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Jorge Aya/a

Many treatment schemes have been pro- in different facial biotypes with different growth
posed and described in a manner that leads the directions and magnitudes, and each would re-
orthodontist to believe that "one size fits all. " spond in a different way to the same treatment
Teaching orthodontic treatment mechanics in a mechanics. Treatment cannot be the same for a
"cookbook fashion " based on Angle's classifica- patient who has a Class 11 malocclusion with a
tion of malocclusion or tooth relationships alone Class 11 skeletal pattern and a patient who has
results in the clinician focusing on the static rela- a Class 1 malocclusion with a dolichofacial bio-
tion of teeth on a plaster model. 1·26 How the teeth type. Treatment will differ for a patient who has
are moved and the materials used to accomplish a skeletal open bite and/or dental open bite from
these movements become the primary emphasis one who is a brachyfacial biotype with a skeletal
of treatment. Nothing could be more contrary to deep bite.
the goal-directed philosophy.
lf growth is expected , the orthodontist must
While it is obvious that each patient is determine whether it will aid in the correction of
unique , it often is forgotten that treatment me- the orthodontic problem or make the correction
chanics must be tailored to the individual. In ar- more difficult. ls the lip profile normal or is it re-
der to create a plan that will provide effective and truded or protruded? Are extractions required?
efficient treatment, it is important that all aspects What are the anchorage requirements for com-
of the patient's problem be considered . pleting treatment successfully? These are only a
few of the questions that must be answered be-
The establishment of an accurate diagnosis
fare treatment is begun.
is the first prerequisite in designing treatment me-
chanics. Factors to be considered include facial To believe that all patients can be treated
balance and aesthetics , skeletal pattern , the den- alike and that treatment planning is a simple pro-
tition and its occlusal components , the health and cedu re is na'lve. lt is not the shape or color of
function of the TMJ , the integrity of the periodon- a bracket, the alloy of the wire , the sequence in
tal supporting structures , and the overall health which it is used , or the shape of its bend that will
of the gnathic system. lf the patient is young , the result in a successfully treated case . There is no
additional dimensions of time and growth must specific recipe , prescription , or wire with magical
be factored into the equation , as the amount and properties that will work on all patients. That there
direction of expected growth will have an effect are so many factors influencing orthodontic treat-
on each of the above factors. Whether taken as ment suggests that there are no easy cases when
a whole or individually, these factors may have a trying to achieve an "ideal" result.
profound effect on treatment outcomes and must
be taken into account during treatment planning . DIAGNOSIS ANO PROBLEM LIST
lt is inappropriate to use the same treatment Traditionally, orthodontists have been in-
mechanics for all Class 1, Class 11 or Class 111 terested in wire bending , generating forces in a
cases . Each of these classifications may present desired direction , and watching the teeth move in

Treatment Mechanics

response to their efforts. Although moving teeth • Stable treatment result

efficiently and effectively is important in accom- • Correction of the patient's chief complaint
plishing treatment objectives , it is far more im-
Each of these goals can be defined , quanti-
portant to thoroughly understand the nature of
fied and measured , the result of which is a set
the problem being treated ; e.g., the skeletal re-
of measurable criteria by which treatment can be
lationships, how growth will affect treatment, how
planned and the results judged .1.2·3-26 For exam-
the patient's skeletal pattern will affect treatment
ple , when evaluating facial asthetics , the subna-
mechanics , the limitations of treatment, what to
sale vertical line provides a reference by which
avoid during treatment, and precisely what tooth
the upper lip , the lower lip , and the soft tissue
movements will be required .1·26
chin may be evaluated . When designing treat-
One of the key tenets of the goal-directed treat- ment and outlining the mechanics to be applied ,
ment philosophy with regard to skeletal relation- this reference may be one of the criteria used to
ships , and a factor that sets this philosophy apart decide the anchorage requirements for the case .4
from that of traditional orthodontics , is that the
Functional occlusion as a treatment goal is
assessment is made with the mandible in centric
one of the more important contributions of the
relation (CR). lf the el inician does not know what
goal-directed philosophy (see Chapter 1). lt also
the patient's real mandibular position is, he/she
is a fundamental guide in making therapeutic de-
cannot know whether the patient has a Class 1,
cisions regarding mechanics . lt provides an ideal
11 or 111 occlusion or an open bite , an increased
overbite , a deviated mandible dueto an asymme- occlusal scheme (individual three-dimensional
try, etc. ; treatment could be based on an incorrect dental positions , three-dimensional dental arch
diagnosis . Mounting models on an articulator in form , and intermaxillary dental relationships) that
CR can have a profound effect on all aspects of guides the clinician in obtaining an excellent,
mutually protected occlusion ; it teaches what is
treatment. 9 •10 ·27 ·28 ln addition , the objective is to de-
velop a mutually protected occlusion in conjunc- necessary and what should be avoided when
tion with the anatomical characteristics described seeking to obtain a seated condylar position . A
by Andrews (see Chapter One). Equally impor- basic requirement is to begin from a seated con-
tant is that treatment goals and expectations be dylar reference position , i.e. , with the mandibular
clear. The concept of treating with defined goals condyles in centric relation (CR) . lf the goal is to
in mind , knowing what the end result should look achieve a centric occlusion that coincides or is
like, and how to achieve these goals are impor- very clase to the mandibular position in CR , di-
tant elements in designing a treatment sequence agnosis should begin from the seated condylar
and the mechanics to be used . This is another reference (see Chapter 6). In addition, treatment
key factor that sets the goal-directed philosophy should avoid the use of any type of mechanics
t~at move the condyles out of their seated posi-
apart. According to Dr. Roth , "lf you don 't know
these essential things about your patient, you tlon such as dental extrusions; transverse arch
could have the most wonderful mechanics in the incoordination that generates cusp-to-cusp or
world and still fail to achieve a decent result even c~sp-to-ri~ge contacts ; "hanging cusps, " espe-
though you were efficiently moving teeth ." 1.2.2s Cially max1llary second molars due to inadequate
torque that interferes with the mandibular arch of
END GOAL OF TREATMENT: closure ; or mechanics that place the mandibular
BEGIN WITH THE END IN MINO condyles in unfavorable positions .1-3.s
. The solution may lie in mechanically con-
Treatment goals generally will include the
trollln~ the vertical dimension (restricting of the
following :
extrus1on and dentoalveolar vertical growth
• Good facial aesthetics o~ the lateral segments and/or their intrusion)
• Good dental aesthetics w1th palatal bars , centric bite blocks , TAOS , or
• A functional occlusion ~one anchors , especially in dolichofacial pa-
• Good periodontal and TMJ health tlents , or by obtaining a correct arch width


coordination and/or Wilson curve through the needed to correct the relationship between
proper molar and/or premolar torque . The need the dental arches
for this type of mechanics can be determined by 3 . The amount of desirable and/or possible an-
using mounted casts and the Jarabak cephalo- teroposterior and vertical dental movement of
metric analyses or by other factors that become the teeth in each dental arch Y 6
apparent during the initial evaluation of the pa-
tient. Traditionally, according to this planning sys-
tem in the goal-directed philosophy, the mandibu-
Once the diagnosis has been established , it
lar arch most often is treated ahead of the maxil-
is necessary to visualize the means by which the
lary arch. This is true in the VTO planning as well
desired modifications can be made, i.e. , with tooth
as in clinical execution . In building the VTO , the
movement, by growth, by orthopedic correction of
mandibular incisor is the first tooth to be placed
the maxillary relationships or by a combination of
and is the key to locating the entire denture. In
all of these .2 This requires a study of the occlu-
addition , the mandibular incisor position is de-
sion using accurately mounted models in a seated
pendent upon mandibular position in centric rela-
condylar reference position on a semi-adjustable
tion . By treating the mandibular arch ahead of the
or fully adjustable articulator (see Chapter 3). Ar-
ticulator mounted models allow evaluation of the maxillary arch , the clinician is able to integrate the
patient's real occlusion, as dictated by a seated sequence of treatment planning with that of treat-
condylar reference, and shows the premature ment execution . This provides a "road map" for
contacts or centric interferences that could be continually evaluating the progress of treatment
distracting the condyles. 1·3·5·9-15·17·18 ·27 In the ma- from centric relation. In many cases, it is very dif-
jority of patients, the most frequent interferences ficult to treat to centric relation without keeping
occur in the last molars and most often are due the mandibular arch ahead of the maxillary arch.
to a torque problem and/or transverse discrepan- Tria/ Treatments
cy that causes an arch incoordination .18·27 These
data are not attainable with models trimmed in The advantage of using the VTO is that it
centric occlusion. allows 1) the planning process to occur without
physically involving the patient and 2) the clinician
In cases in which the centric discrepancy is
can easily design multiple treatment approaches
2 mm or greater in either the horizontal or vertical
with no negative consequences to the patient.
dimension, the lateral cephalometric radiograph
tracing is converted from a centric occlusion to a
centric relation view (see Chapter 7) . This allows
the clinician to make a cephalometric diagnosis Design
and a treatment plan based on the seated condy-
Befare describing the treatment process , a
lar mandibular position .1·3·26
thorough understanding of the orthodontic appli-
ance used to correct malocclusions is necessary:
in this case , the Andrews straight wire appliance
To design the correct mechanics for a given with its bracket prescription modified by Dr. Roth
case , a modified version of the visual treatment to slightly overcorrect tooth position at the con-
objective (VTO) as described by Ricketts and the clusion of appliance therapy. Dr. Roth maintained
five-part superimposition as described by Bench the basic configuration of the brackets and the
are used (see Chapter 7). 31-33 This will allow a desire to achieve Andrew's six keys of normal oc-
quantification of: clusion .2·19 In 1974, Dr. Roth reported his experi-
1. The necessary amount of growth required to
ence with the six key guidelines:
correct intermaxillary relationships lf 1 were to define very simply the require-
2. The amount of orthopedic change in the max- ments of an ideal occlusion , both ana-
illa and/or change in the mandibular position tomically and functionally, for the natural

Treatment Mechanics

dentition , 1 would have to say : lt would tually impossible to pos ition the teeth precisely
incorporate the six keys with the man - into the occlusion seen in the untreated , normal
dible in gnathologic centric relation .3·21 ·26 sample because of bracket interference and 2)
after appliance removal , no matter how good the
Dr. Roth considered Dr. Andrews ' innovation end-of-treatment occlusion might be , the teeth
of the straight wire appl iance to be one of the would tend to shift away from that position .25
greatest contributions to the orthodontic spe- The overcorrection would allow the clinician to
cialty.3 guide the final settling of the occlusion into the
Although the straight wire appliance is by most optimal position possible while maintain-
no means perfect , the minimal amount of error ing the desired seated condylar position . lt has
built into the appliance for most cases is minor been more than 25 years since this prescription
enough to be overlooked in terms of the clini- became commercially available and the effec-
cal end product .21 The appliance is designed to tiveness of the overcorrection has been well
eliminate repetitive , time-consuming , and diffi- corroborated . Thousands of patients have been
cult-to-reproduce archwire bends , that allow the treated successfully with this prescription .
clinician to focus on diagnosis and attainment of
predictable results .20 . Bracket Placement

A clinician familiar with the six keys imme- At the heart of every good treatment result
diately recognizes whether optimal occlusion is a well-placed appliance , regardless of the
has been attained . To implement the six keys , appliance used . This is particularly true for the
the orthodontist must understand the definition straight wire appliance . lt is far easier to control
of each key (see Chapter One) . In addition , he/ tooth positions with bracket placement than by
she must understand : bending wire. 21 The success of the set-up is di-
rectly related to the accuracy of bracket place-
1. The role each tooth plays in static and func- ment. 29
tional occlusion
2. The effect of tooth and jaw position on arch The key to determining bracket height is
form the cuspids and the bicuspids (second bicus-
pid in an extraction case) .22 ldeally the center of
3. The strategies most suitable for implement-
the bracket slot vertically, sagittally and frontally
ing the six keys and correcting the arch
(slot point) should be placed on the midpoint of
forms .20
the facial axis of the clinical crown known as FA
In 1979, Roth introduced a bracket setup point (facial axis point) . This axis is located for
with modifications ofthe tip , torque , rotations and all teeth except molars on the most prominent
in-out of the Andrews standard setup brackets . portien of the central lobe on each crown 's buc-
The purpose of the Roth setup was to provide cal surface ; for molars , the buccal groove that
slightly overcorrected tooth positions in all three separates the two large buccal cusps. 20
planes of space prior to appliance removal to
In a patient with average gingival attach-
allow the teeth to settle , in most instances , into
ment height, this location would be at the
the optimal positions discovered by Andrews in
center of the clinical crown . However, the cli-
untreated subjects with normal occlusions . Roth
nician must take into consideration the height
found that after appliance removal , there was a
differential between the size of the posterior
consistent tendency for teeth to relapse and in
teeth , the cuspids , and the anterior teeth , if
considerable amounts . By overcorrecting prior
he/she wishes to bracket the case so that it
to appliance removal , any settling would tend to
is possible to level the Curve of Spee with a
move teeth towards a normal occlusion and not
flat archwire . Generally, this requires adjust-
away from it. In effect , Roth included overcor-
ing the height of the cuspid and incisor brack-
rection to compensate.for relapse .29
ets more incisally. A good guideline is to place
Roth 's basic underlying assumptions were the center of the brackets 0 .5 mm to 1 mm in-
1) that with appliances in place , it would be vir- cisa! to the center of the clinical crown in the


six anterior teeth . Roth used this guideline in ev- STAGES OF GOAL-DIRECTED
ery case regardless of the skeletal pattern. TREATMENT MECHANICS
More recently, Roth modified this approach Treatment of any malocclusion may be di-
for dolichofacial patients with an open bite ten- vided into three stages.
dency: In arder to obtain a good overbite in the
six maxillary anterior incisors , the bracket centers Stage 1
are placed at the center of the clinical crown as As in almost all treatment techniques , the
advocated by Andrews. 20 Originally, the maxillary goals in the first stage are align , level and coordi-
lateral incisor brackets were placed at the same nate the dental arches. Because of the features
height as the central incisor brackets. After set- built into the goal-directed set-up , the posterior
tling , the central incisors would be /'2 mm to 1 mm teeth are up-righted to an "anchorage prepared"
longer than the lateral incisors. In recent years , position during this stage. The properties of the
Roth has changed the bracket position in the latest generation of wires have allowed for sim-
maxillary lateral incisors such that its incisal edge plification of the treatment sequence while main-
is 0.5 mm shorter than the adjacent central inci- taining forces that stay within the biological rang-
sors . Similarly, the cuspid bracket is placed at the es required for tooth movement, histology, and
same height of the central incisors. 25· 26 periodontal health. 2
In the molars, the tubes are placed occluso- Stage 1 objectives are 1) align and level
gingivally in the middle ofthe anatomiccrown and brackets , to coordinate the dental arches , 2) at-
not the clinical crown. As demonstrated by Roth , tain full-bracket engagement of all teeth on a
an up-righted position of the molar is obtained .020 superelastic NiTi medium or stainless steel
with this tube position. 3 ·26 From the occlusal view round wire, and 3) clase the spaces between the
point, the center of the tu be lines up mesiodistally incisors and cuspids . Individual tooth movements
with the buccal groove. are done in Stage 1, while majar or group tooth
movements are done in Stages 11 and 111.
For the rest of the teeth, the brackets are
centered mesiodistally on the prominent buccal The initial archwires have high flexibility and
developmental ridge (clinical crown long axis) . In low load deflection rates such as .014 superelas-
other words , the center of the slot is lined up with tic NiTi wires, small braided multi-strand wires or
the maximum mesiodistal convexity of the crown. nickel titanium wires . The most common treat-
Occlusogingivally, this position corresponds to the ment modality is to begin treatment with thermo
activated .014 wires. As alignment improves,
center of a normal , fully erupted clinical crown. In
wires with more resilience and/or stiffness, such
the cuspids , the buccal developmental ridge or
as .020 steel , are used . Elastomeric c-chains may
crown long axis is slightly mesial to the center of
be used for space closure from cuspid to cuspid.
the tooth mesiodistally. 22
Brackets are reset as soon as improper tooth
Again , there is nothing more contrary to positions are evident. The objectives of Stage 1
goal-directed thinking than establishing a treat- are reached when full-bracket engagement is at-
ment mechanics sequence as a "cook book" for ta ined on a .020 steel wire with no deformation
the treatment of Class 1, 11 or 111. Every patient and the anterior and posterior spaces are closed,
presents a different challenge , and treatment although there may be spacing between the an-
must be tailored to each patient. terior and posterior segments. 1·26
For a better understanding , this chapter will Generally, the archwire sequence most
illustrate a simplified generalization of the treat- used is superelastic NiTi .014 medium, super-
ment sequence in the permanent dentition , which elastic NiTi .020 medium , and .020 stainless
then can be adjusted to fit a specific patient. Each steel. Stainless steel .020 archwires are used
stage and its objectives can be applied to extrac- only when maximum anchorage is needed
tion and nonextraction cases , with variations de- to 1) take full advantage of the posterior an-
scribed separately. chorage preparation (distal rotation and distal

Treatment Mechanics

inclination) built into the prescription and 2) obtain .019 x .019 blue elgiloy wire and placed in the
the most leveling possible befare progressing to .022 slot provide the appropriate intrusive force
rectangular archwires.2 lt is important to remem- (1 00 gm to lift the mandibular incisors and 150
ber that torquing incisors, especially maxillary in- gm to lift the maxillary incisors). The tipping effect
cisors , is one of the activities that burns anchor- of utility arches on molars is offset by the use of
age. lingual arches , transpalatal bars (TPAs) or heavy
bucea! section wires in the main archwire slot. 1·26
lnitiating leveling with light wires is designed In general , patients with a dolichofacial skeletal
to avoid , as much as possible , tooth extrusion that pattern , especially the more severely affected
may cause an opening of the facial axis and/or
patients , constitute a separate group that should
condylar distraction . Forces generated by these
be treated with special considerations related to
archwires are not strong enough to overcome
therapeutic decisions and the selection of appli-
the forces of occlusion . As a result, the intrusive
ances to be used .
movements that require a light force will prevail
over the extrusive forces in the leveling process. Stage 11
This is especially important in dolichofacial pa-
After 8 to 1O weeks of treatment with .020
tients who have a short mandibular ramus and/or
superelastic NiTi archwires, the second stage
an open angle at articulare , as defined by the Ja- (often called the work stage) of treatment is be-
rabak analysis , or patients who start orthodontic gun . In this stage , .018 x .025 superelastic NiTi
treatment with a large condylar distraction. archwires are used resulting in further, but limited ,
Unlike other techniques , opening the facial space closure . These archwires will produce an
axis to open the bite is a treatment goal rarely cho- almost complete distal inclination and rotation of
molars and premolars . Additional objectives of
sen in the goal-directed philosophy. This concept
these rectangular archwires are to complete the
is best understood when patients are diagnosed
leveling and start a progressive increase in torque
from a seated condylar position using models
control. Once this has occurred, space closure us-
mounted in a semi-adjustable articulator. In effect,
ing straight archwires will stop. Further space clo-
experience and research have shown that a great sure will need to be done with closing mechanics.
majority of patients exhibit an open bite or inad-
equate overbite when placed in the seated con- Depending on the inclination or torque of
dylar position. 5 ·9- 10 · 18 ·27 The most common goal in the incisors required , the use of rectangular wires
the goal-directed treatment philosophy is to close may cause a loss of anchorage in the bucea! seg-
ments. As stated earlier, torquing the upper inci-
the facial axis in arder to achieve correct anterior
sors is one of the activities that may "burn anchor-
guidance, competent lip closure and chin projec-
age ," especially in dolichofacial patients. Because
tion , all in harmony with a seated condylar posi-
of this and when indicated by the diagnosis and
tion . lnitiating treatment with square or rectangu- treatment plan , TPAs are placed at the same time
lar wires of a higher load deflection antagonizes to gain more molar anchorage . The preference is
this treatment goal. Moreover, leveling gradually, to place the TPAs after most of the inclination and
i.e. , starting with small flexible round wires and distal rotation of the molars has occurred . This
changing to increasingly higher load deflection avoids the conflict between the action of the arch-
wires , produces a small , progressive increase in wires and the TPAs .
force levels that are in harmony with dental move-
Approximately six weeks after superelastic
ment and decreased patient discomfort.
NiTi .018 x .025 archwires have been placed , .019
In dolichofacial patients with a deep man- x .025 stainless steel archwires or .019 x .025 dou-
dibular Curve of Spee and/or a maxillary inverted ble keyhole loop (DKL) archwires may be placed .
curve due to the extrusion of the incisa! group, a This will allow completion of the leveling process
different method is used to avoid or reduce molar and , where necessary, start the active closure of
and premolar extrusion . Utility arches formed from the remaining spaces .


The goals of Stage 11 are to : from an over-treated position to the position found
Accomplish all majar anteroposterior, trans- in Andrews ' untreated ideal sample .
verse and vertical group tooth movements The goal-directed appliance produces, among
Coordinate arch width and symmetry other effects, distal inclination and rotation of
Correct cross bites maxillary and mandibular molars and premo-
Correct overbite and overjet lars .2 This makes it possible to obtain an efficient
anchorage preparation in the buccal segments
Retract protrusive anterior teeth
that minimizes anchorage loss without, for the
Move bicuspids and molars forward or prevent most part, using headgear. However, in cases in
their forward migration as indicated wh ich the VTO treatment plan calls for anchor-
lntrude maxillary molars and bicuspids age loss through mesial movement of the buccal
lntrude lower incisors as indicated segments , th is anchorage preparation can be a
Correct the Class 11 or Class 111 molar relation problem . In these cases, it is necessary to take
Clase the remaining spaces special measures to ach ieve the desired move-
ments .
Stage 11 movements are mainly translation and
root tipping and/or torquing. 1·3.2 6 Figure 1 is a comparison of the features of
the Andrews and Roth set-ups that illustrates the
The archwires used for Stage 11 movements modifications introduced by Roth . The over-cor-
have low flexibility and high load deflection rates , rections also are a way of handling the play or tip-
but they can be resilient or springy. Space clo- ping freedom between the archwire and bracket,
sure usually is done with DKL archwires (six an- which reduces the effectiveness of the tip, torque ,
terior teeth are retracted as a group ).1•3 •26 After and rotation features that are "built in" the slot.2 9
extraction-site closure , it typically is necessary to This is especially important in the second phase
return to more flexible wires such as .018 x .025 of the goal-directed treatment mechanics where-
superelastic NiTi for leveling. The goals of Stage in most of the three-dimensional tooth move-
11 are reached when the movements listed above ments take place and generally with .019 x .025
have been completed . wires .
The archwire used most in this stage is the Arch Coordination. The use of rectangular
.019 x .025 DKL wire introduced by Dr. John archwires facilitates the transverse coordination
Parker. lt 1) allows complete space closure with of the arches , which is achieved by the trans-
one wire per arch , 2) serves as a reasonable verse coordination of the maxillary and mandibu-
mean between tipping, sliding and bodily move- lar archwires. This coordination also requires ad-
ment mechanics and 3) selectively clases spaces equate molar and premolar torque to permita cor-
as necessary from the front to back or from the rect alignment of occlusal mesiodistal grooves.
back forward. 2 DKL archwires may be formed Considering that the torque or molar inclination
from .019 x .025 or .021 x .025 stainless steel or found by Andrews in his untreated normal sample
blue elgiloy, .019 x .025 or .021 x .025 and oc- was 1oo , it is evident that the bracket slot must
casionally .020 stainless steel . Each one of these be filled to achieve an overcorrection. This salves
has specific applications that are explained later the interferences caused when the lingual molar
in this chapter. cusps hang down due to a positive torque and/or
an exaggerated Wilson curve.
Andrews found in his ideal occlusion sample
that all teeth have a mesial inclination that varies With .019 x .025 archwires , there is a buc-
in magnitude according to the tooth . In the poste- colingual "play," i.e. , a loss of effective torque of
rior segments during the settling that follows ap- 7.2°. With .021 x .025 archwires , the loss is 2.3°
pliance removal , teeth incline and rotate mesially. and with .0215 x .0275 archwires , the loss is 1°.
After two years of trial and error, Roth found the A maxillary molar tu be with 14 o of torque would
answer to the question of how much overcorrec- produce torque of 6.8°, 11 .r and 13° respective-
tion is needed to ensure that teeth would move ly for the above listed archwires.29 lt also is pos-

Treatment Mechanics

l~~~\!~ ~,~,,~eC\~
5' 5' 2' 2' 11 ' 9' 5' -9' - 9' - 7' -7 ' - 7' 3' 7'

Ji! j 1' 11 t ~~ {t t'f(

:1~1l\l~ ~,~,~C'C \~
~ 11 tr,.·r r f ~:~ t t ~'
Figure 1. Tip Andrews (top left) and torque Andrews (top right) . Tip Roth (bottom left) and torque
Roth (bottom right) .
Angulatlon U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 sible to achieve the desired torque with archwire
torsion or the use of TPAs , but these mechan-
Andrews so go 110 20 20 so so
ics lack the precision and consistent results
Roth so go 13° oo oo oo oo that can be achieved with the built in prescrip-
Angulatlon L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 tion of the goal-directed straight-wire appliance .
Andrews 20 20 so 20 20 20 20 Stage 111
Roth 20 20 70 -1 o -1 o -10 -1 o Stage 111 is the detailing and finishing stage .
lncllnatlon U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The goal is to use a full-size rectangular archwire,
without any bends other than that of the arch form ,
Andrews 70 30 -70 -70 -70 _go _go
to realize the total expression of the features in
Roth 12° so -20 -70 -70 -14° -14° the bracket set-up , thereby achieving the final
lncllnatlon L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 treatment detailing and tooth position.

Andrews -10 -10 -110 -17° -22° -30° -3S0 After finishing Stage 11 and reaching a Class
-10 -1 0 -170 -22°
1 occlusion , a .021 x .028 superelastic NiTi arch-
Roth -11 ° -30° -30°
wire can be used to preclude the posterior use of
Rotatlon U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a .021 x .025 steel archwire. Befare a .021 x .025
Andrews oo oo oo oo oo 1QOO 1QOO steel archwire is placed , bracket position should
oo oo be checked and brackets reset as necessary to
Roth 4°M 2°0 2°0 14°0 14°0
correct and adjust the tooth positions .1·3 ·26 -29 Todo
Rotatlon L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 this , new impressions must be taken and a new
Andrews oo oo oo oo oo 4°0 4°0 articulator mounting done. This allows 1) the po-
sitian of the bands and brackets to be checked
Roth oo oo 2°M 2°M 4°0 4°0 4°0
accurately so that premature contacts interfer-
Figure 1. Continued . ing with the correct occlusion can be identified,


2) the correct arch width coordination to be accompanied by a low deflection archwire in the
checked and 3) in general , the tooth movements mandible such as a .021 x .028 braided wire.
needed to achieve the final goal of a mutually pro-
Stage 111 is finished once a Class 1 mutually
tected occlusion in CR to be determined. Mounted
models provide a far more accurate view of the protected occlusion in CR is obtained as mea-
occlusion (especially lingually) and the mandibu- sured on casts mounted on a semi-adjustable
lar position than that observed in the patient. This articulator. Clinical examination of the final result
is why articulator mountings are continued dur- typically reveals only a mandibular accommoda-
ing Stage 111 until the desired results are attained . tion that hides the patient's real occlusion . This is
After bracket repositioning , lower load deflection because the patient's neuromusculature is strong-
archwires are placed (e.g., .018 x .025 NiTi ora ly programmed to close the mandible to the best
.020 superelastic NiTi ) to relevel the case . After tooth fit (see Chapter One ).28
releveling , a .021 x .025 steel wire is used for sev-
era! months (normally three) until the full bracket
prescription has been expressed. Due to their different biomechanical needs
Final archwires can be .021 x .025 braided and looking for a more didactic modality, the clini-
wires or smaller dimension wires can be used to cal case presentations are divided into extraction
allow optimum setting of the teeth . During this and non-extraction treatments.
stage, special attention must be paid to dolicho- Nonextraction Treatment
facial patients for whom the use of heavy wires
should be avoided. With this facial pattern , it The first patient (Figs. 2-4) is a 16-year-old
would only take one bracket wrongly positioned female patient, whose chief complaints were fa-
for a premature contact to occur that could pro- cial pain and spaces present between her ante-
voke an open bite , a condylar distraction , or both. rior teeth. The patient's history and the clinical
Therefore, it is advisable to reach final tooth posi- examination confirmed that there was a mild sen-
tions with lower deflection archwires (e.g. , 021 x sitivity to palpation of the masseter and anterior
.028 superelastic NiTi) ora .021 x .028 steel wire temporalis muscles bilaterally that appeared to
in the maxilla (where more torque is required) be related to a nocturnal centric clenching habit.

Figure 2. Pretreatment facial and intraoral photographs .

Treatment Mechanics

• ,_

Figure 4. Pretreatment CPI record .

Figure 3. Pretreatment models mounted in centric re-

This muscle hyperactivity also caused a moder-

ate alteration in mandibular dynamics. She did
not present with any interna! joint signs or symp-
toms . The presence of muscle symptoms and a
difficulty in manipulating the mandible suggested
that a maxillary, total coverage repositioner splint
be placed as part of the diagnostic evaluation. The
objective of this would be 1) to produce a neuro-
muscular quieting that would allow the mandibular
position to be stabilized in the seated condylar ref-
erence position and 2) to determine whether there Figure 5. Maxillary repositioning splint.
was any relation between the occlusion and the
clenching habit that was responsible for the mus- Facially the patient does not present with sig-
ele symptoms (see Chapter 8). 1.3 nificant problems , but her smile evidences the
aesthetic problem that is her concern. Her facial
The splint creates a mutually protected oc-
thirds are harmonic and her lips and mandibular
clusion (bilateral multiple points of contact of the
position are within normal ranges . The intraoral
same intensity on each occluding tooth , and har-
photographs in centric occlusion show a Class 1
monious incisal and canine guidance) and allows
malocclusion with diastemata , an upper midline
a clinical determination of whether the muscle
deviated to the right and an unfavorable inser-
symptoms are related to the occlusion (Fig 5). lf
the splint relieves the muscle symptoms , elimi- tion of the lower labial frenum . Models mounted in
centric relation show a decrease in overbite , an
nates the clenching habit, and allows the condyle
to seat into the fossae , it is evidence that there is increase in overjet and a slight Class 11 malocclu-
sion (see Chapter 6).
a relationship between muscle problems and the
malocclusion. This sug-gests that treatment incor- Stage l. After successful splint therapy, the first
porating correction of the occlusal relations would stage of orthodontic treatment is begun with super-
help salve the patient's chief complaint. 1.3 elastic NiTi .014 medium force archwires, tightly


Figure 6. Patient with maxillary and mandibular .014 medium superelastic NiTi archwires (A) ; .020 medium
superelastic NiTi archwires (8); .018 x .025 superelastic NiTi archwires (C).

cinched back at the distal end of the second mo- the second molar tube and allowed to slide freely.
lar tu bes (Fig. 6A). One of the most common find- lf there is no space or a negative arch length dis-
ings in patients seeking orthodontic treatment is crepancy (-ALD), incisor retraction will not occur;
that molars and premolars are mesially inclined instead, the incisors will tend to protrude approxi-
and rotated far more than found in Andrews ' mately 50% of the -ALD.
untreated ideal occlusion sample . The features
built into the brackets and tubes of the prescrip- An important aspect of Stage 1is dental mid-
tion will move these teeth into an overcorrected line control, which in this case did not require any
position , which includes the teeth being distally specific action. When there are spaces available ,
inclined and rotated . The cinched back wire dis- a commonly used technique is to place a stop
tal to the second molars allows the retraction (often a light cured composite stop) distal to the
of the six anterior teeth while the distal rotation lateral or the cuspid on the side opposite to the
and inclination of the buccal segments is taking side to which the midline must move. The teeth
place. The round wire will produce retroinclina- will slide to the space. This system is practica!
tion of the incisors without loosing anchorage; and easy, but the stop must be placed in a curved
this occurs as a result of the distal inclination zone in the archwire to prevent it from moving .
and rotation of molars and premolars. lncisor re- Early midline control avoids an increase in the
trusion will occur only if there is available space deviation or prevents spaces from being closed
or if the distal rotation and inclination of molars and leaving midlines still deviated, which is even
and premolars generates the necessary space worse. Befare closing the spaces actively or al-
for it to occur. This provides an efficient anchor- lowing spontaneous closure , the midlines should
age preparation of the buccal segments that will be corrected and the spaces consolidated.
resist future mesial movement and anchorage
Supereiastic NiTi .014 archwires allow an
loss. easy dental sliding with .022 x .028 brackets ,
lf retraction of anterior teeth is not necessary, especially with self-ligated brackets. This wire
the archwire is bent approximately 2 mm distal to is left in place until alignment of teeth is com-
the second molar tu be or is cut at the distal end of plete or nearly complete; in most cases, leveling

Treatment Mechanics

will not have been completed . Leveling finally will teeth. This retraction , produced by the features
be achieved by increasing the size and resiliency built into the prescription , frequently moves the
of the wires . With most self-ligating interactive incisors closer to the desired cephalometric posi-
brackets , the clip will engage only when .018 or tion . This will decrease or eliminate the need for
larger wires are placed , so when using .014 wires , active incisor retraction . Figure 6C shows what
sorne teeth will not complete their alignment, and was obtained with the .020 superelastic NiTi arch-
will do so only when the archwire size is increased wires : the space closure continued and a correct
and an interaction between the wire and the inter- overbite/overjet relation was established . Stage
active bracket clip occurs. 1 is finished when the .020 superelastic NiTi (or
.020 steel in cases of maximum retraction) arch-
During this period , the patient is seen ev- wires have completed all alignment and most of
ery five to six weeks. Treatment time with this the leveling . At this time , .018 x .025 superelastic
first archwire will depend on the initial amount of NiTi archwires are placed to start the next stage
crowding , but rarely exceeds four months. of treatment.
Figure 68 shows the patient with .020 medi- Stage 11. Stage 11 begins with the placement
um superelastic NiTi archwires newly placed in the of rectangular archwires , such as a .018 x .025
maxilla and mandible after three months of treat- (200 gr.) superelastic NiTi (Fig. 6C) , in order to
ment with .014 superelastic NiTi wires . Notice finish leveling the teeth . Once the leveling is com-
that the upper and lower spaces have decreased plete , stainless steel .019 x .025 archwires are
due to the incisor retraction produced by the distal placed (Fig 7A) . lt is with these increased de-
rotation and inclination of posterior teeth . Notice flection forces and with the teeth completely lev-
also the improvement in the overjet/overbite rela- eled that three-dimensional movements can be
tion and the improvement in the maxillary dental achieved ; the rigidity of the wires allows the teeth
midline. The overbite improvement may be dueto to be moved as a whole (or with a sliding motion)
a mandibular accommodation and the loss of the without deforming or collapsing the arch , which
centric relation position that was achieved during can occur with less rigid archwires. In this case,
splint therapy. lt is important to check mandibu- a .019 x .025 stainless steel , double keyhole-loop
lar position by manipulating the mand ible to the archwire was used in the mandible to clase the re-
centric relation condylar position every time the sidual spaces. lt is important to remember that the
patient is se en . leveling process must be completed befare any
closing movement is initiated .
The .020 heavy superelastic NiTi (or small-
er as the case requires) , which partially fills the Stage 111. Once spaces are closed anda Class
bracket slots and tubes , causes the built-in dis- 1 occlusion with normal overjet/overbite relation
tal rotations and inclinations to be expressed , has been achieved , it is desirable to use .021 x
thereby producing the retraction of the six anterior .028 superelastic NiTi or similar archwires as an

Figure 7. Patient with maxillary .019 x .025 stainless steel archwire and mandibular double keyhole-loop .019
x .025 archwire (A) and with maxillary and mandibular .021 x .025 braided archwires (8).


intermediate step before using stainless steel usual , with maxillary and mandibular .021 x .025
.021 x .025 archwires. Before placing steel arch- braided archwires (Fig . 78) and heavy 1/8 elas-
wires , new casts should be mounted on the artic- tics placed in a triangular fashion from the first
ulator to continue treatment planning and to iden- maxillary bicuspid to the mandibular bicuspids.
tify brackets that need to be repositioned . The
Figures 8 through 16 present review and fol-
.021 x .025 steel archwires generally are main-
low-up of the case. Transverse dimensions were
tained for three months in order to completely ex-
maintained (Fig. 11) with the exception of a minor
press the characteristics included in the bracket
change in molar arch width .
prescription. The finalization stage proceeds as

Figure 8. Patient in Stage 1(A), Stage 11 (8), and end of Stage 111 when the appliances were removed (C).

1 ••• 1 1 •••
1 1 1. 1 1. 1.
1 1.1 • •
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1. 1.' 1·~
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1 1 1 •• 1.
111111~ • 1111 . . . . . 11111 . . . . . 1~ .11111.


Figure 1O. Post-treatment CPI showing that condylar

distraction is within the acceptable range (see Chap-
Figure 9. Post-treatment mounted models . ter 6) .

Treatment Mechanics

Figure 11 . Comparison of transverse dimensions taken pretreatment (top) and immediately post-treatment (bottom) .

Figure 12. lntraoral photographs taken two years post-treatment.

Figure 13. Occlusal view two years post-


Figure 15. Braided archwires work well during finishing

(often with interarch elastics) because they promote
fine tuning of the occlusion .

Figure 14. Mandibular excursions . Top : right

lateral excursion-working and balancing
side. Middle : left lateral excursion-balancing
and working side. Bottom: protrusive excur-
sion-right and left side .


Figure 16. Facial and intraoral photographs taken three years and ten months post-treatment.

In order to obtain anterior guidance in pro- During lateral test movement, the mandible
trusive mandibular excursions without interfer- often experiences a bodily lateromedial move-
ences, a proper incisor overbite/overjet relation- ment known as the Bennett movement or man-
ship is needed. An incisor overbite of 4 mm and dibular sideshift. This bodily shift occurs early in
overjet of 2-3 mm are guidelines appropriate for the lateral movement, and is especially important
most cases (Fig. 17).24 Guidelines for cuspid over- on the balancing (nonworking) side. Cuspids ide-
bite and overjet are 5 mm and 1 mm respectively. ally should be positioned to facilitate , not impede,
Obviously, fixed norm values for correct overjeU this movement. For this reason , dental bioesthet-
overbite are not always used , as some patients ics (see Chapter 21) suggests that cuspids have 1
will have an appropriate anterior guidance with an mm of overjet (Fig . 17). Cuspids coupled with no
overbite that is less than the guideline. This de- overjet can interfere with the Bennett movements
pends on different occlusal determinants such as and may cause enamel wear or a collapse that
angle of the eminence, inclination of the occlusal could result in mandibular incisor crowding (Fig.
plane , etc. (see Chapter 1). 17).

Figure 17. lncisors with a 4 mm overbite and 2-3 mm overjet. Cuspids with a 5 mm overbite and
1 mm overjet. Cuspids with a 5 mm overbite but no overjet, which is an undesirable occlusal
scheme. Cuspids with 13° of angulation and a 4 to 5 mm overbite.

Treatment Mechanics

Figure 18. Left: Molar tubes positioned in the middle of the anatomic crown occlusogingi-
vally and parallel to the occlusal plane . Right: Placement of the maxillary molar tube more
gingival in the distal end , which is a mistake .

Goal-directed philosophy also recommends is obtained by an imaginary line joining the tips
that maxillary cuspids have a mesial inclination of of the buccal cusps . This is different from other
13° so the cuspid tip occludes in the distal third of teeth in which the brackets are positioned in the
the buccal face of the mandibular cuspid . A 4 to middle of the clinical crown occlusogingivally.2
5 mm overbite will generally place the tip of the Thus , for a molar with a 7 mm anatomical crown ,
maxillary canine at the level of the contact point the tube must be placed 3.5 mm from a line be-
between mandibular cuspid and bicuspid (Fig . tween the two buccal cusps tips and parallel to
17). All of these factors influence whether an ad- the line (Fig . 18).
equate disocclusion is achieved during lateral ex-
One of the mistakes to avoid with maxillary
cursions .
molars is placing the tube too far gingivally at its
General Considerations distal aspect (Fig . 18), as this may cause extru-
sion of the distal cusps (Fig. 19) and increase the
There are several important considerations potential for interferences during mandibular ex-
regarding molar position. Roth recommended that cursions . In addition , the resulting mesioinclina-
the maxillary molar tubes be positioned in the mid- tion creates a loss of anchorage and poor resis-
dle of the anatomic crown occlusogingivally and tance to mesialization force.
parallel to the occlusal plane of the molar, which

Figure 19. Misplacement of the maxillary molar tube may cause the ex-
trusion of the distal cusps .


To measure the amount of tip to the crowns

of the maxillary molars, Andrews used the buccal
groove that separates the mesial and the distal
buccal cusps (Fig . 20). He found in his untreated
normal sample that the crowns of the maxillary
first and second molars were mesially tipped 5°
to the occlusal plane. To achieve a molar uprighting
with its concomitant improvement in molar anchor-
age , one of the variations added to the original
goal-directed mechanics is placing the maxillary
molar tube perpendicular to the buccal groove. In
order to do this , the distal portian of the tube is po-
sitioned 0.5 to 1 mm more occlusally and the me- Figure 22. The new (Jeft) and standard (right) tube place-
sial portian is placed vertically in the middle of the ment.
anatomical crown (Fig. 21 ). The same can be ap-
plied to the mandibular molar tubes in maximum His main complaint was incisor crowding in the
anchorage cases. Figure 22 illustrates the differ- mandible. Because the permanent dentition was
ent positions obtained by placing the molar tube in not yet complete (Fig . 24), the patient was put on
the way that was just recall until second molar eruption was complete
described and plac- (Fig. 25). When eruption was complete, full appli-
ing the tube parallel ance treatment was begun (Fig . 26).
to the occlusal plane , The fontal facial view (Fig . 23) shows a dis-
which results in a 5°
crete facial asymmetry with the mandible devi-
mesial tip.
ated to the right. The profile shows the upper lip
The next case il- positioned at its retrusive limit sagittally (which
lustrates such a varia- indicates that any movement causing incisor re-
tion (Figs. 23-34 ). The traction should be avoided) and the chin is slightly
patient was a 10-year, retruded .
11-month-old male.
In Figures 26-29, it is possible to see the
maxillary and mandibular tube positions with their
Figure 20. Andrews used the buccal groove distal portian closer to the occlusal and the result-
that separates the mesial and distal cusps ing molar uprighting. Though not visible in the fig -
to measure the crown inclination of the max-
ures, clinically the distal cusps of the molars are
illary molars.
slightly out of occlusion at the end of treatment.
This variation in maxillary molar tube place-
ment is indicated especially in cases of maximum
anchorage, because the molar uprighting obtained
in this way improves anchorage , which increases
resistance to mesial movement.

Figure 21 . To achieve a molar upright-

ing to oo , the mesial portian of the tu be
is positioned vertically in the middle of
the anatomical crown and the distal
portian 0.5 to 1 mm more occlusally.

Treatment Mechanics

Figure 23 . Pretreatment facial photographs .

Figure 24. Pretreatment intraoral photographs . Figure 25. lntraoral photographs taken 1.5 years later
when the permanent dentition was completely erupted.


Figure 26. Patient with maxillary and mandibular .014 superelastic NiTi archwires.

Figure 27. Patient with .018 x .025 superelastic NiTi archwires.

Figure 28 . Patient with .021 x .025 braided maxillary and .019 x .025 stainless steel mandibular archwires.

Figure 29. Patient with 0.21 x 0.25 braided maxillary and .019 x .025 stainless steel mandibular archwires two
months later.

Figure 30. Comparison of beginning treatment (top) and the end of treatment (bottom) .

Treatment Mechanics

Figure 31 . In centric occlusion , a .0005" shimstock is held by the posterior

teeth , but the anterior teeth , with a very light contact, are not able to hold
the shimstock: the mutually protected occlusion concept (see Chapter 1).

Figure 32 . Post-treatment facial and intraoral photographs.

7 °"
Nasion-Basion@ ce
N . B . @
__.., .

Figure 33. Superimposition of initial (black) and two-year post-treatment (red) ceph images. Tracings have
been converted from COto CR (see Chapter 7).


The following patient is a 16-year-old female

who 's main concern was the spaces between her
teeth due, in large part, to a tooth size discrep-
ancy, especially the small maxillary lateral inci-
sors. In this case , in order to have a stable final
result, treatment could not reduce the arch length
by retruding the maxillary and mandibular incisors.
Therefore, once leveling of the maxillary and man-
dibular arches with .019 x .025 wires was com-
pleted during Stage 11, composites were added to
the maxillary lateral incisors to give them an ap-
propriate width temporarily. The remaining spaces
then were closed with elastomeric chains placed
between the maxillary and mand ibular canines.

Simultaneously, the maxillary and mandibu-

lar bicuspids were moved mesially with medium
force superelastic NiTi open coil springs placed
between the maxillary and mandibular 6s and 5s.
The mandibular molars then were moved mesially
with elastomeric chains placed first from 6-to-6 and
then from 7-to-7. To avoid retrusion of the man-
dibular incisors and canines, medium force, 1/8"
Class 11 elastics were used between the maxillary
canines and mandibular second bicuspids. Once
the mandibular molars were in place , the maxillary
molars were moved mesially in the same manner
using Class 111 elastics when necessary. A sum-
mary of the case is seen in Figures 35 through 46.

Figure 34. Post-treatment mounted models.

Figure 35 . Pretreatment facial and intraoral photographs.

Treatment Mechanics

+ +

+ +
z z

Figure 37 . Pretreatment CPI.

.Figure 36. Pretreatment mounted models .

Figure 38. Pretreatment intraoral photographs .

Figure 39. Patient with maxillary and mandibular .014 medium superelastic NiTi archwires.

Figure 40 . Patient with maxillary and mandibular .018 x .025 superelastic NiTi archwires.


Figure 41 . Bicuspids being moved mesially using .019 x .025 stainless steel archwires .

Figure 42 . Mandibular spaces closed ; maxillary molars moving mesially; .019 x

.025 stainless steel archwires.

Figure 43 . Patient with maxillary and mandibular .021 x .025 braided archwires.

Figure 44. Comparison of beginning treatment, mid-treatment and post-treatment intraoral photographs.

Treatment Mechanics

Achieving maximum , moderate or minimum an-

chorage requires the planning and execution of
efficient and effective mechanics . Frequent fail -
ures due to over-retraction of the anterior teeth
with the concomitant deterioration of facial aes-
thetics , probably explains the nonextraction ten-
dency that has been a characteristic of the spe-
cialty over time. lt seems that the main goal of
some orthodontic treatment techniques is to avoid
extractions at all costs , even at the expense of
any or all of the following : anterior guidance, peri-
odontal health , TMJ health , facial aesthetics and
stability. Treatment planning should always strive
to achieve as many of the orthodontic goals as
possible. Extraction or nonextraction is a treat-
ment plan , nota treatment goal (see Chapter 16).
For a better understanding of extraction
Figure 45. Post-treatment mounted models .
treatment mechanics , two concepts of goal-di-
rected philosophy will be reviewed : 1) reciproca!
• • • • • • 111 1 .1111 1~ 1 11111 1111 •

..... .... .........

• • • • 1 •••• 1
•••• 1 •••• 1

•••• 1 •••• 1
• ..
1 ••••
1 11113
1 1 ••

3 ......... .........
::::: ::::=
1 ••••
• • •
• • • • 1. "
- ••••••••
• • • 1

1 ••• 1 •••• -

anchorage mechanics and 2) differential anchor-
age mechanics.

ro::::::·.. ......
....."01 ro: :::: : .
••••••••• 1 • • • • 1 ••• • ••• 1 •••• 1 •••• 1 ••••
• • • • 1 1 ••• 1 1. • ••••• • •••••••• 1 1 • • • 1 11 • •
• ••• 1 •••• 1

• - •• 1 • 1 •• § 1 1. ;~~~; ~~, • - •• 1 •••• 1

Reciproca/ Anchorage Mechanics. Anchor-
age can be defined as the resistance that a tooth
......... ...... s -- ....... .........
• 1 1 •• -
•••• 1 •••• 1 • ••• 1 •••• 1 1 ••• 1 ••••
• • • • 1 •••• 1 • 1 •••• • ••• 1 •••• 1 1 ••• 1 ••••
or a group of teeth provides in opposition to
..... ·o

·o· ....
•••• 1 ••••

- ••• 1 •••• ••••••••• 1

• • • • 1 • '

1 1 •••
1 1 •••

••• 1
••• 1 ••••
•••• 1
1 • 1 1 •••
movement. According to Proffit, this term also is
IIIU u _• . u u lu.J lu.JI UIU ILLJ U l l defined in its orthodontic application as the "resis-


~ tance to an undesired dental movement," refer-
ring more to the control of the mesial movement
of the bucea! segments from which forces to the
anterior segmentare applied .3°For every desired
action , there is an equal and opposite reaction .
Therefore , the orthodontist must consider, plan
and carefully control the reciproca! effects that
result from the application of a force on the teeth
that are moved as well as its effect on the teeth
from which the force was applied .
Figure 46. Post-treatment CPI.
This principie of action and reaction is par-
Extraction Treatment ticularly important in the tooth alignment of the
anterior segment. In goal-directed philosophy,
There is little doubt that extraction treatment this is known as "reciproca! anchorage ." In effect,
is a biomechanical challenge of substantial dif- reciproca! anchorage involves the antagonistic
ficulty for the orthodontist, with each treatment and reciproca! forces that develop when a wire is
protocol differing according to the clinical case placed in every bracket in an area of tooth crowd-
characteristics. The precise management of ing . Imagine, for example , an extraction case
extraction spaces with regard to the amount of with anterior crowding . When a round wire with a
desired retraction of the anterior segments and small diameter and low load deflection is placed
consequent mesialization of the bucea! segments in every bracket slot, the resultant forces will pro-
are the keys to obtaining a good treatment result. duce a distalization of the canines (and in the


cases of second premolar extractions, a distal-

ization of first premolars and canines) , which will
resolve the anterior crowding. 3 The small diam-
eter wire allows easy, low friction sliding as it cor-
rects the inclinations and then uprights the teeth.
This is especially true with the use of self-ligated
brackets since friction is greatly reduced by the
elimination of elastic or wire ligatures. Figure
47 presents an example of reciproca! anchorage
mechanics. When a light force archwire (e.g ., a
.014 medium force superelastic NiTi) is placed
in every bracket slot, there is a force pulling the
right lateral incisor labially, but since there is no
space for the tooth, it does not move. Similarly,
there are antagonistic and reciproca! forces be-
tween the two central incisors with no space for
tooth movement. These reciproca! forces are
generated throughout the anterior segment, and
since the canines are the only teeth with available
space, they will move distally.
In this way, space will be created, and the
alignment of each tooth of the anterior segment
will occur without the need for applying any distal-
izing force such as that provided by coils, elastic
chains , or wire segments . lf force is applied from
the buccal segments, it will tend to produce a loss
of posterior anchorage and a forward movement
of the posterior teeth. A significant difference in
the goal-directed prescription is that molars and
premolars are distally inclined and distally rotated
during Stage 1 mechanics, and with this anchor-
age preparation, the position of the buccal seg-
ments is maintained, or, in some instances, the
anterior segments are retracted. The amount of
anterior retraction depends on the amount of ini-
tial mesial molar rotation. To ensure anterior re-
traction , the archwire must be bent tightly against
the distal of the second molar tube . This should
all occur with no anchorage loss in the buccal Figure 47. Placement of (A) .014 superelastic NiTi , (8)
segments . Retroinclination also is easier with the .020 superelastic NiTi, (C) .018 x .025 superelastic
use of round wires and the small amount of force NiTi and (O) .021 x -.025 superelastic NiTi .
needed to achieve it.
When alignment has been accomplished,
be achieved from back to front with minimum an-
extraction spaces will have been reduced in a
chorage mechanics.
direct proportion to the initial crowding and the
anterior retraction achieved. At this point, the inci- Space closure is done in most cases with a
sors often are retruded into the position planned DKL archwire retracting the six anterior teeth to-
in the VTO. The remaining space closure will gether as a unit and/or protracting posterior teeth

Treatment Mechanics

as dictated by VTO planning (Fig. 48 ). This sys- be a minimum of 2:1 without friction and 4:1 with
tem of space closure without friction is the most friction . Any less force will produce someth ing
efficient method for retracting protruded incisors similar to a reciproca! movement of anchorage
and presents many advantages over a system of and will result in unfavorable tooth movement.
space closure using friction or sliding mechanics. Differential Anchorage Mechanics. To attain
When teeth slide on an archwire , in addition to the treatment goals, it is essential that during space
force needed for the tooth movement, it is neces- closure , the clinician be able to depend on treat-
sary also to apply force to overcome frictional re- ment mechanics to control the amount of anteri-
sistance .30 The use of unnecessarily high torces to or retraction or bucea! segment mesialization as
move teeth , creates anchorage control problems . planned. The VTO allows the clinician to visualize
this in a clear way and to determine the proportion
of molar mesialization/incisor retraction needed .
The appropriate mechanics can then be chosen .
Using the VTO to preplan mechanics is an invalu-
able step in achieving excellent treatment out-
comes (see Chapter 7) .
Minimum anchorage is required when the
relation between molar mesialization and incisor
retraction is approximately 75% :25%. Moderate
anchorage is required when the relationship is
approximately 50% :50% . Maximum anchorage is
required when the relationship is 25% :75%.
Resistance to mesial movement of the buc-
Figure 48 .. 019 x .025 double keyhole-loop archwire ea! segments depends on facial biotype , whether
used to clase mandibular spaces. Typically, mandibu- mesial movement is required in the mandible or in
lar arch treatment progresses ahead of maxillary arch the maxilla , the root area of involved teeth , tooth
position (vertical , mesial or distal inclination), and
how the movement will be carried out (by tipping
According to Kusy and colleagues , for .022
or body movement, with or without friction) . As a
brackets ligated with a metallic ligature to a .019
means of enhancing anchorage in the bucea! seg-
x .025 stainless steel wire , the minimum frictional
ments, it is common to use auxiliary elements such
resistance to sliding a single bracket is about 100
as extraoral forces or intermaxillary elastics (which
gm .46 Therefore, in addition to the 100 gm neces-
depend on patient compliance), transpalatal bars ,
sary to move a canine distally along an archwire ,
lingual arches or mini implants.
an additional 100 gm is needed to ove reo me fric-
tion . As a result, the total force needed to slide the There also is resistance to the retraction
tooth along the archwire will be two times greater movement in the anterior segment, the amount
than that which is expected . of which depends on the same factors listed for
the bucea! segments . The concept of differential
According to Proffit, with respect to orth-
anchorage depends on increasing or decreasing
odontic anchorage , the problem created by fric-
the anchorage value of the anterior or bucea! seg-
tion is not only its presence and the difficulty in
ments as is required .
determining the magnitude of force required to
overcome the friction , but that the force needed to The most logical approach would be to in-
overcome the friction will be close to the amount crease root area (i.e ., the number of teeth) in the
needed to cause the movement of anchorage segment that needs to have anchorage increased,
teeth .30 In order to obtain differential tooth move- and decrease root area of the tooth or teeth that
ment, the coefficient between the root area in the need to be moved . In addition , should the sec-
anchorage unit and in the movement unit should ond molar be included or not in the posterior an-


Figure 49. Root area (mm 2 ) .

chorage unit? Should the canines be distalized it is efficiently and predictably achieved with the
first and then the incisors retracted , which would distal inclination values incorporated in the goal-
avoid the retraction of the six anterior teeth simul- directed prescription for molars and premolars.
taneously? In the case of minimum anchorage , Anchorage preparation begins with the first
should second premolars be extracted and the archwires and will increase with progression in
eight teeth in the anterior segment used to mesial- wire diameter. On the other hand, an increased
ize the first and second molars? labial inclination of the incisors and/or mesial incli-
nation of canine roots (factors that must be consid-
When reviewing tooth root area (Fig . 49), it is
ered in the case of simultaneous retraction of the
apparent that the root area in the bucea! segments
six anterior teeth) denote a significant increase in
is almost twice that of the six anterior teeth . lf this is
anterior anchorage and may cause complete me-
so , why is posterior anchorage lost? One reason
sialization or lose of posterior anchorage if bodily
may be related to the amount of force applied; e.g.,
movement is ach ieved using rectangular closing
using light forces will keep the force level below
the amount of force needed to move the posterior
anchorage segment. The use of heavy torces will Roth and Williams advise that an inclination
produce movement in both segments, i.e., in the of 9r or more of the mandibular incisors to the
anchorage segment and in the segment in which mandibular plane creates a situation in which it is
movement is desired. In the no-friction space clo- possible to lose posterior anchorage easily, par-
sure techn ique, the amount of force generated de- ticularly if rectangular closing archwires are used .
pends on severa! factors such as the type of wire lf the mandibular incisors have a 93 ° buccolingual
(e.g., stainless steel closing archwires vs. blue inclination or less, posterior anchorage is always
elgiloy or Beta titanium), the characteristics of the greater than anterior anchorage , and the move-
wire , the amount of activation, closing loop design, ment will be almost exclusively anterior retraction.
The same considerations should be applied to
and the amount of wire used in the loop.
tooth movement in the maxilla. 3
Another factor to consider, due to its influence
In cases of minimum anchorage , the torque
on anchorage value, is tooth position. lt is well
known that mesial inclination of molars and pre- should be increased in the incisors in arder to in-
molars decreases their resistance to mesial move- crease anterior anchorage. In effect, the torque
ment and that uprighting them or better yet, distal to the incisors, especially the maxillary incisors
inclination , increases their resistance consider- due to their normal torque values, not only in-
ably. This last factor, introduced by Tweed in his creases anterior anchorage, it also can "burn" an-
treatment mechanics for anchorage preparation , is chorage when mesializing bucea! segments. In
probably the most used in orthodontic therapy, and the goal-directed prescription , the torque values

Treatment Mechanics

for the maxillary incisor are increased 5o to achieve is used to provide a smooth surface to decrease
an overcorrected tooth position. This may cause friction . This reduction also can be accomplished
a posterior loss of anchorage if rectangular arch- with a green stone by rounding the wire edges ,
wires (especially .021 x .025 archwires) are used. followed by polishing with a rubber disc.
This increase in anterior anchorage is one of the In a case with minimum anchorage , the se-
reasons that .021 x .025 archwires are used in lected archwire would be a .021 x .025 DKL, the
minimum anchorage cases . full size of which is used in the incisor and cuspid
The above emphasizes the need to consider segment to provide more anterior anchorage. The
using auxiliary elements to enhance posterior an- wire is reduced in the molar and premolar area
chorage when space closure is begun with .019 x that is to be mesialized. The anterior anchorage
.025 wires and especially if begun with .021 x .025 is enhanced with incisor torque and mesial incli-
wires, if preserving posterior anchorage is impor- nation of the canine . Posterior anchorage is mini-
tant. For this reason , Roth and Williams also rec- mized by the wire reduction . When the wire is acti-
ommend , that during Stage 111 treatment (spaces vated , the "prepared" anterior segment will be an
have been closed , the molars are in Class 1, and effective anchor unit that can resist mesialization
the correct OB/OJ relation has been established) , forces to the posterior segment.
short Class 11 elastics 1/8 heavy be used to over- The efficiency of these mechanics is increased
correct the tooth positions attained with .021 x if the premolars are added to the anterior segment
.025 archwires , so that the achieved Class rela-
(first premolar in the case of second premolar ex-
tionship is not lost.J traction) . Also , the activation of the closing arch-
One other consideration in anchorage plan- wire or coil spring is made from the first molar
ning is the specific kind of dental movement. (Fig. 51). In cases treated with first premolar ex-
Bodily movements normally performed using .019 tractions , the second premolars are mesialized
x .025 SS wires require twice the force needed in arder to obtain an anterior anchorage group of
for tipping movements with smaller diameter wires eight teeth .
(Fig . 50) . In other words , the larger the wire di- lf, despite the efforts taken in the mandible,
ameter, the greater the anchorage in the teeth the anterior segment tends to retract more than
that are moved ; the smaller the wire diameters, necessary, anchorage to this segment is increased
the less the effective tooth anchorage. This is one by placing short Class 11 elastics 1/8 heavy from
of the principies of differential mechanics applied the maxillary cuspid to the mandibular premolar.
to extraction site closure : use a rectangular clos- This modality of minimum anchorage is probably
ing archwire of a larger size (e.g., .021 x .025 stain- the most commonly used because at the end of
less steel) in the area that needs more anchorage the alignment and leveling stage , the desired in-
and reduce its size in the area that is being moved .
To reduce the size of the wire , an electrolytic bath

Figure 51 . Minimum anchorage mechanics with .021 x

Figure 50. Tipping movement (/eft) and bodily move- .025 SS double keyhole loop, reduced posteriorly, and
ment (right) . medium superelastic NiTi closed coil spring .



Listed below are the steps that can be used

to increase or decrease the anchorage of each
segment in differential anchorage mechanics:
l . lncrease or decrease the root area (number
of teeth)
2. Alter the type of movement used (bodily or tip-
ping) by reducing or maintaining the size of
the archwire
3. Actívate the double keyhole loop with a liga-
ture from the second premolar, first molar, or
second molar according to the predetermined
anchorage requirements
4. Use auxiliary elements such as intermaxillary
elastics, transpalatal bars, lingual arches , a
Nance appliance , or mini-implants to enhance
Based on these principies, Figures 59-61 illustrate
the use of closing mechanics with DKL archwires
in minimum , medium and maximum anchorage
cases .
Figure 52. Pretreatment intraoral photographs. The double keyhole-loop wire is activated ev-
ery six weeks by opening each key 1 mm . Each ac-
cisor retraction typically has occurred already. tivation will produce a space closure of 2 mm, with
Therefore, the remaining spaces should be closed the space usually being completely closed within
from back to front. Using a lingual bar cemented three to five months. The reason for the six-week
from cuspid to cuspid to form an anchorage block wait between activations is to allow the teeth time
that resists lingual incisor movement is a practica! to recover their vertical position . Because space
tip for cases such as this, as it reduces the need closure is achieved with .019 x .025 or .021 x .025
for patient cooperation (Fig. 58) . All of these pre- reduced wires, tooth translation is accomplished
cautions can be taken to avoid incisor retraction first with a tipping movement that is followed by
in cases in which lip position is correct. Figures an uprighting movement. With the tipping move-
52-58 show an extraction case in Stages 1 and 11 . ment, the Curve of Spee tends to increase; it then
T-loop Beta titanium and SS double keyhole-loop recovers during the uprighting movement. lf the
archwires were used for space closure. activation is too frequent and the teeth are not al-
Obviously, activation from the second mo- lowed to upright completely, the Curve of Spee
lar will increase posterior anchorage. In maximum will be excessive at the end of closure. This is dif-
anchorage mechanics, the selected archwire also ficult and time consuming to correct, and it burns
should be a .021 x .025, using the full size archwire anchorage. Activation is postponed if the cuspid
in the bucea! segments and rounding it in the anteri- crown is mesial to or directly over its root; in other
or segment from cuspid to cuspid . A retro-inclination words , the cuspid root should remain distal to its
of the anterior segment will occur sin ce this requires crown . Correction of distal crown inclination of the
less force than the bodily movement of the bucea! cuspid is one of the activities that can burn a lot of
segments. Bodily movement of the bucea! seg- anchorage . Not allowing time for teeth to recover
ments would require a force threshold that is twice their vertical position during space closure is not
that which is necessary for anterior retraction . Ac- recommended ; it may be said "that in space clo-
tivation in these cases is from the second molar. sure, the best way to go fast is to go slow. "

Treatment Mechanics

Figure 53 . Patient with .020 superelastic NiTiarchwires .

Figure 54 . Patient with .018 x .025 archwires.

Figure 55. Patient with maxillary and mandibi..Jiar T-loop Beta Titanium archwires .

Figure 56. Patient with maxillary T-loop Beta Titanium and mandibular .019 x .025 double keyhole-loop archwires.

Figure 57. Patient with maxillary T-loop Beta Titanium and mandibular .019 x .025 stainless steel archwires.

Figure 58. lntraoral photographs

taken before (left) and after (ríght)
closing the spaces.


Figure 59. Space closure in a mínimum anchorage case using DKL archwires.

Figure 60. Space closure in a medium anchorage case using DKL archwires.

When space closure has been completed , periodontist perform gingival surgery to prevent a
Roth and Williams recommend that the DKL wire space from reopening .
remain activated for an additional period of time The most often used archwires after space
(two to three months) until all the hard and soft closure are .018 x .025 superelastic NiTi or .019 x
tissue that has been compressed into the extrac- .025 stainless steel. Once engaged and leveled , it
tion space has histologically remodeled .3 Another is necessary to upright the molars and premolars
choice would be to go to a rectangular straight and complete mesial inclination of the canine using
wire and use elastic chains from the second molar .021 x .025 stainless steel wires to prevent space
to the canine to keep pressure on the extraction reopening . Mesially inclined molars and premo-
site. In some cases , it may be necessary to have a lars tend to promete space reopening.

Treatment Mechanics

tial anchorage mechanics , this modal ity is used in

41Lllf 41Lttt cases with minimum and med ium anchorage . Fig-
ure 62 (posted arches with coil and medium an-
chorage) illustrates the sliding mechanics used for

l\,ww ~·w
space closure in these types of anchorage cases .
In minimum anchorage cases , posterior teeth
are moved mesially one at a time against an ante-
rior anchorage unit of at least six, or ideally eight,

teeth . For this , a .021 x .025 DKL archwire is used
with reduction in the posterior segments , and the
coil is placed on the first molar hook and ligated to
the first or second archwire keyhole loop until an

- ~"
activation of 14 to 16 mm of the coil is obtained .
This achieves the necessary force to mesialize
molars due to the superelastic NiTi characteris-
tic that provides a constant force during space
Figure 61 . Space closure in a maxi mum anchorage closure. By ligating the coil spring in the keyhole
case using DKL archwires.
loop , torces are directed in a more apical direc-
Sliding or Friction C/osure tion with the purpose of approaching the center of
resistance of the anterior teeth , producing a bodily
Space closure also can be accomplished by
movement that, in sum , increases the anchorage
sliding the teeth on an archwire . Todo this , a .019
of the anterior segment (Figs . 59 and 81 ).
x .025 archwire with crimpable hooks, a .019 x
.025 posted archwire , ora .019 x .025 or .021 x In minimum anchorage cases , the preference
.025 DKL (depending on the needed anchorage) is to create an anterior anchorage unit of eight
may be used . Asan active element , elastics, elas- teeth including premolars (Figs. 63-82). In the case
tic chains or closed coils of any kind may be used . of first premolar extractions , the second premolars
The preference is to use 4 mm long superelas- are mesialized first to incorporate them into the an-
tic Ni Ti el o sed coils of medium force ( 150 gm) or terior segment. Again , the use of a cemented lin-
heavy force (200 gm) that have a ring in each end gual bar from cuspid to cuspid or miniscrews can
to facilitate use. Based on the concept of differen- be helpful in such a case (Fig. 58) .

1J A&M !1 ~~M /J AlM

~-y éfl{ ~~ 1\l\("
Figure 62 . Sliding mechan-
ics using .021 x .025 SS
archwires reduced posteri-
orly and medium superelas-

~lJ ~(IM ...,.-.,'-'~

~.d(~ M .i1~1J.M
tic NiTi closed coil springs in
medium anchorage space
. , .. . , ,_, . -·~
. . .# ...


'1 ,lft.. _ . ,~ ~- __

. ,-,..

~- __ . ,~


Figure 63 . Patient A pretreatment intraoral photographs .

Figure 64. Patient A with .019 x .025 stainless steel archwires. In the maxilla , the second bicuspids were mesi-
ally moved with medium superelastic NiTi open coil springs.

Figure 65. Patient A with .019 x .025 stainless steel archwires with medium superelastic Ni Ti closed coil springs
to move the maxillary first molars mesially.

Figure 66. Patient A with the same archwires as in Figure 64 but with the extraction spaces closed .

Figure 67. Patient A with .021 x .025 stainless steel maxillary and .019 x .025 stainless steel mandibular archwires.

Figure 68 . Patient A with maxillary and mandibular .019 x .025 braided archwires.

Treatment Mechanics

Figure 69. Patient A: Comparison of pretreatment and post-treatment intraoral photographs.

Figure 70. Patient B pretreatment intraoral photographs.

Figure 71 . Patient B with a maxillary .014 superelastic NiTi archwire.

Figure 72. Patient B with maxillary and mandibular .018 x .025 superelastic NiTi archwires .

Figure 73. Patient B with maxillary .018 x .025 superelastic NiTi archwire and man-
dibular .019 x .025 stainless steel archwire and medium superelastic NiTi closed
coil spring .


Figure 74. Patient B with maxillary and mandibular .019 x .025 stainless steel archwires finalizing space closure.

Figure 75. Patient B consolidating space closure.

Figure 76. Patient B with .021 x .025 steel archwires.

Figure 77. Patient B with maxillary and mandibular .019 x .025 braided archwires.

Figure 78 . Patient C pretreatment intraoral photographs.

Treatment Mechanics

Figure 79. Patient e with maxillary and mandibular .014 superelastic NiTi archwires.

Figure 80 . Patient e with maxillary and mandibular .020 superelastic NiTi archwires.

Figure 81 . Patient e with maxillary .019 x .025 stainless steel archwires and mandibular .019 x .025 double key-
hole-loop archwires with medium superelastic NiTi closed coil springs.

Figure 82 . Patient e post-treatment intraoral photographs .

Figure 83 . Patient D pretreatment intraoral photographs. This patient was a periodontal case.

Figure 84 . Patient D: maxillary and mand ibular .019 x .025 posted archwires/med ium superelastic NiTi closed
coil springs.


Figure 85. Patient D with same archwires as seen in Figure 84 , but with spaces closed.

Figure 86 . Patient D with maxillary and mandibular .019 x .025 braided archwires.
In cases in which the treatment plan calls • In the correction of the dental relationship of
for a medium anchorage space closure (i.e. , an Class 11 or Class 111
anterior segment retraction and advancement of • In correction of dentoalveolar crossbites of one
buccal segments in a 50 :50 or 60 :40 relation) , or more teeth
the force is directed from the first molar hook • To clase lateral open bites in the buccal seg-
to the anterior segment, but this time at crown ments, or correct the Curve of Spee
level to facilitate more lingual crown movement. • To achieve an adequate intercuspation using
This can be done with .019 x .025 posted arch- vertical torces once a Class 1 relation is ob-
wires directing the force from the molar hooks tained
to the hooks between the canine and the lat- • As an active element to retract the maxillary in-
eral incisor or directly to the cuspid bracket cisors
hooks. The force applied should be 150 gm to • As an anchorage enhancement element
180 gm on each side , using medium or heavy
force superelastic closed coils . The clinician will The use of elastics in the goal-directed ph i-
be able to increase or decrease segment move- losophy has specific considerations and indica-
ment by reducing the archwire or maintaining tions that are related closely to the orthodontic
its rectangular section , or by activating from goals, especially the functional occlusion goal.
the first molar or the second molar. Figures 83 As previously stated , one of the things to avoid
through 86 illustrate a medium anchorage case . during orthodontic movement is any extrusive
movement, especially in the molar area , as this
The third stage in extraction cases is the can cause condylar distraction. An increase in
same as that in nonextraction cases , except that the vertical dimension at the dentoalveolar level ,
the elastic chains remain in place to consolidate especially in the posterior segment, that is not
the space closure. equaled or exceeded by mandibular ramus growth
may cause an open bite or a condylar distraction
ACCESSORY ELEMENTS. or both . In the non-growing patient, however, the
As in most orthodontic techniques , goal-di- "compensatory" mechanism of mandibular ramus
growth does not exist. Therefore, the precautions
rected treatment mechanics also uses some ac-
taken to ensure that an increase in the dentoal-
cessory elements such as active elements for
veolar vertical dimension does not occur should
tooth movement or elements that reinforce an-
be even greater for these patients (see Chapter
chorage .
1, Fu/crum) .
lntermaxillary Elastics The response to intermaxillary elastic me-
lntermaxillary elastics are used mainly: chanics is different in the different skeletal biotypes.

Treatment Mechanics

Muscular force in a brachyfacial patient makes vector. Directing the force to the mandibular pre-
the extrusion of the bucea! segments more dif- molar area helps to correct the Curve of Spee,
ficult, and in most cases if it occurs , it will re- which would not happen or would be more difficult
lapse. In this facial biotype , good mandibular if the torces are directed to the molar area .
ramus growth is common. Dolichofacial patients
In non-compliant patients for whom maxillary
present a greater problem , especially severe
anterior retraction is needed , one of the ways to
dolichofacial patients for whom incorrectly ap-
obtain the necessary retraction force is with Class
plied elastics will produce undesired effects.
11 elastics placed from the mandibular premo-
The use of Class 11 elastics can also produce lar area to the first or second key of the double
an extrusion of the anterior segment with an in- keyhole-loop archwire. This is especially useful
crease in the gingival and incisor exposure , es- in critica! anchorage cases and, in general , when
pecially when use is prolonged and/or if flexible the amount of retraction required is not great. In
archwires are in place . Prolonged use also could arder to do this , the lateral segments of the DKL
produce an increase in the lower facial third verti- archwire must be reduced to facilitate the arch
cal dimension which may compromise lip closure sliding distally or a round .020 DKL can be used
and/or any of the treatment goals being sought. when retroinclination of incisors is necessary or
possible. Thus , the worst thing that can happen if
In general , intermaxillary elastic use should
the patient does not wear the elastics is that the
be limited as much as possible , although avoiding
case will not progress. At least there will be no
them completely is not always possible . In spite
loss of posterior anchorage , which is especially
of the fact that using long elastics (example Class
important if anchorage is a critica! factor. lt is im-
11 elastics from the maxillary cuspid to the man-
portant also to control very closely the amount of
dibular second molar) produces a more horizon-
time that elastics are used against the maxillary
tal force vector, their use is not recommended for
canines , especially with respect to vertical forces ,
functional occlusion reasons . The most frequent
since the 1 mm overjet between canines that is
centric and eccentric functional interferences are
necessary for eccentric mandibular movements
at the second molars; therefore , any extrusion of
could be lost.
these teeth should routinely be avoided .
Elastics also can be used to increase or de-
The configuration most commonly used is
crease anchorage in the bucea! segments. One
strong short elastics (1/8" or 3 mm and 6 oz) that,
way to increase anchorage in extraction cases
in a Class 11 nonextraction case , are placed from
in the maxillary posterior segments is by using
the maxillary canine to the first or second man-
Class 11 elastics between the mandibular first mo-
dibular premolar. In extraction cases , the elastics
lar and the maxillary second or first premolar. lt
are placed from the maxillary cuspid to the man-
is essential to use rigid archwires such as .019 x
dibular second premolar or the first molar. In an
.025 or, ideally, .021 x .025, especially when no
attempt to avoid an unfavorable force vector to
mesialization of the mandibular arch is desired . lt
the first molar, it is recommended that the elastic
is important to consider for both Class 11 and Class
be placed from the maxillary lateral to the second
111 elastics, the angulation of the incisors as well
mandibular premolar using a Kobayashi hook or
as their position in the mandibular symphysis or
a stop mesial to the maxillary lateral incisor. In
palatal bone . The relation of the roots to the cor-
cases where a DKL is being used in the maxil-
tical plates is the most important limitation when
lary arch , the elastics should be placed from the
considering incisor movement. Excessive move-
mesial key of this archwire. An attempt should be
ment, which can cause periodontal injury and of-
made to avoid applying force to the first maxillary
ten produces tooth position instability, certainly is
or mandibular molars. Beca use of their shortness,
not desired .
it is necessary to use strong elastics (generally
1/8 heavy) that can hold the teeth in occlusion and As was discussed earlier in this chapter, one
thus reduce the vertical component of the force of the important features of the goal-directed pre-


scription is its ability to provide excellent anchor- indicated only in dentoalveolar transverse altera-
age , especially in the mandible.2 Therefore , it gen- tions and those where the apical base allows it.
erally is not necessary to use Class 111 elastics for
During the final stage and final seating of the
retraction of the anterior mandibular segment.
occlusion , some publications recommend that the
lntermaxillary elastics also are used as an wires be taken off in the buccal segments and "up
auxiliary element to achieve adequate intercuspa- and down" elastics added , leaving an arch seg-
tion. Configured as a square oras a triangle (with ment in the maxillary and mandibular incisors. lt is
the apex ofthe triangle on the tooth requiring more important to remember, however, that the elastic
movement) or Class 11 or Class 111 vector (based force is applied on the buccal side of the teeth
on the original malocclusion), these elastics are and the resulting force vector, with respect to the
used in the final stage of treatment with .019 x center of resistance of these teeth , produces a
.025 or .021 x .025 braided rectangular archwires greater movement of the buccal cusp than the
placed in both maxillary and mandibular arches or lingual cusp, especially when these teeth do not
in the arch that requires the most movement. The have an archwire to control their movement. This
flexibility of the wires allows small vertical tooth greatly reduces the possibility of establishing the
movements in order to achieve the correct inter- tight cusp-to-fossa or cusp-to-marginal ridge rela-
cuspation (Fig. 15). lt should be noted that this is tionships that are so important for a healthy and
only possible and recommended when the sepa- stable occlusion.
ration between the opposite teeth is 1 mm or less. The goal is to achieve a correct intercuspa-
Greater discrepancies in the occlusion between tion and have all the necessary ingredients of an
antagonistic teeth should be corrected with bends ideal occlusion in place while the patient is still
in the wire or ideally by repositioning the neces- wearing the appliances. What is the use of argu-
sary brackets. In this stage, special attention is ing about torque and/or inclination if these ideal
paid to directing the cusp into the corresponding positions are lost at the end of treatment? When
fossae or marginal ridge to avoid cusp-to-incline appliances are removed and the teeth settle, the
contacts that prevent the "closure" of the mandi- spontaneous settling with no controls likely will re-
ble to an occlusion with proper vertical dimension sult in centric cusps contacting opposing inclines,
and anterior guidance. which in turn produces a mandibular shift and ,
Criss-Cross Elastics with it, a condylar distraction. Roth used to say
that when the teeth are allowed to settle by them-
Usually, criss-cross elastics are placed be- selves , the condylar distraction generally is great-
tween buccal attachments on mandibular bicus- er, and though this is difficult to see clinically, it
pids and molars and lingual attachments on max- becomes quite evident when an accurate mount-
illary bicuspids and molars. While cross elastics ing in centric relation is done or, more probably,
often are used for the correction of lateral cross with ultimate relapse , wear, and muscular and/or
bites of one or more teeth , their use is restricted joint dysfunction .1·3
(especially when the involved teeth are second
lt is very common to consider closing anteri-
molars) to avoid any extrusion that may cause a
or open bites by using vertical elastics of different
molar fulcrum. lt is important to determine which
configurations in the incisor area. The goal-direct-
of the involved teeth requires the greatest move-
ed philosophy does not recommended this due
ment, so that a flexible archwire is used in that
to the condylar distraction that this may produce .
arch and a rigid archwire is placed in the opposite
This is one of many therapeutic choices that is
arch where limitation or avoidance of transverse
designed to solve the dental problem , but it does
movement is desired . In addition , using transpala-
not address the real etiology. In general , anterior
tal bars in the maxillary first or second molars, or
open bites can be produced by:
lingual arches in the mandible or just plain wire
bends provides additional stability. lt also is impor- 1. A lack of vertical dentoalveolar development
tant to determine if the problem is dentoalveolar in the maxillary and/or mand ibular incisor area
or skeletal , since all the maneuvers described are produced by tongue thrusting or any other ha bit

Treatment Mechanics

2. An increased vertical dentoalveolar growth in

the maxillary or mandibular molar area
3. Premature cusp-to-cusp contacts or cusp-to-
inclines in CR
4. A true skeletal open bite
5. Any combination of the above

With the exception of thrusting habit cases in

which therapy is directed towards the elimina-
tion of the habit and the leveling of the arches ,
vertical control is used to restrict vertical den-
toalveolar growth and/or intrude maxillary and Figure 87 . Transpalatal bar with acrylic button.
mandibular buccal segments with miniscrews,
transpalatal bars , centric bite blocks or high-pull
headgear, depending on the problem . Diagnos- allow these movements to occur more efficiently.
tically these patients generally present with in- The importance of the transpalatal bars
creased lower facial third , lip closure is deficient as part of the treatment mechanics is evident
and facial aesthetics are compromised. These during treatment planning with models accurately
factors are due to a clockwise mandibular ro- mounted on an articulator. The most common
tation . For these patients, vertical control is of finding is that the premature contacts are on the
great benefit. Certainly there are cases in which first and especially the second molars. This often
the magnitude of the problems are too great for is due to a lack of correct cusp-to-fossa contact
orthopedic possibilities and orthognathic sur- or cusp-to-opposite marginal ridge relationship ,
gery is the only option . This occurs more fre- which props the mandible open and increases
quently in cases with a significant skeletal com- the vertical dimension . In arder to improve its ef-
ponent such as patients with a short mandibu- ficiency, the transpalatal bar is placed 6 to 8 mm
lar ramus with little growth potential , an obtuse away from the hard palate with an acrylic button
gonial angle and/or vertical maxillary excess . as wide as possible to enhance its vertical ef-
fect. The patient is instructed to push the tongue
Transpalatal Bar against the button during swallowing .
The most appropriate time for vertical control
The transpalatal bar is one of the accessory
is during the early mixed dentition . At this time ,
elements frequently used in goal-directed treat-
the vertical control of the first permanent molars
ment mechanics, often on the first and second
and the selective grinding of deciduous molars al-
maxillary molars, due to its versatility and efficacy
low the achievement of an effect that becomes
(Fig . 87). This therapeutic element allows the or-
more difficult to obtain once the premolars have
thodontist to : erupted .
1. Vertically control the position of the maxillary
first and second molars Centric Bite Block

2. Help maxillary and mandibular arch coordina- The centric bite block is a maxillary or
tion by transverse expansion or compression mandibular orthopedic appliance that covers
the lateral segments buccally, lingually and oc-
3. Use the element in torque and molar rotation
clusally. lt is designed to have multiple contacts
Except for vertical control , all other actions are on the antagonistic teeth that are bilateral and
achievable with the archwires and the fea tu res built of equal intensity. (Fig . 88). Centric bite blocks
into the brackets. Nevertheless, transpalatal bars that are used in the early treatment of skeletal


open bite or vertical Class 11 cases produce a eles increased during early stages of the treat-
forward and upward (counterclockwise) man- ment; they also found an increase in mandibular
dibular rotation by transmitting the mastica- prognathism when the bite block was used. Stud-
tory muscle torces to the buccal dentoalveolar ies also indicate that increasing the height of the
regions and reducing their vertical growth. ln- posterior bite block further increases the clock-
creasing the vertical dimension by this means wise mandibular rotation , the greatest intrusive ef-
produces skeletal changes not only in the dento- fect being achieved with bite blocks 8 mm high .33-
alveolar region , but in other areas of the craniofa- 34·37 lscan 's study showed that the downward and
cial complex .34 Passive posterior bite blocks are backward mandibular rotation continued in his
effective in the treatment of skeletal open bite and control group increasing the lower facial height
in producing overbite as a result of the upward significantly, whereas in patients treated using
and forward rotation of the mandible and the ver- bite blocks , the skeletal open bite was corrected
tical development of the lower anterior dentoalve- and the mandible rotated upward and forward. 34
olar region. 34 ·39 ·42 ·43 Altuna and Woodside conclud-
ed that passive posterior bite blocks cause the Other studies show that isolated contact of
mandible to develop in a more horizontal direc- anterior teeth produces a muscle pacification ,
tion .35 lscan found that the bite block caused an and decreased electromyographic activity. This
increase in the SNB angle , while the lower tace is one of the principies of anterior guidance (see
height and mandibular plane angle decreased .34 Chapter One ).
lscan 's work corroborated Dellinger's as they
Guided by concepts of function and gnathol-
both found a decrease in the lower posterior den-
ogy, the bite plane is adjusted the same way as
toalveolar height in treatment groups.34.43
is done when using a centric relation splint or a
The bite block not only inhibits vertical mandibular repositioning splint. The goal is to
growth , but eventually intrudes posterior teeth . lt seat the condyles in centric relation . This is done
is more versatile than the transpalatal bar, as it af- in an attempt to avoid a fulcrum (see Chapter
fects both mandibular and maxillary teeth . Altuna , One) that may cause an apparent bite correc-
Weislander, McNamara and others have reported tion through condylar distraction or an interna!
on using the appliance in a manner similar to that derangement rather than actually achieving the
described above , i.e. , basically asan acrylic ap- vertical change. For this reason , it is called a cen-
pliance that covers the occlusal surface of molars tric bite block. In the goal-directed design , the bite
and premolars or deciduous molars with the inten- block can be used in the mandible or the max-
tion of controlling vertical development. 35-41 This illa , with the thickness of the intermaxillary acrylic
appliance , fixed or removable , allows the anterior varying from 2 to 3 mm. In cases in which a cor-
segment teeth to remain free in cases where their rection of torque or upper molar rotation is neces-
passive eruption would help correct the overbite . sary, a transpalatal bar can be used in the maxilla
This would not be indicated for patients who have and a centric bite block in the mandible.
a normal or increased incisor exposure.
In order to adjust the occlusion on the ap-
The mechan ism responsible for the bite- pliance , the centric bite block can be removed at
block affect is elevator muscle force. Separate the beginning of treatment to allow the mandibu-
studies by McNamara , Woods and Nanda and lar position to stabilize . Whether to continue with
Sander and Weinreich show that isolated contact a removable centric bite block or switch to a fixed
of posterior teeth produces an increase in electro- one will depend on patient compliance. Experi-
myographic activity (or elevator muscle hyperac- ence has shown that using this appliance as a
tivity) that is responsible for this appliance 's intru- removable one is preferable , as it enables the or-
sive capacity.J7A4.4 5 In another study, Kuster and thodontist to control the occlusal contacts of the
lngervall found that the bite force and the activity opposite teeth and to actívate a transpalatal bar
of the masseter and the anterior temporal mus- (Figs . 88-89).

Treatment Mechanics

Figure 88 . Vertical control with centric bite block.

Figure 89. Patient with centric bite block one year later.

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12. Utt TW, Meyers CE , Wierzba TF, Hondrum SO . A
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