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Cut and fill mining is a highly selective open-stope mining method considered ideal for steeply dipping high
grade deposits found in weak host rock. Many variations of the general cut and fill technique exist, however
this article will focus on overhand cut and fill. Overhand cut and fill method evolved from square set stull
stopping to provide stronger support. In this method, mining begins at the bottom of the ore body or block
and progresses upward. During the mining sequence, the back of the excavation is temporarily supported
using rock bolts before the stope is back filled to form the floor of the next level of development. Backfill is
designed to provide mild excavation support as well as to provide a strong working floor for personnel and
equipment. Backfill selection is dependent on the quality of the host rock and the size of equipment
operating a top of the backfill. Progression between stopes is achieved through the construction of raises
driven upward through the ore body.

There are a number of ore body features that should be considered when evaluating the applicability of a
cut and fill mining technique. These features include:

• Orebody geometry

• Ore grade/method cost

• Rock quality

• Waste Disposal

The ore body must be narrow and steeply dipping as the method relies on gravity to draw ore. Cut and fill is
a very expensive mining method, due in large part to the high costs of backfill. This cost can be justified if the
ore body is of a particularly high grade. (Cut and fill, Drift and fill) The rock quality designation is a further
critical factor. Though the surrounding country rock may be weak, and require support following excavation,
the ore should exhibit strength qualities that make it safe enough to be worked under or allow it to be
supported sufficiently. In general, cut and fill can be an attractive option surface tailings disposal must be
minimized since much of the waste rock can be returned underground for use as backfill.

The first step in the planning process for a cut and fill operation is to determine the type of backfill that will
be used. Past fill and hydraulic fill draw additional consideration in terms of planning due to the
infrastructure requirements such as paste plants, pumping systems, and piping networks. The chemical
characteristics of the waste rock must also be considered since these effect its efficacy as a filler element.
Floor dilution generated from excessively unconsolidated or weak fill must also be considered. Secondly,
access selection (ramp or shaft) may be of importance in the planning process since a ramp may offer the
flexibility of continuous mining by reducing the cyclical effect of mining. Thirdly, a preliminary selection of
material removal equipment can be made. The geometry of the ore body dictates the size and type of such
equipment including slushers, drills, and LHD's. Cut and fill operations with large stope geometry may permit
the use of drill jumbos and large LDH equipment whereas smaller stopes may preclude the use of stopper
drills and smaller LHD's. This selection is also dependent on the desired production ate and ore-pass
capacity. In cut and fill mining all work is done inside the stope therefore proper ventilation must be
provided to the worker. To accomplish this, adequately sized ventilation raises must be constructed. Given
the selective nature of cut and fill, the stope geometry is largely dictated by the ore body shape, thus the
design of each stope will be unique and may be subject to great variation even within a designated zone.
The development sequence described below pertains to a highly mechanized over-head cut-and-fill
operation where the stope is mined from the bottom upward. This technique is illustrated in the figure

1. An undercut is constructed beneath the stope along its entire strike length. This undercut will form the
transport drift from which ore will be removed by LHD’s or rail cars and will also provide access for
construction of draw points

2. A ramp is constructed at the side of the stope connecting the transport drift and the first production level.
This ramp will provide access for drill jumbos and LHD’s to the production level.

3. A cut is made beginning at the intersection of the ramp and stope to form the first production level. The
width of the pillar between the roof of the transport drift and the floor of the production levels is highly
dependent on rock mechanics characteristics of the ore.

4. An ore pass is constructed through the floor pillar of the production level to connect the transport drift to
the production level.

5. A manway is constructed at a location near to the ore pass to connect the production level to connect the
transport drift to the production level.

6. Additional ore passes and manways are constructed at regular intervals along the strike length of the
stope as the production level advances horizontally.

7. Auxiliary ventilation fans are installed in the access ways as required delivering fresh air to the working
face. These fans may be in the range of 5-15HP depending on the size of the face and the number and size of
equipment in the stope.

8. Using a raise boring machine, a raise is constructed connecting the production level to a point where
backfill may be fed; either an upper level or surface. This raise may also act as a ventilation raise.

9. The drill pattern is dependent on the drilling equipment employed. A typical jumbo may drill holes 3m
deep spaced in a 1m x 1m grid. The drill pattern can be tailored to meet the desired production rate by
adjusting the volume of broken rock produced by each blast sequence. The figure below shows a cross-
section of a typical drill pattern. 10. Using LHD equipment, the broken rock is dumped down the ore-pass
travelling down to the transportation drift where it is gathered at a collection point

11. The drill, blast, and muck sequence is repeated until mining has progressed along the entire strike of the

12. Cribbing is placed at the top of the existing manways and ore passes to form a lining in preparation for
backfilling. Old ventilation tubing may be used for this purpose.

13. Backfill enters the stope through the previously constructed raise in the production level roof. The level
is filled and allowed to dry. Drying time is dependent on the backfill type and moisture content.

14. The ramp at the side of the stope is extended to the next production level to provide entry for drill
equipment. The cycle is repeated until the vertical extent of the stope is reached
There are a number of options available for the backfill to be used in cut and fill mining, the choice of which
is dependent on the support requirements of the area. These options include:

• Waste fill

• Pneumatic fill

• Hydraulic fill with dilute slurry

• High-density hydraulic fill (paste fill)

The highest strength option available is paste fill, followed by sand fill, and finally unconsolidated rock fill.
Beyond the support requirements, the fill must be able to support any equipment that is necessary for stope
development, as it will become the working floor for the next stope.

• High selectivity and low dilution ma achieved

• Minimal development is required; low capital cost

• Versatile for mining method; can follow irregular orebodies

• Flexible; mining method can be easily modified

• Low equipment investment relative to other methods

• Minimizes ground movement

• Cyclical ore production

• Labour and skill intensive

• Dangerous working conditions; work conducted a top freshly blasted rock

• High degree of ground control required

• Expensive and costly ventilation system

• Need for backfill infrastructure (piping and paste plant)

• Not suitable for low grade ore due to high mining cost

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