2 Novascale Bullion - BiosV2

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Mesca-X Training - Bios

C.Vangramberen 2011 May

- Overview
- Architecture / Bios init
- Bios Identification
- Setup Menus
- Bios Flash
- Messages and Post codes

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Architecture / Bios Init
- EFI Framework Architecture Summary
Phase Responsibilities

-Programs a minimum stack
-Initialize the CPU to a known
-Branches to the correct entry
point (PEI entry point or Event
entry point)

PEI -Detects memory

-Programs chipset for correct
memory management
-Initialize enough memory for
the DXE phase
-Detects boot mode
-Performs recovery if needed

DXE -Initializes the platform

-Finds and loads the boot
manager, determines what OS is
to be booted and identifies the
boot device
-Builds a full EFI environment

BDS -Connects all drivers

-Runs EFI-aware applications
and boot loaders

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Bios - Version
• 1 : at the EFI Shell prompt by typing : ver
BIOS Version : <release ident>.<build number>.<date>
<release ident>= <BIOS family>.<BIOS major version>.<BIOS minor version>
<BIOS family>= BIOSXxx ( 'X' for Xeon)
<BIOS major version>= yyy
<BIOS minor version>= zz

. 2 :BIOS version is sent to EMM => BIOS version is displayed in EMM website in
Maintenance > Hardware Information > Firmware Version.
(needs bios 1.7.1 & EMM 1089)
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Bios - Boot Menus
- FrontPage utility : The FrontPage utility is a part of the system BIOS.

The Frontpage utility allow the system administrator:

-to acces Setup Functions : Device manager
-to configure Boot options. : Boot Manager
All the parameters are stored in NVRAM variables.

5 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios - Boot Menus
- You can enter in the FrontPage

• 1 : at the EFI Shell prompt by

typing :

• 2 : during the BIOS init sequence

when the message:
Hit [Space] for Boot Menu
By pressing Space key

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Bios - Boot Manager
• Boot manager option:

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device manager option:

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device manager option: Main

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device manager : Boot Options

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device manager : Advanced

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device manager : Advanced / Processor Configuration

12 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios – Device Manager
• Device manager : Advanced / Processor Configuration (con't)

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device manager : Advanced / Processor Configuration (con't)

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : CSI General Configuration

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : Advanced / Memory Configuration

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : Advanced / Memory Configuration

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : Advanced / Memory RAS Configuration

18 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : Advanced / Memory RAS Configuration

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : Advanced / Boxboro Configuration

20 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : Advanced / IOH 0 Configuration

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : Advanced / PCI Express Port

22 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : Advanced / PCI Express Port

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : Advanced / ICH 10 Configuration

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : Advanced / ICH 10 Devices

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : Advanced / ICH SATA Configuration

26 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : Advanced / IPMI BMC Configuration

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : Advanced / Miscellaneous Configuration

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Bios – Device Manager
• Device Manager : Advanced / Miscellaneous Configuration (con't)

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Bios - Boot Maintenance Manager
• boot Maintenance Manager :

allow the
administrator to configure
Boot Settings

30 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios - Boot Maintenance Manager
• boot Maintenance Manager :

allow the
administrator to configure
Boot Settings

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Bios - Boot Maintenance Manager
• boot Options:

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Bios - Boot Maintenance Manager
• boot Options: Add Boot Option

33 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios - Boot Maintenance Manager
• boot Options: Change Boot Order

34 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios - Boot Maintenance Manager
• Driver Options : Legacy resources

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Bios - Boot Maintenance Manager
• Console Options :

36 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios - Boot Maintenance Manager
Console Options :Input Device Select

- COM1

- COM2

COM1 : for connecting a serial cable on the onboard connector

COM2 : for Serial Over Lan connection to the BMC (UART(115200,8,N,1)
37 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable
Bios - Boot Maintenance Manager
Console Options : Output Device Select

- COM1
- COM2

COM1 : for connecting a serial cable on the onboard connector

COM2 : for Serial Over Lan connection to the BMC (UART(115200,8,N,1)
38 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable
Bios - Boot Maintenance Manager
Console Options : Console Output Mode Select

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Bios - Boot Maintenance Manager
Console Options : COM Attribut Setup

40 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios - Boot Maintenance Manager
Console Options : Set COM Attribut

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Bios - Boot Maintenance Manager
• Boot from File

42 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios - Boot Maintenance Manager
• Boot from File :The File Explorer

43 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Mesca System Flash ROMs Locations
SPI SPI Flash ROM #0
Flash ROM #0
Flash ROM #0 NMH
NMH NMH Flash ROM #0

North NMH
(Needed with BCS)



IOH00 x4 ESI

Boot code is in South Flash ROM
(Possibility to store backup bios in North) South
44 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable
Bios - Flash
Case 1 : Normal way , keep NVRAM contents (case of an update where the former and the next BIOS
image share the same NVRAM format)
Command : MXFLash <filename>

45 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios - Flash

46 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios - Flash
Case 2: there is no need to keep NVRAM contents (default set-up values must be repaired)
• Command : MXFLash <filename> /noprotectsouth

47 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios - Flash

Flash process takes around 3'30 ''

48 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios – Flash Backup / Recovery
1. Backup Bios (in mono module configuration) (needs bios 1.7.1)

Create a backup copy (Flash North):

Command : MXFlash.efi mescax.fd /flashnorth

To boot system using North bios :

- From SHC : Power Management / PowerON using Backup BIOS button
Then flash normally South bios

2. North BIOS flashing through EMM

Using ipmitool it is possible to write a BIOS firmware into the “north” flash attached to the NHM.
( Pre-requisit: ipmitool 1.8.10_BULL_1.3.4)

The system can be in On or Off state :

ipmitool -H IP_BMC -U super -P pass bulloem upgrade <BIOS file> Processor_0
ipmitool -H IP_BMC -U super -P pass bulloem upgrade <BIOS file> Processor_1
ipmitool -H IP_BMC -U super -P pass bulloem upgrade <BIOS file> Processor_2
ipmitool -H IP_BMC -U super -P pass bulloem upgrade <BIOS file> Processor_3

The server can be powered up from north flash through embedded WEB server:
Power Management / PowerON using Backup BIOS button

49 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios – Flash Backup / Recovery

3. Bios Recovery (needs EMM 1078 and i pmitool_1.8.10_Bull_1.3.4.exe)

When BIOS is unable to reach EFI shell :

1. Upload the compressed recovery BIOS image to EMM:

ipmitool.exe -H targetip -U super -P pass bulloem savebios MescaXRecovery.zfd
2. Turn the target system off
3. Set forced recovery mode in EMM :
ipmitool.exe -H <targetip> -U super -P pass bulloem setcfg bmc.boot_bios.recovery_required yes
4. Turn the target system on
5. Wait for the recovery to complete. The target system will automatically restart.
DO NOT POWER OFF the system !.

50 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

Bios - Postcodes
Progress codes Internal errors
0x10010000 0x24011003
0x10051006 0x29051003
0x1021xxxx 0x2421xxxx
0x1022xxxx 0x2422xxxx
0x1023xxxx 0x2423xxxx
0x10240001 0x2424xxxx
0x1025xxxx 0x2425xxxx
0x1028xxxx 0x2428xxxx
0x1041xxxx 0x02446xxxx
0x1046xxxx 0x2441xxxx
0x1048xxxx 0x2448xxxx
0x1062xxxx 0x28631001
0x10640002 0x28660005
0x1065xxxx 0x29650007
51 ©Bull, 2010 © Bull Confidentiel - Reproduction interdite sans accord préalable

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