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Jormarys D. Gomez R.

Systems Engineer / IT Analyst

Margarita Island.
Birthday: 08/19/1992 Phone: +58 424 8034697 E-mail:

Professional Extract: Due to graduate in 2015, I have two and a half years of professional experience working
in the Systems Department of certain companies with the position IT Analyst. My responsibilities: capture,
analyze and resolve informatics cases, perform Systems Backup´s, administration of Systems, troubleshooting,
development and implementation of new Systems, networks administration and telephony, configuration
and administration of devices, servers and resources.
I have used a range of languages, operating systems and development tools as well as experiencing the
system development life cycle.

Education Employment

2009 - 2015 June 01 (2015) - December 30 (2017)

BSc Systems Engineering IT Analyst
National University of the Armed Forces.
System, networks and resources administration.
Development of new systems.
2010 - 2011
Phone troubleshooting and remote support.
Professional Firefighter Course
Nueva Esparta Fire Department. June 01 (2014)- August 15 (2014)
IT Analyst
Skills Capture, analyze and resolve of informatics cases.
Technical Support of devices and Software Support.
English: Basic Inventory App development.
Idioms Spanish: Native

August 15 (2014) – January 30 (2015)

Programming PHP7, HTML5, JavaScript,
Languages Python, C++, Visual Basic Car Audio Salesperson
Car audio device sales.
Testing and installation of device.
Car audio Advisory.

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