
a diesel engine is stuck, it usually control rack have on engine performance?
causes which of the following conditions?
1. High exhaust temperature
1. Engine failure 2. Low firing pressures
2. Excessive fuel consumption 3. Variations in speed
3. Increase in engine temperature 4. None
4. Failure of a cylinder to fire
4-60. Backlash in the fuel control system is
4-53. A binding plunger test is being performed. often caused by which of the following
What kind of trouble is indicated by a parts?
sluggish return of the plunger?
1. Jammed control rack
1. A broken plunger spring 2. Scored pump plunger
2. A sticky plunger 3. Distorted pump bushing
3. A nicked plunger 4. Worn control sleeve
4. A scored plunger
4-54. In trying to loosen a stuck fuel oil
injector plunger, you should soak the Learning Objective: Discuss the opera-
plunger and barrel in which of the tional characteristics of fuel injection
following fluids? equipment and engine controls. Recognize
symptoms of fuel injection troubles, as
1. Clean diesel fuel well as their causes, and indicate
2. Lubricating oil corrective measures that may be required.
3. Cleaning solvent
4. Unleaded gasoline
4-55. You are cleaning a Bosch fuel injection Question 4-61 is to be judged True or
pump plunger. What should you do after False.
rinsing it in fuel oil and blowing it
dry? 4-61. Improper seating of the exhaust valves
may cause symptoms similiar to improper
1. Examine the plunger for defects timing of the engine fuel injection
2. Reassemble the pump assembly system.
3. Place mutton tallow on the plunger
4. Wipe the plunger with a mild abrasive 4-62. Late timing of fuel being injected into a
cylinder may be indicated by which of the
4-56. Which of the following materials should following conditions?
NOT be used to free up the plunger and
bushing to a G.M. unit injector? 1. Engine detonation
2. Injection pump, leakage
1. Jewelers' rouge 3. High exhaust temperature
2. Mutton tallow 4. Low exhaust temperature
3. Clean fuel oil
4. Compressed air 4-63. Which of the following factors may be the
cause for a Bosch fuel injector pump to
4-57. In a diesel engine fuel system, what is go out of timing?
the function of the fuel control rack?
1. A broken spring
1. To control vaporization of fuel 2. A stuck plunger
2. To remove impurities from the fuel 3. A worn pump camshaft
3. To meter the fuel injected at each 4. An eroded spill port
4. To prevent jamming of the fuel 4-64. Which of the following corrective
injector plunger measures could you use to reduce the
number of engine governor difficulties?
4-58. Which of the following conditions causes
an engine fuel oil control rack to stick? 1. Reduce the engine speed
2. Increase the engine load
1. End play 3. Use clean oil
2. Normal wear 4. Adjust the fuel linkage
3. Gear backlash
4. Dirt in the mechanism

Questions 4-65 and 4-66 are to be judged 4-72. Which of the following conditions may
True or False. cause an improper speed fluctuation of an
engine equipped with a mechanical
4-65. To maintain the proper oil level in the governor?
engine governor, you may use lubricating
oil from the main diesel engine 1. Constantly changing loads
crankcase. 2. Misfiring engine cylinders
3. A binding governor linkage
4-66. Foaming of the oil indicates presence of 4. Each of the above
water in an engine governor.
4-73. An overspeed trip will stop a diesel
4-67. When the governor compensating needle engine that is equipped with a speed
valve is correctly adjusted, how should governor when the regular speed governor
the engine behave during load changes? fails to

1. Maintain low underspeeds 1. limit the load on the engine

2. Maintain high overspeeds 2. keep the engine within its maximum
3. Return slowly to normal speeds designed limit
4. Return quickly to normal speeds 3. operate
4. reduce engine hunt
4-68. An increase in load for any constant
throttle setting of a mechanical governor Question 4-74 is to be judged True or
will be accompanied by a decrease in False.

1. engine speed 4-74. Prior to testing the engine overspeed

2. spring length trip, the accuracy of the engine tacho-
3. fuel pressure meter should be checked for proper opera-
4. oil temperature tion as required by the manufacturer's
Question 4-69 is to be judged True or
False. 4-75. A broken drive shaft of a hydraulic
overspeed trip will cause uncontrolled
4-69. Hydraulic rather than mechanical gover- engine speed because the flyweights
nors are used where extremely accurate
engine speed regulations are required. 1. disconnect from the shaft
2. remain in a distended position
4-70. What type of governor is designed to hold 3. cease to exert centrifugal force
the predetermined operating speed of a 4. increase in rotative speed
diesel engine generator set?
1. Load-limiting
2. Variable-speed
3. Speed-limiting
4. Constant-speed
4-71. The mechanical governor controls engine
idling speed when the centrifugal force
of both sets of flyweights act against
which of the following parts?
1. The buffer spring
2. The light spring
3. The heavy spring
4. All of the above

Assignment 5
Engine Maintenance (cont'd)
Textbook Assignment: Engineman 1&C, NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, Pages 3-25 through 3-41

5-5. If the oil flow to a piston is restricted,

where will the oxidation of the oil cause
Learning Objective: Describe the deposits to form?
types of piston and rod assemblies
used in internal combustion engines, 1. On the underside of the piston crown
recognize symptoms of malfunctions 2. Behind the compression rings
and their causes, and indicate the 3. On the piston walls
type of actions that may prevent the 4. On the piston crown
recurrence of such troubles.
5-6. When the clearance between the piston and
the cylinder liner is too small, the
Question 5-1 is to be judged either piston will NOT likely
True or False.
1. seize
5-1. Before attempting to jack an internal 2. bind
combustion engine over by hand, you 3. break
should first disable the starter 4. wear in
5-7. The wiping of metal causes the rings to
5-2. Which of the following symptoms stick in the piston grooves. What is this
indicate(s) that the clearance between action called?
the piston and cylinder is above
tolerance? 1. Scoring
2. Scuffing
1. Excessive oil consumption 3. Calling
2. Piston slap after top dead center 4. Wiping
3. Piston slap after bottom dead center
4. All of the above 5-8. Which of the following actions is/are
required to balance the load on each
5-3. On Navy engines, piston defects are NOT piston of an auxiliary generator diesel
likely to be caused by which of the engine?
following conditions?
1. Setting the fuel rack
1. Unbalanced load 2. Checking the compression pressures
2. Insufficient lubrication 3. Checking the firing pressures
3. Crown and land dragging 4. All of the above
4. Excessive piston liner clearance
5-9. Cracking of the ring groove lands on a
5-4. Operation of an internal combustion engine piston can be attributed to which of the
above the specified temperature limits may following conditions?
result in which of the following problems?
1. Excessive piston-to-cylinder clearance
1. No lubrication of the cylinder walls 2. Insufficient clearance between the
2. Low cylinder temperatures ends of the rings
3. Increased oil viscosity 3. Insufficient ring-to-land clearance
4. High oil temperatures 4. Each of the above

5-10. Which of the following corrective actions 5-17. When fitted to a liner, if a piston ring
is recommended for pistons that are lacks sufficient pressure to return to
excessively worn? its original shape, what is the ring
likely to do?
1. Plating the piston
2. Replacing the piston 1. Wear in place
3. Resizing the piston 2. Seize and buckle
4. Metal spraying the piston 3. Bind in the groove
4. Break under pressure
5-11. Which of the following conditions may
cause low compression pressures that 5-18. Which of the following conditions
might affect several or all cylinders of probably causes the greatest amount of
an auxiliary diesel engine? wear on piston rings?
1. A leaking cylinder valve 1. Worn cylinder liners
2. A clogged air filter 2. Abnormal carbon deposits
3. A clogged intake port 3. Insufficient gap clearance
4. A leaking after-chamber 4. Excessive operating temperatures
5-12. Which of the following factors may cause 5-19. Which of the following positions is
excessive oil consumption during engine recommended for piston ring gaps in order
operation? to allow for cylinder wear?
1. Worn oil rings 1. All gaps in line with the piston
2. Use of improper oil bosses only
3. High lube oil temperatures 2. All gaps 90° out of line with the
4. Each of the above piston bosses
3. All gaps staggered alternately 90°
5-13. Which of the following symptoms may be with the piston bosses
indicative of excessively worn piston 4. All gaps in line with the piston
rings? bosses and alternate rings staggered
1. High compression
2. Hard starting 5-20. A ridge in a cylinder liner must be
3. Clear exhaust removed when piston rings are replaced in
4. All of the above order to prevent the

5-14. Carbon deposits that limit the flexing 1. bottom ring from cracking
movements of piston rings are usually 2. top ring from slipping down
formed when an engine is operated under 3. top ring and the land from breaking
which of the following conditions? 4. rings from slipping too close
1. Excessive operating temperatures
2. High cooling temperatures 5-21. If you want to determine the amount of
3. Improper balance wear on a piston assembly, you should
4. Improper load measure only those areas that
5-15. Which of the following factors may cause 1. make contact
a piston ring to extend into a port of a 2. are scored
ported cylinder? 3. appear to be worn
4. are pitted
1. Excessive engine speeds
2. Insufficient gap clearance 5-22. Which of the following means are used
3. Insufficient ring pressure to lubricate piston pin bushings?
4. Excessive operating temperatures
1. Splash oil
5-16. When a piston ring breaks because of 2. Pressure oil
insufficient end gap, it will have (a) 3. Mechanical oilers
bright spot(s) on what part(s) of the 4. Oil rings
1. Upper side
2. Lower side
3. Ends
4. Face

5-23. The interchangeability of piston-pin 5-29. What is the usual cause of fatigue
bushing inserts is dependent on the failure of the crankshaft journal
location of the bearings?
1. oil holes 1. Loose bearing shells
2. piston pin 2. Improper lubrication
3. needle bearing 3. Cyclic peak loads
4. pin bushing 4. Each of the above
5-24. Primarily, why are piston pin bushings 5-30. What effect will extreme overspeeding of
reamed? an internal combustion engine have on the
main journal bearings?
1. To obtain larger oil holes
2. To obtain correct lubricating flukes 1. Failure of the upper halves only
3. To obtain proper bore clearance 2. Failure of the lower halves only
4. To correct oil hole positioning 3. Either 1 or 2 above
4. Failure of both the lower and the
5-25. Which of the following troubles can be upper halves
caused by misalignment of the connecting
rod? 5-31. Which of the following factors could be
the cause of crankshaft fatigue failure?
1. Binding of the piston
2. Binding of the piston pin 1. Improper functioning of the vibration
3. Binding of the connecting rod journal damper
bearing 2. Improper quenching or balancing by
4. All of the above the manufacturer of the crankshaft
3. Flexing of the crankshaft under load
5-26. Which of the following tools should you 4. All of the above
use to prevent overtightening of
connecting rod bolts? 5-32. The crankshaft of a reciprocating engine
may be responsible for which of the
1. Socket wrench following conditions?
2. Torque wrench
3. Strain gauge 1. Lineal impulses
4. Thickness gauge 2. Natural vibrations
3. Torsional impulses
5-27. Which of the following connecting rod 4. Natural frequencies
troubles is likely to occur because of
overstress? Questions 5-33 and 5-34 are to be judged
True or False.
1. Cracked rods
2. Misaligned rods 5-33. The term "critical speeds" applies to all
3. Out-of-round bearing bores moving members of machinery with the
4. Plugged oil passages in the rods exception of reciprocating-type engines.
Question 5-28 is to be judged True
or False. 5-34. Continuous engine operation within the
critical speed range may result in
5-28. You should repair by welding or brazing breakage of the crankshaft and connecting
any cracked connecting rods discovered rod bearing difficulties.
during engine overhaul.
5-35. Assume a propulsion diesel engine has a
tachometer with the area between 700 rpm
and 750 rpm conspicuously marked in red.
Learning Objective: Point out some The speeds within this range are the
of the causes of engine shaft and
bearing failure and indicate methods 1. maneuvering engine speeds
of reducing the most commonly 2. critical engine speeds
encountered troubles 3. most efficient operating speeds
4. smoothest operating speeds

5-36. To reduce torsional fluctuations and 5-43. Which of the following inspections to the
ensure smoother operation, some diesel valve actuating linkage should be made at
engine crankshafts are equipped with frequent intervals during engine
which of the following devices? operation?
1. Vibration dampers 1. Inspections for improperly seated
2. Flexible couplings valve springs
3. Shock absorbers 2. Inspections for grooved or scored
4. Flywheels cam follower surfaces
3. Inspections for improperly seated
5-37. Which of the following lubricants is/are push rod end fittings
harmful to the rubber of elastic-type 4. All of the above
vibration dampers?
5-44. What is the danger in using an engine
1. Lube oil lubricating oil that has a viscosity
2. Diesel oil higher than recommended?
3. Light grease
4. All of the above 1. Rapid absorption of acids
2. Rapid absorption of carbon particles
5-38. Which of the following engine noises 3. Surface pitting of bearings
indicates an improperly functioning 4. Overlubrication
vibration damper?
Question 5-45 is to be judged True or
1. Grinding noises at low speeds False.
2. Clinking noises during starting
3. Rumbling noises at normal speeds 5-45. When a bearing fails because of an
4. Humming noises at high speeds inadequate bond between the bearing metal
and the bearing shell, the bearing shell
Question 5-39 is to be judged True shows through the bearing surface.
or False.
5-46. Crankshaft journals that exceed the
5-39. Crankshaft failure may result from specified tolerances for out-of -roundness
excessive main bearing clearances that should be refinished by which of the
allow an uneven distribution of the following means?
engine load during operation.
1. Stoning
5-40. You can help keep engine journal bearings 2. Grinding
from wearing out-of-round by preventing 3. Filing
which of the following conditions? 4. Scraping
1. Inadequate lubrication and journal 5-47. A rough spot or ridge located on a crank
bearing failure pin journal should be removed by dressing
2. Overloading or overspeeding of the with which of the following materials?
3. Excessive crankshaft deflection and 1. 4 fine sandpaper
misalignment of parts 2. A crocus cloth
4. All of the above 3. A fine oil stone
4. Both 2 and 3 above
5-41. Which of the following actions is likely
to cause excessive crankshaft deflection? 5-48. What damage may result to a crank pin
bearing when the piston bushing bore and
1. Overloading connecting rod bore are not in alignment?
2. Overspeeding
3. Insufficient lubrication 1. Cracking at the opposite ends of the
4. Excessive operating temperatures lower and upper halves
2. Cracking at the same ends of the
5-42. What valve assembly trouble is likely to lower and upper halves
score the camshaft cams of an engine? 3. Wiping at the opposite ends of the
lower and upper halves
1. A worn rocker arm bushing 4. Wiping at the same ends of the
2. A broken tapped screw lower and upper halves
3. A chipped valve spring
4. An improperly seated push rod spring

5-49. What is indicated when the back of a 5-55. Which of the following actions may cause
bearing shell contains a gumlike varnish dented races in the antifriction bearings
deposit? that support heavy shafts?
1. Excessive bearing clearance 1. The application of too much pressure
2. Normal bearing wear when the bearings are installed
3. Low operating temperatures 2. The application of too much pressure
4. Lack of lubrication when the bearings are removed
3. The application of vibration to the
5-50. If the lower shell of a journal bearing bearings when the shafts are idle
is interchanged during installation with for a long time
a plain upper shell, what, if anything, 4. Each of the above
happens to the oil flow in the bearing?
5-56. A frictionless bearing is always replaced
1. It decreases when an inspection reveals which of the
2. It increases following problems?
3. It stops
4. Nothing, it remains the same 1. It is difficult to operate by hand
2. It has brinelled races
5-51. Bearing lubrication is poorest when the 3. It operates noisily
engine is being 4. It is dirty
1. overloaded 5-57. Only one race of an antifriction bearing
2. idled is made a press fit because it is highly
3. started desirable to have the other race
4. stopped
1. abrade
5-52. What is the purpose of motor-driven lube 2. creep
oil pumps used on diesel engines? 3. removable
4. unloaded
1. To increase the pressures obtainable
from the engine-driven pumps Questions 5-58 and 5-59 are to be judged
2. To service the engine gear training True or False.
and bearings during normal operation
3. To lubricate the bearings before 5-58. The only way to tell if a bearing has
engine operation a cracked race is by a visual inspection.
4. To increase the flow during engine
operation 5-59. The best way to determine if excessive
looseness exists in a frictionless
5-53. In order to check for abrasive elements bearing is to compare the bearing
in the lubricating oil of an engine, the suspected of being loose with d new
oil samples should be obtained regularly bearing.
from which of the following sources?
5-60. What is the probable cause of looseness
1. The most accessible point in the lube in an oiled roller bearing?
oil system
2. The lowest point in the sump 1. Improper adjustment
3. The oil filter element 2. Improper installation
4. The lube oil pump 3. Abrasives in the oil
4. Faulty oil seal
5-54. What part of a frictionless bearing
should you inspect for signs of pitting
and surface cracks?
1. Inner surface of the inner race
2. Outer surface of the inner race
3. Inner surface of the outer race
4. Outer surface of the outer race

Question 5-66 is to be judged True
or False.
Learning Objective: Recognize the
purpose and types of auxiliary 5-66. A longitudinal movement may be produced
drive mechanisms; and specify the by an operating gear in a train that is
general inspection and maintenance secured with a loosely fitted woodruff
requirements. key.
5-67. What is the purpose for marking the
5-61. What is the purpose of the chain teeth in an engine gear train as shown
drive mechanism that drives the in figure 3-24 of your textbook?
blower on a diesel engine?
1. To indicate the gear diameters
1. To reduce the speed of rotation of 2. To provide a means for mating the
the blower gears
2. To increase the speed of rotation 3. To identify the size of the gear
of the blower teeth
3. To time the operation of the blower 4. To indicate the number of gear
in the correct sequence of events teeth
with the operation of the engine
4. To prevent overspeeding of the blower 5-68. If the bushing clearances on the timing
gear train exceed the allowable limit,
5-62. What gears are used in the gear train for the bushings should be
the auxiliary mechanisms of most internal
combustion engines? 1. aligned
2. adjusted
1. Bevel gears 3. reshimmed
2. Single helical spur gears 4. renewed
3. Double helical spur gears
4. Worm gears 5-69. If the only defect found in the auxiliary
drive gears is a chipped gear tooth,
5-63. Most internal combustion engine drive which of the following actions should you
gears are constructed of which of the take?
following materials?
1. Rebuild the tooth by welding
1. Steel 2. Smooth the chipped area by filing
2. Cast iron 3. Replace the gear
3. Bronze 4. Realign the gear
4. Fiber
5-70. When the backlash of a blower rotor gear
5-64. What is the function of idler gears in a set exceeds the manufacturer's specified
timing train? limit, what must you do?
1. To reduce the speed of the camshaft 1. Replace the gears
2. To increase the speed of the camshaft 2. Replace the rotors
3. To reduce vibrations in the gear 3. Retime the gears
train 4. Reshim the rotors
4. To transfer the rotation of the
crankshaft over a considerable 5-71. Excessive backlash of the blower rotor
distance drive gears may cause scoring of which of
the following parts?
5-65. What is the speed of the camshaft in a
four-stroke cycle engine when the 1. Blower casing
crankshaft is turning 920 rpm? 2. Shim plates
3. Shaft seals
1. 230 rpm 4. Blower lobes
2. 460 rpm
3. 690 rpm
4. 920 rpm

5-72. An estimate of the life of a Roots blower 5-74. Failure of a properly aligned and
rotor gear can be determined by which of adequately lubricated chain drive mecha-
the following methods? nism may be caused by which of the
following parts?
1. A comparison of charts showing the
average use and wear with records of 1. Sheared cotter pins
the use of the particular machine 2. Binding joint pins
2. 4 careful study of records of the 3. Both 1 and 2 above
amount of wear as recorded periodi- 4. Worn chain links
3. A study of the manufacturer's esti- 5-75. After a long period of operation, how
mates of lifetime of the gear for is a chain drive usually adjusted?
the engine
4. A computation of the amount of use 1. By peening the connecting link pins
the machine will receive and the 2. By tightening the chain tension
type of gear used 3. By replacing the connecting pin
4. By realigning the idler gears
5-73. When one of the blower rotor drive gears
indicates a slight tooth fracture, what
should you do?
1. Replace the gear with one from
another set
2. Replace the gears with a matched
3. Align the gears to prevent further
4. Install additional shims to relieve
tooth contact

Assignment 6

Engine Maintenance (cont'd); Reduction Gears and Related Equipment

Textbook Assignment: Engineman 1&C, NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, Pages 4-1 through 4-11

6-5. Under any operating condition, what is the

maximum permissible temperature rise for
Learning Objective: Recognize oil passing through engine bearings.
conditions which may affect
reduction gear operations and the 1. 50°F
necessary corrective actions to 2. 60°F
be taken. 3. 65°F
4. 70°F
6-1. Under normal conditions, which of the 6-6. What is the maximum allowed temperature of
following activities effects repairs to the oil leaving any reduction gear or
the main reduction gears? bearing?

1. Ship's force 1. 165°F

2. Repair ships 2. 175°F
3. Manufacturer 3. 180°F
4. Naval shipyards 4. 195°F
6-2. To ensure that gears are properly 6-7. Fine metal flakes are usually produced
lubricated, an engineman must ensure that during run-in of new gears. These fine
which of the following conditions are met? metal particles, if not removed from the
reduction gear lube oil system, may cause
1. The oil is clean which of the following troubles?
2. The oil is kept at the correct
temperature 1. Wiped bearings and scored journals
3. The proper amount of oil is supplied 2. Clogged spray nozzles
to the gears and bearings 3. Deteriorated gear teeth
4. All of the above 4. All of the above
Question 6-3 is to be judged True or 6-8. Which of the following types of damage to
False. gear teeth surfaces are most likely to
result if lubricating oil is contaminated
6-3. The reduction gear manufacturer designates by water?
the exact relief valve settings and
pressure to be maintained in the 1. Erosion and corrosion
lubrication system to ensure an adequate 2. Corrosion and pitting
supply of oil to the gears and bearings. 3. Corrosion and scoring
4. Erosion and scoring
6-4. What is the likely result of delivering
too little or too much oil to a bearing? 6-9. The journals of the main gear are severely
corroded because of lube oil
1. An overheated bearing contamination. What repair work should be
2. An underheated bearing done as soon as possible?
3. A drop in oil pressure
4. A drop in oil temperature followed by 1. Overhaul of the gears at a naval
a sharp rise in pressure shipyard
2. Removal of metal flakes from the oil
3. Realignment of the reduction gears
4. Replacement of the pinion bearings

6-10. How long, after securing the main 6-15. What should be done if the lube oil
reduction gear, should you circulate the begins to emulsify?
lubricating oil through the system?
1. The plant should be stopped and the
1. 15 minutes oil removed
2. Until the temperature of the oil is 2. The oil should be heated to just
the same as the reduction gear casing below the boiling point
3. Until the temperatures of the oil and 3. The oil should be centrifuged to get
reduction gear casing are rid of the water and the acid
approximately the same as the 4. The oil should be allowed to settle
engineroom temperature to get rid of the water and the acid
4. 30 minutes
6-16. Assume that during operation, the
6-11. How can you eliminate the condensation of lubricating oil level in the sump of the
water from the inside of a reduction gear reduction gear rises high enough to come
casing? into contact with the bull gear. What is
likely to result if this situation is NOT
1. Keep the gear oil heated until corrected?
condensation evaporates
2. Ensure the gear oil circulates at all 1. The oil will overheat
times so that the water may be 2. The oil will become emulsified
centrifuged out 3. The oil will be trapped in the sump
3. Renovate the gear oil in a purifier 4. The oil will be contaminated with
while a cooler is operated and the water
gear is jacked
4. Allow the gear oil to remain 6-17. What should you do first in case of a
unstirred so that water may settle burned-out pinion bearing?
to the bottom of the casing
1. Stop the engine
6-12. Satisfactory operation of which of the 2. Align the gear teeth
following components should keep the lube 3. Stop the main propeller shaft
oil in good condition? 4. Slow down the engine
1. Centrifuge and blower 6-18. What is the first probable cause to be
2. Strainer and filter considered when a vibration occurs in a
3. Spray nozzles and heater reduction gear that previously had been
4. Purifier and settling tanks operating properly?
Question 6-13 is to be judged True or 1. Bent propeller shaft
False. 2. Bent propeller blade
3. Unbalanced bull gear
6-13. Reduction gear lube oil samples should be 4. Misaligned pinion gear
taken and sent to a naval shipyard
laboratory only once a quarter to be
tested for contamination.
Learning Objective: Explain the
6-14. What substances cause gear lubricating methods of checking bearing
oil to emulsify? clearances and identify the main
troubles encountered with reduction
1. Freshwater and seawater gear bearings.
2. Fatty acids
3. Air bubbles
4. Insoluble minerals 6-19. Which of the following information,
recorded in prescribed engineering
records, should be available for checking
the alignment of the reduction gear?
1. Gear teeth root clearances and
2. Thrust bearing clearances and
3. Original bearing clearances and crown
4. All of the above information

6-20. Aboard ship, special equipment is usually 6-26. What action should you take when
available to perform which of the replacing a wiped outboard pinion bearing
following maintenance tasks? in the reduction gear?
1. Replace bearings 1. Compare the crown thickness of the
2. Lift reduction gear covers new bearing with the original crown
3. Take readings thickness of the old bearing
4. All of the above 2. Compare the new bearing and the old
bearing with the manufacturer's
6-21. Which of the following methods is used to specifications
check the amount of bearing wear in the 3. Accomplish 1 and 2 above
main reduction gears? 4. Measure the crown thickness of the
new bearing and stamp it just prior
1. Bridge gage to installation
2. Crown thickness
3. Radial clearance 6-27. Assume that you are installing a new
4. Axial clearance bearing. When is the bearing cap
lowered into place and bolted down?
6-22. The pressure-bearing half of a main
reduction gear bearing shell is readily 1. After the lower bearing half is
identified by which of the following rolled into position
means? 2. After the upper bearing half is
placed in position
1. A scribe line on each end of the 3. After the bearing and the dowel are
shell in proper positions
2. Three scribe lines on each end of the 4. After all of the above steps have
bearing shell been accomplished
3. The letter A on each end of the shell
4. The letters B, C, and D on each end 6-28. If a pinion bearing fails, the shaft at
of the shell that end tends to
Question 6-23 is to be judged True or 1. move toward the bull gear
False. 2. become scored and pitted
3. move away from the bull gear
6-23. During the initial alignment, the crown 4. become cracked and chipped
thickness of each reduction gear bearing
shell should be measured at each scribe 6-29. After a loss of lubricating oil casualty
line and the clearance permanently has occurred to the main reduction gear,
stamped close to each scribe line. what bearings should be checked first?
6-24. What action should be taken if a bearing 1. Thrust bearings
in a main reduction gear wipes during a 2. Pinion bearings
trial run? 3. Bull gear shaft bearings
4. Main propulsion shaft bearings
1. The gear and shaft should be operated
at reduced speed 6-30. What precautions must you observe when
2. The gear should be provided with working around or inspecting an open
additional lubrication reduction gear?
3. The gear and shaft should be secured
4. The gear should be cooled with water 1. All tools must be secured with a
suitable line
6-25. Before emergency repairs are to be 2. All loose articles must be taken from
attempted on the main reduction gear by the clothing
the ship's force, what factors should be 3. The area around the gears must be
considered? covered and clean
4. All of the above
1. Ship's location and availability of
repair activity
2. Ship's operational schedule and
capability of personnel
3. knowledge of construction details and
manufacturer's instructions
4. All of the above factors

6-36. Noisy operation and insufficient contact
of the reduction gear teeth may result
Learning Objective: Recognize the unless the gear and pinion are properly
importance of proper gear tooth aligned.
clearance and contact; describe the
methods used to check clearances 6-37. When you are checking the length of tooth
and tooth contact; and indicate what contact between reduction gear pinions
corrective action may be necessary. and gears, which of the following
substances is recommended for metal
6-31. Which of the following situations
requires that a main reduction gear be 1. Potassium permanganate
given a wearing-in run before being run 2. Zinc chromate
at full power? 3. Prussian blue
4. Either 2 or 3 above
1. New bearings have been installed
2. Old bearings have been resurfaced 6-38. Roughened gear teeth may be stoned smooth
3. The gears have been realigned provided the deterioration is due to
4. The gear teeth have been stoned which of the following actions?
6-32. In main reduction gears, why is it 1. Destructive pitting
necessary to align gears and provide for 2. Foreign particles
the proper clearances? 3. Initial pitting
4. Backlash
1. To ensure uniform distribution of
pressure over the total area of the 6-39. How should the high part of a reduction
tooth faces gear tooth be checked?
2. To prevent dirt and foreign matter
from entering the gears 1. By inserting a feeler gauge between
3. To ensure the proper appearance of the teeth
the gears 2. By inserting a soft plastic wire
4. To ensure that the proper oil between the teeth
pressure is maintained 3. By spotting-in with bluing
4. By taking leads
6-33. When the original tooth contour is
destroyed, what type tooth contact takes 6-40. What percentages of the working surface
place? of a reduction gear tooth must show
contact to indicate a satisfactory tooth
1. Rolling bearing?
2. Metallic
3. Rubbing 1. 95 percent of the axial length and 80
4. Sliding percent of the width
2. 80 percent of the axial length and
Question 6-34 is to be judged True or approximately 100 percent of the width
False. 3. 100 percent of the axial length and
75 percent of the width
6-34. Initial pitting of new gears may develop 4. 75 percent of the axial length and
during the wearing-in. Slight pitting 100 percent of the width
does NOT affect the operation of the
gears. 6-41. What method should be used to remove a
high spot or deformation on a reduction
6-35. In reduction gears, the lead wire method gear tooth?
is most useful in measuring the
1. Scraping
1. depth of oil clearance 2. Stoning
2. extent of bearing wear 3. Lapping
3. designed root clearance 4. Filing
4. irregularity of the bearing wear

Question 6-36 is to be judged True or

False. Learning Objective: Indicate the
function of a main thrust bearing
and the methods used to check end
play of a shaft.

6-42. In a Kingsbury type thrust bearing, which 6-48. In a Kingsbury thrust bearing, if you
of the following is one of the purposes notice an increase in end play of the
of the shoe? main thrust bearing, which of the
following parts should you examine first?
1. To equalize the thrust load
2. To transmit the thrust from the 1. The main shaft coupling
collar 2. The gear teeth surfaces
3. To hold the leveling plates in place 3. The thrust shoe surfaces
4. To receive the thrust from the 4. The thrust leveling plates
leveling plates
6-49. Before the end play of a main thrust
6-43. Some thrust bearing installations are bearing is measured with a dial
furnished lubricating oil by the same indicator, the flange surface should be
system that lubricates which of the coated with which of the following
following parts? substances?
1. Main shaft bearings 1. Oil
2. Stern tube bearings 2. Paint
3. Reduction gears 3. Prussian blue
4. All of the above 4. Tallow
6-44. Why are Kingsbury thrust bearings usually 6-50. When checking shaft end play by jacking
provided with shoes on each side of the on the shaft flange, which of the
collar? following actions should you take?
1. To permit ahead and astern operations 1. Rotate the shaft manually
2. To prevent overloading of the oil 2. Ensure that no structural damages
film occur
3. To compensate for small errors in 3. Ensure that the shaft movement has
alignment plenty of play
4. To distribute the thrust evenly to 4. Both steps 2 and 3 above
all parts of the bearing
6-45. That part of the Kingsbury thrust bearing
that tilts to permit the formation of a Learning Objective: Recognize the
wedge-shaped film of oil is known as the components that support the main
propulsion shaft and describe their
1. collar functions.
2. lower leveling plate
3. dowel disk
4. shoe 6-51. What is/are the primary function(s) of
the main line shaft bearings?
6-46. When the end play of a Kingsbury thrust
bearing is measured, the upper half of 1. To support the weight of the shafting
the bearing must always be bolted down to and hold it in alignment
prevent which of the following conditions? 2. To link the strut tube with the main
line shaft
1. Breaking of the leveling plates 3. To reduce the amount of friction
2. Tilting of the base rings created during operation
3. Distortion of the shaft 4. To prevent the engine from hunting
4. Dislocation of the collar
Question 6-52 is to be judged True or
6-47. What parts of a new thrust bearing are False.
permitted to have a slight displacement
from the installed position after the 6-52. Main line shaft spring bearings are
bearing has been put into operation? lubricated by brass oiler rings passing
around an oil reser voir.
1. Leveling plates
2. Base rings
3. Thrust shoes
4. Thrust collars

6-53. The following statements concern the main Question 6-57 is to be judged True or
propulsion thrust bearing and a main False.
propeller spring bearing. Which
statement is correct? 6-57. A firemain connection is fitted to the
forward space of the stuffing box for the
1. Both bearings are lubricated by the purpose of maintaining a positive flow of
main lubricating oil system water through the stern tube.
2. The former is lubricated by the
auxiliary machinery lubricating oil 6-58. Which of the following materials is used
system and the latter by an to prevent excessive leakage of seawater
independent oil system into the ship through the stern tube?
3. Both bearings are lubricated by the
same independent oil system 1. Carbon
4. The former may be lubricated by the 2. Rubber
reduction gear oil system and the 3. Babbitt
latter by an independent oil system 4. Flax
6-54. How often should personnel of a ship in 6-59. Which of the following types of bushings
an operating status check the main are usually found on strut bearings?
propulsion shaft bearing lube oil supply
levels and temperatures? 1. Lignum vitae
2. Laminated resin-bonded
1. Daily 3. Rubber
2. Twice a day 4. All of the above
3. Once during a watch
4. Hourly
6-55. How often should main shaft spring
bearing clearance readings be taken?
1. Monthly
2. Quarterly
3. Semi-annually
4. Yearly
6-56. The area between the rotating propeller
shaft and the stern tube is sealed by
which of the following devices?
1. Fairwater sleeve
2. Stern-tube gland
3. Bearing bushing
4. Bulkhead gland

Assignment 7

Reduction Gears and Related Equipment (Cont'd); Engine Performance and Efficiency
Textbook Assignment: Engineman 1&C, NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, Pages 4-12 through 5-10

Learning Objective: Recognize the In answering questions 7-6 through 7-10,

components of the controllable pitch select from column B the component of the CRP
propellers and their operating propeller system that is being described in
principles. column A.
A. Description B. Component

7-1. In a CRP system, which of the following 7-6. Provides a direct 1. OD box
component(s) form(s) the chamber for the hydraulic oil con-
servomotor piston? nection to the 2. Standby
main propulsion PumP
1. Hub cone and end cover shaft
2. Hub cone and hub body 3. Valve
3. Head tank 7-7. Contains the major rod
4. Tailshaft components of the assembly
hydraulic system
Question 7-2 is to be judged True or 4. Hydraulic
False. 7-8. Provides a mechanical oil power
link between the OD module
7-2. The hub is secured to the tailshaft by box and the hub
flange bolts which are designed to servomotor
take torque from the tailshaft.
7-9. Mounted at the forward
end of main reduction
7-3. To which of the following components are gear housing and driven
the propeller blades attached? through a disconnect
1. Hub body
2. Bearing ring 7-10. Translates to the valve
3. Crank pin ring rod in response to
4. Guide pin dowels control oil commands
7-4. Where is the valve rod assembly located?
Question 7-11 is to be judged True or
1. In the hub False.
2. In the servomotor
3. In the shaft alley 7-11. The primary function of the standby pump
4. Within the propeller shaft is to serve as a backup pump in case of
main pump failure.
7-5. From which of the following sources is the
hydraulic oil supplied to the hydraulic
oil pumps?
1. Engine sump
2. Reduction gear
3. Separate sump
4. Hub oil tank

7-12. When the C/P unit is stabilized, where Question 7-17 is to be judged True
does the standby pump discharge the or False.
7-17. A 7-year inspection of the main reduction
1. To the servosystem gear should be requested and the
2. To the gravity tank necessary repairs conducted by a naval
3. To the lower oil tank shipyard if alignment trouble is
4. To the upper gravity tank suspected.
7-13. What is the main purpose of the upper 7-18. If a submerged object is struck by a
gravity oil tank? ship's propeller, when should the main
reduction gear be inspected?
1. To recycle the control oil
2. To act as a backup to the CRP system 1. Immediately
3. To maintain a static head pressure 2. After the ship is drydocked
on the hub 3. After the ship is docked or anchored
4. To serve as a ready reserve to the 4. When it shows signs of malfunctioning
OD box
7-19. When should the flexible couplings
between turbines and reduction gears be
Learning Objective: Indicate the pro-
cedures to follow when inspecting gears 1. Prior to full power trials
and related equipment. 2. After a full power trial
3. Prior to shipyard overhaul
4. During shipyard overhaul
7-14. Before any inspection plate to the main
reduction gear is lifted or opened, 7-20. Which of the following operations is NOT
permission must first be obtained usually carried out just before a full
from which of the following personnel? power trial?
1. Commanding officer 1. The opening of the gear casing
2. Main propulsion officer 2. The inspection of the contact of
3. First lieutenant the gear teeth
4. Engineer officer 3. The checking of the operation of
the oil-spray nozzles
7-15. Assume the main reduction gear inspection 4. The inspection of the oil-spray
plates are opened to check the tooth nozzle strainers
contact of the pinions and bull gear.
What information should be entered in 7-21. A 2-hour full power trial has just been
the Engineering Log after the inspection completed and you are directed by proper
plates are secured? authority to check the main gear. Which
of the following actions will you take?
1. The name of the officer who witnessed
the closing of the inspection plates 1. Inspect the main thrust bearing
2. The statement that the inspection clearance
showed no foreign matter had entered 2. Inspect the gear tooth contact
the casing 3. Inspect the condition of the gear
3. The statement that the inspection teeth
showed that the oil-spray nozzle 4. Each of the above
lines were open and clear of any
4. All of the above
Learning Objective: Point out the
7-16. Reduction gear inspection plates should safety precautions which are applicable
be opened and the gears and oil-spray to reduction gears, shafts, and bearings.
nozzles inspected at least once each
1. week
2. month
3. quarter
4. year

7-22. What must you do if the bull gear churns 7-27. Which of the following characteristics
and aerates the oil? will affect the efficiency and perform-
ance of internal combustion engines?
1. Slow or stop the engine until normal
conditions are restored 1. Engine design
2. Remove some of the oil without 2. Compression ratio
changing the engine speed 3. Operating temperatures
3. Stop the engine, and drain and 4. Each of the above
replace the oil
4. Stop the engine and add some fresh 7-28. To calculate the indicated horsepower of
oil an engine, you need to know the indicated
mean effective pressure and what other
7-23. Gears should be slowed down or stopped factor?
altogether when which of the following
conditions occur? 1. The engine speed
2. The brake horsepower
1. Oil is emulsified in the gear case 3. The fuel consumption rate
2. Unusual noises are heard 4. The brake mean pressure
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. Bearing temperature are below normal 7-29. What is the speed of a piston if the
rotation speed of the crankshaft is
7-24. When should the main shafts be locked? 1,000 rpm and the piston stroke is
12 inches?
1. When the divers are inspecting
damaged propellers 1. 1,260 fpm
2. When strong currents are present at 2. 2,000 fpm
anchorage 3. 12,000 fpm
3. When the ship is underway 4. 24,000 fpm
4. At all of the above times
7-30. When the engine rpm drops below rated
7-25. Which of the following conditions should speed, what usually happens to the
be in effect when the main shaft of a brake mean effective pressure?
ship is allowed to trail?
1. It remains the same
1. The windage temperature in the low- 2. It decreases
pressure casing is kept at a maximum 3. It increases
2. The lubricating system must be 4. It increases and then decreases
3. The shaft brake must be engaged 7-31. If an engine is operated for long periods
4. The turning gear must be engaged at idling speed, how frequently will
overhaul be necessary?
7-26. Which of the following gears must be
disengaged before the main engines are 1. More frequently than if operated at
started? 50% of load
2. Less frequently than if operated at
1. Reduction 100% of load
2. Turning 3. As frequently as if operated at 75%
3. Pinion of load
4. Bull 4. Less frequently than if operated at
90% of load
7-32. An unbalanced cylinder load is indicated
Learning Objective: Point out factors by which of the following conditions?
that affect the power output of an
engine and recognize the terms and 1. Black exhaust smoke
formulas used in computing engine 2. High exhaust temperatures
performance and efficiency. 3. Low cooling water temperature
4. Low lubricating oil temperature

7-33. What happens to the lubricating oil that 7-38. Assume that an engine has an indicated
leaks past newly installed piston rings horsepower of 1,600 and uses 400 pounds
into a cylinder? of fuel per hour. If the fuel has a
value of 20,000 Btu per pound, what is
1. It drains into the sump the indicated thermal efficiency of the
2. It burns in the cylinder engine?
3. It collects on the piston crown
4. It passes out of the cylinder into 1. 40.9%
the exhaust 2. 49.4%
3. 50.9%
7-34. An unbalanced cylinder will cause which 4. 53.2%
of the following effects?
7-39. If an engine consumes 70 pounds of fuel
1. It will gum up the combustion spaces in an hour and the fuel has a potential
2. It will score the cylinder wall energy of 20,000 Btu per pound, what is
3. It will corrode the piston crown the potential power of the engine? (Use
4. It will overheat the engine the factor of 2545 Btu per hr/hp.)
7-35. Engine efficiency is measured by the 1. 36.4 hp
relationship between energy input and 2. 55.0 hp
what other factor? 3. 363.6 hp
4. 550.1 hp
1. Temperature of exhaust
2. Amount of fuel consumed 7-40. The overall thermal efficiency of an
3. Temperature of combustion engine is 50 percent and the brake horse-
4. Amount of power developed power is 1,450.00 Btu per hour. What is
the value of the heat input of fuel?
7-36. Compression ratio refers to the relation
between the volume of air above a piston 1. 725,000 Btu per hr
when it is at top dead center and what 2. 1,450,000 Btu per hr
other factor? 3. 2,000,000 Btu per hr
4. 2,900,000 Btu per hr
1. The volume of air below the piston
when it is at top dead center 7-41. Which of the following factors has the
2. The volume of air above the piston greatest effect on the mechanical
when it is at bottom dead center efficiency of an engine?
3. The pressure of the air above the
piston when it is at top dead center 1. Vaporization
4. The temperature of the air below the 2. Corrosion
piston when it is at bottom dead 3. Friction
center 4. Combustion
7-37. Why is the efficiency of the Otto cycle 7-4 2. What is the relationship between the
less than that of the diesel cycle? amount of friction between the moving
parts of an engine and the speed of the
1. Because the Otto cycle reaches a engine?
higher temperature
2. Because the Otto cycle has a lower 1. Friction increases at high speeds
compression ratio 2. Friction decreases at low speeds
3. Because the Otto cycle uses a 3. Friction remains constant throughout
greater amount of air the speed range
4. Because the Otto cycle uses a smaller 4. Friction increases at low speeds and
amount of air decreases at high speeds
Information for questions 7-43 through
7-53: A 6-cylinder, single-acting,
2-stroke cycle, diesel engine has a mean
effective pressure of 104 psi per cylinder
when operating at full load and rated speed of
2,500 rpm. The stroke and cylinder bore are 5
inches and 4 inches, respectively. The engine's
frictional horsepower is 32 hp and does not
change with changes in load or speed. At 2,000
rpm, the brake horsepower for the engine is 166
7-43. What is the approximate indicated horse- 7-49. What is the approximate mechanical
power for the engine at 2,500 rpm? efficiency of the engine when operatinq
under half load at 2,000 rpm?
1. 200 hp
2. 216 hp 1. 72%
3. 232 hp 2. 81%
4. 247 hp 3. 84%
4. 87%
7-44. Under full load at 2,500 rpm, the average
pressure exerted on a piston of the 7-50. The maximum mechanical efficiency for
engine during each power stroke is this engine multiplied by 104 psi should
be equivalent to bmep under which of
1. 17 1/3 psi the following conditions?
2. 52 psi
3. 104 psi 1. Half load and 2,000 rpm
4. 208 psi 2. Full load and 2,500 rpm
3. No load and 2,500 rpm
7-45. What effect does a 4-psi drop in cylinder 4. No load and 2,000 rpm
mean effective pressure have on the
power developed by the engine at 2,500 7-51. Which of the following factors limit the
rpm? power that each piston of the engine can
develop during a power strike?
1. Fewer decreases since cylinder bmep
exceeds 100 psi and engine speed 1. Frictional heat
drops 2. Scavenge efficiency
2. Power decreases since cylinder 3. Heat losses due to incomplete
temperature drop and quality of combustion
combustion is impaired 4. Each of the above
3. Fewer increases since cylinder bmep
exceeds 100 psi and engine speed 7-52. If the volumetric efficiency of a 4-
rises stroke engine is 50 percent, the amount
4. Power increases since cylinder of air drawn into a cylinder is
temperature rises and quality
of combustion improves 1. equal to the amount of air that would
enter the cylinder under ideal condi-
7-46. Which of the following expressions is tions
used to compute brake horsepower at 2. half the amount of air consumed by
2,500 rpm? combustion
3. half the amount of air that would
1. ihp - 32 enter the cylinder under ideal
2. ihp + 32 conditions
3. (ihp - 32)ihp 4. twice the amount of air consumed by
4. (ihp + 32)ihp combustion
7-47. The approximate brake mean effective 7-53. How is scavenge efficiency of a 2-stroke
pressure at 2,000 rpm is cycle engi ne de termined?
1. 81 psi 1. By measuring the air required for
2. 87 psi combustion
3. 93 psi 2. By measuring the amount of burned
4. 102 psi gases removed from the cylinder
3. Both 2 and 3 above
7-48. What is the engine's maximum mechanical 4. By measuring the amount of fresh air
efficiency? entering the cylinder
1. 81.3%
2. 72.4%
3. 87.0%
4. 90.5%

7-54. The amount of heat lost by an engine 7-55. When exhaust valves are timed late,
cylinder through the exhaust is deter- what will be the effect on the
mined by the temperature in the operation of an engine?
1. Energy losses will increase due
1. when exhaust begins to heat loss
2. after the charge is drawn in 2. The engine will lose pressure
3. just before compression begins before all available work is obtained
4. immediately after combustion occurs 3. Insufficient amount air will enter
the cylinders for completed
combustion of the next charge
4. Both 1 and 3 above

Assignment 8
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Textbook Assignment: Engineman 1&C, NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, Pages 6-1 through 7-4

8-4. An air compressor has been overhauled.

What is the first step you should take to
Learning Objective: Indicate how the remove the air from a compressor?
output of reciprocating refrigeration
compressors can be controlled and point 1. Disconnect the connection in the
out some of the precautions and practices discharge gage line between the
that must be followed when maintaining stop valve and the compressor
compressor condensers, and thermostatic 2. Disconnect the connection on the
expansion valves. compressor suction line
3. Start the compressor and let it run
until a vacuum is obtained
Question 8-1 is to be judged True or 4. Remove all oil from the compressor
False. crankcase
8-1. The output of most high speed Question 8-5 is to be judged True or
reciprocating compressors is controlled by False.
loading and unloading the compressor
cylinders. 8-5. R-12 is an excellent solvent. It has the
ability to loosen and remove any foreign
8-2. In figure 6-8 of your textbook, what will matter with which it comes in contact
happen when an increase in oil pump within a refrigeration system.
pressure causes the piston of the capacity
control valve to move against spring A? 8-6. In which of the following parts would air
that enters a refrigeration plant tend to
1. More cylinders will become loaded and collect?
the compressor output increases
2. More cylinders will become unloaded 1. Upper part of the receiver
and the compressed output decreases 2. Upper part of the condenser
3. The regulating valves will relieve 3. Inlet end of the condenser
the oil pressure 4. Downstream end of the cooling coil
4. The compressor output will remain
the same 8-7. In a refrigeration system, what is the
purpose of the purge valve at the top of
8-3. Which of the following precautions should the condenser?
you take when disassembling and
reassembling a compressor unit? 1. Take out unpleasant fumes from the
1. Carefully disassemble and remove the 2. Vent off excess refrigerant during an
parts, noting the correct relative emergency
positions so errors will not be made 3. Remove any air that may accumulate in
reassembling the system
2. Make sure that all parts, including 4. Permit the opening of the
those being replaced or reinstalled, refrigerating system for cleaning and
are free of dirt and moisture inspecting
3. Apply compressor oil freely to all
bearings and rubbing surfaces of the
parts being replaced or reinstalled
4. Each of the above

8-8. What method should you use to remove 8-13. A refrigeration unit is working under a
foreign deposits from the tubes of a normal heat load and has a sufficient
refrigerant condenser? charge of refrigerant. The water side of
the condenser should be cleaned if the
1. Lance with water only operating difference between the
2. Lance with air only temperature corresponding to the
3. Both 1 and 2 above condensing pressure and the temperature
4. Wash with acid solution of the outlet circulating water increases
above the temperature obtained when the
8-9. On an air-cooled condenser, the exterior unit was in good condition by how many
surfaces of the tubes and fins are dirty degrees?
and restricting air circulation. What
should be used to clean these surfaces? 1. 5°F to 10°F
2. 10°F to 20°F
1. Jets of steam 3. 20°F to 30°F
2. Hot water lances 4. 30°F to 40°F
3. Compressed air lances
4. Stiff bristled brushes 8-14. How does the temperature at the outlet
side of the valve compare with the
8-10. How often should the water side of a temperature at the inlet side when the
condenser in a freon system be tested for thermostatic valve is operating properly?
refrigerant leakage?
1. The temperature is lower at the
1. Daily outlet side
2. Weekly 2. The temperature is lower at the inlet
3. Bi-weekly side
4. Monthly 3. The temperature is approximately the
same at the outlet and the inlet
8-11. You are testing condenser tubes for sides
leakage. Why do you hold the exploring 4. The temperature is higher at the
tube of the leak detector at one end of inlet side
each condenser tube for about 10 seconds
before driving a cork into each end of 8-15. Which of the following factors can cause
the tube? a thermostatic expansion valve to operate
1. To dry the tube heads
2. To detect the presence of R-12 1. A collection of dirt on the
3. To draw fresh air through the tube control bulb
4. To vaporize any water left in the 2. A collection of freon at the valve
tube seat
3. A collection of dirt at the valve
8-12. You are attempting to locate leaks in a orifice
refrigerator condenser. For what period 4. Each of the above factors
of time should the condenser be allowed
to remain idle after all tubes in the 8-16. As a rule, about how many degrees of
suspected section have been corked, superheat are picked up by the
before continuing the test? refrigerant vapor before it leaves the
cooling coil?
1. 2 to 4 hr
2. 4 to 6 hr 1. Between 4°F and 12°F
3. 6 to 8 hr 2. Between 15°F and 20°F
4. 8 to 10 hr 3. Between 30°F and 38°F
4. Between 45°F and 50°F
Question 8-17 is to be judged True or
8-17. If you increase the spring pressure of
the thermostatic expansion valve to give
a high degree of superheat at the
evaporator coil outlet, you may cause a
low lube oil level in the compressor

8-18. In a refrigerant plant, liquid 8-23. Which of the following operating
refrigerant may flood back to the conditions is an indication that the
compressor from the evaporator if the expansion valve is seating properly?
thermostatic expansion valve is
1. Low pressure gage stops increasing
1. stuck shut after a few pounds
2. adjusted for too high superheat at 2. Low pressure gage continues to
the outlet increase slowly after a few pounds
3. adjusted for too low superheat at 3. Either 1 or 2 above happens
the outlet 4. Low pressure gage increases rapidly
4. reducing the amount of refrigerant and equals the inlet pressure
flowing into the coil
8-24. You have removed the ice packing from the
8-19. If it is suspected that the expansion control bulb. Which of the following
valve assembly requires replacement, outlet pressure conditions indicates that
which of the following conditions should the valve is operating normally?
be met before an expansion valve test is
made? 1. The pressure does not change
2. The pressure decreases rapidly
1. The liquid strainers are cleaned 3. The pressure increases rapidly
2. The solenoid valves are operative 4. The pressure decreases a few pounds,
3. The system is sufficiently charged then stabilizes
4. Each of the above
Question 8-25 is to be judged True or
8-20. What should a service drum that is used False.
for testing an expans ion valve contain?
8-25. The entire expansion valve assembly must
1. Pressurized R-12 be replaced when the power element is
2. Dry compressed air inoperative.
3. A gas similiar to the one used in
the thermal element of the valve
4. Each of the above gasses
Learning Objective: Recognize practices
For questions 8-21 through 8-24, assume that will help assure a properly
that you are testing the thermostatic operating refrigeration and air
expansion valve of a refrigeration plant. conditioning system, and identify some of
the symptoms that may lead to system
8-21. When should the thermal element be failure.
immersed in a bath of crushed ice?
1. Before the valve inlet is attached 8-26. Under normal operating conditions how
to the gas source full should the receiver of a properly
2. After the high and low pressure charged refrigeration system be when the
gages have been connected compressor stops?
3. Before the high pressure gage is
connected to the valve outlet 1. 25% full
4. After the valve on the air supply 2. 50% full
line has been opened 3. 85% full
4. 100% full
8-22. A thermostatic expansion valve is set
for 5°F of superheat, what should the
outlet pressure read on a gage?
1. 16.1 psi
2. 22.5 psi
3. 26.1 psi
4. 32.5 psi

8-27. During plant operation, which of the
following symptoms will indicate a
clogged R-12 liquid line strainer?
1. The temperature of the tubing on the
outlet side of the strainer is much
warmer than the tubing on the inlet
2. The temperature of the tubing on the
inlet side of the strainer is much
warmer than the tubing on the outlet
3. The pressure on the outlet side of
the strainer tubing is much higher
than on the inlet side
4. The pressure on both the inlet and
outlet sides of the strainer tubing
are the same
8-28. Which action should you take prior to
tightening the cap on a liquid line Questions 8-32 and 8-33 are based on
strainer that has been cleaned? Figure 8-A.
1. Test the strainer for leaks 8-32. Approximately how many inches of mercury
2. Open the strainer outlet valve represent the difference in temperature
3. Purge the air out of the strainer between points B and D?
4. Replace the strainer screen spring
1. 0.200 in. absolute
8-29. Which of the following conditions may be 2. 0.232 in. absolute
caused by excessive buildup of frost on 3. 0.436 in. absolute
the cooling coils? 4. 0.640 in. absolute
1. Low suction pressure 8-33. Initial evacuation of the refrigerating
2. High suction pressure system begins at point A and is completed
3. Both 1 and 2 above at point
4. High condensing pressure
1. B
8-30. Which of the following factors help(s) 2. C
determine the maximum time between 3. D
defrosting of the cooling coils? 4. E
1. Amount of refrigerant in the system 8-34. While you are evacuating and dehydrating
2. Moisture content of the supplies a refrigeration system, the vacuum
3. Amount of heat to be removed indicator fails to attain 35°F, which of
4. All of the above the following conditions may be the cause
of this failure?
8-31. Cooling coils should be defrosted before
the frost thickness reaches 1. Lack of lubricating oil in the
compressor crankcase
1. 1/4 in. 2. Lack of moisture in the system
2. 3/16 in. 3. R-12 in the lubricating oil
3. 1/8 in. 4. Each of the above conditions
4. 5/16 in.
8-35. To be properly reactivated, dehydrating
agents should be heated to (a) what
temperature and (b) for how long?
1. (a) 200°F (b) 12 hr
2. (a) 300°F (b) 12 hr
3. (a) 400°F (b) 6 hr
4. (a) 500°F (b) 6 hr

8-36. If you do not have a tank-type cleaner, 8-42. In an R-12 refrigeration plant, what is
you can clean an R-12 system by which of the probable cause if the compressor runs
the following means? continuously?
1. By flushing boiling water through the 1. An open solenoid valve switch
system three times 2. An inadequate supply of refrigerant
2. By blowing hot air through the system 3. Clogged condenser tubes
with a blower for 24 hours 4. An excess of liquid refrigerant
3. By inserting a hard wool felt filter
in the suction strainer screen and 8-43. What are the two symptoms that indicate
operating the plant with an operator an inadequate supply of water is passing
4. By using any one of the above methods through the condenser of a refrigeration
Question 8-37 is to be judged True or
False. 1. Excessively low temperature of the
overboard water and low discharge
8-37. The 2 PD air conditioning control may be pressure
used where one common cooling coil serves 2. High suction pressure and high
several different spaces. temperature of the suction line
3. High condensing pressure and
8-38. How should you clean the sensing elements compressor short cycling on high
in humidistats? pressure switch
4. High suction line temperature and
1. Use a soft brush high discharge pressure
2. Blow gently with air
3. Spray with soap and water solution
4. Use a hard brush 8-44. The cut-in point is set too high on the
low pressure control switch to an R-12
refrigeration system. How will this
Learning Objective: Recognize troubles affect the functioning of the compressor?
that may be encountered with
refrigeration and air conditioning 1. The compressor will short cycle
systems, and point out corrective 2. The compressor will not operate
measures that may be required. 3. The compressor will operate unloaded
4. The compressor will operate
8-39. What should you do to correct low
condensing pressure in an operating 8-45. Which of the following conditions is
refrigeration system? probably caused by an improperly adjusted
pressure regulating valve in a
1. Reduce the water supply refrigeration system?
2. Increase the water pressure
3. Clean the valves and the valve nests 1. The refrigerant is bubbling
4. Adjust the high-pressure cutout 2. The sudden loss of oil from the
switch crankcase
3. The compressor continues to operate
8-40. Insufficient refrigerant in a unloaded
refrigeration plant may cause which of 4. The oil fails to return to the
the following problems? compressor crankcase
1. High discharge pressure
2. Low suction pressure
3. Frosting of the crankcase Learning Objective: Point out the
4. High temperature of the overboard general practices, maintenance
water requirements, and tasks necessary for
proper operation of air compressors and
8-41. Which of the following actions should you related system components, and identify
take to correct a low condensing pressure the safety precautions to be followed.
in a refrigeration system?
1. Add refrigerant
2. Purge the condenser
3. Increase the compressor speed
4. Adjust the thermostatic expansion
8-46. Aboard Navy ships, in which of the 8-50. Which of the following statements
following situations would you most describes the recommended procedures for
likely use HP air? cleaning an oil wetted filter element
that was removed from a compressor
1. To clean machinery intake?
2. To start diesel engines
3. To operate pneumatic tools 1. Clean with gasoline or kerosene, dip
4. Each of the above in lightweight oil, and drain excess
8-47. Which of the following statements about 2. Clean with steam or strong sal soda
general procedures for maintaining air solution, dip in clean medium
compressors is true? viscosity oil, and drain excess oil
3. Clean with a jet of hot water, dip in
1. The same procedures are used for low, kerosene, and drain excess kerosene
medium, and high pressure systems 4. Clean with kerosene, drain excess
except for the additional safety kerosene, dip in medium viscosity
precautions which are observed in oil, and drain excess oil
caring for high pressure compressors
2. The procedures vary with the type of 8-51. How is moisture prevented from
compressed air system, compressor circulating throughout the air system?
design, and compressor capacity
3. The procedures are the same for low 1. By preheating the inlet air
and medium pressure systems, but for 2. By blowing down the compressor inter-
high pressure systems they vary with coolers
compressor design and capacity 3. By placing coalescent filters in the
4. The procedures for low, medium, and compressor discharge line
high pressure systems made by one 4. By preheating the inter-coolers
manufacturer differ from the
procedures used for the systems Question 8-52 is to be judged True or
made by another manufacturer False.
Question 8-48 is to be judged True or 8-52. In a two-stage compressor a defective
False. inlet valve in the second stage may be
indicated by an increase in the
8-48. Good engineering practice in making inter-cooler pressure, and a defective
repairs is to use the proper tools and to discharge valve in the first stage may be
observe all safety precautions and indicated by a decrease in the
manufacturers' instructions. inter-cooler pressure.
8-49. What may be expected when a wrench 8-53. Leakage through the discharge valves of
extension is used to apply more than the an air compressor is usually caused by
specified torque on bolts in order to which of the following factors?
obtain a tight connection at a gasket
joint? 1. Dirt in the valves
2. Moisture in the air
1. Sprung gasketed joints 3. Overcompression of air in the
2. Damaged gaskets, bolts twisted off, cylinders
and/or insufficient tightness of the 4. Insufficient compression of air in
joint the cylinders
3. Either 1 or 2 above
4. Tight joints 8-54. How can you reduce the frequency with
which air valve troubles occur or
possibly prevent them from occurring?
1. By keeping the pressure high in the
2. By inspecting and cleaning the valves
and the valve passages regularly
3. By periodically circulating high
temperature air around the valves
4. By periodically blowing off the valve
cover to keep it from becoming too

8-55. Carbonized air compressor valves should 8-59. What material is used to repack the
be cleaned by soaking in filter of an air compressor control
1. gasoline, followed by dressing with
emery 1. Wool or sponge
2. a solution of kerosene and 2. Cotton or wool
mineral oil 3. Linen or sponge
3. kerosene, followed by a light 4. Nylon or steel wool
brushing or scraping
4. a strong soda solution, followed by 8-60. Which of the following components of a
a stiff brushing compressed air system is vital for its
safe operation?
8-56. When you are inserting valves in a
compressor cylinder, you should make sure 1. Control valve
that they open in which direction? 2. Discharge valve
3. Suction valve
1. Discharge valves open toward the 4. Relief valve
center and suction valves open
away from the center of the cylinder 8-61. What liquid should be used to fill the
2. Suction valves open toward the center sight flow indicator that provides
and discharge discharge valves away cylinder lubrication to a compressor
from the center of the cylinder which uses 9250 Navy Symbol oil?
3. Discharge valves and suction valves
open toward the center of the 1. Distilled water
cylinder 2. Mineral oil
4. Suction valves and discharge valves 3. Glycerine
open away from the center of the 4. Each of the above
Question 8-62 is to be judged True or
Questions 8-57 and 8-58 are to be judged False.
True or False.
8-62. The sight flow indicators should be
8-57. One method of stopping leakage at the filled with equal parts of glycerine and
threads of the valve setscrew of a high mineral oil when the machinery cylinders
pressure compressor is to wind a piece of are lubricated with a Navy Symbol 2000
wire solder around the threads and series oil.
tighten the locknut over it.
8-58. The manufacturer's technical manual
should contain detailed instructions
for the adjustment and maintenance of the
various control devices to the air
system components.

Assignment 9

Auxiliary Machinery (continued)

Textbook Assignment: Engineman 1&C, NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, Pages 7-5 through 7-22

9-4. Air flasks should be thoroughly cleaned,

inspected, and painted internally with a
Learning Objective: Point out the protective coating of zinc chromate prior
general practices, maintenance to applying a hydrostatic test.
requirements, and tests necessary
for proper operation of air compressor 9-5. How often should an idle motor-driven
components, and identify safety compressor be routinely started and
precautions to be followed. operated?
1. Weekly
9-1. What is the purpose of the quarterly 2. Monthly
inspections given the surfaces of air 3. Quarterly
flasks? 4. Semiannually
1. To detect external corrosion or damage 9-6. Which of the following air compressor
2. To detect internal corrosion or damage tests is normally carried out annually?
3. To determine the effectiveness of zinc
chromate primer in protecting internal 1. Capacity test
surfaces 2. Full pressure test
4. To determine the effectiveness of zinc 3. Regulating devices test
chromate primer in protecting internal 4. Starting and operating power test
and external surfaces
9-7. Which of the following air compressor
9-2. Air system equipment must be drained of tests is normally carried out during a
excessive moisture and oil deposits at shipyard overhaul period?
frequent intervals in order to minimize
which of the following problems? 1. Capacity test
2. Full pressure test
1. Internal corrosion 3. Hydrostatic pressure test
2. Fouling of moving parts 4. Relief valve pressure test
3. The danger of an explosion resulting
from oil accumulation 9-8. How often must the air compressor
4. Each of the above intercooler and aftercooler tube bundles
be removed for cleaning?
9-3. What situation would justify having air
flasks inspected prior to the elapse of 1. During each shipyard overhaul
the normal operating interval between 2. Quarterly
inspections? 3. Semiannually
4. Annually
1. Major overhaul of the compressor
2. Excess oil being carried into the
3. Suspicion of serious corrosion of the
air flask
4. Compressor unable to maintain the THIS SPACE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY
designed pressure on the flask
Question 9-4 is to be judged True or

9-9. By taking which of the following steps can
you help prevent an explosion in an air
compressor? In questions 9-13 through 9-15, which are
related to troubleshooting auxiliary boilers,
1. Ensure that intake air is cool, dry select the condition from column B that may
and free of dust cause the symptom or difficulty listed in column
2. Clean intake filters with a strong A.
solution of sal soda
3. Ensure that a relief valve is A. Symptoms or B. Conditions
installed between the compressor and a Difficulties
stop valve
4. All of the above 9-13. Excessive vibration 1. Dirty or
clogged burner
9-10. What action should you take immediately 9-14. Feed pump fails to tip
if air discharged from any stage in a deliver
compressor shows an unusual temperature 2. Leak in
rise? 9-15. Ignition failure suction line
1. Open the relief valve 3. Fluctuating
2. Secure the compressor voltage
3. Open the pressure gages
4. Check cooling water circulation 4. Insufficient
air to the
9-11. A compressor is to be operated burner
continuously during a 6-week cruise.
Which of the following steps should you
take to prevent high operating 9-16. Failure of feedwater pumps to deliver
temperatures? water may be caused by which of the
following conditions?
1. Increase water circulation and
decrease speed 1. Malfunction of programming control
2. Maintain proper water circulation and cams
operating speed 2. Dynamic unbalance of rotating
3. Lift relief valves by hand and elements
relieve pressure 3. Jammed or worn impellers
4. Blow down moisture separators and 4. Each of the above
change filters

Learning Objective: Identify boiler

Learning Objective: Point out the water problems, sources of
factors that contribute to safe and contamination, and boiler water
proper operation of an auxiliary treatment for controlling them.
boiler, and specify the symptoms
and troubles that may cause faulty
operation. 9-17. In an auxiliary boiler, deposits on the
watersides of boiler tubes may cause
which of the following problems?
9-12. You are lighting off the auxiliary boiler
and the blower does NOT deliver the 1. Oxidization
proper amount of air. Which of the 2. Vibration
following conditions should you eliminate 3. Overheating
as a possible cause of the difficulty? 4. Embrittlement
1. Clogged or dirty burner tip Question 9-18 is to be judged True or
2. Insufficient or fluctuating voltage False.
3. Bent shaft or slipping V-belts
4. Broken shaft or dirty fan blades 9-18. In auxiliary boilers, the pH of the boiler
water is measured instead of the
alkalinity because the higher pH level can
be more easily measured by the pH meter

9-19. The weight of the boiler water at normal Questions 9-25 through 9-27 are to be
steaming level is 1790.95 pounds. What judged True or False.
is its volume in gallons?
9-25. Treatment in accordance with the DSP
1. 300 gal dosage table will bring the alkalinity
2. 280 gal level to the upper limit of 400 ppm.
3. 215 gal
4. 84 gal 9-26. From the standpoint of feedwater
consumption, it is better to secure and
In answering questions 9-20 through 9-24 dump the boiler when the alkalinity level
use tables 7-2 through 7-7 and the is 6 epm or when the phosphate level is
following information on an auxiliary boiler. 1200 ppm.
Dry weight 11,460 pounds, wet weight 14,250
pounds, operating pressure 125 psi. 9-27. If the boiler water chloride level
exceeds 30 epm, it is better to control
9-20. What is the volume in gallons of this it through surface blowdowns rather than
boiler? by dumping, flushing, and refilling the
1. 175 gal
2. 215 gal
3. 300 gal
4. 350 gal Learning Objective: Indicate factors
that contribute to the correct and
9-21. How many ounces of (a) TSP and (b) DSP efficient operation of hydraulic
are required for the initial chemical systems and related components; also
treatment for this boiler? recognize some sources of trouble
that may be encountered.
1. (a) 35.5 oz (b) 2.5 oz
2. (a) 35.5 oz (b) 3.5 oz
3. (a) 30 oz (b) 6.5 oz 9-28. The overall efficiency of a hydraulic
4. (a) 28 oz (b) 6.0 oz installation that drives auxiliary
machines is determined by which of the
9-22. How many ounces of (a) TSP and (b) DSP following factors?
would be required for the initial dosage
if the boiler operated at 35 psi? 1. Size
2. Oil pressure
1. (a) 31.5 oz (b) 6.3 oz 3. Speed and stroke
2. (a) 31.5 oz (b) 6.0 oz 4. All of the above
3. (a) 30.5 oz (b) 6.3 oz
4. (a) 30.0 oz (b) 6.0 oz 9-29. Major repairs to hydraulic units should
be accomplished by which of the following
9-23. If the auxiliary boiler water alkalinity facilities?
is found to be 0.8 epm, how many ounces
of TSP must be used to raise the 1. A naval shipyard
alkalinity to 2.0 epm? 2. A SIMA group
3. A tender
1. 22.5 oz 4. Each of the above
2. 20.0 oz
3. 18.0 oz Questions 9-30 and 9-31 are to be judged
4. 16.5 oz True or False.
9-24. If after adding TSP you have a phosphate 9-30. A main step in troubleshooting an
correction equaling 170 ppm, how many electrohydraulic system is to determine
ounces of DSP will be required to raise whether the faulty condition is in the
the phosphate to 300 ppm? hydraulic, mechanical, or electric part
of the system.
1. 7.3 oz
2. 7.5 oz 9-31. You should never disassemble a hydraulic
3. 7.8 oz unit, unless you are certain the trouble
4. 8.0 oz is in it.

9-32. What is the recommended method for 9-38. What should an Engineman do if a faulty
locating small internal leaks in operation of a circuit breaker is
hydraulic systems? discovered?
1. Use magnetic flux 1. Repair the circuit breaker
2. Install pressure gages 2. Check for excessive binding in the
3. Listen for identifying sounds electric motor
4. Visually inspect the disassembled 3. Replace any damaged equipment in the
parts lines
4. Report the condition to the
Question 9-33 is to be judged True or Electrician's Mate
9-39. If a hydraulic system is left idle for
9-33. The most frequent symptom of trouble in a long periods of time, which of the
hydraulic system is indicated by unusual following difficulties may be expected to
noise. develop?
9-34. A popping or sputtering noise in a 1. Misalignment of linkage
hydraulic system indicates which of the 2. Accumulation of sludge
following conditions? 3. External leakage
4. Internal leakage
1. Oil leak in the pressure line
2. Air leak in the pressure line 9-40. Evidence of which of the following
3. Air leak in the suction line foreign substances in the oil of a
4. Air pocket in the cylinder hydraulic system calls for draining the
oil, cleaning the system, and filling it
9-35. Which of the following conditions should with clean oil?
you suspect if a pounding or rattling
noise occurs in a hydraulic system? 1. Water
2. Sludge
1. Overtight adjustment of parts 3. Acid
2. Defective spring-activated valve 4. Each of the above
3. Improperly adjusted relief valve
4. Overloaded system or high-speed 9-41. What is the purpose of securing a
operation hydraulic system for 1 hour after filling
it with flushing oil?
9-36. Foreign matter in the oil of a hydraulic
transmission usually causes which of the 1. To permit the settling of foreign
following types of noises? matter
2. To dissolve sludge
1. Rattling 3. To permit the venting of air
2. Popping 4. To dissolve corrosive deposits
3. Squealing
4. Grinding 9-42. Which of the following actions is part of
the procedure for cleaning a hydraulic
9-37. When a squealing or squeaking noise system?
occurs in a hydraulic system, it is
usually caused by which of the following 1. Allow the system to remain idle for
conditions? 15 minutes after operating it with a
light load for 4 minutes
1. Wiped bearings 2. Operate the system for an hour while
2. Air pocket in the cylinder it is filled with cleaning fluid
3. Overtight packing around moving parts 3. Operate the system at high pressure
4. Overloaded system during high-speed while it is filled with cleaning
operation fluid
4. Dilute the old hydraulic oil with
cleaning fluid and operate the system
for 15 minutes, then allow the system
to remain idle for about 5 minutes

9-43. You are replenishing the hydraulic system 9-49. Assume that a routine inspection reveals
with oil, what should you use to strain a leak in the line of a hydraulic system
the oil? at a flanged joint. If the leak persists
after the bolts have been tightened
1. A cheese cloth evenly, what will be the proper correc-
2. An aluminum filter tive procedure to follow next?
3. A 200-mesh wire screen
4. A 400-mesh wire screen 1. Replace the flanges
2. Install new packing
9-44. If you are filling a hydraulic system and 3. Inspect the fluid for contaminants
notice water in the oil, what should you 4. Install square-braided asbestos
do? packing
1. Centrifuge the oil or reject it 9-50. How should you cut out an auxiliary line
2. Run the oil through a 200-mesh of a hydraulic system if you want the
strainer rest of the system to continue to
3. Heat the oil to permit the water to operate?
4. Allow the oil to stand until the 1. Close the valves of the ram cylinder
water sinks to the bottom 2. Cut in a new pump
3. Cut out the three-way valve
Question 9-45 is to be judged True or 4. Valve off the line from the
False. connection to the main line
9-45. Opening the air valves to a hydraulic Questions 9-51 and 9-52 are to be judged
system will allow any air pockets formed True or False.
in the unit to vent into the oil expan-
sion box. 9-51. The three-way valve in a hydraulic gear
installation may be used to shift from
9-46. What type of material is used to form the the operating pump to a standby pump.
shaft seal of most modern hydraulic
pumps? 9-52. Replenishing lines installed to hydraulic
systems of older ships are a source of
1. Rubber leakage troubles because pressures are in
2. Neoprene excess of 300 psi.
3. Asbestos
4. Flax 9-53. The relief valves in a hydraulic system
leak. What should you do to the valve
9-47. What condition can cause the packing of a seats?
shaft stuffing box to wear out quickly?
1. Reface them
1. Hard packing 2. Replace them
2. Rough shaft 3. Regrind them
3. Shaft deflection 4. Fit them with seat inserts
4. Excessive packing
9-54. Which of the following steps should you
9-48. What is the main purpose of packing a take to correct an inoperative shuttle
shaft packing gland uniformly and valve?
1. Replenish the oil supply
1. To allow for cooling and lubrication 2. Secure the expansion tank
2. To prevent scoring of the shaft 3. Adjust the valve to allow more liquid
3. Roth 1 and 2 above to flow through
4. To prevent binding of the shaft 4. Close the stop valves and remove the
valve for repairs

Questions 9-55 through 9-58 concern the 9-57. When the left solenoid is energized, in
hydraulic servovalve shown in textbook what direction does the reed move and
figures 9-4 and 9-5. what action of the spool valve results?
9-55. The feedback signal which sets in motion 1. The reed moves right and the spool
the fine control required to actuate the valve moves left
servovalve may be produced by which of 2. The reed moves left and the spool
the following means? valve moves right
3. Both the reed and the spool valve
1. Electricity move to the left
2. Fluid pressure 4. Both the reed and the spool valve
3. Mechanical links move to the right
4. All of the above
9-58. The spool valve is returned to a central
9-56. What will the magnetic reed do when the position by spring action when the fluid
input signal matches the feedback signal pressure is relieved through which of the
to the amplifier? following chambers?

1. It starts to vibrate 1. A
2. It returns to neutral 2. B
3. It blocks the right nozzle 3. C
4. It blocks the left nozzle 4. D

Assignment 10

Auxiliary Machinery (continued)

Textbook Assignment: Engineman 1&C, NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, pages 7-22 through 8-21

10-5. Steam orifices should be inspected how

Learning Objective: point out the
operational, troubleshooting, and 1. Monthly
repairing techniques for the 2. Biannually
submerged tube and the flash-type 3. Annually
distilling plants. 4. With each overhaul
10-6. Water used to desuperheat live steam
10-1. Which of the following ships have vapor should be taken from what source?
compression distilling units?
1. The first-effect tube nest drain pump
1. Aircraft carriers 2. The second-effect tube nest drain
2. Submarines pump
3. Destroyers 3. The freshwater supply
4. Frigates 4. The steam feed system

Questions 10-2 through 10-21 refer to 10-7. Fluctuations in the first-effect steam
low-pressure submerged tube distilling pressure and temperature cause similar
plants. fluctuations in which of the following
parts of the plant?
10-2. Varied operating conditions are a primary
cause of which of the following problems? 1. The second effect only
2. The steam supply line only
1. Changes in feed levels 3. The water levels only
2. Scaling of evaporator tubes 4. The entire plant
3. Improper liquid level in the first
effect 10-8. Tubes in the first-effect tube nest
4. Higher steam pressures should be cleaned whenever the mercury
drops below which of the following
10-3. You need to adjust three controls in levels?
order to bring heat and fluid condition
into balance. You should use which of 1. 1 in.
the following techniques? 2. 1 1/2 in.
3. 2 in.
1. Adjust all three controls 4. 2 1/2 in.
2. Adjust all three controls singly and 10-9. When you can NOT feed water into the
quickly first effect, you should look for which
3. Adjust each control singly and in of the following causes?
4. Adjust each control at lo-minute 1. Scale deposits in the air ejector
intervals condenser
2. Scale deposits in the vapor
10-4. Which of the following factors is/are feed heater
most likely to cause a decrease in the 3. Obstructions in the feed line
plant's efficiency? 4. All of the above
1. Air leaks in the first tube nest
2. Low volume in the last-effect shell
3. Dirty circulating water strainer
4. All of the above
10-10. Once the plant is in operation, which of 10-16. Air ejector nozzles should be cleaned
the following problems is most likely to with a thin rattail file.
cause priming?
10-17. A damaged strainer or nozzle should be
1. A sudden rising of the water level replaced with a new one.
2. A water level that is too high
3. Both 1 and 2 above 10-18. The temperature of circulating water
4. A sudden drop in the water level rises more than 20°F as it passes
through the distiller condenser. What
10-11. The vacuum gage readings are nearly should you do first?
identical for the first and second
effects. What is the most likely cause? 1. Clean the air ejectors
2. Inspect the condenser circulating
1. Air leaks between the first and water systems
second effects 3. Check for improper operating
2. Equally low water levels in both procedures
effects 4. Reset the back pressure-regulating
3. Equally high water levels in both valve
4. Obstructions in the flow between the 10-19. Which of the following indicators
first and second effects suggests improper drainage of the'
distiller condenser?
10-12. You have an air leak and your
watchstander has been operating the air 1. The flash chamber gage glass is
ejectors improperly. These conditions flooded
can be expected to produce which of the 2. The first-effect tube nest vacuum is
following vacuum readings in the last several inches of mercury
effect shell? 3. The plant does not produce designed
output when the orifice is 5 psig
1. 34 in. of mercury 4. All of the above
2. 30 in. of mercury
3. 26 in. of mercury 10-20. On older plants, brine density is
4. 10 in. of mercury adjusted by what control(s)?
10-13. When the plant is in operation, which of 1. The evaporator heat control valve
the following vacuum tests may be made 2. The hand-controlled valve located in
on joints? the discharge line of the brine
overboard pump
1. Air pressure 3. The wire control valve
2. Candleflame 4. The first-effect feed valve
3. Soapsuds
4. Hydrostatic 10-21. A salinometer measures the degree of
salinity in a sample of brine taken from
10-14. A hydrostatic leak test on a what source?
nonremovable tube bundle is conducted at
(a) what pressure, and (b) on what side 1. The discharge side of the brine pump
of the unit? 2. The intake side of the brine pump
3. The first-effect feed valve
1. (a) 50 psi, (b) the tube side 4. The second-effect feed valve
2. (a) 50 psi, (b) the shell side
3. (a) 30 psi, (b) the tube side Questions 10-22 through 10-29 refer to
4. (a) 30 psi, (b) the shell side flash-type distilling plants.
Use the following situation to answer 10-22. What is the maximum design feedwater
questions 10-15 through 10-17 as True or temperature?
False: A low vacuum reading indicates a problem
with the air ejector. 1. 75°F
2. 85°F
10-15. If you believe the problem is low steam 3. 165°F
pressure, you should try to overcome the 4. 175°F
problem by removing and cleaning the

10-23. During operation of the plant, a 10-29. The relief valve in the feedwater inlet
pressure reduction occurs in each stage is set to open at what pressure?
to enable the plant to
1. 71 psig
1. function with a steady, even flow of 2. 73 psig
feedwater throughout the plant 3. 75 psig
2. produce as much vapor in the fifth 4. 77 psig
stage as in the first
3. control the feedwater temperature Questions 10-30 through 10-34 concern
within the specified limits the maintenance of a flash-type unit,
4. produce an increased amount of vapor and should be judged True or False.
in each successive stage
10-30. Air leakage in the brine and distillate
10-24. Distillate leaving the cooler is pumped pumps will have NO effect on vacuum.
to storage tanks only if the salinity
reading is NO greater than 10-31. The saltwater heater requires more
frequent cleaning than the distillate
1. 0.045 epm cooler.
2. 0.055 epm
3. 0.065 epm 10-32. The orifices in the feed boxes are more
4. 0.075 epm likely to be plugged by foreign matter
than by scale.
10-25. The four thermometers mounted on the
saltwater heater measure which of the 10-33. A relief valve that is continually
following temperatures? popping should be scheduled for routine
maintenance as time permits.
1. Feedwater inlet and outlet
2. Steam surrounding the tubes 10-34. Pneumatic-type reducing valves should be
3. Desuperheating temperature used only for low-pressure applications.
4. All of the above
10-26. Cooling water from the air ejector
precooler flows into which of the five Learning Objective: Specify
heat exchangers mounted on the maintenance and adjustments
evaporator? required on relief and reducing
valves, and recognize some of the
1. Second troubles that may be encountered
2. Third with each.
3. Fourth
4. Fifth
10-35. Which of the following procedures must
10-27. How many inches of mercury are required always be followed after a relief valve
in stage 5 of the evaporator? is removed?
1. 24 in. 1. Reset the spring tension
2. 26 in. 2. Reduce the pressure
3. 28 in. 3. Grind the disk
4. 30 in. 4. Grind the seat
10-28. What is the purpose of the duplex 10-36. A pneumatic pressure-controlled reducing
strainer? valve may be used on which of the
following supply lines?
1. To clean steam going to the
preheater air ejector 1. Galley steam
2. To remove solid matter from seawater 2. Fuel oil
3. To remove impurities from freshwater 3. Freshwater
4. To remove noncondensables from the 4. Each of the above
saltwater heater

10-37. Which of the following conditions can 10-42. If the glycerine of a pneumatic
cause a spring-loaded reducing valve to pressure-controlled reducing valve must
function improperly? be replenished and NO glycerine is
available, which of the following
1. Main or auxiliary valve fails to actions should you take?
seat properly
2. Adjusting spring requires 1. Leave the lower seal empty for the
readjustment or replacement time being
3. Foreign matter is deposited on the 2. Use water for the lower seal until
working parts of the valve you can get glycerine
4. Each of the above 3. Use oil for the lower seal until you
can get glycerine
10-38. Which of the following corrective 4. Shut off the valve and tag it
actions to a spring-loaded reducing inoperable until you can get
valve may require facing-off the valve glycerine for the lower seal
stem end to obtain the proper clearance
between the diaphragm and valve stem 10-43. The discharge pressure of a reducing
end? valve increases above the desired
amount. What is the most likely cause
1. Lapping-in the main valve of this?
2. Replacing the valve diaphragm
3. Grinding-in the auxiliary valve 1. A broken spring
4. Adjusting the valve spring tension 2. Failure of the diaphragm
3. A change in air temperature
Question 10-39 is to be judged True or 4. Poor valve seating due to dirt or
False. water
10-39. The proper water seal level is 10-44. A check on a closed reducing valve which
maintained in the upper half of the dome has failed to deliver steam shows that
on the pneumatic pressure-controlled the dome pressure gage reads the same as
reducing valve by steam condensation. the outlet pressure gage. What is the
likely cause of this problem?
10-40. When a pneumatic pressure-controlled
reducing valve is being installed or 1. The diaphragm has failed
replaced, care must always be taken to 2. The valve stem is binding
replace which of the following seals? 3. The filling plug is leaking air
4. Temperature changes are causing the
1. The water seal in the upper half of air to expand
the dome
2. The water seal in the lower half of 10-45. In case of an oil spill, which of the
the dome following persons will be assigned the
3. The glycerine seal in the upper half specific responsibility to direct the
of the dome cleanup operation?
4. The glycerine seal in the lower half
of the dome 1. CNO
2. On-scene coordinator
10-41. Assume that, when repairing a pneumatic 3. Area coordinator
pressure-controlled reducing valve, you 4. On-scene commander
lose the water seal. Why must you
replace the water seal before putting Question 10-46 is to be judged True or
the valve back in service? False.
1. To prevent the glycerine from 10-46. In the Navy, only major Navy-related
contacting the diaphragm spills must be reported.
2. To prevent the steam from
contacting the diaphragm 10-47. The person responsible for maintaining a
3. To allow the glycerine to come detailed log of spill-related activities
in contact with the diaphragm is the
4. To allow the steam to come in
contact with the diaphragm 1. CNO
2. area coordinator
3. on-scene coordinator
4. on-scene commander

10-48. The first corrective actions to be taken 10-55. Which of the following types of skimmers
as soon as possible after a spill has work best in calm, debris-free waters
been discovered are known as because of their high susceptibility to
wave action and clogging?
1. discovery and notification
2. containment and countermeasures 1. Small
3. recovery and disposal 2. Medium
4. documentation and cost recovery 3. Large
4. Suction-based
10-49. What is the main reason for isolating
and evacuating a spill area? 10-56. The Mark I Spill Control Kit is best
used with which of the following kinds
1. To protect life of oil spills?
2. To protect health
3. Either 1 or 2 above 1. Protected open-water spills
4. To protect the environment 2. Small ship-side spills
3. Congested harbor area spills
10-50. Booms are available in various heights 4. Large area spills
and depths designed to meet their use
requirements under various wind and sea 10-57. The use of which of the following agents
conditions. What is the usual length of is prohibited by Federal regulations?
a boom?
1. Emulsifiers
1. 25 ft 2. Sinking agents
2. 50 ft 3. Gelling agents
3. 75 ft 4. Burning agents
4. 100 ft
Question 10-58 is to be judged True or
10-51. Procedures to contain oil spills on land False.
depend on all but which of the following
factors? 10-58. Whenever possible, the oil collected
from a spill should be burned.
1. Amount of oil
2. Type of oil 10-59. Which of the following is the cause of
3. Source of oil the majority of oil spills?
4. Type of soil
1. Human error
10-52. A spill of JP-4 is allowed to evaporate. 2. Obsolete equipment
This is an example of 3. Leaky containers
4. All of the above
1. fuel removal
2. fuel containment 10-60. Regulations that require the Navy to
3. fuel isolation control sewage discharge were
4. fuel evacuation promulgated by the
10-53. Which of the following methods of fuel 1. President of the United States
removal may be allowed only if the oil 2. Secretary of Defense
can NOT be removed by other means? 3. Secretary of the Navy
4. Chief of Naval Operations
1. Biodegradation
2. Burning 10-61. In what year was the decision made to
3. Dispersion install CHT systems aboard ships?
4. Evaporation
1. 1970
10-54. Physical-mechanical methods of oil 2. 1972
removal include the use of skimmers. 3. 1976
Which of the following types of skimmers 4. 1980
is based on the Weir principle and is
designed for use in congested harbor
1. Small
2. Large
3. Suction base
4. Sorbent surface
10-62. On large ships, the goal of the CHT Question 10-66 is to be judged True or
system is to provide the capacity to False.
hold shipboard sewage generated over
what period of time? 10-66. Exposure to continued or intermittent
sounds can cause loss of hearing.
1. 24 hr
2. 12 hr 10-67. Loss of hearing sensitivity generally
3. 6 hr occurs in which of the following ranges?
4. 3 hr
1. 6,000 to 10,000 Hz
10-63. All internal surfaces of CHT tanks must 2. 4,000 to 6,000 Hz
be coated in accordance with which of 3. 3,000 to 4,000 Hz
the following publications? 4. 500 to 3,000 Hz

1. Naval Ships' Technical Manual, 10-68. What is the purpose of the hearing
Ch 631 (9190) conservation program?
2. Naval Ships' Technical Manual,
Ch 503 (9470) 1. Identify noise sources
3. NAVFAC P-908 2. Reduce exposure of personnel to
4. OPNAVINST 6240.3E potentially hazardous noises
3. Test the hearing of noise-exposed
10-64. Comminutor and aeration systems are used personnel
with ships whose holding tanks' 4. Provide hearing-conservation devices
capacities are at least
Question 10-69 is to be judged True or
1. 1000 gal False.
2. 2000 gal
3. 3000 gal 10-69. All personnel who are exposed to
4. 4000 gal potentially hazardous noise may wear
hearing protection devices at their own
10-65. A high level alarm sounds. What discretion.
immediate action should you take to
prevent flooding of the spaces?
1. Close isolation valves on the upper
and the lower drains
2. Open the isolation valves on the
upper and the lower drains
3. Close isolation valves on drains
below the overboard discharge and
divert the upper level drains
4. Open isolation valves on drains
below the overboard discharge and
divert the upper level drains

Assignment 11

Engineering Casualty Control

Textbook Assignment: Engineman 1&C, NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, Pages 9-1 through 9-13

11-5. In which of the following publications

can detailed information on casualty
Learning Objective: Point out the control be found?
purpose of engineering casualty
control and indicate sources of 1. In the Damage Control Book and the
specific information. Engineering Casualty Control Manual
2. In the Ship's Organization Book and
the Ship's Repair Party Manual
11-1. What is the primary objective of 3. Both 1 and 2 above
engineering casualty control? 4. In the manufacturer's instruction
book and the 3-M Manual
1. To minimize personnel casualties
2. To operate engineering equipment
at maximum economy Learning Objective: Recognize some
3. To maintain the efficiency of the factors influencing the effectiveness
engineering equipment of engineering casualty control.
4. To minimize secondary damage to
the engineering equipment
11-6. Which of the following actions should
11-2. In battle, which of the following contribute towards an effective
casualties would most affect the primary engineering casualty control program?
objective of engineering casualty
control? 1. Constant training of personnel
2. Thorough maintenance of plant
1. Injury to five people in the 3. Cross-connection of duplicate vital
engineering department 4. Each of the above
2. Rupture of the primary firemain
3. Loss of the engineer officer 11-7. Your training program in casualty control
4. Bent compressed air piping must include adequate and proper means
for disseminating information. Failure
11-3. An indirect effect of engineering to incorporate casualty control
casualties suffered by a ship is the loss communication into your training program
of will result in which of the following
1. mobility
2. offensive power 1. Failure of your casualty control
3. defensive power organization to fulfill its primary
4. personnel morale and efficiency objective
2. Possibility of more serious
11-4. What is/are the secondary objective(s) casualties than the original one
of casualty control? 3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. Need for the establishment of a
1. To minimize personnel casualties control station
2. To minimize secondary damage to
nonvital equipment
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. To isolate machinery spaces

11-8. Preventive maintenance involves 11-14. Simulated casualty exercises are often
continuous inspections of equipment to rendered ineffective because of which of
detect possible symptoms of malfunctions the following reasons?
which may be indicated by which of the
following symptoms? 1. Inadequate use of dry runs
2. Inadequate advance preparation
1. Unusual noises 3. Lack of Personnel with battle
2. Unusual vibrations experience
3. Abnormal temperatures, pressures, 4. Limited number of simulated
and speeds casualties
4. Each of the above

11-9. After showing a normal reading for a long

time, a pressure gage on a Learning Objective: Recognize the
pressure-governor-controlled pump methods and importance of preventing
suddenly shows a sharp rise in pressure. progressive casualties.
What is the Possible cause of the rise?
1. Disorder of the gage 11-15. Continuous operation of equipment under
2. Disorder of the governor casualty conditions is a responsibility
3. Internal mechanical failure of which of the following ship's
4. Each of the above officers?
11-10. Which of the following factors may 1. Operation officer
explain why a defective pump may lose 2. Commanding officer
its pumping capacity before any external 3. Engineering officer
evidence of failure is noticeable? 4. Officer of the watch
1. The designed safety margin of the 11-16. What is the most important factor in
Pump efficient casualty control procedures?
2. Improper setting of the pump
governor 1. Speed in restoring damaged units
3. Disorder of the safety devices 2. Accuracy of corrective action
4. Disorder of the pump gages 3. Status of personnel training
4. Speed in cross-connecting an intact
11-11. A material failure is discovered in one system with a partially damaged
of the fuel pumps. Which of the system
following is the proper correct actions
you should take? 11-17. During which of the following
circumstances may an intact propulsion
1. Inspect all similar pumps for the plant be cross-connected with a damaged
same defect plant?
2. Repair or replace the damaged pump
3. Clean out the entire fueling system 1. When the auxiliary units become
4. Replace all similar pumps impaired
2. When casualties have become
11-12. How often should an oil sample be taken cumulative
from all auxiliary machinery and tested 3. When this procedure will not
for water contamination? endanger the intact plant
4. All of the above
1. Daily
2. Weekly 11-18. During damage control operation, the
3. Monthly arresting secondary damage effects to
4. Quarterly engineering plant units is known by
which of the following terms?
11-13. Lubricating oil which contains saltwater
will damage all types of bearings. To 1. Limited corrective action
which of the following bearings types is 2. Emergency restoration
contaminated oil particularly harmful? 3. Complete repair
4. Split-plant operation
1. Pivoted shoe-type thrust bearings
2. Piston pin bearings
3. Roller bearings
4. Ball bearings

11-19. Which, if any, of the following casualty 11-24. Each ship's diesel-electric generator
control phases is concerned primarily plant can operate independently and
with complete repairs of the casualty? carry its own connected load. This type
of setup is known as
1. Phase 1
2. Phase 2 1. segregation
3. Phase 3 2. duplication
4. None 3. split-plant
4. flexibility and adaptability
11-20. Prevention of secondary damage effects
to engineering plants is an objective 11-25. Which of the following is a component
considered to be a/an of a diesel-electric drive installation
and is designed for split-plant
1. limited corrective action operation only?
2. emergency restoration
3. complete repair 1. Cooling system
4. split-plant operation 2. Main diesel engines
3. Propulsion generators
11-21. What is the primary reason for main- 4. Starting air compressor
taining a split-plant condition on a
ship? 11-26. Which of the following methods for
locking the main shaft of a
1. To simplify damage control diesel-electric drive ship can NOT be
procedures used while the ship is underway?
2. To simplify normal maintenance
procedures 1. The energizing of the electrical
3. To minimize the possibility of propulsion circuits
overall casualty to the engineering 2. The setting up of a jury rig to hold
plant the main shaft stationary
4. To minimize mechanical fatigue in 3. The using of brakes to hold the main
each separate plant shaft stationary
4. The using of a jacking gear
Question 11-22 is to be judged True specifically designed for that
or False. purpose
11-22. A ship's engineering plant which is 11-27. Formulating engineering casualty
split into two or more independent procedures pertinent to a specific type
systems will NOT provide insurance of propulsion plant is the
against damage to the engineering responsibility of which of the following
plant. personnel?
11-23. If the ship's fuel oil system is in 1. Type commander
split-plant operation, bow does the 2. Squadron commander
after fuel oil service pump operate? 3. Engineer officer
4. Commanding officer
1. It takes suction from the after
service tanks and discharge to the 11-28. What is the first consideration to keep
forward main engines in mind in the event of casualty to
2. It takes suction from the after propulsion machinery?
service tanks and discharged to the
after main engines 1. Immediate suspension of the
3. It takes suction from the forward operation of the damaged plant
service tanks and discharge to 2. Prevention of further damage to the
the after main engines plant and its auxiliaries
4. It takes suction from the forward 3. Speedy restoration of the damaged
service tanks and discharge to the plant
main forward main engines 4. Immediate isolation of cross-
connected plants

11-34. Checking the amount of fuel in the
service tank is a part of the casualty
Learning Objective: Identify proce- control procedure in which of the
dures to be followed for specified following situations?
engineroom casualties.
1. The speed governor has failed
2. The coupling is throwing oil
11-29. An engineroom casualty reduces the 3. The fuel oil pressure has failed
ability of the engineroom crew to 4. The diesel fuel oil transfer pump
answer bells. Who is the first is inoperative
person who should be notified?
11-35. What step or steps should you take after
1. Officer of the deck you discover the trouble in a diesel
2. Main propulsion assistant engine that is operating with its lube
3. Engineer officer oil temperature above normal?
4. Commanding officer
1. Report it to the POOW
Question 11-30 is to be judged True 2. Check the lube oil level
or False. 3. Reduce the engine load and speed
4. Request permission to secure the
11-30. The Engineering Casualty Control Manual engine in order to make repairs
contains detailed information on diesel
engine casualty control procedures. 11-36. Your diesel oil day tank contains
excessive water. Which of the following
11-31. Assume the ship is underway and one of corrective actions must be taken prior
the propulsion engines shows symptoms to draining the water from all filters
of a broken injector tip. What is the and strainers?
first step you should take to correct
the casualty? 1. Drain all diesel oil lines to all
1. Notify the OOD 2. Notify the bridge of the casualty
2. Secure the engine 3. Shift fuel oil suction
3. Cut out the injector 4. Both 2 and 3 above
4. Notify the engineer officer
Question 11-37 is to be judged True
11-32. What is the first action that should be or False.
taken immediately after the lube oil
pressure to the main engine has failed? 11-37. The purifier may be used to supply
diesel oil in the fuel oil system when a
1. Secure the engine casualty occurs to the transfer pump.
2. Start the standby oil pump
3. Notify the engineer officer 11-38. Should the main lube oil pump fail,
4. Notify the officer of the deck which of the following actions should
you take?
11-33. Water is discovered in an engine
cylinder, which of the following methods 1. Cross-connect the twin hydraulic
should you use to determine its source? coupling systems
2. Start the lube oil transfer pump
1. Start the engine and visually check or the standby pump and cut in on
for leaks the line
2. Put a pressure test on the 3. Repair the lube oil pump as soon
freshwater system possible
3. Check the cylinders by jacking over 4. All of the above
the engine with test cocks closed
4. Both 2 and 3 above

11-39. Assume the air brake to the propeller
shaft is inoperative and the engine must
be used for maneuvering. Which of the In answering questions 11-43 through 11-45,
following is NOT a step in the procedure select the action in column B that should be
for continuing engine operation? taken to correct the casualty in column A.
1. Increase the reducing valve air A. Casualties B. Actions
2. Use the throttle to control 11-43. Propeller shaft 1. Renew the
engine speed pneumatic brake Oil
3. Notify the OOD and the engineer fails to operate
officer 2. Regulate the
4. Secure the air brake system 11-44. Diesel engine main valves
shaft bearings over- manually
11-40. Manual operation of the clutch dump heat due to grit
valve permits continued operation of the or dirt 3. Check the
engine after failure of which of the electri-
following parts? 11-45. Hydraulic coupling cal and
is overheating pressure
1. Speed governor control
2. Propeller shaft pneumatic brake switches to
3. Coupling lube oil regulating valve the air
4. Thermostat control valve control valve
11-41. Assume you have removed the inspection 4. Cross-connect
plate to a faulty heat exchanger to the twin
observe for leakage. After plugging the hydraulic
expansion tank vent, you should check coupling
for leaks by pressurizing which of the systems
following parts of the ship's cooler?
1. The saltwater side from the ship's
air supply system 11-46. What is the best emergency treatment
2. The freshwater side from the ship's if an overheated mainshaft bearing
air supply system is found to be fitted improperly?
3. The saltwater side from the ship's
freshwater system 1. Renew the oil
4. The freshwater side from the ship's 2. Replace the oil rings
freshwater system 3. Provide an abundant supply of oil
4. Operate at low speeds until repairs
11-42. During an emergency, which of the can be made
following steps should you take to allow
an engine to continue operating with a 11-47. Which of the following casualties should
leaking heat exchanger? be investigated by means of a check on
the oil discharge pressure?
1. Request permission to speed up the
affected engine and manually 1. Abnormal main shaft vibration
increase the freshwater cooling 2. Abnormal noise in the reduction gear
pressure 3. Oil throwing by a coupling
2. Request permission to slow down the 4. Inoperative propeller shaft
affected engine and manually reduce pneumatic brake
the saltwater cooling pressure
3. Keep a constant watch for any 11-48. What is the first corrective action you
abnormal temperatures or pressures should take if one of a ship's two
and inform the engineer officer propulsion shafts begins to vibrate
of the operating conditions excessively?
4. Roth 2 and 3 above
1. Slow both shafts
2. Slow the affected shaft
3. Investigate the fairwaters
4. Stop and secure the affected shaft

Question 11-49 is to be judged True or
In answering questions 11-51 through 11-53,
11-49. Personnel of the Engineman rating may be select the action from column B that should be
assigned duties on steam-driven ships to taken in the shipboard emergency described in
operate diesel-driven electric column A to obtain power for vital equipment.
generating plants.
A. Emergencies B. Actions
11-51. Failure of one 1. Shift vital
Learning Objective: Indicate sources of ship's service equipment to
electrical power aboard ship, casualties generating an emergency
that may occur, and methods of keeping plant feeder which
vital equipment in operation. receives
11-52. Failure of both power from
normal and the emergency
alternate power switchboard
11-50. What must you do if the ship's service supply
generators fail during battle? 2. Rig temporary
11-53. Failure of ship's circuits with
1. Ensure that the emergency system is service and the casualty
rigged to supply power to vital emergency circuits power cables
auxiliaries from any
2. Ensure that the emergency system is live
automatically placed in operation switchboard
3. Ensure that the casualty power
system is automatically placed in 3. Transfer load
operation to another
4. Ensure that the casualty power ship's
system is rigged to supply power to service
vital auxiliaries generating
4. Transfer the
load to an
feeder and
source of

11-54. A ship's casualty power system provides

sufficient power to
THIS SPACE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY. 1. operate certain vital equipment only
2. permit the making of temporary
repairs only
3. operate pumping equipment only
4. enable the ship to operate at
near-normal efficiency

11-55. Which of the following components of the 11-60. On larger ships, the a.c. casualty power
electrical system are placed above the system generally consists of
waterline whenever practical?
1. one horizontal run, located inside
1. Emergency generators the deck house
2. Ship's service and emergency 2. two horizontal runs, located on the
generators second deck
3. Emergency generators and switch- 3. two horizontal runs, located inside
boards the deck house
4. Ship's service and emergency 4. one horizontal run, located on the
switchboards second deck
11-56. A ship's casualty power system is 11-61. Each riser terminal installed in a
designed to provide enough emergency casualty power circuit provides a
electric power for restoring the connection point for
1. services that are vital to the 1. two, 3-lead portable cables
ship's survival 2. two, 4-lead portable cables
2. ship to near-normal operating 3. three, 3-lead portable cables
efficiency 4. three, 4-lead portable cables
3. ship to normal operating efficiency
4. watertight boundaries and for 11-62. The riser terminals of a casualty power
making temporary repairs system can be distinguished from the
bulkhead terminals by which of the
11-57. You should be able to find your way following characteristics?
quickly to sources of casualty power in
the event of damage to the regular power 1. The horizontal runs of the portable
system. Where can this source of power cable that connect the riser
be located? terminals to the other riser
1. In a special housing switchboard 2. The horizontal runs of the portable
2. At the ship's central switchboard cable that connect the bulkheads to
3. At each emergency switchboard the other bulkhead terminals
4. At each ship's service switchboard 3. The vertical runs of the permanently
and each emergency switchboard installed armored cable that connect
the riser terminals to the other
11-58. What component is installed on power riser terminals
panels specifically for handling 4. The vertical runs of the permanently
casualty power? installed armored cable that connect
the bulkhead terminals to the other
1. Bus bars bulkhead terminals
2. Transformers
3. Power terminals 11-63. Phase identification of cable conductors
4. Circuit breakers is by color and by servings of cotton
cord. Which of the following markings
11-59. The circuits that transmit a.c. casualty identifies a phase "B" cable?
power to equipment designated to receive
it consist chiefly of which of the 1. White and two servings
following types of cable? 2. Grey and three servings
3. Red and three servings
1. Portable 3-conductor 4. Black and one serving
2. Vertical runs of insulated
3. Permanently installed armored
4. Horizontal runs of 2-conductor

11-64. You are connecting the leads in an a.c. 11-67. Maintenance of the hand battle lanterns
casualty power system. Which of the in an engineering space and the making
following is always the safest of them available for use at all times
procedure? are responsibilities of which of the
following personnel?
1. Connect the leads to a power panel
while normal power is being supplied 1. Electrician's Mate
to it 2. PO in charge of the space
2. Connect a black lead to a C terminal 3. Electrician's Mate and PO in charge
first of the space, respectively
3. Connect the leads by working from 4. PO in charge of the space and
the load to the power supply Electrician's Mate, respectively
4. Connect the two-serving lead to an A
terminal first 11-68. What is the maximum number of electrical
power sources available to shipboard
11-65. All but which of the following are power power panels?
sources for the electric-driven fire
pumps aboard ship? 1. One
2. Two
1. Ship's service generators 3. Three
2. Diesel-driven emergency generators 4. Four
3. Casualty power system
4. Transformers of the emergency 11-69. Where are the emergency portable, triple
lighting system outlet extension cables stowed?

Question 11-66 is to be judged True 1. On bulkhead brackets

or False. 2. On overhead brackets
3. On bulkhead shelving
11-66. To supply an immediate source of 4. In damage control lockers
lighting, in case of complete failure of
the ship's service and emergency
lighting systems, automatic bus
transfers are installed at vital


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