Controller Design

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CONTROLLER DESTEN. a ESEN: ea 5 SONTROLLER. ACTIONS. See i) ae 2) oC YO on ppt aap nee ce) Ra- 1. Sel) = Compensation on Cae 4, ConSiotun on me har te be epigua & ieprove Ee pecforumce OF Fe plot TE app, Qe) w Aaoignadt Such theft the overall ef doop TE CEre) Sch ofles carta quer He /f) cla perfornouce enclenia: + - State ors cvershent Mp 3 cesthig Che Gee BWy Nise- tine tej Ons Oe, tp ete, Sowotinas , Comprout oe ov trekeofp has thermal, Kadiatitn ete) 5 eek se bt! the Contictlen 5 Fercibility Oe shaugihe “the oe Cortixk acthbvo ete. mies Rg 4 shins Series on caseade Compansachin., Ry se Readforniand& Conpaueahin. Rye 6 5 iMlatiate seve en onipnetin With Coteetter Compeucasin « Showe the Most Conmaty Used Syott cfr wi wit the cetiettr plead tr sens preeins Ute cofpurabion di eae ap Sorwes cade. TOR 2, the cobottn ploced ieee Peas mck pe Be actame 6B gotta back Con— 2-3 3B Shower the seneno— ache oo eae Q seuss cacteolin ar rea er aoe Corfiiellan ane toad. fy 3 &RGS Shaw the go-catled feedforward eH an epee tl eater i Ste OD “6 plod (W Keuts Witt the Posed-luch systiin 2 Which has a coBetian Ml) = ke Tk bey acme Ie. the chor ule) vs Pproporhonrck ts the note of change Of error ele) Ne may go MA for Combinatinns oF Some on att af these ach 'an. PROPORTIONAL PLUS INTEGRAL ACTron — Cex CONTROLLER] Sy = bo + =P Ub)= Chet © Tey «C= Ck + ke (tt Jew = kl1+ = fat] eto = Klee + E fete ae] Dw this cases the Cotiel ach G propachinal ts bott the exnote & te the Rte gnod te ono. a5 PROPORTLONAL PLUS DERTVATINE ACTION. [ PD Corrtisttor| z = Kpt+ hs => pO Kpek) Caron ul) = pei + % SE ut)= Lele) + 2: ett) ] ----- ME) proportional ts bot the eon anc the neke of Chage of error. NOGER) = alivc inttegnel aud Lenivatve achius hove Sore Unclysthoble chonackirGhes wha Wand ale. So, We tue thee fr Combinathi~ with the Preporhirol achnr PRoPORTIoN AL PLUS DNTESRAL PLUS DERI vATOVE ACTION. PID CONTRELLER OR THREE-TERM CONTROLLER. Ur) Kr ey = Kp w+ Ks = Ye) = C Kp + 4+ kr Jer) =P ul = Kel) + Ke fetter + KEW) ------ This vs the Three-thun coctistion on PID eodirlin sth utich the ach fs preporchool te the orion, Hs be trignal, and te nate of change. Witn tre Molt phe achion sordtiotln , te nee. of Cact effect ( preporhinal, ttegnol, euvah've) om tthe total achm ctopends on the relatimstipe Cvalues of) betwen the prsporhan ality. contents C Ka, Kp ant by), Se, te Cotietln lesin~ problr reduces te Kearctug fon the best values of Kes ke &K, Such thet ct) on YO) Aotis flex the heaign enteua 5 ts. fulfill the Tver Bp fieahinn, cree are SUMM AR OF CONTROLLER ACTIONS. These three basic Ceonrtiniter acho, P, Pid, each hove both and tUnckesirobte ChareRirurt'er « ane: @) PRoPor tron At CR) AcTION . ue whieh The achm ww proporhmol ts te evwh- The ach meer A is Simple, Stable and Aiwmct, but Causes Off-Aak le. Ateadg- state ewe - (B) INTESR AL CT) ActTION IK urtasr the note of Change of achn & reporhsrol t the evrm- Ttegret acho i en but Baw acho tkat Too ponuat puatring oa Ire Aysteu reopmse , abat tre Steady-state ©) DERIVATIVE (D) Aet2on, WK whic th acho te preporh'onal ts the note of sthorpe of te eur. Derivative achon gies a hazel roopinse ts Beuct v2 jrseuschve ts Blowly Phawgi hg 200 and hence allows Ruft. NOTE: Beceuse of thar Urfoverebtee charoctsubhts, Whe gral (FE) and doulahve (3) achins we ner Urd alma. So we ge for combihahins of the above thnee basic cuactectln ach’nr. [a Ca) PRoportrenat. Prus LWNTEGRAL CP+2z) aching in whic the Preporh ined Componsut Provictes the Aductuer, and stability » utile the itagrot Componoute eLihnetin offpet The achhnr Mazpbe Komashot- PB MAT y . ) PRoPoR tRNA. PLUS DERIVATEVE CP+D) aching WK whieh the preporhmol achow provictes the Stet chy and eliminate, Puft; while te ctourehve Cohn provides the surge of achin necayary te couctin repictly sthenge Lintcbances ts tre syn bang codioted . This acho sie Souces of fret, (f) PRoPORTPeNAL PLUs TNTE RR AL PLUS DERSVAT EVE CPID) acho, Which provides the Stabile ta prroporhornnk actin, eLinhete, offode uct te Note grok OAM 5 and provictes Ropih achhr unth te Avuyohbe acho~, Which also proviotes fhe hece. te eka amen.» cd=8 REALIZATION OF ComPENSATORG. SSSR EE OE COMPENSATOR. We have seen that Companratons on Cortie tiers cow be Assigned te lmprove the transient Reapmse av Steady-state exnon in Facs. We Leave Ruuved TF CF Compensation, used UL coococte Witt the plow on UW the FR et. These Corpencotins ena BePlet by thea Pole gece | cof guna tis on TR. Thay were PE, PD, on PSD Cartrottns on passive leg, Lead on Aag-Read Com pars actors - We now AYycur how te Tuploment thee achbe Coctirltn, ond the passive D INTEGRATION PARA R g Shs — [ ]--@ aejrc @) Ditcerentrarcon : 2hb)= ¢ ; Gela) = Rea. - --- (9) ams R G) Pr conteotrer: Zi) = Rothe { 0- g, Lora ee , . 2.60) = owe a Ro « (8) Pd Contreccer Ale) = ae Gl= Ric [++ | ----W) Ro rh) = —wwe—e (G) PID conTRoLreg + de 4 n Ale) = & Rica, “Ler GeW)= - faa. Rigat —F Zhe) = ow e—e ----w Ry Sn ]) Lag ComPENSAT DON. ae eh aie - 2 Cae gal * Lat ae] eae fit whe Re, PRC, tay Re @ Lear compensarten ! ab) = ipl [a+ze | . = 7 Ri QO — =z Lets Ric, co ule) = eh Dhow Ry > &cr. 2 oo == (Ley Cd-lo (QD Lng-Leas CoMpensATOR (WITH oPane: reg rt Vo (4) Lag Comporoatin Least Commpowacctin Rice DRicy &%c, PRG: Aa? = PASSSVE CiRcorT REAL TZATION. PE ATION, Lag, Lead and ag drach Compenaations tow olov be iwplirented Wit “passive networke « ©) LAG Compennaton. : Ry ty * ‘ee) fee fel ee] Vele) SF wey oe ra! Ct al ue —— R, ) " Nolo) 4+ Re + + — = Vee) — ie wy © 9s ay “FO b+ ast agl ey GI LAC-LEAD Compenacton » R, + as cy R re wl (4) . i pale 7 eee Velo) Carag, 1 [4+ w2,4 te 5) oe = vee) ee [tat ena ae BRL Tr com be put in the fount DED sta ath 4) = —————.~ Gere We Terme with T for~ the Lend Conpenaeton . Terug ott Tr fowr te jog Compowcaton. Cay cbove Shans ai hastrichbr Ih usig the passive. pealizehin. We seethat the rats of tre Aen Com pomoc kin to tre Aenct Compensacton pefe must be the cee at “tee nado ofthe Jag Campewaston bote the hog Compon satin Zoro. we eae onl on prowicrcly sheer or wit passive netuorke by Fapcarkalg the Land ant Jog networks as shasn nw Ry 44 edz tre TSaLATLON a4 44. ; SAAT Log leek compensator implamentiot With cagcadlect hog & Lead nefuorts with (ob. EXAMPLE — Linplrment the following PS Coctrettar Qe) = A+ seaat 2436, -----. UD @ cy ay —_ Rg Io Nelo) Volo) Nolo) +2 @ Bs.) ae EO" 1) +hea+ —E ° -@) _ &(2e) » Wwe cbtaw Bre sees Bopahoe ih 4 antcunrns. Sekeat Co= IEF. Roe 4 We cet _ i R= 3B97-6Sk2 &— 398k2_ aa canes Rg eso kt & FORM &e SSIEF, KS6uUr eK ss Ric, cre EXAMPLE: Realize tre Sitowrng Leak Compewacton + = _4tt oe Sele) = Shoes Gu t ra + + Re a 5 volt) Ge@) = Gey Cc No = ard tte RL Conporang (4), 22D) we ze: see + => crows ti+ te = 2.09 => Kea 0622 Rea ca Chade C= LaF Cprachtal velre of available R = asok@ Cofestier.). R= 6n2kn. PRACTICAL REALTZATION OF Pd _contesLier ui)= Fp el) + Ky ae), fi] B g e pl? > 6.0) = et hes fle? St ~ ea) ; One tealizahion Aa Ig be i Be) 2 8 hy™ Et B44 --- Oa & R & Compere (237,24) + + Gi = 5 KR, ' gyi, The acvartage of the crkceut Wh RY Is. 6 that eles Sate one ured. However, the crrert Leer not aan Independent jcelechim of Ke Ly 5 becoanee M4 au beth om RR. De ite Volue of kp & Aorgey a ape eldor Cj uinnlot be negurned abe yt Grottor Possible neakzahorsfa PD cartiatter to » File Op-omp slrout Reakzohbn of the BD Podhbtlor The Tromsfer finch of te chet bk AY le 6 Thos cehewst altos Ep i Xp te be indaperctontig Cortietiod . A K fan be Compeunatad by oe ica Oe F Rp 9 thus renting the These prochcal Iscuss thvekved Ik codttetlan trowafer Gunchin faplementadn are of Utmoot (mpottince tw prachce. TONIN 6 OF PID CONTROLLERS eh) qo i el ean Ry. Lf the syotin meheh G net knowns ore gan hatin mine : cthe Values sf Ke, Kp +g, by “tral ant evan". Thus b enti! “Pamitg” the coctintlor - ZIEGLER = NICHOLS TONENG- Referance! TG. Regn A Briehet,” Ophinum sethhys for (ees. Sotiettors " Trosrc: ASME, WR: 66, 1942.5 pp. 159-768 Biegler EN chels hare proposed anapprercn for ech' The ponewettins of the Coctictler based ow Simple tes Wet Com be performed uct the preecost tebe conftlad. From RY 19; we have We)= lit 4 + Ge) Em) ce + on ult) = Kp Lele) +h) feat “ Bi eo] ° so 09 @ Step response m, STEER RESPouse meTHoD. Response tS weed Uses tke, ee oe ae reotonse of the syrttn te ound Step lnpact 5 wit -tre open. ‘The =k SMP RS me tyke MeAponee of sae + fag 9% Shaw nhs 18 Fig © Typical Open towp owe, s- Shaped en eels proud: ep=g Frum Aly 185 the “Reachin Time” Ro aud tre Awe jog Ly ae eptwotid. The following. TE chesomphor anon be Wuttenfprm RY te: -LA to) ule) | Ke +—> atl The Valuer of the Voucis porometinn wi Eryn (26) ane queen LL the following Table fon three possible types Ch Canticle, : PC proportinal only); PL Cemeporctinal Ounrk tegnak ’) an Pld ( preporh'eral, hte gnot anc Rerivahve >. CONTROLLER TYPE } Kp ies Ts S P URL) Pr 0:9/( Rv) BL | PID | +2/cre 2G ele est The porowmatire of the codiettn LUntat above natu feod to a systim thet has mtanc aut pats isch. camping ratio of abet 02. ]epet CE) staprerty com2T METHOD. TL tus core, the A aR Lestid With preepoich nok Cote’ enty and te Incnsaded Until the syAim gut yo bts corticume osettahme let tnd value of tre gah be donted by Ku [ wlhnate gud] anh tre perutd of ssecllahin by Fi. Then the Vorins parauwctis Un Gyn Ze) are Selected ari the fe Woucing Tete + Ww TL = [=] Pp Os Ky | pr OFS Kee Pa Jo | PID 0-6 Ku RL /2 Ri/e | This wetted i applicable ole whan Ku exe ancl tee Value of Ri fan be fraud. In prachtey Both the aboye 2y' = Nichole Pasmiig Wetteds previde a FoR Sof of hdl values forthe ctr tous uw the Bad cocbirtlon , whieh can oftin be Tumpreowed by Ontrire “tring The wen advertiige to that b wariee tire mothoda le Caw bypace “the Weed ts setun Qn Qypact wothewmot tel woblel of te prucers ts be Conde thod .

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