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Name: _Samuel Ruiz and Rafael Gonzalez_ Course: __27147___


I.- Report the following sentences. ( 10 points)

1.- We were really happy last Sunday!

They said that they had been happy last Sunday.

2.- I don´t accept the same discourse.

She said that she doesn´t accept the same discourse.

3.- We will travel again next year.

They informed that they would travel again next year.

4.- I couldn´t finish reading the book.

He admitted that he couldn´t finish to read the book.

5.- I am reading an interesting book.

He told us that he was reading an interesting book.

II.- Complete the following sentences. (10 points).

1.- If I get enough money, I’ll buy a big house.

2.- If I learned a new language, I’ll go to travel.

3.- If I had taken that trip, I would have a spent a lot money.

4.- If he were more intelligent, he would pass the test.

5.- If she had worked harder, she won the Olympics Games.
1.- How was your experience working online from home?
The experience was very good thanks to the different guides I send. This facilitates the way to
solve the exams and the different tasks.
2.- What was your biggest challenge?
For Rafael and for me the biggest challenge with respect to the subject was this examination
by the subjects that encompasses.
3.- Did you feel motivated enough?
We have not felt sufficiently motivated to study because of the situation that is happening in
the country at the moment.
4.- Did you dedicate enough time to do your homework?
We believe that we dedicate the right time to do the different tasks that the teacher sent.
5.- What would you recommend to improve the online method from your experience?
We recommend that you give time to the activities you send to do so in real time by module

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