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First of all, I am indebted to the GOD ALMIGHTY for giving me an opportunity to

excel in my efforts to complete this seminar on time. I am extremely grateful to
Mr. S.J. Nagar, Head of Department, Department of Biochemical Engineering, for
providing all the required resources for the successful completion of my seminar.
My heartfelt gratitude to my seminar guide Dr. Brijesh Singh, Professor,
Biochemical Engineering, for his valuable suggestions and guidance in
the preparation of the seminar report. I express my thanks to Mr. Gauri Shankar
Sir, Professor, and all staff members and friends for all the help and co-ordination
extended in bringing out this seminar successfully in time. I will be failing in duty if
I do not acknowledge with grateful thanks to the authors of the references and
other literatures referred to in this seminar. Last but not the least I am very much
thankful to my parents who guided me in every step which I took.

Thanking You
Sonam Singh
348/15 B.E

Bioplastics are the biodegradable plastic made from renewable sources such as
corn, sugar beets, wheat. Plastics have been using since many decades because of
its wide range of applications in almost every field. Traditional plastics are
petroleum based and is used widespread because of their easy availability and
cheaper cost. However, the widespread use of plastics become a major problem
due to their non-biodegradable nature and harmful effect on the environment. The
concept of biodegradable plastic is of considerable interest. Researches have been
made for developing degradable bioplastic that do not pollute environment. There
are various kind of biodegradable plastic such as starch-based, cellulose-based and
some aliphatic polyester. Among all these biodegradable plastics, polylactic acid
an aliphatic polyester is currently most popular material with the brightest
development. Recent research developments have demonstrated the feasibility and
commercial applications of bioplastics.

Plastic are so widespread because of its enormous range of possible structures,

giving a huge variety of properties and Easy to process and shape, leading to
simple manufacture. It having wide range of application in packaging, structural,
transportation, electrical component, biomedical and consumer products such as
toys, utensils, cameras, watches etc.

However the widespread use of plastic has become a significant concern due to
their negative impact on the environment. Almost all synthetic plastic are made
from petroleum and these natural resources take millions of years to form and are
finite in quantity. In addition, plastic derived from fossil resources are largely non-
biodegradable. The increase use of plastic over the years has resulted in an increase
in plastic work. There are various harmful effect of using plastic such as plastic
buried deep in landfill can leach harmful chemical that spread into groundwater,
plastic pollution also affect marine life as the plastic debris floats in sea water
consume by sea animals and finally result in their death , it also affect health of
human being also.

To overcome these negative effects of using plastic on environment we introduce a

newly develop plastic termed as Bioplastic that can be recycle and is biodegradable
that does not pollute environment .

Types of bioplastic
Polylactic acid and its properties
PLA production
Uses and Application
Market growth
Bioplastics is a reality and is a practical truth. Our willingness and improvement in
technologies will give it a wider success.

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