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put about

put across

put aside

put away
put by

put down

put forth

put forward

put in

put into
put of

put on

put out

put over

put through

put to

put together
put up

put upon
1. nautcal to change course or cause to change course ⇒ we put about and headed for home
2. (transitve) to make widely/amplamente known
3. (tr; usually passive) to disconcert/desconcertar or disturb
1. to communicate in a comprehensible way ⇒ he couldn't put things across very well
To attain/alcançar or carry through/realizar by deceit/engano or trickery./trapaça

1. to move (an object, etc) to one side, esp in rejecton

2. to store up/armazenar; save for purpose ⇒ to put money aside for a rainy day
3. to ignore or disregard/desrespeitar ⇒ let us put aside our diferences

1. to return (something) to the correct or proper place ⇒ he put away his books
2. to save ⇒ to put away money for the future
3. to lock up in a prison, mental insttuton, etc ⇒ they put him away for twenty years
4. to eat or drink, esp in large amounts
5. to put to death, because of old age or illness ⇒ the dog had to be put away
1. to save for later use

1. to write down; register; record.

2. to repress/reprimir or bring to an end ⇒ to put down a rebellion/acabar com a
3. to consider; account ⇒ they put him down for an ignoramus/ignorante
4. to attribute ⇒ I put the mistake down to his inexperience
5. to put to death, because of old age or illness ⇒ the vet put the cat down
6. to table on the agenda ⇒ the MPs put down a moton on the increase in crime
7. to put (a baby) to bed
8. (Informal) To critcize, belittle/menosprezar; disparage/depreciar, humiliate
9. (noun put-down) a cruelly crushing remark/esmagador comentário
10. To consume (food or drink) readily; put away
11. to pay as a deposit.
12. to enter in a list, as of subscribers or contributors: Put me down for a $10 donaton.

1. to bring out; bear; grow: The trees are putting forth new green shoots.
2 . to propose/propor; present: No one has put forth a workable soluton.
3. to bring to public notce; publish: A new interpretaton of the doctrine has been put forth.
4. to exert/exercer; exercise: We will have to put forth our best eforts to win.
5. to set out/estabecer; depart/partr: Dark clouds threatened as we put forth from the shore.
1. to propose; advance: I hesitated to put forward my plan.
2. to nominate, promote, or support, as for a positon: We put him forward for treasurer.

1. (intransitve) (nautcal) to bring a vessel/navio into port, esp for a brief/breve stay ⇒ we put in for fresh provisions
2. (often foll by for) to apply or cause to apply (for a job, in a competton, etc)
3. (transitve) to submit ⇒ he put in his claims form
4. to intervene with (a remark/obs/coment) during a conversaton
5. (transitve) To spend (tme) at a locaton or job: I put in eight hours at the office/ he put in three hours overtme last night
6. (transitve) to establish or appoint/designar ⇒ he put in a manager
7. (transitve) cricket to cause (a team, esp the opposing one) to bat ⇒ England won the toss and put the visitors in to bat
8. (noun put-in) rugby the act of throwing the ball into a scrum
to invest money in something spend a lot of tme or efort doing something
1. to postpone; defer/adiar.
2. to confuse or perturb; disconcert; repel: We were put of by the book's abusive tone.
3. to evade (a person) by postponement or delay.
4. to lay aside/deixar de lado; take of, discard
5. to start out, as on a voyage/viagem.
6. to launch (a boat) from shore or from another vessel: They began to put of the lifeboats as the fire spread.
7. to cause to lose interest in or enjoyment of ⇒ the accident put him of driving
8. to remove
9. to pass (money) or sell (merchandise) fraudulently.
10 (noum putof) a pretext or delay

1. To clothe oneself with; don/vestr: put on a coat; put socks on.

2. To apply; actvate: put on the brakes.
3. To assume afectedly,adopt, insincerely or falsely; pretend.: put on an English accent.
4. Slang To tease or mislead/induzir um erro (another): You're putting me on!
5. To increase or add: put on weight.
6. To produce; perform: put on a variety show.
7. to act in a pretentous or ostentatous manner/forma; exaggerate: All that putting on didn't impress anyone.
8. (noun put-on) a hoax/farça or piece of mockery/zombaria --- an afected manner or mode of behaviour

1. To extnguish: put out a fire.

2. (Nautcal) To leave, as a port or harbor; depart.
3. To expel/expulsar: put out a drunk from the bar.
4. To publish: put out a weekly newsletter.
a. To inconvenience: Did our early arrival put you out?
b. To ofend or irritate or vexed or annoyed: I was put out by his attenton to the television set.
6. To make an efort: We've really had to put out to get this project finished.
7. (Baseball) to cause to be removed from an opportunity to reach base or score; retre.
8. Vulgar Slang To be willing to engage in casual sexual actvity; be sexually available.

1. To postpone; delay.
2. To put across, especially to deceive: tried to put a lie over, but to no avail./sucesso
3. to succeed/ter sucesso in; accomplish/realizar: It will take an exceptonal administrator to put over this reorganizaton.
informal to express an idea clearly so that people understand it: ⇒ he puts his thoughts over badly

1. to complete successfully; execute: He was not able to put through his project.
2. to bring about; efect: The proposed revisions have not as yet been put through.
3. to make a telephone connecton for: Put me through to Los Angeles.
4. to make (a telephone connecton): Put a call through to Hong Kong.
5. to cause to undergo/sofrer or endure/suportar: She's been put through a lot the past year.
make someone experience something unpleasant or difficult
Nautcal To head for shore.
2. to cause someone to experience or do something: Your generosity puts me to shame.
3. to suggest an idea or plan to someone so that they
it or discuss it:

To construct; create:
2. to put the parts of something in the correct places and join them to each other
3. to prepare a piece of work by collectng several ideas and suggestons and organizing them
1. To erect/erguer; build, raise.
2. To preserve; can: put up six jars of jam.
3. To nominate: put up a candidate at a conventon.
4. To provide (funds) in advance, contribute, invest in: put up money for the new musical.
5. To provide lodgings/hospedagem for, accommodate: put a friend up for the night.
6. Sports To startle (game animals) from cover: put up grouse.
7. To ofer for sale: put up his antques.
a. To make a display or the appearance of: put up a bluf./blefe
b. To engage in/envolver; carry on: put up a good fight.
9. to set or arrange (the hair)

1. to presume on (a person's generosity, good nature, etc); take advantage of ⇒ he's always being put upon
2. to impose/impor hardship/dificuldade on; maltreat
3. (noum) treated badly, esp by somebody who takes advantage of one's willingness to help them, or by being asked to do an
amount of work
put down roots
put in an appearance

put it to (someone)
put (one) in mind
put (oneself) out
put (one's) finger on
put (one's) foot down
put (one's) foot in (one's) mouth

put paid to Chiefly Britsh

put (someone) in (someone's) place
put (someone) through (someone's) paces
put (someone) up to
put something over on
put the arm/bite/squeeze on Slang
put the finger on
put the lie to
put the make/moves on Slang
put the screws to/on Slang

put the skids on Slang

put to bed Informal

put to it

put to sleep
put two and two together

put up or shut up Slang

put up with
To establish a permanent residence in a locale.
To attend a social engagement/noivado especially for a short tme.

1. To overburden/sobrecarregar with tasks/tarefas or work.

2. To put blame on.
3. To take unfair advantage of.
4. To lay out/expor the facts of a situaton to (another) in a forceful candid/sincera manner/maneira.
5. To defeat soundly; trounce./espancar
To remind: You put me in mind of your grandmother.
To make a considerable efort; go to trouble or expense.
To identfy: I can't put my finger on the person in that photograph.
To take a firm stand.
To make a tactless/sem discernimento remark.

To finish of; put to rest: "We've given up saying we only kill to eat; Kraft dinner and freeze-dried food have put paid to that on
To lower the dignity of (someone); humble.
To cause to demonstrate ability or skill; test: The drama coach put her students through their paces before the first performan
To cause to commit a funny, mischievous/malicioso, or malicious act: My older brother put me up to making a prank telephon
To deceive, cheat, or trick.
To ask another for money.
Slang To inform on: The witness put the finger on the killer.
To show to be false or inaccurate.
To make sexual advances/avanços to.
To pressure (another) in an extreme manner.
To bring to a halt/paragem/descanso: "Sacrificing free speech to put the skids on prurient printed matter is not the correct pa
J. Sitomer).
1. To make final preparatons for the printng of (a newspaper, for example).
2. To make final preparatons for completng (a project).
To cause extreme difficulty for: We were put to it to finish the book on tme.

1. To make weary/cansar; bore/irritar.

2. To subject to euthanasia.
3. To subject to general anesthesia.
To draw/trar the proper conclusions from existng evidence or indicatons.

To have to endure/aguentar (something unpleasant) without complaining or take the acton necessary to remove the source o
To endure/aguentar without complaint: We had to put up with the inconvenience.

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