Geotechnical Engineering

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GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING previous Year Questions with Answers [Code : CET - 402] Full Marks : 70 Time : 3 Hours ‘Answer any five questions. Figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks. 1.(a) Define Bearing Capacity. R (0) State the relationship between Y, G, e and S. [5 (c) The Atterberg limit of a clay soil are Liquid limit 52%, Plastic limit 30%, and shrinkage limit 18%. Ifthe specimen of the soil shrinks from a volume of 39.5 cu cm at the liquid limit to a volume of 24.2 cu cm at the shrinkage limit. Calculate the ‘True specific gravity. 0 2.(a) Define coefficient of Curvature. R () State the factors affecting the permeability. [5 (©) A falling head permeability test is to be conducted ona soil whose permeability is estimated to be 3 x 107 cm/sec, What diameter of stand-pipe would you use if the head had to drop from 27.5 m to 20,00 cm in 5 min ? (Assume cross-section of the specimen = 15 and length = 0.5 om. [7 3.(@) Define critical hydraulic Gradient Line. [2 (b) Discuss about Passive Earth pressure. [Is (©) Asquare footing located at a depth of 1.3 m below the ground has to carry a safe load of 800 KN. Find the size of the footing if the desired factor of the safety is 3, The soil has the following Properties : 0 Void ratio = 0.55; Degree of saturation = 50% fi Specific gravity 2.67; C = 8 KN/m? . = 30°. () What is Zero void line ? RB (©) What do you mean by the air content ? How can You determine the water content by pyconometer method ? 6 ©) Define Foundation. State different types of foundation. Briefly discuss about pile foundation. 0 5.(a) What do you mean by piping ? 2 (b) Differentiate between three phase soil system and two phase soil system with suitable diagram. [5 (©) The following data on consistency limits are available for two soils A and B : 7 Soil A [SoilB Plastic Limit 16% [19% Liquid Limit 30% [52% Flow Index | 6 40% Natural Water content | 32% Find which soil is () More plastic (ii) Better foundation material remoulding. (iii) Better shear strength as a function of water content. (iv) Better shear strength at plastic limit, Classification of soil as per ISCS. Do these soils have organic matter ? 6.(a) What is meant by consistency index of clayey soil ? 2 (b) Explain quick sand condition with neat diagram. State the Darcy's law and limitation of the Darcy's law. [5 (c) Define Compressibility. What are the different types of compressibility ? Explain standard proctor test. u 7. (a) Define : Q (i) Submerge density. (ii) Shrinkage Ratio. (b) Write the short notes on : [5 (Flow net (ii) Mohr's Coulomb Theory. \eS A cube of dried clay having sides 4 cm long has a mass of 110 g. The same cube of soil when saturated at unchanged volume has mass of 135 g. Draw the soil element showing the volumes and weight of the constituents and determine the specific gravity of the soil solids and the void ratio. 7 ANSWERS TO 2017(S) 1.(a) Define Bearing Capacity. _ Ams. Bearing capacity of soil is defined as the maximum average constant pressure between the foundation and the soil which should not produce shear failure in soil. () State the relationship between Y, G e and S. Ans. Relation between ¢, G w and s (© The Atterberg limit of a clay soil are Liquid limit 52%, Plastic limit 30%, and shrinkage limit 18%. If the specimen of the soil shrinks from a volume of 39.5 cu cm at the liquid Limit to a volume of 24.2 cu cmat the shrinkage limit. Calculate the True specific gravity. ‘Ans. Given data : LLL. (W,) = 52% PL. (W,) = 30% S.L. (W,) = 18% Volume of soil mass at liquid limit = V, = 39.5 co Volume of dy soil mass at shrinkage limit =V,=24.2 00 M-Ve sorsage Ratio (52)=( Vz 00 _24.2 (52-18) (2% m2) x100 = 1.86 -, as SR = Pt aay ] Pw SR 100 =2.79 (Ans) _ 1 (cie-it) 1.86 100 2.(a) Define coefficient of Curvature. Ans. The generatl shape of the particle size distribution curve is described by another co-efficient known as the co-efficicient of curvature (C,). (Dw) Deo*Dyy where, D,, is the particle size corresponding to 30% finer. For a well graded soil, the value of the co-efficient of curvature lies between 1 and 3. (b) State the factors affecting the permeability. Ans. Factors Affecting Permeability of Soil : @_ Particle size : The co-efficient of permeability of a soil is proportional to the square of the particle size (D). The permeability of coarse-grained soils is very large as compared to that of fine grained soils. The permeability of coarse sand may be more than one million times as much that of clay. (i) Structure of soil mass : The co-efficient ‘c’ takes into account the shape of the flow passage. The size of the flow passage depends upon the structural arrangement. For the same void ratio, the permeability Cc js more in the case of flocculated structure as compared to that in the dispersed structure, Stratified soil deposits have greater permeability parallel to the plane of stratification that that perpendicular to this plane. The permeability of a natural soil deposit should be determined in undisturbed condition. The disturbance caused during sampling may destroy the original structure and affect the permeability. The effect of disturbance is more pronounced in the case of fine- grained soils than in the case of coarse grained soils, (iii) Shape of particles : The permeability of soil depends upon the shape of particles. Angular particles have greater specific surface area as compared with the rounded particles. For the same void ratio, the soil with angular particles are less permeable than those with rounded particles is the permeability is inversely proportional to the specific surface, However ina natural, deposit the void ratio for a soil with angular particles may be greater than that for rounded particle, and the soil with angular particle may be actually more permeable. (iv). Void Ratio : The co-efficient of permeability varies as e°/ (1 + €). For a given soil, the greater the void ratio, the higher is the value of the co-efficient of permeability. If the permeability of a soil at a void ratio of 0.85 is known, its value at another void ratio of ‘e” can be determined using the equation. ko =A kK where, k,., Permeability at a void ratio of 0.85 k =Permeability at a void ratio of e’ (v) Properties of water : The co-efficient of permeability is directly proportional to the unit weight of water “Y,,” and is inversely proportional to its viscosity “W’. The unit weight of water does not vary much over the range of temperature. The co-efficient of permeability increases with an increase in temperature due to reduction in the viscosity. The equation can be used for conversion of the permeability to 27°C. ky ek Har where, k,,= co-efficient of permeability at 27°C When viscosity is #1, __k,= co-efficient of permeability at t°C when viscosity is u,. Sok,,=C,k, ‘where C, is the correction factor, equal to (H1/H,,)- (vi) Degree of saturation : Ifthe soil is not fully saturated, it contains air pockets formed due to entrapped air or due to air liberated from percolating water. The permeability is reduced due to presence of air which cause blockage of passge. Consequently, the permeability of a partially saturated soil is considerably smaller than that of a fully saturated soil. (vil) Adsorbed water : The fine-grained soil havea layér of adsorbed water strongly attached to their surface. This adsorbed water layer is not free to move under gravity. It causes an obstruction to flow of water in the pores and hence reduces the permeability of soils. (viii)Impurities in water : Any foreign matter in water has a tendency to plug the flow passage and reduce the effective voids and hence the permeability of soils, (©) A falling head permeability test is to be conducted on a soil whose permeability is estimated to be 3 x 10°’ cm/sec. What diameter of stand-pipe would you use if the head had to drop from 27.5 cm to 20.00 cm in 5 min? (Assume cross-section of the specimen = 15 sq.em and length = 0.5 cm. Ans. Given data : Height of soil sample, L = 0.5 em Area of cross-secction of sample, A= 15 cm? 7.5 em, h, = 20 cm t= 5 min= 5 60 = 300 second. Permeability, K = 3 x 107 cm/sec. As K= tog, be Alea hs where a = Cross-sectional area of stand pipe. or 3x107 = 2%05 9, (23) 15x300 “20 As ie =8.48x107cm? or d=0.104cm (Ans) 3.(@) Define ya distribution curve is known ritical hydraulic Gradient Line. Ans. The generatl shape of the particle size described by another co-efficient as the co-efficicient of curvature (C.). c= (ul DoxD,, where, D. is the parti i 30% gute Pr Particle size corresponding to For a well graded soil, the value of the co-efficient of | e lies between 1 and 3 uss about Passive Earth pressure, Major principal ast 7” Major principal axe eo sor™ Passive state muohi circle Active and passive states of plastic equilibrium Figure shows the active and passive state of plastic equillibrium in a non-cohesive soil with the horizontal ground surface. In an active state the major principal stress o, is vertical and the minor principal stress o, is horizontal. Circle/ represents such a state, in which the pole P, corresponds to the major principal stress. The circle touches the failure envelopes at F, and F,’, and hence P,F, and P,F,’ show the directions of failure planes or slip lines. These slip lines have also been shown in figure. Similarly for the passive state, the minor principal stess is horizontal. Circle II corresponds to the passive state in which the pole P, corresponds to the major principal stress, The circle touches the failure eny, at F, and F,’ and hence P,F, and PF,’ are the direction, of slip lines corresponding to the passive case, From equation putting c = 0, we get Ss un'(45°+2) =n, o 2 The ratio of the horizontal stress o,, to the vertica] stress o, is called the co-efficient of earth pressure K. ‘When the soil is in the active state of plastic equillibrium and 6,= 0, an'(4sr¢) = cot” (4s-+4) = 2) Tsing Where K, = co-efficient of active earth pressure, Similarly, in passive paste, 6, = 6, ; 6, =0, tan (ase) an'(4sr+) eX) 2) Ising ‘When the soil is at elastic equilibrium the ratio of horizontal to vertical stress is called the co-efficient of earth pressure of rest, Yj, Aviay from fill (a) Active state ‘TSwards fill (a) Passive state ‘Active and passive earth pressure (©) A square footing located at a depth of 1.3 m below the ground has to carry a safe load of 800 KN. Find the size of the footing if the desired factor of the safety is 3. The soil has the following properties : Void ratio = 0.55; Degree of saturation = 50% Specific gravity 2.67; C= 8 KNim® . 6 = 30°. ‘Ans, Given data : C= 8 Kpa Void Ratio = 0.55 Specific gravity = 2.67 , 6 = 30° From the properties give, it is clear that : ‘ Ne=37.2,N, = 22.5, N,= 19.7 y y,= 18kN/m* (Assumed) F=3,C=8Kpa,D= 1.3m, P=800 KN, Ry, =Ryg =! P q 2 -E -113N,+y(N, -1) wa Ry, +0.4yBN, Rulgt or 47.28 B? + 320.06 B*- 800=0 or B=1.436m. (Ans) 4.(a) What is Zero void line ? ‘Ans. The line indicating the theoretical maximum. density can be plotted along with the compaction curve ) is known as zero air void lines. It is also called as 100% saturation line. The compaction method cannot remove a the air voids, and therefore the soil never becomes lly saturated. So the theoretical maximum density is only hypothetical. It can be calculated for any value of 'w" if the value of *G? is known. (b) What do you mean by the air ‘content ? How can you determine the water content by pyconometer method ? ‘Ans. Quick sand is a hydraulic condition. A cohesion less soil becomes quick when the effective stress is equal to zero. The critical gradient at which a cohessionless soil becomes quick is about unity. The discharge required to maintain a quick condition in a soil increases as the permeability of the soil increases. Theory ‘A Pycnometer is a glass jar of about 1 liter capacity, fitted with a brass conical cap by means of a serew type cover. The cap has a small hole of about ‘6mm diameter at its apex. The water content (w) of the sample is obtained (x M, (S32) 3}100 M,-M,\ G ‘Where M, = mass of empty Pycnometer, M,= mass of the Pycnometer with wet soil M,= mass of the Pycnometer and soil, filled with M, = mass of Pycnometer filled with water only. Specific gravity of solids. Equipment 1. Pycnometer 2. Weighing balance with an accuracy of 1.0g. 3. Glass rod Procedure: 1. Wash and clean Pycnometer and dry it. 2. Determine the mass of Pycnometer with brass cap and washer (M,) accurate to 1.0g. 3. Place about 200 to 400g of wet soil specimen in the Pycnometer wand weigh it with its cap and washer (M,). 4. Fill water in the Pycnometer containing the wet soil specimen to about half its height. 5. Mix the contents thoroughly with a glass road. Add more water and stir it. Fill the Pyenometer with water, flush with the hole in the conical 6. Dry the Pycnometer from outside and take its mass (M,). 7. Empty the Pycnometer. Clean it thoroughly. Fill it with water, flush with the hole in the conical cap and weigh (M,) as Observations and cak See the data sheet. catesations Data sheet for water content by Pycnometer method Determination No. SI. No. ‘Observations an Calculations ane 1 Observation 1 ‘Mass of empty pycnometer (M,) 2 Mass of pycnometer + wet soil (M,) 3 Mass of Pycnometer soil, filled with water (M,) 4 Mass of Pycnometer filled with water only (M,) Calculations 5 M,-M, 6 M,-M, 1 G-DIG 8 w (using above formula) Results: Water content of the sample = %. (©) Define Foundation. State different types of foundation. Briefly discuss about pile foundation. ‘Ans. A foundation is the element of an architectural structure which connects it to the ground and transfers loads from the structure to the ground. ‘Types of Foundations : (i) Shallow Foundtions : It is a type of foundation in which the foundation is situated instantly below the lowest part of a structure. The depth of foundation is equal to or less than its width. (ii) Pile Foundations : It is a type of foundation where a slender member of wood or concrete or steel is inserted into the ground for transferring the load ofa structure. The load is transferred to a stronger stratum by friction or by bearing. Pile foundation ‘Ans. When the soil at or near the ground surface is not capable of supporting a structure, deep foundations are required to transfer the loads to deeper strata. Deep foundations are, therefore used when surface soil is unsuitable for shallow foundation and a firm stratum is so deep that is cannot be reached economically by shallow foundations. The most common types of deep foundations are piles. A pile is a slender structural member made of steel, concrete or wood. A pile is either driven into the soil or formed in-situ by excavating a hole and filling it with conerete. A pier is a vertical column of relatively larger cross-section than a pile. Pile foundations are used when the strata at or just below the ground surface is highly compressible and very weak to support the load transmitted by the structure. When the plan of the structure is irregular relative to its outline and load distributioin. It would cause non-uniform settlement if a shallow foundation is constructed. A pile foundation is required to reduce differential settlement. 5.(a) What do you mean by piping ? ‘Ans. Piping is the erosion of the sub-soil by the high velocities of flow of water through it when such velocities exceed a certain limit. But this concept of undermining is incomplete, Water has a certain residual force at each point along its flow through the sub-soil which acts in the direction of flow and is proportional to the pressure gradient at that point. (b) Differentiate between three phase soil system and two phase soil system with suitable diagram. Ans. Soil as a Three Phase System : A soil mass is a three phase system consisting of solid particles (called soil grains), water and air, Y (@) (Solid + water) (b) (Solid + Air) (Soil as three phase syste™) LAs. Soils as Two Phase System : Figure (a) If we take a perfectly saturated soil, s voids are filled completely with water. Figure (b) If we take a dry soil mass, the voids e filled with air only. (©) The following data on consistency limits are available for two soils A and B : Soil A | SoilB Plastic Limit 16% |19% Liquid Limit 30% |52% Flow Index 11 6 ‘Natural Water content | 32% Find which soil is (@ More plastic |i) Better foundation material remoulding. (ii) Better shear strength as a function of water content. (iv) Better shear strength at plastic limit, Classification of soil as per ISCS. Do these soils have organic matter ? Ans. (i Plasticity index, I, for soil A= 30 — 16 = 24 Plasticity index, I, for soil B = 52 — 19 = 33 Since Plasticisy index of soil 'B' is greater than that of soil 'A', So soil 'B' is more plastic. (ii) Consistency Index, I, for soil A _ W.-W _ 30-32 40% A =-0.08 ly 4 Consistency Index, I, for soil B B 40-52 _ 9.387 31 p Hence it will turn into slurry when remoulded. Hence soil 'A' is not suitable for foundations. However soil 'B’ will be suitable. ) Hence consistency Index of soil 'A’ is negative. Flow Index, |, for soil 'B' = 6 Since the I of 'B' is lesser than that of soil ‘A’, soil has better shear strength as a function of water content, 'B (iv) Toughness index, I, of soil 'A’ = Iyl,= 24/11 = 2.18 Toughness index, I of soil =55 Since the L, of 'B' is greater than that of ‘A’, soil 'B' has greater shear strength of plastic limit. Classification of Soil as per ISCS : ‘When I, and W, are marked on the plasticity chart, soils 'A' and 'B' fall in the zones of CL and CH respectively. Thus soil 'A’ is inorganic clay for low plasticity while soil 'B' is inorganic clay of high plasticity. Hence these soils don't have organic matter. 6.(a) What is meant by consistency index of clayey soil ? Ans. Consistency index is defined as the natural moisture content of the soil in excess of FL expressed as a percentage of PL. (b) Explain quick sand condition with neat diagram. State the Darcy's law and limitation of the Darcy's law. ‘Ans. Quick Sand or Quick Condition : In the case of upward flow of water through a soil mass, the seepage pressure acts in the upard direction causing reduction in effective stress. In the case of submerged soil mass, the upward seepage pressure may become equal to downward pressure due to submerged weight of soil, at a certain level. When this happens in the case of a cohesionless soil, the soil at that level looses all its shear strength as the effective stress becomes zero. +,=¢+6' tan@=0+0(tang)=0. Because of this the soil particles have the tendency to be carried away by flowing water. This phenomen of lifting of soil particles by flowing water is called quick sand or quick condition (or boiling condition). It should be noted that quick sand is not a type of sand but is another name for quick condition. Thus quick condition occurs when i2%y Therefore, we can write i, 2y,, = 72- ie, i -Y2-1 GS-1 GZ, Ite where, i, denotes critical hydraulic gradient. The critical hydraulic gradient is the hydraulic graduent at which quick condition occurs. In equation (i if we put G = 2.67 and e = 0.67, i, will become unity. For most cohesionless soil deposits i, will be less than unity. An experime ntal set-up to demonstrate quick Condition is illustrated in figure below, in which water flows through soil mass of thickness Z, under hydraulic head h. This head is adjustable by moving the supply tank up or down. From = supply To waste Fig : Schematic diagram of experimental setup to demonstrate quick condition, The head h is gradually increased until the quick condition is noticed in the soil. At this condition, the upward force at the bottom of the soil mass becomes equal to the downward force due to saturated soil above that level. If A is the area of cross-section of soil sample, we have (h+ 2) 1 A= You ZA hy, =Z (Yue tw) =27! The velocity of flow, v required to maintain the critical hydraulic gradient, i, is directly proportional to co-efficient of permeability, k (v= ki). It is due to this reason that quick sand commonly occurs in the case of fine sands for which co-efficient of permeability is low. For quick snd phenomenon to occur in the case of cohesionless soil with greater value of permeability, velocity of flow will have to be much higher. Darcy's Law : It states that there is a linea relationship between flow velocity and hydrauji gradient for any given saturated soil under steady lamin, flow conditions. Limitations : i. Darcy’s Law valid for lamina flow. ii, For sand, silt and clay Darcy’s Law valids i the Raynold’s number is equal to or less then unity, iii, Darcy's law valids, if the effective size (D, of soil does not exceed 3 mm. (©) Define Compressibility. What are the different types of compressibility ? Explain standard proctor test. Ans. Compressibility : Whan a soil mass is subjected to a compressive force, its volume decreases, The property of the soil due to which a decrease in volume occurs under compressive force is known as compressibility of soil. For compaction of any particular soil in the field, the engineer can vary water content, amount of compaction and type of compaction. In 1993 proctor showed that there existed a definite relationship between the soil water content and degree of dry density to which a soil might be compacted and that for a specific amount of compaction energy applied on the soil there was a water content termed as optimum water content at which a particular soil attained maximum density. The compaction characteristics are frist determined in the laboratory by various compaction tests. These tests are based on any one of the following methods or types of compaction dynamic or impact kneading, static and vibration. Some of the usual compaction tests used in the laboratory to determine water density relationships of soils are Standard and modified proctor tests, Harvard Miniature compaction test, Abbot compaction test, and Jodhpur mini compactor test. The main aim of these tests 's to arrive at a standard which may serves as a guide and a basis of comparison for field compaction. 7.(a) Define : @® Submerge density. Ans. When the soil exists below water, it is in@ submerge condition, The submerge mass density (p') of the soil is defined as the submerged mass per unit tot volume. (i) Shrinkage Ratio, 1, Ans. It is equal to the mass specific gravity of soil in its dry state. (b) (i Flow net ‘Ans. A flow field formed between two adjacent flow lines and equipotential lines is called flow net. Properties of Flownet : (i) Too many flow channels distract the attention from the essential features. Normally, there to five flow channels are sufficient. The space between two flow lines is called a flow channel. (ii) The appearance of the entire flow net should be watched and not that of a part of it small details can be adjusted after the entire flow net has been roughly drawn. (iii) The curves should be roughly elliptical or parabolic in shape. ) (jv) All transitions should be smooth. (v) The flow lines and equipotential lines should be ‘orthogonal and form approximate squares. (vi) The size of the square in a flow channel should change gradually from the upstream to the downstream. (ii) Mohr's Coulomb Theory. ‘Ans. Mohr-Coulomb Failure Theory : Of the many theories of failure that have been proposed, only that formulated by Mohr (1900) has been useful in case of soils. The following are essential points of Mohr’s strength theory (®) Material fails essential by shear. The critical shear stress causing failure depends upon the properties of the material as well as on normal stress on the failure plane. (ii) The ultimate strength of the material is determined by the stress on the potential failure plane (or plane of shear). (iii) When the material is subjected to three dimensional principal stress (i.e., Gy,» 9,) the intermediate principal stress does not have any influence on the strength of material. In other words, the failure criterion is independent of the intermediate principal stress. The theory was first expressed by Coulomb (1776) nd later generalisation theory can be expressed Igebrically by the equation. t,= S = ..... where t, = S = shear stress on failure plane, at failkure = shear resistance. F (©) = function of normal stress. If the normal and shear stress corresponding to failure are... is obtained. The plot or the curve is called the strength envelope. C function F (c) as a linear function of s and gave the following : s=c+otang. Wf ‘A cube of dried clay having sides 4 em long has a mass of 110 g, The same cube of soil when saturated at unchanged volume has mass of 135 g. Draw the soil clement showing the volumes and weight of the constituents and determine the specific gravity of the soil solids and the void ratio. Ans. Given data : Cube size, $= 4cm Dried mass, m, = 110 gm Saturated mass, m, = 135 gm To determine : (a) Specific gravity, G, (b) Void Ratio, e=? Calculations : Ls | Jef itt IL |i iL | ‘Saturated Dried From given data, ‘mass of solids, m, = 110 gm ‘mass of water, m, = (135 — 110) = 25 gm, Total volume, V = 4° = 64 cm? Volume of water, Mass of water _ 25 7 = BSS OF WEE = = 25 om Density of water 1 Volume of solids, V, = (64 — 25) = 39 cm* Now we know that Void Ratio, Volume of voids(V,) Volume of Solids(V,) =23 _o.641, (Ans) 39 Specific gravity (G,) __ Weight of solids (W,) Volume of solids(V,)xp,, 110 =—— =2.82. so 282. (Ans) IG, =2.82] Hi one le = 0.641 (Ans) [Sub Code : CET - 402] Full Marks : 70 Time : 3 Hours Answer any five questions. The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks. 1.(a) What do yournean by Geotech Engineering ?[2 (b) Derive the relationship between ‘e’ and ‘w’ (void ratio and water content) with phase diagram. [5 (©) A soil specimen has a water content of 15% and wet unit weight of 25 kN/m’, Ifthe specific gravity is 2.95, determine the dry unit weight, void ratio and the degree of saturation. Take y, = 10 KN/m’. 0 2. (a) Define co-efficient of curvature. R (6) How the soil are classified and explain briefly the particle size distribution of soil. 3.(a) Define Specific gravity. (b) What is flow net ? Write the properties of flow net. [5 (©) What are the Atterberg’s limits and explain the tests being carried out for the limits ? iu 4,(a) What is Cassion and Pier in foundation? (2 (b) Explain quick sand condition with neat sketch.[5 (c) Write the difference between compaction and consolidation. a 5.(a) Define net safe bearing capacity. 2 (b) Explain falling head permeability test with sketch. . (5 (©) A footing 2 m square is laid at a depth of 1.3 m below the ground surface. Determine the net ultimate bearing capacity using IS code method. Take y = N/m’, $ = 30° and C’ = 0, N, = 30.15, N, = 18.60 and N 12.4, S, = 1.2, s, 1.6, = 0.90. 0 6.(a) What is the concept of shear strength? [2 (6) Explain Mohr-Coulomb failure theory. [5 (©) Explain direct shear test with neat sketch. [7 7. (a) What is passive earth pressure ? R (b) What will be the bulk unit weight of the soil in (@) if it is compacted to the same void ratio but has a degree of saturation of 90% ? is (© Write short notes on any two + v (i) Terzaghi’s assumption for consolidation equation. (ii) Spring analogy for consolidation. (iii) Hydrometer analysis. ANSWERS TO 2016(S) ‘What do you mean by Geotech Engineering ? Ans. Geotech engineering refers in total all engineering problems irivolving soil and/or rock as foundation material and construction material. It involves the application of principles of soil mechanics, rock mechanica and engineering geology to engineering problepns involving soils and rocks. "pM Derive the relationship between ‘e’ and ‘w’ (void ratio and water content) with phase diagram. Ans. Relation between e, G w and s For saturated soil, s = 1 and w = w, WaG) re A soil specimen has a water content of 15% and wet unit weight of 25 KN/m’. If the specific gravity is 2.95, determine the dry unit weight, void ratio and the degree of saturation. Take Yq = 10 KN/m®, ‘Ans. Given data, ).15, 7, = 10 kN, G=2.9, y= 25 kN/m* Dry unit weight y __ 25 at = 21.74KN /m? (1) = To "Te05 mm’ (Ans) Gy Also The 91.74 = 295x10 Ite or = void ratio = 0.357. (Ans) Also es, = @G or S, = Degree of saturation _@G _ 0.15x2.95 “"e 0.357 ) Define co-efficient of curvature. y ‘Ans, The generat! shape of the particle size {tribution curve is described by another co-efficient Anown as the co-efficicient of curvature (C,). 2 (Do) Do*Dyy where, D,, is the particle size corresponding to 30% finer. For a well graded soil, the value of the co-efficient of curvature lies between | and 3. (b) How the soil are classified and explain briefly the particle size distribution of soil. Ans. Soil classification is the arrangement of soils into different groups such that the soils in a particle group have similar behaviour. Particle Size Classification : ‘The size of individual particles has an important influence onthe behaviour of soils. To classify the soils into four broad groups, namely gravel, sand, silt size and clay size. Any system of classification based only ‘one particle size may be misleading for fire-grained soils. ‘The behaviour of such soils depends on the plasicity chracteristics and not in the particle size. (1) MIT System : MIT system of classification, of soils was developed by Prof. G. Gilboy. In this system, the soil is divided into four groups : x100 = 123.95%.(Ans) C, GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING } (Gravel, particle size greater than 2 mm. (ii) Sand, particle size between 0.06 mm to 2.0 mm. (iii) Silt size, particle size between 0.002 mm to 0.06 mm, (iv) Clay size, particle size smaller than 0.002 min. Boundaries between different types of soils correspond to limits when important changes occur in the soil properties. The particles less than 2p size are generally colloidal fraction and bahave as clay. The soils with particle size smaller than 2j. are classified as clay size. The soils with particle size smaller than 0.66 mm but larger than 2 are classified as silt-size. The soils in sand and silt-size range are further sub-divided into three categories, named - coarse (C), medium (M) and fine (F). (2) International Classification System : The International Classification System was proposed for general use at the International soils congress. This classification system was - Clay |_silt(size) | _ sand Gize)|F | mM[c]Frlm ]c 0.000006 00 0-07 08207 Gravel Qu Ls F = Fine, C = coarse, M = Legent medium. (a) MIT System vima sik Sant awl ele trl. © | Flere femver 38 Tie TP orostr dau Bn om a "10mm VC = Very course (b) International Classification System : Clay | Silt Sand Fine |oeavel Gize)|(size)| | fing Medium| Coarse _| Gravel] Y° 0005 0.05 0.10025 0.5 1020 (©) U.S. Bureau of Soils Classification = (3) U.S. Bureau of Soils Classification : This is one of the earliest classification systems developed in 1895. In this system, the soils below the size 0.005 mm are classified as clay size in contract to 0.002 mm size in other systems. The soils between 0.0005 mm and 0.05 mm size are classified as list size. ‘SAMPLE PAPERS) Sandy soils between the size 0.05 mm and 1.0 mm are sub-divided into four categories as very fine, time, medium and coarse sand, fine gravels are in the size range of 1.0 to 2.0 mm. Describe textural classification of soil with a neat sketch. Ans. To convey an idea of textural make up of soils and to give an indication of their physical properties, soils textural class names are used. These are grouped into three main fractions. eg., sand, silt and clay. — Soils are classified into various textural classes likes sand, clays, silt loans etc. Sands : The sand group includes all soils in which the sand separates make up at least 70% and the clay separate 15 % or less of the material by weight. Silt :The silt group includes soils with at least 80% silt and 12% or less clay. Natural the properties of this group are dominated by those of silt. Clays : To be designated clay a soil must contain at least 35 % of the clay separate and in most cases not less than 40 %. Loans : The loan group, which contains many sub- divisions, is a more complicated soil textural class. An ideal loan may be defined as a mixture ‘of sand, silt and day particles that exhibits the properties of those separates in about equal proportions. 3<(af Define Specific gravity. Ans, Specific gravity of soil particles is defined as the ratio of the weight of a given volume of soil partiles to the weight of an equivalent volume of pure water at a stated temperature. It also can be defined as the ratio of unit weight of soil particles to the unit weight of pure water at a stated,temperature, ‘What is flow net ? Write the properties of flow net. ‘Ans. A flow field formed between two adjacent flow lines and equipotential lines is called flow net. Properties of Flownet : (@ Too many flow channels distract the attention from the essential features. Normally, there to five flow channels are sufficient. The space between two flow lines is called a flow channel. (ii) The appearance of the entire flow net should be watched and not that of a part of it small details can be adjusted after the entire flow net has been, roughly drawn. (iii) The curves should be roughly elliptical or parabolic in shape. (iv) All transitions should be smooth. (v) The flow lines and equipotential lines should be orthogonal and form approximate squares. (vi) The size of the square in a flow channel should change gradually from the upstream to the downstream. (©) What are the Atterberg’s limits and explain the tests being carried out for the limits ? ‘Ans, Determination of Liquid Limit : The liquid limit is determined in the laboratory using the standard liquid limit apparatus designed by A. Casagrande. The apparatus consists of a brass cup, which can be raised and lowered to fall on a micarta base of specified hardness by means of a cam operated by a handle. The height of fall of the cup can be adjusted with the help of, adjusting screws. To cut standrd groove in the soil pat taken in the cup of the liquid limit apparatus, a grooving tool is used. There are two types of grooving tool : (i) Casagrande (BS) tool and (ii) ASTM Tool. The Casagrande tool should be preferred as it provides control over depth of groove. The size of groove will be 2 mm wide at the bottom, 11.0 mm wide at the top and 8 mm in depth. The ASTM tool cuts a groove 2 mm wide at the bottom 13.6 mm at the top and 10 mm in depth. In the case of sandy soils, ASTM tool is to be used instead of Casagrande tool as the latter has the tendency to tear the sides of the groove. About 100 gm of the soil sample passing through 425 micron IS sieve is taken in a porcelain dish. Some quantity of distilled water is added to it and throughly mixe to form a soil paste of uniform colour. The height of fall of cup of the liquid limit device is adjusted to be 1 em. A portion of the soil paste in the porcelain dish is placed in the cup of liquid limit device and levelled by means of a spatula. Using standard grooving tool @ ‘groove is cut in the soil pat formed in the cup. The cup is given blows by manual operation of handle or by electrically operated motorized system, the rotation of handle being at the rate of 2 revolutions per second. ‘The number of blows required to close the groove fr a distance of 13 mm is noted down. Some quantity of soil at the place where the groove has closed is taken for water content determination. The above steps are repeated to get atleast 4 concurrent sets of number of blows and water content. It is convenient to increase the water content in successive steps and obtain blow counts neat about 40, 30, 20 and 19. The water content values are plotted as ordinate on natural scale against number of blows as abscissa on logarithmic scale to obtain a best fitting straight line, which is referred to as flow curve. From this plot the squid limit is obtained as water content corresponding 25 blows, as shown in figure below. hme Determination of Plastic Limit : About 30 gms of soil sample passing through 425 micron IS sieve is taken and some quantity of distilled water is added and throughly mixed to form soil paste which can be rolled into a ball between palms of hands. A small portion of the ball is then rolled on a smooth plate into a thread of 3 mm diameter, and the thread is looked for signs of cracking. If no cracks are seen, the thread is picked up and again rolled into a ball between ms, to reduce water content. The ball is then rolled smooth plate into a thread of 3 mm diameter. The steps are repeated until a 3mm diameter thread first shows signs of cracking. A portion of the thread is taken for water content determination which gives the plastic limit. Determination of Shrinkage Limit : Derivation of expression : To derive expression for shrinkage limit we consider the two-phase diagrams shown in figure below, which corrspond to the three states of coil pat during the experimental procedure. T WV Le - iy) . Yj aa) WA (avetp Saipan) Fig. Shrinkage limit determination Shrinkage limit, wy, = Mass of water in fig.(b) +" Mass of soil solids Mass of water in figure (b) = Mass of water in figure (a) minus loss in mass of water water from figure (a) to figue (b) = (M, ~M,)~ (V,- V2) ty where V, ow M,)= (VY, -V) te ‘As is clear from figures (a) and (c), in the above expresion for w, M, = Mass of we soil pat. folume of dy soil pat. 4.(a) What is Cassion and Pier in foundation ? ‘Ans, Cassion is a water light retaining structure used to work on the foundations of a bridge pier for the construction of a concrete dam or for the repair f ships. ‘A pier foundation consists of a cylndrical colmn of large diameter to support and transfer large superimposed loads to the firm strata below. voy Explain quick sand condition with neat sketch. ‘Ans, Quick Sand or Quick Condition : In the case of upward flow of water through a soil mass, the seepage pressure acts in the upard direction causing reduction in effective stress. In the case of submerged soil mass, the upward seepage pressure may become equal to downward pressure due to submerged weight of soil, at a certain level. When this happens in the case of a cohesionless soil, the soil at that level looses all its shear strength as the effective stress becomes zero. 1,=¢+6' tanO=0+0 (tang) =0. Because of this the soil particles have the tendency to be carried away by flowing water. This phenomen of lifting of soil particles by flowing water is called quick sand or quick condition (or boiling condition). It should be noted that quick sand is not a type of sand but is another name for quick condition, Thus quick condition occurs when o'=yz-p,=0 or p.=yz Also p,=i27,. ‘Therefore, we can write i, zy, = 7'z. ve_y¥ _G-l WZ wy He where, i, denotes critical hydraulic gradient. The critical hydraulic gradient is the hydraulic graduent at which quick condition occurs. In equation (i) if we put G = 2.67 and e = 0.67, i, will become unity. For most cohesionless soil deposits i, will be less than unity. An experime ntal set-up to demonstrate quick condition is illustrated in figure below, in which water flows through soil mass of thickness Z, under hydraulic head h. This head is adjustable by moving the supply tank up or down. From supply To waste on Fig : Schematic diagram of experimental setup to demonstrate quick condition. The head h is gradually increased until the quick condition is noticed in the soil. At this condition, the upward force at the bottom of the soil mass becomes equal to the downward force due to saturated soil above that level. If A is the area of cross-section of soil sample, we have (hz) yA =YuaZA hy, =Z(Ya -Yw) =2Z7" y_G-1 y, Ite ‘The velocity of flow, v required to maintain the critical hydraulic gradient, i, is directly proportional to co-efficient of permeability, k (v = ki,). It is due to this reason that quick sand commonly occurs in the case of fine sands for which co-efficient of permeability is low. For quick snd phenomenon to occur in the case of cohesionless soil with greater value of permeability, velocity of flow will have to be much higher. (©) Write the difference between compaction and consolidation. Ans. Compaction is a mechanical process by which soil particles in a soil mass are rearranged and packed together in order to decrease the voids in the soil and hence increase the dry density. By Compaction mainly air voids are expelled out of the soil mass. Compaction is a dynamic process of short duration. The degree of Compaction is measured in terms of its dry density. This is because the weight of the soilds remain constant during Compaction through the volume changes. Compactions depends upon the quantity of water added to the soil under compaction. Compaction is an antificial process of volume reduction. Consolidation is a gradual process of volume eduction under sustained loading. The process involves expulsion of both air and water voids. In case od saturated soil, the decrease in volume is due to expulsion of pore water only. Consolidation depends upon the permeability of soil. This is an important factor in consolidation of clays. Consolidation is a natural process of volume reduction leading to the failure of structure over the soil mass. Ja) Define net safe bearing capacity. Ans. The net safe bearing capacity is the net ultimate bearing capacity divided by the dsired factor of safely F. ie., Vs GEOTECHNICAL EN () Explain falling head permeability test with sketch. ‘Ans, Permeabiity is a measure of the ease in which water can flow through a soil volume. It controls the strength and deformation behaviour of soil. Procedure : — Compact the sample in the lower chamber section of the permeater, in layers approximately 1.5 em deep, to within about 2 cm of the lower chamber mm. Use an appropriate tamping device to compact the sample to the desired density. h, hy outflow — Remove the upper section of the chamber tie rods and place the upper porous store on the specimen, ) securing the upper section of the chamber with spring to the unit. — Measure and record the length of the specimen. — Use the clamp to attach the falling head burretle to the support rod. Position the burete, so the height of water in the burette above the chamber outflow port may be read. ~ Saturate the specimen, following the steps outlined above. — Measure the heights of two levels from the outflow level. aL, h, ~ Mathematically, K =—In—* HAL, where, K — Co-efficient of permeability. a— Area of the burettle. L — Length of soil column. A~ Area of the soil column. h, — Initial height of water. h, — Final height of water. f - Time required to get head drop of Ah. (c) A footing 2 m square is laid at a depth of 1.3 m below the ground surface. Determine the net ultimate bearing capacity using IS code method. Take y= kN/m', 6’ = 30° and C’= 0, N, 0.15, N, = 18.60 and N, = 22.4, S, = 1.2, 8, 1.6, 8, =0.90. Ans, Data Insufficient. 6.(a) What is the concept of shear strength ? Ans, The shear strength of a soil is its maximum resistance to shear stresses just before the failure. The shear stresses develop when the soil is subjected to direct compression. Although shear stresses may also develop when the soil is subjected to direct tension, but these shear stresses are not relevant, as the soil in this case fails in tension and does not fail in shear. (b) Explain Mohr-Coulomb failure theory. Ans. Mohr-Coulomb Failure Theory : Of the many theories of failure that have been proposed, only that formulated by Mohr (1900) has been useful in case of soils. The following are essential points of Mobr’s strength theory (®) Material fails essential by shear. The critical shear stress causing failure depends upon the properties of the material as well as on normal stress on the failure plane. (ii) The ultimate strength of the material is determined by the stress on the potential failure plane (or plane of shear), (iii) When the material is subjected to three dimensional principal stress (i.¢., 0,, 0) 6) the intermediate principal stress does not have any influence on the strength of material. In other words, the failure criterion is independent of the intermediate principal stress. The theory was first expressed by Coulomb (1776) and later generalisation theory can be expressed algebrically by the equation, 1,= $= where t, = S = shear stress on failure plane, at failkure = shear resistance, F (c) = function of normal stress. If the normal and shear stress corresponding to failure are... is obtained. The plot or the curve is called the strength envelope. C function F (o) as linear function of s and gave the following : s=c+otand. (©) Explain direct shear test ‘Ans. The direct shear test appeartus consists of (i) Shear box of square of circular section (ii) Loading yoke for applying normal force (iii) geared jack for applying shear force (v) strain gauges to measure horizontal displacement and vertical displacement for volume change. The shear box consists of two valves which can slide relative to each other. The lower half is rigidly held in position with the bottom of the shear box container, which slides on rollers when pushed by a ageared jack provided to apply shear force. The geared Jack may be driver either by electric motor or by hand. The upper half of the box is butt against. The solid sample is placed and compacted in the shear box. The sample is held in position between a pair of metal grids and prous stores. The grid plates with linear slots are placed above the top and below the bottom of the specimen to have per grips. The soil specimen in compacted in shear box, by clamping both parts together with the help of screws which are removed before shear force is applied. The direct shear test may be of two types - strain controlled or stress controlled shear box. Working Principle — In strain controlled shear test normal load N is applied on the specimen by means of loadiing yoke and is kept constant throughout the test. The shearing strain is increased by pushing lower box through geared jack. The movement of lower part of th ebox is transmitted through the speciment to the upper part of the box. The proving ring attached to the upper part reads the shear force F at failure, A number of tests are conducted on identical specimens coith increased normal loads and corresponding shearing. @ 1. Soil specimen 2. Metal grids 3. Porous stores 4. Loading pad 5. Upper part 6. Lower part 7. Screws 8. Container for shear box 9. U-arm 10. Steel ball 11. Loading yoke 12. Roller 13. Shear force applied by joke 14. Shear resistance measured by provingring force at failure are refcorded. A graph is plot between the normal load N as abscissa and shear for F as ordinate. The plot so obtained is known as fail enevelope. The scales of both N and F are kept equal measure the angle of shearing resistance (6) directly fic the plot. a ‘ bu (Plot between o and t) ‘What is passive earth pressure ? Ans. Passive earth pressure is the maximum valu: of lateral earth pressure exerted by soil on a structure occuring when the soil is compressed sufficiently to cause its internal shearing resistance along a potential failure surface to be completely mobilized. ‘What will be the bulk unit weight of the soil in (a) if itis compacted to the same void ratio but has a degree of saturation of 90% ? Ans. Data Insufficient, (© Write short notes on any two : @ Terzaghi’s assumption for consolidation equation.

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