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1. To investigate the capability of the design drainage and its ability to discharge
the maximum rainfall.
2. To access the existing condition of the drainage system.
3. To investigate the capability of the existing drainage system and its capability
to cater the maximum rainfall
4. Induce or propose some solution to improve the drainage system.

Taman Indah was started develop since 1990. The development was took part by the
few developers and it was launched at different time. The front part which was near to
the major road including our site was hilly area. The settlement issue does not make a
big issue to the society. The centre and the inner side of the developed area are all
pitch soil. This soil exhibits low bearing capacity and high compressibility
characteristic. Some of the drainage, pavement road and the house were failed due to
the soil settlement.

Our site has a size around 0.8hectares. Now, the drainage and road condition at our
site is still acceptable and able to function. The slope or the gradient of the drain is
normal due to least settlement. However, some part of the drain is affected by weed
and settled soil. It will influence the drain discharge and capacity. Fortunately, the
drainage system still can sustain the rainfall in Sibu. They local communities at
Taman Indah yet not face any issue about flooding or overflow during the raining
season. We had done the analysis about the designed drainage and existing drainage.
The checking is done according to the Rainfall intensity Duration Frequency (IDF)
curve for Sibu to determine the rainfall intensity.

Our site

Locality Plan

BS IS FS Rise Fall RL PL IL Remark

(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (m) (m) (m) (m)
144.4 4.265
76.5 76.3 68.1 4.946
117.0 152.5 76.0 4.186
213 96.0 3.226 s1
184.5 28.5 3.511 s2
156 28.5 3.796
238.6 231.5 75.5 3.041 s2
171.2 67.4 3.715 s2
237.8 66.6 3.049 s3
174.3 63.5 3.684 s3
150.8 23.5 3.919 s4
238.1 241 90.2 3.017 s4
227.5 10.6 3.123 t2
161.0 66.5 3.788 t2
207.0 46.0 3.328 t1
162.5 44.5 3.773 t1
151.8 156.5 6.0 3.833
239 87.2 2.961 s5
149.3 89.7 3.858 s5
240.5 91.2 2.946 s6
178.0 62.5 3.571 s6/u3
232.2 54.2 3.029 u3
210.0 22.2 3.251 u1
163.5 46.5 3.716 u1
223.0 59.5 3.121 u2
158.5 64.5 3.766 u2
179.3 20.8 3.588 s7
244.5 65.2 2.903 s7

Analysis of Design Drainage System
The design drawing for that particular section drainage system is done on year 1989
and that residential area is built on year 1992. The width of the base of the design
drainage is 0.5m while the surface width is around 1.2m. The height of the drain is
varying according to the slope of the drain. The height of the drain is become deeper
since the drain is slope to discharge the water. The slope of the drainage system is
consistently at 0.002, (500). Key plan of design drawing in year 1989 is provided at


a. Rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency

Length of Mean drain Drain
area Mean Slope Area, AB
overland velocity, Length, Ld
average of drain (%) (hectares)
flow (m) Vd(m/s) (m)
slope (%)
135 2 0.2 0.5 220 0.8

Mean drain velocity, Vd refer to table 2

Overflow land time, to refer to the chart 1 = 7.2min.

𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ,𝐿
Drain flow time, td = 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦,𝑉

= 0.5𝑚/𝑠

= 440s = 7.33min.

Time of concentration, tc = overflow land time, to+ drain flow time, td

= 7.2min. + 7.33min.

= 14.53min. ≈ 15min.

Rainfall intensity, RIt refer to the chart 2,

10 5 2
I15 = 162.22mm/hr I15 = 152.17mm/hr I15 = 134.78mm/hr

Runoff Coefficient, c refer to the chart 3

𝑐×𝑅𝐼𝑡 ×𝐴𝐵
Peak flow, Qy = 360

Peak Flow, Qy (m3/s) Runoff Coefficient, c

High density 0.2848 0.79

Medium density 0.2638 0.78
Low density 0.2216 0.74

b. Designed Culvert
Depth of flow in
Length of the Culvert height, Width of Gravity,
culvert barrel, DB
culvert, L (m) Y (m) culvert, Bs (m) g (m/s2)
0.2 8.9 0.679 1.2 9.81

Maximum permissible upstream flood level = (10.25m-6.578m)

= 3.672mOD

(9.439𝑚 – 9.421𝑚)
Slope of culvert, SB = natural slope of drain, So = 𝐿

(9.439𝑚 – 9.421𝑚)
= 8.9𝑚

= 0.002

High density Medium density Low density

Velocity of flow in barrel, Vs (m/s) 1.1866 1.0990 0.9235
Critical depth in the culvert, Dc (m) 0.1791 0.1701 0.1515
Tailwater level, H2 (m) 0.4290 0.4246 0.4153
HWL (m) 0.5450 0.5240 0.4854
Headwater elevation (mOD) 3.3880 3.3670 3.3285
H1(m) 0.8110 0.8110 0.8110
H1/Y 1.1944 1.1944 1.1944
Discharge, Q (m3/s) 1.4301 1.4301 1.4301

Velocity of flow in barrel, Vs

Peak flow,Q𝑦 (𝑚3 /𝑠)

= Depth of flow in culvert barrel,DB(𝑚) × Width of culvert,Bs (𝑚)

Where 0.75 m/s < Vs < 2.0 m/s ok!

Critical depth in the culvert, Dc

3 𝑚3
(Peak flow,Q𝑦 ( ))
𝑚 2
𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦,𝑔 ( 2 ) × (Width of culvert,Bs(𝑚))

Tail water level, H2 = 0.5 × (Critical depth in the culvert, Dc (𝑚) +

Culvert height, Y (𝑚))

Cross section area of barrel, AB (m2)

= Width of culvert, Bs (m) × Culvert height, Y (m)

= 1.2m × 0.679m

= 0.8148 m2

𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑙,𝐴𝐵 (𝑚2 )

Hydraulic radius, RB = wet perimeter,PB (𝑚)

(0.679 𝑚 × 1.2 𝑚)
= (2 × 0.679m + 1.2m)

= 0.3185m

The composite concrete channel of barred is 𝑛𝐵 = 0.012s/m1/3 (Dressed, Jointed Stone)

HWL (m)

1.5 × (Velocity of flow in barrel,Vs)2 𝑛𝐵 2 × (Velocity of flow in barrel,Vs)2 × L (m)

= H2 + 𝑚 +
2 × 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦,𝑔 ( 2 ) 𝑅𝐵 4/3

From the engineering drawing H1 =10.25m -9.439m

= 0.811m

Headwater elevation (mOD) < Maximum permissible upstream flood level (3.672
mOD) ok!

Cd is 0.44 when H1/Y ≤ 1.3

Discharge, Q (m3/s) = 𝐶𝑑 × 𝐴𝐵 (𝑚2 ) × √2 × 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦, 𝑔 (𝑚/𝑠 2 ) × 𝐻1(𝑚)

Calculation step:

Area, A = ×Y
= ×0.285m
= 0.51m2

Wetted Perimeter, P = (2 × 𝑍) + 𝐵
= (2 × 0.695𝑚) + 0.5𝑚
= 1.289m

Hydraulic Radius, R =
𝑊𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟

= 0.396m

Slope, So = 0.002
2 1
Minimum Velocity, Vmin = ( )(𝑅 )(𝑆𝑜 2 ) 3
2 1
=( )(0.3963 )(0.0022 )

= 1.418m/s

Minimum Discharge, Qmin = 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 × 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦

= 0.51m2 × 1.418m/s
= 0.723m3/s

d. Discussion

The Platform Level (PL) of all the building is 10.25m while the Road Level (RL) of
the road is 10.25m. The invert level of the drain is depending on the location and the
slope of the drain. There are 11 survey point are plotted in the design drawing. They
are s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, t1, t2, u2 and u3. These survey points have their own level
according to their position. The level that shows in the drawing is not match with the
actual level. According to the experience surveyor, the level that shows in the drawing
should be minus with 6.578m in order to get the actual level. The detail of the
drainage system is show in the table and figure below.

According to the Rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency, the possible highest amount
rainfall intensity is 162.22mm/hr, (1 in 10 years). The highest amount of the discharge
for this rainfall intensity is 0.28m3/s (1 in 10 years). The rainfall for 1 in 2 year is
around 0.2216m3/s and the rainfall for 1 in 5 year is around 0.2638m3/s.

Fortunately, the minimum and maximum of the designed drainage system has a
higher discharge capability than the rainfall; freeboard is excluded. So, it can be
conclude that the drainage system can discharge the flow smoothly without overflow
and flooding. However, the obstacle in drainage might increase the upstream water
head level and it might cause overflow.

The culvert is designed to discharge the flow from the residential area. The capability
of the culvert is determined by the maximum permissible upstream flow level and the
velocity of the flow rate. The design maximum permissible upstream flow level is
3.571m. It is higher than the head level, 3.426m that bring by the rainfall. The
allowable flow velocity for the culvert is also between the range of 0.85m/s to 2.0m/s.
So, the culvert design is acceptable and it is able to discharge the flow smoothly.

Analysis of Existing Drainage System

Overall looking through the drainage system of the Taman Indah, the settlement is
occurring throughout all the structure. However, all the existing invert level of the
drainage system is higher than the designed invert level. There might be something
wrong with the level in the drawing. We have observed that the external earth drain
become shallower due to the sand settlement. Sometimes, the rainwater will overflow
cross the road pavement. Besides that, we have observed that the thickness of the
sediment in the drain is about 7.5mm and above. The sediments are including
construction sand, rubbish and concrete waste. The weed is also growing rapidly in
the drainage system. This might influence the flow rate of the drainage. The retained
water might cause the occurrence of the mosquito. The drainage system is divided
into 4 parts: concrete waste part, weed part, sand sediment part and rubbish sediment

Figure shows the part that become shallower

a. Existing Rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency

Length of Mean drain Drain
area Mean Slope Area, AB
overland velocity, Length, Ld
average of drain (%) (hectares)
flow (m) Vd(m/s) (m)
slope (%)
135 2 3.6 0.9 220 0.8

Mean drain velocity, Vd (m/s) refer to table 2

Overflow land time, to refer to the chart 1 = 7.2min.

𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ,𝐿
Drain flow time, td = 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦,𝑉

= 0.9𝑚/𝑠

= 244.44s = 4.07min.

Time of concentration, tc = overflow land time, to + drain flow time, td

= 7.2min. + 4.07min.

= 11.27min. ≈ 15min.

Rainfall intensity, RIt refer to the chart 2,

10 5 2
I15 = 162.22mm/hr I15 = 152.17mm/hr I15 = 134.78mm/hr

Runoff Coefficient, c refer to the chart 3

𝑐×𝑅𝐼𝑡 ×𝐴𝐵
Peak flow, Qy = 360

Peak Flow, Qy (m3/s) Runoff Coefficient, c

High density 0.2848 0.79

Medium density 0.2638 0.78
Low density 0.2216 0.74

b. Existing culvert

Depth of flow in
Length of the Culvert height, Width of Gravity,
culvert barrel, DB
culvert, L (m) Y (m) culvert, Bs (m) g (m/s2)
0.2 8.9 0.625 1.2 9.81

Culvert height, Y (m) = 3.571m-2.946m

= 0.625m

Maximum permissible upstream flood level = 3.571mOD

(2.946𝑚 – 2.906𝑚)
Slope of culvert, SB = natural slope of drain, So = 𝐿
(2.946𝑚 – 2.906𝑚)
= 8.9𝑚

= 0.0045

High density Medium density Low density

Velocity of flow in barrel, Vs (m/s) 1.1866 1.0990 0.9235
Critical depth in the culvert, Dc (m) 0.1791 0.1701 0.1515
Tailwater level, H2 (m) 0.4020 0.3976 0.3883
HWL (m) 0.5199 0.4987 0.4597
Headwater elevation (mOD) 3.4259 3.4047 3.3657
H1(m) 0.6250 0.6250 0.6250
H1/Y 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Discharge, Q (m /s) 1.1556 1.1556 1.1556

Velocity of flow in barrel, Vs

Peak flow,Q𝑦 (m3 /s)

Depth of flow in culvert barrel,DB(m) × Width of culvert,Bs (m)

where 0.75 m/s <Vs < 2.0 m/s ok!

Critical depth in the culvert, Dc

3 𝑚3
(Peak flow,Q𝑦 ( ))
𝑚 2
𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦,𝑔 ( 2 ) × (Width of culvert,Bs(𝑚))

Tail water level, H2

= 0.5 × (Critical depth in the culvert, Dc (𝑚) + Culvert height, Y (𝑚))

Cross section area of barrel, AB (m2)

= Width of culvert, Bs (m) × Culvert height, Y (m)

= 1.2m × 0.625m

= 0.75 m2

𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑙,𝐴𝐵 (𝑚2 )

Hydraulic radius, RB = wet perimeter,PB (𝑚)

(0.625 𝑚 × 1.2 𝑚)
= (2 × 0.625𝑚 + 1.2𝑚)

= 0.3061 m

The composite concrete channel of barred is 𝑛𝐵 = 0.013 s/m1/3

HWL (m)

1.5 × (Velocity of flow in barrel,Vs)2 𝑛𝐵 2 × (Velocity of flow in barrel,Vs)2 × L (m)

= H2 + 𝑚 +
2× 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦,𝑔 ( 2 ) 𝑅𝐵 4/3

From the engineering drawing H1 = 3.571m –2.946m

= 0.625m

Headwater elevation (mOD) < Maximum permissible upstream flood level

(3.571mOD ) ok!

Cd is 0.44 when H1/Y ≤ 1.3

Discharge, Q (m3/s) = 𝐶𝑑 × 𝐴𝐵 (𝑚2 ) ×

√2 × 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦, 𝑔 (𝑚/𝑠 2 ) × 𝐻1(𝑚)

Calculation step:

Area, A = ×Y
= ×0.285m
= 0.299m2

Wetted Perimeter, P = (2 × 𝑍) + 𝐵
= (2 × 0.322𝑚) + 0.9𝑚
= 1.544m

Hydraulic Radius, R =
𝑊𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟

= 0.194m

Slope, So =

= 0.005
2 1
Minimum Velocity, Vmin = ( )(𝑅 )(𝑆𝑜 ) 3 2
2 1
=( )(0.1943 )(0.0052 )

= 1.453m/s

Minimum Discharge, Qmin = 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 × 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦

= 0.299m2 × 1.453m/s
= 0.435m3/s

d. Discussion
Concrete waste
The concrete waste is occurred at the survey point s1. The concrete waste has covered
almost half of the drainage system. The concrete waste is come from the residential
that undergoes reconstruction process before this. The height of the drainage is left
only 28.5cm, excluded 30cm freeboard. This part of drainage cannot sustain too much
rain downpour. Excessive rain down pour might cause overflow or even flooding of
that particular area. The flow rate of that particular section drainage is between
0.435m3/s to 0.616m3/s. It is less conservative because freeboard is not included in the
For survey point s2, the weed is growing rapidly at here. The discharge of the animal
waste will enhance the growth of the weed. The minimum designed discharge for that
particular section is 0.844m3/s and maximum is 1.195m3/s. The minimum existing
discharge of the drain is 1.279m3/s and the maximum discharge is 1.812m3/s. The
existing discharge of the drain was increasing if comparing with the designed
discharge. This is because the settlement of the base of the drain is adding the height
of the drain. The capability of the drain is compared with the Sibu town rainfall
intensity. The drainage system is still able to carry the discharge of the rainfall which
is 0.283m3/s. We have observed that there is arise at the survey point s3. The flow in
the drain is interrupted by the arise level. Actually, arise of the invert level is caused
by different rate of settlement of the drainage system.

Figure 1: This is point s1. The concrete waste such as aggregate and soils are settled
in the drain. The depth of the drain is 28.5cm only.

Figure 2: This section is located along s2 and s3. The water is retained at this area due
to the higher invert level of the downstream (s3). The weed is growing rapidly.

Weed growth

Survey point s3, s4 and s5 have the same characteristics and condition. There is land
settlement happen over here and the sand or residue is settling at the bottom of the
drain. The weed is rapid growth at these parts. There are about 10cm depth of water is
retained at s3 survey point due to the settlement of the base of the drain. The growth
of the weed will interrupt the flow of the drain during the rain down pour. At this
point, the discharge of the drainage is very poor due to the negative slope of the drain.

The overall discharge of the existing rain is more than the designed discharge. This is
mainly caused by the settlement of the base of the drainage which increases the depth
and slope of the drain. The slope of the existing drain is around 0.004, ( 250) but the
designed slope is 0.002, (500). The slope has brought a great effect on the discharge of

the drain. The great and smooth discharge brings disadvantages and side effect to the
downstream. The great discharge will cause the erosion and flooding at the
downstream part which has the lower discharge capability.

According to the calculation, the capability of the drainage is much higher than the
rainfall intensity for 1 in 2 year, 1 in 5 years, and 1 in 10 years. The highest rainfall
intensity is 1 in 10 year which is around 0.285m3/s while the average capacity of the
drainage is around 1.5m3/s. Besides that, this section of the drainage is quite deep and
it still can sustain the flow even freeboard is included. The discharge is reduced half
after including the freeboard.

Figure 3 Figure 4

Figure 3 and figure 4: This section is located along s3, s4 and s5. The water is
retained and the weed is growing rapidly. Mosquito issue always arises during raining

Sand sediment

The sand settlement is rapid happen at the u2, u0 and u3 survey point. The sand is
come from the construction site of UCTS and the Iban grave part. The sand is washed
by rain pour and settles at the drainage. So, the invert level of the existing drainage is
higher than the design invert level. u2 survey point has a shallow base which only
0.465m, exclude 0.3m freeboard. The minimum existing discharge of that particular
section is 0.495m3/s while maximum discharge is 0.702m3/s. The minimum designed
discharge is 0.761m3/s while maximum discharge is about 1.078m3/s. The wave of the
flow might cause the problem of overflow or flooding of the upper par.

Besides that, the u0 survey point also has thick sediment of the construction sand and
smaller discharge if comparing with the original design. However, it has a greater
slope which is 0.004, ( 250). Some parts of it have retained water due to the sand

sediment. It might cause the growth of the mosquito. According to the local
communities, they always face the problem about the mosquito during the raining
season. Fortunately, the local communities currently is still safe front AEDES.

In overall, the capability of the drainage is able to capable the rainfall intensity for 1
in 10 year. However, overflow might happen at survey point u2 since that particular
section drainage is very shallow. The sand sediment should be cleared to ensure the
smooth flow of the discharge and in order to prevent the overflow.

Figure 5

Figure 5: This is point u2. The sand is settled at this section. The depth of the drain is
obviously reduced and overflow might occur during the heavy rain.

Figure 6

Figure 6: This view of the point u0. The sand sediment at this section is very obvious
and it cause retaining of rain water.

Rubbish sediment

The final part of the survey points are t1 and t2. These survey points are located at the
rear side of two single terraces. A lot of rubbish and sand is settled in the drain.
However, the settlement of the base of drainage is increasing the slope of the
drainage. The minimum designed discharge of that particular section drainage is
0.516m3/s and 0.685m3/s while the maximum designed discharge is 0.732m3/s and
0.970m3/s. Now, the existing minimum discharge capability of the drain is 0.442m3/s
and 1.114m3/s while the maximum is 0.626m3/s and 1.578m3/s. The greater slope of
the drainage has increase the discharge of the drainage. However, the hygiene and the
cleanliness of that particular drain are very poor. Some of the residential feed their
poultry and even through the rubbish into the drain. This might cause some infectious
diseases and some hygiene issues.

This drainage capability at this section is still acceptable. The freeboard is not
including in the calculation. The capability of the drainage is still can sustain the
largest flow rate of rainfall, 0.285m3/s. However, overflow or upstream flooding
might be happened is some obstacle is interrupting the flow.

Figure 7 Figure 8

Figure 7 and figure 8: This figure show the rubbish and soil settled in the drain. It
might affect the flow in the drain. Some hygiene issue also will arise.


The culvert is the outer part of the drainage system. The culvert will discharge all the
flow from the residential area to the larger natural drain that located besides the main
road. The main body structure of the culvert is still in good condition. However, the
depth at the tail of the culvert reduced because it is covered by the soil and grass. The
maximum permit upstream flood level is indicating as the 3.672m.

The capability of the culvert is determine by the velocity of the flow and the upstream
flood level. The allowable flow velocity is within the range of 0.75m/s to 2.0m/s. The
maximum flow velocity through the culvert is 1.187m/s. Besides that, the maximum
headwater level (1 in 10 years) is around 3.425m. It is lower than the maximum
allowable upstream flood level which is 3.571m. So, it is still acceptable.

Figure 8: The flow at the outlet of the culvert is interrupted by the settled soil. Water
is retained at the end of the culvert.


Figure 9
Figure 9: used to have a drain in this picture but now it has covered by weeds.

Figure 10

Figure 10: The weed is growing rapidly.

Table1: Design storm ARI for Urban Storm water Systems

Event ARI to be adopted for the planning of minor and major water systems shall be
in accordance with Table 1.

Table 2: Assumption of drain velocity

Chart 1: Nomograph for Estimating Overland Sheet Flow Times

Chart 2: Rainfall Intensity-duration-frequency Curve

Chart 3: Runoff Coefficient for Urban Catchments


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