John Napier

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John Napier

mathematician and theologian Scottish painter critic of the catholic church he

advocates the persecution of atheists and neutrals in a letter addressed to the
king Jacobo in which I dedicate his theological work to Plaine Discovery (The
whole Revelation of Saint John. In spite of notoriety only thirty editions were

Henry Brings
English Mathematical born on February 8 1560, in Warleywood and die on
January 26 1630, in Oxford his main achievement was to stimulate the
popularization of the logarithms created by Napier.

In his stage in the Gresham College, Brings he had the sample of Minifici
logarithmorum Cananis, in which Napier has the idea of Logathms.

Isaac Newton
Era un fisico ingles y matematico de los 17 y 18 paises, el naicio en enero 4 en 1643 y
murió en marzo 31 de 1727 se conoce principalmente por establecer los fundamentos
de la mecanicia clásica atraves de estas tres leyes de
El invento el primer telescopio reflector
Espejos son los mas poderoso instrumento u 10 veces mas pequeños que un
telescopio tradicional.

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