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Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text

Scrap Shield 2/7+/3 Block 1. Add (1) to all hit locations.

Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text

Frail. After hunt phase setup, place

Bone Axe 2/6+/3 Frail, Savage Bone Pickaxe 1/8+/2 the Mineral Gatherig event on any
hunt space.

Frail. After hunt phase setup, place

Bone Blade 2/6+/2 Frail Bone Sickle 2/8+/1/ the Herb Gathering event on any hunt

When you suffer a severe head injury.

Bone Dagger 3/7+/1 On a Perfect Hit, gain +1 survival. Skull Helm Head: 3 the Skull Helm is destroyed. Archive
tihs card

Bone Dart 1/7+/3 Frail. Range: 6.

Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text

Cat Fang ■■■: On a Perfect Hit, gain +1 Reduce damage from every hit
Knife 3/6+/2 strength token. When knocked down, Lion Skin Cloak Body: 0 suffered by 1, to a minimum of 1.
remove all your +1 strength tokens.
Dragon Armory
Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text

₪₪: Gain +1 to all severe head injury

Block 1. When you spend (A) to block Dragonskull
Blast Sword 2/6+/4 Head: 4 roll results. Ignore shattered jaw
with this weapon, gain +1 survival. Helm severe head injury result.

Dragon Range: 3. If you hit, the monster Paired. If all of your attack rolls hit,
2/6+/3 gaines -1 evasion until the end of hte Talon Knife gain Savage and Deadly until the end
round. Limit, once per attack. of your attack,

Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text

Each showdown, the first time you

Paired. On a Perfect Hit, a wound
Acid-Tooth critically wound the monster, it gains
Dagger 2/7+/2 attempt in your attack automatically Gaxe 1/6+/4 -1 evasion token. ■: Gains +1 speed
succeeds. and Savage.

If adjacent to the mosnter when you

suffer a severe body injury, the
Armor Spikes - monster suffers a wound. Limit, once Rib Blade 1/6+/5 Slow, Deadly
per round.

Mask Maker
Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text

Unique, Irreplaceable, Accessory. Unique, Irreplaceable, Accessory.

Mask Head: 2 ■■■■: At the start of your act, if Man Mask Head: 2 ■■: If insane, you may spend negative
insane, gain +1 (M). attribute tokens in place of survival.

Unique, Irreplaceable, Accessory. If Unique, Irreplaceable, Accessory.

Death Mask Head: 2 you have no affinities, gain +4 luck Phoenix Mask Head: 2 ■■■■: If insane, you may dodge 1
and suffer -4 to all severe injuiry rolls. additiona time per round.

Unique, Irreplaceable, Accessory.

Unique, Irreplaceable, Accessory.
White Lion ■■: If insane, spend (A) to lose all
God Mask Head: 2 ■■■■■■: At the start of your act, if Head: 2
Mask your survival and gain that many +1
insane, gain +1 survival. strength tokens.
Organ Grinder
Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text

Monster Tooth
- Gain +1 strength. ■■: +1 strength

Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text

Frail, Paired. On a Perfect Hit, make

Hollow Sword 3/5+/3
1 additional attack roll.

Rare Gear
Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text

You may use the Tumble fighting art.

Cursed. At the Aftermath, ▓ King's
Green Boots Legs: 5 ₪₪: You successfully tumble on 2+ Regal Faulds Waist: 4 Curse.
instead of 6+.

.+1 Luck. When a monster attacks

you, you may elect to take a hit on the Cursed. At the Aftermath, ▓ King's
Green Helm Head: 5 Regal Gauntlets Arms: 4
head and roll 1d10. On a 6+, ignore Curse.
the hit. If adjacent, it suffers 1 wound.

Sharp, Deadly, Savage. When you

Cursed. At the Aftermath, ▓ King's
Griswaldo 3/4+/15 wound, Block 2 with Fetosaurus for Regal Greaves Legs: 4 Curse.

Accessory, Cursed. Gain +1

Hideous strength. At the start of the showdown, Cursed. At the Aftermath, ▓ King's
Disguise Head: 2 if you are fighting the Lion Knight, Regal Helm Head: 4 Curse.
choose your Role card.

Unique, Block 1. When you wound

with this you may Block 1 for free and Cursed. At the Aftermath, ▓ King's
Prism Mace 3/6+/10 Regal Plackart Body: 4
discard 1 mood in play if you have any Curse.
+1 strength tokens.
Range: 5, Unique, Cumbersome.
Sunring Bow ₪₪: On a Perfect Hit, do not draw a
hit location. Monster suffers 1 wound.

Skyreef Sanctuary
Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text

On the first Perfect Hit each attack,

this gains Devastating 1 until the end
Skleaver 1/5+/10
of the attack. ₪■■: Loses the heavy

Stone Circle
Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text

Irreplaceable, Reach 2. Each

Paired. When you wound with this
Lance of showdown, the first time you wound,
Beast Knuckle 2/6+/4 weapon, monster gains -1 toughness Longinus 2/6+/9 the monster gains a -1 toughness
until end of the attack. token.

At the start of the showdown, gain +2 (A): Scream. Non-deaf insane

speed and +2 strength tokens if Screaming survivors gain +1 movement until end
Bone Earrings - insane and all gear in your gear grid Horns Head: 3 of the round. All other survivors gain
has the bone keyword. +1 insanity.

Weapon Crafter
Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text

Block 1. When Rainbow Katana is left Unwieldy. On a Perfect Hit, reveal

Blood Sheath - of Blood Sheath, it loses Frail and Whistling Mace 3/6+/3 the next AI card. Place it on top or
gains Sharp. bottom of the AI deck.

On a Perfect Hit, the monster is

Skullcap dazed, and gains -1 speed token until Slow, Frail, Deadly. ₪■: Gains
Hammer 2/7+/3 the end of its turn. A monster can be Zanbato 1/6+/6 Devastating 1.
dazed only once per round.
Wet Resin Crafter
Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text

Once per showdown, you may convert

-1 movement. Add (1) to all hit
Century Rubber Bone all of your negative attribute tokens to
- locations. ₪■: Add +1 to Ripple -
Greaves Patern roll results. Harness positive attribute tokens of the same

Century Add (1) to all hit locations. ₪■: Ripple Add (1) to all hit locations. During the
Shoulder - Patern: When you are attacked, roll Scarab Circlet - showdown, when your survival is
Pads 1d10. On a 10+, ignore 1 hit. reduced to 0, gain +1 strength token.

Paired. During the Mineral Gathering

Digging Claw 1/4+/5 story event, you may reroll one of your

Wet Resin Crafter (calcified)

Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text Card Name Attack/Armo Rules Text

-1 movement. Add (3) to all hit Calcified

Calcified Slow, Block 1. This weapon gains +1
Greaves - locations. ₪■: Add +2 to Ripple Juggernaut 1/5+/9 strength for each token you have.
Patern roll results. Blade

Calcified Add (3) to all hit locations. ₪■: Ripple

Shoulder - Patern: When you are attacked, roll Calcified 1/5+/8 Slow, Deadly. ₪■: Gains
Zanbato Devastating 1.
Pads 1d10. On a 10+, ignore 1 hit.

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