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Biol. Cybern.

61,241-254 (1989) Biological

9 Springer-Verlag 1989

Self-Organizing Semantic Maps

H. Ritter* and T. Kohonen
ttelsinki University of Technology,Laboratory of Computer and Information Science,Rakentajanaukio 2 C, SF-02150 Espoo, Finland

Abstract. Self-organized formation of topographic tions, invariances, and generalizations from raw data.
maps for abstract data, such as words, is demonstrated Many interesting results, e.g., in pattern recognition
in this work. The semantic relationships in the data are (artificial perception of images as well as acoustical and
reflected by their relative distances in the map. Two other patterns) have already been obtained. Extraction
different simulations, both based on a neural network of features from geometrically or physically related
model that implements the algorithm of the self- data elements, however, is still a very concrete task, in
organizing feature maps, are given. For both, an principle at least. A much more abstract and enigmatic
essential, new ingredient is the inclusion of the con- object of study is cognitive information processing that
texts, in which each symbol appears, into the input deals with elements of consciousness and their relation-
data. This enables the network to detect the "logical ships; it is frequently identified with the ability to use
similarity" between words from the statistics of their languages. The purpose of the present paper is to study
contexts. In the first demonstration, the context simply whether it is possible to create in artificial neural
consists of a set of attribute values that occur in con- networks abstractions such that they, at least in a
junction with the words. In the second demonstra- primitive form, would reflect some properties of the
tion, the context is defined by the sequences in which cognitive and linguistic representations and relations.
the words occur, without consideration of any as- In particular we are here reporting new results
sociated attributes. Simple verbal statements consist- which demonstrate that a self-organizing process is
ing of nouns, verbs, and adverbs have been analyzed in indeed able to create over a neural network topo-
this way. Such phrases or clauses involve some of the graphically or geometrically organized maps that
abstractions that appear in thinking, namely, the most display semantic relations between symbolic data. It
common categories, into which the words are then may be proper to call such representations self-
automatically grouped in both of our simulations. We organizing semantic maps.
also argue that a similar process may be at work in the We are also relating our results to the fundamental
brain. basis of cognition, namely, categorization of observa-
tions. As the connection of these ideas to fundamental
theories of knowledge might otherwise remain ob-
scure, it may be proper to commence with a short re-
1 Hypotheses About Internal Representation view of the philosophical background, namely, the
of Linguistic Elements and Structures theory of categories as the ultimate framework of ab-
1.1 The Objective of this Work
One of the most intriguing problems in the theory of
neural networks, artificial and biological, is to what 1.2 On Categories and their Relation to Linguistic
extent a simple adaptive system is able to find abstrac- and Neural Representations
The most general concepts or abstractions that are
* On leave from: Institut fiir Physik, Technische Universit~it needed to interprete the empirical world are called
M/inchen, James-Franck-Strasse, D-8046 Garching, FRG categories; such basic reduced elements and forms of
Present address: Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, thinking and communication can also be encountered
Urbana, IL 61801, USA in all languages, primitive as well as more developed.

The categories have been supposed to embrace the It will now be proper to approach the problem of
whole domain of knowledge, and to form the basis of self-organizing semantic maps using data that con-
consciousness. Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) in fact already tain implicit information relating to the simplest
distinguished ten categories. The most common of categories; if the latter are then detectable automati-
them are: 1. Items (objects). 2. Qualities (properties). 3. cally, we may think that a significant step towards self-
States (or state changes). 4. Relations (spatial, tem- organizing linguistic processing has been taken.
poral, and other). One aspect may still be emphasized. It is perhaps
In languages, Category 1 corresponds to nouns, not reasonable to look for elements of languages in the
Category 2 to adjectives, and Category 3 to verbs, brain. A more fundamental view is that the physiolog-
respectively. For the representation of Category 4, ical functions are expected to reflect the categorical
different languages use, e.g., adverbs, prepositions, organization and not so much the detailed linguistic
postpositions, endings, inflections, or syntax (order of forms.
words). Naturally many auxiliary word classes are
needed to interrelate phrases and clauses, to indicate 1.3 Examples of Neural Network Models
logic modalities, as well as to facilitate inductive and for Internal Representations
deductive inference.
1.3.1 Semantic Networks. For a straightforward
The very deep original metaphysical meaning of
materialization of the internal representations, the
"category" has to a large extent been lost in the
semantic networks have been suggested. In their
common usage of this word. ~Categories" are often
original form they comprise a graph structure with
simply identified with classes of items such as animals, nodes and links. The nodes may stand for items or
plants, nationalities, professions, etc. More accurately, concepts (sets of attributes), whereas the links usually
such classes then only constitute subcategories of
indicate relations: the simplest binary relations repre-
Category 1. sent co-occurrences of items in the observed events,
Since representations of categories occur in all
whereas labeled links describe their qualified relations.
languages, many researchers have stipulated that the
The semantic networks have also been supposed to
deepest semantic elements of any language must have a
have a one-to-one counterpart in neural cells and their
physiological representation in the neural realms; and
interconnects, whereby a searching process would be
since they are independent of the different cultural
interpreted as spreading activation in such a neural
histories, it has been concluded that such represen- network (Quillian 1968; Collins and Loftus 1975). In
tations must have been inherited genetically. view of the contemporary neurophysiological data,
At the time when the genetic predisposition of such a degree of specificity and spatial resolution is
language elements was suggested, there was no mech- highly improbable in biology. One also has to realize
anism known that would have explained the origin of
that in the semantic-network model of the brain,
abstractions in neural information processing other predisposition of semantic meaning to the nodes and
than evolution. It was not until "neural network" links has to be postulated; such a "mapping" is not
modeling reached the present level when researchers derived from any self-organizing process.
began to discover internal representations of abstract
properties of signals from the physical network 1.3.2 Hidden Layers in Backpropagation Networks.
models. There exist at least two classes of models with Whether the nowadays familiar feedforward "neural"
this potential: the backpropagation network (Rumel- networks with error-backpropagation learning may be
hart and McClelland 1984; Rumelhart et al. 1986), and regarded as biological models or not, cells or nodes in
the self-organizing [topological feature] map (Koho- their "hidden layers" often seem to learn responses that
nen 1982a-c, 1984). Such findings indicate that the are specific to some abstract qualities of the input in-
internal representations of categories may be derivable formation (Rumelhart and McCleUand 1984; Rumel-
from the mutual relations and roles of ~the primary hart et al. 1986; Sejnowski and Rosenberg 1987).
signal or data elements themselves, as demonstrated However, it has to be emphasized that backpropa-
below. gation is crucially based on supervised learning. The
However, it is not the purpose of this paper to outputs, in relation to input stimuli, are forced to given
contend that all representations in the biological brain values by optimization of the internal weight param-
would solely be acquired by learning. The adaptive eters of the nodes of the network. In a multilevel
principles discussed below must be regarded as network, with structured data, it may then happen that
theoretical frameworks, and the one-phase learning its in order to reach the global optimum, some nodes of
simplest form. It is quite possible that a similar process the innermost layers (hidden layers) become tuned to
is at work in the genetic cycles, although its explicit represent some kind of "eigendata" of the occurring
mechanisms are difficult to devise. signals, that then represent the "generalizations" or

"abstractions". It has recently been demonstrated that mation processing. Some earlier neurophysiological
the weight vectors of the hidden layers may converge to findings indeed seemed to support this view. Dis-
values that encode linguistic items according to their tributedness of learning results in the cell mass of the
semantic roles. These roles were defined explicitly in brain was discovered in Lashley's classical experiments
the learning process (Miikkulainen and Dyer 1988a, b). in 1938 (Beach 1960), which for a long time were
interpreted such that the brain is a "black box" with
1.3.3 Self-Organizing [Topological Feature] Maps. A
more or less equipotential components that can even
more genuine type of self organization is competitive
replace each other. An extreme view holds all attempts
(unsupervised) learning that is able to find clusters
to isolate and locate cognitive functions in the brain as
from the primary data, eventually in a hierarchically
a modern form of phrenology.
organized way. In a system of feature-sensitive cells (cf.
It is true that in a process that leads to a perception
Nass and Cooper 1975; Perez et al. 1975; Grossberg
or action, many parts of the brain are involved,
1976) competitive learning means that a number of
eventually in an iterative or recursive fashion. This,
cells is comparing the same input signals with their
however, could be said of any device or machinery that
internal parameters, and the cell with the best match
has been designed to perform a particular task, and
("winner") is then tuning itself to that input. In this way
needs the cooperation of all of its components. How-
different cells learn different (average) aspects from
ever, it would be absurd to deny, in view of massive
their input, that then may be regarded as the simplest
neurophysiological data, that the brain contains parts,
forms of abstractions.
areas, networks, and even single neural cells that
The self-organizing [topological feature] maps
perform specific partial functions. There exist record-
(Kohonen 1982a-c, 1984) are a further development of
ings of many types of feature-sensitive cells or sites that
competitive learning in which the best-matching cell
respond to specific qualities of sensory stimuli, and the
also activates its topographical neighbors in the net-
motoneurons that control particular muscles are cer-
work to take part in tuning to the same input. A
tainly localized. The global functions obviously ensue
striking, and by no means obvious result (cf. Sect. 3)
from the cooperation of a great many components of
from such a collective, cooperative learning is that,
this type. The amount of parallelism and redundancy
assuming the "neural network" as a two-dimensional
in such processing may be enormous. The question
sheet, the different cells become tuned to different
that then remains only concerns the degree or spatial
inputs in an orderly fashion, defining some feature
coordinate system over the network. After learning, each acuity of localization, as well as a possible hierar-
chical organization of such localized functions.
input elicits a localized response, whose position in the
sheet reflects the most important "feature coordinates" 2.2 On the Techniques to Determine Localization,
of the input. This corresponds to a non-linear projec- and their Criticism
tion of the input space onto the network that makes the
most essential neighborhood relationships [topology] By the end of the nineteenth century, a rather detailed
between the data elements geometrically explicit. In topographical organization of the brain, especially
particular, if the data are clustered hierarchically, a cortex, was already deducible from functional deficits
very explicit localized representation of the same and behavioral impairments that were induced by
structure is generated. various kinds of defects caused either accidentally, due
While the self-organizing maps, as such, have been to tumors, malformations, hemorrhages, or artificially
used in many applications to visualize clustered data caused lesions. A modern technique to cause control-
(cf. Kohonen 1984; Miikkulainen and Dyer 1988b), a lable and reversible "lesions" is to stimulate a partic-
much more intriguing possibility is that they are also ular site on the cortical surface by small electric
directly able to create in an unsupervised process currents, thereby eventually inducing both excitatory
topographical representations of semantic, nonmetric and inhibitory effects, but anyway disturbing an
relationships implicit in linguistic data, as will be assumed local function. If such a spatially confined
pointed out in Sect. 4. stimulus then systematically disrupts a specific cogni-
tive ability such as naming of objects, there exists at
least some indication that the corresponding site is
2 Are the Information-Processing Functions essential to that task. This technique has frequently
in the Brain Localized? Justification of the Model been criticized for the following reason, which holds for
all lesion studies. Although a similar lesion at the same
2.1 General Issues Against site would always cause the same deficit, and the same
and in Favor of Localization deficit were never produced by another type of lesion, it
Behavioral psychology generally emphasizes the is logically not possible to use such data as a conclusive
global and holistic nature of higher human infor- proof for localization; the main part of the function

may reside elsewhere, while the lesion may only e.g., van Essen 1985) and somatosensory cortices, in
destroy a vital control connection to it. Hughlings the cerebellum, and in certain nuclei. The local scale, or
Jackson (1878) already stated: "To locate the damage magnification factor of these maps depends on the
which destroys speech and to localize speech are two behavioral importance of particular signals; e.g.,
different things". images of the foveal part of the retina, and of fingertips
Another controllable way for the determination of and lips are greatly magnified in proportion to those of
localization is to chemically depress or enhance the other parts. There is thus a "quasiconformal" mapping
process that causes the triggering of the neurons, e.g., of the "receptive surfaces" onto the brain.
using small patches soaked in strychnine. This techni- There also exist more abstract, ordered, continuous
que has earlier been used with success to map, e.g., maps in many other primary sensory areas, such as the
primary sensory functions. tonotopic or auditive-frequency maps (Tunturi 1950,
A straightforward method to locate a response is to 1952; Reale and Imig 1980); echo delay and Doppler
record the electric potential or train of neural impulses shift maps in bats (Suga and O'Neill 1979); and the
associated with it. In spite of ingenious multielectrode color maps in the visual area V4 (Zeki 1980). It is a
techniques developed, this method does not detect all common feature of such maps that they are confined to
responses in an area, and since the neural tissue is very a rather small area, seldom exceeding 5 mm in diame-
inhomogeneous, the coupling made to a particular ter, whereby it is justified to use a model for them in
neuron may be haphazard. However, plenty of detailed which the whole network is assumed structurally
mappings, especially from the primary sensory and homogeneous. Over such an area, a spatially ordered
associative areas, have been made by various electro- mapping along one or two important feature dimen-
physiological recording techniques. sions of the sensory signals is usually discernible.
More conclusive evidence for localization can be Physiologists also use the word "map" for non-
obtained by modern imaging techniques that directly ordered responses to sensory stimuli as long as these
display the spatial distribution of brain activity as- are spatially localizable, even if they are scattered
sociated with a function, achieving a spatial resolution randomly over an area of several square centimeters,
of a few millimeters. The two main methods that are and many different kinds of responses are found in the
based on radioactive tracers are: positron emission same area. More complex visual responses found on
tomography (PET), and autoradiography of the brain higher levels are mapped in this way: for instance, cells
through very narrow collimators (gamma camera). have been detected that selectively respond to faces
PET reveals changes in oxygen uptake and phosphate (Rolls 1984).
metabolism. The gamma camera method directly de-
tects changes in cerebral blood flow. Both phenom-
ena correlate with local neural activity, but they are
2.4 Evidence for Localization of Linguistic Functions
not able to follow fast phenomena. In magnetoencepha- It has been known at least for a century that sensory
lography (MEG), the low magnetic field caused by aphasia is caused by lesions in the posterior superior
neural responses is detected, and by computing its part of the temporal lobe of the brain called Wernicke's
sources, the neural responses can directly be analyzed area; but even with modern imaging techniques, only a
reasonably fast, with a spatial resolution of a couple of very rough location of language functions has been
millimeters. The main drawback is that only such possible. Practically all systematic high-resolution
current dipoles are detectable that lie in parallel to the mappings have been made by the stimulation method.
surface of the skull; i.e., it is mainly the sulci of the It is much more difficult to locate linguistic or
cortex that can be studied with this method. semantic functions in the brain than to map the
There seems to exist no ideal technique that alone primary sensory areas. First, it is still unclear to what
could be used to map all the neural responses. It is aspects of language the feature dimensions might
necessary to combine anatomical, electrophysiolog- correspond. Second, as noted earlier, such a map may
ical, imaging, and histochemical studies (for a general be scattered. Third, responses to linguistic elements
overview, see, e.g. Kertesz 1983). may only occur within short "time windows". Fourth,
the experimental techniques used in animal studies,
2.3 Topographic Maps in Sensory Areas being usually invasive, cannot be applied to human
Generally speaking, two types of physiological maps beings, unless there exists indication for a surgical
are distinguishable in the brain: those that are clearly operation.
ordered, and those looking almost randomly orga- Nevertheless, a significant amount of experimental
nized, respectively. evidence is already available supporting the view of a
Maps that form a continuous, ordered image of rather high degree of localization of language
some "receptive surface" can be found in the visual (cf., functions.

PET imaging has revealed that during a task of this lexicon, because in all these cases it was not
processing single words, several separate cortical sites possible to assess the precise spatial extent of critically
are simultaneously active. These are not all located in affected brain tissue. Nonetheless it seems justified to
Wernicke's area; some parts in the frontal lobe and the state that selective impairment in such a large number
associative areas may simultaneously show responses, of cases would be very difficult to explain if the
too, especially in sites obviously associated with visual semantic organization apparent from such observa-
and auditory perception, articulation, and planning of tions were not in some way reflected in the spatial
the task (Peterson et al. 1988). layout of the system.
In order to study possible internal representations,
location of sites relating to semantic processing needs a
finer resolution, of the order of one millimeter, so far 3 Representation of Topologically Related Data
hard to achieve even by stimulation mapping. How- in the Self-Organizing Map
ever, this method cannot detect any temporal peaks of
activity, it can only produce reversible temporary Any model suggested for the self-organized formation
blocking of processing in a region confined to a few of internal representations (such as the 'feature-
square millimeters. Repeated stimulation of the same sensitive cells) should also be able to make essential
site then usually causes a reproducible kind of tempo- relations among data items explicit. An intriguing way
rary deficit, e.g., errors in the naming of objects, or of achieving this is the formation of spatial maps, which
difficulty in recollection from short-term verbal mem- are perhaps the most explicit local representations
ory. However, stimulation of another site only 5 mm known.
apart may already induce a completely different type of Several years ago, one of the authors (Kohonen
deficit, or no effect at all (Ojemann 1983). Further, 1982a-c, 1984) developed a model of neural adaptation
there are cases of bilingual patients where naming of that is capable of unsupervised formation of spatial
the same object is impaired only in either of the two maps for many different kinds of data. This section first
languages, dependent on the site being stimulated summarizes the (simplified) model equations and then
(Ojemann ibid.). It seems as if the language functions explains how a structure-preserving map of hierarchi-
were organized as a "mosaic" of localized modules cally related data is generated by them. More detailed
(Ojemann ibid.). description of the process and its background can be
Other, more indirect evidence for fine-structured found in the following original publications and some
mapping is available from several cases of selective recent developments (Kohonen 1982a-c, 1984; Cot-
deficits as a result of strokes or brain injuries (Warring- trell and Fort 1986; Ritter and Schulten 1986, 1988,
ton and McCarthy 1987). Examples include deficits in 1989).
the use of concrete (impaired) versus abstract (spared) The model assumes a set of laterally interacting
words (Warrington 1975), inaminate versus animate adaptive neurons, usually arranged as a two-
words (Warrington and McCarthy 1983; McCarthy dimensional sheet. The neurons are connected to a
and Warrington 1988), or living objects and food common bundle of input fibers. Any activity pattern on
(impaired) versus inaminate (spared) words (Warring- the input fibers gives rise to excitation of some local
ton and Shallice 1984). There exist other well- group of neurons. After learning, the spatial positions
documented reports on selective impairments relating of the excited groups specify a mapping of the input
to such subcategories as indoor objects (Yamadori and patterns onto the two-dimensional sheet, the latter
Albert 1973), body parts (McKenna and Warrington having the property of a topographic map, i.e. it
1978), and fruits and vegetables (Hart et al. 1985); see represents distance relations of the high-dimensional
also review articles on categorical impairments (Good- space of the input signals approximately as distance
glass et al. 1986; Caramazza 1988). relationships on the two-dimensional neural sheet.
Analysis of such data has led to the conclusion that This remarkable property follows from the assumed
there exist separate modules in the brain for a "visual lateral interactions and a very simple, biologically
word lexicon" and a "phonetic word lexicon" for word justifiable adaptation law. In fact, it seems that the
recognition, a "semantic lexicon" for the meaning of main requirements for such self organization are that
words, as well as an "output lexicon" for word (i) the neurons are exposed to a sufficient number of
articulation (Caramazza 1988), respectively. Each of different inputs, (ii) for each input, the synaptic input
these modules can be impaired independently. connections to the excited group are only affected,
The categorical impairments reported above seem (iii) similar updating is imposed on many adjacent
to relate to selective damages caused to the "semantic neurons, and (iv) the resulting adjustment is such that it
lexicon". These observations cannot provide conclu- enhances the same responses to a subsequent, suffi-
sive evidence for localization of semantic classes within ciently similar input.

Mathematically, the activity pattern at the input is dimensional space to a lower-dimensional one will
described by an n-dimensional real input vector x, usually distort most distances and only preserve the
where n is the number of input lines. The responsive- most important neighborhood relationships between
ness of neuron r is specified by an n-dimensional vector the data items, i.e., the topology of their distribution.
wr, eventually corresponding to the vector of synaptic This is the driving factor for the formation of a reduced
efficacies, and it is measured by the dot product x. wr. representation in which irrelevant details are ignored.
For efficiency of the process and mathematical conve- (ii) If different input vectors appear with different
nience, all the input vectors are always normalized to frequencies, the more frequent ones will be mapped to
unit length, whereas the w, need not be normalized in larger domains at the expense of the less frequent ones.
the process explicitly; sooner or later, the process will This results in a very economic allocation of memory
normalize them automatically. The neurons are ar- resources to data items, and complies with physiolog-
ranged in a two-dimensional lattice, and each neuron is ical findings.
labeled by its two-dimensional lattice position r. The If the data form clusters in the input space, i.e. if
group of excited neurons is taken to be centered at the there are regions with very frequent and at the same
neuron s for which x - w s is maximal. Its extent and time very similar data, (i) and (ii) will ensure that the
shape are described by a function hrs, whose value is the data of a cluster are mapped to a common localized
excitation of neuron r, if the group center is at s. This domain in the map. Moreover, the process will arrange
function may be constant for all r in a "neighborhood the mutual placement of these domains in such a way
zone" around s and zero elsewhere, or bell-shaped, as to capture as much of the overall topology of the
like in the present simulations that are supposed to cluster arrangement as possible. In this way, even
describe a more natural mapping. In this case h~s will hierarchical clustering can be achieved, a capability
be largest at r = s and decline to zero with increasing frequently thought to represent one form of abstrac-
distance [[r - s [[. A rather realistic modeling choice for tion. Earlier demonstrations of this can be found in
h~ is Kohonen (1982c, 1984) and Kohonen et al. (1984); in
the present work, more refined results, relating to
h~s=exp( [Ir ~112-), (1) linguistic expressions, are given.

i.e. a Gaussian of the distance [Jr - s I[, whose variance

o-2/2 will control the radius of the group. The adjust- 4 Self-Organizing Semantic Maps
ments corresponding to the input x shall then be given 4.1 Self-Organizing Symbol Map
In the demonstrations described in (Kohonen 1982c)
w~"ew~= w~~ + e. hrs" (x-- w~~ (2) and (Kohonen 1984), the self-organizing maps mainly
reflected metric distance relations between patterned
Equation (2) can be justified by assuming the tra- representation vectors. Such data are characteristic of
ditional Hebbian law for synaptic modification, and an most lower levels of perception. However, much of
additional nonlinear, "active" forgetting process for higher-level processing, in particular language and
the synaptic strengths (Kohonen 1984). Equation (2) reasoning, seems to rest on the processing of discrete
has the desired property of confining any adaptations symbols. Hence we must understand how the brain
to the neighborhood of neuron s and improving might form meaningful representations of symbolic
subsequent responses to x there. entities. In view of the localization seemingly apparent
We shall not present here any formal proof for that even on this level, we must in particular explain how
these conditions indeed lead to an ordered organiza- maps of symbols can be formed in which logically
tion of the map (an intuitive picture is that the weight related symbols occupy neighboring places.
vectors wr become aligned with the input signal One might think that applying the neural adap-
distribution as if they would constitute elements of an tation laws (2) to a symbol set (regarded as a set of
"elastic surface"). The reader interested in these aspects vectorial variables) might create a topographic map
may find them in the literature (Kohonen 1982b; that displays the "logical distances" between the
Cottrell and Fort 1986; Ritter and Schulten 1988). For symbols. However, there occurs a problem which lies
the present purpose it may suffice to assert that the in the different nature of symbols as compared with
resulting maps are nonlinear projections of the input continuous data. For the latter, similarity always
space onto this surface with the following two main shows up in a natural way, as the metric differences
properties: (/) the distance relationships between the between their continuous encodings. This is no longer
source data are preserved by their images in the map as true for discrete, symbolic items, such as words, for
faithfully as possible. However, a mapping from a high- which no metric has been defined. It is in the very

solely. In this way the symbols become encoded into a

9 o o~ o, o~ ~,.-~o
spatial order reflecting their logic (or semantic)
small 1111110000100000 Attributes may be variables with scalar-valued
is medium 0000001111000000 discrete or continuous values, or they may attain
big 0000000000011111
qualitative properties such as "good" or "bad". It is
2 legs 1111111000000000
4 legs 0000000111111111 simplest to assume that the identity of each attribute is
hair 0000000111111111 clear from its position in the "attribute field" xa,
hooves 0000000000000111
mane 0000000001001110
whereby the presence or absence of a particular
feathers 1111111000000000 qualitative property may be indicated by a binary
hunt i 000111101111000 value, say 0 or 1, respectively. Then the (unnormalized)
lik~ run 000000011011110 similarity between two attribute sets may be defined in
to fly 001111000000000
swim 011000000000000 terms of the number of attributes c o m m o n to both sets,
or equivalently, as the dot product of the respective
Fig. 1. Animal names and their attributes attribute vectors 2.
To illustrate this with a concrete model simulation,
consider the data given in Fig. 1. Each column is a very
nature of a symbol that its meaning is dissociated from schematic description of an animal, based on the
its encoding 1. Hence logical relatedness between differ- presence ( = 1 ) or absence ( = 0 ) of some of the 13
ent symbols will in general not be directly detectable different attributes given on the left. Some attributes,
from their encodings and one may thus not presume such as "feathers" and "2 legs" are correlated, indicat-
any metric relations between the symbols, even when ing more significant differences than the other at-
they represent similar items. How could it then be tributes. In the following, we will take each column for
possible to map them topographically? The answer is the attribute field xa of the animal indicated at the top.
that the symbol, at least in the learning process, must The animal name itself does not belong to x, but
frequently be presented in due context, i.e. in conjunc- instead specifies the symbol part x~ of the animal.
tion with all or part of the attribute values of the item it Selection of the symbol code can be done in a variety of
encodes, or with other, correlating symbols. ways. However, we now want to be sure that the
The simplest system model for symbol maps as- encoding of the symbols does not convey any infor-
sumes each data vector x as a concatenation of two (or mation about similarities between the items. Hence we
more) fields, one specifying the symbol code, denoted choose for the symbol part of the k-th animal a
by x~, and the other the attribute set, denoted x,, d-dimensional vector, whose k-th component has a
respectively. fixed value of a, and whose remaining components are

x = [x l I; [01
= +
. (3)
zero. Here d is the number of items (d = 16 in our
example). For this choice, the metric distance between
any two of the vectors x~ is the same, irrespective of the
Equation (3) illustrates in vector notation that the symbols they encode.
encodings of the symbol part and the attribute part can The parameter a may be interpreted as scaling the
form a vector sum of two orthogonal components. The "intensity" of input from the symbol field and it
core idea underlying symbol maps is that the two determines the relative influence of the symbol part as
parts are weighted properly such that the norm of the compared to the attribute part. As we wanted the latter
attribute part predominates over that of the symbol to predominate, we chose a value of a = 0.2 for our
part during the self-organizing process; the topograph- simulation. Combining xa and x~ according to (3), each
ical mapping then mainly reflects metric relationships animal was encoded by a 29-dim data vector
of the attribute sets. Since the inputs for symbolic x = [x~, xa] r. Finally each data vector was normalized
signals, however, are also active all the time, memory to unit length. Although this is only a technical means
traces from them are formed to the corresponding to guarantee good stability in the self-organizing
inputs of those cells of the map that have been process, its biological counterpart would be intensity
selected (or actually forced) by the attribute part. I f normalization of the incoming activity patterns.
then, during recognition of input information, the at-
2 It might seem more logical to use the value + 1 to indicate the
tribute signals are missing or are weaker, the (same) presence of an attribute, and - 1 for its absence, respectively;
map units are selected on the basis of the symbol part however, due to normalization of the input vectors, and their
subsequent comparison by the dot product, the attribute values 0
1 Some symbols may contain a residue of analogical represen- have a qualitatively similar effect as negative components in a
tation, e.g., in some words describing sounds comparison on the basis of vectorial differences

The members of the data set thus obtained were apparent that the spatial order of the responses has
presented iteratively and in a random order to a planar captured the essential "family-relationships" among
network of 10 x 10 neurons subject to the adaptation the animals9 Cells responding to, e.g., "birds" occupy
process described above9 The initial connection the left part of the lattice, "hunters" such as "tiger",
strengths between the neurons and their n = 29 input "lion", and "cat" gather towards the right, more
lines were chosen to be small random values, i.e. no "peaceful" species such as "zebra", "horse", and "cow"
prior order was imposed 9 However, after a total of 2000 aggregate in the upper middle. Within each cluster, a
presentations, each "cell" became more or less respon- further grouping according to similarity is discernible.
sive to one of the occuring attribute combinations and Figure 3 shows the result of a "simulated electrode
simultaneously to one of the 16 animal names, too. If penetration mapping" for the same network 9 It differs
we now test which cell gives the strongest response if from Fig. 2 in that now each cell has been marked by
only the animal name is presented as input (i.e. the symbol that is its best stimulus, i.e., elicits the
x =- [xs, 0] r), we get the map shown in Fig. 2 (the dots strongest response for that cell. This makes the parcell-
indicate neurons with weaker responses)9 It is highly ation of the "neural territory" into domains specific to
one of the input items visible9 Hierarchy thereby is
represented by nested domains9 A general class (e.g.
"bird") occupies a larger territory, which itself is
duck ~. h. . . . . . . . . . . ~ differentiated into nested subdomains, corresponding
" X~zebra ~ " 9 I to more specialized items ("owl", "duck", "hen" etc.).
9 .~ . . tiger Although highly idealized, this result is very suggestive
of how a self-organizing system can learn to spatially
goose . ~ . wolf .
guide the formation of memory traces in such a way
9 hawk . ~ . that its final physical layout forms a direct image of the
owl. . ~ . lion hierarchy of the most important "concept
relationships" 9

9 eagle . / . . 4.2 Role-Based Semantic Maps

hen . . ./ fox cat In the example of the animal map, the role of context
was still very simple: the encoded symbol was related
Fig. 2. After the network has been trained with inputs encoding to a set of explicit attributes statically. In natural
animal names together with some attributes (see Fig. 1), presen- languages, and obviously in any natural perception,
tation of the animal names alone elicits maximal responses at too, the items and their attributes, and obviously some
the cell locations shown. A grouping according to similarity state information usually occur in a temporal se-
has emerged quence. The concept of context then needs to be
broader and span the time dimension, too. Perhaps the
simplest way to do this is to define for the context of
duck duck
I horse horse J zebra zebra

duck duck[horseJzeb . . . . h. . . . bralcow

I cow cow cow

cow tiger

each item all those items (together with their serial
order) that occur in a certain "time window" around
the selected item.
bra| wolf wolf tiger
goose goose g o o s e [ z e b . . . . b. . . . tiger
/ -J In this work we will not pay any attention to the
goOSe goos~ "hawk hawk hawk woR wolf wo~ tiger tiger concrete physical representation of signals, i.e.,
hawk hawk hawk wo~ wo~ wo~ llon Hon whether the patterns are temporal, like in speech, or
]dove ~owl o w ~ h a w k hawk dog dog dog fion fion
spatial, like in text. For the series-to-parallel conver-
sion, neural networks may use paths with different
dove dove owl owl owl dog dog dog dog
delays, eigenstates that depend on sequences, or any
dove dove eagle eagle eagle dog dog dog dog other mechanisms implemented in the short-term
hen hen eagle eagle eagle fox fox fox cat cat
memory 9 Here we shall only concentrate on the
cat i~ttl similarities between the expressions that arise from
hen hen eagle eagle eagle fox fox fox
conditional occurrences of their parts, and simply
imagine that triples or pairs of words can somehow be
Fig. 3. "Simulated electrode penetration mapping" for the net-
work in Fig. 2. Each cell is labeled by the animal name eliciting presented to the input ports of the system9
the strongest response. Cells responsive to the same animal name Languages contain very many levels of meaning. It
form domains, which are grouped according to similarity is possible to construct cases, where the due "window"
between the animals for the understanding of a word has to comprise a

whole novel. On the other hand, the possibility of number in Fig. 4a. This results in a total of 498 different
forming grammars demonstrates that a significant part three-word sentences, a few of which are given in
of the structure of a language already manifests itself Fig. 4c. (Whether those statements are true or not is
on a very low level, down to patterns of words and not our concern; we are only interested in their
endings. Detection of such "short range" structure will semantic correctness).
be the focus of our interest in this section and we shall In this very simple demonstration, it was supposed
demonstrate that the inclusion of a very limited word that the context of a word was sufficiently defined by
context enables the basic network model (1) to form the pair formed by its immediate predecessor and
semantic maps, in which the word items are grouped successor. (To have such pairs also for the first and the
according to semantic categories (objects, activities, last word of a sentence we assume the sentences to be
qualifications etc.) and simple similarity. concatenated in the random order of their production.)
For our demonstration, we used a set of randomly F o r the 30-word vocabulary in Fig. 4a we could have
generated three-word sentences constructed from the proceeded as in Sect. 4.1 and represented each of such
vocabulary in Fig. 4a. The vocabulary comprises pairs by a 60-dim vector with two non-zero entries. For
nouns, verbs, and adverbs, and each class has further a more economical encoding, however, as explained
subdivisions, such as names of persons, animals, and more closely in Appendix I, we assigned to each word a
inanimate objects in the category of nouns. These 7-dim random vector of unit length, chosen at the
distinctions are in part of a grammatical, in part of a outset for each word independently from an isotro-
semantic nature. However, for the reasons discussed in pic probability distribution. Hence each predeces-
Sect. 4.1, they shall not be discernible from the coding sor/successor-pair was represented by a 14-dim
of the words themselves but only from the context in code vector.
which the words are used. In natural languages, such a It turned out in all of our computer experiments
context would comprise a much richer variety of that instead of paying attention to each clause sepa-
sensory experiences. In this very limited demonstra- rately, a much more efficient learning strategy was to
tion, however, we will only take into account the consider each word in its average context over a set of
context provided by the immediately adjacent textual possible clauses, before presenting it to the learning
environment of each word occurrence. It will turn out algorithm. The (mean) context of a word was thus first
that even this extremely restricted context will suffice defined as the average over 10,000 sentences of all code
to convey some interesting semantic structures. Of vectors of predecessor/successor-pairs surrounding that
course this requires that each sentence be not totally word. The resulting thirty 14-dim "average word
random, but obey at least some rudimentary rules of contexts", normalized to unit length, assumed a similar
grammar and semantic correctness. This is ensured by role as the attribute fields x, in the previous simulation.
restricting the random selection to a set of 39 "legal" Each "attribute field" was combined with a 7-dim
sentence patterns only. Each pattern is a triple of "symbol field" xs, consisting of the code vector for the
numbers from Fig. 4b. A sentence is constructed by word itself, but scaled to length a. This time, the use of
randomly choosing one of the triples and substituting the random code vectors approximately guaranteed
each number by one of the words with the same that the symbol fields x s did not convey any infor-
mation about similarity relationships between the
words. As before, the parameter a determined the
relative influence of the symbol part in comparison to
Sentence P a t t e r n s : the context part and was set to a=0.2.
Bob/Jim/Mary 1 Mary likes meat
horse/dog/cat 2 1-5-12 1-9-2 2-5-14 Jim speaks well For this experiment, a planar lattice of 10 • 15
beer/water 3 1-5-13 1-9-3 2-9-1 Mary likes Jim
meat/bread 4 1-5-14 1-9-4 2-9-2 Jim eats often
formal neurons was used. As before, each neuron
runs/walks 5 1-6-12 1-10-3 2-9-3 Mary buys meat initially made only weak random connections to the
works/speaks 6 1-6-13 1-11-4 2-9-4 dog drinks fast n = 21 input lines of the system, so that again no initial
vlslts/phones 7 1-6-14 1-]0-12 2-10-3 horse hates meat
buys/sells 8 1-6-15 1-10-13 2-10-12 Jim eats seldom order was present.
likes/hates 9 1-7-14 1-10-14 2-10-13 Bob buys meat After 2000 input presentations the responses of the
drinks/eats 10 1-8-12 1-11-12 2-10-14 cat walks slowly neurons to presentation of the symbol parts alone were
much/little 11 1-8-2 1-11-13 1-11-4 Jim eats bread
fast/slowly 12 1-8-3- 1-11-14 1-11-12 cat hates Jim tested. In Fig. 5, the symbolic label was written to that
often/seldom 13 1-8-4 2-5-12 2-11-13 Bob sells beer site at which the symbol signal x = [ x s , 0 ] r gave the
weU/poorly 14 1-9-1 2-5-13 2-11-14 (etc.) maximum response. We clearly see that the contexts
have "channeled" the word items to memory positions
(a) (b) (c) whose arrangement reflects both grammatical and se-
Fig. 4. a List of used words (nouns, verbs and adverbs), b sentence mantic relationships. Words of same type, i.e. nouns,
patterns, and e some examples of generated three-word-sentences verbs, and adverbs, have segregated into separate,

water , meat

bread .
dog horse
,oy : wT ; Mary

cat buys . . speaks . / . . Jim

fast . .

. . seldom . Bob
9 eats 9 }/i 7 : Bob

9 . . much 9 o o Jim runs . . . ? ~ dog

slowly often 9
9 . drinks . ~ . horse . .

9 . f . . eats walks 9 . ~/ , . . . bread

j -

7 II 7rksl i . l i k e s . / , . . .

9 . 9 # water 9 b 9 9
poorly . ~ . speaks . . . phones meat

9 / . . . buys 9 visits

. . . . . sells
drinks . walks . hates likes I . w e l l . 9 . seldom . . slowly .

Fig. 5. "Semantic map" obtained on a network of 10 x 15 cells Fig. 6. This map has been obtained by the same procedure as the
after 2000 presentations of word-context-pairs derived from map in Fig. 5, but with a more restricted context that included
10,000 random sentences of the kind shown in Fig. 4c. Nouns, only the immediate predecessor of each word
verbs and adverbs are segregated into different domains. Within
each domain a further grouping according to aspects of meaning
is discernible

large domains. Each of these domains is further "dog eats cat"). This may make it clear that all the
subdivided according to similarities on the semantic selected sentence patterns were really determined by
level. F o r instance, names of persons and animals tend the constraints inherent in the semantically correct
to be clustered in separate subdomains of a c o m m o n usage of the words, and not vice versa. Moreover, a
"noun-domain", reflecting different co-occurrence significant percentage of the word neighborhoods
with, e.g., verbs such as "run" and "phone". Adverbs extended across borders of the randomly concatenated
with opposite meaning tend to be particularly close sentences9 As this concatenation was unrestricted, such
together, as their opposite meaning ensures them neighborhoods were largely unrelated 3 to the gram-
m a x i m u m c o m m o n usage9 The grouping of the verbs matical and semantic structure of the sentences and
indicates differences in the ways they can co-occur with constituted a kind of"noise" in the ordering process. It
adverbs, persons, animals, and nonanimate objects is important to notice that this noise does not disguise
such as e.g. "food". the regularities otherwise present in the clauses9
Figure 6 shows the result of a further computer However, one important remark is due here. Any
experiment, based on the same vocabulary and the realistic semantic brain maps would need a much more
same sentence patterns as before9 However, in this complicated, probably hierarchical model 9 The pur-
simulation the context of a word was restricted to its pose of the simple artificial model used in this work was
immediate predecessor only (i.e. the context now only to demonstrate the potential of a self-organizing
consists of a 7-dim vector)9 Even this very limited process to form abstract maps. In particular, the
context proved sufficient to produce a m a p with simulation results, as such, should not be used to serve
roughly similar properties as in Fig. 5. This shows that as a reference for direct topographic comparison with
the displayed regularities are fairly robust to changes brain areas9 As a comparison between Fig. 5 and Fig. 6
in the details of the encoding as long as the context shows, there are m a n y almost equivalent ways, in
captures a sufficient a m o u n t from the underlying which a set of similarity relationships can be displayed
logical structure. in a map. Therefore the maps generated by the model
One might argue that the structure resulting in the are not unique, unless further constraints, such as e.g.
m a p has artificially been created by a preplanned boundary conditions or some coarse initial ordering
choice of the sentence patterns allowed for the input9 are imposed. These m a y then initially "polarize" the
However, it is easy to check that the patterns in Fig. 4b system that then converges to a more unique map.
almost completely exhaust the possibilities for combin-
ing the words in Fig. 4a into semantically well-formed
three-word sentences (an astute reader may notice a 3 They may still reflect differencesin the most likely position of a
few "semantic borderline cases" not covered, such as word within a sentence

5 Discussion In the first simulation we used rather explicit

attributes, thereby assuming that some neural mecha-
One of the biological mechanisms that up to time has nism had already generated them. The philosophy
been poorly understood is the ability of the brain to underlying our work is that a similar self-organizing
form abstractions from primary sensory experiences at tendency must exist at all levels of processing; its
increasingly higher levels of generalization. illustration, however, is only possible if the signals have
It is already well known that on the lower per- some meaning to us.
ceptual levels, sensory information first becomes orga- The term "semantic map" used in this work does
nized into topographically ordered sensory maps, and not yet refer to "higher word understanding"; words
it has also already been demonstrated theoretically have only been grouped according to their local
that such maps can be formed adaptively, reflecting contexts. Due to the strong correlation between local
mutual metric relationships and statistics of the incom- context and word meaning, however, this approxi-
ing signals. This same principle has been applied with mates the semantic ordering met in natural languages,
considerable success to exacting technical pattern which presumably cannot yet be generated in such a
recognition tasks such as speech recognition. one-phase learning. It is an intriguing question
In this work we have now shown that the principle whether any subsequent processing stages could create
of self-organizing maps can also be extended to higher an ordering that reflects higher-level meanings - which
levels of processing, where the relationships between then would facilitate full understanding of the meaning
items are more subtle and less apparent from their of words - by some kind of iteration of the basic self-
intrinsic features, a property that is characteristic of organizing process.
symbolic expressions. Symbols, in general, do not Our model emphasizes the role of the spatial
contain metrically relatable components. Consequent- arrangement of the neurons, an aspect only considered
ly, meaningful topographic maps of symbols must no in very few modeling approaches. However, we would
longer display the intrinsic features, but instead the not like to give the impression that we are opposing the
logical similarities of their inputs. It turns out, however, view of neural networks as distributed systems. The
that organized mappings of symbolic data may still massive interconnects responsible for lateral interac-
ensue from the same basic adaptation laws, provided tions as well as the "engrams" relating to associative
that the symbolic input data are presented together with memory are certainly disseminated over large areas in
a sufficient amount of context, that then defines the the network.
similarity relationships between them. If the symbolic On the other hand, it seems inevitable that any
descriptions leave memory traces on the same neurons complex processing task needs some kind of segre-
at which the contextual signals converge, too, the same gation of information into separate parts, and local-
neurons then also become sensitized to the symbolic ization is one of the most robust and efficient ways to
signals in a spatial order that reflects their logical achieve this goal. The semantic maps offer an efficient
similarity. mechanism to perform a meaningful segregation of
Symbols play a particularly important role in symbolic information even on a fairly high level of
languages. In this work we have given two simulation semantics, and they have the further virtue of being
examples that demonstrate the self-organized form- solely based on unsupervised learning. Whether we
ation of semantic maps, in which semantic relationships still should consider relative timing of signals (cf. von
between words have been encoded into relative spatial der Malsburg and Bienenstock 1986) remains a further
positions of localized responses. Our artificial maps are objective of study.
parcelled into hierarchically nested domains reflecting There are further reasons not to disregard the
different categories of words. This parcellation totally spatial arrangement of the processing units. For
emerges from the co-occurrence sensory context and instance, the anatomy of neural circuits sets con-
words. In our simulations the sensory context was straints to the realizable connectivity among units.
restricted to simple attribute sets or adjacent words in Further, brain signals do not solely rest on axonal
sentences. The simple kind of clauses used in this signal transmission over freely selectable distances, but
experiment occur in all languages, even primitive ones. often employ diffusion of neurotransmitters and
It is therefore also of interest to note that experimental neuromodulators. In all likelihood, these constraints
data (Sect. 2) indicate similar organizations in brain would limit the implementation of many compu-
areas related to language processing. Especially the tational mechanisms, unless this handicap were al-
category-specific language impairments discussed in leviated by the efficient spatial organization provided
Sect. 2 (Warrington and McCarthy 1987) seem to by the maps.
reflect a very similar organization on a physiological From a hardware point of view it should be
level. expected that minimization of connectivity costs

would strongly favor this kind of a neural n e t w o r k the vocabulary. It is therefore advisable to try to map the space of
design. This m a y also give a clue w h y t o p o g r a p h i c all different contexts into a much-lower-dimensional vector
organization is so widespread in the brain. O t h e r space, thereby approximately preserving their metric relations. In
this Appendix we give a random-projection solution for this.
a r g u m e n t s for localization are that spatial segregation We assume the set of all conceivable contexts to be finite
of representations m a k e s them m o r e logical, by reduc- (albeit very large) and accordingly label the contexts by integers
ing the degree of their m u t u a l interference, and that i = 1,2...D. Then the "straightforward encoding" would assign to
logically similar symbolic items, being spatially adja- each symbol A a vector x(A) from a D-dimensional space Vo by
cent, m a y evoke each other associatively, as expressed D

in the classical laws of association. x(A) = ~ p(i[A)~ i . (4)

A n o t h e r r e m a r k m a y be necessary. O u r simula- Here p(ilA) is the conditional probability for the occurrence of
tions should not be taken as a suggestion that each context i, given the presence of symbol A. The ~i, i= 1, 2...D form
w o r d is represented by a so-called " g r a n d m o t h e r cell" an orthonormal frame in lid (this is a refinement over a mere
in the brain. E a c h w o r d is a complex piece of infor- enumeration of all contexts compatible with A, taking also their
m a t i o n p r o b a b l y r e d u n d a n t l y encoded by an entire different frequencies into account). Similarity between symbols is
then measured by the Euclidean distances between their code
neuronal p o p u l a t i o n (and several times in separate
vectors given by (4).
"lexica", cf. 2.4). Even in the highly idealized model However, (4) must be regarded as a very formal expression,
used in o u r simulations, it is not a single n e u r o n but a since in most situations of practical interest the dimension D of
whole subset of cells, s u r r o u n d i n g the m o s t responsive the required space will be unmanageably high. As a remedy, we
one, that gets tuned to a w o r d (cf. Fig. 3). These subsets will replace the orthonormal frame {el...eD} by a set of D unit
m a y then be engaged in further processing, not cap- vectors ~i, i= 1,2...D, selected from a space of a much lower
dimension d,~ D, and whose directions are independently chosen
tured by the basic model. The n u m b e r of cells assigned
from an isotropic random distribution. This is formally equiv-
to such a subset also depends on the frequency of alent to a random projection ~b from the original space onto
occurrence of the word. This is a n a l o g o u s to the case the new one, q5 being defined by
that the frequency of stimulus occurrence determines
the local magnification factor in a sensory m a p (Ko- xA = E x,g~. (5)
i i=1
h o n e n op. cit., Ritter and Schulten 1986). Similarly,
frequent words w o u l d recruit cells from a larger neural In the following theorem we shall give a justification of this
territory and be m o r e r e d u n d a n t l y represented. As a intuitive procedure.
consequence, the m o r e frequent words should be less Theorem. Let [1" fin and ]I" IDadenote the Euclidean distance norms
susceptible to local damage. This complies with empir- in VD and Va, respectively, and let (.)~ be the average over all
ical observations in stroke patients, whereby the possible isotropic random choices for the unit vectors ~i defining c~
in (5). Then, for any pair of vectors x, y e VD, there exists the
familiar w o r d s are m o r e likely to "survive" than the
rare ones. 2
Finally we w o u l d like to present an intriguing ((11q~(x)- q~(y)lJ~- [Ix- yll2)Z), < ~. IIx- yll~. (6)
philosophical notion. As earlier pointed out, there
In other words, although the original distances were distorted
exists b o t h biological evidence and theoretical justifi-
under the random mapping 4, the relative distortion in general will
cation for the functioning of the brain requiring repre- be small, if d is large enough. Hence we can expect that any
sentation of its input information by meaningful parts essential structures are preserved even in the much lower-
processed at spatially separated locations. The idea dimensional space V~.
about f u n d a m e n t a l categories postulated f o r the inter- Proof Let
pretation and understanding o f the world must obviously D
stem f r o m prior f o r m a t i o n o f such representations in the v : = x -- y = ~ viii (7)
biological brain itself.
Acknowledgement. One of the authors (H.R.) would like to a 2 := ((ll q~(x)- ~b(y)lla
2 2 2
- IIx-y[Io) ),. (8)
acknowledge support from the German Ministry for Science and
Technology (ITR-8800-G9) and from the Academy of Finland. Then (all summation ranges are {1...D})
a z = ((llvll~-I1 qS(v)ll~)2)~

Appendix I: Dimensionality Reduction

by a Random-Projection Method
=(~v2) 2- 2(~vg)~vjvk(g,'gD,
When the dimensionality of context grows, the attribute vectors
soon become impracticably high-dimensional. For instance, in + E E V,V,VkVt((gi"gi)(gk' {,)>* (9)
the example in Sect. 4.2 the context was formed of adjacent ij kl

words. A straightforward encoding would require for each word As g~ and g1 are normalized isotropic and independent for i , j , ,
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