Lesson Plan 5es Template

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LBS 405

5E Lesson Plan with Arts Integration

NAME: Ana Ruan



ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems

The sustainability of human societies and the biodiversity that supports them requires responsible
management of natural resources. (HS-ESS3-3)

Scientists and engineers can make major contributions by developing technologies that produce less
pollution and waste and that preclude ecosystem degradation. (HS-ESS3-4)

3-5-ETS1-2. Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem based on how well each is likely
to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

2.4 Create a work of art based on the observation of objects and scenes in daily life, emphasizing value

2.3 Paint or draw a landscape, seascape, or cityscape that shows the illusion of space.

Students will…..
Observe and analyze issues that affect environmental conservation.
Understand that pollution is harmful to environments.
Develop an idea/solution for facilitating environmental conservation.
Use images to demonstrate examples of reducing, reusing and recycling waste
Large poster paper, projector, science notebooks, paint, brushes.

This will connect to various parts of unit that can cross cut into environment and conservation. As lesson
progress to more in depth abut different environments this can be used as a reflection of what they learned
in this lesson.


 Play the “Garbage Game.” In this activity, each student represents a type of garbage. Laminated hand-
held signs identify each student. Three students represent the proper places for garbage to go (landfill,
recycling, compost). Each student in turn joins the place they belong. A quick game to get students
engaged through allowing students to work together and move around class.

 What kind of questions should the students ask themselves after the engagement?
Why did you place the plastic bottle in the recyclable bin?
Why are we talking about recycling?
What issues/problems do they know about our environment?
What is the role of recycling?
(This portion is accessing student prior knowledge and get students to participate in a discussion that gets them
thinking about the topic of environmental conservation).

 Teacher role during these activities:

Throughout these activities the teacher is guiding students allowing them to show the teacher what they know.
Teacher is making observations of what students already know and what areas they need more clarification in
during the explanation portion of lesson.


Accommodations/Modifications for EL Student-Expanding Proficiency:

Students will be able to talk to one another in order to hear their peers and pick up on words.
Students will be given instructions in Spanish or language that they need in order to understanding
Students who are bilingual can be paired with EL student to be a support for one another.

Accommodations/Modifications for Student with Auditory Processing Disorder:

Accommodation for student with auditory processing disorder is by using an activity that is visual.
Modification can be the teacher writing out instructions on a sheet that student can read along to.


 Describe what hands-on/minds-on activities students will be doing.

Students will be allowed to go out onto the school yard, whole campus perimeter to look at school
Students will have paper/notebook to jot down notes of observations they make that relate to the
environment, recycling, or pollution.

 List “big idea” conceptual questions the teacher will use to encourage and/or focus students’
What new ideas can be created to help alleviate pollution?
How can recycling be used to create new things?
What can we do at our school to be more eco-friendly?
How can we or you help conserve our environment?

 Teacher role during the exploration:

Teacher will be guiding students through their observations and directing them to something that they
might overlook. Giving students immediate feedback and encouragement. Making observations (notes)
about what students are discussing, observing, and what content students need more explanation.
Check more frequently on students with disabilities or EL learners to help them with activity.

Grouping: Students will be grouped as evenly as possible based on levels of beforehand by teacher. For
example, advanced students can be split up to help other students. Students with artistic abilities can be
split up to provide a different viewpoint of activity. This careful grouping helps student to use their
individual abilities to contribute to their groups.

Accommodations/Modifications for EL Student-Expanding Proficiency:

Instructions can be translated to any language that students need in order to understanding activity.
Students who need extra assistance with language can be paired into groups with bilingual students who
will be able to be a support for EL student.

Accommodations/Modifications for Student with Auditory Processing Disorder:

Student with auditory processing disorder can be given instructions that are printed out with step by
step expectations of the Exploration activity.
Also teacher can check if student is understanding what the activity is by checking on the student more


 Overview: Teacher will explain more in depth material of environmental conservation and students will
be asked to take out science notebooks to take down any notes, drawings, terms, questions they may
have or realizations. Begin the explanation portion by providing information on topics that will be
heavily discussed in this lesson which are: Environment, Conservation and Pollution.

Step 1: Discussion whole class method.

Begin by asking students what environment means or is?

(if students are giving proper responses provide immediate feedback. Use their prior observation of
school campus to illustrate one environment then provide definition).(Follow *Note below)
Environment- all the physical surroundings on Earth are called the environment. The environment
includes everything living and everything nonliving.
Environment-todos los entornos físicos en la Tierra se llaman medio ambiente. El ambiente incluye
todo lo que vive y todo lo que no vive.

(*NOTE: teacher will have definitions projected for students to have a visual to write down in science
notebook. Definition was taken from the Britannica dictionary for kids)

Step 2: Discussion whole class method continued.

What do you think conservation means? (If no one responds give a sentence to give them a hint to
make connection for example: Scientist conserve dinosaur bones by taking extra care of them).
What do you think conserve means? (Guide students through discussion to proper meaning through
explanation, if students respond with proper terms such as save, protect etc. then make the connection
that environmental conservation in its basic meaning is to save, protect our environment).
Conservation-is the protection of things found in nature. (Follow instructions on NOTE* below)
It requires the sensible use of all Earth’s natural resources: water, soil, minerals, wildlife, and forests.
People who care about conservation try to preserve natural resources so they will still be around in the
future. They also try to keep the environment clean and healthy.
Conservation- La conservación es la protección de las cosas que se encuentran en la naturaleza.
Requiere el uso sensato de todos los recursos naturales de la Tierra: agua, suelo, minerales, vida
silvestre y bosques. Las personas que se preocupan por la conservación intentan preservar los recursos
naturales, por lo que seguirán existiendo en el futuro. También intentan mantener el medio ambiente
limpio y saludable.

*(NOTE: Definition for conservation is long. Therefore students will be instructed by teacher to listen as
I read definition out loud for whole class and students only need to write down information that they
need in their science notebooks and not all of definition).

Step 3: Define pollution for students as:

Pollution- happens when the environment is contaminated, or dirtied, by waste, chemicals, and other
harmful substances. There are three main forms of pollution: air, water, and land, environment.
Translated definition:
Pollution-La contaminación ocurre cuando el medio ambiente está contaminado, o se ensucia, por
desechos, productos químicos y otras sustancias nocivas. Hay tres formas principales de
contaminación: aire, agua y tierra.

(*NOTE: While students write in their science notebooks teacher will walk around providing one on
one assistance to students who need extra clarification or help. Teacher will have definitions projected
for students to have a visual to write down in science notebook. Definition was taken from the
Britannica dictionary for kids)

Step 4. Brief information about recycling:

If all morning newspapers in the US were recycled for 1 day, 41,000 trees would be saved, and 6 million
tons of waste would never end up in landfills. Plastic: 1200 soft drink or salad dressing containers could
be recycled into carpeting for an averaged sized living room. Glass: Recycling one glass bottle saves
enough electricity to light a 100-watt bulb for four hours. Aluminum: In three months, Americans throw
away enough aluminum to rebuild every airplane in the commercial air fleet. Steel: Americans throw
away more steel and iron every year than domestic automakers use in the same time.

 List higher order thinking questions, which teachers will use to solicit student explanations and help
them to justify their explanations.
Analyze the data, what can you conclude?
Teacher will ask students of groups to share some of their school environment observations
What connections can you make?
Why is protecting our environment important?
Discuss with students that there are hazards occurring because of pollution that they know about.

Grouping: For this activity students will be asked to stay in their groups that they were in for the
Exploration portion of lesson. Students will be grouped as evenly as possible based on levels of
beforehand by teacher. For example, advanced students can be split up to help other students. Students
with artistic abilities can be split up to provide a different viewpoint of activity. This careful grouping
helps student to use their individual abilities to contribute to their groups.

Accommodations/Modifications for EL Student-Expanding Proficiency: Definitions will be translated to

any language that students need in order to understanding activity by the teacher along with English
definitions. Students who need extra assistance with language can be paired into groups with bilingual
students who will be able to be a support for EL student.

Accommodations/Modifications for Student with Auditory Processing Disorder: Student with auditory
Processing disorder can be given printed out sheet with definitions that they can read along to with
class. They may write questions or circle concepts, terms that they don’t understand that teacher can re-
explain further while teacher walks around class.

 Students will do some light research in their groups to further their understanding of environmental
conservation. To this point students have made local observations so students will be asked to go to
Which gives students different links to explore larger world issues of environmental conservation.
Through reading or various articles and exploring videos on website students will continue to jot down
notes in science notebook. In a group they will be asked to come up with possible solutions or things
that can be done at their school environment, home environment or any environment they choose that
helps with environmental conservation.
Each group will be given a large post it paper to paint a representation of their ideas and write down
anything they think is important for to show their ideas for solutions. They will be allowed to share out
aloud with the whole class to share their painting and reflection of what they learned.

 New vocabulary: Conservation, environment, pollution, analysis, observe, contaminated, chemicals,

substances, and fossil fuels.
This will connect to student observations by allowing students to identify what they saw in their
environment to the terms they learned.

 This knowledge can be applied to the students’ daily lives as they form part of a large environment.
Their knowledge of this concept will allow them to make decisions at school, home that affects the

larger picture around them. This lesson will show students’ to become active participants of
conservation of their environment.


Accommodations/Modifications for EL Student-Expanding Proficiency:

Students who need extra assistance with language can be paired into groups with bilingual students who
will be able to be a support for EL student. The art activity portion of lesson allows students to express
themselves regardless of language through the use of art.

Accommodations/Modifications for Student with Auditory Processing Disorder: Student with auditory
Processing disorder can be given printed out sheet with instructions for the group painting activity.
Teacher can show example of expectations for this activity.


 Throughout the lesson teacher will evaluate is students are using new terms in the discussions.
Students will be able to explain in their own words various concepts of environmental conservation.
Students will work together to create a painting/collage that shows their understanding upon the
reflections they make with their group members.
 The painting will be a collage of information.
 Students will be able to use whatever material they are given and can use brushed or fingers to paint.
 Allow students’ creative freedom as it retains to the task given.
Teacher will look at the information on the painting to determine if students have understood the
material learned in class.



For the integration of the arts, I decided to pick an assignment that allowed the students to show me

collectively in a group what they had retained from the lesson. Art is being integrated through the use of the

science notebook which students are drawing ideas, images and findings. The big art assignment is for students

to collaborate in a group to create a collage painting or drawing on a large post it sheet of solutions to

environmental pollution. Throughout the lesson students are being shown visuals, props, and images that they

are able to represent in their painting. For example, a plastic bottle can be painted by the students and that

would show me they retained information from the engagement activity. If students incorporate ideas, notes,

images from their science notebook shows me as a teacher that the students are reaching a higher level of


By making the art assignment into a group activity it allows all students to share their individual ideas if

they are too shy to speak with whole class. Also this art group activity gives students an opportunity to re-teach

one another through open discussion or learning something that they missed during lesson. Group work

promotes students to work on social skills through collaboration and learning to communicate in a smaller

setting. It provides an opportunity for students to work with students who they otherwise would not work with,

since the groups will be carefully created beforehand.

Throughout the lesson students are being exposed to various visuals as they explore through interactions

of going outside and online. This area is reaching the standard, 2.4 Create a work of art based on the observation

of objects and scenes in daily life, emphasizing value changes. Students are using everything they see and learn,

in order to create the group art assignment creating of collage. More technical art skills are being practiced by

students such as the use of lines, texture, shades and depth. This activity allows students to use movements to

create elaborate images through different painting techniques through placement of the hand.

In short, the art assignment is a way to allow students to show me what they have learned through

artistic expression. Students are given different opportunities throughout lesson to use art from drawing their

observations during exploration to the group activity of collage. Giving students different types of opportunities

to show the teacher what they have learned through different methods, writing, drawing and discussions.

Overall this is a lesson that has been created to support all students those with disabilities, lower levels, and

high levels. Giving each student the opportunity to strive through their different abilities and to help one another

learn with scaffolding fro the teacher, is the basis for the whole lesson.


1. www.ohiodnr.com
2. https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/administration_pdf/lpaway.pdf
3. https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/pollution/353650

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