(ANN) - Neural Network Dictionary (Frohlich) PDF

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Neural Networks with Java: glossary

activation area refers to: Kohonen Feature Map
A value that indicates the area of influence of the most
activated neuron (the center of activation) on other map
neurons. The activation is spread out around this center
(maximum activation) and decreases the greater the distance to
this center is.
activation function refers to: neuron
A mathematical function that a neuron uses to produce an
output refering to its input value. Usually this input value has
to exceed a specified threshold value that determines, if an
output to other neurons should be generated.
see also: hard limiter, signum activation, sigmoid activation

API refers to: general term, abbreviation

Application Programming Interface.
All classes and routines that a programming language
implements. The API of Java is called JDK.

artificial refers to: general term

intelligence (AI) A research discipline whose aim is to make computers able to
simulate human abilities, especially the ability to learn. AI is
separated in e.g. neural net theory, expert systems, robotics,
fuzzy control systems, game theory etc.
AWT refers to: general term, abbreviation
Abstract Window Toolkit.
Classes and routines, used to create a user interface. Java
provides classes that are system-independent in its package
axon refers to: neural cell
The part of a biological neural cell that contains the dendrites,
connecting this neural cell to other cells. The incoming
stimulation of a neural cell is transported from the cell's core
through the axon to the outgoing connections.

backpropagation refers to: learning algorithm
A learning algorithm used by neural nets with supervised
learning. Special form of the delta learning rule.
see also: forwardpropagation

Backpropagation refers to: neural net

Net A feedforward type neural net. Has one input layer, one output
layer and at least one hidden layer. Mainly used for pattern
see also: backpropagation

bias refers to: neural net

A "pseudo" input of a neural net with any value except zero. Its
purpose is to generate different inputs for different input
patterns given to the net.

delta learning rule refers to: learning algorithm
A learning algorithm used by neural nets with supervised
learning. Effects the changing of weights by multiplying a
neuron's input with the difference of its output and the desired
output and the net's learning rate.

dendrite refers to: neural cell

The connections between biological neural cells. Electrical
stimulation is transported from cell to cell using these

error refers to: neural net, output
A value that indicates the "quality" of a neural net's learning
process. Used by neural nets with supervised learning, by
comparing the current output values with the desired output
values of the net. The smaller the net's error is, the better the
net had been trained. Usually the error is always a value greater
than zero.
feedback type refers to: neural net
A specific connection structure of a neural net, where neurons
of one neuron layer may have connections to neurons of other
layers and also to neurons of the same layer. An example of
such a net type is the Hopfield Net.
see also: feedforward type

feedforward type refers to: neural net

A specific connection structure of a neural net, where neurons
of one neuron layer may only have connections to neurons of
other layers. An example of such a net type is the Perceptron.
see also: feedback type

forwardpropagation refers to: learning algorithm

The output values of a neural net's neurons are only propagated
through the net in one direction, from the input layer to the
output layer.
see also: backpropagation

GUI refers to: general term, abbreviation
Graphical User Interface.
The graphical environment of a software application.

hard limiter refers to: neuron, activation function
A specific type of a neuron's activation function.
see also: activation function

Hebb learning rule refers to: learning algorithm

A learning algorithm used by neural nets with supervised
learning, especially the Perceptron. Effects the changing of
weights by multiplying a neuron's input with its output and the
net's learning rate.
hidden layer refers to: neural net
A type of neuron layer that lies between a neural net's input
and output layers. Called "hidden", because its neuron values
are not visible outside the net. The usage of hidden layers
extends a neural net's abilities to learn logical operations.
see also: Multi-Layer-Perceptron

Hopfield Net refers to: neural net

A feedback type neural net. Has only one "layer", build of a
number of neurons, where each neuron is connected to all other
neurons. Mainly used for pattern association.
see also: simulated annealing

input refers to: neuron, input layer
A set of values, called "pattern", that is passed to a neural net's
input neuron layer. The elements of those patterns are usually
binary values.
see also: input layer, output

input layer refers to: neuron layer, neural net

The first layer of a neural net, that accepts certain input
patterns and generates output values to the successing weight
see also: input, weight matrix

IP refers to: general term, abbreviation

Internet Protocol.
A transmission protocol used to transport data across the

JDK refers to: general term, abbreviation
Java Developers Kit.
An extensive set of Java classes, suitable for different
purposes. The classes are enclosed in "packages", each
covering a certain topic (networking, user interface,...).
see also: API
Kohonen Feature refers to: neural net
Map A feedforward / feedback type neural net. Built of an input
layer thats neurons are connected with each neuron of another
layer, called "feature map". The feature map can be one- or two-
dimensional and each of its neurons is connected to all other
neurons on the map. Mainly used for classification.
see also: selforganization

learning algorithm refers to: neural net
A mathematical algorithm that a neural net uses to learn
specific problems.
see also: backpropagation, delta learning rule,
forwardpropagation, Hebb learning rule, simulated annealing

learning rate refers to: learning algorithm

A changeable value used by several learning algorithms, which
effects the changing of weight values. The greater the learning
rate, the more the weight values are changed. Is usually
decreased during the learning process.

Multi-Layer- refers to: neural net
Perceptron A feedforward type neural net. Built of an input layer, at least
one hidden layer and one output layer. Mainly used for pattern
see also: backpropagation, hidden layer, Perceptron

neuron refers to: neuron layer, neural net
An element of a neural net's neuron layer.
see also: activation function, threshold
neuron layer refers to: neural net
A layer of a neural net. The different layers of a neural net are
connected by weight matrices.
see also: input layer, hidden layer, output layer, weight matrix

object orientation refers to: general term
(OO) A method of software-engineering. The main goal of object
orientation is to develope reusable software components.
output refers to: neuron, output layer
A value or a set of values (pattern), generated by the neurons
of a neural net's output layer. Used to calculate the current
error value of the net.
see also: output layer, input, error, supervised learning

output error see error

output layer refers to: neuron layer, neural net

The last layer of a neural net, that produces the output value of
the net.
see also: output

Perceptron refers to: neural net
A feedforward type neural net. Built of one input layer and one
output layer. Mainly used for pattern association.
see also: Multi-Layer-Perceptron

propagation refers to: neural net, learning algorithm

The passing of values and errors through the different layers of
a neural net during its learning process.
see also: forwardpropagation, backpropagation
propagation refers to: neural net, learning algorithm
function A function that is used to transport values through the neurons
of a neural net's layers. Usually, the input values are added up
and passed to an activation function, which generates an
see also: forwardpropagation, backpropagation, activation

selforganization refers to: Kohonen Feature Map, learning algorithm
A learning algorithm used by the Kohonen Feature Map neural
net. During its learning process, the neurons on the net's
feature map are organizing themselves depending on given
input values. This will result in a clustered neuron structure,
where neurons with similar properties (values) are arranged in
related areas on the map.
see also: Kohonen Feature Map, learning algorithm

sigmoid activation refers to: neuron, activation function

A specific type of a neuron's activation function.
see also: activation function

signum activation refers to: neuron, activation function

A specific type of a neuron's activation function.
see also: activation function

simulated annealing refers to: learning algorithm

A specific type of a learning algorithm, especially for feedback
type neural nets.
see also: Hopfield Net

supervised learning refers to: neural net, learning algorithm

A specific type of a learning algorithm. The output (pattern) of
the net is compared with a target output (pattern). Depending
on the difference between these patterns, the net error is
see also: unsupervised learning, error

TCP refers to: general term, abbreviation
Transmission Control Protocol.
A protocol used to transport data across the Internet.
thermodynamical refers to: neural net
model Another expression for feedback type neural nets. Called
"thermodynamical", because the term energy is used instead of
see also: Hopfield Net

threshold refers to: neuron, activation function

A specific value that must be exceeded by a neuron's activation
function, before this neuron generates an output.
see also: neuron, activation function

UDP refers to: general term, abbreviation
User Datagram Protocol.
A protocol used to transport data across the Internet in form of
datagrams (small packets that are sent independently).
unsupervised refers to: neural net, learning algorithm
learning A specific type of a learning algorithm, especially for
selforganizing neural nets like the Kohonen Feature Map.
Unlike supervised learning, no target patterns exist.
see also: supervised learning, selforganization

URL refers to: general term, abbreviation

Uniform Resource Locator.
An address of a certain location on the World Wide Web. An
URL usually has the following form:

weight refers to: neural net, weight matrix
An element of a weight matrix. A connection between two
neurons with a value that is dynamically changed during a
neural net's learning process.
see also: weight matrix, learning algorithm
weight matrix refers to: neural net
The connection structure between two neuron layers of a
neural net. Its elements, the weights, are changed during the
net's learning process. Each neural net has at least one weight
see also: neuron layer, weight

xor problem refers to: general term
A logical operation with the following values:

x y XOR
false false false
false true true
true false true
true true false

Due to its contradiction, this function can only be learned by

neural nets with at least one hidden layer.
see also: Multi-Layer-Perceptron, hidden layer

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