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Practice Exam 1 SECTION I, PART A ‘Time—55 minutes 55 Questions Section 1s 1 hour 35 minutes and consists of 55 multiple-choice questions, accountng for 40 percent of the total Score, and 3 short-answer questions, accounting for 20 percent of the total score. isestons: The multiple-choice questions below are organized into sets with corresponding historical sources ack ofthe questions or incomplete statements is followed by four suggested answers or completions Using both the provided source ind your own historical knowledge, select the best answer choice, Questions 1 and 2 refer to the excerpt below. {@) major consequence ofthe Pueblo Revolt was the opportunity it aforded Indian rebels to acquire hundreds of coveted Spanish horses, The Pueblos in turn established a thriving horse tae nth Navajos, Apaches, and other tribes... (horses) soon spread across the Great Plains, the vast rolling grasslands extending from the Missouri River valley in the east to the base ofthe Rocky Mountains inthe weet” George Brown Tindall and David Emory Shi, America: A Narrative History, 1984 peer eee decibaborie, | 2) Wihethenien © shone 1 introduction of horses affected the lives ofthe Pueblo Revolt? Plains Indians? (A) Ttwas successful in overthrowing Spanish (A)_ Plains Indians did not have to travel to find rule in New Mexico for over a decade food and were able to create permanent (B) ‘The Pueblo Indians outnumbered the settlements Spanish, (B) The violent and intense competition among (©) tas the ist attempt by the Pueblo various trib Indians to rebel against the Spanish, S over resources drastically decreased, “ (D)_Itwas led by a medicine man who hoped to (©) Plains Indians began consuming new meats restore tribal customs. and shifted away from bufalo asa primary food source (D) 1 at hunting buffalo and transit nomadic lifestyle, 1 Plains Indians became more efficient toa ST @ONTOTHE NET ne > (ponte Tienem nce > a | AK Part 3 arcades cy Questions 3-5 refer to the excerpt below. “(Though under the greatest Enjoyment of Civil Liberties, if abridged of the Freedom oft Consciences, as to theit Religious Profession and Worship: And Almighty God being the only Lord of Conscience, Father of Lights and Spirits; and the Author as well as Object ofall divine Knowledge, Faith and Worship, who only doth enlighten the Minds, and persuade and convince the Understandings of People, I do hereby grant and declare, That no Person or Persons, inhabiting in this Province or Territories, ‘who shall confess and acknowledge One almighty God, the Creator, Upholder and Raler of the World; and profess him or themselves obliged to live quietly under the Civil Government, shall be in any Case molested or prejudiced, in his or their Person or Estate...” William Penn, Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges, 1701 3. What departure from the other colonies in 5. Which of the following documents expressed British North Ame: excerpt? is described in this sentiments most similar to the excerpt? (A) ‘The Declaration of Independence (A) Pennsylvania did not have one establish faith (B) ‘The South Carolina Exposition and Protest (©) The Bill of Rights (B) Settlers in Pennsylvania were required to are ee (D) The Alien and Sedition Acts (©) Pennsylvania was the firs to support religious tolerance for multiple Christian denominations (D) Puritan ideas were banned from the Pennsylvania colony. 4, Which of the following is most similar to the ptt (A) John Locke's influence on the Enlightenment ideas expressed in the excer (B) ‘The Pilgrims’ theologi founding Plymouth eliefs in (©) Tohn Winthrop’ ideal ofthe “city upon a bill” (D) The rights granted in the Maryland Act o Toleration, (OTHE NEXT pace > KK | 312 LIES cy ey Questions 6-8 refer to the excerpt below. “With the [cotton gin), ingle operator could clean as much cotton ina few hours as a group of workers had once needed a whole day to do... Soon cotton growing spretd into the upland South and beyond, Within a decade the total crop increased eightfold... The cotton gin not only changed the economy ofthe South, italso helped transform the North. The larg supply of domestieally produced fiber was a strong incentive to entrepreneurs in New England and elsewhere to develop an American textile industry” Alan Brinkley, American History: Connecting with the Past, 2014 6. Based on this analysis, which ofthe following 8. Which ofthe following was a direct effect ofthe best describes the political and economic devel invention of the cotton gin? ‘opments ofthe North and the South inthe late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries? (A) The invention of the steel plow (B) ‘The spread ofthe plantation system into (A) The North and the South cooperated politically and economically to develop a successful textile industry. northern states (©) The development of the Lowell factory system in New England (B) Both the North and the South depended i) ‘upon legislation supporting slavery. he introduction of the factory system in the South (©) The North and the South farther sepa rated because of rapid industrialization in the North and heavy dependence on agriculture in the South, (D) As the South began to develop industrially, it became politically and economically independent of the North. The cotton gin impact on society is analogous to the impact of all of the following innovations EXCEPT. (A) the assembly line (B) the telegraph (©) the sewing machine (D) the application of steam power to factories lise} iclade ache Questions 9-12 refer to the map below of Thomas Jefferson’s Land Ordinance of 1784, 9. Based on the ideas outlined in this map, Thomas 11 Jefferson intended which of the following? (A) Western territories should be evenly divided into free and slave states, (B) The United States should create states in the western territories on an equal level with the original Thirteen Colonies. (©) Western tories should be sold off in fourteen lots to pay off the national debt. (D) The United States should purchase New Orleans as an outlet to the sea for the ew western territories. 12. 10. Which of the following events prompted American migration into the western territories in the pre-revolutionary years? (A) The Proclamation of 1763 (B) ‘The English victory in the French and Indian War (©) The authorization of writs of assistance (D) The passage of the Declaratory Act I< | 314 ‘As Americans began to migrate west of the Appalachian Mountains in the late eighteenth century; which ofthe following became the settlers’ most significant issue? (A) The tenuous balance of free and slave states (B) The development of industrialization © Ihe desire for free navigation ofthe Mississippi River (D) The new states’ status compared to the original states As the United States grew westward, which of the following was the most significant depar- ture from previous government policies toward American Indians? (A) ‘The Treaty of Greenville of 1795 (B) (©) ‘The Indian Appropriations Act of 1851 The Trail of Tears (D) The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 idrcattso 3 ct Questions 13-16 refer to the excerpt below. “We owe it therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the Inited States and those Powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safe ty. With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have not interfered, and shall not interfere. But with the Governments who have declared their independence, and maintain it, and wh 1ose independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition forthe purpose of oppressng them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, ‘the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward th Based on the excerpt, which ofthe following best describes the change in American foreign policy in 18237 (A) An increased involvement in Europe and the extension of the American system into European nations (B) An objective to protect the Western Hemisphere against European interference deemed unfriendly toward the United States (C) An intention to end European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere ) An intention to overtake nd rule nations in the Western Hemisphere previously colonized by European nations The ideals in the Monroe Doctrine augmented the ideals in which ofthe follos established American policies? ing previously (A) The concept of “free trade” in Jay's Treaty (B) The provision of “right of deposit” in Pinckney’s Treaty (C) The idea of ‘no entangling alliances” in George Washington's Farewell Address (D) The acquisition of territory per the Greenville Treaty by any European power in any other light than as he United States” James Monroe, “Monroe Doctrine” speech, 1823 15. The United States maintained the foreign policy outlined in the Monroe Doctrine until (A) the Mexican-American War (B) the Union attempted to keep Britain and France out of the Civil War (©) the Spanish-Americ n War (D) American participation in World War T The establishment of the Monroe Doctrine was a reaction to (A) the outcome of the War of 1812 (B)_ attempts by European powers to reclaim Spanish colonies in the Western Hemisphere the unsettled results of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe (D) European economic encroachment in the Western Hemisphere [soon THE NEXT PAGE 35 | 1K cae} artes cli) Questions 17-19 refer to the excerpt below. “Thank you, Dear Sir forthe copy you have been so kind as to send me ofthe letter to your constituents ‘on the Missouri question ... But this momentous question, like a fire bell in the night, awakened and filled ‘me with error. [considered itat once asthe knell ofthe Union, Iti hushed indeed forthe moment But this reprieve only, nota final sentence. A geographical line, coinciding with a marked Principle, moral and political once conceived and held up to the angry passions of men, will nver be obliterated; and every ‘ew irritation will mark it deeper and deeper” 17. In the excerpt above, Thomas Jefferson warned about (A) the protective tariff (B) the need for a geographical line to divide the entire nation (C) the economic panic that began in 1819 (D) the divisive issue of slavery 18. Which event exemplified Thomas Jeffersons fear as described in the excerpt? (A) the South Carolina Exposition and Protest (B) the passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830 (©) the violence of (D) the destruction of t Kk | 316 ‘Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Holmes, 1820 Which of the following best describes why Congress enacted a measure in response to the “Missouri question’ in 18202 (A) The federal government wanted to maintain the balance of free and slave states, (B) Congressmen feared that expansion could worsen the effects of the Panic of 1819, ‘The legisl debate over the protective tari lative branch was continuing to ed that est of the Mississippi River ld cause the Mexican government to react aggressively (D) The federal government expanding gt laetu see Questions 20-24 refer to the excerpt below. “es, we are the nation of progress, of individual freedom, of universal enfranchisement, Equality of rights is the cynosure of our union of States, the grand exemplar ofthe correlative equality of individuals: and while truth sheds its effulgence, we cannot retrograde, without dissolving the one and subverting the other. We must onward to the fulfilment of our mission—to the entire de our organization— freedom of consclence, freedom of person, freedom of trade and business pursuit, Universality of freedom and equality: This is our high destiny, and in nature’ eternal, inevitable decree of cause and effect we must accomplish it All this will be our future history, to establish on earth the moral dignity and salvation of man—the immutable truth and beneficence of God. For this blessed mission to the nations of the world, which are shut out from the life-giving ight of truth, has America been chosen; and her high example shall smite unto death the tyranny of kings, hi tidings of peace and good will where m beasts of the field. Who, t ment of the principle of archs, and oligarchs, and carry the glad ads now endure an existence scarcely more enviable than that of n, can doubt that our country is destined to be the great nation of futur John L. Sullivan, on Manifest Destiny, 1839 20, Based on the excerpt what was the purpose of 23, Which of the following events allowed foran American expansion? almost immediate realization ofthe goals of (A) To promote the ideals of equality and freedom Manifest Destiny in the 1840s? (B) Todemonstrate American political superiority (A) The Panic of 1837 (C) To promote mankind’ “only hope” for (B) The election of war hero Zachary Taylor as salvation president (D) ‘To avoid tyrannical rulers (©) The conclusion ofthe Indian removal policy enacted in the 1830s 21. Who ofthe following would mos strongly agree (D) America’s victory inthe Mexican-American with the sentiments expressed in the excerpt War above? (A) A male Irish immigrant living in Boston 24. Which ofthe following environmental factors further developed the growing division between North and the South during the antebellum period? (B) A white male squatter from Tennessee (©) Afemale ry worker in New England i fed RE (A) The discovery of gold in California D)_A plantation owner from Georgia eee ee (B) The extensive river systems inthe Southwest, 22, ‘The ideals in the excerpt are most similar to the ‘hich allowed for more internal migration motivations behind (©) “The fact that much ofthe new territory (A) theannexaton of Hewat in the Mexican Cession was south ofthe (B) the takec of the Phili fter th Eadie ) the takeover of the Philipines ate the ; Shonthonen we 1D) The vast westen mountains, which enabled the spread of slavery into the south (©) the acquisition of American Samoa — (D) the liberation of Cuba from Spanish rule —N. [GoontoTHE next pace >> v 317 | IK Part 3 Practice Exams Questions 25-27 refer to the excerpt below. “Resolved, that itis both the part of patriotism and of duty to recognize no political principle other than THE CONSTITUTION OF THE COUNTRY, THE UNION OF THE STATES, AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS, and th country great principles of public liber that thereby peace may onc: representatives of the Constitutional Union men ofthe wwe hereby pledge ourselves to maintain, protect, and defend, separately and unitedly, these y and national safety, agains all enemies, at home and abroad; believing nore be restored to the countrys the rights ofthe People and of the States re established, and the Government again placed in that condition of justice, fraternity and equality, which, under the examp to maintain a more perfect union 25, This excerpt addresses which of the following continuing antebellum issues? (A) he public debate over slavery (B) The failure of compromise (C) The debate over the Tariff of 1857 (D) “The split between the Whigs and the Southern Democrats 26. Which of the following the formation of the Constitutional Union Par for the election of 18607 the main reason for (A) Toamend the Constitution (B) To promote the equality of all citizens (©) Toavoid secession (D) To protect the nat mn from all enemies KK | 318 and Constitution of our fathers, has solemnly bound every citizen of the United States Constitutional Union Party Platform, 1860 ‘The ideas expressed in the Constitutional Union Party platform most directly reflect which of the following? (A) Justification for immigration restriction in the 1920 (B) The passage of the Progressive Eras amendments to the Constitution (©) The Open Door trade policy (D) Justification for America’ entry into World War I Questions 28 and 29 refer to the 1865 photograph below of Carey Street in Richmond, Virginia, Lactate sel ne ‘The impact of battles in the South, such asthe 29, siege of Richmond, affected the outcome of the American Civil War in which of the following ways? {A) The destruction of the South's economic infrastructure led to an unconditional surrender following military defeat. (B) Angered by the wreckage, the South demanded and won reparations as & condition of surrender. (©) Even with the destruction of the South, the Confederate army's access to considerable resources caused the war to last longer than anticipated, (D) ‘The Civil War improved the wartime economy because jobs were created to rebuild ateas damaged in battle Which of the following was a key strategy in the Union’ victory over the South? (A) ‘The capture of Richmond, the Confederate capital (B) “The sea blockade of the South (C) The mobilization of free Af ‘an American (D) ‘The use of formal military training by Union leadership — N ‘GOON TOTHE NEXT PAGE > RE NENT PASE 319 | KK Questions 30-32 refer to the excerpt below. “The laboring man inthis bounteous and hospitable country has no ground for complaint, His vote is Potential and he is elevated thereby tothe positon of man Elsewhere he isa creature of circumstance, whid that of abject depression, Under the government of this nation, t e effort isto clevate the standard ofthe human race and not to degrade it. In all ther nations i isthe reverse, What, therefore line the leborer to complain of in America? By inciting strikes and encouraging discontent, he stands in the way of the elevation of his race and of mankind” 30. Henry Clews’ opinion was most likely a reaction to which of the following? (A) Repid industrialization after the Civil War (B) Increasing immigration to the United States from Europe (©) Lack of work opportunities for Americans in factories (D) Incident of 1977 ich as the Great Railroad Strike and the Haymarket Affair 31. Which of the following groups would have most likely supported the sentiments of the previous excerpt? (A) The American Federation of Labor (B) Opponents of labor unions (C) Knights of Labor (D) Industrial Workers of the World I< | 320 Henry Clews, ie Folly of Organized Labor” 1886 32. Which of the following twentieth-centary events teflected similar sentiments to the excerpt? (A) Creation of the War Labor Board during World War I (B) Passage of the Taft-Hartley Act after World War IL (©) Passage ofthe Wagner Labor Relations Act of 1935 Fair Deal proposals regarding labor Lorain ch ie Questions 33-35 refer to the excerpt below from an 1888 utopian novel. “In our day the market rate determined the price of labor of all sorts, 28 well as of goods. The employes Paid as little ashe could, and the worker got as much, It was not a pretty system ethically, Fadmit; but it did at least, furnish us a rough-and ready formula for set ing a question which must be settled then thousand times a day ifthe world was ever going to get forward, There seemed to us no other practical way of doing it? ‘Yes! replied Dr Leete, ‘it was the only practical way under a system which made the interests of every individual antagonistic to those of every other: but it would have been a pity if humanity could never have devised a better plan, for yours was simply the application to the mutual relations of men of the devil’ ‘maxim, Your necessity is my opportunity”* Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward, 2000-1887, 1888 33, following best describes the social 35, Which ofthe following groups from the conditions in the United States when Bellamy antebellum era espoused ideas most closely ‘wrote the excerpt? resembling those expressed in Bellamy’s {A} A political desize for economic equality excerpt? forall (A) Utopian communities (B) A popular movement for the growth of (B)_Abolitionists large unions (©) Know-Nothings {C) An unequal distribution of wealth (D) Transcendentalists (D)_A shortage of jobs 34. Which of the following concepts was Bellamy criticizing? (A) Rapid industeialization (B) Unlimited immigration (©) Mechanization of the workplace (D) Unrestricted capitalism eTPAGE > aa ik areata Questions 36-38 refer to the 1937 political cartoon below. ALL SAD was Gimme Six More, wusTICES! 36. Which of the following motivated Franklin D. 38. FDR relationship with the Supr Roosevelt’ proposal, which resulted in t depicted in the political cartoon? -me Court was similar to which of the following? (A) Thomas Jefferson, in reaction to Marbury » (A) Congress was beginning to question some Madison of the more radical ideas of the New Deal (B) Andrew Jackson, in reaction to Worcester v that were introduced in FDR’ second term. Georgia (B) FDR wanted to be able to appoint new (C) Chester Arthur, in reaction to the Civil Rights cases of 1883 (D) Grover cl Ferguson Supreme Court justices, because the court had declared some of his key pieces of New Deal legislation unconstitutional. land, in reaction to Plessyv. (©) The Democratic Party begen to react in a negative manner to the radical New Deal. leas of the (D)_FDRs second term was not as successful as his st, and he wanted more federal justices to help declare his ideas constitutional 37. Which of the following groups was generally ‘most loyal to FDR’s proposals? (A) Liberal Republicans (B) Southern farmers (©) Union Democrats (D) Southern Democrats I< | 322 Lae TaeCe nS Cie Questions 39-41 refer to the excerpt below. “Despite the public hostility, the frequent strikes, the business failures, and the long depression, the ‘magicians of money wer still managing to make it. Without always consciously setting out to do so, they ‘were creating the foundations of monopoly capitalism. Economic ind Gilded Age, a high savings rate (18-20 percent) meant much inve balance of trade, with exports exceeding impor tors were good, Throughout the apital was available. A positive , emerged in 1876-80—the st time this had ever happened for five years in a row.” Jackson Lears, Rebirth of a Nation: The Making of Modern America, 1877-1920, 2010 39. Which ofthe following events best supports 41, The governments strongest response to historian Jackson Learss main argument? “monopoly capitalism’ was its (A) The Haymarket Affair (A) use ofthe Fifteenth Amendment to (B) Andrew Camegies development of the steel encourage further growth of big business industry (B) passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act (C) The union movement ofthe late nineteenth (C)_passage ofthe Clayton Antitrust Act and early twentieth centuries (D) ratification ofthe Hepburn Act (D) ‘The Populist movement 40. Which ofthe following developments most encouraged “monopoly capitalism"? (A) The assembly line (B) The Bessemer process (©) The Taylor scientific management system D) V tical and horizontal integration N TOTMENDG Pace > 323 | IK

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