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Room to Read is a not for profit organization that seeks to improve literacy in low-

income countries, also focusing on gender equality to improve girls education. Created in 2000,

Room to Read set out to create a world where a quality education can be achieved by any child..

Their mission is to develop literacy skills and a habit of reading among primary school children,

and support girls to complete secondary school with the relevant life skills to succeed in school

and beyond.

Founder John Wood left his job at a branch of Microsoft in China to establish this

organization. Millions have been impacted by his first project of filling a headmaster’s library in

Nepal. Since then, Room to Read has brought the lifelong gift of education to 11.6 million

children in 15 countries.

By collaborating with government agencies on a local, national and global level, Room to

Read is able to create language materials that readers of all levels can enjoy including books that

cover topics to inspire, expand minds and develop a love for reading. Room to Read also trains

instructors to manage libraries and conduct reading based activities. Finally, they aim to create

classrooms that alleviate crowding, renovate existing spaces to improve lighting, ventilation and

safety while also establishing libraries. Through improving the educational standards and

structures, Room to Read is able to set an educational standard that provides equality education

to children regardless of gender or economic status which invests in the future of humanity.

Media Contact:
Name: Nicole Verdin
Phone: 703-508-0454

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