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Standard #1 Learner Development

The teacher understands how students learn and develop, recognizing that patterns of
learning and developing vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social,
emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate
and challenging learning experiences.

Standard in my own words

Understanding how students learn and develop in different ways acknowledging the
different factors that affect student learning and development.

Description of Artifact
The artifact I choose for this indicator is my executive pre-test that helped me to assess
student knowledge about the executive branch prior to the unit.

1 (e) Understands that each learner’s cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and physical
development influences learning and knows how to make instructional decisions that build
on learner’s strengths and needs.

I met standard 1 (e) because I used information that was gained from a pre-test before we
started the unit, so that I could gather what my students know and did not about the
executive branch. Using this information I was able to change my instructional strategies
in order to teach my students in the best possible way.

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