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- Choose the correct answer:

- I have got an / some money.

- I don’t want a / any tea.

- Have you got a / any children?

- She hasn’t got any / some homework today.

- He has got an / some uncle.

- Have you got a / any pencil?

- Mary hasn’t got a / any coffee.

- We have got some / any money.

- I have got a / some houses.

- Has he got any / some homework?

2.- Complete the sentences with “some” or “any”:

- Have you got ……………. Money?

- Yes, I have got …………….. money.

- There isn’t ……………… pizza in the fridge.

- There aren’t ……………….. hospitals in Torre Pacheco.

- I have got ………………… friends in England.

- There are ………………… bananas here.

- There is ………………… butter, too.

- Are there ……………… apples?

- Yes, there are ………………. Apples in the basket.

- Have you got ……………… English books?

3.- Complete the sentences with “a”, “an” or “some”:

- She hasn’t got ………….. pencil. She has got …………. Pen.

- Here is …………… sugar for your coffee.

- Are you ………….. artist? No, I’m not. I’m ………….. teacher.

- I have got ……………. Posters in my room.

- This is ……………. Interesting book.

- I’d like …………… water, please.

- Is your father …………… electrician?

- They have got ……………… money here.

4.- Complete the questions with “how much” or “how many”:

- ………………………………. Oranges are there in the fridge?

- ………………………………. Cats have you got?

- ………………………………. Tea do you want?

- ……………………………..... is that shirt?

- ………………………………. Are those shoes?

- ………………………………. Tickets do we need?

- ………………………………. Friends has he got?

- ………………………………. Is this book?

- ………………………………. Money have you got?

- ………………………………. CDs have you got?

5.- Circle the correct answers.

1. There aren’t some / any help.

2. Do you know some / any Americans?

3. We need some / any more coffee.

4. She’s got some / any interesting friends.

5. I didn’t have some / any breakfast today.

6. He hasn’t done some / any work for ten years.

7. Have you got some / any brothers and sisters?

8. I’m having some / any problems with my car.

9. Are there some / any restaurants near here?

6.- Put in much or many.

1. I haven’t got ___________ time.

2. Do you play ___________ football?

3. I don’t eat ___________ meat.

4. There aren’t ___________ people here.

5. We don’t have ___________ rain in summer.

6. Are there ___________ American in your country?

7. Have you travelled to ___________ countries?

8. Was there ___________ traffic on the road?

7.- Fill in the blanks with much, many, and a lot of.
1. John hasn’t __________ money.

2. There is __________ gold in the bag

3. I haven’t got ________ birds in the sky!

4. There aren’t ________ cars in the street.

5. Are there __________ apples on the tree?

6. Jane spends __________ money at the shops.

7. Have you got __________ bread in the cupboard?

8. Are there __________ children on the beach?

9. We are early. We have __________ time.

8.-Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Use a lot of, many or much.

a. They don’t have much people here.

b. How many does it cost?

c. The hotel doesn’t have much rooms left.

d. I don’t drink many coffee.

e. I drink much tea.

9.- Supply much/many or a lot of .

1. I know old Mr. Higgins has ... money.

2. There aren’t ... portraits of Shakespeare.

3. Don’t be discouraged! ... have failed to run the marathon.

4. Take as ... of these tiles as you want.

5. ... was said about it.

6. How ... frames are you going to buy?

7. If you have ... news call me back.

8. He is a man of ... words.

9. Last week there was so ... rain that I was not able to go out.

10. Tom drinks ... milk – one liter a day.

11. Every day we get ... magazines and news-papers.

12. We didn’t take ... photographs when we were on holiday.

13. Did you invite ... guests?

14. He knew he was not a good teacher, and he intended to do ... of that.

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