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Chapter 1: Providing Special Education to Students with Mild Disabilities

 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004

o Zero Reject
o Due process
o Parent and student participation
o Nondiscriminatory identification and evaluation
o Free and appropriate public education
o Least restrictive environment
 No Child Left Behind Act (2001)
 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
 Responsiveness to Intervention (RTI)
 Individualized Education Program

Chapter 2: Planning, Teaching, and Monitoring Instruction

 Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)
 IEP vs 504
 Relate plans to general education
 Council for Exceptional Children Standards
 Direct instruction
 Progress Monitoring
 Peer tutoring

Chapter 3: Learning Theories: Past and Present

 Behavioral Theory
 Reinforces: Primary, Secondary Generalized
 Cognitive Behavior Modification
 Constructivist Theory
 KWLS Charts

Chapter 4: Oral Language: Strategies and Techniques

 Components of Oral Language
o Phonology
o Morphology
o Syntax
o Semantics
o Pragmatics
 Expressive VS Receptive Language

Chapter 5: Early Reading: Strategies and Techniques

 Bottom-Up Model
 Top-Down Model
 Interactive Model
 Stages of Reading
o Stage 0: Pre Reading
o Stage 1: Initial Reading or Decoding Stage
o Stage 2: Confirmation, Fluency, and Ungluing form Print
o Stage 3: Reading for Learning the New-A First Step
o Stage 4: Multiple Viewpoints-Highschool
o Stage 5: Construction and Reconstruction: A World View
 Phonological Awareness
o Discover the context
o Isolate the prefix
o Separate the suffix
o Say the stem
o Examine the stem using the “Rule of twos and threes”
o Check with someone
o Try a dictionary

Chapter 6: Later Reading: Strategies and Techniques

 Reading Fluency
o Rate
o Accuracy
o Prosody
 Average CWPM Increases per week
o First Grade: 2-3 words per week increase
o Second Grade: 2.5-3.5 words per week increase
o Third Grade:1-3 words per week increase
o Fourth Grade: .85-1.5 words per week increase
 Word Maps
 Repeated readings
 Paired Reading
 Story Maps
 POSSE Strategy
o Predict what ideas are in the story
o Organize your thoughts
o Search your structure
o Summarize the main idea in your own words
o Evaluate compare, clarify, and predict

Chapter 7: Written Language: Strategies and Techniques

 Written Language
o Handwriting
o Spelling
o Composing
 Product Approach VS Process approach
 Hayes-Flower Model
 Sentence Writing Strategies
Chapter 8: Math: Strategies and Techniques
o Discover the sign
o Read the Problem
o Answer, or draw and check
o Write the answer
o Find what you are solving for
o Ask yourself “What are the parts of the problem”
o Set up the numbers
o Tie down the signs
o See the sign
o Observe and Answer
o Look and draw
o Verify your answer
o Enter your answer

Chapter 9: Teaching in the Content Areas: Strategies and Techniques

 Effective Presenting
 Check for understanding
 Concept Maps
o Convey the concept
o Offer overall concept
o Note key words
o Classify characteristics
o Explore examples
o Practice with a new examples
o Tie down a definition
 Accommodations

Chapter 10: Organization and Study Skills: Strategies and Techniques

 Student Schedules
 The Nature of Effective Assignments
o Clear Direction
o Understood Purpose
o Product Evaluation Criteria
o Optimal Challenge
o Personal relevance factor
o Assignment completion feedback
o Format variety
o Available resource lists
o Creative expression opportunities
o Interpersonal or social actions
o Completion time considerations
o Student choices
 Note Taking
 Test Taking

Chapter 11: Technology and Teaching

 Universal Design for Learning
 Electronic Books
 Assistive Technology
 Electronic IEP
 Interactive White Board

Chapter 12: Transitions

 Individualized Transition Plans (ITPs)
 IDEA Requirements
o Postsecondary education
o Vocational education
o Integrated Employment
o Continuing and adult education
o Adult Services
o Independent living
o Community Participation
 RIASEC Theory
 Disabilities in the workplace

Chapter 13: Collaboration and Co-teaching to Enhance Instruction

 Collaboration
 Coteaching
o Station Teaching
o Interactive Teaching
o Alternative Teaching
o Parallel Teaching
Chapter 14: Working and Families
 Due Process Provision
 Parent and Student Participation
 Informed Consent

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