Week 8 Auman

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Audit in Sales and Marketing Area

Chapter III
Risk and Control Assessment

No Risk Control Likeli Impact Score Rank Risk Mitigation

Applied hood
1 Loss sales due to out None 3 4 12 Avoid - Online system
of Stock Information about the availability of
the stocks.
2 Miss executor of None 5 4 20 Reduce – wrong market
marketing analysis due to the
promotion product fictive transaction on call
sheet (the call sheet
might not be used for
both KPI and product
analysis. KPI should use
the document (SO or
Invoice) produced by
each salesman, which is
sign by customer and
salesman), thus the call
sheet is only used for the
market and brand
Avoid – use online
system (related with first
risk migration) that will
also help the salesman to
remember any
promotion for certain
3 Fictive Transaction None 4 4 16 Reduce – Authorization
on call sheet
4 Uncollectable/uncov Bank 3 3 9 Reduce – increase of
er able account guarante credit limit should be
receivable of Sub e as the followed by the increase
Agent third of bank guarantee as the
party procedure in measuring
between the credit limit.
and Sub
5 Losing sales segment None Reduce – limit the stock
(PT ISA will mostly for some area or region
do the sales to the to avoid the overstock.
Sub Agent use WBP
(the lowest price)
and lose opportunity
to sell at higher price
to retailer)

Likelihood Legend
1 = 20%
2 = 40%
3 = 60%
4 = 80%
5 = 100%

Impact Legend
1. < 5.000.000
2. 5.000.000 – 30.000.000
3. 30.000.000 – 75.000.000
4. 75.000.000 – 200.000.000
5. > 200.000.000

2. Pecah nota, 10 toko (hrus ke 10 toko), datang cuma 6 toko, split nota untuk 10 toko.
Bisa buaat analysis
Sales force automation.
3. Credit risk
4. Pelanggaran wilayah Infiltration risk
Control the promotion
Menjaga inventory
Perjanjian yang tegas mengenai pelangaran wilayah
Forecast antara demand and supply jd tidak terjadi overstock

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