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Greetings, My Princess.

I love you. It is known. What is less known is how much I love you.

I love you more than SpaceTime is curved in a singluarity. I love you more than the
limit of x1 as x goes to 0. I love you more than there are solutions to the equation
x = x. I love you more than there are naturals, and more than there are wholes,
and more than there are integers, and more than there are rationals, and more
than there are reals, and more than there are complex numbers.

Laudable Cantor told of two transfinite numbers, and my love for you is greater
than ℵℵ∞ LUs. And given that even a single LU is transfinite… the rest is easily

You live in my heart, and pay no rent. I do not ask you to, for I need to love you like
I need my heart to beat. If it does not, I die. If I do not, I die. Without you I can do
nothing. With you there is nothing I cannot do.

I always think that I love you more than I love anyone else. But then you prove me
wrong. Because every second I see you I love you more than I did before.

Loving you, that I do. Yet I cannot express myself most of the time. Not because I’m
shy, not because it’s hard to start talking to you, but because most of the time I’m
too busy thinking about you.2

Yeah, all this might sound cheesy, but nothing short of my everything for a person
who’s nothing short of my everything.

I forget about everything when I see you. In that moment the world does not exist.
All that exists is you.

Lest I lose myself in my love for you, let me tell you this now. I love you because you
are awesome, and I love you because you are intelligent. I love you because you
love me.3

I love you, my Princess.

Happy Birthday.
1. Or maybe I should call you ‘My Queen’? ↩

2. This led me off to a tangent, wondering what was the maximum amount of time you’d been on my mind. Then I realised that
since the time I’d properly met you… You’d never once left. ↩

3. I love you because you are beautiful, but not just for that. For Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore
is winged Cupid painted blind. ↩

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