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The audience for Gotham is very broad and has a large type of audience, however this huge audience
can be split into different categories, such as primary and secondary target audiences.

The primary audience’s demographics would be male teenagers aging from 15-23, these teenagers will
be teenagers. The primary audience would be in the category E in regards to the socio-economics, as
they are teenagers who are students. The psychographic for the primary audience would be Explorers
with very a lot of free time, and an interest in cinema and superhero movies.

The secondary audience demographics will be male older generations aging 26-35 this is due to them
being brought up with Batman from an early age. They’ll either be in the D or C2 category for socio-
economics. The psychographics would be that the secondary audience are mainstreamers with a keen
eye for cinema and film, also they have lot of significant free time

1) The majority of my audience are 18 years old with a percentage of 57.14%, this shows
that my audience are more of a mature audience. The minority of my audience are 17
years old of a percentage at 42.86% as you can see the results are very close with only
one more person being 18 years of age instead of 17 years old.

2) The majority through the gender question are males 85.71% comparing this to females
at 14.29%. Because of this the primary audience are 18 year old males and then the
secondary audience would be 17 year old males.

3) The results for this question are varied with there being 6 responses, with there being
5/7 chosen from the options. Responses of 16.67% for Mainstreamers, Aspirers,
Suceeders, Redesigned. However the majority is Explorers with an overall result of

4) The response for question 4 has 57.14% of people who took the survey have watched
The Dark Knight. The other 46.86% have never watched the film, these results shocked
and surprised me because I thought more people may have watched the film before,
granted by how popular it was a couple of years ago when released and assuming how
massive the franchise is.

5) 6/7 people chose that Batmans The Dark Knights primary audience is option 2 18-29
year olds. This option got an overall 85.71% response ratio. _ The first option, 12-17
year olds, was voted by one person with the end ratio of 14.29%. Because of these
results we can assume that the people who took the survey think that 18-29 year olds
are the primary audience and the secondary audience is 12-17 year olds.

6) One person skipped the question and another responded with useless information.
Meaning only 5 responses will be valid in this question.

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