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cia} arta recm act ct Questions 42 and 43 refer to the excerpt below, he cts ofthe migrant people cravled out ofthe se roads onto the great cross-country highway, and they took the migrant way to the West. In the daylight they scuttled lke bugs tothe westward; and ve the dark caught them they clustered lke bugs ner to shelter and 1 water, And because they were lonely and Perplexed, because they had all come from a place of sadness and worry and defeat, and because they were all going to & new mysterious pace, they huddled together; they talked together: they shared thet lies, thei food, and the things they hoped for in the new country John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, 1939 (2. Allof the following resulted ftom the Dust Bowl 43. During this time period, many Americans in the 1930s EXCEPT migrated based on which of the following (A) the migration of thousands from drought Cae regions to the West (A) They were looking for work as the Great (B) increased unemployment Depression gripped their hometown, (C) the conversion of arid grassland to (B) They sought better jobs due to the cultivated crop nd ‘opportunities created by wartime industry. (D) drought conditions for as many ase (C) They were heading West to take advantage of the New Dealt years Administration program. National You (D) Industrial jobs in northern cities attracted. impoverished sharecroppers, KK | 324 bac lai(da ses ae Questions 44-46 refer to the excerpt below: 45, “The truth is thatthe newest immigrants came for man ofthe same reasons asthe old. They typically left ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 327 | 1K cles} Practice Exams END OF SECTION I, PART A IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, YOU MAY CHECK YOUR WORK ON PART A. DO NOT GO ONTO PART B UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO So, IX | 328 Lactate i SECTION I, PART B ‘Time—40 minutes 3 Questions Directions: Section I, Part B of this exam consists of short-answer questions. You must respond to Questions L and 2. For your final response, you must choose to answer EITHER Question 3 or Question 4, You do not need to include a thesis, but you must use complete sentences; an ou ine or bulleted list alone is not acceptable “The French and Indian War was the North American conflict in a larger imperial war between Great Britain and France known as the Seven Years’ War. The war provided Great Britain enormous territorial §g2ins in North America, but disputes over paying the war’ expenses and Britain's authority over the colonies led to colonial discontent, and ultimately to the American Revolution... Unfortunately for the British, the fruits of victory brought seeds of trouble with Great Britain’s American colonies, The war had been enormously expensive, and the British government’ altempts to impose taxes on colonists to help cover these expenses resulted in increasing colonial resentment of British attempts to expand imperial authority in the colonies. These disputes ultimately sp {nto a full-scale war for independence” red colonial rebellion, which eventually developed US. Department of State, Office of the Historian, “French and Indian War/Seven Years; War, 1754-63" “At this point the question must be frankly faced: If France had won the war decisively and thereby consolidated her position and secured her claims in Nova Scotia, as well as to the southward of the St. Lawrence, in the Great Lakes region, and in the Ohio and Missis ppi valleys, is ita all likely that colonials would have made so fundamental a constitutional sue ofthe extension to them ofthe principle ‘of the British stamp tax? Would they have resisted such a tax had Parliament imposed it inorder to provide on an equitable basis the maximum resources for guaranteeing their safety, at a time when ‘hey were faced on their highly restricted borders by a militant, victorious enemy [France] having at its command thousands of armed American idians? Would not Americans have continued to feel the need as in the past to rely for their safety and welfare upon British sea power and British land power, a well as upon British resources generally? In other words, was Governor Thomas Hutchinson of Massachusetts Bay for mistaken when, in analyzing the American situation lte in 1773, he alfrmed: Before the peace treaty thought nothing so much to be desired as the acquisition of Canada, Iam now convinced that ift had remained to the French none ofthe spirit of opposition to the Mother Country would have yet appeared” Lawrence Henry son, historian, “The American Revolution as an Aftermath of the Great War for the Empire, 1754-1763” 1950, (qoonro Tenet nce > 329 | 1K Part 3 baci acl cy 1, Using the excerpts, answer (a), (b), and (c) (@) Identify the main argument of the excerpt from the US. Department of States article. (©) Identify the main argument of the excerpt from Gipson’ article. (©) Briefly explain ONE specific historical event or development that is not explicitly mentioned in the ‘xcerpts that supports either the US. Department of States or Gipson’ atgument. National Womaris Party picketes outside the White House, 1917 2 Using the image, answer (a, (b), and (c) (2) Briefly describe ONE historical event from the ninétee (©) Briefly describe ONE similarity between the women rights movement ofthe ni the womens rights movement ofthe twentieth century, (©) Briefly describe ONE difference between the wor the womens right nth or twentieth century thi relates to the image, teenth century and men’ rights movement of the nineteenth century and 's movement of the twentieth century. [Soon To THE Next page >> Sen Kk | 330 dette aa Clie Choose EITHER Question 3 or Question 4. 3 Answer (a), (b), and (c). (a) Briefly explain ONE way in which a group was impacted by the trade exchanges among the American colonies, the Caribbean islands, Aftica, and Europe during the seventeenth through eatly nineteenth centuries (b) Briefly explain ONE way in which ANOTHER group was impacted by the trade exchanges among the American colonies, the Caribbean islands, Africa, and E nineteenth centuries, ‘ope during the seventeenth through early Briefly explain one area of continuity for ONE of the two groups mentioned ‘midst ofthe interactions that occurred during these trade exchanges. n parts (a) and (b) in the Ang (a), (b), and (c), (a) Briefly describe ONE example of muckraking during the Progeessive Bra, (©) Identify and briefly explain ONE social, economic, or political change that occurred during the Progressive Bra, (6) Mentty and briefly explain ONE social, economic, or political area of continuity during the Progressive iN TOTHE NEXT PAGE > 331 iz laes) Practice Exams END OF SECTION I, PART B IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, YOU MAY CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS SECTION, DO NOT GO ONTO SECTION II UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD To DO so. I< | 332

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