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Everyone has beliefs (inanç) and opinions (düşünce). Some people

believe everything they hear while others are sceptical (kuşkucu) and will
not believe anything until they see it with their own eyes. It is difficult
when we have different opinions and beliefs to others. Sometimes this
can lead (yol göstermek) to arguments and debates. It is healthy to share
and discuss opinions but problems can develop when people hold onto
(tutmaya çalışmak) their beliefs too tightly (sıkıca). This can lead to fights
and in some cases even war.

 Do you avoid talking about controversial (tartışmalı) topics or do you

enjoy it?
 Is it better to talk about and share opinions or keep them to yourself?


 To have a difference of opinion – “We get on well even though we often

have a difference of opinion”
 To have an opinion on everything – “I can never relax around John, he
has an opinion on everything!”


Stating an opinion Supporting an Opinion Asking for an Opinion

In my opinion... The reason why I think… What are your thoughts on
If you want my honest For instance all of this?
opinion.... For example How do you feel about
As far as I'm concerned... that?
If you ask me... Do you have anything to
I think that say about this?
I’m pretty sure that What do you think?
I honestly feel that What’s your opinion about
I believe that this?
I firmly believe…
I have reason to believe
Conversation Questions

Are you passionate (tutkulu) about your beliefs?

Do you ever try to impose ((vergi) koymak) your beliefs on others?

Does anyone ever try to impose ((vergi) koymak) their beliefs

onto you?

Have you ever been afraid to share your beliefs with anyone?

Do you have strong opinions on things?

How do you feel when someone disagrees with something you

believe to be true?

What is the best way to deal with different opinions in the


Do you consider other people’s opinions before making a


At work do you ever share your opinions on controversial issues?

Do you always give your honest opinion or do you sometimes tell

a white lie to avoid upsetting (üzmek) someone?
Language Practice
Practice using the phrases above by answering the following question:
Which of the following do you believe in/agree with? Why?





The word conflict means ‘to come together for a battle’. A conflict is a
struggle (çabalamak) between people. The struggle may be physical or
verbal. Conflicts can either be within one person, or they can involve (içine
almak) several people or groups or even whole countries. Conflicts arise
because there are needs, values or ideas that are seen to be different and
there is difficulty finding a solution to the dispute.

Nouns Adjectives Verbs
Point of view Stubborn Negotiate
Perspective Flexible/inflexible Confront (yüzleştirmek)
Consensus (fikir birliği) Tolerant Demand (talep etmek)
Mutual agreement Receptive (anlayışlı)

It’s like talking to a brick wall (tuğla duvar) – I tried to explain why I was
upset but it was like talking to a brick wall!
 Easier said than done – I know that I need to resolve things with Bill but it is
easier said than done.

 Calm Down – Before you quit your job I think you should try to calm down.
 Deal with – You had better deal with that situation as quickly as possible.

deal with a customer - bir müşteriyle ilgilenmek

deal with something - hakkında olmak / ilgili olmak
I don't want to deal with it - bununla uğraşmak istemiyorum
What do you think are the main causes of conflicts between

 What kinds of conflicts can people have with themselves?

 What do you think causes conflicts between countries?

 Are you good at handling conflicts? What are the worst ways to
approach conflicts?

 Is conflict always negative?

 Is there always a winner and a loser in a conflict?

 Have you ever had a conflict with a colleague? How did you deal
with it?

 Have you ever had a major conflict with a friend or family


 What kinds of conflicts could happen between neighbours? How

can they be avoided?

 Should a conflict be solved straightaway or when we calm down?

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