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Boxer, Baruch. "Shanghai." In Britannica, edited by Britannica.
This reference source described many different areas of Shanghai such as culture,
government, and landscape. This source helped me write basic information about many
different topics. This source was important as it gave me a better understanding of
Shanghai as well as providing a lot of information.

Burgess, Jeremy. Air pollution discoloring a sunset over a city. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This image shows a discolered sunset in Shanghai and this helped me to show the
imapct of air pollution in Shanghai.

Central Intelligence Agency. "Shanghai." Map. 1982. Accessed April 18, 2018.
This image shows a map of Shanghai in 1982 which helped me show the fast
development of Shanghai.

Chesley, Paul. Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai China. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This image is of an art museum in Shanghai which helped me to show the culture of the

China Bullet Train. Photograph. Britannica Image.

This image shows a bullet train in Shanghai which helped me to show this innovative
form of transportation in Shanghai.

China Highlights, ed. "Shanghai Weather — Best Time to Visit Shanghai." China Highlights.
This article described the climate in Shanghai. This helped me to learn about the climate
and I was able to put this information on my hoempage.

Cobb, Jodi. Shanghai, China. Photograph. Britannica Image.

This image shows a bus in Shanghai which helped me provide images of various types of
transportation in Shanghai.

Cummins, Richard. Dumpling cook, Shanghai, China, Asia. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This image shows a chef cooking dumplings which helped me to show an image of the
cuisine in Shanghai.
Dale, Bruce. Shanghai, China. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This image shows Chinese opera singers which helped me to show the entertainment
culture in Shanghai.

EV Card share cars parked at a station in Shanghai. Photograph. The Nation.
This image shows electric cars in Shanghai which helpd me to show the
signifigant rasie in electric cars in Shanghai.

Ferries On The Huangpu River In Shanghai. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This image shows a ferry which helped me show examples of transportation in Shanghai.

Guariglia, Justin. Shanghai, China. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This image shows children studying at school which helped me to show Shanghai's
strong education system.

Hellier, Gavin. View across river at dusk to the new Pudong district skyline, Huangpu River,
Shanghai, China, Asia. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This image shows Shanghai's skyline which helped me compare Shanghai to Silicon

Hongyi, Wang. "Shanghai 'most popular city' for migrants." China Daily. Last modified May 19,
2014. Accessed April 10, 2018.
This article provided information about migrarion in Shanghai. This was helpful as it
descreibed the many pull factors to live in the city. This was important to help me write
about migration on the population and migration tab.

Isaacs, Robert. Silicon Valley. Photograph. Britannica Image.

This photo shows Silicon Valley which helped me be able to compare Silicon Valley to

Kober, Christian. Modern skyscrapers and mainland China's highest building, the International
Finance Center in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China, Asia. Photograph. Britannica
This image shows Shanghai's modern architecture and modern buildings which was
helpful to show the culture of Shanghi.
Landmann, Patrick. Shanghai, China. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This image shows Pudong, Shanghai which was hwlpful to show the business district.

———. Yangshan Port, China. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This image shows a port which was helpful as it shows the importance of ports to trade in

Lester, Tim. Chinese banknotes. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This image is of banknotes which is hwlpful as it shows the currency in Shanaghi.

Lonely Planet. "Welcome to Shanghai." Lonely Planet. Accessed April 8, 2018.
This article described the culture in Shanghai. This was helpful to describe the
architecture and entertainment in Shanghai. This was impirtant as it gave me information
to put on my culture tab.

Madrolle's Guide Books: Northern China, The Valley of the Blue River, Korea. Shang-hai and
environs. Map. Hachette & Company, 1912. Accessed April 18, 2018.
This map shows Shanghai at its early stage which was important to show the drastic
development into a megacity.

Mayor of Shanghai. Photograph. Shanghai Government.
This image shows the mayor of Shanghai, Ying Yong, this was helpful as I was able to
put this image on the government tab.

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. "Shanghai: China." Geographical Names.
This source described the physical features of Shanghai. This was important to me as I
was able to find the geographic coordinates from this site and put them on my

Schlenker, Jochen. Lujiazui Finance and Trade zone, with Oriental Pearl Tower, and Huangpu
River, Pudong New area, Shanghai, China, Asia. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This image shows the skyline which was helpful as I added this to my homepage to give
an overview of Shangahi.
Shanghai, ed. "Government." Shanghai. Accessed April 8, 2018.
This reference sourcwe described Shanghai's government. This helped me identify the
mayor as well as other government officials. This source was important as it enabled me
to describe what Shangahi's government does.

Shanghai Government, ed. "Population and Employment." Shanghai Government. Accessed

April 10, 2018.
This reference source described stattistics of the population nad employment in Shanghai.
This was helpful to describe the age of the popualtion. This soruce was important as it
helped me write about basic statistics of the city.

Shanghai Longhua Temple Fair Opens. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This image shows the opening of a festivak in shanghai which was helpfuk to show the

"Shanghai Maps." Map. Travel China Guide. Accessed April 19, 2018.
This map shows modern Shanghai which was helpful to show the rapid development and
what the city currently looks like.

Shanghai satellite photo, 2015. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This satellite image shows the srowded Shanghai which helped me show how large the
population is.

Shanghai Stock Exchange, ed. "Overview of China's Economic Development." Shanghai Stock
Exchange. Last modified 2015. Accessed April 9, 2018.
This reference source describes many elements of Shanghai's economy. This was helpful
as it describes foreign trade, income, and the economic structure. This was importsnt to
help me describe Shanghai's growing econamy in depth.

Sinotour, ed. "Shanghai Transportation." Accessed April 8, 2018.
This reference soruce described different forms of transportation in Shanghai. This was
helpful as transportation is differnet in Shanghai than in the U.S. and this helped me learn
about it. This was key information for my transpportation tab.

Solheim, Erik. "Green technologies key to boosting air quality in Chinese cities, says UN
Environment chief." Interview. United Nations Environment. Accessed April 10, 2018.
This video shows that China's economic development has impacted the air quality of
China. This source was important as it gave an interactive piece to the website as well as
describing the environmental situation in Shanghai.

South Korean President Visits Shanghai. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This image shows the South Korean president visiting Shanghai which helped me show
the foreign relations of Shanghai.

Wakeman, Frederic. "Shanghai." In World Book, edited by World Book. Chicago, IL, 2018.
This reference source describes the government and history of Shanaghi. This was
helpful to descrive the history and government in Shanghai. I was able to learn about
many historical events in Shanghai. This was important as it helped me create my

Walker, Beth. "Interview: China's Environmental Challenges." China Dialogue. Last modified
February 9, 2016. Accessed April 9, 2018.
This interview article describes Shanghai's environmental challenges. This article helped
me write about the future of Shangai's environmental isuues as well as solutions. This
source was important as it provided a texterial source to describe the envionment in

Waltham, Tony. Nanjing Road, the main shopping street where cycles are banned to make space
for buses, Shanghai, China, Asia. Photograph. Britannica Image.
This image shows a crowded street which helped me show how busy Shanghai is.

Wenjie, Lin. "KPMG: Shanghai is next Sillicon Valley." China Daily. Last modified March 27,
This article discusses the prediction that Shanghai will become the next Silicon Valley in
the coming years. This article was helped me identify many pull factors of Shanghai.
This source was important as it provided information about the business aspect of
Shanghai to help me write my special feature.

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