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No Title of Journals Summary Comment

1 Leonardus Winarto & Sufriati In this article Leonardus et al. The article quite useful to
Tanjung, 2005, An Analysis review the types of English my research, as the authors
of English Idiomatic idiomatic expressions found in suggest that as an applied
Expressions In the film of Transformers III- linguistics students
Transformers III-Dark Of Dark of the Moon, translation concentrating on translation
The Moon, The Translation strategies of the idiom, and and as a non-native speaker
Strategies and Their Degrees evaluating the degree of of English, they believes
of Meaning Equivalence, meaning equivalence of the that there are still many
Jurnal BASTER: Bahasa, translated idiom. The authors things which can be
Sastra dan Terjemahan, Vol. use a descriptive qualitative discussed and studied
1, No. 1, pp. 20-34 method to explore and concerning idioms.
understand better a social
phenomenon, why and how is
something happened. Their
research focuses on all English
idiomatic expressions and their
translations in Bahasa Indonesia.
The main limitation of the article
is that the idioms found in
Transformer III-Dark of the
Moon which has been stated in
types of English Idioms,
translation strategies dan the
degree of meaning equivalence
of the translated idioms into
Bahasa Indonesia.
2 Sridhar Maisa & Dr. T. This article discusses about the This article is useful to my
Karunakaran, 2013, Idioms important of idioms in language research, in case of the way
and Importance of Teaching use, English language teaching of teaching idioms to the
Idioms to ESL Students: A and strategies to promote students and analyze it in
Study on Teacher Beliefs, idiomatic English at text.
Asian Journal of Humanities undergraduate level. The authors
and Social Sciences (AJHSS), use exploratory types of research
Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 110-122 by using questionnaire for the
teachers. Their research focuses
on idioms promote language
skills and the strategies to
promote idiomatic English. The
main limitation of this article is
teacher beliefs about teaching
idioms through teaching
methodology, material and
testing particular to teach
idiomatic English context. The
authors indicate that the article
can allow the learner to speak or
write fluently with using idioms.
They also think that the learning
idioms can be considered as an
integral part of vocabulary
3 Gunel Izzaddin Yusifova, This article discusses about This article is useful
2013, Syntatic Features of seeking out the ways of because different linguistics
English Idioms, International understanding the possibility of and cognitive approaches by
Journal of English transformation in some idioms different scholars have been
Linguistics, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. and stability of the others which analyzed in the article about
133-138. do not undergo any changes. The idioms and it will enrich the
author uses transformational research about idioms. This
approach to investigate syntactic article actually will not form
features of idiom in which the the basis of my research;
ties between syntax and however it will be useful as
semantics. His research focuses the information for my
on the unity of form and research on idioms.
meaning in idioms, and syntactic
changes within idioms. The
main limitation of the article is
the idioms that are considered
and explained not only
grammatically, but also from the
cognitive point of view. The
author indicates that more
cognitive approach may give the
reason to discover more clearly
the possibility or impossibility
of modifications within idioms.
4 Agustina Veny Purnamasari, In this article the author reviews This article is useful to my
2009, Teaching English the figurative language that can research topic, dealing with
Idioms to EFL Students be found in idioms. The author the teaching of idioms for
Through Songs, Jurnal uses descriptive analyzing to the students. This article
Pengembangan Pendidikan, identify teaching English idioms actually suitable for my
Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 156-164. through songs. Her research research in case of teaching
focuses on teaching idioms idioms that can be applied in
through songs. The main making text.
limitation of this article is that
this article does not use research
methodology. Just describing the
way of teaching idioms. The
author indicates that further,
more extensive, another research
for cultural aspect of native
speakers is needed to learn
5 Despoina Panou, 2017, A In this article the writer reviews This article is useful to my
Critical Assessment of L1 that both the concept of idiom- research, because there are
Idiom Comprehensian and comprehension and processing elements that to know in
Processing Models, Journal are inextricably linked with analyzing the idioms.
of Applied Linguistics and idiom meaning. The aim of this Although this article will
Language Research, Vol. 4, article is to critically discuss the not form the basis of my
Issue 3, pp. 1-12. most influential views that have research but it will be useful
been put forward with regard to for the information for my
L1 idiom-comprehension as well research.
as idiom-processing. Her article
focuses on L1 idiom-
comprehension and idiom-
processing. The limitation of this
article is only discus about the
idiom-comprehension and
idiom-processing. As the
conclusion, the writer indicates
that further research have to be
done to get how literal and
figurative aspects of meaning
shape idiom understanding.
6 Atika Puspasari & Efdy In this article Atika et al. review The article is useful to my
Saputra, 2011, Idiomatic that to understand the idioms is research topic as Atika et al.
Expression Used in not easy. It needs processes to suggest that there are so
Westlife’s Songs, Jurnal make sure what the meanings of many idioms in those songs
Ilmiah Bina Bahasa, Vol. 4, them are. The authors use that can be learned. This
No. 2, pp. 59-68. descriptive method to analyze will not form the basis of
the idioms in Westlife’s songs. my research; however it will
Their research focuses on the be useful as information for
idioms in thirty eight songs in my research.
the greatest album. The main
limitation of this article is the
songs that contain many idioms.
The authors in this article do not
suggest further research to be
taken because they have found
the idioms in every songs that
have been researched.
7 Kukuh Arif Wibowo, 2013, In this article the author The article is useful to my
Improving Students’ Writing emphasize in using 3D pictures research dealing with to
Ability in Narrative Text by in learning writing process and know how to measure the
Using Chronological 3D believe that chronological 3D narrative text. This will
Pictures as Media, Journal of pictures are very helpful to form the basis of my
English Language Teaching, develop students’ ability in research, due to how to
Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-6. writing, especially narrative text. analyze students’ writing in
The author uses an action form of narrative text.
research which concerns with
the use of chronological 3D
picture in teaching narrative text.
The writer focuses on students’
ability in writing narrative text
that consists of: fluency,
grammar, vocabulary, content,
and spelling. The main
limitation of this article is
chronological 3D pictures to
improve students’ ability in
writing. The author suggests
further research to provide more
detail information about the
8 Dwi Ima Herminingsih, 2013, In this article the author tries to The article is useful to my
Teaching Writing Narrative implement pictures of story to research dealing with to
Text Using Pictures to the improve the students’ teach narrative text for the
First Semester Students of vocabulary, grammar, and students.
Faculty of Social and writing ability. The author wants
Politics University of to improve students’ ability in
Tulungagung, Jurnal writing narrative text by using
Universitas Tulungagung picture of story. The author
Bonorowo, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. focuses on students’ active and
16-29 their motivation in writing class.
The main limitation of this
article is teaching writing
narrative text by using pictures
of story. The author suggests
teaching writing through
pictures of story should certainly
used with other teaching
9 Yessy Anggraini, et al, 2014, In this article the authors explain This article is useful to my
Improving Students’ Writing how the video can improve research dealing with to find
Skill of Narrative Text students’ ability in writing out how media can improve
Through Video at Grade XII narrative text. The authors want students’ ability in writing
IPA 2 of SMAN 2 to improve students’ ability in narrative text.
Bukittinggi, Journal English writing narrative text by using
Language Teaching (ELT), collaborative action research.
Vol, 2, No. 2, pp. 78-92. This article focuses on the
explanation how video can
improve students’ writing skill
of narrative text. The main
limitation of this article is to find
out the factors that influence the
changes of students’ writing skill
of narrative text. The author only
suggests for further research in
other language skills.
10 Miftahul Jannah, 2015, In this article the author reviews This article is useful to my
Analyzing the Students’ that the mistakes made by the research dealing with the
Grammatical Error on students in writing narrative text object of my research in
Writing Narrative Text, just a slip that they forget the narrative and This will form
SMART Journal, Vol. 1, No. right form. The author uses the basis of my research due
2, pp. 57-64 qualitative research to emerge to the information of error in
questions and gathering text of writing narrative text.
narrative text from the
participants. The author focuses
on analyze students’ error in
writing narrative text. The main
limitation of this article is to
analyze students’ error in writing
narrative text. But, the author
doesn’t indicate further research
for she has analyzed the error.

Other resource: routledge handbook p.39

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