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Pharmacy and Therapeutics

Drug-Induced Glucose Alterations Part 1:

Drug-Induced Hypoglycemia
Mays H. Vue, PharmD, and Stephen M. Setter, PharmD, CDE, CGP

Many pharmacological agents com- on Hypoglycemia has defined and

monly used in clinical practice affect classified hypoglycemia based on
glucose homeostasis, interfering with the severity of symptoms in patients
the body’s balance between insulin, diagnosed with diabetes as outlined
glucagon, catecholamines, growth in Table 2.2 In general, severe hypo-
hormone, and cortisol. Drug-induced glycemia develops when a reduction
serum glucose alterations manifested in blood glucose is enough to require
as hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia assistance from another person
and ranging from mild to moderate to actively administer carbohy-
to severe symptoms either appearing drate, glucagon, or other corrective
acutely or chronically, have perpetual actions.2 Severe hypoglycemia is
effects on the body, particularly in a serious clinical syndrome that
patients with diabetes. This article continues to be the most common
and a second one that will appear in endocrine emergency faced by health
the next issue of this journal review care providers and remains the
drug-induced serum glucose altera- limiting factor in effective diabetes
tions in a two-part series. In this management for many patients.6
article, we review pertinent clini- Hypoglycemia has been associ-
cal information on the incidence of ated with a higher number of hospital
drug-induced hypoglycemia and admissions, longer hospital stays, and
discuss the underlying pathophysi- significant morbidity and mortality
ological mechanisms involved. in patients with diabetes or hypergly-
Hypoglycemia is clinically cemia.6,7 In a systemic review of 448
defined as a serum glucose con- publications describing drug-induced
centration low enough to cause the hypoglycemia,8 90% of reported
signs and symptoms differentiated in cases were classified as severe hypo-
Table 1.1–4 Depending on the sever- glycemia in which symptoms were
ity, hypoglycemic symptoms include present and required assistance by
irritability, impaired concentration, someone other than the patient.
neurological deficits, seizures, coma, Although hypoglycemia can be
and even neuronal death.5 However, iatrogenic, in which normal body
clinical manifestations vary from defenses are impaired, treatment
individual to individual, and some with insulin or insulin secretagogues
report hypoglycemic symptoms even (e.g., sulfonylureas [SUs] and meg-
when serum glucose levels do not litinides), as monotherapy or in
reflect hypoglycemia or vice versa. combination, account for a majority
Although definitions of hypogly- of hypoglycemic events.3 In addition
cemia differ in the literature, many to glucose-lowering agents, many
trials will differentiate between commonly used non-antidiabetic
hypoglycemia (asymptomatic and drugs have been reported to cause or
symptomatic low serum glucose contribute to drug-induced hypogly-
levels) and severe hypoglycemia. This cemia, even in individuals without
article will cover and report both diabetes. Furthermore, as people
when applicable. age and their number of comorbidi-
The American Diabetes ties and medications increase over
Association (ADA) Workgroup time, they expose themselves to an
Diabetes Spectrum Volume 24, Number 3, 2011 171
Pharmacy and Therapeutics

Table 1. Signs and Symptoms of Hypoglycemia3,4

Signs Symptoms
Diaphoresis Neurogenic (Autonomic) Neuroglycopenic
Catecholamine-mediated Acetylcholine-mediated Cognitive impairment
Increased heart rate
(adrenergic) (cholinergic) Behavioral changes
Elevated systolic blood
pressure Tremor Sweating
Palpitations Hunger
Blurred vision
Anxiety/arousal Tingling
Difficulty with speech
Feeling faint

Table 2. ADA Workgroup on Hypoglycemia Definition and Classification of

Hypoglycemia in People With Diabetes1,2
Type of Hypoglycemia Presentation of Symptoms
Severe hypoglycemia An event requiring assistance of another person to actively adminis-
ter resuscitative actions
Documented symptomatic hypoglycemia An event during which typical symptoms of hypoglycemia are
accompanied by a measured plasma glucose concentration ≤ 70
Asymptomatic hypoglycemia An event not accompanied by typical symptoms of hypoglycemia but
with a measured plasma glucose concentration ≤ 70 mg/dl
Probable symptomatic hypoglycemia An event during which symptoms typical of hypoglycemia are not
accompanied by a plasma glucose determination (but that was pre-
sumably caused by a plasma glucose concentration of ≤ 70 mg/dl)
Relative hypoglycemia An event during which the person with diabetes reports any of the
typical symptoms of hypoglycemia and interprets those as indica-
tive of hypoglycemia, with a measured plasma glucose concentration
> 70 mg/dl but approaching the hypoglycemic level
exponential risk for possible drug in the management of diabetes will used in the management of diabetes.
interactions or cumulative adverse allow for more practical and safe Although numerous drugs can lower
effects that may result in asymptom- health care practices. serum glucose concentrations, this
atic or symptomatic hypoglycemia. Medications commonly used for article will review non-antidiabetic
Thus, thoroughly reviewing a diabetes treatment are not discussed drugs or drug classes associated with
patient’s medication history is in detail in this review because hypoglycemia used in patients with
essential, and drug-associated causes hypoglycemia has been well estab- diabetes (Table 4).
should always be included in the dif- lished with the use of insulin, SUs,
ferential diagnosis of hypoglycemia and meglitinides as monotherapy or ACE Inhibitors
until ruled out by other causes (e.g., in combination with other agents In 1985, the first case of ACE
non-endocrine disease, trauma, or such as metformin, thiazolidinedio- inhibitor–induced hypoglycemia
infections). nes (TZDs), exenatide, or dipeptidyl was reported with the administra-
Serum glucose reductions sec- peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors. tion of captopril.11 Since then, several
ondary to pharmacological agents However, metformin, TZDs, and reports and small studies have pub-
are caused by multiple actions that α-glucosidase inhibitors such as lished the incidence of hypoglycemia
include pharmacokinetic or phar- acarbose and miglitol, when admin- associated with ACE inhibitor use,
macodynamic drug interactions istered as monotherapy at usual but the data remain controversial.
or additive hypoglycemic effects doses, should have little to no risk In a small case-control study
from polypharmacy. Recognition of of hypoglycemia based on their from the Netherlands,12 94 patients
underlying pathophysiological mech- mechanisms of action. As a point were identified and admitted to the
anisms responsible for drug-induced of reference, Table 39,10 provides the hospital with hypoglycemia, and
hypoglycemia from pharmacological absolute risk of hypoglycemia for 654 control subjects were selected
treatments other than those used common glucose-lowering agents from the same cohort. As many as
172 Diabetes Spectrum Volume 24, Number 3, 2011
Pharmacy and Therapeutics

Table 3. Absolute Risk of Mild-to-Moderate Hypoglycemia

With Commonly Used Glucose-Lowering Agents9,10
Drug Class Drug Monotherapy Combination Therapy
Biguanides MET † See combinations See combinations
with MET below. with MET below.
Second-generation Glimepiride 0.9–1.7% + pioglitazone 13.4–15.7%
sulfonylureas (SUs) + rosiglitazone 3.6–5.5%
Glipizide 3% + MET 7.6–12.6%
Glyburide 21.3% + MET 11.4–37.7%
Meglitinides Nateglinide 1.3–3% * *
Repaglinide 16–31% + MET 33%
Glucagon-like pep- Exenatide 4.5–35.7% + MET 4.5–5.3%
tide-1 (GLP-1) + SU 14.4–35.7%
+ MET + SU 19.2–27.8%
+ TZD 11%
Liraglutide 9.7% + MET 3.6%
+ glimepiride 7.9%
+ MET + glimepiride 27.4%
Thiazolidinediones Pioglitazone † + MET 4.4%
(TZDs) + SU 26.7–28.8%
+ insulin 53.4–56.4%
Rosiglitazone † + MET 3.6–5.5%
+ glimepiride 3.6–5.5%

α-Glucosidase Acarbose † + SU or insulin 2%

Miglitol † * *
DPP-4 inhibitors Sitagliptin 0.6–12.2% + MET 1.6%
+ glimepiride 12.2%
+/- MET
Saxagliptin 2.7–14.6% + MET 3.4–7.8%
+ glyburide 13.3–14.6%
+ TZD 2.7–4.1%
Amylinomimetic Pramlintide 16.8% * *
MET, metformin; SU, sulfonylurea; TZD, thiazolidinedione.
*Risk not reported.
†Absolute risk data are not available because these agents cause little to no risk of hypoglycemia when used in
monotherapy and within normal dosing ranges. Although hypoglycemia risk is low in monotherapy, when given in
combination with oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin, additive effects increase the risk of hypoglycemia, as shown

13.8% of all hospital admissions three- to fourfold increased risk of ulating hepatic glucose production.
for hypoglycemia were significantly hypoglycemia. Although the exact Suppression of peripheral sympa-
attributable to the use of ACE mechanism for its glucose-lowering thomimetic overactivity may also be
inhibitors (odds ratio 2.8 [95% effects is unknown, the hypoth- involved in blood glucose–lowering
CI 1.4–5.7]), but this was among esis involves an indirect increase in effects of ACE inhibitors.14
patients with diabetes concomitantly insulin sensitivity by increasing cir-
treated with insulin or oral antidia- culating kinine, which in turn leads Alcohol/Ethanol
betic agents for at least 1 year. to vasodilatation in the muscles and Hypoglycemia associated with
Another small study13 determined ultimately increased glucose uptake alcohol ingestion is a well-established
that ACE inhibitor use in people in muscle tissue. Bradykinin may also problem in patients with diabetes.
with diabetes was associated with a have a contributory role in downreg- Patients who are treated with anti-
Diabetes Spectrum Volume 24, Number 3, 2011 173
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Table 4. Non-Diabetes Drugs Associated With Hypoglycemia1,3,9,17,20

Drug Class Drug Mechanism of Glucose- Common Indications Clinical
Lowering Effects Significance
ACE inhibitors • Benazepril Indirectly increases insulin Hypertension, conges- +
• Enalapril sensitivity by increasing tive heart failure (CHF),
• Lisinopril circulating kinins, which diabetic nephropathy,
• Perindopril leads to vasodilatation in the post-myocardial infarc-
• Ramipril muscles and increased glu- tion (MI)
• Captopril cose uptake in muscle tissue
• Fosinopril
• Moexipril
• Quinapril
• Trandolapril
β-Blockers Noncardioselective: Inhibits glycogenolysis; atten- Post-MI, chronic angina +
• Levobunolol uates signs and symptoms pectoris/coronary artery
• Metipranolol disease, hyperten-
• Nadolol sion, acute coronary
• Propranolol syndromes, CHF,
• Sotalol perioperative prevention
• Timolol of cardiac events, acute
myocardial infarction
• Acebutolol
• Atenolol
• Betaxolol
• Bisoprolol
• Esmolol
• Nebivolol
• Metoprolol
Chloramphenicol May inhibit the metabolism Bacterial meningitis, +
of SUs cystic fibrosis, salmonella
infection, typhoid fever,
Chloroquine Unknown Malaria, hemophago- +
cytic syndrome,
porphyria cutanea tarda,
sarcoidosis, ulcerative
Clofibrate Enhances the effect of SUs Acne, diabetes insipidus, +
glaucoma, hyperlipid-
emia, migraine, multiple
sclerosis, prophylaxis for
MI, neonatal jaundice
Disopyramide Unknown; appears to result Ventricular arrhythmia ++
from endogenous insulin
Ethanol Impairs gluconeogenesis; +++
increases insulin secretion
continued on p. 175

diabetic agents such as insulin and The proposed mechanism of tion.16 Alcohol may also indirectly
SUs (e.g., glyburide) are at higher alcohol-induced hypoglycemia in increase endogenous insulin secre-
risk for developing hypoglycemia, a fasting and intoxicated patient is tion, contributing to hypoglycemic
particularly those who have been primarily the inhibition of gluconeo- effects observed in individuals.17
previously fasting or who have a his- genesis along with depleted glycogen Furthermore, symptoms of hypogly-
tory of chronic abuse.15 stores as a response from starva- cemia can bear such a resemblance
174 Diabetes Spectrum Volume 24, Number 3, 2011
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Table 4. Non-Diabetes
Table 4: Non-Diabetes Drugs Associated
Drugs Associated With Hypoglycemia
With Hypoglycemia 1,3,9,17,20,
from p. 174
Quinolones • Ciprofloxacin Unknown; enhanced insulin Bacterial conjunctivitis, +
(Fluoroquinolone) • Gatifloxacin secretion appears to result bronchitis, community-
• Levofloxacin from blockade of ATP- acquired pneumonia,
• Moxifloxacin sensitive potassium channels gonorrhea, uncompli-
• Norfloxacin in pancreatic β-cells cated skin infections,
• Ofloxacin pyelonephritis, acute
sinusitis, urinary tract
Pentamidine Cytolytic release of insulin Pneumocystis +++
pneumonia, cutane-
ous leishmaniasis,
trypanosomiasis, visceral
Salicylates • Aminosalicylic Increases insulin secretion Pain, fever, inflamma- +
acid and sensitivity; may alter tion, cerebrovascular
• Aspirin pharmacokinetic disposition accident, MI
• Choline magne- of SUs
sium trisalicylate
• Magnesium
• Salsalate
+ Low probability of occurrence and/or low level of drug-induced hypoglycemia expected in patients.
++ Moderate-to-high probability of occurrence but degree of drug-induced hypoglycemia may or may not be clini-
cally significant.
+++ High probability of occurrence; drug-induced hypoglycemia is clinically significant.
to symptoms of mild alcohol intoxi- hypoglycemia. The catecholamine- insulin.21 Over time, patients become
cation that patients may be negligent mediated neurogenic hypoglycemic increasingly deficient in insulin as the
of the differences. Patients should be symptoms masked by this class pancreatic destruction progresses,
appropriately cautioned about close of medications include tremor eventually resulting in hyperglycemic
monitoring of blood glucose levels to and palpitations. Hunger, tremor, episodes. Within a matter of weeks
ensure the actual cause.15,17 irritability, and confusion may be to months, this consequential adverse
concealed as well. Sweating, how- effect can lead to the development of
β-blockers ever, remains unmasked and may be new-onset diabetes.9,17,20
β-blockers can cause or exacerbate the only recognizable sign of hypo-
hypoglycemia in some individu- glycemia in individuals treated with Quinolone (Fluoroquinolone)
als, either by worsening an already β-blockers.17,20 Antibiotics
present hypoglycemic episode Quinolones, commonly known as
or by delaying recovery time.17 Pentamidine fluoroquinolones, are widely used as
The mechanism responsible for Pentamidine is used in the treatment broad-spectrum antibiotics against
β-blocker–induced hypoglycemia of opportunistic infections associated community- and health care–asso-
involves inhibition of hepatic glucose with immunosuppression such as ciated infections. Incidences of
production, which is promoted by Pneumocystis pneumonia, although quinolone-induced hypoglycemia in
sympathetic nervous stimulation. In it is no longer considered a first-line the literature vary within the class,
addition, adrenergic counterregula- therapy because of its glucose-alter- but gatifloxacin has been associ-
tion is diminished, resulting in a ing adverse effects.9 Hypoglycemia is ated with having a greater effect on
reduction in glycogenolysis.17,18 the most common metabolic abnor- increasing insulin levels and reduc-
Non-cardioselective β-blockers mality observed within 5–14 days ing blood glucose compared to other
such as propranolol are more likely of initiating therapy and occurs in quinolones.1 In fact, the prescrib-
to cause hypoglycemia than cardio- about 6–40% of patients.17,20 ing information for gatifloxacin
selective ones such as atenolol and Pentamidine-induced hypogly- specifically states that diabetes is
metoprolol. Nevertheless, patients cemia is caused by an increase in a contraindication for use.22 The
on the latter should still be cautioned insulin secretion via a cytolytic prescribing information for other
about the potential for drug-induced response in the pancreas. Intravenous quinolones (e.g., ciprofloxacin, levo-
hypoglycemia.19 glucose or oral diazoxide at initiation floxacin, and moxifloxacin) include
Furthermore, β-blockers have the of therapy is often given in antici- information about altering serum
potential for masking symptoms of pation of this cytolytic release of glucose levels but only suggest cau-
Diabetes Spectrum Volume 24, Number 3, 2011 175
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