OptiMET-Message Software User Guide 5v1

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optiMET© v5.1

Meteorological Messaging Software

MTECH Systems Pty Ltd

15 Kevlar Cl. Braeside 3195
Ph: 613 9588 2829

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optiMET Message Editor User Guide
Document Version 5.1 Page 1 of 25
Table of Contents

1 DOCUMENT USAGE ................................................................................................................................ 4

1.1 Document History ............................................................................................................................... 4

2 OPTIMET SETUP ...................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Loading the Software .......................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Time Synchronisation ......................................................................................................................... 5

2.3 Recovery Strategy ............................................................................................................................... 5

3 OPTIMET STARTUP ................................................................................................................................. 6

3.1 Logging On .......................................................................................................................................... 6

3.2 User Status .......................................................................................................................................... 6

3.3 Logon Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 7

3.3.1 Observer Mode.............................................................................................................................. 7
3.3.2 Forecaster Mode ........................................................................................................................... 7
3.3.3 Administrator Mode ....................................................................................................................... 7

3.4 Navigating the Application ................................................................................................................. 8

3.5 Selecting Tabbed Pages ..................................................................................................................... 8

3.5.1 Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 9

4 METAR AND SPECI PREPARATION [ MANUAL MODE] .................................................................... 10

4.1 Alarms ................................................................................................................................................ 10

4.2 Updating Data .................................................................................................................................... 10

4.3 Selecting Message Type ................................................................................................................... 10

4.4 Manually Entered Observations ...................................................................................................... 11

4.5 Encoding the METAR/SPECI ............................................................................................................ 15

4.6 Publishing Messages ........................................................................................................................ 15

4.7 Sending to AFTN ............................................................................................................................... 16

5 THE SPECI MESSAGE ........................................................................................................................... 17

6 AUTO METAR AND SPECI MODE ........................................................................................................ 20

7 MESSAGE LOG TAB .............................................................................................................................. 21

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8 WEATHER TAB ...................................................................................................................................... 22

9 APPLICATION DATA.............................................................................................................................. 23

9.1 Hard Drive Organisation ................................................................................................................... 23

9.2 File Structure ..................................................................................................................................... 23

9.3 Token Tables ..................................................................................................................................... 23

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1 Document Usage
This document is the optiMET Message Generation Software by MTECH Systems Pty Ltd.

OptiMET enables Observers to add human based observations to the met database and assists in
generating messages based on WMO306 codes

optiMET is available in English Language only.

This document provides information facilitating the effective operation of the software

1.1 Document History

Document Date Comment Software
Version Version
V1.2 02/24/2006 Transfer from OptiMET document

Note Lists important information in this section, important related information from
other sections of the manual or advice on best practice in the usage of the
software or its accessories.

Caution This highlighted information cautions the reader of a potential hazard. Failure
to read, understand and employ information contained in this instruction could
result in the the loss of data.

Warning Non-compliance with the precaution described in these specific warning

messages violates the manufacturers approved method of use of the
software. MTECH Systems assumes no liability for the user’s failure to
comply with these specific warning messages.

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2 optiMET Setup

2.1 Loading the Software

The optiMET workstation is provided pre-loaded and preconfigured with the optiMET application

These applications are configured for integration with the MTECH AWOS system.

Installation of the software onto a new computer is from a CD.

optiMET requires an operating SQL Database server and if messages are to be sent to the AFTN, an AFTN
Gateway must be running on the server

2.2 Time Synchronisation

The computer clock must be set to display UTC, with Summertime options turned off.

The computer clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds

By default, the workstation should automatically synchronise with an NTP server, and it is recommended
that these settings not be edited.

Note For the software to work correctly, the workstation time MUST be
synchronised to UTC.

2.3 Recovery Strategy

It is recommended that the workstation be setup with 3 drive partitions:

C: the working drive, with software loaded

D: the data storage drive. This is unlikely to suffer corruption by the operating system.
E. the recovery drive. This should contain an image of the C drive, so that it can be restored in the event
of a corruption of the operating system. A suitable product is Norton Ghost.

Caution The user should maintain an image of the C: drive to enable fast recovery in
the event of hard drive problems.

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3 optiMET Startup

On startup the following screen should be seen

3.1 Logging On

The user must log on to publish messages using OptiMET. This is the logon window.

To log on you must have an ID code and a Password. These are assigned by the Administrator.

Enter the Status, ID code and password from the drop down boxes. Select LOG In.

3.2 User Status

When Logged in your Name and Status [ Observer, Forecaster or Administrator ] will be displayed.

Observers can publish Observations messages such as METAR

Forecasters can publish Observations messages and Forecast messages such as TAF.

All messages Published are logged with the name of the User time and date.
Administrators can change passwords and register the names of users and their status.

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3.3 Logon Procedure

The Logon window is shown below. [ note password is initially set to “password” ]

Select your access level from the 3 available levels; Observer, Forecaster, Administrator.

Select your User ID code from among the drop down list of ID codes.

Enter your Password. And Press Enter.

The login information will appear in the application Title bar and the user can Publish Messages.

3.3.1 Observer Mode

The observer may generate Metar Speci and Plain text Messages

3.3.2 Forecaster Mode

The Forecaster may generate all the messages authorised for the Observer and any Forecast message
products supplied with the system.

3.3.3 Administrator Mode

The Administrator is the only person who can assign ID codes and passwords.

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3.4 Navigating the Application

The main screen is shown below. optiMET always starts with the Metar/ Speci screen first.

3.5 Selecting Tabbed Pages

The row of tabs allows the user to select the required message or function.

Enabled messages are shown in BOLD Black, disabled functions are in Grey.

In the above, the following Functions are available:

METAR, HTML, TAF , SYNOP Message Log Weather

AFTN is disabled

Additional Message types are documented in Addenda to the handbook.

The following sections describe the functions available

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3.5.1 Settings

This screen enables the user to setup the Metar/Speci Message Generation process.


This enables the user to generate a message anytime by clicking on the Message TAB

This automatically generates the message and Publishes it, both internally and to the AFTN.
This function applies only to METARS and HTML messages. When AutoMode is selected, only the
automatically acquired observations are sent and the METAR encodes an AUTO code.

This allows selection of Auto Metar, Auto HTML or both

This enables the user to select a 30 or 60 minute interval between messages. It also allows the user to
observe the time to next message in the schedule.

This enables the user to select audible and or visual alerts. Alerts are generated for 5 minutes prior to the
scheduled time, until acknowledged.

This shows the status and the time and date of the last access to the database.

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4 METAR and SPECI Preparation [ Manual Mode]

METARS and SPECIS are prepared to WMO FM15 and FM16.

These messages are generated from the same window. The user selects the message type on the form
which is shown below.

4.1 Alarms

If SPECI alarm criteria are enabled, The alarm indicates an alert. The METAR alarm is time scheduled

4.2 Updating Data

Depending on the sensors fitted to the system, some of the data fields are automatically populated when
the READ button is clicked.
After a Message Schedule alert, the READ button appears RED. Clicking the READ button also
acknowledges the alert. In other cases they must be entered by the observer.
RECORD allows the Observers observations to be added to the database

4.3 Selecting Message Type

Either a METAR or SPECI can be selected. This code word replaces the Token “TYPE” in the template.

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Selecting NIL forces a NIL METAR to be sent. Selecting COR forces the code COR to be added to the
message signifying it’s a correction to a previously published message.

4.4 Manually Entered Observations

There are several ways to enter observations:

1. Selection of key words such as CAVOK, SKC, NSC etc

2. Direct Typing in the edit box.
3. Selection of recent observations from drop down box.
4. Entry of observations from special dialog boxes for Cloud, RVR, Visibility, etc

Keyword Selection

After startup, the codes shown in this area are as per the following section of the screen

If CAVOK is selected the message will encode CAVOK in place of Visibility RVR and Cloud.
SKC and NSC affect only the Cloud entry area, but are disabled if CAVOK is selected

Memorised Observations
Some observations can be selected from a list of previous observations. This is accessed from the drop
down box where this feature is available.
This enables the most frequent observations to be quickly accessed. These Observations are loaded from
the configuration file, but are updated during operation.

Drop down Box control

When the drop down box control is clicked, the following appears.

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This enables a recent set of Observations to be entered. This feature is available for Visibility, Cloud, RVR,
Present Weather, Recent Weather, Wind Shear


Some observations can be selected from an observation edit box.

This is accessed by clicking on the EDIT button where this feature is available.
This enables correctly formatted observations to be quickly accessed. These
Observationsare compiled according to rules in WMO 306.

Edit box selection

When the EDIT button control is clicked, the following appears.

The Present Weather selection Matrix enables legal codes and combinations of codes to be selected and
incorporated into the METAR.

1. Code Selection
Select Codes, descriptor and intensity where appropriate. Rules are encoded into the selector engine to
ensure codes which are WMO 306 compliant are selected.

2. Addition of Code to Group

Codes shown in the Code window are added to the group by clicking Add Code to Group

Caution This selection matrix embodies some “expert system” functions to prevent
illegal combinations, this may prevent some combinations from being

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3. Acceptance of Group

The codes in the Message group window are added to the main form fill by clicking Accept Group. The
selection matrix closes at this time.

The same matrix is used wherever codes according to WMO 306 CT 4678 are required.


This enables the user to enter Visibility according to FM15, and16

Note This enables the user to enter Directional Visibility according to FM15, and16


Where required but not automatically updated, the following enables the RVR observation to be correctly

Note This enables the user to enter RVR trend to be added

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Where required but not automatically updated, the following enables the Cloud observation to be correctly

The cloud Type can be entered by an observer for the first layer only

Caution Extra cloud codes can be added where permitted by national or regional
agreement, in compliance with WMO 306 Table 500 or otherwise.


When logged on as a Forecaster, TTF can be added in place of NOSIG using the following

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4.5 Encoding the METAR/SPECI

When all observations have been entered the METAR May be encoded.
This is performed by first selecting a METAR template.

The Metar Template is selected from those available in the drop down box.

The Metar is encoded by use of the ENCODE button

The observations in the form are then composed into the METAR template by automatic substitution.
Missing observations are replaced by solidii according to WMO 306.

The following Draft Metar results

4.6 Publishing Messages

Once the user is happy with the content of METAR [ the user must carefully review it to ensure it is correct ].
The draft message can then be published

Messages are published for local distribution to the workstations in the AWOS system which are running the
MITAS Surface Weather Client software.

Caution The user should check the METAR before publishing it. Once published it
can be corrected using a COR, but cannot be “un published”.

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Once published the following screen appears:

Note that the AFTN Message template and AFTN message windows appear at this time, enabling the
published message to be sent out on the AFTN

4.7 Sending to AFTN

The AFTN addresses are selected from the drop down list depending on the addresses required for the
message distribution. The message is then ENCODED and can be SENT if OK

Messages are posted to the SQL Database AFTN table as a “queued” message.

Messages queued in the database are published to the AFTN if an AFTN gateway is fitted to the system.
Otherwise messages are printed out for manual entry at an AFTN terminal

Messages in the AFTN database table can be observed using the AFTN log Tab on the OptiMET window

Caution The user should check the AFTN Messge before sending it Once sent
cannot be “un sent”.

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The SPECI has the same format as a METAR. The word METAR ias replaced by the keyword SPECI.

A set of criteria is evaluated. In manual Mode an alert is raised when an alarm condition occurs

In AUTO Mode a SPECI is generated every time an alert is raised.

The INI* file has a section [SPECI] which controls the alert criteria.

In the example section below [ which contains the ICAO Annex 3 criteria ] some items have been changed.
These changes are highlighted.

Generally, if all the SPECI criteria are used, there will be a large number of SPECI reports generated.
SPECI reports may be reserved for changes in OPERATIONASLLY significant weather variables at the
airport concerned.

Enabled = 1
interval = 60000

COMMENT: Message editor will not alarm on wind direction if the wind speed is below
COMMENT: Message editor will alarm when the change in wind direction since the last auto
COMMENT: (or last check when in manual mode) is greater than windDirnChange
COMMENT: To disable the check set windDirnMinSpeed above the highest value that the wind
sensor can read,
COMMENT: or set windDirn to 180 or above
windDirnMinSpeed = 10
windDirnChange = 60

COMMENT: Message editor will alarm when the change in wind speed since the last message
is at
COMMENT: least WindSpeedChange.
COMMENT: To disable the check set WindSpeedChange to greater than the wind sensor can
read. (eg 1000kts)
windSpeedChange = 10

COMMENT: Message editor will not alarm on wind gust when the wind speed is less than
COMMENT: Message editor will alarm when the change in the peak wind speed (gust)
between the last message
COMMENT: (or last check when in manual mode) is at least WindGustChange
windGustMinAve = 15
windGustChange = 20

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xwindGustChange = 10

COMMENT: Message editor will alarm when visibility improves and passes through any of the
visThreshold values
COMMENT: To diable any threshold change its name (eg. to xvisThreshold0)
COMMENT: There can be up to 8 visThresholds (ie. 0-7)
visThreshold0 = 800
visThreshold1 = 1500
visThreshold2 = 3000
visThreshold3 = 5000

COMMENT: Message editor will alarm when rvr is improving and passes through one of the
rvrThreshold values
COMMENT: To disable any threshold change its name
COMMENT: There can be up to 8 rvrThresholds (ie. 0-7)
rvrThreshold0 = 150
xrvrThreshold1 = 350
rvrThreshold1 = 400
rvrThreshold2 = 600
rvrThreshold3 = 800

COMMENT: Message editor will alarm when any of the at the onset, cessation or change in
COMMENT: of any of the weather phenomena described by weatherCondition[0-9]
COMMENT: To disable any condition change its name
COMMENT: There can be up to 10 weatherConditions
weatherCondition0 = RA
weatherCondition1 = SS
weatherCondition2 = FC
weatherCondition3 = SN
weatherCondition4 = TS
weatherCondition5 = FZ

COMMENT: Message editor will alarm when the lowest is below cloudConditionMaxHeight and
changes to or from
COMMENT: (but not between) any of the cloudConditions
COMMENT: To disable set the cloudConditionMaxHeight to 0 (or negative),
COMMENT: to disable any individual condition change its name
COMMENT: There can be up to 6 cloudConditions
cloudConditionMaxHeight = 1500
cloudCondition0 = BKN
cloudCondition1 = OVC

COMMENT: Message editor will alarm when the lowest cloud is any of the above
cloudConditions and rises past
COMMENT: any of the cloudThresholds.

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COMMENT: To disable any individual threshold change its name
COMMENT: There can be up to 8 cloudThresholds
xcloudThreshold0 = 100
cloudThreshold1 = 200
cloudThreshold2 = 500
cloudThreshold3 = 1000
cloudThreshold4 = 1500

Not all SPECI conditions may be required. In manual mode the user has the
Note option to generate a SPECI or not.

Caution In AUTO mode a SPECI will be sent on every alarm. Use only the key alarm
criteria to avoid sending too many SPECI messages.

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Auto Mode is selected in the MODE box at the top left hand corner of the window.

In Auto Mode Metars will automatically be generated according to the schedule, and SPECIs will be
generated according to the enabled criteria.

In Automode many of the functions are locked out. However, to resume control, the user should select
manual mode.

Not all SPECI conditions may be required. In manual mode the user has the
Note option to generate a SPECI or not.

Caution In AUTO mode a SPECI will be sent on every alarm. Use only the key alarm
criteria to avoid sending too many SPECI messages.

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The Message Log TAB allows the user to review the last 10 messages published.

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8 Weather TAB

The Weather TAB allows the user to review the recent observations at the time of message publication.

Weather data table

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9 Application Data

9.1 Hard Drive Organisation

The drives fitted to the workstation are organised as follows:

Drive Type Function

A Floppy Drive if fitted Boot Disk
C: Operating System Files The system files and basic setup information is stored here
D: Data Files The data files are normally stored here.
E: Image of C drive This image allows system restoration after loss of or corruption
of the system

9.2 File Structure

The following files are required for correct operation:

File Name Function

C:\Program Files\MTECH Systems\optiMET\configs\OptiMET.cfg Configuration file drive c:\
C:\Program Files\MTECH Systems\optiMET\configs\Database.cfg
C:\Program Files\MTECH Systems\optiMET\OptiMET.exe The executable
Metar.wav The alarm file to alert the user c:\metar.wav

9.3 Token Tables

The template files have embedded tokens which are replaced during the encoding process.

There are 2 types of tokens, one for use with HTML files uses the caret as a wrapper:

eg: ^METAR^

The other is based on the WMO Codes for Metars from WMO 306.

Eg: QPhPhPhPh

In some instances, the automatic observations, or derived data are used in a token replacement process to
generate messages, therefore, when editing the HTML message templates, the tokens may be inserted
where desired.

The following tables include the tokens used in the messages.

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It may be deemed better to just publish the METAR itself as an HTML

Note document. Most aviation users can read METARS without having to resport
to plain language.

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Information for Administrator Only

Password File

The following files are required for correct operation of passwords:

File Name Title Function

Wp.wp Password file located in c:\windows\system32

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