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Dennis 1

Quayana Dennis

Mrs. Kenly

British Literature

1 March 2018

Annotated Bibliography

Does mental illness really exist and is it the cause of many crimes?

Bernstein, Lenny. "Study Links Greater Opioid use, Mental Disorders." Washington Post, 26 Jun,

2017, pp. A.2, SIRS Issues Researcher,

“The Study links greater opioid use, mental disorders” The article is about how many

people turned to drugs to help cope with the news of learning that they have a “mental

illness” researchers at dartmouth college and the university of michigan have studied that

nearly 19% of the estimated 38.6 million people with the most common mental health

disorders received at least 2 prescriptions for opioids last year. Taking these drugs will

result in you having to always want to take the drug their never not going to be a time

where you don’t want the drug. You will always want it because you feel as if it is a safe

place for you it is helping you get through what you are going through. A main opioid

drug that everyone with mental illness use is cocaine.

Carey, Benedict. "Are Mass Murderers Insane? Usually Not, Researchers Say."

New York Times,

09 Nov, 2017, pp. A.10, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Most mass murders they say are insane but not every mass murderers is insane.
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As you know we have severe mass murderers that have happened in over the years. A

main mass murderer that happened was at the concert in california stephen paddock who

shot 58 people from an hotel room, also we have the guy name omar mateen who killed

49 people in the orlando gay nightclub. Neither those people have anything wrong with

them. Researchers have found most mass killings happening because of disgruntled and

aggrieved. Most of the killers behind mass shootings fantasize, they slowly build a

justification. They then prepare and then they set the right circumstances and they

unleash the anger they have had built up.

Dillard, J. A., and Lisa A. Tucker. "Is C.T.E. a Defense for Murder?" New

York Times, 23 Sep, 2017, pp. A.21, SIRS Issues Researcher,

We have also learned that playing football is bad for you, being hit that many

times in the head is not good and it can cause serious brain injury the same that happened

to former player aaron hernandez a former tight end who played for the new england

patriots, his brain injury caused major mood swings and violent behavior he would lash

out at the smallest things that wasn’t a big deal. They recently did an discovery were they

test 111 brains of former NFL players and all but 1 had C.T.E which is a brain disease.

Most NFL players will not know until they have passed away because you can not do the

test while alive.

Frank, Marshall. "Do Empty Mental Institutions Mean Crowded Prisons?"

Florida Today, 23 Sep, 2017, pp. A.10, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Many people today do not think that it is important that these people actually go

to a mental institution they say they should just go to jail, they did the crime so they can

do the time. In 1975 the U.S supreme court ruled that the it is illegal to hold someone
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against their will if they didnt do the crime. So that’s why most people who have mental

issues just don’t go to jail, they end up on the streets and homeless and have to suffer

with how to figure out how they will deal with the illness, they begin to get on drugs and

that’s when the killing starts to happening, their not in their right state of mind they just

blank out and forget what is going. And that is why our mental illness units are empty

and most of them are in jail. Which is the cause of ongoing killing.

Friedman, R. A. (2017, 12 Oct). Psychiatrists can't stop mass killer

New York Times Retrieved from https://j\

Psychiatrists can’t stop mass killers, it’s to late once the killers refuse to get

treatment. The get on the streets and its nothing else for them to do in their eyes. In 2015 they

did a survey and 63% of african americans blamed deficient mental health rather than deficient

gun regulations. Instead of making it where they tried to give these people help they put them

on the streets. Also the suicide rate is up tremendously most people have turned to killing

themselves. In 2012 united states had an homicide-by-firearm of 29.7 million vs 1.4 australia.

They rate is up very high. Meaning more people of killing and killing resulting in jail.

Zezima, Katie. "Democrats, Veterans Criticize Trump's Remarks about Troops' Mental.."

Washington Post, 05 Oct, 2016, pp. A.4, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Most people have who are veterans have been diagnosed with PTSD that is when

you can’t handle some stuff and you have really bad anxiety And donald trump basically

disrespected them saying that if you went into war and could not handle being in and

came back and had a mental illness problem the you are not good, these are people who
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went and fight for our country and tried to help and protect our people but he comes and

says disrespectful comments.

O'Donnell, Jayne, and Terry DeMio. "Mental Health, Addiction Coverage in Jeopardy."

USA TODAY, 09 Jan, 2017, pp. A.1, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Many people who have mental illness problems look for ways so that they could pay for

it one thing that president obama has come up with is obamacare, obamacare has helped

many people who suffering and do not have the money to pay for it. Many people have

been helped my the ACA have ended up having having mental health problems. They

want to try and end all of these things that are helping people who have mental health

issues and do not have the money to pay for it because doing that will result in most of

our people once again being put in jail, homeless or either while in jail putting them in

solitary confinement.

Rochford, Martha C. "The Mental Illness Bias." Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, 10

Dec, 2017, pp. L.5, SIRS Issues Researcher,

The “Mental Illness bias” is about how many people think that mental illness is no such

thing, and i agree i think people are putting this in our minds that there is something

wrong with you there is nothing wrong with you say “Pamela Harrington”, executive of

bring change to mind a non-profit organization. Do you know 5 people? Well 1 in 5

people they say will have a mental illness even 1 in 25 people will also have some type of

mental illness that is severe and will interfere with their daily lives. But as stated by
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doctors mental illness is not a myth and when crimes are happening the mental illness is

the first conclusion that they look too, many people who have a mental illness back out

and do not get help they try and deal with themselves with the medication and end up

killing themselves or hurting others.

Wiltz, Teresa. "Is Solitary Confinement on the Way Out?", 22 Nov, 2016,

SIRS Issues Researcher,

“ Is Solitary Confinement on the way Out” this article was about you know how once you

have already commited a crime. {Say you are a murder that just killed someone} they

judge wants to send you to jail and while in jail you are acting out and they send you to

solitary confinement, now you are in a place where you are locked in a room for who

knows how many days, that brings out the worst in people not only are you by yourself

you are their by yourself all the time for long periods of time. Not only do you already

have a mental illness but you have to cope with being in a hole which causes you to

commit suicide.

Skibba, Ramin. "Solitary Confinement Makes Prisoners Behave Badly and Screws Up.."

Newsweek, Apr, 2017, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Every 1 in 5 people that are in prison for a crime has a mental illness and sentencing them

to be in solitary confinement for a certain amount of time could only cause them to be

worst than what they already are, researches did an experiment where they put lab rats in

a cage basically a room just like the one that prisoners have to be in and just in a few days

the lab rats begin to have aggressive behavior and have a higher chance of getting a brain
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disease and also they begin to lose the ability to recognize the other animals that were in

the cages. Basically our brains cannot function without having interaction with others that

are like us. Also rats and mice share about 99% of the same genes that humans share.

Robert king stated that if you have done time in solitary confinement even if you have

survived it or not you are damaged.

Whiting, David. "Mental Health Treatment is Key to Slowing Gun Deaths." Orange

County Register, 15 Jun, 2016, SIRS Issues Researcher,

They say that many people that get a hold of guns are the reason that we have so many

mass shooting. The united states has had several mass shootings more than any country

on this earth and that is because it is easy to get a gun, you will never know who have a

gun, when it comes to school shootings most of the schools do not have real metal

detectors that can actually see if there are any guns in the kids bookbag, so anybody can

have a gun anywhere that is why we should make it were we have gun laws and that

online certain people can get guns.

Williams, Misty. "The Invisible Epidemic: One Solution to Mental Health Care." Atlanta

Journal-Constitution, 27 Sep, 2015, pp. A.1, SIRS Issues Researcher,

In the state oregon they have decided to expand their health care to help those that are in

need. They helped these people get medicaid so that they could pay for the treatments and

medicine which would cost $3,000 a month he is only paying $1 a month so now with

that being in place that is another life that is saved from jail, being homeless and also

being in jail in solitary confinement. 1.1 million people are enrolled in the health
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programs, which mean that a lot of people lives are being saved.

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