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1 Protons, neutrons and electrons are subatomic particles. (2) Completa the table to show the relative mass and relative charge of a proton, a neutron and an electron, particle relative mass relative charge proton neutron o electron a fo] (©) Bromine has two isotopes. (1). Define the term isotope. a (it) Explain why the two isotopes of bromine have the same chemical properties. (c) The table shows the number of protons, neutrons and elactrons in some atoms and ions. ‘Complete the table. ‘number of ‘number of rhumber of paricle protons neutrons ‘electrons sui est 19 2 18 [o} (Total: 12] ‘eucLes 2016 smu 2 Period 3 contains the elements sodium to argon. This question asks about the chemistry of each of the Pariod 3 laments or their compounds. (a) Sodium nitrate is a white erystalline soli When heated it melts and the ‘fellowing reaction 2NaNO,(!) + 2NaNO,()) + 0,(g) 4 3.40g sample of sodium nitrate is heated Calculate the ‘+ number of moles of NaNO, used, mol + number of moles of 0, formed, mol ‘volume of ©, formed, in dm? (measured at rtp). dm? 8 (b) Magnesium reacts slowly with warm water to form a base, magnesium hydroxide. (i) Explain what is meant by the term base. a (ll) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between magnesium and warm water. a euctes 2016 osmernaurie [Tum over {€) Aluminium oxide is amphoteric. Its insoluble in water. Describe experiments to show that aluminium oxide is amphoteric. Bl {@) Silicon(IV) oxide has a giant structure. ())_ Name the type of bonding in silicon(IV) oxide. 1 (ii) Give two physical properties of silicox(IV) oxide, - BI {e) Calcium phosphate is used in fertiisers. The bonding in calcium phosphate is ionic. CCaleium phosphate contains the phosphate ion, PO,™: () Whats ionic bonding? el (li) Deduce the formula of calcium phosprate. ~ U1 votes 2015 samara 6 (G) Chlorine and compounds of chlorine are important in water treatment and in laboratory testing for water, “ (ii) Chlorine is added to water tomake the water safe to drink. ‘safe to drink. Explain why adding chlorine makes ws a ‘A compound of chlorine is usad in the laboratory to test for the presence of water. Name the compound of chlorine used in this test and describe the colour change seen in a positive result ofthis test. ‘name of compound ‘colour change from to 3) (hy Argon is an unreactive noble gas. (i) Explain why argon is unreactive. a (li) Give one use of argon. (1) otal: 27] 3 (4) Dilute sulfuric acid is a typical acid. A student adds excess dilute sulfuric acid to a sample of solid copper(II) carbonate in a testtube, ()_ Give three observations the student would make: ~ 2 (il) Give the names of all products formed. Ol (e) Concentrated sulfuric acid has different properties to dilute sulfuric acid When concentrated sulfuric acid is added to glucose, C,H,.0,, steam is given off and a black solid is formed, () Name the black solid Ol (li) What type of reaction has occurred? (1) (otal: 12] ‘oucces 2016 ocomermuis [Tum over 2 1. Particles behave differently when in ifferont prysical states. {@) Solids have a fixed volume and a definite shape. ‘Gases have no fixed volume and take the shape of the container. Describe the volume and shape of liquids. nH (©) Complete the table to show the separation, arrangement and movement of particles in each Physical state state ‘arrangement of particles | __movernent of particles solid liquid | touching one another randomly arranged ‘move over one another gas 6) {c) Name the following changes of state (lee turning into water, io} All) Solid carton dioxide turning crectly iro gaseous cartion dioxide at room temperature, 0 (otal: 9) 3 2. This question is about atoms, ions and isotopes, (2) Define the term nucleon number. (©) Give the electronic structure of the following atom and ion Na PR a (c) State one medical use of radioactive isotopes. (@) Whatis meant by the term relative atomic mass? ea [Turn over (8) Aluminium is @ metal in Group Ill Describe the bonding in aluminium Include a labelled diagram and any appropriate charges in your answer. 8) Total: 12) ucts 2016 20200018 5 3. Clean, dry air contains a small amount of carbon dioxide, (a) The percentages of the other gases present in clean, dry air are shown in the table, Complete the table by inserting the names of these gases. name of gas _ | percentage present 78 21 1 ial (b) Oxides of nitrogen are atmospreric pollutants which can cause acid rain Describe the formation of oxides of nitrogen and suggest how they can cause acid rain, 8) (c) Methane contributes to the greenhouse effect, State two sources of methane 1 2 2) (d) Combustion and respiration acd carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Name one natural process which removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. - {) Total: 8} eucies.206 ox2osaonvi6 [Turn over 4 Dilute nitric acid behaves as a typical acid in some reactions but not in other reactions. (a) Dilute nitric acid behaves as a typical acid when reacted with copper(I) oxide and with copper(I!) carbonate. Describe what you would see if excess dilute nitric acid is added separately to solid sanples of copper(I) carbonate and copper(II) oxide followed by warming the mixtures. copper(II) carbonate copper(II) oxide 14) (b) When dilute nitric acid is added to pieces of copper and heated, @ reaction takes place and copper(I) nitrate is formed 0 w Part of the chemical equation for the reaction between copper and dliute nitric acid is shown, Complete the chemical aquation by inserting the formula of copper(II) nitrate and balancing the equation, Cufs) + 8HNO,(aq) > (aq) + 4H,0()) + 2NO(@) a How is the reaction of dilute nitric acid with copper different from that of atypical metal with ‘atypical acid?” ) Total: 7] 5 Chlorine, bromine and iodine are halogens. (@) Chlorine can be made in the laboratory by heating manganese(IV) oxide with concentrated hydrochloric acid MnO,{s) + 4HCI(aq) > MnCl(ag) + 2H.0(!) + C19) Calculate the volume of 8.00mol/dm? HCI(aq) needed to react with 3.48g of MnO, * moles of MnO, used mal + moles of HCineeded mal + volume of HCI needed (b) A student bubbled chlorine gas into a test-tude containing aqueous potassium bromide {) Describe the colour change seen in the test-tube from. to. 3) (li) Complete the ionic equation for this reaction. Include state symbols. Cle) # oon B{0Q) > ot. BI ‘©ucLEs 2016 oszoon's [Tur over 1 Complete the following table which gives the number of protons, electrons and of the five particles. numberof | numberof | number of Particle protons, electrons neutrons, 419 19 20 fire ouctes 2015 SS Total: 8} 2. The table shows the meting pont, baling pins and electrical properties of fe \ AtoE. wou [Paton | vomgpon | Sauk | Sea, pope ee B 1083 2567 good good c 755 1387 poor ‘good oD 43 181 poor poor pee ET Choose a substance from the table above to match each of the following descriptions. A substance may be used once, more than once or not at all. Justify each choice with evidence from the table. ‘One has been completed as an example This substance is covalent and isa solid at room temperature (25°C). ...D.. evidence Ms meting point is above room temperature. It has a low melting point an (a) This substance has a giant covalent structure. .. evidence (o) (c) This substance is a liquid at room temperature (25°C). ... evidence... se . . . (d) This substance is an ionie solid. evidence . (Total: 11] eucLes ans Turn over 4 3 Calcium reacts with nitrogen to form the fonie compound calcium nitride, Ca.N, (a) Draw a diagram, based on the correct formula, which shows the charges on the ions arrangement of the electrons around the negative ion, Use 0 to represent an electron from a calcium atom Use x to represent an electron from a nitrogen atom. 8 {b) In the lattice of calcium nitride, the ratio of calcium ions to nitride ions is 3:2. () What is meant by the term lattce? - Gi) In terms of ionie charges, explain why the ratio of fons is 3:2. - {(c) The reaction between calcium and nitrogen to form calcium nitride is a redox reaction. In terms of electron transfer, explan why calcium is the reducing agent. 8 (otal: 10] 5 Three common methods of preparing salts are shown below. method A adding an excess of an insoluble base or carbonate or metal to a dilute removing excess by fitration method Busing a burette and indicator ‘method © mixing two solutions to obtain the salt by precipitation For each ofthe following salt preparations, choose a method, A, B or C. Name any additional reagent which is needed and complete the ecuation. {a) the soluble salt, nickel chloride, from the insoluble compound nickel carbonate method .. reagent . ‘word equation co - - so {b) the insoluble salt, lead{ ll) bromide, from aqueous lead{l) nitrate method .. Tonic equation woes + son > PBBr 8 {c) the soluble salt, thium sulfate, from the soluble base lithium hydroxide method equation Trotat: 10) eucLEs 216 (b) Allnitrates decompose when heated. The extent to which a nitrate decomposes is determined by the metal in the sal. ()_ Sodium nitrate decomposes to form sodium nitrite, NaNO; Write the equation for decomposition of sodium nitrate. - 12 i) Sodium nitrite is a reducing agent. What would be observed if an excess of sodium nitrite solution was added to a solution of acidified potassium manganate(VII)? @ i) Copper(II) nitrate decomposes to form copper(Il) oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen. ‘What isthe relationship between the extent of decomposition and the reactivity of the metal in the nitrate? {c) The equation forthe decomposition of copper(I nitrate is given below. \ 2CUuINO,), + 2Cud + ANO, + O, (i) Predict what you would observe when copper) nitrate is heated. : (ii) Copper(It) nitrate forms a series of hydrates withthe formula Cu(NO,),.x#,0. All these hydrates decompose to form copperill) oxide. ‘1 mole of Cu(NO, }.xH,0 forms 1 mole of CuO. ‘What is meant by 1 mole of a substance? (ii) 7.289 of a hydrate, Cu(NO,),.tH,O, formed 2.4g copper(II) oxide. umber of moles of CuO formed = .... . umber of moles of Cu(NO,),.xH,0 in 7.269 = mass of 1 mole of Cu(NO,),.xH,O mass of 1 mole of Cu(NO,), is 188g the value of xin this hydrate = 4) (otal: 18] 2 1 The table below gives the composition of six particles which are either atoms or ion Particle | number of protons | number of neutrons | number of electrons A 33, 40 23 B 19 20 18 c EN 45, 36. D 3, 42. 33, E 13 14 13 F 24. 28. 24 (a) Which particles are atoms? Explain your choice. ae ae 2 ouctes 2014 5 a, 4 In the Periodic Table, the elements are arranged in columns called Groups and, Periods. (a) (i) Complete the table for some of the elements in Period 3, ‘ ‘group number ria fam | w |v | wy vw symbol Na | Mg] at | si | P| s | cr ‘number of valency electrons valency 2 (i) What is the relationship between the group number and the number of valency electrons? (iil) Explain the telationship between the number of valency electrons and the valency for the elements Na to Al, for the elements P to Gl. 4] {b) Across a period, the elements change from metallic to non-metallic. (i) Describe how the type of oxide changes across this period, 2 (i) Describe how the type of bonding in the chlorides formed by these elements changes across this feriod. - (2) {Total: 11] ‘eucies 2014 Turn over Ys (41) sso pu emendiue, woo up #251 98 fue ou e40 oN a — saver” | sewn enmmang | urveg | son (soy uovasd = @ ow | pw | wa | "a |e | “ae | ui | iy) ng] “aw aL rmiccnceex| x | foxy ee) meet | mm souvs pomoveoiose Die ope Les ee) Bos o sever proweywwer 14-85, ee) ee) oy ew fa wa | Wee |e faa | a) Be my | | er | i | Te” | ee a fas | us | Ur $5) By | “ba aN x | 8 as | tv || ct | wz | mo | Ww n 3s | eo SS | is |W on of’. | | 3 oa or iw oi}m[nl[al[alo u [i anes Siuowola otp Jo 91421 21PoH18d OUL 4133HS VIVO

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