Typical Water Quality Characteristics - Saskaton

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Typical Water Quality Characteristics _ Saskaton

Tap Tap
Typical Characteristic Reported As River Water
Water Limits

A. Physical Characteristics

Color (apparent) ACU 3 15 10

Conductivity at 25°C umhos/cm 419 none 473
pH 8.45 9.0 8.22
Temperature C 12 none 9
Turbidity NTU 0.10 1 (0.3) 4.4

B. Inorganic Constituents

Aluminum mg Al/L 0.033 0.20 0.097

Arsenic mg As/L 0.0002 0.025 0.001
Barium mg Ba/L 0.031 1.0 0.085
Boron mg B/L 0.023 5.0 0.023
Cadmium mg Cd/L 0.0001 0.005 0.0002
Calcium mg Ca/L 31 none 45
M-Alkalinity mg CaCo3/L 95 500 157
P-Alkalinity mg CaCo3/L <1 none 1
Carbonate mg Co3/L <1 none 1
Bicarbonate mg HCo3/L 115 none 191
Total Hardness mg CaCo3/L 146 800 185
Chloride mg Cl/L 11 250 9
Chlorine Residual mg Cl2/L 1.87 3.0 NR*
Chromium mg Cr/L <0.0005 0.05 <0.0005
Copper mg Cu/L 0.0012 1.0 0.0019
Cyanide mg CN/L <0.001 0.2 NR*
Fluoride mg F/L 0.25 1.5 0.10
Iron mg Fe/L 0.0053 0.3 0.0783
Lead mg Pb/L <0.0001 0.01 0.0003
Magnesium mg Mg/L 17 200 18
Manganese mg Mn/L 0.0012 0.05 0.0128
Mercury mg Hg/L <0.00001 0.001 <0.00001
Potassium mg K/L 3.8 none 3.7
Selenium mg Se/L 0.0005 0.01 NR*
Silver mg Ag/L <0.00004 none <0.00004
Sodium mg Na/L 27 300 28
Sulfate mg SO4/L 101 500 84
Uranium mg U/L 0.0012 0.02 NR*
Zinc mg Zn/L 0.0034 5.0 0.0082

C. Nutrient Constituents

Ammonia mg N/L 0.38 none 0.03

Nitrate (& Nitrite) mg NO3/L 1.25 45(3.2) 1.31
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg N/L 0.69 none 0.35
Soluble Ortho Phosphate mg P/L <0.01 none 0.01
Total Phosphate mg P/L <0.01 none 0.01

D. Organic Constituents

Biological Oxygen
mg /L NR* none <3
Demand 5 day
Soluble Organic Carbon mg C/L 3.3 none 4.0
Total Dissolved Solids mg /L 306 1500 377
Total Suspended Solids mg /L <1 none 13
Volatile Suspended Solids mg /L <1 none 2.25

E. Microbiological

Chlorophyll-a mg /L NR* none 0.0011

Fecal Coliform CFU/100ml 0 0 48
Fecal Streptococcus CFU/100ml NR* 0 99
Heterotrophic Plate Count CFU/mL 0 500 1520
Total Coliform CFU/100ml 0 0 178

F. Total
ug/L THM 37 100 -

G. Pesticide Scan, H. Organic Scan, I. Radiochemicals

Concentrations less than detection limits for all constituents tested or below the Provincial
Permit To Operate limits.
As Chloramine
NR* not required or not applicable by our Provincial Permit To Operate

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