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Do you know of any cases in which an instance of bullying targeted against an LGBT
students was brought to court, locally, state-wide, or national?

2. If not, why might that be?

3. Does First Colonial have explicit rules against bullying members of the LGBT

4. What is the city of Virginia Beach’s anti-discrimination policy (in reference to LGBT
students and faculty)?

5. How does this compare to other school districts in the area? To the state
nondiscrimination policies?

6. Have you ever had instances in which students came to you due to harassment they’ve
faced specifically because of their gender identity or sexual orientation?

7. If so, how was the matter handled?

8. How many schools have you worked in?

9. Have all of these schools had GSAs?

10. Do you think there is a difference in the amount of bullying faced by LGBT students at
schools with and without GSAs?

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