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Emerging Technology

3d Printing is technology that is being introduced into classrooms at a rapid rate.

A great way it is being used is visually impaired children the opportunity to feel and

understand the complex and simple figures such as shapes that are being described to

them. The technology can be used in many different curricular settings, there are many

ways to apply the use of the printer in different subjects. It has given students a low-cost

way to manufacture pieces for experiments in biology or providing a visual for a math


The printers are being marketed heavily to bring them into classrooms to help the

education experience. To help the technology expand, Teachers share lesson plans

and ideas to help continue a succeeded learning environment for students. There are

many workshops that encourage schools to purchase a printer, as well as a grant that is

being used to motivate educators to build lesson plans and activities based on their own

subject areas.

Youtube Video:

Elrod, R. E. (2016). Classroom innovation through 3D printing. Library Hi Tech News,
33(3), 5-7. Retrieved from
Jo, W., Jang, H. I., Rachel, A. H., So, J. H., Lee, H., Lee, H. J., & Moon, M. (2016).
Introduction of 3D printing technology in the classroom for visually impaired students.
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness (Online), 110(2), 115. Retrieved from

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