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pick apart

pick at

pick on

pick of

pick out
pick over

pick up

pick up on
1. to separate or tear into/rasgar many parts
2. to find flaws in by examining critically: The lawyer picked the testimony apart.

1. To pluck/arracar or pull at, especially with the fingers.

2. To eat sparingly/com moderação or without appetite: The child just picked at the food.
3. Informal To nag/criticar direto: Don't pick at me.

Informal. to criticize or blame; tease/provocar; harass/molestar.

to single out/destacar; choose:

1. to remove by pulling or plucking of./arracando

2. to aim at/visar and shoot/disparar one by one: The hunter picked off a duck rising from the marsh.

1. to select for use or special consideration, illustration, etc, as from a group

2. to distinguish (an object from its surroundings), as in painting ⇒ she picked out the woodwork in white
3. to perceive or recognize (a person or thing previously obscured) ⇒ we picked out his face among the crowd
4. to distinguish (sense or meaning) from or as if from a mass of detail or complication
5. to play (a melody) by ear; work out note by note.
to examine (an assortment of items) in order to make a selection: Eager shoppers were picking over the shirts on the bargain

1. to lift or take up:

to pick up a stone.
2. to collect, especially in an orderly manner:
Pick up the tools when you're finished.
3. to recover (one's courage, health, etc.); regain.
4. to gain by occasional opportunity; obtain casually:
to pick up a livelihood.
5. to learn, as by experience:
I've picked up a few Japanese phrases.
6. to claim/reivindicar:
to pick up one's bags at an airport.
7. to take (a person or thing) into a car or ship, etc., or along with one.
8. to bring into range of reception, observation, etc.:
to pick up Rome on one's radio.
9. to accelerate; gain (speed).
10. to put in good order; tidy/arrumar:
to pick up a room.
11. to make progress; improve:
Business is beginning to pick up.
12. to catch or contract, as a disease.
13. Informal. to become acquainted/familiarizado with informally or casually, often in hope of a sexual relationship:
Let's pick up some dates tonight.
14. to resume or continue after being left of:
Let's pick up the discussion in our next meeting.
15. Informal. to take into custody; arrest:
They picked him up for vagrancy.
16. Informal. to obtain; find; purchase:
She picked up some nice shoes on sale.
17. Slang. to steal:
to pick up jewels and silver.
18. to accept, as in order to pay:
to pick up the check.
1. to become aware of, understand, appreciate, etc.
2. to start to do or use

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