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SEPTEMBER 26 • Lesson Four

God Promises an Awesome Thing

Bible Background • EXODUS 34:1-10
Printed Text * EXODUS 34:4-10 | Devotional Reading • ACTS 3:19-26

- Aim for Change ---------------------

By the end of the lesson, we will: LIST God's attributes as revealed to Moses; REFLECT on
God's love, mercy and faithfulness; and PRAISE God for His love, mercy, and faithfulness.

*** In Focus ***

Sierra and Julius had a mutual love for God and encouraged one another. When Sierra and
Julius were married, like all couples, they had ups and downs in their marriage. Yet they
purchased a home and had two children. Sierra was faithfully committed to her husband, Julius.
When Julius's company downsized, he was laid off after 12 years as a sales manager. Sierra
continued to work, care for the children, and encourage Julius that God had something wonderful
for him and their family.
Each day, Julius seemed more hesitant to attend church and Bible study with the family. He
seemed more withdrawn. Sierra didn't complain; she continued to praise God for His provisions.
One Friday afternoon, Sierra was paying the bills. As she opened the mail, Sierra said, "Thank
You, God, for Your provisions!"
Julius asked, "What is it?"
As she gave Julius the letter, Sierra said, "Our tax refund was adjusted...."
Before Sierra could finish, Julius said, "We're probably receiving less."
Sierra quickly responded, "No, there is an increase. Because He loves us, God is faithful to
Let today's lesson help you to consider God's continual blessings in the midst of the world's

Keep in Mind
"And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful
and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth"
(Exodus 34:6).
Focal Verses
Exodus 34:1 And the LORD said unto Moses, 150 miles long, is located in the northwestern end
Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: of Saudi Arabia and is in the shape of an inverted
and I will write upon these tables the words that base. Mount Sinai refers to the mountain peak
were in the first tables, which thou brakest. where God revealed Himself to Moses. Sinai has
34:4 And he hewed two tables of stone like unto been referred to as the "mountain of God" (Exodus
the first; and Moses rose up early in the morning, 3:1) and "mount of the LORD" (Numbers 10:33).
and went up unto mount Sinai, as the Lord had
commanded him, and took in his hand tbe tables of Stone Tablets. The stone tablets, which are
stone. inscribed with the Ten Commandments, give
5And the LORD descended in the cloud, and insight into the nature of God. There were two sets
stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of stone tablets. In anger, Moses destroyed the first
of the LORD. set, which God inscribed, when Moses saw the
Israelites worshiping a golden calf. He cut the
6And the LORD passed by before him, and second set, which was rewritten by God. The
proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, tablets, which were stored in the Ark of the
merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and Covenant, were rounded off rectangles.
abundant in goodness and truth,
7Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving Background
iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will
by no means clear the guilty; visiting the For 400 years, the Israelites were slaves in
iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and Egypt, where they were oppressed and cruelly
upon the children's children, unto the third and treated. God heard their prayers for deliverance.
to the fourth generation. He sent Moses, a shepherd, to deliver the Israelites
8And Moses made haste, and bowed his head and reveal mighty miracles. God revealed His
toward the earth, and worshipped. power through 10 calamities or plagues that He
9And he said, If now I have found grace in thy inflicted on Egypt. As an act of God, about two
sight, O LORD, let my LORD, I pray thee, go million Israelites escaped from Egypt and began
among us; for it is a stiffnecked people; and the Exodus through the Sinai wilderness in 1446
pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for B.C. In one last attempt, Pharaoh tried to bring the
thine inheritance. Israelites back to Egypt, but God parted the Red
Sea and rescued the Israelites.
10And he said, Behold, I make a covenant:
before all thy people I will do marvels, such as In the wilderness, the Israelites complained
have not been done in all the earth, nor in any about the bitter water. Moses prayed to God, and
nation: and all the people among which thou art God made the water sweet. God promised to meet
shall see the work of the LORD: for it is a the Israelites' needs, but He stipulated that the
terrible thing that I will do with thee. people must obey Him. After traveling through the
wilderness, the Israelites arrived at Mount Sinai.
The People, Places, and Times Through His servant, Moses, God gave His people
Mount Sinai. This is the highest mountain in the Law and direction on worshiping at the
Egypt. At 2,285 meters high, it is located in the Tabernacle. God made a covenant with the
south central part of Sinai Peninsula. God made Israelites and revealed the Law to lead the
many revelations of Himself and for the Israelites Israelites to live holy and responsibly. He also
at Mount Sinai. There, He also gave the Ten gave Moses specific instructions to build a
Commandments to Moses. The entire peninsula, tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting that would be their
special place for worship.
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At-A-Glance Early the next morning Moses obediently went

to Mount Sinai as God commanded. He carried
1. God Instructs Moses (Exodus 34:1)
the two stone tablets, which were probably made
2. Moses Carries Out God's Instructions on of slate. Although he had chiseled the stones, God
Mount Sinai (v. 4) would inscribe His handiwork on the tablets.3.
3. God's Love and Graciousness (w. 5-7) God's Love and Graciousness (w. 5-7)
4. Moses Worships God for Who He Is (w. 8-9)
In chapter 33 of Exodus, Moses requested to
5. God Renews the Covenant (v. 10) see the glory of God—the presence of God. but
Moses was too finite (limited) to see the manifest
glory of God. If anyone saw God, they would not
In Depth live. God, however, came up with a plan. He
1. God Instructs Moses (Exodus 34:1) promised to allow Moses to see Him when God
God spoke with Moses and instructed him to had passed ("from behind," 33:23, NLT). After
cut two new tablets of stone. Previously, God had Moses climbed Mount Sinai, God met him. In
provided the two tablets and written upon them; 34:5, Moses saw God descend "in the cloud." The
but Moses broke them when he was angered by cloud that God descended in may have been the
the Israelites' idol worship (32:19). However, this same pillar of cloud that led the Israelites by day
did not deter Sovereign God (He is in control of when they escaped Egypt (13:21). The day before
His universe) from His plan to write the Ten indirectly seeing God, as Moses "entered into the
Commandments and give them to His people. tabernacle, the cloudy pillar descended...and the
Even though the people failed to be obedient, LORD talked with Moses" (33:9). Thus, the pillar
while Moses received instruction from God on of a cloud was a visible sign that God was present.
Mount Sinai, God was still merciful. He started As God passed by, He declared His character
again and provided instructions for the Israelites and the meaning of the name "Yahweh." God
to live righteously. made Himself known by His name, which
God wanted the Israelites to be a holy nation. revealed that God is steadfast, loving, and
So He gave them instructions to obey Him. He did forgiving. In Hebrew, the word "passed" ('abar,
so through the Ten Commandments, which taught aw-BAR) is translated "crossed over." In a way
them how to live for God both morally and that Moses would never forget, God revealed His
spiritually. glory or character, which is gracious, merciful,
and long-suffering.
2. Moses Carries Out God's Instructions on The attributes of God include the benevolent
Mount Sinai (v. 4) and overwhelming graciousness of God. Because
Moses obeyed God's instructions and cut two God's character reveals a loyal love, God is good.
more stone tablets. In verses 2-3, God also gave He consistendy cares about humankind. God
him specific directives that included what time of revealed to Moses that He is truth; therefore, He is
day to come to Mount Sinai, and he was not to faithful and constant. In the book of Numbers,
bring anyone with him nor could anyone be seen when he prayed for the rebellious people, Moses
near the mountain. In addition, neither flocks nor recorded the attributes or character of God
herds could graze in front of the mountain. (Only (Numbers 14:18-19). Moses relied on God's love,
Moses was allowed to come before God on holy patience, forgiveness, and mercy when he prayed
ground; see 34:3.) for the people. In today's lesson, God revealed His
glory or character: compassion, constancy, and
consistent love. In the midst of Israel's
unfaithfulness, God still revealed His love.

The Israelites sinned when they worshiped

the golden calf, but because of God's love and
mercy, He offered them forgiveness. God remain with His people. God responded to
willingly offered forgiveness for the sins and Moses' request.
transgressions of the Israelites and all people. If God were to remove Himself from our
However, Numbers 14:18 (NLT) declares, presence, we would be forever lost—eternally
"The LORD is slow to anger and filled with separated from the Holy (set apart from sin)
unfailing love, forgiving every kind of sin and God—forever dead. However, like Moses, we
rebellion. But he does not excuse the guilty. can humbly pray to God and trust that God's
He lays the sins of the parents upon their goodness, love, and mercy are everlasting.
children; the entire family is affected—even When we truly desire God's presence, we will
children in the third and fourth generations." go to Him with a broken and contrite heart.
Yet, He shows His mercy toward everyone. Not only will we experience His presence, but
God's divine grace offers consistent also His glory (His splendor, His grandeur).
forgiveness to sinners whenever they ask with 5. God Renews the Covenant (v. 10)
a repentant heart. Because God is merciful, Moses interceded for the people and God
He offers forgiveness for offenses, responded; God restored His covenant with
transgressions, and sinfulness. When we Israel. He promised that the Israelites would
accept Jesus Christ, we can be confident that experience great things, "marvels, such as
our sins will be forgiven. have not been done in all the earth, nor in any
4. Moses Worships God for Who He Is nation." The covenant blessings from God
(w. 8-9) would be incredible—an awesome God can
Moses was impressed by God's do incredible things. Because the Israelites
proclamation of His glory. His revelation of remained faithful, God would deliver them
His glory to Moses sufficiently answered from their enemies and any inhabitants in the
Moses' request. In response, Moses bowed in land of Canaan would be destroyed for the
humble respect, love, and adoration for God. benefit of Israel. Thus through obedience to
He honored the name of God and worshiped God, the Israelites would be blessed.
Him. Moses was thankful for God's goodness
and submitted to God's will. Search the Scriptures
Believers belong to God's family. 1.What happened to the first set of stone
Therefore, we too should praise God for His tablets that contained the Ten
goodness, love, and mercy. If we consider the Commandments
goodness of God, our response should be (Exodus 32:19)?
overflowing praise and thankfulness for God's 2.What did God require Moses to do before
loving-kindness, forgiveness, and faithful he met Him on Mount Sinai (34:1)?
love and mercy. 3.What does it mean when God "passed by
before" Moses (v. 6)?
Moses continued to pray for the Israelites
as he asked God to "go among us" (Exodus Discuss the Meaning
34:9). He interceded for the people and asked 1.Why was Moses unable to gaze upon the
God to pardon their sins. Moses remembered glory of God?
God's promises and desired that God reverse 2.How is God's glory revealed to believers
His judgment to remove Himself from the today?
Israelites' presence (33:1-3). Moses desired 3.How can sin affect generations in a
that God forgive their sins and His presence family "unto the third and to the fourth
generation" (Exodus 34:7)?
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Lesson in Our Society Say It Correctly

Today, the consequences of sin, rebellion, Mount Horeb. 'ho' r-,eb.
and transgressions against God's commands Pentateuch, 'pen-ta^tuk, -,tytik.
are not considered by many people in the Shekinah. shuh-KI-nuh.
world. The glory and majesty of God's
goodness, love, and mercy are not
recognized or praised. Many people have
personal agendas that do not include Daily Bible Readings
obedience or faithfulness to God. An M: God's Mercy
example of this flawed behavior occurs Psalm 57:1-5
when some people achieve financial success T: God's Faithfulness
and their faithfulness to God diminishes. Lamentations 3:22-26
As believers, God requires His children to W: God's Forgiveness
faithfully serve Him and with the help of the Psalm 103:1-5
Holy Spirit, withstand the sinfulness that
exists in the world. T: God's Justice
Psalm 103:6-10
Make It Happen F: God's Compassion
Focus on the attributes of God and His Psalm 103:11-16
glory. Pray that He will become real in your S: God's Steadfast Love
life. Realize that God's presence dwells Psalm 103:17-22
within our hearts through the Holy Spirit.
Then, pray for God to lead, guide, and direct S: God's Inheritance
you to remain committed to serve, obey, and Exodus 34:1, 4-10
follow Him. If you transgress against God,
seek God's forgiveness with a repentant

Follow the Spirit

What God wants me to do:

Remember Your Thoughts

Special insights I have learned:

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