Creative Writing 12 2010-2011

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3939 West
Lord Byng16
Avenue School
Vancouver BC Canada
V6R 3C9

Teacher: Ms. A. E. Hughes

Course Content will/may include:

· Analysis of a variety of literary genres
including: non-fiction, creative non-fiction,
fiction, and poetry.
· Creation and maintenance of a blog
· Drafting: emphasis on the drafting
· Usually ONE student selected "free"
assignment per term (in terms one and
· Modelling upon the styles of established
· Keeping a Writer's Notebook/Journal
· Participating in group sharing and
discussion of student work; "work-
· Participation in external
· Editing/Proofreading.
· Participation in the Lord Byng Word
· Creation of Year End publication of a
class anthology

· Note: Participation in class discussions is

required and expected.
Students will:
· develop skill and confidence in their
creative writing.
· develop positive attitudes toward
language and learning
· make connections to other areas of
study and to life outside the classroom

Continued on reverse
3939 West
Lord Byng16
Avenue School
Vancouver BC Canada
V6R 3C9

· appreciate their own culture and the

culture of others
· use technology
· No IRP presently available. Ministry

Policies and Procedures accepted up to 1 week after initial due date or

term cut off, whichever comes first.
The following also appear in the Student Extra help: Available by appointment.
Agenda; please be familiar with school
expectations and policies. Tutors
· The Code of Conduct applies to our
classroom. Guidelines for working with a tutor are available
· When handing in work for me to mark, upon request. It is strongly recommended that
use YOUR STUDENT NUMBER ONLY you use guidelines.
and follow format provided.
· Important: Students are expected to In class writing
follow the rules and expectations of the · Notify me in advance, if you know that you
school and the VSB and need to read will be absent for an in-class write. Some
and refer to the policies outlined in their such activities may only be written on the
Lord Byng Student Agendas. day that they are written by the class; in
certain situations a make-up opportunity
Attendance :See policies in the Lord Byng may not be available; excuses will be
Student Agenda. considered on an individual basis.
. · Your parent or guardian must notify me, if
Class time is valuable; not all missed activities you are sick on the day of a test.
and work are able to be made up. · Be prepared to write the exam or missed
work during the FIRST English Exam Hall
Punctuality: Students are expected to arrive on after your return. English Exam Halls take
time. If you arrive late and the door is closed, place on Fridays at 3:20 PM in A225.
knock quietly and wait. Activities missed at the Students who fail to attend English Exam
beginning of class will result in a loss of marks. Hall as scheduled and agreed upon will
receive ZERO (0) on the task that was to
Skipping: If you are found to have "skipped" be made up and not further task will be
my class, you will receive a zero on work provided to offset this.
missed and citizenship. Note: Scheduled in class essays and or
writes are tests.
Assignments: It is your responsibility to have
assignments completed on time. See Student Cheating, which includes plagiarism, is a
Agenda for policies serious offence and will result in a score of
Late penalty is 10% per calendar day. (incl. zero. Helping someone cheat is also
Sat/Sun). Note: Assignments will only be cheating.
accepted up to 1 week after initial due date
or term cut off, whichever comes first.
Late penalty is 10% per calendar day. (incl.
Sat/Sun)Note: Assignments will only be

Continued on reverse

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