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By: Celine A. Amparo

Me, an individual born as a full Filipino on the island of Guam
Me, an individual who grew up showering with a tabo and from a well
Me, an individual who would wear polka dots and hang fruits around my house on
New Years
Me, an individual who has family members that can fully speak and understand our

But me, an individual who basically grew up in all aspects of Filipino traditions
and culture
but cannot even speak more than 10% of it
Me, an individual who feels out of place when I visit the Philippines and is looked
like a
Me, an individual who speaks out for the people who are proud and engaged into
culture but are discriminated because we cannot speak or understand it.

Us, as individuals who cannot take the full blame for not being able learn a dialect
that was
Never taught to us as kids
Us, who are adults but still make the effort to try and learn
Us, who are proud individuals of our culture and traditions,
Us, despite our language barrier, we take pride in what we know and use that to
Culture around our diverse world.

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