Edt 313 Science Concept Planner Part 3

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Science Concept Planner 3

Topic: Life Cycle of a Plant

Concept 1: Types of seeds
Experience 1: Exploring different seeds that grow flowers and where they came from

Standard 1: Explore objects, materials, and events in the environment

Developmental Domain 1: cognitive, motor

Experience 2: Investigating seeds that grow vegetables and where they come from

Standard 2: Engage in simple investigations

Developmental Domain 2: cognitive

Experience 3: Observing seeds that grow trees and where they come from

Standard 3: Make careful observations

Developmental Domain 3: cognitive, social

Concept 2: What seeds need to grow

Experience 1: Predicting why seeds need water to grow

Standard 1: Make predictions

Developmental Domain 1: cognitive, social

Experience 2: Questioning why seeds need soil to grow for nutrients to help the plant grow

Standard 2: Pose questions about the physical and natural environment

Developmental Domain 2: cognitive, social

Experience 3: Analyzing why seeds need sunlight to grow Sunlight for energy for photosynthesis

Standard 3: Use creative and flexible thinking to solve problems; Ask meaning of words

Developmental Domain 3: cognitive, social

Concept 3: Time it takes for a seed to mature
Experience 1: Examining the time it takes a flower to mature from the seed

Standard 1: Use simple tools to extend investigation

Developmental Domain 1: cognitive

Experience 2: Determining how long a vegetable takes to

Standard 2: Make inferences, generalizations, and explanations based on evidence

Developmental Domain 2: cognitive, social

Experience 3: Deciding how much time a tree needs to be fully grown

Standard 3: With modeling and support, demonstrate an understanding that living things change over

Developmental Domain 3: cognitive

Concept 4: Parts of the adult plant

Experience 1: Discovering what the root does to help the plant

Standard 1: With modeling and support, identify physical characteristics and simple behaviors of living

Developmental Domain 1: cognitive

Experience 2: Identifying how the stem helps the plant to grow

Standard 2: Explore objects, materials, and events in the environment

Developmental Domain 2: cognitive, social

Experience 3: Evaluating how the leaves benefit the plant

Standard 3: With modeling and support, identify and explore the relationship between living things and
their environments

Developmental Domain 3: cognitive

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